Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Mar 1889, p. 1

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Working Horus tbr 8:10. ..f:`. ...2.`:: .:`.?`.-.'s".:;:.':'&.=:::.'::?'&; (Ill o Iuurlla were very om. nu: um appeared to make no difference with Mine Flora Mc- Flimey. So Phryne gown: became all the go. Now we have made a step in advance, and lean week we gave at Palmer : theatre in tableau from Ben Hur." As a general thing we relegate tableaux to Sunday school and church entertainment: as a mild form of dissipation to (hone who would be horri- ed to hear the characters Ipeak on the Itage of a theatre. The lien Hur" l.Al)laanx _ It Is Conducted by `the Oatholle 0largy- - . The Fashionable Fads In the Church- A Very Funny Incident:-The Butler- , tag. or psi-u. Lanxtry_1h-no sympathy ' Shown by the l{epoI'OrI- (Special Correspondence.) New Yomi. March 2'2.--Never since the great Washingtonian excitement of IM2 has New York experienced such a remarkable temperance revolution as that which is_p_ow upon us. it is no secret that some of the vilest and lowest drinking places in the city are conducted by Irishman who were numi- . nally Catholics, and this was felt to be a libel on the res ectahle rtion,of our Irish population an a scan al on the Catholic church. Archbishop (`orrigsn is a man of very pronounced opininns, and very sensi- tive on any point that affects the welfare or chm-azter of thevcsthnlic church. Among V were worthy to have Mood by Father Mnt- I thew in the hour of his greatest triumph. 5 Among these are Father!` Hare, Father 5 " Frnusioli. and many other! equally eminent. ` ' Teniperance Iegidns are being formed in all . l_ the churches. and meetings are held every [1 Sunday evening and through the week. The oicers are mostly laymen. hatrthe ti workin power is the priesthood. and it u looks ll e the beginning of a great crusadc , which may yet shake the United States :( from centre to circumference. The arch- H bishop has given it his sanction and hearty co operation, and all the meetings are so P` crowded that hundreds have to go away. i ' New meetings are being organized by the I Catholic churches all over the city, and Z] thousands of the keepers or those low sa- 1 loans and dives, will either have to shut up r shop or get out of the Catholic church. ` Our lateet fashionable fad now is t.ab- ft: leaux. Not but that we have had tableaux h before, but we have had no such tableaux i`; as are now delighting New York and Brook- h lyn. Last year we did a Greek play with a ac chorus. and the ladies who gured therein U thought out they lookdsopretty in the W} costume of Lisa, Aspaeia. and Phryne that ex` they quite forgot that than ladies enjoyed hm in their dayavery unsavory reputation. ho] which even their association with the old `ht philosophers could not bolster up. and an while their gowns we-re verygood their ri morals were very bad. But this appeared fl.` ` make no diwnrnsiaun uith \H.. DI--- as- one or THE GREAT TEMPERANCE % cnusaoas on: THE o/w. BROADBRIM S LE'l"l`ER. m'Fivo;l`lvoIuhlhl.lI baa: tho aIvo:...:.. H V. W sm.:nl. mutaodununuIohooonol:v. . A Ollolou ruler: Ind. WILIINONK. `Dol.. Mu-oh il3.-W||l`hn Daniela, |7.wuIhoto| the turn 0! Harry ood yoounlny. and died In 5 ohlohn coop, I gnu nrrupd tor thlovu man. dllclm-pd In oonuum use his V. ,v ' Uvuuuuulin Ill villlo Public meeting In the city hull Mondsy evening. Nth Int... under the All of Kl ton branch of the Ennpllosl Iluoo. Tho v. A. Campbell, not-nary ol the al- lhnco. will deliver OII sddnu on "Roman- lum and JuulIhIlrI'i`GsiI`nd6.` Clulr to be taken at 8 o'o|ook. Collection to dclrny Ol- puma. _.-... _ ---u' --n - die, wunod In Now York for forgery. I'll ornoud Inn. 89 had jolt Arrived from Toronto. Ho bod o debt for Llvorpool ond 10011: English now In M: puohu. Word of bk oooaing to 3.5: wu tolognphod from Toronto when I warrant for the lot- gor'n uroot was taken out. Arnotod at Halifax. Ihunx. N 8.. Much 23.