3. BARN-EY 8.00., SPBINOISB Streets Kingsuon. Iltnlrnn nnnn I-sinuous n.-n _..- 4-.. l'x`vl.-I U.` I IIX` one word. rant." lI`L.._. --(II -Inn K4. ` Lenten:-orlh`n Grunt Status. Acut'|sl;or1- given, taken from I phr._:n- pl: of u un-do] of a statue tn In erected to , hm. Grant (1: It"l\`n IIWO|'1h. Kan. The artist, Mr. Lora-In Taft, of Clxiorxgo. has lo- piclml the g-ma-r'.l In I10 would upp.-xr in mm- I4-r in the vld. [Iv ia ultiral iu uniforxu with an n\'er:`0at. nun] In-in! 11: his h.'1ul a chart. Thu` exprcxmuu on than face i~ grmve and thoughtful; us` though the great mmmandor were stu!_ving :1 nLilitu`_V problem. The general stands squarely on Ins feet in nu easy position. Tlun nnszno trill . _ N`... `T .. ...\....... . nnul Iiml ;:i\'--n tlw .-.u';n. l``l'l l\'t`Il such I` l I1cr\'~>u~ .\llU(`l{ tlmt - I: ~ grwli:-ill_\` lost lwallli nnd illml. The non 0('(`ll]\l`..l of tl1:-l:m: urru Con. Bellxnap. Grants .~ "'u-tury of mu` nftnr > Rawlins died. and m` :1 r@:i.~:u) it was the wcial ll(`0fll']ll&l`tPl\ . 1` tlm Grunt; regime. After the loath of .`.i:'\ I_lL'llZlll1;J the genvral gave up the mansi-un. amlonoa 1uoreitbe- tmrueulnriartling llhlll`. llut the story got out that it was huuntml and ill fated. uuil, llf)t\\ llllSTl1lI(llllg tliv lino location. with the park in front and lliv White House in full viey to the south. p.~o_i>le woulzl not take the moms; I-`or: Wllllc the oltl mansion stood unoccupied. There was some talk of remod- eling it with n Inansard root and other mod- ern imp:-uireanontg i~`inn'.l)' the government took the imuisiun. and for a dozen years used it for the olvos of the Commissary general while the new war clepartim-ut ivuiltling was going up. Some months ago the commisary genertl moved to tho new building. and since then the house has been an eleplnat on the agent's hands. Mr. James G. Blaine is the latiast one tn take the mansion, lipving rented it for a term of ymrs at very low rent. 'l'h'\usands of dollars will be required to put the mm.-alou in shnpe. but for a cabinet house thelocntinn is beyond comparison. Mr. Blaine will live in the residence, which is within the smallest radius from the White House. If he and hie fuuil_\' are not superstitious there nnnvne no rnnuin In In! His: ninncinn chnnlal nnf Ell HIS lILIHIl_\ H113 HUD Bll}Kl}|IlHJU3 IHUIU seems no reasnu why the mansion should not prove .<:1t'L nu e\'c=r_\' respect. rmn1=\-1-fnrv Hll'\' l nnly 1l:llI;.'hIL`.",}\'_l1u ....,I L...I A {Historical Eionnlon VVHGM .T"9d" n 5 Lurk. vlioro than fifty yvam ago. C0mmdN ` Rogers, of the navy, built nlghreo storly man`- sion of red brick in Washington. As regards design nothing could he p1-iI\0|`- The only principle of nrchitnchim about it is the hy- ing of one brick plum! upon another. When the'commodove died his big mansion became a hgrding house. A I.