Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1889, p. 4

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Man by Ln-co1on'.Tsm"th. Commanding. N. C. 0!'I'l(`II8 AND ,3. nuts. -Luna In Aunnd A TIIO OI IpII~ -_-1__ __u-_.I._ L4 WEI! \\`ho`s Doing It.` SATURDAY. MAY 13. Windsor Hotel Block, Prinom Strut, . -A- gggg Q -A A A A A nggngu nnll D NIIII PRIIC and WIIJHGNI-8I'8., M KINGSTON. Ont. runs. oil nuns: wirr boiler. .512; um Innrr om-. Inn; \~e.n-mhh-[mu-r. Am: nmmuu ruler. 3:` : picnic cup. Du; lm c-Mlalius. 7\`.: Moon y trnp. Mc.: bust in the world. QIOAI`. town but hoot 1-lovlrk` snAp In the world. 2.'ar.: Ion bu-A ruby laundry amp for tie : Ian ounce bar white cum. or oAunoAI Aonp. `ha: A nu Inpund 1-Ako otuuonl Allin Amp. .53.. uunlly Aold At I0c.; hAby`| own Amp. I01: : lwllouvne Amp. I01-.: (MA is one ol the llnc-at lrn(`I milled our And In uuuuly Aold ll u: Alx n-mud Aomzpun A flI(`) n'I0l. per hox.l:I}'x; mu ' A very no AAA ncu y mulled Al `(bur price this '99` nu-rhox, In: A SJL bu oholoo lunlly Amp. pot . Im. -~.. _ .,.-. -_. -....V It nu want I minor don`t force! that W00 `FAIR II the plnco to [at It. We on osrl lhh weak I special lot of nloklo phlo BHIA nllchynur choice &:.. they an vol-lIhou75o.Io llmchnto war!-uneven ft to be the var! uent ofnIooL lddy`u~ le- nlul llA'l OHh.!|. largo box. 7e. hon: lhnoluonboal an CIAJTHISPIN for 70.: nnorlputoflllll. Ia; twelve unwary plus for s.-- hnoml mun suck and ncnabbinn In-nah. nu potolnlu. Iu: twelve plus [or sr.; hunoml mop scrubbing brush. all munplue. Ikn: step ladder: all IlI.ll popu- more or less _ 'l`wen1yucres are cleared and the real nm In-red with elm. uak. mu ale and some nine. The irrealu: part u! the land is s uuly loam, suitable nr vl|lll\`nllnn. 'l`h-rv are -`| _\`mIngon~luml ; one {raunv lmuse 2| 3: Is, mm lug barn II; x N on the pmr`-rly, :uId ll ia I\(`1\`Hih!1- lI_\' good roads. '1 :0 lm is sillmle in the plmuplnue bell and iunwdmtely adjuina the relobrnml I-`usum Mine. 'l`hv mini: righls nmy. if the Vomlor dvvlll il :ul\'isa\l)le. w sold `i(`D.`\l' llvly. The pro -rl_v will be out up sul ject to I re surn-d bi dllbnot vu-hue: to abet from at IN VASES AND l)R.\'Ai\ll-IN"l`S orvr two hundred clifhrmnl patterns of Ix-:u(iful_ deli ml:-I)` time-l liolu-miun no`-dsjusl rt-u~i\'l. TIXWARIC-note mu-hill_\'I. Strainer pails. 250. each ; lnnm l\i\'1`t`d dipper. Tm; dusliuui, Iv ; Ii! qunr. pumal milk `I. 70.. or ill`. pa-r douu : lenmiarl. l0r.. or I0 pt-r don; lW`l\'\'- qunrl. Ur. or QLIO `r doz.; slimmors. 2!-~.: hull -onooun. an-.: 0 Jlrala-u. .'ir.;anlvnnin~d pull. I. 2: gnilmniu-d mil. hanry rimmed bot: tom. I712. worth 812.: milk cnnmers wverv fur- nor rhollld have unm ll 8| much. worlh `iii : [nod lmpul. luv ; `hrmtl box. can box. sugar oll vlrv holler. 5t`.; extra Inna` ll.` ~ \*n1vuI.Ahln- nrnlntr Sn - nmnmnr nnnar, &- : i W666'sI'FLAiR% I1l'II['\ IIIC \)ll|llIIl s The ()n'm-io was informed to-day of the sad death of Miss Martha Carr, of fhurlow, in the Kingston |ying~iu hospital. She was iidmnghter of George (arr, gnrdener, of Thurluw township, and it is said was pre possessing in appearance. \`he left this city about three Weeks ago ostensibly uu a visit to friends in Fwdericlulmrg, but on Friday night last her sister. Miss Florence L'arr. received ad:-apatch that she was dying in the Kingston hospital. Her sister left at once for her bedside and was with the un fortunate girl until Wcduez-day when she died. The child is still living. The ro- mains of the young mother were brought. to this city nnd buried in the cemetery yester~ dny morning. (icorge (Farr, father of the dt-cease-d. iaa hard working man and the parents have the sympathy of all in the awful misfortune which overtook the young girl. It is said she was betrayed while en- gaiged as adomcstic in this city and went away to hide her nhame. .._.