Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1885, p. 2

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.i1WI!BlFT! duo: in Iul in Inlglur nmc-not lulu: hiooollauno I :1. Hr gun-nu c: lonlauion ul coll:-3-9. um I... n-o un- Iuls that III oollqu In use pautioa dnllouronho bdotuiuv-. an an un- Iunl Iuquomv o.um- In I'm--um run In iumuly and Iihial tn ml ups -alumni any emu;-tannin:-. in order not no halo chemo may move nu mmlul. lumsv In-I \'scIutu l'nivanmou Into ulrauly nuguxlk-I their to-salmon L. nroug: the eanptomim upon oorlwn oou-muons. You tell. I uupposo they Iumw their own botiueoslm-I. but. it must lion- uonheml thatouo ol than I: already 3--n.......n.. ...I I.-n uh. ulna hall Inucloul van II. but Iv. nun any on over) pononto not In ooh: u be an I one-uido-I . Coming hack to Queen`: Collqe. as fun I un uoqnninud via: tho luolnnp ol Ibo pmlouon upon. the subject. not out ohhen is in Into: -1 the scheme 0! I-Mention an it now numln. 0| ul tomo- nl I) Toronto. nlshongh the c!-anus ul the buin ol npunliom hum Kingston to Toronto nnnhs be. indnv.dmll_\ , a bum m to mum or III (I them. .-_ .......... _-.. .n... ....\n...-,..- lll. Inn up Mr nnuu us go wens. Tho movement hu nowgou to In llullagluluion will be reqmnnl II II- gud h it. It cannot tell become I _..a_ ...._.a;.... -- -A I\nIn..uA nun nnn. ::..`, "..;:....:; :;':.:'.,:.: .".;.'.'.7...' 41 - ' noted with it But It. aw. duty ol |...- n.-..- lnnunnnnl in nnlnr 1] ha H) Ilbfll III III ( I XII. Alu consequence the prof:-Moolu cm- not be expected to lake nuy any active put in the comma Ineotnuz. The med mg is not lor them but for um vilillslll and lot the inlnbualall ol the nurn mul- ing country. 1'11 nnnnlnnn fnr .I.:rnnninn in llnl. l)ll~ mg country. 1 he qneotwn for dmcuuion is llol. par ticululy what shall become 1-! Q'm;u'u College. but the hon-.-r ul.1' tn winch that is I corollary. um. stall the nut on put of Ontario and the city ul Knox- stun be dapnved of $110.1 rixl-tn sud yu- vnleges fur the quznuducmeut 1,! fu- roato 7 Al..-.l.. .5.-. n:I- I.-. 0).- .. xv-nI|1\'l" lnonnemnnuouool mom II Iuuny in'Iotooto. and that the olhc had undo bu mind to menu. Tho Innvnmeul. hu nownouo 00 [Ill nslanxlha-lIll1.l;_" nu )eItev-lay. The cl-nu uxranls fur:-'1 u! an I n! __._.#...o ____ Ovcr the \Vny. of vnlnullo ( I _ I... I... nn1.1.n sums max; wouloyl wnou oxpoamon II nnnnomn I in the air.---The only oooiivn hue ol military advice counsel: the immeninto dooputch of the whole British force in Lower Egypt for the capture of Barber. and the nondjbg M not loss than l. a.(l)0 reinforoelyents I-um Englandor Indis to Snkim. to en me the muent of , tho other troops or clnstinment of Arabs. 111: "wins" snu. i.m;rrn|.\'u. London. Feb. 6.-The nun says the preunnituntion inthe hmenhblo m- [ London. `Fob. 6.-l"rom (:`:ixo mill salt. o! 3 long counts of durogud of tho qlomcntuy maxim: of uhtounuuhip. Every` thing hu bean done use could hodoneto add hotbo rinho! detect. zgicohu been ning. tics: wand ; opportunity t. y Ion ol , Wohlofn whole in . in than nir,-Tho nnlv nmiivn Hun nl 4 London. Feb. 6.-Tlie latest despatch from Wolseley is couched in such terms as to leave no doubt that the situation is desperate. Ile llas received a den- patch from General Buller. at Galiut. urging the immediate forwarding 0! re- inforcements. Bullcr states that the Arabs at intervals approach in large bodies to within a few hundred l'C(l'l of the British poaition. Should they com- bine tor another attack they may over whelm and annihilate He force. Wolse- ley save: `'1 can embark my forces on steamer-i here, but I have determined not to abandon the position which was so gallnntly obtained by my [vrodocoanor while one of us is Ieftalive. unless order- ed." Gladstone. upon being acquaint- ed with the tenor of this deapstch. re- summoned the members ol the Cabinet. They are now in session and the result ol their deliberations is anxiously await- J _ 1l(.'[I]ID(I 01 VVOIBIII3, WHICH Will Illl H] the defeat. 01 Mahdi and secure the re- lease of (ibrdoa, it uhve. or wn-nk ven- geance upon the Arabs if he is ulnin. The telegraph line between London sud Koni Is entirely occupied wnh lea- pcu-hes between the Cabinet. and Wolse- ley. ' nimrmum. I-en. noiseiey anus Luiu lw will remain quiet pending further orcleru from the government. The Cu- binot. met this morning ancl ileciili-il to send telegraphic orders to lnlllil fur the nix-ipntcli of Indian troops to Siiakiin, and mciinwhilo to reinforce the ;_[1ll l l.