~`0V'I%I UNI abnquotond `R2 ; luau NEW%YORK S BlGiSHOW; GBOWDS, OAENON, BUNTING, BANDS Show and Noise and Throngn or People. . Parades on Land and Sea-lIeauty and Bnllnn and Bullion All Well llupresentecl It the Grant lhll-A Celebration of Mug- nltudo. h `Celebrating the Washington Cen- tennial with Enthusiasm. - ` I11, IRIIFI` IIIVIIIC DI ICU kll WWW. N0 put-an In-nan Ibsptll lllltll %VIy ` an ndoqunln Idea o! the nuznloonoo at this do. .1: lnuk seven hour: In the puiq. \ towln totho widely dlnrent uniforms of tho ml nu of tha-rurloun man. than was Ioolunmt 0! album: nboutlt. Tho alt lanod Burundi regiment of New Yoth ally probably undo tho loan dnow no In an inching In oonourutl. and tho och: know New York and Brooklyn nglunah. which Ill ban drlllhg for tho comics, CF ouulunuuuu or WI'l`U'$I!.Illlrl8l unu IIIU UIIIIII. Tim prmidont. the manhunt of the caipinot uirlthm.-hie! justice: and uvoriatn jmtical oi the Uniml sum: Iupmno mun roviowod the ponds (mm the land st Mndimn Squnro Guile-n. The many mile: of street: through which the parade pound womlineri with im- manna reviewing studs for tho blic. and they were all dcnnly crowded. xorbiunt pricu won point for luau on than numb. and utuiiing Iguren were nlno paid for am in window: and on-thfoofn 0! building: One wealthy man paid 08.11!) for the and 5 window on Fifth avenue. uni than-owen many other inutancu ol the nmo unrt. No 1:92 uvhnn jnlki OIIVBHI ii l`UllU|nuUy\ Ul llsnu Illvullsu IoI.II1 ucumull. blvu. While the literary exercises were going on the military begun to move from the head of Wall street and Broadway. This pageant, , which was the grnudeet ever seen in the hit I tory of celebrations in the United Status, In marvelously well meneged, and there wee little of the clumsy orguilxing which ocu- Iionelly delays and more the inn retion ' proeu-ions in Washington. The 0 f mer- Ihel of the parade wen Maj. Gen. John I. Schoeid, tho heed of the United Staten I Anny. end there were55,(ll'l men in line The National Gnu-d of Almost every state of the Union was represented. New York and Penn- qylvnnie tarnishing l`3.(XX) end 8,(XI) men re- Ipectively. Only the best regiment: end compeulesuernletookpertinthepr rode. Pint in line of march were the coder: from the Iilitnry academy 0! Want Point Incl the novel eedete from Annepoiie; than the troope of the regular army and navy, followed Ivy the Netionel Guard 0! each etete in the order in which the stake retitled the constitution or wereodxnitted into the Union. Tl .._ ..._._l_I.._e ok- _.._.L._. ..I ml... .._|.l-gt ` tn: rn.I'.su)l::n` sruxlxo. ` ` April 30, 1789, where the library exercises ` ` wok place. The invocation by the Rev. Dr. Richard 8. Storm was profoundly impreuive, 1 Ind Chauncey M. Depew never delivered 3 I more masterful oration. The pm` hut`: |d- ' dram followed. The exarcinan were over when Archbishop (`orrignn imnrad tho benediction. Whiln thn Iihu-nrv nrnlv-non -nan aninxv nn V` ITFU (I\ 1'1`, llllll lllb'R`l RNA 31!) |`\ . ` The prey-id.-nt and other nlistixlgxlishod guests attended Um so-l`\'i(`e at St. Pauli: chapel at `J tfvlock on 'l`u:~sdny morning. The services were cunducu-xl by the Rev. Henry C." Putwr, bishop 0! New York, as the servic-0 on the day of Wn.~hiugt4m, in 17%), was conducwd by the bishop nf New Yurk, the Rev. Samuel Provoost. When the religious St`l\'i(`9s were I over the party proceeded to the sulrtrwuury ' building, the scene of the inauguration on EUMLZU wu.u uuuuuuun, llllu uu: L`un|IIu|I.n U! 1 many uf them vlnsvly rcsmnhled tlmse worn at theinnugumtiun one hundred years ago. The supper was furnished by tl1L'l]()I.t\lEdV_j Smkew atu mstuf $.'