All (or Love. by line Elia A Du uy. Beul-In or. the Fonukcn Duugter. Bridal Eve Tau By In. sonnnjorth. III HIPDIBIIIIIQ COIlll0l"LB_l0l' H18 VJIUIIFOOTH at the front. The mayor read the correspondence he had with the mayors ol the places. Ind suggested that the society should be (armed and proper olcern elected to csny out its purposes. The meeting reaolvodo itselfinso u so- ciotv sud elected the following : . President-Mrs. Henderson. Houoruy Secl'et.nries--Miexes llulr bell and Cnrruthers. Trcasurer-Mrs. 1. Simpson. Executive Committee - Meednmes Agnew. Smylhe. Dr. Strange. U. Yates. Walkem. Montinlnbort. Maedonnell. Ilubbell. O. Robertson. Britten, J. lien- dry. Huty. Sullivan. Swift Short and M18388 Machu and Oertmde Allen. \I... u|...-e --|...A :0 :n nnndinu pnm. swam:-.1 new. It Is probable that Major Short. Cuptu. Farley and Rutherford werv through the light. They were with B" link-ry when It n-zsched Battlcfonl nud umloubt.~ odly they went along wan: the company as H. mhnuct-I on l oundma|u.-r. misses Macusr sna uerlruue Auen. Mrs. Short Asked if. in sending cum- forts Do the soldiers st the front. the members of B" Battery would be in- cluded. She was answered in the mar. mstivo. The wives of all ministers in the city will be naked in.) booomu pe- tronesses oi the society And sttend the meetings and bring At least one lsdy such of the conguonstxons with them. ladies who intend to co-opersto with the society In requested to send contri- butions in moneyor kind to `tho Tron- snrer. Those contributions will be sc- knowledged in thepepers. Parties resid- ing in the oi my -entnst donstions {or their hi tothecommitbo. Tho! ................... .. ..... ,..,,...... - ..-._-- --_._ ink cit lot their hi to the committee. They willbesentlotho frontviththo good: d the , Iodnty. The ouontivo commit- tee met (why at 2 `o'clock in the` City Tlnll And mnmmnnnmi work. uumarm-L All the wounded men wen` o.-xcelioul solmt-rs. and were uuonu the lrmu:sl. uf tlw regulars. .-\II were teewulers` Sergt. (hm-y I8 I member of .\lun|en Shsonic Lodge. \I-vnnnl Ilmu-rn our of {In-l)Ll:nn'n ausomc uouge. Mnyuanl Rogers. one of the Htluwu nhnrpshooten. killed. Ins ncousiu <-I .\lt. Morelnnd. lormetly steward of the steamm Hero. I; .. ......|. .I.. a|...o \l...'..- Kim 1`-..o.. A society Formed to Band Comlorll Io llon In Servh-r.--liood W'orl llognn. we not to-any u 3 `ounc- H II god commenced work. uwu. Gunner liq.-vnolds. by this name. as hard to cletvrmine. Them in-rr um Reynolds in the dnvmion. both of whom lml the name initinls. They were known here as Hurnolds .\'o. I and Roy- nolds No. `.5. Tbenr regimental nmnlxeru are l,.'4`r. . nnul 1,570. Reynolds. Nu. l56`.'. was married. llns vnlu rem-`us near .-.....-.. "_--r|:sl.'u \ .. 1r.'.`n Iran nllffllt. III! Unaruqui. Ii--yuolal.-a, nnmnrriml 0l cr nl l`orly-`live (Tents I-Zach Former Price Sixty Cents` liE.\IlCIllIlKl.VIi 'l'H|-Z \'0Ll .\"|'Hl-IRS. "II-` WIIII I$V Il-I'1-o-u 'l`h`o 6fIl_|d`Tl'lllIk ngentbu issued seven! permit to calmed to stand lot himia tho railway yud bpt not to loll- cit; lintothin will not ho nllowod to anal the promising. or they will be pro- Iucuted, Prinhpnrtla will be allowed to take llnir uni-a-I, in the. depot :-_ n_:__..|_ _.-AL__A :. L...l.....A. rl`U. Sergl. (Lancy, ggul about 4), was ! lnghly esteem:-.1 in the battery. lie was: Provost Serguaul. sud hm tile. n pretty Mlle person. li\'e in t.hI*h1r~ rnckn. She was I Mm; luvnn, ul Que- bec Corpl. Bnugh. who is along with the batwry drvislon. mutual her sister. Uaney 124 nu Enwmhman. from LID" ctshlre, and was formerly a member of the Royal Marines. Cnrnnnnl .\lonnn was About 22 \'cars ILIB lKU)'ILl -I-IIFHIBS. Corpornl Manon was about yours 0! age. unmarried. and formerly ol llnnr Iltou. l_......n. l.'......,.l L. La cl... n-Inn :- Illuruuu-.--u--av; `Kl TV 7 [or triendq without iuodotonoa ('on~udenAb|e nnxn.-Ly cxlslnl :1 the `Kev: du Punt Bnnncks mg-Lnhm: the -,;ht. ncnr Hull:-lurvl when the tir.-.l. nuuuuun-um-utu wen-, mule: rusp1~(`luu;,:Il. Tluu-xcm.-uncut Ins nllny-J when um. \\'uI- n-poll:-I nl-pc-nu-I nu-I guvrr the ` names of the wuumle-I. The otcc.-no were xL-lighted at Lnarnnug that the tight. had not rcsulkvl fatally In any of the bnuerymen. The tollovxnu were the wound:-ul. wxl|- a low |mru(`ul.1r~u rugnrnlnug lhun . Lxeul. l'lerLh:k way: an uuchul uf!i~ ' CC! "011 the 3011 o` Hun. I. l`l`|" In-r, ol Quebec. and an omcct m the `nth Battalion. (In the '.'l.h of Muoh. nocom pnnned by Lmut.- Chiulc.lI'vlh Reglmeul. Ind Prom.-r. n: Realms.-nt. he arrived ', nu KIu;:~l4m hr the purpose ul uluug nu ntniclmu at the Royal .