Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1889, p. 4

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IUII A Unusuln uun vs l!0ll8.UlDIR8IIlRT8. NLLLR8.C'Ul"l'B. S- J Dr. Washington, the celebrated and suc- cessful specialist forseases of the head, throat. and lungs, has adopted` the most scientic and natural method of treatment known at the present time for the above diseases. In orderto be fully abreast ef the times the doctor visits the large Ampri- can cities, as New iork. Boston, and ` Philadelphia, every few months, for the pur- pose of gaining a knowledge of the lstesit and very best improvements in the treatment of throat and lung diseases, and such as pur- sued by the highest specialists in the United States and Europe. l)r. Washington is well known as a most successful specialist all over Untario and the eastern provinces, and in several cities in the United States, from which he has in his possession hundreds of letters of grateful acknowledgment for the benefits derived from his treatment. He has patients in New York, Rochester, Cali- fornia, etc. etc. He has secured a medical gentleman of the highest standin in the profession, a member of the Roy colle of surgeons of England, who thorouahy understands all the details of this special treatment to assist him. Dr. Washingwn has now opened a permanent oice at 8'2 McCaul street, Toronto, where either him- self or his colleague may be found during otiice hours, vis.. 9 to ll am., 1 to 4 -and 7 | to Spin. '.lhe doctor will visit Kingston personally as he is fully sensible to the fact that not even his distinguished colIeague,Dr. Sanderson, can till a position satisfactorily so long held by him in the confidence of the ople of Kingston and vicinity. therefore iii. W. will visit Kingston March 8th and 9th, and` thereafter monthly as in the past. He has parlors at the British American hotel. n- u .-I.i....a.-tn has Lam luanduunnlu rn. hotel. Dr. Waahin ton has been handeomely re- warded for hie indomitable and indefatigable pereeverance, an the following extract: from letter: received from patiente in New York and Rocheeter clearly indicate : Mr. G. H. Cannon. 232 Weet One Hundred any Fourth etreet, New York. who wan not cnld cured by Dr. \V'aehlngton`e new method, but writee the doctoraa loliowe : "I would have written you eooner but wee waiting for a decided anever from my iriend. Mr. Daw- aon, in reference to trying your treatment for hie dau hter for her catarrh trouhlee. I nally 3. ie Vconeent by telling him I would ome rreolfollaible for his money if ehe wu not cu . I now encioee you a cheque for the full amount," etc. Mine Daw- eon, after one month`: treatment, in heard from. Mr. Dawaon. oi Sawdnet & Macon, hulldere. 2% East Thirty-lth etreet. New York. writes after one mcnth'e treatment an iollowe : "I would eay there in little or no erneli from the head. Thie ieede me to think that the dlaeaeed bonaeare healing up} Friend Cannon hen condence that you will cure her. and I now think you will make a com lete cure." Mra Jarnee ellivlu. of 03 arket etreet. Rocheeter. .Y., erritee ae loiiowe : "I do not cough any more and the the in; hee allnoet ceaeed. I am very much pi3...a with your treatment and hope- III I H ." Th aho .1. ...:h`ui:h.a|:.?'uat.neu"nt Iii. week : \ VI I HI: UIN I MEN | i`n?