.':,0()0. The repust 111:3 wines were im-lucled in the price n! the tick- ; ens, whn-h was 810. The Wines were the best pnwumble. nnd. though this may not be tho most. orenhtuhle stat:-Inent to nmku, immense quantiti--s. mmlly of champagne, xvero cun- sumal, anal many of the ruvsts were ulnscrvod to have n-nmrkahly hrigho eyes and flushed couutcuum '05. u'|..... n... o:..\.. ..-...,. 0.... nm .-...._o.. on I.....-.. H TIVW. '$`{ .a .i .i'1.'.'{...'7`.:;`.`.`"` ..I'hIlotbo nnulpnndowu oath` Enttndpunxwlold halhau nnnnrnnuthml Mi_iI'hh- ('OlllHA.'llllnl`\'.~a_ When tlw time came for tho mwsts to leave they Sevnlml to be sorry that the festiviues ` were over, and xlL~'persed slm\'l_\'. Tlun nu-n_i.L-nl nuul nl hnr slid inuri.-hm` (rllnefn gvtuur. The singululy dignified and graceful quad- rillo was danced by peopha whose names are household wunls througlmut the Uniwd Status`. SOIIIO of the woman we-re fuirly ablaze withdimunmls, and the costuunus of 1 manyuftlwnlu-lowly ' the noted 3 at a cast of Ellfliw _..:__-. ..... ` I ` n H. n-in.` .~.! ob... o.`..lr Immense Equitable building on Broadway, and 22,000 very llistimzliislwrl people from all over the United States were present. The banquet. over, the doors were thrown open to the public, and the prvsident received nmny thousamls of mm anxious to hnvo u. (`lose view of the chi:-!`1nagist1'ate. In the evening the largest and most notable bull in tlnol1is- tory of the United States took place at the Metropolitan Opera house. Over 6,000 per- sons were on the oor, all in evening costume, and it would be dilcult to imagine 21 more brilliant. appearing throng. Tho majority of the guests were already there by the time the president arrived, and when the opening quudrillo was formed by the managers of the hell it was viewed by a set of (listinguislwd men and women such as is rarely brought to- getlmr. The nincrnlnrlv ilhrnimi nml or-nnnfnl nnml. THE BRITISH"WHIGz.-XTURDAY, MAY 4. THE MARINE J A OIJIBI OITII IALL In unvniud Bum. an artistic cyan: ` vdyonctlng. mdhochnun those! the nppllouhwhowcrodldingulnhcdbymnjddo form. _ `no In: nnynth In n-4| snub unnnv ha-nun In IL. nnnlnn Llll' ulna auu IuI]'l"Illt'lIul UI Iuru U11`u|.IaIUlII. The 1\]l(g0l'i(`al mats. with men and women represrnting Ln!-r, Music, Art. 8vionoo_ Co- lumbia. Ck-rmnum. u-to, vovupriaal the finest t of tho pnI'o-`~iun. 1: Ivan an nlnningly no beauty show, the nnjastio -gures and splmdi-l rmxntan.-nnva of the men and women lling one with mrprim and wonder where they came from They were all resident of New York city. and wore pickvd out from hundreds of npphmnta by Jun:-ph Koppler, than whom thorn in no better judgo of beauty DIOOIATIOI 00 III Iv:-nmuvnv. lnInncd.tho Ioonowuluchu boblythb` untury bu nonr wltnc-yd. an Inn; 1 lhovaohulowlymrnod nroud In tho! &drlvI". it look!!! Ikouomo -I-Lolu4u\InnuInnrnnnQnlLA-nn- I l1lllK`l'IClll.l5 Ul HUW I \I'K Ulny. The banquet at no Motropolitan Opera house was given earl} in the evening, and it was attended b__v tliopmidontundhiscnbinet, governors nf nmrly mcry slut and territory in the Union, and tilt` most. distinguished rep- resentatives of an, .~-(mice, literature and tlimncu. (`avers m-r-- laid for 800 persons, and the prim or Lickuts was $25. Finer toasts I 1 were never deliwn-d within the walls of the Motrngxplituu Op:-rn Imlls, where many a splendid lvmiquut hm been given. The feast that ~wn.s .