Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1885, p. 3

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Juiololavonlju--u--r-.- 4|---I-nun:-tn.-uuuu lzcuu Ania-5-J: Insulin III I; (-U TCi- _-UHlID'IIlnI- ITIOXIQ A Very lnuplrlnl Ell.- O-tvlro at Ibo Cliy llall. but night at 8:15 o`clock the city bull in junmed. Hundreds eoulvl not gun udmittuwo. The student! condurtod the IOFYICU. John Ilny. B.A.. occupying tho chur. There wu burly magma, Iod by Mr. J. M. Sherlock. Ir. Jerriot undo I short. uddrou. [allowed by Ir. J. ll. Cluk. who [elated the circum- alnnoo 0! his oonveruon. Wlnlo I lube- nl ooliocliou was: being authored I qunrtcuo nag very lcelmgly. __i -0}? vi! nu nun \-pu---. Bnilu John C. (`|ark. aged at yearn. was bringing Joseph Thomu.a rrook, to penitentiqry from M. Cathariurs on Saturday lut. where he had been con- victed ol ateahng jewelry and sent up for two years. When Bolleville who reached the convict. who is very lumi- liar with that city. uusc anul proceeding to the water closet. cloned the door. leaving the constable holding his hat. Thomas raised the window And made 3 desperate leap lor liberty. His loet were shackled and on one hand he were I handcn. but he managed to evapo- ln stew minute-n Clarke missed his men end stopped the train. but he was too slow, the prisoner hnving got to some place 0! concealment. and notwithstand- ing the most diligent search mule Tliomu could not be found. The Belle- ville police were notified about four o`clocl: and they joinel in the search. lint no (non of the escaped convict could bolonnil. The supposition in thnt Thomu made for some blacksmith shop where he could euily remove his ahnck. Inn and thereby he better able toevade the olcers. - . 1. nv,_.|_,u -1 I :......l.. 'IlIEj.IjllvuIa-IuIn -...,..... pva impuraoaalioua. In Oil City. hau.,vhiloaotiuaaatapa|anaatho Iaohareag hat` aqluaulvauw claiuiodbya wocaaoygad in tho hnpu-aaoa armada. abaua-ooor varted.aulluralayaIyaanbohaabaoa ` lectumw on tomparanoa and kindred uubjectn. llo vaauotiu Canada until this you. baa been augagod in work huoainco January. and Ioanoponer aaid he wan graatly attached to the country. "And why ahouldftl be." he added. "lot I'm an Iinglialnnan everyday ol the wash and twice on Sunday." Mo baa boaartcngagadal onryplaoo be baa Iceland and will apood aeouaiderable time yet in Cana- ada. Ha ha: viailod many 0! sLa unti- tutioua and ha been well rocaivod by all classes. Yoamenliy be attended the Queen Street Ietlmodial Church. morn- ing and waning. and In qllll delight.- od with the oruata and eloquent aer- IIIOIII of Roy. II. F. Bland. He won! H16 Olulxla. Shoti J. C. Woodm. of Lincoln. Iuthonxed I reward of 050 so be oered for his arrest. The following is a dis- cripou of Thoma : uA n-..-.a:-.. _-m an... A! man In-ium. Clflpuu UI IIIUIIIII . A Csnnrlinn,--`.!6 yeun of nge, In-ight 5 feet. 10 inches. slim built, small sandy molishcle. moth prominent. and overlap- pinmdnrk clothes, no but, hnndcu on one hnnd mud nhnckle-a on both feet. Formerly worked in no factory. Belle- ville." -- - n .,_,-____ :_ I).\II-...ll.. I nnF1i2unLi.umim%s sum-| VlIIOo ` Thomas is well known in BellonHo- He lived there nboub (our years ago and wu engaged in Burrell'n us factory. Ind bots u had repuution. He is want.- od for being unplicstod in a heavy bur- glu-y in Belleville a few yous ago. --- ---- FEE DAILY BRITISH WEI-'3,JANpARY 28. TL-- vnov an .-_-. -. won this ulurrnoon. The Students olijle iudicol College charg- ed with the Robbery--A Ilonlnl. A week ego the remains of Margaret Keely were placed by sorrowing friends, in the Reilton vault. Some days nfter. wards the gentleman in chuge of thil gnveyud found thnt the look on the null door bed been picked. He mused thetthere must be something wrong. `nndthere wu.