In. W. `I . li""_`-V at Mothodla cnun31uo3v7o"1'.`: os?'; on "1: mo. . Hum . an on m o and lnIlul"l.l ntuunu Ordol-I90 at Mann. Cu-oyh 0* nndownub lush storawmroqduuumntuuntlou. IIUW IX"! KUVUCI1 miuiono inquiry. Ut`I`.'(lC(l In CBCIPIHK. Hie former companion : had hardly been taken away before Pigott bobbed up again. He was terribly enraged at the way they had been treated by the government. and talked loudly and furiously about war and bloodshed an formerly. but the people were shy of him. and hie haranguea were mostly addreeeed to ominously eilent audiencee. The hunt after the men engaged in the councils of the confederation was vigorouely proaecuted. and there was a scramble among them to get out of the country. The peo- ple were awed by the prompt conviction and terribly eevere sentence of the three men who were captured. This emboldened` Pigott to appear again in Dublin and try once more to lead lrieh patriot: into trou- ble. For a time he was recognized ae an agent of the English government. whoee plan wae to betray men into expreeeione of Ill will againet the government and to organize them for the purpoee of reeieting it, and then to deliver them it to the prleon and the gallows. Hie life mi; t have been in jeopardy in othercircumltanoee. but as it wae he wee feared as much an hated, and lived to ngxe in the Dlote which are now being reveal before the Parnell oom- laainnhoaaa A innnipu (HIE H0 HHIIK IIIVQ DC""yu `Mm. The result of this nttgrnpt In ermine and arm the peasantry of hd it well known. Scercely A month had passed before O'Donn- ghuc. Mengher. and O'Brien were erreeted and lodged in prison. Piqott hnd mysteri- ously disappeared. It We: rumoured thet etforte were being made to arrest him, but when at last he reappeared he won permitted to strut around unmolested. l`he three prisoners were hurriedty trie-l and promptly convicted. They were sentenced to be hanged, drawn. end qunrbered. The sen- tence aroused widespread indi union. and Minister Buchanan vigorous y proteeted against its execution. He said it would shock the sentiment of the civilized world. In lpite of an apparently eurueet ght on the part of the prosecution Against clemency the sentence wu commuwd to transporte- tinu to Van Diemen a Land. The men were token there, but all of them eventually euc- ceeded in escaping. Hi: fnrnmr vnmnnninm: luml hm-Jlu luum ILLCIIIPI IIU TIIII: Lu!` }ICnnIluI.I y Ul upperary to insurrection. Pignt: grew hyetericelly happy over thin, and lemended the: he be assigned to 3 post of danger and difficulty... The council sent Richard U'Gormen,'l`homaa Francis Meagher. and Morris Leyne. e ne phew of Daniel O'Connell. to different cities. John Lawless. a solicitor : Patrick U'Dono- ghue, Col 0'-Byrne and Pi on were station- ed in the conntiee of Wibk ow and Kildere. They were to meet and arnnge for a divi- sion of their work. All were on hand at the appointed time except Pigott. After a drearv wait it became evident that Pigou would not appear, and 0'Donogl:ue declared that he must have betrayed them. The result of thin atnjnt m orange and CUIIIU ICCUUIPIIIH LIN? Clllll (IOSITBU. It won I! much due to Pigott`c inamma- tory speeches as to any other consideration that, at the convention in l)'()lier street in Dublin in July, I843`, it was resolved to nttempt to nine the peumtry of Pippernry insurrection. } iLvntI urew huts-rimllu LII '-`ICU lull `V IIIIIIII \`llIIl-II U Drlen. Pigott was A prominent