Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1889, p. 8

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(`I lldll MM I0 III? PTXI, GIIIIIZI him to the pcnlulllu-1, whore I" the hop!!! and mom mm M; old~tiuo friends. Tiny omppod his hand and Ilnvod OlBHL')' I, LUJ ITTIIIU: IUITI-' I\lllIloU|l. Sad catnstrophiea. remsrkublo incidents. wonderful transaction: occur every thy, but it in only once in a while thnt ynu can get such extraordinary good vulue in clothing as now ofored by Lunben & Wshh, H0 Princess utreet. A....:..I -......-_-..-.. A .....-tl... ......ol.. WGFB ICTVOU IIIU IPPTBCIII-CU. Ladies hnlf, whole and qnarwr wigs. lungs, switches, hair chains. nngl. nude to nrder. Dreu nnd muntlemnking. Cannif mu-ant ha-t nunr mnn nvnr \\'nInh Q Hrucr. IVTCUI lull Illllllll IIIIIIIIK. kzdllllll corset, best ever msde, over \\ n.lIh & St,eacy'a, 105 Princeul ltroat. Kingnwn. Saul nntnntrnnhinn. remu-knhla incidents. VIUIIIJUIIW UI IIIU IIWo Ln: evening I very pleasant time Wu spent at Mr. Hunter`: hotel, market square, by about fty friends. whom he invited tn dine with him. Oysters And other edible: were served and appreciated. Ladim h;lf_ whnla And nnnrmr win. "Ill pI"Clll.Ilr II WIUI I UIIIIIIIT. In Ynrker, men who were formerly con- stantly before the judge on citation sum- mons, are now earning honest living: for their families. fhe Scott act has done I guest deal for Ynrler. Mi:-hnnl l)'Rnnr|n: nf Amhnrnt Inland, EICIII (15.1 [or I .rICI'. Michael U'Rourke, of Amherst Ialnud, bu been declared guilty of A fourth olfence against the Scot: act. and a warrant. issued. He has already served I term in 3:0] for \'ioh\ti0n! of the luv. I --s . . . . _ . _ . . . . m _ . ..l..--....n 5: _ . . . .-- 100. II. IV. lCl'IUll The police expect to erreet in I few deye the pertiee who entered three grocery storee on Princeee street end stole good: within the net couple of weeks. If Hubbard in cuntnred In \VntArmwn_ IIUIEII U()UI lull.) `III! UlIl3.- A True Blue lodge will be organized in }\:rt.amouth and nnmed Robinson lodge after the late Thoma Robinson W. Robinson ` will present it with 3 banner. In Vnrluzr mnn whn um:-A flu`:-nrlv mun. i IIIF COUPIE OK WBCII. If Hubbard is captured In Wntertown, N.Y.. Uhriuopher Moore, whom be robbed in Kingston. will prosecute him for taking stolen goods into the atatel. A 1`:-nu Inn Inrlnn -ti" Ha nl-nnniwnti in l.lCl' nauieu UOWII HGT HIE. Tho week has been an exceedingly lively one among the republican politicians who were preparing to take a hand in the imur guratxun. It is marvelous where all the money comes from, but it comes. The clans turned out by hundreds, and a sweller looking lot it would be hard to find. The uniioi ms were unique, and there were high white hats and white top coats. patent- leather shoes. and buttonhole boquels. There were dark i rince Albert coats. and lawn- coloured pants, white chokers and high col lars that almost out olf their heads. Some wore ulsters with massive capes, while others displiyed their manly forms in swallow- tailed costs and low cut vests. It was a very democratic crowd ; while every one was as swell as swell could be there was no putting on airs. The tive hundred hoelers from Johnnv 0'Brien's eight assembly dis- trict cracked jokes with the silk stocking brigade led by Colonel Crugar, and made themselves entirely comfortable and happy ns hannv nnulrl ha : and the Mike Huh: OI ury IIIU wuuu._ fnrkiah bath towels, one And I unrber yards in length, only 40c.; blache linen bowels, one nnd one eighth ynrdn long, only 15c. at R. McFnul a. TL- ....l:.... _........a p- -.._..-L 3- - 6.... .l-..- IS (HIDE. The beat and bandaomest l0c. cretonno ever shown in Kingston. New patterns in muslinn, new curtain materials at R. Mc- FnuVm TL... I.-- ...-L ....:....J 4.4 T l`-.....L..II'- Tho}! bu Jnut nrriv-ed ht L wood yard, Ontario ltreet, I. of awed or unsaved maple, of dry ulab wood._ Pnrkinh Inth tnwoln, nne I Lea. \ Unless J. P. Nortey has the waterworks for Nspanee com leted by August lat he will have to pry per day until the work is done. 'I`L.. L... ....,i l......l..,.........L In- .......o.......... UTIWIOTH I. 100701 VIIEBII Bl.l'L'[v. Brock & Booth have the beat lllbl, hard wood nnd dry blocks. You can get jun what you Ivsnt in the fuellino at their yard. Tim Qt pull : nnhnnl nria-In-t nluh, (`,nn- WIIII yUll Wlllla Ill IIUU llllrllll It |:llUll' _VIl'll The St. Paul : school cricket club. Con.