Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1889, p. 6

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-wvw --vvv-, -~----._., _--_..W_ 3 - 3"- n35T...' 5.u..""`.m uI'.' ':'.`."'..".3u'.'.' the oouort. at Oounmodloun Sample Room: hr Conlnafclll `hlnll v `rho udiuhlu In town. ONI DOLLAR PIIDAY. Inn (00.0 IICIIG pllll CUTU UUIIJ. Those who say that womm has no muse ` ] of humour have not boen clone observers. or ` they would hnve noticed that I moustache . tickles her. u\-_. n --:A 45... .........l n...o.... mmlmr n tickles ner. _ , 3 Yea, said the proud Boston mother. I Winthrop in doing well at college He- writes me that he is the comma. of his nine." ,' Comma !" Yea. I believe thst in what they call the short stop at Harvard." Than areal. muioritv oi nocailed cough the luucuons or elmcr atomncn or uver. The cornetist is A fellow who makes his way by blowing his own hoI n. In. `.`u`i'AvA nnt muntizv. he the test. of the system. Four young men of St. Peterahurg have laid I vugor that they will go to the Paris exhibition on horseback in seventy ve days. , each with B groom to look after his horn. I If nnn um nu-vnnn nr tlv-nnntinf trv Cnr- I W. J. n uwn, uruggu-1:. ; Lad Mnrgare t Sandhurst. 1| ~ In" _\ i electe county councillor for Brixlvl-. L. 1. | don, poueues ex traordinnry powers of mag notic healing. Ar. unn mnn Ininnrnhln hv Ynionntinn 1 "Julius \.a-ssr.' They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Carter : Little Liver l illa after eating: it. will relieve dyn- popain, aid digution, give tone And vigor to the system. |'1`mn- vmn-in man of .\'L Pemnhnru have nouc nenung. Are you made miserable by Indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh`: Vitalizer is A posi tive cure. W. J. Wilson. druggiat. ( Henry Irving. jr.. I non of the greut actor, : will muke his debut Wednesday, when the l youth: of Oxford university are going to do Julius (`zvsnr " TL-.. ....l... Ann `Anl an olnnunk Ii`: wnn urns, aomersen. Mora cues of sick headache, biliousness. constipation. can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, bi using Carter`: Little Liver Pills. than y my other means. _ . TI... ...... .. Inumutarl aha klnrnhinnnnn nf anu Amen. For Dyppepoia And Liver Complaint you have I printed qnnrantee on every bottle of Shiloh`: Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. W. J. Wilson, druggist. [adv Mnrunrnt Snndhurnt. Hr In"3\ I The CPQIQIIII of the Paper: Gnhorod For yho Whiz Readers. \ T_he Germpn emperor now h"u bin Berlin pslnce lighted by electricity. ' ~, Htnlonh mania corn ulvn nnru corn: and DIDIUH. Dill}. Ul U15. V1. II. I nlnnnlh. 'llKl` unto of Harvard Medical College, 25 your: practice In Boston, who may be consulted eon dentlally. Specialty: Diseases of Man. Of .1541 \`n A Dnlnnl. RD wild" oher ind hnfrehonnd. 25 An?!` 50 cents I bott e nt Wide : dru store. Secretary of riculture Co mm in I` puc- tioal hrmer, an bu for you`: oondqotod nn 3 ricultunl news r. `mm will vou pczlnrh when Shiloh : Cure VV. J. VVHBOII, dfllggllt. `V V _ ` ` Seven hundred New X ork Inerchhnta have mined a petition requesting that telephone cbnrgss be reduced to $6 per month. A nun` ininnonr (ran with nnnh hnttln nf W. J. vvmou, uru c. , - A man named Sasde has died in great I my from Iwallowing I Iugur cruahar w ilat drinking a glass of grog at Crew- ` korno, Somerset. ` Mn!-A mu-an nf mink hnArhu~.hn. hilinnnnt-an. other The queen invented the Marchioneaa of Duiferiu And Ava with the insignia of the third clue of the Roynl Order of Victoria and Albert. Ir..- l\...........-;.. -...l I in-.. (`A-.nl.no nnn pounce uguwu Dy e|ecu'Icu.y. Hanson`: magic corn salvo onru comb and buniona with three Application. 