Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1889, p. 2

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Wlwn ( I "I l\ NU ullll\`lll| (O l`1`1l` \\'hit-luw Reid wu.~ I the tmm uf }_{c_\_uin, H, , mn by hirfh. he is :3 dt`.~l(`l`lll. His |I:ltL`l`lmI ;: tn this v,uuntr_v from 1|` and suftlvd in KI`l|lll(`L} pium~v;. In INK! he . mnl |blll`(`lHL~`t\l sa-\'vrn1 I upnn the pr:-sun! site V-I a. UM ('u\'t'lNllI!~`!` ._..-v- rm. \\'hiu`-law Rom. who has been spoken A of for tho mlisinn ttulw Cuurt of` St. James, is the editor nnd ' munugt-r 0! Thu New York Tribune. [in may be fuumlany day In his iwriulsanct.um on the ninth oor of the all-'l`rilnlno building, n-mling inuumomble lotturs. rm-cei\'ln;; soon-s 0! visimrs from all purtsnf tho munfry uml sup9riutemlin',; in person the nImiu;.>;u1m-ni of his pnpur. For a long times it has been rumore4l nu Purk row that Thu Trilnunu h.-;< nu nmuugiug oulimr. The g1*l|tlt'lIl.'llI who nu-miunlly ml-upic-s that pnsitiuu is nut i"\'(!I`ll with tlwuuthurity unuully ,;mm6d_ 1,, .-|\'.'I'1:\'fllil\g he ants under thv iinnn-nlins Sll[)l.`l`\ l~|'|ll of Mr. Reid. This, nl` miinae, remlohs tho rim-I of Thu Tribune :5 vi-r_\` busy mun. l*`rum thu moumnt he ontufra his ulllco until he lunvn-5 it sax-vural hours later he is pr:-seal for link`. '('0ll.'s`6qlIol]tl_\v' he keeps himself ('lu>A`l_\' ~_'u.-nrnlwl in hispri\ut<- `ulou, and (hero is [In uthur edimr in New York so tlilcult ti rduwli. \l'hiv..Iu..- l)..:.I ...... |....... an... .m..... ...... 3.. -ho1`nefs_poke gnu wmm with more charity bf his rivals. and solilom ulhsngraed. with _nn_\'body' .exoL-pt. Dexmxrata. Towards IJWU` there IN. _ as yet.~nn signs of sotu-nying. . nu` xul < tn Ins 1-4 -' thmugll--' [`l'(l' II. .,\ horn fifty years ago in ), Althpugti an AJm-Ei- .\`x-ntvhmnn by direct 1| -,;z':uulfuth1-r eluigrutvd tho sum-h of Sm-Ll:uul vL.'_\' us one of the (-ur-lin-at - mswnl lhu Ohio rivrr ~11 lmndrml avrqs of land (`invinn:|Li. He was .....I A'._....J |..'. _.A._ H I Iuu u'.1uIlI, | L . l'lIl'1I' rho higher nml|wm:n- vi` pupils At thu-age ~ Xenia News, and for I"-ml` n muinry editor. llliV'4l1lfIlsitlt`l`lIi) in -~ mnnin:nin|i 0! Abru- pn-.~i-Ic-mg\" in hll), .4?" .._ `VI II\`lIl III!` Jlll xxmwl prinvipul of n t `hurl:-atoll, ll. t4-1| - A... I`: .l..._ . \ llll IIIINIDL Ill.` \`II gnu! found his mm- zn tho vunditinn of the him to run A furry vv lay of the \Vl'(`k. rm Subhalh ho purtml rt) and ron|Q\'e_nl_ In iw Int-ulm-u|1e'nf lhn n of Xvniu. ()1) hi.~ 3".~``t`lI from the un- thv highlnmis. -..| 1`.-..... n... \I......: to |u`L'sid`lItiul Hun nunxinn. l"l'l.I. STOCKS OF I~`l.HUlL OATMEAL. Mill Feed. I-`-ed Umin. Sc-ed Grain And (Iran Seeds. ll` (`ASH I ~ [D for Hl1c|(wlw.nl. (hm. `V`Vhoat. Marrowfnt Pens. Potatoes and Raw `urn. II. `I II\'I". "\ VI mutrlhutuul u ` pnpur. which Inmf Hun n-..v lull` L`. tho M imni 1.4 .L,. ' I NE W Bl/10K 03588 00008 /17 WALD/MN 5 . % V nwsucx nmurm, all wool, 70. 75. am. 1. % nw nucx sax wm nmm. 31. .10. 1.25 $30. $1.75 nnw nucx cmmuzm all wool. we. on 75o. new nucx mm mm. 500. .000. 75. 