Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1889, p. 6

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R. .1.` McDOwALL. Princess-st. % Iilghly Per Cent. .,,_.I:_ .?$lu '1 .V J.Ll_l-l.J-V Ilmxrr ROIVAII . Tustin and an uuunoo. _ 0 no rouon why elephants an In ` to be ad In f"5*y"'7.re".ri5.', ,"3 .5avra*,thI"r`t.1..:'" ruourtloo noun; Pll I. .-"'5-``-*-.';.. vhoks:.'n|u uumur. When the Irring time roman." we Imnlly nd oune vet drown and oxhnuub ' ed, on` 00 the impure an Ilu is!) nuts of the . lood. To remedy th tronblc. i take A `or : Suupnrllin. the man powerful, I yet 0 and economical. blood putior in ] oxintanco. ll _- ...-.A.. ...I... -I-_I.-_A- -_- -..__---.I ' IIII THIN!` you IE8) [HO [KNOB St. Donia cull: Min Andonqn long- lirnbod." Louisville upuh of her _ , "dlvimly tall." A bar uuinplo of ti: :-ouitih that bunny lion in the eye of the be- er. u\l'L-_ AL- _._z__ A!._. --_..-_ ll _- |nl'||IlI WIIIII I10 Wlllll KO ICOP II IKIII. If you: cough keeps you nuts and rut- ` [on [2 night, Lake Ayer'n Cherry Pectorsl sad 0 rain immodinu relief. This remedy allay: inammation. heals thy pulmonuy organs, induce: the , and renters: wealth. The nonncr you begun the better. ' St. [main cull: Minn Andaman Inna. uuaonurs ANU.HEl"|UVl'.IS WORMS OF ALL. KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE MOST, '7.-DELICATEZ CHILD -. `U011.- Photo is no one Article in the line of modi- cino that given no large a return for the money as I good porous utrongthenin plu- tor. such an Cuber`! Smart Wood an Balb- donna Bockccho Pluterl. Iuhuu -l.....t - ...-- .......... I..._s_ L1- l-_I UIIIII IIIIICIIU TIIIKUTI. Lying About A Innn never hurt: him feel- ingu hull so much u it doc: to toll the truth when he want: to keep it ItllL If vom connh koam vou nwnka and nut. I goods. SQUID WUIIIU U0 II). If tick headache in miury, what Ana Cur- t.cr | Little Liver Pills if they will positive- ly cure it_? People who hove mod them speak Inukly of their worth. They no small and any to nice. . Whom the gods love, die young." And the more one seen of the Illl`VlV0l`l, the more one upprecina the tune of the rhnui in nn (ma AI-tinln in tin ling nf nmzli. It`: sheer Ahoddineu to out I mm because I his father was A uilor, And nobody but A goooe would do I0. If nk hnmlgr-ha in mi-nrv uhgi. Ara Pg:-. I I I103!" l|llIBl'. LIUII I IOTKUK lull. VI . J. `V IIIUIL Pnin from indigestion, dyupopnin, and mo hen-ty outing, is relieved At once by taking one or Cunt`: Little Liver Pill: immediue~ ly after dinner. Don't forget this. It`: nhnar Ahoddinpnn In nut A vnnn hnngnnd IEIII. Cutarrh cured. health And sweet breath secured, by Shiloh`: Csurrh Remedy. Prim 50 cum, Nun! Injector free. Sold by W. J. Wilson. IDA}- l_,..... :_J:__-_A:.__ ).._____l- __,l 4-- Clilllal I DUIIIO II V` IIIC I urug ICOTC. There in nothing that Attract much more Attention tlnn I whisper, when A room in still. WTTUKIIHIII PUHIB F or cough: and colds take the Dinmond Cough Remedy, composed of clecampane, wild cherry and hnrehound. 25 And 50 cents I bottle st Wade : drug store. There in nntllino Lhnt. Attract much more [III II: `I 315 I KIIUK SHOTS.` Your bologna uusage mty bepll right," said ncrnnkv customer to I butcher, but i it has too much doggone bark on it to be ` good." nrnnn whnnnina nnnnh and hnnn:-Livia K9131]- Croup, whoopinz cough and bronchitis ilnme liauly relieved by Shiloh ! Cure. Sold by W. J. Wilson. `Inuit A vnnna mun nal: his nnnrtnluin TIT U XII I I Only Gunilla Bnten oflllenory 'l`n.lnln. Fun Book: Learned In one reading. Hlnd wandering cu-ed. BVGPI oilld all adult n-only helleltted. Gnu lndnounnb to Correspondence Ch-cl. .... .:'..