--Hanry Hu- wmud He Ind inn urind In... Conwoll in Portsmouth. Fin Conodion Gongh, E. Cu-swell, do- lighud and umuood an audionoo in tho ()1-Ange hull, Portsmouth, lat evening. Ho Toke for our an hour on prohibition and t a virtue: of the soon not. A. Chown was chairman, sod on the platform Inn Moan. D. Fruor. M. Lovell and Rev. F. W. Dobho. The choit any Rescue the Pariah- ing," and the Ru. Mr. Dolph: oponod tho mating with pnyor. D. Fruor dinonood the iinnoid tape: of tho one. and Dr. Lovoll tho mosaic} of monfniiy voting for the Scott not Hr. Culvoii vary oionriy expioinod the prohibition pluiorm. Tho muting cloud with than to the loosu-or UAIHH Pliztl-,2 KAN) `011 0] 01") , "*9 L33. Rope. Infnol and Run?" nInu., to reside permanently. 0. B. Shut-psrd, of the grand opera home, Toront--. ha been Induced to book theatrical companion for cities and town: of Ontario. And mun nature for ounido pluou porlormnnooc as good on those which delight the patron: 0! hi! own onon henna. yuuu luluvu II [0011 ll BIICDC Which patron: own open home. ins`: Bnni, Oman : well known vocsliu. will leave shortly for Minnupolil. Mina, to reside pormnnontly. S.II',lIHAl`d_ nf Ihn an-An!` nn... 1 vnpv Invent. um. 12. use will probably be up inted clerk. r. John Loader hold his home and gero- ,.. J erty st Bnrrieeld to Mr. `Frederick cow for I700. unit I orl lloll Saturday. 1. E. Jones ha been appointed Iuporin- tondant of the ntnet rnilwsy. Col. Hume has been elected praidcnt of Capo Vincent. M. E. Lee will probably be Appointed l. r. r., II In mo city. Hon. J. A. Chaplcou nil: from Hnvrc for Ncw York next Saturday. Jones hu hum |nnninOA(l .......:.., People Whoa lovononu. saying: on! Dolnn Attract Atlontlnn. Mrs. 0. Rod, Morrlokvillo. in visiting in the city. v Major D. McLeod Vince, of Woodutock. M.P. i ., in In the city. A. Uhnnlonn nniln In-nun Hg... 6.... _ .. D.r9.o.Au.yn._ I'hecominitteb to which has been assigned the task of selecting plans for the new Episcopal cathedral have been busy all the week, end as the cost may run up into the millions the necessity of careful judgment is most im rtbnt. For many years the question as been discussed ss to the ne- cessity of having a grand cathedral in'New York, and the matter took denite shape two or three years a . At no time has there been any lack orfunds to carry out the plan, for aside from the wealth of the diiferent church corporations. individual donations have been uuaranteed sntficient to cover all possible cost of the contempla- ted structure. The most magnicent church building on Manhattan Island today is St. Patrick I cathedral. though the Catholic church hss many other splendid churches, but it is safe to say that when the Episcopal cathedrul is nished there will he no ner building for God's worship on the American continent if in the world. u... ..,_.,..r 1-rty II Darn it for C7). in Haul -nn-I:-b _..III I new unoruy. In as their connection draws to a clone the engagement promise: to be one of thg `ll_)(_)8I remcukablo ever seen in Our Krioos Me the very Vowesl ln`~he city. T as More in will conducted by Mr. Arch. Abernathy. uuv mu wumeu nunea. nae come through her trying ordeal as fresh as a daisy, after raking in all the ehekele that New York has got to spare with Antony and Cleopatra, has taken possession of the magnificent Am- phion theatre in Brqoklyn,and the box sheet is tilled for I week. Speaking of the Am phion theatre. it is one of the finest drama- tic structures on either side of the river. Up to two years ago Brooklyn ha.l no place where tiret class opera could be produced, except the academy of music. and that was hsndicnpped by `250 free seats for the stock- holders. This was ruinous to managers, so the Amphion was put up, uni after a brief seuon paued into t.--- hands of the enter- prising manaaerp Knuulus and Morris, who also hull the beautiful grand opera house. This has completely revolutionized thentri cal matters in Brooklyn, which now gets all that New York has. Booth and Burretplay here shortly. and their connection draws clone tlm s>n.m.mm.mo m-......:--.. o.. L- rvvIUl' u-uu -punt nor Gill! (0 I00) "IO stage. Wonderful to relate Mrs. Potter who, phyaicsllyia IOIPOGIV A uhuiow ulonglide the two woman named. has through ordeal afresh dniav. uh.