Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1889, p. 4

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Allllr OOIPAKY. lqrauuhnn I Yulcva-yluuiny. Au thutullclt. ILA. . fun not, but Illullullluul. _ , Noilulng I-`or llor to Say. l|___l. I. l'erfu-t Eloctrlo Light L._I_ Do They Maud I I11-ml `. I \r...... ..j-___.Z::__. An Aulou Ronni. ,_ nu ,_ ,4 no--- ltomnuoo Cuudpnood. sd(rk.1he lnnidcn rose lmwh. she sand. ml:-1| hvr In smv ll Innlch instead. ' the danger adeauit hill 2 self-elected "Whl|'.` 282 PRINCESS STREET. I BIG T0 /91! NO! ehnt Inn OPIN- il) Abh.IW A5 Du? N1` 30; st I V l I IV 00:70 oidon from my 4 Ar! alto hon may now out. w I ma. (mow: , og P at the Iowcupdbhnta. " A on! LIU I` luulv Lcvuwvv \J nunlnl I moon and outhouuu. with well. pfounlfl haven rear entrance. A ply to R. D. AA_N_ULl, . [Io Ir. 1 now, at TWO o'clock In the afternoon. Ihu fullowlng Land: and Premises : The North Half of hot Number Twelve In the Ninth (`om-4-scion of the 'l`uwnnlup of houuhbnrough. In lhv (`ouuly 0! F`ronlenu'. containing one hundred acres. more or lose 'l`wnnlv nu-ran are cleared and the rest tim- AMERlCAl_\l GOODS. NEW COAL OIL STOVES.[ Iml V ITIULI. IITIIII Ill VUII :BI13BYa:v:I:n'I"*'Um Klan -I on`! EVWIERVANDPAINTSHOP, FOR SALE, THE TWO DWELLING HOUSES nos. 123 and 123 1-2. on the South Side of } ` Uniombotwoon Gordon Ind Alfred Btmu. xuown 18 mi mun raomm. Ono Brick House. oontalnlng roonu. bslh room and extension kitchen and outhouoou. lirown to go to rertn to see lnme sic: l['ll'lIlI. ` AI neither Dunn nor the horse and vehicle returned Mr. Brown put the uicera of the law in quest of Dunn And the missing pro- pcrty. Mr. Soper. constable. last week got worl of his appearance at Mnttlwa. Mr. Soper drove to ('nrleton Place, caught the Winnipeg train, and Arrived in Mnttawu in time to catch l)unn on the railway platform l on route for other parts. He took hi: game into custody, and brought him to Perth. i On Wednesday, Dunn was brought before _; Judge Senkler, charged with lurceny of the ' horse and buggy, and pleading guilty, was l l l sentenced to three years` imprimnment in the Kingston penitentiary. He confessed to hnvin sold the horse to n man mmed Mclionafd. of Portage du Fort, for 87. ), and | the buggy to another farmer in the vicinity named smiley. for 8'25. Part of this money i he had upon him, and it In: recovered. -- l l-`red ick T. Roberts, M.D., professor of clinic: medicine at University college hul- pitel. London, England, nyez "llri9lnt'adiu one hu no eym tomeofiteuwnend mny long exist without the knowledge of the patient or the rectitiouer. end no pain will be felt in the idneye or their vicinity. All the disease to which the kidney: ere eulnject and to which they give rise cnn be prevent- ed if treeted in time. Werner`: Sela Cure ie the only recognized Ipeeic, R. A. Uuun, .\l. I) , dun and profeeenr of Iurgury of the Uniteci Staten medical college. editor of tho ~-Il...|i.\.l l`.i|.nn. " nnlhnr nf "(;unn`u new l nltea autos m0(llCII cuuegu, cuuul In uu: Medical Tribune." author of "(;uun`u nqw and improved handbook of hygiene and do- meotic medicine." uyl : "I um willing to Acknowledge and command than frnnkly the urging nl . AI-cur`: Hula Cure. acknowledge um cmumluu uuu vnluo of Wurneri Safe Cure." T Ho Wu Collin-d at llnttiuvn And VVIII Spam`! to `form In Prison. For A year or more I diminutive tailor named T. L`. Dunn has been hovering about Perth. He came originally from .\`omer\`ille. in \\'ustern_ Umario, and worked for a time at .\'apanee.. His name was not unknown he havingjonco been charged with forgery. Later on.he got. himself into a real. unbalan- tinl scrape. About n month ago he went from Perth and opened It tailor shop in Port- land. On Tuesday. April 9th, he hired a horse and buggy from A farmer named Brown to to Perth to see nme sick friend. A. nnirlmr lhmn nnr tha horse and vehicle lose '|`wenly acres are cleared hurod wllh elm. oak. nmixlo and somv pinu. The router purl oftho lvtnd s .