~"pr0ad boforw the guests wusnno t for a king." ' The winm worn the lust in tho 5 world. as may ln`guI'~~n!l from thofnct that lhu Burgund_\'m.~t $432: ix-tun. Thu cigars smukad W(`l'0 ospwizuly imported from um i vuim fur the (X`(`&l:s'iUll I In : .. ... . - ,... I.U1|I'l|Iu_\. Tho inulustriul partule was as notable as any fmturo of the vu-lebrntion. Organizations mmprising over 106,111) pennns were at first mlmitml into tho prooatiiou when the pmpa- I rntinm were going on, but it was seen that it I would take from twelve as twenty hours (or tliiu vmt pageant to put A given point. The I artistiv pr:-pnmliuns for this enormoun pn cv=au'mi were in charge of Joseph Ki-pplor, 0! | Puck. and his wnrlz was admirably dono. Every trnule, en-rv business and o('(`upIt.ion was l`(`pl'l`!i`llt0Il by hrightl y colon-d oats, lled with men lr--ed In tho vnrious garba- of their vmrk, and all of them working with the tools and lmpl~ menu of theiroocuputlonn Q n'lt\(VIIl"l`nl "uni: I'i!h Innn and Dnrnnn IE PARADE PASZQING UNDER THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Iunuv I-I nun uurun nary. nu nu. nu vvluuauv up were llu-_\` u\`~r lbw uwurromx-s of the day and night and an anxious wow they In have good vnumzv points from which tn Viuw the grvat industrial parade on the folluwing -u.`-n inn I While this bulltlllt l was going on one of the i greatest p_vrutu-hiiiv -ll.~`pl_\'.~l that the world I has ever seen was Luhlllg place in the streets. The entire city Wlh` luithed in :1 halo of light. From the Betti-r_v c3.-iir up to where the line l)(`!W9t`Il New York vii)` and Yoiikors isdruwn the sky was made uoirdly lurid by hisving rockets, hunstiiig Rimiiui cniidli-cs and thousand huud tlmwrpnts. Th.-roarot'cnnnoiirecracli- ` ers was deafening. and the city iieeiiiixl to be on tire with thegliin-of red sulphur. ,Soldiers in groups of huiidreds. many of whom had be- "oine hilarious I` I too frequent winks at the bowl, marvh ver the city. their voices 1 ringing out in a imetinim discordant but iilways patriotic c us They were not pu- tii-uhir in the imti lity of their songs, and the grniiilly solemn strains of tho Muscli- laise were mingled with the inspiring notes of tho "Star Spangled Banner and "The Watch on the Rhine. The soldiers car ried everything before them. iiiid many an unfortunate but ihlnclt Wm toanl up in n hlnnket or solemnly ridden through the streets on a wheelbarrow. Soinetinics when the sons of Man; felt that it was iibsolutely nwessnry for thi-in to refresh themselves by l the internal application of liquids. they sim- ply ninri-hod in ii lady intotho gilded palaces of the haughty pulilicuia, called fnpexpeii- SlV8(ll`lllk.~`.1ll`(|nli them and with tlie most inetfiililu moliieia niarched out ngniii without pziyiiig ii copper. to the prodigious mutua- mi-iit and iiidigiiutiun of the haughty publi- ctiiu Few of th-- mlclienx, and. in fact, not iiiiiiiy of H)iH`iIl7'!l~` slept at all. so wrought ` .-I I . .L_. _,-,,.- ._ . .. ..... . 1...... _..|....L ... ... ... I I J 1 tn anal Inclipzuntim Ft-Wnf an tho -itmxn.- s , .| ,_, __ ___L militia of Virginia, nth Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, the nephew of RuI)1`l'? E. Lee, on a prancing horse at its hltl. 