Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1889, p. 1

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In-- manna II n rm`.-ur mar Hm I cal not her uawgmuol muluc I. Work onlruolod to her gs dnoopnnulyulutlduothltlanu. uuuncrn Ill noun ugntl wlln we unxowgy and G1-on.-Inland`: icy mountains." The lights were all out, no beer, no whiakoy. nothing but bluck despair And cursing, and Brondbrim tnmping the street: searching for item: for his weekly buIletin.--Yuun trulv. I}-..\. nnninn Bouunood at Ponlnrulo. Pnunou. A`:-ila.-The mu Dinohq. "An Inn". for `ulna ninlgn -undo In L. 7. u.` rvluvw rival. vv`uIvI|vIv iv a uulnuu 6 Sunday we made our usual ipumo- dic Attempt to enforce the Sunday law. and there wu weeping and wailing all over the city thcreet. The Bowery we: in crepe and Bleacher end Houston street: and the Sixth avenue were in mourning. There we: no sacred concerts with skin-tight gloves, hlerquin of Queensberry rule: ; no high kickers in ash tight: with thednxolugy Creen|nnd'| icv mountains." Than uau-uau auu ve line. out It Is not common sense. and that my friend the missionary V was not longin discovering. He took a nice at, furnished it comfortably, and started in house-kee ing. Hie turtlh dove eooed very nicely or a week, `but cold water, grace before meat. and the doxolov) at night did not ree with her constitution. She was fond hf gin 62. and an occasional tramp at night, and these things the min- sionary did not approve of, so in his absence one day she took everything ehe could lay her hands on and cleared out and took up her quarters with a gambler, and now the husband is sueing for a divorce. The moral of all this is if you want a wife don't look for her among the fallen sinners of the slums. New York and every other town and city in the United States has plenty of good girls who have never served an apprenticeehip of tin, and who will be only too glad to share as honorable wives the home of an honest man. You may not get just what you want for the first time of asking. but if at first you don`: sucteed, try. try atzain. Nothing is sadder in the life of this city than to see the make of men who acre formerly famous, tuner along Broadway. Last week Helmboltl. the famous drmggist. wae ulr ed into the police court after a prolouge tlebauoh. and his only chance of salvation seeme to be his reoommitance to the lunatic asylum. The first time I saw Helmbold was twenty years ago. He was about to step into a magnicent sleigh drawn by four beautiful horses, with'a driver in front on a high box seat and two lackiee be- hind in blazing liveries. His sleigh stood in front of his drug store. which was under the Metropolitan hotel. and was at that time the most costly and extravagant in its t tinge of any similar etore in the world. From the summit of nancial success he went headlong to ruin. To-day he iedragged to the police pen, tomorrow to a lunatic asylum. --I an-an.-av _- ......l- ....- all" hours of the day end night the seething tide of sin and crime ows like a mighty river. Men, tattered and blear-eyed. alm- lessly reel_ through the streets: wretched female tramps. sunk into the lowest depth of infamy and shame meet you at every turn. Thieves and buncosteerers swarm on every corner. The houses on either side only shelter those such as the priest and the Levite pass by. One night about five months ago, a wretched vagrant was brought into the mission`. Her bloated face told `the story of her downfall : she had reached the uttermost depth of female degrada- tion. Yet she was not old nor in her` younger da s uncomoly. The ladies of the mission too her in hand-and in a few weeks she had recovered health and strength. One day one of the missionaries attached to the mission was urging her to continue to seek her soul`s salvation, when she looked up in his face and said. "What's the use ; nobody would'notioe me ; nobody would care for me ; no man would marry me." The mis- sionary was a widower of f0rty~ve, who had seen the New York streets at their worst. He had been in the dives and the slums, and he knew as well as any man the character of the tramps who walk the streets at night, and yet this old campaigner looked in the face of the sorrowing Mag delene and said, Yes, I will marry you." Now that is all very romantic, very