Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1885, p. 1

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124 nncnsi-run. , -` _____ -- llnrrleelcl. I: ncenory ol the his 0! the I And the lhpixln of the lit. ithl monnocung In]: no C" vu ---%--_, Agent. Kingston. .4 ~t 'I`lu-ongh Line. -ROYAL HAIL . aanudiut TH Etlalar. British Whu]. Sm,-iAllow me to inquire if the "Mutual Reserve Fund Lila Associa- tion, of New York." is duly licensed by the Fedenl government. At Ottawa.` without meking the noun] deposit of $50.01) for the security of its policy- holders ? Iflnt. his very etnngothet our government will tolento this oom- ponv nfter the Amount of dintisfection nnunnnd hw thn "Rnchenmr Mutual." Jaw Aziuun. Lanuuo n nu . F Itl lhi III] `-W--.| IPMIVE III!!! we Amount 0! (uanulcuun unused by the "Rochester Mutual." "llotropolihn Mutusl" Ind "nrrigge Aid."-Yonra. lunnnnn. any man. -- ootuuwnxo An xnnon. Th; Editor. British Whq. l\_._ u-- I L__A.__ L- .....-....| men. "I hnve Ind I heap of trouble about Nut: 3 heap of trouble.` said prisoner nshe bowed his head in his Inndn and ..-.. ..:.u.I- .a.......l I.'..pu.m- than this I8 He Dow DIS [1880 IH [113 Illlllll nuu was visibly -Lected. Further than this he refused to mate nnvatntement. mac." The reporter then naked him if the killing occurred becsuse he (Holmes) nmupicioned undue intimacy between his wile and Prof. Youmens or with other human m n eue "Wen: you acquninted with Prof. You- mnn ?" asked the scribe. III up-.. nr.l- Inn land Iunan hnni-int! 7" uxeu me scrloe. "I was not: be had been boarding] there for About two weeks. but I didn't know anything nbont him. In it true zhn van nmamnted suicide know nuytmng noon: mm. ' Is it true that you sttuempted when you wemurrested ?" I tank 3 dam of momhine to (mick wnen you wcmuresu "I took: dose of : my nerves. but did I cidc." Thu bllisn n in: Chan .\ western paper, tollovfgng up the puticulnrs about the killing 0! Prof. Youmsns. my: : Thus when Holmes lelt` the house he went. Around on the was of the town. and. crossing the rul- roud at thedepot. walked to his {um in Delta county. wherehe was nrrested on Tueodny. He surrendered quietly. and requested to Ire allowed to get. a drink of mm-r. Wlnla dnimv so be poured u reque:-wen H) In: IIIUWCII LU gun. a in nu: VI winter. While doing! poured qutntity of morphine in the writer nu-I drank quite a lnnghu before he could be stopped. A strong emetic wee given him. which saved his life. He Wu brought UoPnn's Tnesdny evening, end is now eecurelylodgod in jail, when n `I nbuur reporer visited him lately morning and Inn accorded en interview. HnI.nm in 58 van old And in I mnive mormng nnu wu woo:-ueu nu Inuzrvnew. Holmes is 58 yenn old and in I native or Virginia. and a carpenter by trade. He is about.) teet 14) Inches in height. slightly atoopmhouldered, orid com- plexion and considerably grey. He Ip- peared very nervous and much deprer sed. answering questions in a vague rambling manner, that betokened B mmd ill at euae. ` nun... ...... .........:..o...I _m. pm! You. IIDIII I1 Wij TIVUK KI `Ii miles eutcl this place. At dnl-kn heavy nin not innndnhoct 10 o'clock thewucrnout beret n chart dictcnce shove. tlocdinv the heretolore dry cen- yon to n depth of ll} leek. This came down thecuiyon in wnres. mob rising . elect. higher thnnita predececaa. The opnrt1wuuleepinwnuonc.Tlie 'wngonuecu-st thehed of the stream wee occupied by John Mack. wife and ` son; the centre one hv John Ouner, ` wile and tour children. end two other :children:` the third wu occupr ` E the first to nrounc. He jumped up ` the tongue from his grasp. carrying the ed hy Joseph llnvclic. wile end I ` three children. when the ood v struck the wnggone llnvehc mu I grabbed the wncgoli tongue and n- I tempted to pull the Iquzon out ol the ' water. Fresh wnvee struck it. wrcctiiig ! : the women into the ngina load. 09- | mer hnd clrudy jumped from his Ing- 5 gen. uid succeeded in getting his four children to the shore. but before he could return the wnguron was carried into the seething canyon. The first Muck knew of tnecituntion was his selling down the stream. Seeing ntree | just uhecdhe told hinwila nndncn ` i cling to him end he would try to cntch hold of it. He succeeded. but the euddcn atop shooko his wile and con uid thev went down in the ood. .\lcck Qunhed into cues. from which he was reecned In the morning. llnvelic end Homer nclly found n residence hall a mile off and nude known whet had he . Word wui cent to lndinnoln, innd by noonehumlred people were secrching tor the bodies oi the drowned. l'p to last night but two of the eleven had been lound. ~~.._ _._. I M was Iingstun, WME & mm Lincoln. Nob.. lay %9.