ti re in the meet ings of the council, and tail ed I great desl About the necessity of bloodshed And other terrible thin s. It was ditlicult. to calm him after one of his outbursts. and he acted as though he wsE`f6 go-Filll. out md whip England himself. He oouliln t bear to hear I suggestion of peaceful measures, and pro- tested Again and again that bloodshed alone could accomplish the ends desired. It wt: LI murh clue to Pinon`: innmmn. IIIIUI} - ' Among the men in this city who knew Pi tt well at this time in Colonel John 0` yrne. He describes the Plgott of that day as a talented, smooth-talking young man with pleasant and persuasive manners. Hie fatherepuaition gained for him ndmiq~ nion into the beat circ-lei, where his rampant talks against the foe: of Ireland made him appeah to be a man willing to sacrice everything for the sake ofhis country. He was on friendly terms with is number of the` men interested in the young Ireland arty, and when the party separated in I84 and the moral force party Wu organized in its `stead Pigott became vgiominent. in the councils of the latter. 9 was one ofthe 21 delegatea to the council of the Irish confederation. Among the others were Judge U`Gorman. ('h\rlee Gavan Duffy, Thomas Francis Mmgher, Thomas D'Arcy M :Gee and William \`niith0'Brien. The 'lhunderor Kaitlin That It Wu lun- poeed Upon-lt Had No Direct Dealing: With l lgntt-'l`hought the Parnell Let- ter: were Genuine Until the Expouun or `their Forgery CIIIIO. Nnw Y~ouK. Fqh. 2S.-'I`he early exploits of Hit-herd Pigott. the Vendor and confound lorger of the fnmoua Parnell letters. form on interesting chapter in the story of his career. In youth he was I. merry. careleie fellow, drifting about the city of Dublin, W intent upon pleasure and excitement. His father was chief lmrun of the exchequcr and was one of the tire; Catholic judges Ireland hand. The younger Pigott was educated in Cleugowel college with I number of en- thueioetio young Irilhmen. V whom he deserted in the hour of peril ii few years later. 1- LL:- -1... _L_ L,,____ `IT'S LAME ENOUGH AND NOT AT \ ALL GUSHING. `AN Al 0L()GY Is GIVEN. DRESS CUTTINGTAUGHT. lllI'|I\l\IVlII\ n---u-an-\ 4... A..- 2' C $l'u 3| -lIo Du IENICK WK III- killed at Icon vhllo phyl under the uvud Ibo bout. A pious cl mm About IN pound: HI. with; but kllllng bar Instantly. _ ---1-u U1 uuuu-3 JUI- Wannowu. run. -1 Iv; our old dnghtu-dlrmndlln. C,Do ck Ina klllnd At noon -hlln ah-Inn n-Ann elm nay Ind . rm-nan: `huh. Lonoon. fob. .-LIr. Glad-tom and Ir. (llumhrldu land A: nluud oqnvor nun In the loan at cannons Int owing. In view ol Iholr neatly Itnhd hohotollholr In I :...............-.-.-.~.::.-- -W untqlltolnpuu over w (I10 III 0! trance o! In: umlury of Antwerp, vidod that, Ivlshln two you-I ot the d 0'! Mn. Uoplo . the oorponu nun ct aid institution changed to "flu Copley nom- lnrv. lupin Ooplorn Wlll. A.\'-rwnr. Feb. 2a.--no Wm of the late Eugene Coploghu boon made public, To hln mother. l'I. Lucy Townlund, ho ho- quealu Il0.(X)0; an an of the ruldno ol hla res! and nuns! unto In left to his wife. A! hor oath ch: bnlsnoo ol the entire oohtqhtobopald our In the lard o! nuns: nl Ivan nnmlnu-I of Antigua non. OT. UIUHII` U!-g I"0q Ia.--Ill`. 