Chris tlnn-like and vs fine. but it is not sense. and that mv friend rim niinninnnru 3 Railroad lunch. . . . . _- A.._RI u A ),l__A)_.. __ Thu Ouuncllod and Inuit. Innun A_.lI D Y__... Il-I' Dlod by III 0': `land. ... A_.JI D 'I\., _A___ -1 AL Luhod For [In Olhnco. Into a confusion. Refs WT1T`I1"K`NO-WING`! Blmumluu. . : . . \ `=C - > -=- - . gale`: bankrupt nook oi dry sud gun I` fnrnlnhlun srrlvd Io-day and ght- iu nnrhtl ol by Bonn. & Bholottu. The t olnghht uh will oomnnna on nuduy honing Int. Thoouudo oi bu`- plu for ovoryono. W. Warner, Nnpnoa. in gun to Rod- nuvlllo to mpg: In tuning. Io In an :n sunny 0! think u rd . , no! N to null nrqsotloul onorkuco. P. 1 -!CC-Z `CW QZUTWCI SIAIIOIIAI. April 8.--Won-Kvu Poi. formerly :1 tin China: onbuny at `uh- ington. uivoouu the upuhlou cl nary Auction in thou:-vluolchiuun n- prlul tor the uclndon ol Chlulnvi from Amnrln; v'?r"v i~':'fz3>?"'rasu ""1ammr$~` '" "'13:" und gononlly quitting tho Irlnh puny. Balfour`: III:-ulnghau Ilnlog. Loxnou A I8.--lhlf ' npooul" ia- dutoBl;nlo';ihnm ha {:13 ......;".'... and nnsopu-no tory candidate will stand. Lord Ronboty mute on ontopokonoponoll yutudqy which uum the noun drift of ovum. He sold" Bantu`: would rovorbonto throughout the doll onplro. Band :0` romomhuud n long on ...!.':'. -~'::.v.'.'-'* . `" . Ill`! [Null] a unit! I GI], mu BIO I` D potlnlnulcnin it. Evory bit ofthh work uhonld he done by the China govcruucnt Therein play ol food in the country. Ship lotdnolgrtlnuo golngnwny ovary dqy from Anhui and King a to tho null. in the ordinary count of undo. bntllotou loud you an `avenue-I mount to the Iunino dhtricu. ' flu Chlluo Government Attached lot In Nogllgoaoo lo Nachos. Sn` FlANCl.~K\b, April 8.-I`ho North China New referring to the negligence of the China: govornmoumin [curing in foreign minionarlu the relief of the starving poo~ plain the northern provinces uyn: Al- Inosubovholo mhdoury sad in the two fnmiuodinriou ilengtgod in the work of relief. yet tho I ! that they usonly nbloto touch! 0 ring. oldhtrcn. fhil cuabo uortodfor ntilnoullle upouo . of Iolnothln Ian Ila half a penny A head I my. and than B l)H'lnAnnncnin it. Evan: Ixilalthh tn:-k will 3!! (O orignuou U0*lD0fI'0W. Puus. April 8.-'lho aepue will hold in tin: oeuion u I tribunnl for the trial 0! Gen. Boulnnger on Friday next. THE MAIN PART of the Stone House on King dltrooc. ta-Inorly oocuptod by thelnto Mrs. Macaulay. Rontn your and taxes. The homeul - oxoollont order with all mod- em nnvoulonooa. Stables attached uut1lfur- lhor nnuoo. Apply to Kirkpatrick c Rogers. -._. ) ITJIII IIIC UXIIU prlllvu. PARIS, April 8.-Tho Ho! D'Ordn saw the Belgian nutharitiu have notied Gen. Boulnngcr to leave Belgium. and tin: he will go to Brighton to-marrow. PARII Anvil R _1hn -nngln `HI Knhl I0- nu: um one uellvareu II Aollri, II An Accen~ muted decluuion of mpnblicanlun. Bou- lnngor spoke fcelingly about the lava ol exile. He declared he in: the ndvornry of all proucriptivo measure: And moaned thst if it was in hit power hi: tint act would be to recall the exile princeo. PARl& Anril R,_Thn HM I')`Dnln an:-n uv cuauguu uv rnli unnxpecwu evens, Ila that the Boulanginu can hold council in Bruaaela. London, Geneva, or elaevhere. Without nding their action interfered with. It is not hia being an exile that will revent Boulanper communicating with hia f lower: or keeping hia fellow-countrymen pooled in the profound ideas that germinate in his brain when not Iilvgeeted by his political managers. Since he ha: croaaed the frontier he has iuuod a proclamation and formulated a proteaulion against. the juriadiction of the aenaw. Iubmittod to interviews which were reproduced in many journals, and got Na- quet to read along political epeech for him before a aocialist gathering Thin speech, like the one delivered at Tours, ia an [nth-d du\lAl-Atinn nf lunnhlingninnn IL... nut 1 (ml, Apru a.-1no nemurs Bruno]: uya : "A wide dieronco ol 0 in- ion exist: an to whether the ight of par and his absence from France will plow detrimental or the opposite to Bonlupr. The man: nlnnible View in that nothinn will uesrunuutu or Inn opptlto I0 oonungar. lnunible it thus nothing will be chm bv thin unaxpechd event, And that the Bnuhnoinn ma lmld rnnnoil in Io Advocate: IunublIuouIun-WInI lo Would Do 1! lo Could. Ntw Yunl, April 8.