`lIl&l`]' College. Wlu-u um battery left here on Much l '_ -'~Lh l c|IeI.u_-r wu~ numbed and got. Inn I ml:-rs an hour before tbo march occur` | PYVCZII I mrgu ll.Il'(l.lUfH|l |AlIl`f I0 IUI3 l . H. l.o\'nhst.-L cuntnuv hill. The cuuucil huusv cost 33 Ill). The majority ol the pooplc belong: to the Church 0! England. A few lnmilleu nihnkcl with the Plvmouth Brethren WHERE IXJIIKIII El Ilj. Chiel (Jreon we A short history 0! Tyendungn. here wore 1.111) lndnnnn on the Reserve. And they were govern ed by one principal chin! nndlonr minor chioln formed Lheeouncil. The Roservo oonniued ol l.!l.lJncnnol lend. The Mobnwln hue two rhnrvchol. one cool- iug 87111) and the other $3.111). hoth atone. There ere (our good schools, l.hru- public. Ind one A minor school. built through U|L'6'L)lli of (`lm~fl3n-en. who we ut to Eoglna-I and collccuxl the monev [or AC. In-c.tly the pvoplo Ind oroctc-lnlnrgu nu:-morml tum-r to the I L` I,...-..I...1.. .-....n...; IHII TI... IIIII anon uuona." aanaona OI um um (halls. and we are bound It ahall he done." Rov.U. A. Andouon. who in now chaplain at the Rolonnatory prison. Iaalottwanty yaan inchal-go ol tho Tyoodinaga miauoa. He in y in land and '1 return ui oal|o:l`.'.l`I'o has boon away from the manna for over In yuan. Tho petition lot It. Baku`: Ivonoval Ia aignatlhyltfl pcaoua. The auulnnrea van placed on record ata lnootingol the onlyin hand. The counter petition contain: 29 nausea. Chinlllnmn aavu a aluxrl lualnrv nf mm. The bishop prom-ad um he would endeavor to mourn the tomonl olkcv. Ir. Baht. "W0 an hon tone that sad: isdooo." nidooo ol the In- zhnnu H:-ml -A -an Ln-uul It aha" i Ho hoWon Bu. A Sequel tn `Fur Plny.` lnhclunu. '1' by than minor of lluxlne. wt. In on has van. Inlay .1. Holmes. Lou Burns. 3) In. sonthwaua. lava : 1'.-ms. `rho: ortho Dun baton: the Revolution. Iinbal Iaooyby Chrmlu: mid.` _ label VIll@Al`hbyo'lhL'Il`llI;I`|i=I. k b I lnuhsnr or o 5 ml: on . y n. nueub. u-kn Guy. by In. Iluy J. Holnuu ;orBlu luau lhvohocn I Dachau. or kiln Unvoleolno Gnnlt. by Theo oo . of: Oouvonnluln Ink, And Six ll "132" 3'y"xu.uh waucuu & fh. cm-um. Emilia. Vhho In by Enamel P.Ich~ mnvuw W!!! in mun:-.| FEE DAILY BRITISH WIIISS, MAY 6, 1885 \|\llV|0| IIH-ZlHKl{\1K\'. Dough; wllli IE0 (>5-on. . out . ,4_AA .___ gr. unu Inunoux. some uervlas wuuuu u)|. Ix: rug,-In. `Wu uru suppose.-4| to be chnst.Iuu.' they laid. `uni we want to Imvo our friend ptoperly boned. The l.~ul contractor Iuntml on me and re qucsuxl my uni, Ho mks-d mo if I could say sonxeuniug ILUI1` grnvu uni I sun! I could. I hm] WI! me a Church ul l'Lug~ ` lunl prayer book unl I pmunwd to real ` the lmrinl 3I\`|Cl' There were no col ns amino -several Inc-u uecurx-I a pica: 1 oltimbu. huwul it out. made a non. ol 5 urcuplmgnz-a and u-lam-.1 the In-ly nu it kuucko-I nu bl-mln-t F.n.-r_y n n V)" : kxnockul o Burk. 'l"u~_\' pm . I I In IIOCKCG HHS WEEK. The Richelieu it Untnrio Numution Company's suit against the Tluuues it Mersey Insurance Company was heard at Detroit on .-\pril '.5Hth. a suit to re- cover the insurance on thostcnnu-.r Spur- tnn. Judgment has been given ugsiuet the Richelieu Company. who will carry the one to the Supreme Court. Fho Spartan was vsluoil, in 1358!. at 090,- (ll). She was leased to 1: western railwny company. end during the an tumn-of 1883 wfntrunded on it rock. She wen insured for MOJII). to recover which the present unit was instituted. 'l`he Spartan wee taken to Detroit and repaired. and owing to the dispute over the insnruuce wee sold by the Dry Duck 00.. though the ghcri. tho Richelieu Company paying 926.0(1) to regain poe- eeasiou 0! her. Those interested in the l~`cdernl bank must be agreeably surprised to End them- selves entitled to II dividend ol three per cent. The bank having been sur- rounded with crushing diiculties it nngurs wellthnt Mr. Ynrlicr has been nbleontlof all the chaos of the put to mnke this hI.Il(l|l0|D0 little prot. It must be e greet nninncu to the men- ngcr then he cannot yet ple:-o the bank`: nnirs in their proper light. The not ol perliement. reducing the stock end other matters. most rst receive the roynl tenant and this in only done hv the Governor-General when perlinment Howeventhoeelittle nnnoy-nnoee end delay: will eoon be over, when we hope to see the Federnl, under its present eble menngement. telio front rank moon the banks of the Dominion. And it will no. any: the Shareholdrr. en excellent nancial nnthority. udun. -3:" " :.y"cnun.""""'osa' "in . by tho author at `WHO. Wldo .VoVotI:L' c.`: ao.'rm A an onncsuunm "ai ""%'-'n'Li`'saq"n.':"` I II- `? But. man. gI1:n Clthlillldd. . I :0: Iqngni Rqvuxo. byl`hn I112:-II,l'| Cabin. by In Eu-not Bosch: `we-'s'$n.b;IhoAazhu-'1;-amvuu. Paloqlolblliohnndlol &[llII':,fU!