`. .'2"oe'?R s`F{o'&r`"r`3`$ 'i{`z31i '5' * (`EH8 and OLD WOUNDS. It has no nal for the cure of Bronchitis} | Coughs. Colds, Rheumatism. Gout. Gian ulu Swelling! and A" Sun 1 I PILLS 3. L tin: nnnn tn thn HTHMA `, I - -- v-- - - ----- - - mu nnnoenmnouroror mu: 1.mu:s.autucs. Uh- 2 OLD for Bronchitis Sore 'l`hnont. _l mam Iiinouu. > O Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway. 78 New Oxford St... Inc 688 -< Oxford St... London. _ tlPm-chuors should looktotho Label on the Boxes and Pots. It In 0) address 13 not 533 OXFORD STREET. LONDON. they no spurious. SINGLE AND DOUBLE FOLD TWEEDS AND g>} PILLS AND OlNTMENTI;|g LARGE ASSORTMENT, A NEW DESIGNS. SPECIAL BARGAINS, EXTRA VALUE. 4 Buttons and Heavy; Fancy Points in Tans, New Dark Shadesapd Black? They are the, nest value it has ever been our, pleasure to show; .H`F.ALEl) TENDFIRS for Trades \\'orks' re- quired in the erection and colnnk-,li'n of u Tel`- race on Gare Street will be received up to Noon of SATURl).\Y. the 9th inst. 'I`|m Iowa.-11 or any tender not necessarily ac Jacketf Cloths I NEW 75 CENT KIDGLOVES NEW CORSETS, (Special), A _ 35c., 500., 650., 75c. New Vei|ing_s, #F%ri||i'ngs, I-IAR%DY S, iq..} ......'_'--__.....,u.u. nu un- mn. Janna. hhlnmu. md u.:.ou.m1n. p my IOLIUII lu um l\}IIl.A1\/`ll puu Du vv muo. I Inc; nut. Uu luu ulvur nuu nlunuyi Wlul , marvellous etfoct. And b 3-nvang strength and tone to these lm rum o cream I olroulnuon of pure And onlthy blood. Females of all age: nu than invnlunblo n n I ' ' '- ' ' --V .\n Utsomer or me ul nsuve organs. and for removing I not] I . my action to the STOMA `_H gmd BOWELS. he)` not on the Liver and Kidney: with r- , marvellous hm strength on-oulnuon of nun calm! men inulunbla F5 THE 0lNTMENTi FIFDQ -mt` l n \I.'l\'V\'nQ I! has A Colobrntod Spoolallnt. FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIITY KID CFEOVES. One Price Store, 88 Princess Street.\ /-'/I/V0) J/10/(E7//V08.` MINNES & BURNS. We invite your inspection of our atgc_l_x_g_ We invite inspection of our Are at all seasons of the year A reliable remedy for correct! my Disorder of the [NRHsti\'6 ormsns. and for revorlnn he 9 at all or the reliable remedy tor cor:-ecu: ' [)l$nsti\'e removing hot 3H and he)` Kidneys wt NEW` liednal1|-ooontwonn Cuts.Brnlaeunnd8 rum and in I certain cure for AD LEGS. BORE. . UL- u no song] for the cure of Bronchitis. Rm-o 'l'hnnt. In thanking our friends for the good will accorded _to us we be- `npeak for our su`ocesor. Mr; Cars- ley, a. continue noe of the patronage no generously extended to us for a period of over twenty years. - R. & J. Gardiner. on 1 ,_ (\l'\AI nrin KVIIVUIIIII I AVIIVUIOIUI a Go to Bowel & BiIonette | for new fril- limp, vollins. ribbons. Inca, corsets. hosiery. kid 3 ova. linen and silk handker- chiofn. Their price: are slwnyn the lowest. K IUIIJV IL\II}I WV KC` .23 31 11188 W. H. SMITH. Wolllnnnn Sum! over I . 0hlko'u Picture Store. New IIIIIIPOVOJ Method of Culling. without use of patterns` tau ht. In one day. Drenunnklnx. etc. A] war wart-smell. ht In one a I l\I Ilvvilvuvu uvu-nuc- ANY ONE WANTING HELP WITH HOOKS. Accounts. (`ollocuonsot In Any geno- ml bnulnoaa on lly. lend I pontoon! lo FRED. U:H'I.E . Conlego Street. Accountl audited and books kept by the week. Would nvnl nn commlnion XIUTCII. A nicely furnished room we: opened by the Young Men`: Chrintinn uoociction lent ni ht for the junior department. It In: led to overowing by the boys, and the department bid: fair to be a success. The generel secretary explained the objects of the department and the privilege: to be me- corded to member: who will be enrolled Al the secretary ! dflice any afternoon. A see- retnry and committee will be Appointed u soon as pouible. IQ. Information robllnt to olunor ~e above dnto whl In mntefully received I: IMNCIS J. TUITI Jn.. wluunnn, Inn. vvutcu wrv-- IR. W. T. HILL. ht Qu Btnol Iothodhtchul-oh.