- -On eoeuteg cheoukets he missed one. that containing the body of Ihrgeret Keely. Of course the robbery wesoherged to the medical students. and the police were asked to make u search. They quiuod seven! of the students and ell indiguently denied sc- knowledgemont of the csse. Oh. no, they wouldn't do such a thing. The police yesterday searched their "den." and cloeely scrutinsed every nook end our- ` net. but they found no knee of the mis- sing rennins. The deoee.eed's frienis. V t'ie aid. on now sntieed tht the body ` is not in the city. 11.. I!_..I..v- -..... -_- :n oh; nili tn. mo WWCIVZ 1 with: W Ii:-uv olthopoblto banana! 1'3!!- u__.n I..|--.| n...n...A ..4I I-Inn, IIZIY IKWHI Iluj-In ..-';, hid. Inland. 81-otlnnd. ud Wain. later on In hunched hinnoll to vuioty ,,,_.|.__J J:-I_.A -...._.. ._.| ll llut Ill nu; DID : Mn. Keely`: son was in the city to- duy and Ind the Female Medical College touched for the body ol his mother. He feels his position keenly end says he will leave no utone unturned to nd it. Ul.lIjIIlZ-. IRI-up----- culnroiumnnthunhingdhhinol hnnylvuiu nld tho hnpuuu eunohuidoulotlntndlohn. The uivupuiialuly clootivoud niudlnclul vcy-Idshighuin lhoplhlieutiuntion. Itu.1. moms: mu. Raids onnults no becoming oom- ymon. 0n Thnndny Caretaker Lyons. whohu ohugo of the null oi" Splen- hum. discovered that it buf jgeou burnt open pad tint the body of Ir. J. Wright plmodiiitthrpqleok ao,wuIniui9g.' Onoxlminilgthodooritwqpfoundlhnt ' thofthroe locks, which-Md kept it". Ieclumhnd been picked". The people ` In wry much uoulody the shit. "unison qnntlv trying Iowork up 3 ~ooloo. Atpnooot thoydo not how` . Qlhothorobbolllro. v ' lhmmia Pruvisinnxi IouIIl|Iouuu-uuuun-g;x-o---- lhn. 80.0 of than wboul vhuulnhnd luntholnyohlhu Ioutlhcyuhanldhojula-Jnthoknuw thy IIIIIIIIHII. Ion uplnvld Hnvlunnuly. cal all nuhldcn htonubhol pnquiutlluihuho luotnu:.wiu:hinInodo|ocntIoI.II|nn- Oil. in patch tun. uh! II and Lu- -. AL` -ml-Inn M H ..-L._. ICU` T I j- It _U--- Ihflllluulndduvkhbu Duh: qul Ilosulklh lhltnuury nuunddol Wan Iuobolplnltn|:!I.M canal in utlhkl tbnllm cplthddndlynudutlh-Jtu Ilillholhllntllshluu. llhvuduwcu c|oukhnl.udtInyuoIIulu-ngtho _._-_ X- IL- -_4IK...g- u` 1. gpgwfj jvv. v lwouuhlhoudhuo IInopulauI- -l AL... -Lg:}` AL_.l-__. n Alnilthuobnnnl. .g_.I1n_n -_.|.I ._.A .l._..l.- I-LL: A -A cl Union. an. out its: _:-gun-u lvybil-Ila. 1- .___ - |...n.n-.n. -.J - ..--haul: WHO 8 THLE THE (`UBPSE `.' TIIIL E51] PEI) (`UN VIPT, A H; cl Iblory. .L I..-_ D__ll_I.-n Tho 'II"|" Ioporti llnclod I ; .0 the Loner - GQIIIIQ Down to Putin. Iva us run: up onlwu-Q . .\'ow the: in the point to uplun which Ald. Canon rose to I question of privi- loge. and AM. (`nreou my: the Wire`; report of wlnt he end is correct in every ! pulnculnr. and hr ought to know who; `> he Is ulking about. The \\"um'e re- I pork wu. moreover. endorsed by ALI. Carson : letter. and yet the scrnbe of L unsavory reputation will how it the` our defence was avenue and plainly H marked with an attempt to oubtcrlng,-o.' Well, well! There was no dispute about the en- guIeor'u report. Alcl. Cusou tune. I did not. rise to speak nbout it. but to cor reel the misrepresentation of the .\'m s_ and whxle on my feet lenwred into some of the details of the Could uny- tbing be more direct `P -rn... n'.....-. ..-...-In-u nun nnl nnmmin. our cm Prices on TABLJE : Lnmns mm had the dgdnd obct. .- COome and see them. Ild \)Ill'I.'lI$ IIl&II. uruuuu lot 5 loan term ol you: new gfveu un- dotun Ieclonhnduacgandthonoooy plid lot the lulu inveucd in mm ty the Synod. Then in duo coooilonhlo land in tbonppctputolthocity which huhoon `uimuuly leued. The globe {um in Kingston Iovuhip and Synod llnll are also owned by the reckon. Dunn Lyutct talk: of ntuning to the continent to live. but some people think hr will Ipend his day: in Kunpwn. The congtegulion will not endeavor to ll the acsncy at once. It Inll [robably boumo weeks bolore my lunher Ac- tiou in liken. ----o ol- The Nun reporter penint: in naive: lining himuell II a dummy dutortor of (mu. His last misropnuuulion vs: III mgud to Aid. Carson`: connection with Vnctorin Puk. In nxetchina the debate upon the park comxniltodn T1; port. be mdulged in the: usual mnccnncy Ind hauled his report ...n 1._._.