l|I|IlIY_ 2; l[lBRAY| ltlpftlllo III urnau Ilur. John llny. B. A.. represented the graduatea inltheologmthe oldest academic class in the university. They were glad to leave with a little of the original man that aeven session: ago had crossed the threshold of old Queen's. 1! science were true they had spent just enough time in the college to be other persons. Theology. however. did not accept every dictum of the learned world and they were more planned to believe that they were the same individuals, minus a few oonoeits andnailmz 3 little more reality. Their a tee had thrust out all (also notions. When they entered the artneoune they thought they knew something, but they found when they nished that they knew comparatively nothing. Entering theology with the small traction of knowledge. they still found its value further reduced. Dur- ing their college career they had been raised a step in the line ol genuine pro- gress andhad learned that the love of dismmrv for thonke of advancement I you I: well . Ind Ind Iearncu mu ins love on | discovery in mmmon to mun. Man wuczcatod in common to nun was with this principlnjushn be we: with hnuda. head or been. The chief motive power with which men we: endowed. and by which he {nisedhimnelf intothe wodd, was the desire oi "nding things onI;" nding them out that they might be i unto his own life. The guest distinction between the ungonnd civilized nntions by in the engerneu ol the latter for . euiernndimon economical me of mining. week. The nngo` cued about such thing. hlnstnuons Junlmn nldnmnwerw mnnht in the returning won. Inc nvugu olluu ittlo hlustuttons ofthelovo ofdnooverylousint in the taller was given. In`: love diseoverywunbeunuoft Incl ol something to make him com . The Imuun not. it the h illowod. wanted hodiaooveg --iayomr 81'UDlN1` WILAQBTINGS 1'}! E Dl\'l.VI:f~;_\'-AT.lT|l(` f0l{I.\N. Xjjjiiii -"-" hu~'luhnh1n&nDq&uInvv- j`g-j`|i `I3! K hm...-n In-an-nldynlnnlhl ran inns, APRIL 28, 1885 srousnu Ionuna srunxns 1 nu-noun. nnaonnoaul pul--Iv Ilnn. Thotlluhej hill- 2!`.."a_.`f:'.- .t'.`.'""......."'-'. .."H...." no Ibuulallun hocollvct '3`"`"`` up: quoutbo-{|noon'u0nwZ- . .. ... .... . .. ,,_n__ AL. 1.5.` out intoa ravievollba tineain vliiuli no live. The ear cl rah tanehing iinivnraisy leduntion In rdeneil to and the pan taken by the citinena ol Kinplon inentioaail. The speaker ihiqit the tunnel the adillnuau rude intbe dty linllinht ha pnlhhly nniiadhvtliaciiuuol ahigu city. Helen ante that the townainen canil little whether the Itnilenti got poorer lnnh. alept in ga-.-rob. origlol their eyea on young ladies plain to the wngu I ol ugliness provided that the higher eilncotion ol Unlariu was l-enette-l l-y thechnnge. Tlietiineli wonl-l he the rullt el oonluderatinii the undone did not lxlievo. iloiifeileratian II intendol was not goo-l. The grinteat objection to it In um. II. nan ilegnila the do- greo ol l..\. i-y nnhstihiting divinity subjects [or uh. I! tiieol igicil colleges ahunl.l he putol lllv |iru|vuS~-ml univer- .-ity to complete the aclii-run ii. iuiglit ho . well to have ropruaentatiiuu lroui nu uthi-r iin I body. Uh Salvation Ar iii)`. If the llegislatinohllolillfl to have CJlll:lll.`l'll.0Il without. Queens. "It'll ll.I nll lilflll`-S3 the institution here Il.l0lll\l ho uile-I lllvl iwtl.in-; would be more appri.-V f cintul tluu by lining the governnient I, liuil-lor url in ii school 0! science. The n ` nttitii lc ul the g weruiueut ol (ii-runny 1 Mail lnuglnnil to their college: in men 1 tioaeil. And the thoncht suyuzeeteil that I no government would been unjust as to give aid to one institution and withhold it lroui another whose work was 01 on liigli iin order. Continuing Ir. Mlkiht ll said : But wlirtliur the work ol Qneenii iii ralruilc l :3 it nhouhl hi by n izrntelul country. or IlI0 in nlloirul to ght be" con nattle unaiilal.l believe it to be im- possihle to anest her grouth. nniler her ` present lea.leriiliip. and I'Ill| such : lfltlllllx u aha has always hail. lle \\ Jul I he a week anii unworthy son who : iihoiill think lor I moment that she liiu ! reached her lull stature. ur is likely t 2 b rcaze from pressing hrviainl to higlier tliiu~_'<. \\'oull it surprise any ol you i ii the \"|l1`1llCl.0fliAU ul l,`.II| spake l ` in a lull six llzniw the ilunennions I ol this one fur a giiulunting clue | ol two lHlD l\l men. not incluil I in; W0l!