Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1889, p. 1

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'i:I":aKu"b't'ii'h i.`"`l)riinno " " ' '1-tii.` " l'u'"raF"c:'l u|ch dive in; Intub Imriy 1;: and [u':;n,. In on u at uni an to hWOAlDlNl Isl larlaunot. prrvwul co Lne crlan sno mup Area. nne Wu nally locnted in I smile village in New Jersey where I c-hild was born. an I a few day: After the young mother died. Then in H1: an-ngt mm-ninl 1.!" hi. f....il..|... -0 IULI UI JUI e Ihe strangest feature of the whole affair was the revelation of Fish'a double life. ()n Wall street he was all dignity and reserve ; in Brooklyn the embodiment of a pious churclunnn, but the other Mr. Fiah could be found after bank hours beh-nd the scenes of the opera boutfe irting with young actresses who, after the play was over, went out with him to midnight Iupperl of the choice-at champagne, drank good health to the gener- oua patron whoae puree wan ever open to their demands. Amdng the It atal throng of the opera boutfe was A lovely young crea- ture named Sally Huber Half the duties in New York were breaking their hearts for her, but their nigh: were in vain, for it was whispered that she had A protector and that Ihe was going to leave the stage. l"ieh was sixty-tire, Sally Wu only twenty. but juat previous to the craeh she diaap ared. She emal N`-... l-....... ...l.....- - ..i.:I.l -___ 3...-.. 4. 2 _ UiIU|Ka The story of his connection with Ferdinand Ward almost reads like a romance. Nothing can be conceived more opposite than the difference between the two men. Fish was solemn, sedate and dignified; Ward was utterly insignicam. diminutive and rock` less. Small in stszde, of hustling and un- easy manners, with ll sort of monlieyish ca - pression of face that would seem to beget anything but confidence. The only marvel is. that in a place like Wall street where every fellow is suspicious of every other fellow, that such an insignificant mortal could ever have established himselfin the confidence of the close-iisted old money bags who make that golden mart their home. Unly a year and a half before he blossomed out as a millionaire. he was a small cl -k in a small broker's otce, and he con ider- ed his services amply rewarded with fif teen dollars a week. The f r0duce Ex- chnnge was about 1-recting its new build; ing,.and there was a sudden appreciation in the price of its seats. Ferdinand began to speculate in a small may on borrowed money, and it was not very long in a chang ing market before he found himself the pos sessor of a few hundred dollars of his own. He had struck a new bonanza and for a time he kept the secret to himself. At last he began to long for a larger field of specu- lation. He wanted to buy fty or a hundred seats. instead of one or two, and he cast around for somebody to supply him with the funds. He unfold-' ' -chemo to James 1). Fish. Fish lisleuea, thought the matter over, and jumped in. The legitimate pur- chase of a few seats in the Produce Ex- change did not long satisfy his ambition, and then he conceived and carried out that gigantic scheme of lwindling and plunder which led the Granh to ruin, which shook this city like an earthquake, which was the social and nancial death of Fish, and which landed Ward himself in state prison for a lonlg of years. ` h A ntnsnunnl fssalsn-ca nf rhn nrknln nnir (special ('orI'o5lI0'n(lcnco.I New Ymui, May lT.--()n h`a.turdsy last a V gentlenianwoturuecl to Brooklyn who has been absent from that city several years. His return created but very little euthuis- asm, but his depirtuie was one of the most_, sensational evenL.. ._ me must sensational yesr that the counuy haul` seen since tho war. The gentleman was James D.,1-`ish, the artner invillniuy and.frasud of Ferdi- mui Ward, of the him of Grant. &. Ward who had been serving I term at Auburn fol robbing the Marine list k. For over thirty years Mr. Fish had been known among the nanciers of New York, and his reputation, if not as high as any man's, was neverthe- l--as sulciently gunk] to give him entry in.o New York's best society. He lived in mo- derately generous style, wore -'1 white choker, and if not a deacon or trustee, he, by his generally pious behavior. was regarded as eligible ,to the mliuc. While many prcsi dents of banks were richer than Mr. Fish, there were few whose nancial integrity was more highly regnrdoal. in addition to which he was an eminently cautious inn. and like Hsilie Nicol lsrvie he never put his hand out any further than he could easily pull it back. "PL- _A__.. J L! _ _ _ _ _ _-AE _ _ , , ,.