-_ n-_.._ ;.. - ..;..|.I- [In ;- l CI!`-I uunuvu LII) lI.Vr\IIU "Ahlenusn Canon in I picl:|c.-llc in chugml with being responsible for the Ion of`0ll7 to the oily." \ - .1.-. :_ n_- _.:... 4.. _-..|-._ ..l.;.|. Dulus Ir`, -nu-u u-.-.-. . The Wino`: reporter: no not commim ! aiunod to fuluily my public proceedings. W and they try II 311 times to do the right. Their work has been appreciated. and hence they cu: uord to treat with scorn and contempt the piheous whines of those wLooo uent. companions ur the bats Ind owls. fCjIIlIllUll-'IT--. --- Dun count] hnnlly upon his work ndwuluuolynuu-nnouhlinnukhg thoruokxyvwyprodnotlvqlnnuainhy. Dnringhhlongtntnol oleo he has Dr. Wilson and Cook. The rectory ol 8:. George`: Oulednl in n wuthy out. Its yearly ineouo In button 05.!!!) And u It ol nlld (I Hut, bounded by Kiq. Wellington. `Brock sud Clarence It-took. uround lcuao On Saturday nfternoou wunle Uiccr Duncan was arresting I drunkoa man nnother stepped up to him. and. placing n,__; .... n... ..m..-'. nhnhlzlnr, nnouier IIl.Q|v]Ir.'u uy w unu. -uu. ru-.....h hia` hand on the ocefa shoulder, said. "ll you let him go I will tnlie him home." Pn-vious to this the policemnn hnd oc-red the name gentleman the pri-. vilegv of taking his iutoxicntesl compan, IOII home providing he hired a cab and put him in it. But the oer wns not accepted. The olcer told the stranger that it he did not mind his own businus he would put him in the Itltion house. The stnnger then spoke nhusively. sud. of course, was Arrested. llo. however. secured his liberty bytleponiting 1 I5 bill and promising to appear today. The infonnntion rend that the defend- nnt obstructed the oicer in the dia- churve 0! his duty. Mr. McGuire enter- ed mg plea of "not guilty." After ()1~ cor Duncan`:-I evidence had been tnlxen the magistrate agree] with Mr. McGuire that the charge hnd been wrongfully llld. "ll," said His Wonliip to the policemnn. You hnd lnid the chnrge of lhunive language Against the man you could have Innde something out o! the case. but In it in you cannot do my- thing." 'l`le sleigh Inuen `racy Irc nu uuuun -, .. Paula; 'l`ra.Ia-`l'hr-own In the Mr. W. Young, R. Tominy and J. Meloney had a narrow escape from death last evening. They drove to Collinehy. and alter a short etav at the villape Iterted for home. The night was pleasant. and the ynnng men chattel as they went along, little dreaming of their danger. As they neared the railway cut at Col linshy. they listened hut. could not host e um epprouehing them. As they reached they crooning their horse and cutter bed` just got clear of treolx when an engine caught the heck of thealeigl: and swept it around. with the horeelacingthetreck. Thelreekiral torn eat of the cutter and the occupants of it pitched high Tip into the air, Young was thrown eye: the homo`: head Tominy lit___npon the hone`: hack. and unlouey under his feet. They never had inch goloee null and don't wentinother. They went heck to Natalee`: hotel and _.......I ....aLu- via. ed nnt the bong I 'l`IIRlLl YOUNG HEN IN JEUPARDY. sldgh Which They an In Inch U! 3 3...]... -I-as-_1'In-or: 1. II. In 2 crs,| III. II IIIIIIIII. AI In'I;-U-I `I- nndobywhlohllov.Dt.IaId.`|0 no\oI'ol8t.0ooI'go`u Unlhclllll. 08- _L.....) _..z.:.__ _.n. l\.._ Ln-Ago noun \-Ctuivw v_._.___.. -r :2-got`! piling Inlh Den 147'`.- Ihiahouhnp Ill union by I `D- -_..._..n a- n.. ..........n.-., Tho - I-Irv-U-v- nduvlllbnllovcilsulilhqclm uoodalu-tu.oI:o |IuI'1|||`- 90-- Lyulninltinh-ubybitlh 004 ll -gnyyanohilubeuol In- |:_ 3- I_|-_.I A_ -......_.-A can v.quuv.n.u1.,uc.vI-I-hr upwuuhdtvutvycuulnuunnot dwi\I8t0oa[o'I(hIlI'I|.||l"` ht.hI|IIduuulhhnc%||IIIIUO L-_L._.`_..__A.J TL`.-Q-nln THC W$I Dllllililtiuua unnu---u oooundulolhu-rig. lhdnotlhohono -they were driving Bean a quiet one the slimy mighfllw huninntod more noti- '6da'y. " `lb-CI)`: rloinlullluu. Fruluouhwostudwutwindu. hi:-_ weuhctwuhlzahtnnowlnthonotshurn` A__A:._ . I-_.