111(- ginu. ilfurod in tho rnllwn Iocidollt Int night, ied thinnornlng st o'clook. Min Andrcwl and Min Ilobood on in l critlool condition. The bodies have I" boon sent to their homes. In moot ones tho friend: of the injund Inn arrived and on giving thou: ovory ottondon. The ooronu open the toque this morninf. Tho evidence so furrow to show that I In: pnuly acci- dental and oould not have boon prevented. (Full Putlouhru on Page LI A Netnrelleed Ainerleen Cltleen Feele the Inn Ilnnd at the Cur. Biurx:r.Pon'|', Conn, Fob. 28.-Word he: been rt-wived from M re. Hermen Kemp inski conrming e recent report thet her hnebend he: been srreetei in Ru:-eie end sentenced to beniehment to Siberie for tree- eoneble utoerenoee egeinel. the Ruseien gov- ernment end eveding the militery service r uired. r. Kempinski cum to this country when 17 yeers of ego. end in [873 ceme to this city. Ten yeere leter he beoerne e neturei- ized citizen of the United Stetes. He wes euooeeeinl in bueineee end leet summer re- turned to hie netive lend with hie wife. Soon eirer hie errivei there he wee errested end thrown into rieon. His wife hee epent meet of their sev ngs In trying to procure hie rt-leeee. but to no e'e-t. end she hen ep- lied to friends in this city tor suietenoe. Eleoonneei wiilley the metter before the euthoritics in Weehington. punungu, rur I.uUU Ialut-. The nix dsya o-upleue race at San Frnncilco wu woniy Frank Hnrt.(.-oloured.) with 526 miles; Moore, mound, with 525 mile: uni two laps. The gate receipts. amounted 826.000, of which Hurt will get 60 per cent. and Moore 40 per cent. puroxa `In no on on [W0 or ma nngen. Ike Veir, Boston. and Frank Murphy, of England. featherweighta, have arranged a new match for the championship of the world, Much 15 and 20, 250 miles out of Chicngo, for SI .000 aside. 'I`hQ nix dawn 41.1.1: nlnn-n rnnn At. San ` mm vvuom no mm been uvmg. David Burkey. 11 earn old, Wooster, Ohio, was bitven by: 0;: eight year: ago. And in not dying of hydrophobil. In I pnroxa `nu he bit 08` two of his tingen. Ike Veir. Rnatnn. and Frank Mm-nhv nf Ion. N0 mom durable or well-tuned instrument in Canada than lheu. M. WEBER Ul`luuH l`. Modomle in price and unoxcelled by any Cana- dinn Instrument Dlll II III I CTIIIICII CHDUICIOII. John J. Daugherty. assistant cnhier of the American Express company, St. Paul, Minn.. was shot dud yeatenlny _by I wo`ma.n with whom ha bud been living. Dnvid Burkev. ll vann nld, \\' A 'I'Ol'b}O Accident. S1`. Growl. Ont. Fob. 98.-Ill'I. Hig- Iinn. Ininmll In lhn rnuni nnnhlg-:6 has IIIU UllDIIl$llUI'o Welter. Went Superior. Minn.. want: bed by: muted ml who onurodu her dress making room tnrongh 3 window. She is in u critical condition. Jnhn I ]\n.-uh...-bu -...:..s....u ..--L:.... -1` IUULIIII I-In.lIy. A project in on foot tofbuy 5 house in Ulnar Don Linden for I Bisunrck museum. for the reception of objects associated with the chsnoellor. ll-....&. l\J-Is-.. uy... o.._-_:-_ 11:-.. an uuuu. ather Clarke. Dublin, has been arrutea in county Wicklow, for making Ipeecheu tcnding to excite the people to commit un- lawful acts. r.~.~:.- 1:..- _.__...-- 1.-.... u_.._ A-.. n,_I :_-__ III'IuI ICII. Fifty live person: have thus far died from the mysterious disease which in raging at Dixon. Kentucky. Almost every one result: fatally. A nroiect in nn font tnlhnv : house in lclin believed that an Italian murder: aocietv is opernting at Albany and tlnt neveralpersom hsve been killed It its in- ski ntion. ,1 LL..- l`I-_L.. I \..LI:_ I.-- LA-.. -___.__._JI IIIIUU IIUIVIIV tor Xlllllg 0Ie0[nlrR`rln(.'. President Cleveland feel: relief in view ( his release from the cares end Inxioties c otlice. I; :_ l.