Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1889, p. 6

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-l`or Genuine Bu-gun In- nnoxs.mm_A_1_n srmnnm. musmn & HAMILTON. Props CHOICE FAMILY & BAKERS FLOUR SEED GRAIN. PRESSED HAY. CLO- VER. AND TIMOTHY SEED. O D. FRANKLIN MAnrrv- RnnAnl 'E)iRhONTO FLOUR STORE} , , .1 n,__n'_ Q-__._ we2;iZ1;e'1;..I1;1'5.;;1?t and E Vanety. You can get almost any V shape and st 19. Our Home-Made ` Bread is the teat. Made only at l'I'II`'T"I'?I3('N CITY rf_5c_)L_JR STORE. _.._ __ _. _....-u... -... A.-cu IZDAHM FIS.I:I SAUCESE IJJUGI-A ID 0510 Allvvwlu Jlncruv \IlLl R- I-I- TOYE : crwsrrs nurvirxuxvwvii n A -vnnu Fresh, Smoked, Dried. Salt, Green 1 Pxckled and Canned Fxsh. ! IJIU system. Remember that Ayer'a Cherry Pcctoral has no equal as n specic for colds, coughs. and all atfectioun of the throat and lung. - For nearly hnlf A century it has been III greater demand than Any other remedy for pulmonary complninul. All druqgiau ` have it for sale. _ | _F-re;1-0ysters every day. W. H. UARNUVSKY. 212 Princess-st. TELEPHONE 21. outer "ICE"!- Lie on` the left aide, says 3 ealth journal. If it had been I luv journal 't would have aa.id-Lie on both aides. 'l`L.... .....|... ...... 5...] .. 3L...-..|. ISL. gm-- UIl(I-"I4lC 0|] UOKD IIUCU. They make one feel as though life was wcrth living. Take one of Canter`: Little ` Liver l'illa after eating: it will relieve dya- ` pepsin, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to 3' the system. Rt-Jnumhnr thnt. Aw-xr'n (`Jmrrv Pectoral TOHFCUIOII. Camrrh cured. health and ruveet breath secured, by Shiloh : Cntarrh Remedy. Price 50 came, N and Injector free. Sold by W. J. Wilson. KIA..- ....-..- .J -K..I. L-...J....L.. Lil: ...... .- V` . I : VV '0- Moro one: of sick hndache, biliontneap, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, b{ using Carter : Little Liver Pills. than y `Any other means. I I- ....~a|..- l-lL -2)- .._..- .. |...-ItL I nnnn ..I OPERA HOUSE; mun mo ovsm MARKET; OUIU Uy VV- II. VVIIIOII. For coughs and cold: take the Diamond Cough Remedy, composed of elecnmpane. wild cherry and horehouhd. 25 sud 50 cent: 5 bottle at Wade : dmg now. A Indv rafnn tn the timn nhn nnandn in UUIIDI I UUFIIB IF VVICIUI urllg II0l'Uo A lady refer: to the time she spends in front of her looking glue an momenta of rerction. I`..L...._L .........l L-..In|. -...I -_.....A. |__....AL Lu CIIFI you. Dom Dy W. J. wmon. Shiloh`: Cough sud. Conaum tion Curb is sold by us on I guarantee. I cum con- sumption. Sold by \V. J. Willon. All H, & Rt, Jn rail:-luul nnnunfnr 3- VV - U. `V llBUU- Group, whooping coughlnd bronchitis imme liabely relieved by Shiloh : Cure. Sold by W. J. Wilson. Tha nhild nhu" hn fnthnr tn the man " y H . J. n uuuu. The child shall be father to the man." Likewise In old goat shall become a button kid. 'I`L..L L....I.!..... ..-..._L ..-.. I4- _.. _..2..|.I.. EXHAUSTED VITAEITX, \ wizhut hacking cough can lie so quickly ` cured by Shiloh : Cure. We gunrnnwe it. I Sold by W. J. Wilson. I Fur mulch: and .-nldn tnlun thn ninmnnd uuuuu W 06 IUIIWG. - I Will you sulfur with dylpepalu and liver complaint? Shiloh : Vitalizer ll guornnboed to cure you. Sold by W. J. Wilson. 