on 1_>o;.>'I!Ep-w-\'v-(,x;Y_ r'|o1'm. T you A cnoxcn 1401' or W" NWKTIE3. UNDIRSHIRTS. DOLLARS. CUFT3, do -no THE HORROVRS IN COURT. u `an: no water, out Iruin mu. Lune to Feb.` Lh she accepted this nourishment, the Lord having signied lint she should do no to relieve the dryness in her throat. Throughout her fut nha din] hnr h....... She Claimed to Have Had I Dlvlne Re- velation. > In Pnr-nnnoe of wmon she Aeo Nophlng I-`or Forty Don. Grew Stronger Right. `A1003. `And Finally Broke Her hut. With 3 Great Bl; Meal. Smuxmi-`u:i.n,Ill., March l2.--The period of my fan will be up promptly at 4 o'clock the some hour as the Sovionr's, and than I will tour." Mrs. Pauline King, a coloured woman spoke in the supervisor : room in the Sangomon county court house. She hue been living in Springeld seven years. She has been A regular attendant upon the faith cure meeting: by Mrs. Woodworth, and wu given to going into trences, so was also her little ten year old daughter. She claims to have hed vieione yours ego, and since the faith cure hand began operations here she ho: had A vision from the Lord commn_n_ding her to fat forty nighu. In compliance with the divine order Mrs. King began her feet on Jan. 27th. at which time her weight, now 89, was H3 lbn. `flue first seven days she- d nnk no water, but from that time to l"eb.~ ncnnntml this nnllrinlmmnnt cl... A WORD TO OFFICE-SEEKERS. AN ILLINOIS NEGRO WOMAN AND HER WONDERFUL FEAT. %P`XSl`T(.Z%i`()R'fY DAYS. I-v I2 ?! l1IlCII CI 1'11 Lonnox. Maul: l2. - talus {mm Zunlbur my elm noowltluhu lag the block- ade arm`: an bob ; Imported than In largo nnunltln. \ 1. ITIIII II`! quunltlu. xv-I uwrvluiwlli III l'I'I'Il'o Lonnon. Mu-ch l2.-A family ol ve por- nom. at Rllnborg. Aunt:-la. ul} 0! whom had become insane. rtyod continuously for tlmo days and ulg tn. WIIIII Ill IIIIICII l'lII `Il KYO IIIIICIIQ vlrh htwoon John uoamh mud Con 0 ode. The glmn. and Ill! live lptohtorl. Illoltly lode. wore struts and- lochd up.` A FINE FARM OF` 75 A(`RE.~L Ems! Part of Lot No. 15. let Concooaiun Township of Kingnhn. henullfully aitunlod on the Lake Shore. one mile from the Penilomiury. Good large house. outbuildings. orolurd. &c.. nutm- ble for a farmer or ul'fl0lI0l'. Apply on the remiaestn JOHN GRAHAM. P.0. address. orlamuulh. IIIU UIIIII nu-Ilwu; `III-Inuuvwua Nuw Ouuxn. March 12. -'.l`ho Timu- Dunocml mm the the Mexican govern- uont nmndnsnuhd the oonoouibn gnu- od to Capt: Ends, {or a ship nllwqy, by nnnholng 5 percent. hunt! on $0,- tho utimntod cost of the rnllwuy. JV) Captain R. L. Cu-Ihdl nay: tho work of con- ,Itl`IIO0ll will begin now 3 Ii-III Iru IIIU liijio Nxw Yoll. March I2.-9The polloo Int night rsldod the Rmodtlc Ithlotlo club, while an unotur ght Kid: bu-o knuckles -an-In nrnnmn Inrann Jnlm Mnu-nth nnl lllllll. III II II BIIOIIKIII ICOCIIYUI WIUI Andtov Comets who is laid to have azur- od Qho [Ah ric and Southern. By con- aolldulonwlththe Vglley the Cleveland and Pllhhurn will In nnrnllnlal $0,000. And it in cl nduv w the 4 ..Il2-Al._ -hL bk- U 'I'nKnU V9II'y III. Pltbblrp will be paralleled. In. Luann In rlod. Nlw YORK. March l2.--I: in said that Mr. Gobbcrd md Mrs. Langtry were mur- ried on Tuudny. A repreuntativo of the World asked them if such was the cue, but could only got non-committal snawen. A new plain gold ring ndornod Mrs. Lsngtryi loft hsud. Her divoroo in id to have boon annual on Mopdny in Co ' on-nit. Kingston Hon 1-: ma Front. At the examination: of first your man at the Rays! college of dental surgeons of On tario, At Toronto, last week. Mark I". Bink- loy. of Dr. Spuka otce. took first place : U. 1". Wright. of Dr. Clark : oice, took second place. - ed S. A. Aykroyd, of Dr. Sparku otice. took fourth lace. This in good showing wul. of I clsu o thirty~fonr. nun uunn; u.`-nun us. The return: of deaths mmle to the medical health otiicer for March are : Nervina, dropsy, bronchitis, stricture of intestines, ramlysia, cancer. hydrocephalus, typhoid ever. malarial fever, dysentery, amt-min, npoplexy, one each ;;`canccr of the stomach, nccidentsl Icnldiug. heart disease, two each; debility, three; masking I mm of twenty` ODS. UI IIBII UVUI Hill Ull IIIU CUTE. LIIIC UI RIC` Cnnn s eyes being torn out and the other so seriously injured that he may lose his sight entirely. UIIPPUU UUWII lull HVUIII lllflllr PUIIIUIIIHUIII. In the seventh round Mc(Junn went down a eleven timel. The ght was the most. brutal over soon on the coast. One of Me- I`-..