__.-C--_._.__ llavo You Nonralxla? If you are and"-ring the agonien of neuraI~ gia, and have failed to get a remedy that vull avfnnl reliet, we want you to try Pol- oon'a N1-rviline. No remedy in tho market baa given any thing like the same degree of satisfaction. [is action or nerve pain is aimplv marvellous, and as it is put up in l0 cent Iamplo bottles no great exp:-nae in in- volved in giving it a trial. l'olaon`I Nor vilino is the most pleasant, powerful, and certain pain rcugedy in the world. Sold by druguiats and all \it`!\lt.'rI in medicine, [0 and 2.`: centa a bottle. The Parks (`om an Inca. 'l he oomlnllleo on parts met yuerdny afternoon. The estinuu-a to he aulrnliuod to the nance committee were drurn up. The sum Asked is $|.l(l|. Of this l~`. .'>0 is to Ive devoted tn drniulnu Victoria park .-\ld. .-\d:uvs a nuke in r-fer:-nce to obtaining an luuntniu llur the city park. A first-clna uno could he M-cllrotl u I mat of $l,lI|0. A few more trees will likely be planted in Vicwrin purl: next fall. 1`It.\' 'l`H0l's\.\`h H1: r1'7.7.u:s sold fut week in Montreal. This is mual to Slllll pin in the unis Ihe people of [he on ' Ah` drhinu hawk Io their [l:ll& This uunder ul puule can hm hm! ll \\'U0lL\" l>`,\ll(. price loo. * 1 A Ilollovlllo Glrl. Betrayed By Her Lover, lllon In Klugllnn. n n ...:n,. nus mutt '. _ lwtwithstunlinjltlie hard road the home team had to tr vel they caught up with their onpnneuts in the ninth, and then came the renkeet thing uf ell. In the tenth in~ nings the hues were all full with one mom out; the umpire having given Hope his base on balls, when, seeing there vms more then a chance of his side being left,he recalled his decision and sent Hdpe hack to bet and call- ed him out on three ptrikes. This. of course. reused the spectators, who gave him & eorner.uf their mind, but this did not pre- vent him winning the game for his side. We think that any man wh9 will claim that a hall must be above the head or below the knee to be a strike is not the umpire to travel very fer from the place where he learned to pluy. Sr m'rrn >11. Bolh-ville Ontario. -nu .\ . ,7 b 'l`orms [on room down :1`. mm) of sale ; the balance in xhmy days llwrmhvr. I-`ur:hcr nnrlioulzuzs and mndiaiens uf sale me\_\ be Imd on npplimuon 10 mo Au--lioncer. 0l` [0 H10 8:08 Wllhulll . econng. ., `_'_l)eruche was the next. to sulfur, at second base, nn even more glaring piece of unfair- neea. This kind of thing was continued throughout the game. Strikes were called on belle that it would require 3 etep-lad-ier to ranch Ball: were called on the home pitcher when the Kingston boys" fanned the air, and often the umpire wu called on to reverse a decision, more unjuel. thin ueuei. hythe crowd of spectators. whnee temper M11198! liII`0|\.8lJ0d to get thehetter of their hos inlixy. M i\0lI`ilil8lllMiinJlilC -::-? JAIII IIID. I'll LIIHNO UNDIRTAKIII. Pll If -nun. (Juno Between Thin collegiate lnhtltnto Clnlp ind Ncvburn-.\ Dlbroin Talc, Nl\\'BI'Rll, Many l7.