-A spa! lrolu lndnnoh given the lollowing pu- |.jcu|anoMbo|>1|ldIIoluIs|u'qu- on Tuesday evening: A puny d 17 B0- uennuu. on route to Dnnlv Cunt. cuupenl in llichnnn cnyou. in]! a mile (mu: the liopahhcnn nut and aino milm unnlnl this nlnca. AI (hi-kl. " l A l)la'.S'I'KL'(`l'lVl WATER Sl'0l.'l'. May 28th. oolulxc use All Iurl cpbd Icopao- nous III Orllu I-(Inn-I1 Ibo-mi. Collily. Ily nix. I331 . Buaolnyvounnnnbnvist. rorpuumuuuyun. an-. Shouloinlllz-o$clvl.Ih:.n|ouvan`n ].,Cvu.v'r. l`..II.A- 11 no`). 91- "l'Zf'w-VZ. `l'huIlto:n@Iondbpun.` guupawmtim % _:::::.*.*.:r.'~': - `1'.`!'.2"'.-.l!'s'....'2 . .'.`...':.'.' ....... farinlutbclulou. The `I out dnscaul the 39!. And yies vlnl Rh! hnand lfj-dice in In Hjlllt combat. \'n in (In rat nl units llld. ll Jilcl will In rI;Iln count. \'c In the may ol progress stud. 4Thepaupb`s-Iduyuunlalth. um youruuplnen younnnbehqtt. I EBDIIR 0 I" PRUI". YUCI .\ NS. Ll!i'[`|l'lRS TO THE EDITOJI. A$llIlI| Inc not nllii III- I In Solhlng Whatever Ag-must Illn. Ufl . I morphine to quiet lnot attempt aun- Imuun. II) :3 tour In ns n aim: and not to ry tllenndden { :1; [us attendance { mother. It the prlycr-nu:ul.lugs I Elna:-4 mm lul: xuunl Inch were on he was uh-<~pl_\* ' Holy Spin]. M u not cuuv-rlul. '1` pnnloush-p ul uuha. usu nrgumeut.-I I nzhannn and Ian on $1!!! BAIT. jugs: H-name lb... won. rmm aoo um junta " -' _1._:_) f: "xi. o.ngm`C I an us-qu..\v . .u Rev. A. B. Chambers. of Montreal. one of the best. npetkers in the conference. undo an ornate end eloquent speech. He begun with 3 motion, hothe eect thnt William Solgerville and F. G. belt be received into full communion with the Methodist Church. and the; on Sun- day they beordnined: that W. 0. Ben- derson, now absent. beordnined. her being duly received; that T. A. D ' be ordnined for special purposes. mover nid _he stood on holy hollllli. he said thus welve you-u e plat! in. hell! city. on the where his y b ten then stood. Memo,riae~-~o!_ our yum` probation. of those four years. J I ppluued him; Qllticiputions of higher ntida end weighljer l'.'PlInibilitiee about who [lid `II him bx his ordin- hinn -at nnnnll him Ann Inst`: him I auuas I-I10 wuxnuar l'$p0lIBlDlllll8ll """"""`- "--"'" ' -bouobol-id`u himb o-din Rev. T. G. Williams. of Brockville. in 503 '" `PP -'1 him I" "W10 him socondmg the motion for the admission` ~ h'mbll-`nu: "3 _ legwdd `-0 i of the young man $0 the minilfy. I-130 turn, I: a o owing .1111 1y menu-s.dun_nu the -em-on of Dr_-.Pu-- ! the sun bu! risen mu net mean time: 5509- `h_ P"' ` "059?" P91?" ` more K) yearn wouldvhnnpnued since tor--d 1 umon the most memo-we-hud -mun. the ozdinntiolulnn up- nhlohe oyanhudg-reoobod-tho`,,.,m...|.u,,..,,;,,(,...g,,,,_ `ghgm. ppesknr Hefoltthclood of !uI'.d uggguggcgbg guy up hIhpvo hinmll over ,g:::5o.g.a.b,-.u.:':iu. him on cube unnohiunndthowukghgmggu, ..L),.1o.n.av_u 'dt|I0I-i-hi ll-Id-ohtmr thoucnndnonuuown-olnadiodinshor 'I'I"**|I'N-I.IlI.un1uunt um-phauaiua. and gone to haunt: the mlexrddton personal mutter. When ` iremnus. no In: nuuom uxecsea w but on the following Sunday nurni ,duringthoIannon Dr.`Pnn`- prince oi on- : mum-_.;,_ nhlo be hard 1-rewind-the ` W3 t am. H foltth land I En: . hutch: nvaohimaafl vesoe sud happiness anwneu upon mm. using through Hull IQ.) in IH79 he felt that he was lost. and then he re- nlizcd that he was sued. for some years he laboured in Quebec. and in dif- ferent town: In Mnsaachusetta. convert.- ing men rst to Protestantism and then toChrist.innit.y. He had had conflict- ing emotions lor some time, but now he felt. thn. he was called to the ministry. Souls had been saved wherever he had lsbourod. "and." sail he, "If these evi- dence 0! my gifts and graces are satia- hctorav to you I hnll be very glad." Mpplnune.) \lnI*I\':< -run nwnni l"I'lf\\' nrguuienu lgnzuht uu: Luna-luau religion, nnil hr continnul to use ll.-use arguments. despite the strong protesta- tions of hu own conscioiisness, until he becume I confirnie-l vlulllvler. Provi- vlence led him back to the ol-l homo and to the same church at n revival in which he had been first iuorul. an-l he snw then. more cleuly than L-H -I. that he wnsnuiuncr in the sight ul (Bod. llev pentnut. he wns constrained to seek sslntion: nay. be swore nllegiuicc to the Lord Jesus for ever. and he had never voluntarily withdrnwn that vow. qAppluuse.