Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1889, p. 1

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lot. In buylnf. his can-I he then hly understand: 11 human. in] a putt on] onrrh maker. 2. I o uarnnlocc ovary one he sells. 8 He thoonly one In the business (hut c rxmr `our carriage when It need: It. ' II with an. I. KIRKPATRICK, 169 Princes: Street. Two Prisoners Full Thirty Foot Lockod In Each Other`: Arms. Sim Slxu, March IS -A desperate ght occurred in Sing Sing prison between two prisoners, Theodore Roberta, nged 38. pen- tenced to ve and 3 half yura, And John Johnson. 2. ) year: old, Ientcnced to ve jean. Roberts occupied u call on the eight gnllerv, and -Johnson : cell will on the tenth gallery. Tho `SIT! r-nnvinln wan-A bnhnn nub I..- A Von llnnduomo Cnllooon. ._._ \!._..._ ll-__L In I. n on I A DEATH GRAPPLh IN blNG SING. Bloating In Australia. .\`|n.~`|:\', N.S \\'., March l8.-Mamy large meetings have been held in tho variuua cities nf Australia, at which resolutions were adopted congratulating Mr. Parnell on his victory in the matter of the charges against him by the London 7'u'nm. Largo sums of money wera raised at tho meetings for the lveuet of the Ilidh cause. umy anoulu come out. LU,`ll)()Il, March I8.-Clilforrl Lloyd writes to the Thins -uivocaxing the abolition of the Irish lord lio-utenanuy and Dublin bureau crucy, and ranting to Ireland of a large measure 0 county szumrnnient. retaining the police as an imperial organization and roadjusting taxation. Ho aavs th t if home rule is desirable and possible the sc eme will grow of its own accord, and this is preferable to forcing it upon the people at the risk of civil war. Both pnrties must work together in settling the Irish question, or the result will be a failure and perhaps national dis- aster. Juuualll, regarumg wcmry as certain. Messrs. O'Brien and Hlrrington refuse to accept. the Parnell commission's terms of release, but Sir Charles Russell is anxious they should come out. Lnwum M...-nl. Iu ,r`Iior...,1 I I.....I .....:..... Home Rule Now More Assured Than Ever - l'he Late Speech of Mr. Morley and What He ClaIm'sd-Tho Letter to the Press 0! Clllrurd Lluvtl. LoNLIu.\ , March l8. The liberals are ex- ultant and the unionists dejected over the large liberal majority at Kenuingtou. A larger poll was cast that ever before. The result shows a liberahgainol over a thousand in an electorate of over ten thoussnd. con` vurting the revious unionist majority of four hundred into a liberal majority ot six hundred. London pus a tory stron hold at the last election, and Kennington s ows its conversion to hoine rule. The victory is due to Pigottisni and the radicals` views on the social uestion.` I`lie liberal candi- ' dnte was plet ged to favour the taxation of ground rents. shorter hours of labor, and to oppose sweating. He sail after the election that in his opinion no liberal success is pos- sible in London unlvss .i strong line of social questions are tacked nn to liume rule. This siqniticent socialistic drift is beginning to be felt. Nevertlieless the socialists grumble because John Burns helped the liberal can- didate. Mr. John Murley said that unless Kenningtoa was carried the home rule cause was hopeless. Now the home rulers are jubilant, regarding victory certain. O'Brien and llarrinutnn rpfnnn tn ` 1-`HE Knumcrou ELECTION AND I THE EXACT MEANING or-' IT. I MINING IN HOPE 01: HOME RULE. A l"l!\'l1`. FARM 0!` 75 ACRES. lint Part of Lot No. 15. Int Conceuion Township of Klniultun. boaunlfully situated on the Lake Shore. one mile from the Penitentiary. Good Inge house. outbuildings orchard. &c.. luna- blo for as tumor or ronor. A13-ly on tho nrolnlnou to JOHN G AHAM. P. Jddrou. Dcrtnmomh. MONTANA- EV HNINU. MARCH 13, 1339. _..__.__,____ A Notice to Oult. Bznux, March l8_.-Dapuobu to Gen mu paper! my the British rdnldonta have boon turned to lave Soadnni. the Gonna: ndmlnl having announced his lnhntion to bombsrd tho place. __a-- Auoun on tho 1":-ouch. A Huuwna. March l8.--A deupctch Imln Tien `lulu nyn It in reported than that the native: have risen on the Kwm Si frontier. and hula destroyed ton bloc houuo had killed an hundred Frenchmen. 3:3 in company w OH Fur Havana. Nlw Yunx. March l8.