- A.:n';&nIIn la'l'ERl"EEl\G \\'iTll POLICE. T____`-~ mm jlhoyvillnhnlnlnhlpnuutnnnlol auttwuuunvqunnu __-4... ,,| ____. "CI |)lI"l.`N'l.' 0| 'fklTTll. `IWUI vwu:--- 70'! f IIIETI IOIII lfl. - ----uy. Tbe Bnplul church was well lled llltovouiug. There were many htlllf on who attended to witness the inner- sion ol Mr. H. Burden. which took phot- that the sermon. ..-. gnu,- . :l-lulZ-u- a health and Im night in uleclod. lean. Gun 1 Burns Ids this morn- ing for Montreal to select. unit new slant tottbo opening onluch m in Gudinefs old shad, I03 Princes: St. Int! uni Ivlluvu. Plot Bucklnnd. snnsoocnlcol Sbonl Ferguson in the rshblinhmcnt of pro- uncinl fans, is Ilill to be lound It hil oco III Toronto. though relieved 01 ill duty. Me n over :1). ll- g_..|. .___|.-_ ._t ...,`.L..._ I-.. n.v_....`........ - .... .-.. Ir. (lelnmoll. hots tailor in the pu1i bulury. while returning to his home In Wnllnmsvnlb on Snmnlcy Honing. tall and usjun-I his back no lmzlly thn he in conned to his house. u-nun-nu a nu. u--nu, lvu - .un.v- uu. lr. Wilmer: term u Lienlcnun-Oo- vcnor in New Brunswick. has beta 31- I- -,1 7: -In nu .1vIv snuuw-no-. n--nouns. traded until In July. II n interred Ihd tho plnco is being Itupt for Sir Leonard Iulley. ,...,. ,n,__,;_ ._._ _...AII AII-.I u-u . an: m vu. .-V. Mr. Suuth. teacher of modem Ian` gnngos It the Collegiate lm-tllubo. lnl received I call to the Perth lligh School. Ho vnll probably accept. engagement commencing Feb` In, :1 .1 _,_,,n I... ..:|__ :_. .|__ _.-_: lvuuu no-u-g A'rAoIuIslAI. nncounr or` 2: ran can-. WIIIII-IIIVW l'l IAIII lluusx. Peter 0. Guy. of Chiugo. lonnexl) '0! this city. unvod hens yuuerdny en route to Moulrml. .\lr. (irnv has me ceonlcd in (`lncuzu lnl ix now An buai ncsa for lnwsx l.'. Mu II neunm for I 1 low dsyu. A-, 11-. I -.._n_.. ._.. 1- I... DA. `nun.- .'.. -1 :- - Ilna. Lwgtrv maul: hor first up;-mt law In Prmcesslioorges At the Princess tbegue, London. Tuesday night. He: costumes veto much ndmirod. but her noting sad the play |_tself came in for very nevere criticism. \I__. nu.-- l'-..-l_.a;.... \'..-.4-.4... -nn loan. Ilnny.` Remington. Which; Iolgu his (at Ottawa today in conce- Iiou with an Pomhnu hands In! tho Canals Pacic I-uilvny can. Vjx IUUIIIJ Iuuw- ozo- Rov. Ir. Bauer. r-.-dot ol Trinity Church. Shuuoonville. ha unloved hi` lI|'qpuiou.I|:ich. we uulcuuthu L-.. _..._.-; n- n......a. :. a..|.|_ val, -uvtlvmnu--...u.. ' Mm. Chu. \'umlsu'ne. Napaueo. urn pnlhng the stopper from a bottle of| ammonia with hot lvellu II. ew into her mouth and scslde-I her severely. An mislortunes do not couau singly, her only son was ukou III with bniu fever And died. On Saturday l.litn- pasaul urn)`. in [`itL~ahurg. the spirit 0! 5 young lady most. neclionnuly Iegnldul. Ins Kim Hyrne, ilnughtvr ol Erlvrunl Byrne. She hnd hcen ailing for some time. but only within in le-v weeks past. did dnngurolu wymptaoms present themselves. nection was one hahn: medical skill or the most anxious cure. and she undu- nlly sunk to rest. surrounded by n aor- rowing funily. whose love for one an- other is rnmly cqnnlled. The deccnsed will be greatly missed lor thnt happy diupoaition which made her the his ol evorv circle in which she moved, and her nntimi-l_v removal will be long re- meuiliere-l with sorrow. But A life like Lens nil activity. usefnlneos ind lovo lot` those nround her has won something higher than enrthly regard. and her friend : have the hca\'o_ulv consolntibn to Manage their intense grief. -~ ~-- 0 or~----A- 2" W1 In In VIj-j Innlbcuoku will Ipnl at .0: ninionuy |nutuinBt.Pul'IChuuh l __:j Tho Late Klan Kuln yrno - A Lilo MIAVO ng- an:-hon QQ I-tl. --4| I -In A xnlrnons roon Ash uuucmz. Dr. Lindsay Johnson. of Centenvillo. Gav. . say: "I tnko great pleasure in ny- ing your Emulsion Ina nroven incl! in my hand: 3 moat efcianl remedy. in the vul- oun unsung condiuous ulhng for such I null-imonl " .1.