900. raw nucx mnu CASHIER!-S. coo. 45o. am am nw me: man: cnomau w man 500. nw mcx cmnms cm! '25: son. 35.; law we: mum mm mom, 000. 70, 75a. nw nuox cum, comma . But. nw nucx vnnms, Black Bordor nnammm and Black mmm. an:-A u I uuualvuu n 1. 5.; ;.u.A4nAn.|.u.I HHSIAIJLLLIQIJ RBI HII Sill"; UIVU `U3 discount and give the pnroh war the bonot. In the undertaking, an every one knowr, ll I one who don the largest business can do it the choaput. It require: the nun number of horses. honruc, onrringu. cum. to do 50 funeral: for ( no your an it does 350. We also do our own angrnving which It 3 great saving. Attend pauonnlly to every funonl and with the long uporienco which we have had can attend to funonln better and chenpcr than any one in the bnninul. JAMES REID, 264 and. 266 Princess Street. R. REID, Manager. A Great Many Ask Why It Is We Do the Lrgest Business in the ` City in Our Line ? ` SIM PLY BECAUSE WE EU 1' IN. LARGER QUAHTII1E....!2.|!Xf9t sub. 0|." the nlhmmno ...A ..x... 41.- ........|. .--- oh- I....-lh I- .L.- ..__.)__.-L:__ __ ,._-__ ___ L- ___,, "The Manufacturers Life Insurance? C5. NEW HATSWAND CAPS. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. vCousineau,{ Quinn & Corrigan, ARE WE HAVE HAD AS LARGE A STOCK AND OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. IN THE PEOPLES * Up-Town Grocery. W AL`SH 8; STEACY"S DRESS - DEPARTMENT BEG TU AN.\ OUl\'(,`l.-.`. THElR RETURN FROM THE AVIHRICAN AND CANA DIAN MARl\'E'l'.\', and that their Sl'RlN(- .\`[(_)(.'K IS ALMOST COMPLETE. Having been selected on the spot, and bomzht from the piece instead of from patterns, their stock will be fqnnd unequalled for novelty, deeiuzn and value. xllilliowry --As heretofore this dgapartnientnvill be fnuntl the largest and most attractive in the city. Special atten- tion to our stock of Ladies Head Silk and Lace Visilis and Dolmans. A call solicited. DI _-,_w - ...... ..,,... `We are of`Fering a large range` of these goods, bought before th advance in Cottons, at less than mill prices. We claim to have the bent uaortment Ind the best value i ` 1U HUY \ White Cottons, Grey Cottons, l'\'Il -- ~l---,_~ -...-.- VII-VI Ivvl 1 Al zPhyI`a to match all our Colored Embroideries. Largest stock and lqwest prices at `MI IRDAV 9. TA vn nnln 1-in n_:._ -_-- .mA-_ _ . - - r.-....... nu.-u vnuuua Lmululuolloo, LUIJIIYI, UIUOO I. broideries, full skirting "mum in all the new colors. Narrow Zephyr Embroideries. _ % Alnn ].nv\l':uv-a on ...- 800 Pieces Er_nbrc_)ide_ries_from 2c." per yard `up. All our_ Embro_nderIes_ up large variety. j 100 pieces wide Skirting tnmbroideries, Zephyr, Dress Em- hrnidm-im. full ..I.:...:..... ..:.m. :_ -n .u_- __-._ _ V I jK4B7`RE>_1DER1E x mun, FEED AND smn STORE, COME ANDSEE ..... ....,...,.. w Inlwn can our Lolored rhnbroideries. Largest snack and lqwest MURRAY 8:. TAYLOR'S. 176 Princess Street. 00/V7.4/N8 SOME RARE BARGAINS T/-//8 SEA-.90/V. INCREASING DAILY. SPECIAL OFFERING THIS WEEK 05' NEW HENRI!-ITl`A CLUTHS. DRESS DEPARTMENT uosspn F. swnr-"r. Agent, Kingston. _.:___.._______ _._,._ SPENCE & CRUMLEY SUCCESSORS TO F`. X COUSINEAU & CO. _j GRAND "i5IsJ_=>LAY III?