- cord. N.H.,, wnnts a {finch with the King- It can be accommoda- aton club in 'July. fall PnoouEE""c'5i3a?1o'i'T'ifALn. pt I.l..4I4----tgng Inn (ning Thnnthn IAII palnteu anu EIITGO IICXI. WOUI. Don't forget it. Striped tweed: and vrorsreds, 83 lo 84 for trousers, st Lambert & V\'nlah'u, H0 Princes: street. Wnr (`III ngk nnrl nnff. lIIAf\|Q nnh cont` C. `V III" U` I IU r_flHCU!' HITUUI. For dry oak and soft. maple, soft wood And hard wood :1: lowest price, 30 to Gruvford'I. foo.of Queen street. Rrnnlr h Rnnfh have thn hast nlghn hard O CIOCK (463. Don t. for at to call and see the handsomv prints that owes & Bisonette are oerinu at Tc, Sc, and 100. ll:-anal nninninnnrv nnfnrlminmnnr. in H-In HHT YIIUUSUIHE IIEIKIIDUUT CDIIIU III II III. In 5 very short time war was ti:-.clsred, and Mrs. Schluchner made exceedingly warm for Mr. Schlnchner and Mrs. Shultz. Mr. Shultz. scandslized by his wife's behavior, left her snd set up a sepsrste establishment for himself, and Mr. Schluchner left Mrs. Schluchner All alone in her glory. fhe wsr waged hot, and one day lsst week Shultz went home. He had been some time getting his courage up to the sticllin point, but he got it up at last. and on rs. Shultz re- moustretiug with him for his conduct he msde a rush for her snd gave herln terrible beating. She tied to the mun formsfety and Shnltz went to bed. The next morning Mrs. Shultz got up, went to her bureau and taking out a small Smith .1: Wesson revol- ver, blew her brains out. The news ew like wildre through the neighbourhood, and one of the first to bear the joyful in- telligence was .\/lrs. Schluchner. When the messenger told her that her enemy was dead she fairly danced with joy. She sent down to the dry goods store and got a lot. of crape. and getting a large American flag. she embroidered it all around with black. and when the job was nished she ung it to the breeze out of her front window. She tool: no pains to conceal from her neighbour: the fact that she was celebrating the death of Mrs: Shultz. fhen the neigbonrs became indignant and vowed vengeanee on the Schluchners. Her sons kept a grocery store and they backed their mother up in what she had done, but they noon begsn to nul that nobody would buy anything of them. so. as financial ruin was storing them in the face, at the end of three days Mrs. Schlu(-h- hauled down her ag. Tim \I.'s-Fla` li-an lumn an nxoemlinolv livelv ury UIIUHP, HI: IV. A'.IUI'IlII I. The work of oonstructin -the new wawr tower will be finished to- my. It will be painted and tarred next week. l)nn't fdrcmt it, Sltrimad tread: And an :0, ac, anu Iuc. _ Grand missionary entertainment in He city hall Friday next at 8 o'clock. Professor Marshall in the chair. l`l...:.. l...nlp- ..-.l-.I\..-. -.InIy.:.-.uI Annun- LVIIITIHIIII Ill IHU Ulllll`. Chair backs, apluhera. sidebonrd covers, D`0yley`s toilet covers, tray covers, et.c., very cheap, at R. McF'unl A. Thu work nf nnnntrlmtina -thn now wnfnr Mclau1'a. _ Children : sale of work, cake, oandies.etc. , in the city hall next Friday afternoon. Five o'clock tea. " I \....!. t..-.....L 5.. ....II .....I -.... bl... I.......1..,... .. ,9'.BE`..;._. i$P }Y;-, cmma an D0___WHl_f_,_,_|._)_;|l,!!.! _I_I.l-I-6 5. Bowen & Biaonette "have already opened out 65 cues of new spring goods. For white and gray cotton: at wholesale prices go to Bowen & Bilonettei. New white and coloured mueliua only 5c, Ieersuckera, 5c, at Bowen &. Binynetteh. George Uli` has sold the Macalieter pro party, King street west, to H. A. dalviu, Fan. who handaomept jacket materials in the city in black, light colors, and checks at R. McFaul'a. . u.:|.I_...... ....|.. ..c .'.....|. ....1.. ......i:... ..o.. I! an bows: a msoneue 5. Bowen & Bi:-onette are otferiug great bar- gains in gents` furnishing: New cnrnetn and lace curtains received bv I$0\\'(3H (1 DIBOIIBIIZG (0-Cly. Big ranges of nobby j'7nckel:"7Fnnd ulster cloths at Bo_yeg.&,B.il9Q.tte'u. "" Rnwnn L R nnnum v-hnvn nlrnnv nnnnn spice of Every Day m!o-Whnt the Public an Talking About-NotMng Eo- oopu tho Attention of Thou Who an U-LI -1- Ilnign, ls`:-:-udal in as German Colon`y--The Pollti- I maps sickened of DIsplny-\ Prluoe uf Pnlltlmsl Healers Llss Dying-up other Flnnlsclnl Elan Gone Wrong. Hpeclal Correspondence.) .