15c. per bqx :1: Wide : drug Icon. 1 `The cur of Rural: has `mmrn an fut thlt Dill IF VVIQOI Clllg ID070- `The our of Russia hnfgrown so fat thnt he; has becom alarmed at hln condition. Fun nn`nu|.- --`A .mI.I- 6..I-- oh- n:-....mA ll Ill! DBCOITIO IIBTIIIBU II [III COIIUIIIOIJ. For cough: And colds take the Diamond Cough Remedy, compound of elhqmpone. wild and hurehonnd. 95 And man. . I... - -5 ll]..A..l. `noun -5...- agncurruru newspaper. ` - Why will you cough when Shiloh : Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ctn.. 50 ct.e., end 81. W. J. Wilson. druugnt. Th. r-I\'rinHAn nnnun nf fkn `uh: I` nil aeconu ueugenanc Ill me army. l The Rev. Geo. H. Thayor. of Bourbon, I Ind.. any: : Both myulf and my wife owe our lives to Shiloh a Consumption cure. W. J. Wilson,' druggist. ` 'I`kIu-Cu afnht Inrli-n Iunun nkfnhuntl Olin oemg Americana, roles or nuuausuu. Shiloh : Cure will immediately relieve Crou , Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. W. . Wilson, druggilt. Rum-n hnmlrorl New \ nrk Irigrtilihlhh hive EXHAUSTED VITALll"_\[. ` cuar es be reduced to 30 per moutn. A anal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh : Cutarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. W. J. Wilson, dru `It. ` ' I A man nnmml Quin hu died in areal: cw, sun u. w. a. vvuwn. um us. The christian nnme of the late r. Bliss was Doctor Willard, his parents having |(i\`ILh_iln that name in grateful recognition of` their mily physician. ' Shiloh Cntzrrh Ratnadv-A nmuitiva cure y W. vvuaon, am. Hi; - Richmond .\1cAll;s,te$ Schoeld, non of the msjor-gonenl comhnn ding the nrrhy, has recently been Appomted by the presuicnt a. second lieugenant in the army. Tho Rnv`(`.a-n W Thnvnr, nf Rmlrhnn. . W. J. W IISOII, Ufllgglli. Thirty-eight ladies hawe obtained the doctorate in Paris, and eleven of them prac~ tics re ularly in their native city. the others being mericann, Poles or Russians. ` Shilnhh Cum will immedintelv or men` muy pnynlcum. Shiloh Catarrh Remedy-n positive cure or Camr h, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. = W. J. Wilson, druggiafn McAllister Schoeld. ahe THE TEA TABLE-H an ..u.uuv.uuu.a...'ah-with-I-I. --oh ,. _A-i W " ' l].J9IIlny uuxru IIII III- oulnrroxpouu I nut to n . lllytl. (`M-bacon. cvnnlllt. Colon. manu- Oonu Rlogund the lcuquiln Ooul. Pom y lino. Cabin was untried. Add!` either Pll IN) Wll I .. a Street. N.Y. `H108. 1\, urlnu Amanda. _ , Novel nnd.nnIurpns=od scenery. nnv cllmnlo obladum.lo.THpu oluhrndlng from two In Ml porn. ocean! two week: or Ionuen--a :|- nllyu-nnv a npiomuvnllubtoonany out A D uouuan uulnq nu-tn ht- ly. ldny dulrl III no- unuon. -gm.` n-_.|.-_-_- n-..-..lI|- l\.Ia- NI.--` deliceite digestion. None genuine wnthout the name IZDAHL stamped on each capsule. Whales dc by _ - A -1 . I R. u. Mcouwuui Princess-st. on.s. COLORS, " . . ARTISTS MATERIALS. wmoow cuss. AVARNISHES, ETC. CocKLi:*s ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. ..... ., .._.-.... -.-., ....-.- lwnou-`sane by mass &. s0Ns (Limited). Montrem. KlUh`R'LE:j|7|iN"KTEHEH semi l ggju. COCKLE S PILLS-Frec from Mercury. BELTING PLATE GLASS L. THAT awzs ..__J` V T > _ . "THE mm sswma mum: J I :0CKLE S P'lLLS--For Livet. .r.._ -.. -Lyman Montvrea/. :0CKLE S PILLS-For Indigestion. :OCKLE S PI LLS-Fpr_ Heartburn. :OCKLl:`.`S L~1.s-1nuseeigmy-sixyem. runs In morlou. am J . O. HGLLRIN BILTUG O0. IIITIEAL THE LIGHT RUNNING A{/ MONGENAIS, BOIVIN 8:. CO. ` no _ sou. Sill POI IHUSTIATEI GIIIGIIUII OF hemnamnn. Sciatica, Neural- gid,_(}atafrh,. Cuts, Bruises, Swel- ltngs, Scald Head, Colic, dyspep- sia, contraction of the muscles, lame back, diphtheria, sore throat, tender feet, coma, sti joints, etc. ' ' A. RAMBAY K SON, . nnnnnpngn HA8 MISCELLANEOUS. - _...._._ summna NEW MPAINTS Sold by Druggins everywhere. I ...