Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1889, p. 5

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Murray & Taylor's, CONMEE dr. M'LENNAN IV. C.P.R. loin! In-ionic In I4-out-I. Inn; Inllrondl Iuumuonnl. .. .. an 1 "THE JESU|TS' ESTATES ACT.l `-`Ill Illu VIIDKS. Kerr, .\ludnc, has uvc-pt _>(- J (`lurk-0 Wllllnnt tn r: x ngnimv. his aged geldin In he run over the Slain: V NQTES FROM THE cApiTA1.h. . -h--- . lumen` lbw lone). A I`! nu 0; Eolh Mien. Mny I5. --High (`qmtublo ;.n|(n mm. in in Hm mitt mun nctwpted II In rm-at 1 `J1 |~IUVu At Munay and Taylor's. % Single Width. New Goods, Special Va- l...` On UL. 101 On H11. V I Iur, (:0 truck In tho nanny ulna dplouded ch in honvuulld. Io]. ` no c.P.l.'n luau Ilnr j a:LlAl!i:Iu 1d.-& true luau wdg bar to`: I 5:53; a 0:; (to 3. $'on.:u: '- n 5 bun an t N:|nn`rA'%V&.{ In 3....-1' II aunt! Lln. h|I`llI IV I`. I m mu, Ilm au-nursed it u u 1 In-nun and Mid that no ho ho no to the Ronny Cu-um . Inuit: .|..a...a.d uh Inn bu Lain nu UV!!! In` "Cull HIT. IAIWII WI! 1 KW when the chimue fell Into the room, covar- lng the oor and with brick! but not hunting her in the loan. A Ilrllo Iould. P11-1'.~tnr|a, Hay I5.-T|n strike of the nllroul coul minors of this dhlrlct, which In-gm two Itch ago. for O unorn yurly uonlo o! 74-cunts I Ion, Ill nomad can-r~ dqy.` A coupmmin ml mode at 7 am; I too. About ll) men will resume won -1 -_.. I n~ nun uompnnyn um NT:'ntr| %5V {was opposed hy! nun -|nl mrnnbtnnd `I X qulw mmmrume. ` Locke r was vinitaul by n terric thun~ dor nnnl ightning nturm yeutordny morning. Two hullu-I were struck by lightnin'--Cap- loin (`olin Mcl\'ny`u and Don Lloyd I. The former vu ounlidr rub! y dsmsged, the electric uid nun` down theclnimnoynlnltoring it And non 501113 nut tho and of the house. touring 0 boardn, Ihinglu. etc. Lloyd : house In nlmoot wn-cked. window: warn hrulun. oors torn up. roul lmod and pprtly snipped of boards. The shingle: ` wore broken into Ingtchwood and Icatlored roan-ohm 4 ` DFOIIEII IIIIO QQICDWMXI Ind ICIIIOPQG uh... oh. nhinumv full Inln Illa rnnln nnvnr. N-'_ ?'-II- -`WWI. HAI.n-'.\x. .\lay l.'S.--A `.. ~monthn-old in- fant was found on the mud in the guburl-o ol the city early yesterday morning,` having boon abandoned by in poronu. II was wrapped in 3 soldier`: blanket. It appeared I quite cnmfbrtole. lnckenor Ill In taerrio thun~ Bu UV. EA. D. -VIUUIIIU Ill IIIU KITIIIU \IIIp' lain`: chair. There were 1 I3 delegates present. The reports of the Grand Master, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer were present- ed and referred to committees. Grand Master Bunting .-2 nddress expressed satis- faction at the presence for the first time of representatives of lady True Blues and I6 new warrants were issued during the past year. The necessity for a re\'i~ion of the constitution was referred to nnd the trait- orous conduct of the two members who gave away the secret wmk of the order. The agitation for unrestricted reciprocity, commercial union or annexation was condemned, as was also the passing - oi the Jesuits` Estates Bill with those members of the Dominion l`nrlin ment, particularly 0' the Orange order, who voted against disallowanee. Mr. W. R. Meredith was complimented on his stand against Fuench in the public sch ols. The present Grand Lodge officers were also commended for the manner in which they had fullled their duties. In the report of Grand Secretary Worrel the rogness of the order was ascribed to the etgciency of thr vnrinus grand and distlict otiicers and In the aid rive-n by The Orange Sentinel. Tho report 0 Grand Treasurdr R. A. Newnnm contained the statement of the nancial Ittun of the order. showing it to be good. l We Gland 'I`.ensurer also discussed the ` Jesu-it question at considerable length. Double Width and Extra Good Value for 250. I III I Toxorpjro, Ma l5.