-(To the Editor): In the match played on New-burgh grounds on Satunlny `tho Home team had * to contend ngninat. in excellent nlne trom the Kingston coeqinto institute, nnd nn umpire, Comer, who was by .1 the but nmurf his team. nml worth I whole nine of hit lide. For rank deciaiouu his equal. has never been seen on these grounds. , It Inn nvidnnl In lm mnnf lnllll nbaarv. 308" On [NICE KTOUIICIE. It wn evident to the moat casual obeerr or that he intended the kimrstone to win from ,the hurt. And the only thing we blame the home tenmfor is not refusing to play after the second innings. In this in- -ninge Newburg _hed all the hue: full, but the umpire gave Dandeno out at third Al- though he was restin quietly on his base before the hell reecho the bnaeymn~3e hendl. This drew decided tokens cf diupproval from some of the 't'n'q,. hundred epectntom usembled to lee 3 fair and pleeannt game. He proceeded with inimitable skill to retire ` the side withqut scoring. ` ` I).-rmslm u-an thn rmrf. tn lllf. At second 'I9I!'"W4[5'<?'7L'5"E6lE2-_ SIMPLY MARVELLOUS. and 7c. STORE, THE nswadnh VERSION. DIED IN THE HOSPITAL I-on sm munu cm noifi .--7-`-.1 ..:-rnnrtli -hL kulll-no TICKETS IVII till. Inuvnuuu w... ...---..- 101' N0. 57 KIN STREET. with hulldingn tho-non. now occupied u Iwouou-on. AI-o hot I Montreal Suva`. [tulle (`Ar Works. with on douhh hd_ one I'M dIo|||:o rou- uunlnc on non. man or Ian. I no noun canon Apoly to I11 ! THOMAS 8. BRO KE8. OABPBNTIR AJID JOINIR, L, _.-__ I-____. -_4 Inna J ""'"'." 'u'.Tuhb; T.` nu- x.'3`. .'.$'.`%3"3.3 rut wm nu ulobccun-loounounlo Inc: can ad. on which In an new at Ill` . utcarovdlho t`. It. . . . Il- . "hr further Intonation a y to \\`3l. lIlNlJh.8huIoI hke. or K Street. luau. `._.- i.*;`;"`.':...'-: **'..g...- "'.'..`.' '7 ,"'.:":I.`m LAIQRIUX. No. 98 III; not. I DUI-In uvuuu tvu unnu- AN ISLAND IN sly 30'!` LAKE. tho Pmpony olJ. l.,)onI. q.. with I l-mum! ooungo. with all not-can-y hnuluaro. bedding. omck~ry.|nuIun rlo. zsluo Ice homo. bunt home. no bout. nuhlnd utonuns. no The us Beware of imitations. The celebrated Razzle-Dazzle Hat can be procured in the city at the Boston Hat Store" only. Every hathasthe words Razz|e-Dazzle" printed on the sweat band, and none others are genuine. The eosron HAT 370/95. w-_ v._ spams sulflics AT soom rmcrss. J. TWEDDELL, WELLINGTON s'mEL'r, Headquarters for Nobby Hats HI Faro. For further parlivulnrs one poster: `or apply to the company`: agents. Jusl-:I*ll lH(`K.~`().\'. Gunonl .Iaumxrr. u..........u nu um NI: J U! I` IKln\'Il V nu. A FINE STOCK '5!` FELT HATS. NECK- TIRS. SHIRTS. I`I'(`.. It _- A -uh--aw-n-n-U--I-:'I-'l'1_'.IT'l2 Norfolk Suits, Plait Back Suits, and 3 piece Suits, all sizes. Our sales arr ausndily ln(`ro.1simz in this depart mem. Moth:-rs vmnlinx tasty. \VI.`" nmule. gum! w caring sun: for their toys will nd whnl 11.:-3` Inn! cheapest at 7 K5. BIIIII IE, IT\'.. II R..A":I'ZE]STIB'U']R.Y'S AB0ys' Linen Suits, $|.25. Boys` Lace Front Flannel Blousefor Boys Sailor Suits, $2.00. Boys English-made Su_it, A125, 1.50 Boys Q Suits. ALL WO0L spams ovenconsf isribr s. w. on. eaocen. Hardy's Manfles made to order. A SUIIER HOUSE FOR SALE. \v nu Aun In unnnnnrr LARK Ii and $2. one Price Stone. $0 Princes: Su-ool. ONI DOOR IIIIDW (IT! HOTEL L7 L0". PIN`. '-LN ITII. _ WARNING. ZFULNISHINGS. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY I GRAND c:LaaAI1vNA_rr1croN. From 89 UP- JU8 I` RECEIVED. rsnnr nun` DD|9 IIA' B. W. ` FOIJII. turning 1: good man. curuonlun will l|l\`o um um In Vhil the -had sand line. `H Ml N (`enli- R. F. ELLIOTT. 