`.':.::.`::'a'....';..".::. .:*-.:`:.."..-...l-- non n m `] Psycho D I-`- II nl"l`hompIo ,tho t _ T*..5.`$'*ff.ff. : .:I i#+';"i"??!`.?2m'.``:' uy n. J. nunou. Many I young man nds hi: courtship come to n full stop when it reschec the in- tarrogntion point. For cunuhn and unldn tnlm than Digmnml I u ll ll] I I8 2d 7': ES El` I `O |. 1. h a! ll s n in ._Z_. menus. A April 3.--A vote wss tsken in this town- ship (Bastard snd Burgess) on Ssturds last on granting s bonus of 815.0(1) to the Ring- ston & Smith Fslls BR. The last report on Saturday night was sixteen of s majority in fsvour oi the bonus, but lacked three of the two fth vote. Mayor Thompson snd Ald. Gildersleeve, of Kingston, held meetings in seversl places in the township. They work ed bud in fsvour ot the r` d and the bonus. They made many friends. Mr. McCarthy and wife left` for Winnipeg lsst Mondsv to reside. The Oddfellows gsve them a fare- well psrty the Thursday before they left in' the Oddfsllows' bell. `About forty members sud their wives were present. -Viner Brown, merchant, buried sn infmt son last Monds . -John snd Edward Flynn went to Brock- ville last Saturday to hire with Mr Flynn to go to the Ssult to work for the summer.- lsrsel Johnston, a young men who had not long been running s shoe shop here. boarded I the train for Brock ville two weeks sun and has not returned and is not likely to. Some of the merchants and hotel keepers would like to eee him but-k.-Mr. Whitmsrsh, of Minnesota, is visiting his brother Alonzo I here.-Ueorge Bullis took it trip west s few . . days ago.--Mrs. C. Lsectie is visiting st - I Newboro.--Mrs. J. Witherell had Ihv 1*-My ` of her little dsughtenwhich had hm I: III the l V vault sh-Athens, buried in the l.uu.~u--we , eei;ter)' lut week.--I'he Scott sct clucuull l will take place here on the _25tli of this I month. LU Guru ,0. DUI Uy V` . II \V [Done ` We mny get whipped, but we hue some ghting chants," nigh the Samoan ' nol-lien as they whoop up t.neirv`wu songs. l Thu! huzkinu cauvh mun ho nn nninhlv IUI'1Il3r' K IIIUY WIIUIIP up I.ll8ll'"WIl lllfl. Thu bucking cough can be I0 quickly cured by Shiloh`: Cure. We gunrnnwe it. Sold by W. J. Wilson. I 1-{nnnnn mmrin nnrn mlvn mu-an pm-nu And ounu U) n. J. H uaon. Hanson`: mngic corn salve cures corn: and humans with three applications. 150. per i box ll. Wale : dtug storeu Your hnlmyna nununaa mnv hagll rich! " Icons. Itchy. lady. Itln 'l`:u-II lb dado Alhnnc d `I-an-'3 (I-in-L I` . Us Y` HE). Will you suffer with dyapepoiu And liver complaint? Shiloh : Viusliur it guannbeed to cure you. Sold by W. J. \Vlll0D. 'a mnv mat Illhinnoul, hut -9 hum sulupuun. oulu uy H. J. W HBOII. Entomologist; say that been possess the power of memory. Thin il certainly in- teresting, with the uccent on the "uting." For hung back. side or chant. nun Rhllnwn l'$IvlIIg. WIIH um `C090! on ["3 "lung. For lune back, side or chest, use Shiloh : Poroun Planter. Price 25 conu. Sold by W. J. Wilson. IAHIA ...... ...R`.._ _:.L .l..-_-__:_ _...J I:____ ` _j_ lfha l`n-um of the Paper: Gathered I-`or l the WM: Reuden. Utfensive partiunahip-An old maid : acrimonious tirade against mntrimony. n Sleenlesa nismm. mule minnrnhlp In: that *//- _a_\i_Ime:_M;.:I1_m_ ; Iur uu. oulu uy H . -J. H 1150!]. I Shiloh's Cough and Conaum tion Cure in I told by us on I guarantee. t cures con~ Lsumption. Suld by W. J. \VilJon. l.ll'lIl'l'|{)lI ll7ilfI sun: that huge nnnnnnn tkn ' Incl uuuuluus ul uuc uguluul matrimony. Sleepless nignta. made miserable by that terrible cough. Sl1iloh's Cure in the remedy for you. Sold by W. J. Wilson. l .