-Tho Herald : Rrunnln nvn : "A uridn inl-nnnn at nni... 1. gun, negclnlan um l"lI'l0lI uuoy. Jncob Sandi, Eaton. Pt . eminent com: nmuder of the Hugh De Payne. command- ing knights tempbrl. comnitlod uuicido this morning by hanging. The fact i bo- Iio.-ved to be due to melancholy over the I!- turn of An old sickness. 00!"! OK IUD ITIII. Mr. Cox. .\l.P. for But Clan. nod Mr. Tully, editor of the Roocummon Herold. were recently Iontenced to four months` in- prisonment under the Crime: Act. They up ed, and their uantonou have just boon uced to six weeks each. 7 An international six days go-u-your lone `walking much begun at 12:45 o`oloc this morning in Pituburg with )9 starters. in- cluding N-n-emu-, (,`onnon,Cnrtwright. Dsy, L\rg|n. Hegelman and Pnnon Tilloy. ` Jncoh RAIML Rnnlnn, PA qminnnt mun` nuns. - rour men were Ruled. 4 Gen. Rooenbaoh. covoruor of Iurknhn, report: thus tnnquility provuilu do the Afghan frontier. The Ameor of AI; i- ntau it roturnini to Cabul. A II oh- I`_`.... -n--.-...-_-__ -.I_lL AL_A AK- nun II rI(uInln' W UIDIII. All the Frenc new: pen admit that the ruult of the trial of t we louder: of the pa- triotic league in I rebu' to the government}. The Boulnuginu are cxultnnt over the one- como of the trim}. M. P..- u D t..- 1.`--. nu--- -_x I-A A SMALL HOUSE on Comm Street. We- toria Ward. Ram. including taxes. sixty dol- bus per nnnum. Also a Phil" House on West Street. Hydunhcm Wad. opposite the 53:72? .'.:....,...* ;:::'..'.-. W" * " ~ -I VI". LVV IIVUU "UK` IOU`. A wreck oocurod yo I freight train on the York river brunch of the Richmond & Dul- ville nilrord near Won Point on Spturdsy night. Four men were killed. llnn Rn:-nlnnnh 0-4` nnnnn n- --l I`.--I--8-- [.0 Ibllgllklltl I0l' IIJV `FIIOIIL The British sch nor Carrie Dingle In sunk yesterday in a collision with the steamer Noordluad, from Antwerp for New York. No lives were lock. A -r-n nnnhpgd .15 - C_.:..I.L g_.l.. -.. `L- um 01 Elly. All the money bequeathed to tho Elnprou Frederick, including the Duchess of GI]- lierufu Iegucy of 8l,(l)0,000. has been tlkon to England for iuv tmoni. Thu Rritinh no}: limit I`---I4 ll:-uul- -.- unuuc Ill me unlvorally ol uxlora- Rev. Mr. Mgrling. putor of Emmanuel church. Mona-ed, hu tendered hi: tion. He will luvs for New York at the end of M my. ' All thn mnnnv Innn-nluul on oh. I.`.......... Prominout `ronch-Ccnndinl members Are opposed to An En liah Protestant bqing Ip- puintqd to In Hon. 1. U. Pope. - . Rev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouneloy `in dead. aged 03. He was shin-ofeuorpf munic in the university of Oxfo Rev. Mr. MAI-lino, In-Inr nf lcfmnnnnnnl 1 orx. ` Cannon. 3 Mormon, hope: to see the reli- gious belief: of- his oople till the whole earth. ' - nucuunuu. vus nonomlu And Ramon. M. W. Kirwnn, of the late Moutrul Pool. in about to mmry A rich haircut in New ` York. r`-.....-.. - u.._,._ L,_ A no um. Thlngj um Allbot coining. Flnnhoo I`:-on Inlopo sud What `lion PottoIIl-A Llttlo ol lvorythlng Kalb ltocul nd Ilolnolnbofod. * The utenmer Zelundic nailed Sunday for Aucklnncl, via Honolulu and Samoa. M. `V, Ki:-wan nf Ih. I-9. \.l....o---I n.-. AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAM8 rnom THE unrs` FOUR ouamsns GIVEN. Huusli with o bl. rooms and oxtoui Ht.- ohen hard and no water withgood 3 ling; convenient: ta! 013003;: Gull :ITg.dInto - union. you oproln . ll. . o. Is Union Stunt. bounou an?! Alfred IA. BOULANGER SPEAKS AGAIN. Donna the Anorlcsun. __ A__n Q mm It` A STF;ONG PROTEST. N0. 83. DEVONSHIRE TERRACE No. i Sydonhnm Street. Exlondon kitchen. Water and nuns inc-Iudod.U9uur month. Inquire at C. LIV- INGSTON & HRO'a. Poaleoalon In In). TU lCN'l`-WUlnESAhl S'|`Ulu-0orner at Clarence and (rutnrlo Streets. A` ply to W, H. SPLLIYAN. sane tor. Clnrunne I root. or J. B. Mum-uv. Telephone No. 170. A BRICK l)WlCLl.lN(l AND A STONE DWls`.l4Ll.\'u. with or without furnaces and all modern llnprovelnenu. Both are near the cor- nor of Rum and Wm! ntroeta. Anpl) to MAC- DUNNE & MUDIIL Ialunvva-or vvjwza-av st-Av-Ilcaou II V. PIP . Dl!R1lFM.\K NIL HA5 RI- UY 1% Q KIN l4'l'tIl.I`f. lrw d rt low I o IIul`Il Hrs-9* F:-h ml. ho M! in mud In mu-I lmr old rmnlnnu rs and non ninnv FROM lat MAY. that good. unbemntlnl house on Onlun street. near Union. at pre- sent occupied I-`V1 Mn. Demon. Apply to E. 