Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1889, p. 6

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-u:---- Or the Liquor liahii.Pwiiiv1-l Cured 1) Ad- minislerimz iir. ii.-\inou' Go den Spool c. it can be givvn in cs cup of coffee or tea with out. the kn vwlud c; of the person taking it ; is absolutely lnu-In can and will offset l\ perma- nent and moody cure. whether the patient in A nnodcnatu dniniu-I or an nlcoholiowreck. It has boon given to thousands of (`Amos and in every lnamncon perfuo cure has followed. It never failu. The syn! In once impregnated wlththe `eipi-cit1c.ltbc-oolllunnn utter impossibility for iiw iiquorn pclitolo oxinl. For oirvulnr and full pnrticn an nddrtml GOLDEN SPECIFIC 00.. 185 R500 81`... Cincinnati. 0. ` UC- , Hanson's nmgic ct bunions with threw box at \\'a.de'u ghng ll...... _..... .... The Cream of tin Paper: Gathered For the \\ lulu Renders. Hominy is not uhnt it is cracked up to hn We will sell nothing but Pats on this day and positive- ly refuse to sell the_ same goods`at the same I pride after this date. \ These Goods Would Cost from $4130 $6 a pair in the regular way. DORLAND S ORDERED CLOTHING, 1 Saturday, l%`6th March, A SPECIAL SALE or P/I/I/T8 Io 029053 DOLLAR DAY. WELLINGTON STREET, WE WILL LAY OUT OVER 200 PANTS, IN 50 DIFFERENT PATTERNS, W. E. DORLAN D. DRU NiK%ENNES At $3, $3.50 and $4 a pair. T HE TEA TABLE. mugh when Shilolfs Cure .11: relief. Price 10 cut. 50 .l. Wilson. drllggist. u like a limb. Apnil will .1: curl) salve cures coma and -.-e- applications. 150. per mg store. with a full when waiting your Ihny. tn nit-nan" EOITY ` FLOUR s`roE; ._._-.-..1 :AqpII 1 ; IAZZ3I QI l'\f`I kt-u y:7:-- w--~.>, ` UEOIOI FAMILY & BAKERS FLOUR BIRD GRAIN. PBBSSED EAY.`OL0- VEB AND TIIIOTHY BIRD. 0 ID. IB"IE?..AIN'KI..IBl' Ihnx:-r aunt. 0 as msa EVERY my AT THE BAZAAR. ~I~lo da, Valencia and Manama gob, Lemons. Cranberries Cocoauutu and all kinda of Apples. , REES BROS.. Manufacturing Confootlonen. I We take the lead in Quslity end 1 Variety. You can get almost any ` shape and style. Our Eome-Made } Breed is the latest. Made only at R. J. Mcoo NALL, Princezzzs-(st. i`:"i}i'i`VLLU N& Co. OPERA HOUE: FRUIT mo ovsren MARKET Fresh, Smoked, Dried. Salt, Green Pxckled and Canned Fmh. `F_i:_4UQEs ; Fresh Oys't.ers every day.` W. H. MBNUVSKY. 212 Princess-at TELEPHONE 2|. jNEWHOMESEWlNG MACHINE C.0RANCE.MA8SJ CHICAGO - 9|! umnu Rllllif NY DALLAS . *3 .Tf'.EJ3'.E:`.:; T5! LL73.Nu OINTMENT. I x n "'3'~<'=':`~ ">` `i?a"3 m3'JknE$%';;{fs ALI. x. I'I:I.ouIs no. AT "TA GA'5AIlAIClCC 5 ~l::.:v2.':2:'*"'"= .4 EXHAUSTED VITALITX. '/J _S_EW|NG MAGHI I- :'2':" THE ucnr RUNNING- Aj 1 -- BREAD, BREAD. TH E Are N. all seasons of the your a reliable mnmiy for corrocun an Disorder of the I)` native organs. and fur f'U8'0|'lD8 a h thy action to the STOMA .H and HUWELS. `hey not Imllw Livur and Kidneys with marvellous effect. and bg giving strength and mm lu thew i'1`}x'rtn"\" nn cream I circulation of pure and oallhy blood. Feumles uf all ages ue! lhaae Pil N invnluablo Heals all recent Wounds. Fulu, Hrutsus and Spraul TH E and is an t-erhun cure for RAID l.l-21:8, SUI-u1`.s,Ul,. (`ER-N` And OLD \\'Ul'.