1 Shiloh : Couch nnrl. Cnnlnmntinn (`mu-`n in \ IUIIIPUIUII. DUI D `V. `U. `V lllon. An H. & St. Jo railroad conductor in \ named Judy. A sort of punchin' Judy, an ` it were. `rho Qlfesm ol' _l`ho_ I ,|DOl'.I Gathered For . the WM: Roldan. All water fowl M`? nqua ducks. Hanson : magic corn salve cure: `coma and bunionu with throenpplicationu. 150. per box at Wade : drug store. v Sleenlesn n`iant.u. mndn minamhln Lu that. DUX an H nae`: mug non. V Sleepless n`igntI. mule miserable by the terrible cough. Shiloh : Cure In the remedy for you. Sold by W. J. Wilson. .1 1 In I red-hot nnllnr mnm nnmnhmiv inl ` wr you. aom Dy W. J. Wilson. - | In V d-h t II. bod ' M ts; .:....;.' 8""? -"' Y '- um: m... ...n`... _uI. A..-..-_'.:- -_.z 12..-- u Evc:IfT9me back, side or chest, use Shiloh : I Porous Planter. Price 25 cents. Sold by W. J. Wilson. 1 ........ ...|........:..... ;.......L - -_.: |_..__..I.x..2_ | LIVE13. OIL- ."0YS'l`ERS msa EVERY DAY . A .913 ?:`-`?9`;``.-._. BREAD, BREAD. I,_j3.. l'\-,- DRUNKENNESS l(VINE:TR l;IT-I3A!`{;IR\'. BRAND OF PURE Us'oN`LY fH ' _ THE LARDER. THE TEA TA'BLE}\ In` L}-I-J.L-I-` Mnnnrr Solunl llttllodl. Illllllo my `Ia HIIIOCI IIIGI lo at `` 8her|ock's Plmoware R It Prince: 8 uuwr. . In I IIYTIIQ. 0. 53-no I. V LYON. I. A. "'}:'.Z'n"'.u Z. }E.7JZ'..au' " J'R2'" Cheapest. ll` NEW MUSIC arvlnn duly. Plano mothodn. mule buns. uduuuuonl merchan- (line _ 8_l_'Ell_WA_ PI_A_0l8. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE 1 Biiiousness. Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Jnundice, 1 Erysipelna. Salt Rheum. Heartburn, Headache, \ Dizziness. `D1-opt.-y.F1uttering of the Heart. Ac- N idity of the Stomach. Dryneas of the Skin. and ` every species of disease arising from disordered ` Llrer. Kidneys. Stomach. Bowels or Blood. A__ _-___-A 1 R. J. MCUU -I-\u..L, rrmcess-st. sun'u1:.u1ra a LY xi - Itllllflf Boucrmu. fo.. In-Io P.f/S /f6 / .$ /I//45'/745'/7 [7/V 1 II IDDUU - an I my vuuvrunn :- xnuiii-Jmnt unx LEAIHEB ElIIl[_ ,- ouLs. COLORS. ' ARTISTS` MATERIALS. wmoow cuss, VARNISHES. ETC. Sold by Drug;-ins every:h-re. Wholesale by n;\',\NS & SUNS ildmltodb . Monlr ml. ` BELTING PLATE GLASS COCKLE`S ANTIBXLIOUS PILLS. COCKLE'S PI LLS-Free from Mercury. -W W W5 -W'_m oar T3!" ". a`2.`:"e;:.`.``:`9`..'.`L". `. 5..s {THE om7'sTwIua 4' -run murc J.` :OCKLE S PI'LL`S`--For Liver. . :OC KLE`S P! LLS--For Indigestjon. :OCKLE`S 1`! LLS--For Heulbum. ;ocKu;'s PIILLS-Inuseeighty-sixyeuio 7 vIneMAt_:|1__I,gu_I:_ J . O. HULL!-IN 33.7136 00. IONTREAI. THE LIGHT RUNNING A11 MONGENAIS. BOIVIN a. co. EQUAL. Rhcumamnn. Sciatica, Neural- ia, Catarrh. Cuts. Bruises, Swel- * Hugs, Scam Head, Colic, rlyspep-L zria, contrrwtion 0/ the muscles, lame back, tliphtlaer-ia, sore throat, Iender feet, corns, sti jomts, etc. ` ` III FOR ILLUSTRATED GIRCIILMI OF A. RAMOAY an sou, HA8 MI:m*LAN:0U$:*?%- snmmnu NEW PAINTS -u---w--- . IlOI`i'RIAl... H. JONAS & U0. GRocE' H` For Distemper in Horses, Enlarged Joints, Ind other diseases, incidental to Iheae useful animals, it is unrivalled. OILS Montreal. Flavnrifiixtracts SUNDRIES T Issmn FAVORITI. LADI E8 THI if1i's'}5ii`-s"'Li`ii"iiii n t, MANUFAL"|'UN.lIJ DI BROWN BROTHERS & 00.. RE M(EilVEE_F'\(' THAT Simson s - Liniment 05715312 - msws 1 Iibtiici HM taken the `lead and is the beat piepa.ru- N tiou ever utfeeed to the people of Canada for .L- nut fur.