'i`|:- Ancient and Honor- ninie nrriiiory, of Bnstun, inspired enthusiasm not only bocaumor im ne showit. made,i but on account of tin historic associations ' nttnchmi to the mxnpsny, one oi the oldest in the United States. T enumerate the merits of the various re immts that took part In_ the pageant \\'oud rquiro a page of this newspaper. A runmxkably ue concert of ` vocal and instrumenui music was given at the reviewing Stndfiii Madison square in the evening, under the mzspicec of tho (}onnan~ Americans of New York city. The hnnnnnt no rm Mnrrnnnlitnn Onm-n lllllly I-III. Flnsllly ho vedpd the mutllntod remain: III: I Hg trunk. sud night INC? light [or 0 whole took in up with the kimono IN . ll . Cb bbrlnglondl ith .57. M?` . dhhurlul |nAu'InA- `ho out is thnpndbt In Iundotorlt nnlydnp sin I: dean`! put on It IH)\V IKIVKTIIIIQ B-IUII` UII Ill l.R7~"||l \!l Ill East rivm"s clear green watem Governor`: Island and Staten lsland.darkone by the fresh nppmring foliage. and the shores of New York and Brooklyn. lined with count- '03! thousands of frantically uulxsraut man and women, formed a noble frame for thin dazzling an-a pageant. The inlutas were stun- niug in their great waves of sound. The hoarse roar of the grant guns of the menfwar min- gled with the nlmrp boom of the guns on the yachts, while the artillery at Castle William. Fort Hamilton and distant Fort Wadsworth thundered forth in unison. Shrill shriek: from the whistle: of innumerable tugs and steamboat: added to the dln.and when the colon were dipped, all at the same instant. ndpyu-dapdthagillngvelsaln were WOII, IIII I01 XIII. IO IIIIIIQIIIIF Ill! &:"riv`l!. %3Lw;on"wm l Alix . lost his nerve sud wu unable to In M: [hutly Ink. I-`lnnlllv ha uodnnrl tho mnllhtnd nnnlnl WIIHU WWII III III! WIUH IIIU ITZIII I thin n|ou.nv the bhu-lug Ind: with whlc bio urrizd dllhnod | IM- tlon pooplod Ibo room. M In end 0 the ____L la- ___..._.I__-.I A. AL- _-Il_. WIIICII BIC ICTYIIIOKI IX CI-if ` 0! won! In nnudond to the potion. -:....|_-._-:-. .0 III IIICIHTII IIIU OOTPU I0! IIOIIII. When at length he ncovorod ul!-pouom Ilon he preceded more methodically about his work. his Ida being to dlunonbor tho hndv Am! (In-on lhn I-angina nhnnlnnnl hm Tho otrlblo Confusion by I Wlto lur- doror-ItoooIvln| A Funny. A mun nnmod Bury. who won bulged ot Dundee, Wednesday. for wiio murder. Id: 5 written confection which would furnish mnterioi for '/alt, uyo I London onbio. Bury And his wile wont to Dundee from London, I n the womufn forum in drink, nod loun Ibomoolvoo on the urge of our- vntion. The woman prooud to corn some money by iumonlity, which to n t tho jriy strung norvu ol hot huobon u; in A rpnzv of rage ho strangled her. '1 hen he upon! his in: nhilling in whinkoy. wont to bod dnink and upon! tho night within 5 low loo: oi the oorpu. Ho nwoh lobar to moot the glauy glare oi his mur- dered wife`: cyan. Bu , in on noon 6! I ...ad..;.a fun. noiud . 1. lnilqnnd slab- ed and hnckochnt tho oorpoo for hours. \\'h-n at lnnntln In nnmmnd nnll.Imlnnn- I run 1:. Life ineurence companies make eure of in non exilteuce before Iuuin their policies, end the learned end cerefu phyeicinn will not ettempt. to prescribe for e patient nlict- t ed with eerioue illneee before lire: uoe'uin- In` If thin dheue in preeent. __....___:L._.j Lurf, .Pp"Q(`. Hell "III IDIVIKIUI, TEIUIL Aulnncod kidney dilauo hu bullied the united etfom of the bent phyuicinnn for can and it in Iolely due to \\'nrnor'| Safe uro, I nimplo vepetublo dilcovery, that modern Icienue but been IMO to Iuccoulully copo with It. I 3- l---------- A----.--:.