-To-day ox Prol- dent Cleveland in 52 year: old. He colo- bratad the event bf atarting on M: Havana t h at Secretarial Bayard tzmsrar hinl-nnann_ II! V III Dickonson. rs v-nu-Int nuuurlnl |'l'UIIIlI. VIENNA, Msroh l8.--Tho Political Cor- reupondence so I: Members of the Russisn Ivnp6 f`i`ni"I MVG llihiiiiif of I present of several tho nd American ro- penting ries and 3 qua lty of ammunition to the Prince oi Muntene ro. They are supposed to be intended or me sanimt Sarvia. in {nor oi Prince Knrsgeorgsvios." `I'M-Inlnnlod I In Death. Otuw.-u, March l8.- Edward Shultz,nbout 45, married. wu omploycd in R.othwell'u shanty at Little Lake, two and I half mile: south cut of Odeua. On Friday. the 8th, himself and A man nunod Heath, workin together, fallen an elm which lodged in ash. The uh snapped, one of the mp limb: ukimming Shula`: face and `bronhn .hln Illoulded. He did Sundny. morning lrom his injurlel. The Iuelnou Part ola Town Swept Awe: --Some Men Drowned. Los ANHIZLES, (Iula.. Much 18 -Grest floods are reported in Southern Celifornis. A cloud burst occurred at Venture on Se- tur-lay. The waters rushed down 1 canyon. tloudiug the town, end scores of people had nerrow escape: The business pert. of the town Wes Iuslvrvl away. end the loss will epproximste$l()_l)(}0. The Southern l eci~ e track was ucuroyed for I querter of I mile. Serious trouble is reported on ell the railroads. A passenger train wes wrecked neer EII'CID(lI yesterday, but none of the passengers were injured. Two trsinmen were bedly hurt. A big landslide is re ported on the Same Fe railroad. Eight csrloede of Boston travellers were detained in the mouutsine on account. of vvuhoute. uuleluuuu mr u numou uuumra. Miss Deuven is known in the religious order to which she has devote! her life so sister Jessie Uerumle, and is unsigned to duty at Morrintuwn, NJ. She is, however. under the inmwdiate and sole control of the Mother Superior of the l rowatauL Episcopal convent on Eu! Seventeenth I-treat, New York. PIANO REPKIRS of all kinds on Uprights and sqlmrca executed at the W-yber Factory. corner of Princess and Gordon atreola. Kings- ton. No mnre durnhle or well-toned inslrnmont In (`unhda than the(}. M. WEBER UPRIUHT. Moderate In price and unexoelled by my Conn- dlnn lmslrumnm wipumn ox me clause. Then the provision was not made to in- duce her to rlnnuncc the sisterhood `."` Oh, no, indeed ; it Wu for A private reason. My sister would not renounce the nilrerhoml for a million dollars. " I \l. ..- Tl.Ll........ :. I.... ` - _.. ... .L.. __V: ,:,,, IIUHII UIU DIIPHII ll] LVGW I OTK. To a reporter who visited the l)uHiwen homestead at Anlmore. Miss l)eHuven`s sis- ter. said : "My mother and sister had the most tender stfectiou for e4ch other. My mother often visited her at the con vent. and my sister frequently came here. My sister understands as well as I do the meaning and wisdom of the clause." 'l`|u--. 6|... v\ln4-fly: ... .....- ....p .._....1.. l1\ HOW l.l|Il'I'leu. Four years ago Miss Janie entered the sisterhood without any objection from her mother, and has given her life to the order ever since. She is now in the convent of St. John the Baptist in New York. To A rnnnrlor mhn vinirml Ihn llununn Its Benet-lary blunt llenuunco the Epis- copnl Sisterhood. l'|lll.A[)lLP|llA, l s., March l8.--'l`he will of the widow of the late (Iummodoro De Haven, of the United States navy, giving her daughter Jessie only 8300 if she does not. leave the Episcopal sisterhood in two years. in which case she is to receive her full share of the estate, has excited u greatdeal of comment here. Mrs. I)eHaven Wu a devout. Episcopalian. She was originally Mary Nor- ris, of Philadelphia. lhe commodore died lesving three daughters. one of whom is now msrried. ln`...... .......... ....- tn..- 1...:.. ._.__.I .L_ U,uUu men Bun noys. F There are I00 cases of measles in the au- burbl of London west. and both the bourd of health and school board blame this state to the juvenile health upon the laxity of each other respective-Iv. Owing to the lthy condition of the lCl|-ml in the southern part. of the village it has L. - :2 closed. umuuimutu are unuer arrest. The eleven colleries operated by the Lehigh and \\'ilk esharre coal ccimpany in the Wilkesbarre region, which h`nv'e been idle pince Feb. 28th. resumed work to-day. This will again give employment to nearly 6.000 men and boys. 