-`-The `recent chane in the coat of tlrop llettershnav started the quidnuuee upon ueoheme for ousting the juriediction ,of the Pontnuster-GenerAl=._ in this respect. Buteriquiry yeqterdny at the l ostoice~elicite`(l the information that the Great l\'orthwest.ern Telegraph Conipnny or my other aasocimtion or'rm are likly,to nd themselves in diiculty if the proposed echeme is carried out or attempted; The, Postmsster-General has a monopoly of the- collection and delivery of letters in Canldzx and nnhody infringing is) zubject to 5 penalty of $20 for each offence. The cxclu~ sive prlvilcge of the Poetnmster-(leneml does does not embrace letters sent by_ no friend, who is, journeyiug or travelin , provided such letters he delivered by Inc friend to the party to Iyhoxn they are uddreued ; nor` ` letterlsent by messenger on purpose, con- cerning the private business of the lender or receiver : nor letters concerniu goods sent . by common carriers to. be de ivered with `be gootls witlu.-ut. hire (`r r!Vu`J, profit 03" x advantage for receiving, or delivering them. But no person is nllnwul collvcl any such excepted letters - for the purpose of scruling them or conveying them. end nny person employed in the l'usVtotlicc or in the Inland Revenue Office- or (`ustom House can seize any such letters so conve 'ed, received or -collected, sent or delin`-re And take them to the-nenrest Postotliee and give such information to the postmlster us he may be able to give and Al; ' is necesaurv fur the ellectunl prosecution of the otlend (r. and the letters shall moreover be chnrgceule with pnstllge. Yesterday mu ning the engines at the new Parliament Buildings were set going again, crcuking cranes lifted huge atone blocks into position and the sounds of in- duatry echoed over the vast extent of the foundations. In the contractors` otlices` at the east end of the foundation Mr. Robert Carroll, one of the late Lionel \'orke's sure- ties, wus found He said that In new firm had taken over the contract, the (inn of ('arroll,` (isylord & Vick Mr J Hnvlm-ll in th:-Hnvm-nmm1t innm>r-tnr re 1` WI! KDOCKUU uown K) IIUIIH Hull. he Ontario Grand Lodge of True Blue: commenced its annual seusion yelterdny at Shnfuasbury Hull. Grand Master Bunting, Liuduy, presided. Deputy Grand Master Diamond, Belleville, was in the vice chsir \ nut` Don W `R \'N.Lnl:l `n ihn CPI!!!` (`U-nun. } IHIIIIOIIU, [)6|lO\'lll6, WI! In 500 VICC Cllf \ \ and Rev. E. B. Silnbald in the Grand (`hnp~ Iain`: 4-hnir Thorn warn] I3 dnlnanhan nrnu-nt. PINIES Ily {H8 9110 OI U18 GIT. Ma\mger Hill of the dnduntrial Exhibi- tion Association figured in the new role for him ofa Peunut auctioneer yesterday Liter- noon. Lp to has your the privilege of sell- ing poanuu on the Exhibition Grounds dur- in the fair hnd been iven to one man, Jo n Abate, for 365. {be other Italian: in the business began to kick, nnd this year it vu determined to sell the privilege by auction. At 4 o'clock oatordny nfternoon many Italian: usernblodyin the rooms oftho uaociutinn in Church-utreet ready to try for the coveted monopoly. Munsger Bill did the auction buaineu, starting with 850. This apeedili nn u to 8295, At which qireit was nocked ownto John Aboto. L- (\_s....:.. {`,.....I Y A)... -5 Tu..- Ill..- tne nrm or \ arron, ueyiora K \ [CK Mr. J. Gaylord in thetlovernmcnt inspector at the Parliament Buildings. He he: had experience in that class of work, having been inspector of public works on public buildings in England. He will now be superintendent of construction. Mr. J. B. Vick Wu the late Mr. Yorke`: foreman et the Eeplrumde atoneynrd. Mr. Vick is super- intendent of the stone Cutting department. Mr. Cerroll will provide Iuppliee and do the nancing. The contract will he completed et the figure it was originally taken at. The whole dilliculty in the settlement of the contract \h'EAI between the new firm and the \ oi-he estate. The matter is now, however, de- nitely eettled end in Mr. (`urrull has given $35,000 extra security the Government ins no fear that the contract will not be carried through. Mr. Carroll says thatfevery eurt i will be nude to have the west wing and the centre of the building ready for the well plates hy the end of the eer. Minmuer Hill nf the ndnntrinl Exhibi- `_ Why Ihe l'rop..u-d 8.1-In-men fan-'l,l~|e IDelIVfPi at Drop um.