801`. lo Com. .\Mlg(n|*t` S.\l\'TlIl-I, 2-1.\lITll R L\'U.\'. Soliviloru. I9! Ontario Elreel . 11.10. Innu, .-\L F\\'() n'k`l(5rk in the afternoon. the following Lands and l ru-nxisos: 'l`lu- .\`ur1h Hull uf hot .\'uInbcr 'l`wvl\'o in lhv .\'imh (`nun-ssion of the 'l`uwnship ol lmlnglnlximxnxln. in lhv County of I-`ronu-n.-u`. conmiumg one hundred news. 'I`wnnI\'nnraII um ch-ured GRAND TRUNK Rf. Tlll`. PAl.\( . . RI.\'(`lt hu ha-nbhanorod for tho oeeulnn. at unmlvoumrl, aboard. lanvlq Foluwh Wharton IAtl'|tDA\'. sun 0! Jun. on Io "" nnwum a)m'll. Clnlnuua Gout. l'.\'llE|{ AND H\ \'H('l`l ls. Ur A run nu 0|-` .\`.\l.lC. vonminotl in 21 Iuurlgnm-. whivh will he pmdum. 1 an the xilnv of sale. tlllltjll lhc 'l`\Vt`l\l)'-nllilll my 0! A nril AJ). 1` (mm 'l`imu'hy (`onnolly at A H) Ruben \ 'mldcll. uni assigned to line Vchdor. there wlll he sold by Public Auction. by Jose h Salter. Auction- wr,m his Allclion Rooms. I rock Street-. King ul nu nn 1 Slull. OH Snmnlnv. (ha Twolntv-llflll (1:31 of Muy. A.lI.l889. . A This Powder never varies. A marvel of pu- ` d1)'.slrt-nglln ml wholmsmucuess. More econ- 1 omiml than on inary kinds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multinulv of low ufsl. short _ weight. alum of phos hum Pol-`don, sun I-`o.\'I.v IN (`A.\`H. llU\'.\l. l .\Iil.\'u ,PUW- mcl: nu. ma WM! Slro-~.l. .\'uw Yurk. SUI Ib'( DEIH KUC1`[6N SALE -(\|~` FARM AND VALUABLE MINING LIWDS __.___.__??. 14th P. W. O. RIFLES. UIHI` IHIIZI-I \-I QI _l\.lA4AI Tenders will bu ru-.:oin-l until ... . n .| an _ _] Tsri. PAUL`S_ _ciunc+[ Excunslon 2 I.` .\lonu*Ml. May lllh. Nb. `Ir:-ula. Kingston. Itith May. IR). \\ \I. ua'sI Aiiit Ex`cu'hs`I6F'" or TYNE wuss, Na 79, sous. To Picton and Luke on the lountnin. \ on Kingston. Anrilmlh. 1&9 I l'.\'|H-IR AN 1) BY \'lRTl'E OF A l`0\\ ER HI-` .\`.\l.lC, ~nnmim~d IuurIL!um\. .._`__._..__---:---- cuuuu utnnnltr colt!!- ___-.__g__ -._. O.-Lnnxilthii. I TIMELY Ar1No`UNoE_M.5:N'r._ '% `Ix Rbsolutel?P3|7o-. *1) . Int` I0(`l (`uluuua un GENERAL GROCERIES. _,,_- _:n X4` .......' .. .... Queen's Birthday. l70.\'l.\' (`.\.\'.`l. ICUYAL HAI\l.\L i 00.. I03 \Vul| Slru-st. .:T:.-...__..:. To"l"ic;<>.1;';n:iI:|Vk.o-7):` :i;L'i4{.&;. .;. nunn. lay um n.n gnu nllnlnlllfn III Aunrn |..n.. l'.J SEALED TENDERS nu.-;u.~|\.vn_-n S.\l\"l`IlI-2. S_\ll PM R L\'().\ . Vundors` solicitors. In!-HWMM liq`) IR). \\'.\I. ll. Mll.l.l'Zl!. Auixnw: in Trusl l.\'().\'. * Instant, WIIZIII-I III Ouivzwqvvvv -vw --w - J don ol the podthn ol the liberals In the put. and 5 jncullon at the aunt IIIIO ol tho podtlou uh: by the llbonln on tho Jo- an hl. The lllnnll MY! but ouhut throuhon. but Ibo oouunun Inn not I has caution. and be nndulunlod nil IIIIIVV -an vrnu--- -'p-- u-- . - 1 Thu`. It In gratifying to llml our comer nun `Honda to onupoton sad so omphtlc In the Interest ol ptovhclul rights. 3 The ul- Inhnlou ol the lhpin now an a juttin- ,, ,. 4- _-.;.L_ -1 .L- nn-_.|- 1- .n.- :.~:...-3 n 'l'I._: In I- _..AII-I-n III-I III` tutu-uuv vuu nun unv- dlucuuodlu the Compton oloctlou. at any , I- -_.. _-____.l-_ __J 4L_s AL-.. II but vv-urw-- v-wwwvu. -w z duo or In any connoollon. sad that there'- !on the doctors won . **.:.;a*{.f:'.r:'prus.. .55: g -no---. --J v...- PALACI 81' IICR l!.