-unuuur W -nhtJoIqhl.. Ruonl. luIplrlIhnd- unlihnqlinhcbuohudnynhoul dlhhuqu. I14... n...n. I 1- U.lI..- .-4| I` hpcyuinvd by haying -ow. In-ya`-U-uu-u------v--....... "l4vdPUbII'dnip." , Inst Dollnaul cl Iudnbohl. cl &lndty.|nnedwitIn honor in than- iddduunnnon. Iuv.Dr.WudnIpI. 0! uulpl. II in Owmhvhghol unnnonod to tho lnulhdcl hishlhr-tn-law. Than |s)crAcL nP.um1Nr| and willgive unumber cl Bnnznina in none Inna. ul sud oven fur below out In --_.__--._ --.._ "III rnnnnn in lag:-Quiuui IIl-- -I D-lngnnl t A Large Nmber of Remnants | Ll that we wish to clear out. gnd fully intend to do no if prices has anything to do with If you need SPECTACLES or no likely to need them, come and no thus; perlnpu one of them will suit you. In our rogulu line of Lnu-on` and Hot I'i.l' Goods In have n lu-go nnd new usort men; just uxuad. W. J-WILSON __ --n ---nInZAl1If' than-uyuuin-unusual-y-I can-vs-piano-oh-1|--run -- Mnbjnu l.'l`.Idhu.Q.0.. qnIhcn'l'hIII- .n,__ _x_... 2- n.. n_.A_...n.I|.-. .- (L. cheap Hat, Bonnet or Mantle` In. Vu0o|uuIjyQId- uvial nutinphIovYk. In-A|d.l:iIbd.cudnnIlIolbhoIn huvalhyu. ioouniunt. .Ooo.I!.I|lIt. Whdg.hnuqId npdtluddwedlludthofuuhl QLL. ' Ulllu lil- ._._.___.`__.___.._.-_,___.__. 0 THE PUBLlO-A. J. LEE bathe only E1381`-CLASS BARBER SHOP in the cat]. Ruth Room: unsalted. Hot water Iummor nod Innhr. Good work- :`nnhlp'|nd utialutlon gnu-uihod. Spo- indnoouonh to nudnntn. I OUND AT LAST-I-A nndy warrant odtomrp huducdoo 0om!.Bun- iom. Callous. ho. Banal : Kym On: Sun. In bone. 13` GB. :8 Walls`! Drug Churn We have snorted our 800`! I": ll Lauun ur runn Cod Liver IIII \i'|lh llypoploopllltol. .....-.-...-m -nan A\`h unnirvwr numerous cum-. yin: .u....... .. thusAnno:_t1cing I reduction aoavnep giathntwehnu OR THE 8381` WHITE .-IIIBTB. Brion uul Tic gab W. BIIVPB n_'yu'n Inn 81830 I-orlnalto up mu. . ` .o__ AN l'.\71Ti:-;1.\` nnuu. VV-- 'I'nIIi Pll-IBMACY." I. II. IALSIO 1. oo., Duo. ssunagsu-c. Pllnlu. ubwn. ALL GREY - AND- WHITE - COTTONS - AT - MlLL- PRICES. In onlnr to reduce their Sled Kathe lowest noint. JAB. RICHHOND .1 C0. will ocr Spend lnducemuan throughout this month. 4;... u..._....... u.n;...... ....| n...n.. n.-- ..u um..- 4-..u..... I... (:....a. vucl u.- nuuaucnurusn Iunvuhlxvul lulu uuuuuu. (iron Bcrgumun Knlllm.-r_v and lnntles, Grey Anti Whue Cotton: Dre. Goodn. (floodn. Ladies \'esu,'_A'c. JAMES RICHMOND & CO. I-_ E 8'In order tn reduce our Stock of Heavy Mamluse Cloaking: we will clear the balnnce at COST. !Woo| Mits. IWALSH & STEACY EJQHN LAIDLA9`[Bl!LL&s .9,N We tyre now oorlng Great Bargains in ULSTER CLOTB8. WOBSTED MELTON8. BLACK and COLORED DRESS GOODS. CASH- MEBES and other ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS. BIG-T REDUCTION SALE : :1 ml ...-_ 4-- g Q: l'AS'l'RY THAT awn` BE BEAT lion Band that In: no qud. u"`|,aulies' \\'oo| Gaiters. E (7lIi|dren s Wool Gaiters. :8` MI Tuques and llloutlsfq Special Lines of` WHITE and UNBLEACHED PILLOW COTTONS_ go. up j---- ___: An Class: 01 Winter Drv Good: at uni below Coal Pnce, lo nuke room for our New Large Spring Stock. 20 yds Good Grey Cotton for $1.00. 21 yda. Yud Wide (`prey (`anon for 9110 The public will be oorviucod now thu we ghe more 1 ouon for ll lhnn tuv other House in the Guy. .-_ - --n-I-IQ t\-L1` '.f"l'II"'I1'3I In ordor to make room for our Luge Sprung lmportntioun. which no new Arriving by every nteuner. we will. during pain and the following month, oer the balance of our Winter Stock. in Blankets. Quilts. Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery. Knittod Good: of every dautjpuon. Ladies` Jenny; mud New Mnrkot Jackets, Shawls, &o.. In mgudleu -1 -.-A QQWES an `E"I"'soNn`3'I-TE- Onnomu [nu Windsor Hole}. AIIIIOUDOG their FIRST ANNUAL STOCK-%TAKJ|NG SALE, .j.?_.