| llc Slld that subsequently he had been led to make a complete sur~ render of hiv hurt. "\n.l now." he addenl. "when the church is about to open the door to me. and Illlnll. Inc` to lull connection. I pray (loel that I may be baptized with the spirit ol wisdom. I wnnl. to take ruv place among Llll` brethren. to act like is wise man in the mnnagenu.-nt of the affairs of the church with which I have to (lo. nu-I nhave all. through the merit-I of JI'~lll`a' Cllflrsl. I want I) fill. iucn hi;_'ln.-r in the rnurul ucul-r." .\pplnu.~c.i The l'rcs1deut said tlmtunv of tho canclulntc-:4 lor orilinntiun. .\lr. ll: utlcl : non. hnd been already rccciuul. um! 90 it woull not be necessary for him to state his experience. Mr. T. A. Dorian, of French extrac- tiuI-La no one can nlauht Wlm bu; heard him spcnli--stnteul that ho hail not always been in the army of tho Lord: lormerlv hc llll been in the nrA my of the devil. He was, however wisely counselled by christian parents, l|ll0&l l) llJlIl0 hml been placed for education in the mission school at Point Aux Tremblcs. The lessons he had then: lc.-truer" kept him lrom (ailing very low when belch. it. He pictured his subsequent wanderings. his efforts to become converted by attending revivals. the mxiety which he suHemd.nnd to the feeling of dispuir which was settling down upon him at the time light nml game nnd happiness dawned upon him. nmuinn thrnmvll Hull l().)in DCHOUI llllul my was 1-! pain uc nan. .5; with ma fnther and the cilss mu-tmga and prayer-mecauugs m has church. 'Fh:.-so things hnxl ll'l'. uupn-sxuuvm llllull has lumd nnvrr orused. I.nL-r I Vrrougzhl. upcu I) Hm I Spun. rcvnrul Ineetmu. hut Thrown mm the cum y. .....n|... X-..yn.n.l I . ........... `.1... ..l ... -nu.-u .u..... ............g.... Thu secretnrv. In-v. Jumeu Allen. au- nounccl the lumen of those who were about who received Una. \\`. Somer ulle. was not present. but hm wuul-I ha in his place lo: the new or 0! onhnnuou on Sundav. Mr. L (i. he slate-I some mci.1enL- I wbnch happened long Ago and which served to snipe the [loamy of his lllaer hle-: l| the lrequu.-nt nuts 01 .\let|ndIsl. minimum to hm homo and their talks on l (:llI0ul and other subjects In hi-u pres. euce; Liv his nuendnncce at the s.m.m. School unul he was 1.3 yous of age. *1. I..- ..n..-..l-n4ua nun. Ina lnthnr and Ivlliolnymolnnenol uiccuun:u.1non.-- that he pass into the bands of the Imnistry for lour yours. and given them proof his health Ina] gm. uul gnoon. Then. having succeeded in his uininerinl uudiaxlnving inninuined his maul and religions chu-utter. In 13 ml- nnooul into full connection uni brought below the le, in order that they any show 7 3!. their prom! hns been. sad give persons! cvilence 0! their Divine call to the ministry. FT II` T -Cw vacuu- bv Ru. Lanny Hooht. puibovhwoduhl Iulnocuroilu. Dr.C81I&O tho Quin prays. Inditwu 5 pvulllctu. Ind chained "Anna" all ovw he chnlclp. Ir. Hooks. following dovaoulcutdua. nudlbovutol Ihoovuinqwunnool unuinunu udgnugIndn-u:l A ..I._._ln_ 3-- u--_- n-nn.nI in W IIIZXU I--I `stun uunujju nulnnlcnahy. fhoywuuoypdin ulnnoingyonng Inn I.) hall con- Iocdonvilln tho-inhtry nndingiviq -L-_ .__L|:. _...._.a;._ ll. -.14---4| WI; U311? --Ill-I'I% L. AL- I-gl lhnl IL; 1%-ht nu-_ 1 $$ -31 j W .3151: rug: tiblyln tho of those who not witoeuod `r recopuon. nod to the further hot that the initinl dept tonal: the ministry originated with thopooplc. Noonectnonter upon Inn ' for tho ministry until he bu endoned us 3 person Inihblo in In: lxulth and In his gm. and gnces bvlholnymolnbcrn oi thechutch.I'ho:e- aim: has nuns into [win 1:*1;lTl:I7;--llqult a -: It: by tgy. A. I (`hnhnud 1.0. nllunn. unun u.|I'u .u~ IC-nlurvl L1 1-,;ainsL the Chnsuau 1-nmmmd In n.-.. nmu .-8A'.l`IHDAY`. MA"{:ib 18857.7 WILL Bill DUMZIG 1'!!! E3580! 01' NA- \_ VIOATAOXABPOLIDWB: IQ Dvllwh` 1 `fuel .. -!`:IldI!IId 8? i-?'I`!o'i'lt';. : arm I:,u!t_u__8_pgt: Ind oven an .\ (ll'l)lll.L' u the merits oi the lible. l-1`lWt:t`u `mt:-e xhinlu-r and an eminent rcliginnist in .\luutroa|, |ll`l not draw. -Vhy L llecausi-. the people know that only in -lc-.~u'~i L'liri.~.t an the hunger of the ha.-art be satisfied. and that the Bible is so generally ailiuitteil to be true as not to acquire especial de- fence. "Loyalty to Christ" should be the first consideration of the young brethren. But there was another direc- tion in which this loyalty shoulal inani- festitsel{-loyaltv to Methodisiii. lie was not xi liigot. The Church ol ling- land laid the world on under vast obliga- tion by the greatness of her scholarship, by the mighty army of faith deten- ders she has sent abroa1l,b_v ll0l' unusual zcal.even now challenging the world's aulmirzition. For the great Presbyto.