\v1ll vo Lit-An`) son an PI . HI I . H . Oo :.n;,"h..m.... "'3 at can. Carey`: orV owners mic Own: will noun prompt. mutton. ; A not or mum 8-ao-rmn * nun: who III 0%!` of out In? ` rllll DPUDCU I."-ln0l'I"()W. The new showroom of the McCsuslsnd steined glses works. Toronto. hsve sttrectaed considerable notice sinoe they opened to the public. They ere exsmples of ceiling end` well decorations in verious materials. re re- senting s wida range ef rices, while I eir specimens of church en house less an very superior snrl interesting. he rm send nmples of well peper sud `(less to my | address. A _:--l.. l...._2-|.-J _ V _ - . - A-.4-_4I L- ON THE PREMISES. lh:ee miles west of Gmmnoquu. on the Front ltmd. I81 (`nncosaion of Leeds. lute Reldtllltft` of H. (`olliwd and Fnmily. on WED\'ESI).\ Y. March 13th. at Ono o'clock slmr , consisting of almost every `un- ple-ment an article ruquireri on on farm. to- e'hor with A lot of household furniture. Also A 01 of Square. Flat nml Round Timber for mums of burns. together with three or ft-hr thousand feet of Seswod Lumber and n quanti- tyo! Shingles. In ehmt implements mid arti- cles too numerous to m(-- tion, whit-h must in sold In the highest bidder- 'l`l~2RMs-Lmder $10. cash; 8l0 tn 3N._ib; audited and boon I09 nvql on commlnlon 11` I` V3151 AVA` VV lm A an. OF FRANCIS 'l"-IITI. 81... A member of the lloysl Cuudlnn Ring when dl Kin [on In III: or In`: non. pg RY TIYITE. who also In: In Ilnnton In TO ADVERTISERS. A Ian A! Illnnnnngnnll dlvldd Into 8-run IV Elli WIIU WI-In Iaiuu can we on omr no honor Inodlm sndolhoun welt than the V olmu-Iuloot Local l.|ul- , lnurauny [H0 IQKII IUD`. . The Y. I.(`.B. A entertainment in the ognre house, on the 18th of March, will he I ret- clue one. On that evening the excellent lrieh dreme, Colleen liewn," will be pre- sented by the LC. B. U. dramatic company. Plan opened to-marrow. Th:-. new nhnwrnnm nl the Mdlnnelnnd II II DUWCI G DIKUIITUKU '- Big rnngeu of nobby jwket And ullter cloths It Bowel 2 Binonettei. D.-......- I. D:-....-oo.. L...... -I-..-.l.. .-.-....-.l ONE IN) CIR! OI DEW I I'll! I. All parties indebte to Johnson & Co. are = requested to call and settle on or before Thuradny the Nth inst. 'l'hn \' I UK A ontorminnmnt in tha nnern In U \DII V! llfll ylru. The great centre of attraction for bnrgsinn ia 3! Bowen & Bison!-tto'I. D... ___..-- Al -..I.L.. ._..l.-a -...I ..I-L-_ CIUIIII II I')UW'PI C. I)IIUDl9I(-U '- Bowea & Biaonette hnve already opened out 6. ) cases of new 3 ring goods. All nu-tip; innlohtm m Jnhnnnn & Ca, are ` 0| : Local and General Chnnctor Just As We Go to Prou. For genuine Scrmton No. 4 con! 30 to the (in Wnrlu ynrd. This aunt Mnntrn nf Ath-nntlnn fnr luv-aging TENDERS. nddrosaod to the undersigned and endorned "Tenders tor Hiuh School." willbq received up to 6 o'clock p.m. 'l`HUR:%l)AY March Nth forthe erection of a High Schooi Building in the town of Uosal-onto. Plans and specications may be seen at tho Iv W'&l`IUiII&I Al t wlpa dlvidodl 8-r .m':'at..3.