'l` SPEACY. Walt twucy. uaL'|:. am wmuau srmcrr; clown ` room: : huh ; kltchnnmd llmin oor. Posses- sion Many lat. Apply on No. 207. or M I7 Clergy street. HUYIK QUEEN HI` LIT. HI) I] ` below t 9-tr-~o' ch 12!. he W1! I planned In mun hot no um I-may f.n'.-ur him cm! her mun nnmgul mnlua I. Wmk anlnnlnl to In THE suov. A;4-DV I}E'is.i.|R' on.Kn{; auwt. occu led by John Henderson as as wholumla Iquor more. Apply to JUIIN RIIEVIIIS. Brock 3| root. THAT DESIRABLE BRICK DWELLING. * I!) Earl Street. at pnnent occupied by W. H xgmydwlth. I-`occasion May In, or sooner If NEW IIHICK HOUSE. ICAKL s'I`lu~;I-.`1`. in Iinrl 'I`errave. near Barrie I-Street appl ton. BARNEY. 39 Princess Street. or II. I Earl Street. - - .1 OFFICE. lame. oonu-nl. wen tted. Terms reasonable. Pouculon lnmodhuly. Apply `Box. Wale. A SHOP ON KING STREI l`. with dwollin gbove. near Market Squuo. Apply at 48 Ear treat. nous!-2 IN VAUGHN Tlcrclikic. VPoucs- Ilon May In. Apply Lt WHIG 0Fl"lClI`.. T0 REN1'-WH0l.ISALE S1`0Rl-0orner M Clnrenvu and Umnrln Slln-aux A'nnlv to \V_ DRY GOOD! SAI.l!`.SMIi.\'. A pply to AY i TAYIDR. I76 Princes Street. l.H)\1l0:l)lA'l`ELY. A GOOD (`O0K. An y to MRS. CAMERON. Corner of King and nlon Streets. M us. CA mmovmn uoqunnn smmm. IIIIR C, PIPI nnrnnuunm, H An` III. W'E.A.'VER S. AN OFFICE BOY. who writes well. App.y to D. A. GlV'ENd. Bu-rlutor. BOY WANTED. E. C. HILL. Ilurkol. Square. Brock Street. A GOOD HOUSE lnagood locality. aimnblo Ior n physician. Apply at lhll oico. Hu'I'Ic1. FUN SALE on any terms or to rent for A term of years the well-lnowu Addlnmon House in the village of Camden East. Passes. sion M lat. 1889. Apply to JOHV BRADY. rownah p of Portland. or to Peter Johmmne. of Cmndq-n East. NEW BRICK HOUSE. KARL STl!I~2lI.`T. In 'l`ernwe. Barrio aunlv to B. ` A `VGO>(;[i--CINVASSEILA Address Wnm. > .}__r_ 4_,_, -,_ .__.Z___ _. A COOK. Appuyio LADY cmrwxzii. 13 King street wear. ON YOUNG OI! DIVISION STREITS. on Friday evenhf. A BLACK PURSE. with own- er`: name Inal e. cowl iulng O7 and A key. The lrader wIII be rewarded by roturnlug It to this 0 ca. . McRonv-LAws0N-0u April 3rd, At the re- sidence of the bride`: parents, In) Rev. N. H. Topping. J. Fmugliu, M.-Rory, of Sydenhnm. ion" of John McR.ory. ox- M.l`.. to Mamiefidlt daughter of Wm. Lawson, Eaq.. of Elainbur . 7 ECIlI.l.\'-F|luAUSON--Un Marc 27th. at Bal- derson, James W. Echliu, Drummoud, to Anne: Ferguson, Flower Smtion. \\'m'rzns-WIN1-nu-0n March llth. st Cldyue, John Winters. Lonndule, to So- phronia Winters, Barrie. ` -:- Twnvnrs uw mu'"5'mm7":m'siuu 126 Princess Street. '92 I - -_---u- vu . you-gr ->-,7 cu gag." --v... 'l`U BIA Y. I Aumrin London" at Open House. PARADI of `.`D" company at mun shod. Lao-run: by I}. Kn:-gun In Ontario Ball. _ Aug:-Io! am of Furnltum st Mr. Wanton. R1 eau Suoe at 102$. ~ .:c'runl by . J. ll. Clarke at City HI". COURT Sunley. C.0.l`.. moot on-.10 p.m. TA\"l.()n -At 133 King .\:t.reet. April 7th. the wife of Chu. E. Taylor. Bank of B; N. A.. Vnnoouvor. ot a non. H0'l`lcL FOR SALE years Addlnclon , VOL. LVIII. -. LIOTURI by Mr. J. It. Clarke It City Hall COURT Stanley. C.0.l`.. p.m - -OIDLY. Hlcruu by Dr. J. 1). Karma _In Ontu-to m_ub`n of --r company at 1 Drill am. Iltlvljlnv | but value In I ulwnvuh. IUII BARGAINS ` Jowollorv Oro. hon `mumps. Oil hlnunu] not. etc. Positively 1 UWUIIUTV UIVI III" II nu. l5|lntInuL?I-tun Punitive!) low- I mean In tho cm-. KJWKIIIV 3 I K\IIIlu DRl51'FM.\KRlt. EE. guru CIT`?! .\h~.-Q` R:-h ml, ho n-1| In Till FACT I8 WIAVIWS IS THE LEADING PLA '0'! BARGAINS IN FANCY G00 Jnwollarm Din. kart. Olnn. FOR SALE. " unnn.-p ' R96 1.in?._ T to on work. hurl: od out by an Into! lay. ` u `N-'1 9; Au nsaouuy h` unt` u-in; that the palm Ion uk- To-dty Mr. Grunt culled II polio! hold- quulon In onquin who they wulutl with -RG71 MM 3}! movomrmn mm nulninod and :1 ~ I0 Folio! Oumnmuionannnn null `mldiug ` Illllr cnuinnn innnirinm mln u r..I.I.a-rv It ++=`-I+;;;;s.