-4 mrly lonm. .-Iuihblo or r-ultlvullon. There are A young nrvlmrd : one frnnm house 20 x 18. one km Mm m x M on ma proo-rly. and It Is wceaaibte by good roads. `I 0 lot In ailunlo in the phmplmlo bull and Must be disposed of before lot. of July, as the `preant proprietor is going to California. WALL P`APER, DECORATION ?. ART SHADES, SHADE FIX- TIIDCQ CDIKIFECQ Aim at rnef (Ar fl-an nnv! `Mun rv-vxnfhc $7,000 WORTH OF WALL PAPER 5.. ruyu 2 I submit the following to the mtblic for years. Ynur remedy 15 me best In mt: mur that nnv who may be nlllictcd may be bent-tlt~ kt.-t and you can use thts as |(,`3[lIIl0l'l) . tcd bf the sunwrcnn-dy. Two battles If Your Emilie. Pelctier. (lrunvillc. H!\_\'SZ I can _\'usu linlm tma l'(,'.l(tl`Bd to perfect health :1 su-arco`,\' llnd words to tell you how hillllly 1 four your old child, suffering from cuturrh. nrizc Nasal Balm. [la etfccts in my case tun L` con wonderful. A (` ___Beware of imitntlons. If your dealer has not NASA]. BALM in .. L . nroczk do not let him pcratmrlv you to Lake anv other remedy \\lll1`ll he may any is just us good. but Hl`Hd direct Lu the undurnugtlod and it will be sent to you postqs.-wt on receipt of price.--50 cunts und II a. bottle. FULFOIIIJ 8; C0,. Brocltvillc. Ont. nml round 11 lo bu :1 0. rlzun curc. W. A. lmylv, Beulah Man . writes: As a fnnlily medicincm check cmnrrhnl um-c2i()n2-1 or vold in the heud .\I\sulBn1m has no cqun|.\\'c win: it highlv. Hunrietvn lfnrkwell. Parker. Ont . sum 2-- gum: n mghlv, Ifnrkwell. Parker. Ont, says Yuur Nnsul Hahn is the best remedy I have yet usui fur cnturrh. 1 mm breath more freely than ho.-fore and my breul h has regninml its sweet- Irlens. I consider .\'u.s.cl Balm a boon to the suf- vrlng. W. Chas. Hnnley. Postmaster. Spr Bay. I submit the following I e oublic ROB|NSON S WALL PAPER DEPOT, aaA`"'T:$3'5'K'css. __n_.._ 1.... I _ ' catarrh fur SUVOD or eight years. 1 ALEX. Bums. sudbury Unt.. an -s: Gems: Imuy state that I lmvc been at \?III3d with d it was attended hy (gun:-sequent symptoms 3 tch ns foul hruuth. cunstant dropping into the throat. ltuwking nnd u ltting, partial tlunfnca. u'n ing in the l:tll"B.t|.n(FHit'k0l1'lllK pains in the hon lt- rt-vtly over either eye. 1 have used I|0W(1L`l`S and d0ll('ll(`H, but all to no vtft-ct. the only man`! nt-ising front the use M such was temporary ruliuf. fnllowotl by the usual sym)totus in u muru l||RI`l|\'!llCd form. The results nrisitu; from the use of Nasal llnlm are 2 sweet bro-nth. Hlopptuw of the drum')iu into the throat. 4t~,0t1:wqttt:tttl ' less lmwkfng and apittnlgl. l'-t`l'Yl(`8S of hertrittg. M d not oncoslncc l be,-gun its use have I had pninin my head. In tact it is my uuininu that n careful nnd persistent use of the "llttlm" will etfect tl cure in the wornt (`)|..'it`. of mtarrh. NI!` Jnhn H Aalullni nlnrnhnnf RI-nntfnrrl worst of cumrrn. ` Mr. Jnhn H. Adunni. merchant. Brnnlford, Ont . emys : I have used Nasal lmlmfor cuunrrh. and found it bu rluin \`.', A Hnrhx Rmnlmh Mun . wrinu:- Av: n purl".-3. AN D AT ALMONTE. A STEAM SAW MILL AN!) M.\('lllNll{Y. situmod on the hilssiaaippi River, Xuhrr ` wilh spm`iou.I nnd convenient yard. containing about eight acres. with siding {rum (`unaninn Pacic ailway. and on wall assorted sovk for i an ustnblished rel ul trade. , Pal-Han nmvlendter aennmtolv for Iho Wills ` . V ` , THERE is positive dangcrto hoelth and life in negloctlngu case of cold In the hood or catnrrh. and ut this season. with its clmnuioablo weather. unusual moisture and sudden changes from heat to cold, there is peculi r liubility to cold in t o hcwi. A neglected case of cold in tho head I`l\iJidl)' develops into cam rh. and nearlet.