\'l)S. It has no equal for the vurv of Hhnn-lmi.-a. Sore Throat. Coughs. Colds, Rheumatism. Gout. Glttndular Swellimts and all Skit) lhimaaee. n Oxfn noun. -l-_I-c -5&1 uh -Id. KING STREET BAKERY. HA8 IO % THE LARDER WILL CVRE OR ltP2[.Il1`.\'E Biiiouaness, I)ysrepsii\, Indigcst ion. Jnundice. Erysipelns. Suit Rhcuni,Hcnrtbnrn Headache, Dizziness. Dr0pey.Flutloi'ing of the Heart. Ac- idity ot the Stomach. Drynods of the Skin. nnd every species of disease arising from disordered ; Liver. Kidneys. Swnmch. Bowels or `Blood. FAVORITE. LADIES TI-II ANY ONE WANTING HELP WITH BIIOKS. Aooounll. Ouuoououaor In only no- rd lnuhvena cu IQ. tend I you to IRIID. 0:4-I.l t, Lodege Btroot. A unt- nndltod and boom: kept by tho weak. ould nnl on commlnlon. ' 1 audited and boolul Kept L Incl on gommlnlon. IIII F |l.lU'IA'l'lIlIOI.lI I KIIIJGKLE-JUIII UIK LEATHER BELTIE Fun: euss ! OILS. COLORS. E ARTISTS MATERIALS. wmoow cuss. VARNISHES, ETC. -nn AAIIEBV ..-._ ., . .- \\'no1...~m.- by m'.\\-.'s- 3 ` .\lonl I'mH. !i%`-'&'iH OIEL S COCKLE5 ru.1.-1nuseeah:y-six,_yan. .1. o. saunas mm: on. MONGEN'A|8, BOIVIN In 00- TO BUSINESS MEN. A. RAMSAY It SON, MISCELLANEOUk snmmna m PAINTS To WEAK MEN -S;:l ;'by` D;ufisl;:vryvher. l'ILLS-Frec irom Metcury. PILLS-F0r Liver. l'l LLS ~ For Indigestion. 1`! LL5- For Heartburn. ANTI BILIOUS PILLS. MONT IIAI. GnocE' H. JUNA8 & U0. vvA.a..sa. .u.;..na \.Ia a..n\a-u; ..n.-...-.-V. As a tonic for child ran, for invalids recover- ingz from sickness. or for women who are ` nursing. it is of the greatest value. Sold by all dealers. I')l'\I'\lAlLI f'il'\'I'llFr\[` O __ Ilavnrifiunxtracts SUNDRIES (Lhl1ilI.'Ll) \J\J.l..I J._l.L V .J..:.l.Lu g/.L.L.: For Lack of Energy} Ncrvousness.Paralysis, Loss of Brain Power, it is highly recom mended, being combined 'I'I'T`I fI'|f1 111rnt\nr1ncnYJ'fm`n1Q `SOMETHING WtLRTH_ KNOWIIfJ_{_}m. Emulsa of CodLiver 0ilVwith Hypophosphites j V . I?/U, IIIIIIUI. HULK llllu Arm. Ieovin them beautifully whim and vol- vety. Fold y whole.-sale dealers and drug isle everywhere Puud Lily Cream. 2. ) cent: ; ond Lily Liver Pellets. 2.5 cents; Pond Lily Skin Hosp, [5 camp. 8. Pltlu-cm. Chemist. Mannhe- ur Pronriowr for Canada. __4. Will cure you of u Cough, Cul Bronchitis or other Lung Trouble; As an delicate digestion. None genuine without the name IZDAHL stamped on ouch capsule-_. `Wholesale by . A a. A An. . 1 00., Mon t'rea/. -},-L'-I- 1 -I--I&J-I-f-I- ` It is unsurpassed for Scrofulu. Ueueral Debility, Lass nf Vigor, &c., it is une- qualled, being made of ITI'\W'T T` W"'T7'1T|T3 TT 1- "T-T3.b- 3' wax . u , ` THE GIHCAT STANDMII) l{EMICl)Y for all " weaknesses and Diseases of the Lungs. ln1pni}x;- ad Nufrilion, etc. This oil in pure; {run . nearly nu-su-lesp,aud there orumosts. iunble for delicate zcnuine (POND LILY CREAM NORWEGIAN con ` LI'V`.'E}2B OIL- IZDAHI; Iucuucu, ucul \.unuuu-nu WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. Suorin fromtha emunta of youthful errol-II. earl decay vnutlmz weurnesn. loan of man in . am. I will mmdn vs unblo u-atlas (nonl- OIL ............ l).. ....l....:.. u u um \AvuII I EIROWN BEIBTHERS & Co.. ' s'65vT:n'v'. .._u..- In-.2.-. -fllenun `PI Proprietor$,Toronto. ~ "USE ON Li fr-IE BRAND OF PURE r4r4DIAieArr!Es- Druggists, Halifax, N.S. A (.8 uzhlful Toilet Article. Nut 1: face paint or powdcndoea not cover over. but L 1-urns Hand in 4-unnnn. won noon. loss or h . um. will sound A ud'{oontnlnlng full potflit-tllara for home cure. I` Me of chance. A splendid medical work: ovur. but cures. Used in connec- tion wilh Pond Lily Liver Pellets. a nd Pond Lily Skin Soap, moat 4-tfevllmlly and uosltivcly rem oven imploa. Freckles. Tan. Black Spetlua. Blolchcs ullnys all ir~ rimlinn nfn.-r shaw- '01 me skill from Whl ever on use and all roughness from tho face. hnndu. nook and Iroullnvsa from tho face, hands. neck .u..II- uuhlln and vul- Hlolches nllnys all |r~ rltmion after shav- ing. or any itvhinuss nl' Ihe skin from what an-vnr vnmm and all mama. 1 ptrtll pvo up. mmnng 1 um oouum don. t Inc I tried Hutyu'd'a Poton Balsam, lean than one boule of which curod me, leaving mean well u ever I wu. Henry W. Conn, Wubuh, Ont. ` Partly Gave Up. In the you 1885 I cou bod lonix months. and having unnucooufu y tried many re- medi I tl . think Ilnd nnn:uur.|I'nI.lnll:..r t tried Hhgvu-d : in the lnndn of men entirely rent the pen in mightier than the award." t in the name way with: psruol in the land: 0! a woman. It will stop I horn on`. Ilonlth Fnlllng Fun. I In`: swollen from held to foot irom dro y of six months standing, and my hon th wu foilimz foot, but after nking one bottle of Ilurdock Blood Bitten. I an`. quit; well, sud think there in no medicine oqntl On n n It ....i in it I .......In . trun frinnd." wen, sou mm: more In moalcluu oquu to ~B;.B:R., and to it. I remain A true friend." Jooopln Eerie. Linwood, Ont} " vul uluu vuuup II often fetsl when not remedied in time. Leslie B. Nicholson, 1!) Welleeley Avenue. II at An 5 quick cure for croup, colds. cofdl, sore throat, chilblninl, eI.o.. I cm recommend Hegyurdi Yellow Oil." It in 8 sure cure. Directions ecu.-ompuay each bottle.- Iitgoixritnlhllng podlit-tllara for home 1-` ml`: chnrfo. medical should be rem by every mun who In nervous and duhllntod. Address. 