-n`3'h"3um .31`... on | MAPPRENTIOES WANTED~ nu uvuu III II GIIJITII wglllnann ing IN FORMATION WANTED run -1-snxvnva IIIIVIIIVI 0- - ungunkgn 1`HEv'~r;w-r4 'Jf i4':Ts_ TO B SINESS MEN. - . .v Iulln I sun vol-I than no 7 that 0?. P. R0 IIJ. I cuppa Ad vu-1 no Iwuoo nu _Ml_JSlGAL px_._._. _ 30 NU. III ted . Blane and specications may be soon at our onilce. -* POWER t SON. Architects. Lion mock. IJU I UUPCIICQ KlLl\JVl ULJU LIIJLLAU \.Il IILAV "FEDERAL VVAREHOUSE"on SATURDAY, March 9th, with a. general assortmentof N ew Goods. The present, stock will be marked down to such prices as will eect aspeedy clearance. We respect- fully ask for a. continuance of custom from Messrs. R. & J. Gar- d!ner s numerous patrons, also a. share of the trade from the general public. A S. CARS LEY. AUCTION SAILE, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSI- J19LM`URNTRE~ sold the M heat Dld(l6l'- l`l~3RM:-lmder cash ; I months; over 8'50 to 310 nine I mmr 340. one veur with non: over :10. one your notes at 6 per cent. Cause of sale: 1-`; are required to be PAID IMME-, DIATELY. We will remain in the store during the week to re- ceive payments of the same. R. &. J. GARDINER. Kingston, March 4th, 1889. 6 Farm is sold and going to Manitoba. FIENR Y COLL KRD. Referring to the above notice, having purchased Messrs. R. &J Gardiner's stock, also arranged for lease ofpremises, I have much pleasure in stating that in opening a Branch Business in Kingston. it will be my endeavour_ to keep a class of goods. and give such value as will meet a_ fair share of trade. The same class of goods as we keep in Montrealwill be kept in Kingston, and sold at exactly the same prices. The same terms and rules that have proved so success- ml in Montreal will govern our Kingston Branch. The store will be reopened under the name of the urn mnmn A 1' (11 A D`m`I:l'r\TTQ E1." run TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENTS. |MPORTANf NOTICE.- rnampan rn Deooromo. March 6th. 1889. Feb. 2511:. 1889. Manitoba. HENRY Ganunoque. March 6th. 1889 TFENDERS WANTED. jrnonffuc EEFOHMEHS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. ""'-"To-,""z'ia.a to A Good for-e;c1%.` e . . 7 ,,,__ u _ L-J _.-_ AA-nn ..|n-no rill lnnn `February 28:'1`85f ` Vilresent. A. R TCHIIC. President. A. AUAI 113- CONTRACTORS. 3V36X?T - _-_A ll ` l6R_A_E-I-!-()-Il wr or In ncnnnalrfnm MIII ADE '"?'W'6b'E'CC uuusnan I|-InIl? IIVIVII Ill` A Ml2l'Z'l'lNG of the Reformer: of the Count of Fruntennc for the Election 0 Officers and other im portant business. will be held on SAl`l`l{l)AY. the am March. at 2 P.Il.. in the Return: llall, (:o`den on Block. All Refnrmcrs in the Uminly nre cordially invited to bo nresenl. ?u;mggIas;[ `heat bidder- uder S. tkx In n'hs: and all ` approved cndnrsed UITIUI nu: wav- ~`"':..':.-.':.'.**..;':`.'.'..'..:.': :'.::.' " W`- --| A I 0- l'\ l\ I! I I EC |l\J\.IlL I R. & `J. Gardiner. Prasmcnl. A. ADAIR. Secretary. S. CARS LEY. I|`wonty-ve loads, of mink M-dud In the city yuurdny. one: and Pm- non'n- mine: up Hod the metal. Foxcon nfuud an other 0 Il7.0(l) for his phosphate P"P`"- The ection of the government under theee cinmmlteucee ie not enrprieing. It in nen- encielly, in reepect of oertain guerenteed loene, end for other reeeone, deeply oouoern- ed in the future of the med, end muet con- sider whether the legieletion for which the compeny nil in in the beet intereete of the people whom it repreeente. And the Grend Trunk oompeny teen its greet opponent, `end 'Ili6f|IrIheI"inureeee of he monopolistic powere, end reeiete the bill now before per- liernent with ell the energy end tect ite menecement _oen commend. The perliemen tery exploite in which `the oioere indulge revive the ldee thet It in the home they feet the movement thet meene thenennlhile tion or eheorption o!_ one of the eyetelne by the] at her. banana one win, us-J.