Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1889, p. 4

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cwluto ITIAIIIIP con I-nu . luunu has New You out-yuntmdn. An- IhdllCt.l`.A.l'hHI. hen Dooxlnt attack It.. Khulna. one llll unzu Illou. Inc ODIIOOIIOII Val In lid of t. Vincent do Pnul moiety. and amounted to II75. lnoinding 0% from the blnhop. - uurmuuy wuu mu locum lllllnt. wnuo mo "dgnuu Doi, by Mr. Ana. wu simply grand. The number: were: Kyrle, Momrt; Credo. Angel: : Snnotul. Morcadnnu ; A nun Doi, Morcndunvo ; An Marin. Lam bi Iota. Mn. Du Rochorl presided At the orunn and dh lnyod sblllty and skill. She wu cougratu ntod on the way the ncqumcd herself. I D... II. I-II.. _I..Ix..-__j -_ , nun, nvu lulu II, U, HIT! TIGVDII, VII mngnl cuntly given, her voice uvootly blondln in ' 6 `lurmuuywmtr . "dgqul _[3ei,hy_ sno_._ w_u_gimpIy m'i`li::Lhoir excelled iieelfin the rendition of the different portion: of the meet. The Ave Marin." by Mr: Prevoet, Wu! magni- hIrmmVm : as uumgu. nu was glnaly received 0 me ople uni on the hills of I'nr| they achnor lzliged his teachings. In 493 when he lied in the county Down the whole people were converted and acknowledged the Lord Jeeul. He had (-etelrlinhed churc-hce.cnnvente end Ichooie, and lled the land with learn- ing end eenctltv. in the life of St. Patrick there were three virtuee 2 Pennnce. humii Ity, and zenl in the work of God for the ulvetion of scale. His life was one of holi neee. mortiiicntion, end constant prayer. He remembered hie commiuion and we: ever xenloue in the salvation of eouln. He presch- ed the principal mysteries of their holy reli ion. No mutter whet pereecutinn the lrie people hed endured they clumz to his teaching: and feith, they showed their obedience to their putormnnd their love and loyelty to the vioer of Christ. The Iucceee of the work of St. Patrick VII evident, on Irelend wu renowned as the Island ol Saints. 'l"L- . |...l- ..-.._n-.1 n-_u':__ .L, _ II.e The sermon was preached by` the Rev. Fr. Quinn, who took his text from Hebrews I xni.-I6. God had appointed, in allvages of , the world, men who were the messengers of Hi! word and the dispensers of His mercy. He had conferred talents, gifts and virtues on them necessary for the performance of their arduous duties. Thus God had forti- ed Moses, Aaron and the prophets of the old testament. Thus God had fortified John the Baptist. and qualified the twelve apostles when he had commissioned them to "go and teach all nations whatsoever he had commanded them. He had conferred on them talents. gifts and virtues to conquer every ditiiculty in preaching the doctrine of salvation, notwithstanding the persecutions they were to encounter in the promulgation of His word. In 312 when Constantine was converted to (}od.()hristainity was preached as fresh as when God walked the earth. So was the commission imparted to the glorious apostle of Ireland. He was given the gifts an-l virtues necessary to convert the heathen of Ireland. No saint was ever endowed I with greater virtue than the saint whose festival they were then celebration, and the Irish people, no matter where they were scattered, asscmlnlcd around the altar of God to honour the name of God and St. i stric|t. The rlrurclr of Ireland, fostered and nurtured under his care and guidance, ourished everywhere. The doctrine which he preached to the Irish people so success- fully had Christianized the world. The speaker then touched on the early history of St. Patrick. his servitude in Ireland, his