-in-r it was used as a Club, aim! Barton Key usvd to sit at an upp'e_r windowginil watch for tho waving of a hand- kerchief from the window of tho` `sickles house norms Lafayette square. When the handkerchief was w:ms Key understood that Sivklos had gone nut. and that he could .. leave the'('lub and um-t the faithltm wife: Ono day, having seen the signal. Key loft. tho. club to meet. Mrs Sn-kh-s, but the husband was waiting for him mjmss the strot-t,nnd upon seeing him red, fuialiy wounding him. Kim was .-an-i...I Im.-L- tn the I-inh hnusn BLA|NE S` WASHINGTON HOME . I IUI Dul II ; nt South 'l`hepod~ I be made '0 gmnitc, o quarries .. \'o It JUST-RECEIVED i. Jill! I. A..Vl.ll.Jl IL. friend of the Ger- mans--thnt.,in fact, I he] the nu` u up lain rlnnhn nu cullrgl $11 V _Jh|tT.ha,u.u..n 9.. frinnd nf thn Nor. NI`. H:-\\`:lrtl'B \.-.l the awuxlt, *`(`ri\'t'll 0. :`1H_\` ` NIWBLACK SILK W HllRII'l'l'A.$:g.o1',0. 7iEW'[ io7k")i2E{97:o015.{ Iimwiolo/2&2/1'8. mvnucx allvool.70a..75o..90o., . as. $50. gm nw nucx casnxms. all wool. 75-. um nucx mncn IIRIIIO. am on 75c. 901:. um me: man usnlms. 40:, 45. am Me. nw nucx mun cwmuu 40. ad 5041 law nuqx cnmrs c 25:. 800. an nnw nucx sum m cnmcna 000. 70, 75. nnw nucl cum mud`: But. uw nucx vmnms. mm or Hndkorohiofn and mm killings- A" Great Many Ask Why It Is We Do the Largest Business in the City in Our Line ? `C SIMPLY BECAUSE WI". BUY IN LARGER QUANfITlES. buy for ceeh, eeve the d leoonnt. end give the pnrcheeer the benet. In the undertaking. en every one knowe, the one who doee the lergeec bneineee on do it the cheepeet. It requlree the eeme number e horeee. heereee. cerdegee. eto.. to do 50 funerele for one you n it doee 35C. \\`e eleo do our own engreving which Ie e (reeteevlng. Attend pereenelly mo every funeral end with the long experience which we hove bed can ettend to funerele better end cheaper then my onelnthe bneineee. JAMES REID. 264 and 266 Princess Street. . 44 . . _ R.REm;.mu". They are neat. stylish and easy fitfing. You would I wear no other aer wearing one pair. `who like something nice in the way of footwear should see our American Goods. Have trlfened This Week Their Special Im ortations for Spring of Fine Wool enriettas, Robed Dress Goods, eto. these goods cannot be re- peated, ladies should see them at once and make their selec- tions before the range of colors are broken. The New Colors--Satumelle, Co per, Mahogany, Old Rose, Crushed Strawberry, Chocolate, Russian lue, Nile and Gray Greens, Electric. SPENCE & CRUMLEYB. 132 and 134 Princess Street. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. T THET>E"6FC'S" A Up-Town Grocery. BEAUTIFUL SHADES IN NEW SPRINGGBBBS. We invite inspection of the largest stock of Dress Materials for spring we have ever shown. `All the New Colors, All the New Materials, at Prices * always the Lowest In Both Double and Single Width, and a wholesale : stock to select from at , Theyshave arrived and are sure to please; More attractive than any adver- tising can make them. We won't try to toudh them up with words. Come and see them. They speak for themselves. DQRNEVV EMBRQIDERIES. [NEW HATS AND _CAPS. % Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. Cousineau, Quinn ; & Corrigan, MRRAY & TAYLOR S. GENTLEMEN COMTX \. .1. McNv|A|-`-|ON,%|O2 Princess-st. SPENCE & CRUMLEY UlIIWILlI|)el'(`l8nll.Il luuooau from its gin ixfagmiclg THE BEST I IN THE .