\'i~:\v Yoxuc, March 8. --Ths Corsican and Sicilian vendettss are matters of history, running through countless generations and frequently not stoppin till one side or the other had no mstsris to velfdlntts u n. Kentucky in times past has furnishe us with some excellent specimens. Tennesseo' and West Virginia have put in some Wgy ` , ne work in the wsy of roadside sssassi is? tions, but we would hsrdl look forva" rst class sensation of that kin in the staid citr of Brooklyn. Yet. so it is. On the out- skirts of the town lived two wellto~do Ger - ` man families who had almost grown `up together, and were familia, and happ as happy oouldbe. They drank the same ck bier, munched the same, bologna sausage, seasoned the repast with Schwitzer Kass and. `sour kraut, and frequently wound up the evening with cogious libationsof schnapps straight from the uyder Zee. In short, it was impossible for any two families to be on more familiar terms than the Shultzs and the Schluchners; nor were these people young and foolish, for Mrs. Shultz` had been married twenty-ve years, and Mrs. Schin- chner over thirty. Both had families grown up, and some of their children were married. Business had prospered with the Shultzs `and fortune had nct been unkind to the Schluchners. Each lived in his own home and had a nice little sum laid away in a smoking for a rainy day. But there is no such thing as perfect bliss in this miserable world of ours, and that these two families soon found out. Snhluchner was a gay old boy, verging towards sixty, it is true, but as lively as a two year old colt. Mrs. Schluchner was not uncomely to look upon, but old Sc-hluchner found something very ' much more attractive over at Shultz's mau sion than he found at his own pretty little cott-age. It was not very long before Shultz began to smell an exoeeding laige sized mice, and Mrs. Schluchner s eyes would snap like a first class dynamo everv time her handsome neighbour came in sight. in in van: nhnrf timn war was rim-Inr-ml .Co'raeta in 1 grant variety at Minnea mud Burnt . \Yn- anon`: AI-uinn .A"v `nu Rnuvnn L Dl1l'l1I'. New good! Arriving -dnily for Bowen & Biuonette. ' ` \7n-u Cpllnnu nnnnnr` fn.r`nv at [Jinna- muoneue. ' New frilllngu opened today at Minne- nnd Burns . ' . I4`-.. ..-....:..- qnonnfnn Mn A .....l .. 9.. mo uu worn ynra. The great. centre of nttraotioq for bargains in at Bowen & Biaonettei. Ilruu... In Dian-ugtrg urn l\`l`;III' nnngf Mgr. ` ID DUTIII ` For genuiul Sonnton No. 4 cod go to the Ga Work: ynrd. Th: m-amt. nantm of Attraction for banning `KID! In KBIJDI lllrlllllllgl New carpet: and curtains received by Bowen N. Bisonette `to-day. in rnnann nf nnhhv i"Ank9t"'}>And nlntnr IN PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. IOITIIAL ITOOI ILIIITS Iolnnu. larch I.-I! noon nouns. A31). orfn INCIDENTSA or THE DAY. THE WEEKLY SUMMARYOF EVEN TS IN` NEW YORK CITY. II-pun nut anuluunun-pun Ill a-up-u nu an: ant Tlkllll Notat- There is no- ice in the lake aboutflharlotte. J\' comm lclAL.' Mxrrzna J. Csmpbell'a , the beat stock , also the beat .I;l~{.0Al)BI{;IM S LETTER.` 1 Hanan. I count. . Md Ilia ..a':un':` hudkor. I` chiofn. The price: are dgnyn duo lqwut W-wvw wt Io-II. lllllli no on-cur. um I up stripes and chooh, In ootch w and English wound in Itrl Than goat`- In worth Upor pub. or one wash only. XVI-I `I-0 : . Prevou, at tho New York clothing store. `given the choice of an pun pnttorn in his window for C810. 0 to order. The an ALI-inn: and nlnnhn In Hmnnl. nu... uni IIJIJIO IIIVIIIR DOOII QIVOII IYIQ PTIIOIIOF VII rolouod. uhowlg signs of cxlmution. Ho quick! noon and walked unaided to mt ; "II--m I-uomn;;1u-zmnoo_..|~..r wu oonvioood. but I monllul judge. hltud of sounding him to unto: prbol. oonnlthd him In tho nnnltanu-I. whore llo Dual-vod It All. Lu! Wednendn Jomee Bend, Picum.` received the first on of twenty luhee for indecent unit. It won the first time such Illlilhllltr wu inilicted in the county. ml was stripped to the ruin, hie hende, lean ond- body pinionod to a triangle. The ret out left I rod amok. but drew no blood. Rood winced under the blow, but utnered no I pool for mercy. The Inc ntrolle having in given the prieooer ltliod. IIOWIIIII linnl of xhAnnt.inn_ Ha llll vuun I00!" I yI!Il' I'D, Illa, were 0OllI8 no spponnnco of its reltontion. ha ha determined _to resign. VITO INTI Rev. E. N. Baker. Nepenoe, dellvere e temperence sermon in the Weetern church to-Inorrow. In the eftcrnoon elem renoe meeting oecnn in the Eeeoern chnrcr Rev. Mr. McAnle . Preeb terien minia- ter in Delhaneie end {Worth S erbrooke, loet hie voice ebout e yeer ego, end, there /being enneerence of in reetoretion. he he: w;3:"engellet Schiveren in stirring up the people of Picton. I`he chureh in crowded nightly. Ate`: recent eerviee At 5 mm. 400 were present. R41. AKA! Nlnnn-n rlnnlrnrn A ..._.J ._ -.--(-..