return to (Saul, and his studies, by the ad- vice of St. Germain, to fit him for his sacred oflice. In 43l he visited Rome where he received his commission to preach the gos pel. In 432, when he landed on the scene of his early activity, he did not go as the slave of men, but the harbinger of glad tidings. He was gladly received b the I nennln Anrl nn 'hl` lsilln nf run than nn nnu. ucrwrnymnrrn Ime uvle. | High mgsa was celebrated by Rev. Fr. I Kelly, At which the bishop preaialed on the throne. naisted.by Rm`. Fra. Quinn and (Iarey. Thn nnrmnn um: nu-nnnlsml luv` oh. I)... Lovers of "Old Ireland" Have a Jubllo \ eutor(|uy-Au liloquent sermon. The festival of St. l Ar.rick was celehrnted yesterday by religious services in St. Mary's cathedral. At 8 o'clock the sacred edice was densely crowded. About I25 members of the I (1. B.A. and 60 of the C. M.l%.A.,aual 200 members of the Holy Family were pre- sent and partook of holv conuumion. l'he number of men who communicated at the | man was unprecedentedly large and was gratifying to the clergy. Rev. Fr. Twnmey officiated. A buys` choir, under the leader- ship of Frederick and Patrick, sang a bum- bcrnfhyrnnr'hr`lhie atvle. High mu`: wan nnlnhrntnv` kn 1).. L`. I I NEW SPRING STOW BOOTS AND SHOES0 ARRIVING DAILY HAINES & `LOCKE`l;T. A Good Man : Overcoat Made to order for $13 l nnnn gun ll- kgal nu... .........- . I..__ .._n| __n_, $L25,$L5o,$L75. Imported Direct andthe Coats Lined A = With Tweed. % . These arejustthe thing. "They are"we|| made, and of good material. For honest value we believe they are not equalled in the city. C.ome to-day and seethem at lands] of 5 iA[IIIOIIIl'O. Sty/es /Vew. Latest Shapes. ` Best Stock. Prices Low. HON(>)RI.NG sf: PATRlCK.i $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, FOR SCHOOL 'VV'E,A.`E?.- :;j. BOYSTTWEED Tsmjsj One Brice Store, %%%%% Princess Street. rusuu nun [IIIIIII Illulrlnnuull I [HI ID lT'H0M_AsHANiEY left in Costa, Jackets. Robes. Col- lars, Capes, Mt_1`s and Boas. All of these we wlll offer f`or_a. few days longer at tem tmz pnoea to bu ers,a.nd some 0 them we will Be tor less than cost price at 33 -55-1--- _..._. ...__ lort Direct noutfflsnim Northwest Torritoria. British Columbia and Pacing Gaga. Vin. North Bay. rims and ad dine! connection: mule hi this route. EPEUIAL COL().\'l8'l` 'l`llAlNs wI be run EVERY TUICSIMY during the rliuntlu of March and April. with ool--nut free uloeplng car nnuchod. Into:-ding passengers are rerou- mondod to communicate In only an possible with the uncut of the Grand Trunk Runway. ~- Pu-niuru-n1u*uIn'msnuv1*Itrr-'um gar pu . foot 0! Johnson Street. ufollowj :" mo nu. oonuo wan. n.` .... ..at I:mp.rn. No.8 ..... ..nt8:mp.lI. no. .....ml min. No.4 .... ...uI:wn.n. Ind ..... ..u `Oman. No.0 .... ...au1In.n :lx=.....u1:i)n.n. II ,n vsmn... .T 7 --------v Qau-Q l . . . Sprung Overcoatm s and Fine Duagona s ' ALL A1` UNUSUALLY LOW vmmcs. THOMAS MOORE. MERCHANT TAILOR. Klnlnton. March III. MR6. TRUNK - RAILWAY. E I HAVE I- LEASUREln noli In my man friends and customers (ha! I wil REMOVIC ' THE STORE FUHMEKLY 0(`(`l'PlED HY MESSR9. M. H. WAL-Ill (`0 one door west of McAuloy & Co `a Bnokstormltlnu strum on lnulpril. In thankimr my friends for lho NOTICE OF REMOVAL. I AT HALF PRICE. At N ISBET'S, lseaside Library . in Kingston. March B0ST0NA':`_[{_g&uI_:'ST()-R;l7:'; oi-TEATP FICTION. I 1 I 5:_lg 01.50. . Prevoat, At the New York clothing. store, gives the choice of any punt pattern in his window for 83.50, mcdo to order. The nod: are stripes and checks, in Scotch uveect` and I English worsted in stripes. Thane gt 1:`: I an worth Cpor plir. For one Week only. The German government hu nu; pr-cued the Berlin Volh Zzitung under the Iocialht. luv. _Ho Beats HI: Daughter and Shoot: II 1wo l'enumn- Ills Own Wound. Lon` A.