-LL I.` 1' ` The Romance of Ft"-rdInand> Ward R--told -Fluh's Double Life. l'.'xpo|el-TrM'u'. ` Dlentul Coudltlon-A lhmkor \Vhu Wan Too Honest. to K--01! That wmcu \Vms Overlooked. _ ` [MR FI'sH"s, RETURN DOES NOT CREATE A FURORE. BR.0\Al)BI.\[`S LE '."1`El{. b Mrlohon III.) Insult). Nuw Yolut, Ihy `I8.--Cn uh: Juno Chant. ot the 3rd unlllory . 8. A.. IM- tlonod on Governor`: Inland, hoouno vio- lently hunt on the was thin morning. ` HI run than his outed]. A Iucolvor Appoluod. (human. MI] |8.-JntIgo Grollnl to- dny striated Volncy C. Mslott noolvor ` I l sh E Adnllc iaroul oo y. "Ir. .Mnlomn vlxmnnnldnnn Anal oi mo unwngoc AIIMIIO ruuood company. Mr. Malott In vloo- dam and and nnnqor ol tho Unon nllwno ot ndinn- \ opolh. . 1 P|.\.\'n REPAIR! olnll kind: on Uprluhu and .~-.u.-ma oloculed at the Wnbur Factor) oorm r u! Princes And Gordon Itroetn. Kings- hon. .\'o more dunble or well-soled instrument In (`.|nAtIa than than. I- WIBIR lIPRIull l'_ lluvo found Vnlunblo lulclv. At prount an English mink` ngiuor. In can 1 with Mr. Smollio. ohm! onglnoor ol tho in. in panning on: thy route of the poled utanoion of the Irockvlllo & Wu! rt KR. from Wntport to "uln- or'| pldn. Their Ipoolnl objoct In mak- ing the tripla to you an Idea ol the ox- tont ol the timber wnllh of thin notion. This they have loud to be very great. Thoy nun Llno found gold. iron on And an- .-_..._ ,.-. -.....-.. lllllc nnr uvuuuuluoll Impowirl me emperor to proclclm martial law in my district if the public safety In thnotonod. jj-o K llnrunl Law Thruatonod. BERLIN, May l8.--I`ho North German Gazelle. Binmnrcki orgnn. in on Article 10- pudining an uaortion of the Cologno Ga- zelle. that the condition of ntirl in West- phnlic, lrisin from the minors` strike. does: not wu-untt 0 proclnmuion of I mm o! alga in that province uyu: Proclollnod not: act undo: which I state of siege in _pm- cialmod applies :0 the prooont one in \\ ent- hnlio. but tha overnmout has not yet on- orood the prov om oi the not owing to a matter of oxpodiency." It nlno point: out Elm. the oouamution empowers the emperor nroelnlm much] Inw in nnv din:-In If pumlcuul unce me ulmlmurnnon changed. The conlullto nt Hnlifu ll to be tilled by the re-appointment of Mr. Frye, ol Maine, who wu superseded by the present consul- genorul. Mr. Phelnn. The cnnaulno at Toronto will probably go to W. H. H. Miller, Bulnlo. The consu- lnto at (fhotham in to be given t.oJnmu Shepard, M ichignn. There in I lively ght over the olcc at Montronl. Twenty condi- dntea nre in the field. There Are 5 down Anxious to go to Humilmn, nnd Iovonl do- Iiro tho position of connulconornl to OC- uwn. Col. (). '7. She rd will probably not the plum. He will 0 the honor: with out regard to upenu. ` Mon Practically Appointed {or Toronto. llnlllnx nnd Chnthnn. \\'A.InI.\'a'm)l, Muy 18 -The president in ulow H : making chsngan in the unnuulur aer- vioe. Up to the present time there have been but three consular ntoen tilled by re- publicans since the ulmininrnion chnngod. The 1-nnnnlntn at HAIHAI in in Na llml Lu UHUCC Injured. Many of the pneengera had 1 miraculom eevape. Hod the speed of the timber train not been checked before the collision over fifty people would hwe been killed. `he it was the injuries comiat of broken limbs and scalp wouudl. which it is thought. will not rove foul. except in the case of R 1n B. . Wickler And I). A. Fleming, ontroel Irnvellen, escaped with slight injuries. ID me car, mloen OI wnom were Injured. P. Rynn, Montreal, horse buyer. wu among the victims and will probably die. He is in the hoapiul here now. An nuxili cry, with l corps of doctonv, went out for him in charge of John ksell and stranded to thou injured. Mgnv n` Ihn nnnnnnnnrn hn n Imu--nn|`t\Iun The train was I heavy one and could not easily be ato ped when once running. 