-rs by Private ('u||>'In.|`I WIII Pull. wonxfori .`THE "NEW PARL|A:MEN"|" aun.ome aasumeo. r01'1_Cs Fl{OM'[`_ORO.\"lfO- FoR THIS-WEEK} DRESS GOODS W9 Invite Special Attantiun to the following goods. 60 Direct for lowest Prices to Auaxv vv Auuu. LIV" uvvuu, vrv\ us, 80, 10c, 12 1-20, 15c. A A ll... .,. .. D. .176 `PRINCESS ST. 170 Prinonstrut. V M`UR RAv&TAvL0R;| -AISO - III III"'I TVWK ,"l hue and llagynrdb Yollnw 0|! lur sun and wild: on horns` ahouldon, and `gay go! hang at Lira an and It jpnlu, run. cu gnu ulol nyohlldnn. and on N-command fl MIN)! 1 o! gnu ulna." W. Sarrloo. Illlgn. 3 n. 'l`lsoJu| ;':\lnl wlll to I writable out > vonulou. Rvorylaody wcloono. Many as -u-npuurlug. IIIIIIIITIII "P' p Jnt, maul. or roumnm I u-om L__.._L. L-.n_ -_ n.__I.L __._| .___n_.|_ \\'hon Mhy m Ilok. vs gum hot cumin. \5'IM-I IIO VIII GMM. do ced B (`lDtl'|n. harm MIn.,Ih oluu to (`utoth-. Whoa haul ohimmgho gun that Garcia ` Ru-n when sll noun` Inn than is yet ` hope. Many A despairing. diuhoortomd vic- tim nf ('I1lhI$.A, lh-or nnmnlnlnt kldnur J romp nculu toumcttm in E5: hmnght hack to halt}: Ind uuolnlmu by llurdocl Blood Blura. the grate! remedy known for All blood dluuol. . i AI Ila-ule Nun Rn,\ Dul"l', ay I5. --A anti oloctrlo Itorul provsilotl at ruiou pohh don` the Hudson In: high. l Eu-npol than Inultu-I Jill. Bnnrunu, Mn ll. -Chu!on Hut and Inn! Tqlur. two Anoncnnu unto-mood on M: 1 lo Hm-o noun: an the Conn-nl Pmun , (at V hug anion bonded out an the (innd Trunk uulwny Ion. ucapod from jul some inc loot uirhl uul urn now an Inn. noun-Iced to be Inward. 1 Mars l,a~'Iu.\'u. N.J.. May I5. -Andrew (lrimu. tho colored uilur who murdered Mata Juhl Harlin o! the schooner Annie S. Cart lat (`hriumu day, In yesterday lontoncod to ho hanged J no 20. Murray & Taylor's lulu-0': I3:-Prnldonl Imornd. (`In or .\lr:um, Mn l4.-Tho- tuners] ol ex-Pruniclnt Lurdo do Tojadn tool nine: to- dly. It In: mud: the occouinn uf I nnud nnllury pace-nut. Preside-In Dun Ind hm Cnlunrt utwrn, the diplonutzc wrpu and more hum a hundred generals worn Ill line, he- oidc-: uoupa And 60(1) cmunu Students um nu thnxrv lul mgm wlnoro puriouc I has won undo. A pr--clnmnliuu praising edecvuo-d mud couuuniuu the Government I van nupprrsuul by thr an-lace. Fr:-Ighl lulu on It-of. ('u|.:\m,)lay l.'5.-TheFrcighl ( `ummitlee of lllv (`entnl Trntv Association _\'|`s:rl`\lAy ggrg-ml tu l`l'llllCB the lvccf rate In the lung of 43 cent: A hundred pt unds, C|Iit`lg0 to New York. taking oect Mn] N. The Pro- aent rate in 50 rents by the direct. hues while 50 cents lns heretofore boon the duf- orontinl rste of the (`Incas 0 1| d .v\t.losnti-, the Wahuh Western und t e Grunt Trunk`: Montreal route. The purpuse is to nlmlish ` differentials and make the rates uuifurnl by all lines. It is feared thnt the Chicago and Atlantic And the Wnbuh W1-tern which Are not memberi of the unocintiun will now cause trouble. rm uosxeu mu we noon on oroupu upuuunu 0 haul no sooner entered the room when the members were assembled than he pull- ed I bcmluge from his eye: and excltimod, . "Quick! quick, in me A bit of paper !" nnd on receiving I he dashed n "pneum- wot," that being the selected word written backward, to that it could be read in n _z..... u- |.-.i ....-:.......-.i .1... l..