\'t-I-2LlsZ\'. (Jnl.. March 18. -Constahle Harniahlcger went to (-`arveuss village yes- terday to arrest an old man named B. S. Sprs ue for beating his little girl. Sprsgue shot urnishfeger through the head, inflict- ing a mortal wound. A posse went in pur suit of Spragae. Finullv H. W. Patton. registrar of the land ollice, succeeded in heading off the fugitive, And called on him to surrender. Sprugue replied by tiring two shots at Patton, both of which missed. Patton then shot Sprngue through the ab- domen. inilictingn fats] wound. Sprngue is thought to have been insane. .~'q meammmo simr mm CORNER BOOKSTORE. M UST HXVE EE EN IAIIIINCI. I. I IIIIIII Ilouu Naogou not run: Monday. I wnlumforlhlrudul and Rose Library Our new s_tock is now replete w1th the leaqmg styles of prom1- nent makersln the _var1ous fashion- able colors for sprm and summer wear. The design an flnlsh of our Dress Stx` Hats are sxmply un- aurpaseable. and justly entitle every hat to rank as a work of art in the eyes of all who see and wea,r them. We have still a few choxce FURS o wan-1-. ..nt 8:!) p.lI. ...u 8:05.13. ...at MI nan -1 1:I)n.In. ..nt7:mn.|n. g mgaat uuuuyruuvul. Ilturr III rurrnicfl. Covm I-`nnvruruc. .\'o. 59. R|c:1'1..m .\h.rr- INO. Thursday evening. March 21st. J. S. R. .\lct`nN. secretary. um aleoun AND Lam` '{`I'Icahn1 or Iucn IONTH In the `Prentice lioy.~`IIa|l. King Street. 1`. T. RIrN'ro.Vl. Recording Secretary. HATS nuns on -an`:-uu. LIICISTIR bonus. No. 33. at the Song of Eng- land Bene\'q1pnt-S-Tlty. will mom In lhoir new mar Montreal and Prmot-as S1 .. UV mcaal Hardware Store. the md m:d [uh Tuesdays at each month. L'NDl\`.R Tm: .\l RI'l('l-IS ur 'l`lHl'. Gaum Lomnr. or MA.`o'(`H|<`H'I`KK, l nwut every * other Fridnxy In the Sun 3 u! Eu lnnd Room. Princess 1-3h`ct-L Next meeting ARCH 15111 W. lil`SlHLl.. Rccordimg Secretary. cm. at 7:30 .m. Cumraqu . No. 92. on Wednesday. April I01). :1 72:!) n.m. wuiin"-5' "iifmifl 7Lmn"'"smu 126 Princess Street. p.m. Ancient St. John's. .\'o 3. on Thursday, April (1h,u 7:30 (`ulna-Ann Nn 0'2 nn \.\.'.ulnnnd-u Lnril Ilhh `v. .1--u 'l`l`Z\`l)l-IIIS will lw rt.-voived by the subs:-rilu-r until 291 h .\lur:'h in.~uunI. at noon. fur the pur- vnnsu mnl romuvul wnthln lwu \\'vek.~I Itflcl` Is; ..'|)' of three duuhlc lrm-nu-nl frunm bufdinus un'h1- snulhc-r|_\' .-aitlv uf l I"l||vv.~m HI rout, ulun c iiurriv I-ilrucl, bulwcun the urelllisun of (lcurgv Hmwh uml. .~`umucl Jenkuns. The lmghesl ur any tender nut mu.-asurily an-opted. J. M. .\lAL`llAlL .\'I'Iicilt-r. Ki-cslum I5lh Man-.h l\`\`(] Cnnadhun Order l*`nreuN-rs. (?m'n1*-Sn\'|.I:v. No. 199. (`.0.F`.. nu-eta Lmmwoun 'l`vmmr mr Iurn rctLs`0m|l)le around r4-nl. Hm z-i._v prom-rl_\' belwvcn Hu- llrnwn and .\`umuvl Junki` from on suulh siulo of P111 Burriv. wit h nu a\`vrmu* (Iv; urlcsa Thu louuv \\ il! hu 1 of then-rm. or buildings 1, umungui. Three` Large Frumo Buildings [or Sale. 'I'I.`\'nL*I)u ....'II I... ., ..: ..l I._.|._ ...L ..._:I. ._ I)(-.~'iraIlo I ruprrI_u on Ifuilzling I.`a.~u-`]'or `. I 1'4-ur.-c. . The undx-reigned 0IYvI`.~x on building lease for ll It`I'll) nf `.'l yours from lat .\luy non. M u \ 4-r_\' reason.