- -..L_ m... ..l :5- I Cnlnnell `Here I` rlpluly CIUIl- uucly. The primary cause of all organic disease. such as paralysis, consumption, heart dis ease and nervous disordcn, is directly at- tributable to'a failure of the kidneys in their s ial {auction of purifying the blood. kidney derangement is without doubt the most ag ravating as well as the most preva- lent of al the ills of the present day, and ` unloaa kidney disease is taten in time. and promo! restorative, such as Warner`: Safe Cure. applied. death will inevitably result. A.lvan.~mI Iniilnnv rlianann ha: halllmi thl UIOYI CIU`O OI Ip0pl6Xy. Whenever they fail in the complete re- movulof wane nmlter in the blood. the desdly poilon lno'7n n uric ncid |.ccumu- lneu, and creep: through All the blood chnnneln where it rapidly cause: decay. Th. nrinnnrv nnnun nf All nnynnin rlinnun HIVO DCOII UDIDIO 50 TCIHOVI. In these cues. when the Action of the been in inlemiiod by vigorous exercise or exciu-uncut. the preeeure upon some Artery become: :00 etrong for it in in weakened Itute-a rupture occurs and I I etroke of tpoplexy fulloweu h manor of (`ll PIC lll\'ll'. abreast; then the ymcl1t.s,wii,h their clouds of snowy cnnvu, followed by miles of steam yachts, swunibuats. tugs, pond:-mus om-an greybountls and mo-rchnnt ships, elevator boats, lighten, all sorts and nine: n( v~.-sel.s, the whole otilla no superbly ndurnul with hunting and ags as to resemble a vast rain- bow stretching along on tha lxmu: of the T-`n:O v-ix.-nu-`n ulnar crrnnn wntnrq linvnrnnl-`h I-`int came the majestic war slu'[;a. two ' picxy ox (no urun. In person: of good henlth, the cone 0! the arwriel throughout the entire body are tough And eluuc. In unhealthy persona, particularly those whose kidney: no di- sensed, the wall: of the Arteries undergo. degenernliou"--due to the action of the impuritieo in the blood which the kidneys hove been unnble to remove. l._ .L__.. .._-__ ....s2.... .8 4k. `L-.. 5|... COUTIC. D1-rtugementl of the kidneys Ire A com- umn cnuqe of npnplexy. \\'hanaver thev ft in tho conmlato An sged gentleman of our scqusinteneo went out. slur s hesrty mesl to remove the ice from the aidswslk. He worked an on old men naturally would with his head and g shoulders been low. He suddenly fell, be I csme unconscious sud suou died. I Whnt wss the cause of his death? I Apoplexy-I.he physician would any spo- plexy of the brsin. l In mmnns of wood health. the cons of MAJ. b'l ll(iI.'b.\ |!.\l L. (nu. .\l.'n_i. Bull |r<':u`sn mar` n . II'.. |._.,. ._ .. ..n |.. III)!` II IIIll'n'LI lII%'V`"' ",2 alum uf _\Iur_\' Bull, "-' the nlotlwrnf G1-u. Wnshingtnn, a u d ` zll>un ;.:ruat .\l:|_i. mur\':-lnus l`0.~`a'lI)l)lt|Ill.\! to \\':L~!mr;lm1,u:. will he >4-on {nun} the out In-re gin-1|, whivh la n vupy uf a [-In-mgrnpll. uHua:;:`..~` f (ML \\',,_m"g_ 3 `lather nationality, the display of the Germans being pnrtu-ulnrly brilliant. The crowd of spectators mu quiw its large, and filled with the mine Olllllllsltuirll us nt the other ceremo- nim. uml no mure tting vlnse of tho centen- nial (':`lul)l`utlUIl could ll.`).V(` lx-en (l<`\'i:-Pd than this, hr all-xhls the grmtvst industrial pa- rade the wurhl has nver seen. (`nnipared with which t.lm'.\luI'di Urns prom-ssiuns at New ()r|o:ins are nu,-re l5ll`,f.'li{\lleS. If unv may juqlge from th- numher of de- sc--ntlnnts and rela~ ton w h o h a v e rlainiod their kin- ship it. is not at all diicult to appen- cinte the {not that the inmmrml sol- diur and statesman was in very fact tho father of his country and of a large part of its in- habitunts withal. (luv of tho gt-nuiuo n-lntin-as of Wash- ingtnn, however, is Maj. lllln{(`s3 Ball, of W n s h i n gtnn. who km.