-o |...o l XCKWINI, IO III II OODICI DCFCIII III I mirror. He had performed the fat, but scarce] bud he written the word when he nu uguin soiled by the muleptio t, from which hr never recovered. carded ruouun. On returning to the room where Bishop was sitting Dr. Irvine endeavored to dis- , sun-lo him from proceeding in what he grin-|_\` informed him was a very dangerous experiment, llilho having just ; _been seived with A fit whi e attempting to er- form a similar feat. But llislmp remar ed that he would accompliah the feat even if it killed him, and insisted upon his hein im~ mcdintely blindfolded. \\'hen the handker- chief had been tied over his eyes he was led downstairs, hie right hand being clasped on Mr. Greene`: wrist. ln due time he discovered the room, then the drawer and the book. and on the leaves of the latter being rapidly turned over by him, he slopredat the right one and then ran over it xv th !\ pencil. Suddenly he seemed to make A private mark. and then feverishly nested`that the book be brought upetainu a hail nn nnnnnr Ann-rad than room the!` l reKI\ll"$I ]'(`l'lUl`llll|ll\'Q'N, UIUU II. HUUII yustei*xl;n_v at the l.aunbs' (`lulu The circulnustaxm-s (\tl(`llllillg his death were as singular as. zunllin pvrfcct ken-ping with, his renmrkul-lo carom`. for it. was the eflnrt. to perform I wnmlcrful font of thnugt-reading which l-;Lu:xcd the cntnleptic lit that ulti- mately prnvml futll. llishop hndusvrtedthut if twu gt`lltlLIlll`n would go to n li.-aux)! part. of the huusv sml select 5 wurd in some bunk ho vrou' nd the hook, the page um] the wunl. Dr. lrwine and Mr. Greene descend- L-l tn the lnasum.'m, and smnng & lot nf ulul ucvnnnt hooks icked out the minulr book of tlw (`lulu am on page R7 selevtcd the wornl "Tm\`nsc-ml," nfteryrarnls sorreting the lnmli in a disused dnwer among some dis- cnralml rubbish. ...|....... I).|.,..\ The .IlIud-reader stricken with Death After l'(-rfurnllnn a rut. ` NEW Ya-ILK, May H. -\\`.u:hingmn Ir- | ving l!i-hop, uhulu-came famous in this country and I-Iurnpu by his extrunrdinzwy. I and to nmny people inoxplfcal-Iv mind- I re-zuiimz ls:-rfox`Inu11co~s, died at noun __ .4_'_I .. A AL- I ....L..' l"L.|. 'l`l..\ 4.: um; Fualliilt In lie 1iIrel--Io]h (`enthal- * mm nu. " ' -~- - DETROIT, Ma 1.5.--Poter Hartwell, 287` First-itreet, on his wife had family qua:-" ` J1`-eh which resulted in his wife lCl_|flnL_!l_ljI) and going to live `with her father, \\'m._` Smith, H0 (`-rand. River-avenue. ` well wanted his wife to come buck and live with him. I daughter go. He said Hurtswcll was a worthless fellow Ind ilf-treat:-d his wife. Last. evening Hartswell started to go to I grocery on Grand River-zu'emie near Smith : place. Just on he reached the gro- cery he saw his wife and another lady at the-corner of First and (inuul "River. He started on a run towards them -itnd Smith immediately left hi: door running after Har`awell. Ilartsmbllgrulnbed his wife by the arm and the other lady with Mrs. Hort well struck at him , her umbrella. Then the women began fighting Ilhrtswnll, raining l-lows upon him. Smith ran up und he and llill`t." well haul some hot \|'IIi`AlI. Hnrtawell then le' go of his wife and \mude. a motion as though he was going-/to draw a revolver from his hip pocket, \3'hen Smith whipped out his revolver and red. Hartswel-l also drew It revolt-or uud red at Smith. They 1-xclmngml .~v\'ei-nl shots in rapid succession, then Hartswell turned and snapped the re- volu-r at his wife. Smith in the meantime ha-i fillet) to the ground and llxtrtswull yelled thut` he was dying. lliith were cow-red with blood. One shot from Smith`: re\'olw5?` struck Hartgsiell in the left Urcust above the nipple. l'h_\'siciaus say he will lvluvd to death. Smith was arrested lay the police und taken to the stutio . lie in pijolp ably futally injured. Hnrtswell claims he got his `Wife to come out to speak with him and that he had no intention of doing any shooting, also that .