--. On fueodly Rev. C. 0'Del| Bl Ice. in- cumbent of Sc-lb . wu married to t e eldest ` daughter of A. . Mcinueu, Nnpmoo. The Binhon of Kinnmn rneqntlv nnnnn 1 'llllKllll' UK A. D. NICKIIIIIIOII, KVIPIDOO. The Biuhop of Kingston recently canoe cubed I new Catholic church at Kemptvillo um! guve I contribution of 8200 wwnrdn in cosh. Il'..._...Il-a D..|.l..-_._ 3- -AI__X__ __ AL- VOW. Rev. J. W. Starling will preach at both service: in the xyden um street Methodist church to-marrow. (`Lg-I..- Qb---_- I.-- -34--) Qxnn L-.__..)- CIIIITUKI I'vU`"I0l'I'UW. Charla: Stevens bu oerod 8500 toward: ` building I new bunch for the Salvation Army in NIPIIICO. f\_ '`-.._.I... D... {V I\|I'\-II D_-.I-- 3.. TUIIIUVUII LU I'Url.lI DCIVIIIUII Army C0113. Rev. B. Whiting will conduct the services in Queen Itreet Methodist church to mor- I-nw ! Denominational PM-ugrnphl That Wlll be Read With Much Interest. Captain Dem star. Kingnton. ha been removed to Part Salvation Army corps. Rm: R Lvhitina will 1-nndna-I. thn nnrvir-an the D|IIOl::hlI.ql A Vulaerouu or I uoula. \\ ith the pool the Twood rln liar Genet booamo a lngiuvo from jun co. co . awn ng the ooon who an-rand him, lay in 1) din; for msny Inch. Ila ml ht have uoapod no Cumin. u null other Ion hsvo done. but 1110 out of out Yotk {or him VII onl 0 11!! Ruth. no It but he III!`- .....a |.a....| ..a slam! 1.1. um. I. Ilcvomool xdvolclour Go to love: i lhoutwu for no Inn: n-In-3: khnnn |-AQQ gnu- III |IIII.IIuu`lUI.I Ill lllu IUUIIIIJ. Fred Archer, the eminent orgauint, in- tends locating in Milwaukee. He said to an interviewer letely 2 It is wonderful to what 1 point of development muaicel tnte has Advanced in the western country. They know egood deal more shout music there than in the eat, for they cultivate it Ieriously and intelligent! . I went through Manitoba recently, nu; the ripe musical knowledge of the people with whom I came in contact was simply emuiug. _ EUIFU IICXF EUIIHUII. Gov. Schultz offers onofourth of his lnnd in Selkirk, Mam. an I grant in aid of an hospital should the residents eltnblilh such an institution in the locality. I<'rnd Arnhnr the Aminanr nrmuuint, in, WIN "U IIIIIIJIKUU U] U. I IIUU. Mlle. Rhea has just. Colnpleted ne oth- tions for a new plny on a historical au ject, which will be the chief future of her reper- toire next season. ` l 11,... u;|...I._ -41`... -_- r...._.L .: L:- I--.) ` NIT. LVUVIIII. \.lUI"lIUII lIvI'UU(c ` Robert Laidlaw once more occupiel the editorial chair of the Brockville Times. 1 u-..-...... 11--.... u.......... xv-.. 11-....- ..|..L l U5lIlUl>|Il UIIIIT UI (UH DTULKVIIIU II"lG$- Manager Harry Spence. New Haven club, has signed D. J. Lally. of last season : Belle- villes. l`....c..:... lI....l. Inl... \l.....I....-I.| I\':....: Cnptgin Hu h John Mncdonnlal, Winni- peg. will short y sever his connection with the 90th battslion. ` III I u.._..I__ ...:II --:I I`..- I.`.._.._.. .... IHU HUI ll IJIIIIIIUII. W. J. Scunlnn will sail for Europe on April I9, with an American company. He will he managed by Gun Pitou. Mlle Rhnn hm: inn. rnmnlnhad nnantin. Miss Robinson. of Montreal. is viuitin Mr. Devlin, Gordon street. Rnharf Lnilnun nnna vnnrn nonunion flu: PTIBOD DCIOTG tneln. _. And as it this was not enough for one loweek, the town was startled with the in- telligence that General Franz Sigel's son had swindled the pension oice, of which he haul charge, to the amount of thousands of dollars. While there is- no sympathy felt for the swindler himself. the deepest and most rofounal sympathy is felt `or his honoure-l Father, who placed in him the ut- most condence. For the past two or three years it ap ears that he has systematically violated t e law by extorting fees Illrl forging names. Should he be convicted on the counts now against him he would not get out of prison for a hundred and fifty years. Yours truly, RR!) A nruuu nlVI (lulu, Du! LII! ulu In Lu": 1 ms nu uuu :3 rand hlmul and stood MI trhl. Ho mg. nnnulnmntl lull. A mA'Il' hill: hllklll Pcnplo Whmno lllovomonu. sayings and Dolnzn Attract Atwnntnuxn. Ana n 1- p II . u - . -.v elf his luxuriant moustache and compelled himtodon aoonviot's striped snit,`and he marched in the lockstep with thieves and murderers. At last his time -of imprison- ment ended.