- What the company ask for now is the passage of a bill empowering them to con- vert all their existing mortgage bonds, de- benturehrental, guaranteed or preferred stock, and other obligations paying interest at from 6 to 0 per cent. and maturing at different dates between 1899 and 1937, into a consolidated debenture stock, not to bear interest at a higher rate than four per cent. per annum, the amount to be issued in this connet;t_ion to be limited, so that the interest shall not exceed the annual interest charges of the company at present, shown by the schedule attached to the bill to amount to $4,365,029. This issue will, therefore. amount to $109,150,000, which is $`22,(XX),- 000 more than the present obligations amounting to $87,428,436. The Canadian Pacific company will be congratulated on all hands if it can increase its capital so mater- ially without any increase in its liabilities. It is quite clear, however, that as the con- version of the mortgage bonds of the com-. pany will not come within the region of practical finance for years, as the dates at which they mature are very distant, the real purpose of the company in asking for the passage of this bill is to he found in section 2 lo) of clause 3, which, if this act is passed, will empower the company to issue, in addition to the above, debenture stock to the extent of 82,.')()0 per mile of all its roads for the purpose of building railways, eleva- tors, sidings, workshops, wharves and so forth. As the mileage of the Canadian Pacic roads is new five thousand, this clause will empower the company to borrow about twelve million five hundred thousand dollars. This amount of stock at four per cent. interest would increase the fixed charges by another half a million of dol lars. Yet, as the schedule attached to bill shows, the fixed charges already amount to 8-l.36.'>,000, while the net earnings of the company for I888, as given in the company`s monthly returns, amounts to only $3,870,000, or a deficit of nearly half a million of dollars. In this con- nection it is to be remarked that compared with the last annual report, that of 1887. the schedule in the bill shows an increase in fixed charges of about $1,000,000 a year. Another extraordinary section is 2 (c) of clause 3, whit. Ii will enable the company to issue additional consolidated debenture stock to the amount of $30,000 per mile `for the construction or lcquiellloll of any branch railway, or extension which the company is authorised to construct or acquire in connec- tion_with. any railway held or operated by it. The company are simply asking for carts blanche to `acquire or construct` at pleasure. 'lhe government may, as has been pointed out time and again, have to take over the whole Canadian Pacific railway. The question. therefore, arises whether under these circumstances it is safe or pru- dent to give the company carts blanche to enlarge its system to almost any extent and at a cost which an hardly be said to be limit.s.d by anything except its own discre- tion. * 1-: . I_,AL__- Curiosity has been excited in the public mind as to what the desires of the Canada Pacic syndicate are in the shape of special legislation. This curiosity has beeninten- sitied by the announcement telegraphed from Ottawa that the bill presented by one of the members of the house has been with- drawn at the suggestion of the government in order that its provisions and probable effects may be fully considered. The most concise statement of facts is set forth by the Montreal Witnus, which, editorially criti- cizing the bill. says : ul\'L..u pl... ............... ...L Inn run: in lhn AIJVBIII lalmulnu nun , Fox-lour lines. so! two insertions .... "I143 For our iines. subsequent insertion. . `Over four lines, II-I1. insert.