\`mith tired three times before he (Hartswell) drew his r.e\'ol\'er. hlri Sinith refused to let hil - with - Hurte- ` m (nun Ioron. B|SHOP'S LAST TEST- 100 dozen just received from the best makers in Pure Silk, Taettyhisle Thread, etc. See them et MURDER AT demon . \,-..a...._. Noror llnpnlr. THE BRITISH. Wma. W;E*NE_sDAar. MAY 15; I `luloaoal ll-K'N0P|' . ` ] Nguomu Lo-ggun ;' 1 M at Plndnlphh. 1 (`lgvdgggd 5| Nnw \nrI. Mlbulj II 3100. lnchunpolh on \\'uhIu|cn. A-ngphmn A-nnlnllnn 9 Nn xmnn mnlnlj l`M|udo|oMa.... 9 I uronuyn. I , I Alhlrllvc II ' IODIII lU'CIV- . Intonation) utwlnlk! Toronto I! IM- In, [amino M uuulllon. Dulrolt It Ilul. 1 out Rm'!mlIOf \!_.|_.._| I..--ng . I I.InA-n -1 nnn`-nlhlnl aitloqcn , . ` New Ml. ` 3`.2.'.':'.'.'.'..'n;' 'nnIlntoo: Dmfon \ H'"|4I|l\h|a. , ._.L:l..u..|...L_ __ Imbun I0. I . It. Ieullor Iulr Injured. Lm Asm:|.r.-1, .\l|y If. -The United State: Sonata (`ouuuisainn --n mule relation: ` with Cnumlu arrived here yr tcnlny. Sen- ator Hula luul his right leg lwlly injured in 0 collision of lrnim nur bun Juno. Trimmings to malxh all Dress Mate- rials at Murray & Taylor's. Beaded Visites cheapest at Murray and 'l`aylor s. Blark Broche for Ladies` Mantles. Third regeal orderjust received at Murray & aylor's. ' 3- Long Lace Scarfs. a large stock, at leuun or I`esunIu'I (Islam The Ilnudlnj ante (`Into Jinn-u Tully. Ix1'Im\nIn\'u. Aorur|--x` (IAIII. At Tc-runtn 2 Toronto, In, Detroit 5. At Hamilton: Huniltnn oi, x`,-.-.._-.,.. ;2_ At Lonulun: bonduu 2, 'l1l-lo 3. At Iiunlnz lhlfflln 9, Km hank: I0. u ..`-- -7-... H.\.VIn\'[I\, av H~-9hmLlv lnfnro `lud- niuhllut night re hrhlu mu m H`-llnnn-7`: uunvry. The I-ln(`1~ mm gnu-1!: Inn 06000, lnluted fur CICNID; runs: on! r. m.|.-m.un_ Fnlnl It-olden u Irlgm. BRIGHT. :7 H -MIch|rl .VnIth ol lhthow ` when drnuna bum- from lingl-I lh.s nfu-r- i II-mu fell [mm the load uf Ilullfeod be In ` drnvnng Ind ch-v wheel pun-J nu-r bu had. I`u.nh wu Instnrntuvwonnu. II-Inlloli II II |nn|u|'I-. Anon-tun Auoclulou: No ne; `Manna. slncofn I-`Ire frulrrllon. .\`1m~uic. Mny l5.-At I\ largely attended meeting of the ratepayers of the town held E in the roller rink M4-ndn_\ night md pre- \ sided over by Mayor Luu-omhe for the pur- pose of oonaidering hetur tire protection for tbg gown, n resolution inutructing the town council to purchase in steam rim engine was ` puiod by n Inigo majority. ` Audover controversy, the proh-s.wr_ it is The Andover tfontnveru. Nnr H.n1:~'. Ms l5.-Rev. John I". Ruuell, proluuor of iblioal theology (New Testament) at the Yule Thoologictl School, hus rccigned. This Ictiun created grout. Iusprise. The resignation is Attributed to A -iierenee of opinion in nference to the aid, siding with the Andover pr-"-ssorn. llllvnlgln TIIIWWQI [or FCDTUUTY, I552 WUTU 35.73-`UNI against. 9,550,304 for the corru- nding month in 1838, an increase of |8'.',697. The urninga for Jsnuurv and February were 8| I, l35,95l Against 811,007.- 656 for the same period in 1888, or n in- crcue of $178,294. F. At Boston: Boston I3. Pittsburg 9. At. New York : New York 0. Cleveland ` 3.9,` $1, "-I III Ullpjj. \\'A~'In\ -.'r0.\`, .\hy I4. --The recent count of llI0ll(`_\' st the New Yurk .\'ub~trea.-sury T(`\'l`3lt`(l A discrepancy of $35 out of $184,- ()0U,lW) to be accounted far. The shortage resulted from the ac:-vpunce of a few counterfeit note: in the hurry of busiuc-an And by the loss of I few pieces of silver. The loss was promptly m:ulo good and A receipt in full given to CV-Treasurer Hyatt, who was responsible under his bond for the entire amount. nnlnn 0! III:-hint" Runways. LA.\`sIx<:, Ms I5.--The earnings of Miohignn railroa 3 for Februury. I889 were 15 7331 (I)! auminn. 85550.3( fnr thn col-ran. Gloves, Gloves` I At (.`inriumtl` :'CmcinnaM 0. lirooklyn 4. At/M. Lduh: st. -lz_wi- 7. I`-nltiuorc 2 4.u._...1'n.. L-.. 