-nlylu around lhul cunt ully Hilllwlcd -i.y prune:-l,\' m'vuni. uf H:-unzc I 'l'H`I`J EX |'l`2NSl\'l`I UAICIH\UEJ"A(`T()R\' .l`REMlL-H029. nocupiml by livnrgu l,iI'()Wh. on Blrrlu Slro.-cl. In-ur l'ri`n`-o.-as Slrevl, having u frnnmgn-. of 56 fool. Wilh u-ry lurg. yexnl. mum and sln-dtlhm iv rt-ur. 'I`lu- Inm-himzry on Hu- premisus mu? be hmuzlll frnm llmnutuuinx uennnlsm u uw vuluuliun. 'I`n un inumnim; uumnl fu.\`uurubIc 11-rxnn will bu gin-u. .__;.. -_...-:.._ -.,.-, _.____. LARGE FACTORY BUILDING TO BE LET. .\.lo'|-;o)|||' Regular MN-llnzn. Mindcn. No. 353. on Monday, April lat. at 7:20 DJIV. Kinslun. 151 in March. l\`.~'sI. ion on [OI use but runs Ill HANGING LAIIPS at 8. Weaver ; 1'!!! FACT [8 WltAVIm`B IBTHI LIIJADING PLA(`l: FUR BARGAINS IN FANCY 00008. Jowouurx (`ro- Rory. (Hun- wuro. Lump: 0l`l,`I`nxIlru I {stun Pump. 0.` V0 0 w- on! prices In the 4,113. ,L 3wIlouIROHlnl'lNIb?'l'Ik8hBlIIck spun and Hymn at hall price at TlCNl)ERS will he received by the under `signed up till llw awning of Tl l<.`.\`l)A Y. the l9th inst... for tho`:-tc\'en_u trades wnrka ro quirod in llmklnltullvrullnns uud udditionz-n to A house on John:-um .~r:m~`l. Plum: nml nnuvhh-nlimm In Pm mum nf mv house Jollnsun Plans and spocilicnlioms to be seen at my olco. J n n In In 5 lueuanuwual or any lcllqcr DOL necessarily no I . ce glans and spoccatlons may be seen at. our olce. _ . _ , POWER t SON. . Architects. Lion Hlo..k'. -3U\.'ll`4fl ()1 Int` rroauyuary 01' K" Lon IN! ` he he'd in Cooke's (`hunch an '1` `.'liHl)A\' lCV'ENI.\'G NEXT at 7:30 o'clock. A (olloclion~ will be taken up in Add of foreign mission work. The Bu.-ninuns Mm-ling: of the Suciely will be held in the Hall at 10 mm. and 2:2!) p.m. `A. L. FOWLER. Asst. l .S. TENIHCRS will be r.:t-eivod b the under- . alnrnedup to 6_ p. m of `PH b'Il.'~`I|A\. 27th tnsl.. for the several Trades Works` required in ` making uddiilona and altornlgom to the urn- ofry and adjoining store for . 5. Henderson. Jq, A - g`j1MEL?_41W.UNEENTr . TUE AN.\'UAL PUBLIC M|CETl.\'(: OF THE \\'()ME.\"S l*`()ltl~.`luN MISSIONARY SUCHC l'\' of the Presbytery of Kin ston will in N EXT M 7:30 o'clock. A 4 nllnnllnn A THE EX TF:NSi\'PI CARR]\HEJ"A(`T()H\' l`R.lCMlSE. (`(`l`Ill)il`lI hr (:1-nrnn HI-nvrn nu Wellington Street. Noted for Low Prices. NR I_)0OR BELOW ( Pl`! HOTICL. YUU CAN Inn` \'Ul'K mcrumszs FNQMED the cheapest In the city 51 S. WEAVE `8. You can not the PIUCTTIEST BABY (NR- RIAOI8 at the Iowa! print at S. Wcnveri. You [at tho but value In HANGING 8. Wanton-'1 lndopandeut 0:-do-r uf Furentors. nvuun l.`..nu-....u.n \'.. zn n.._.... .-. In 'l.`?Ie lowoat or anytcnder not necessarily no repqed. BVERCOATS7 T fw E bi-SEC. . , .-- _._.j 3,, -.l . ._..._......_.__ TO` CONTRACTO S. T FUifNsHhIGs. TO CONTRACTORQ. Sons of England. Inna: \Yn on Ooh. l_\' belwx-cu 1Iu- pm-zn|. ul 1-'u~:n';:e l Junkin-4. About 13;! feel ulh l'rinvus.~\ Slreel. .~mu\'o fl depth of I20 furl, more 1' 1`1'ums'1:d nl um um . puil for us nmy bu JAKE IIID. `ITI LIADING UNDIR'l`AI.IR._Plllc1 R-run:-r. 'Es?)o1E'1*1ms. PUWEK I SON. Architects. J. 1!. RE). Architect. &c. ..-- ._J v. -u- yuvwuavuv VI II Ullllll m_.-co dmubm or to run, the aims. bntloo ol public monoyl lilllli Vvtcd (the clergy rnnvo moneys. lot lnntanoo), it lol- "The Imperial crown may," It uyn, "in my proper OCIO sync with another crown or nation to refer to I IoVo_ul]n,.or to _ngig _ tlitb mu:hI.Ily" Agootl upon, quutionn nfoctlng in helllgonot or territorial right: or claims. but thin regolity of the Imperial our: in not pououod nor can It be uorolr od by A cololilnl government or legislature. II It would ho ultra vlru of` the loglahturo ol Ontnrio to dologoto authority to rlonlgn own---any to the president of the United hgn.._u.4Il.o.lI...4- -- .