\ ARKE1`. as well an thor- ounhl! Adnmed m [ha wnnm nhhn khnhnn hnn JOSEPH F. SWIFT, Agent, Kingston. SUOOESSORB TO F. X. OOUSINEAU & CO. HAINES & LOCKvE'IT.' GRA.JrJ:p BisPLA.Y NOTICE. R Amounl Paid Up. $1;7.32o. The Surplus on Policy Roldan` Account, 3-2 $584,402. OUR ullcuuvoo IVIIIIUII ouu Avuuvu L $7,000,000. Authorized Capihl. $2,000.000. Subscnbod Gapital. $621,300. Pnxsmnwr. Sir John A. Maodonnld. VICE-PRESIDENTS. George Goodex-ham, Wm. Bell. SECRETARY-TREASURER. J. L. Kerr. Il'I IITIIII H5 lN.`ln ln3[Xr'll(`Iuy I `III B1561 VAL on My ulnpled no the want: uftho kitchen. has 0: led onvioua Imitation: 0! its name and up aveannoo. Bewnm of such. Business Written and Policies Issued over I" AAA AAA :27:-jr3fa`i i='5's 0 ~, I AIJIVIELHII -~. .. - v--.. - .-v.- g-vgu . V-v yquv. lt contains neither alum. limo. not ammonia cud m be used by the mast daumu consuu um: I! an perfect snloty. he 1 uuooem ariainn being: inslrlnaica HOW t0MM EBOTHEND8 MEET JAMES REDDEN, cmm TEA _srq_5,__A- PRINCESS S'l'REL'l'. mmnsorrs `BLOCK 1 000I'S FRIEND BIKINI} POWDER IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDFR. ,__ , __,_._ ._~~-v-, --:-w-v--o IIIGHIETVCASH FRI )! PAID FOR OLD` IRON` . Bras. ()0 . :.`;'.`.`:`. a:.';'s'::.`: .... u....""' oxuwa OIIYIOIIJ ummuona of its and No addition 30 or vannuon from the sunple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. Our ulo `lime. and It you heed it. it will en~ rich you. Be economical and trade with we nx:{{oume.{u duh mourn T0 snow You CAN MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET BY TAK- ING HIS TAIL IN HIS MOUTH. ANCIC (7U~.\ll'.\N Y. (`apilal W.lll).ll.ll. l'I`` mium income E. C. HILL. Real Eahuo Agent. Brock sn-eellaukct Square )h).\'ls`.Y T0 LOAN in large or small sums on hu-In on cilf) pmpeny. WA.\"l`E .-Pt~n.-one having money toinveu onnhlwnxl oblain msH~la.as nmrlpmges of the undersigned at six Ion-Von r rant. LONDON & LANGASIIL 1!`. FIRE INS UR- Wmhuo : om x7m um Pembroke. undersigned nix ram. & Fl I 3 ANCE (`D-.\1P.\N \ . (`apiml .tlI).(lZ0. Pre- gnium_incomg- E 8051.100 W1 London. W In-ulollnunnlrcou uumcuou T?! b nluuhlulnwwn. ONI QOLLLR Pl! DAY.- upnjsg _m_ iLOiAiN:. INSUMNIJE Subscribed Ua mu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S3,lllJ.lllr Tom] lm`oa!ud `uuds upwards of. ..3.ll)l,(ll`I Total income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` , . . .. 