`|0|] at Snnlnin Iiydrulm of troops from ling- lnnil and the Mediberranonn. Tlir con- wnns 0! opinion in the ministry is in lnvonr of 3 strong. active and vigorous policy. Tlig mini try will B$lD(`!.!0!l any demand of Wol ey which will lltl in Man ilaftcnl. nl lnhdi and upon": Hm ni- 11112 mum` BIUTIBH wmu. mcBBu.u:\" n. London. Feb. t`.-Ueu. `Vol-:4-lc-_\' tele- grnphs from Korti to the War llico this afternoon thnt. I courier has -arrive! from the Button camp near .\Ic',(-lunch. who reports that the It-belv-5 at .\let4-m- neh haw become deant hlI.I(`l` h(`l!'lll|: of the full of Khartoum. Au attack on (iabut, may be looked tor at any moment. The rnbels expect. rcinforccunenu from Khartoum. lien Wolseley sinus that L . . .-A ........I:.... I... I.-- IIIPIII IHCUBV. I (mien have been sent to Ponsmouun I to hold the vnnous transports now tho. re 3 In readiness for unlnemna Iernce. At gthe poluical um other Ineouogq hcH _. 1 throughout the Hngulom ya-nlorulny the ' spenlu-n expressed sympathy with Hot I dun nnd bopo-I tun um guvuuuuut I In nlul nJn\I|l. lluvurnnq and Am |I\|- mm: V I I1`!!! IIJU, ft. U. II.I..\Iu1\|\ | huge the voice of {action will be u: :1. Thu danger must ht: met. u tnuuul resolve. We must in. up and \-ng.;rous|_v.'` ! u:,...a.... .. .I..(...... ..I Kl..r- .n|n TTSTORblCLOUD!i Q um \'|guI'0usu_V. , liordun 3 defense of Kmr: um . I on In: Jinx! bArl.lnlu_v. [*0 Iron our band ouppliu. We Ihull have ncubiuot nesting on thin Iubjout. Iy. We nnmtuzt undorntu the magni- tmio o! the calamity that has bohlhl us. We have 1 way big bill to preach! to tho tupunn ol tho country on no- oont ol the Egyptian wu.ud. nnlorfw nstoly. Ire have nothing to show tor the Inoaoy upeut. It to Ind roliovod (lor- dou the pooplo would not hue groa- blod at the upstate. but u it in now -" "110 I-`ntnunurioo looked actions and ntopped . . u on: nun-n.-an 0 nnnmvu. u --u--..-..- .4...-.vu -no uvv--an--.--. Tho Mowing l'o.vI nys the houdan cntnluophe II duuln-us ind no cou uquoocu hr-nnchiug. Win: It mum III the Soudnn in only loo uppueut. Win: It may mean In Egypt. Aim. and even in I-1-nope. nu Hngluumun can con- ll`mpI|l4' without serious Ippro-hruslon. The PM! loan not believe the .\I'nInl.ry will n-mun tn power I In--.-I an.-r pnlllt nn-ul. lnnnls - vnunu any:-\.u-.u 1-.---an-. The 1.`:-Lu (Radical organ). -an tho outlook in dual: indeed. Gen. Wolneloy uught In strong oooh_ to lake Ku- wnln. but even so. whit is he to do when there.` Ila wall hnld no uunnon to It` li vs. I: he then to to-conquer the Sun- Jun '.' Ho bu not the men lot such an enusrptisc? What. then, is he to do? Thul. qutuuon the minister vml [ind nl. dnnioull. to MIIIOI; yet It must in nu- uvercd und without delay. III Ilw-:-- T | oaaI-&olqAI1uanI.any(hO-- Ian ul&-uhnl'cIIIuInl&- Ilnnn Wuwvs IN DANGER. ILII naming: TIA`! `I'll until! UZDIU. Vlvbt .\': u: \ up: "We The above is the newest head dun for India and Geulknon, used universally in I the Inga citia ol lhokmotiun I1_:._ I ... OL. l Hholuno {loc- -:nI.-nlhn_. u_I un |-tuitly ..____.-, ___ London. Feb. 6.--The ooa 0! me iorlm bu issued I notice Imtho 1 of the public dgrnmonm wu-hing them against the ynnuilaorlvin work- man : ololhing. who. under proton oi (Iain: nnnin. `luau nhmnl` to earn nnl their II Ell. I Iota. Wythoulle. Vn.. Feb. 6. -Ivy Jnck` son. who murdered I travelling timer. and stole his cloqhoa. was him: out of Blnnd county jail yonuudn by mukod melt. tied to I lnco dled by bul- lntn. ` conns mm consuucnuon. Before the investigation Mr. R. D. . " n gunnutend the Attorne'y- I (icnonl that the service of Dru. Buck and Metcalfo could to secuied for 820 I law 3 piece. unonnting to about 83(1) in one week. . That`: the ny the loan Goou-soma _ Prctly lloary Doctor : (Jnrgon. Montreal. l-`eb.,.`5.--ln_ cliunbera Mr. J. M. Loran2er'pro'aented the bill of chnn{es"'o[ Dr. Vales for proleuiionfl services in the Lyntm case. Mr. Pau- nnelo. Q.C.. appeared on belinl! of the government. The total nmonnt chug- od by the modicnl upon I! O66l.5(), mnde up as lollowsz Receiving instruc- tions. I10: twelve days in Montreal nnd exnmjnnlion of him. Lynnm and witnesses. I240 ; unniinntion 0! record. 0100: prepuntion ol report. VAX): coat of trnvelling between Quebec, Montreal and Longno Pointe. Ill); and legal id- vioe. 021.50. His Honor took the ac- count into consideration. l)..l.._.. {Inn invnnlin-ti.-u. II. D I \ I I III! IQ||lt`Hl }|'l[lUIlllOl.I IR (`.UIl)lilOll II slmut .';U,II1). of which two~thInI< are ulsws. There is alsoa oating popnhr tiou of about `. ._lll!