- __.u_ AL -- - - Two eminent nuthnritiee, the Canadian Law Journal and the Canadian Lam 'I`a'm:.., have spoken on the Jenni! eetetee bill, end both nilege tint it ie unoonetitutionel end ehonld be dieellowed. The re: named peper coneende the: epert iron enyuther provieione in ilnperiel etetutee. the: it in nitre viree the eonetitutionei powen of e ; ooioniei iegleiemre to confer on er deiegete toeny foreign eevereign. potentete or tri- bnnel. lewinl jurisdiction or euthovity to determine or ratify. the distribution or the money: or propertiee of the crown, or how money great: to the eubjeim ol the crown. within in oolouiel juriediction. ere lobe ` dietribnied. .....- `II ........ nu-:l,..,..-u~..n. Nothing short of a phenomenon in the form of a mon-e giant mentally and physi- cally -cztn presume tooxercise the functions of chief comtnhle in Meaford, and he must beat phenomenon of A phenomenal aort_ Practically the town wants to nd a man who can do anything. everything. and it can not nd him. Many there are who will essay the contract, lmt the moat willing to do (rest thing: are sometimes the most in- capable. Perhaps it in well, however, that the acting as well on the designing of the farce could be made complete, that the folly of the council may be fully utablishenl, and that wisdom may prevail. A more extru- onlinory appointment than tint lln1lel`l.l\kl1 by the Moaford municipal legislators we have certainly never heard of. III! H II 0! PCHISC. That on refusing or ne Ieczing to perform Any of the duties impose: upon him by by- luv the msyor or chairmen of cmnniittees shall suspend him and the matter reported to the council : and if the ntfence justify his dismissal he shall be dismissed, sud not be entitled to any remuneration luring the time of such suspension. k'...|.:...- -|...... .J .. _L___._ ._ 7 2, .I uuu service: to UN! uuuel 0! ms omce. That he shnll perform such work as the chnirmen u` the different atandingcmnmitteea may direct. 'r|uat Hu aha" `nr 0|-an 1\nr`:\rnnnn:un lit ...... Hlly lllI UCL- That he shall, for the performance of any manual labour, supply the necessary tools at his own 0): pause. Thar nn rs-funina nr nmylm-yin. on um.-6'...-n. YOU cut an rniinsr sn.v1-mwuuc gunntood sud the best quality made at times! half price at _VV'IE'J.A.`V`.EIR S__.__ I74-\ v tunnv .. |n-| -un--n -.-.._...\..... _.. -_ WUTIS lllll. That he ahall, It In times, prelerve the peace of the town uud devote his time and servicea to the duties of his ollice. '1`)... 1.- .I..n ......c...... ....u. _.-_.. _- .L_ cnlul cuuuuuur or me town (-I Mearom. That the term ahall mean caretaker `of town hall, caretaker of council chamber, re engine and hull, health and nuiuanco in- Ipector, chief of fire company, collector of taxes. meaaurer of all wood, lumber, etc.. for corporation purposes. and corporation workman. `PL... L- J-<'| ,r ,n .3 .. nu... 4-.n.v rr4lLVlI.Ull. The town of Meaford recently passed as `by~Inw- for the Appointment of an otciul the uoignment of whole duties in the moat. won- derful nn record. The ordnance making the appointment legal provided : TL.-. .L- . A _ . _ . _ _ -:....I I V I _.rr.....-.-.-..- H... ruuv|\Av\A . That the person appointed be known as chief constable of the town of Menford. Thu elm 9-..... .|...lI ......... ...._..._I._- u! ...... ......... . vu..