Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1885, p. 2

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"3UI_.l..'4JJaJIv 4.:-vv - ..... .. .64`: lovlaP_nntcu:lln:n. '1 he installation of oioora at St. Law- ruaco Division, No. 2. occuned lut even ing. They were an lollows : Bro. 0. Jones. WJ . , 8in. Hadley. W.A. B_ro. Hopping. R.8. ' .813. Duper, A.R.s. nun Bank: '79, ISIO. UOGKB, 1' .5. " E. Chown. T. -' W. Col-mu. Con. - Figlds, A.C. " Davin. JLS. J. B. Johnson. P.W.P. After installation Bro1r.Jenoa. Chowu kn, Hoppinu. Comma. Manny- ` ally. Leader mdothen gave very in toasting ind inntmctuvo reading: on than ummnnmnnnan. unsung .8-In Inurucuvt thy tompernpooqnution. The _fu'n`enl of Hm. `Thou. F.'ynn.`ol won. hhnii. took puee to-dny,_J The body Ill bgought totho cilygnnd plncoa I132.` In-9 : Olalodnl nulhy. . Jan :1 1835. Jnu. Jinl. lP*`\';. Jun: rnmcgxnt Vlc'I`0I. -oo.---+ sums of Tempe:-upon I ll` cllon. I v I hvwuu II. Slnrnu-:. vvuu Ava. an. gnu.-..u.- play toall c1;.`s`s:as, and cial favours to none_ 5 Explosion on` lU0l'| l'0IIlI ail- wny-'l`I-IIH Delayed but {lot V IL_:__. I my bottom Gowot street sud Kine`: Crou Station. $92!!) this evening. The window: of I train wow nluttap ..n -..| u.. _.n:.a.n. nullnnninho, Than qduld tho QIIIQIII ollllglulncu. pupsengan were gnuly terrindu but no on: in` bun. 'l'InaJl'Iin Ininllod II pupenguuwotogruuyu-rnnnunns no onowu` 1'Iny,tnin Iuunodlh jog:-may alter a. delay 01 tionty-In Ullrluy minutes. IAIBAIJTI 1!! ins I-Arnanuvu. . Tbouhock 0! the explosion I'll tel by the ncu-fonts of Emma road. be- tween 2:.Punnn chnmh anal Judd by gg rcgyicl or human roan. no- tweeu 8t.P1ao1-an .6....n, `I'D... -nilnnv rnnn Illa Ihnln 1.00 ruin, IIIIIH CIU WIIVIU squat. length ol E m the roadway. The n It ncvonl wayfnneu on thelinnton road. It was WIHI great dimoilty that the bones on the mad Item restninodglrom running uny. The gulnghtu in (love: ntroot naaon.wuo extinguished. The ticket collector in the station was thtown from his box and the engines: working the electric light machinery Inn thrown frnm his uni landing on his Inca. The Ine plnengers were gruuy nsnnucu sud niuiy lsdies hinted. Gower street plstlonn was literally strewn with ferns - 0! persons prostrsted by the shock. me FORCE or I'll! sxruisioii. The houses in the viciiiitywsseheken end the ioedwsy oscillated. Two trsin- were passing each other st the time. and in both the lights were extinguish- ed. The windows were shuttered end the frsrneworli of sevenl csrrieue doors wee unulieil. 'lhe green. red and white light! st the front end rear olth ti-sins were extinguished. The `cket lector st Gower street street s tion describes the report of the explosion as shsrp sud ringing in chsnater. like the ilischsrge 0! I smell eld pieee of artil- lery. The point where the explosion occurred is directly under the road lead- ing to the insin cntrsnco of the London snd'!\'orth \Vc.-Itcru rsilwsy ststion. A lady's nose win cut by less. end one gentleman hsd his aid-3 end (see and en- other his wrist cut. Tliesr were the moet serious cssuslties rrportcd. All the pISl`IIt'|'U left the trsins st (Bower street station. Men)" werv in s liiill hinting condition. eleclnc ugm Inumnery wu uuvwu from hi: an landing lighuin the other Bruin in the tunnel were extinguished by the explosion. The passengers were grossly alarmed nnd mnnv Indie: TEE BBETHREX ol A-Iciam St. John's l.oa.Xo.3. A.l?.&A.Il..ue hm-vlzynaur nnnudtonngn Emergent eeting n! the Iuonic Streol. on VDYNADLITE in LONDON. nu A.l.Lr. Ill uunnsnnu. London. Jll. 3.-'I'he Ann says: "It. 2: runuknhlo how these ellorh to do nnnchicl lull shun ol the mark. The ..I..-... .....l _..-.. "I Inna.-vita Iunhnvnm nnncmol Inn man or III! nun. luv alarm and ~eusu of insecurity. hornet. are 8 source 0! nnscbiel and it wouldbo I rehef to learn that the miscreants has been traced. ('nl. Majt!udIr`[1Il1.'(l to dincovonmyllnug that would nuni a clue in the sdenm_\ of puqu-crawls 0! the outrage. Fhe puss.-ngoru on the trnin that Ian. (Pom-r street lot Kings Cross nation. A low minuteubeforo the explotiou he IIWI man who wore: an nlstcr with a fur count and mu undo nuke hut rut-zrtno compartment next to Inn. The man carried a heavy pnrcel. which was wrapped In H clothof .\merix-an mnnu- lucture. Shortly alter tho tram left (lower nu:-at ll man In-I. `lawn a window 0! the cum]-urtnxonl with n lou-I slam. He got. out at. Fnrriugton nlrrct sud wullu.-d away. Me In than without: parcel. .\ p'l-32-`-n;,;v r thought Nu,- strnng,-or hml f'>r;;utu-u II. and looked over the partition 1.7 new if I . was thorn-, but nt wa~ gone. I ..l.\.... i-nu...-Oinn -hnu'n.l that U16` but It A close in:pn~<`t.ion shnwml that tho explosion vonlr! not hue been gun- powder. an Um surrounding brickwork was not hlnckenod. It must. therefore. have been eillwr dymuuite or gnu cotton. The loculity of km explosion in on the north side of the line. mulway bolwc on St. l`nucru' church and Charlton street. The only clues ure a few fragments of paper, which were found nuuwn l')'Jl|` the track. ` ~ London. Jun. 2\. The /31,`-11".:/-I: xznyu the explosion on the nud--igmunnl mil- wny last night prove! the renewed acti- vity on the pan. of the dynunmars and tho nc-cusntv 01 renewed \'i,;ilnncn by the pohce. l`hc onlv ecrtuul menus of stopping such outrage: and dehecum` crimnnuu is lnuer mwnrdn lugoanongh to induce the betrayal of the conspiracy. ___._ .._. . --.