-to`! cntnrrh just us certainly dovolo 3 into con- sumption und leads to prcnmturodemh. Modicul t,cs1imon' roves conclusively t at a lurzv perconuigo of all tliodoathuocntirrlnu from consumvlion ht! their o -igin in n. no lected roll. which. by gradual stages. developed into currh. und than into consumption, that road dim.-nsc-, with which niedicul t7`(`lt!l|C0 is as yet unable to moo successfully. If you ure sumariu from cold in lhc herld. or from any of the numerous symptoms of cuturrh, such K8 lmd breath. ll" "DD|""i` Hivehcuduches.dropuin from the head into the throat, hawking end spitting. copious dis- churrca trom tho uostri a. losing aonao of smell. or tuutc becoming dull. hucklng vough. or :1 gm`.- eml oclinf 0! dcbility. husky voice. 1|. wheezing or crswklng aoundln your chest when ln-out lunar. 11 feelinht 0 lnizziiicss, pmliculu.rly,when stooplng, u fouling of tiredness and indispoaition to in onion, in fuelimgui` nuu.~iouu'ln tho morninz when ultuuintimz lo dislodlt ll0("|"|lllt.|li"||9 in `hi feelink ol'ni7.ziness, and inrlispoaition_tu feelimgol` morning ullulnpling dislodge in HM` llironl . Do not newlm-t them. These are but a few oi` the mun)` symptolns of cuiurrh, umlif _\,fou experience any. BE WAm\-El) IN TIME. no not. permit them to run under the niistukun nui- prmeion llIn't the disease will e\'ent1mlly wear away. It will not. but on contrary will went` you nwuy us it has thousands before. l r0(-ure ul once a bottle of NASAL BALM. 't le only cermm nd 5DWdY.G1lru aver ol`l'ered for (`old in the hem! and cuturrh. This is no idle assertion. but uh unqueslioned fuct, which is verilied by the thousands of testimonials` in our possession telling of marvellous cures 'l`hex-u: ieslimoniuls we lmn: received l'ro.n nll parts of the Dulninion. '-I-I1 we append in few. scl0('led at random. as fair samples of the whole 1 , _ , . ,, .x n .. . A ,. _ .|_|_, II u.,,u._ 1-,_1,,. n . , -. , 1v COLDlN HAD, GATARRH; buyout Vu-My. from `Ia own. '13 1%`? A. TTTE FY11 ROBINSON'S WALL. PAPER DEPOT, 277 Bagot Street. rI'\I'Ll"|' l.IL-\J\lllr'\Il\II\- . IHIII \.lI It-I|.II-\J' \Jl II'II-lI- I II 'LTURES, FRINGES, etc,at cost for the next two months ll Pnturnn. from 76 cents. n1: 1:33 3A3 I|l.('llvlI lulu uuunuu-u-. Onsrmmuuuaar , n _____ _....I ....nL...._.. -uh established ll trade. Parties may lender separately and Limits. Pojuasion given imlnedhh-ly. Terms may. Full narnuulurs cm be obminul on enrollm- DUNN WAS D|SH>ED.7 2'77 BAGOT STREET- outnouu-I. wun wen. nr 1 ANULI III Union street. I HLUL & King Strut. H"sTAGE3 EEIUE Ell 1d [ rut Aoonsers. `WE NEVER HELD suca mun: `See our 500 lot, easy. Full pnuliuulnrs applica- tion lothoumlcrsigned A nu nu'n.I. nu sarw FOR SATURDAY Only KID GLOVES ~ATURDAY S SPECIALS. lurrh. Mr. A. Schlenzlg. Toronto. says : For ll num ber of vean-) my wlfe has been badly trouble- with ('1lIl\l`lh.' Dr. here promised to cum her. but nrlcr using his relnedy for six Inumhs she bu-4-nnxe \vorso and wank:-r than bufnre. um! I found that I had apt-nl 836 fur mudi:-ul lrem` mun! that did no good. M wife than began to use your Nasal Balm and as improved won~ dcrr'u1ly.und she is better and stronger than for vmrs. Ynur remedy` is the best in the pcrscrved ln. ` James II. McLeod. Mink River Road. N:-`.. says: 1 have trl (1 other remedies for cntnrrh. but received liltlu or no good from Lhom. Your .\'nsul Balm is certainly the best remedy l have trim. and all you claim for ll. The fact that it is pleasant, and convenient to me ltdd greatly. to it g value bmlis chief worth lies in huing .1 certain cure for that unpleasant discpasc -4 on I lurrh. Mr A Rnhlnnzlnr 'l`m-nnln nnvn - Pnrnnlnn never used a ruined) so Eaiiufzu-lory. Mimi Maggie M. Martin. 'l`o.