\'hilnh'n Conch nnd Cnnnnmntinn (`urn in uuuuIB8l.-JIlneI Mnivihill, jr., has gone to Michigen.-Bert Clark is vieiting it Brock- ville.-Putrick O'Hara is home from Michi- gen.-Albert Scott.J. Mclnty re, jr., King- Iton, end William Beckwith, Uewego Fella, ` paid /us e visit int week. Mr. Beclrwith was I reI'ide'nt_ for over 40 yeeru.-WillieI_n Dier will build 5 large burn on hie fruit form.-D. P. Algulre in `conned to hia honee with rheumntiem.-Joel Clerk hee - `started hie woolen fecwry.--Conoly & Wing hove received I lerge etook oi l'urniture.-- The B. t W. trains are running reuuluvly. -Our nwrnill will commence operation: this vreek.-8u er mehing in elow-Hny ie more plentifu then ex`pected.-Fermers hope tb eoon commence needing. Report: from Menitobn ny needing there is nearly completed.-0ur merchnnu are doing: good trede thin e ring.--'l`he hlieeee Heningtou have reoeive< their spring goods in endless variety end etyle.-T. R. Tnggert in arttr on the werpnsh after phosphate end if he does not break his record will give 3 good eccount of himself. If we had more pro- epectnru at his sump they would oeuee a `stir in phoephete mining. There are hopes that rich depoeite will be uneerthed. WE8'.l'POIl l'. Apri|3.--Hay plentiful at 815 5 Ion.- John wmu, gsular. Bmckvillu. 3. here ol busineu.-Jnmen Mulvihill. jr., has Michi;_an.-Borz Clark is vilitinn n Rrnnlx. 'msrmc,r INTELLIGENCE- T HE TEA TBLE- MONGENAIS. BOlVlN_ & co. I II QIITBE II PLATEGWS TE] J`. 0. Hal.-$3.311 BIl'..'.l'!I 3 C0. nomm. O'$ f`s Id debilitated. `.\ddre'tN PROF. .0. I-`OW mch. `.\l<)0l)U.- Conn. j--j :~-==.`1 WTINE IVIUIIS I` IIIUVIJ l`lf Ii`. 0 urpun.-I. and I l`.<`liI`lI uflht` H`.`u'X` :m|i.u--alicm.-In-I I"! nml liver (`0ll\pY\il\ EVANS 8:. SONS, LIMITED. MoNTxgp, N % c'm>~;;~a Ammuous AND Famv APERIENT P-LS THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY CF FUPELY V'(`-ET.`.'JI.E1`JGREDIE3TS AND WIT}!- OUT ME.'TCL'?.`Y. 1-,!` USED BY THE ENGL' ~}l P.'I()fLZ FOR OVQR 13) `IIARS. 5OCKLE` llillllllllllll`. l!u` inns r~ mud! I-n i`. nrtrum. .a$ldl LLLVC-I I. \lL\lBlLU T In Plum. Quurcs and Small Regs. which Judges pr.-onunce the tines! in the city. R. T H o M_Ij N, HTm the age. on Manhood. Nerv- ous and Physical Dobility. Premature Decline. Enurs of Youth. and the untold miseries consequent thereon soo pages 8 \'b.. :25 prescriptions ro all dis : aw Cloth. fullgllt, only 81. by mail. sealed. Illus- trative sample free to all youmr and middle ngod men. Send now. Tha Gold and Jewelled Medslswarded to the nu hor by the National Medical Association. Address 1 . O. Box 1&5, Boston. Man... or DR. w.11. PAIEKEH. gna- uate of Ha.rwu~d Medical College. 25 years practice in Boston. who may be consulted oon lldonllnlly. Specialty: Diseases of Man. 0!- nos. No. I Bultlnch St. JmU$T%%fREGE'YED PRIN`OES$ mm. Eov}: rirnnnvanisw A LARGE STOCK. BOTTOM PRICES, DESIRE TO PLEASE, mu.-;r_Aj1_"_r_zu.c'r ATTENTION. j _ wheat. Marrowfut P098. Furs. . ` 'l`l42LllZl'I{O.\E N0. 10:; "TvHE"PEdPi.i:'s Up-Town Grocery. FLOUR, mu AND Sm) sroim, Nn H} M lllllll-' I.'nlvA|aIn 7 r'4Q.71;n;.\ z-`ovum. Warehouse : Old Kingston and Pembroke. VVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FULL S l`0(?KS 01-` FLOUR. OATMEAL. Mull F`:-ed.Faedurain. Seed Urnln and Gran Seeds ti CASH 1 -11) for Buckwheat. Oats. \Vhcal. Marrowfut Pulubooi and Raw. ` \ Furs. ' uu. nu ocunu no (I'M! wun dimes F1'F:bD'EN, cm In STORE, PRINCESS` sum. l"ERGUSON'S BLOCK. How ;oMAkEb r}1:'r{q.9_iMr buf tale `a true. and If you hood It. it will am til`); you, Do economical and (rude with lA3 gjjjzgn cm Mum now nuns umrr av Tgig. ma ms nu. xx ms mourn. noudl thoim-Id-biped Speck! 