-::_____.._ l We no not men of mnny words. but clnim wo um selling the Chenput nlinhlo Silks. Sstiln. Satin Dunhlo Dyes: Goods. Millinery. Ihntles. Ulntol-I, Ulster Clolhu. Plnnnoln, Undu-went. Hosiery. Boys` Jersey Suns, and Embroideriea over shown in :a.....um_ Come nnd See them. II | l<:LAR1<& MIHNNES Don't. Forsret th Placer NIRK Gar. Streets IIIIE3 Flumeln. Underwenr. Home . noya say onus, Iuu :.u.u.umu..=. uvun ......... Kingumu. Come and them, s_P:;:__;_I_gE 8: CR'UMLIE:Y S, nan --3 I11 D-I-eon: Itrnnl. SPEN OE E1=LUMLEY's. `NI `IBM I U` I` Ir-uuv-cu In Iun gulch llunovoon nu Punt Iwm hold I 01!: IA|)I0h01`l|N0 MID 0lll`l`B' I TIIUBIDAY. JAKUAIY Ind. at -_ ' --n - GUARD CLEARING llils 0!-` , READ`?- ' AID BRIT!` FURNISH] GU. .- 2-... null-din namonon thdnt Q Iuplno ll_u_uI._I5. Jnnn SI. ` `D 1?. 0|I||II1|n;u|'nl";\l. `lac. sun-nu Aulvuv ---v- -_~.-- , _ IIUBIDAY. JIKUAIY '1'. E: CASE ' / ' `~.s i. wan-uulvlnx. No uonhloa _.{iv gong. 3...`... .. l`.IInnA.:-.n :5! cont. ' EA sure bnrgnin guaranteed. Look 1! our 38 in. Heavy Grey Cotton II c. .J' |PARLIA1\a_1a;__1{r OPENS BSDAY. JA.N'- 29TH LID K) D081 Q... n n - A no -- nu UANUARY 29TH] DRESS AND UINTLE DEPIRTIEIITS. nun - srocx -H5 - mnuunm - uoong 1.-..--- --- mm: M puuuuuu hdihilln. an nu; hum-1.1. Stook-Takjng Sale- 1001: I-IEREIE Commencing WEDNESDAY, Jan. 7th. F. X. &uu2uu'3-":0-r. uun`;`8om6hnoba 8gb 'REMC VING! ``````` W ... -...-... -. . - I . . , , C) Puuncr B-ulslon 00.. llnulhx. GI:xnI.IItN,-I hnvo Inod PU'I`TNE'8 EMULSION OF COD-LIVER OIL, &o.. for .\ number of yearn, and have loud . it a remedy of gross nut: in many lormn of discus. especially in PII-nary (to-plums. scrouula, Ann-In. mud` in not in my nntinl the Iystom showing 3 DIPLITID cozwrnox or fill ,B1.oon, with uci or mail and deteriontion 6! vital forces. 1 have tho nsnd it. with very Inuoh utinhouon. in Wnsllig Diseases ol Cllidrcn. snd Iolna other plnina incidental to ohildhcod. R. A. DAKIN, Pcovuul. Row. llth, 1884. ' THURSDAY. DAKIN, of Pugwash, N.S., says: A- I`-.-_ - -_ IV- ml-l'-I > ` v ` {- an on (M I OESAP Dlll`l`I' ruuns Ind. & Ind: logs. . Onrdlnu I Ahl to alarm: the l:l:u{o 9! on W. unto GOODS. at ` ' Ar: or?e1Hg` -I-I-L Opposite hug xJ II: it --n in `II,-{W lI-QUF'll_ __ j _-__n-goo .2 "'a:._:..__g_`;.=;.;.3,. nu .hnn&lIu 1&0 Ll I I ' tam uu..nuuuunnnn'nuoIa'ou.' II! and I3! I I9! PRINCESS STREET. `W6oI`VEsTs. UT] vvu-g laneons 3008!. all General Stationery. Ahllounuaoihnodoing. is unwilling noun oiIEnAL $14 TIOIVEIH hf` fvotllb: 001' Al . nun III III! ; .`:}i'of.....-' ggggmntfnlts. ` __ __ _..------u 3 iotslllonquluou. l mil `> - &- I`- _, The Years Roll On 1 TIE nu. goes. ' ltwllllavvpniotvhanhtnd othuutulny nunnnekd HIRDY&MlI_I{RAY| TIIHIEST l88lll`fI};I1' o....'" "".I'}{ T CHINA TIA H5033. `WC Pllllli ITIBIT. T5. T02 33. aena Jvarxinuiusi. T.-DCAILAI nil innings} Aids. Berminghnn. liuty and Whis- ing left for Othvn Io~dny. Aid. Gilder sleeve hm gone ta Toronto, And omen IIIYO engngomeuts which will not per- Init them so go to the council chamber I _...a:...- 3n nnt Ilnnn his then: no go so Inc wuuuu .;........... this evening. A meeting is not hopod for. bustbere is no puhlnc bounce: presu- ing for Ittention. I Iollo Inland unequally. On Int Thnnday evening John A! bott. of Wolfe lnhnd. entnthined a sdect party of about twenty couples. Tbosprend on the tumbles Ina sumptu- olu. Ind musi: nnd dancing were kept up till n Into hour, when nll went home utidod that they enjoyed 5 very plea- sh. In-cod Procecuon. The uijoumed one of Lnidley v. Lud- lav came up at the pohce court this ,,_:__ if)... U... Y.