--.. ...;-nun \r.lI |".\nu\:l.!\\|nu m -..u..x. New \urk. Jnu. 1'-,- The II(ra1J'aLon- tlon correspondent visited the uceun of the vxploiou at (iowcr 51. Station last. night, and Iounnl thn the rxiporls of the nmr Ins-I been greatly exngzgcrau-d. There was a bug svzno but no lulu;-Ju worth I-u-utiunxng. | -nu-...... .......... _._.\, London. l)ut.. Jan. 2.--5evernl In- drunkeu ruulnttoa met. a white man named Chzn. Abbey last night. in Lon- don cut. and brutally knocked him down and kicked hnu. John Palmer went. to hm n-ui-mince and wu similarly ironed. Escaping: they went. to a mu- gistnws nnd [ml wnrnnm issued for three of the crowd. Conltplilc Nichols. accompanied by Abbey. Palmer John Bridgcvuher nnd Cnuleq Arthur. attempted the arrest. of tho uaulnnts. when the Inner drew knives sud red. A fight. enwued. All the n-whim men were m.nhbo Iu mnnv places und had to be taken to the` huepn 1|. llridgewm wr. .\rt.liu'r And Abcy were nnbseqnenl lv sent, home. but Nichols and l ulme~ are Mill at the hoapitil In in very criti- cal couditior. The negro all escripml. A down whites and twico as many no- groea wntclieul the hnnle, butwsny st.` tempt. at. interference from the lormcr mu grceu-Ll with n shower of bricks from the blacks. ` .n.. Pnrnoll and III: Cnndldnko--8over-oly Cri- Ilelung lho lrinh Enocllllve. London. Jun. 3.-.\lr. Pnrnell will shortly issue an nddressto his consti tuents. outlining his polic in reanril to redistribution. T. I . ()' onnor will be Parnell`: csndidnte for Tipperary at the next election. Bigger and Henley have decried their nnti-British views exten- sively during the week. criticizing in their renpective styles Earl `Spencer and Bnnncrnnn. Ohio! Secretary. The latter is described by Henley as 5 renpeotnble nincompoop with low idea and no back- bone. and` Mr. Bigger more nnielv ile- ncribes him an n time server and repro- sentntive of the odious eyntecn of govern- ments] nlnveryi. , , `-_ \ 1 \- Toronto. Jeq,/2.-.\lemIe Purtell. I girl about twenty years of one. whose parents xeenle near Belleville. employed in Kilqour & (}o.'s pupor box factory. was on Wednesday night escorted to e puny It Albert Hell. Being e good dancer the wee neqrly 311 the time on the oor. About four o'clock in the morning she joipegl in e weltr. While whirling ebout III the circle her partner felt he; sudden- ly reel end etuuzr. and before he could cerry,l:or to e ubpir ehe expired without epeeking e vyord, ~ eg.-,A___ For two months the 11.8. Treunry I ma boonlooliug the effect vol the genes nl depression all over the country, uzd revenues lnve generdl ` docrouod. Ilnnn-hiln nrnnndihlrnn um it-'n't nn Avuci A.l . &A.l..: monudto an Flmorgcll Strut. land: tel-noon. 1: auto ' th urpolo hnunfd r of BL PItriek'I Ll. Tho btuzhnlx or ristnrlodzea I I i . By order of ma Wonhipfux }.' v'.2 .'e.""i."v" Emu" "i'="i'&'mm f "'. llenwhilq oxpogditnx-an we kept up to the highest point. .\ young Luly, IV!-llo Wnltng. Smlulenly Illa. In llar Pnrlnnn Al-nun, MIMI-l'I'l `III ., _I._-I- -1 Al... .--.I......- -- llllaf IIOIHIBC WIIIICI Flt. ol Ihr Former Ilnhbml. 5U.I"IEI'Il cnnmn IDII Jllllll The nilwny runs the whole :1 Rnnamrmd. nndarnmn .:____-;.. `__. C |I.LlN BAD NAIIIH. _._ naxcsn-1.0 ms nu. lAnumbel'oloIIIIoIIlIiIII iI50 vicanisyotnnlunaowiunusatip h~ insluvdnyu. The ontlollkk QM 0 beneting much hutch I I- _ .I:-....A.. -...L._I nnnn nu IL. - ul-mo. lE|.;cI.uII.' llunlou Iiwuuvvu n In a dispute yvltotdnv over the pure . olupialmnanmnd North,of Cour!-1 land. shot and dnngntonuly wonndol, William Long. of Tilnonbntg. | _All into:-nut: involved intho oodoom. ` lnntion. uudnrtbenllounant plan, will -an.-uctlnnnannnhnnninnthancxeoot l nrohnby summoned to utend sn liner goal I063 at linden Hull. on uidly Aetmoou, January nu. All o'clock. In the pl: of attending tho hand of limit Into onhipful Brother. chnnonhcr luchud. of st. rstriah Lodge. hllttloll. uncut me Iuolmsni pllllr '1" gang the given them except the any Vlllil Rnilwly Gun 1. . 1.. .- n... n.:.n..| .......| 9.3: . -u . -N KW-Wl'--lI jlii , `I9? r : A n Inthelirinkol tnnnnl.6;.-3. Ina` ntnrtod on Thu:-udn night by the bush- whncketn, who npon any one up- pmnnhinu it. It inn tots! '. Thor's in n collision at Burnaby" junction. ten Inilon south ot Wakeeld. Yorkshire. botwoen n Sbonld excur- ulou thin and n oonl train. 1-`our per- IOIII word kiljed nnd thmy killed. am, ...:.1___:. -3 ..._.n...... :. l.....I.m Ellll WEI! lloluu uuu UIIIII nu-nu. The epidemic at npnllpox in London, Eng. is very lotions. tho deaths for name tune having too on tho uaiphbon hood oil!) per week. At proton! there no llllfpotioub in the Metropolitan Asylum hoopihl and Win the Highpw `P1-inoohiunuokylnu handed to the Bundeu-nth six potitioonfrom oticnl- tnnl uzoaistions for the protection of -(Ann produoehdomunding am. the dntiaon oom.nttlo and woolbe in- creased four-Iold.