1 E.E.3`;..f*-"'x"j?,;`.;`;'.5vE*'. 1""`;; __';`;:-:` OZ:~ a n, J I . WE `fA'kEbt} si'?{[E`{{i u(.)vlJVR"Nl0UTH `_ AS(U0\V YOU Two (`M lcmla M lhu Ontario Brewing und Mulunu l`u`a uupo.-riot _ . . .-n . --.` ..._____ 1v 0. 1 U I [:11 13.15.! DE: 5` I .. O;-rnurrlr Rm FNH Ammlcna Hwru. OIIALITY tiuzxcrusn s. w. DAY S,' nmnm mnvmv Anmm ovtunrtnu r at Anmliiih Poz'i"1v!R u o ....A u......| v.*...__ _L:.L L ; , aoonmms. IJQUOR-a. A. RAMSAY & SON'S MONTRIAL The largest Snack in the Do- minion will be found an delicate dixesuou. . . None genuine wxthout the name IZDAIIL Immped on each capsule. Wholeule by I B, _ I) II, II, l,,_,,l ARTISTS: No. 10 (`LA RENCE ST" vpnurrlr Ruin-an Auuurun Hr.-an WINSOR I l'EW'l`0!l'B 7/15 M /v/}r0}9}47 omrmm` 7H. J 0%NI&[' GT0`. |GRocs_E_-_- navuhg Extracts o ~-. uc suuomss nssmrruz. T L- 7 Mmnms. cuuuywu vu uuuu \.nyauu.. vv uuu.ouuz u Lyman Sons & 00., Mont rea/. W. F. BAKER. Commla Ion Merchant. J. JAMIESON. 42 Johnson Street. j AND 41 Johnson Street. Hot Water Boil era. Water (`lose-ls. Baths.Pumps, Sin.s Fran and Plated Good: of tuldescri :- tionn at reuonnb :2 prices. I I)un'l tone! the U.\l.\'ElI BY DE- LAY. In heulin `our dwellimz wit 0t '61!!! Circula- tion or steam. ape cial prices will be noted at 4. JAM` ?E.~l0N'S STEAM H E A I` I N 0 AND PLUMBING ES- TABLISH M E N T. 42 Johnson Street. Hm Vvntnr Hail- NO1'}H`.\'G |~' f;.u\'1-;n . B Y "E" AY. In hnnlino hla -J H w4l.s:: `.i- IL` Rh hurl B hi:-h pm-dn ru-I now u! hill.- prices. forget the 3`o\co. BY\IIlI`lI pr:-nn ' ("|1~' UV hill! 9' ml Chemist -3. '.l nnnl povuli-` *-lt'~{ \`t-:l`luh'< M EMIIBY IEHTIJSTED VITALITY, nearly ustelesmnna delicate digestion. Rcnulno w !'!- \y I T H -' THE GREAT STANDAIH) REMEDY for all wenkncasvs and Digwnsea of tho Lungs. Impair- ed Nutrition. etc: This oil is pure. fresh. nearly tasteleamand therefore mustauinable for disresuou. . IQIIAL. NORWEGIAN conf IZDAHL nu -uuvn, risvlr vwuuuu nu -n-vnuu.- nu: To B-`noocn BLOOD B1T'r:nl Ill '79:: Tltnfutur Ann cunt or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATI-' DISEASES. NAB FBI! BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION, mmazsruon. onzzmzss. ucx HEADACHE, Ann manure or `rut BTOIACH, LIVER AND BOWEL8. Tun An: uu.o.monouoM AND PROIIP1 LIVEJ3. OIL- can decay wanlln weuknetu. loss of mnn h . clc., I wt`! men n. vahmble U"'lHi.s0 (seal- Nhooltnining full punk-u} rnalor humo cure. FRIIJC of char 0. A sulcugill w.Hc:|l work; should be nsadgby ovary man who is nervous Anddobililnted. Addrem PROF. 1-`. (1. nnvmch nmnmu n...... Iuludge I3`! I, an! lot. IS `Cw ' ID_lS-COVERY. n-I-n Iv-{.1 -I` Kn-nun: T1 7usE 6ND frie" BRAND OF_PURE *:`ED9.`:`mE: A SURE CURE noun nvonlri. `o 337 Fllll `Yen N: Y. Suerlna from um effects of youthful errorn, cu-I decay waolln wealmezu. loss . cm. mm a. vnhmhlon. tr--nxi.n nmnl. Iiforof the (`la rintit to tho Soionth 1 Renlnnln, u onsfo ulldis ' `null ......'