` ___J nlvnm -1 --vu vvvl u \.y u vliv 'l\4\r.(` the RELIEF and CURE of WWEAK MEN . or TORONTO. b_ `,!`EROAT & LUNG SURGEON. HAII III` VlQ'I'l`I{I'\ LT Colurrh. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consump- ` tlon, Eectually Cured. IJIIUIIUH I reluru. 0a.tn.n`h cf the Head and Throat. \ (`martial } Deafness. Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma. and Consumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat. enlarged tonsils. Pol) pus of the nose remuved. Com: n.uu.v. Cossuxxrnnozv mum. Dr. Wmlhimzlnn. ml nlmmil mmrv nerson Uoul: CON8UL'l`A'Il0N Dr. Washington. as nlmost uvorf Person knows. is an ominunt authority on 111 `d ceases oflhe throat and lungs, and has been most ucifmful In the treu.t_ ent..of his patients. 3 Toronto. A!) OFFICE: mrlo 82 Megan] street. _ Toronto. Certicates are constantly being received ailing of the iod work performed by _...I I 7"! 0 A romifm cam Bntlorlnuhmln tho otlbotn of youthful errors. on dooq was w k I at null. ownlwlllun .3:IJ'31' ti-Tuna 15-373. DAR. WASHINGTON, CHEMISTS. HALIFAX. N. S. Proprietors, Toronto. '_MEDIOAU"I`IES. Dluuen Tl-evntrd. `OI... Ilnnd ..-.3 'I'\I........A - - - - --- -v-.. Hotel, FRIDAY&SATURDAY `MARCH 8th and 9th. 1% British Americgn A no uzhtful Toilet Article. No! a men pmnt or powdoruloes not cover on-`r. but . cures. Used in connec- tion with Pond Lily Liver Pellets. R nd Pond Lily Skin Soap. most elfcn-mally and mitivcly rem oven iInplcs. Free]-ales. `Tun. Black Spetkrr. I `msmvcly Tan. Spetkrr. Hlotuhes Mlaya all ir- riumon afxer ahav~ lng, or any itchiness of the skin from what ever cause, and all roughness from the face. hands. neck and _u..n.. ...\.u.. ....A vol- %"kiriGsToN, wanna t I or fa . eI.o.. I will an I 3:u31?1' :3'.u-o (=33- ad'{oonudnln full tlonhn for home cure. I` ll ofo . Iploudld medical work; mild be run by every mu: who in norvoua ` d tslod. Add 0!`. I`. C. TOW MOODUB Conn. "'i`:nI}"t': right am And spring will no gloubt can also. `I - ' III] IIIVIIISQIIIIIIICCKIIUIIY FYI! IIIIIIV I !- modlu, I put! guru up. thlnklnglhod oomum tlon. It Inc I tried Huzyu-d'n Poctaon Btlllm, `tar lln one bottle of` which curod no, leaving no in well u ever I wu." Henry W. Cu-nu, Wsbuh, Ont. I In Ian:-'3 lloollou PI-ophooy. [ DCIIII NONI. lA-__|. 1- _.4I_A L_',, 1,: , , 1, , .,,|n Pntly Ono Up. In the yu I886 I on: bed foul: montln, and hnvingiunoucooufu y tried msnv re- modlu. I mrtlv nva nu. thlnklnnllnd . , A Nico Till. To hnvo in tho honu A-tube ol Dyer : Jolly of Oucumbcr and Roan for the chapped bunch, it cure: them completely. Draught: keep It. W. A. Dyer & Co., Montreal. \ -I nu, nan-u nvjuwuvn g (2.uu'1Lu-:, I|lu., Much 7.-Lut night Daniel Mclmhlsn, aged 22. killed Cora Cur- nshsn, aged 13, and than committed suicide. The pair sloped Sundsv night from Paw Paw, Iiil., and bud uwury time of it elud- ing detectives. nuuu up and uuuun-me. u. no wnqp um system grown sluggish, when the effote end deed pnrtiulee, are not elimineted and re- main to clo life`: channels, thet Hemilton I Pill: of L nndreke and Butternut render greatest eervice. They cleanse the Iyltem. restore the liver to n healthy Action, correct morbid Iecretione, renew the Ipringe of life by melting di eetion more perfect. and proved by nee t 0 most perfect feanilv medi- cine in existence`. Accept no uubntitnte for Hamilton`: Pill: of Mendreke end Butter- nut. At druggintu and denlere in medicine. attacked. 