|.nd that the gold ..m....o..- nfnndnr hp nlmlinlund, Webb. drowned wnuo uumpsug Io swim the whirlpool at N Fnlls, was yutoniny presented wi 13 a punt.- containing 675. Deapncbaa Iron: New Zealnnd report that Clpt. Webb's bro thelnin-law. Mr. Chuddock. Ins been drowned. PABSKLLITE CANDID |TK IIILIECTKID. Dublin. Jun. 2.#'l'ho Nationalists` Tipperary conuy convention, held 1!. Tbnrleu Jofthy. hu rojocwtl Mr. Pu- ne|l's ..omineo. Mr.O'(.'onnor, and has adopted Mr. Kym, of Cabal. us thur cnndidue to contest mo election for member of pzuhunem. for the vountv of Tnppernrv. London, Jun. 2.-'l'ho widow oi Capt. We bb, drowned while nthmpting to --inn the Qhirlrnnnl At Ninanrn Falls. ensued tour-mm. Ina us; we monetary utandntd be abolished. Toronto. Jan. 8.-T|ie (mu-nin (io- mrnmuul. bringing pre<.~;uro to bear on Cobourg town {or the repayment of it.-. indebudueu tnthu municipal loan hind, mm 01 1-councillor: dP`.hu1- ru 1-loction, and the newly-olcctei ones decline til London. Jan. Ii.-A 1-hysiciul has or deretlliladdonu to take a complolv rest for the preonnt. 5lr.(ilndswn1-is some- whtl botwr to-day` Ila will retire tn lhwudnn after he Ins Ittendod the Cnbinot. Council. I II- 1`l...l- noun... n..o t;ln.lOnn.. i. | UIDIIIOI [AMI IICII . Dr. Clark smug tum . tilmlstonc is suffering: from long:-v-.)u|.iuw3l Hlecpl--s~ nnsu iniunt Wonhipful llrouxer. Cirllphu Annngh. lo. B. G.lLl. The htotnren oi dun lodges no invibed to be mutual. Sr. LL.`ilLI, Jun. 3. The J;/r nl Mnl publuoh--4 two huudra-I lemers from pro- Lunueut umuulnclun.-ru In all parts of the Vcouutrv, Including luruncu men. dealers xu ll'0n _workm-,1 xmu-lunerv. steam eu- gmo bmlden: uud editors of trade pa- permou the sum nl trad:-. Taking the whole country tugolher the mlnnm of sales pn lh('!0 hrnnches in 1384 does not dicr malt-rmllv from that of 1933. There Inn. however. depreciation of vlluds of l.'- per cent.. no um. the pm- t-1nuI uggrvgnu- nmonut. realized from the rude: were dtunilcr thnn in 1883. The nmuuhmun-rs geuernlly take :1 hop--ful View of the future. Stocks are unuuunlly light. sud mquxraes (or spring .11-hvuy numerous. .-- ---4 An oil smoker declares that ho bu been using Myrtle Navy Tobacco vvrr uincc the second vear of in manufac- ture. and that during that Hum he has never nnercal from n lvliswrul tongue or parched tonsils. or any other 0! the unpleasant. (eets whzch moat tobaccus WIN lexwo hehmd Lhcuv. Hm exp:-n once. he says, in that 12.. other bohacco which` he has ever tried is quilv its equal, and that m value for thv money no other comes anvwhexe near it. ..By Rev. 1! Sullvoll, At the Mcllaodzslu Rnnwnngt. Johnson Strcot. on the "on in; of Dec flint. 1884. Mr. Thos. Henry Burnt. lo Min Barth Radian. both\ of I.` -n.-non-n. AL (,`nI.anqui,Jnuunrv lat, Wulmm Co-k, nged t! years. 1:: Township of Klugxton. nu Snturdny. Jun 3rd. Buun Wnller, rnhct cf the late John Purdy, nged 62 years. The lunenl will lcnve her lute mm- dcnoo. formerly Palace Hotel. 35%): Bond, on Ilondny. January 5lh.,nt. 2o'clook p.m. I-`naudxg and noqnuntanea an rupecuully invited to attend. T 1+ :*`*". '.:."}."$ ".- 1:.`-4 I IIIII I C Cr 3 1`. 53 CI do. Applimlitll to bonpde In Trance: School Boclion No.3. Wollo lulsnd. D. COOK. ocrtv tcrl. Jan. 3, |To the `Electors u_f_V|otor|a lard. mgnununx : Hnvln ben at Vote for McGu1re>a.nd_a.- gamut. scandal mongers and backbiters. . AN'l`El)--A GOOD }L".LlABbI AGENT un I commiuion . Mun 'iI`0 ucurnycruntm Cw?! rulerenee. Cu In: I from CICQI5 PM On. A|.7rply to I`. OHLKE, I15 Brort mrcet. rlctunv rune Factory. \1EjIU4--l'u` 2 Huh: been solicited by 1 number of eelroloru 0! vmmu Ward to oer mum]! (at Hchcol Trustee. through the vucnncy ol .1. LovIck.l re npecllnlly ooliun your vote and Inuence. nu cr: 1' r` wnsnn TEE BBITHRBN of Hindu: Lodge. .\'o. E. on stand Imam hnnhy _ nu lentil: lumen AL-ADY who hu been carefully tuhngl in the uni method 0! educating the voice, would boglod to Into 3 low pupil! to instruct In the an 0! uniting. Apply solllm. Pom), Oltnrbnrq. Kingston. .` Jun: 3. as will In received by tho nndonigm ad I to I o'clock pm. on 'l`IlU.DAY, TRB uh I BUANI`, lot use various lndu I0- quind In linking tannin alteration: and addi- tion: to loci. Walsh I Sway : Dry Ooodlg Emu. Princcn street. , ll'III|ll ll llndlxnd ugh II. T 138 KAY nwnw. racy. nun: Btrout. Ktngllon. 1... `2 "vuc`FFI`y .`..7i;;.a.;rr.'"._.;.l II. !1ny_Ilu: lor llnyor Ior I885. I A; I III; UNDIIIIGIIIJJ ntnrl ml Wmm 3 Y. 1% C ~ I c wmlunumo snarwachir-wins"-no ?n.Eli'n`;luo(! uhsvtng nu pupae; It mm m- _ . ' Plnna mad tpoclnuuom _mny be soon it my f`l'ho' lowest at any tandot nl n-euurlly no- ooptod. A ,. 7 - w.. NE on. Avenue}. ; mo. 3:. o3.E``n'}.....-. Block. nmnzu, " "CL;Eii) Ofi`I'1"'IA NKS. {Junk Ll]. gnu -In, 1. ' cumin 'i'n.m;u_s; cm SKIIIIE mu, EDUCATIONAL. 1 nwnw 1- ," um i . -ft. q Inge an! lo] Iwa nunurru -!