` .- - vnunu n Anya. uunu I vvv uraI.I. It contains neither Alum. limo. not Ammonia and ma` be used by the moat dolluzuo comslitu dons W th perfect safety. ha [F1-eat suocenn nrlai from its being instrinaicu y Tl-IE HES`! VAL E IN THE . ARKE1`. as well as tho!- ouahly adapted to the wnnui uflhe kitchen. bu excited envious imiuuions of its name And up -Denrance. Beware at such. SPENCE & CRUMLEYS. 132 and 134 Princess Street. - MINNES`& BURNS. BLACK bR'Es GOODS THE LE/QnI_NG HOUSE ` TO BUY mun OUR Business Written and Policies Issued over $7,000,000. Authorized Cspit1l,$2,000.000. Subscribed Capital. $621,300. Amount Paid Up, $127,320. The Surplus on Policy Holders Aoooun. $584,402. PRESIDENT. Sir John A. Macdonald. VICE-PRESIDENTS. George Goods:-ham, Wm. Bell. SECRETARY-TREASURER exouea envious mnumons or its md No addition to or vnrmnon from the mmple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. WALSH & sTEAcY's. J. L. Kerr. e in the city. Our nles in tho "9913 FBIBNDI?i!iiE*.f!?9?IrI1BB \IVr\I\ nnvvu -u . JAMES REDDEN, CHINA TEA STORE, muncnss smm, mausorrs BLOCK.` Iv ullu H I HOW to M4 /r_1_2_0 THfEU/I{l_)S Mgrr Our tale '5 true. and if you. In-ed it. it will en- rich you. Be economical and trade with on MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET BY TAK- ` mu ms*r2uL 13: ms MOUTH. WE TAKE OUR TALE IN OUR MOUTH TO SHOW YOU JAAIAI. nnnnzn-runs-.1:-..;;.\ ..---` *3. BARNEY 31 cof SOPRINOESS Street. Kingston. RI HIST CASH PIN )! PAID FOR OLD RON . Br 00 . ......'-'.*..:...':rm....-~......"*'* Twocu Loads of th Onurl mg and nuun: c:r uuuerfornn __ .-- gg-1 --g--_ 1'0: III I.il.aJl5B'V U5 U1}. Onosrn Buns: Alums own. A mrm on oil ' property. WAN'l`E ).-Po"sun.~v having mnn(`_\` tuinvcst can always obtain lsl~v|a\ss Inurlxages of the undersigned at six lose.-vun rcr rm. LONDON & LAN(`-\SHZ {E FIRE INS l'R- XII llI"lI)8 Ullllllll lIlSl'l'IlI53 IIIUIVIKHKUS UI I'll! l.A.\'L`\SH2 {E I-`IRE l.\'S (`R- A.\7(`l1`. (`OMPA.\'Y. (`apiml 89.lll).llI). Pre- mium inoomv 82.5(l).(ll)~ E. (`. HILL. Rear Esuuo Azent. Brock stroel. Vim kc! square Warehouse ; om xiwn andPombroko. MONEY TO UOAN in large or an all sums on farm oil WA NTE havimz mnn(`\` ugnpji TomLQAN. iNsLtjRANcE. ___...----. --v--v.----V-. ow-- ago: -- Subscribed Cllgull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.(lI3.(`(l Tom] Invested nude up-wnrdspf .3.!lll.(lI. Total income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76R.(II- Insurances against Loss by Fire accept- ed at the lowest current rates and claims settled without reference to me Board at London. `N, }K, l}(}I)'l\' Aunnt fnr Klnnulnn vvv-- -., - .-....uv gu unA4V\. Trude Mnrk on every packuze - -..y-..v. 1' Aiiiib` i=oR'rm3 u *="rgi"e;jn2"is"s o N, A II. III` IDIVEHDIIO Lossea paid in tiiyenra . . . . . .. Si.Iw.lll).w Theleadi Fire lnauranor (`om In) on (m Continent. la Anmml Premium two.-ipta if (`nnndq and lhn 'l.'uin:d Slur.