-rwood. I`-t.. sm"r9 : I`hrouh a friend in Canada I became ncquuim - ml with yuur Nnnnl Balm. I Imve sutfurml fair years with catarrh nnd It in the first i'cInc from which I have expcriumol relief. and I feel:-cr'nin that it will cure me. Miss Minnie McNnirn. Millc Rochcs, ()nt._ pays: You bottle of Nnsnl Hahn did me mnr-h ood. The rain in my head (Iii-mppcarwl ht-fur: hnd us=d I us home and I find nu :-uelf rm-o\' ing the males benefit. I um certain .\'n.~i.ul Hahn wi 1 cure any ciise of cntarrh if its u.u~- is pcrscrved in. Alpha H. Dnlos. Varbert. Ont . writes : Your Nasal Bnhn has uuulaa newnmn or me. I have used remedy mliufm-tory. Mmmic Martin. '[`o.-rwood. l'n.. 390 per pair. PARASULS. Hardy's l'.\'l)ER AND BY \'lRTl'lC 0!" A l`()\\'lCll ` OF SALE. conlaincd in II iimrumgr, which will be produred at the lime of sale. dun-ul the l`wrnly-ninth la 0! April All. 1316!. from 'l`lmo'.hy (`ornnly vi al to Robert \\'ouldull. an I tum nod In the \'-ndor_ llicrv Will be sold by Publ 0 Auction, by Jusuuh Hmler. Auction- mar. at his Auction Rooms. Brock Sin-ut. Kimr nlnn nn 4-BUTTON LINE oumuIun.nmmuom'u'. Brock ville. See our 750 lot, A JOB LINE md she is DeHe_r and than remedy m lcsumom`. HOSIERY, SPECIAL CONSUMPTION, DEATH! Bl UH: Ull Sulurdnv. the Twonlv-linh day of MI). A.I). I359. See our $1 lot. GLOVES, (`Ol)\ OlllUn[ water ways. ;.:ru2\u_\' x.wumuun; lliedrivin oflosm A I-`lib (7l..\SS STEAM MIL]. is situated in their v-untre. equippul with modern tum-i-ifr cry. includin lires.-ling. luuh and ehinulu Mm-hinus, all in purfcu-I working U!`llt.'l`. 'l`h-.-rt,-. an-spacious Eiling xruumlu, containing lill`8\,` aiding: from t to main line of 1 ll) Kiliusl. m and Pembroke Railway. iving every facility for hnndling. loading RXl(5lli[iplhR tn ll \\'L` estab- -iahod nnd growing l'("Illl cmun-at ion in King- ston. which lm-I also uncqimlled udviuilalgcs for ehlplpin by rail or water. A TEE Ml|.l. are llb)lll l`.!.00) pine loan. which the purchaser can lune at rust. Plant and rigging turtlw wurkimguf the business are nll in good order mid will he sold Wilh the pro parties. Axvn Am A 1 u-nxrrnm -KuCTfoi~I SA Lewj FARM AND VALUABLE MINING mos --v-- .--_ __$ , I \VIth its wealth of Sl E(`lAL R} SCENERY used at its pI'0dt1cIiun in New York und lhstun. THES!`J<.`\ I ll.[.l'5`l`RA l`tS The Bay at Night." "'l`ht- Wonderful Storm." "The Llkhl-hUu~tc." "Tin: Rescuv at the Cliff." ' Tho Dark 4:! H.M.S. Britnnnicf "Rvd (`Hire on the h`t'." Pri(`vs--l ru' ucttv. $1 : Dress ( irclt-. The : Bal- cony. 50:` Hlnery 250. `Scans sccurcd without extra charm-. I `III KC I jv 101` N0. 67 KIN QTREIT. with that-eon. now now ed as two more-. Also lat I lgnuoal at to Can Work. with one ouhlo nd 0 two dwwlno .m|- "*:.....'": ~..;".'.'.":'- :. .4a`+.'1 . o IORIUX. \.l'I6 In; TTMBER` { LIMITS, A 135` .|Ja.'aa.I\.v Will be received by Ihv undersigned M lhvil` OF|"l(`E IN KI2\'H~`l'U.\' ux-10 --...u-\.\-an`: I\l\nI I, A|___; WJHB1ai,`Eaii{'hIJ}{;; Next, I.`... \'..u.. nnmhninu llv -`ilk :Unl charge. 1`hlsl"owdor never varies. A marvel of pn- rity. strength and W'h()lcBt)lII0ll\FRH. More omn- omicul than ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold in colnpc-tilion with Ihu nmllilutlo M low lust. uhorl weight. nlum of phoa tlmtu l uwdur:I. Sm 1: ONLY IN v.x.~=. RUYAI. I Al\'I\'U l't)\\`- DER ($0.. 10!`: Wnll Street, New York. .h iAAnfTTr?S -OPERA - HOUSE. A You Kingston. Am-ll wlh. IQ -v--~~-, , ' Grand Production 0! Sims 8: 1 : London Scenic Play. '1MLy ANNOUNCEMENTS. #3}. LE. 0 F-VVVZKLU AiBWLiE ` jyrwuu vv ---v ---. ml: `nnuvun Ql'AR'l`Ifll|.\' mem- xxo um no we In tho on; Council bunnm .u rumba with do-uu.uugln3n5, M oovonllnpou-um uuhjoou will 1 on up: lull nuudnnoo lo roquuud. ord . B u A "l'HO8._Mll.l.8. 1AJl|llUlI -.`\'\.'I|IL 1 III), Harbor Lights, hl. AP ulIl.`l`l.