-n :- Ilnpolul \'|eII' ofihlngu. WANTED. {Alli oownnr. . K1108! KIDBCCUS v, . rd 2 r: npnr il, filivsn inn an 8ulI._ Minden Lodg\e',VA. F. 6:: A. M. M |MnKalvoy -a. mu, SPECIAL HOLIDAYIA PRICES 1` DoalnninHouaPnrnishing Hudnn. `N Brock Street Sweet Cider. sweet cunwnbn WI no. Cnllforula Wine. Bernard : (linger Wine. Raspberry VI-cgnt. Lemon syrup, The above Wines are not intoxiosting. qld l orI W'|Iu-. (lid sherry Wine. Fine Old drnndy. heat :0 I864 ;0ld l`nmlly I`:-ool. . 0II Ilyr. I.nhau'- London Ale. AND Tm-: LARGEST AND uos'r' counmz srocx or \.\,An: up: `lirnceri, Win;s.m;1;1l liquors ms. caawnmn. mrtlkon Sunday, 4th January laslaau -. u.. 1...... non n'nlnek n.m_. la: the nnmote of I-'I- `CID 5 A mm mm Just Received `: I [JYQSCDUDK OI)!` couualuu lur rj-v- Ire do no with I helix: 0! mr utmost condence llml our efforts will appreciated and man mu: [bit [now which their men`! daund. Son-r m liixmslon has then beennchu: ox- uiotr aunt. Kingston been Inch up lnbuu now dxsplnyt-J by us at oluukroolnl. Tue hnra been bought in mo 11 main! [or re: y unney. and In]! be sold in unit also lac mun rqgulnr wnnleulq prion N9 nnVl_:_| (h_I_ haap HewYgar's 'l`rips.] `Tamar j |cana;dia:n Pacic Rye] in ma Lin A man 0n m:c.a1u- ad JAN. m. 1335. end to return until JAN. 5n.,l885. : Secln _your....iokpI_a {mm J. If. q_n.oIuIsLIIvl. n.-ufy inncu wholesua No Ilnn In the run run that such goods in stock. but Il (all vou mu an order (hem :or you. l Tickets ilsjld over ' imesirnn & PEIBRIIKE Emergent Commnication. L'uhes' S. 5. Seal Mnurles. P. Ls-b lam lion. Ladies 1 . Sex! Mxnueu. Bochum. Aatrnchuu hhntlrs from M8 to I85. Men`: 1 . Lu_nhCocv.o. Bosver Conn. Men`: Bochuin Coats. Antru:hn.n(`ouu. Men`: Coon Coats. Dog Coat. Ladies` Flrlined Ciroulun. I -3...` Vn-.lu'na-4! Ilnlvnnnn, ; _ _ ,~= `ckoI- Agent. . Alas CLARENCE s'r..- ~ gnu ` n__ amen` runnueu uranium. Lsdzuf Furlined Dolnnnn. Lathes` and Gen1'aPun of mu kind: in SS. Fen], Otter.Benver, Mink, P. Lamb. Astnchnu. Sc. (Zen: 3 Nap: Buck Ulm-es. 30 doutnl. It SI .25 per pair. Vote for Mccmire. theAld- I Ex`-ignce in the Council. erma.n with the greatest ex;-w Vote for McGuire who never shirked a vote for the sake of popular favour. Elognnl Food: 820 Baal Jlolotlp Had- some I-`urlinod Dolmnnl. Chdeo Anchll Jackets, Rich Fur-linod C _ lot: 0! SOHO. Neal nr lamb. Cup! in 8.3. Bod. lallllb cc. Fnrcopea in Beaver. Schll. Gut. bu. mro: an STORE, . Vvellington St- , -|. Bar ""' uuuu`-romolicw tanminlqyrgon _ human I 1+` U RS :1 I III`. BKETHBRN of Caunqni bod3e.No. 92. A. I. C I. 1. unhenby uunnonodto sl- und II lulu-gent Communication of the v `.1. u. ha Inld gt mu Mannie Hun. King MIL 930$. The llqlldny gionaon is driving near, uni nlmndv .no doubi Iol. may no meditating uvon Inn to buy lot Chrlumu haunts. nun rouler in one who no ponders. we will uh tho hborly ol placing bolon him or IlC' Ibo Iollor ing hat: of 1'-llcguulylndolp Fun I: hung in every Iuy unable to nuts I uloetlon flan 3 \\'c- |nm- also sumo wry nc- .g7_J_:_ The I.-mllrnx llaners and Furriers. I ' ` . To something am sad umpung. -..-|. -- Treat Your Friends on WHERE TO BUY THEM. PHI! llllly, `III cu-unry --an--.. 18 tho hour oi I o'clock p.m.. (ct the e Iunenl of out has onhimnl Bustling Ihq Bnthlr, Chnutogg Biehud, of Saint Pu- tin`: Indus. No. . Annngh, lzelund. By order of the Wonhiptul Inner. D. CALLAGHAN. " Klngnonmnd .lsn..lni Ina-em-y. IN THE "ITY. Unl (`o'r. Princou tad Bum Sb. \ PRINCESS CI`. t`nTwabok.. I"-..'"" "i"'......` goth. P: uulnunuol Tu-Quin olTnnlnon. Otunyundmnohu Libnrhu. B;ookcu0I,Bod_ room Sou. Bidoboua. lunch. that In- Illlllllllll kinda of Omuncnul Wood Work. would do well to call on layer for I883. Israt Rlluctions ! N}SBE l"S, WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF 008' Stool It Hall the Regulsr Prion. Dolhuonh 0110 lot sun. Dounvonh um, for 50. Chlnncupnndlnneon. vonhIu.!ot:. Cmncuunmkueomwwthll. lot 5 All X-nu hunt: and Toys sold at Hall! n...|.. v-4... Thin in I run oppotiully lcrnu Bun These goods must be sold. 5 : Ill! : I0 :IBEIT : STIIIE. 73 Brock Street. {mm mm I. MITCHELL. t . - '-h=- `uanuu-at runs: ennui!!!- oy Dnldugmeuu Oouxuxclsn Asn combos S11. ll.B.-Dod;n| drum to cornnpond with any kind-oloohhm wmk. _ ' Joni. ms - men - IIEIUIIE. Mayor for I885. En jun nrrivod tram Iantnul. .'lIID b In bought at ROCK-BOTTOI 1710!,`-RE&un I Inllln II;-Q YES 2/L .MteW-l-Hianarsnn __.-__g n___ In... u -I JIu\-n'nvl nun tuvonn ` of In Pug Ml: {x _llr`_ IIIL` P11] 'l'I`ll_}8f Vole {Of It. `n..snyche rou- -an-D n Il L Dos`1' puxcbua till you no ourgoodl. ay- mlu; Nxw ad CEIAP. nan-gr.-nn-on. (um no-me ..|.... Ir-.- 1-;.:mv'oT an-wa.yu.au uueootwm.-.1. I-illhaunnonurivul. UIIIIKIIIITIIK Ix Annrnox to the 8pu:1n.l;Iu nlnndi ndnr and. I will now have on Inna nmly. 'CII-Isl-In scotch Inns Ind short Bread. I nu---..~-..n. __i_, , Vole lor I5. II. 3-ythe for lnyor for I885. I57ARTIEs i ammo nun.nu_a_xmIns mum`! villho? Ilnblo an-I: ' ' innit, nngnomou udnlIt%A ,thI'HIdl! at January, IE6. ` JAIII IcAl`l IUl -. llwtnn. Doe. 8. Int lunnr. ' UK IVI ll-I-I9 ' -111 hi! I11 3681:! xboord. his`: anemia: have up: diooavex-- _ " ed one bad vgte. - . ~; MACDONALD'S EULLETIN ! Cilijyllllgn Onlllu naive: wiubonuodtnxho Iv Anvuv-nun in oh. Q-....1-Iu. 2IT{'T`"f7s7-5? Vote for McGuire, whohas the cleanest record in the Council. Are gnutul m the public totthonrylibenl numnzo they Inn ncaivud during the put gang! II|d_I1Lh thgir nuncwu pnnonl. A v Ian-y xmu and n In uow'Yeu.