4"... n 1`..I_ \ ATIONAI. A: Philmlolphh: poled [0 U0 H] In)` (uugcz. A woman uuned Mary .\`ullivan, aged 39, raiding on St. l'rlmin-street, was bruugt to the General Hospital. hho Sill that her husband while unnlcr the in- ue-uca of liquor tried to murder her. Hr took it ralur nml stimk an her face. She put up her right arm to ward oif the hlnwa, when he gushed her on the hack of the wrist, cutting hor In the bone ` nmlsevering th(*`tendunI. Ila Also slashed her scruu the knn kles, and up the arm, when she mnnuged to escape. The doctor says hat she may prulml-ly lose her arm. The husband was nrrmted. VUIVCT anu SHIN. HUT tnruugn LLB HCUK Il in the hip. A third shut missuni hur. By this time the police nrxivml nnd arrested Lawn-nt. .\ledicsl aid was pm.-urcd for the pun!` mmmn and the bullet. extrnvted. Though wounded smix-rciy, she is not sup- posed to he in any danger. I`.-l.`.i....n-.s..t um. u-....i.l.`..n `Ill nu Am-mm to Kill Their Wives by Rhootlll mul ilnlslolns ` Mo.\"rnr..u., .\l:\_v l.' -.-\ man nuned Fran- l cois Laurent, rcsidiuv) on .\1ap1e-street, in ` alleged to ham om drinking for ~ sumo rtimc put. He went`. home under the inuence of liuuor and qunrrelled with his wifo, whom He mid he " wmxld murder. H? 1h(`npnHe\1 out u re vulver and shut. her through the vck and I...._ ... \|.l:,__I-:l ...` ........l 61.-.... boo-n on a motion tor an urum=n'_\` arunurnumm. .\lHIurs. Puma and Macnlullultl rqluued to withdraw llnnr r eulutmn. They jnslued that the vuten uhou d be <`nuut.eI, and sword- . in: Mr. Mm-lure-n's umm-hnrnn wu carried by 1 vote of `.`0 to 17. gar ` It. `Una was _\_'I'J:||_l|] uesurnea to chow . thnt. tlw llljllllrl"-|`|ll was only tho work ufnpnrt of uh 5 .-nnw and not of the entire body. The re-.-n 3`lllon was no word- ed that those who were-' :u.':mu~l f('(1t`l::\l.iOl).,J\l well an thmw who were m f.mr n! It might lmvn vutrd diuunprm-al hf mkmq/ out the In- junction. The uppou_ah_u-xMY:-iernuun smmed exL'-Hlnumly anxious that nu vole should `be , taken on `Dr. Putin` resulutmn. Lawyer J. J. Muzhren. who has from the rstfnugln. against the schrnn-`. Inovvd in nuns-n'dmout that the Swmtu mljuurn unt1l2 mu. to-dny. Owing to uthe__r arrauaan1enu no such ldjuurno-d gm-utilur ugh ho held and Mr. Muclun-n'n arnendmenh was plainly` dz-uimu-d tunlrwmxt nnv vote be-imz takounn the nrmllll "N|i0II., The V050 _was thus much more ~ngmc.mt than had it` been: for 1)r(Im:u'_\` adjournment. \I-urn P|\IVn And \I:Inlu||uhl ralllued to Me uf \ lclurm (J1-Ilrgv mm I-em hlt.` In-ay. The degrw ul I)_D. uni (`('lI{V'l'l"P`(' upon Rem. _}{ugh Jnluutumngll. G. Sm).--rlnml and others. Aft:-r the retrwkur `_)u~`1m*~* um! mufr-rring of d'L'l`* 9`}|' with concluded, NH. Dr. Putt?! of Turmluintr'uduo-d rs rt`-`nlliU'|. Wliich WM ` wcundo-d by Hon. Juhn MamlulmM,expr-unimg regret than lwu n`.9u|U\-rs nf the : Se-nfau ahuul-l lI:|\`o- 2-Inlguytl an uctiou fur an injunction in tlm civilvnurt Iuznimt the, U-zarcl of Regents and rnpudinuuc Approval of anal l`r'|i]|0llx4IbIliIy for it. This widrlllly designed to nlnuia olmr 0|... in1'nn"n`l.inI\ nun nnlv " The |'I-Iorlu l'iIYtfIIl` lllilutllol llnlhler-- .| Ionol|II'loI'of(`-nmrc lIurIu-al-lloI- on-any Degree; (`c-mart-rrfdl; Cnnnrlm, .\lnv H.-.\ pivwtilm of ti? Sen- me nf \'iclu_riu (,`ull.g- ns Y-eld laEn- tn-day. 'l`h.- :h-un-.- an I) l). mu u1mn Russ. .MR. MAcuAi:N PUTS THROUGH AN . ADJOURNMENT MOTl0N._ Murray & Taylor's` SI[lL\.'lD 1:1 `THE iSEN'AT`E Illndlbj 0! |I Hula. INTIRNATIOSAI. AF.'4IN`| \Tlo!. -2.. 1...: I Shari S35 (III! of .lH.O0O.C00. . _,\. \l-.. I I 'l`|... -.. .....4 TWO BRUTAL HUSBANDS THE BALL RECORD- Baum To-div. I I .._.....L..lI..nI - Tn A I Inn. "Inns. l `I./ `l|'h'lph`I 5, Chimp | KIM! (`I I Athlollu-1 Hm-In alt- (`alum ma. . . Inuinvllln \('\l Hllu uI l'L'3lUlI < |nuHu!. ` , DRY GOODS Q-wvuu run-nu-1 wuuwv -- -vu---. Gtnru. M-y H.