|I Dl4`\.'l\l \'l\'ll IFIAL SAW MILLS AND LUMBER BUSINESS. MoNoA?TivIay eth. : aoAn6 -6lf:`FR_KDE:~ ANNUAEYFEMING. un A\'\VIVAI \lI.`I'I'llVfI nl ILA - iualutely Pure. `Am N` EQWREB AL !a::'..1 I V," TO CONTRA OTOR8. nun; _nI L. _...-l-.4! In. on. A. ('Al.U\\ r.pI. at nu Lumber Merchants, Kmxx-non. Eocroury-'|'rouuruvr. Klnpton. dun? IAIN`. |3- won` gm viiurnu cm mormn, - ._ n no pun alrni` -lob Lnlldl--n SM YTHE. HMITR I l.Y()`.\'. Vendor!` dolluilon. A...-nun. man TENDERS 1 1... .L._. unglwu A. (`Al.l)\\'El.l. & SON. pr \Inrr-hnlxls k'im.mlnn_ ()nl "EH08. MILLB. Eocroury-Trcuuror. n route-I. ~ I I-`nu Inn and the "unruly Iuunbot" bu kindled may I u that ha can any "honour. Ion, obodluoo. ud koopo ol Moods." Lady, w-an rviwuuu` .------. -n vvvvu-nu-y us no.- help-meet to their hnehende. `The tnili oi eone Inothere ie reeponlible for the ieliure oi their daughter : Inerrieqee. Thlrdly. wo- men ere too impetient. They neent the theme in their peth ineteed oi trying to blunt them. end in their impetient peeeion pull up mean and ell. Fonrthiy, ehe ie toe enoting end eo deetroye the ,beentiiul reet em eheiter oi e reel borne. Piltiy, women ere ineoueiderete and eeieh end telketive. ,,jAL,.n___,,,,I ,,,..__L,_evL,, LI, .II_.I__-___ vsntpumn-';uItIu-I u U-usu;I;uy'r1-nut" L-I_ -..A A- sL-l.. L..-L__A- l'l`I._ n...4l...l__ ~~v- -JJILJ---X`a1-3.-5' `.7-I1-K-C o'J-!'-Z-YXIXEI-V,- firet ehe nde the! when women merry from wrong And lnexcueeble moklvee they Itert on the downward pnth. that when they merry for money they put themeelvee ernrng the loweet order e! hunnnltv. The! her eele lelegnllud doee not alter lte red morele. She ie ectuelly one of the onto.-eete of her eex In heen end soul. . Secondly. eome women ` heve e mleteken notion nbont the home, and ._4..A_..A_4_.A,_A *_A. -.. ~~-.-. r.-_--...-. - ..- ,....-.-... -. . query: ls woman the more to blame for unhappiness in marriage? Rebekah HIRI- inz Davie laments the inclination of too many women to sacrifice love for the sake of position and wealth, and the scandal and shame that eo often follows the unlikely union of men and women. "ll," she writee, a women makes amusement an-l luxury the end of life she will neturallv sacrice everything else to gain the rank of wealth which com ands them. Ethel Newcome ia sold here for dollars as in England for a title. In these mercenary marriagu the wile is more guilty than the huebaml he- csuee aho sinks lower to gain her eml. Love anal personal honour count far more to a woman than to a man." Still she does not think there are more unhappy marliagee than lty years ago. "There are more di- vorcee. and divorce bills drag the secret un happiness to light." Upon the whole, she believes that owing to downright true love. to conscience. and to the sound sense and large good humour, characterletic ol the American, the vast majority of marriages In this country are happy. It _. 'I,___. lV-_L I- ._..!a_ _L!I____L)__I 5&1 Vanna nun-qua nnu. TIE ANNIJAL MEETING of the wheat!- born to In above lnslltullon will be held In lho Room: uhho Inn Into on U.\'l)A\' EVEN- ING. Mu 6th. 5! o'cloci. |l'Il() IS TO 111..-{ME ' Five women, eminent in literature, have in I joint. Article to the Norrie .~l:mru'an Rn-ion-_ gizen their opinion upon the mar- riugoqueation. The men have repeatedly said what they think of'l.ho issue, but never before have so many of the brighten in tellecta nmong the fnir Iex undertaken so earnestly and no cnndidly to Iolve tho problem of null wcinl problemu. To the -..-_.. . I- ..... -.. .1.` ....