`v..vn ; .Il\LII\ .v H. JONAS & U0. GnocEE' Oilifl-"S I ` 3 u`i~\.a>/ v a THE GREAT S'l`ANDAll.[) REMEDY for all weaknesses and Diseases of the Lungs. Impair- od Nutrition, etc. This oil is pure. fr:-sh. nearly tasteless, and there ore mostsulmble for delicate None nenuine Plavorixm-ixtracts FAVORITI. Tl-II LAD! II SUNDRIES AND TiEMeTMs' THAT; " A Simson s Liniment "Eu taken the`lead and is the best prepara-' tion over otfeeed to the people of'Ca.`mLda for tho RELIEF sud CURE of H For Distemper, in Horses, Enlarged Joints, and other diseases, incidental to these useful animals. it is unrivalled. BROWN `BROTHERS & 00.. BRISO(_) nomimut; ouwuo - ant`:-nun-I n l\l'|t\l| Simsons Liniment, N0riv'v`EiAN'%con T0 WEAK MEN IZDAHL Certicates are constahtly being received eing of the good work performed by` 7 _ POND LILY CREAM. LIVER OIL- oontn. :5. rlnnm. uuemn Pronriomr tor Osnudn. Cumxsrs; HALIIAX. N.S. Or the Liquor Habit. Ponliivel Cured 1) Ad- ministering Dr. nu Golden spool c. It can be given in a cup of ooifeo or tea lth out, the in mled o oi the person hiking ; in abnoiuvoly hum on and will enact a perma- nont and 3' euro. whether the patient is A moderate nlnkal or an nlooholic wnck. it has but given to thousands of Man And in every inaunoo A perfect cue bu followed. It amm- fails. The Iylwm onoo imp:-gut with the Bosnian. it. becomes an utter lm bilily tor Iho liquors petite to exist. For oircu nnd mu nan Add:-an GOLDIKBP [HO `use ONLY THE BRAND OF PURE Proprietoirs, Toronto. MEDICALITIEE i A (.8 urhtful Toilet Article. Not A tnco punt or powdendou not cover over. but cures. Used in connec- tion with Pond Lily Liver Peiiou. n nd Pond Lily Skin Soap. moat eifovluaily and itively rem oven mpieo. Freckles. Tun. Black Spelk. Blowhel allay: All ir- iintion alwr shaw- ng or any itchiness oh ankinh-om what ever cause and all roughness irom the hog, hnndmnock and .u..n.. ...b.n. and vnI~ vonllblllly for SIP mo III! II mung llll non: WlllI.00l'1lI'0& 3 no hu600 cord: on It now.--Lookwood hu 3 an |Ior.I0.-Ouizmnnooauorn, ynn. an v good .- 0 Sister : of (,)n|-ity. of Kl:gno: um hon nolicltlnn lld lor thnlr innt.ltntIon.-AlIAn amen or unnnuy. ox l\IlI'IIOI|. an Inn soliciting aid {or their inItltntion.-Allnn WDOQI III! WIOK Dy "II [OH OK I '0 I I10 wlllroonvor.-Mru. W. Blrd. dun oronuly lll lut west. lo rooovoring.-Mn. `Glen In on the nick llnc.--The too mootlmz in tho Pnnbytorlun clmroh_ nguud CHO. - Tu- mutlng in the town hall Io-night for the Engllnh church.--Wllllun Bird bought. I .400 piano ; if he gm lloonu this your .||a will build I hrge brick house on tne oorner ofliodfnrd and Mala ntnotn.-J. II. who- lu la lling hi: dock with .oot-dwood; he In{i'n"s{SF5IEZniEg.'"i`i.VFZAQEE Eiiii col-rid by A. . Mo0Inn| made-regular eon- nnnnnn with that K, & P. RR,. Llthnnnh fails. The Iyltom unprqnau; Bpoolo. lmpou Itnllquorn For cg oo."52`o':1 :t:%'a:'.a2L-E53. GCFTIX D, II`. I`. MERE!` 'IU'IFI' GE` noodonu with the K. & P. RR. although the snow drift: in place: were (mm 3 to 10 foot h` h. The B. & W. train loft hurt on the 18: um! did not return : she in bid up at AthonI.--J. McA}IIbm- was hurt In the wood: lut wool: by the full of 5 tree; he will rnnnvnr _Mrn 7 Rh-A tlnnnnnm-Iv Ipl'ln."-l\ CODCBTI Ill Clillllfciclllll WIIII III! Baptist church will be held here to-mor row. Delta talent will aaeiet.-I.iltle Charlie \\ allaoe receive: weekly several iuuee of the Elmira ielegvam and edit them.-Miu Pennett.Smith e Falls. in Vinit- ing Min Hart.