4. There is very little likelihood that the potato bug will ever be rooted out. Paris green will always be in demand and poison the intruders. A ......:n.. m... [mm in oh: nvnnimr fnr one mrowlng on {Value Inn anew lIIuwur- death, the other how ply living ntomn to build and |u|ta.in- ifo. It in whqp the -vnmm arnwl nlusminh. when the effute noun. :1. There is a remedy for smut in vogue in the Nnrlh Went, where the wheat to be sowed is worked in blue stone water, or by hot water alone. In thiadiuexue some kinds of when are_ more liable than others to be attacked. , ; 'n...... :. .-..... lion. "Its.-hand Hun. thn Or the Liquor Rabi Posltivol Cured in Ad- ministering Dr. tunes` Go don Spool o. It out be given in as cup of soles or too with out the inn -wind of the person taking it; is sbsoluvsiy iurm ess and will aoat I perm- Ient and I udy care. whether the pstientxis I , Ibodsmu ninlsr or an sioohoiio wreck. It has has [Ivan to thousands of cases and in new RICAIIOO s pol-taut ours has followed. `It never (la. The system once impregnated with the Upsoino it booomu An uusr impossibility for on u to 1 r in 1. and c.u:'33'ox':'il<': - .3 -1rou'33'c'Sx.1)`1'I'N,s1>'ia<:"1s'1o the lIl'lldOI I. Aaeaaion was held in the evening for which the programme was more varied. l'hore were literary selections and musical performances. interspersed with the more scientic Lddroueu of the professors from the college. Illa llllllllll` uu uur. And death is one of the mysterious func- tions of the human orgnnism. They are constantly battling two rivnl elemenu ; the one throwing o' `waste And eete matter- .ln-th Hm nthnr tnnnnnlv livina Atom: to werenrougnrmu : I. There is are-metly for the black knot on cherrynml plum trove given above. The ` cherry and plum trees being members of the same plant f.nnil_y are attacked in the same way, while other trees of a different family have enemies of a ililll-rent kincl. `2. There is no reinetly yet known for rust, though there are varieties of wheat so healthy liil sturdy in stalk and grain that they are better ahlc to withstand disease, on the principle that cliilerent persona ex poaetl tn (lino.-use snme viill take it and others not, owing to greater general healthful nnnu paresmc plant me. The black knot of cherry and plum tree: wn taken up and shown to be a plant growth of the fungus species. The only remedy is to out o` the diseased limbs. or portioua of limbs, in winter, and burn them. If this were done all over the country the .l....\.... ..v..nI.l mmn Ln nrmlirnlml 'rh9 1! this done an over me country we disease would soon be eradicated. The formation of these knots was described in clear and easily understood language. Abrizf history of the potato bug was given. showing that it was not numerous for is long time It feeds only on members of the night sluule family, of which the potato vine is in variety. Coming in Contact with the potato plant, on which it naturally feeds, the bun l1.n.sa cuvrretl America. \Vith respect to remmlies the following points werelrrouglit out I 'l`h.