`t.`l.|' uni surrounded by ii stall ul forty or filty teachers." Qiiu-u .-i. as a place lor physical as well IS mental training. In! eulogizeil. and l V nquiet hit 0! sarcasm vra- yoked at` I I e l l I l c . ( I ( I i < l l l Tomato Fnivuaity lor esssying to cell themselves champions of Centnl Un- tuio in lootbiill. when Queens rightly helil the title. Mention vns made ol the loyalty ol the stu-lent: to the nation Illll the enthusiasm inanilenteil when a pl'u\'i5i0nIl company was fanned. to lie ruuly in care of emergencies. Queen's will notbehehind in the l'IO:0l duty. The nbolition 01 J26 "'14-lfilll vniguiIaf.u was spoken ol and` the senate thanked lor its leniencv. The pi-ole.-son of I Queen's were nccorileil Itnnn thanks` for guiding the footsteps ol the clun in the paths 0! knowledge and uioralitv. and to the citizen: ol Kingston lor liinil nos-i and hospitality. "We are con- ut-innu" -ruin. ll]! Yllllcllllll. "lhlt I l l l l I l l I I V I i i !. uunonhunagm. us. much is. gingodualtvclynh and hospitality. "vw ue cou- scious_" ma th: nledictonnn. (but we hue not always mule the but use of our privileges, and tin: the vice of pleasure but too often ptoved more nlluringsbsn `duty. stern daughter of the voice of God.` but we hope that we Iuvestleast lurned in some degree our own weaknesses. and that with thoughts 0! the pm! we shall uoi-J bringing discredit upon our nlmn meter. undshnll prove not quite unworthy of the men who before In: hm-u Iv". these classic hulls " IJCIBIST LU'Il-`V . Professor Marshall uml .\lrs. .\lu- . will sail for Scotland in 1 few days. Captain I-2. Pigeon. will uke clmrgo of the Saved Army Al Pembroke. John B. (Bough lectures in Nnponoo on the `.219! inst.-mt. nude: the auspices of the Ancient. Order 0! Unitul Workman. nu rv,_ II A -_.I .....I...t.. 2.. 5|... `IIIU lliluut union In \' |-Iuupnu -v .. n...- It. Buy. B..\.. um! grndnnte in the-' ology, will he otdnined pastor of 1 Pres- bytcrinn Church in Camphollfonl in Lin. J. . 1--1 __-_ |__.L-____ ...Iu. I II! l o0|Il WI3 -uvu:cuIu. -1-; um`. um - I Dclngn Attract Phasing Allonuon. 1 Unabmcn jerseys at Lnijluru. Sir heonnnl TiI|ev was somowh-at. better lo-dly. u,_,.,-n __I u_. \I-- HIV. Poker llchuvn, lumbcrmnu. who spent ue winter at Hot Springs, .\r- klnns. his returned to his home at Perth. - .., u,-._n_ nr___._-- ..- I. (2 via. lho ronplo Ihooo I lining: Alllncl l'CI'I. Mr. Joseph Waggoner. at. I- `I 3 tends) lot Port Hope.`-0 join the shouuel Norsounn. on which he will not as ninzhl Inlehmm. . up In 1 g l,`_I-__ .3 D 1:.`- WDIUIIIIIBIL J. H. Ilonn. J. A. I-`ulyton. S. R. Gor- llllll. M. Mucphoraon. hiouuml; (i. ll. Bertram. Toronto. are at the British Amoricsn Hotel. 1,: _ \n:n__ _____._:.._ .._I:a..- nl Ilun .`\lIl'I'IIZII IIUIUL John hlillu. munging editor of the Qoon'a Colleie Jcinnml. nukes a trip Uol-Europe in A few weeks. He will be on pleusure beat. The Kennedy tunily Are conducting concerts in Edinburgh and meeting with mecca. It is probable that the hmily willnviit Oundsjhin autumn. -__n 1 2_:_._ -1 AL- n-....I I-uni Will IUVICU filbrlld Intui- Gallon! Lindny. ol the Sgvod Army Ii_IlltIiv,o`iItha city this week. He will anpoilii sergeants for the corps unl ulelegnto to attend the nu council in behalf of the Kipplon atnion. u. W. mtehon. n,A. um nnireqzity vnlodictotill illrlllld winner of I sil- vu mednhwill lane for Ghngow short- ly. whom he continua hi! studies. Mr. _Iitn|n|l is ulxobet-in-luv ol PI-ofuuor WITHI- . E. Tillin. general freight men: of the Olhvn division of the C. P. Railway. willlnvoqauhlohuyo ol the height ll. Ioioollhulnunppninkdcoucnl pnunnunputoho Bunuul0n- I.