--A large number of farmer: are in the village ~thie evening to attend a meeting of the farmere' inetitnto._ Prof. Saunders. of icultural fame. will deliver a lecture. T e Newborn Pastime etring band will be pteeent. ' WIIT PORT. Feb. `J5 -On the 22nd the uvomt storm of the season dolnyod the Brookvillo mail until sAt|Il`dA`OVIllII. The wutorn mnil caudal by A; Malina mnrInon-uInr1m- NISWBOIHL Feb. 26.-(:`reh-un & Foster, of Smith`: Fells. have opened I dry good: store here, endure doing nrunhin business. A trun- nieut treder`e license 0 $50 will be execced from them this weeli.-'l`he Newboro conn- cil have xed the tevern license At 8100 over and above Ill government duties, the number of tavern: to be three. Shop license will be dealt with At the next meet- ing of the council.-The assembly given by the pupil: of Prof. McUregor'| clue on the `Zmh Feb. IO! egreet -uooeu. Music was furnished by the Brockville orcheetn.-3. K. Breeee leaves for Syracuse, N.Y., next. Mnndey.-W. H. Sturgeon will erect ntore on his vecnnt lot on Drnmmond ureet this Ipring.--A concert in connection with the Rnntlnt. nhm-ah rill ho held ham humor I u-n - .-um-1. Fe.-l. `2.'n.-.\lujor `huh presented t.he young men's reading room with a donation ul 3.") anal also subscribed to A paper for its benet.--\'isitors: .\lrs. Helferty and fami- ly, Brew-r's Mills; \\'. Draper, Winnipeg. --.\liss Lilly Murmy is visiting in the city. - .\\'. llutt-in in erecting A handsome house. - R. lit-rry purchased a tine horselnst week. \\'. l;_)rl1L'8 is having his trotting horse trained for the coining racea.--The rozuls are much impro\'ed.-Tlw council met on Momlay. The auditors report took up lllnt. of the time. At the next meeting the roudnmuters and other leuer appointments will be m:ule.-'l'he Beaver club intend holding their last dance for the season on 'l'huratla.y evening.-A theatrical entertain ment by Mnjur and Mrs. Nah. assisted by Mr: Blair. of R.M.C., and a few other friends, for St. Mark`: church, will be held in the liurrioeld town hall on Wednesday cveuing.--Quite I number from uereabouta attended the imperial federntion meeting on Saturday in Kingtton. ha I pan: aaa xx.. Feb. `_`7.-'l'ho snow is too deep in the woods for farmers` work ; roads almost im- pa.aaible.-4No ice harvested here yet.-A large amount of timber. tanbnrk, and cord- wood is being piled in the yard at the station.-The Methodist revival in meeting with success; several new converta.-The bible class is well attended by young pe0ple.--Uyrua Hawley, who died on the l8th, aged 92. was one of the first settlers in this section, and grew up with the lace. accumulating considerable wealth. e was a devout Christian and a memberof the Metliodiat church. His funeral was larwely attended.-A wedding took p :0 on Wed- nesday, the 20th, of Mr. (- rdon Wazar to Miss Hvaleua l arlsu. Many guults at- tended the ceremony at the Metliodiat church at seven o'clock in the morning. Lumrgcvnue; Mr. auu mru. nuev, punu unout, N.\'.-'l he death is lamented of Mr. Isaac Raiuouv, one the oldest and most re- spected residents here, aged 86 yeara.~-()ur school is progressing under the manage- ment of Miss Lutloor, \ mumA. Feb. 26.-'l'he shed belon ing to H. P. Abrams is again cmnpleied al but the shin- es.--Ths revival carried on by the Free ethodist ministers is we -esaful. They are reviving Old Time Metho ism such as was in the time of John Wesley, and any one joining their ranks must come out plain and put oifthe weariu of gold or silver or cost- ly apparel.--.\irs. lrayncr is cunvalescent. -Mr. Hunter is quite smart again.--Divi- sinn court here uu March 7th.-R.umour says things look like a wedding. n I, urn vv n\n.u\/:4. Feb. `26.-R. Barre has moved to the other side.