-9;;-;m;n&:saL< "II full Lhlllulnulollotlnlb null hnldlul "(liar nouiom inqllirivm unto the r--l-I-cry it Vlllhd that Mr. Grant alum attend for _ Ibdl` Iltilhcllonun M-sntlny lI|l`I|iI'. II In non nnqmllllou mu. A reporter oollod upon Mr. Grunt today udounvonod with him about tho roun- unnou. It not-ml than than when in ondnvorinr to salvo tho mynory. which quite humo-d their mqonuity. hud doomed it their duty to inquire inlo the muvomonh not only ol tho nomhulol the lam! but 0! all cm:-nu who had had any pouihlo uunnol intimhnoy with the wothinn ol tho ooo. Mr. Grunt. who hod had I ltiflllftfvf lo-uionul bulimia to tnnuot in tho olloo. woo one of thou. 0! omme, tho inquirin won conducted an qnily an umnihlo. sad it in lo! uunwiuinp than-ton Lhst. an Mr. Grout Inn. he know nmhma nhont them. A few days luor he left for Ohicnpu In Ironvlcl noun hon- nou. the nature of which happened to ho print. and ha loll no word ol hi: destination, -Imnly uhimu that he won eollrd uwu lot A hw Inn. Thou the pollen inquinn got lulled n|IoM|nd nlooal noon. pul-liohod wuthgnu ml: of douil tho ototy ol :1 young Ion mo- - v-N ' .' lioaobblyandwho " i-kI'}o? curing its won ` lhl II, low Ir. Gnu`: lane (`one to lo land '7! `VIII the Iooonl lottery. Orruu. April 6.-Tho form u! the old sdno Ininu judging by nppurnnoon bu. jun had another dolonntnbion in this city.by Show mum: 0! Mr. John C. Gnngnltera couple of nooks` nbnanon. to innutinu oonoorniu thoolicin ul certain unhmonu olnich Inn boon oiroulnod connecting him vmh than rooonl nbborv M the Pollen Cloth`: ooa. Ho Md lawn in Ohio: on private buninou. but n roouiving [mm Inn I copy of n uownpopor containing the not . at one! rt-turuod to [in- II the non nnqmli ad doaial. noon:-r onllod nnon Mr. dun! In-dnl 0prsdou|rov6ryhrhlnt\boDoauron- n on vol-kn. About ll: mu -III ha 1-..- H! I-IIU UXIUIII UK XVUTII IDOUIIIIQ (IOIIITI. He conaiderod great credit in due to the \'.M.G.A. for proviling such a beautiful exhibition, and he trusted the very boot reoulto would follow their efforts. for the opportunity of Ieeiug ouch valuablo worko 0 ant, and ouch a collection of natural history npeclmono could not fail in inItruot~ in; the young people in a benecial manner, and he wiohed then ovary ouooooo. Mr. R. M. Horsey acted as chairman. and inho- dueed the lecturer. At the oouoluoion he uinl he folt certain that tho wordo o ken by Dr. May would beat good fruit, on that at no very diaunt day a atill moro exeenolvo exhibit would be made. under the auo iceo of tho mechanica' inatitute and art on: ool. in Iyhich tho mombera of tho Y.M.C.A. and citizen: gonerally would interest them- oolveo. Iuecunuua Ineusuw lllll It'll ecnool .' NICO inetitutione had 1 right to ex 2. in manual great of 5: loan 85(1). They ed received A rebate of 835 taxes. The citizens of Kinge- mn. however, ll. the nutter in their own hnnde. for under existing rogulntione they bed the power to inaiet on the eetnbliehment of A free librery And technical clueee. And these the council wee obliged to providu for to the extent of eeverel thouund dollere. H. nnnn;-IA -1` .-.-..o .--..He -1. J..- 5.. .L- , still a very large tnelr wnaauul nun Deon mall I Nut. It was with the same end in view that the Ontario government was aiding mechanics` institute and art schools throughout the province, so that mechanics and others, to whomatechnical education and a know- ledge of drawing (leading towards industrial design) might be of service, might have the opportunit of attending evening classes in these institutes. and thus gain the hnow~ `ledge that would certainly elevate them above their fellows who were without it,aud thus create experts in design in Ontario in stead of having to import all such artistic ability. The doctor said that for his part he was a tirm believer in the ability of (` ' nadians to overcome all diicnlties an that in a little time we should be able to stand in the front rank as manufacturers. It took three factors to roduce any article, first, the material, wh ch was of the least value, second, the mechanical skill which took second place, and thirdly, the greatest f tor of all, the artistic skill, without which n thing of high value can be produced. Why is it that we are willing to pay more for that which is beautiful,though the value of the material may be less and the amount of mechanical labourexpended smaller! Simply because a great amount of artistic skill has been expended in its reduction. There was old before Canadians There is an abundance of necessary ma- terial; we have as good mechanics as can be found the world over, and Ire only need that third factor. artistic skill and technical knowledge, to raise our manufactures to the highest level. The Ontario government was desirous of aiding this rogrees all it could, but the municipalities in which such insti- tutions were located should do their share, and he was glad to be able to saythatlsuch was the case very largely now in soiffe places. for last year, mechanics` institutes and art schools had been aided by the municipalities, independent of the govern. ment aid. to the extent of 8.'i'i,000, a dis- tinct step in the right direction. But what had Kingston been doing in support of its mechanics` institute and art school? These inntitntinnn hull A rinks en as-n-no `we .