...l II an nu" nu "olu ullno," no oljlll not to M uurprlud ll thekory punt lush: Mm ` `light out." -Jvuuu -IIIIII I III Kl IIIII vv uvl-I III` , gran ol fumilisrl thst be all Intitloci In all her his "old umo," he ought not to ho uurnriood if the erv nnont mnkn Mm Whon nyouth Iparh I rl to thIt'dc- all liar hh "old nmn." In nnnllt mm In in lb: Llulo Rntclia, writing from Inl- llrk. 0nt'.uyI:""I had such I tough I could not sleep and In fut going Into cou- Inm lion. Itriod on thin` I c-onll`hur of 1 out relief. but w on I got Md`: Pectonl Bnlum I soon got eu.;_ It I the but medicine I ever tried. Lllll Rn curn, Fslkirln, Onf. IIICVC IIIII J_llIllI.l'II QIIUCI II I Why ono: n.alnalo.u:onu\nt lllbn you can get immediate relief from All internal or extornnl pain: by the use of Poison : Ner- viline, the at pnln euro. Norvilipo bu nova: boon now: to full in A Ilnglo can. It cannot fail. for it in a combination of the mat powerful poln uubdnlng remedies that is known. Try n 10 con: Inmplo bottle of Norviline. You will find Norvillno I IIIIO can for neuralgia, toothnobo. hondnoho. Buy Illd tty large bottle: 25 onto. by All drugglutn. I .":...::t` A Mleelon ol llercv. An effort in being mede by Hemlllon lediee to heve Merie Mc(Iebe, now in King- ston penitentiary on a sentence for life for the murder oi her child, releeeetl. The women found it impossible to keep her bebe and did ewey with it by throwing It into an cietern. Alter two month: the crime wee dinooverod. She mede e cleen breent end neid Ihe hed euered untold egoniee on ec~ count 0! her deede. She wee tried, convic- ted. end Ienu.-noed to deeth, but the un- ience wee eiterwerdn c.-ommueed, to imprienn- ment for life. The young woinen in now ining her life ewey. If libereted the will I provided for by ohentebly diepoeed ediee. Holloway`; mm uml Olmuu-nt. lhose to whom seasons of chan esble temperotures are protuvlml periods u trial should seek the earliest opportunity of re- moving All obstacles to good health. This cooling Ointment, perseveringly rubbed upon the skin, is the most relinhle remedy for overcoming sll diseases of the throat sud chest. Quinsey, relaxed tonsils sore throat, swollen glsnds. ordinsry cstsi-rh.snd bronchitis, usually prevsiling at this sesson. may be srrested ss soon ss dis- covered, sud every sym tom banished by Hollowsy s simple snd e ective trettment. This Ointment snd Pills sre highly com- mended for the fscillty with which they successfully conquer inuenza: they ellsy in an incredibly short time the distressing fever and lensing cough. mauncc n p: rrect cure has !oLmu-d. It never , aI'Is. The syslun once impregnated withtho Specied! beconu-a an utter impossibility for the liquor afnpelilcjo exist. For circular and full purlicu urn uddrews GOLDEN SPECIFIC C0. 185 Race St... Cincinnau O. Iug "CUR IU(IlKll.nlJ_"- "Then, why in thunder don't you re form '."' quietly asked the old gentleman. nru : V No. air, I am not 5" uied Moody, draw- ing hack imli21mnLly_ Than win! in thnn.l.u- .Inn't uni! -. LVIUIX 1 5rd ?" u\T. `nun uu u-1. AVIIIIIIIVI Mr. i\l0od_v, the reviulist, in his younger dnvl did missionarv \|'(Jll( in Chicago, in- vading saloons and distributing tracts in divers places, says the Uhicagn Nun. One Sunday morninu. while he warns diutrilouling temperance tractu, he entered Buck & Ray- ner : drug store. At the back of the store In an elderly and distinguished citizen reading A morning paper. Mr. Moody Ip- proacbed this gentleman and threw one of the temperance tract. upon the paper before him. The old gt-ntlenmn glanced at the tract and then. looking up benignantly at Moodv, Asked : Are you a reformed drunk- nrtl `" WIMI Inrnmv-ed Kuuwh-dgo Of the laws governing health and the treatment of tlisessc-.,xesmt to the physicians in less often made than furinvily. Succeekful treatment can be tnmle in such minor ail ments as l`ell\llil.'ll(', l)ill0lL;m`sz;, cunstipstiuu, uttering at the heart when sylnpathctic. foul breath, etc, all the variuus lisonlo.