7 The hot water cure in highly Ipokon of. A young mun of our ncqunintsnoo was com- lotely cured of In Attachment for n oung ady `by one kettleful, which the 01 man ` let him hnve. ' - Advloo I o llotnore. Mn. Winslow : Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren teething, in the preecri tion of one of the best female nurses and p yuicinnn in the United States, and ha been used for forty years with never-felling eucceu by million: 0! mother: for their children. Durin the mecca of teething its value in inculcuble. it relieves the child lrom pain, cures dysen- tery And dinrrhazmgriping in the bowele,snd wind-colic: By hedth to the child it rent: the mother. rice 250 I bottle. Florn-I went down town yeotrdny and ordered me 3 tailormude diroetoire unit. Carrie-Oh. did you I went down town 1 yesterday And ordered me I lawyer nude divorce suit. Ina Iueuunug ul nu:-. And death is one of the mysterious func- tions of the human organism. They are constantly battling two rival elements ; the one throwing o" waste and etfete matter- death, the other to supply living atoms to build up and sustain--life. It is when the system grows sluggish, when the etfete and dead partis-les, are not eliminated and re main to clog life's channels, that Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut render greatest service. They cleanse the system, restore the liver to a healthy action, correct morhid secretions, renew the springs of life by making digestion more perfect, and proved hy use the most perfect family medi- cine in existence. Accept no substitute for Hamilton`: Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut. At druggists and dealers in medicine. DIVIZIKI l'lIlll|l-L\Il.I'3 |H are ut ull l'mlL~ In M" ...|., 1... ,1 4|. III!` 5IlIlI I limo uml liable to I toilvt11u-p- nf n (Haul. A Timv of l'el`i| for l)e!i-ulv Tlnnmtx. Tho lm1_::--r.~ nf tlw Winn-1' :m- n--I uwr for clxilnlrvn \'-lu*llKl1L*lll`.~t miul lays mum uml \\`l)(`ll tlw Ilmws wt in. {Full -1` .'u'e Ills` pvrils inert-n.~1-l fur llw umurtlxtmlu little pn.~:s0ssom uf tlvliczltu tl1l'unlN. Thu Ilumu Maker re Iuimls l1.~' that melting snow has 11 peculiarly mnpluusmt ell":-(`t upon children with :1 ton- tlonvy to (Tulip. Tln-_\' will often (`njny im- lnunityfnjcvm (his .~onlx_1`gg_lgg'1|_1g tlu: hm-_d. bim-r mlul. only to full Vl(`t.lllh at n time when, tn the uniniliutwl, tlwm .~omn.~' lc-ust l1(`L llUf\'l;.'ll1llll`|`. Wlnle tlm sx1n\\' is an the ground, it is no lxxxxxsxnal tlning to be obliged to keep crunpy lmlrlc.-s closely l)\\|.~`4~l._ .x-...\ ..x.....`.. n. .......b .....,. thu tinw in uno pu.~itinn, us. fur vxumplt-. tvau1.~t-1:, lmvknn-n, car ulrivora and cmnl1n`~ tors, the fnlluwing rnlv. from what is known as the .\`\\'u Mm .-nu-nt .\`_\'.~.u-nu," is com Inemml: Stand rrwt, and vo-r_\' grmlnully lift ynursvlf upon the tips uf the toes, so as In put ull llw tendons of the {wt in full strain. Tins .~.lmuM nut bu dune .~1u1s1lmdirulIy,I:ut .\ln\\'l_\' uuul grauluul, the .sJmn-r thv In.-ltur. und rvnmin . in mm pmiIin1|n.~`|mg as pomil-la-. Iln-n return nlm\'l_v tn Ilw nnlurul Imsititlll. I{<']><-at this :~1'\`vl`u] (inn-5 until a .sutIi<-ivnt and lin-ly <-nuululinn i.\ at`! up. uhnuld be room by man wno In nervous and debilitated. Address PROF. F. v. 1-mvmck. Moonus Conn. To people who _~ulY\-r Q`.\`p('(`i.'l) Ill:-sv whu fru work urv nl-Hg:-I In rm L`All`A\l`An u ..