-......I ` schools end mechanics Dr. Ila: Dellvere An Addrese in the City Hell on Sielurthtv Night. Dr. S. I . May. superintendent of srt institutes for the province of Ontario. 14 he on Saturday evening in the citv hail on the subject of art education. The audience was not as large as could here beendesired. In intro- ducinc his subject Ur. May said that when the first industrial exhibition was held in London, in i351. the manufacturers of Greet Britein had looked upon it ea 3 means of advertising their manufactures, feeling condence in their ability to produce that which would excel, but found much to their sur rise that the continental nations were fer in advance of them, more eepecielly in beauty of deeign end elegance of tinish. Thie led to enquirieeu to the cause, the result bein the eetnblishment throughout Ureet Britain of schools of desiizn and tech nicel inetruction, supported by the govern- ment, eo that all thoee to whom it might be of service ehoul have the opportunity of se- curing such in wledge slmost without ex- pense. The wisdom of such a conree wee am Iy justied. for at the next, exhibition (heljd in London in 1862) so (rent had been the p res: made that the menufecturere of Greet ritnin were found to be in advance of those of other countries, more especially in deeigngand technique, where previously their weakness hed been moet epperent. V THE OTTAWA MYSTERY. JAMIE REID. mm Lunma UNDERTAKIR. tuna; " B'l'K'_I`l'. > YOU CAN GIT YOUR PlC'l.'.UR FRAIEI " illdlolpub-hthodipu W VIR'8. You can pot the PRI`l"l'Ild'l` BABY CAR- RIAOIB at the lowul. plan at I. Weaver`; - , _ - -;, _,. _,u_, n, -c..-....... , CUXABD STIA IBIIIP COIIPANY. Humm from New York ovary autumn. Au mom!!! Mt. l`. A. Folaur. hm Dock. loot nkumk Rt, Rlnnmnn 77:? EDUCATl7ON. T ulna mun. `nan lYNnII`n'I|A In KINGST()I\`. CANADA, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 3, 1339. __ -...._..._.___j:_ I ZTfKof'"m mod: upon tho {mo of tho oorth. No nood to out tor ooulo tooovo urn thocongo. No low in Polootlno. no Ch moo ldololor, no I-llndoo worship 1' ol Viohnu ovor stood In not dlro nood o salvation on tho oh-noorod bottolionl who trouip the otrooto ot nht holwoon tho Bowory and Bnodwov. ho loprm 01 do and orluo tolnto tho vory dr, and tho wonon ol Salonoh Pool could novor vooh ltolnn. Twooltho Ind: ovo- nuoo botwoon tho Bowory and Broadway no Route: and lllooolor moou.ondbhoI'o~ot 1.1"} Q 1;JA.IQA`-JJ`.--.- m`i:|';)no of the vilclt qnnruu of tho oh la, ulmntod the Flonnou Mission for I In women. God knows. in this cl-Inc-Infected n can an we mayoon on v glint?-` Ii" 1' 3! look fo day whoa. In who later- on of our gnu ddlkc. I tint-clan burgla- muy bu. ooonck 5 hunt, or some dlngrui Illllllst from Raul: my ho hind to blow up 5 home with nitro-(I cor- lno. Doro II nominate but do wor do cull, wnon IIII Illa nut lelul l'l lOlIIl IIINIO it uooodingly uncomfortable for 6 detective who tried to make lave to them. If this Int luhloublo tho hr turn; out to In the n~ doubuhlo No Bl . It will certainly to ll-nn11A-Qb1Q`QA ant)":-A ...