~p:a a cigar stun tlu-re. He is u t\\'nful<| relative of \\'u~|iington. be- ing :1 lino-ul cleanin- .l....o ..o` \l.....- Hull tivus of Washing-' STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY. A PLOT FOR ZOLA. ` IX`-T WIT WW. Allinkhuudllz. Iuldiwnnv hlhhnof `nod; Plllbllf PAID. Iul--tmuuun l.I Th. ONTARIO WINE VCNOINO 00-o PR1-an. Onurlo. at Io l'I.`\ Ullllln. I0 I ' amt ooov-tn. M M NI! `DWI Scoth. ll'IUUI$lI VVIIIKU lllllollzlll yuan CLIIIUIIJUII. Those who went. on the Brooklyn bridge to no the naval pnrmlo were afforded tl scene of unequaled pmtmleur. So many were the ut- wing ags on top of the countlma buildings of New York that the city sen;-xued to sway {mm side to side with every gust of wind. When the naval pageant at last (`amn nround the Battery in new n! the bridgn spectators it was gm-ta] by a prolonged mar from hlmdreds of thouzuunls of throats, and mvn and women. and children (on, nu-wxnml to be l-aside theniselvq with uncontu-llnhlo xvi!- mt-nt nnul onthusinsn. Some were oven awn to deliberately throw their hats. thoir haml- kerchk-fs and their canes into the amen Im- lers below, so carried nway were they by the indeocnbsble mngniconoo of the spec mole. . rm... ___._ AL- ...-.L._;:.. _-_ -L:.... A_- (angina; an. r unnnunn. City Clerk. ` City Clerk's Ooc. Kinguton. I) In April. \ ION. v. nuii (i:a'iiiiuEiE. ITUVJ I2. 1. N. B. -Any-louoholdcr, the term of whouo leue (including any renewal: therein pro vided for) in not less thn twenty-one years. if he ha in the Ilid Ieuo consented to my All Municipnl tau: during the term of d lane, is an owner for the purpose of signing lllch petition. linnnxh M, FLANAGAN. cu. ` The ouimnted coat of thoower on Churleu I Street in N20. and the Art ol this to be rovided by the Cnuncil I estimated to bus 29, on CD31! Uly 0' MI! IOU. The eutimnted coat of tho Sewer on Divi uion Street in 8|,.'>60, and the put of thin to be rovidod by the Council il ealimuted to be $215 Th- -.oi-n.b..l AA-I AI 91.. Q.-.-- an An. The-eltimntod colt of the Sewer on John Street in 8450, And the part of this tobo rovidod by the council in estimated to be 1-2 IHIIUU Iran [0 00 ll`) IQUITU "Inn". Also aTile Sewer in Charlea Street, be- tween Patrick Street and Montreal Street, inaide area to be H3 square inches, and for use:-sing and levying the coet thereof on the real properties immediately hem-tted thereby, as shown by the report of the Citv Ens-Ineer now on le in his office, unleea the majority of the owner: of such real proper- ties. representing at least one- half in value thereof, petition the eaid Council agninat auch aueeament within one month after the lm publication of thin notice, which will be on the 4th day of May, l889. 1 Thu nntimntml nnnl nf Mm Sou-Ar nn nivi. no 9110. The estimated cost of the Sewer on Mon- treul Street in 8800, And the port of this to be rovided by the council in euthnntod to In 50 ITII [0 06 III`) IQUITB IDCHCI. Also I file Sewer on Montreal Street be- tween Jnmea Street And Msrklnnd Street, inside are: to be 225 aqunre inches. Alnnn Tiln RDn'll' nn Jnhn Qtrpaf. ha. IHU UHIIAKI BHIIX New York city was never before so splen~ didly decorated. There was sciwccly a busi- ucss homo or private residence that did not display some sign that the occupants were patriuticully alive to tho grand signicance u importance of the celebration. The 1 buildings on the streets through which the military parade passed were covered with tasteful tmdcxpensive hunting. and no words can convey an idea of the splendor of Broad- wny, with