-ion...... locpet-`line Each su pent conseoutivoins....- 5o ' Once a w subsequent ios....... i0c " Twicee weak, subsequent ins...... 8o Three A week. subsequent ins....... 60 Twelve lines to the inch. Notices of Births Marriages and Deaths 500. `each. unless when ` booked.` when Oi isohmfged. Special notices in reading columns are cheru- ed at twenty cents per line lo- each insertion. .2939:;~.e. .93i'2.e2'.9::;S.1.,`.:':.?.?.i`:.`.`s`i.`i: :3: r1lIIv\I\1I-w--u:.-.... , -Tn: Barman Wnfils Ilblished every oven- -- lng.ct.3w Klngtrep ingntou, Onuu-lo. at sxr nonmna In-vnI._ Icnuu U1 ulc guvuiuuic-nn'uu uvluu ru......, ._ an evidence that he had misgivings about the soundness of his opinions. A good illus- tration of his doctrine would be for our council to raise the rate of civic taxation to the full 2c. on the dollar, the limit permitted by the municipal act. In this way the council would have nu abundance of funds with which to make local improvements, and every conservative at the board would have to endorse the proponndings of his party's nancial seer. 0| SATLJ RDA Y. the an n mat. The lowest any necessarily oe ted. glans and snocncaliona may it line lo- oacn xnauruuu. Omcers of unincorporated AssoclI;t`i3:il Societies will be held peraonhlly P0990 alln-rdaru they nlve _ . . . .,. ulr:lc`1::31ea vdlu no `new person-uu -ww---w ~- a an oy :1 ve Attaches: to the paper is one of the belt J05 olcea in Canada ; rapid, Stylish and cheap work : eizht tmnrovod DFIHUPZ. 9'99" . ,..4__ --uu-V-up-. uu .- ~- -- omcz. 1,`, hct.3n,d; ;';.p1a_. ttgyllgh and cheap wot : rov pnn_ _reI8eI. 'All cgtgr ca 901- advcrtmnvvM!0h99-`y and ob nun are auablein aclaoancat mun be dist! yu e1`s00d- A Van an -1 . ..-..v-.... Hon. Mr. Foster, our nance 'min.is,ter. preaches the extvmortliuary doctrine that "high taxation is the only gateway to pros- periw. Ifsawouder, therefore, that he has not lent In u.ttenti\'e ear to the whisper- ings of all the apostles of protection whohiwe visited the capital iuring the present session, and raised the tariff higher and higher, and in every particular. The fact that he dill not do this, but was quite apologetic of the action of the government|on some poin ta, is _: )__...A .1...` I... |....l ml...-viuinnvu nlmuf -........,.., _.- The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 8 pages oolumna. is publlshod every Thursday mom at 81 n ear, ltively in wdvande. other 81.50 w Ibo c nmzed. EDW. J. B. PENSE. Pronrietor. 153 wine '1`H_f:V;;)AII:S"{'WH'Id: :/`ANNOUNCEMENT. ,..L __._1 .......... WhI[ u Telephone, Number 229. 0.4 NA I).-1 PA! `I ["10 /HI. L. ms rmm l H!LOSOPM_)'. `PHI ANNUAL MEEFING of the Share- holders of Ihe Frontenac Lmm and lnveutment So iety will be held at the Society's Olcu on Wall) `JESDAY. the Nth day of March 11131.. at tho hourof three o clock .m 1` UMAS 8 I008. amygen-_ Kingston. Much 7th. I889 50$ jg---.:- Ops /or par Orbem Di:-:>r.: K ADVERTFEMENTSL -7 __ -__ ._ ._- c---_rh-.n- THE BRITISH Jwmu. FRIDAY. ADCIFOW Alllll, '0.UUU; lllIl]llX`n. Arwwvw `and R. 0. Reid. 02.500 etch: J. Bennett and J. 1 . Dunn, 81,000 ouch ; Jamel Bur- chy. Robert Campbell, D. Muolluhr. A. (3. Mellon. Hugh Holhy. A. '1 . Drum- mond. Mn. Juno: Johnson. Mrs. J. Althea. A. F. (huh. Colin MuArthm`, Alcnndor Eunn, Juno: Candle, Hugh Mclnnnsn. John Morrison. John 0. Watson. John Ann And-an J lhbagmmh. lulu! I latter! The ddry roll: nd print better. only 18 can 5 pound: [rub nun. hum. Moon. u lard. &o.. to., at Hgndoruonh cheap gm- ng-u Inning mm. 41.0., an any house. Allnn Humour, H.500; W. uuo nun-. n. H. Bronson. M. P. P.. Robort Boll. Sir Jnmon (}rnnt..M. D..P|utIon&. Luv. Jumbo Gordon. 