-. .. Janina |.. i.... o....... ....o .....l 9].. ..ol..... .. wolllngm 3 Mon to follow. 'lho Mos} Brutal nl Whlclz There In Any Record-.\lcC|un':I Wreck`. .S`m1'l.|:, W. T.. Mlrch l'1.--Tum Clonry, ex-champion middle weight of the Pacic count, and Jnmea Mc(Jnnn. of Nannimo, B.C., yesterday fought nine round: for $100. The light. wu awarded to Henry. as Mc- (Tnnn, who was lacing punished terribly, slipped down to avnid further punishment. In the uwanth rnnml Molhmn want. down Buy!-3 up the llulwnyl. CANTOK, 0.. Much l2.-Thc Valley nil- ny, or 3 controlling interest, ha been sold o New York cupitulinu repreuentin I7,- |(X),000. it thought unoclnt with indoor (`AI-nlain Ilm In unit] in Inn: no-.nr. SEIIUTII lpplyu The l arnell commission resumed its eit- tinge to-day. An accountant teetitied to heving examiuenl the hooluof the Hibernian bank. but was unable to trace the persons to whorl the money on check: was paid, or whence the cheeks came. Beaween Novem- ber l879 and September I882 the league re- ceived 26l.%9, and paid out 261,276. The bank refused to allow wimeu to ex tmine its lodgment slips. [he league paid to the ladiee` league l`2.306. and to the re- lief fund 2,025. aml diabureed 10,000 in (ha rlnfnnnn nf nrlnnnnru no: man x.z.uzo. um an the defence of. prisoners. DICI UU IIIU HI-lUl'IJUy`|{CUK'I`II WIII U6 IIIHUU in the house. It. will arise on the vote for general supply." 1`hn Purl-ua" nnrnminninn rnnnn-int` it: sit. Slr Chnrlu Russell`: Grout l'.'`nrt-l7Inbla to T1 not the Parties. New Yonx, March l2.-The Times Lon don despatch says : Sir (`mules Russell's spoech in behalf, 0` the Pnrnellitos will be the most impmu--t address deliver- ed in this generation ~-. the Irish question. His friends say it will mks at least I week to deliver it.- On Monday next the big at.- tsclt on the attorney-general will be made in this llnnnn ll will arise nn than vnvo for uuyullng. Fhe rennin: of the man found in the river at Smith : Falls are those of Hugh Unr- nnicluel. A couple of whiskey flasks were found upon his person, and it is resumed that he walked into the river whi e intoxi cued. He has I wife some place in Western Ontario. New and productive wells have been opened in numerous nil districts in l'ennsyl- Vania hitherto supposed to be oxlmusted. Settlements long ago deserted are again booming. Thu rscmninn nf lzhn man fnnnni in the river IP03 01 IIIUTU Ullll If HIIIC I IIIIHUCI3. ` The Chicago division of the Wabash rail- way has been sold for ,,$.")00,()00. This is the line from Altamanto and Etnxzhanl to Nfrentor, and from Strentot to Chicago, 258 miles. \.'..... .._J ...._..,l..4g.'.._ ..._II_ I___._ L_-_ I.0UU IIIUII IIJH UUYU. ' Cornelius Vanderbilt and party.pu.uel over the Canadp Southern division of the Michigan Central railway on Saturday at u Ipeed of more than 9. mile E minute. Thu nlnir-Jan divininn nf Hun \\'uhnh rnil. BOSTON THATTSWORE`. 1 BARGATNWSTERIES. Tho Ihlp llnuwu Gunnntud. 7-... I\_-_..... lJ.....L In 'IVL- 'l`.'. coming UODICFBHCG BIB CIJIICOTDIHK EEHIOIL. The Scott foundry rolling mill, the new pipe mill and forge of the failed Reading iron works have closed. They employed ` L800 men and boys. (`mu-nnlinn \.'nn:lnu-hi`! and nnrhv n-maml lllIll'Ul \VII'_Ul'uUl'C(l [T031] I` l'Il.lL'U. -,.'"' A seneation has been caused at Calcutta by the discover of I plot in jlaehmere against the life 0 the British resident. ,Count Von Bercham, German under secre- tary of state, gill represent Germany at the coming conference here cunceruing Samoa. The Scott foundrv rullimr mill. the haw IIIIUUIIULIITBII ITUIH _C`l'UlHIC ICIU. The Jnpmeu mvnl department have dis pttched 85,000,000 aqpaymeut for the fast ` mm-of wuzordored from France. .;~` A ....-....6.'.... L..- 1.-.... ...........I no I`..I....oL.. pnymeun OK .J,\KlI. ' A German artillery officer has discovered a new gtowerful explosive for shells. It. in manufactured from cu-bolic Acid. 