-.r I Mary Anderson, 000, ha brokeh down; the terrible tension to Whiuh the poor human machine was Iubjeotnd was too much for even her magnicent physique, and Ihe is forced to lb8lld0ll her playing. but us hope that rat may routora her trnnucendont power, And spare her still to adorn the IIBRO. nut morning. Young men from eighteen to twenty-two are ulually detailed for this lrind of busi- mm, and the only thing liltel to militnte against theinprofeesionel vencement in their modesty. Uri being auured that Mm. " Langtry in too ill to receive them--they ex- Earlor till the recovers, if the waiter will ring them I ood cigar and the morning pa r. Mrs. nqtry in I my nick woman. at nlthou h the rumour in Abroad thnt she was mnrrieg to Freddy Oebhnrt two Weeks ego. the look: now. like anything but a bride. `_ "1 14---. A._J_..--_ - the applause and theghouquete. et.. know little of the trials and euerlngu Hhoee women who repnuent the talent an genius of the American and En lieh at e For two or three week: Mn. `gtry u been tr) to not in a condition of` health that wotlllls have bent nine women out of ten. or ninety-nine out of a hundred, to a lunatic uylum. She is `the victim of a terrible eatarrhal aeution which makes her life an miserable u it real!` can be. One sinful operation ha: Inccee ed mother, on these are by no meane certain` of woods. The only pleunnt thing connected with her great misfortune in the sympathy of the reporters of the daily papers. They begin ringing her bell at four o'clock in the morning to hear if there in any change in her lymp- tome, and they keep it up at intervals of every five minutee till two o'clock in tho next morning. Yonmr mam {mm giant..- o.. a......_... ...__ Jcnl|lnn-;n: Duals. .--AAI-_ I_ AL- _lA_- I I` PERSBNAL MENTION. 23, ' 1889, Blmmnnm. .. ...- --u--vu u uuvu vv-p u-vounul ll] IUD!- podu. who bbod lain and left him uncon- scious In alley. Ills pane with 8%, sad much an jowollory worth 1100, won aloha. A largo uunblugo had ptlured nth: ohunh.hvcQ;hooouInonyludIobo - motioned. BABY cARreTAEE .__.._. `. A Would-lo Bloch loookotl Down In loud to the chunk. Lov1svn.u, Ky., Much .23. - J. W. 0'llrioo and Emma I Inn to have boon morrlod loot nigh. Mlo on tho any to tho church O'Brien wu otuckod by foot- and uncon- alloy. mine. with In ...I uuuoa u long ago bhhop Ioohntqa." -u-no nu ulo wlu loovo mm. The popouy lo woporsumouly oouneohd by put uoochtlou sud Inomoroblo onus Io nah tho `I romoul from Rome at oll prohoblo. be none ropom woro alr- ollotod on long ago on tho time of Arch- NIIIOII Imlntnn." AmorIuu'F7|$. |!N'l'[y`8llt! pdip. "'T6"F" add Csrdlml Gibbons, "there In Icarooly any foundation for `tho nutomont no olun undo um uh. nnnn .m 1.... 11...... n. any uunuuuon rorun tantamount otun undo tint tho will loan Rom. The |IO|)M!V]H|I_ ntlngnuly ooqqeobd Om-lnnl Gibbons sun Ila lollllua Won`! _ lanvo Homo at Prount. BAL`l'lli0Bl, March 92.-In rofounoo to the romnrk of Cu-tlinnl Purooohl, at I ban- not in Rome, on Tuesday, that if the pop I ould nd It nooeuury to leave Europe at some future dny he would nd an hononblo hoopitnllty from the American bishops. Car- dinal Gibbons uid yuurdny thu Cnrdlul Pnrooohlh upreuion an no doubt menu: I tribute to the hospitable ti: o! the Amcrionn"Mlhnl;ntlI-Ivnm . --avuuu u uuplvilwll W3 I10 IIOIIDI II< hospitable _ Amoriuu '1|l7|$. Bfw . II Gibbons. "Mn-rn In an ll-opujot Iqlmnlnp It Lnldlnwh. ` An Experience such an In seldom lind- The Reece-do ol the Seaman. BAL'rmou. hlerch 23.