|helIhGo!`W|Iy 'n2uynm`a2-ya l lrolu lorouw. The l.u-,1 ,Mc.\I'l.hul lm.~| l)(`('ll Izmuchul 1!. Powers ship yard after ncunvmg a general overhauling. Tho wan: burg: Salon is now on the way fur uonural repairs and a new wheel. Sho will ho docked this week. 'I"I~.n Hnolmlinn b llnlnrin Nnruvnlinn Ice. The nu-asmbnrqe Niagara. whom, lu- leu from 'l`orout.n. i on louto lo chm port. The barges Cuvnhor nlhlC!1It.'- ron. timber laden. are also com iug down from 'l`oroul,o. Tn... o.... `In \.-n.... I... lmm. Iunm-I...l mr Ueseronw. noun ngm. The schr. \\ . T. (irvtsuwood hue roach- ul Brock K Booth .-4 wlnul with 300 tons 0! coal from Ulmrluuc, N. L Tlmprop. .\rmcma has m~clIn~:| hcr tint chrgu of unun In `l'uruul,o. Mm gets `.5 nuts to Hg-lz-u.-burg. The steanzlum,u Brllc Wnlsuu. wnlh barley Iron: luau been trying to ruurh Uswcuo. She Int: hml tu in: up at South Bay nwnutnng the \I0ptIl`lllt0 of Inn Dl:0'l"l` ACT Q AN'l'I-l(`.0`I"l` AC l'.-(Io to (my Ilnll on Thurs- day. lay 7th`. at I p.-.. and helr Dr. Lavcll and nlr. Ilndlo lent Dr. Laval III mr. - dlqclnlng Ila Scott Act. nouvmc. The mm. tirautlmxu cleared {or Tu- lulo this morning. and the -cl.r. .\cudm for lbeseronto. both light. 'l`|un unlit \\ T llrnnnwrvyl Inna rnunh. Shame: Active vi the huge: poun Guliu sud Gluon ` leave lot Do- troit this evening to load wheat for lfinnnlnn, The tug .\l(xer Ii bung rrl-ml: nl lhwx.-4' yard. The Lnchme cum! was opeuu I l'J'n'l_\` for nnvuplion. The uteuubugo Sunn is hung ovu- hnulod st Peron` yud. Tlm Minnia arrival at Rn-rl; & Hnnt.h'n mom Lne nly OI Qumw yesueruny. The Lornmo wus hauled out at luvia` ahipynrd to-dny for ;,;-,ucnl ropnira. N Tho nchr. llnnlun run uzrouml uenr 1 I54-lldvllle yesu-may. hue Wu Ilgnu. On Friday the tug Wright. vnll take the dredge Witbdalo to Son-I. Th... I\r.\lI .\ rvunnin inn:-hr-II at .\wi'l'u IIAS OPENED On friucesa. between Clergy sud Bxr:- Slnse`. with 1 full has of mo arcane \\' w D0l't'l. The prop. Armenia touched at .\wilI.'s lodnv {row Toronto vu mule far 0;; denaburg. 'l"l.ntna Kw Jnhn -.nll lmnrn m It fnw uenauurg. The lug 5.; John WI leave Lu a tow dnya with the dredge Unusrio lur Shun` nouvillc. TI... ..-I.- 1;.-...M.n.n oh-ur...l 'nr 1`... llealed by uxyswll and the contractor. I wr tended our vuv I.) :1 spot In I vnlloy ' man by. `He ca.-:ket'wu loweted lulu the ground with piuces ol blanket. Over lhu holy we |nc01 bulk and than I rt-ml the ocrvxcv. The men umrched back lu thelrleuln without unylng 1 u`onI.|u-I that night. quictut-as reigned supreme. Every mun NIH I-unc-I Iu . thought." named at rowan yum. The Minnie arrived ll lin-ck & Booth}: {mm the Bay of Quinn yesterday. Thu Ln:-rmnn urns: lmnln-I nnl. at Ihn'is' I IDIPYIIII 504'. [Of u(`,IIl'I'Sl I'l'[HlrN. | The Ichr. lhnlnu aground B4-lldville yesterday. she was lu_-M. Hn I-`ridgv Lha Lmv Wright. WI take -nu nu nu--. u. .. . -, .... "llu you know." cuutiuuul Csclnliu Hwn. that I buncnl I mun wlulu nun" Louznu. kn lnnlunnu was Iulle-I. N:-, haul I-cu I genigl soul and hit: comrmlcs [alt thsl. to plnrr the remains In the uml Inlhout. ac-rviw I'uuIdI1)l. I... rnvhl `Wu um unnnnu-cl lu QUIZ; -nu I- noun:-u vun-u----. - hnd Indiana: at M!) and 1,01). Bn Iiiuxpu-iyuuwunllo gin uoum il- Iuuntbn to that Iunorhot uoiont. ro- nuk.IlII8n"prnpho0huh nobonorin B own country." 110 Iulnotl to think the Ilndanh Ihonld Inn givu I hur- L III" in rntnn lot the orqoricnl display: In [no thorn. but he !0|'l|I. ol oonno, that college hover nrul thnt few oi the students an now III t.ow_n. I Iolf-VII1` Ixruuucu. Mr. Counter land I and deal to uy nbonulno nilwny. we uenl" hiuhvny. sad the way it In built. and he'd have made an impression on reaching bin at penance: u n preacher. He told I reporter thus M the ltocluon tho Sub- huh is ohocrnd to 1 corhln extent. The nilvny men don't work. but they do little chores that lhty cannot. had time to do during the wank. "They hnvo no minimum." aid Charley. "and. do you know, I let out and preached to them 1 number at times. \'e|.|ir. I wunnviusd from camp to camp. nu] the men gave me n splendid hearing. I had Moody and .\'un|.oy'u hymn: nod we Incl some good singing. I hurl one discourse which Prol. U. S. |-'u\\|c~r rnve me. nu-l I spoke it swvornl tum- Lu the Bod rather (wood 0 II0I`P'|ouou d0ou0c'u Icahn lat awn. Thou was In pulult. but Ouudn on udlhthdlho "Btu" been othenvho tho hllvouldlnvc hulllhd. Hols- natdhhdnau-thuourouoodpoun; at hinhonmwhllo intbo North-Wat. at Ihoiookioiuxlna Blililb C0llI|lIl|iI,b9 . ..