-u nrn Inrunr Ilmr rne Ieaamf nre lnauranor Com uy _on me tn. `clpl ir Canada and the United States nru larger thar hose of any other Company. and it has an no blemished record of $3`{8.'ll'l'L J MES SWIFT. Agent W914! 4S.WNF{{00P41?5!'X:" ls AVPURF. FRUII-`ACID P()WDER.` ___ ,z__ _- .L__ THE BTNA INSURANCE GUMPANY4 h.uc'rm1u) com. Cash Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 .(XII.(Xll.0. Total Assets.` lnnunry Int. 1882.. .. 8,Sl)`Z.2'.'2.!I) losses paid in 61 yours . . . . .. 53.l0).(lI).tI) The leadinz (`onmumr perty at the lowest possible rates. Three year policies iseuml on xrivate dwel lings and farm building at ow rates 0.` premiuxnpam I Losses prom 1.1. - 1'1-)lUMA:' BRIGGS. Antoni. ANY DOG __.._ j_ --._-.,._-.-_ --._- _-. -. This Comgan is one` of the best in the world. Its avail: lc ulda amount to $l3.&">2.l.'!). in addition to which is the unlimited liabilities oi Ihnrehoidcrs. Thu vixnrin nmmlumu fur rn rl,-inn nlnnn ID&I`0h0lll0I'3. The yiuu-In Qremlums for mu rlsns alone ` tmounl to 86.N..880. Insurance effected on Farm and (`HV Pro- I6.N7.880. Insurance effected on Farm and City Pro- perty the lowest possible Year Dolicies nrivate `mm ' ' ' 34.; .5 pm,` ' '..'.i r'....'n,'n...' ' ". slwcynonhnnd: Ornluun our. Rollotlouu. uolhd Wheat. Cnokod whoa. mm Whoa, llglln-nlnntl (`Kn-uunngl - Lula In nag-cu. . CITIZENS ms%unANc%E co.` LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND moss `W `"1 F? `?'?`?`?.4 .". F FF"'.~. 1 hpital Jr}'b`wTm.."af,`539,soo oa Government Deposit, `- - 122.000 00. mos Paid, - . - - 3,000,000 00. Claims Promptly and equitably adjuslcd. Low by ighlulng covered whether tire on- nea or not. J. S. R. MCCANN. Agent ......I.. run; % NJ. `1o`c}.Ai:`n;VIc;s1"..` boon!-n RIIFIII Autumn: lla-no. CAPITAL - - $l.500.0(X). THE GLASGOW AN!) LONDON I\'Sl.'R- ANCE COMPANY tmnaucts the an JOND lnrgeatbnalness of all British Companies in (`nnndmdepoeit nnuaily with the ` `mmdian Government sum of assets for every CEO) of lla- bilily ucalculnted by the Government. P.u's Au. Lossns IIQFITAIIL) nan uom-1`|.\' without waiting the usual sixty dnysmesulring iu the Company never but once having at and of any one year `outstanding loam! exceeding 8510f.` W. 0: BROWN. 8'l`EWAR'l` ilRU\\'.\'E Chief Inspector. , Muutger for (`nn;gu.m.~ Toronto. Montrom `I 'I'` \T7EY|'l|E l`lL_. A___A GLASGOWANDLONEON FIRE INSURANCE CO. T/-/E MANITOBA OFFICE : i'i.$.?`;'.`..'(.'..'.if.`f E`.ii '...`` Load. Rope. nondana mg-. TORONTO FLOUR STORE _ -3 n, _.__ _,, WH0l.ESALl'-2_.:\'l) m~:r.u1. N0. I3 MARKEI` RQUAIIE. THE OELEBRATED ;-mcoRRoT{'A'rmD 1954. n_.L__.._'1..I nu AAA f. GODVVIN. Agent for Kmgslon. Bm1'I.-ui Wmu U1-`Inca. II uu | U: lunt J. '1'. Warm cny Agent. ` I52 Bnccx s1*nu:1-. AT PoLsoN'a Dave S'rom:. _':mU?-`N9F: _ \V'. F. BAKER. (`ommladon Merchant. lllvvllrfng \IUllll WI Jzuudnlnnuon. _ innnnr an-n` N]. EIUMAS BRIGGS. Auont. fun | |.Ir.'