'l`|.- l-..-..--- ..-....l .l..n.....s.L...n.s L....... .l:. ll'Ulll clrrylug 0 III WUIK Ill l)Cl'lIll. The Queen is said to have prptested Againlt .Mr. Balfour`: treatment of Mr. () Brien. Pl... ......'....:.........:..- -L l-..:.:L-.- .....`,t....-...l I... U DTICII. I`ho missionaries at Zanzibar caftured by the insurgent: have been release upon the pnymentof $3,000. A Hnnnun nrtillm-I nH'mnr ha: rlisumvprpd IIIINM IIII DOOII pl_THUlII(l. The Sglvation Army has been prohibited from cnrrying on its work in Berlin. The Dnm-.n in main] to huvu nrntnntnd i The Spice of the Morning Paper: And the Verv Luau Tolelrnnu. The return of Mr. Colter, M. P. for Huldi- nand, he: been protested. The Rnlvntinn Armv ham hm-n nrnhihilml Ion Dominant In Print. P[A.\'() IHCPAIH:-I of All kinds on Uprights and smmres executed at the W-bar Factory. corner of Privn'~~aa:1nd H rv.lu:1 Hll`e\3[Jl. Kings- ton. No more durable or welhtoued instrument In Crumda than the G. M. VVHIHER UPRIGHT. Modemle in price and unoxoelled by any Cum- Illan Instrument llo lnponntlon cl Aral. ...... |l-_-L In I\____-.,L__ THE PARNELL COMMISSION. osPr.nAr?Pmze ncwr. A hold an um Puts. .._- II___L in `FL- _ THE r lTH OF THE NEWS- `Ibo I-:HIIII lululdy Ptolllllld. Immon, Much l8.-~I he Eugllah and Canadian govopmonu have nrrnngod ho uullldlu new lint: of ntumcn to run bureau Unrpdol and Japan via Vancou- VII. 0 - no men on Ina-no um puma mo Clan Cbmmu on Bapclltl. TIM them! of llndhon county in here with another unr- mat for him. IUUIII lullll PIIIPIUI II` W" IUTUUU W rilwu and then changed his crud and joined the Clan (Ihmmmnnn RA.nthh_ Thu dun-HI nf [III I PEIIIIIUG. (IO M IIOW Ill Ill. DI I`. Bioollrwutoontobomurlod. 0 ware- oontl accused of neural lrroozulnritiu in M: o uroh rolntionn, and created a ooputzlon by denouncing memborl of hi: congregntlnn from the pulpit: He wu forced to ruism ncd than nhnnned Mn and And lninad um Oswego Fells Aslonlded by the Arrest of 0 Bspllst llnlster es s Horse `lhlcl. Oswsuu, Ms:-oh 12. --A sensetion vss crested in Oswego lslls b the street of Rev. Joseph Bloom, psstor the Free Will Bsptist church, on e chsrge of bone steal- ing. He is s young Englishman with red hsir end whiskers, end hes been in Oswego fells sbout s yesr. Un Thursdsy he osme here sud sold s blsck horse toliverytnsn Becker for H0. Yesienlsy sn oilicer from Msdison count identied the horse ss one stolen from die on Tuesdsy. .When srrested in Uswego Fells Mr. Bloom denied sll knowledge of the trsnssction, end other clorgylsen end some of the best people of the plsce went wlth him to see {sir plsy. On srrivsl st. Oueids he wss identied by seversl witnesses es the men who sold the home. end his hsndwriting es shown In the bill of sale wee also recognised. His friends were sstounded end lillltdn to ve bsil for his s pesrsnoe. He is now u `ell. Mr. B CI.IIfllllfII'hIIfIId_ a wagon. I)EHTH, RENTS. K'|`(`,. C()l.l.E!`TED. Books and Ac-counts attended to weekly or nlherwise. Chargcsmw. F. 0S'l`LEl{. Colic-go Slreet. ' nwnlru rlgott. lnll wu me I oovery much of Pigou'| treachery. Patric-l Eaan Tells About the First. Known Instance of His Treachery. \\'A.~'uINo1*oN, Msrch il.-Pstrick Egan has been wsrml ' congrstulated on running to earth forget l igott. Gen. Harrison was much interested in a. new story of the in- famous suicide. Some years ego Egan and his oonnpstriots were trying to spread the Irish csuse in England by the Uriilcd In (and. For it time the psper was published in Paris, but the customs authorities prompt- ly suppressed it at Dover, when change of bsse was made to Manchester. where the type was set, the paper printed st Dublin snul sent out from the former city. All this time the eiforts st lhuis were continued, but 1 as at feint. Esclt week 5,000 or 10,000 copies were desputched to London vis Dover. end, of course, were promptly suppressed by the customs suthorities, As long as this was continued the government thought it was e?