'l'he engine duh into the passenger conch com- pletely teleecoping it. The roof of the car And both tide remained intact with the loco` motive innide. Fifty-five passengers were in the car, fteen of whom injured. P. Rvnn. Mnnlrpnl, hnr-an hnunr wnn nyau, Montreal, senouuy. Bz1.L|-:\'n.Lu. Om`. May l8.--Another tar .rible accident occurred shortly after nine o'clock to day on the brunt! junction divi aion of the GILR. near (Jorbyvllle, four miles from the city. The Muloc puaengor train wu half an hour lute, And bad jun left the nation 38 Hayden : Corners when I timber train of. twelve can came uouud the on:-urn uyvx.-cu nu unu -v rnu. B}Zl.l.!-2\'ILLl-1, May l8.-At 9.30 fchck today the Msdoc train was run into by I freight train at (jnrhyville. Nine or ten persons were injured, among these M r. John Kym, Montreal, seriously. Rm.|.r\'n I I Hm Av N _Am.n.m up No durable well-tolad Instrument ll (`amsda than H100. I. WEBER UPRIUHT. us-nun. Special to the Wmu. n......_.____, :1 The Mndoo TI'lIln`I(lIII Into ` Du mugs lcnluun. Q-uuninl 0.. 5|... \l'..... ulcn mu tnree nunureu antl nlty dollar! no paid for them, and when the corn any insist- ed on his accepting ve hundred lhllars com- mission on the transaction he gave it at once to the poor. It is only a couple of years since another man returned to the heirs of Payne. the musical miser, three hundred and til'ty tlIousand dollars which he had kept tied up in an old liet hand- kerchief for twenty years, an 'not I llling soul except himself knew it when Payne died. It is very possible that in this mag- nicent universe of` ours there may he some better worlds than this we live in, and that in those worlds there may be some very high-toned, moral and honest people. but this is a good world enough for me while I have to live here. and if there is anything better hereafter I shall he exceedingly glad to spend the remsinder of my days there. No, Mr. Bishop Putter, this is not such a bad world after all. Imitute the humility of your Master and you'll be all right. lhum-mu.\1. was when George Francis Train, dressed in ; is new spring suit with a bright jack rose on his coavlapel, and sixty or seventy_ beautiful little children at his back. stopped on his wny to a summer picnic at Central park to let `them have usight of the walkers It could not have been a very inspiring sight to the children, every one of whom must have felt is supreme contempt for the miser- able tramps as they hobbled sorrowfully uround the course. There was the usual showing up of gamblers and thieves, mingled with an occasionuljudge an! a broker or two from Wall street, but t e old time hilA arions crowd was-absent, and the receipts will not cover the expenses, so that tve are moderately sure that we`will not be troubled with any more walking matches for six months at least. Is there a general decadence in public and private virtue, as Bishop Potter suggests" in is centennial sermon 3 That question is fully answered by the action of Banker Schnffer hut wcelt, who nrchased a lot of securities at auction for three l1`u'ii iTi'e(l and fty dollars. and when `he looked IVOI` them 'fonnd one little lot worth sixteen thousand. What did .\l r. Scharler do 3 Did he pocket :his luck? Oh, no. The securities had been sold by the Union Trust company as part of the estate of Romaine Dillon, the milli_on- aire murderer. Scbatfer saw it was a mis- take on the part of the company, and al- though the bonds were legally his he refused to profit by their error and restored them to the Trust company again, merely ta ing back the three hundred and fty dolla he Dald for them. and whun the nnmnnnv inni-t.. ACCIDENT AT Bl:LLEV|LLE. CONSULAR:ROSPECTS. pnuhor. in 'o|o with |lr |.m;: and hi out. Id: In I-O" than, Laying I Oonot Icon. Ix-sum. May I8.-4-The Queen belt laid the foundation none :1 the new bul rllnp at Mon col The nndouta pnulbd Lu mg];-my V: than address to which the llodln ht-hf Ipuoh. The QVIIIII {.'.'1..u, .n.`.....a. "' :':Jbmon. I IUUIIUIIZ IIR jl. Luxmu, May I8.