'l`l I(!l` urn ")0 Hanna nf mnnnlnn in Hun nu, manta we sncrma revmng oncers. John Duggan, New York labourer, who waa shot hy William Brennan, A steam t ter, and Bendano Luaci.,who was stabbed Francisco Mnntello, died during the night. Both were victims of drunken brawls. The assailants are under arrest. Th- ..I....-.. ...\n-..:..- ...._..-n-.! L.. -L4 I UIVK. The Nova Scotia government has intro. ducetl a new franchise bill. It extends the the franchise to males with 8300 income and makes the sheriff: revising otfcers. JO !!! l)llULIn_ New \'lIl'lf lnknln-pr -vhn I c|ll.Ilyl\'llllllI, iumnlmauu Indiana. (fol. l'hemlm'e '3`. l)unmnt.generul easterly agent of the Florida railway and navigation company, has besomp insane. He was one ` of thh most popular railroad men in New York. 1~;_,_ xv"..- L',,4: . I - A Vnlunblo Austrian PI-cunt. ....... |l-__L In tr; n n-.- n UFJI` YULHC VVI VTICH (TIADVES II \V` RE|c\'E'. King Strum. 31) Sample pairs to be sold I'll wholesale prices. The fnilure`of the operuturs and miners to agree upon a scale of prices is almost certain Iu result. in strikes in the coal elds of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinnimaud Indiana. (`nl l'hnmhu-a '4 hnmnnr ......-....l ....-s...... nu'L_uIIuu win 118 uumsneuym me L uuqusus. St. Patrick`: panda -in NewYo'rk was viewed by Mayor Urant, the board of alder men. and the heads of the municipal depart- mrnt. l`|.- t,.:l..._ .1 AL , . I uuluuuc to several munon tunes. The St. Pgtersburg correspondent 01 London Chrovlirle says it is stated At(`!1il)()ff will he banished to the (`uucu Sf. pd9r;nI:'n nnr-Ar`; .3. ' K`.-"\`.. ..1I .vuuss., mr It purse 0! 62M]- All of the duels arriving out of Thursday`: ` debate in the French Chamber of deputies have been amicably arranged. Tavnna & (lie. hmxkorn nf Ln Mum nave ueen Iunlcunly arranged. . & Cie, bankers of Le Frzmce, have suspended. Their ha` 1 amount to several million francs. 'l`}|n Sf Dal`-alum.-;.. -.... .....A-.- Ul LVUW IOFK. I Duncan (J. Ross deteatad H. M. Dufur in nmixod wrestling match It Springeld. Mass, for a purse of 3200. A of tho dun]: nrriuinn mat nf 'l`|nn-.An-.'.. BIUI III!- Col. Joel B. Erhards, `ex police commis- sioner, will be thenext. collector of the port of New York. `h.......4... I` D..--.I-.-,_.-) If u n,., nu ueslre um: me nouae rune belure Enter. ` Railway cumxvunicazion between Russia nndGerm|`ny`hu.a been steppen by snow storms. ` l`..I `I....I `Ii l.`,L,_,1_ ,,,,, 1- n The Iplco 0! the Morning Paper: Add tic Very Latent Tolozrumn. Sir John Macclonnld says there in {gene- ral desire that the house raise befuroknsteix Ruilllnv 1-limnnnninntinn kahuna-u Dn.-:- `RESULT or A?f6'oo. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT THE r lTH OF TH NEWS. A STRANGE WILL. Mans, liabilities I t of the ad dug: lnlll no lndopoudon l'oroo.0oro' llll. ['0-ruwx. msmr-1s.'--r1snm for Elicia- oorporntion oi thoforeotoq ha umlorgouo root ohongu In the booking a.-ommiuoo. ho luoorporotlon in ground. Toronto in tobotho oootolthobood 09500. and bronoheo on to ho Allowed throughout tho oountry. Tho oocloty may-hold Ol(l).0|l) worth of pro rty, and any branch $3.000 north. but n onion and towns having o population of loan than MIX). the voluo of ro rty hold by A branch oholl not exceed 5,155). Tho proport of cool: brooch only uholl bo lloblo for debt: and ungo- monu oi ouch brush. Tho Iholo buoiono rolotlp to luuruioo lo to bo oondnotod under t o provision of tho Iuunnco lot. Unicorn Who Go In Punult of Dlullloro In I Dang:-mun Ilox. l ua.xnxsm'nu, W. V':., Much l8.-Do ltdcltv BiIdWIh And I pone. who went into the wild: of Wyoming and MoDowull conn- tion to break up A gang of one lnmdnd din- tllleru, have been surrounded, and their lives are threatened. The moonnhiuorf band in made up of noud deuperndoon, and for thru your: (boy have ddod the United Sum Authorities. Thirty were poled. And it wu while uttommlnn to lrrnt fonu vnnnn cum: Iulnorlucl. 1 nmy poled. attempting unit forty vnoro that the unicorn won untapped. -gum.