768.11!) Insurances against Loss by Fire accept- ed at the lowest current rates and claim: settled without remronoo to toe Board at Lnndnn, Subscribed Cngltal Total lnrumul `unds lIl\l\ I I` \Il\lJ \/U1` A`O (`nah capim..... ............... .. umunt Total Asset lanuary lat, I81. .. ammw Loueapnud nlyeeus . . . . . .. .,.53.nm.a11m The lcndinf I-`ire lnsurancr (`om ny on t.h( Continent. ts Anuunl Premium Receipts in (`anadst and the United States are larger that hose of any other Company. and it has an no blemished record 01 83 years. nose of other romp moon ! 8: l_IAR_DI_L1_l gs_`s uaXcT ennui annlhna\nl\d v..'.- V - --.-...' \r uunvu \TrIdo Mark on every package THE BTNA INSURANGE GIJMPANY, HAR'I`lUllD CONN. _ I Q I nmvnnn IL 1 r\, _L II. `_.n. party at the lowest possible mien. ' Three your policies ismu-d on rivate dwol ling: And tum buildings at ow rules of premium W hnmosnnid nronmtlr. This Comganfuls one or the heat In the world. In ilraila la Ids Amount to $43. .119. in nddiqion to which is the unlimited Ha (ties of ahuoholders. _ nddiqion to vm Thn wmxrl v shareholders. _ The yearly Qremiums for tire risks alone amount to 86.4l..880. lusumnm ebctod on Farm and City Pro the lowest possible Three year noliuies private _v`.v- . _.., Claims vomptly and oquitnhly adjusted. has by I) ea or not. J. s. R. McCANN. Agent ixhtniux covered whether are 911- , [ivEi2Ni*o0L AND um Ai>DwGLOBE' FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COKPANY. TIOCCI loads of the Onurlo Brewing And lalunn Co`: superior ._ Au-an .`u--. u-..---_ llV\J\JIIl'LI.llA'I. EL! 11!. pm Subscribed, - - $1,009,300 00 Government Doposit, -' - 122.000 00., ANY DOG " ANCE t`:0.\lPAN\" trnnancu -tno nu.-oxn largest business of all British Com tee in (`nnu:ln.depoelt nnunlly Wllh the `mmdlnn Government Olmot nanits tor emf) 810) 0! Int- blllty uenlculntod by the Government. PAYS ALI. Louis Iut'rum.\' Amu-nonPI'1.Y without hdung the usual sixty dnya.rv.-suiting in the Iomuuxy never but once ht|\`llIR at end of any one `our outstanding Insscs exceedin 8510`. W. BROWN. STIEWAIFI` Bl! WNE CIIIIDIIRI lN1Vl'~l' out unuu Int! Ill ill. uuu UI nu; V o`l3o BROWN. Bl! WNE. Chi I Inspector. Managed Cannd G `Bamako. - Mont!-:'u J. '1`. WRIT City Acont. ~ Buccx stun. ` ..-. FULL STOCKS 0!` PUDCR. OATMEAL. lIlll`ood.l`od 353: :nd unu- O A3 I I $1.003. lawn: Pea and Rut Fun. . .'!`.!!.`!.".'..!S. _'... .`.". .T 59 1'0: 1!! DDAISLJI/G 5139 0|-rosin Blutlsu Auuucan H01-nu. (`nun-rzu. - - 01,500,001; _~ 'ru1!:o1.As0ow mu uoxnou 1NsL'R- ' OOMPANY` tnnancu -the In:-went hunlmau of British COIIIDNKIGO GVLKSGOW AN`D'LOWDON Finn: INSURANCE co. promlumwud u Losses prom ) y. 'l`tlUM_ . Aniiiiii 156151713 1. This Com n is of the heat in the world. luiu-atla (la mlalininn In whinh In the unlimilnd bl Hllm nf , OFFICE : A1` Pqzsozrs Dmvu STORIL _... ,-_,_.,__ CITIZENS INSURANCE CO. eaoommms, mqooka. TI-/E MAN/7'03/1 msoo nous; uAm:;6mAmo B A l\l\llAlEl I an:-nn No. 1d cL411s;vos;.. ` Iprnvu-n Rnnnn Anllutuva Hm-n naon. W. H. GODWIN. Agent for Kingston. Bmflnn Wmo Orncl. No. II IAIIII QU`AIIIo THE OELEBRATED 1NoonPoTA-run `mu 1: 1 ,-\ , Q4 Ann %msUI34r59m-I om mu)`. 'I` IUMAS BRIGGS. Agent. 