-Nouly two hundrbd maul -on ol the Home at Commons. Includ- ing John Morley and Ir. l`u'nol|, hnn Ilgnod an uddrcu to Pruldont Carnot, u- .rudng regret that hard Lynn. the mini: Ambundot to Franco, vu shunt [Him ALLA-n-Lng_`nnn-..l.g _.l_.lLn Mn ALL KINDS OF` BANK and Ohvo Rubber Blnluguklhlcn. Soak. Elc.. supplied by BRIN- NAN umwuv. muutaolurui. Bum BL. Kingston. Ont. COIIUIINIC IO XIIICTUIICK The Standard`; correspondent an : One or more Iitdup of the oonloronoo an ml! The chic! vmbjoot yauhrdny vs: the quuison of govornmtnt. A basis ol u L- K.' an participation oi the three poworo In cor- cuu and two power: at othor than or Ipoolod noorntloal by the third." Loxuox. May I8.-The Tina` Borlln cor- rupondont II a the American dol nun mint rain to uhlngton the to do- all. but on the (aural ptinclp C the dolo- ntu LING, and the not: much; ought to conclude the oonforonca. `rs- c.-...:_..4-. _-.._-_...:-..; --... . -un..- one Men Killed Illa Neighbor Because or the Badnc-ae or III: llunle. ST. IAll'lH, Mo.. .\lay l!L-l-`or over a year the ueaeein who ahot and killed Samuel Waldrup. of Litcheld. III.. was unknown. but Monday he acknowle;lzed the murder and threatened to remove other membeuu of the family. Detectivee have been aoouring the city for three deyl and yesterday they erreeted Thomaa R. Kn , the murderer. He admitted the crime en oered to return to Liteheld without a requisition. A pecu liar feature of the one ia that Knagga ha been living at Litchtield ever alnoe the mya- terioue murderand appeared to been of the moet ardent in pureuit oi clan that vould lead to the identity of the aaeeeein or to the clearing up of the myetery. He nay: he killed Waldrup becauee he wee a man of bad morale. none Will a lumbar. "rouom M man I nlmnhnr. 'Iu. nInnnd owl; um, unue lrom the very accurate know- ledge I an of the mum And ngenciu employ by myself in doing the name thingn. Mr. Bishop ndmitud to me without reserve that he depended upon the name mounlumynelf." There was Nothing of aryplsotlo charac- tor l':Inployed-0nly Cloves-noaa. Bosrorl, Mass.. May l8.-Charles H. .\lon~ tague, city editor of the Globe, who has per- formed many mind-reading feats in puhlic.-- says the whole question of mindreadlng. as ractised by the late Washington Irving ishop, lies in familiarity with the pheno- mena of little thin I have read." he said, the story of r. Bishop`: sad ending. and I will say without reserve that the act of discovering the word in the book calls for no great mental eort. The trick is one of the simpler ones. The claim publicly made by Mr. Bishop was that he passed into a hypnotic condition similar to but not as intense as the hysterical trances into which some of Charcot's patients pass at La Salpetrlere, Paris. Hypnotized, but not completely so, was Bishop's assertion. There was, 0! course, nothing of the kind. There was naught that savored of a metaphysical phenomenon. It was simply the ;lever act of a very clever and almost abnormally acute man. I have the best cl reasons [or knowing this, aside from the know le\:I!Q Dtlj fl` thn l'l|lAl|l and nanny-in. Wllll IlIlIC- uring a terric ruin storm last night I temporury dam at the and of lnlmd avenue tunne|, Milwaukee, VII swept sway, and five Polish workmen were cnught by the `vmter and three were drowned. Qim-.. Inn! l.`..:.l.... : A-. :_..L__ -: __:_ L__., vuucr nuu turee were crowned. Since last Friday 5.6.`) inches of ruin have fglon at Lenvenworth, Kansu. Landslides are - u. ~_ying trains on all route: and Int night the Rapid Transit ceuod running trains to Port Lcovonworth because of I dangerous settling of the treaties. mu uty Herbert Shires. the ueven-yoor-old son of E. I . Shires, hardware dealer. Chicago, shot and killed his brbther Frankie. aged three year: yesterday afternoon While play- ing with tuie. ..-:...... .___:c- __:,, _., , I : MID`) UOZEN (`OTTON TIES FROM ONE (`EXT UP. W . REEVES. KIM Itreot. UCIle"IC- \\illiam McLaughlin, A printo in the Nth infantry. stationed at Fort Randnll, Neb., shot And killed his sweetheart. Mag- gie Lowene, because she talked to another soldier. -p|__ gA;___v |_________,. n. I 9 II n IUIUICT. The Heims` bre\\'r_v, St. Louis, Mo., bu been purchased by the St. Louis brewery trust for $4."10,0()0. The trust now bu l]~ most complete control of the but tnde of ` this city. Hnlmr Qhiu-an Hm ..m...,u... ..I.| -.... ,.: we urn exunlnun 01 an Luann In Arlzonn. Wilbert C. 