-'l`he eteamere which arrived here yeeterday report terrible experieucee in the norm of Wedneeday night and Thureday o' capee Henry and Hatterae. The North German Lloyd eteam- ehip America. with 700 emi rante. while paeeing Cape Henry wae etrno by a etorm. The hatchee were lrattened down and two of the oflicere remained among the terrified Ger-mane endeavoring to allay their lean. John Gilt, a eeaman, wae hurled aoron the deck. Internal hemorrhage eneued and the men died. The eteamehlp Pinto, from An- tonio. encountered the etorm oil the North Cerolina ooaet. Captain Grehanv eaye he thought the eeae would twiet hie veeeel in piecee. and at one time all on board thought the ehlp wae foundering. Captain (ireham had a rib broken by being thrown to the deck by a big wave. uurucnea acres the chest by the sharp dawn of one cf the cntemounre. Afeer the battle In over the only one of the qnertette unhurt climbed to the eurfeue `and managed to haul and drug hil cnmredee one by one nfver him. The boy: are All doin well and will be out ngein in I few days. Ishe lergelt cntnmount measured four feet nix inchcl in length. The other three were full grown femnlee. aoors, snoss, muvxs AND VALISE8 YOU Wll.L FIND ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND EVERY QUALITY, A W5P.P"99T 9:3, P9TP9,N Four Bo)`: Have an Awlul Experience- Hnut Not Looked For. G Uuuxn, W. \'e.. March 23.-Four hoye. Jemee and Thomu Loftue, and Henry end Funk Mitchee, eons of farmers living near the foot of Mcbsne mountein, Wyoming county, were out squirrel huntin `yesterday, and when returning home one of them Ihot e equlrrel which fell into n deep fieeure in the mountain side. When they deqoended the iiuure to get the equine] they new four pairs of yellow eyes glaring It them from A recent in the rock. Only two of the boys hui guns, end when they had tired at two pair: of the yellow eyes shutting them, the owners of the other two pairs, who proved to be enormous wild cetnaprnng at the lode. With empty gun: and clube they finally we- ceeded in killing the catemounte, but not before one boy had been terribly torn from his neck to his hipe. Another hnd hie cheek and one ear laid open, while 5 third wu badly bitten throu h hie right arm and wretched the c eet by the of the uur um puomnorl. Rand, who was lashed in Picton no] re- cently, declares : _ I would richer have to work for ve year: in prison then face the triangle again next. month." The last whip- ped was no joke." ul mu zvmelcmm Uenmry. Lord Harrington says home rulers need not hope to reverse the judgment given by the people at the last generel election. The libernl-unionist party is not decaying. A prominent merchent of Meyenoe, nup- ed Charles Boleg, ha: been sentenced 1'0 imprisonment for three years for frsdulent- ly svsilin himself of the bankrupt law. Mrs. umphrey Ward contradicts the American statement that she bu refused 810,000 for her next novel. She was olfered more but prefers to remain in the hmds of her old publishers. i Rand. who urn: In-hnpl in D-'4-4-- ---' -- um I nlll 0! marks. Mr. Glndatone has just refuted America : oer of 100 for an article on the best book: for children, _of the length of one [age of the Nirmemlla Century. Harzimrton mun hnmn rnlnrc -A-3 CONFLICT WITH CATAMOUNTS sum |ur~.IU,UUU, Tbeermnn government bu ordered I mnnufnctory for steel rie! to be erected at Spnndnu, to be built at a coat of I million and I half of marks. Mr llluht.-..... I.-- :.._. _-:..-.J - - - uu nun properly. At Cambridge City, Ind., the Lackey- Cnrmony horse sale was the moat nucoeuful ever held. Three hundred animal: were sold for $104,000, Th. llnrvnnnn ------- --A L-- - ` ` wull ml mace. Henry Ward Beecher : country lent. Peehkill, has been sold to C. H. But.lor.for 875,000. Mr. Beecher expendod 8250.000 on the property. Camhridm: (`ion 1...! L- !....I---- I` ll`, umyor. (Jul. Huzhol-Hallett has resigned hit out in the commons. I-hllotc was recently ox- poaad an having--held nhnmeful rolntionu with his niece. 11...... uI-...a n--_L,_-- SPRING : ANNOUNCEMENT. ` rrlnce. ' , Th_e Iociuliuta of C_hioago have novpinutod o'ootion. "Prof." Richnrdaoniu the nominee fmnmayor. 01.5. Hnalnn-.1-l'.Il.M~ I..- ....:.._...1 L:- ---L THE POPE'S POSITION. Seator Stanford. California. has lent hi: 85,000 to the committee in Boston uuzngod in raising $100,000 for Mru.'Gou. Sherman. Germnnv hu nnmuadml tn bk. ..