-ctuslly blocking the game of the Irish publication cunmiittee, knowing nothing of the o rations from Manchester and Dublin. Finsl y Randolph Churchill msde a speech in the commons in which he declared that Irish ustionslists were 0 rating from An English city. and descr bed the plan of operations which had been successfully fol- lowed. During the course of his speech he threw down upon his seat behind him in letter from which he hsd been resdin sud continued his remarks. It happened t at s Psrnellite was sitting close by. sud, picking up the letter which Churchill hsd so incen- tiously dro ped. he reed the signsturs Riahu-ri Pann " This man ch. 41... .I:.- uly um Icuir Wlllull \./uurculu DIG I0 lD(.`lI]' Richard Pgott." This was the first din- onvarv mud: of Pianu '1 ll-nnohnrv The Indians Make an Attack on Them for ed Plunder - The shocklng Agonles--to, `.l`- Which They Were 8ub,|ceted-A Venge- lul Part: on the Wrir-|path-Tho Wo- ll) men Age Shbs-er-ls. A_ . l` (.`m;vis.\'ss, March 1l.--A halfhreed hun- ter who arrived here to dayjfroni the ex- treme "northwest part of the territory re- ports the massacre of live French tourists in the Yellowstone national park. The mes- senger heard the story artlasyon City, a " new mining town near the park, where g Hank Perry, the guide and sole survivor. "` reported the slaughter. Ferry said his charges included M. Leclaire and wife, J. Vincent and wife, and Paul (ierst, father of Mme. Vincent. He entered the service of the sightseers at Virginia City, Mon., con- ,tracting to show them through the park in violation of United States statutes. The strangers were very wealthy, and said they the express"purpose of going through the park during the absence of summer excur- sionists. The party enjoyed themselves hugely, afliliating with the poachers who were slaughtering game for hides. Their camp was always the headquarters for pro- feasional hunters, whom they supplied with luxuries. The guide`s story of the murder, which he says was committed by Indians, is graphic. Just before dawn blood curdling or ies and a fusilade of hhots were heard and roused Ferry. He realized the situation, aml, crawling through the br sh, took re- fuge in `the mouth of a sl ping geyser. Here he heard the piteous groans and beg- ging of the foreigners, mingled with ells of the redskins. The latter killed ol Uerst just as the sun was rising. The slaughter was most brutal, wound after wound being inflicted before the death shot was given. No body contained less than ten balls, and the body of Vincent, who made a desperate struggle for life, was completely riddled. The savages passed the morning in further mutilating the bodies and pillagin the out- fit. The women were neatly sea ed, and their long tresses matted with blo dangled from the belt of the chief. The heads of the men were hacked and the bodies fright- fully disgured. The Indians found the liquors carried by the Frenchman, but the quantity was not enough to intoxicate them all,e|se'they would doubtless have fought among themselves. The clothes of the victims were donned by the ends, who, as they run from one waggon to the other, would halt an instant to give one of the bodies a kick or a gash with a knife. Finally the marau-lers wearied of their bloody feast and packed the etlects of the (lend people on their ponies, tired the waggons and left. Ferry than emerged from his hiding place and started for Canyon City. He avoided the hunters and must have suffered from hunger and exposure, as he was weak and emaciated and seemed sli htly demented when relating the story. Kfhe guide was placed in the care of a physician, but disap- peared the second night after his arrival and has not been seen since. It is presumed he is crazy. Officers at Canyon have organized a poses to secure the bodies of the murdered people. Perry is a tough character, but his story is believed, although some of the miners think the hide hunters, who are mostly outlaws, may have murdered the tourists for the purpose of money. journeyed overland from San Francisco for ` THE FEARFUL DEATH WHICH FIVE FRENCH TRAVELLERS H_AD. HOW PIGOTTNWAS CAUGHT. THEY MET THEIR FATE. A BLOOMING TH|EF- N 0., ALI. KINDS OF l!A.