-y, Iuu uxocuny night, with the wit- nouu In her marriage. stood in `the little court room at One And Identied her hul- bnnd. B0 was he] {or trhL Ten Years She searched Fur lm-e Was Ilarrled and Wealthy. Oswtnu, March ll-i.-Jay D. Larmouth, a inrmer resident of Sandy Creek. has been arrested at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, on a charge of bigamy. Ten year: ago Larmouth deserted his wife in Sandy Creek. and went to Ohio and settled in the will e of Carey. He was then 30 years old, wel educated. and good looking. He moved in the bee! society in the village, and nine years ago married Miss Mary Sherman. the only daughter of a wealthy farmer. He wan poor when he settled in Carey, but has since, with the help of hie wife's rich rela tires, managed to prosper in businees. For ten years his deserted wife was unable to nd any clue of her runaway hueband. and she was supported by friends Two months ago she learned that her husband wae in Carey, married and well-t.o~do. She placed the one in the hands oi a western detective ency, snl Tuesday night, with the wit- rlgeuol liar marrinmr nnml in em. Ilesl- Dr. Rate] in Istoniahed that the young woman has existed this long. Mrs. All house`: mental faculties at times seem un- dimmed, but while nwulio she is frequently in what. apiritunliata would call a trance eon- ditinu. She seems to sea scenes happening elsewhere and to be oblivious of her own condition. A SMALL H()U.ilC on (`onlre Street. Vicv lorin Ward. Rem. including tux:-3. sin)` dol- ` lars per nnnum. Also a Small Huusu on West Street. Sydonhmn Ward. onpneilo Hm pm]. Houses in good order. Apply Lo A. McLUR~ MICK Princess Stroev. vcuaull Ill 3 neanny persun. Mrs. Althousc hu nml no long nape since !-`ub. 25th when she awakened from I trance lasting nearly twelve dnys. Thin followed her 35 day sleep. After I brief intervnl, when the sleeper came out of this trnnce. her fate seemed eeeled. Even the little liquid nouriehment which the had revious~ ly alzaorbeal when Awake could not e given her naturally, and when an attempt wu mmlo to feed her artilicinlly moot of the lukewarm milk and water would be re- jetted. llr Rahal in ...o.\...:..I.-..I -I_-. .1 uure is a feeble ow of blood, or rather the substance substituted for it has to de- teriorated thut'it is unlike blood except that it has Iome of its life-sustaining proportion. Her lungs respond slowly and perfuncsnrily, except when aha is taking with aw-oughlng fit. The slpella are sometimes an severe that they wouln be likely to rupture the blood vessels in a healthy .\l 1'3. Althouso luau nml nn lnnnp nan. -3---. -_ I irnu-r IOn-a.I.--{g- nu.--so-u -. Mn. Emma Althouno Still Under the In- uonco of Her Strange llnlndy. Anwu, N. \'., March l8.-Thecuo of Mrs. Ennma Altifonso, the sleeping wonder. becomes the more puzzling us time passes. tor she is still alive and hardly an feeble as she was two weeks ago. Her pmnoln con- dition in almost that of inunirmta life. There is hello substance nuImt.it.ntn;l {m h I... .. g- puur reuow was in all probability killed. The ve miners saved secured themselves by setting props in the gangway. and there awaited the result. ' `hey heard their re cuers stop work outeiu Ia and. growing des- perute, thev endeavoured to climb up an abandoned chamber and gain an exit, but mountain like boulders stood in their way. They returned to the gungway and QDd3Cr voured to console one another Later they heard sounds of outside work Again end -their hope grew. They betook themselves to prayer and the sounds grew nearer. They then signaled ve times on the solid pillar. lhe rescuers returned the signal, and the wives, children, and hundreds of friendsat the mouth of the colliory knew that live were safe. Later they heard a voice shouting : "Are all safe '."' The imprison- ed miners answered back : "Five are here; one is covered." '1 he next moment they embraced their rescuers, shedding teusof happiness. Their deliverance hstl been ef- fected by driving a tunnel twenty yards. Hundreds of tons of debris must be removed before the mine can be put in wolking order. SHE FOUND HER HUSBAND. m'r. L'.uuuu.. t'a.. March l8.