|vII'xlI IEO h0 Illa TIIO UO' nth ceaad. and the` two were ('0. mined in mount Jam-nnL Mr. llnbtud than seemed to develop new mm: of character and enter on I new uireer. He grow for more genial, an uncut tnnomon do when they have fought and wonunohnttlool middle life. He trav- dnd abroad and qjayed more nodety at Them came I time, however. when the rapid" rim: of the man and the paper was checked. Independent. journalism l-ocamo I sun of (ad in I870 or thennhoutu. and fur a (our year: The Couunen-lnl-well, you might drnwlt mild and may it "uc!u|tul." Mr. ,nItgg_l's em-min and octet is turn to have plenty of them) oonaluly got oven with him" tin-n. [10 was rus'.urml and mstored his paper to its high standing in the Ih-public-an party by the sum element which unused some of his blunders"-In`: in- luno Americonhsm. The rlnh-y inside the party between The Commercial and The On- mnn sand, um] um` 9-n -..... t\l\ .m....| a.. With nil this. huwevor, ho was nut 1-xuvll_\` u lm'nll\- personality in tiurso hm) _\'-':I.I`s. .\i;u|ynnn.~pirin-,: _\`nuth {rum wziw rvmntu z-aunt)`. 1i!`ii;ZillP(i by an -nmnm_:in_-_: Ii-In-r and nnxiuus for n_ pi-ixnnnl il|t(`l`\'|i-\v with tho genial fria-nd of ix.-giiiiicrsj` pl`('L'ipil.'ltui hiiusz-if upon Mr. `ll|l~\`:1 wln-n ho was lmsy n: his ch-.~k and em.-r;;u| in about hm min- utes. fwiixig that tin-re hzui hwu an awful uiismleo of u-am: kind. nud hruuthihg n.~' if he haul osmpod {mm an ogre`: don. He wave. in- dwd, abrupt to the verge of rudeness \\ hen too suddenly nppro.'u'hud. but when his work was dune for the time he mu gunial enough with thuzgoho liked. Like the must snow,- tul newspaper inanngi-rs, gum-rali_\`. hr did not ulmit that there was an y nu-cmnry mn- nm-Liun bot\\'uvn literary and p1`l`snmll or I()l`|:|I rintiom-L '1` ho (Jim-inmui L'oinim~rciul`u bus was one person; Murat linlaeld was quite: another. For aught. he knew the distant. our- respondcnt. whoso letu-n4 delighted the put:-nun. might be the outcast of his lucality. Ind Tnr might ho pIh)n5 author of delicate aonthnenls on paper might ho the rudust hour in the sum Nor was ho at all anxious to last the matter by cluaar pernunnl couuurt. , I ---2 ._... . .... ,.. n..- of th~- [K`,|;|I`I' llI(`rr'.'L~`A`l murv than fuurl}-lcl in vuluu, ml-l in IN!) it \\'a.s runkul 1;. mm of (lu- nmst lmlu:-mial pa;--IN in thv we-s1. 'l`h(-rm uftcr he had pr:u'lu`:\l muutrnl of the lulu-r_ anal its xulvmu-v wns still lnnro rnpi-l fur a few _\1-um As 1 manager Mr. llalstcml mm cou- spivunus for his ulxmuru,-;1-xunont of tllu young; ho was always on the look-nut for bugiuners who luul shown sumo talent on the country res`; llu vonlplutuly rourgnni-/.ul the col- octlun of news, always hml sumo ounbltiuus unmwur unt:1p" in every country town in Ohiuuuul luclinua. watching for sound ituu important en-xuglx to be written up for Hal.su~:ul." and inspired by tho fuvllng that if he dial well, prmnutiun was sure. Iulmny A journalist who has now some n~ougultiuu. admits lll: early induhtalnc-as kn :4-mu en- cuuru,;um~nt from Mr. llnlsu-u-l. _v xxu 3 nu- mrlv in IIIU h|lQ`|.`,\'LIl'$ U1 Abmlmm Limolu and other eminent men. The style of mth of Mr. llal.~to4ul`s early writing was such that critics have simiu {uuud much food fur fun in it, mid me of his oarly tictions is hurlesqued by his rivals under tho title of Tho Ru] Haired Maiden of the _l..3lllI_5_1,,iar1I.i_.," .1! 