-\\'illiam Hainford, returned from Michigan. reports lull times in the lumber busiuess.-Uur debating school poorly nttcmled, owing to bal weL_nher.- Robt. Michca is sick with inammation of the lungs. -1 . T. Pltteraon intends lnoving to the farm in the spring he purchased from 1'. BeuueLt..-Visil'.ors: Charla: Smith. of lmfurguville; Mr. and Mrs. Rilev, Uhau mnm N \',-'l'|m death in lamented of Mr. GATHERED BY OUR CORRESPOND- ENT5 IN THE VlLL_AGES.` Suns:-lug from tho ebcts of youthful an-on. our does: wssdn weakness. loss of mu: h . sun. I will an I vslnsblo u-estlno (sod- sdi tuning full pnrtlcnlsrsxfor homo curs. l` I ole . A splsodld odlosl work: should he ran by every mu: V min nervous sad debilitated. Add PROD`. F. C. FOWLI . MOODUB Conn. ODESSA. Feb. 27.-~Androw Wycott has secured the station mail contract for $240, commenc- ing April lst.--Council met on Monday.-- James Sproule, Westbrook, is hauling No. 1 pine logs to mill.-Magistrate8 court on Manda .-()desaa orchestra en aged for Methot ist church, Odessa, Marc 6th; St. John's town hall, Bath, March 8th.-Chec- kers all the 0. --Roads heavy but passable. -Howling ogs disturb the stilly night. KINGSTON MILLS. February 25.-Pat.rick Blake is having stone drawn to Rideau station tq be shippe to Montreal. He intends to ship `200 tons by G. T. R. this wiuter.-John Hughes, miller, is doing a ourishing business.-Se- veral Kingstoniuus (on snowshoes) passed here on Saturday on I cold trump.-Dona.ld Graham is working on the G. T. R. -Service `was held in (juaheudall church on Sunday, Father Carey oiciatiug. NEWS `or THE DISTRICT. Feb._27.~-Mr.~ PEEK !-.-!11l.tl nu recovereu from it: rcent illnaa.-'l`he nilroad tie: being laid from Joydeville to Kingston are supposed to be for the new Kin aton & Smith : Fall: rnilrond.--MrI. Ju. $onsld~ son has aoid a, ne Gluelg colt to American. buyers fpr8l25.-Visitora : Mini E. Allen. Barrieeld ;Misa Lottie Joyce. Kingtton ; J. Miltqn, Barrieeld ; H. Milne, Dakota. ` ` 1 Interesting to Verv Ihmy Fnmlleo Who Have Moved to the City Audio M1513 More Who uavo Friend: In Then. BlIIMlNGliAM- " Feb. 27.--Mr.~ Paweehild bu rovered ....... u- ...'...-... :n...a.. _'l`Im `riilmnd Lie: Plncol. `Vrmz BRITISH WHIG. `FRIDAY. !&{`AA1'.',I {(.3H 1. CBIIQ IIU-'. -IZI . Sun. I JTI-I" `Inc at ' van`: Oiunon " n. .....---- ohnunucr and I ooo'uu ` gun ` 3 no out but I 113:. loan A`bI.. vhkulonoun. . Pllool Plloo ltollng PIIC. ...;'i.`.!'``"`...... `;".`. `.'.``.s':.` """" "".`._3.."f.`.:`..".:'.'.'.i 3.2? ""'"..":'."' a`.'39..m Jm... no ! u. .4? ll: hub . will cutan- novu uaotunon. A or In : I I. Dr nun. 0 . `:35. lounge. vholuun Icons III, IIIIIIUI. IIUCI lulu urn. Iouvln them beautifully white and vel- vety. Bold $:holeulo dealer: and drug in: everywhere nd Lily Cream. 25 cent: ; ond Lily Liver Pelloub oontr Pond Lily Skin Soap. 16 B. Ixnnm. Chemist, M|nufuc- nr ' I'IG!I_lIII `I0l'III"- ' J Mn. Honfy M: Kitchen, 8:. Goorgo. ` 0nt.. toys: "I hnd I had cold which I- tlod in my throat. canning I continual tick- ling. nud I `am coughed all the time. I not "now: `I I-`neutral Rnlnnmjndin th nugymu-I rveooru nuumnncan turn an `no getting hotter, And In ten day: I wont to church. Our nolghbon know this to In two. vu wan..- .v. cu-cu vIAna\Il vu rozzu of toothin its ulna I; I: uliovol the ch d from pnintkourcl dyuu. to ddhrr III ho d uirnyrlfrnlitz Rgirniughlfnglth in (::l:lTlI:d wry um CllIl'l'!KlI,gl'IpIlI In use nowou,u:u wind-colic. By gi hallh mo tho child it run the mother. rloo Mo I bottle. Advice 10 Ioulorl. lln. Window : Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren teething, in the proscrl 0! one ol the but found! nuns and p yolohnl in the United States, And has been and for forty van with naval-Jgllinn mum... in mllllnnn UIIIIQU Iuldlllil: DOIII m"l0I' HIT`, your: 1 t novor- Iuoouu million: or mother: {or their o dun, Du -mo green: II lncdcu blo a -.H--.. 