-riau Church no language was capable of set- ting lorth too strongly his esteem. lts venerable age, years of purification. breadth of scholarship. intensity ofzeal. its contribution of names who livmin his- tory-namcs that to blot them out would he to mar and mutilate history for the last 1300 _vears-he rememlmred. (Ap- pluusc.) A number of men he named. men who had been in the Methodist Church. who had helped to make the history of the country : he said that the i brethren whom he spec brought to conference the higher cre- dentials. The salvation of souls was proof enough that they were called of God to the ministry. Ile dwelt upon the references to the saddle-bag days of Metliodism, and upon the opinion of some that the mission 0! Methodist has been accomplished if it ever had a mis- sion. Methodism adapted itself to new modes of progress. and its preachers would wait until heaven sent notice to stop the reaching as it gave the com- mand to n it. (Applause) Summing now entering the up he said that ministry slonld who upon their ban- ners loyaltyto tl.:e Queen. loyalty to a unitedltethodism. and labour to leave agrander record than their fathers left anthem. lAnulauaa.l ially addressed ` lgnnuer rewl man I to tl;om- (Applunao.} -nu-nu -nun -an I |'r. Ural]! nu'i Bar uiiiinui IlI.'|U|.|. i.\p;-`muse, To IlI('9I` .*ilIOlll'l ha left the i:iei.i.il'ic iliiucussions ul the cl-nrcli. When others lonnil one weary nnil heavy laden they iuhonl-l recall the words of the Lord. "Coiui: unto me. Illtl I will give you rest?" to the vnung and Ill)- hitiuiui tlies` shoulil say. ".521-lg tirat the kingdoiii of licaveii iui.l lli~i righteous- iicss;" to this iicli. Lay up treasures in heaven 1" to the poor. Seek an inheri- tauce incortuptihlo and umlelul. and that failetli not lay ;" while the dying should he reminded that Christ conquer- ml ileath. that He said to the thief upon the crooia. This lay tliou sh.-ilt he with .\li- in paradise." ltefercncv was b mule to Dr. (ii-nnt's praise of the llHtll1- i,-uishing loatnre oi Methodiniu-n burn- ing dc.-slrellor the salvation of sniils. He said he ll0pe1l it woiilil Cullllulll.` until the iuillenial glory filled the earth. I \pplanse.i This was the l("1U'll which eniliirod--not thnt one hu occupied cer- tain positions or won the applaiisv: uf the people. but that lie Iins the (`ol].`4(`l0ll~ new tliiit the power 0! the destroyer has hoen hrolien and i-uiulq f[3!a'Cll8`I lioui the vimrilage of sin. There ruiilnl ln: iioth ing inori-lesinhlo than the cryatallizing ul the rupentiintii tears int) [I'IH'lB. to shine forever in the l~lll`v`0Il ones ciown of rejoicing. .Applausu~i `l'lii;- llllntl ol the young men were lilli.-I with certain- ty. \\'iiut certainty 1' 'l`liiit the I,{o9i|u:l which thev preiscli H iulaptc-l to the (lL'(3p(`Sli lI'(,`lll);_{ and liiglii-st ' reluuug ll . .\I_V, tun uI!n.uusIuu Ul such tunuen nhonhl he left to the pro- lemsors-: In!` pnncmnla or um colleges, lo the l:`lll. `rs ul "8r|U\`l(`l|lH. to the men who ITO npuczally emluwcxl by (nod for this .-urnca-. No intellectual tiollnth has ever stopped out and nunouncul blu Inaeuuou of attacking the church. buz n llnvul. nl ulual nclnuluslnp and pen. al- | rt.-cu-ul by the lunch ul an unseen mud, n huo.--l lo! the but ul pluuuug its l.n.n.l.ur.lnnml the ruins of ln. lIl)l!()D- hLLt`\l I0! |.'.lu ball Ul pllu|.Iu],; us intuxnturdamnnl the ruins of In-. oppon- iuub-. The spnskt-r nah-rrrl tn sun-rnl great menu: the npocial Jeluadeno at the luth. and m lhisllsl. mclu-led hr. .\ell: s. In . Grant and hir \\'xlh-nu lmvulou. \....'-....... Tn elm... uhnnhl I... h.h Hm would to I ` nutnnnot hoauno it would be I In u ol tho nndlunno. Cd in thoclnnot Incl payed for Qnnnn and country. y loyal tolls Iljontynnd but illl` 0 tho loyalty of tho ponpla in pn- IHO honour and pnntlgo M the juncture. nncl obu-no-I out III to vow un- bylltyto tho Iothodist Church Ind mule ol its Sav- lm During tho put two Iniuioonnua In the Nurtlu-Went. ' fntben I3 yun ago. had been many dcngnn. and yet. ttno Itionn 0! than lnthen. they . conunlling the ninth: loyal to their glut mother, and he In prowl to know thnt those under Methodist minion- nry inuence tenuinod lo_ul to the and. (A pplnnnmv He will tune the brethren be nrr him wonld be loynl in any capa- city in the (`l|lll ClI- that thvy wunlul he lays] In I higher and bctlaor -4:-use. "Now unto the Knug eternal. Immortal. invisible. the only was liod. he honour. and glory for ever nucl mar, Amen." God called them Into being nu-l Into the exercise of H InIuIutrv In an age pIc_-- nnnt with problems. .