1 W`. I`. `DIHISR. Commission Iu-chant. Lilllllll , Illll ll IIDB III IV [83 earn. J MES SWIF1`. Agent ?.._,_.,_. ,7__4_ l'LOUR,F'IlDAND STORE Rn. II lAIIII- nnnAn-, It: Cancun! . 2,X).(XIr . .8-3.11)] .111`! . .3 '9 Annant. *$`w wlu IUIIIUTU um (1)I0l', II III` I00 3` rt-uncut may be repeated nsofu-n ndndred. n this experiment. the mloritl squunthnvo Ilhooppcnranmolrgezm Theoeddgnsmny his mid permanent `by uuploylng solutions of mlomd gelatlno. - -uvu uuv nu-uvuvu uqluu. llll -ll|W II (`III uquru upon the semen Diurout color: may be placed in juxhpositiou without lia- bility to mixing. and I design trusadkwlthout upacial care will appear regular. as thorac- tnngulnr apt-nun-so! the urine cloth comm] tho dimt parts of the daign. The col- ored liquid uqunras are reuilnul in the mt-than of the wire cloth by mpillnrity. A damp, page will iunovo the color. so that the eu- I--Ilnunt. mnv ha raving!-cl .. Ah --.I..4...4I nu-smn on wml ('lDI. The slide thus prepued is placed In the lama:-m uni fncuaad. Tho nquh-ml design ` may now be traced by means of a small \ nmLh.hh. m solutions of aniline; dyes being mind. The mall quarts of tho win cloth are filled with the colond llquld,und dmwucolorod HIIIIPQ Illlll fh it Innuunt l\4\IllIC Proclueing Designs on Win: Cloth. An exp--runeut showing nphasvof mpi.l- larity is illustrau-I. Ivy the annexed outs, re- engraved {mm Scic-ntillc American. This experiment. explains a writer in the journal quoted, \\'asorigi1uL1l_v intended for illustrat- ing ta]-cslI`)` nml other designs formed of small sq.u:u\'~`. in colors upon the screen; but ` it has another practical nppliouticm, which is capable ut` considerable expansion. Fur prb- jcmiou. a piece of hrul wire cloth. of nnydcr tired med). say from 13 to 20 to tho inch, La mounted in a metallic frame tumlnpt it to tho slide holder of the lnntoni. and the wire cloth is coated lightly with lacquer and al- lnwnul In 1' 1-11 CIIUIII IF (ICE Iowa-d to dry._ aI5v l'l III I. UIIY` 'l'IIlI, IIIKII CLIVJIIICI` XIUIIIII carry no their {wet the eggs. larnv, or what- ever it may he. of me to the other. In dih- ging wells in it quits It-at-rt. region in Arizona. nmny miles from other Iwlls, I was at first mrprinad to nd Uta`!!! purplal after a short timo with animals (fmgi, if I forgot nut) which onulql not possibly have huppul ur cmwlal from the nearest water. a(`m tho luurning sand in mi-lsulnmen with the ther- ll|0luO.`.XL`l` rising above 111' legx I-`. But I soon saw the above may explanation. Origin of Fish in Isolated Ponds. A Boston mrrespondem. in Science says an this much vs-xvd subject: .\'oll1iug stems simpler than thm. the bunks`, alighting on the ` 1-dgweuf Kim: 0112- pond, than another, shuuld \-urrv um Huxir Inn! lhn runyu lnru--u nr -vh-n. ` 3`. III!` "I| |'I'IIls IlIl'I.I \JIBI:IIIK.`l IIIIILI IIIC5 L-hnps by the aid of stecun. About one gallon al` llm oil, weiglxlng uiue pulunls, is ulnmiuud {mm LUUO puunrlsnf the vlxips Thu usxs for wlnich [bout] of xzsvlflnw (`nu I-0 vnnpluycd are numurnus and unrmd. It Ls a favorite pu-rl`u1m- fursungu and candns; it as nwd as a a.