\'l{ and (mine Rubber Stmnps. lmlors. Souls. Elm. suppliud by BREN- NAN & KILCAULEY, umnutacturen. Bagel SL. Kingston. Ont. ll()U.~!!!`. with clam moms and extension kit- ohon hard and soft wmcr. with good smbling ; oonvenlem to Queen`: Uolle u ; immediate Q?! aeuion. Apply on the prom nos 128}. or at _ 0. Lu Union Street. between Gordon And Alfred . Ia. -,_, , , . .,. _ -T _,,, ,7, I;E'_.. GE ? YOUR \V[.`J'l`ER GLOVES at W` REl Kim: Htreet. XX) Sample pairs to be sold at wholesale prices. FROM I31! MAY. that good, substantial house on Ontario Street. near Union. at pre- sent occupied b Mrs. Doncon. Apply 10 E. T SPEACY. Wals &SLou:y. --~ ~-----------&b-..----1---;---_. "``P'W"I*}?~P'l`Y ACRES` OF AND, ndjuininx cit)`. with stone residence and outbmldimls. RAT:-1a31:T%URY s- A BRICK DWELLING AND A SPONE ]')WEl.LL\`G. with or whom furnaces and all modern improvements. Both are nr-nr the cor- ner of Km and West streets. Anply to MAC- DUNNI-JL & MUDIE. THE SHOP AND DWELLING on King street. occupied In John Henderson as A whol:-smle liquor wore. Apply 10 JOHN REEVES. Brock street. 1` PW)" Square. ``I`VY'I'1N"l'l AL'uI<;.\` Ur` .1`\.VIl,ru1x]uInlnk city. with stone residence and outbunldinus. Apply to WADDlVG'l`U.\' BRU.~1.. Market Suunre. L() I` II I.\' 'l`-l:-{E 61`Il C()X\(`ESh.`l()N 'l`0\\'N- SHIl)l" KlNU'[`().\ . Good lnnd And 3001! huildinzzs. ADD}! to ISAAC b[.\l PSON. `1Hl" U!" ILlNUH'[`U.V. U001! lnnd And inmdings. Apply xsmxg bl.\lrf.-BUN. Tm: FRUIT s'rnm: onzihc: Market s iinr in the Munnic Inlldinz. Apply lo lib`. TOWN. un stairs. HOUSE. now occupied by J. Mills. Oorner of Princess nnd lnvinion Sweets. from May lat. Apply at Wum Oiae. In the Madame I 'I`0\V.\'. up OFFICIG. largoioentn-M, well fitted. To:-mo masonnble. Poalesaion unmedintoly. Apply `Box." Wale. HEDICLL PRACTICE fof sum 5 WITH OFFICE DWILLING HOUSE and mod nu-don. A Rood oncnlmr for a runny -iibtrsm IN vuronx TERRACE. Posses- sion Ala) lat. Apply Ill, WHIG OFFICE. l.()k)K.-lf you want a good SIT YATION write MAY NRUTHERS. Nl'l(dlCIi\'MIN. l{ocnIcs'r1:u..\'.\'.. as they are in want of honest and upri ht salvsnwndo scllthoh-choice and hunt] mr cues of Nursery btock. either on salary or commisnion. Man new and val- uable varieties to olfer. W11 at once for terms ; (lehtys urc dangerous. SALESMEN~We wish I few to sell our goodab sample lo th wholesale and relax] trade. meat .nauumutux-on In our line. En- close 'Z7ccnl swung. `A --gen 33 per dn . Perma nan!` position. .'n pmtuls MISWOFOJ. Money advance! for v\'.u;:<,-3, ndwrusing, ew. ClN'Il:N- NIAI. MAN`:-u Lu. CL\'(.'[NNA1`l. OHIO. ABOUT Mxnbmcuii taxi) oi; APR! for the smmhcnn SMALL Fl. l(.\lsIll'.`U HU '81`) in 11 Food p'eas.tnl lucnl|l_\ : ur good board and lodg ng. with three rooms. in private family. for two ludiusnnd u boy. 1- pply by letter to this omce. _THE on the St unre In tho! Mnltbnln nndinu Annlv In NH`, A (`.AEl~(:[;Xl VtIV It a irgxih s75.AX}17 dress "K.",W|m.` (Hce. r 7 VGK()i) I,) COOK. Apnl; {J M RE ('3-A_n[ls:(I()N`. Oorncr of King and Union bflrueta. 7 FOR sALw08_T,9BEN;'fi JJlcl-IIU I Mll.l.ER-I!'I Kingston, March l2th, Ethyl Josephine, olden daughter of Henry Miller, aged 9 years. ` Tho funeral will leave her fathafa residence, I57 Alfredntreet, at 3:30 to mnrrnw .sfter~ noon. Friends and acquaintances are reapectfully invited to atponci. `H urrwln uvvsuumu uouul: and on. good open! for I y an`? to. Noopnuluoa. hr muons: 00- - -n sun `BOSTON - HAT - STORE, Tn hunnn Dunno TUESDAY. Murrma of Court Stanley. Cnnndlan Order of Foresters. * ' l.l\lLUL1 . 1 A.-m>.\'n-ln Kingntou, Maich 12th, the wife of Ed. Amond of I non. ., wlml:aDAv. HELD by the Enemy" at the Onera House. {Continued from yuterdny.) _.S?E9.1A1:M.E1YT*9N-.. 63 Il I\l`IliD DUI IIIIY l`l"I|I? Ill` VOL. Lvm. BARGATEE No.7. .1-an nn.wv-o. ...-. . vn uvn nun IUCII` L'owoVw.-r .1! A bad man comes long will make film on for the same price. `I'll I P R 3 l'- I I BARGIEE No.6. rnqxvr Axvu. .- ,..-... BARGAIN Nb. 5. Fl! A `nu nu. n run . n FU.NISHINGB. Wolllmnon Btroot. In follow. Rmiuinnmns. 103 am Ty(AANTED.__ TO LET. TEE? "i36i2." A em` n'aIn'-A Big}:-10".? ilade to . . or-dorvforv-$18. -A ` g'..-...._ M A L-) nu... .......... ..I..__ _.n| _.