` snd he had searcel cast his convlct's stripes when some ndiscreet friends nominated him for the legislature. ll e failed of election and opened a saloon ; there wuss rush for a few dlys and then the saloon became bankrupt. Old friend! whom he had Iibted iii theday of his power passed him by unnoticed in the street, and the ingrstitnde broke his heart. Unfortunate speculations and false friends swept away the bulk of his ill otten gains and he felt the day of doom an retribution had come. The.terrible disease, cancer in the month, attacked him, and now, in suf- fering indescribable. ends a life that twenty rt `3-earsago promised to be one of the gayest and most promising in this gayand busy capital. His fate should be a warning to _` all young men. Nature did everything for A him, fortune reached out her hand to aid him, but he bnrtered hope. fame and honor "for the companionship of swindlers and thieves. He threw the chances of life upon a single cast for ill-gotten gold and lost. Another sad sight is Henry S. Ives and his partner Stayner in Ludlow street gaol. A year ago Henry S. Ives had his town house, his country house, his yacht; re- tinues of servants who waited his bidding ; his check was good for millions. Old men re- presenting the wealth and honor of the city. stood uncovered in the presence of this striplimz who in two short years had risen from an humble clerkship to the control of thousands of miles of railroad, till all Wall street looked upon this youu v Napoleon as, the only man who could possi )lv down Jay Gould. He had already elfected a com- bination that made the Little Wizard trgrnlrlu, and the future seemed big with fa e.` Wall street had Ferdinand Ward fast in States` prison, and here was another case almost parallel to \\'ard's. Both had started on the same capital-rheeL'-and both had created millions out of the same capital- wiml. And for wind and cheek Wall street, Cincinnati. Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis laid down nearly twenty millions in sold gold. Just think of it ! 'Hard'stei old cur` mungeons who would pinch a silver dollar till they made the eagle squeal, unlocked their strong boxes to this windy nancier and bade him help himself to all he wanted, and he did. In two vears the bubble burst. and now Henry S. Ives and his partner Stsyner are lodged in Ludlow street jail. with the almost certain prospect of states prison before them. Ami an it this man nnlt ennnoh fnr nnn CIRCLE OF THE CHURCHES. l'I(.IlVOl" um WI-IIOG IIIIIIGOG (0 {Hanna bv1lumir`1y`cuntbud-or PE HSONAL MEN TION. luv! 01.50. AI.` \1 ._._ `Y- , L THE BREISB WHIG. SATURDAY. MARCH 9. BROAIJBRII. frll - l'Ul' llllllllllullj JIIB] VI-lulu uuuri in: hunt or stomach A Intern that throw: light upon sll thou ho Inn to nmmlok. Timmy Lana wu once 5 "cop",nnd Bennett. pulling rlddlo. V For. !:Ii::lolc_II, ho play: upon 3 oorpornlon 9. Dotoolln Donny`: occupation. like 0tl|ollo'I omplugono 5 on his munlvo shirt front. Tho lunond rin on his npr proolultnod him a prince of I 0 blood. and no one disputed his right to rel n. Guy that won than for. Prlnoo Hal. I he wound money in bud; only to dlli hl:ohI&`u'thtohy inoouquad mm money come just the some II It would for mu ummnnh of A Vanderbilt or I Gould. 7' III] II'l'I'II UIIOIIII BU IKDHU III I llllllul thonund ght ` For lum|nazln3 Mikey Qulnn ban on I chat or nmmnh IIIVIII` IIIIKIIIIIT III (III `II!!! IIIII IIIIVI WIIIJ nobly did tlulr dut. ' I5 ggnuu hi. and It tall 11:. Kill` non. home nil hanntv. IR sauna Dianna lllllli Il Jill . LII!` non. homomnd bounty. There : Mr. Quimi, the watchful one, via HAIIAAII rnnnd At nhlhh "L . IHOTIDI III`. QIHIII. IIIC WIIIIIIIIII WE, `Willi undo:-I round at night: `L , With um: enough to bottle in 3 hundrcd ` tlmnnnd nhh I oonouo un.__ . Din vdn vo't coonn Along juz now, he zmllo on Mm I soon. Vy blot uuolo dot is m Iron, in gootx Niah Timlnounon. Thou are the membon of the `form on it nt proton: otoodoz Thorn on other: who I'll mention horo,Iomo ox-otilcio hmdl. Giving honour to the good and bran who In dawn mm: In. And (I It In for Khm- Burnl:t`tl'II.n problem that I lnvn't quite clearly solved on yet, IE. unMtnn.m1nhnm.nll lunch: nit.` HT- u-in I94:-O nadunnn nlnnn `nu nnuu kn nun": JIIIU ICC HIE rry, I'll! Ull!KIl'l'y' II`DI'I'y opick upon, I In po-uitivo I never saw I nicer Indian` mm 1 IIBHI I lllll. And lure in one whou pnronu hut inflicted with 5 In-on `By calling Smnlf I mom who is unusually Iona. - J us! see Me rry, Dude Megsrry. Mogurry IIKII. mick Anu DOW WU HIVU lull! flu` lull HIE, Illl conltlbles gigantic ' On duty ltrict, but 06 relax to fun And ' things romantic. A I'll tnke them no my memory eervee, t""wilf ' save A deel of ploddin.' The fin: in Bellentyne. with him there comet the name of Snodden, Two Irish lode, who hove with fortune had I heevy"wrutle-" For many years they turned the key: in Mr. Corbett`: cutle. McCullough next. he`: five feet nix, triee heel: to meke him lower. Then Aiken who eccompenien the colonel on I charger. There :-. (Jmig who : elweyl on to time to . the I boozer up, And where Craig in you're jolly sure to nd his epnniel pup. ` Then look At Turtle who, I think, ooutinuet growing utlll; He won't leave 138' until be grown so tell u Tntl.ln'n hill Mr. AIKEN. The bnl;hiea" chief is all that : good, you that is what the force any, And every citizen respects the neme of Mr. Horsey. The sergeants are the bully boys, on mur- der. theft or ereon ; Neebitt is I elmcli to thieves end no in Ser- geant Carson. 