-l\ cu-. for lil?c-rent pzuuls, and as .~\ lmilnout. It is alm wry lar;:vl_\' c~xx:pl\n-cl lll llw manu- facture of sew-ml popular pmpriomry medu- --i nne A LARGE STOCK. BOTTOM PRICES, i DESIRE TO PLEASE, nus? ATTRACT AITINTION. on or sun-an-An. The manufacture of the oil of sasanfras is bwuiningnn important industry in mine sec- tions, and o. in lhe suuthorn states, ` who.-no (hit trw is common. Only the rnuu are used; thew um chupp-I up into small ` pi`(`t*.~` by a machine constructed for the pur- pmr. tliunil being then distillul from the aid tlierhips lhuuil I L\' a . .. .. I.. . .. L..;.. ..o I. .... l`...- .|iv"..u-nus ..- u BIKTIIKLIIB \(L|l\||lI3. l'l Ulll - `TIIUIVHI lI'lu( (IX view, says Jum-lur`s (.`in`uLLr, it must be udmittal that while machinery has vastly chmupened the cost of production. and at the same timo pn-served a good degree of accu- racy in the earntinl qualities of I timepiece`. the part the skillud wnwhmaker plays in the pex-farting of lino watches hm not and prob- ably cannot be lled by any lnhur saving dw rice. ' Both methods have prodlu-ed good re sults: tho one by affording I serviceable ar- ticle at I low price. and the other by ntt.-i.iii- - ing to a grade of excellence m-zu`i_v. if nut quite, couimensuratu with the higher pl'l(`t' a more expensive proves entail.-L .\lau`lIim- and Band Mule Wntrlnec. Tl}; Kw. rim] Inollml n muvlnino an-l lmu.l work lmn bull) nvn-ix`-~\.rrcut ilnpetus in Switzz-rl.-uul luring the past few _yexn~.~. Tl.1HU_'._'ll .-\mcricun vmlllwlltlnn [ms put the S\\`L\~ nu llu.-1r mvttlv and ulxligml them to introduce ixx1pn)\'oxmu1t< in all brzulcln-suf tho craft, tho.-rv .~:_ill wumiu two distinct. um-tlxmls of xnauufuclurv. The French speak- ing population am generally buuuol to the 'lmud systonn. and all their plvgrum has been along the hm-of purfectilxg Hm watvlnmakcr, while. ma grval extent, the Amerlgan ma- ` chino S-_)`al(`lll has been adapted by1lu-(}ermau- spenking vxumnls. From 3 general point of rinur gun`: .lu\\'ulur`s Firnnlnr It lnuut ha lIl\ IKKI l'I_L;(IIlI-`Ia `Ill l|IIk,I!` Hanmt-I Full and um felt. .~il\-\\':1_\ s until tho lulu-cln wlgvuf the` plate. Thvn cs lnmo-m--nt, Inn at the xunv nrm qlI|\`H_\` und pus`: tha- 'l`lns nmwuuent WI (`nua- uul\\`u.rd.~; >0 that the mm 1 pint.-, axrl :1 .~n`unl quivk In nrnn ig l.:l ll.-n i. n.m..___m-\- I " . scnthtrtc GAME: or Bonzcnfwx. 1 The feat rmuired to be perforuwd ts" to taken exible stick ortwig in one`s h.-unl, and with it. to push the l:nln~<`lmn." min and all, out of the plate, without rt-nmvin;.: the ativk from it. It is nut llt`l`t"~Z\`ll`_\' that tho min shall rm-main in its plan`, but only that it shalln-at fall into tlw plutv. Thu purl- lum sot-Ins 1-.\'tn-Im~l_\' c-u.