-|._ THE DAILY WHIG. Building 0! Torpodo Bonn. Bnun. March 12. --8Iuuon torpedo boon. intended lot the German nsq. on now In course of otnuruotbn. ` convene by the Theunacle. ` Jnulv Cm, March lI.-Evnngnliet B. Fey Mills, who hue beenconduotln eervicee here for ten deye. eteeee that LNO person: have been convened. ' I - . , 1.: . Ind. n:3i. 55?!5"""3[.' " "' u-r"n'Be n. mom rl o parlia- ment, attended I inn 9 local option meeting hero in! night. hay were hootod at by theLnudienco and were obliged to leave the hll " M1,. ` 9.017. ~eauoup.-uoueu.-e-no eneeuonin one Berneley division oi Yorkshire, so an the vecency In the home of oommone caused by the retirement of Mr. Kenny. liberal, re~ united in the return of Lord Compton. Gledetoninn, who received 6,332 vote: ngeiut 3.781 for hie opponent. Mr. Went.- vorth, ooneervuive. At thellut election Kenny received 5,425, and Weutworth, Looking for Notnnl Gal. B|wcxvn.L:, March l2.-A company of Broclxville sud Ottun copltalintn will sink otut well here in neorch of nsturol gas. Two year! ago 1 Ponnyulvsnio upon 0:- rouod himself ll utiltied that go: could Ea found In ying qusntltloa, but no one would invest n the enuerpriu. The recent nu-Ike of go: at Sandy Crook and Ann Crook on the American side has quit: rovlvod tho proj cot. Appointment: to the Illaalona. Win-Imm'roN, March ll.-I`he preeident Ient the following nominations to the senate to-day: Thomaa W. Palmer, of Michigan, tn be envoy extraordinary and minister ple- uipotentiary to Spain : John F. Swift, of California. to be envoy extraordinary and minietor plenipotent-iarv to Japan ; John D. Wuhburn. of Massachusetts. minieter resi- dent and consul general of the United State: to Switzerland; George Ticheuor. of Illi- noia, to be euintant eacreta of the treas- ury, vice Ieaao H. Mayne resigned. In executive aeuion of the aenate the nomine- tiona were ordered referred to the appropri- ate committee when formed.` urm ol Public Opinion. Jaouaos.-~Ncubl0.-lfho dooolomin n `IA!-nnInIr`1IinI-inn at `Ion-I:-Ling 5.. RI] Ch- nun. uu Luuluun Iuu ullpuiuu 0] 00!` effects to I mound `and dealer uni wont to Rochester with I member of the Slnmua U'Bxien cnmpany. A llollrvlllo Glrl (`ommlle Sulclde-'l`he End of I Dleelputed Llle. Br:i.L.x\'1LL|. Much l2.--Annie Diamond, who euicided in Rocheetaer, N. Y., because of her discardment by an ICCOP, was brought out from Glugow by the Merchmont au- thorities in 1883. In Toronto she was em- ployed by e femily named Morrison, but one day disappeared with $400 worth of jewellery, 3 eeulekin coat end hat, and a silk. with other valuable: belonging to her mietreee. She ed to Belleville, wu arrest- ed, and bent to the Mercer for nix months. At the explretionof that term she went to Brockville and worked as e domeetfo. nally returning here A few months ego. She con ducted I houee of ill-feme on eouth Front street until lent week, when the lurued theta eummonu wee to he issued inst her. On Thnrede the diepoeed 0 her end l2.\..l....r.- mhl. - ...-....I..... ..l .|.. an.____,_ Ono ALASKA muauc cure. c5..mT...h.t his bought elsewhere for Ion than 090. Will be otforud to-lI0I'll`1?W only tonuo It a unaruocnauv cw;-u a--n`:- naluul \I|lUIU- III! C: I: ., .: ,... tioi?5 zih..:BTr,3. tr`: mlnl Affgnn 1 Inung Imml nnblnn ......-aX.._ Wllllo French, a Salustlonlat, Has Sulfer- ` ed Much For [ill Religion. BR1)(`K\'ll.Ll-2, March l2.--William French claims to have been kidnapped some days ago. He has been attending the Salvation army, and threatening letters were sent him to quit or he would suffer violence. He did not do so, but a few days ago, as he was going home from an army meeting. he was suddenly pounced upon by some person wearin a mask, who attempted to stab him. {Is showed where the knife blade had penetrated his coat, and where his mitten had been cut when he caught the knife. He was then knocked down and the desperado beat a hasty retreat. French was unable to identify his assailant. After the occurrence members of the army were in the habit of escorting him to and from their meetings, but on Friday night he started for the bar- racks alone never, however, reaching it. He