* vV.a..n continue loJog:'r vary beat to I who tnvor us with their ordain, gnu-nnteoi nudustory nu 0: Very lleuonnnln Pdeq To Buyers of Ready-Mndo Clothing : We have left on hand I quantity ol Overcast: and Daily which I'D mean to clear out st Whole unla Price!- LAIBERT & WALSH. Between Bouncy`; k Ron Bron` Doc.B. 1:111 KINGSTON I BATIBOADC "V-IPAXITS ` nnunl lost at tho Du-.|.udaI Ill! be held In than Iuyo Olloq, 08; on loI(DAY.lho 50: any at Juicy. us clock pm. _ - N %17|Tra1z mm mm mm. _IR_.. U * 'u--' -~"-*--- Tn Punucnmthobutvlh-Iosol theme ceuollho Ilnhuyluthhlb. Ollnlllli lnrlhmn vnnnivnd in :5. u.....:-- I if. ALEX. MA ONALD. 336 PRINCESS 8 BIzl'_l'. n._ :4 m_- .1 .1- n~_'n_;_ guuaaar a;fi.i;s u`. I Merchant Tailors. anon, ud win: that: V? llnpvy New Yen. _ oghdl continua loloour vary togll I U 1 H150 l.ilI.ILl.AllC I ` ZDIE kfrlleus 81.. [Ingma- l-`resln (Iran its aid MIIII `Io--orroww. Ehir mm rtsriln cm: IN LARGE VLEIITII8. "nests your onion Q`:-iy. H. &: w. J. CBOTHEBS, Dine. In WhI.t_rnonmn ' D-ru--Ar For the `Inn Anon; Ibo puclnlu A B. E VCARNOVSKY. Vole :8; sf iiffi-yunc` Kr -_-.._ l'__ Ian: Llll. HKW I-(I DEIIP Do`: . beta: 7- fmx:B !l: at` V ZZZ BCCTI 1II:C`. I Svrxuxrurb an Bnkingnndnno thus Re- Flour. ?v*i.$5r:iaa`am JV, #____ __ _ .-__ 1-....- -_- --u--up cucu- Piofry Dopartsnont. -v~_. :.___-___ .L_g,4_. AI xow. own; so the I-Ema. of am ivuy of N31! Ionlnndondloln.` ru4l.n-udlgtvounuonticntlnnslno CAUTION 1 sohiiztijfifaivf IIIDBI BB IOOIIIUIQ. -..vI'_. coniecdnncn. Florida on-nngen. Iwcot Flu mud Gnpco. Choice cnku. PASTRY THAT CANT BE BEAT Bho Brad thnl In: no equal. EACH PLUG OF THE I5 I \IKKD HOT. 63. - JOHN DUFF. QUICK; --V -._-......._. `runny, Jug`. on. an n 5.-.. ;4.`:'.".'-:='.:'=:~i!`".~..=a.r*'-`-;:-=| 4 _-..._ ___ __ _.__4:. Ancient St. J o`hnfs Lodge. -__.. _mv:1:ifrm. - -. IN 10138, And Ipe yen llnvlng llorses II the City. I--CI It! -DU-. an---I, -5-. 0' (ho purpose at attending the hunl at WaI'lhip_hl'BIotbx. charm I. bnghnn rintarlodzu are invited to at- 5 I tl. By 3. utot. INC`. BU`I'1-ZIILAND. P.l_ January 1 ' Eecmury. January 2. .WELIS BROS . LIvisRY,J n.._ - D.-an-m Ion..- Dlllul nun! Jnn-y1 hlualauutennx Wlin SL- Opu Iva-y day ex Sunday from low 1! n.n..1Io5|ncl izwtol pan. AI'III'IIEIl'I\' vn l`.-o- 'ananIumsn1.unnr. 4 can-and-`l'hunday..lnn. I. `jaunt dcluoulduud Ordering Cabinet Work V025 for McGuire and fairl Hnelllljllulult. riot. By order 0? the Wonhiplnl Inner. W. KIM .1537 1.; 5 pquedana exposed thg Street n-..n' _. -_..\`I ' 1$ii1,%i:_:I "NBTICE. ,3. `TOY IBJ- F0_r_ Sale. gain comninniauon en- nld :1 tho uli. &3k1 1! CI. hhuha kink I'll mmcnnlgcn an-manna u_.____ an. _ -_._;__ an I u. . I. B,` an chino-. 15 None. 00!. on. January -uh. nnrvnph Al ntlnnlnlv than nu. `l'hGnI1.WIlII gun: us than uwpodin Iliniszi of Agrfcilturc, In-._Popo heooni o pd-minus lin- '& of Bnilvn . Ilr. While II nnhI `II ocient, xechtivo hem, glad `the Ipv:pIp_(ptoossiou. cu which he he" v ` ggmhlen bin. lgotulor . the Free (`rm nmuks of "tho - ' ' :Itisnnpomblo to nprd itihlonthn npnbliodiutot and -.u llllflll that the cuiniul of con-up-_ Hon. extnwqpneo and ` potency which but marked the ulmin'unl.ion of this department since the govern-- mourn inception in who continued and __-L.I.l- :_o...S.:I ' The people ol Great Bzihin no pay , ilhlut It the RIM of N?n.(XX) I . you on I in debt of 'l60.(II).(Xl). I ouhcted in the eightauth century. Tho P001110 Ito also paying 330,000,000 1 you for the army and nuvy.or, in :11, 00.(ll),(Il) a year [or the Italy and . navy, or. in Ill. 960,(II),(IX) annually for the two you ghting doputxnonts. To Iomcthin seems to be u awful into. buttulm English pooplodo not thinkso. ` In 1873, nine .ll.(XX).(lX) were spent` uponn nIvy.annl the feeling luring gnined ground thnt it was uottho grub in world. blio ' vaunt- '* ' P 33% -2 -.. ._..._ ..-.......1:... ? lhnnnn x in the worm. puuuo WIl'l'llIIa~ ed an extra expenditnn of 0;... _..:II:.... :......I-.. . lmuvc I-1 uu can-unyuuu-any un .--r.-`.v....... Tlguc millions involve I heavy tux upon the people. but they willingly but it all no long I! the honor (I prestige of the nation on mnjnhin '* The London Free Pres: in inblined to nbnse Hon. 6. W. Rose lnecnnsdhe will not lsrm out the printing of the lchool books. It says it "is the zenenl cus- tom in Cnnndn for the relpoctive gov eromants to let out important work by tenders." So it is;` 'g.nd' the Ontario Governmenttnea to\do the hit thing as In as possible. It does not give its general printingto othen tlnn the com tncton. but the school boob aunt in the eontrnct. They are given 8) oc- tcin persons who. before the adoption of the one series system. spent many thou` sends of dollnrs in the preparation of unwoeptnhle works. The Government considered the public interests rst. then the intexests ol the publishers. The lntter got the printing. but st rek-` which Are not objected toil?