~'_\`, but in fact it will take nmuy trials l-urnro tlm tut-t-cln.un can In-puslml out of thu 1-lute withuut leaning the coin lvohtud. Pupnlau` Scioncu News, from '\\'nivl| um nunvxnl cut. is l`rpruIlllN'1l.lUll.s' how it can he dun--. Take llw twig in the hand and prvm` thu and down upnn the plate wastn lx-ml it intu an urcufucirrlo two illustration). Muvu it till the .~umutit of the arc tux`!-5 :u:nitL~t the nu-,:lo furtuwl by tlw .\lu\'c it .~lu\\'l_\' .~ilv\\`u_\'.~`ItIIttl l-ul-vcln-It H-:|:'ln-.~ the ~l;:a\nf Tlu-u vQntInn- Hm shlt` tho xuuv tmm I`SlL`II_Il the` .11.. ,...1.,|. .: ..._._... I Roll 11 piece `of annel into a cylimlrivnl form. do` itglltly together and mwit upon I a circular piivo of thick felt, as is illustrated ` `in Fig. I in the out. If properly made the Doll 0! annel will be suit enough ro hold a coin upon the top. Place the whole arrange- ment in as-oupplate and the game of bo- hechou is ready to be played. ' A hill Roqnnllon Known In I-`ranco II the Game` 0! liobvt-clmn, _uml L4-an Italy of Solution Than It Appeals. to Amnmn. , SUBJECTS or INTEREST '70 PRO cnassavg woman AND MEN. . .. ......u,, .-... ...... Iuvc . u... ... utv, mm m is El Hm! i.~ll1`(1'.\\\ill`)' I.- stvmmz AND Plwitla: PRINCE STEIN`. AMY! SYDENHAIZST I l`:lI','lll \ \ ml the` 'r*HE BRITISH WIfl(},'FRIDAY, -MARCH -3, I ~\ Ill]. l'n*ml 11- the H" the , -1 ..I. l E, It lI|\'|ug xallrlullulvu uuuu nun utt- IIII-ll government would dnnnnd Kldnb pun- hhmcat for his alleged evil` conduct. The New York World III! uttarod a valiant dd at Bkmarck, luring him that Klein wouldbopmtectd. and thrantanhg. lttho dunnd for the oorrqlollhwa punishment imputed. tonrpuponhhnthauaeadtyot df dn(onuo--in tho ling formula. Johnny, gltchor gun!" However. than scam to be no pmm now that (}c2".:x:.ay`s dcsand will be l I3 RIF "I0 III` ves hrtholr n-shtnnco. Hr. lelu duh |llthh.oleouruu.nndhurotumodIoAmcr- In. It Inn-`Ina hum nnnm-ml that an Dar- Ill HID. OK c0uru3,|uu Illa nsuuruuu IU tuna - lot. It having beonnunorcd that the Ger- man anon:-nmnnl-. would tlnlnnnll thin`; nun- John C. Klein. Herc-isnp.wrtr:1i`.of John C. Kit-in, the , American whu wont tn the Smnua islands some little timv ago to act M mrrosn nnvlunt for The San Fram-isco Exmuim-r and The New York World. It will be remem- bo.-rod that while he was onga-;od in his jUl|1'lIalla'li!` lnbon". he cunductetl him: an-1! in such a wny an to bring down upon his devoted head the charge that In man I'll` (`HE \\I"`.l. \-Illl. "_. : 1'1,-9 win also he Lr.n`z:.\'\\'nnTxI NTATUI. n bronan 1-um-I. showing mnw in:-idem in Grant`: life-, In _r<-liof. The r~t:m2c` will o<.~ cup} a triangular Int. with three grunt; entrance; IIICIICIIPJ puauluu. The casting will bodoue at the works rec:-ml_v es- tablished for such plll"p0N`R Clnmgo. esml wall of Rune from tho at Burro. \'t. It will be 7 foot square at the base and between 16 and ` [7 {mt high. The stntuq will be about 9 fat`! high. (tn the front of the [m1- (~.-tnl will [:3 tho -__.. .-.....A uI'_...A H lPlntl.Qllll1llndS!IlllK hlh Vlion unoothoIlnul.lnthoci::'."' c Jud`. 1-; III: I as n n as `u g . .