-l:-.._.I AL.. ._ 1.,I: ,_ _,,,, I Tho Sploo II! the Morning Papers And the Very Latent Tolegnmn. Sir (`hnrlea Tuppcr is mentioned A: mini- ster to Wuhinqton. nun: IHIIHI Run-unn trnnnn nu-n m`..-...l Ul.I lll tllglll ITOIIIICT. Eleven produce merchants in Pittaburg ned heavily for selling oleomnrgurine. President (flnvulnnd foal: mliuf in view nt 1 PIANO REPAIRS of all kind: on Upriirhta and squares executed at the Wnbor Fuvtory. oomer of Princess and (Jordon alroem, Kings- No durable vn.-ll-lam,-d instrument In (lnnmln than lhn. M. WEBER lIl`RlHll'l`. INK" (U `V IIIIIIIKTKIIL Some |8,000 Russian troops are mused on the Afghan frontier. Eleven nrmlnna mllrnlnantn in Pinnlmrn Mo-uuxo From Canada. UTTAWA, Feb. 28.-The senator: and Irish members of parliament. on both sides of the houses. and many French Canadian members ` deapfbched two telegrams to Parnell, con- gratulating him on the collapse of the Tina:-4' alleged conspiracy. The French Canadian address in as follows: French Canadian members of parliament join Irish Canadians in congratulating you on your great victory." IUU TU IIULCI. PA ms. Fab. 28.--A retired English officer was mintaked for Pigott and arrested hut evening. r.uu.~4, l igu't is in sou re hotel. I). .. I 'I`utrlok Egan And Ills Exposure.` v LlN(?0l.!\', N,eb., Feb. 28.-Patrick Egan ` has made public A number of letters on which Pigott founded the forgeries he sold to the London Timex. They show that the forger used slightly altered dates of perfect- ly liibcnt letters, transposed the liniii and tilled it out with words traced from other letters. UIIIJIIIUU lrulll fl II: The Daily awn" says: If wnythimv could Add totho degradation of the `Timon uvownl it would he the term: in which Sir Richard '\Vebau!r_ made his aocalled apo- _luy. For the cedlt of the bar Sir Richord `ought to huve refused to connect himself with such an ignobla composition. If the bar cannot express its opinion of such be~ Imviour pnrliument must be invited code so promptly, ' committed. end for them the penalty must be pnid. It munt be clenrly understood that ] whet we have done is eltogetber upon on own motion and our reeponeibility.' and in the public interest clone. Thie withdrawal. of course, refers excluejlelv to the letters obtained from Pl tt." '|`|.- un..:|.. .4... ........ u.-......:.:..- BAN ISHED T O SIBERIA. llllod by rum. loo. .-..-.. .L In I|1|.-A_ THE PITH OF THE NEWS- ALL KINDS OF HAN K and ()t|1'o Hubbu- Blamgsklmboro. Seals. |Cm.. supplied by Baux- NAN', mnuufacturors. Bongo: 81.. Kingston. Ont. Plgott Still In Hldlll. Feb. `28.--It is thought that u in Paris he is lodging at an ol el. -v vi--I -Own IIII SI-Ila Pun; rm aa.-n. coma nun bu hclnohd Oonntblllou tultvhh thoCon- ml oouorvndvu oommlttoo, than opal] oxpoIdI(bI|%'%. IIOI ruluu. unul no not Into all` ulnar. nlnmhn. thnnnnlnnnpnnld Input. that of what Pnnoll haw. Had Egan IIOIIIIIIE. IIIO QIIIIIHX WOIIU DIVE ban 3 "1130!" do and the ml: of Panel and tho homo puny. ooot not modo t|.o.dboo . tho truth of the lonon could llovo any boon douiod, but their loloohood could novor hon boon do- noun-nod. Tho qituotjoo would hove bun: Timon vlnlnn and u rnln nl nuguu uanpuuuu IA boron Io uuuy and 00 ll nnlignnn: u poulblo lot that rpooo of` brush the form of Parnell`: nfonutlon about it`: nnuoodonn. Plgott did not realize. until he not Into Sir Charla` nlnohna tL;ln4nnnInnu nmnIA I-...l- pk- {|3}:n" WT`!