1:1 5<,`!!!`Q`lJ nu 9.-gay 1 gt-ratinn. The llrst fruitaof literature in the west. like premuturv growths gent-rally. mn~ tainonl more brilliant husk than snlid sul stunt`:-; and n hmlthy country youth of 18, who is lll0\'(\l tu write. is very apt tn full to souling and "_v0nthing" and "eternal truth- iug to a lllL`lLI(`ll01bl_\' absurd dogruo. In I3 )! Mr. llnlstnad nished his schooling at l-Eirniois` collage, near Ciuvinitati. Ion-id:-mi tusttuly law and got tired of it. wry sum; thon started a 'a'unln_y paper, 0! which only two numbers were i.\vue~d. und turned tu \I'lllltt`\'(`l' local or general work he mmhl ;:ot 10110 mi The Euquirvr. The Cnluluhiun and Gn-at Wvst and nth:-r He was knuck- in: around prvtty \'(`l)' for two I-rthrw _\'uzu's an-l ;::-ttin,-.: the usn of himeu-lf; hut. .... I.. ... I.--,> I . r ....i L: .i.. lljgnll uv >1 During thu H!` H... \ nu u_uu u nun: xu Il\\I\'II uuu llll .`| gllhll in;_: so-:1:i!11v:)t,"11:l that \\`hvn hu nbuml-um! that fur Hl1.~l'UH1ul_\` un sm-nu] I.-~;-iv. nnxl I-~ .~a-x'ipti\'u wriumz, hls h'1v|ui~'.rvrp::|r on] it usnn inmn-um llnlwlnvn` l xI rd 5 U1.,,,.lll \\ l'l|lll;.{ [U1 ` no\\'.p.-1pvx`s, und it is now mllh'\\llLlt mnusing In unto that lus tir.~1 suvt-oxws were gninul nu ti1vli;;lnv~I kind of fiction und nuns! ;:u.xh- in-'9 ' l In] nu u nu III. .\I I V .im-m " nml Hm! u-lmn Im n|un..l..n...l ~ .U$T'_ RE9E|VED Murut Ilalswnnl was` born Sc-pt. Rnssj, Ilutlvr cnunty, (3.. and slr-m ity on :1 fnrm. .\t I!` hv b.~;:u1 W1 uni: l'IIIl\VI |( I I , In` IllL\ ll\'lI |lIlUll,.',ll it all n Imrd xmrkur, furcnblo writcr nncl in- ta-n.-n pzuri-ut. Tn. qunto Ins uwu words. In lx*Iim`0a'ill the l'nih-I .\`tm~.~'nf Aim-ru1.\." and In.-my nf his ll|i.\`N\|\`(`.\`--(`1`l`Hlilll}'hisHurst .u-nxutiumll nxn\-hu\'u nrisvn frt-In his Im- p.-ni-xn`.~ Wllll men whum ho judged in he nog_;lm-ting grv.-it oppurmvlitie-s unul not doing enough for their \\ullnll`_\'. IIICKIUHH. [t wuuld he tlitlirult to .\`(`h {`t unutlwr man who knows In much about llxe di!l'nn-nt plmsmnf Aim-ri1':m x'h:1I':u-tar. thu tlith-n-ut }:rul~s in lifu and |MHlit`s, and ull from uvtuul 'oxpuric-non`. .-\ I`.-Arm buy tor tho age of 19, nu zunhitiqus student nu_l zunutvur nuvvlist for thl`l*`.' _\'vnr.~` m_m'o. thvn n writ:-r nf llliS4`t`lllI_\'. a local n~purt~r um! l1n:|ll)' R man_\' siuletl journalist and . lm.~'im~ss' and ealituriul umm|',::-r, lw hus lawn !hrnu,:h pulri->1.` ho "h.-linx-.w in Hm l'nir..I \`y.n.._A ..4' .\......-.... " \ Thu-ro are I.l`0lIg inilimitinus that American journalism is about "to loso-tump0raril_\', ut. lenst,--(')ne of its nigat striking ornaments; for is urged for a foreign mis- sion, tho clioico lying botwoeh Germany and Ruaeiix It su-rm to those who know him most intiiium-l_\' that France would suit him but, for hocnulul give the Fro.-m-li points in versatility and yet pros:-rve all tin-`slin-\\'d 1' [)()(\W*.~`\`l(ilI of the Yiuikm of Ulliu. Mr. Halstuul_ hi>W(`\'i'l`, mixfc-.x\'e.~i to 11 strong ud- mirutiun fur G.