-In nliul-Inna .k-Icalllnlinas Iostol Smith`: Fsljs.` _,,._....i.__ l'ltl&u_VAl. wm'I.\. anal-Ln vuylhthnut. be converted i|IonwnighhoIsI.'I'ho locnon um I. -L ,_,_n.__. Iinwngnuuuuu. -uu a canal and annulus. luau. Cluk all Wad ooulnl M ndvcl two calls lowudon inlho iambic. The nine olthoptopouad weigh-homo. was up uhnhlon dd. would In I116. und lhocontol inking the change thou! "(I1 00 the ooumlucai return to thoclntfl ooo Ir. Irving pmseotul tho plan ol the toigh-bout. Alter eonddenblo dulut-Ilia: the commit hone: eunototho exclusion thuno mull could be ll'l iV0d at until the pro- puny oonmitho Ion IIIMIIION their [Impose-l action. The nuke! uni city property committees mu probably meet cohjoiully in 3 few days. .\ Isccungu! tho lunmtoo Pnrluucu urylhahung society was held In: men- mu in the Ileolnmcs` Institute rooms. lbt-u tho tn.-.L~4un-I .-auluuilb-kl hm funn- (`i statement. It 2-huwml ll. :1 Im- lnurv ul $7.50 would r--mun |u Ins luau-lu_ Yuk`: ul tlllnkn In-ru u~c.mIal tn the Speaker (J. Ilcllrow nu-I to um L`k~rl. ol the Ila-um xC. Mnolougally, nu-I Ilw to tho Pluidoll `J. Mclhyl. up 'l`n-mun u uhr Sparks no-I l.Lr :-ecmury `X. L`. Polwu). nll occn .1 u..- !l0(.`i\-1)`. and 3 {Jr the sltislucary` unuucr in which the ll duties of (`air n-2-'pu`ln'r ui xxx hm} I been nhsclnugoul dunu-_: the at-2:.-uou ~f I .. . -. . ,..` -rn n,__.a..1` Yc&dquhuuu|honuhItoIII- nunu. `Danica pn\ Alb. llo (Quinn). Adn-Iud0'Bthu. `lboipnldo outing can to con- tlhoplujutolunanquuw nu- io_t_og_ lnpptone, IIVVIJUII U1 at--uuu' -w----- n-hncMboonultho took: trip unndlho-uhlquuo. in comp!!! uuuueaunguu. aunt-don Ilnllho um.-a dun nu-mo-. ,_2n - _ _ _ _ _.I._\l_ IIlVl_-I. Q ueru lllullnlgull uul lug; tux u-.n.1.v.. . . Hm "Mock Pu-liuuent " The Baud or Director! were also umuked for the use ol Me It! IDI ol the .\lechaun's Institute on Man-by awnings. The \|IIt`8IIuI| of cloemg with I nocnl rruuluu was rvler red to the cxucuuvo committee (or do cision no lo whnl. form It should uh`. um toteporl It a macsxng to be held next Monday owning. The nweuu-,:I g of tho lurlinmcm. lmro been n r_\' bene- E cnl. and not 1 few young men will nu ! number then c ulv cnts iu the ~}-on'. ` ing hm`. Na-It _\'n-..u. .-houlJ the pulin` ` , . ,_- ,.Z.. . L.I...o..- fhu Hui ll 5- lind-Tnlllil ..__ ..n _ g....A_I ll-unl-n, Un Tllllhlliv evening Peter ll--u.~u~au, Watkins and W. Cuuuiugharu met in u tavern on Brock street. They sperm: linppy time tugethc r. Walluus lm-l In his pouesaion plenty cl wealth. and Peter Ronssem soon found this out. .\I. lust Wukinn. who hul drunk consider nlilc. rt-paired I.) a stable in rear ul the l|0ll.\`I.` uni lay cloth in one ul the man gen. Rousseau lullvlotl uni (`running- ham. 1 lnrmer. wont. to look lllfl his horses in Inotlu-I put of the stable. When Wntluus -lmppeul into I ilni ` lhussenu went t.hrou;.-_h hm l'(N'kl.`k ing 3 promissory note vulu--xl at H40` And H0 in cash. The next luv ho punt- ] ed the city scarlet. Among the money stolen were two gold coins. 'l`ln-A-3 linin- Ienu deposited with 1 Princess stn->7! saloon keeper. Umcu .-hkma on Fmluy night lound lhussuul in his cups and brought him so the police station. lie `proved to be the thiel. On his person In loans) the promissory note. (In Sal tunlny nlteruoon Detective Mcnrry got .I , I I _.,_'___,_ \'...o....l..u "01:-I|r\4nI| Ho Miles I Couluiuluu ul Dirt-ljllung and I onlrnl I`:-Icon. ' n ment urgnuixe. V f wnll 11- lieu-I. lulklly luau uuull vvvvvu-vv .-~u-.., hvw the gold coins. Yesmnlay afternoon [|l lS0u(`l' Una tried. He conlessol evc-r_t - thing and In sonlonounl to one you unl 34:0 daya In the (`cutrul Prison. A NEW LIST! The .-xtnea.mer'l)escrout: will run be- tween (hnnnoqno and Cln)-ton this neuwu. The an-ambnrxo Rcsoluh! will in 3| luv days loud lumber mud ties at ltznllr bnn'u yud for Uswcgo. -m... ...