-:o';;t;'I'n0w~ lIvnT'"c;:l-n"c'! in 331' .' ugucl oanpollod D to unity and be an mnlhmnnt u nnnlhh for thn nnrnnnn nf` uvuuuou Wu Iocuriu convicting I130 01 the crime. Plgon roporhd M: {an to tho "Timon." or van ruched b it douc- tlvoa and Snood Into Paul : pnoonoo. Then ho had to partially confess to the un- rloyon. Thontono pan! and lab col- umn: oamnnllnd [A man In tn-til nu! In curgymon Iownoa no rsrnou. No hlutof the contents boouno nbllc un- til Parnell. in an interview um: iuott, In the I-ounce of Lsboncluro ud huh. uk- od got: qnutlonu which dioclnud that vlduoo rod vlct Hgott I tho odmzugsgct nolgrlndhlfh ham :4: money` rigour VII compelled to atsgorge. Thcec facts Egan committed to writing. He found among his paper: letters written by him in which entire untcncee appeared that were also in the forged lettcre. Pigott \ had traced these sentencee carefully word for word. Then he interpolated or added other eentencce or phrases, com etely changing the meaning of the whole tter, while preserving the integrity of portione. Dates were aieo changed to make the ori- minal interpolations ap lioable to illegal evente. is`. an also fon letters by Parnell. which had n similar y nssd. Photographs of all these. and of |`igott's ng and hlachmailing lettere. were incl with the orl naia in the pack , with the memor- a recall to Po nell all the circum- atsncee atten in; the writing or exception of each. This was the ingage the young clergymen fetched to Parne No hind ch. nnntnnh hnanlnn n..|.u.. ...., H()U: with eight rooms and extension kit- chen Imrti and soft water with good ambling ; convenient to Queen : Uuliuge ; ininiulinm - session. A ply on tho premises 128}, or at _ '0. Lu Union met. between Gordon and Alfred -13. lnyhpoildhlhnpollod by mggm, Egan ; um: P` mr uuarles nuseell, Lewis Ind uanoucnere. The discovery that Pi ott was the forget was made by Egan in Lincoln. Neb. Egan writes that he was sorely perplexed by the forged letters, fac simiies of which he got in the London "Times." The signatures 0.` those attributed to him were remarkably good. Expressions and odd abbreviations were in the text He considered as a pos- sible torger each of several men whom the Parnellites suggested or suspected, but none could have had letters from him which would have made the spurious concoctions possible. He recalled Pigott, but he had been so long dead in pohtics and covered with accumulated shame that Egan dia- missed him from mind. He remembered that Pigott had been in forgeries years be- fore, but the idea that he might be concern- ed in these seemed absurd. In scrutinizin the forged fac similes he finally discovered that one signed with his name was written ' avmrediy asaeussia address in.Eaa'.is..1`ho recoiiection ashed upon him that Pigott was the on'y man to whom he had ever givenit. Pigott had written aslrin for a confidential address to which he mig I: send important information. Egan. who is methodical in his habit. had saved his cor- respondence for years. He has been accus- tomed to writing on the fly leaf of a letter received his answer to it, and then copying the answer to be sent to his correspondent. Thus he has letter and answer together. By comparing them with the handwriting on the forged letters he saw he had the for- izer. He submitted letters written by Pigott to experts with the fac similes of the forged letters. They detected characteristic peculiarities, which were conrmed under the microscape. hhmn had Pinon`: inn;-n aml vim Ins-cm.