-rs` is an-mmlv lurms, one Wnlcn settles exucruuuy Uu mu plant as rust, and the other which enters ` the 3[i|.Hi of the plant near the earth and makes its way up the stem to the head and enters into the kernel, so that from the outside the grain is apparently uninjured, but on ilI\'0stignti0n is fnund empty. This form of smut is found most largely in the North-West. Both forms of smutare of the parasitic plant life. The Mack cherrv plum nll. Prof. Fletcher spoke on the fungus which attacks plant life. lie showed that rust, which is usually believed to be 3 precipita- tion of some substance from the atmosphere in damp muggy weather, was really a fun- gus plant which fastened itself on tothe growing wheat and grew from the substance of the grain. Rust is is microsco ic plant, which, however, only settles on t e wheat plant when the dam condition ' of the atmosphere is favournb e for it, but having secured & place on the wheat as it grows, the wheat shrinks. Smut exists in two forms, which settles externally on the ..l....o .... r-nut ~.n..l H1;-nthpr wlii:-ll nntprl market. On the question of fertilizer: Mr. Cooke, of Lansdowne, gave results of `experimenting on six plots. While any fertilizer made the soil vastly more productive than the earth in its natural condition, yet the plot sowed with salt was the most productive of ..n i all. Wlll wheat. 4. Efforts are continually being made to grow best varieties suited for Canada on the farm at Ottawa. and it is expected a new variety may yet be` obtained better than any yet in the market.` 5 The nix-rowed barlev is the onlv barley UWDIIIO ll Uvlliulx nu uuur uupuuuuuu; liquor I peak oxlal. For circular l 3 part! Mldrolu GOLDIN BPBOIFIO ` .. 185 Bsoo St... Olncinnn. O. J yet II) the market.` 5. The six~rowed barley only barley Americans want to buy, while two-rowed is the only kind required in the English market. 1\.. .|.... _......o:.... .-.6 Fm-r3li-pan Mr llnnlrn. the red or white me. 3. Five vnrictiesof wheat impored from the high parts of India ripenbd on the ex- perimeutnl farm as rapidly as early Russian wheat. A l.`a`....c.. ...... n....oimm1lu lminn maria tn nada. Phen fullowcd quite a discussion on the variety of wheat, in which Prof. Saunders, Mr. Cooke. W. H. Frederibxirgh, William Dargarval and other: took part. = The facts adduced were : u 'I`L.. 1...- ...h ...I.. ..|> .i|: Hm \\-Waits Reported tor the wave. A meeting of the farmers` institute of Leeds was held in the Newborn town hall, Feb. 26th, Joshua Le go residing. Prof. Saunders and Prof. lets: nor, of the Do- minion businesa college,` Ottawa, were in attendance. Mr. Cooke, Lansdowne, read 5 pa. or on Southdown sheep, claimingu exce lencles that they are hardy. clone wool- ed,freer from disease than other kinds. have less ootted wool, ha-ve eeces from 55 to 6 lbs. each, which sell at 30. per lb., instead of 18c. or `20c.. the price for common wool. Another gentleman : pointed out that if the` wool is spun at" home it makes iovely blankets and other home made goods Mt. Cooke thought this breed of sheep would yet be the sheep most largely kept in (7a~ nada. l`l.,... `l.`|r\\|v...1 union :1 Ilismuaninn nn the adduced I. The beat soft whsl: -is the White Russian. the Iedfernywhich many preferred, being almost as hard as the red fe. 2 `mm heat wheat for milliusz nurponea in being almost naru as me reu mu. 2. The best wheat for milling purposes ` the red white fe. 0 r.