-v4-- An esteemed correspondent of the \ViIm takes issue with it in regard to the position of the London 'l`inm.~. In i-eply we ma.y._say that the disposition of the average Canadian is not to kick any one when he is down. and iu`auy,criticism of the Tim'.- in which the `v\`llIu indulges there is no desire to add to its humiliation: or misfortunes. That `-`the Tliuuclerer made a great blunder in its as- saults on .\l r. Parnell is now duite evident to every one ; and the evidence` so far as we have seen it does not establish the (:onri_n'u r.c of_ the paper so much as gullibility of it, since it seems to have rusted its case largely upon the evidence of a swindler and forger. and thus stalking all inst it. The apology which the Tirmx has made may be ample and dignied in the opinion of some people, and notably of our correspondent. but it has `not covered the gl iC\;nllCCS of those who, through ilsynrticles and the addresses of its counsel. feel that they have been maligned and Iiln-"led and should have satisfaction. Uf cmiiise the end is not yet, and the Tirriu may make the amrmfr /mmrru//e . and if it does the actions now threatened and so much deplored may not be prosecuted. '1 he Tiinu has however, not gone very far in making the wrong the right. It has not dismissed its manager, but accepted his re- signation.` it may not dismiss Mr. Walter, but it may yet find it convenient to accept his resignation also. It has been greatly humbled; perhaps it has been punished enough. But. here's the question : Had Mr. Parnell been guilty of a twentieth part of the things charged against him would the Tirnu have been satisfied to do less than crush him `.' woI=lI+0I8h-I-Un od I H 3 promos. All ckarpcs W-V ad|`a)rr3t`s3sa, nubst-riph`o_n andlob pram` are value in (advance: tlm Inna be dish` ly un4%:'utood.' The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. Ev-urea 56 oolumns. in published every Thursday morning It In our, snlvuiy in n.dvunce.oLhurwine IL W1 be c arm-d. , l\`.l)W. J. H. PICNSE. Pronrietor. Wald; JIIJV l!l\IIBXVl&L`l-10 for tour Hues. one or two insertions .... . I) 50 For four lines. csch subsequent insertion. . 26 Over four `lines. Irst. insertion .... .. 10: per line. Each su uentoousooutiveins. ac " Onccswee subsequent lna...L... I00 Twices week. subsequent ins .... .. Bc, Thrses wsehsubsaquont do Twelve lines to the inch. - Notices of Births`, Marriages and Deaths 600. ssch. unisss when ` booked.` when 31 is charged. Special notices in reading columns are chant- od st twenty cents per line to- each insertion. Officers of unincorporated Associations _or ed to-' each Insertion. unincorporated Association: or Societies will be huld personally reaponsiblo for nll orders they Riva Attaohou to tha moor In one of the beat Job all ordora Attaohou to the paper omoeo In Canada: rapid. stylish and cheap W0|=|I+oIsh-lmpruvod prln_t.iug _ charges for adwdwina. nubscripmm YOU CAN GET \'Ol'R PICTURES I'll [CD the \' ..-.. ..-a AL- I.lllIn"F'IlI`.l|l| nnnu n.n u-cw-`\rIv-u---u v u - '1'i``n`: izrairwuuo 1. bllshl-dk '.em.y -9. n ..,,lnu{__._Ai,@ King Siren Kingston, Ontario. 1: B11 DOLLARS PIE nun. A (IREA 7` MA N WANTED. TEE ./zsvlr BILL. _ Whig`; Tolopluulno. Number 2'39. TI! 11.` l I M I-IS I `OS! 7'] UN. 0v'if;r 9;; Dsoor-' - .7: ZANNOUlE3'M_ENT. I be clmruml. El)W. J. R. PICNSE. Pronrietor. AnvI':wrTs-1:MncN'rs. `THE BRITISH WEN.