-~.\luyot Gamay so-In aunt O lolrwrnm to Mr. Huh-rl Mnchnlo tol - 1 in but In return home and no pvocuaingo would but lulu-oqnhm Mu. An nun-nch: 3! Mr. (Jon. Hinton`: luulu hunk shown that hohulhnn it tho basis at vim uhlhmon halo Iiuoo 1%. Ioud ll IIICIIIIII HUI! LlIU IU|U RIUIC -J2mn.m.nn. uuha to .. ugpucm Duncan was nmnlnnd. u Ind 5 I? sum of money on lib person when | In 3 the money. -uuuvuvv-wu nu. --w-v . l n.mm. Duh. Ms I5.--Tho body o! W. H. lmncm, who oft ('hoy-uno Agency two weeks l`0 win Arthur Redmond (or For! Monro with 5 hard oi horns," In {and by Indium mar Cheyonno Apnc ....n-..{nv Frmn junk: on Ah: hmhgh ._ .\In\'T1U!\l.. Many of .\'hurbr('-"KO. that Juhu Melam- pc-ntmlnf "|u\\'iIIg and hi: hurnm' mi IPI|\H:Il\t`. Sucpocli on-nod than Nut 1 L- -_....L o|....u nn H .\'U"T"K\I.' BI. Id. `lgll \l]IIIlIINU .\Im.-at who is in the city, uyl ` of .\'tormn\'uy was un- "luu-ing given .\h-rrinon sway" mill were cut off in con- -pu-nm-. Snap:-ctinu certain parties he (hum he would chum I. hr,I|h(hl them on his promilel Ho did I0 nu-I tired, but miuod. They had him u-u-natal for uhootinl and he Ind them uncut! for cutting his horses` tails. I. II"IlItIl| III` I" guilty to selling He paid ll) and. Wm. .\ u t 1`L_ [D]! E0380" 3 (ITIVU llr Uexlllulllg In IFYIVC. There ha been some damage done by forest tires in the northern townships re- eently. ` Manager Hicksnn writes tn the .\lnvur that the Urnnul Trunk Railway will .-pen nut. the line from Mnduc to El llomulu as mun u tnlc arrangements Are made with the (`antral Unuriu. llarm-y Huulgim, u I`-rilinh pensioner sml n veteran of the .\'orthweI! rebellion, luss been awarded hy the Wilitnry lluurd 3 pen Bllull uf .35 rents per -lay. Ilrlgndo Mujrr Lewis in in town inspect- inu the drill shed and cmnpmly nrmories. Thunnut Mvlbunnld _vesterlay pludod not: serve: .\lud(`reek. II _ :x_\|n-..,I `$4-.I` llH.' I"-ll` July I. Bella-ville llrlofh. H)ZI,l.I-`\ lI.l.l-1. May l5.--The uwlngs of this no.-anon`: drive are beginning tn arrive. 'l`h-rn has ha-an nnmn dnlnnmn Junn Lu \I.l..:\., .mnn I .\lnu:ny, .I. F. A are upecled In-II AAVAAAIVUUIDQ, IVV Uvvg luv: At Mum & Taylor's. Fine Double Width All ool Fabrics, in every fashionable shade, at lowest prices. At Murra & Taylor's. Extra Fine French Comgination Suit- ings, a special lm`0l't8.tl0Il, See them At urray & Taylor's. Black Cashmeres, Henriettas, Bohemians Soliels, Coupes. Jersey Cloths, Grape Cloths, etc., at Murray & Taylor's. vumeu. r. There no fty or sixty people lunged in th - u-ml III the Arlimrtumunnng whom are ex~ Judpxr (`lurk of .\lunl.rI-Al, Dr. PM-ll 0! lmavu, \\'. lhuvmu, (LE. of M ontnml. Ht-nry .\lclan-d, ('.H of (main. Jun-4 (Xmlm-,, .\l.I...-\., Jnllu ll .\IcLc-nnnn, lmnld Muc- Armuur. And A number more -.- .........n-.| o.. ....-.-.u. CIIIHIH In!` OUIBT |U |IIlJD`Q' [0 INF). _ The nal. witnou onmnnod on behalf of Cumnee & `;\[cLemu\n Wu Juhn Russ nf Mun- Ironl, form:-rly manner of construction for tho cmnmny,:ut:l"ort. Arthur. He aimed he had It-Lthn comnct and Ind full Authority to bind the C. P. R. Mr. Ron hlnnulf II now unmz the company for whom he in not now working. The crmu-exalumntiun. conducted by Mr. S. H. lllnkv-,wns In pr-ugh M at 6 o'clock who-n the court ulonrnnd and in wry at-uoh mg, .\Ir. Ruu being cunsxdored An Impurtan- . with:-an L vlml? COB(>l'Rr., .\Iny H. r-'7.`ho trial of the cele- brnu-d ruilwny suituf Ltunmoe & I\IcLenm.n nml the (`amulinu Pacic Railway begun lll thu Cnurl llnuse herv at 13 o'clock to-day be- furv (`lm-.fJunt:ce Armour. who in hnldinq n a metal amnng ml the court. for this purpose. Iw tuwn is lull of lawyer: And rnilwav men Thu C. I . R. I! reprv-armed by Hon. Edward lake, (3.(,.`-.. "un. 5'. H. Blah`, Q.(J.. and Hon. R. M. '1-Ila and Conmn-& Mela-nnnn luv IVAIK--n McCurlh\', .C., Uunald Muc- Mnsln-r, Q (`.. and Wallace -'-ulkul. Ir. .