-_ ..._A..l__g.l.. I III] .0` IITCWTI II C DOW] lor IIOIP in I pooh! book and upon I n In In the co when due and her female It and nude in A-nonnlin-In nnnnmfnrtghln 'np . pl-om-ml; Lil IJUIIIT DIl_IlIVII}I. A wild excitement was created here last week by the arrest of two ladies for sho lifting. They were very ne ladies. han - eomely dressed end nothing about them but their underslsirts to donate them as regu- lar shoplifters. A shopliiter's skirt is made double; aseries of huge pockets in which they can store an immense amount of plun- der. In the pockets of the ladies in qnes~ tion were found stockings, nechties, hand- kerohiefe, towels. scsrfs, 'ewelry, bric-s- brec. Both women tnrue out to be the wives of worthy and honest husband; one of whom hrohe down completely when he heard of his wife's disgrace. Later on it was whispered thnt the whole thin was a newspaper fake, and that the alle sho . liiter was no other than the oelebroted Nel- lie Bly of the New York World. who had attempted to put up 3 sensational job in the interest of thnt pa r. I am not nite sure that this last reveirtion is true; t this erratic yonnu pereon had already done some very extraordinary things. Two you-s ago _she got herself shut up in a lunatic asylum, end aiter spending two weeks among the looniee. deceiving old doctors with her simu- lated madness. and raising Coin generslly, she earns out esponlng the week spots oi the institution and gave the attending medical iseulty Hsil Colombia. Later on she enter- .......' '".:... .:.:"' "`::' arree at a he on - inn A nnnhe.to:aooh and emit a niche In sin 1 100 cu arr rnxsr mmwm gurnuod and tho but qulity undo at almost half prion at \/IWICIOKC I GOOD. But there are hearucalds and heartecalda, about that opening qnadrille. Families are divided. neighbor: um have exchanged the moat loving hoepltalitiee for years. are now treuding on the tail: of each other`: coats and knocking the chip: ulf each other`: ahouldera. l ehall not be at all surprised to hear of somebody being killed before the celebration oomee o. and l am not quite sure that that would not be the eaaieat. way to get out of it, and I wuuld reepoctfully unggeet that they begin with Ward McAllie~ her and wind with Mike Murphy and Dry Dollar Stu ivan. A wild arnibmnnt wan nrantnd In... l..o nnu mu null culowu III! III! ltrlllgl 0! I0 public puree. They hed voted to the com- mittee. the Aldermen end other incidental: connected with the celebration eimoet e querter of e million of the people`: money, and when they epplied for neete to the greet show they were given to understand thet they ml ht take their chence on the eidewelh. on with it the chance of getting clubbed by the neereet policemen. Then they got their leginletive backs up end they went for the committee; on I indiceted ebove the committee come down like (Irochett'e coon. Due ck-.. -._ L---A-.._l.l.. __,n i.___._,-u- u (nay were, way ropoooa to Know the reuon why. New Xork in I dnmocrntic city, and of thin (Act the dies four hundred were vary quickly made aware. To have I oolebntiun the II-I-M In t have money. and the sun onions: :3 string: of the nnhlln nun-no Thnu Iuml noun! .1; oh- -.._ nun mereor one a tree oiow on everything. They eent down a committee of nineteen to repreeent them with the El~a-tay. and the nineteen had I bully time. They etud- ed them with devillml crab: and charn no; they gave them free uidee in the par and boxee It the theatre. `and when they got batch to Albany every man of them had oigure enough in his on-renal. pocket to last him for a month. The rent of the le ia- lature wu d ing with envy, and when t ey discovered t at the committee of nineteen wan to be the only recipient: of all the good things they were mild. Eveiy men of them expected to have a pocbt full of free tickets to make himself solid with hia cou- etituente; but the el-any had no such no~ tion; they wanted all me good placee for themselves, their aietera, their couriue and their aunta," and who! they did not occupy themselves they expected to farm out at two dollars each to the upper cruet ecrubo~ crecy. Mike Mar hy in the senate led the attack and Dry Do lar Sullivan rnerehalled the hoeta in the houae. Tim Campbell`! old mnetituente, whoae elegant: mansions aur- rounn the claaaic regions of Perediae rk, were not going to be left out in the co d, or if they were, they propoeed to know the why. A Grhat Row Over the OPOIIIII Quads-Ille at the Centennial CeIebrntIon-Sensa- than over the Arrest ol shop-uttera- A Mission For Fallen Wosnen-Wreoke of Former Greatness. (Speelal Clorresp-mdouce.l New Yomt, April 5.-"Come down, says the hunter. `.Not if I know myself," ssys the coon. "C-nne clown, or I'll tire." says the hunter. Fire and be ---." says the coon. The hunter raised his rie to his shoulder. Hold on." says the noon; what's your nsme T" Crockett.