` MON DAY MARCH 13; ma A mlomc urr or IWCKTTES. UN DIRSHIRTS, COLLARS. CUFFS. GOTO RA'ITE31\T'B'UBY S. To the Deal. A porson stand 0! dpnlnou and noise: In the had of 93 yuan mndln by I aim In mnody. Wllloond 3 dated of It In I, tony nu-non ulm umlhn tn Nmnouma. ton non who up lie: to NIOIOLDON, I77 c upluroct. ow Yotk. I rvluuuy. vv Ill Iona l aclcrlpuuu 0! II VIII, Cownnu. 8.0., March l8.--Mr. Pa!` tour. I grocer and distinct. llvlnx In North Cnrollno, just noroutbo lino. dlscoverod his wife and on of hi: clerks In I oompromluln condition on Hnturduy night sud shot In ` killod both of them. ; -1311. Kingston must be oongntulutod upon in honesty. During the put two week: tho oily couuniuiouorn huvobuo secretly chock- ing tho weight of coal uuppliod by various ooal dealers. in order to find out whether or \ not they wore Illppl ing lull weight. N or. one one of short was In was rooordod. On the oonlrnry, oueucrovcrvoluhl of from 50 I60 lbo.. in the town were lrequont. The coal nu-on: conxntulntod. Toronto Mail. us . .. .u.u The great Edison is said to have invented an instrument called the Linguegraph." (- r steam talking machine.) for use upon our express trains. it is designed to not only, automatically, on a tap from the engineer, notify the train men of their attendance to the brakes, but to notify the passengers nf danger ahead and call out the names of the stations as they are reuched. The Lingua- graph" is worked after the manner of the steam calliope, is fully asnoisy, and calcu- lated to increase deafness and insanity among the travellers. The inventive {scul- ries of Mr. Edison cannot, of course. be in- terfered with by legislation. but the railway upon which the Linguaa1:aph". ll put into operation should be closed up as a oommon nuisance. /.. .... .._J -- ...... ...... ya...-. .~-awn \'In nuuunuu even to their moderate utiefuction. Mr.` Tupper is I smart young men.and promising to be great some day, but in the dincuseion of the nnncee hie performnuce remind: one of what Uirth Grafton uid of mother and similar comhut. "It is suggestive of the meeting of u Bengal tiger with n Iinged cut. " If ever Sir Richard goes After the young man whose fnther forced him into the cabinet there will be weeping and wailing and guuh~ ing of teeth. c O The torieu are waking up to the folly they committed in saying that Hon. (7. H. Tup- per. in the budget debate, routed Sir Rid)- ard Cartwright. "Observer." of the Globe, is right when he says that "the miniateriul~ N in: would give a very large and very regular Iubaidy to one who could `roast Sir Richard .|_..-_ , v . .~ A` .- u .. ..-_ 4, The crisis has been resched in the Jesuit estates hill. The tilobe dissociates itself from all who are ugiinst dinllownnce and says it will have no part. lot or complicity with any action or vote uaiating or condone ing the allownnce of the not whether the Action or vote be that of politicians promi- nent or politicians obscure." It calls for a motion in the cunmona thnt will "prevent evasion of the clear issue that ought. to he presented." The'libenl leaders hue not yet shown their hand. but Sir John in tight- ing diullpwnnce. Only I reference to the privy council. can, ityuuld seem, satisfactorily dispose of the subject. in dispute, and in the meantime it is wnrming up tho religiuua feeling :1 nothing hu :0 much succeeded in doing in n very long. FL- -__2_ L__ L, 7 ",7 | l ' -| ` :4 \ua.nIIIu, p p. l,Zl)U `I (l.I1(l l,ZH4').) And l)r. Grant continues : If the matter, the claim of the Jesuits, in to he settled at allaand before giving an opinion on that point. let us remember that _ the great majority of the people of Queln.