was discovered on Saturday at Prescott. He says: When I reached Healey's corner, on Friday night, en route to the barracks, I was chloroformed, tied hand and foot, put into a sleigh, and taken to Prescott. When I came to I untied my hands with my teeth and then untied my feet. I thenjumped out of the sleigh, and being light the ice crust held me up. The fellow driving being heavv went through the crust, and by that means I got the start of "him. He followed me across a eld for some distance. I then think that the horses started up and the ruiiian had to` return to them. Then I took to the woods, and wandered about some time beforel found the road. My toes were frozen. I went to several houses and they would not let me in, but I nally got into a house at I2 o'clock. I stopped in this house. which is three miles below Prescott. until _ morning. Then .tT1e"people brought me art way to Prescott. The whole party of id- nappers belong to Brockville." CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY . Sauna trom Ney1York every Saturday. Au` Lhorizod Agent. F. A. Folgor. Ferry Dock toot of Brock St.. Kimraton 0 run: an l\l`4ll.I. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Pmuclss Srnxur. IIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIII ulucr ul l`urI!aI.uI'Du Couwr FRONTINAC. No. 59, REGULAR Mil?- nzo. Thursday evaninf`. March `list. .I._ S. . MCUANN. Secretary. \JCl-ICIIICII \Ir`l'l' I'UI'H'IUI"v C0031` Snnu. No. 199.-C.O.F.. m eets the snccoun AND us-r TUESDAY or non MONTH in the `Prentice Boya Hall. King Street. 1`. T. RI:N'roN. Recording Secretary. UIJIII Ill mu `III!!! a LEICESTIR Local. No. 33 of the Sons of Eng- land Benovolent Society. will meet in their new Lodge Room, corner Montreal and Prmoeaa Sta. over SLmchan's Hardware Store. the 2nd and N 4th Tuesdays of each month. ` .1. u. U. 1'. Au. vu . UNDIR `-rm: Auancu or 'rm:_ Gum: Love: or MANcmca'rnn, `ENGLAND meet every other Friday in me Sons of En {and Room. Prinoesn Street. Next meeting Akc 15TH SW. human. Recording Secretary. `u. ' Ancient St.` John's. No 8. on Thursday. April ` uh, 151.72!) .m. Cataraqu No. 0l,onWednesday, March 13th It 7:!) van. llnnonlo Bo [gr Minn. mmden. No. 263. on onday. April lot. D. an .`\nolant 8?.` .lnhn |. No 8. ma Thumdnv Ono l..AD\'S' :-uI."r BEAVIR coLLAn AND CUFFS. Usual pr'co SIS: will bolold tomorrow for 06.76. K}6NAPr5ING AT `BR-OCKV|LLE. SHE WAS T|l;ED OF LIFE. Looal opclol No (10. |l-...|. In |l-____ I lndopundent Order of Foresters. LITE?!` II`l:l'\\rll!-`lArI U.` In D-Irivvr 1:. `ll. Cnnndlnn Order Foresters. ._ l;v......_EL xv- Inn nnu KINGSTON. CANADA, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH` 12, 1339;: JAMES REID. 'I\Y!1 IV\YI'\Il`I)'I'IA III Soul of mnglnnd. I nnnu Mn In on! tho _SQ(:JIET;ES`. .__-_ __ _,,.. nguuun. - `y. April M. 7:30 -- -- uwu nu: - uvvu VI Ono GREENLAND SEAL CAPE. Ragulu prloo II. other stores 30. can be got from In for . for (canine No. 4 cod [0 to tho Ga Work: ysrd. , 'Il)H'I'U.V". HIHUII I`r"EX. OX N 5.000 tailoro in and near Boeizon out of rk, hocoueo. ae alleqed, the local clothing in- locturere eend their goode to New York city to be made up by the cheap labour ol the hto:`e.ment home dtttrioaad There ll mnc . tron among 0 ore, orlalng from a look of work. A moee meeting will be hold on Sunday to oonoider the matter. The taiioro hero charge thot the clothing made by tho New York tenement homo- `Iivorhro in impregnated with the germs of chlnemen Whoee Crlmlnumv Ie Put Ur derutendlng-Awful Work. MILWAUKEE, Merch l2.-'l`he nemee of It leeet twenty viotlme of the two erreeted Chinemen ere known. end their ee from nine to thirteen. Three olnem to d their etoriee In court yeeterdey. The die- cloquree wore revolting. Ten of the little nithueee were in court, eooompmied by their mothere. The three who teetied eteted that the prieonere. efter telxing libertlee with them, bought their ellenoe with emell eume uf money,`cendy and other gifte. Two Uhiueee leundrymen here have cloeed their pleoee end dieeppeu-ed. Baum: Work son to Now York to In ' DOIO by Glad Tenement HIICII. 3--..