`/mrlic. - No one suera. and hence be whine ol the Free Pren is us senseless and ill- timed as anything possibly can he. TEMPERANCE LECTURE mm mm at A com: or xxx lCon. over the rtfuul vol the Libar: "vloulets to meet certain im- pcrtntlols of Mr. Prnyn on nozninution day. Mr. Blake hail been advertised to speak in thuoperu lions.-. anal as long as he liked: and just us his meeting was ahonttobegi 't wo. t the /Tories" end he Grits" nhonl hold 3 joint nlhir, the Lo.-sderof the ( position to interlud whet be bid to safbetween the chatter of Tom White, R. (Iowan (of Gnnuloqne). and C. H. hlackiutoz-,li. one A of the most oensive and inconsquen- tul speakers of the party. It wu: it once thought advisable to inform Mr. Prnyn thstif one of the ledonl ministers prxrpoaed speaking in his {nor Mr. Illnke would meet him. but um. it was not just the thing to put up u singed cat. as Tom White was once culled, against I royal Bengal tiger; The decision was wise. Mr. Blue delivered an aunua scholarly Iddrehs and dealt in 3 gondo- mmlv manner with his opponentm ID thf presence o! 1,100 people; -his op- ponenta Ind an audience 0! 150 and in- dnlged in the usual scurrility. Had the Reformexs of Lennox acted other man than as they did the result would lure been diacreditable to both p&lI`t.~. As it was the smut was confined to those who liked it best. Mr. Glndsbune ssys that the cabinet Ind the leaders of the Opposition have ngrced to merge the nite existence of one hundred sud sixty seau. which. with 311 seats dinfnnchised for corrupt pnctiees, would leave one hundred and uxty-six uatfto redistribute. lrelnrl and Wales are to retain their prcsont number 0! members`. but, in order to mnko Scotlnnd 1nd [-31:31 d on an oqnm lity with these pm": or the ' don), um six dinfnnchisod conutitncnciee luv to -1 I . u< 1,, 1 -_n ..__I,_. _,,_ aIA un-uuuvunuuu vvuuuliuvlav-vw -u .v be added to England. Ind twelve new seats are to be created in Scotland. than increuing the entire number of [gnom- bem from eix bynutu.-ed and tiny eight {.0 .-_,x__.1 _._1 .1_4_.... nr .1... ...._ DER! Ll`Jl.Il Ell quulllcu illlll uIu_v UIKIIU I_~ six hundred sud fvdnty. 01 the cou- stitnoncies 00 be merged there an: no {out Hun seventy-two with s poiyulm tion lltkl ten thousand ; `and twenty- Ieven returning mhm` with popnletions be eon tentnd fteen thousand. , In other words. one hundred and seven members 0! the Common: to- prosent plneeswith the alvgage popnls: tion 0! only ten thousand. Constituen- cies with I lost population E.Ii' fteen thousand shnll lose separate representa- tion. The second principle is tlnl towns between teen thousand and fty thun- .....l -.4 lgunn .I.-II In. n-.I:l'I../I" In lsllh ogii," gnd {lye tl6Igl_:t in oxhilen ix. guy; nu-uuuu.-uunuu vuuvv u:-I` A roomd Ix-om-` 'him this umounoap hi: qulotyfbnt be is gung out the IIIo_qht_ days he ;._g':'t| 5...; y.c__ mtg tiboe-Ibo lot Kingnton. NWT uscu HI-IIJIIXIJII Ell IIIII UuUIl' and po ntion shell be entitled to one member only. Tue third principle in that town: betyveeu Hty thousand and one hundred and sixty-ve thousand shell be entitled to two members. The fourth principle is tbtt all towns exceed` ing one lmmlrod` ma sixty-lve thonsind -l.-Il I... was-O:nnnaI n int . nal- snout. lug; vuq nun-uuu -nu --uaq -u u: uuuuu-uu uhnll bo portioned off into sins-lo mom`- bel ghvisions 0! about fty-{our ghou- uand `electors. The chief result of the .|_..4 I _.l_`_ _|__|| I_-.__ 'I.IIIU' #76 TEVTZCIIIIIUI I451"--.11, Iltogothr. Ind thnt Live 1. Birming- vn. Mulphcstet. Gludow, Edinburgh, Dublin. Bolhnt. beodl. Shoold, Briftol , ,, 1 nL__.`l-__ -_. A- _........- _.._. _.-... uuunnu. uuu-v. uuwuu. vuv.-uuu. -u-an uud Abcrdeen no to receve |_u-w~m'om-` bet: "ranging cording to population fromsix in the cue ol Live|'gnoo\lto one in an and of_Aberg1een'. Inn to: A I.lvo!y Iollnw. - D. J. Wgonex isgft I dead [nu y\. In hbt _hOil pbonttho ljvoliait mun` Inybodvin Prince Albbrt Evernw. I-`or __.- Ln`- ha:-n:-Ai Lg.-"0- .... uI.l_ a..u;..... aoauutoo. uuuu cnvvuun. - no uunm uwuuuu vn uuv It-.heI.no an shall `have Chi???-scion new n'eni'ben(.fty-uven -n-._nL ._ ....a on.-. I` :-.. I n:.....:.... n A eat ado has been made by tho Ion. natives the Ii12?=i!~9|Iia *** Tli in m...lunn.' cntei-It 1: up 1 mm , lioloint `N -At 10 o'clock lb morning the uulteg coahiping the remain or How. 1: w_ Kirkpatrick "wow removed Iron: his I04 uidence to the church uul plwod nut [maagu at which he 1...: nofnquutly ..t.....I -..A 1.nunIn I lnnnhintl ntunnlc In [jxtioon MAN BIIRIED. I II WHEII I1 I11 IIIIQVI`-cu:-, stood Ind delivelel touching nppeele to hin\peop'e. The cnkel we: plnin end nnhudetnngednothetthefuneofl lhedeed eculul he icon by the hoopla. The remains wete dressed in blank. ova which - were the nurpllee end eollqe hood. The church wns crowded, and humlwds penned the oeekec `Ind hook the lest and look at the lieu of mm who Ind oltggn eomforbecl llleni. Many wept bitterly; The efdillee wee enpljoprietaly duped. The pulpit, lecherln ing desk were covered with bluish. the communion table with white, Feetoone oi blnck cloth adorned the lines. and 5 double row _croeeed the gallery. The pillen. can stnndu-I. organ and centre gunlirr were also duped. Everything hml e sombre eppemnce, but eppeer nnces slightly ml the grief which lled the beers: those mpoeing the eongvegnlion of 8:. Jenna` 0hnrnh_ There were onl tributes. but mv mote would have been procured. Tole- ` grams to 'l`o.