`:.... .......'..r:... ..6' mlumlr imnm-o from ZA 4EA`RMERS' I.\ STITUTE._ lllxlnly Prnoonl DI: uulon|- On I0 sheep, The Potato 901- TM Dl' ' '1':-ou,"_l'I:o'Bon. gilndn of Grain,` And Bush-Vlnlton of N630- Rcpox-`tod for the Wma. A .......'x..... ..c I... 6.-man inntituta of THE LEEDSAGRICULTURISTST-1~A-"E A MEETING `AT NEWBORO. The Hlnndlng or Lure. ,-L 2, ,_., .t A`__ _.-._s-_} Ill nuu Kuyuunn An.-Jung. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries consequent thereon no pages 8 vo.. 12.5 prescriptions for All diseases. Cloth. full gilt. only ll. by mail, sealed. Illne- Ittiveuample tree in all young and middle Aged men. Send new. The Gold and Jeweiied Iedel nverdod on the nu hot by the National Iledicel Aleocinuon. Address P. 0. Box 1&6. Boston. Mus. or DR. W. H. PARKER. cred- unte of Huvouil Medical College. 25 years - practice in Boston, who may be consulted con ldentielly. Specialty: Diseases of Men. O!- I.. A A Ilulnnh Ht They Dlc-d Together. ._. I|I_ |a_._-|_ II 1. `~'rH E BRPPISH WHIG. -FRIDAY. MARCH si - If '0! Ire nervoue 0: ye do Cer- .ur'e mlo Nerve Pill D`:-P Tush: 3 nervous. and nor nlneu mskee ou dY'PP'-10: either one N d0" 1` NW '0: and these little pill: on both. ""!-? *'T:j`-`-' uou`:\. Falling Fun. I In: swollen fro1n`\I|Id in foot from dro y of six mdntha Ihndlnx. Ind my hon ch wu falling fut, um: taking one bottle of Burdock Blood -well, And think there I- I0 m0 oqul to B.B.n.. and to M r -1- A true friend." Joseph Heric. Linwood. - When baby was Ilok. we pvo her Outorh. When the was ohlld. Ihe cried hr Cutorln. when the booamo Min. Ihotolnng to Cutorln. ` when the had ohudx-en.Iho nu them Cuforh non wu made. The ndmlrera of the not declnre there will be 5 surplus, end the opponents say there will be u lnrge deficit in the county fund: caused b the not. Which le correct 2 \\ e hove h tempernnce lecturee. eennona, con- ventions, and plenty of shine, and we are now quite thoroughly poeted on the good and evil resulting from the not. What we now what he 3 correct nancial statement nhowln . in detail, All monies paid and re- oelved uring the reign of the Scott not In Frnhtnnnn. ha hnbl nome OIIO llVO Ill OBIVDQ uuru Frontannc. the light. uurlng ms term OI Ulllou, uul. II. use uus you appeared in print. As the election is near at hand it is of great importsnce thst the electors should see A statement of his so- count. The Scott act committee have pub- Iished A report but it is very unsetisfsctory. They state that no loss _wiil occur to the county in the administration of the Act, as the tines end fees collected will be sutiicient to cover the salary of the inspector and lesve s surplus. Surely this is s week ss- sertiou. Is there surplus enough to cover sll other expenses 1 The inspector`: sslsry is s minor consideration compued with other expenses. For instsnce, st Verons last week out of six trisls only `one convic- tion made. TL- -.a...:..--- ..s .t.. no A..~l.n nun will vvnunu nuv - -.u-u-. S\'m:.\`II.uI, March 5.--(To the Editor): Atnconvention held st Syrlenham B few weeks ago the coun'y police msgiatrste pro- mined to publish I stntement of the money handled Ivy him for Scott. not purposes during his term of utoe, but it has not yet Annnnv-ad in nl-int Al [hi election il DOA!