-Hall. Re Vela, Buggy, Leonard, and Rukus `we of the six miners iuupriumcd by in fall o rock and coil in the Black Diamond mine, have been rescued. Hundreds of citizens escort- ed. t.he`. n from the colliery. and a. constant stream of callers have been on hand ever since. Hall and Revels, suffering extremely flom nervous exhaustion, gave the first ac- count of theircxperienue. These two were driving new shutes in the south slope of the- mine when they heanla terric roar and the next minute they experienced a shock that caused Hall to exclaim : My God. Nick. the alofe has caved in !" Revels descended to the ganqway, aml"tvi'el\'e feet from him found their egresipto the slope cut off by huge rocks. lle ciilled to the miners work- ing near by and soon saw Rokusl crawling froui the debris. They both joined in the shouts, and then heard Noarsholsky c ling for help. He was pinioned by a large och and urged his companions to come to his rescue. They climbed up a distance, but danger grew so great that they had just tiri`i`e to run back when a second fall occur- ed, and no more sound was heard. The poor fellow in all probability killed. five saved aecnrmi tlmamnln. ATTlCA'S SLEEPING WONDER. A Teri-Inc Roar Followed by the Mouth 0! The Mfnft being Cloud l`p-0ne Ilnoi Plnnpd to tlm Earth 57 In l}ock-llo_ Wll Killed Whdn I Second FIII Oc- 1-u rrnal FIVE MINERS wynnsoneo BY A LARGE fAL.:I;OF ROCK. Minn:-uIAi\uIU` HOU:-llc with eight romm and extension kit- chen Imrd nnd soft wmcr, wilh good utnbling : \ convenient In Qu-yen`: l.'u0Kt' : iulnn-dime 103- } session. Apply on the premises I2!-Ij,oral . -\. 1544 Union Street. between Gordon And Alfred IO: A MIl{ACL"L`0AUS ESCA PE. CAUGHT IN A TRAP. ` uu uuu. MT. (,`.uuuu.. PL, March 18. --Hall. Re `ela. Buuuv. Linnnnl ....l D..I....o\\o:-- -4- N'(). T0 RlCX\"l`---\\'HDLESAl.l12 s"l`0lH~2-- `orner of Clarence and hutnrin Streets. Apply to W. H. St l.Ll\'AN. Sulic-tor. (`lurmwe street. or J. B. Mmwuv. Telcphom: Nu. I70. FROM hrr MAY. that good. substantial house on Ontario Street. near Union. at pre- ; sent occupied b` Mrs. Deacon. Apply to E. T , b`l'EAU\'. Wulu Gtswucy. A BRICK I)WlCLl.lNH AV!) A Sl`();\'lC DWELLING. with or without furnaces and all mode-m impmvmnenln. Hot`: are near the cor ner nf King nnd Wm: strccls. Auply to MAC- DU.\'NE1.l. ar ML'I)lE. . THE SHOP AND DWls`.Ll.lNG on King street. occupied bv John Henderson as u who]:-sale liquor mom. Apply lo JUHN REEVES, Brock want. Three _ Good neuou-\i'Iy You s1.;.m..y _-_. FIIIUHAKIIIID , , , , 7 , . J; _ H 5'11` YOUIC WI \'TlC|{ (}'l.0\' ES \V` Rl4`.lCVlI`.'. Kim: Straw! II) 1-lnmnln main: In wqrrnwl donned. 17 BROOK STREET. THAT DICSIRABLI1.` BRICK D\\'l2Ll.I.\'G. 120 Earl Buuat. at present um-upiod by W. H. XVqrrr:!wllh. Poslouion M-1,7 Isl. or sooner if on . 'l'WEN'l`Y AGNES U!" AND. c\d'ui'Iim{ city. with stpno residence and oulbu ldimzs. Apply to WAl)Dl\IG'l`U.\' BRUSH. Murkut Sn unre.` \ NU. C (?UhHUl.`H`} H'l`REE'l`. Hot and cold water lntha : six rooms; uxlunsiun kilvhen. Possuuion lat Vlay. Apply to J. B. Mcl\'1cR. IIUUSIC. now occupied by J. Mills. Curncr of Princess and Division Stream. from May 11:. Apply M WHIG ()l~.o. 0l4`F`[CE. large. oemrui, well fitted. Terms reasonable. Possuaslon Immediately. Apply 'Box," Wmo. A SHOP UN.Kl\'liS1`l{lClCl`, with dwellimz above. near Market Square. Apply at 48 Earl Street. BABY OARRIAGES. 7ioL'si: '1)! V/Xuu u.\" Tlclt RV.\CE.V l`;Ises- slon May 19;. Apply at wmn ()F`l-`ICE. L l.()I)K - If you want a Rood .~`l l"`A'l`l0.\' wrilu MAY MI{U'[`H}-Ins. .\'rnancIn'mc:v. Hm-|IEx~I*rEk..\'.\'.. as they are in want of bonus! and upright salesnwndo sell thoirchoioe and hardy \ nNuli('s of Nursery stock. either on snlrvry or commission. Mun)` now and vul- uablu varieties to o'ur. Wlito at once for terms; delays are dangerous. j- AN Ali|"J.\"l` W.\N'l'l`.H to buy and sell the `Wurld" l{ye \VriIc" in Kingston. Address. Thu Type \ i-itor hu. r-weuwnl. Company. No. 4 Post umce Squ n c, Huatmn. Mu-. TWENTY ACRES OF` uA.\'l). ndljui'|ingI nity. stone ldimrs. _ 130:; SALE QR TO RENT. 'l`HlVt`I 1_m\' i_:(mn.s" .-x.u.I-:s.\n:K'. Fix- [l6'iGut`!.`(l men only need .11.]-ly. J.C. HARDY & NO. 6 (`OLBORNE HTREE1`. Hot and cold wnmrlnthn: nix runm.-1: uxl:-.n.~ainn kin-Imn ..__.__. .__:_, -..__.._._;__ , . . ,.Z,T` A (`-ALIURAPH nt 11 lmrj: min -575. Ad- dress Wmu (mice. ~ :: l:li|Vlll(.KiirI~lIUlVf I01`;-P u.