-. ,,.n `Ann 12.; -6(;UI1TlIB'8UAPAl`3II.ITIE8-1 Shana` Active wit`l:$lz.o7bArgea {John luliuynd Glogon |o_cvo_ 103130- mun Ilmsnla .,| I Cllllllll OIAIOI PIIAOIQ I` IAVVII LID EIIZ OII. .1C .WClIh Indus-Ihnllo `INC 0 Inpulcr-Insulin; at Various up-`lb luring at o hand-the locvylhtc loll In 3 Valley. I \l.'|.\l-I IN I F.l.l.|IGF.Nl I-I hlx-I angalnst llw Toronto til-win-. null is {or I|oaL\'y huunggs. (`apt .\ln.~nn and .\Ir9. (,`npt~ Wnlliu. of lhrtxmontlx, haw meow-re from xllness 5 an`! rcuuun-I U11-u'lI|')0n4 in the Suvecl The I CHINESE FURNITURE CREAM | Ana ln urn: request. \\',J. WILSON KDOIIII Innzn atmk of the |bu\'u at reuonnhlo prion. Chulca J: an and Enxllnh Breufut Ton. Purfnal-`rel Follbe. ground every morning. for r . I6 loo. nnnlutod Sun (or 81.61). Freuh butler, fresh out. Oh:-ioo Family and Patty 1-`Ionr At. - ` when the stow-pipes haw to name down Ind the carpet! have lo be taken up and ur- onl. than is I gnu hubhub. and the KALSOMINE| Teas, Teas,/% Teas Ii `ll! Iqrms of pnymen In] bluld. Apply to iBEAUT|FllL srmusi wAg.:Av,v%|.I=,~?:<>~l "W- D. II RAE lTIZEN'B BAISBISJI BtlU1'.-W.u. `PIPE hu lined up I barber shop In Doha`: Block in excellent style. and hu- ';.n& ensld tho union Q! 3 ntmlnn I utinhction to :1! who may Ion him. M31 2. mar sud shaver. in pngupd to give an .__._. ,._ , . . FOUND AT LAST--A remedy wprnnt-I ed tdaunnhsrd and io Oonn.Bun- ions. Oallouuo. do. Bacon`: Intro 00:: mm`. In bans, :6 ch. :5 Wade`: Drug (ix-u. (Brunt slept well last night. The gland nu. lhu tangle of the jaw. beuuath the rnghl. unnwns Very much swollen Ind hard. The (E.-ut-ml undoing: no work to- dny. Ha louk ndrim this altcrnuou. L . V. | utt.ers'uu. llichmou-1, ln C. A. Bloom. New York; J. A. R. Walker. .\I. licvitl. Fmuclu. lie-uln-w: A. J. MIA thcwn. Perth : Thou Coulley. New Glaugmv. NS: )1. li. Wynn and A. R. 'l`u-Nu. 'l`uruul.->. at tho Brmuh American Hotel. ` Ahk your grocer lor Imperial I`r-nc-In shoe Blnrlnnx. BIRTH. .-nvvnu -vuu. George Warren, of Cape Vincent. son 01 Collector Warren. was married I few lays ago to .\linn Adams. ol Uhnmnont. TLe couplu left for New York. II PA IL... '41..) nI\:\>.;I\:l n.lIl:.- ml llnn I uc uuul-nu nun. nun .Vvvv nu-n. l'. D. oss. lube sporting editor 9! the Toronto .\/vui, becomes alitor of the .\lout.ronl SI-tr. the present. oditor of the latter. Mr. U'('ounor. bccnming tbs Inau< [Ant 0! u:eso`Boo'.s mu mmgalm rm. on receipt 0! Price! ltuv. J. It. Scillvu-l|.o[ Peunbrolu-, In tuunk-9 that he WI go ml tint-Baptist lllDl\'mu|l y to line '11-lngus of India. He [cues nu hoptember. .-;- n.....a u...,..|..,..m.. ,. .4.\..o.... l...... u -lvvn nu uuyvunuuun . Sir llancl Mucphersou :9 doctors have mlnscd him L) give up oice at once. Hm health Is repnrtvl to be extn~maly| precarious. (1.-.A_.... \\ ..-..... ..l (`nun \`.'n..-son! .m.' Capt. Plgton. --I the Saved Arms`. in local-gal at Peluhrokz-. I .\l:\nu;;-r Dans. of Ii mu-I lulaml Pull. has taken up hm r---I.lcuc<- un the is- islnnd. u ---..u-..,. Thu Anglers Auociulnon hum bagun the wotk u! riuchug the river 0! fish pix- uun. Two inspectors were out I few days mo and below Clayton they cap` lured two gull nets. one forty. the own: Mtylect long. The neu were publicly burnt-I. , ...-_..... I . Mclum. of Uauruqun, Hr no under the nulluencr 0 continually Rev. Dr. Polio hm Ink--n n -vu.--nu. uuuvuu .- V `uh.-. .\ good thing -1 this season of the you ax "(.'hnu1-m Furuiuuu Umsm." for making oll furuilnlo look new And glassy. and obliterating ucrstcbea tn-I liuyrr umrk.-1. Uuly -old ll. W1lo0u I-1 Phumucy. 'I`I... A....I..-..' l--.._I..A..... I._..,. I,-...._ nu, u-an vvauv nu-nu . u--nu-u-vu now. The excursion ol the Saved Anny last night so Cnnnqui. lot the much: All the baud. wan quite nunccou. About 40 left Portsmouth in a band wuagon. with an umbrelln to: each two. They returned About 12 o'clock. I ho rnoplo Whose In-vunonlu. saying: Ill" lbnlnnn Allrnrk PA:-In; Allnnllnn. IUI` |I.-uu. uuuw-, onus, Inn. All singer: who took pun tn the ouomwa u the recent oonoo us in- uted to come and sings: the meeting: on Thunduy and Friday night: In the city hull. Come early. rlmiuion Inc. 'I"I . n . _ . n __.._ Al uh- (l-....I A-_.- I--A wy - .1- }> 111 PRINCESS STRIIT. I1 No spirituous Liquor: kept or sold. hlsy 1. ,` nnunun nnnn nl But And Wed nude: ol Grove street. and on John sud Division Btnou turns pnymenz to pnrehuu-I inton I- lnn to nu \rvInrIlI.-_. The Ruubun Company have cut 460.- (Xl) pine log: this you-. in addition to lame qunnliticl 0! cedar and other null {or pasta. nilmy ties. etc. nu `.......... _|... a....|. ...... u. M... nuuv. u. u.