-rs resulting from tleramgeal actiun uf the liver and stonmch, by the use of Hamilton's Pills of .\l|nlr.\ke and Butternut. These pills being entirely composed of sogetsble extracts, they form an tlllllflllle substitute {or the numerous tonic hitters in the mur- ket. Hamilton's Pills are miltl in action. certain in results, safe in all kinds of westher. anal form the best family medicine extant. Sold by all dealers in mediciue,and by N. C. Polsou & Co., Kingston. IrlU"3s Hnn. John Carling considered it of im- portance to cncmuuge the fruit,-owing in- terests as much IS possible. c realized ` the benet derivnble from the holding of A convention such in proposed. He referred to the nsai tance obtainable by fruit-growers thruugli the mrious experixnental farms,and declared that anything further (list could be done by his department. would be done most cheerfully. IJIUSU IKIIRITUSICH III II}. Hon. 6. E. Foster stated hi: appreciation of the object: of the association represented on this deputntion. He thought thnt greater Mlxuuitaga woul be derivable from pro- vincinl and com: y cunventions than from I Dominion gathering. He did not think it {Air to any that nothin hsd been done for the fruit. industry by, 3119 Gov- erument. for the work now being done by the experimental {arms was of the greatest iiilporluice to fruit growers. However, Mr. Curling sud himself would report the view: of the ueociation to their colleagues. There was of course the difficulty that were 5 grant given to them it could not can- sistently lie refused to kindred organiza- tions. U-.. I..L.. l`..-l: _ . A . _ _,)-._,j .'A _k 1-, the winter lllll mco me eprm . . Dr. Borden, Mr. Mills of nnnpolie, r. Fisher. Mr. Gordon and Dr. Ferguson of \Velland supported the Application. The last named held that by way of cornpener 1 tion if for no other reuon the fr'uit-growers = should get. this, as they alone of all classes Ind not been protected under the general policy` of protection. As reprdsentin 5 dis- trict. interested to the extent 0 mil- lions of (lollgre in fruit growing he preeled that this smell meuure of compensation Ihuulkl be granted. - hlr, Mn\IillAI1 rnnrl g lnftnr Ia. hurl pg. Illlllllil UG I'll! LOU. M . Me)-lillm read I letter he had ceiv d to-day frdm Mr. Alex. ML-D. Allnu nf Tnruntn qtntina that A Snino -hml: mun. ccuuu uruuy Irum .ur. tuex. MCU. Allhu of Toronto, ststing that a joint stock com- puny wu now being, got up in th I. city for Ermnoting the sale in (_:`reut Brimi) of fruit, utter und cheeae frprn Cnnnda. Mr. Matthews of the Board (}fTr|de,wu among_ those interested in it. 11.... 1,` L` l.`,.-o.... -A..A-.-I Lz- -_..___,.f_AK.._ ,&_._.__j: 01' the Llqunr nblf. Pnsllivvly (`urvd b Ad- ministering lar. lh\inea' (inlzlun Spool xx It can begin-n in A cup oft-ullbe or lea wilh out the kn wvledge of the wnxnn taking ll: is absolutely lmrmless nnd `ill elfc-rt A perma- nent and 3 dy cure. wlmlhvr the patient la a mode: me uinlu-I or an alvuhnlio wrcck. It has been given In llumsmxds of rum-s nul in every instance rfect has l0l.`0\\`v.-d. syslun once imnmanma-rl with pl... ` IN]. l)0l'(l0D, MCLVCIII nuu onuniy. It is proposed to hold the convention in Ottnwn in January or Fbrunry next, and to have `in connection with the convention an exhibit of some of the Inoro hardy va- riety .of fruit: which would kep through the winter llld into the nprin Dr. Hnralan. Mr. Mill: of nnnnnlin, `:- 1`ne uopnuuon oonnlwu In run. tumu- low of Montreal; Prof. Sanderl, iroctor o the Centnl Experimental Farm; r. W. H. L nch, the well-knoyvn horticulturint o the l'I:ml.ern J`ownshipu."'iid` these members. of Pnrlialnent representing all portion!) of the Dominion: Mann. Fiuher, Ferguson of Welland, Guillct, Borden, Baird, Mills of Annapolis, Jones of Di by, Boyle. McMillan, Hale, Robert.