>ir rl`~'r;11f_--()\f0Tr(4i Pulnnmke Smuon. App y lo \\. 1-`. B AKER. HOUSE. occupied by J. Mills. (`urncr of Princess Strmsll. I/lav In. WILL RAVE OUR BEST ATTINTION A8 USUAL. 3 NO CHARGE FOR CARES. A'i;}}(1l: ox .Kl\'l: s1'mr.n: r, with dwellimr rbove. sauna. Annlv at 43 Earl (`mm-\ H.\.\'('I|I-:1`TI-: -- In Sm FrBlACiuur._ - (.`ul., on March 7Lh.`hy the Rev. Iir. Ho. bert. Mackenzie, Harvey Roger (`hmx-n. seventh son of A. Chown.Eeq.. of this cfty, to Minnie Estelle Hanchcue, of San Fransisco. , NOW" OPEN \ .~ - IIOKDAY. MIBSIONARY Meeting at Queen Street` (3 huruh. THIEHAV .9 AN A(}l~.`N'l` W.\N'l`r;n buy and small the `World" Iyue Kimzslun. Address. IJAQV A Last. 01` \';u.\'r.'r-0n Sstunlny, March 18th, 1 .'-45 Church Street. Toronto, the wife < Rev. F. H. Du Vernet of uduughter. -A}' I:.\'m:nn;xFe:Iiisivrd ix`:-:n. :o:uTt$ msisu-um Lrilmncr, by lh(`M\lU.\'D, URI: -& N), - SPECIAL ]iaENfr1pN. '}r3..7'Emk51m:cn TUZIIIL ` TENDER`! recivad by J. B. Roi ! till 6 p.m. j11 LARGE QUANTIFIES TO CHOOSE FROI AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. VOL. LVTITII REMINDQRS, F_0R: _ SALE V WANTED. '?:0TL-T; MARRIED. E55 Boys blue urge salt: 81.50 8'2 and $2.50 an Llvlngutonh. --L- - Jolult Ouullon Dlncnuod. U'l"I'A\\ A. Mnrch I8.--Col. O'Brien told ~ the unocinted pron at noon to day that he wouli bring up thy Juult question in the home this AHOIIIOOII. Ho docllnod to say whether he will withdraw hi; rooolullon nnd make A statement lnltoul. ron `ran nI.'rAu. or "BOOTS. SHOES, TRUVKS AND VALISES Looking For Iho Olou. Nut Yon. Much lS.--The 1'ru`Innu`q Albany up : "Ex Suto Senator Cnurlu L. Kngfgud W. J. Douanll, of Ogyagn twill}, uro66lh`viiiiIii`i'3lIBrt tdo lent to Mnntroul u vonuul genernl. Col. Albert D. Show, of W|tertown,'la In the Gold to be con: to London on consul general." , 1 A lnrnl Tublot. A munl tablet about vo foot high. And two feet ten inchon wide, hu recently been erected in St. Andrew`: church. Gnmmoque, in renmnbnncc of the late Hon. John Mc Donald. by hi: fnunily. The tablet is exc outed from I block of beautiful white mnrblo. from the qnurriu in Vermont. It is brought into prominent relief. cud its up- Bonrnnoo cutnnced by tho highly poliIjml_ Inttordor. which Iurroundl it: outline. forming n planing contract with the snow white muble. Elognuoc And Ilmplicit have been combined in the dcni n, whic reccu orodit on tho skill on careful workmanship of E. R. Welch at Son, of Kingutou. VXIUU There in one Kingltoninn who Approcintee the work of the newspapers. He any! the people are beginning to feel the result of the vaccine which he: for years been vigorously applied by the editors. The inoculation has produced good ruuln. The city : ulnnce- ment in now neared. UCUU NKITCH upon. C. U. Emery, a yearly visitor of tha St. Lawrence, and who mauufaetureu the "Uld Judge" cigarettpn. is reported assaying that as soon an Clayton has 8l00.0(l)'invuted in manufacture: ha win establish a factory there. Clayton hal 875,000 already in vented. TL... 8. __- I!!___a-_:___ _.L_ ,__ The trouble between the Brockville k- Weatport r-silvuy sud the Urnnd Tlunk hun been settled, and an new lease of running powerl over the line of the (LT. R. to Lyn, until the B. & W. RR. line II completed. ha been agreed upon. ('. (3, Hmnrv. A van:-Iv vinitnr nl u: Qt nun, Iur WIIICII nu ll prolounaly grlllellll. Adsm Brown will not ress his snttpigenn shooting bill sgsin thts session. If this nu-unure is not to be pressed s petitiun from Kingston. presented by Sir John Mactlnn sld in its favor. comes in st. the heel of the hunn \ 'l`l._ A..-..LI- L A L _ . A _ , AL. I}, I -II n oueucy I, Hid rrlncesa root, tunguwn. Henry Knight. Portsmouth, who was burned out about two week: ago, received from the stall` of the Asylum 840. being the proneeda of their concert given in the Orange hall, for which he is profoundly grateful. Axlnm Hrnwn will not. nu-on hi: nnll.I\ino-nn uwu row 01 lllolllld 13uu1(l park. l.ulies' half, whole and quarter wigs. bump, twitches, hair chains. rmgi, Inmlc to nrdur. Dream And muntlemakiug (fuunit corset. best ever mnde, over Walsh & St.eacy I, I05 Princess street, Kingston. Henrv Kniuhf. Pnrtnnnuth. who I'nn u-nun) nave now It QIZJJUU. l lisa.de park. river St. Lawrence, is now owned by ('. C. Pierce, (`|uytan, he he\\'i|u4 recently purchased E. A. Bond's interest therein. Paliamle park is within five min- utcs row of Thousand Island park. I.mlius' half. Irhuln And unmrmr mi... The Nimmo farm in Camden linst, com- prisin v 350 acres. was sold I: auction on ` Saturn ay to Mr. Nimmn. of E1 iuhurgh, for 7,600. Ten years mm the fsrm would readily have sold at 8l2,00U. PAlinmln nA1-It rivnr M`! lnlri-Ann` 3.. ..... .. FIRST LOT JUST ARRIVED. ETC I Boy, ` known.