-rinun_\' and the Ul`l`ll)tlll char- acter, and he viijnyul tho intiimu-y. if not the friumlship, of Eiiiporor Willinin, Von Multku mid utlu-r.-.~durii1;: tho inns! illt4`l'(`.\`t.r- iug and bloody t-pimie of thv Fl'llll(`(>-Pl`llFSl(LD W211`. Thu nuinoruus purtios mul still mum niiiiirrmis fm-ti-ms in ilw (lerinan l`\_l_t'ilSl`llIll, \\'hil`il puzzle rm lll8.ll_V romltws, would ho plain as it ;.;:u`~ ~ if glu-(`lie-m in him. for ill` has had a uniqi. ~ uxpcrioux-e with miuiy parties and fuctiomx. lg .-. _..I I L- .I:.n .._i. ._ ,,| ,A .u, ,- , ,.,, (I13 I-IINI hl'kKIlI"', LLIK` I13` \ rl_v 1553 lm fuuml his ma-,:c-r u! n -1-lvurtznvnt in 'l >n|:m-rvial. In l\"l hr um `uh-st in tlw pap:-r and its vnn In dun-w Hm? \'.u|n-r Ll... / Ills Qinallllutltullu Fmluubtml V Illa Early ~ Can-er---"'l'ho [led Haired .\lulclt-n of the /Blue Mhnul"--'hIu-law Raid May Be" Engllbll Minister. SKETCH or T VMURATH HALSTEAD. `Pos- SIBLE, Mususreh T0 esnmargv. HONORS TO JOURNA 1.1331. a ti -u `us u.-u um In I In` \ nu nun-III al. nv-;uiru~d n amull I its 1*:-lmnus soon In--w that _\'n1n1',_: lolt_m wax ut \\'nrk. ~ In-xl IVA :-l\'1`_\'t`&I`.~` tlm gfuud will -r tnull nvln. ., IV.,.V. zu .1uI| his min-vr~ lm h...v-m u'I~i| .- Lu- A LARGE srocx. BOTTOM PRICES. DESIRE TO PLEASE, IIUBT ATTRACT A'l"l'IN'I'ION. ..1I(1} `_oI.. _ nun !!(1'Il`1>- llhl` HAUL and Illa! inn and ( hunll. "main `- pl`vt!_\' (`I050 nm`ur.l ; with tho pupulur ;bl~tn nf Hun! Iiunn mnu..u In.` ulv I I` u, h I`. H) at M ;_n-at dual uf what now mu-I515 like rant .....l 4.. .1 Hvl LVVKP I himea ; mn; 'l`l 4 1 IIILL Tho` ~;-v um uun r we t`\ "ll in rim 1 spz-e,cln-s uf nu nf nunn l|ll' IIIIJIIIUIV ~ of that tilncs u--, I \\'riIilu;.' I I.` ....o s. w. D7xY's, PRINCESS STREET. ABOVE SYDENHAI-I . 'I uu \\: lea-If; : plucoas usual..- ,......l..,_ -!j` "" ' ' Mr. Rx-icl combines two faculties which no not gt-xxerally found tog:-the.-r: ho I! I gnu] ; business man and A good writtr. [lo llvos ln ono of the palatial Vlllnnl houses on Mnulimn avenue. just. opposite st. I'htrlck`nval.hcdml. His wlfv.'ndnuglxter of tho (`ullfcmla mil- lioulro, D. 0. Mills. has an ample torture of her own. and is u- leader in society? Tho.-y hum nn vlnlclnm. In person.-xl uppuurnnx-vn Ir. Reid it all and uparu. Uh {aw in tomo- Ihnl. lacklug in power, but is rt-llnod and in- _pll`uvut.. Altgguther he has more the lookof 0 Iucuustm bmllmn man than ol"uu-u engaged in literary pumuizs. , r It has been said that after Mr. Gnu-Icy luul failed in lhu pr`-si-lmtiul vulllost anal want to T1.InTribunnuin~ lo and Nut he no longer had a plum there. it. broke his heart. By sum Mr. lh`id's course was looked upon us an v\'idcm\9 of ingramudu, but the men wlm carry loitering vnmrprius through succum- tully are `urn-n obliged to nppunr to deal humbly. though what is considered huuhnus may boonly nwosmry tlrmnovn Mr. Greeley`; usofuluun to his paper seemed to lnvopnuad; The Tribune was cmhurrusul. and the queo tion was whether it should pas into the brunt: nf slrungersor Hr. Gn;eley`s managing . lihalt..