'I'henIngy's telmoed by them (will elweyl be I hope) They heve'nt time to Argue on King Billy or the Pope. And now we have the rank end le, the nnnnfnhlnl ainnnlin I0 50 III UIIII ll$(|0ll l0|IIKlI OI IIIIXII year: , when Vlllliun M. Twood wn I power the city and Prlnoo H-wry Donut won the largest ol the on his ooonod the oootlhu of Simona- -.. Ll- ...-..l..- .Ll.o 0...... TL- |.........a U The never course, And they're oners at their duty in this ener- getic force. They'll run em in, end run `em cut, end turn `em upside down. Move you on, end move you 05, end pere- lyze you with s frown, Shadow you, and follow you, end ferret out your crime, ` Faith they're the boys to beg you'sure end do it every time. A burglar hasn't got a. chance. in `cut-thro'st's little better, ' They'll find the scent sud nose it on like I bloodhound or s setter ; From information they ve received they ge to such and such e place. And in the very shortest time work up e really charming cese, Until a felon has been found, if not the right the wrong one. (It's easier to arrest, I think, s week men then s strong one.) And though the party taken up be innocent of sin, What metter if they think it right to run the fellow in, It s nasty for the men but then it shows the fort-e's zesl, We should be grateful for the good these little traits reveal. murders much); They'll nd the mutilated corpse, (it can't elude their t-lntch,) They'll show it to the coroner, will tell him all they saw, And thus in full will vindicate the majesty of law. I couldn't tell of all the crimes to which they`ve fouu-l is clew And followed pertiuaciously, till dropped for something new, But this I know, and knowing tall, Oh blessings on their heads. ` But for these `boobies none could snoose with pleasure in their beds," `Their quantity is very small, their quslity - is great ; Reed further on,you`ll cleerly see, the truth of whatl state They re headed by commissioners, whose number O0fllt`S to three, The colonel, me} or, and Priceless judge (I - hope he wont judge me.) The judge attends to civil bills. the msyor controls the t-ity, The colonel puts delinquents in the prison without pity. The colonel when the business in the court is somewhat sleek Leeds on to `7 me, the mounted troops of County Frontenac, And with him goes in "yellowed blue" his other blue forsaken, ' [he constable who thirsts for blood,the con- stshle nameal Aiken. It is a noble, werlike corps, this Frontenac brignxlte, ` And numbers twenty-`wo or three, when inner:-red on pnriule. - The culnncl nukes the twenty fourth and Aiken twenty live, And they are null undoubtedly the nest troops slivo. l'm wandering from the bobbies" though, or I am much mistaken, mt... ....i.....,i :. .i... And if a murder has been done, (I don t like The Clan of Men Who Do Sol-vlco For the Cltlu-Iu-TmuuIv Punt: Out Their Fol- b|eu' and ldfunynn-uoloI-Eo H090! 90 Won't be Run In For His Indlucrotlon When the onto.-rpri.-.ing bul'Bl0I;:2%l`1I(3r;|Ii)ll|l;`gllnK And the cutthroat rm 0c0l;l?l(]l (lglgrgmo. The "Bobby" likes to hear the little book 1 zurklins. ' Brook I gurgling, 11 `, `um "8 And to listen to the nerrY\irllll`lgec `$ll|n.1'e. 0 Pirates of Pmsancc. A band of gnlleut` heroes, feer_leu heroes, . brave and true, Are these gentlemen with batons, these Anaka dressed in blue, The nunrdiuna of our houeeholde, `the pre- eervere of the peace. They're a slap-up eel: of bobbieI" in the Kingston tovyn police. _ They're proud but verv pleuent, gay but IIIIVFI` nnurnn THE mg or BIOBBAIES; TOMMY snag: MAKES THEhM'SUB= users FOR A POEM. WDIJ I IUIVI on Tattle : hill. .8 L-.. I. A..- .-I 0I' 1 El [HUGH HIIEULKBII, 2 colonel in the cause of thin, and also Mr. Aiken. ,., . uL..| .- -II LL_t - ...,,..l min- D] DDVU I nuuuuw. an I and prion: lower than over.- loturdu uullunrdai N18- Grsnd oponln' of new spring drv K0040 byliovu t m. Immune NIP! and nu-loan loin: than over.