|.. n.a...L.I Haul Rum. um DH!) 16 yllll nu: uavu.,~;u. Tho nchr. Oriental. Capt. Baton. ar- rivevgjealcnlny from Oanlen Island in tow ol the Pierre-pout. She will receive new sails. IICW alum Sxxly-three rusmou arrive I (rum Co- teau this morning. md went to Garden lnlnnd. where they will btremploye-I during the summer. 1-_|..:.. I. Q..- 1...... nu-...-|...l In-:1! ntnnln I l aluop Dunning About Illa IIau In0ur- lynx-I Work 0! l'nIu-anllng. IIIIIIIIK Ill!) IIIIAIIAI I Cdvin & Sou have en-clad new aleun winches for the purpose ol dtsclnrging v I their cnrgoes. Yesterday work was begun, and in two hours and fty ve minutes-168 pieces 0! square oak timber. H.111) feet. were removed from the steam barge D. I). Calvin. .-V... -.... ......_ _._.,,- Tho scl.r. Dudley left Richanlson'u whirl this nllernoon in tow ol the tug Clyde. '1` he lug lolt her after she hnd got. out n uhort. diahmce. The schooner has on bond 16111) bushels nf grain, which she will unload it Oswogo. She nukes the Brat departure on the list from this port. mud retaining the repu- tuion that the bus bone for y-ous.vin.. that she in tin Int schooner dopumng : .1 , u.,. __.:_:..... nhl marinara T mum: ormneey Illtljue III! lttlvlllg. van ...........- tau, however. Link :50 will pave mm- unity in reaching Oswego this time. in oonneqngneo of tho immense eld of ice the is Iiknly to me.-Not between here -_.I AL-.. lnudthem Olier at Pony-Ive Cents Each I-`oi--er Prlce sixty Cents. .___ .___._..._______.___ '13;-13: PANTR.Y- A` Clnange igl Proprietorship- "r"'.:'+.':'.:.:.:'.'.';.% '-.;';':'....`:':..`:'.`: ___ __ ---1-I-\A'l`I tunlqnnuclunxoq -- IuuoI-Io `rub QI Abouhlnlrvo jy TIII-`.1'l.0Si'I HF`! IIK .\`l-`..\'.\`llo.\'5- 131: .\'rjl'!nh. IAXII`-III n nus}; Is7rF:1.Li(f+;.\a~+:. A nmu "ms 1 m _x_ .-. somv xuloreslin-,1, dvlunles lax: u-or-. cu. Old mariners up 1 ,,, )1 ._.-.......,............ ._.__,, .. ,, auihlue. ' Ra Thooo-puinnolllao Nth Dublin: In tholonuo utilarl and quite uh- Iodmthlnlodnnp. No Uncool the lad. Bullock. 1101:- uuoqno. who nyuhdouly ohunpuod uonououlhnuanmn hncllolud. Tlsolr-6 nluool tho um and un- Inunitiou doliveudlnnaod stoned dur- inqtbopo-tIcokintID.lXI). Dony.uu-couiot.n.I-rivodhanlut and vuploondinthopuitonuu-_v. Iii: uenluoowulve yun lot tobbuy. --. ___ _.-n L- _- .._.:... ..I an nI.L Iuuouou wunvc y-nu u. u.....-, Thom villbono union ol Ibo OH- capllcud u{'l'nde so-manor utho dedicnliuu ol the band`: new building F IEIIHU TIC I2!!- "I'n brought you I customer." this proving that the party spanking In: no- cc-ivul sntislncuou. Big dress good sale no! going on; Al l.nidluv'u . ' 'I`|,, I ; Q-.. _. \'_._I_..I_I _I... ..... . ls` ..... -.,............. .... - .......__, _- -._- _.___ lmnng the I4-unox 1-|`cl.iou is `In l v:- pode-I that M. W Pmyn Incl with- drawn from the liquor lmsimsq. The license run-utly issued In [or II. W. Prnyu .k Sozmlms (`IetuIV`dII[Il'0\`II`I tho rquun cin-ulna-I. A A..|.n ..........._l u. cl... Qnlrnnn .\rvnI 'ldI"lovphn In ulllncg pol: nun. u.w.u.aouu.u4Khunu. 'l'lu8oouA piston blind; hnolnu lylod ad the voting vi|[oo- 1.. THI- Tho V\'.('. T. lfnion. of Syclonlnlll. il magma u clnnctatoonoumiu oonhud cuniul c-ntuuon. at tboiown Inllon In um. am. .1 ... I _.._ II _:n. _.... -I.:A- any can. Theiloop bun D. with very thin mill. skimmed about the hllbor to-day. Showuthorat cnhol thooouon to ply baluro the wind. I-I`-. I.-uuuhl noun A an-Inlnnr " IJIII nun gun-3 un. -u -on-u--w a V Thu bignmlnt .\'cIbol-l. who run to` Iulh Miss Wlutney. will now go In the Uluo |'t'uII'lIUlI)'. lllc Superior Coll huluu cuulirmo-I the couhclion. I-'. \. CuIIsIIIuIu's nlorv mll he clonal to nnrruw. .\'u guo:ls wnll be sold. l|ou'l large`! that Um vrolt. Int uu prion-I Inll cumuu.-ucu on 'l`hurmlny at 9.?l)u.In. n. ,_,_,,_ u , . . .._.,.. ._I....p;.... ;_ -g. p... srl-u 1 VII\ u---nu .