-uv-nun-u-cu. u. y.. .vuv-our. bu been elected Inulontotol tbosynod of Toronto and Kingston. not in union in Coboury. 'I`L_ D_An.l..__ l`..__-_4__ I...-_ `-5 All] , May 2. ` Ina ru--guy, w-u uuvv -- us: run: su--nu. Ir.Il. H. Wnhhhubmuonnou in camp near Ibo Gnu! Tnnx RR. ubslon. They commenced the u-lopbono lino to Btockviuo. an n . ,,`____A |:_._ nuovvnvuuv. See Ir. Toplofu Inuuuloanl lie- light view: ol Palatine on Thuruiny canning in Bydenlnm Slnot. Methodist Chmoh. may 1. {__:s {`1ITlZEN'B BARBER BHO1'.-W. ll. ; ~PlPF.' hu mead an shop IIIVII 11! Illwj usury- A not I Mr. C. Cnrluu. Nupuoo. Ihilc playing with I loaded nvolvot on Fn-by. run that in tho lo hand. II. II II I1.I-I. Lg; `annnnAQ- -A- in Th; And-Boo Auooiltoon will Inn] 5 rqnlulnoolinqntthdrroomlllnin outing at 8o'r|ook. -l~|.._a....a..z..A.Aa...._Il..-A-ggluu UV'C.UUI'Tl-o ruonuuouuguuo-In-cane Klnp|onviaO.P.B. no In P. am I.-.-.. o-|.-- -_..A|... 1`-no. nuuyuulu vluv-I-ID I-1- lnvauha unothordmp. A -.._ ,1 ll- 1- t'V..-I.. Iiiihlna go_1 ron sue.` u..' "'.....;"".,"'....u...."' 7"" "' "' Ir. Vuulu. ol Rqnuo. hon lots that children by ,nrluin within a _-_|_ Tlll-1 I :|N'l`IIi' GIBOCIZIIIK uh fresh Putty uuunn-an jHIAh heunlful tluua. \'arv good qu|lny_ The "UHINICHE I- URNll`UIl.B CREAM" II I up-Iundi-I preparation [or ublltonliux um acratchoa and nngor mark: on lurnulum. And in ma very bun polish you can at for nounolnold gom s. Rev. D. J. Inonlonnoll. B. 1).. Toronto. ,_ I , _ _I_-A,,I __,I-__A__ _l AI... O__...I gnu and the huuy houu-too hu hot hand- full. Wlll I-I.Vl.\'(u` AND KAl..\`0\ll\'l'3 an-I -'51-1e -Pl-1a:r;a.<':y." --~~-oo !`|IIlL\`0.\AL L'Ul.UI.\. IIJIDIIN UITII DA 1. MRs:M_g[:_Ews, Esau Ia`.va`1'nusIlty llrun). Bgntworth. B nddl I no 0 ` (` `d ' l Tho. By His dz: . Buggy?- cut All:-In. I Bear)` of hits in New York. by T. 8. Arthur. _ _ _ A I'.\ROI)\' OJ 3 an action for 0 :lIllI contact I of morphine \ is very III. I _._ -_.. ..._- All the Goods offered are Now, both In ma- tsrial and design, and for value are unsurpass- od hero. `mos. MOORE & SON iv` Dress Goods sold slnco lodnosday Inst than any two weeks since we came to King- ston. The rush in upon us. bug we am glad to auto. inn having empIoy.~d n lug:-r num- ber of hand: we can turn omit more Suits now thnn ave: baton. A Fine Line of Scotch Baamocks, Halifax Tweeds, Eng- lish and Irish Serges. Fancy T1-once:-ings,_New Shades for Spring Overcoats, etc., to be sold as Very Low gates indeed. ' n N0 AIEnunr.I E wmrs ununm um ms! LL RICHMCSND & 90. Have the l`Ine-st I'mlq-rn~, the Iirvnu-st Vnrloly. Ind the Best Vnluu-, In (`A IlI Ii'I`, In the (net. shnv. ultho they IMPORTED over Ten Thousand Yards this Benson. they hue almnny sold so much lhnt. may found is neounnry uoseud 1 Cnblo mango yesterday. urdenug 'l`\\'EL\ H MALES more. to replnee patterns thn no nlmost. Iold out. pa:-1.... ....- ..... ... . ('.......o ;.. ..-..;...|..I.- :....;..A u.` II ....I end: timip I-`inn almost sold S'An_v one requiring a (`carpet is particularly invited to call And see their Fine Stock. JAIII-;s mcunnoun & co. `Come wlule (Item is a Complete Assortment. NORTH SIDE, I9| PRINCESS ST. LAIDLAWS. " % LAlDLAW S. I Buyers wanting`. at large assortment of goods to cliooso from, and A-1 at that, are imfiwd to give us a call. 3 " .1 `I Anyom-a-MT. whethef tliy buy or not. ' , , ` , --z 1165. MOORE & sdN, A-nun. "' CLARK 65 LIINNES j IAIDLAWS Lsdleu` Bnidod Jcnsys. All Swan. 3: 31.50. worth 02 25. Lvliu.-9' White and Colored Linen Collars. I. 5. 7 had 164:. Children`! Muslin mud Lace Colluretloi. New Styles. my chap. The Novest Tubulnr Bums for Tnmmingn in Gold And Blnck, Gold and Frown. And Gold und Blue, nudr plun (`nlora .30 [lnzeu Lidia:-' Colored Ilelnvtwd Stitch [Inn-iknrchielm oul_\ 5:. each. III I In` a -I Bofn .\'obby F It 31:5 0! Euxoynlgexrtgtitvg. Il`omen. of in! I-`E_L`l HATS fro.n `.`.':c, up as the QHEAPSIDE. to $1.06.` l ;\l{.\ SOLS A" ['MBRELLAS. BQV\'.E3 .%%& +B13.(?NETTE 1,000. BIG ISVUUM. 1,00 B ANKRUPT STOCK 7"? `T `I Bulk Ilsa, 'l'uIl overt. RIM and HM! Hall. Munillnl. and Fancy SUBII 0! every do noriptnon. moluduu: the l.|u.-at Styles from the Most Puhionhle and Lung out Mnllullclunrn in Na: York. : 4.3. mu co., - - - I_a_sniumso. 3:.` Macnee 8:. Minnes' B|oc`k. - Opposite City Hotel. II`: An. F. x.MQou$INEAU, HATS. 2-: HATS. 2-: HATS. Prices Reduced! Another Cut! A mm an st_on,} THE HATTER AND FURRIER. 12oonms uonmm me mus: April 20th. Mny Isl. .-wu.vv Inyh 1,000 to select. from, all the way from 15c. to S5,0U_ . Ir... ivgnnnor. 