8500 each. In Monlrul the chic! Iuhucrlhorl ,nro:' Andrew Allw. 35.000; 'l`hopnu.A. Dunn '.....a n :1 mm Iomn ouch: J. John nlorruon. John D. vvu-one Hopo. Andnw J. Dunn, NU) ch- cerulnny M well. " Dilllillrllrirl III III. Cu-u-u - _--. The current issue of the Quoon'| univer- sity Journafcontainn 5 list 0! Ottawa and Montreal uubocriberl tn the jublloo endow- ment fund. The loading donor: In Onuu wero: Hundford Flelnin C. 51.6.. `'0.- I nnn . u..I .....a 51.---.. "5 Jung. hhnntnr. ALL E_)E_BT-_S pge us 37;}: :"I'ndf{F& 'l"n'J-KER f'6.M.T 6.. 00!); McLeod Suwnrt tn Juno: Inbeuor, 82.5% ouch ; Jnhn Shultl. M. D.. OLMO : Allnn Gllmonr, Il.5(X); W. Dtlo Huril. E. It Ilrnnnnll I D C One of the grentoatiustnncea of heroism in Lhat Iupplied by Phil Welch, the late humouriat of the New York Sun. Afllicted with cancer, and lying in a hospital re- coverina from an operation that had cut al- moat intohin vltula, he `poured forth more joke: than our. The heroism of General (lrant, dying of the sure diseaoe and writ- ing his memoir: to enrich tho fnmily he would leave. excited the admiration of the world. Welch lay in a hospital, under the hand of death. writing funny scrap: to put bread in the mouths of his wifoand little children. But the case of one," says a New York paper, in made prominent by the eminence of the writer. while the other was a aimplo joker. How tender, touching, thrilling, such heroism is seldom heard of. Montreal Herald. It in A fortunate thing for the tory preu and bubbling polificiunn thnt there in no duty on crow. l"ortun|u:, too, for the vegetarian of the ring thnt. the pouch huket policy has been surrendered nnd that IA:-Iii will ha nlsmliful. Potorboro Examiner. I see you are locklngprotty good to- night. llld Mr. Hunter to the lame con- gregetlon that fecetl him in the George etreet church lent night. I Iuppoee it ie beoeuee Lent begun to-dey. lt'e queer how Lent mekee eome people eo They cut up ell aorta of deviltry the feet of the you -nley cerde end deuce end the! eort of thing--but in Lent they ere very ood. I often wieh lots of you people woul die in Lent. heceuee ll you don't on will never get to heaven. Be oodel thron h Lent. certainly . but be gooxfthe mt o! t e yeer . an in II! n u-- -- Canndn Presbyterian. l`hu nninp IHAI II n London Advertiser. _ No effective snticombine bl willpsu the dominiun parliament 99 long I-I Sir John in premier. . vu ..-y- . .` Ottawa Free Press. Pumnt nnr tnrv Press. Csnnol. our tory loyuliata I00 the bend of Mr. Wiman in the refusal of the govern ment to relmpoee the dutieu upon fruits end nursery stock and the prsctical Abandon meut of the Boyle bill '.' nullel . poucy nu won an that leeks will be plentiful. P`|-esbytorirm. fhe none that a man makes denouncing pnpucy in no test of his Protestantinm. Having disposed of our business to M1-.8. Oat-slay, of Montreal. the store will be closed for a. few days in order to take stock. f\ IL. r1_...1:_-.. luv . Ivu Advertiser. Mn ntrm-mivn Ami. vu- Montreal Herald. In in n fnrtunnl um-uu --us 0| -an unn Ara I Some newspaper men, notably Murat Holstead, of the Cincu'nnat4 Cummern'al, sud Whitelsw Reid, of the l\ew York l'r|'buue, have been otlered prominent positions in connection with the European missions, in recognition of the past service they have rendered the republican party in a journa- listic sense. President Harrison thus shows his great good sense. In Canada the news- paper fraternity are not so much esteemed. They are generally supposed to conduct a spirited campaign in the interest of A party or a candidate, but when it is over the re- ward is simply the consciousness of duty perfoimerl. The few plums thrown to them are not worthy of the leaders of the great political parties. 