\ ght occurred In the Snlution Army `lnrnch Inst. tvemug Two young men. Illu wan nntuxicnle I. enacted She liaturbmce. Several ol the soldiers. who nil;-nnpt;-I to put the combatants out. were lmily hnmllcd. Anal: nlghl. prayer bervioe wu bold ll the Snlvuion Army bcrnckn lul evening` I`. was led by Capt. lisdio, .\ ILC. Amom: those present were Captains Cooptr um! wile. Seen. MAI.- ! uc Crosby. .\lr-4. Patton and Gnotlnll. -._ _.. _,,,, Some very goo! perfumes the just to hum! M. \\ nlaou's Phurnncy. Triple ounces ol ylzmx )|tug~\\`|H owers of ln.lis. ocuu spray, My of the vnlley nod Ilhu huuonq "Went Kn-I" bouquet are ! Among the specialties. W. J Wllsun. I The most fashionable shade in thread nu`! silk gloves It Lsidlnfs: l mu , II` .- _. ____,I A- .. -....._.. ....-. ..... 5...".-. .......-.. -. The War (Ty was offered to I young mm in Xnpnm-e. He didn't buy. but red uhu.-v nu=l profanity ngninsl the vendor. .\[v.er an interview with thol nnvor he pud 96.30. .-\ many lot the paper loulj have s med :1] the expense. \l'.ll n... ............n. M |\'inauIa.lI, with Wall the gnnsunth of Kiuglon. with whom {bu lnma-ut.~.--I qeullcmw almo- can-cl In the fire at Lachine on Friday mght last Ielt a gun for repairs. kindly 8I:ul|1in1'~irt'Sa to the Wm-2 oce. Klugsll. for the information of the ` rtlnliteu. .. . . . n .... u.._.~ ! WUUIU III!!! hlvcll nu Iuu \ nl-1. In-yum uuluun an nupnnluulnu. Ojliljl .\ sacral concert. and liternrv enkwi Lmnim-m wcrv RI(`|\l in the .\le-thoilist Church. in Willminr-rille. last. evening by tin` La-Iirs Aiil Socicty. of the Methodist Church. .\(tcr singing. the Rm". 5. U. Bland opened the meeting with prayer. when Mr, .\. Shaw. unper- intent ol the Suuvlnv School. was called totlia chair. The musical part of the pmgnmino was furnished by n qnnr- tette from Queen`-3 l'nivorsiI.y. Mn. Rockwell. .\Irs. Slillwcll. .\lrs. Muvety. Misses .\lclntyre. Laval] and Mr. Sher- I-mli The reading: were given by Rev. 5.6. Hlnn-L .\h-ssra. J. \'. Anglin and J. B. .\lcl\'u\'. The singer: were encor- e-! by the large an lienco. Ind they cheer- lnlly responded. and this very Interest- ing entcrtninment. wns hmnght to I close about 10 o'clock by singing the unions] Anthem. | _ , ,, . Ask your [l'0I`.l`I' lot Imperial l`l'eIl`.II shoe Blnclunx. Stimulating Tonicl -.\ND- < | American Females, Sateen: and Gingham: [FOOD :| IT IS OETHN PRESCRIBED BY OUR PHYSICIANS. AND HAS. WE BELIEVE. ALWAYS GIVEN 0000 RESULTS. - ;z,'l`ho Preplntion mode 9% the Phot- muoy" is thoroughly roliohlo. ml u. sold in bottles nt 5043.. OI. and by the gnllon. Brunt Ind `e: go to W. REEVES than hue I lugs anortlnont to 0110633` mm. To THE PUBLlO-A. J. LEE Iunho only FIRST-GLASS BARBER SHOP inlhopty. `Both Roan: nuuhd. not was uunlnor and unt. uoul work- ...-uhln and -nidnin nnnnhod. 8110- 1-"VUB THE BEST WHITE SHIRTB. iw'i.: VWLSQN ! -I` -_._..___. nunagumuuaur-. o--nnouuuuuygu-sq I . -ruruua-an-an van.--. ,_,x -A . __.|-_ ALl_..___..l-_ x -nu j`vI .\lontrenl..\1-rI|`?*.l-V4.7 "ujljz -..-..._., V... Iluuvodvu-lnlilusion. 1'h:)E-$un8n- BI-canal. Onohndm. Inlloxu. ctmn -----. ..a-.0-pr. nn\l\I\IR Iain: Lg1_s m sue. - ~ ------ ..... ..-nu-an n-Irnultf lg` "The Pharmacy." Mall. 26. ` R_._i_c2l.-"aul, - Princess St. AIHIooodsoonl|nIow.loIhnI- hrIolnddooln.und1orvaluounnII'puo- dun. Ionllnu Goods cold choc Ioboohy lulan any he took: olnoo munch Klax- mtnst augains" "EYES `iund in tin my Ladies - and - -(Ehi-| s - Parasols. An '0 dniuut-rryoveroainghhruol from IAn8ouh.lAIiunnIdyqo- pain; 3 Plrsl-Class Arlido In the latest llylr, st the VIIY I-DWI`? IBICEI. AT |LAllJl.AW S. Econolnical people of Kingston and surrounding coun- try. if yuu want to pm-cl1:1.~:v (`luthiug, As we iutc-ml muving into our new premises as soon as n- lishcd, we are propareal to ul-r Bargains In New-r hoard tell of in Kingston In-fore. It will cost you nothing tn call and he convinced. HENDERSON & leans. LIVINGSTHN 42 3311., mm`nIw`s`* um I Bis "_r9.8_8,!i9"J.W AN UNUHEGKEIJ mm IN` BUSINESS! "\'&av..'