-... on Iy.I-_... L... interests would be more success- fully ,v_;gusrded were there st Wash- ingtun An agent through whom our government could communicste with the L . .5`. government more directly than through , correspondence, one who, well posted on Canadian atfsirs, would be able to render valuable assistance to the British minister, and perhaps aid in the disposal of minor matters of stste without their passing through the (`olonial otiice. A representa- tative (in the general acceptation of the term) was never thought of. The most hoped for was an sgenbgeneral, with powers simi- lsr to those possessed by the predecessors of Sir Charles fupper, or hy Sir Charles him- self in London. The motion was not part of a movement looking towards annexation, sud cannot be construed to mean such with- out s deliberste distortion of the facts. It is true one government disapproved of the sppointment, as it manages to disapprove of most of the suggestions which the opposi- tion leadcrs advance. however wise and pro- dent they may be. It would not do to ad- mit that any good thing can emanate from the grits, but it has been felt thst the min- istry would nd a way, by-and bye, of act- ing upon the ides after their hwn fashion, and of so trying the prscticsl effect of it. Such twsddle as that in which the Hswego Tinuw indulges is, however, disgusting and should not have prominence in s paper so sensibly conducted. .- .-.v. ......-. --.._--. The Uswego Tinm has it that the tiuiisl (lien statesmen despair of i)ur xing things just as they want them with the United- States until they hnve n representative at Wa.sii`1ngtnn," that the representation they have at \Vnshingt0n at present is not ofmthe kind _they are thinking about, but that "they must be content with it until, under a proper annexation treaty, they ere duly represented in lmth houses of congress. " And it adds: 'l'his is a matter they nre looking in the face, and to the sensible por- tion of them the longer they look at it the better it looks to them." A grosser misrepre senlation of the spirit and desire of the Cu- nndien parliament was never put in print. The Times has eingulsrly misunderstood plain[speech or it would not give to the de bnte in the commons the colouring which ` it has. The ides originated with the lead- ers of the opposition that (lnsdinn :_._-,..- . 1.. ..t,..... ....,...--.. AI)Vll'('l`lbl:lIIlin'l`s. For four lines. one `or two lneeruonu. . ....I) 160 For four lines. each subsequent Insertion. 25 Over four lines. In-at lneel-tJon.. . 10c per_l1n_o Each subs uent oonaecutlvein . 50 ` Once a w subsequent Ina. . 100 " Twice as week, subsequent Ina. . Bo " Three A week. subsequent lna...... . 6o , 'l`wel\'e lines to the inch. Nnllnan nf Bit-the. Mam-laces and Deaths HHS. :olumne. is published every `1`nurs(1!\)' nmrlu M813 cur, ouilhcly in advance. onherw 81.50 wi 1 be 0 Maud. EDW. J. H. PICNSE. Proprietor. jjj the Notices of Births Marriages each,uuleea when 'bookad,' when 81 inohargetl. Special nbtlces In reading colum 8 are cham- ed at I wenly cents per line fo- on b insertion. Oicera ofnnlncornorzued Asaoclnti(_n_1s_or hr` each inaerilon. of nnincorporzuted Associations or Societies will be held personally responsible for all orders they Hive , Aitlmheu to the mmer in one of the bust Jnb Amwheu to the paper offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work: eight Improved printing presses. All charges for advertising, subscription work : eight improved printing char es for and [ob printing are payable in advance; this must be distinct! umlrrstood. .._. Mnlhow Elliott`: homo. Dlvmon turn.-uc. Plan: and upoclrntlona to be neon at my olllco. Uornor 0! Block and Wellington Struck. 'l"ha Iowan: or-may tondur not necchumly Ic- ` _ 3 Tu: Bnrnsn Wmo ii published eve-ry (wen- ` Ina. amass King Street. King:-rgon, 0nLarlo.~ - v ' at 3 : DOLLAR! run run. The VVEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 5 pages, 56 tolumns. is published 'I'hursds\)' marmng Yczur, osillvely oulerwiso Il.50w1 Maud. ` '_fI`IWT1;).ILT1IT.Y WHIG; Will"! Telephone, Nmnlior 229. ".