-irlhw hm! her |OY X3110 up II IIJI: puulzn hvulu In-aw morning. After Mn. Lsidloy Ind her I husband up for noniupporng he: she and her children left him. She asked the Inuristnso ta give her protaction in the would bar husbnnd disturbing her. His Worship promised to do so. Ito Dhcnulon Wu Postponed. On Sstlmlay evening 3 meeting ol the Alan Intact Society of Queen's College was called for the pnrpouo of discussing the question of university fedetgtion. The speakers were I" presclit, but she uthandsuco was very nmnll, add in con- uaqnenoo it In: decided id poutpou the 1.5.4. until um midrlla in! thin wank. luau In the lnergoucy Tbcowu I gran run on tho Wnm on Sunnis)`. Three editions were pro- duced. hovilg the dotsiln of the London explosion as they cum to hand. and the apply nnzhott ol the demud that nll_ The War: done published the Sntnnhy Idvb from Wolsoley. Dqll II. was uuuuou In yv--yv.... .. debate until the middle ol this week. ltlou Iron: uonuuu. nupum. nu visited the London Bridge to note the} damage done by the dvnnmito explosion. Be oonldsoo nothing to indium the eolnlnihl of any gran outrage. Four -4- L- _.....I OL. -`pli--n-nx A1 l|||, we ucuuvu. ulna -V 5...... .,....- man. The brepuumu undo .: me "Plnrmacy" is thoroughly rclinble. And in cold in bottle: It 50c., II. sad bv the pllua. W. J. Wilson. lhoeougnauion ol 5;. Andreru` Chuehwilllneotou F'eb.4I.hsndmo-N dulbil Ienlltollov. Mr. Jordon. of nlilnx. N.S. Good low: to Inllon |ln.Kirk. 83 Brook moouau just mound I lame consignment. ol nll wool lalt.[Ilnah. nod on-naone ol the intact qmlity. All wool felt. 01.76 per ynnl. plush. 34 inches. only 02.60 per vnrd. II uouou ptesuuuau "1 W" I"'J"""""' I `-1 kg, we bqheve. nlvnys given 200*] vrL_ ..-._---Ann mndn at the Iocl. I11. and Who I: g good Itimulsting tonic Ind_ `food It iuollou ptesaibed 5! 0" PhY````'"`' ___. g.-- _.L...I.-.-. nl-urn oimn wood collllnliu on may gum: vuuun. -....- wash up he panned the puliunons ' building: nnd jokingly remarked to a. friend. Whenao they intendtoblow thilnp. "I-lintrinduud would Ion! tryit. Ir. Donnolly tlnnh the damage by Saturday : explouon has Ibecn mostly onuzented. who mono the uollodun? The night baton the Scott Act vote in Lonuox Hon. J. B. Finch lectured in the Iothodilt church. Napuleo. The sudianeo mun libenl coilootion. At the clone of the meeting members of tho uuooution wont to go`: the collec- tionliut fannd.th,o pinks pilodupin [abound pmptiod. lo- vbodyhuvwho did it.or who took .L.... .011.` mnnn'_ or nnvlhinn W -WWII! ulu lUwVI vun. unu- duty 0!` the money, or nything nboil It ,1'ho unooiuion are dyn- tiningforthopouou whopookotodtho D- -1. A [unkind lanai. Dnnurtchhkcuueupoo totIIole- port at a hotel incidents! Fhnuad. givnIvyn_nnuiypu-!roIntlnt'qurh;r.. Hum "loft" bIdly..u Ihoyipce qt ruuunoouynhtnooqqltointho my idintd. ,HohsdgivaninItrnotiou'n cInrk&son'nboultobo `oullndlnnln alxu.u.u-ainmutxwu` Ids uudhhrlntl, Thinlingitlnloho uuu.nd.|:d tho giuuuaing upcnin (uuczaoun. ~ nou:llaI)|tu-inahoiaillonutlan. - `Ret -nt,,ds ouunnjia `Ill thopoturiulllotion. r '7 I- mnnvuumoldkr Iunk. Iltnlou cv|>unonIoe:Puliuneu at I ll1unlaloI:II I-v-:u. `l'umnn nnlvvl In Gaol hunts. ml`. Jul Home from London. John L Donnell] of Montreal. In: just. r--4--A n_._ `I .....I.... i!_..I.mI H. B-lbnnliu . 5.-. ~ `kt:-.=.uuIvo Ippgpiu n --4.56." 9... K. aI15"1i_gna 0.9.3. urn Ami) vlcimrf.` un.auu-I-qn.po.u. an lit. Pot hi No llopo cl: Icotlng. Inlcluqnncall. uan. u....__..-_._ __ , thou nee than united to men whose comers were those 0! dmnhrdn. The sentiment won greeted with loud up- plonse. The mothers` nnlegunrds nnd the fnthon enmplea were doncribotl The head: ol households wonontlvinod so to live tlnt when they pused nwny their children would cherish their me- Vmorios, and. emulating thom.l|voo lilo of rectitudo nod honor. l'l`hroughont the lectura the blunders 0! all cluuea of people were humorously touched upon. but nneodoto and illnstrutnon wen used , -_) .|.-s .....--us-4: ha u-iwn I II!!! Vlvlu Iuu Iunuu-nu. nu ..-5..