\lInus`. uury pru- hlcm touches Ioome phnse or qII-so-ntIon pertninmg to Chns'.IaInIty. Thia man Is nnnlyucnl Imd uynucucsl. liu-r_v new discovery In acwucc In turn (:lt:ll.Iel?Il. lrom ('lGllI('l1l.. ntraual lmm hllutl u I; were, then re umtc-ml In the lm]-; that soxuu Ihsconlant lorcu will weak: II It. or some culnlc letter the onward How should `so foes he met. . Should the minister Irutc hm mu- m studying L~ver_\' new nmeumic by;-nthe-uni ."`~hould he wnslc the time oi the [maple lny 1:;-oun-lung It to them and then nu ll 1` .\|_\'. lb. discussion of II I... Inf: on oh.` '\D.\ `I"'c~ lmpro\'n.nu(a ol lho Last l v-w Mnnlha A Really llellgllllul Spot. . Cuturaqiiiuemctery has now become one of the most Interesting places of ` resort in connection with the city of liiugston. The grounds are naturally uncommonly well suited lorthe purpose. being of a beautiful undulating character on which graceful specimens of trees. of almost every variety adapted to the climate. are to be seen in healthy con- dition. The present board ofdiroctors are evidently endeavouring to make the ` best npproprianon of what means they have at their disposal. A very decided improvement is that in removing the clump of` old pine trees near the en- trance. and placing on the ground which they occupied a beautiful dunking foun- tain - surrounded by an ornhmental rookey. and clumps of owering shrubs and trees. The marsh south ol the re- ceiving vault has been converted into a beautiful lake, sun-onnded by s greit variety 0! ornamental trees. The other lakes have also been extended and ever- green trees planted around them. The main roads which are over two miles in extent, are now hard and smooth, al- lordiny ll pleasant drive in any kind of weather. The superintendant. thinks that many of the lot owners have made a mistake in erecting stone posts and railings around their lots, givingamono- tonons disagreeable appearance. There is no danger of any of the lots being en- croached on; hence fences are not neona- ' aary,and they sadly mar the` beauty of the landsca . In all the well managed cemeteries 9|: the United Sttea and in England now fences of every descrip- tion are disallowed. so as to admit of 41.. annnndl helm: mowed bvrmaohinea. tion msuloweu. I0 an no Iumli oi the ground: belll moved bi? Most people know_ tlm. yetolno will .nm lance: oimnltbocnnuo other: hnvo u Steal: Most people know mu. yes-some wm erect lance: nimplfbocnnuo .1... nn_- It mama bud mnbdinn done ao.- In loom! nun oulpuunmng uginut otd cuutomevon what! known ,.so.ho yrrong. We` would his tone III: .%. heontily` I271. :3-'$v.'m obi:-Mum. object. . %m ICTUIJCU Wit.` CIIITICII UlNllllIl.IOU!l_\'. Hm. .\I r. Hooker. Ithe Preside-u|.). in is short but pithy speech gave the young won some good advice and comforting cuunael. Ho p0il)t(`I out chat tbu con- ivn-ui-e ha-I sanctioned their call to the rnnnistrv but it could not make minis- ters of them. Thur personal responsii lnhty was very great. because with then: lay the vhoice of is life which was very much wlmt they (nude it and which Wm-1 iuucm-cul hy the geumnenesu of their call and devotion to the Master. The iuhln-as was very kindly directed. and made a deep iiuprussion upon the con- gregation as well as the candidates for ordination. Ah:.- In-Hunr ..im:im1_n Inumn wan oramguuu. After further hiu;.;iug-a hymn was reuderel between each address and the benediction Ivy Dr. lilhutt the con- ference dispersed. |"`iovo I `rghlmnuu ug.~h.. Ill HHIVILIUU OI loll |R9UplU- IIIU UIU` thren were to preach I8 they were (`0lnIlJlb8l0lle(l-I.lJl` full of man. the de- pravity ol lmuinn nature. the necessity of repentance. of faith. of a knowledge of sins forgiven and of a consciousness or acceptance with (Soul. They wonlil hue their toil and embarrassment but in the distance they lml rewlrd. heir lathere were now bearing the burden aud enduring the heat of the day. but as age crept upon them and palvded them they haul the ;;ln.l satisfaction of know- ing that they were being followed by tliusc who. mth etronver grasp and clearer VL)lt,`('. and perhaps greater filth. were ready to carry forward the banner ul the cross to \'lCl.J!'_\`. llavinu cumi- tlcucn in these young men. and believing that tin-l Ix-id called them to the holy ministry. he llll great pleasure in be comling the motion {or their reception. Tlm nmtmn wlmn xiiliiiiitmil mucou- conulug mu mouou mr Lllelr rccepuuu. The motion. when submitted monsoon- Icrcucu was curried uuunimously. . u. u....1-.,. .n... v.......,I... III u to them. They had in Jomlrn sermon I .