-:1 lmv sllnhlv \ \L`k' \`l l " tinned fur: hull to dim pup:~iu. All l`UuI' \`-I-1 I.` II .I' IIul;;II, I urn` I-1 u\v|Iuu.', Hm! will sn pr-::1pH_\` rut sh` I`l ('1-Inga-stiuu of the 11111;. .~--nv llu-nut nr x`lwmn:ui.~m us In! nutvr hm-n upplla- ]run|pll_\` um] thnr- Plvcus wf <-uttnn lmttin-,5 -lip;-<-ul in hot \\`:1t-rum] kvpt 2:;-plivd to ulnl wn-s, nrw vuts, brukvs and spruins, is u tn-utmo-ut now mlu]nIv in hu.~p|Iul.s'. h`pI'uim~ uuklv lm.~: IJOCII rurul in am huur by .~hn\\'c-rim: it with In-t. wutcr, l>nul`L`\l from u In-i;_'ht uf thruc fa-t. llut \\'ut-I` tukvn frm-l_\'lm1f un lmur l)(`f(1l`6!lKK1lilll(' is Ilw luxxt ml" (`:lIhAIl`1i('\ilI r:x.~o of cnlxstipmit-n. This tn-utuu-111. vou- iinnml fur 3| fnw nuxnllm \\'iIh l||`mlH'l` nHa-n- u. ._..r,-, ..... ..... tlw pain in hm L-l`:Ill_\ mfm :1 ]v: in .-..]i;- n ..u! _ Excel]:-Int, I-Il-(-In frnm Hot Water. Astrip if llunnvl urn. napkin dippml in hot \\'utm` umlwruug out and then uppliud nrnuml luv nook of u rhiltl [hut has x-rm mp, nnd then m )\ crud (m-r with :1 lnr;;ur and thn-ker tmwl, will u.~:uu1ly ln`in;.; H-liwf in ten lninutcs. A tuwul rm.-.1 .~,-w-1`ul tijm-4 1Ii[-npml in hot wutcr, ... . _ ..... I .|.. I .. o ..I Nltro-Gl_rrc~rlne as a Medicine-\Poriln and Discomforth oi the Seftwlh ' Dr. Klomun, of Baltimore, .toll in T he Mnrylnnvl' Medical J mrnul ot` a (-use of usthmn,- with act-onipanying weak lieiart, in . which he used a Lpor centaiolution of nitro- gly<'oriiu with good result. The patient . was a man of 82 years, the dose given was three drops and had the effect of averting impending attacks of mum On one occu- siun the old man spnt the afternoon and evening away from home, and wbon he re- turned was thoroughly hilled. feeling nlso the couunencing shortness of brenth. Ills wife administered to him three drops of the solution of nitrrrgly-:erine.' The uxrm was ulmost instanlmieous. He soon b('(`tll]l0 weu'ni. and tho tlireatening asthmatic attack was prevent;-l. I musoiiim.: from its_ physiolugivnl (`ilk-(`tar ` upon iliv v:xpilliu'i-s--mlinittim; murv blood to the sm'fu<'-.~--I)|'. Klmnun all-,:;:o-sts-thiit nitro-g_;lyv-rinu might be hi[.:lil_\' lxmc-tivml in cases of Ilm-zmnml g1iIig.i'viic- of I|n- uxtrun1- itiv.~`., 'l'nhl<-l Iiilnr-;_:l_\`1'vl'im~ Imvu l.'it\'l_V Fll[)(`I`N`lll`ll Ilw solution for both l1_\'polpI'uii<.' nml intvrnul mlmiuisirution. I (IN PHYSIOLOGY AND` HY G|EN_E.7 Sol`: Watt-r fur the Skin. 'ns\iv`.;: thv`t-:n`- uf tho skin, l1[nl1:1\i/.034 thu pninl. that HI: I lL~:lL u`1'ink1:-.~; and :'l`u\\`.- u .1 ,. , , I . HICIIVI V E!` I I only GIIIIIO Gnu: oflleuory '1`:-thing. lbu looks Lou-nod II no noting. lllnd wandering curd. chill and alt)! [I-only taunted- Gruc lnduounam to Ounupouhnooolnuu thnannntnn. VIII! Ollhllml of [)1-. _\V_.. hug!- 'Iho Illuudlng ul Llfe. ,: .|. _ _...._s-..: ll lI|lIl' I.` III!` IR`-`| l'A lI|lIIAll ll| ` I Thi3U`\`1lIIlll'IlI, cut: 1` :1 few mnnlhs, with ]:I`<>p('l` nth-I Ft, will all:-\'iutcan_\' ':n.