` 'I'I_._ \ A. hlccormeok will give 8l00 to my per- son who will give him Information that will l lend to the capture of the men who aemmlteul him on l'ninn street tome months ago. House race: were M hero been held at Wolfe Island hi-day. The horses entered are: I\'ellie' Urny." I`opsy," Orphan I. Coyle, .\lu(l King" and Un~ knnwn " LUV". The Bishop of Kingston mule reference youterday tn the bequest. of 3200 from the late Mrs. Noble for the beautifying of the edice. A 11-:-._....,--L _.-n -2..- num\., , rur u uunulmu DI we Scott act .\lr. Mc- Connell. of l nrtsmml`.h, was fined 850 at Cntnruqui nn Saturdny. Hem` PI'ln(.`ipI.l Grunt tomorrow evening in .\'ydenh!un street church on `Methmliu missions in Jnpan from persons] observar tiun. 'l`L- n:_L__ .1 I.-:_,_.,_ _,_ n p lJCl'lI IUI'lllU(I- Them is neither aleighiun nor wheeling between here and Lhtarnqui. The roads are in ta-rriMe shn_pe fora \'iuluti the Scott act Mr. Mc- lhnno nf Pu-Innn-nu-ls -... R..-.l Orin .. HEIH. A ba.se'mlI league, composed of clubs be- tween Mattawa and Carleton Place. has been formed. 'l`L....._ :. ....:.L-_ _I.: ,|_:_ _ _ I I` III. A special meeting of the council will be held this evening so consider general busi- HEI8. 5l1'lI U. Mujor Wooley will nppuiut new sergeants in the Salvation Army on Thursday even- ` iug. A annninl mnntinn nf OLA nan.-...il ...:|I L- ~Nowny I'M-agruphn Picked Up by Our Ito- poru-rn In The-Ir Ralnhlel. The ice is open near Oak Point. 82, $'_ ..-'() sun] $31!) will buy I boy : suit ` IL Liviu;,vston`a. Buttermilk, lmggis, sauerkraut, plum pud- ding, ut the (`aruival of 1\ationa. Hnmlrmln nf nhiIaIrnn n anion Air...-9 6...... lI|lJ ' ll Elli! \ RTUIVRI Ul L\II.l0lIB. ` umlredu of chi|dreu s suits direct. fnom London, England, just to him] at Li\'iug~ ston's. ' MAMMOTH SHOE STORE K ncxrt or my. A lnnre num` or of desirable lots in all pans of Ihocily and it all uriccs. 1 E (`, HILL. Real Estate. Insurance and Loans ~ em. Iloujkol square. Brock ._`lrovl. -__:._ spwumu reuonr : roomy and umnfurtublo ; lnrxo lot. Sslondidinvesunont. 8l.6 -Hrlok Dwelling and Lo`. conmlns roomuuul kitchen : nearly new ; in gouzl local- ity zlvn minmcs wnlk {rum marl-'ct (`ht-an. $2.300---\'ery 'e.-\ mole `Ii Story Building. Bl`ll.|l'dt'l2I(`hHl. on (lnnlon Ftxvot. Just the thing fora large fmnil . Every convenience: good y.-rd : house in up endid repair. 38`i0~ Lm Imvi u fronuige of 150 ft. by: A dnpth n! 76 feel. ual the thing for a row u! (`hear houses. \\'lll(`ll rem great dx-umnd and will no smrccr than ever owing to dry dock. In hem`! of city. desirable Inn! in all nun. double l\0u.~c and drivuvnly. 82.6604 Douhla Twnnud n-lmlf Frame Dwell- inuin dn>.~lruhl.- locality in heir! of city; in splendid reunir and .Rlondidinvestment. l Ila. _.Rl-inlz nwnnn... .....I |.. .........:...,n` H. x II II. : (-ornur. Just the thing for A work- in man. 'l`w`n|.-1 only. 'lX)-l.nts in city and only Ion minutes walk from market : each .30 ft. frontage Pmum for double home and I HITHDIC ITUIIUTL). 8-300 - lri-:k lined, Frama House and Lot. 50 ft. N fl. Just the ingnmn. easy. z1.7oo_ si>i.ic\'1ni)TE' FINISIEI) AND N `W FIMMEAHUUSE on Union Street. Four rooms on ground and 4 rooms on link oor: gggd cellar. stable and sheds ; ynril. clue is to` roomsfnnd romns large mid convenient. Il.9|l0 -Modc.-rn Resltivnvn (semi detnclmil on Gordon Street ;lneai locality : contains? largn rooms. bath room. lry and cloaeuuguud cellar. sheds and erg. 8l.IIX)-l)ouhlol-rnme Housain rent of large lul. Renled fur Sliver mnnlh ;mom to build in from :in that l-Yin-is lnv-alily. (loud lll\'(`SllllUlll. 3l.'A'i0-.