-uuggustiou Is to brevity. and brief II II was it led to the complete conversion uml nalvlllou of the people. The bre- thrun worn Ln nrnnrh in then` were .\l such a time as this his young brethren were busy WIUI thoughts 0! the future. What was the work before them" l'n-nclmu: the gospel. Were tlwymluullers :' \ea. Were they cler- gymen 1' They maght be, but they were tin-st ul all pmscbers. Tlua they beuuno nu accepting the commission cl Ubnst. Illll tlu-_v nhonlnl nut be auhumul oi the tulle. \llumou wa.-4 uowumdu to Lord Dull-gnu. in whost; achievements greet. xuun-at wn taken by Cenadmus. As an ambusamlur of the Queen he had been rt-ccuug credit not only upon hiunoll but upon his sovereign. How much more should the mnulstern neect. credit upon llnu who-so ambassadors they wc.-ru " Hut 1| Lbu brethren were to be |-ruclu-rs, what were they to prescb `. "1l:nl which I hill thee." ulltl Uod 8) ll'IU%I VII Wm: III In a greutlmpertueelethevnlneollhu old normal on . "ouudly eouvuied ueuod." They were using wluuly in sending eutlheee menvo preneh lee tithing world. They werenet nond- hlind lenders to loud shone nlroul hhnd.huIneu who but travelled the reed luheuuelvue, end by n hlemeae pa-lmenul knowledge knew how to w sinners to Christ. Another thought oo- ourred-Ihntuthe young mu looked heelxover theyenrn ul their prohouon. they would remember these words. whieh.like n my of light. piereed the - lnrknem ol Ihelr minds. "God eeudnyon mprenehtho gonpelolchriettoyenr dying lellow men." Urndunlly they had ndnneed. step by ntep. nnul new they stood below eenlerenoe ready to he re- cdvod into full connection. They had their npiritunl uruzllll. their momenlu ol weukneee end doubt. theirtlmeuol mu um temptation. but they (on um they use v gunxieunly led by God. Were they on lens for Iheee things? They uemhled under the weight ol re- sponnibilxty. nod almost nnk In denpnir when they heard with increasing lent that no mun tnlwo the communion unto himu-ll. but I! called ol (loll. The quee- tnou arises; Is n. my duty logo term and devote my lile to the service 0! the Lord 1"` end the wonll of Jenna are eng- gr-. and form n tting weompnnt men! 0! counsel. Woe is me ill preach not the gospel." Allusion was mule to um importance attnchenl to the suing nn'.l calling 0! young men 00 the minin- Lry. (Ir liccnuz-.e of the iutuereule at Intake. and (:4) because ll. is eeeeutinlly neeeeeery lo the success of the undu- ulntes themselves. Mnny prencharu of the gospel labor eerneatly end energetic- ally nml yet gm. no evnlunoe ol sucoees. What n to emppurt. l'le9+c men under such cxrcuxuetnnceu but the conuolutlou. ever present. that they an really celled nf (End |'|'l`I('|l('I H, \\'[lII were [HEY [CI PTUICIJ . "'1 hm. which thee." u9d_tJ Jonah when soul. to Nnnavnb. nnd CIT! -`I-l IIIGII KNEE] 0| Illlll ulvltiollldmlllq byGodll|odIhcII" hinndn with nnlmthn. Ha nhnhl ulvliwllulcnllllg nyuoulluilllnill" Moods with pnonllon. Ho stholl nmnzimmrhmnhnnvnlnnnlthn nld. 1Xjj'mXmI}I" an an and unodlonlhll uunbh. honindul uunuhurhl onndiduuvunlulbuywilnthoughu nl Lb: In-L Iunorin u-n II-` hjfmjmh` (`A '1'.-\ IKAQH I CEM l'I'I-ll: Y. |soDAwATEm I PINBAPPLE82 I'INBAl'Pl4I:`. I BANNANADI ` EEn 1:! I1` mm smnnu lam II-Q-Llinhnd Ill ?'iiInaAL um BAY wars. TOIATOIU. ORANQIB. muons. GORNID mu-m APDLIR on ALL nuns TUIITUII. UICANIIIB. lJI-UB. uvnn-u IIEATB. APPLIB 0|? ALL IXNDB. `IQ Vgoalallaa. W Oolory And lhdlnhou A __ ._n-__. 3:14 114....` "I mm `mm MARKET -`S8 BIIOCK STIIEI-IT. T. F. ALLEN, - PROPRIETUR. Duh ll ',R;2E].F.!Jn_S:I:ZE2.C3S., In-In Oonloc onus I~Tc{1:fcE or REMOVAL 3 ""-7.5} "'E-`-5'.'3-'3 5%-..-.:--" . . I R. J. Eilbeckn - Manage:-I IXIKIICTIIN IIWIIIHI IIIIUIIZIII UH` Anna-loan 1'1-nit Dolpot. M RS. J.- K. 0 LIVE R. Knmh Ila Push uia Salt um: ..r all Kinds, Hams, Dom zcwmenr COMPANY,| REVISED BIBLE, Old and New Testaments, ' V In \'xInoIIs !vIlyI` of 1`; [no and I!inIIng,nl npktort Blood Liver Pork. iu`Bach and can (ngu Bolognn of our own mnnufumro. End hooaa. P ' Foot. Trina. Buns: and Eggl. rd and Dried Beef. "dwhioh ouvolvu slap on ilhbot. Thoboordddluolotux b-lnn|ln.m..uotoho e-nu liiiifHjAa[B0S0N 8 E. %N.I_BETSal gl-I\I-I-. u-30$: -n-11&JI-1c In: 0th. Ilnimllotixrina Oonlocuonan '( 3 f'i`|\`T".u SA.'(h)IVl\FLiCING SALEI store men: duruu; nlrornuu mm: place to vtom tluun : chugu our cunomon stoma Hon : lnnml ii.` l':ll nu made our more, Ind our In by Flute (Hun. Hence uur __-.-- 1\nl\l\|I-In 5 ca `vu--- --.___,, (I-uni-Ind ms.) ,.ny lane to Plcton and nose-` F`: unit. and fr!