in; miles of massive buildings al- most hidden from View by (lag: and hunting and every conceivable sort of picture of the labor" of his country. Tbnfact that many of the portraits were so brightly huod as to look like I forest fire or a storm atbea do- trncted not at all from the well lntentionod patriotism which instigated their exhibition. Thrnn who want. nn than Rrnulrlvn hrillam tn IIIIIIIO Il'OI [0 00 T60 Eqllll` IIICIICI. Also 1 Tile Sewer on John Street, be- tween Patrick Street And Montreal Street. ` inside area to be H3 square int,-hen. Alnn A Til Snwnr in (`MAI-inn QM-ant ha- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tht the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston will, in urnnnnce of the pro- visions of The Municipal Act in that be null . pun Ry-lawn to rovide for the con- atruction of the following work: on local im- provomenu, viz. : K mu- u,.___ __ f\:._.'-!-_ Lu---` |.-;_.____ r. .. - .....-_-, K Tile Sewer on Division Street. between Victoria Street end Brook Street. inside are: to be H3 Iquure inches. Alnn A filo Rninr nn Mnntrnnl Qtl-M-.9. Iw. approved security at 3 and ti months. All information can be had on application to the undersigned. SA.\lL'El. C. FATT. (`nrnlnr I-`RARIR lSL'ILl)lNGE, l 43 St. Sacrament Street. Montreal. 2011: March. penyton said 10!. LOT No. I. All the Phosphate of Lime nnd the full rights to mine the annw. in certain purcurs or tracts of land situate. lying and being in the Township of Buckinghoun. In the County of Ottawa. in the Province of Quebec. compriain llacrea. more or less and [win west hall 0 lot 21 and out half of lot 22 of L e llth Concession of the mid Township of Buckingham. Thaso rights are whnily undeveloped, no miuoa mum; in yet been oncned on the property. The inn; will be aold an-pm-alely. Iubioct. Lo been opened the an-pnmtely. In oct existing mortgage nnd the reservations, lmim~ tinns. provisoes and conditions expressed in the original gram from the Crown. Terms (`ash or half cash nnd the bnlnnce on 1 original from the Crown. half balnnce approved security at 3 and 6 months. nnnlicnuon .401` N0. 2. All the Phosphate of Lillie in. under or upon , lot Numoer ton. in the Eleventh Concession oi the said Township of Loughborougli, with full. free irrevocable sale and exclusive license to mine and_ work all and every or any oftbe mines. veins and seuus of Phosphate oi. `Lime opened as well as unopened in. under or upon the said lot without any interruption, claim or disturbance from or by the Proprietor of said lot or any other person wbemsoever. and to 1-arr away and dispose of all such Phosphate of L me as may be found therein. to and for their own use and benet. and for the purpose aforesaid to sink and make shnfls. pits. levels. trenches. weykates and watercourses. and to erect and use any machinery. workmen's or other houses, and to use all awful wa s and means whatsoever for tlndingund remov nu the rnid Phosphate. and also to take and use suffi cient nroundroom. hesproom and uitreom. for placink the said Phosphate and for leaving Ibe waste. refuse or rubbish to be from time to time - rodueed from the said minesl and also with ullsnd free liberty to erect. construct or use any part of the said premises. or any roads or ways therein for any purposes connected with the said mines. and the removal, sale and -- livery of the produce thereof, provltlel in 0 doing they do not injure the crops or other pro- said lot. No. L ;\U._ l.lIl uuu uulllu nucul. uu TUESDAY, the 23:1; day of May next,` At ll o'clock in the forenoon, all and singular those cerlnin- tracts or parcel of land on premises situate. I irg and being in the Townslnp of Lou hboroug . in tho County of Front nac in the rovinou of Ontario. and- moro ticultu-ly described as follows. to wit:- pu " , L01` No. l. Ninety acres. more or less. of the North purl of lot Number Six in the Tenth t`.