- Wf WUII IIUIHUQ 50 `:5 ?0I nzltna. nrry Genct In ow y yin; n painful disease which only make: bl: death I quoltlon of a low wash. Many who have entered on publlo lilo wltllln you: may uk who In Hula` Gout! \on would not have land to uk at uutlon fourteen or ftoen ....-_ ..n. -|.... Vllllhn. M 1`.-...l --. - I Cl-UIIU' INK out strut. _ IIDIIK CI `III ! In ordor to din of the large block ol wood I have onpolznd I will nuppl the publlo with tho bcntiol hu-dwood at, .00 E:-cord,dol|vorod. I alto have on hand the cuornneon cool at the cheapest prion. J. Pu-Ions. coal and wood yhrd. foot. ol Prin- nan. nun`! I III IIAIIUI nrrlv-nun Arrlnlu u tho`!-h-itlnh American Houn- _J. Phyminhr, II. M. Pattonon, W. J. Mur- hy. A. J. Muon, H. A. Bnrnnrd. W. An- oroon. Montrula. Krona, E. M. Jan- nln Nu! York 3.}. V. L. PI-Ian. Albnn ; J. . Hunter, N. Wnlhin n. .D., W. Austin, A. M. Ju-vb, G. Iuurt, Toronto 3 J. F. Norrll, Wheeling, W Va. ;W. R. Hugely. Bnntford ;J. B. Dnvin. H. T. Hopi I._Ca Vlnoont :J. L. Stonny. un- miltnn 2 `V. Frllor. Wolfe lllllld. nopxmyua vxnoouu w. u. aw-an; milton : W. Pratt. Inlgnd. A We-It Ieeued. A writ bu been leeued et the inetence of Malcolm Mclntre. reeve ol Genenoqne, egeinet Rev. J. . Huger for libel contained in e letter eppeering in the Genenoque Re- rter. On receipt of the writ Mr. Hllf orwerded it to B. M. Brltton, Q.C.. with lnetrnctione to conduct the defence. No nmount wee mentioned in the writ ee being oleimed for demegee. It elmply everte e chere of libel upon the plelntill` And from whlo be deeired to be freed. The ceee, I! not dele{ed, will be tried et Brookville on A -.-ll e April 9% . ' IVIUIIIUCI In 1l"I./- fl- At the bueineee meeting of the Medical Y.M.U.A.. Thuredey Afternoon, the follow- ing officers were elected for next eeeeion: President, Gun Gendier; vioe-preeident, J. '1`. Kennedy: recording eecretery, E. B. Echlin; correepondin eecretery, W. A. Cook ; treeeurer, J. N. ettereon; librerien, S. Wilson. The eeeocietion thin veer hu done good work, number of members in- creeeed, intereet in the weekly preyer meet- ing: rown, end eltogether the Medical Y.M.8.A. in in each better condition then At the oloee of leet eeeeion. The coming you, under the preeent elolent oicere, promieee to be eqnelly u enoceeelnl. bexore mm, the inner eanolllnlng we unai- neu more than half A century Ago. Mr. Milo he: removed his establishment to ; Montreal street, between Princess and Queen ` streets, snd has fined up A nest eho for room ps r with full lines of wall, cei ing, snd b0l`( er pspere. The stock is sll new And the pstterna well selected. Give him scsll, he is attentive to business, does good work, and will sell at bottom prices. llculuvll ill nrw u runn--up. Among our advertisement: today in T. } W. Milo a, who for the put ten years has carried on buainens an I pniuter sud paper- hanger. He comes of old painter stock. his father and grandfather being in the line before him, the latter establishing the busi- nnnn mnu-n Hun hall I mmtnrv A00, Mr. [lulu-u uqu-I uvvu unw- A tition before perlinment from the towns ips .of Kingston. Storrington And Pittsbnrg complains that their lends, bor- dering on the Rideeu cenel on the level between Kingston Mills end Brewer's Mills have for several years put suffered dsmege by tlooding,ceused by the water being reieed Above the proper level for which the canal was constructed, and was not Adopted until recent years. The weter ha been raised from five feet six inches on the sill of the upper lock at Kingston Mills to 7 feet 7 inches. They contend that ooding large qusntities of the most valuable land in the country is entire unnecessary. inasmuch as the level could be lowered end the coat de- frayed out of the lands reclaimed. I'IlII'VI|I PEUplC- ITIIII III?!" IIII lvllal out, but seemed to mete very little impres- Ilan on the crowd. At leet they were all provided for and got off, they new the (Net pageant end a heck. All Agreed the: It wue greet I W, but they laid the had Ind nll the inuuguretion thoy wan . end we re well utlned to get beck home. I-In-rv Gaunt In nlowlv dwlnn of I nninful vvunnlu u uuuu un-uvu All prepnrations are made for working the Guine gold mine in the township of Kaladar. Some time ago a practical test was made of seventeen ton: of the ore from this mine when it showed up rich. The mine in two mileyfrom the village of Kala dar, and is owned by Dennis Guina, John Guinn. and A. P. Wickware, of Knladar; Rev. Father 0'l)ono hue, Erinavillo; F. Burrows, H. M. Dcroc e,and J. H. Downey, Napanee. and R. A. lielliwell, of Chicago. A crusher has been completed, B lnrge quen- tity of ore hauled out rndy