`......4 ..t nu nu-mg uuu,wu [or Mrs. uen. Sherman. Germany has noooeded to the rquest of France for permission to transfer the re- main: of General: Carnot and Mnrcoou to ` France. TL- -....:-l:_L_ -1 can 0 I ' ` n. mm. rung. um Albot cannu- lluhou from Europa-glad Who: They Po:-and--A Little of lvornlm lull: Band And Bomomhororl. The Wutortown police no rsiding tho poker room: in thn city. _ `An amicable underuuuding bu been hnd between Chins sud Cores. `Tho nugnr crop of the Hawaiian Iulsndu will be the largest in the history of the in- lnndu. ` Q n-...4.... L`L_..l...I ll no GREAT STbRM AT SEA. TELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR OUARTERS G|VEN._ AFFAIRS OFTHE WORLD. RH FIRST LOT JLTs_T ARRIVED. uuu pinion urn. "I mmmcx, 159 Prinoosa suing "B. BARN Dnnrnmna no...` 17:. .._A _ G. OFFORP, _$r., CENTRAL SHOE ETOR}: i nmnrou. Pluorxom for sum. 1 wrru orncn. bwu.x.ma novels and gooq nrdgg. A nod ononlu hr Annm- mrgu nouns. outbuildings. orchard, 860.. sulta- ble for a f mer or ardenglr. Apply on the romisosto UHN G AHA , P.0.nddreos. artamouth. ,,,,_ __ ___ T A FINE FARM OF 7.5 ACRES. Eu! Pint of Lot No. 15. Int Concession Township of Kingston. beautifully situated on the Lake Shore. one mile from the Penitentiary. Good In-go house. outbuildings. &o.. sulta- p_romisost,9 P.O.nddrenn. A SMALL HOUSE on Centre Street. Vic- toria. Ward. Rent. including taxes, aixIwol- hrs `per annum. Also a Small House on out Street. Sydunnam Ward. opposite the L House: in good order. Apply to A. M063?!- MICK Princes: Street. ___ HOUSE with eight moms and extension kit- chen hard and soft water with good enabling ; ` convenient to Queen'e Cali 9 ; immediate - session. A ply on the prom see 1885, or at :4: Union treat. between Gordon em ! Alfie? _ 5. i I U! Sta. 'l'U I(l.'.\"l`-\VIl0LESAl.E S1`ORE-(`orner nf Ulnrenccnml (mtario ilreots. Apply to W. H. Sl'I.LIv.\N. Hnlic tor. Clarence street. or J. H. ML`Rl'll\'. Tulephone No. 170. _ `u u:u\:`s. uvvliumnlu l'i.(r)U8E o ;.-.'**'.s~.........':'.':...".".':*......:.:.*:;":: 00. A BRICK DWELLING AND A SFONE DWELLING. with or without furnaces and all mndern Improvements. Both are near the cor- ner nf Kin and West streets. Anply to MAC- Dl).V'NEl. R MUDHC. FROM 13'!` MAY. that good Iubaumtial house on Ontario Street. near nion. at pre- sent oocllpiud bi Mrs. Deacon. Apply to E. T SPEACY. Wulu &Ste-scy. ________________}___ TIIE SHOP AND DWELLING on King street. occupied by John Honderson as a wholesale liuuor more. Apply to JOHN REEVES, Brock street. "\_"""`-" i 3%! 39PRINOEB8 Street. Kingnton. HIGHEST CASH PR1 !!! PAID FOR OLD Il{0N_ (out. gr wronzhu. Bran. unnn-_ '1'nA'r uu.-s1 RAHLE amcx DWELLINF 120 Earl Street. at present occupied by W. H. Wnrmwith. Possession May 1st. or sooner if desired ' TWENTY ACRES OF` AND. (wining city. with stone residence and outbu ldings. Apply to WAl)[)lNG'l`()N BROS.. Market Square. Go to this Old lloliable House for your _ ___ NO. I COLBORNE BTREE1`. Hot and cold watorbuha; six rooms` exwnsion kitchen. Possession lat May. Apniy to J. B. MCIVER. 127 Princess Street, IOI hnnn rlll III. PAIN FU '":J`.1`:`ifo'1.'n".f.5`..".".5"'..".`T' HUUSIC. now occnpiud by J. Mills. Corner of Prinuuss and Divi-Jion streets. from May lat. Apply at Wmu Ut.:o. A SHOP ON KINUSTREE I`, with dwelling above. near Market Sqn u-9. Apply at 48 Earl Street. A BRICK DW_ELIgl.\'G. furnaces and ..n I _j__ 'l`() RE.\"I`-WlIOI.ESAl.E S l`ORE-(`o -if ('.larenccmuHIutario ilremn. Annlv n v.- v ---wt-u \Il%II&u 03010] FAMILY & BAKIBB` ILOUI BIID GRAIN. PBISBID HAY. OLG- VIB AND TIHOTHY _lID. 1-` THE A ET? :: .__._`__________._;_..____ OFFICE, large, oemral. well uted. Term: roasurmble. Possession hnmodlatoly. Apply 'Box." Wale. HOUSE IN VAUGHN TFERRTKCE. Posses- aion May In. Apply M. WHIU OFFICE. __.________:__:_______.____ ..j--A.__. IMMKDIAFELY. PWO OR THREE GOOD ` PLU MB RS and Steam Fitters. Apply to M0- Knuvnnr Bmcu. GOOD. LIVE MIN. to cunvus for 'l`uoker'a Celebmwd Filing Cabinet and Wmto Enum- oled Cipher: for hnunu numbering. 'Apply Lo J. S. R. CUAN N, 232 Princess Street. T- THAT l)ESll{AHLlc DWELLING, [.59 Suva]. occupied bv W. H. roasurmble. P04 . lM '. MR8. LAMERON. ` Streets. , _.__..._._A_._.._j_} HOUSE. Prin_uuss streets. Maw Int. -.