_ consisting M Euro- peans. Srriens. Co;-ta. Turks. Albanians and In low Jews. The Mohammedan religion I?! the general cru-l. and in politics they side with the strongest. being lut(>'nH!l_V corrupt. lixcept the manufacture of male. cotton mats. I rope msde from palm learns. and some iigna-silver work. therein no manufac- tnre worth speaking of. The houses are moqtly of sun-dried brick. and to pro rcut thi-in crumbling away during the rains. they are even` year plastered over with dung before the rainy seuon commences. a process wjich no doubt oc:.uions s great deal of illness. The town being very low there is no drain- age; and in the rainy season the phce is full of water, and it is almost impossi- ble to more about. .\s there is no stone throughout the whole district. the streets sre full of dust dnriiw the summer and mud during the rains. Nearly all the government employees and native trail- ers am secret partisans of tho Mahdi. in the hope that he will reestablish the slsvo trade, and this msy be the key to Gordon Pashss restoration of slavery when he took possession of Khartoum. 5 ' IUD IXL'Q`l-'.I|Il.l (I LIIC I I 1 I 1 I173!" IHIUIPI `NC I cuuuuy 1-burr In-I lru-Ion. Thehul non-on. tram ' Agrl till the nmldlo o! l Nov;-mbx-r. 1- menu-. aw-raging `.0 5 I) `."- in the nlmde. The rlmy non.-mu lush [mm the muddle of Julv lo the muhllc I September. but in irregulnr. theta lacing some times no run at all. The colzl weather begins about them- dle of December Ind Iuu till the mi-Mia of I-1-bunry. the moromoneler going down as low :1 46. In June. July, October und November In-hon`! levels and vluczxu-ry Ire very pn.-nlenl. The rem-lent. papuluuon is estimated at ah.-ml. . .lIllI), nf whirl: I.In`l.hllu|i Ara W. LI Richardson s,f The cny of Khartoum. which waull I hr the capnul of than pu.-uuhle principal y II II II 0! the Srunlan. :1 [Lo clmf In-In c-mpunnm nl lh- whole mvunlry. ind m hunt on an hnrvrn. xloneleu mud vi-lo plum, Ind I'(`hl bank L! the Nut Nile. nu-I uhom. n unle nhovn Ila juuc hon vial the Wh1tI9.\'xlr-. Alum L-f oulbwurls forum the fnrllcnllon-I no the onulde o! the town proper. mm the ndditionul prolnchou ul r. dutch hum-n to twenty feet deep on the It'll. bank ol the Blue Ni`-. and another, smut-I-hat lower. Imme-chutelv It the hack of the a._.. _. - .._,.a.... Iln L huh. |"d.I.-Munhlncu in has I311 h 3 tin! Ibo (Nsbdblny the from Wduluyndhabu attains. lnmd-unhh Wnblninhnnn WT WW - luthlulunpstdl Wobluilbtil the `annual Ihutbomll bouublo to much Khnnonu In It: run In nook-. 11$: Innt nnnn:QIII hon: Q1- Orin`-ulna: Antwan an aunt: Iluhdi. I the oycuiou account ? to nalnovo this unit! will not In al- cultuvl handout. Ii.-A; I`.l. l__iI-5-. In.-Q Loan In. cunul unison. Kntu. Fob. O.-8pian have but do- cpnldnl to Khartoum to accrual Kb lab I Ooldon. I.-4|-un "-3: I Jb Ann CA3 DDIIQ. too. o.-|uuI In 5:- tbon-nd Bi-In at station: II Ibo Icdihnuuu uni Mo lot nrvico - AL; Rn-Jan nthoodn. ltwuietlaeeludetelll lehdlluteelhdthelelllel Rue! Puhe. Govuec d ordeted bintoeaetehiu. end relued eeet ehelhlloe to enforce eolnmundl. Theeethe the cue. Kwdahe. while hie Lieutenant. Oent Diana. lamented the trouble: on the about ol the Red Sea. end Anti Phi I'd hie heat to help. Finally the Iehdfl In-r uuoeleuc-d Egypt. and the Eeginh bed to take active -euueno quell the rebellion. (he- enl Galnlon. known In Gordon Puhn, heel ruled the sandal: from I874 to 1379. end In: aid to have 1 project of establishing Limeell there ll nnmde truler. Thu: might not hue been eheolntcly dutuulul lo the I-lnglisluuthe Suuden took I greet deal ol mumlectnrenl good: lrom them. Atuny rate they resolved to ehendon It thomulv.-s uenunhuu no much C!- p use to the Hgypuen treunry.eud (Bordon Ill entrusted with the leads of nithdrewmg the Egyptian guneom, nu-I of restoring the depenenl Sultuu. 3 sum of .t`lu,(\|I helm: Illulul hm: fur ex~ pauses. with 1,130,!!!) men: in prueputt. Gordon. on hi: nnin! el Khartoum. the capital ol the bandit), .nuuo_vo.l all the recur-lu o! nnpeul texee. the chap: nu-I rude lhlch heal memtnne-I lixyptmu eupreuncy. but thus humane lct he oset with a proclamation rent-Jnug domeutlc nluu-ry. But the chief thmg in L0 coucnhete the Mahdi. and to hum lw lrred the Iimi rule --I Kurduluu. The lmhe wan trlune-I by the V11) pruplnl. who ru-ut hm nnnn-2. 1 lelvaguer the city. li..r.Iun'u manna u! mrepe wue nhuu hut. llc ha-I he\`(ffl|l ate-u.o.-rs hy winch he uhulue-I eupphu nu mhnuuu to the already lnrge qunnutlos stored In Khnrluum. he could elm the them {ram the hum of the use -.f the Nul:-, About the [int ul Jul.-e ll Its Lube: ! -eece About the ti.'u~~m.h! heptcuabor. | to Iltlmlruw h:- eul In-rs suuthiur-1 Ln (iuduroko. nu-I Cgenuln, then I(`itI'IfI' l down the (,'uu;.:u lull) lhu u-rr.L.n_v L! i the lutennuuunl Soczely lu ~pm- of :lhem flu`-litlcn ueu. (ionluu g-o.