~`o id Brick House very conveniently luid om. n- 7 r_oo1_-s. pnnivy and rim-i-la. uh-uls. uIl`.; n-mndnh : lawn .fronL mil renr; water works : splendidly locality. and very dc slmble um;-arty. 8300 lri-:k lined. Frmnq mum and In}, MI 0/TY PROPERTIES FOR SALE. TO lNVESTOR-S.: EIEJIDENTS OF THE, DAY. KINGSTON. CA/NADA, MONDA37 "G.T6I'-`}F%6b. Kingulm. larch mm. 188. n vu-y uuuuu-u-uv 1.--uuuuung Nnw Yum. March l8.-It la uld thut jl5.0|.'() wu nlud at the Steinway hull moellnn. Int ninht. for tha Pnrnnll Inna 'w.un:u wu ruuu u we aulnwly nl meeting. last night, for thoilhrnoll fund. IANIKIN, Mlrcn la.--Inn TIM?! IEIUII Menu. Crnmer sud Clark. rndlcnl member: on Psrlinmont. for joining with the rndionl club: in welcoming Henry George on Satur- day. The Times says: Mr. booms : doc- trine: come no near Ipoliation 1: Anything that Ian been proposed by n Inn with n chnrnctor loco mace the French rowin- tion. Mo like Mr. Crnmor wi h to ngply tho oporntlonl of the Irish long an to `:13- lnnd, Scotland nnd Wales." In In n_ot Honing tn the: l.ondo|r'l`I-au- Aoonood of spollulon. - O-x-__....-.__..A 1.4, .`_1l_ :1,.,, .. . Juutv II no Illuuur. Iuu wuwr II scarce ID . ilslslls 11.. 92999 --9 emu-rd. 1 etloo al%`l`xroul ottom Tan 1, nnilnmlll creoh. `ho richest xilncer. digging are st Eclipse Gulch, in Mid 0 Bcotlo. and Hlxel lines Gulch -In the Eu: Beetle. Silver, copper. iron, and I ne qunlity of marble have been found. while bnal is abundant on Milk River and `Inge Rock to the out." some Wonderful Ilmls Are Reported- Tho Ores as They Are Extracted. l\lmnc.umx.r.~a. Minn., March lS.--A spe- cisl to the Tribune" from Big Sandy. Mnntashs, says: This little town is full of excitemeiit over the development of gold mines in the Sweet Grsas hills, 55 miles northwest. People who have just srrived from the hills report that the miners in Eclipse Gulch ere msking from 850 to 880 s dsy. 'l`he most of the gold is taken out in placer diggings, hut blue are has been struck by seversl parties in the hills. snd the country is full cl prospectors from He- lena sud other mining districts. Beside the gold deposits the smount of silver in the rock has led to the orgsnizstion of three complmlel which sre new opening mines st Esst Beetle in the hills. Other parties sre prospecting for this ore, which exists in well-defined lesds All through this region. The Sweet Orsss Hills sre 55 miles by wsggon rnsdnorth-west of Big Ssndy, sud just south of the International boundary. The Hills eomprlse three beetles, vsryiug in elevstion from 7.900 w8.400 feet. Wster snd timber An sbundsnt in But Beetle. There is no timber. sud water is source in Mhhll. Raul. nnlsnnnn list` as-n..n.I ll... I nuvuuwu Ill uywuuwulu - T1.Ymn,"Iruh l3;=`l`ht nm Ittxckr Manny: Prnnxnr Anal l`.Inr|x rnzlln-I m..n|.._ vvulus. uuu anon came [.0 DIOWB. They then grappled and struggled furious- ly for A few moments. Then they lost their lmlance and fell over the railing locked in can h otlier'a aims to the stone floor below. a distance of thirty feet. The men on the gallery were ordered to their cells by Guard Stephen and locked up. The hall guards went to the assistance of the two men who had fallen. Johnson was found insensible, with his thigh bone brolu-u and a fearful gash in his forehead. Roberts was not. even dazed by the full. Johnson was! taken to the hospitnl. Roberts was reprim|nded.nnd luclte-l in n dnrk cell. Neither man as yet hn given an explanation of the quarrel. Thu footwny on the galleries are only two and A half too: wide. The rniling is three feet high. ymlcly. The 1,500 convict: were taken out for their usual morning`: exercise. At the close of the exercise the men were marched buck tnthe prison. The tint section of about eevo.-uty-live men entered the tenth gallery, and they were locked in their cells while the st-.Vcond_ section was passing up to their cells. In the second section were Johulon and Roberta. The two men were next to each other in the line. The section was in vummund of lltiicer Stephen whohrought up the rear. When the line had reached the eight gallery Johnson and Roberts bed some words. and soon came to blows. .__.I_,] E,..!,,,, l'l..... elm... ..-....-.l.._l ....,1 -.._.. THE WELCOME TO GEORGE. nrelnlnoa to J Pu-umouth.

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