___, , _--_. . A Nlfnsaz. A ply to MRS`. NOEL KER? )6! King:-ltreet. ` - A SHOP ON I_hove. Annly Earl v -an An u `LIHUTIS Y BEID. C D. FRANKLIN` HA-I-no Inn.-- MAHHIEU. _ V\'1.~'1'nus-WIN1'Icns-0n March llth, At the Villa. 0 of Clo ne, by the 7Rev. W. Coom )0. Mr. Jo n Winters. of the vi!- ltyge of Lonndnle. to Miss Sophronis \ intqra of the to"wmhip of Bil`!-ie,`Ont.` HUNl.)LY- ' Scnvlcn at noon 0011030 In the afternoon- Collocuon tort e U ` army Mlulonnry Alw- cialiol. voL. LVIlI:f Rmxmns. WAN -I-T 9 nlmnnimlf . l\_ Il_._-l .1 .1J..aL.l.Vl luau-r Hymn Prop:-ie't0r.' _jj- r. A Goon rook . Apnly to , Cornenof King and Union lunbl r Hon. ' $.`5 . _ . - . _--, -v-- -o--I-,vA1|ll.l|vlU C. A. CORNELL - PROP. This Houno hujuut boon runodolud. Ind n uod.|nd no at will be spared to noun the comfort of nests. Commodloul Sample Room: for Comlnorohl Traveller! Tho Imziyud and uahlu In mm. om: DOLLAR FIB DAY. DAILY wma. la muuro 5!: an Amondod mrm. It ru- .vi on that tho unlgnu and hi: deputy I 1" he hona Me rolldonu of Ontario. And chm! the noun of lnaolnnt autos Ilnll not be removed {min tbmmvlnm without the con- Ienrol the county udnu whore sh: sulp- ment In raglan . It provide: A Game! 8500 for persons proved to ban violated the not. sad .1: ddnlt. lmprhonlnont for thlny dun. [III K5. Illa thirty days. Iur my country. Alamo Loraine Iuoro from your dluonnlonn. and will perish through your fntuoldnl oonlloh ovr tho dlvhion of party lines." \ -1? -ihj -- Ir. Bronson : Bankruptcy Bill. Tunor`1-n, Much 2.1- The Insolvency bill of Mr. Brannon. M.P.P.. panel the la mature in an unondod form. It vill nnlnnn Ana` M. .I.....o.. . .n A llemuknble Ipeeoll. PARIS. March 23.--A benquet wee given In honour ol M. Antoine lee: evening Among thoee preeent were forty deputlee. In n epeech Antoine eeld 2' "Ceeee to tor- ture youreelvee, defend the republic. end prelorve the libetty which will permit you to hope for everythlng endrender Impoeelble edventnree which are hnerdoue end deedly lot the country. Aleeoe Lorelne your dleeenelone. And will nnrlnlu n.........:. ...- u-urn-u soap on winning. Lorlbox, March '23.-The eleollon In the Uorton division of Luncuhlre. to ll the vecency In the houee of common: oeneed by `the death of Richerd Peacock. Gledetonlen, resulted In the return of William Mather. iluletonien. who received 6.155 votee. enlnet 4.909 for Earnest Hatch. concern- tive and libernl unionist. At the lee! elec tion Po.-nooclr recoived 4.599 rotate. and Lord De Welton, coneervetlve, 4,135. The President : Lu: Nomlnnlonn. Nnw Yonx, March 23.-'I'ho nomimtiona sent to the sauna yoaterdny contained the names of ox-Congressman W. H. Cnlkinn, of Indiana, for the oommiuionenhlp of the genenl lmd oioe: of William M. Meredith. of Illinois, for public printer ; sud Murat Hulutood. of Ohio, minister to Gcrmuny. The lmpreuion provsiln tint Erlnrdt will be collector of the port of New York. Donn : Mind the Money, Mow'nu:Al.. March ?`2.-Ohief of Police Hughes has presented his report to the po lice committee to dny, rocom nding that the fares be incrouod from 250 300 men, that conatcblaa y be nuvmentod from 88 to 812 a week, t It the patrol Alarm system be introduced, that I mounted force of twenty man be formed, and that the pay of Iorgesnu be raised to 81.000 3 year. wee: eohnarlen Nler run 8 needle in his foot. gurgeom sought in vain for it. This afternoon Nier was taken to the lent uf the Suburban electric rnilvuy and hi! fool held near one of the dynnmou. In fteen minutes the needle Wu drawn out. m.--us-mu, 11., nurcn 2.'i.-Docwrl And scientic men here are into:-rented in 5 - culinr cue. which developed to-day. One week a,o(7harles Nier his . umeom nought. in `min 4'... :. 'rL:- om? FLOUR STORE. f -AlI!I 9 L n; r--u... _. _.._ mu.w.wu:, March 23.--J. Match wAu- hery, jr.. of Chicego nnnl his brid . the daughter of Chief Justice Fuller. are still in this city. They hnvo received the blessing uf (lhief Justice Fuller by telegrnph. be- Iidee ensuring them of forgiveness, the mes` sage contains no invitstion to the young couple to visit the bride : family. nus uuw ngunu n-end. Roclllnznn, March 23.