-onto and Montreal were I deapetched. but no lower: could be Re- ...._...I simvim: AT nu; cur . Hull an hour previous to I e opening of the service the church Ina-lled with lrionde nndrmonrnen. The I-uliee pre- dominau-J. Presently the Aisle: lled up and there was I crash in the gallery. The doorwny, too. ms choked. and hun- dreds stood outside waiting to follow the body to its lut resting place. livery prominent citizen wen present. Clergy- rneu of every cue! in the city were pre- set?! to deplore the loss of n `hrininn friend. while the lxrge erruy ol A glicnn clergymcn bespoke the loss the Church of England llld sustained. The (allow- ing clergyman [rum 3 distance were at sauce: Archdeacon Bedloi-d.lones. : Rev. J. W. Burke, Belleville; B. P. Crawford, Brockville; Bev- . Perkin ; Rural Dem Bsker. Tyendinllzlt Rev. I. G. Poole. Syden- hnm: Rev. E. L. Jones. Burield`; Rev. F. W. Dohhs. Portsmouth, beside: all the Anglican clorgvmcu of the city. 'I____...Al.- .5 lo) ..`..InnI.r Hun nnrvlrv lu-~ ll H18 Anglican rIu3yuu.u u ....- -.._,. Promptlv It |2 o'clock the servicv bc gnu. Before it was prov:-uh-J with. Ind whxls the people were crowding in. the choir sang the `.'H hymn, "Chri.-at will linthvr ln his Own." Amlnh-neon Jonas openul the bL'l V|Ce: Ru. .\lr. Burke real the psalms: Rev. W. B. Carey the lessons, and liar. F. W. Hobbs the service lot` the `lead. 'l`bn- sinxing was soft tnxl ~ubdue-I. The hymns were: On the llomrrcction Morning." bnygu-l Mum-u'.~ Quick- ly Flying. The casket wzu cuuvcyed out of thv church by ll-ns. Rum! Dean Baker, li. P. Cmwfur-I nu.| .\\__pencer. Mgnrs. ll. J. I). l`v.-u.-a-.2. I . Bates nml 5. Loynr 1. The pracn-xsiuu. which pusugl the church an tl. bell 2-lr)wlyz\n(ls0- lemuly tollecl the luuc-rnl km-ll, was yrvlong. tvatufyiu,: L4 t':u low nurl r--- gzsn! with whmh thr doc:-aw I was held by allclnasoa. Expression. of aiucur regret dropped from `many lips. Tru- dorly the bcdv \\ iI- plI(` II) the vnult at Cntunqui comrtery. and the fcvliug of all was that one of l{ing~tou's;I`t{ beloved citizenw had gone to hia very hue. and no wan cuuuu yin nlv plnusc he rt-ceivzd. Hm commnmlxng appearance nnd bearing are dcculeclly in his favour. sud be is: entirely {rec from "' H--_I4A...... -:.....I-v 4-Lu:-In JOIN I. CLARK, ol Rllchlgnn. A very fair audience the Upern House In ening to wntucaa the inigneruonlf of Othello, Irv the llsndumnm . Inlet C0. Mr. Hund- mnuu's acting of the lcadxng fol! was fine. and he wall earned the up -4..-. I... .......;...l Nu mmmnnclxmz R |>I'( \(:lLl Id u.-. ......._ In ms IQVUUT. Iuu uu In IJuI,ll\.l_y rant. Miss Boaudel was simply clmunv She is an actress ol high order Ind 11 general hvoriw with the -In 7 _._t............... .J Itlnun" iug. must. he must. no ll guucnu IIIUI-vu .-.... ...., public. The perfoxunuce of "Iago" yam the bout we have seen for some lilm}. The pourtnyal of the villain mu I0 nturnl thul. frequently t_lu- audience were inclined to his si.l-. The list of the cut. was well carriul out. The dresg was rich and the general Appoint- menu very complete. The Munch back" will be given this 1-vening, and we trust a good ancliruce will be in at- tendnncc, ---o-o ----~ ___._..- ,..- , The Comlng Temperance Oratnr. John R. Clark. the t.-smperzmcv orn- tar. will visit this city on Thursday. Ml: inst. He comes highly recommended. Frencis Murphy. the Irish orator. says 2 "Hear him. I heeeehh you." Mary T. Lethrop eeyu: "He is {all of pathos, poetry. rimxic, song and 1-loquoncv. 3 speaker of the popultr Ivpe." Francis 1-}. Williard says: "He .3 decidedly a favourite in Illinois." Rev. Dr. Town- send. or Metdville. Pm. says: .. `fllnrdly 'wu_the yreeteet discovery of Sir Hum- phrey Davoyfe life; my greatest, we`: when I discovered this eloquent. man, an actor in 1873 in the oil regions of Pennaylvenie." `Col. Geo. W. Bain, says 2 I wish you a good time here, elsewhere. everywhere. always and evermorc-`." Regent. Duield, of Ann Arbor. Univer- sity, says: -"lie given genergl satisfac- ' tion, he elvuys moves, instructs and in-V spires us." Ald. Eilbenk and W. R. ilcu have I" bun Inmmonod to ll what they glon't know about the Lenuox election one on . R T lII_A_.I___ V The until Qxpcnin oho Domocmio Nptionul_ Convention lint" elootionwere 0150.41. V ....-._._- __ WV. -,,., H" The returning otcersvwom sworn in` this afternoon. J. J. Wlritoheud. re: ` turmng other for Victoria Wu-d,uked lave to rugn. but [us proposal was ignored. The City Clerk remarked. "We cumot nord to loan snclu mm as you. Mr. Wlrit.ohaad." The later t|\cn wnlkod o qnih roaignodly. ,.,, . ---- --co--__ Id. `Thompson was not in the Coun- oil and did nu} votajor the exemption 0! the M. 1'. Co. The bi.'l wna intro- , 1 ;_ n-._ 'nn_;--u_ 2.. AL. I __.