~r-tau -d . L'|....n ._lu...... -L I.. IIABNIVAL PICTURES] Iu rcluarunu hul fouled I |u{rrm. (' -4 hi} lhuu_'hl . 4..- ._. A-3:-.-.:'.':.'.':.'a1:.:: p--nous-can-'.i-.-cum Vlllnhlt . bind and kick `I. rnulnn '-nuI & an : nrjf lIDl%ED WIIH BIII.LK'I'.'. rllnnvnllp, "1, Pub -IIr. A'nnn._y Iulnmco. :5. `mo. uncut prawn ox :. may gwumpt to carry out ml Hmuznu. nuuun nuulrcy. nu -'1-ur us an hen. (ionlou pcrnlslid xu Khmtmm. nlltnuuul: lu- Lu mu-zon there. and the -wu has hetn um lzo prola- `L pus-nhle lo ct-HI-lush Inn: 4 ll lent 5--H-rung.-`u. - --:-oC-o-:- _ rang and Honey Batu-nod. Mr. Georgi: Mehhhon, who usiutl Collector Nosbitt in weighing` mm as the wuglrhonue on mukot. days, p'icked an npockol bopk containing 015 on the nukes aqnsro yestouhy. He found the -owner ihd ro,Gurno.l~ ho property, The ownofdid not appear to be pu. onluly gnlolul. ,, -n:-:`..`.._j_ __ runny no-C. , Lndhn whowonldrglsig freshman and vindty. don't M1 to u3"Wolh' Hunk Randi-'." ` Philudelphiu. Fob. 6.-Wm. Stlnber ry, I porter, drunk Ivgontyeve glasses of gin last night sud {all to the that i_n I stupor. which ended in his `death. ' Derby I-2ng., Feb. 6.-Newbold the al- leged dvnnmiter was discharged to-dny. nothing of incriminating nature been found against lgim. Pilthbllr. Feb. Ii.-ll|rtin O'Connor. who claims to ho necrehry of the Irish orgnmntiou at Philadelphin. says ho was concerned in the London explosion. He arrived irom England Inst Saturday. He asserts that he went to London In Octobe? last. accompanied by six men from Boston. Scranton And Camden. who were also concerned in the plot. _ 4. Th-y. lno. nro Going to 0pOl'I|O With [ly- I l-|lO4l'|)l'IIIn` Inlkod 0!. Chicago, l-`eh, 5.-August. Spica. So- cialist. louder. says he knows Lhu the l m.aburg Soculiats are arming npi Hr. butit is foolish to suppose thnn they will attempt to open opposition to the Authorities. Dynamite is the weapon the will use 111! the people Are rumly to Join them. Jcscph (luenbolinya he does not believe there is :37 duuger of an upriaing. If anything is done it will be witliidynnmito with the extremists. who no law in numbers compared with Socitlinta. _ Jll. Jlulululnu I will nil III'ulII II: the intention ul ts. L--n-rrnmenl to uh > any stays by la-;;mlnl.:ou ut otherinsv. during the present session. to carry .u1n cm-ct the proposed !|.\lrl"IlI0lJ (1! the N Is! : {areal colleges nmi nmversinu referred to nu the ad-In-as of his honor the Lu-u to-nun Uonruor. aka. that wall be lhr I prulml-In cxpensr to the pruvmce con:-e` qlwnt upon the vnrrylng out of the pr-s nose` M:!u.-me of fed:-rnuou. TI... -.....-.-I -_-.\-l .-I-nL__ o . cl. _- our nu I-Aoulo AlIAI3.n.- I 3 RI.` Ill! FFIIIHII |`UlP1IIIII.lUKI ll IIJLIIIW I` gnu-n u 47! ll. lhenn-rage Ill-'n , being `..'l5.U". The Lennie uulnoul! for name yeau sulx cnulxunel. Hr. (hbuoo. nl llarnillnu. L`lYe~4 nnlnro of I Inouou dm:lar.ug llml. the plososnl purlumcnt and dt-|-nrlnxcnlnl bmlchugs us unt. lur ov`cu[.:|l.mu by `the Legit]:- tun-. Inadequate I; the requirement` uf l. l. pubhc .-unzc-`. and gene: :1l!_v dur ctediuble la the province. Mr, Mnlhnllnnl um Auk Ilmllnr n. 1-: ' W In-[I W 3 [DC lllll OIIQ Ialho punnonunizn. It. Kdprvlllouquiu wbotlntorloi itinhoilhuuouol the uonnmontlo uhnitlushooonddantihndthonno duriagthogcunuluuionnyyuuyaclu IpE.I.hoJubjco:olimporinl loduuiu. . Ilspl Corn: :1]: it in not 1 the hbtiol odho (love:-uncut to u- I land In IE0 widow: ol punk-CI 0! 1318-10 Ihlnlnnn ul uni: Inn hm. IJIIIWI. in |a|I\l.| LUIS -`_YIllI|C.Ill` IOIU thmughpulnuuam In llu: scal you INN. mr Clmlluc drew the lullounng mum ul money Iron: the govcrnnwnl - Scluy an Mllllsla r of Iiulluyu. 06.121? ' as High Fommmsmmr. Il.Ulr~: on ac count. of temunl upturn-n from Uunvn ` lo Lon-lu|.. 9&9-. In lnn-Hwg cxpensvx` ! I. i.'aU: Iudcunmtv. Hill! ; conluvgcncn ~. I3 1097 ' ~!jlInlu-r\` I`! [All ` nnnnunl pl Pull:-oInryDoi$. I (Btu Puhn, blvuhoulrn Annivcuxy. fiolaluu nnnuaoax. ulolphduovn Chu 1-int. Coiycouncill Wudcn Onppur. Du'I&l.IInt|ilunIlJholColouolBnrnn- ulnnnyenlu-nhuiaod Bo|l News inthonnv Wile. Aliayu noun. I LL` Unlql . IlJ|.lfl.llI2llV. V1.1!" . Il)IlKI|"l`.lll,ll'*~. 83.91.17: ~ut.mm-ry. O2.-`All: umouut ul cheques dnwn In Englnml on bank If Montreal. H.643. luv:-llurg rxpenq-~ chnrgecl L1 Ixumngrntnon cuul1u,_'\-non-~. INN : I1MH.`CID|`(z!. HI`: foul. H`J.l.):$l..)U. .\1.ul III um time the frat UYKIII3 WET!