'lruuel, the leading spirit in the Truaael. Fretzcr 0).. Boston, has gone to Canada. taking with him $30,000. thich he hduced business men to invest in his scheme. \\ HIS-.. I.l-l -__,,L|_', muuucu all [ell lrom me can window. lil`II`(u_-A_pepalIlo, nu Indinn, WIS hanged at Tucsvn, Arizona, yeaterdny, for the mur- der 0! Patr kiird, a prospector. This in the first ex union of an Indian in Arizona. \\'i'mrf. I` 1!-nu-AI I-Inn I--(H-nu .n:..: L. tn un\ culug auleunlun. (it-orge Bishop. one of_the oldeutongineera of the (`nmden & Atlbntic railrpud. wu killed yeuterduy afternobn. He lost his lmlande did fell from the cnlj window. |<`n'.~nlLn,~`A n..u...m .. l'..A:-.. ....... L....._..,.I a prominent merchant yelterdn ' " Farro.-ll alc(.`m"thy. Clovelu...,'Ohio. a saloon keeper. during drunken quarrel last evening utmckedln killed In Benton, a tm\'e]_ling aalehmnn. ` H:-nrnn Rinlunu an. A0 5L. ..l.l...L-..-:_--.__ mu ueen settled: R. G`, I`huma`l,-"editor of the Cueyvilla, K32, llrmld. shot and killed Geqrge Elmer, prominent merchant yedterda " ' Furl`;-H Mc(Tm"thv. CInvnl..u., `hin n AVUITII `Yell. 7 Patrick Egan, minister to (,`hili,wu given a reception last night by the Chicago Irish Alnericau _ciub. _ fl... ..d..:l... -5 cl... \Y-.:___| ..___ _,, u l'IIlll'-I luau _L'lllU. [he strike at the` Nmtionnl tube works. ` .\lcK-ax-sport, l n.,which iuvplved 2,000 men, Has been settled. T ' D I`. n........--.-'...::.-_ -: .L_ n ,,,,,,-n (WU cnuuren. ' Lt. Colonel Villiera, D_.A.G., is making his lmlf-yearly Inspection of nrgnoriea in the North Went. D..r.:..I. l.`,...... ....:_:.;L_ .. l`L:I _.___ ,: _ .7{1r1`\;I -: A.\`l).&~llAl.I AND SIX PEI . (`I-2.\'T. Apuly to U. A. UIVENS. Block Street. over Express Omen. ueuouneu to rrlncess Auce, or uepse. A cyclnno at F0l`BIbllj`|l. Tgxu. yester- dav blew down the school lxouu nncL killed two children. V . I 9 l`..I._....l \'3lI:___ l\ A (1 I I ' The Llttlo Things that Alec! 0|n|d`IIno- Flanhou From Europe Ind Whntv `They Poi-tend-A Little of Everything Eully Rand Iuid Itomolnborod. H. Pope has been taken audd`J.-nly ill. He in vi-r ' weak` I `i)I'i?II`6\ P.I|`nh'nnn:I 4.` `Inn-nnn.:..-:. |.....L. WHOSE-Z. wens THE wonsr 7 IE V"l J WUuK~ `Rrince Ferdinand. of Roumni)jn,rhIa beeh - betrothed to Princess Alice, of Hepae. A nunlnnn In I-`nu-.-n.o}u...... 'l`...... ......s.._ TELEGF-IIAMS FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR OUARTERS GIVEN. AF`FAlRS`0FV7I`HE WORLD. lunouod Illa Aboonoo. n.. \l__ In \v,-_I__ A__ 1 TKE MEANS EMPLOYtD. ny :u.--donu lonll, Itno I olo In. Dowull, :. Id: Innll shil- ) IND.` . . FOR SALE ORTORENT, IIUUSK with 01 hr room: And extension kil- oheu hard and ea 1. water with good Iublinz ; oon veniem to Queen`: College : immediate Ieeeion. Auply on the prenneee. 1285. or at . . :44 Union Street. between Gordon end Alfred . ll. In L Sta. urn \on\`oniem~o~. Sables stun-hm until tur- lhornotine. Apply to KIRKPATRICK I. I(U(}-IRS. THE MAIN PART of the Stone House on King Street. lornu-rly oocnpiud by Lholate Mn Macaulay Rvnlm)n year and uxeu. ` The houseia In excellent order with all mod- xonronk-noon Stables stun-hvd uulil fur- Ilmlmnminn, AI. ' In KIRKPATRICK L m rwo winson mu: nmmas. I AND 151 ILRL UTRIIT. A .~`l`0.\'E DWI-1l.l.l.\ HV,V with or without furmu--s and all In do-xu nu rovemenus. [t in n. ;.r v'm l`HI`.'h"'l f `I 2. .; ! Van! nt.rnaIn_ An- ()lI'I"lClI'.. lame. oomnl, mu muad. Term rensolmble. Pouunion Immediately. Apply `Box." Wmo. new iilzlcxi 1mL';1~:. EARL s1`mcn:1`. in Eur! Terran-. nvnr Harrie Street. App! to B. B.\R.\'l-LY. 39 I :-Auuu mreol. or at ` I Earl .\'vro-I-L A .~`ll(-)l ~().\' KING s'rmc1:r.wnh dwellin above. near Market square. Apply II. R! Ear Street. .\ BRICK HUl'.N`l`I ON QUEEN Sl'ltl`Jl!i'l`. bt`l\\oen Bagnlaml Wellington Streets. from May lsz. J. H. (`.\ltRL'l`HEl{a`. ('rnue_slreets. A|I,.I_\ '11 Hill. King Street \\ PM HOUSE IN VAUGHN rlcmuc, No. Apply A! wine on-`zen; SA u-zsm-:.\-we wish a few men to sell our goods h sample to the \vln0lu2.ulv nnd n-mil lrudo. 1\l1{t.'8l nmnufm-lurvrs in our line. En~ (~lo:ae'.'-cent stump. Wages $3 per day Perms- ncnl position. No postals nnawcn-d. Money ndswxncwed for w es. adn~rlisinn. etc. CIN- *r|~;x.\'u|..\lA.\"|-"u ,0. t`incinnnIi.Uhio. .\ln.\' E\' 11) l.ls..\n rr rn-3 AND A-HAL! nu ax ruu'!c.\'r. H. W -*'HA.\'N().\', Barrislur. )mm=. Iwxl door to King`: drug store. King Slum-:. hingston. 7\"(?