15 pee, New Pleld Dreee Ooode at I2 I-2c. I500 yde. Ihlte corded Pigrle at 50c. Aloe Ihlte Cheek Dreuuelln et Sc. 4-Buon Kld Gloves reduced to 49. Beef Quality Josephine Kld Gloves reduced HAT STORE. %0r1'%v J9t.0P9"ed."t for Sat? -u-u-,a.o __ I'I'I;-- GREAT BARGAINS 1'!" mum` AVIIVV $8932 J-IT $153 New Designs White Iago Ourcdnl." ' Oluupeu Bx-nuoll. Tapestry and Wool OIPPO Best Brands, Tapestry and Wool Carpen- Choop Hutu, Bugs, Ooooolau and llnttlnt. New Dream Loco Ourldnn, h "\A-In-- `Irma- T,-AA Igor. Princess & Bagot Sts. BY EXPRESS TH|S"MOR{NIfNG JUST RECEIVED, WWWW WILL SHOW THIS WEEK PAGE Dom: \ \\`lm1.vs.xk-as tall as I lialml but nus enable: us to odor to our nun] cuuomen SPEGIII. - WI - PIIIBESI ta>AL'.L RED SIGNS. The Opponent. of High Prices. BIG L 13TOOX\%1. Io oo. NIIW l-i0I.\'li ON. 59 BROCK sw. Sennnn. nud uewr II ! in nun uecuu Heudgrnr shown in H1 rzly ms may not I-o tutu ll l`u~ BOSTON u nanny I lny I. Our DRESS GOODS Sale null booming. New lines being continually added. `ar- No Trouble to show Goods HAR!_sM|RRAY| 3|:-IUII 75:. and up. IVDHAII 'I' at Life in New York. by '1'. ` on, n we . Lluugodu. b In. 80 th rth Cur-no ofclllton. `His. By Iln. Southworlh. Wlto. Tho. By In Bonthwonh. Doltlnvzot. (tho Chiotuhfl Du tor. Ida: Browning. by In l. J. Ho Ines. . Idwin and Lu . 'rnnzlMod from tho I-`much. nu: Flu: or Ten of the Lone lsluu. By Its. Bonunvonh. Pumor El Inglewood Forest, The. By Inn elm. Puhuhn funny. or The lunoinol I Lime Indium nun Iur|oo.`l'ho. R: In. Southvonh. IN:-tun Ionic:-.'l'l:c. By Ian. Bonlhworlh. llninuot BI-uses. A `ruled the You sixton Iluulnd. , How A Sequel `rm Play.` author Ln-Hitter. In OIImn_in_a_. _ tau. IIII up. , CBIAII TABLE l.lNIN8-40. 50. 65 and lb. Ill!-I Value I: all `lads 0| TAILS LINEN, tau N.|Pll!\". an ex 75-. and up. Ipoclul Vqlne II Ola-ling: and Pillow Callous. In 2nd. Ail Dlh. MCI 0Ul'l`AlX3- Flo. ILCO 01-3 on! Q. LEI BAIIIIQUIIB-85. 33. D. I Q. and Q- WIDI OUITLII III'l`B-l!|. 15. I1. DI. ul G Lhljlnllll II'l'l'-l1.II. It WIIDOW IIOLLAIDS II (Inn. III With aulcuul. I 0I 0lIII$-Ft$ Ih Ind up. WIITI QUIl.`I'll-Vry harp. to... M nu. [L8 and up. ` UOIOIBD QUILTS-Pun: u ml , WADE'S DRFG STORE. Wen an-u L-olvra so Cheap us may no this llnnnoa. never help.-o nu nah dcs_nl Vellintzo St- April 8. St-. JIIIFIIII. `)3 G0`~DON AND BIIOCK BTREEYS. tut And Wes: Sid-I of .\I-ulna! Elna: North. at nnd mica Grove Street. and aousnxgnrnnsy READ THIS ! 9.B99.EIEbLEE91!9N my 6th. -I- unu 1.unxs-x1.:o.`l _n__u1. mun. Loon un muss --I. SLIIDEBD TABLE LllIl--I0. N `K: 1-` un- HATS ' I * UIIT I 176 Princealllnoc. Mr. Gnnn `asked in the House on Mon- dny-wben is it the intention of the gov- ernment to pay the lieeue inspectors appointed under the Act 0! 1883? \l- l`nnlin-n#'l`|.-Q -n.6|..- in nu... u... uu..u..- uuuouno nun nun,-;ulcl~V It in to be hoped that the government. will bring its consideration to a locus es soon as possible. Two years have elapsed since the nopomtment of some of the inspectors and they lnve not yet received 1 cent in eeluy 7 Such n cir- cnmshne is not at all creditable to the Dominion government. E lhloylng Oreo! Prosperity. 0. T. Bennett. publisher of seven] papers nt Buy City, Michignn. Inn 3 visitor to the city: few days ago. We mentioned thst in 180-! be wu one of the boys injured by the explosion of a torpedo on Wolfe Inland. thnt he Ind been spending 3 few days with his grandfather on the inland. sud was then on his way to Montlenl. Now we got I lpspor. the Daily Trilzunt, `eobtgining 3 -I...s-|. -3 :5. .3... ..-- -1 u.. r |.__.I...._.....s `Ibo llounly In Dlneonlluhod. H13 worship the mnyor b.-La receive] a . letter from the Queen's pris-no secre- tary. stating um bountios were not now . given to parents of lnplets. The appli- cnuon wu made in behnll of the Thorn- tons. at the depot. but since the unyor wrote to Her Majesty the triplet: have died. . .-ucuun, manna; nuunn... U: - u. ton, has sold to L. ll. Spencer. one 0! the finest two scam! canopy top sur- rt-ys we have seen. being 1 fncamllic of the unn ho exhibiual It the Mid- lnml (sir here last fall. Mr. Spencer bns now I turnout to much his ne buck team. Mr. Adnms has made sov- ent. other sales in the only for aiunlu cnrriagzes mud in also contemplating openingnrepoeiwry for the sale-of his Lawn make of several new and fancy i slylrss of pleasure cnrringes and sleiglm. UIIVV/I_llILU IIIIU I II\lIl\'lwIvv And would be pleased to use her o`d friend: um mun) new ones an will favor her with ucdl In! I. I Ipwllll IIIIIIBI sue IICK 0] 15}? Mr. Cost.ig|.n-Thnt mutter is nww un~ der the consideration of the govern- ment. uchecrs and lnughher. It I. A- L- L..._.`.A AI.-A AL- ..