` Q IJU4 Ibo people lhll : 5::-lung hrs 07 III` Ihilwns. an: an In vnaoun ol puma-an ol 1818-ll lb pnylnon at their ha in hull` pecan. . inlohn Indeed-I pun notions! Inn Ibo tppoutnouol I spacial oom- -itteo to upon upon tbonllqpd nou- Iibyuutinglot mo ulopuou 1:! some tuba: ol bankruptcy, giving adequate ptoucuou upinu undue pa-latency. aunt Alon-dot. will luthu call IE T. itJohn Ioclousld uyu no applian- l' Inn been nudu by no Cnunlun Pacic Railway company lot 31-! iron that government. As to verbal convu- uuou between the ooun of tho omn- punv sad the Ineuhen oi the govern- mcntlaodid not that they were culled up;?;t.: uy unyslunx. slotmn-nnliu uh-nir In In-In lhn um) II, uulnx. The ;:ovommont'-n desire to help the Can-I nu waking: chum us about I: tl r 1.0% that the amount spent in code vuunng to bully: unmigrsnu Into the oounlry lo: the bench: of the (hundun Pncnbc Com;-any Ill I.'o'I.'o.336. or Il37.- 5`.r2 man than in Irsrci. though the nu Imgntlon In IUHI In much ummlk-r. Pnnnihlv kn l`h-nI-u Tan-um: n.. a--Il..I Possibly bu Chlllcn Tuppu In culls-I the High Comminiancr. because III the mule: of expense be "calm: Inch ' lo the country. Though be controlled no Iocret service mum-y nu ISM Sn (`units {and n vuiety ol sun of getting 10m-_v (rum tb-~ uounry. Me mu-lo the country pay -lmzlr lot hn lr.p [rum L-union 1-; 1 (Inns: in putll the Syndscxlr loan I ...-l....... ... I- on... A ._.._I .~..-- IIHKYIUOD IUH IIIDCII IIIIJIJKFI. l ptuucunu npmu uncut pa-Ianncu. Senator Attention tonne has A I Spain`: a- lnil hung boon plaod ll. shown on. enlcnlnlanl. from we rnorm-zuuwuuliu duluulocn and run. of uulorunty vl thaool all former 5|.-onion. to Inrina thin launch at the laginlnun into pub- l'B(IlLID|9 [3 IO [`l 0VID(`. n..... ,.In. . ,. . __ 1 4. 0-1-. I... ._ Mr. Mulholluul um uk whr-that If. H POLl l'lC-AL umm. |ll(`lVUlIK'lll IU `RI\lIIIL' g . bu Chulen Wlh oulv n|.. ..... \I...,v-.l` ` `VI bog loan to I: onrcusuuuupno roll 4! than-do In I , uh uh ' `Donut!-lilo I`:`nl:.Iuoou-3`; 0; nun$IlInI I: d In and club shovenllnhu In mnnl:bnlnon`IilIho tnuuuulusho um. ordon nllrl ptonpuy at .a...;.- j men was All! uluii-I-Ina. ..:'........."' "!':'..*r'.':.-'.'."...':"'........' """".'.:."".'.':'. nuglvcathollllu Plot:-n uh! Colon. dds! Iaht at :50 um. Allonl-I 4 Illitdllhdltllolulctilclllx _~-. _-`.'_. --.-nu- I Ticket Agent, 48 CLARENCE 8T.. - KIN1 I'.I_|. 1 si*nswinicsama HILL; `J. P. v0ILDERSLEVE, fTI;-`I_-L A ..._..L ]PETERBoRo 'l}a.nadiaI`;.'l. gzt_:i}";q:._l1ailway,' A Specie. Excursion for ' NEW ORLEANS, via. E2wu`?'? nun. THURSDAY, Feb. I2th. -5..-a. can:-m:u.`a sqr. Jam. In van unnco o! tho above uisiuon. I hen by call a Public locum of Ibo than of lint non. It the City Hall. on IOEDAY, 90: DAYOP I- lBBl'ABY INSTANT. It 3 gun. now: uh I! RIlI'1'l` formic! and funlur pu-ticulua apply to Boudoir Car lhmuxh from Toledo to .\'uv Or Inn. urn-nort CllA.\`6l. uu `Ill Feb. 6. , _...__.....___. ._._;-_ _. _. :- , Do :0! largo: the Vina: .Vlc-eI- In; cl (`nizrnc to be held In IE0 jrlly [Inn on Nlondny Evening `, It-II. Oil lI6l.. on total! 0! T 1 Queen`: l'nIn-ruly. All -hould 1 ' unload who drain to rt-Iain III.` { lllslilllllol II Kingston. --~oo The nudonlgnod rotpcctfnlly neat xhu you will be goo! enough Io cull I oeuuof nu Cm.ouu u! Klngnon u an early dare tor Ibo purpmo of connitlering lhs propued uunolno of Fnnoruly I-`edonxlon. more ctpocully an it u!~ {ecu tho (mine 0! higher Cl.lCl\lOII nu lawn: i To His Worship, 25: Ityur uf Kingstm : al-zouusmou 2 Every purchaser of common noun bum- uesa cnpuztp-_ when reqninng us grade for n on-rum purpose, putchun only that which bu been tried or II Allowed rs! to `an: be!ore bu,\|ng You are allowed 3 | free tnal bottle of Sleuregori Speedy ' (`un-. the great remedy for dyupepsin im- pure blood Ind uver disorders. sud :8 50:. and 91 per bottle. Bee tentunonfl from person! In your )W'1 min. A I`, : ('hoIrn, Sole Agent I . B|;ihz- `Powder. FRANKLIN B . I00. lunwuunn uaaoill up 1lIU;IY -KID. lullll. 1!?! I 1.: sum: 9!]! DJ 0uI-qu|et _ Whnn State 35. Bulcyv un ed . No. 2 (`Lands 71;, So. I Bun Cunds OI}. Rye -nounn||ly . Cumin 65 in hunt I ,_ blm. IAN!--I|lo IN. luau Ila. HA$-llIoM. Gourd 3019] Int-lI II S. ' Cru-Hy. IJIVZX-'w-I WUZ Ina-pol. Pub. 0: 59 an Flour -l!h to I10 ; rod ILOII. 7: (3 to 7:03]; Nd winter, 7: Id :07: 3-! .\`o.l (`an 7s0dto'a'I4d; No. lCan. Gnibd 14.61 lld. <`orn~no1, In lfd ; old (h 0:`! (L031. R. pl;-p_ In LA rorl Lard- (nu Yet`. :- \\ `uni. S In] 75} Much. 78$ uoml Yet. min 71} now. H; May Corn - 37} Much . Cab I7} . 40; Hnv ; !7 Feb. 1 urn-001, u.