-The wholeeele `butter. cheeee and egg declare eeeocletion of this city hes sent A petition to the senate. asking that body to Appropriate $100,000 for themeinuanence of the diary commie- ninn end the proper enforcement of the dairy lawe Against fraudulent treic in oleomnr- gerine anal adullereted milk. Work of I Deeperete Lover. Hmn Drulx.1:, \Vi_s., March 23.-Ioeeph Menoir yesterday entered the room of Ellen Long, whose mother keep: a boarding house, end after cutting her severely about the hand with e ruor, cut his own throat. The[gir', who in only 16. will recover. Me- noir was in love with her and had been re- peatedly repulsed. mm wrger Iuu nmcr wnueas, Richard Pinon. and that it contains much mntuar of ill omen to the equivocatorl of the treuury bench. nu uynnmo Drew It 0nt_ Scnul-run, 15., March 23.-Docwrl ` uientic here Ara innn-..o..a :. . M Forget Plgotvu Dlnry. Ln.\'|mx, March 23.--The Star tonight uys that.Mr. Lewis. Mr. P|rnoll'a Iolicihor, has obtained possession of the diary of the late forger and 7':'man' witness, Richard Pilolt. and thlt it nnnfninn vnnnh mnn-.. /\: T-__._.._..___ .`l'IIo Llbonln Ioop Winning. mmm:_ Mu-oh -)2 _'n.- -I...:-- 1- To Exclude Adultorutod Food. `OTTAWA, Merch 23.-In the house of common: Mr. Foster uid thet the govern- ment hnd under comiderntion the advis- ability of excluding United Stetee lard by an increased duty or otherwise, in view of the extensive ndulteration practiced. Pain Fuller`: Bloulng. Mxnwwxnz, March 23.-J. Mn uerv. ir_ nf (`himnn ....I 1.:- L I Jollolliy Drove Him to Iurdcr. Hn.l.mum, 1nd,, March 23.-Johu For ull, became jealous of his wife, and while she wu begging for mercy emptied all the chnmhera of his revolver into her body. She ' will die. Fosnell is in danger of being lynch- ed. moo HOUSE, NAPANEE, onmuo n A nnnuzn n , an-un .:_.___Z;._: Olclnlo Can ! Voto._ HALIFAX, N.S.. March 23.-The home of assembly, by I vote of 19 to l8, bu given the three months` hoist to the 1-opoaition to allow dominion government 0 cialu to vote at municipal elections in Non Scdtin. A Poor : 3 Poor. Lusmm, March 25.--In the house of lords to night Earl Carnovon'a bill providing for the expulsion of pearl uilty of discredi- table conduct was rjejecto by a vote of 73 _ to 14. ` The Tu`!!! II Too High. ST. Pznnsuulm. Much 23.-'lhe Omah- danin says the budget; surpluu in 1888 was aixvty miilion roubles and than the revision of the customs taritfhn been poatgonad. _ vul--I nluuurcx VIIIKIII` ISIIKIIIIII. LONDON, March `23.-Bismarck is stop- Eling at the residence of Lord Roaoborry. e declnres that his visit to England in of I private nature. Fonnderod In C (isle. Clll-ZRBOURG, Much 22- A Frehch tor- ` edo boat fouudared off here In I hurricane. e r csptain and fourteen of her crew won drowned. THIS 11] HTKIET. \ : nnnu aunnnaulr CUIIPANY. SAILING from New York every Saturday. Au ihorized Agent, F. A. Folzer. Ferry Dock, toot of In-ooh St. Klnnwn. 1 } Tlu Dynamo Drew Au-nu D- l1__,,L nn I- ` JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Pnnvous *'rulII:1`. .j._jjj_ Cimnt Bismarck Vlnltlng Enzlnud. Lnunnu Mm-nl. '00 !::._.___u_ :- ,. - . --- -no-an QIAAILVII: In. In bu 1. his carriage: he thoroughly ` understands bunlnou. being I pncucd carriage maker. 2. He unmnloeo ovary one he sells. 8. Ho 0 the only onoln the business that can rcmr {our can-Inge when It need: IL In prion Inc. r H YYDIDAMDIAII ADA In - I-- 'l`ho Luv Agalnot Fraud. vuuuuun ll-_-I. an Wu CFNARD BTEAMSHIP COMPKNY. hn nun ham \1.- Van. -....... u....._.n__ T'LnAPIHc BRI'EES.w L____..__.._. ,. _.___- - KINGSTON. `CANADA, SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH mur moron: 1 watt up the mountain. But there a clue 0! people on whom the" moat aaorad leaeone make no impraa eiona. and I am an to lay uvoral ol theee are to be lound In rother Chriavmaa 00!!