-om-eaaion of the said Townahig. described as follows. com- mencing ut the . orth east. ankle of mid lot. thence West the width of said lot or tbirt clmlna. thence South along tho silio lino thin ' c.'lmins_ thence Eust thirty chains. thence North thirty chains to, the place of beginning. l`o- gethur also, with nil mines and quarries of mo- tuls and minerals in or under the land 1: n that portion of said lot being Wm-lt of the out Bay or Gold lllsko. whether ulroluiy discovered or not with liburty of imrruss. agrees and ru- . for tho purpulo of reluovitlg the some ' T But New York wns xwver sn (`I`nWded bo- fore. Broadway was pra<'ticull_V impass- able, thero were mumless tbnusamls of sight- seers mmed on the great bridge spanning the East river. anal it u'n.~a almost a sheer im- pnsihility tn p(`llt'll`l|lU inn theatrv and hotel Iubhies. The visitum \\'(`l`\` gencrull_}' easily listinguishnble from the `.\'cw Yorkers. The purple of New Yurk have a way of we:ir1ng tlivir clothr-s that is poculiar to tliciiiseln-s, and they have also 11 certain swing and bluse manner that is not seen in any other city of the Uni!/I Staten \Y,._. \'....I. ...`L.. -..... ..__.._ I...I,..... .. .-..I.._ In the manor or nnwroun L. Nuwun ac . 00.. 0! the Olly of Montreal. Insolvenua. Lands and Phosphate of Lime Mining B hta In the Province: of Ontario and uoboo For guouby Authority of\ ~ us co. 1 Am instructed by the underairnrd Curator to sol! 11 Public Auction. within my Salli Room. v No, 1.7! Noun Dame street. on mnnnI\.\1 A`,, nn.\. .1." .9 ti." ___`. ~ INSOLVENT NOTICE. FRAHIR BL'ILlllNGE. I3 8!. `x`n-I-amen! Straat._ nuuon. (Siglud) M. FLANAGAN. (Tin ( l\T OTICE- -..-A..4_ -: _-_ Cumtor. WILLIAM H. ARNTON. Auctioneer. tlvnnlnnn \ tun nf Lima in lK$UHl Ul LIIU LIUUHLI. The inux of strangers hogan a week or ten days before the counuunovnient of the festivities, but the great. nmjm-ity of the via- itnrs` poured into the big city on Friday and Saturday and Sunday. In >'u('h :1 large city as New York, which is little less tlinn a pan- demoniumat Ill `times, such it tremendous increase in the population is not so percepti- ble us in `Washington during an inuuguratimi, VVanhington I in its normul (`audition being quiet and somewhat slow. ___'% I ~.__.__,,.. Thero was practically no departure Yrom the programme long ago madn out for the great co,-utonniul celebration which was be- gun in New York city on M_oudny. Eve-ry detnilof the I)lLVal.`llllll(I|.I`)' null industrial paranlus,`tl1o hanquot,tl10 ball and all the othpr ceremonies and all the arrangements for thc-tr successful cousunnuntion luul been under the conkldemtion of the (`emu-muinl t'0mn1itt'<-<-s for months lx-forelhu (lulu set for the beginning of the celebration, and, not,- withsuuuling many preliminary liitchas, everything was in fair order whu-n the hun- dreds of thousands of visitors mid the more phlegmnlic New Yorkers roused thvmselves on M-mlu_v, morning; and went. fortl: for, the exhilarating enjoyment of being crushed. walked upon and buffeted like chips on he bosom of the ocean. 11-1.. :..n.._ ..t ..A-....._...... |.....-.. .. .......IV A-