|l.ANl)Ill loaves Fol- car`: than at n.rn.. - mu 5; lmhmnd ro- limo. acurdonlau will have nmnlo mm: for-hood Bun. Mnooutitltionpl action. It in aloo an indi- Illlv llyrtxu . "The government has of late been aaoured that the people would, on the tint oppor- tuuity, sweep it out of uiatence. Well, the tirat stroke of the pupuilr broom has been gitcn and it has swept thv other way. it has alm been urged that it was the duty of the people of Ontario to` go to the oid of an up pron:-cl minority" in tguel-ec. A Quebec constituency and one larga-ly Protestant has now npukon, and it has unmiatakahly de- clared it: approval of the reiusal of the min- istry and the home of common: to intrrierv with the |- gialation oi the province in regard tn a meuuro dealing with o local question like the Jelnita estates matter. Evidently they have no grievanm aguinot which they feel strongly moved tn protect. and if. an we may auntie to be the goo. come of them have nu great-lilting for a grant to tho Jo- Iuito or to the Roman (latholiu church. this fooling a parontly has Ian inuence than their incl nation to maintain the right of the mvinco to manage it: own aaiu without ntarvoatioa from without How can the people ol Ontario. with my uhow cl racon- ablonooo. thruot thoir voluatoorad aid upon those who havo not uh for it. and who show that thoy do not out it 9 Thin indi mtion oi the tooling in the county oi Coup- ton ahonld calm tho agitation In Ontario to intorioro with tho nrovinco of Qnobeo, even _hy proooodlog to thg_ cation ol tho result that may ho oxpoctod in other ooutltnoncioo. " .... ..L.,., a, _-nn-|.-__- .|__ -_.a VIN? TZCII I Gtdisuvt Then to jun thin to ho nld about the uni- olo. or ol that ponlon which we utnct `shove: .n ,.n |,,_n. Ln: __,_ __. T.~l.\' EX l}.l!I'7l().\'. The mayor of Ottawa. s man of sturdy principle, suggests the formation of a pro- vincial association by the inuence and Agitation of which parliament can the more safely legislate on civic questions. The great issue is that of In exemption. of which the capital is sorely tired. "The gov- ernment," says Mr. I-Irratt, "is not disposed to interfere. and. it may he assumed. will not do so until compelled by the force of public opinion. Experience has slso proved that it will be useless to approach it again unless we can rst ngreo nmong ourselves upon a denite plan or programme in which we are at one and which we sre prepared to insist upon." Only when the municipal re- presentatives have been lnrought together will it be made apparent what agreat diver- sity of upinion prevails upon exelnptiun. There is not the ununinity upon it which some talk of. and until the people's ngente, in municipal government. know just whst they want the government must be excused for declining to ICC. At the pre- sent time the smaller towns of the province sre engaged in the senseles struggle ol try- ing to draw from each, in population and in volume of business. through exemption. which is unreservedly granted and under the most mistaken views in regsrd to its I: .L_ __________ _. _]___A) `A Luv luv-an uuw-4-uuu -..,..- ... ...-.... ._ ... potency. If the government dared to throttle -this competition by legislation however. wisely conceived, it might be ac- cused of An unfairness or of acting in the interest of some instead of the whole pm. ple. It's a question that needs to he handled more gingerly than any that ha, been dispooed of by the legislature in many a day. and there may be grout delay in tackling it unless the goverunient is helped to a solution of the dilculty by methods such as those uIggei\:n;-d by the mayor n Ottawg \\'e predict that ho is not working in min. `_.