\lc< `army up-nud by n clvar statement of t 18 case nnd oxplmm-d the di--runl. st-Ag:-a llw scum: has gone thruunrh during the pun four your-. The lmganon arose out 0' the com-tructlun ul pnrt of the- rmlvny in 188:! alum: the north shore of Lake Superuvr, tlm amounts invulved are In excess of $500,000 und each psrty claim: the other Indnbte-d to them. 'l`|.- Kmn union-.. g...-u-..4l .... |..l.-Il ..C lv`InI lllood Iur Ike Jeuulln. '* 1\Io.\'T|u:.A 1., Mav H.-The .7.-um ncored tho rm. mum this morning: in The Mail lib:-I sui_l. Judgr` Loranuc-r dmnil-ted Thu Mail's oxcepuun to form nud snuck {mm the plan :11 n.at`.t-r-9 nnd isnmno raised in the plan 1-xceptm so far us they ru-for to the coxmtinninnnlily of the act of HI(`(n'[~(:l`F|!inn of the Jemvtn and tlw oath pnbluhc-(I by The Mail. Notice of appeal WI unmedmtely he given. `lie Trlnl II:-gun nl (`obonru Before (`Inlet Jlnllrn lrqnour. Iesolullmu lo be suluullrc-cl nt meVluulI- Ion llu-III: llomlny Mull. IIA.\nI.Tn:~.', May H.-The speakers at the nnti-Jesuits` me-etmg next Wundny night will be: Prmcipnl (Tmen, I).D.. Rev. 1). J. Mne- dnnm-H, RH, and, Mr. John Chnrltmn, Ml . \ Dr. .Vl:ncdun:rld will occupy the chair. The ; nmnlimonu, the in number, to ha anb- ` Inxued In :.In- Ineetinq have been pnnparod by_ i Hm Curnlnntee of Arrzmzementu. Tho-y du- am-row of the Act incorporuLin|{ the Jesunu and the 'I'IuLM.e.- Act. re-gut the deform of Cu). ()'Brivn n dnsnllownnce rouolutiun, determine [.0 pelitiun 1.1.3 Guvernor-General to call I _ special session of Pm-liamo-nr. without delay fur um purpose of rI`COD.'|idGfilNY that vote. I fniluu: in this to pray that the Houses be div I sulre-I, rnxprmm svrnnnthy with tho- Profs-stunt u mumnty of Qm-bu: In \i(-w of llwlr many Jim i nbulntio-:4, declare for ch complete rn-pnrnmon I 0! Church nnd State. appuilit. as cut umuee to ` gnu affect to the r`)`][.II]n. and drleualen to l represa-nl, Lin CILIZEIN nf lllmlllllll at tho: To- ronto cunu-ntiun un J um 11 and 12. I unn .u>-rcmmcu` Hank v. Lucas. Str Charles Tuppvr left. the Capital this morning M8o'cIuck for Mnhtrenl, thereto take the Parisian for England. ' cuu rnwn uumer rnmuzmona. In the Snpro-uw Court to-day the case of the Canadian: Pacic Railway v. St. Thgn-ms" um nmntinlmd. The next one is the Ex - clnnmze Bunk V. Gilman. The case of Mltclu-ll v. llullnml will conclude the Quebec list.` nflc-r wh`cl| Llm'()nmrio list will bg taken up. `Two can a un"1l|i.~I lust sund over lmtilthn October uo:miuI|--.\[acd0u2nll v. Law Socloty, and .\l-rchamtu `Bank Lucas. Ru-l`.Imu-I.-n 'I".num- Info Hm (`nnnnl o|n'- ` pittlliioiit in Toronto. 7 The supreme Conn Cnn. 01Ir\w.\. .\liy l4.-Mr.'.Aul)I-oy \Vhite, An- uiatnm. Cmun.isai net of Crown Land: fut`- Uutnrio, and Mr. (1. I`. Kirkuntripk, chief of the survey brguclu of the vouxne. depmvtment. urn lie-re. Accumpaiiiod, _by MT. Bronson. .\l.L.A., tlmy saw the Deputj .V_Imiater of the ` -Iutorlur this afternoon. 1F\lu- un(ln:rstond that `the object of their visit is to make nal nrrmmeInr~pt.a Fur the sepunltiuli of the Untauig crown timber llllllletil from the crown tiin bar office `here. his expected that in llllllu-`all the license will be, issugd, accguuta kept and dues collectvd by the da- It is: alm'_4tated that the bmm de lumbo-rmen who obtained licenses from the liumiuinn Guwernment tn cut titu- her in thr formerly `diswited l.Prl'ltnty will be able tucmmnnrs an licnsimevs of the Outxtio Huverninent on cmnplyim: with .llie ])t`0VIll- cial pr:-wn timber l P|(l|l1\l.l0ll5. ' Stmro-nw Cmut to-(lav the case cum? n-own nuben lI'Il'ne\I\Ii--:.i At Murray & Taylor's Union Cashmere, in all the most fash- ionable shades, for 20ca yard. At Murray and Taylor's. Henriettas, 40c, 500, 750. AL ll........... 9. fl1....l....`..

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