09 Mr. Mowat has imilirectly replied to the charge of Dr. S. Ms,-(`ul1y, ofwToronto, to the effect that the Scott act was not being euforccd on political ground. The attorney general. speaking in the legislature, has said that if any charges were preferred against these magistrates the govcrnment, in justice to itself, to the public, and to the magis- trates, was ready and willing to investigate them. It will now be in order for Dr. Me. Cully to indict some otiicial for the non- performance or indifferent performannepof duty, that is if he knows of any oiTence- or forever, henceforth, hold his peace. EDITORIAL N0 TIE. `John Ale_x'nnder Mncdonnoll. who. in n t of pique, undertook to humilinte Hon. '8. H. Blake by showing that he was in conning to be (judge, no longer 6 bencher of the__ Ontario low society. has been himself mud: to bite tho dust. In his state of collapse he has had I lucid interval and fetched the costly conclusion thnt he doesn't know on much About the law as he thought he did. GI Hon. Mr. Hugger; has relented `or got wisdom ; At my rate he hnI`decidd 3! Post- muter-genernl not to press for the increase of the rate of postage on drop letter: `from . lc. to 20. To have done otherwlne wnuld have been to raise I breeze of public indigna- tion whih would hive reached the velotty and force of e cyclone at Ottawa. and, strik- ing the poet-office department, left . nothing of it. `w '0 The Winnipeg Sun is against the jaunt of Canadian legislator: through the United "States, und it thinks Sir John's head is level in rejecting this sort of Wild West exhibi- tion." The Sun forgets that the premier likes display, that for I season he acted as manager of the Chexrnut combination, and that he would be apowerflul attraction on the other side of the lines. Why not give the Yankees 3 chance to see the old man in hie great role of The Artful Dodger T" lubuorlbors to tho Jdblloo Fund. I `L, l'\.._-_'_ nu}. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS Building in the or uosal-onto. s `icntlons olcus of the tvnhbun Compun . Dose.-ronto. or Thomas Hanley, Aronlloct Bel evllle. Thu Izommim-e will not `be bound to scoop! Porhnpn 'l`hoy-Won't Boo. _ I:1..-._ n_...... Do You 'lhlnI So . (ioodnou In Lent. Very Fortunate. .-IA nu ` A. unwo- : 3 n . hung ngr. MARCH 8. (all look for I spud], care." we Mloyu t. on: In: uhoo tliqmnont. :1: Inch. `Inn to support thog1_IoIod can In the count of oelohtllc nounont in the out of Mr. W. J. litany [love Inumlsotnror. of Auwu. Ont., nduino pnoldcnt ol the muaufnotnng uoonlndoo ol the dominion. cured o'l oslarrh door vldllng Rutopo with- -.. nm In-null:-lgl IIl|IlI.|_ cured or osnrrn uur vunu out any bouolclnl ruulu. lundortlrunlol. Vloul now try an- Edna Jonas. hbloou. and thou churning ohornuu. II the city hall to-nlvht. Thomas Hanley, Al'!_!nl[0c[ ueuenue. The Iiomruiuoe acoopl the lowest cl` any tender. JOHN NEWTON. M.D. (`hairnan High School Board. l)mm-onto. 6th.

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