for use, and Active operations begun. Thirty tons of ore will be crushed per day, and it is expected the yield will be from 87 to 810 per ton, or even 815 per ton. The proprietors have I bonnnn. uear mr : I had intended to write an eloquent eulo- gism on the comfortable and magnicent quarter: supplied by an ever indulgent council for the comfort and use of the offi- cers, and on the ne airiy cells for prisoners, but this was before I hill. seen them. Having made a closer inspection I find the eulogiam would be principally made up of such words as Disgraueful, pigety, pestilence. black hole of Calcutta, etc., etc, so I think I'd better let up on eulogy. I could nr. gure much an a eulogizer \i'I; ~.`1:h I stuck in trade. '1` .` uwarea, To protect us from the old boy," and the old boy e" wicked snares. Dry nurses for our baby men, fond lovers for our cooks. The -nders of our trusnt goods, lost bills nnd pocket-books; ' Ihe then that do their duty in the way thus they think best. But they no it, thnt e the rub, so never heed the rest. To these gallant heroes, fearless heroes. to breve and true, Theeo hobbies with their hatuns, those Anlke dressed in blue, These guardians of our households, the pre- servers of the peace, This slap up lot of coppere, the Kingston tnwn nnlina, .I.II.IH HIM ! IUI: Ul UUPPUIU. UIIU ILIIIEEVUII town pulice, _ I wish every kind of hnppiuesa, the world ` hm: avar um-_n_ ` nu ever seen. And trust they won't put. brsceleu on the wrist: of 'I`.n. `Jr (In:-or Deur Sir_ Without our bobbies" we would be in 'dire- l ful, woeful plight; ' We'd surely have no peace by day sad little sleep by night. These gentlemen in indigo are angels un- I.WRl'_ He dinw like, so 1- am told, to put blue livery on. i -' _ end now detective work is done by each In .-sveek about. Thst is why sll wickedness is utrsced so quickly out. ` _ ' I like to study criminals in all their Vla|'1' , phases, , And nd out which` they look upon as safest hiding pines. _ It seems to me, the open house they can slder most secure, `For if a company in there. yon re always very sure - Among its pstrons tobehold, in mufti smsrt snd nut, Detectives one, or two, ensconced in I red- ly pleasant cent. Prepsred at once to clenr the house of noisy men or drunken, _ _ 01-_ to street the bad Macbeth for killing good King Duncan. Removal to New Promises. I ,' ,,__ A, ,I_ -- `ag Howl Arrlvllu. I II` n.:,L A____g__ I well recollect the deperturo of the clan: to Washington four yeere ego. The county xlomocrecy wee then on top end Temlneny wne only a remote contingent. The Mike Murphy legion lled elxteen cure. end the commleeery department elone hed raven- der end drlnke for en ermy twiue t e eiz-. Ieew them depert gellent end guy, end At the end of three deye I en! the return of the ehettered remnant, for one-hell of them came back upon thelr uppere. The re ubli- one got beck in much better ehe . tur- du end Sundey were eventful eye for the relroetl people. Treln efter trnin rolled nut. but nanmnrl tn nuke van litlln lmnmn. . mama! Y. I.o.7'A'." I AL Working 11 Gold Mine. Look At `I'M n.L_I Town 0 REES. i ' rnubunuci: Want to nonhwat winds, pudyolondy w|Ih snow uvial. nnbury or a mu. lowor hmponturo. UIUIIIIUUH VUWIIUIIUUIVII UBFILBIIO H Hndquu-unto! Olonr. Tlnbothy. Hold and Gordan oods. . Chdngnnm our. Baku! our XL AA A L|AlAIAl`AA ` win}; Hotel Block. Princess Stgot, WIIOLHALI AID III`!!- Q Q Q R I I A D Q A I A I A I Q I A M QFII PR ground: trschyeeterdey afternoon, between horse: owned b Mr. J. H. Metculfe.M.PP., Ind Joseph M `onnell. The puree wee 850. Mewdle 1 horse won the IIOO by uklng the (int. eoooud. and fourth hull. Time 3:02; mini! tee. Menu. 3. W. U. Mun- ray, and W. Canon won in get. FTIHCGSB IETQCK Avoid sppeennoel. --A worthy gentle- men, huvin An nnnully red nose. wu long Iuepected 0 being I tippler_ on the sly, by those not well Acquainted with bin strictly temperate habits. Hi: unfortunate distiguns ment In: readily cured by the late of Ayer'a Snrupuilla. A Imrnn mm nmur-ml on the net lair mrupuiua. A bone nos occur-ed on the new {air ` hnrlnn nwnnd hv Mr, J, H. Mntrn"n_M.PP.. IHBHIICIVCI Cl|KH'Uly UUIIIIUTDGUIU lnu Hlppy nu hnp y could be ; And the Mike Dndy legion l)rom Brooklyn, llbnked by the John Y. McKnne battalion, shared the glory of the day, especially 5: it was known that it wise John Y. McKnne who pulled down the majori of King: count , and b doing so render the election 0 Mr. nrrinon possible. I well rennllnclt tho dcnnrtum of than nlnnn

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