- oon. 10l'd0ll, McNei]l and Shanly. It in nrnnnnnd to hnld [ha 1-nnvnntinn In Bnvo Ynn thought About It! 1... -._n-._ - -:__u- _-___. __L__ Jinn. -mun L/Olfllnj, umluor 01 Agriculture, and Hon. G. E. Falter, Mhlltnr of F intact. The dopnhtlon oondatod of Prol. Penna!- I..... I`, \I.._A..;-I. `D-nf Qnnnrn Jirgnnu A A line ileulnllen line 1 Govenneu ` Brena lot a nonunion mum`-nu.-. Orrr.\wA. April 3. - A goyeggunent grant towards the holding of I Donviniou fruit growers` couventioli was thebbject of a lsrge deputation who waited this evening upon Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture, nnd Hon. G. 1!`. Foster. Mlnintnr Finance. One on Mr. I .u - u Moody. t.T.27gu.T, enowens o n_A-R_ , ,_2.n THE `BRITISH wme. FRIDAY. APRIL` .1 mpmnome Shoot. Killllom mohurr man FRI )! PAID plguou h , Bran. """..`...if:`i'..'Sfns':'..`.. nan THE on? us mum: E TH TGIVES . ..___. - gywuw -7-~-u oaoton umu as nuns -noun nun. mum. PRIBBID nA1.'oL.o- Iran A nu olvrllnolvtrv Quin 5orrv P_1:c_>pR STORE. run:-`:1-u- -. - - . -.--.4. __ -.__ 0359- ulll, fltiu-ll E5]. VI-II` van um nuorav sum 0 D. FRANKI.IN Ant-It Bnavnun L_ __,,..... .. . .u- . . _.~....u_ BESS BR08.. lhnuhcturlnl Confectlonori. UIUIHIUJ Elm) -VIII`! UB1 " AT um mum. . 4 '. Ilorlda, Valencia and Montana i` Orangrn, Lemons. Onmberrlca ': (`ocoamua and all kinds _,__n_- V `BREAD, BREAD. We take the lead in Quality and Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made Brood iothohtaot. Jhdn only at R. E. TOYE S. KINIE sl'I`DI`II"l` RAKIPIIV lllll UV ILBVXI U LIIU IIIIII. IIIIIIIZX UJIIIILIJ ' 53:: with pertncl Ilfety. III I nuooevl arising from in bvi I mg"- run: BEST VAL E IN THlClARK '|`.u wellu men n hlyndn (ed 0: uullhokl bu oggltod on\'plounul)mlIA5o.Il1`aof llrnnmo up- ooannou. Bowuo ohuoh. No addition _to or vu-umon from the ample name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. -., -- . V -on n nvvna. onunu L \I II uni`. It contains neither slum. limo. not unmonls And may be used hi the most dallontn oonutu dons with trials! boinz Innrlndou Till BEST rnmo?i.i:EE> 000X'8 FRIEND BAKING PUYDIB IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. | [ I UICIICHU uraugml, ` Fuurl Ilmuluras Bananas, 1 rash Lobsters and Oysters. W. H. 0ARNlJY8KY.212P1'incosI-st. 9 TELEPHONE 2|. Brunch store on Nuke! Square after May I. PRU NKNLN]ELS*'~ \lU ICI- Flori du (Ira nges, .`l!-.-:u'mt oranges, fuleu ca u Ora nan, Fa ncu Ilmulu run Banana`-I- From Riverside. hos An Gab So . lVl.....'_l,_ AA, ,,, `an Inn: ulluvl and To Dyers? I want A tube of jelly of Cucumber and Roses. It is the host pre~ paratinn made for curing chapped hands. W. A. Dyer & C1. Montrenl. ` oPER3THouE FRUIT IHND ovsmz MARKET CALIFORNIA 0RANGES,_% I A Foeblo Failure. Illnv persons become feeble and fnil in heslth from disease of'the blood, liver. kid- ney: and stomach when prompt use of Bur- dock Bland Bitters, the grand urifying And regulnting tonic, would quicly regulate every bodily function and rectors to perfect . health. ' ovmas msa mm} m Mr. C. 0. Shepherd. Mount Morris. N. I .. is after the Montreal coneuluhip. This in the place for which Chnrlea Pope. St. Louis, has been endorsed. Four years ago l resi~ lent Cleveland removed .