-- lA_._.L III 'I'\L ___- , _ , , I Ul reuunus Irulu me general cussslnea ser~ vice. The president said: `I hsve told some of my mu Ivump friends that l believe the provision re sting 00 removsls should be changed so that s csuse would not need to be specied. I would not hsve e men re- moved simply because he belonged to one politicsl party or the other, end there should be good and substantial reasons for the dis- misssl of clerks and olliciuls generally, but I hold that it is not necesssry thst the csuse should be specied or given in All cases. There might be good reasons for following s contrsr course end withholding infome- tion. spectin appointments generelly the resident ssi he should follow the sug- gest one of senetors snd representatives, the men chosen by the people to represent their wishes, sud he expected those gentlemen to be conscientious in the mstter end recom- mend only good men for oilices. The presi- dent, in conclusion, urged his visitors to go slowl end not press too herd for the re- move of the present incumbents of oloe. He seld in effect thst he wanted to be sure he wss right in every csse. then he would go sheed." Ilr. nrrlson Doesn't Like to Dismiss Any Olllolnl and [or Ills Polltlos Only. (`1.s:\'i-:LANn. Ohio. March l2.-'l`hs Lead- er's Washington correspondent telegraphs his paper the following. with the sssurauce that the information is correct : President Harrison has already mapfed out a policy for his administration to ollow respecting civil service reform; and in addition to what he had to say on the subject in his inaugural address, the following points from an in terview, had with him by a. party of con- gressmen who called upon him, are signifi- cant and interesting. The visitors had pre- sented the claims of certain individuals of their choice for appointments on the subject of removals from the general classied vir-an Thu nu-n-Linn! nnhl - 0! I...-- s..I.l IICIJUH. When asked if she wu not druid she had 'eaten too much, her reply was that there wu no danger, It she wn in the hnndl of the Lord. * lUllg|Ul.IU UXISFCIHUH 'Cl'U UUIU. 1 There appeared among the audience none so skeptical as to believe the woman had i not faeted,ae her funturee had shrunk so that her lips were so tightly drawn that her teeth could beeasily outlined through the skin. When the period of her fast was up Mrs. King stepped down from the plat`orm. after urging all to partake of the feast as it was free. the faster tirst ate ll cracker and de- clared that she was not hunizry, then the bit a pickle in two and put away an oyster stew. While talking to thoee who joetled her around she picked the meat from the back of e chicken and left it to toy with a large slice of ham. She wanted some water, but as none was handy and it wae impoaei- hle for the water carrier` to get out and back again, she drank a cup of tea with evident reliah. She got away #11 Dome 'elly cake and then wiped her_ chi with evi out satie- faction. l\'l...... ..-l....l it _L- ._-_ __. _l._,2j ,1, , I 1 t 3 day. Her husbsm to relieve sue dryness In ner throat. Throughout her fast she did her house- work, even to waehinfg, and has not been ill did not believe in the divine injunction at the start, and tried to persuade her from it, es he did not think she could hold out. As the days passed and he saw her strength increasing while her esh wuted awny he became convinced that some great power in sustaining her. While she was undergoing the ordeal two neighbours watched her And quite a number called to see her and note her condition. The faith cure people came shouting and praying. People wanted her when she broke her fast to go to church, she being of the Methodist persuasion, but this would not do, as the Lord in his visim told her to go to the court house. She was ordered to pre- pare a feast of which all might partake, snd the poor woman with her own hands cooked three cakes and furnished a good sized spread of turkey, lum, pickles, oranges, bennnee, coffee and toe. After the feast religious exercises were held. Tnnrn nnrnarml nmnna thn unlignnn nnnn LABOUR Qussnbn Aoam. Two ELEGANT BEAR BOAS. Easily worth gu. 89 will pumhuo one tomorrow, but not the day Afxor.