-v are Roman ('atholics-I do not see what else Mr. Mercier could have done than re- quire the sanction -of the pope to the liar- gain. It may seem astonishing to l rotee~ tauts that Rmnnn Catholics should acknow- ledge a man living in Rome as the head of their church. But they do. Protestants must accept that fact in the same spirit. in which all fauna should be accepted." ._ .--.. .~-.(....-.. no u-_, .-.5 . "Let us not play with wor s. The law will be sanctioned by the leutenuntsgw vernor. We then shall have done our part. We shall have indicated how far we are willing to go to settle this matter, which has been a bone of contention between church Illll state for I century ; but till the head of the church signifies that he..on be half of the church, accepts what we have done as t final settlement, neither principal nor iuterst shall be paid. Again, we lo not say thlt the law will be aauctionccl by [law pope. fhut would he ridiculous. We only want the act of the agent approved luy the principal. Here is the whole question in two words: I! Magi! dc l arrn,._:/emrnr 1/ non pas It '1: lol- (Hunsanl, p p. l,`2li(| 4 and L283.) .Anll I)!` llrnnt I-nnlinnnn - coMMEN'i 61-` THE Pnsss. r..._-- ..J .... uur. uu r_I~n nu-uuuu In These opinions are said to be based on good law. and they have been sustained, we are informed by the-. Globe, by several law- yers who have looked into the point under consideration It is interesting to note an- other View of it, one that struck Rev. Prin- cipal Grant as forcible, and to which he re- {erred in his recent letter to the Mail, quot- ing Mr. Mercier as snying : nlno ..- ...... ..I,._.4 ...:.L ...-_.1- -m - The C5madian' Lam Times in equally em- phatic, and declares that the nonetitu tionel question that arises in not the voting away of the public money, be the pretext ever so Ihallow, but the subordination of the sove- reign to I foreign authority, and` the placing of her majesty : public funds at the dilponl of the some foreign authority. . It in, of course, an unquestionable and fundamental propoeition of law tlmt the legislature can- not deny the sovereignty of her Majesty or acknowledge the sovereignty of any other person, especially in under the constitution it derives its whole authority from an act ` penned by the imperial pnrliument. Thu-n ..n:..:...... ,..... --1! A- I-~ | ` lowe that this delegution `of Authority the pope by the legialnturg of Quebec must alco- he ultra virea. Wlmt W0|_Ild b0 00090911303 tionel in Ontario must be equally unconsti- tutional in Quebec. No Itnte of the Ameri- > can union, though save-reign In 5 limited sense, can treat `with foreign potentateu, or give them jurisdiction to dispose of the money: or turritorial properties of the Itnte. Nor can any provision similar to that in this Quebec act be found in the legislation of any civilized nstion." an I! - pn- E [)1 TORIA L .\'0 TES. IIUTICII. Rev. Fr. Kelly delivered an eddreee on cherity In the evening to I treat IINHIIICO. Hie remerke were lletened to with sun t Itmmuu: 7` u `wee emqueurnm hwy the lengluuze need. The collection In .m M n vlnnnnl .I- n-..I -...|-.... -_.| SAcuIIN1;.vCoL. Much II.- l`ho legu- luuro ndjournod 38 mo dolook Sunday Inna-nln-_ Tn nhnullnn ah. gm...-... ....I.. Iuuru uuournou H mm owool Sunday morning. To Iigullu the ovontrtwo priu lghh Inn arranged. Non-ly ovary mom- hor wu pltlt, and II the but all! two union booked the pugllhu. vnuuu nvn nuanc- Lowever If a bad man comes -dong will mnko him one {or the same prion.

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