-.. ..... mothers in [anal to look after the poor boy: who had no mother: to care lor them. to feel for them. or to minister to them. The young lediee were admon- ished to exert the power they poewesed ' over young men, and tuconeecnte their ahilitiea to the making ol them good and noble and pure. In 1 mmcwhn; lengthy way he urged them tocerelnlly consider the hahits ol young men helore they look upon themselves the you ol wedlock. lie was reciting a case in whizh it we: deeirahle for a young lady to demand a cast iron pledge In return for her bend. and give him the mitten. when Rev. T. S. Chamber! araee in the hall and re- marked that e pledge under such cir- cumntances would probably not hold a young man. He had seen too many in- etiinces of failure after such pledges hud been given. The speaker was somewhat hken eheck. but he said he knew the benet oi ench pledges. and proceeded with his address. He aid that he had three danghtou. end he would rather take them to God`: acre and sing: doze- logy over them as they but eueououe Ina luuuuuuuu wvlw um... (or a purpose. end thet pnrpoee to drive home some solid truth. During the evening Mr. Clark snug eevenl songs, but the meet [)0 u- vs: a negro melody given by Ill ell men who we. moved by 3 powerful sermon. He con. cluded with an earnest appeal in [event ol tempennoe and the Scott Act. Those who undo the blunder of staying away I lost a treat indeed. F VIII. 1 ll-U313: -u---q nou|.un-unddsqhlunwanlning pnilhdout. Hoopuudbytdurilgto ghovuionunnvnpooploloolollibnd ouchddnllopopurlyonjoy itono "ll" '-' l'"'I I"" - -I-I todoit. The imperfection olthinlile below wuu Inn: and the pmnpooho! the banner pourtnyod. The upshot was :3 full ol ullihntiou an the weld- nnownod Bnrclnni. but his wad: were not a weight, in their import u the clouqhty clornmufuwem. The blunder in hill! the cup to the lip: wu described tn] the quenching out at .._ ._..__ nu. ....n....:...n- ....a....I I Gm! ailjces ! WIIIITIIEI I11 DIX `UUIIBIIH-Q vuu V. | tho hotter lilo puhotiodly ptctund. He advised I Iundu-ing of I chuins thnhound one to habit. Into free- dom lne."uid be, but ht slavery he chained." He urged young men on- po.-ially ho onnlully weigh the little Shingl of Iilennd to eochow I.hodrink- ing custom: ol not-ioty. He deocunted on the ncurillons liuonmre 0! the dny, pointing out that. I young Inn is no both! than the books hounds; no botlctthon the gamut he plays. Hi: description of the way in which coon` try lull .n- n I l'IIl| rn fill rlfi. 'IIT'V-Iy lit -- -[J----~ -.-- Tho |nuIInkhI|odvi|hgoolIhbI_ in (unit can lhu-oqhly dnlupl dhhklnqaauuuo danlhtauuu-Iylcpuhothaghh nooivotl h paging dlutlhou that was to (allow. "A voulutnl word- their ggoodrbyes to home and the {arm I won vivid and realistic. He urged the ,, ,u A- I- .1. -1.-- h|--1.s4n- The eight which met the rue 0! Mr. Clerkee he mountci the pletlonn yea- terdey eltuernoon wen inspiring. The City Hell iris peeked with people, Boy: at elong the front of the pletform, or equetted in Oriental leehion upon the ` oor. The eddreee hed peniouler retor- euoateothehoyeendgirle. degeve` numerous xneteneee of boys who became lemons. end when exemplo wee worthy of imitation. lie ekotched the cereer end riee of Sir Belj. Wen, the painter; David Livingstone. the explorer; Hon-. Alex. Iecke-uie. the stone meson end ex-Premier ol Cenede; Aden Cooke. the cobbler end eormnentetor; Snee- Oon, the uohivect; Williern Oerey. the . _:..:.....-- an, ereld. tlml - I- ---- ninlhwuhlol pnlhalli P0031: Ildlhllvld IHIIIIIIIIZ ' .__:_ -.n _n..._n..z.A 1'5...` Elm mI$l0IIIl'y; U68. unnuuuu. Iuvl ounl low-path boy and late Prosident of the United states. He added that -- , ,u I. ..... ....-ugnt Inngn-Q thqv ol the Unleuu ueeu-. lav ......... ..... 1 these ell heceme eminent because they ` hed bed no time or money to spend V ehontthe eeloone. He then diecantod ` en the evil: of eeloons. Nothing wee I0 destructive to the development of more! I netnteen the Cenedien eeloon. The ` Inonted upon. lletennoewee Inede to thewomoe oleeriptnrefune. end totho netitsend undying nelnenoe at their , _work. Womenelwelleemen hed e untytopulornn. end thet dnty wee to oonect the em hehito of the dey; to mm the mung. tolcere tor the 3yieg,toliltnpendenoonnothelellen Wolnuloonldlaebeo ooene greet without tiehee end ne clothee. Aetll ekin Ieoqneoreeetin e,e,,__ ___ __ _ H E ,_h. I -

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