---:: Y ' ' iiij THE FINEST AND LARGEST RANGE OF ENG- llsh. Scotch, French and Canadian Cloths and Tweeds in me City. and the Famous Home- crnnn nnliM1Y Twnndn, "I __._._. CKSEY& BYRNES, : Fasllionahle Clothiers. Now is the time to leave your order fora nob- by Suit, where you are sure to get Neyv Goods. No Old Stockl Tweed Sutts, to order, from $11 to $30. Worsted Suits, all colors, to order, from $18 to 40. A pmzpmcm FIT GUARANTEED. We haw A Lar-_;o Stock (-I IKPIICIIIIIICC CIOIIII. on lnnd. 3` [m3 `bu defy oompelluou. _.-`_..a 1`-nu-\-II. nI'l'I\& n..-: Q All I; `IS Q3 '1 he rush in upon un. but we no glad to ante, that hnvmg employed a Inger nun her of hands we can turn out more Sum: now than ever before. &33 Ivrnes, I I - A Fine Line of Scotch Bannocks, Halifax Tweeds. Eng- lish and Irish Serges, Fancy Trouserings, New Shades for Spring Overcoats. etc.. to be sold at Very ~ Low Rates indeed. TIIOS. M()0RF. & SON, A-uoil-nl lhlyors mulling :1 l:1rg_-;e xlssortulcnt of goods to choose from, and A-1 at that, are invited to give us :1 call. THE HATTER AND FURRIER NOW OFFER HE `Cheapest end Mose Keene Assertmet lnoluimg the LSTEBT STYLES Item the celobntod New York Ianntnotguu. Dunlap. Knox a Youmma. The Pubilg an cmnauy uwngu to can and onmlno. no trouble {annoy 2 ' &HAT8_ from 500. upwards. A 7 LB}. P_A_GE_ & C_O., -L. n|_A4_I \ Fnslninllallnlo Flntllin-rs, April Zliinl. STIFF AN'i5""s_E)FT HATS, '.LJ.Z- 2c-`r Macnee 8:. M.innes'.B___|ock. %- Opp;)sit_-2; Git} H otel. pr'b. I-1;! Prhcecs IlI'ee_l.- _ ~~ - NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. - cono avlnlo tlrm is a Couybh luuhuu. NORTH SIDE, I9! PRINCESS ST. EXcI"i1iifEN 1` MIPANT! VIII, IIIIII 43 I u--: III-I-Il. \vn\: ..-.--- ._ -_, 0-. - V- _, Anyone at liberty to ` inspect our goods. whether they buy --..L u-nuyv.-nu... um-s -rwmm Sl'l1`s mun 90.00 Io sI5.oo. No Tl'0IIloIt' to Show Goods. `Eril `Nth #0q|`y Jyt`0peTw Out for Sale, -1- 11_.._.._....l... `I]'..1:l`n`r |'I"|rn-nnzu-in `I We are Shovving __ __ -__ .- -v`o\v-`In:-v\*I\A\?l'I?3 (V 69 Brock Street. 1 L118 Lucy, auu. but: 1: 1111.1! spun Halifax Tweeds` HOW GOING X. l8 OIIBIIIO TIE- LAlDLAW S. LAHlLAW'S 102 Princess st ~ 59 BROOK S1`. THE BIGI IE mu rmsr c1s| bytbouutbotorlulo, unwan- . flu. Afdocf llxlunua Elliott. Aryg in Indian! Ln. .....;`.:`'.`s'.!'.."8.'."u.'.n-".`ua`:'.`` '?""` Puigcvnnln Invuuomuyaunu ..'-.':*".2-`-"::.'.:',-m.-:s.:.-.~... ouuhv._by_IM_u_uuu_ u_- BUSY STORE. Joumisuu 5 Aplllh. Book: um be mailed Free on rnnuu sc..,n.-sou.` CT?!-u- -w-- _--- , xiaotnon um nocx I'l'Rll'8.lut unlwodduoll .llonh. sun-uwu ddeunl J&ulDivH_ouRndp._ VVe111ngt.o St. HATS (pad upunisloning. |lI.l.a\1 gag-\. \.- ,,_ CXIIXOC BIOCKSTB .13 4 CASES sue BOOMERI -_..... nwnun VI Tb u--:< lihisceuluweh - LII - PIIBES Won nevu baton to Chen) :5 they an un- enna. and never have run uu.:h olqsm ovlll lhileily u may now be Indus: Iunnltho BOSTON JOHN DUFF. Ii) PI-in; 'IAnl..nun'unnr1&:Iu. Cancun uddv Inluunlnglslnll. Gauze `nUnhuy-V Inuit: n3p.n.; tun-unxlp.|n. wxnnsnu. The Brockvillo Tu-u uys lhnt. Rev. E.l`.Cnwfon| wu recently invited to mother parish and oered 92,400 I: you. but be refused the ocr. prelcrring lo I, _. |._u .1... ..|.rn 10-day`: In-otauluian. I-lxstenlv winds. fair clou-ly leather. with nhowcia in some locilitics to night. (`$01! GOII& A In-ge consignment 0! choice nnd fresh ower sued: hos just been receiv- ed It the Pharmacy. Now is the time to choose beautiful owers. Ind W. J. Wilson`: reliable seed house is the place U0 buy them :3. V low Pout oees Opuod . (Bull Creek, Addington: Port. l-llmaley. cm-openedi. Lznu-k: Wntenon. in lin- colt. Leeds: Wnlno. in llnguty. Ren- frvew. Lockaley IRen[rew.a bu been clog: d. The nine ol F on Wnlliun has been chutged to Neebing. EAT 3':-oR:.i tau. nun gunranteed. T-I |ly.'l`s-O Dollar Sllu lot III. 7.. Provost will give the choice 0! ne Ibnshad goods. exhibited in his window for 818 per unit (made to order). The pants 0! ne stripe or check. The M..