-weekly lo cullgu our n-uuuuun usu--`us. Don ! tarp! it! (`All and gm. Ivurnhiug. Howls your chance! ` NOW 'I`() HAND Full Supplies I ` PLEASE ` lrnxsunrlca! It man be clouod out In rmler to Provrni us being Bpoilod by dust and am Wu um gzmng Io luvs | complain reuoulinu (mu: in to be re:-Mood W0 keep constantly on hand A full supply of _, ,1 __ Lvii}is'Iii 1." co.. Montreal- I (Incl hncrico of our (moan. Uur bloc will In sold at nouly ONE-IIALF OI` ITS VAI.l'l-I. T-- P'or Sale by Grace" sud llruggiau in Plum And Qunrts (lmpevnl meucure ) Sh oulders, Bacon. &o. -sAUsAoEs A SPEC[ALTY-- Telc-.phonc Comnulnlcxulon. l ; JUICE- i`oI'erqIAl'-lock. llochasu-r. N \ . ` . (loubmuoun Market Quotations received. T`2'S1_9*V- ICE-CREAM TO-MORROW. ` 3?. {DC URI`! C W b-day u |p.I||.. no who , upon the improvements they have u:- I mnnlluhnd. '-II-E 3-A-z.A-A-R! -III. -.1 Mny 23rd. n U\ pxnv. nun...- I`F.'l`K(JI.l~I|'.\I HOUGH I` AND SOLD FOR saw v Tho COIINIER Bookstore. I-i'A Luuux May Kird `w` jnnldahnndudlahg `ta-uunnuuuv-nunawum _II'&Illo&|n1oImntloncp;iy`In Lamtxaoo. . Anna. Re ned Exjrressly for ON THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Ira Inll mnko n Sacrice 01 Goods. Our stock 9|`) Priuross Slrerl. m. MA IN 0I`I-`ICES: 3 Jun the thing Cooling - {or the but I9: ` Ihor. Absolutely free lrom al- . coho]. J Wllolt-some Ila-rre-.h. A mild. Muco- l III. , IMQTOIIIO. l'ln- ~ Undiluled. nu slurp Iuvuunu Irdddluotottnoona .uotuohoeupIIulnutI nmmnnh thov luv: :11. EAITTL AVIIMII nil NO; 126. l Purina ` Eithoblood. {nuts on snout nnrAn.T:7nx um um` IN LARGE VARIETIEB. Lenv your order: only. 1:)` u. an 1- nnnmacrhanu in A or my "'=""".z*'*" Dull!` . Fresh Crunpeu and lililo. I-`. W. PRAIRIE, lILII.'I'0l. In Ann (Anny- av \._. ....._ ....: .7--. All llndu of Lung.` mu Gum` tigunary wax done. Special 0 cut lnndotith undulll. _.Au. wonx xm PROIPT r- Remember the plian- 39 lingo! Sb. between PI-In} cess and Brock Cu. aa--v-I Apnl. IE5. HALF IXTEREST in tho Hull and stock or the GRAND TRUNK xsILBWF.'R\', the property of the Isle -John IoKny.ht Into an n I- i. Thlnianrhnchnleoto lnlon ni3g:;{'.L.u.uea and very p ii- hdl hcnlnkoonnrioot Ith- wu. Tluouh lntuquosed. -III thhe-I.n-_r-11*-I!.' - NnsunchonpunudQa vllxn nnq ASHLEY dc CO`S Shirtllollutliufactnryttnlhnlily n. -rm: 1`r1.Acl'rool1`You'lWolInoI!. Lend H. 86 W. J. CROTHERS .| Ion: W-mu win-Inn DI-nun-I *|u vn- 'mu3u:m.amiumm:u.g_. Pnnrmnnnnusmnssfuusm: rfrld -I-sngunhegunnt} proupuolu bnQh. `or nu or 1) `cu an n pencnuli, I-mar, to J. W. Abkotlixocuwr. 1 BI. Welt. Kingston. lhy. MONEY ?E> LOAN IN LAIHII-`. DR. SMALL BUKS .uu.uJJ.\l .|':.n .1. 4. \.J I_l\I.1J` IN LARGI-2 OB SHALL BUIS. AlLo1\'ex-II Current mm. and on most Ivonn- blo Terms, on the security of Fun. City and Town Pro . NORTGAGI-Z8 Ann Dxnilrtmla V nun. Dxnilruiu Pvncunxn. \lonov retain on Dcppdt. Ild Inter`! Al- lowed thereon. .. Tnous nluuo. Hunger. 0Fli'lCB-0pposne the Post Olleo. Kingston lny 6th. % rm: BAN. Locin'1v"ai mm: saw; . -awn--. . HE ANNUAL GENERAL IEITINGM the hlxambol-Ion of thin Company will bohcld in Khe()t!iCe or the (`.o|nDIn!. n TUEEDAY. IBITIHGM bl held the (mice Company. on THE 91!! DAY OF JUNE, IE5. It II o'clock am. [or me election of Dincton. and lrnnnetlon ol nmmm: :m_a_1msm1 m nus. mun All C GAIIIT; -L-__.__ .5." [mm and nnnmiiru mxmm. DAY AND I5`BlDAY.lhe2lD AND $9] 0!` JULY. commencing ax Sduoek 3.-. (`Au-li-ZIAIQI must notify tho IIJCI lhromzh A. P. KNIGHT. l-:Iq., Roctmol ll J. n. uni-reuiunv-s. llnr Glut (`Inn-null: \\ xnrlnnv nial 2'6'i5iuiii6E"s*sTnsET Ilnv Ilnt ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. ' `HE NEXT I-ZXAUINATION lot Khulna to the KXNGBTON 00Ll.El.A'l'E [DSTI- TUTE will behold In tho cnynnn on THU!!- FRIDAY. uuihm AND to DAY! commancinn 3.3. liccmom working, Kdmmining. and lo` pmring Cement I -`|oon sud Cut-In I specially- ALI. wnnlr GIYARANTIID, w. aoEE6}Eatoe ____._ _' _,-, , n1:;ii;i1*&*i 5 206 PRINCESS STREET. `HEB hLllB'I`s, BRACE8. GLOVII. UlDIl- WEAR. ETC. GREATLY RBDUCID (`one and gel a Bargain. GET YdUi=e. ` FELT HATS All] ems mulxnuas ..-..-v . -.. -.-..-_--- , | BCOFK 87.. I!ll'\\ l".ILV DIVISION I BAKIIIZ I _ ..___ Punch. Gorunn and Bhonhlnd uc by 2, Elliott. honor-mun 0! con`; n,I nvut.o Le-can van. In uy Onnlmnl [India in. and at Irena-lrnl Out 0! lnlnu-nun. no only has at ll lou `krill Hum paid]; an and Wholnu-1-. In Pnrttrlllo (Judith; AGENT w.E `T was cum Insumqs so. f'\l " I 29:-max;-5 FOB Till CITY I VICINITV 07 KINGSTON mu mmx mmlx. IVIISOI, IIIII I U-. 