6|`- AL 4| O-nu... _.I_ ....... An... CIUIIUI. In`! Uluer TI IIVIIJ IIOIII [0 build up and nnItnin- ife. It in Vhnu the eyetem grown ulugginh. when the elfete and deed pnrticlel, are not eliminated and re- main to clog lilo`: channels. that Hamilton`: Pills of Mandrake end Butternut render grentaet service. They cleenu the nyltem. restore the liver to A healthy Iction, oorreot morbid Iecretione, renew the epringe of life by making di tion more perfect. end proved by use t e moet perfect {ennlly inedi- cine in existence. Accept no Inhetitute for lzlemiltonh Pills oi Mnndreke end Butter- nut. At drugginu end denlen in medicine. urQ'NU`lIl|KIl'lK lfUI4'IUIIIlI"IUUlu UII A`II|I UIIWCL --'l'hc farming implements of W. l urdy were sold by quctlon lust weolr.-Almon \\'nod is going to Minnesota with I prospect of moving there.-J. Sloan in having hil phosphate conveyed to Kiugston.--Mr. Hib- luni, after months of tunnelling, has found nlnrge lead of phospbnte.-Mn. U. Rut.- ledge is dangerously ill. The other nick folk are recovorinq.-l)avid Brown, of Min- eraville, hu moved to this plnce.-Sumuel 'I`ruacott's eldest son has I levers and dan- gerouu affection of the knee. It in thought. unfutatiun will be noceuury.-Dnvid Weir on Richnrd Luvlor Are conducting the ublic Ichool to the utiufaction of all.- 'initorn thin week : Poul Powell uad J. Sloan, Kingston. The Blending of Lite. And deuh in one 0! the mysterious func- tion: of the human or snlnm. They no cnununtly hutling two nvul element: ; the one throwing 08' Int And 063% matur- Annh Hm ml.-. on nnnnlu Iiuln- nlnnnn In ODE IHTOWIIIK OII WXIQ nuu UIIHUC III.`-IUI'- death. the other tom ply living atoms to nvnunm crown nlumrinll whnn (In 1:53}; and THE S('li~J.\'(.`iC (`F l.iF`F.'.. the Great ML-dicnl Work of the age. on .\lnnhood. Norv. ous and Pliysical llcbilily. Prcnmiure Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries consequeul Lheroon - ` i 300 pages 8 vo.. 12.5 prescriptions for nl diseases. CloLh. full gilt. only Si. by mail, sealed. Illus- trative sumplo free to all young and middle Aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewulleti Medal awarded to the nu hor by the National Medical Association. Address 3 . 0. Box 1895, Boston. Mum. or UK. W. H. PARKER. grad- Ionic` Al ll..u-nun-4| Ilnlnnl I`nI|nrrn `Ni nann- DI our IIUICIS WI! IIUITII [U DI] -`VU(IU I'll`? ` D - u the Scott act anyway." The remark ` did not say much for the thirsty strangers, but the prm-ncntion for it spoke vulumen for mine host." A drunken man in I rare sight on our streets. or I nober one either for that matter. Alina Martin has opened I dressmaking est.-nhlnshnmeut on Mill street. __'l`h. fnrminu imnla-mun}: nf \\-' Purdv .NYDENllAM. Feb. 26.-At the division court here next Monday Adolphun Kennedy. of Ynrlrer, in going to indulge in A little tilt It law with one of our villasgors. A very fascinating putimo he will nd it. Judge Price will dinpeuu tho zstfy.--Powell'I photograph gallery was re opened to day.--Three weeks nf -nmvinl mmafinon umrn N-umvlmind hut gallery WK ['6 OPOIICG ID uay.--1nree WOBII of special meetings were concluded last night ; they were not very successful. Rev. J. I-`owkes, Harrowsmith, preached in very acceptable sermon last 'Ihursday night. l)adly" Medcalfe. a local preacher and ; veteran of eighty years. was the leading spirit in the service of sona.-Tho Scott at is well ()i)scr\'ei here. Last Sabbath two thirsty looking strnngers emerging from one of our hotels was heard to say noo row H n thn \'.