- ....I most: of fancy or hlnck [Bulls in sun: sour- ,,_ ___,, coats and vests of fancy worsted. made up In good style. an . -- _.-...1 Gill lo the 0 -llrglnle Inn lute. nlrs. Dickson has presented the Col- leginto Institute with 3 plate electricnl machine. tlmeo Le)-den jun, And I dis- charger. These pieces of nppnntns no from the splendid prints collection 01 scientic instruments belonging to her husband. the Into Dr. Dickson. Lust Snturdny Mr. J. Patterson. o! Pittsburg, befriended an immigrant boy who had neither friends nor money. In return for Lis kindness the Ind made at! with n hi-an new pnir of boots and seve- ral utlcles of clothing. Mr. Patterson notied the police this morning of the nni llnnnllng of Wnr Inlorlal. Ah]. John O'Brien, Government con- tnctor. Ina. since Thursday. been stu- dily engnged. with six horses and the anme number of men. in moving military stores from the G.T.R. station. Three . million founds of ammunition, ten thou- sand ries, nnd sixty-ve cases 0! re- volvers. have arrived. l`oI|ce cont-1-'[puIAy. H. Lesdbcntar. disoletly conduct. in the public streets. nemnndod for n week.-Co|-uelins hlcblnhnn, drunk, dia- missed.-P. Julien. aocoud hand dealer, drunk. He dleged that there were so many mm tapes or gin mills in the city it. Ins impossible for him to keep from Idling into them. The magistrate smi'ed Ind dismissed hllll. lnnrcn Dill Ill QIIB uvuuuuus, no n... .. compelled to interfere. Their perfor- Innneea lat evening were disgraceful. They are tharnselven not only A gouroe of trouble. but they nurnct I crowd of hoodlnms. who net 19 ll they were licensed to disturb the public peace. `lino `-I-my Ilooolulng Annoying. Chief Money My: shut it the mom beta of the Stlvntion Army do not keep better order on the streets. when they `much out in lm even`innu.he will be ' , ,n_.1 A- :_A...t..... Thniu nnrfnr. buvcllun Batu] bui- utoolctnournnny Dr. Fee was appointed Medical Health 0lllna',at_a ularv of mo a year. The council expound to pay the lnrger portion of this amount with the govern- ment allowance for collecting mortuary otstistios. This they cannot do. The Toronto council was inlonned a few days ago by the Minister of Agriculture that tho Iowlioal Health Olloor was entitled to all the government fees. TVTIIII. 'IAnl..nun'umn bun. Inluuulngls tun-31:33.3. Aucnox Iuuof lunltun Ooux-ocmnos us a) p. In. "CAIn.I.n` n III Out; Home. Al`c1'IoII BALI of lunltuu by \\ . Murray. tunltuo by J. H. Ilulchosou. Ouuvocnnox 1:. Tuo accident occurred . yenhrdny in Ban-ineld. at 3 bun raising be. held by Ir. 1`. Hilton. The bond aw off I launner. in the had at J. Ililton; who . _._ ___|_:__ __ ._- -0 AL`. I..._- .1 M.- W1WIl'lI%l$ll-VIII Ilivilllfvl vu- IllI8IllI.lId'OI0I0[IIllId. lain donut ink-uokJ.Wilnotonthe tore - houl nudiniohdntloepcuh; Shortly I-lL_.. ALB. A--n ulna! Chin}: 1,: llIIl$Ill'. In U3 unusu us up. ---no-5. wuv iwulworkillaonolooholaumsoltho .L__-n.-- --.4 I-II hnllnn aura-nnn V In its Iii Illllluuillllwluvg -any wu-an u. .uothuwu-hmn.wu hyiuglp novqippodnldnihtloubhhuhi |nI_Il.;Bcluohooanldwnnt his bad 'fcauudctnoVIinha-.i3 Iunodoup 'li|IiIf'Inb\d|y tlntlthgd hbo __.`-A.A...I Big Iraq! goods boom" at l.1.i.||aw`u In! `Q5 and Neil!) Pdt lint |rg "=13;-. think 0!. it`! FELT 13 hum Sc, up at tho [.T;.+s-"Aa1.*m~.%m. Pborloun-I ht l|I(DOIO- A . -. u n ..__. nun.-u uuu uuu... r..... ...-_ I Brockvillo 3!. but the ualuy. linuuetl to tho Iouoy. us nu-.