- j` ""`' "' """""` nun. --uuv-.v\n may haw boo-n I15 armrl--nzniugs under his control. it hu.s'w-:'1:un|_\` l-nun held in astuuxn for mu '3,-ruups n1 Inu-r:u`_\'1u-nnml profus- slullill authors whu lmvo nu-lad in its cuuipusr In-m. I{ipl\_\', Tm`!-pr. Snmll-~_\'. Wixm-r, t`nl. ll.-1_\'. Nam: |h`u-~k~. :u:-l at hm-st of urln-rs h:u'u have M clul`.-n~xn Inn.-.~ In-on r-y;nlur ul` occu- Muuul m-nlrll-ulur.~ In us 1-uluxnu.~L I I\Vl.Il V .)IrIIlAI. I. I llI_V _\ Z1 3 ugu nlll . I\k'I`I nally I1-mired to uccsvdu to thv sanlivxtulluizs ufhi.~1fI`ienIl Mr (in-cl.-y and connect lum- sulf with tho stat! of Thu Tribune. Hr am given (hep-xst uf lint ulnorial wntvr. llu rmnuimxl 111 um }-NH-nl), writing lllubl of thepolmcal lmuivrx mm! the resigxmlmn of John Rusivll Ynuug, the managing editnr. Mr. Reid was th:-n lnsI:|Hl'd in the pusiunn and ilmnoalinlely prnu`0d01| to run llw paper upon strivt. lsxlslxu-N` prizwiples. \Vhnu:va-r n`ontrul.`il r._ .I.. _.. . u. ,, ,, .-. uuxu \'| . In n n--nun` nu IIILV uuulutn ll!` beczune u.\~--vunul mm the juurunl he \I'lL\` dc-stint-I in l`utur-- _\'uars tn mum-l. Sburuy nftur lhu claw uf llmwzu'ho u-'vnn|pu.lnul Mr. Clm.~4- on the xuur whivh tlw lzmvr tuuk along Ihu vuu.-`l ut thvrvqu--.~t of Pr:-.xideul Johnson, In nmko n-hm-r\`ut1-m. upon the mn- mzmn and Int--r-.~x~* of tho uhiw and I-lurk l`:|<'os in (nu wlxthn m stat:-x .-\ rusult uf llllri jmu`m-_\' nu. H--I I ~ tirxt vuntrikumnn tn litur- muro. 1: man]! \-`L'unu vlntillvd `:Afl:~r lhu \\'.-u'; at .\'-mh--ru T-rur." S|1h.~u[lu'l1Li_\ lu- bn <`&|lI||` n -'--nun |-L`u.h~r. but nu-I with an mun)` IlIlsl\Il`tlllI(*\. that ho guru up lhu iclv.-1 of vuttuu [.:rnw|n,; after two years` ripa- riauvu About tm-my years ugn Mr. In-nl ufhix frieu-I mu .v n..._r Hf nunninnl nu Mn- u....n|..n n-rnu _ .,., --In-rvut I'm-1-sin stat:-5 u :1. is cm on bc~aum- umm` . _ .r.,_ V|l`l I` J"l1.'|lIl _\ L |I(L1' ullll Kl( rllLV.` \."r.'('l|'.\'. From the rim .\lr. (Irvolvy was hllpr0.\~l*d with the oxwuxivu ululity of the young jnur nnliat and ulfcrul him a pusitiun on IJLS paper. This Mr. Run] Y`l`fll.\uL but no suhu-quo-nXl_\ ~m1.~1-nto.-I In mku <'lmr,;o uf tho \\':Ls'|1ingI.un inmnch of Tlw Tribum-` In thfs nnmm-r In- nfmr llmwzu' ho \l.. l`|... ,. ,._ .I,.. .,. _.|: I .I I ._ A ` 'II Ilh` IV lul II. III I `w, ll!` \` EL` |'lll'I VI II.\' nmnn.gv-1n-nt vfu Sr. Luuis papvr. The [Bro- prints-rs M The Ha.--zrv. huswvor, rather than low his .~`vr`vi{o: .}:l('uIj(-,d_ {nix _g7(fox;.~ix,1_.gr- xi!-Tdhxtmim-'."i'n'wir paper. This laid [I107 fuundutinu of his furxunu. He was expwtul to ouminu- \\'ritiIr,:, and was appoint:-cl \VIL corn-.~;-nnul.-nt. In this vzxpm-n_\' lxocauw in (`<`:H:lrI unh all u! tho ominvnt mun mt the lay. an-l with charm-t-:ri.s'zic shruwclnes .\lh`(`t\*vh`1i in making .~m'oml in- -Naluahlc fric-n-ls. I-vroumat among them wan Sv<`l`ctur_\' L`h:L~x~ uu-I [Iorzwv Gr:-1-1. I`-uxn. II... r\~v \l.o :`-.\..I...- ....._ 4... IV` I" IKAUII I` llll lI4|V'I (in his rx-turn. m l`v of u L ml Uns- .7 4iInTu`fI|ix *rVL'VsI./ifn thvir turn vvhmt. Mu-rowht Pens. Furs. TELICPIIONE N0. 1&1

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