__., _,, The election of Mr. l'upe, non of the Isle miniotor of ruilwnyylor Compton. which the deceased gentleman represented in the com mun: fur on mnny yearn. inulucep the Km pan to indulge in the following rquurk ,,... .- .___ ! nlnle speech: u rL _ ,_-..- Susi 1'01: Hun-s. ; Rev. Mr. Towns, A former claunnlze, is -snoing Chntlncey .\l. Dc-pew for SL500, his value of certnin points givenjn connection with the centennial oration. .\Ir. Depew wrote .\lr. Tlmrne for Inggestions and offer- ed compensation but he diIln`t like them and olforexl only $200` for them. Mr. Towns dennmds 8l.5ll). and in going to;lnw' to col- lect that amount. He thinks Mr. Depow I-an pny that much in vi:-\'wwnf the honour and glory his centennial orntiou netted him. lt'a'going to be A funny one and will help to slum` which in the tm._t important mun. the man \\ llu nmkoa the pomlor or the man who res it. Tm: mun n \_.\'nnI' In pnblishq .1 over! W'; tug. at King Slrecl. Kingston. Oumx-io,. ll aux uox.|.4uua FIR YEAR. Anv|m1T'xnum-rs. For four lines. one or two lnaertiona. . .. . I` {O For four lines. each oulnoquent lnaon-uon.. '36 Over four lines. not innerlion. . .. . . 100 per line Each Ill non! oou|eout_l\'einn.... 5o " Once: woe subsequent inn. I00 " Twlcc I was . nubooquent um...... 80 " Three ls week. subsequent lu|...... . 60 Twrlvo lines to tho inch. ' Km man of an-um Marxian: and Doaqtha 50g. Notices at Births. lnlnrrlnpu Deaths 500. such. unless when bookod.' when I] lichen-(ed. Spocial notices In reading columns an cham- od M twenty came not line to catch jngcruon. columns enam- twenty per lngenlon. J Oloers of unincorporated Aaaoohm_9x_Ia_or IAAIIIA vaau>u ---v-.. Will be issued bout:-en all stations in Canada. and from sutiona in (`nnadn to Dc-unit (via Windsuri. Port Enron and Fort Gnniol {via Snrnin and Pninl llldwanll. Rulfulu (Vin Inter- nn nu-ul Bridget. Ilack lhwk. Suspension Hnoum I-`on (0Vi Rl0lI. Rouae'a Point and `Sin nd Pond. A! SINGLE FARE ._ |.~.:4l...- ll..r-Mil. I\`)i1b rnliul fur r.-Iurn IIIL ` , un ` I nor! I0. 77"o'E:`:.';'`"L r .'i?.Zo". .r'p3`?1{i.'.' Xom"uon. or socieno. will be held nor-onnllr I'I>'" `' an onion they xiv: Aftmhao to tho moor In one of the best Job J|'6I-d7iEn`iK6y'ii-\';_ ' i H _ V Aftucheo to the paper]: pf N9 . "9" emcee In Canada: .rnv1d. !iI) h-'4` Km` p work: eight lmprovbd Drill! {II vmwt . All ..-harms for ad*W'f|-?"V'- 81-bscrivtzov printing All..-Aarpca for qubscriohon and obpv-um`: are yabuuraa--awe this new bedish` l I erstooa. aonunna. In pnnusnea e In 8! A cu. xiv I; 31.50 min :.. .~.R`;?'aea`. ` ICDW. J. B. Tho WEEKLY nmrlsn wmo. 3 vase-,. M aoltunna. in published every Thursday moruux ' M811 tivelrln ud'anco.o1herwiae 8l.50w lboc anred. THE. DAILY WH1G._ "lu.""I.|nt the Ind-Jul bill wu not , ,I_,.:,_ ,. _ `.._ Whig : Telephone. Number 1320. :A NNoucEmENT. f`br tier 1 Z.L.LV \2'.l-l.l;.I .1.` .2.Lv.|.'_I on lI`ridu_\`. Mn)` `lllh. I389. valid for rvlurn un~ til the following day : also on rare and One- tblrd on 'l`Imradn_\` nml I-`rimny. May '. .3rd and Nth v-lid Fur rvmrn until Monday. .\l\y f.'th. Chlidren between 53nd 12 years of use Hall I-`ur further mrliu-ulnrs nosxgrg or n[\pl_\` I chanted. PENSIC. Prom-lelor. QL'I'.'EIn` {.4 L K. "THE BRITISH u:cnsu.:'q:hoo II Inc lmumuuw at out in on on- dny nhonoon l:l1-than` I3 hum buohll nut.