>o;)x)OKf Xpblixu Mus. J.` in the evening. ., . . IHIIII i IIIU IIWIIIII . III -IIUIXIIX W I PEI In lholr cllon. The mum bung E10. well tonllht and hm-Inc I nmuluvru expo- Iun. In Dam and ohoorful. They are hAnd~ III Jnvlnq luublo muu. cl-{uni MU loud ggundou. hot and cold water bath: ; nun nlumblu. ctr. llnhuo perfect. In rmr nl HH|)\\ N BICUVEI Rut-luster. N.\ . A (`OUR Apply In E King Street. between T I Propcxty. ONE HKIUK IIUl'SIC.conmmInx9 mama. bsth room and extension kitchen and Outhouse-5. ONE I*`l{A.\IE ll0l.'.\`l4I.<`0nlainiI1g ` S mums and uulhousus. with well The urem- J -. ._..- -,,,___.-_ T\\`l) l)\V'lCL|.IN(i HUUSIC`-1. .\'-s. 12.4 and 1 123;. un the south side of Union. between Gor- don and Alfred Slrcvlu. known as the l cdlcr" ONE BRICK IIUl`SI.vonmining9 momx ouxhouscs. UNIC I-'IiA.\n<.` llUl.h'l`.', vonuunmg S rooms-and oulhousus. 'l`ha prom- Hrs have n rcur entrance. Apply to n. I). A.\'m.l.\'. HI Union street. CENTRAL DISPIINBARY. BRICK H0l'.~`F2 ON QUEEN STREET. mnucen Bnxnxaml Wollinmon Streets. cu LU Illllu. Sale In the arms of .h-svs.'` ` FL-\\`xas-At Hnrrowamith, out... the wife. of the Rev. Johh l-`ovrkea, aged 50 years. and deeply regretted. * Suunr-At Quebec. on May 16th, Chsrlos J. Short, Major B" Buttery, Candinn Artillery. , Funernl on .\louday.`20'h insu.., at `2 p. m..from "Annpndule,"reaidenve of 1. ll. CE|l`I"lll.ll- ers,.Sydenhau1 street, to Uatanqui Ceme- torv. . .\lu.I.~-.At Kingston, Hay lth. Mar Ara! Jane. beloved daughter of Andrew L illl, aural 27 years. The funenl will take place from her f'all1er`s'rosil;nce, 18 York Street, on sundny at 3:30 p.m.*~ Friends and no qnaintanooa are respectfully invited to AI- H-ml. A l .\STlfRE FIVLII. corner of l'nion and `rune streels. A|~..l_\ up J, B. .\H'Rl`H\'. Kdgo Iill Kim? Slru-I rm Tolunhuna No. 170. 35531.10 .\'r.\I.I:.~4- )n Thurudny evening, May 16th. lwll. at his mother`: residence, George street. Kingston, after an illnou of two , u1unths,'l`homu Scales, B.A., M.D., late of (ananoqun. ngcul SH yearn. ' - The funeral will take place from hillnte ` rrsideuce, 20 George street, ul-marrow asuntiayl at `.2530 p.m Friems and 14:- Pfaaintnncea are respectfully invited to attend. llllrrn \-}\ Barrieelal, .\la_v l'.'th. George ` liarten. A native of llerkahire, l`Iuq.. aged Tl Venn. Ion, not and cold hnlhn uniusry plIInINl"ott'. I)!-ulnn rfeci. at end: In In a lovely um garden. uh]: nnnnlnnn nnlhnllallnnn I'no I-Cnn n-uh: A I `(B Fuuernlgwill leave his late residence on sundny Afternoon at 2:30 o`clock. Friends and ucquainttncen are respectfully Invit- ed to nttond. Q-0.. In cl... ......... -1 I....... " -U.\ III` . I`AIumt of llfh Battalion at l mu. spmouu. MmNVnoN:{ Mom WAX. \'OLE LVIII. IKONEY 'roT LOAN. EH lI(.l.\l.'.'-`"I`. PK" SIIISU II I`. . ;spe(`ml inducements now ; f: lies. Halnn` and vxm-m-vs fr` 1-Qt; _sA LE. fwmgbf REMINDERS. I ` _ Tllal-ILIOAN1` IIOUIIS meow! bull! the owner. and no oxpen:e.:u rm` 0. wall vanilla! hnvhu : lmllhurn c~xnn- 7140 LET. DIED. Mlts. A. S.()Ll\'l1IR. and 9 in the waning. J. H. .\H IU'H\. Kd Telephona No. 170. ! \\ est st. MUDIE. . u7m:{: DAILY WHIG. 0`rr.nu, Mn l8.--The Canada Guam oonhlnn I proc stlou revoking the (lan- dp tomponuo not In Iona In Prontouo uad Lennon and Addlngtoli ~~ adv admit; "IlI"l'!l"!1lU"lIIl'I"I'f Allan fhorndyh Rico wok phwo 5!. (inc: church to-dny. The remains were enouod in yeah! 0! solid rosewood completely round with oworn. Thou wen} curled to the church with tho hot and other om- hlomu uwsltad II then. hon won ms at Iowan from Pruldont And Mn. uri- 6ii6W & MiTCHELL S 1` .. ....... .. ..... Losws, Mny l8.-The Spanish sseslner Emillnno. Inn New Orleans, ler Liverpool. has arrived st Queenntonn with the cotton In her lore end sash holds burning. The In had been burning [or two dsys. The re spread rspldly end It was found necee~ ssry sojemscn I40 bnles of the burning cotton. Three etelnen were overcome and rendered seneelsss by the smoke and host. The deck el the steamer he: started In sev- ere] plnces. Luge quntitles ol wsser end steam are being poured on the cargo In sn endeevor to quench the tire. IITUIIK l|llF]fCC- The Immorlsl stone 0! thu new St. An- drew : church will In laid nut Friday slur- nooa st 4 o'clock. the uorcmony will be