` 1he Conn:-otlun at Yarlrer. Yuuu-za, March 7.--('l'o the Editm-`,: 'lhere isa good deal of excitement in Yar- ker inst now over the intention of the N. T. & Q. RR. company to take the upper route. This route if proceeded with would destroy our cemeterv, and our ople here are naturally excited, for they ave many loved ones buried there. Your by-law calls for a connection within the limits of the 2nd . concession, and to comply with that by-law and to strike Yarker as near as possible given them a line that is not practicable; then to get a line that is practicable would cause it to he run through our cemeterv, and a connection three fourths of a mile from our village, which would necessitate the remoml of the station and freight sheds. This we are sure would not be to the inter- est of Kinustoniaua. for as Kingston is the point to be henetted by the extension. and ae it expects our trade and the trade of the people to the south of us, Kingstoniana should allow it connection to be made at or near Yurltcr and not bind the connection to he made within the limits of the 5th concea- eion. We earnestly hope that the connec- tion will he made in Yarker and not nearly a mile from it, for if it is Kingetonians can- not expect our trade and the trade of our ueiqhnors to the south of us. There are many other points that can be spoken about, but these we think are sullicient to show you our position. and why it is necessary to con- nect at Yarkcr. Yum ERITE. Iuulunng. Dpuul-IL; u not No. I Bulnob St. ouqn Sometimes, ash 1 go to shurch on Soondny, I nd all der saloons open. der poyl playing ball, and people swing oil" on picnics. Vhen I goes inside der minister looks right at me und says : It pranks my heart do! so many henthen in Africa \has an der broad road to destruction. Please come down mit some contributions to save 'eI;i. I come down, but I can ! make her oudt. n00nel`O(l. 1 CE: HIEKQ ouuu HOW IUD VHII. Sometimes dot neighbor on my left hand comes to me nnd says : Say, Dunder, old: pay. I doan hurt your feelings for one mil- lion dollar, but I like to shpeak mit you a leedle. You haf some beer waggons drive oop in from of your house, und my wife vhas afraid der public shall pelief it vhas us who vhas taking l.)t'(.`l'. Be some good fol` lows und haf der waggons go in der alley." Vhell, dot looks reasonable und I make 'eIn do it, but in four lays my neighbor comes home: so drunk on whiskey (lot I haf to help him in his house, und his wife says it vhgs nopody. s poesness. I can't make her on t.. u.......L:._..- ....L I ...A On -1...-nl. an Qnnnnu cum: now one vnu " _ Sometimes my neighbour comes to me and says: Mr. Dunder, ou doon lit in dis country so long ash I"o, uud I like to tell you dot it vban alill 30" WV if Y0 put ashes around. 1 shpeuk to you accuse 1 vhu your frendt." Vhell, dot mu on me ashamed, uud I goes otf uud puyo a box. In two days 3 policemnu,come's along uud says my nei hbor keeps more ashes, swill. dead com un straw beds in his yard don he goes pefore in two hoouered yours, uud he goes py der police court uml pays a. fine. I can't. make oudt how she vhaa. u-......; . m . . _ . .. l........h nnrnnn tn Inn nnrl CQDIU WIEKB Olli IlU\V IIIU VH3.