-I_ _ t1 Hie public inyoruts. , VI IIIU Alla It \lVc AIJII III-'l "nu lIlUIV' quad by In-{lewslfo in the begin}:- tnro; Ald. Thompson wag iijminod by the M31`. Company boongue he wn; tm I Swonrlng In tho Om:-on. , __ . ______?_ VIII Inllvuxlnotuuuon THURSDAY, an: Jun. I3. ilthl City Hall, at B lull. `I'lcll'1'a-xos.;toboInd tmmmnunuar, IlliIlIldAI'&n.r(IBII_ Wlmlnln-Ia. Wil~ hIlI.Iol:u'III-.nnduI.hndoor. I Joann or the cum. Col. 0 . in B Imw.3h .ln.nuuyl.l88&. Jnnlliu-I I ` THE'DAILY BBI'i`ISI_I I`w:H1G.7JANUA1tY 3. Prune Albert Victor. olden: none! the I Prince ol Wales, will he tweaity-one your: of upon Jnnunry 8 next. tunn- uinincnt 01 his majority will be cole- brntaed. altar which no will visit on this conuentnnd neqnninl hinanell in some measure with ma United States und Cunndn. lie but been cuolnlly edu- cated and [non nnidenble experience in the i\'nv_y. lie I n quiet nnd ndionn young fellow with strong bias tnwunln shecultivntiou of . l`he obuer- nnt lender will notice that liiaconntom nnoe. while mu-lad with than character- istics of the Guelph lunnly. n the tune time euungly resemble; the more re- ned liueemenu ol his smmblepother, the Princess Alexuuln of Denmark. Alter his holiday on this side ol the Allnntic Prince Victor` Inll asmly luv It the Middle Temple. London. `Hie Executive Committee ol the Winter Cnnivnl. Hontreul. have taken minu- Ingo of his intended wait. to invite him to attend than coming celebntiou. He vnll. of course. no the l'lxpo:nlr)n at New Orleans. No doubt this numtblc Ind accomplish;-l young mun II he cordlnlly welzomc on these shores. gnu ..u-nu, u-u-on n n.-,. DeuSir,~'l`ho Inner In the .\'r-I: 0` today. thnt. Mr. Malia)` wuw nut. wholly disnutcrcstedin gutting up um uquisx tion to Mr. Linn]. l.h|L hr owns a tan- naty uni wuih exemption. II t lie. pans and umple. I have had no intact in tin: I-ante-;y lor Ievenl years. and un ngunst exam non. - Nauru. . ous Mcliu, J1. Inn '1 I801 . IIIIII EIrlu/, Ii I4l/1.1 H/:14. Dear Sir.-All. Smytho has not yet uasworou my enquiry why he mu away from the council on last Nlouilny night. theteby ahuking tho vote on the e - elxption question` His fneu-ls.l hes . `any that Im hwl to go to somu dinner! Surely such nu excuse is worse thnn the original sin. If an alderman thinks iuorc of his HIUIHICII than 0! the oily : `Interests he ought. to be allow:-I to any zit. home nu-I uuox:-I to his uppolile. Sn-v,\uu| Nun. }--44.e--- I.l". l'I`EliS 0!" TH E PEHI Ll-I. A mow.-A llout LIE. The Editor, Briluh Wluq. ru___Q:_ 'I`L_ u .., , .1 \~ DJ: Sir.-I haw brrn roquc-u1:J us is mutt-r of justice L) sum the truth concerning the ndmisu-ion 0! Ah]. Mc- Guire mtho Dakota bu. I beg to null- Lbnt. in considering tho question 0! up- plving for ndmn.-.~.ion Mr. McGuire Blld that he would not like the with of I` giance. but when he_ luruenl that the only oath necessary in that Lel"I'lI.0l'y wns one promising "to faithfully d: I ml Hm interest: ol his clients." &c. {unh- with n[~|-lied an-I \Vl~. 1| lmiltu-|.- Youra truly. 'I` Q \l. (in x u-uni air. -'l`h .V:u5 of Int mu-urn-,1 Inn! in long lemsr from R. Miller. wsromzly abu- Iive of Mr. Iirlbeck. I! ll! only nec:-s~ snry to any Ihnt. Mr. Muller is onv of the instruments used by the .\l. T. Company to cry down an Alderman who hi! been Lryiusz to do his duty. Mr. Hilbcrk is being nurauod and fought in Cntamqui Ward by the M. '1`. Co. because he in not in favor of exempting thorn wlnlo they not their work done, contrary to agree- ment. at Portsmouth. {he .\I. T. (Jo. bun I108 togrund. I-Electors may know whnl. to expect. of the men Hwy nud their ncrvluu support on Mnuu|uy.-- Yourm | \' . u I. 1|:-\JIu1`l:\\' In I'.rlIl0I` Ilrmsh Whit/. n ,, Donr Sir.--An anonymous writer in your issue of the lllnt nlt. thinks l shirk ed llw vote in this matter. The facts are that on the OVOIIIIJ]; in mention I was Ittending the nnnunl dinner of St. John's Lodge. and.usite Senior Wnnlen. occupied the tint vice choir. Shortly Alter eight o'clock l went over to the meeting of the council, hnving previout ly got 1 lriend to tempnnril till my JIICC with the understanding thlt I won (I return at 10 o'clock in order to resume my position as vicecheirmen during the programme of touts. I thought. at that time. the businvss ol the 0-omcil would .b0V8l8il)' nished in two houru. Unfortunately Alul. Ber- minghnnfe question of privilege occu- pied thuattention ol the council until, I think. some time Alter 9 o'clock. Then Dr. Stewart`: qncution took up a__low minutes. and at 10 o'clock the rnt ortler of business was jnut over. and I was obliged to have to ll my lppointmont. At the time I did so LII: not aware that Ald. ldilb/eels`: committee was pre- perecl to report that night. and still less was I await: thnt it woe to be the Hub- . joct of ndebete end 3 discussion. I lid not lenvoto shirlr the vote. Such an unworthy thought never entered my mind.-Yonn trnlz, ,' 1. ntrnnlu ll Gnu-.-up or man noun, Vo. $r M'cG-uire who` always-voted for economy and keeping down extfenses.

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