-II in In: 5| IIII OI Iprluu. Doctot (Incl pnlonfl bulb)-"'15!!! no word! udoluaploot $030!! H00` this line of you." mu... mu... M. inn! with n Inn- "Nonr ulna lacing In run. an. uvur my wife`: on couch and I'll let you have `on all for llwccnu uphcu." . came [III IIIIIFIIITI IIIG "I3. C III! |lI~ mud hildumki dtqothor n will uul_ Ig|:n\_a_d uu_~ec?_oouo. The hontlh 4- L__n,_ L-.. ` I-.u.m. "Ti. 5:. we was . [nu- "Ncnr mind in tho not. than. You _- -lI.'n nn Annals Anal bl '1 `IV. IIOOI. out uuu urcn pililpuuly IIIIIII` um tong clays put nu-I her duulh III not. in coma non nun mod. Bot nlulu Vol ! Iolclnuly IIWIIU Irvin In! rvcuity to un church by choir bovu, pnoodod by a crow honor. and followed by the choir And otliclulng cloruy lully mud. slur whom tho manners and Mood: ol the do- _.-...I ..Ll|4I -.L&_- .h...IL4n - H-C L)l.:ll1LJL:lJl .|lillVA.IaalI\I WILL BE RI-I(`h`.lV'i-Ill by the umlomlxncd. at the nclclnxu of his solic ilurs-. furlhr lurk ~m lnulv of Mir lnuoh cm. .uul his bunk-dv.-bl: sq-gu rntely. l`hu stock consists of nnnnmn A I nnnnbtm on-nod cuua, mun uqoulor | urlu and nuns! acne? noon. hand! and touching hurhl ooo huh` but chatted In the church. the body win after- wnrdo conveyed by his a Moulluotto for \ bu-id. The ponnll have the Iyupuhy ll `um community In mu has "` '* 1.37. 9' I IICTWUE [Jule (inch Primo. Iocond dughhr 0-! Rev. F. Pthno. mm of All Stink` cluuth, died 0! whooping:-mgh on Thnndn altar- nooo. She had an pcroqitlbly III: in; for gun. IIAVI Inn nnl ha! ll-nth Ill IOL in .\Ir. Joesph F. Swift`: new mperty- Horeeehoe la|Aud ~ is Attrectiug A urge AhAre aal public Itteltlinu Anal pruuiiu-A to Add greAtly to the pleuure of the Anmmor lives of those citizens uni Kingston who wish to pain their leisure h.-urn free from the tur- maail. hmt Anal lnmlo oi the city. It iA only tiva~ miles from Kingetun Anal is in every vuy AA -leeirnhle an-l suitnhle A plAce to live in in Any nf the alnvn`. river iAIAn.lA to which there is such A rush in the summer holidAy sc-nun. It covers an aura of About eight)`- Ait Acres. iA rich in tine verdant Aoil And is Autliciently wnoalral to please the eve of the ln\ 6f of the picturesque, And to Atfonl Ample Ahule And Ahelter aluring the hot huure of the alAy. At this tune of the yeur every one who cAn Atfurd it sa-oh for chmge of Air Anal strive: to rennin fra-ah energy Anal strength After thetcils of the put twelve :monthA, Anal Horeeehoe l~l.nal nere thou changes. without All the trnuhle of tAking long Anal troublesome jourmvu. Bneiuv.-AA men who cannot leA\'e town for the much winhecl fur lmli:lAy woulal tin-l it An incAlculAl1le boon both for lhOmat'l\t-e Anal hniiliee AA they Cillllll reeiale on the iAlAnal And Itill Attend to C0n)ll'lert`ill Anal other mAtterA In town. A AteAmbnAt Aervice twice dAily between the city Anal the iAlAual ill be inAugurAteal Anal meet the dernAuals aal reqidentn And excur- Aioninte in every way. The Inn Are being muted nut And would At the very low tigure of Iltl) oath. An-I Alreuly may prominent persona hA\-e pnrrlaueal. And it Aim ly teen with Kingotouium to auto Honee oe an A loreaneet pIAoA in the rub oi Iutmner re~ lol. The enterpriein And huotlilg owner M r. Swill duerveo the ighut prA'nA (at his enduvour to put mother father In the lineeto 051?. Incl should HAVA the Anpport of All in his plucky venture. __.__,.___._ nun-u uuuu nu :v;-.-'.-..'