` says the hunter. "All riullb." says the coon"; "don't tire and I'll come down." That} just what Ward MCAlllIIOT said when the legislature sat down on him. The plain truth is that the executive committee of the centennial celebration` got it into their It'll- tocrntic noddles that the stfnir was one which only concerned the four hundred, which our distinguished statesman Dry Dollar Sullivan has christened th El-s-tay. The legislature had voted nltog ther over two hundred and titty thousand dolleru of the people`s money to malte the celebration a success ; and a legislator is like any other human being, he expects one wa or another 3 recognition of his services. `hen a man ' goes to Albany as I lre resentative of the people. it does not take ong for him to get s mighty good opinion of himself, and the New York delegation in particular. com- bind with the patriots lrom King`: oonntv. acknowledge their indebtedness to the whiskey intelest. They feel as if they owned the earth, and by virtue of their otlicial station they feel entitled to the let- nens thereof and free blow everything. 'l`hev committee of ninatsmn wmo IWALLISTER AND HIS COM- MITTEE TAKE A onop. "*'-mum... BR0AD{BTRI.\i'S LETTER Hfonroutva . ...o|. II. _...I UT. IAIIIII. A 1111'? -0UlCIIII and John scu..c5 3'. nu-uncut onployou. vorkhgon the II Hut In to mat. qunollod In I In the db cl tho river yuutdny. Mobould throw Sohnhldor hhtbo river and in van dun- od. Mobonld unpd. 'uIrw_suI~uIIIIIvIrnuouIII vuqoycr unity. The oodohoo won bloke: to pieces; onumnwuklllod and I data won in- jnnd, two or that ol than vary nnuly. ""'.a ::::."'r::;.*:.:;t"* A you on not the l'lNl!~'l` TEAS In Black II!-AIIIIHII hill! Inn: Dmnlili lnnn lIOl`II$ $C "Dill" [ff TIC bond Bslllvnon and Ohio * `UUQWQII Ouhhotr uudbow` p-.4I-.. `PL- ...'.L.. _... L -wv--v-o -- us -uuuu-vwu wwiuuc. Cnicmo. April B.--A ddootin witch donned the four nu oouohu ol an lnwud Iinnnd nnldnnnnn Anal nu. ngnngn.-p in-In Wuaauuu, W. Y, Apdl 8.--Ellison, Hu8o|d.'om ol the pnnlclpum in the Hat- liold-IcCoy fond. who In oonnod in the Pike county jail. in Kentucky, bu oonlouod that ho putlolnntod In the murder ol the tho Ihnolccoy hntbn. Tslhon, Fu-lay and Rudolph, IIIX Ill. Ill!" QVIII' IKWUII (KIWI III III. , VII tuned to twelve you: In lagltou poniundu-y. Znvolxnur. who killed a Fiulndor AI Copper Cllll`, duriu a drunken spno, was oonvlchd at Insult: ls- turudunt to the polltuihry for V0 Will AEl8.-ho Dinohoy. din hallo. for qvlng Itolou goods In his nnnanlnm III hand an linlva war: In nruvu wy lav: viva 'ICCIl Dnus. April 8.--Tho story of the mur- der of Bnill Mulls: At Colornino. County bondondouy, on Thnndn . in absolutely nntruo. The upon us! I doly circulated tbs! ho wu shot by lugucn, nocauu of bin taking charge 01 I farm from which the haunt had been evicted. Ho oommittod mlcido while suel-lug Iron the oloctn of delirium tulnoun. A Mather : lnhnlnullty. Nuuu. April 8.--The body of A child e for rleye old we: found on Seturde un- den the eidevrelk our the Grend ruuk reilwey uni--n. There we: nothing to lend to the identication of the person who bod pleoed it there end the body bore no visible murku of violence. The map ition in that eome iuhnmnn mother, to I: do her shame. hed smothered end conceded it there. The reunion were wrapped up in e Globe sod lupin. I-UV U-IIVIIUII ICC Ii` 81'. Umll. A 8.--Lorry `2-Dlllld and Julia Qnhnn II. nnvnrnnnnnln-unlnvnnn u-uuun-vu run uni: uuu-cu. .\10N'l'RIAl, April Se-Andre hhinville received punishment this morning for et- tempting to oulrnge A young ten-yurold girl. He was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment end fteen luhee. The luhee were Administered this mornin . This pri- soner wen tied to I triangle. e In very frightened end glanced nervously around. During the lsshin he screamed and begged for mercy. but he ed to receive his punish- men: And he took it in the man! shine! men. IUI lllUl'V`y. UIII III lllll I0 TUCVIVI [III PUIIIIIF ment and he took it in the moat nbjeet mnn~ ner. 1'0 RENT FOR ONE YEA of torln of yours. ponundon May I I B {K HOUSE on Ceutm Street. near `Mon tree! : eight ['00]!!! and extensive kitcaon. well and cistern, drive home and stable. garden and fruit Iron-a. Fur further tionlun apply to MR8. JOHN W. Ashl . on the promises.

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