4 .. ,- . _ ` _ uunauui ll canola. Knmsfou. - - - - G! An Act!!! at the ltvnl rnnnno mn- rnn, ol Iowan. low Juny. lamb. ' jsmcur smxlmc warm, other business lotion on Adjournment until after tho ou- sion ml! the In-do. Hay mm. W. G. BKDD. ruuzxc school [nonsta- I-my luumunwin badvuhynopa-Q- Gall Early at ` The Home Fmno Fang, -an 1:-_-. _- All negiwiffommmn .A.Ia.I'a'JLA.n yuan (cu>r.s|n1'n.lu-.; T !".5.'.:.*a:.2:*.:;:..".3`;.'a.'I &`..:.:; Ilunoqn. Ogde 52..-.'-..-.-*-..'.u~....'--*-,......,-'1 Innunn IHHTRIAL 'l'EIIII- Mu` 2m. Oppoexte \| mdau lokl. Jummllmnlt |Oppooli|uI lo ho Uh Q` lay 2n'!. kourrunuo" .5 o In Duh. IIII, an alt! numb. uuu-n u Montrul, lay Tlth. WA NT" KWKGENT L UQDHIIIJ-.--9 Ai.i:`xLnnn1A."% lCAP`l'. IKITII. Ila IINGSTUN IICADEUY, lM`I.' 5`! n'I\l`I'I'\' hI| l|: l\\' A Ilnbln Apply with refonnnes to I`fIIII'lI.`(l A IlIVI'\ No-fgcm- uh I-:m.. the In- .o. no! Inter than HOAUAY. Ill` JUIII. nl nnhcnllon :0 be present :1 mo unanim- Gun:-untoolbytln A rnuz, unomrixn noun. Innntn lulu and walk. Iona human '$:'}.'.1{re;-poo: mar. no |.Iu'.: Inuuhaluuihcnnndu. ON. Ivuull Iuluiuilucu cu FORBES .! IUDIE. Chin! Agents, Mental. \ Il-- .`hL anions. IITT. B2e`y-`Inna. " ' um rm!` Durante Bmndny n 4.45 A.I. `I'll NIW UPPER CABIN STIAIIR I 0- I Apilu hhvnaocomhnnlzadabatar-aura I M M It lip.-`$0-uiedwisnnnono-sanssnnoon moun Aeounmodaxion on the Blyor ulnvx-ac; ` Inivu lion " ma: -~ 11 It Doulnb with Sh:-CI for Rs- Ionntl 6.1` B1; llld at naumno Ilth Ind- I. lent: o.'r.ny.. nu: Ind Wat I` II- KlCll0IJ)N,]A51'E|K-I G-Inn I` I:ll~ TIOI. IiAlI.BI'o DIIBSLIEVE. Tits Aunts IATII 0' I ACIX I : an oomlomom own nuns. . TEE 3.1.1.!-cn~u.g,.... BIhcIOIcoo~N I. I` Kinky J jnjvrr an- an .---.-ulna-than In Dubai can load ..m.: labors wry Iundsy, r;.dIYt":"" "G B I TIC!-"1, `Ii F335. dc. inclndad \ on [ADV Rntca. Nooziux a sum. Thiough ndun run quoted. Ihhunuur uvnnro whhnnu Indnbcuarlou tar lwdhClins kImdIi|jII_hoNoua_nt_|bon An-1-13 I *I.:%.:.:;':.'-`-...:.2.3 &'*'-*.... m In . h%h'V_" " 'd'c':'.f'u'r'."I's 3hmsox. -\ P231371 [001 IDES AID WINTER OLCDIHEI DI USING nowmrs am ENGLISH cmnnn to be bud st cnowirs DRUG STORE. }i'IiAIii fIIi" I , 0 4 \~1k{i..'.:"J..';'.?.`i`'v`.`.'.`2'.? 0' Bone cream to re _ move Tun, Freckles: O Pilnpln. Soou the undtulgr LAND IIOAL 00.. 21 Wellington Bum: Inn. Ihronto. Bumps Tuxen. A 14113 stock of Plasun Batu Ind sum of III lilxlld Delcriphonl for sale. In rat ran around mu-I in nnv-nlth And nnnt 4. local mp Ticket. Iluls. inclndad fnuouonly) i-nod at Very ~_ h..I.In lnhr=I:m by upplymg to me Cu`- C.l.I\'l'0l!. A. GUKNBGO. J. P. BILDIIBSLIEVE. Fniym Azania Aunts Renunbor the pin Bdl to Bnrrioeld April 7. liolunpnlnsi. ptlutod and nrnnhod. 3132:: Ininp oldul kind: kept no stock. Iu All moo: eonploto u ` h city. Bonn fur him by the canon. ...3"..'.'r.,'.'c'.`..'.' hychur. W. C. KNAPP. LARGE BOATING "S"i`w0CK. J. mm mule ISTABLIXIIIEIT llnrrleneld. Boats. Boats- pumsunr: sxnrrs ___-_.._ (u... _g_ - ... AVING I-BASED the Cameron Bog! Rau- blishlnent. foot 0! Simcoe Street. map non. will In nul 18 opening of Navigation. to mun udu-Ila! a and Hiring of New Boats- n CC Rqnirin: old ones. in Ihu (`in list: Sale New Boats. Rqniring bulhmont. LARGE STOCK 0}` BOAIS on haul !nr nah. Alldacnuuouol BOATS BUILT 'I`0 OIIDIIR. LICOB SIIAIINIAN. BarrIolil`ld_ .) u'A`Il ALI. lotloulngl um Quebec. calling ll C1118. Ahlaldnn In; Broelvllle. Pnual. &uvul um 0otuu.punm through Ibo bouu r-~ a.-3-M .......;...-.-2,-=:r..:,...:*"'........ `vacuum 11! A. n A Itvn mum And lontnu. For tutouuud any other mtannnnon Apply to the und-Ihed. C H HATCH, Agent. Thoxnd Islands the lhpi-In of the Innate by dnvlitlu nnlnrullolnuvny at uuchvilbnan Prescott for unnvu. lc.;nI. Quebec with acumen lo: Inn-my Bay. Canola: and the Sq.-nenuy LIIO with tho lnwoolnhl Bunny and um! Port ` Hutu H I y_ Illturi detail at uoulv redurod rates llntdnn ticknincludn mods between To- loncnu. (pdol Ihhllomnq til`-h` vlcolshsnu-n: spa -unn-sax. nan :4: sun . Out-o...oapsnd-uuIoauuI._o-annoy tr: 1 Tnmattu Au ) \nn\'Tlru,, FKVLII 1'U-).\IlI LID IOSAIIIZAL o-3-au...cn.nne1ur Algontn ('px.'rmwen Olllllhl C133. Ada Pnupon (`Apt Irvine Gina. ling Broctville. Pnuxl. nal! Oounumnnmg run] and rolunuc (I36 ON TYEBIIAY. Ed ol JFNI. Ildul hnhc Iolice onool tho IDOVO n.-I I'll] Ian Inna: duly (Io-up unqlutl . ..aaumIy.nuo'. ij` vj Ajilcty uuno --WE:-`I Iunnhu-swdIxI.uu-cl phounlnlonovdon, HEADQUABTEIFBY BOATS_l_ BOATS I 0! Various Sizes. for Sale by nnvv U: .-u- v....... .,-...__-. --ininu BELLE" _.-u- n1v- nnntnn `PI! IEAHIY mo NA.

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