(ANNOUNCEMENT. " 0135/67` Dar Orbem Dicor." .4 Ans TA K1;.\' IDEA. I __Z' . AIIVERTISEMENTS. nnn mm nr lawn lnnartjoml VTHE TBRITISH wan. SATURDAY. MAY 4. INISIJIUUI atoll along pnttyuu! oaloc. 0! monk and womnmun an-ucu. The Iowa: orgny uecohmruy oeptod. J. B. REID. __A__# Arohllecl. tc. ....."";'.:.'.;`.:'a: '5' ';;.'c..".; +- yonr lho :" Inn. ya. `I told lntnotbor hull 1 C II a cane pnuyuoo `d Io! born: 0 with _________. Cut: Down Iuq-Int Tho Rev. Dr. Pr|m-l)o you reach uumporo. Brother Ynllorby, or o you uh noun? Hrotlnt Ysllorby (from the South)- Wolhuh. thu who once I time I took noun. huu`hoJ-and u...tan...dnu. In: in ulohno Inch: on hnbin` do ouh own. . ._..________ A lllnno 00. . Hi-"l In an mm In the plporl to-div noting that punts on I can lot Inu- monk." Blue (with I long ropnnod y|wn)"h that 00? W0". 1 [MOI 1 mm! but noun coo any link evening." "nuns. 1.. no not no. "Could I Induce you. Mr. Joboon. to pan with [our can No dnnghur Glam 2', your Ila mush Inn. 18. I mv dreu." ' Ethel IPPHOI the tomatoes sud hang: Ml duuuwtndty. _ __,_A _ Unmmn (nail an-\;"E(hl. win are Hm nlI'|DlOI'l IIGVIIYIIICIII. l'.tno|--"O, mnmms? l`vo lnrnod in thin book thst. proton-ad tomatoes will an ink- uuim out of Illk. I'm going `to try It. on dress." :.~...n .....u.. n... onmnoan bum: in dun .. - -T.. `, Mnmmu (nut. ) -"El|I.I'_,7 ;F;i,"l}; you ring over thu hook to long lot 2" Et ol-"l want to nd out whsl wllluko tomstocl out o! silk." at Int Inruau the able Inm : Mn, why did you toll me to uy nothing about Mr. Jenlsini non? Ho hun't got any." nun...-. Oil (`ity Derrlrk. A munlnmnn u Oil (`y Derrlrk. A gentlemnu who had lost. MI none Wu! invited out to ten. "My dour." uiul the kintllwurbod lady out the house to her little lnughtur. "I want you to be very careful to make no remark about Mr. Jenkins nuesioii `ii-Scmnucs msrlrtmz. % none. Usthered around the table, everything was oing well: the child P'\iped nbout, look rather uuled for I long time, And Int Itnrtl the able with nu. .1... .11.: .m.. ..n Inn in nu nnthimr R . MI . m"`F`:":;"_m.?6, .,. .".{...3" 1.--]. .1.-. ..... .... _.1 .......n\.- will uh. Ink. I vs nun . -.u .v...-. .4..." (`ape \`.n<`vnl l-Zuxlv. Probably few clllel in (`snails or the l'nitcl Mules hanee more perfect system of electric light; than Kingston, our neigh- bor over the river. To prove this assertion one has only to out his eye in the direction of that city on suy evening nntl note the bright. rellection that is cut on the sky. caused by the many liht\sr:`t.he limestone city. In fact for 1 long In our people mistook this rellm-tion for northern lights, no one thinking it possible that the sky coulal be so brilliantly illnminabetl st so reutndistzsnce lvy nrtitlcill means. Ihey Ave no icker or sputter, but burn stenulily |n.l evenly. quite a contrut from these in use in the wiclu--l little city" of Water- town. Kingston Imsy be behind the times on some things, but not. on street lighting. and mssluuonge glounuz ()1 luuuu rulut, l`riuyer's (Tove, [int and West Lake. Hay Ray and Slnssassagn Puiut or other summer resorts, lilenuru. (Luise on the MountAin,) l)n\'y's Islam], licton and the Wulnirutil sand banks, including all the msguiticent scenery of the farrfmned Baynf Quinte " This is the best mlvertisement of the scenery in question that ha yet appeared. There is I rich harvest lobe resped by the summer resort mun whn isn't afrnid to lay out a little money to mhertise prnpcriy the lhy of Quiute scenery. ' . luv Vviiw ........... ..-.-.... .. .--... l`i'tun Times. _ _ [he steamer Hero s time card nnd folder describes the Bay of Quinta route as "the i best and most dinect route to the time bass ` and mukiuonge ground: of Indian Point, I`:-;v.vur'a l`n\m Fun and \\'ell Lnkn. Hpn.