\|r. Shepherd be- cause of his "extensively otfennive partisan ship." vvvu u AIIIJIILVII Au IJIILVU Trade Link on ovary puhco Artiuus, nu-L-hanics and laboring men are liable tu sudden accidents and injuries. as well as painful cords, stiff joints And lameness. To all thus troubled we would] recommend llzmytrdi Yellov Oil, the handy and reliable pain cure for ontwmd 0 internal ua_e. I: don't pay U) gossip in Claytnn. Ali least a verdict in M slander suit tried befure Judge Williamr. last week indicates. Mrs. lmiliaka Vince-m rcuuled conaiderabla goa- sip regarding the character of Miss Maud \\'ehber, in fact Mrs. P-urliska was empha tie in asserting that the fair Maud was a very naug :_v gill. .\laud brought a auitl for slander against the defame-r, and a large I I numhernf vrell known citizens of Clayton teatied to Man-l's good cliaracver. convinc- ing the jury that she had haen wickedly alanderecl. She was awarded a verdict for 8800. Mrs. Vina-.nt'a atmrnry is anxious to fight the case and an appeal may be taken. EXSTROYS ANDJREMOVES WORMSI 0!` ALL KIND`: IN nun non: no GUUUUU IUIV llllluy Al NH) - The political cmsequencea ure profound, and the unionist party in looking to see the scapegoat. (Iluunherlain is much blamed for forcing the mmmiuion. By the way, everybody is u-marking that he look: glmatlier than en-r. He was alvmiya nther `pale, but the pnllnr was while; it u now I (lull brown. He has been `silent in the home. though thcre have been` many allu- sions that were stinging. He appears dia- pirited. shins I vr urul. Of the humun IIKG, sccordjng to s high Authority. sul-r from one or other form of blood tsiuu. .`\'e\'er Allow this latent nil to develop into wrions disease while the blood an be kept pure sad the system clean hv proper precauunns, such as using Bur- ` dock Blood Him-rs, whenever suy scrotal- nus symptoms nppcsr. No medicine cgusls B.B.B. as u blowl lesuser. ' . I Iplrlll. When the trial hcgnn Parnell went. at the investigation with extraordinary uaiduity. In fact, he acted part of the time us his own solicitor and his own detective. Sine: the _ exposure of the 1'.-rgeriea one can better see what in strain they put upon him. He still looks pale and thin, but his spirits are splendid. and tlwre in n springineu in his step and a light, in his eye which have been absent for many .i day. Th I` )'IF9lIl]AI\I"DI urn nnnfnlln l aiuel1`.` illness hae been `moral rather than physical. livery body was aurpriaed to nd how aerioualv h `Wk ""3 `W | i6l_that- have now been exposed no com; epoly: A-` men of 3 more sanguine and e i1si'v.e tem- Eernment would have talked of them with ot indignation, and laughed them out the public mind, But Parnell take: things to heart. He went over to Ireland and spent three weeks in going over his corre- spondence to nd proofs of the want of uenulneneas in the signature. The whole thing disturbed him greatly, and had I visibly, bud ell:-ct upon his henlth and spirits. \\`lu:n Hun M-inl lwtvnn pnrnnll won} at u. Ho u Grown '|'1'i':" ()ver the (`Eiu-Iva Ac-- cuuntlonn lllnulo Agnlult llhu. L(sp(L\t_, Apr _4__:_i|_ arnell in I greatly changed man. fhme yra aga. he wu one of the `gcrongut looking men of his time. To day he is pale, therejrg terriblv deep linerin the sunken cheek. and hi! coat" buttoned tightly over him bring: out the gpgrgnggg. of .-fnm'e worn almost to attenu- scion. IJ.......n-.. :n___.. L... I`... ....;..-I ..-.L_._ .l_.|.- M KING STREET BAKERY. Important to Wol klngmon. HOW mam-:LL agxhs n-. % % TH For Slander. . . - A \'or:.|I(`l TO WEAK MEN

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