` B\rloy--&Ixt On. -5: Id OP BVBIIY DESCRIPTION. |.4r-nu ad. Bacon 3!: `kilo 3:1: Lu. TnlIov-33I 0d. ('heese-6J| OJ. FRANKLIN BROS. I 00. I|Anun-3n-nIlnIjAIn 1 0-I;;ul -Io sv.. `Kingston 0 I270 Mch; 1'21!) lhy ~7u.3 Iclz ` Tflj Apnl . 7 not quoted DT(I`1\ J5 I.lI J new rod uuu (XI. uu'ed . min 0111). Feb. 6 ' uh: I100 ,lIII u P-no K('.`IG3I'O.`1. fat. I nun. I All than dun mg run. uupovuylqy. wr - , I 1__=_e:|.ms \BRO8.,' InnuhaIIl'Iu(b2I. :'un"|uu-' -"'ai`:i31 .w.c.A.. nag use Q III IAY IVIIING. IDJII. '2: no onlhlly In h In-I. nag; I-ti--`:1-`TIT.-E-tsT,:I-3 Ani- non unn la '1`. D. ROBINSON." Inn 5| 0| I I. l- .. Imnodlnu uoulo-all of Ihinuintl In IuoIrnotWn.RoHuonca-bnucuh oval-duo account: will be when: In Divi- '0onn lot ooouuon. . n nnnmnnv - I I IIIIIIHSI. ` under an nunool Wm. In iwnon & 8 dinolvod on my one day on J1:-0-|'y 1 mutual cement. All debt: an. 1.. uni llo'l`lCl-: or uwrnnnsllln. 'N0'I'l0I ll hcnhy glv I-I381`. IL at] J. 8. Robinson haw annual oo- uutnonhip under Ibo hand III allotm- -on Bron. u nouns. and onnnnnl Punt: Glukn. Pnpu lo, 36 Illa | Old BtnIuI-8 logo: man. As: unuodlounnlolnnl ohhunaulnh :15:-.:':.:.;:.:.'.:': 1'5` ..`".....*r..::::':: a gun mu be tuned by'tho now mm d 3 I0! nnssuumnn up gummlgsnlr. . ` I HI PARTNER:-hi h-Ilboli elk ht- ! um... um noun-.. --a 1-. n. ' Soc. vs: P. OHLKE- i31'i:"i'fia:s ram numr, us Brock street. Illngnop. l3 (`ome_ give them 3 Srid. You will nd them anpoxior I0 any other. Only to ._...__._.`- T-II-`I I-A-I-I-I-I I Arrived at hat. The demand in Houtrcll Ins no lugs thus may could not full order: my sooner. I amt_nIun 2 THE 3TAll" Tl I-`ace lo Face. 1: IL I. Puncillon. locust Tho Proiuula. y Ilr. Oliplnal. IO all` A Illl of Human Nnnn. by David Clriltio Iur ray. It _-nu. I P .11!" ion Advcntnruot Tnnuinol `tunes: I ny ;-hon: Dundegilcontn 81.50. ' Ivy heaven. selections from the Poeunoi Inn- cjo Radio nnrxnl. 3'- cent; ltlnoin o I Inn 0! the World. by Illnlunl Yugo, 2 mix. 09 cent; 'NISBE']S, January 27. lonlcni-uz And Wong. by hunch Putmnl. um FOIL. till) Inlph Wub Emotion. by Olin: inll Holman tun Men of Invention uni Indnnry, by.BunIol Bunion. SL1 Through use Duknesa. by Mary Eoyuonr. -`Deena. Al; {ner cu: Poincinn. by 1-`. I. (`nvlotl I. SDIIIHB` Whu! Station. by Iaublmcx [11 loaves. Soloedonn from dun Phpnnnl Inn- clohrydautiptiou Ina E-.'&lQoeI I$oBul`TnWh:llnlo.: Iill W nnlniv A an`: lonlul-m and Wcndtll _ 50 cents. ~~7 NEW b5i{: mslnnsmrrnmu Tictouvdlhulu Ibo l1th.pnI bpbydollnbobndnghud .l-h-d-Inn.-n.AAAA__. .A.._. Whether yen pgrchue or not. come and see them II the nosrogc an sms, illllawa & atum g ouu $4.20. THOHAS HAILIY honl !'L..L.| A_-. n.-...._._L-.. I canon show In In cabin in out you snot can o1.Avr.5oII1vv ________________ HO USE OF INDUSTRY. MILLS BROS. Young Ladies, Boys & Girls. We hue ncened thin day from NOI `(II In nnortmcnt of Roller Rink Skating aps. Luhz. 8. Bod Hnnlld. P. Lsnb Inl- u-. Lsdiod I . Seal ilaullou. "fl;hll'|.I. Adudun lnnlln Inn "8 M I85. Ian`: I`. LAnbCooI.I. Buvllu lea`: Boohuin Cosh. Anluhu (`uh Inn`: Coon Cosh, Dug Gash. ` hulk! Purlinod Ddnnls. Lathes` uni Gem`: Fun 0! all Huh in IQ. Seal On n... \--I V:-.h D l-_L Lamas` um uenrn run o! All tilt in 8.5. Seal. Onn. Ben-er. Shut, P. In-B. Autnthna. du Gent : Nnpn Buck Gloves. wdnuil. M15 per par. NOTE Tl]! ADDIBW : FURS! Jan :4 Imported ainct from New York and lot :10 at The Leading Ilnucn and rurrlrn. Ouorul Tlchdiiki Duh: VERY 1;-1:ZN:n: tonnes Bookstore. -an Vvellingbon St- Co: Prices: and S0001 1'.-D. LOIINEI. `Iona -- Junnry fl. Idndilg Bolntionn. Every ro- qlisilo ht Annlylin or Experiment. Pan -gl.l.- V People : l:uvm-no PBQIEID ITI' 0000 AND Cllllll A'I` you up lo ! nu un- cuunn 0!: Incl u-links`. lonho LINK HERE ! ; OI PRINCESS 8`l'IIBE'l`q Inn. 10. Nut to Couincani I11---.u--.--. TENTIEB8 WANTED. FULL REPORTS OF GET YOUR 212 PRINCESS ST. `uh Iqypt TO LE1`. Y.W.C.A. 0. W. IcDONALD. Ionlnv W.0lllYIK)N :04 SI. rm 8L.lontreuL mun-dim cmuue mined on map: of lb. at Buinep Gard. lIIo_un|oau'Inno:_no.ndid notional "hind: tho degndnuoo at I onivomtyl lwi. and in bold it-otnniotootly. Be A I0 Iofodontsou. `_ imply oxhnotnoo ol all uoinroitiao Arwcollegeo oohndo Q1 Toronto. r nuwuw uugunoun; and the pre- sent movement is the Iunnd moat Inn- n diets to prevent men 1: catastrophe. The Chucellof cf Toronto l'nive 'l.y quot the high sud namely to y ground lint lcfalhould be b_nI _ um- Ild on An: eollqzi for pro. _v-aqnnuunnnouonnoulabositutod Ilfaunto. Whntever uuyhp njdol Algal}:-nnlIQ'IQha:ni&d:.I....o..... Iguana`: College is she second univer-. Iity in the dominion; and if thingn lud been nllowed to go on m_l.heir usul course Ind if Quoonb were liberally unp- pliod with land: there is a strong pro- bability that under her ptuent olicnont Inunauuneat we would nnyo beoomo Ill 3 low you: the n: nnivenuly in the dominion. The prospec did not suit; our lomntn neinhhnn -x -n-I Ila--v-o uomuuon. 