-.. ___A.A_A .1-Pun` uuv Alum, Jrullnr, uuuuuug I sketch of its oeo. one ol th hmdsomest and moat complete in the state. Mr. Bennett appears to be ahjoying a great measure of prosperity, but not any more tlnn_w'o Wish him to enjoy. Your leney er Yeurute 3 ` 311-.P. Dov|in.s1]-L. aebmnn. says um about 10 o'clock on Hondey evening, while he was Wlitillg for I K. t P. RR. t.rain,hi: attention we: ettncted by 3 men coming town-`dz him. He asked whetwu the matter. He was very much excited. Be add that while coming some Cehnqui bridge 5; mm julped tron; behind A pound pneeut-` ed e revolver at" him. Ityilg, "Your poney or your life." The I-`nnohmen aid belied nonoeey when Ch-uthaga linked up u little still oovuing him the levels-er. /' Re new nochune of -.... u.:.J...: n.. .....|.'.. .. a .1 n.. revolver./onwnochlnnoo 9! otnapo nud acid an nvolvc out of the nuhnd. Hodroppodpuhhkuol A- :I__I. I__ L}. `I.'_-A-_ -I.-_.` AL- I-`rink Bissonctto has secured the E clnb rooms formerlyrun by F. .1. Fri lick. and will continue the bnsipeag ug- der the patronage of the Kingston La- ctose Club. Ir. Bisnonette will thus be retuned and be nb_le to plny with the club. A-ldmg stn:-ngth lo the organiza- 4:-.. On Sunday Principal (Brant prelchul . in St. Andrew`: Church. Toronto. on the chin of pan._\'L~un. The sermon Ins very similar in tone And sentiment to that delivered before the Ninllnml Bat- tnliou in Take An Poul Bunch, hut ` morn eloquent And elnbonnc. I \J"CIC IIUUK UH -`ll, I!"II ll, vuu at-awuu of UN: lhyll lliliurv College. The rcoenpt-1 WI he given to the hmikos ul members 31 B" Battery and the llidluad Battalion n we hour. I T: I op IIII & `o Winder. Great hsplav of new Scotch (weal: ou ( xmbitiou. Regular goods --.~zuiLI 513. reduced to Hi Come stones and Ienve your orders. We zusnntee I rs! clvrs t. to-an : Pruholuluog Light. on Inodcnle winds. puuvcleur ing weather. with 3 low lucal showers. ...-..... ........, The invoice ol 3 very choice collocuou ol bulbs {nun llollnn-I, just to hand at \\'nlson'u l hu'm|c_\'. I|smLnuE6ifs . mus .-~ WHICH- A u uuult-n.ums will be hehl at the Open House on May 131.11 by the ztdeca ..c .1. |r-..-I \|;I;.--.- :`..ll-.m Tim `'lm.I?;-.2hy.I.n] KL 58185:. I; won-nun. 13:.-: :lu='" " ' "" !toIquunuun;nuuu.u.unau- $'InoK..I-I:dIII-mcquohll llll. clhutlll ulna LIVER IIBUIAI lllilhlol no (In Iahumllbluhlhwu: 1113. Inc! In lInvuI&uvI;nnn.;IuIvu ulintln-. lc.|bIuI&vIIuuI:Ill|VII u 33.; v I-`. s\'. Adams. curinge maker. of Pic- __ L_,.__I) ., I In 1- _ , _ . __ ___. _t [Ina P.R.__|__ o.r.l`n,| HENDERSON` & 00.! Preparatory tn Rrmnvali ` lo.Iluvu&II1Qn.n;unIIu ..".:.T......... - ........ - T _..__..... _ __-__. 2355 35 llet $3:-vol. Kingston. cnw mu` vwmmz lhannln; the Club Roouu. 'C.C1T'j;IlIIT kluvlmunvnu lip: lIl'.lI\.ll1.|' 1.: nun -u.-.~ at .\ bu Khan. the ground of which plan`-: was scanerel with allsorts of pairs. I Ila hm] c--nu-lemblo trouble in taking his collection from Alan Kla to L` cause of its nnvrieldiness. The It-upona Ire long cm! weighted at out.-end by wire taken from the telegraph lines between Meruu And Berber. The heads un- broul and very sharp. The battle uses urn vuiol nthirs, snl he will .-slum them ISBOOD as they l (`1Ch `mm from New York. lbr. Neilnou met. Lnrd Walte- lcy It. Kort: and Ins iuvita.-I to linner with him. The General convcrsed about Unnula. And hul pleuumt. reuim isoenscs of it. In-. Neilson was with Lord Woleeley during the Rad River ex pediuou, mud [or this reason he was re guded as In old friend. T he Unnmlinn voyngeurs were genernllylnppro-cine ! sud the olocrs felt. that without their sit! the perilous voyage up the Nile would not have boon ulely accomplish- ed. Lord Wolaaley regretted that he could not. retain their services. _........._ ... ._ .........-....;-:. at. the loath of CoL Kcnueiy, an oicer who vnsgmatly esteemed by the I-English stall. lle wu populsr wherever he went. Dr. Nellson was greatly surprised to learn from the reporter of mo death of J. A. Shel-lock. of the Putcrborough Hr- ru-u_ one of the Voyageurs. He met the young mm at Kibe-.` on March 2I.l:. when he wns in excellent health, He congralulstal .\lr. Sherlock on the ex- cellence of the letters he hull written to the Peterboto press. "I am very , ,_,_ ._ L..- -1 L-L..-I...|.'.. .h..|I. " I... 50 um: xcuuuu-u y|I;oa- . ..... ..,._, sorry to hear ol Sherlock's death." he added. "Do you know thnl. I have heard many surprising things since I arrived home ?" The doctor does not know what his future movement: will be. Um leave of Absence extends to J une lat. Wlillllllwlx. uuunua Aruuuuu, unuuu. Anna`: 02 end (Seats. 