perlonnod by Hrs. Muskie, and a racial will be held in (lntu-lo hall the some evening In connection with this lmportuit cunt. ` r. nu:unugn|In I IIUTIC In I muo conwu. Some time Ago I hnndeome pnrrnt, owned by R. Gnrdiner, eecnped frum its cage. No trace of it In eecured until yeeterdny when I farmer brought the bid to the city. Dur- ing in eheenoe it has learned to talk on dif- ferent subjects. Tho mnmnrlnl ntnnn nl oh. l|n- Re A. nn reeusr man m my year pl'O\'l0llIIy. he Here's triw to 1'-nnnnnque and the Thousand Island: on Fridny. May `Nth, will be the event of the dey. Ticket: only 35, Ind heme At 7:30 p. m. An excitimr runnina rum n{'(`IIl'rna| nn H.- 000, Ill IITYIU II [III] p.m An exciting running II(.`Q occurred on the truck at the fair grounds youterdny. Mr. (.'huihourn'u colt, "Bolton Bny," delentod I . McLaughlin's horn in I mile content. nlnn tinm nun I hAndu\n|n IIAIIPIII nu-um! IU III]! III] HUUT. The Iummor session At the Rnynl medical college In A great aucccu. The sttendnnco in gentar than in any your previously. he Hero": lriw In dnnnnnmm Ann` M.- wronw. - The mayor any: there are too many g: in the city. The other day he counted 52 in half an hour. '|`|___ ___.__.____ _,__I-._ _A `L. TI 7 I I` I Novuy Paragraph: Picked l'p by Our Ro- portorl In Tholr lhfgnbloo. The primers` nine play Against the \'..\I. ('.A. young men on UN Queen's Birthday. H. .\l. Mowat had been appointed a se- cond lieutenant in the Queen's Own ries, Toronto. TL- ..,-___ ____ AL --V - A 1 ` I'C-Cl'-I TI -|'I I`I"I Nun. . ` v-lhy<|0:-3&0 -fnvrd` Ulnn rhurntllkn Rina lnni nhun AI. Huang Sir John .\ln.cdonnld has expressed his ` deep sympathy with Mrs. Short, widow of the deceased otcer, daughter of his old time friend and opponent for ` parlinmentnry honors in three election: at Kingnbon. wly u to on much mun ocolullllou In not. I will not Iluun Ila taxman or color of the mod dollcmo fabric. and In odour.wMvh In no! oluooilonnblo. In rudll oxpouod by A few houri oxpouulg In the r. rcpurwu yCI[UrUIy. \\'dleck a story of tho Accident as told Mater Gunner Levie was: The mnjor I'll on one tide of the barrel and myself on the other. 1 had the slow match, and the mnjor was trying to light the on re." Then he lost his head Again. an nmongs. his raring: cried : Look out, mnjor, there`: a spark coming," which Levin thought In-re nmhahiv the lust words the nnnr mninr n spur: curmug, wnlcn l.e\`Ie tnougm \ probably hat words the poor major heard. u~_ I-L_. \l_,),, I! I A -- \ PIICU Ul IHGILGT. All that remnins of the body of Mnjor Short. Are the head, the trunk, and one arm. The head in not severed (mm the body an reported yeaterdny. \\'AI|noIx - -tnru nf Hm u-ni.l.no .. onm rl U- he weather was so intensely hot that some six or seven persons in the procession, . including several of the soldiers, were com- pletely prostrated and had to be assisted to \ place of shelter. All Hint rnmninn nf flan hmln nf M.:n- UTIPUII Wllll lnuurnlug DB(lg9U At the cathedral but ll small part of the cortege could enter, the huilcling being al- ready filled in every portion with a solI'oW~ lug multitmle. Alter the reuling of the solemn service the procession reformed and escorted the body to the steamboat wharf, where the customary three valleys of mus- Retry wee red over the cotn and the mourners dispersed. The nnln nml ann rnrrinnn wnn hnnnml IIIUI-|fIIIeI'I HIIPCTICU. The coiu and gun carriage wu heaped with oral offerings. Besides these a car- riage loaded with nimilur otfurings from Montrenl followed clone that the gun car rium. LCUIa The funeral procession was an immense one. The: police, 8th and jtnh battalions, cavslrymcn and B" battery were in line. A gun carriage bearing the collin was follow -ed by the horse of the deceased major. The lieutenant-governor and his sides. the judges, the premier and mbers of the local cabinet, the mayor "ml lnembers of the city council, the memjggyrs of the bosrd of trade, and representatives from the vari- ous local societies and citizens generally were in attendance. The stores along the route were closed and many of the hauses were draped with mourning badges At. the rmtlimirnl lmt. tl nmall nu-r ..f Hm n hnproulvo Scene In Qnebc-c-A Mul- titude In Attendance. K Q1 !-`.l\F.t`, Que., May l8.