'u1o_ did suit lomato neughhou gund the lnovoment lunnd moat Inn- till. we: not [mm the ity-as n citjv. but `from prints individnsln. and if I nee t. to give 3 thousand dollers ta Queen's College, or to any other institution. 1 do not one to give the credit to the city. All the city. however. is indebted to the college, for to put it upon the lowest ground Ill institution which emails the expenditure ol about 060,113 nnnlully in I city ol fteen thousand inlubitanu in eerhinly u benefactor to the whuln lv. Some people may think that the meet- ing is one of, or for Queen's College, and that she is about to ask an opinion as to the advisability of her going to Toront J. This in a mistake. Queen's. as an ineti tution. hae but little to do with the meeting. let. because she can readily divine the feelings of the citizens as to her removal ; 2nd. because there in very little hkehbood of her heiniz removed ; 3rd, hecauee if ehe saw t to go there in no reason whyehe abould ask the adviee or eoeaent ol thecity at a public meet- ing inaainuchan ehe owes the city noth- ing. The good will manifeetaed towarda her. and (or which all her sons feel grate- ful. city-as city. eX lllIl._lI0lI may no acoepta ble. I nrivate individnaln. and i! I am in COLLXK CONFKDEKATION. The Editor. Bria.-It Wlnq. Deu Sh-.-Iz: relerence to the public meeting for Monday evening by Hi: Wonghnp the Mayor. I few words of uplumuon be acceptable. neonle mnv think um: ch. Inna! _ -nu...-.. uv \av 9- .._v ..... 5.,-...u.u-.,-.. General Wolseley is heat Able to judge 0! Ihnt he shonl-I do under the circuar stances. and the government know Wolseley wall enough to nllow him to freely use his discretion. Troops will be sent nt once to Sunkim and Barber I from Englnnd. from India. and porhn; w from Southern I-Lgypl. Ind the power oi Great Briuin cxpellded in web A mighty eurt for the redemption of tarnished lnurels as the honor of A great nation demmds. ..\.............\. .. v..v... ....., . ..., ....`. force mu.-t be -9'-rcpt out of en.-It-ace If : relief I! not sewn granted : 1-enerul f I Stewart is in I peril-mi pl-Ice. he-pelnl ' but wenkened by the late seven: ght ing; und (ienenl Wolaeley does not de- sixc to Ibnndon as poaluon whu-h cast. his proieoessor so much to gun unless ordered to do 53 by the guerument. 3 I`.-..-...I '._I...I,...`_|.,.._||_..,,,l,, I Eawm AND BEST s'roci( ............, ....,,.-.... ....... ...- ,,\...-..-. service. in the way 0! pacxfymg tho Sondnu. failed. the country would have teen sued Ln expenditure of many milliongami the Ions oi lhnl. winch is in j nitely more precious. many nimble! lives. Lilse(ilsduone or Wcvlseloy Le} any Inveernd. nfnny run be idea! 3 be-ro's pan. anti the Bnlxah pg-opio-1e~ : msnd in terms unmisaakn!-ly (ll:K8f[D|:i- | I I ed tint he shnil be savml. if yet ulna. cr ucoged if dual. ' 'l'L_n_`.:_|.1V.|._.. |,__.._ l_ I .__... I ` The British Cabinet. have had st-we-ml very anxious sessions. In-I as for as pus sible Wolseley has stated the situation. Ins one of desperation. hauernl I-Zul may escape serious connct. perhnrs an- ; I mhilation. but only Ls by 3 mirnclet tl.-v ? -___--.,_ -. :'_\,_. _,.._ |,, _I n. ' --uu`.-. .. ~..-..... luislu un uI.\r\rI-ta -u-. r\......~. ....- ..... , (icnenl (`union :~ just. now hell-lrs. perhaps be in no longer In I poaxnon to i enlighten and enconrnge. Had be re turned to England when L13 persons!` _.j`.. ._ .|._ .._ -1 .__-.I...-_ cl... .............-... -. _ ml is requir-e.l ' Why !-:um and utterly xguolu [Lu hr: ti but the best lII|'n.`` and Ju-I avert I second and perhn us a 1 -____I 1'__I._ . ._... .._.. l 1 1 dpuilglovluoonn iuthoeouneil it they will not stoop the sidewalk: ?'- Ititn I correspondent. and In no doubt Ochoa Ibo unusual: at I and many olhn. One thing in eanun-LInO our llibislh In I!` n nhock'n: and unsafe -In, __ L- _.- `W ! Ill UIlI- VI-v U31 vrtiln nu uuv --uw... ___ uyuuutvillllodnnodnllhepeoplou uuuottotccdtonndnonothinu more $io8|lInl|hoDolIlrIoGiouof|cer- hincnlupouhhoutnotenrnen. It the by-luv cannot In onlorced by nu Incunlotthsconnciluunaunowplow I lulu llwj -vwzl unyc.-..-. _- not told to diuipau the depnn-ion vlzich lollowonl the snnonnoelnent that Khartoum Ind lulled. The sncccas 0! the rebels bu bu.-n conrmed by subse- quent delpstcbes. and these I130 is-in can that the British troops Inn ale: ed I npvau whose real signicance un- under cannot pocsably imngine. -n__ .3 -....:..._.. -1 .1... v-...;....i_a .. an l"?!