- gregatlon. Aaaoon an the aacrlticlall of meat lamb val brought out of the et. and Abraham and laaao proceeded to do mollah It. some ol the profane wretohet be- an to tltter and laugh, but`ono of the aoona got baulouhtlienn and eald : `IV? yea. ou mey Iaug now, you may a now; ut bllnaby you'll all be a larn '3. odor elde ol your rnouf'a..yea on will." ad Brother Chrlatmaa remind them that it we: a very eolemn oeremony. and a perfect rupreeentatlon ol how the patriarch: con- ducted their eacrloae oiubleea hundred and ciqbry-nine yrau ago . . The next tableau will be King Solonon a temple. all covered over with aolid gold. and loe-cream thrown In (or fteen came. I `Mon to add that the tableaux are a nnooeee. You who read ol the crowded houaea an ulv man were mt out in the cold. ` Brother Brown, ea trnetee. need to peee the contribution box on Sunday ; but be de clered that he waen't a golu to pace no contribution box for no litical preacher, and. ee I laid before. lrother Chrietmee got badly left. But Brother (Thrietmae, be, nidee being an indefatigable Chriatian work- er. in a men of ready reeourcee eo it occur- red to him that he could re lenieh hie ex- cbequer by ivin a eeriee of bible tableau! in the church. {he departure of the Ten Tribee. Joeeph end hie brethren. Jaoob'e Ladder with m rlade of little colored ange'e aecendlng and eeeendin : and, by the way. it ie ele nler how the de union ever gained foothold` that all an II are white. But the moat intereetln ta lean of the week wee the eacrioing o Ieeac by Abraham. Ieeeo wee re penned by a little colored Chrlet- mae w o came out in hie night ehirt oerry- ing a bundle of wood Then the llghte were turned down. and Brother Chrletlnee een out Abraham. ho! dyhan : then the llghte were turned n . and leaao he down from the alter. or Abraham had leoovered a leg oi lamb In e heehet all nicely roeeted which the congregation forthwith proceeded to eaorlce. for the eonelderete angel above had put emne crackers and ham eandwlohee in the baeket. eo that Abraham and leeae were able to have nlte I nice launch alter their mornln 'e w the there a dame nl m....|. .. _L-- -...-.5-no I.'vcl_y ulna, Iuu no CIUKIODNI the motor not to forget it. The warning won out on Brother Chrietmuuxn I he continued to prey for Hnrrilon. end it ie evident the! the Lord hnlwered hie nruyer for Harrison wee elected. Then Brot er Brown got med. with the defeet of Clevelend the young men'I dernocretlo club went to inderl. end the peeeident and the other two members of the club were left out in the cold. Hmthnr Rm-n ... cm... ....A 4- -~~~ tau Ill over the country. _ ` While on the subject of tableaux let me not forget thoee given by the African Me- thodist Epiacopal church, at Brooklyn, over which presides the Rev. Mr. Christmas. Brother Christmas is a hard-working laborer in the Lord : vineyard, but I regret to add that Brother Christmas congregation. for- getful of that divine declaration. that the laborer is worthy of his hine," neglected to give to Caesar the things which were Caesar's. and as a consequence it left Brother Christ- mas at outs with the butcher, the l>aIer,and the candlestick maker. That a man can not live by bread alone is true. so it is equally true that in these wicked latter days he nds faith alone very unsnbetantial board. Some of the trustees had taken of- fence at Brother Chriatmaa' course in the late election. The Sunday after Harrison's nomination Brother Christmas prayed that he might be the Lines: to lead the coloured people out of the land of bondage. Brother lrown. who is a trustee and keepa s first- claea barber shop, and who had juet been elected president of the Young Men`: Coloured Democratic Cleveland and Thur man club, roee in his pew and aid, "that he did not want no politics inter co-mingled wid his religion, that he would take his straight every time," and he cautioned the pastor not to forum. in Th. ..v.....:.... _-- uuu to near me onnracters speak the tableaux draw together I most fnshionsble l.lI(l enthu- aiu ic Audience, nnd it look: now u thou h th tabletux would become 3 fuhionab 0 fad all over the the luhlm-O. nf '1-1|`-Ann lgo ....- Three Good Reasons Why You Should Buy ` From nmmucx. 1-. I... |..-_.__ x

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