1 nmshou. chu-god by his wife win. inunisy. was to tune` Appear- ed before the police court this morning, bneiled to do eo. A detective and se- verel policemen were detailed to runs him up. In the meeulyinie A conference occurred between loan. Britten and .. n_s__ - _-__:_ -1 n:;-|.-II II_ Inc. Ench Volume in strongly bound in Cloth with Gilt Bucks and Sides. Domestic `trouble: 0 Ivan a Prayer Airing- lu Ilteboll Really III lneane Inn 1 The charge preferred Igninst J. Bow- en, neglecting to support his wife, wee withdnwn. J amen Driaeoll, drunk. ned . 1--.- u u..-|.-n _L.-......a I... |.:. -.0UlllI B. I column In luvuuuu. A-us. nu.- oI'aoll. ud her tzomu. Mrs. Mitchell hiked inceuuntly. She knew her hul- band wunol right. nnd wnnted him put whcrohg wonhlbqhkenonreofunil unwed. Drs. Oliver and Garrett were duo in waiting to rive their opinions `ol |u:--n.-n| Au... _..n.... .}.....t um.- TU! DBIWGGII -uIIru. uuuuuu aun- louixe. I cousin of llitchell. Mn. Hit. _'u1_n -_.1 L... L...u.\..- u... tlih-i.-II nuuuuu. unt WHICH` uurvuu -uuv gnu-ten nun noun (or litchall the fol-attack. -- - o-}.-.__- ' thud-3; will have 3 ngulu landing in their rooms this I __..x... -5 n ..I.I...|. I .......... .... .......... .. ...,..,,.,.,. .....- ..-- y Arrive-1. hence he coull not Jlrtpl-I)` I e ruhcs hr ha I socurul llu show j alhowever some Arab spend. vary 1 Jr imidnu weapons. anal nlso nu .\r|| tutor-1.: huge nur. Thu scahhard us '0! loather. the hilt I-roul nu-l cyverg-I with leuher. 1: ix: wiullel by lush ! hnnda. The blade us brouT mud made or heavy steel. II. is twice the size of the I-Znghsh swonl. The later is not the and of the honvy wenpau In-I with it in mun could not (It! much to protect. himself from the .-\nb thrush. The doctor and Kw '5 W II ` ay-wing at 0 o'clock. Luv nun sun w--`W... The ductat uh-I not use Inga: I-'. Wllsomof ".\" Bsttery, though he Inn near hm: ll Uuhnt. The major was matched to the in]! battery vmh Hen. Stowut. Me In: no! mob nu corps an Abu Klan but look I hllnl inthe shell inn 0! Ietemnoh. Two out of the live ollioon ollhe battery were killed. Dr.` Nexlaou leuuesl Halt Wilson I`~ Ilso on but mtnrn. hung no doubt in-uxl ol the .\'orth-West. (rambles. Sur;,-eon-.\Injor Neilson was about to sun for Suumu when he hennl 0! the Can:-Jun nab:-llnuu. H0 says the Interior of I-`.;z_vpl. is warm tunous Fhem is some rultivnllon D along the Nilcnnncl in the -lIsl.Y|Cl.:0l Don- pols. there Is some very good ground. ` The nuns in the upper parts of Egypt iwene unuuqtuorthy and very clweky. but those ulsout. Dongoln ucre lr.-nclly And glul L) futernize with the troops becunno protected by them from th-~ I Sluhdi. The doctor`: bagglgo lwl not I L __. I _ -,...| I .._o l.'....|.n UT, uljwuuuunuuuu-U -1---.--nu bnrcqcinul. oonnuniahd with Lou-J Wolseley In: relieved and given trun- p)rt Io Cuucln. Ho leis Csiro on ` Much illlh. lld Aloxsndnn 3 low days Inter. He ctomd I-`ml-co. le Inglnn-I on the uounship l&uriA." |AnJin;.: In New York on lomlsy. The .\ullllC voynge Ins very rough. The vesuelha bu-lgo vcs can-ZoJ uny an our of the gnles. and xbu was ulna otlmnrna .1. nngcal. ` III urn;-J Ivu u- - vi-C -cw... ptuoandonlon much. and dbnruds in but: down thnnlo toccin. They can lneqnully abated by nnnnding Arch sad Ind none ol their camels choc nnlnnnnl ol lhoeunol boy: wounded. fhojounoy occupied (mm Fob. Nth to Inch lh. M Cniro sutpoo Ncilson hunt! I the North- Wut tn-oubla and the dcputun ol "B" nanny toqnollit. Imus lhllhomighl L...___..I .u`--an-hush... CIKII Ln:-I All K01 1070. lly -ll8 nun l\ uu uy. Duuggtzr. Bonlhirorth. Hnda`Il`oto.n Sequel to lho`(_`_bl.ngod 11:13!) allot. I-`otthyn thousand ____-_.|__n -_ .._..I- -_.I -ls..-.-I. in OXVZI Iilu-l-- w-vuuowu -u nu-uwu-. III. |.I`|a'llI0lIIlI.|nolAhIKln.I\I.I1- ad hot with tho woundod clean. Thouuhlo ta ho unwed unbuetl Ag. .n_;.._._ ;L__ A_._..II-.I WI T `I: lit lnv-I artist In: lquntnhhvuqnihhnly. Bo InI()uulnhnho8u(hnin squan- huni.cIhi-utinlullontvuup. point! to Ihopunl India! ml. nndlrn'xvan:uns'nulinlhoIns 1.1.! |......A_I A. -5-. - liq.-pal lI$dhcn|vlabI.|II'ii|0'|f! uihuod nnnlyvhlr. DI- Hill dgullunlqnonn m h&IhI'n&yu1hy shutou- Ilohlbtldilnullqm hb8oudu- cuupdnno III ooquulnbd. odlilhdnhovnndhbeil (hnh. lilhlvlly &llInl llnl In _.. L._. .-I. ll. Anlhntl lath. Eu mm. PULIC E (`Ul,`R'l'~ W EDNl'I.\l)A Y. jm Vjn-181009! Ahj-J1qd&IuIloonlu .An-an-h-1-j1lo-l'IIh iholollowoa: Pursuunt to the Invitation of the mayor about lty Indies mot. in St. Ueorgnfs Hall. yesuznlny nfternoon. for the purpose of forming A society, whose objectis to co-operate with the Indie: of Petorbore, Port Hope, Lindsay. Bellevillo. Cobonrg and Bownnnville. in furnishing comlortsifor the volunteers .5 than I-ant Thu mnvnr rn-4| um AL Nbxxv LIST}