_'!- 59*? & cm- IUUZCTII II'U I1` I Ill'J:'l 11;; Illnl uuo`-u. dab in may diractionn. They have not but chums! la: the winter and _ , _ ,_ _ _.-n L- _|,-_-A .1 AL. ._.....I_ -'-H" ---" I""""'J ---v~-- - The dnspasision of She 'lCUO!lis` ll tn cry out in rune. to dam.ncuI:- every thing in connection with the rxpalntion. to con r :11: crnsule um! um nbnum the. It idiqnnahl that 3 city lake Kim- .A.._.. ' I. L.I.l.-. A- 0-... null AKWJ STILL l)Kl RE38I.\l..'. The ablgunn. to-dny received. do . .__.| .- .I:_.:__;- `L- .l....._..-nn LET'l'IB.\' '10 IHE I-ZIJHUII. `VI-II-I IIQIIIUIUZI uny_bo nid at hitdldlotturn I III A Iininn-mtu _ u-.;.,.... .. . 3 Q sen-M: r .` ruxou; uxcwmxc -~s1m.\wu".- -`xxw you wnn.-' ~nweou:- um omn Inna, u uuuuee`. on n.-my nmumpnpqnuonu. Lathes should not bodhte about Mn. Platinum`: Vegetable Compound. for. this aullyhu been triotyplvvun and pniaul non. The chance oonqoonolll ol iunonm nan Inn uinosimu brought dinnyuto not only on their own worthless madicugu that do- qunes no credit. but oomotilnu, with much I injustice`. really nliablmpnpqntioni. I not about Mn. ovr.< I . ' liobmnoxfn Phonphogizod Emulsion by In imulsting action upon the organs of digotiop cud auimulation, uni: by m powerful nluntivo tonidund nutritive nonunion. puries the blood from A" powernu uunuvo tomounzi nutnuvo int. puries hlqod Inom I" aim. and inoninu in solid oonoulnenu Alva Ink for Robinson! Plxocphoriaotl ' Emulzon. and l>o'gu:o`you get It. ----<-0----L uunau,-, uuuuuu .4. The `Clayton papers contain this pecnlinr yet thoughtful adv:-rcmeuzent : ".`htioo-.\ny Dernon or persons that walks off with my wood, will wnko up some morning minus a stove. Beware. it will be loaded. ' Exvnm Cm.n.v." u..... up, -\r 01 Jccvn. Last Friday Steward Miller. mate of Iteumer Thorn," stabbed himsc. huh in; lean kick for u long time and got di-counged. .\lr. .\I:l|er luu been on the river In low `Rum and is well known lmong |)0IIlut.A. 'I`l,_. ("IL ..A_._ .,__,, Nuw York, Feb. 6.~-lliclmr:l Short was nrr-signed in court to-lay on a charge of nwempting to kill Capt. Phe- lnn. A large number ol dyntmilerx were present. Pbelan nu-present and gave the facts concerning the tssaull ner which Short. was held in 32l,(I)0 bail for exuninntion. Phelnn naked for police protection, but the court said it could not grunt it. Short`.-4 examination will tulle place tomorrow. ,,,, ..-,. Mrs. \'.m(,'nmp died at Well : hlsnd ` Jun. 3191. aged 94 years. I --a l.`_:.I-- (:A..____.I u:n__ _ ,, ., . ...,_,.......~.,.... -.... . ...v,.-..... Stanley Huntley, newspaper reporter. has become Chief of H10 Ta-ton .\'ntmn Indians. Dtkou. He sun-I the old chiefs: life some wars up and was adopted by him. lluullt-_v in now In .\'-.-w York. John Suihun nnil wife. of An.-eoua. ('onn.. were Ionmi ale,-ml nu lml )'(:n[rr~ day. his bx-lruve_d that Snllinu [I.')I- soneal his ml-: anal tizv-n commute-i suicide. _ The London Tmm says Husainis ad. vance on Afghnnist-in can be uplainul only hy the ulterior nncl mmvoideri mo- tives that are distinctly hostilr :1 Afghanistan and I-Znglnnd. r-.,, |,4 II_,,.|,,, chemical Apparatus] ` Thu chance concoctions ol ignorant -on nvn mtimu bimlnln diunnntn In: nnlv ...--... nu... uuu ..-~.. . uIn`|uIrlI`l v The first buuhuu of the Hun! |n~h regiment gained \\'ul'-or-lr'_\"~ pnzo pt 1' hundred pounds surling {or making the ql(`|.'(`B! passage (ram rianns L01):-hheh. (it.-u. \\'olsnlo\'. II] n printr leuc-r. says I haw pvrsouullv known uuly two he-rcr-s in the ruursu 01 my Info: -471:- was (Ben. Leo. the other l Hen. (inr , Cr. IDCI Ill vour QIIICIDCCI UIIICIIIS Ilulu Toronto. She will become the clly ul patricinns an-I you will be nu-re lwwcra ul wood and Jnten ul wutur mmuter I Inn: to the grunt an-l ueulth nul Puxurvl _ . of Toronto. Let the en. u-us nuke n gum] rnlly ` no-i gnu uulumlc-I exprms:-ucn 1- {hour ` opnunom. - ,\(innlHnn-. l.-' (J1 u\' . .Il, l. fillll HIPI l~'AH1'I ` culnr ta the I4-n.'_v mlhu the dangers wlncl. Lu! bill" I 5 Attending theatres. I I. .'_ g-.- 1 .1 v --u...-....,._ oI-unul\u- Ii. is stated that I pro;-<.~si W1 sin 17 he nude bv .IuX|`ll \\'.-at L; In the Nimngunn Canal iointv bv an Baiuin and the l'nit9-i Dlllle. The Home Ulfice lml oruaniz I n lcctire fbrce for the pmlv-cliun of public building`. all mo-u nrla-cu-d Iva Lalteu from the Irish z-unaubvilcrv WI?` don.' I lK\')u.`t` I I I trnbau-I ~ _. III E. 11!! 1:: I I nv-No lbinq tnlio 5 lot the 1-unncnoolar GALLOWAVS.

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