-nn not Anuwnv "' Tim rt-marl: IIATTEIKSEA. Feb. 25.-On the 23rd inst., a meeting of the shareholders of the Bat-tersen cheese factory was owing to bad weather-and roads onlv half attended. 'Ilhe meeting adjourned without business until the following Mon~ day night. when more attended. Mr. Anglin read an agreement used by the shareholders in running other factories, and. it was unanimously agreed to adopt a simi lar plan. .A committee of `management of seven were elected by ballot. and two audi- tore appointed to look after the books. The charge for making the cheese was xed at lgc. per lb. A\\'hile Jno. L. Sears was driving a young colt lately. it shied, up- setting the rig and throwing him out, in- juring his shoulder.-0ur stage drivers, Ferguson and Arthur, deserve praise for their pluck during the stormy weather. They made their regular trips to the city. although some days the weather was severe- ly cold or a blinding snow sturm prevailing, end the roads so blockaded that the fences were not always discernible.-R. Bosl, lately taken with severe inammation. is out of danger.-(. Redpath. late tenant of H. \'anluven s farm, has moved to the farm of Wm. Gibson, which he has rented.-\V. Dixon has moved to Vanlu\'en's farm. and will work it on shares.~l.d. Lake has the contrsct for building the new school house J15 8560, to be cumpieted by July 15th. The trustees of the section held a meeting and decided to raise the money still needed by debentures to be paid 06" in three yeara.-- David Sleeth is extensively engaged in matting nut man lmn and nnrcl wom`l.-A IIIVIU DICCID I3 CX[euIIVBIy Ill gettiu out saw logs and cord wood.-A horse Iougingto Mr. Bnnnett, lhermnn. dropped dead recently. on. u - - . -. -gaining. Gurdnn,` hmd mm Michis-n - _ t A;t.hu .`a'i'.."u.A <`i5 .""x.`i5ua'a'...7. or m Zrepoiu a..u r~ Benunt a- e`oick_ list, in TIL` In on...` ... Feb. 27.-A pleasant evening was 3 nt at W. lzswthornm last Wednepduy y a number of young fo|ka.--`John A`. Me-' Mahon meta levere loss on Mondny nbout 12 dclocli by his house and most of the content: being burnt. The re otnrted sp- atairu and got.-rnuch I start that nothing could bouvod. ubove. Molt of the furni- ture mud household good! were not out below by willing hsndu. How that fire ...i..an.mI i. am. known: lou about 8300 ; cure Iuu uuulemuu 5`-vu-. -H..- ,.-- -..- the: ori hated in not known: about no nauI`Ince.-J. H. Shibloy. agent K. & u n n... ....:.... nnant Sundnv here.- R. H. Graham and J. A. bnarlwn saw a deer near the station and having no re srms started in pursuit with clubs. Owing to the depth of the snow and crust they overhauled in after I hsrd chase but it dis- played a ne set of horns so vicious! ` that the boys had, to retreat ; the deer ii to the w`oods.-Wi|liam Ashley, agent, Colebrook, `was driving from Shsrbot Lskn to this plnce, his horse ran away. Erecipitsting him intd an abyss. The dept of snow saved him from serious injuries. DRUNKENNEE lnauI`Ince.--J. H. ammoy. agony n. on P. R... 050 umiou, spent Sundny Boyd Smith i doing 5 large buaineu in lum- bering. He expects to l'lll1'lliI ateafn mill twenty hour: 3 day next neuon.-Mrn. 1 A n.........u .-..nv ill for a. month. i; hours day next. aeuou.~--mru. ]. A.~Dormott, very ill for 0. month, slowly rocovm-in'g.--Richard Spsrka, while rolling al to n uwing. machine recently, 30% his leg rokeu by another lo rblling own behind him.-I`he ice on. t. e lakes being in had shape is delaying the drawing of wood and other timber to the railway.- H. Graham and J. A. Charlton saw a .2--- ........ .1... ..n..9:nn nnrl Iinvinn no fire lean-5. Holy. Italy. Illa Tm-tuna, Lg d--I` gggllngnn Al 'h'lA'I (Hangout I] III III] Illl. CI|lIuI' I NIIIIIIUII HUI` :3. I t Bu: 5 Pbeoonnl Bnlulmudin than III in cutting hnnnr And In Inn dgvn I .. I Ilcklgng Torture. __ ll Iri.,L.,, n TICII B(DR.\'E. A ' "` "` Ivanh- line. I Alain You. R _Not.hln to 02:19] Dyer : Jolly" ol Cucum- borud In I` cluwxd lands. Trylt. Drunken keep it. . A. Dyer I Co. llontrul. . A ought.-ol-hand pol-!ormnnoo-Rojoctlng I nltor. l utnnm'e OOPII in radar I In the beet remedy {or corn: extent. It can quickly, make no more spot: and ef- leete I ndioel cure. A hundted lmlutionl pave he nlee. Tale neither euhetitutee u pod nor the oldee llnlhdone M the gun. he too often oered. .\ Unlocks nil the clogged avenues of the Bow ell. Kidneys and Li ver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system. nil the impuri- ties and foul humours of the secretions ; at the same time correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Biiiousness, Dyspelihl. Headaches. Dizziness. Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. Drops) . Dimncss of Vision. Jnundice Suit Rheum. Erysipeiss. Scrofuln. Fluuering of the Heart. .\'urvnusnuss and General Dubiiity. All those And many other similar complaints mid to the hnppy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD Bi'l"l`ERS. T. MlLBURN&Co. A mun who doom`: like music up that the moat planing nrtllt he ever hand I'M ;;.ou_n ygmu: wlgo wu ukofl to ting sud lugno met. In nnnuu Iuuon ycuuruny u I Wuhlngton. with Uononl Jon Whaler, of Alubunn, pruldin . A ow mutton were disposed of. van oommlttou on r- muont or uaiution were nppolntod.1u ter which the aqua udjournod. | A UIIIIII aruluu. "I on oortity to tho rut uufulnou of K ll`d'I Yellow Oil. \ 0 an it (or burn. "bra , outu, sons. rhoumdunmmoro throat, crou , otc.. And recommend it to nil in an axon lent remedy." T. W. Apploby, Wing- nm. Out. All medicine donlon all Yellow A l'0l`0")IO Ines. Constipation in the most frequent cause of headaches, bud ` blood. hmnon, diulneu. vertigo, etc., and because 0! this Ihould ` novor be allowed to exist. It may be roodll ` cured by using Burdock Blood Button-I.whic navor fails to cure oven the most obntlputo and chronic ones. I Tho American chipping and indluu-lull lugno met in annual union yaurdny at Wnhlnafnn. -ma Ucncnl Jonah Wheeler. . An Apt Quotation ' From 5 letter by Mre. Sullivan. I24 Went. } Ave, Hamilton. nye: After trying :1 number of medicine: for liver com him. I from which I suffered for yeere, I ught. i \ two bottle: of Burdock Blood Bitten end | found it e complete cure. My house in never without it." by blowing ms norn. \ Let quality, not. quantity, he the 3 medicine. Aver : Saruparilla in the con I centrated extucl of the been And purest. in- gredienu.;Medical men everywhere re- commend it u the unrest and moat `[ economical blood medicine. in the merket. ) - e------ \ they call the worn stop It narvaru. The great majority of nocalled cough cures do little more than impair the cliges \ tlve functions and create bile. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, on the contrary. while it cure: the cough. does not interfere with the functions of either atomnch or liver. TL- ..,.-....4l..r I- - `n"n||' uykn molten Mia When baby was sick. we gnvo horjcuwrln," ` When she was; child. she cried for Cum:-in. When she boouno M100, tho ung_t.2_Cutria. ` 3.aHo gave them C5300:-In" ` eucn with :0 I001 uwr nu nurse. If on IN nervoul or dyspeptic try Cur- | tor : ittle Nerve Pills. Dynpepoin makes: you nervouu, md nervousness mnkeo you I dyspeptic: either one reader: you minernble, and these liitle pills cure both. l`Im.n I/hn mu": that nmmua hu no uuvuunu; . uyvunnu; . 1100. No. I Bulnoh St.

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