`-I. _ , Sometimes my frundb come in und says : Say, nld chappiu,` I haf slwul nid I like to help you to a good thing, und der time when now come. I know 3 man on Rivnrd street who vhas awful hard oop. \ on out puy dot house und lot far one tounnd dol- lar, und he vhas wort eight hoouered. If you take her I warrant. you mske one ton- saud dollar in a year." Vhell. I pelief dot, und I puya der place. In two weeks I find out dot my frenrlt make: $100 commission on dot sale, und dot I vhaa sheated by tree hoonerod. I can : make oudt. how she vhu. . _ . . _ -.. ..I..L' ....l..I.|.n.. A-\ mu l-CI> L.-ul make ouan now she vnaa. Sometimes my frundt comes to ma und says: Say, Mr. Dunder, doan make some fool of ourself. If dd!` poys like you to run for al ermsns in our ward. decline unit. thanks. `Dere vhas no money in it. und der papers abuse you like tiefs. Vhell, dot settles me, but vhenl goes py der polls to wote, lo. my frendt vhss on der teekt for aldermuua und is elected ! Somepody tells me pays more ssh $500 to be sldcrmnns. I can t; make oudt how she vhas. QA-nnfxriunn ..... lrunf Ann-In in nnlvl nnun - Thhlll lJ0l|'UlL DTBO I'l'U8. , Sometirhaa my I1cigh_bour.c9moa_ to me and uyr: "Mr.l)1in(ler, I dmm like to make you "feel bml. but dot pay of yours goon mic der gallows if you don behave Better. Hehiu m do mil: some now- dlln yesterday. \' ell, er next day comes und somepody preaks my windows mi: I snowball. and vheu I goal `omit l0 Ihpotk aboudt it he calls me old: Knickerbocker. I look at him more closely. und Io; he Inn dot name nei hbor'h pay; I can t make oudt how ah'v u " .`........;:....... _._. ....h-hlmn'r nmnan in ma vuvuu-- H II` Den-o:it Free Press. In ,,,, 42,3, , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. canuounnaa HEARD .FROM. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. Ibo Grant Medical Work of 1 the ago. on Manhood. Nerv. ` Inn And Physical Deblllty. .I.......o..-u. Ilgnllnn Ii`;-tutu llo. Wonders 0voI:-_-_Advlc Bo uot-._w..,~ of the. World. Dan. I)....... Want: The Figures. II I P :'I`_ .L H10 lgll 0! ml! 600 out ua Va hopo come will give Eucron. banned all each oupnlo. Wholoulo by THE GREAT STANDARD REIIED for all woolnouu and Dllouu of the Dana. pair- 91! Nutrition. am. This oil In pure. tn-uh. non-ly ualuleu, and thorroto Inoouulublo for dollonto nation. - None gonulno without the name IZDAI-IL - ...v. . i Jlonimat l\rIu-v- w - -wc-- w--.--` Cholcest Grade: of Pantry And Fnmlfy Flour ` nlwnyn on hand ; Graham Flour. Rood Outs. ` Kolled Wheat, Cnoked Vifheat. Germ Wheat, 1 Oaunoalnnd Cornmonl ;30&iI`llI Iouon. t W. J. IIONIILL. - BROOK STREET bllhudhuhinuwhunhqhh flhnph` Aulnpnhlnbvhucvcqhhn an. 3 - % H ` j NORWEGIAN coo A Aansauia nu`:-4..n4..aun l'lorIrIa, Tulem-in and J!_essc'na Ora uges, Lemons, Cra n berries Cocoau uts (1 ml ~ all kind.-a of A pples. ` REES BROS.. Manufacturing Confectioners. Tr race. mmus. necsnuu Inn. lenvin them beautifully white and \'el- 1 voty. bold y wholesale dealers nnddrug ists everywhere Pond Lily Cream. 25 cents ; oud Lily Liver Pellets 2' cents- Pond Lily Skin Soap, 15 cents. S. `Pl-IRRIN. Chemist. Manufac- ar Proorletor for Canada. :__:__..:..__.__. _

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