- 9. and I lit Tim iT'I:unr/ um mum: um rm! KIZI nlllljlit I1 tr-u unu other non. H0 in notilnt ups:-hunn anti: uni lnutlq onnslncllnl Inny would holiovolnlnto he. Driul bolus any ho bi: Lunreu companions. but shay uo notlnis onlv ennntnlnlo which even hit bonnling house minus: an hastily. lnononcobonlnnownutho pl-oleuon pride. and in noun: :2 tho policeman`: pet. while such names as "body snalchon" and "boon gicuen an almost absolute. At the peanut tulo Inodicnl students in thocily In It mlxel chm. Among; us In maidens Illd matron: as well u luclnlon nu-I boneclictl. but no lni~l;~I-uhlo son ol 1 un- nenblo sin Ina over uglutl uvut "H's pludo-l" much less over the gloomy aoliloquv. "Mia plucked." Thu link mqentul for I emocrzmlul oh: lb paling _ oounolotnu-unxion lholnptr unooolounh Ihlnpudputi- cululyhnodnnlnlniuhunotlnun overlooked by on Iaahorl. udwo Inndnulyhqu Iononpiu lint ontdnyhtopndouuadnotloptuch. o'cvIt.&h'udutyiIup|unntIopu- lunnilisdilull. ls inplin 0:! IL- .o..J-....J.'n.'-nlnnhnnuxndur aoliloqiv. "Ha I plliciusu. The first physician is a thorough preliminary education. This neglect was the hie- long regret ol the great father 01 Eng` lisli surgery`-the illustrious John llnu~ oer--snd oi many students and gradu- ates. The mistake is growing gradually |em.and almost every tenth student in the Royal Isa graduate in arts. The medical prolemion is ii very important one. A human lite. with its immortal eonl. may he the oust ol ii physicians hulnre. Tberelorve all who enter upon the study ul medicine should be well grounded in denim. mathematics. philosophy. and puyua. all essential elements for true success in the medical profession. The great English states- man. Gladstone. in his address at the London College. remarked that the inuence of the medical prdession. gloat aslt now is. is destined ti grow in greater proportion than that 0! other proleuionsz" but." Idle Williaiu Pep per. "in order that this may come true. it is essential [or medical men to be thoronghly educated and tted for. their work." Not a single advancement has been made in the science of medicine dnringthepast lonr hundred years by any other than those of culture and learning. The physician's object is to czmhat disease : he is therefore the ser- vant ol the suering. He has tcigodotn among the fetid haunt-1 of disease and death. spend his days and nights. ri-ili health and life. to relieve alictiou and distress. Why. then. should not the medical student examine his conscience for the fortitude. mental powers. moral rectitnde. industry. i-e`.lcoutrol. sell- denial. manual dexterity and general physical vitiility which are as necessary for the physician or surgeon as his medicine or hisscal l`.' I. ..n-ml-uainn an: in [Jun Eiinls U` lI0uIvouIidI:ll.Quuu'nUnivu- lh than thhwlqnlr lbylh think. It. W. Sghnkb. ILL, who gnduhuinnodidnonuduoxtusivo pups. lnlatiulhouirl: .`:'h:-dlyp|II.iup::.IoIoo|-louuucl. hnvedoue juatxca to your man. 9 uruu. love. your chosen science. and then and not. until then, will that science shad lonh ashing with the peerless mhnes of truth nml culled upon II pedestal hr above the petty tyranny ol prejudice. pml will receive as homsge the nppre- ciation And ndmirnion of all men." 1'... on... Anyone nf Kingston we hm medicine ms sun 12' ln conclusion. In in she words Dr. Binglznm. Fluke the nuance of me dicine your ns love nnd lovingly urny her in the muillo of lilenry excellence. bedecli her with the gum. ol cnllum. adorn her with the prioele-is dinmonds, wresuxl lrom the bosom of lncnture. and theunnd not until then will you hnvexloue justice to lu-art`.-I rsl. lain vnnr rhnsen science. vAI.DIl1lot Anon-In ll mu! Jlwuwun Insane-. clltlon mu Ilnlrlllull on an ulcu. To the citizens of Kingston very grateful for msny kinulues-ms. To them we truly any : The added. uh to Run to LI-H. I1 when we bid (hem MI hrovull. " V-.. ___.J.....p.-a -n nut: nnnl.lnc1I. when mu mun In unw---. To our professors we say goo}-lay:-~ with foelings of love md congratulttiom The class of '85 will be not less loynl to then alum malrr aid 00 their country thnn the bnve sons Iho Ind preceded us. In 1 word. you love us. wclovc yonluzd we'll shake hsmls." I-`are-yo wel 'I`hQ:.Iog, no! I Dr] Suhioet to Study -- A (II Ifxnrelllon cl GI-nlll rule. __u, __ IISGEI.-LIIEWS - IMIS -- WHICH-