` El [VIII IUl\l l)('l|UUIl. ' If Hrozgatantiani is in vlanger I does not arise as mush from the .1 BS from the antics of some of the s champions of l rot.estant.ian1. -nun.-uu Pilslmrg llcspmrlx. 'l`h.. -nnnu urn: uh 4\IUHll'l'l|l \\ lll|l'N`. The twenty-two good senator: who voted down the short. line tuur million steal should be banquetted. S1 rm fun! lk-neon. Ir . . . .~ ` -7-. . uv, ` .\I0nlrvz\l \\'iInc:. pror-rly, and II is accessible 0) [won routs. 4. ~ ` Immediately utinlno the celebrated I-`oxum Mum. Thu mlnin rights In uy. if the \'_omlur doom II udvhahlo. )0 sold nu-nur.|lol'\'. The pruvervy will be out up aul In-I. to A re` served I)`: Terms Ion perm-nl down at lime of sale ; the balance H1 ||lh'I_V day: llwruuflur. I-`unhor uurlwulnrn and mmlhlonn of sale may be had on application to the Auctioneer. or to ....,.,....\..... Such is the condensed thought of some of the great writers of the day, gnd women, on the subject that is le-treat to their hearts. It is singulnrly agreed and reective on the women. The criticiun in merciless and for that reason cahulatcil to do great good. ...... ...- , -....., ....-.., .-. ... season, thnt is witaout regard to age. A great deal depend: lpon the action of wo- men in the future. As they marry for lQ)"`e or for prot they will have happiness or uu~ happiness. " ;..4L :- .|... 44..1,..__J aI........l.t AC -.."... .J ` vvlvuu Amelia E. Barr thinks that, speaking broadly, women are to Name for unhappi- ` new of marriago. \`Ie is fond of flattery : she is weuk and gishing; she talks too much and does not Iulk at all; they ate ignorant of the high moral duty of domestic service, and are great misery makers ; they are jenlous and pro\'0c&ti\'e of divorce pro- ceedings ; they murry`for money, and out of ..... .. .L... :. _.... .5 ...........l 5... ....n A vv-. tn... u u. |\I an m, .. .-... Cstllnrine Owen hys the failure in mm`- ringe to the nhsoluts impossibility of some people to live out clvcir ilea.lity"of the nur- l'lC(l state. llesolutons to do this and that count for nothing. Unless. common sense rule: the home becones lifeless andloveless. Bud house_-keeping zccounts for little. Men Accept all faults in this direction with in- finite unisbility, uni in many cases where the wife is neglected and unappreciated she is unselfish and gom lneyoml the Average of `vvuo Collar lu'._||u -nu ...-.. . ...n- .. .. Iobner women nscngnize the truth of the denitions and actuljou them the sooner will the reproach b lifted from the hnuour- N able state and cundtion in which the truest ; and purest happies possible in our sin~ l warped world is to Be found or nw.le'."' l 1'-.I.....:.... n_..,., 1.... cl... l..:l...n 4.. run ' COMMENTS DF THE PRESS. UUDUU IU uu I Illllll`. Marion Hlrlnudleclnrea that the whole system of nmrrying. and givig in marritsge, an it exists in this cmutry, is founded `upon a blunder. Courtmip` is to smile I decep- tion. and matrimcny must be the name. Where the cause ojwedded wretchetlnesa is not vice, or incouristelrcy or violent tem- per, the women is Jtener than not in fault. The `whole case can be summed up thus : L,`ourtahip ialplay and marriage work. The -..'........ ._......._ H... r.-mh .-.6 Hm they u-g:ju1ou._ "1 jeulouIy:will ruin the gection of my [mpalId.`*If women guarded agsinsc the fgulu herein enumerated; and took counueltfromnbove, marriage would cease to be I fuilur. \I,,._-__ II u .1_...|-....- Oknb Ln uyknh. They were Secured nqtho ` 4...` 'I`:.. In lrlvll an Inn lhll hr pvrsllmlq And make u II I U \J\I5V A LII\lO vary: l'lCNI)lCRb will be ncqlvoq by the under lined up uI|THlIR8DA\ l1.'\ l.\lM, the 9th Instant. 6 o'clock. for the wvonu trades` works re ulred for the restoring 0! MI. It Hon`: house. Dlvlalon strum. Plnul and unocmrntlonu my

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