~- nf d_\.~ Common Croup . u ,,,L __ __. ._-...-- unn unu ntn urn n 3, iuf vrul ti`In(-4, and then applied mm-I` llw sc-ILL of 1 hmlnzlvlnu nu` no-uI`ulgin, u ill gm-n~ 1:l]v:.u.In}t H-Ii.-f. Tin ll`(`llIl.'lIt: 1.1 . . II. ........n. u.-uuu_, In (I Thu`: l'u IH Il`I|uuu I _ slilllnlillg U1` ... mun Sm. u.- '11.. THE % Bkrrrsn WHIG. FRIDAY. MARCH 15. u - uuuuuuu HA part ivularly ;b-u, .- nu ,9 u In wl`u- is nutlnllg n-ll iun us` In It 7 Gait lndnouncnu Io uunqouuu-nu---. ."A"fl .`<";'1':':'I51 I'I:. 881 mm Av... N. 1. 1. :1 phy- ms who glouy. Stranger (in the court room)-Whnt time have you got, plane? Prisoner (st . oounnel'n table)L[ can tell you better Ifl thtlahtrinl. i d I (1 blood count dyl I An yrpe I reach by causing So bochpgo on, growing worse, until the whole Iyntom ll poisoned. The nun-out mum of rolls! for the victim is 5 thorough and persistent I ooune of.Ayor'| Sara rilln. Llninllvn. the an nunllton Dltl'IOl'. llll or .Ayer'| :5eru}}JIrIIII- Llewellyn. the ex pitcher, elgued with Findley, 0. Nothing Lulu It. `'1 Wu troubled with liver complelntfor ngood many yearn, but we: cured by one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitten. I have never found any medlclne to help me like B.B.B.. in feet one bottle mode 3 complete . cure. W. J. Welt, Pu-khill, Ont. | doctor! It nnuu me In to pieces. Noedn A little 3 rin medicine. I suppose." Mica Bessie lgedloo. of Burlington, Vt... hsd n dineuo of the nlcllp which caused her hair to become very hsnh and dry und tofnll so freely she scarcely dared comb it. Ayer'n Hair Vigor gave her I henlth scalp. an-I made the hnir beautifully thick and glouy. Strnnm-r {in the court l'00l'l|l-`vhIt room. A nnncial report sure: that money in oi" We euppoeo it in the eeme old story: The cashier has gone to keep it from being lonesome. Mn. Chu. Smith, of Jimee. Ohio, writee: I have used every remedy for sick heed- eche I could hear of for the put fifteen years, but Center`: Little Liver Pill: did me more 1 than All the rent. ull! -. 2. AL. _-L0-- nhh Inner shun 1 man nu ma run. W at in the mutter with doctor? It than me 511 1 "Need: ` edloo. 1 In L-.a - .|:----- no on. anln -:1 nmouu megy. A woman who in weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, caunnt feel and act like I well per-on. Car` tor`: Iron Pills equalize the circulation, re- move nervouaueu, and give Itrength And rest. A o:..-....:.I ....'......o -9.03. nut Hmm.... :. ion, _.1. To be free from sick hemluche, hilious neu, constipation, etc.. use Carter : Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetuble. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. L`II.. u'L.....|-.. u':I...... -.... cl... I.-. 3...: uomncn lrom one. Ell; Wheeler Wilcox says that her best poem was completed in four hours. It took the poet Gray seven year: to compose his famous Elegy. A innrunl who in weak. nervous Ind THE S(?llC.\'Cl OF` LIFE. the Great Medical \\'ork of the age, on Manhood. Nerv. mm and Physical liq,-billly. Premature l)ouline. Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent llu-rcon 8(1) pages 8 \'o.. 125 prescriptions for all diseases. C1oth.l'ullgilt. only 81. by mail. scaled. Illus- l lratlvesaznple free to all young and middle ` mad men. Send now. The Gold and Jewellod Medal awarded to the am her by me National Medical Association. Address P. () Box 1896. Boelon, Mnss., or HR. W. H. PARKER. grad- uaw of Harvard Medical College. 25 years pmvticc in Boston, who nmy be consulted oon dontinlly. .`3pm.`lnl[y: Diseases of Man. 0!- nn \'n I Ilnlnt-M R0 one pound [mun umea. Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin 3 Shiloh`: Vimlizer is I poei live cure. \\'. J. Wilson. druggist. l Sir Edwin Arnold has just. hand It large tumor removal from his head and he will i diac`arl the skull cap he has been wearing. I For 1-nnuha nn.i rniiin Lake the Diauionu I (HUl.1r(l [He EKUH Clip "0 III! UCIZLI WEllXl|l}u For coughs and colds take the Diaunouu Cough ReInedy,colnp0sed of elecampune, wild cherry and hnrehound. 2:") And 50` cents a bottle at Wade's drug store. Antoni Meuui at whose house the pa trio! (Garibaldi uujourned while he was in this country, is dying in tho same in CH! v I 9.... CUIILU H IIDLIIU Ill Meuc. Inn ,`.l 0 Inc l50UIU\'&rll -`(`.`UIuBlUpUl. The Rev. Geo. H. Tlmyer. of Bourbon), Ind.. says : Hugh mymlf and my wife owe our lives to Shilulfu Consumption cure." W. J. Wilamu, nlruggist. } Mr. (loacincxm-hmncellor of the exchcquer. is considering the advisability of issuing : pound bunk untea. ` Ans vnu mmlp miserable bv Indigestion. rlvun nave oeou nine In over. Shiloh : Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. W . J. Wilson, xlruggist. Charlotte \,`u:hmun, the famous actress, is to have the that munument erected to II , woman in New York city`. i A Nasal injvctur free with each bottle of ` \`liiloh'u('nL:urh Remedy. Price 50 cents. . W. 1. Wilson, uiruggisz. l For Dyspepsia aml Liver Complaint you have 3 pl inte-I ;;uzu`antee on every bottle of Shilolrs Vitulizrr. It never fails to cure. ' W. J. Wilauxi, ulruggist. l The premier oi France under the new I ministry was once a working wntclinmker ` on the li0\I|e\'ar1lSelu-Lstopol. Th R.-v (hm H Timver, nf Rmirlum. vs. a. u nsou. urdgglsl. ` Most of the prusidanta of the United` State: have haul blue eyes. Iheir defeated 1 rivals have been blue all over. 3 m..:l,.|.'.. r`...... .-:II ammmlinonlu .-nlim-. uus.,uuuc1. n. -1. March came in I bring the green pm ShiInh'n (7nI.1rrh I urmg ([18 green p|` Shiloh`: Catarrh Remedy--A positive cure or Catarrh, Diplnln-ria and Canker-Mouth. I W. J. Wilson. dmggist. Rina? n7 the ln`x~,i]Hl`ILl nf the United [JUL HI. \` Hill: I! xllll) Many men meet \ for a rise. " \_\'L.. [Ur U IIHC. Why will you H: u will give innxxwxliatr ` cta., and 81. W. Mm-oh nnlnn iul nuulu nun; . \_'.I\:\,|v|IL: lloe. No. I Bulnch St.

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