. Tumnlo nil. The Kingston board of trade in extremnly unions that the iron ore of Fmntouac should be mined uul utilized. Pmfduor Dupuia. of Queen`: university. hu explailr Ell to the bonnl that if the Americnn duty were removed it wnuld be A good thing for Frnntennc ore. because much of it work: well withoome Ameriecn ore. The oolu tiun at the mining -lilculty seem: to lie in the discovery of A market for the ptoducll But it will not do to any thnt in too loud n voice, lveenune some silly imlixjidual will ceruinly reply that it in dinloynl to cell Cnntdian ore to lore.-inruen. .\I1\ntrN\l Slur. Why nhuuld there be` any such discrimi- nation in I hmd where we are pleasantly assured that e\'er_\`bo~iy stands on the lame footing and Nut All are eqtul in the eye of lhe_ luv 3 Loud ~n Advertiser. The Earl of lmdloymho was among those arrestintz in I gnmhling resort in Old l.on~ Inn, controls thirteen shun h livings. This is I In-..utiful conmlpntary upon the connec~ tiou between church and cute. .\!`W I urn llllllllllr. The house of lords Iuua gone thmugh the nnnual ceremony of rcjecting the deceued wife's sister bill. If this bill Ihould e\'_:-r happen by unv accident to pass the shock to the British mnstitgtiaun would be serious. L nuv nu New York Tribune. -n. u The London |5'n~k/to hm bean debating the question and has sstistied itself that Sir Charles Russell hn proved himst-If more vqorthy than any other mun now before the lsmm. public to wear the manic which must full. at no distant dsv. {mm the shoul~ den: of the departing Gladstone." It is rol- markshls how in public life successors rise to the grutosl of men. The opportunities for men's distinction seem to occur just at the right time. Mr. Hughu. T0n.m;o's political. impec- tor of public schools, ha been put forwurd h u the fdrv candidate for the legialnture in East l)urham."in auccrsniotx to Wm. Cfnig who remove: to Cnlifc-ruin. .\h`. Hughou is A great man out of parliament, bu), in par- liament his usefulness might be gone. He is gas better Ichool impector than pc-Jicinu. Pvlitiml impertineucehs Avery cheap urti..|e. I l`lI(l6I'S WIN IOU Wednesday, The remark of U. S. l'oa|mspt.er General \\'uuumnker is quote! in support of our poatmuter gonernlks hm: increase in the ram _ of poatuge-that he prefer: not to reduce the rate" but to impr-\'e the service. The ' Ianudian nyuteulx hats been made more_ costly and it has not bean improved. in iv_hi_ch zhotmpan now iuduigu mky ho taken for win: it is worth. . ' .._.-__ 2- n_._`..:.. No more has been he-ml of tho ntiremont of Mr. Llorcier. Like Mr. Mount he won`! go, and in the npiniun at most cm|or\'|ti\'a politicians he ought to be ashamed 'of`him- salt. tnquu IIJI Hull. II II Ivlluu `3. The tIIV.i4Jotuit agitator: in Ont.orio- nro ooliurutivu. for whose Iucoou _in the ' locnl els_c'lT3:1o tom. penplt huh been doclur ing. It is this political blur of line Igit&tlou' that ii rtioing I ouipicion in the minds` of many than it in not conducted in bohtlf of Protestantism Ilone. Men no onlling for Sir. Me-arthy on their lender. and he would to noon cut of his right hand and pluck out lxinyighzyeyo, gs abcuduu his party. :1): Toni: L` .vo'I's.. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS- .\'Ico Conn:-cling Link. 1 Elna! Tull In Wyluporm . :I "onzr (`uney Island." | n _.,:r.-, __._. .... The Anngnl Whirl. um In .1 p m. .\'-ithor the highest or any la.-mhr new-nurily urccptod. Slack ind stock list And list of book-debts can he even an gpplicalinn nl Ibo Gardiner (`om|-any`! Ulcc. ( ornur of lm*i.~iou and I"..\rI Slrvuls.

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