--The funeral of the late .\ls.jor Short took place this morn- ing. The body was taken from the citadel to the Anglican church, where the funeral service was read, and from there it was taken to the Montreal steamer for convey- ance to Kingston, where the interment is to be made. The streets along the whole route were liuecl with crowds ol sympathetic citi- ZBIII. T-v v--.-- -v-. -.--7 Balance to suit purvhnscra. Lots sure to en- hmwe in value. (I Hlnnnu-r lwi:-an IIAHV In -ml fn-nm Hm in. mums m if Sleumcr twice daily to and from tho ia- lnud. Apply to JOSEPH F. SWIFT. A 80/5/47/F/0 TRIUMPH ! I Loeuigmruuy situated! Magni- cent shmg, bath?ng and boat- ingl Easy of access to and from the city. ' Will be malntatiped V HORSE SHOE, [(mgston% Coney Island 0 Fulonl 0! Ir. Illa. no 1. .4 an - .;$..?.n?.{'%?!?..f?7?..?5_QI3M INCIDENTS `OF THE DAY. FUNERAL OF MAJOR SHORT- COND EDITION. Tlu Act Iovolcd. 11,, In -In :- A Cu-go on rln. |n_._ In WIL, u..,_ A chemical substance obtained In the disillu- uou of (`o'a.I'1`;1:nud much :'\):.poor`IorhI`o ortllllnarhy unphor I pruorvut `cot - :1. Huh. Full. Wool. Rut. ote..nf}om the rungs ol noun. - Lite cunnhor It In volatile but omnohtu no lamtained `exclusively as, a family resort. * 'rKI1_\I(_}ST01\*v. CANADA, S.\TU]{l)A". VlfI".lCN{1\I-(. Mgxvls, 1.359. ` 3 SWIFT. A. R. .\lAR'l`l.\ . IIIC IIOWCTI IO IOVUCI KI WQII. It in A nnur ol -ongn-Atu|Atlou that the no`oAllod IAIH ante): whloh cloud IA week VII A rap: r `zzle, And tho alum Iona ol the tulsuh willlnvo Alinly than in. money Anough to [00 A brukhn At the Jim Huh" ruuurut on Chuhnrn urea, when you out (0% two Bah ball. A cup of cooo And A doughnut for ma oonu. It WA! A [Allan from the ru. the crowd tlut used to guchor And bowl {or the wretched tum A couple mun Ago. were nodal` About ; the only using Again In the I o|nAlAlr_ `-0! 5 oontury will he laid any to not Among the ower! be land so well. lo I. - _.-n.-. ..l ..._.-_-...|_u-_ .L_. .|__ IIIIIIIII uomunl wnwn um III II! II not an. Ho |oVn3|dlOIl, Honors and birds. and his me In 0 Ilmplo and uppsrcntly nu lnrmlouu I human life can I. Should he hoop Mn dotorulnulon to hot a hundred day: she vault any be Iorolvillod. bu out in the park will soon be noun! And the oc- oontric ulna who has furnished goal [or nf n mnturv III] In Inhl man: on Dan! .......... uumul Ilowlouyu. n0 mu 0! mm- ul! more bounilully or forclby at time: ; chm he, and yet behind I: sll in that indo- nnblo oomolhl which tells be in not -an. H. Invnn 9 Ihlrnn 6|---.. ._.l l.l..I- ungnx JICI row on me Inpol or all cost Illa I regular dude. Lookin at him louuld not holp uhlng myult 1 0 sum quailion that I have uhd I hundl-ed times before, when in the washout nlnl In thin man : moh-up tint mark: t o dlonnoo hotwun unity and mulnou? He talks well on An Iubjoo Olld hln mind human nowlodgo. No him- l3ouni!u!l'y gr III`! HUI. IEO III VCIII. Strolling through Madison Square the other dsy I ssw George Frsncis [rein sit- ting under the cross surrounded by s curious crowd. His clothes hung shout hlm loose and bsuy. for it was the twentieth dsy of his {set and he hss lost Hash. His hesd was bare so ususl ; hls heir in thick ud white so the drivsn snow. Hy constant ex ure hls lsoe ls bronned like an Indhn s, at he looked healthy sud coltentod sod wore A bright jsch rose on the lspol 0! his cost like rsnmlsr duds. Lonkina st. him I nnnlnl IUW UIJI uwr INC yUUU;I I'n0lnCr tiled. 108!) to the great scnudnl of his family he Ic- knowlodamd that Sully Ruber was hi: wife. Ho attended her funeral, then he was indict- ed ; he was tried, and mnvicted of convert- ing the iunduui the bank to hin own use and ` Ientenced to Intel prison for ten yours. After serving four years and I ha]! he comes out of hi! prison house by thg fgvour of Pre- Iident Cleveland. at the age of Ieventy. to finish in! life journey. It may be thnt. his further imprisonment could Iuboerve no wholesome and. but if the intnl result to him will ken one young mm from fulIow- ing in hit evi ways, his punishment will not have not been in vain. U._..Ili..... AL_.....|.. \O_J.r--._ u ,__,, .| :1 Donna. -. 1-unphor In volatile ornpontou slowly to In much oconumlcal In It not Inlun Ionun

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