-in. man u u. msu Deon muuons. \\ hen the nature of the package became appnrent to Parnell he was deeply affected. The depression visible for months on his pale face began to soften, and during the recital of the story he yielded several times to emotion. When the story itself was over he asked with painful apprehension how many men knew what the package contained. Father Dorney replied that only Egan, Sullivan and himself were familiar with it. but that Patrick Ford, of the "Irish World," would be taken into con- fidence by E an. Parnell was delighted. He had feere that somebody might inform the "'l`imes." A series of interviews fol- lowed, participated in by Dorney, Parnell. Sir Charles Russell, Lewis and Labouchere. The rlinnnvnru that Dinnn me. st... 5..---. euuuuauu were uuaneartenea. One day last July a young American priest, Rev. Maurice J. Dorney, of Chicago, accompanied by Rev. Herbert Dunn, also of (`hie-ago, sent his card to Parnell at the hem of cor'ninona." Father Dorney informed Parnell that he had` a package of documents to deliver, placed in his hands the night be- fore he sailed from New York; It contained, he said, evidence that would reveal the iorgeries and identify the forge? of the letters printed in the Times. Father Dorney received a telegram from Alexander Sullivan, of Chicago, asking him to meet Patrick Egan at a railway station in New York the night before he sailed for Liver- pool. He did 50. Evan and Father Dorney sat up all night. The prieit learned the whole story. He told Parnell that he had carried that package with more solicltudc than if it had been millions. \\'h.-m ok. .....a...... ..r .L- ...._..|.-.... |...M..... How the 'l`rouuroi- ol the" League Got the lieu of the Lotte:-9W1-mug Fiend- Egnn Make: Good Hln Cue--He Given in Complete Exponuro oi the Frauds A gentlamufi high in duthority in the prnaecintion of the l ornell-Times can, tell: this story of how the conspiracy Igilnn ' Parnell was detected. Up to July, Parnell. his counsel and `colleagues were wholly at sea. They `knew that the letters .were forged, but every ebrt to discover the forger proved futile. end Parnell and his confidante were disheartened. (`no than Innt `lulu - .... ...- A....--..-- The Guilt lion In Ind. _... n-|_ no 01. r\___. ,1 In 0 EGAN'S TACT AND DIPLOMACY TOO MUCH FOR PIGOTT. 'l`1{EP`0RGERY TRACED UP. ;No. 50, ._ _ . _ _, L; UNI!` YOUR \\'[.`ITlCl{ (H.()\'ES at W" }lEl'IVE.~%'. King Street. $1) Sample pair! to be sold at wholesale prices. THAT Pl.EASAN"l`l.\' SITUATEI) DWlCb~ LING on Princess itrecl. 7 rooms extension kilcbon. hard and soft water. good yard. etc. Apply to D. GIBSON. 3l.i l rim`oss street. l"N.UM luT MAY, that good. subeumuou house on Onuu-Io Street. near Union. on pre- sent occupied b Mrs. Deacon. Apply ta I11. T Sl`EAC\'. Wain tsuncy. PUIINDK In J orumou I h - -uzj 0. 0. I`. I. U. Q Unnnn 11!: Aulncu or "II Gluxn honor: or Mnzcun-run. Ennunn. mem oral-V l .'.'!u'.`:. .`f.%':.....``"` ..` `$`... .. .L"""..... rave! on communion. 0l"b`lClC. lafgo. central. wcllAIVu;<'lV. forms reasonable. Pouuulon immedhsboly. Apply '30:." Wmo. HOUSE. now occupied by J. Mills. Corner of l`rin(`csa nnd Division stream. from May In. Apply at Wum Oloo. A |"l.\'|C FARM 0! 15 ACRES. Eu! Part of Lot No. 15. Int Cunmsalnn Tnwnnhln nf nous: xx VAUGHN rm1RAL`E.V3J; sion May lat. Apply a._L wulu UFl"lL`E. STORE AND WAREHOIISIC ().\' ().\"l`ARl-) STREET. Apply to J. B. CAHRIS I`Hh|{.\'. I.`.\1uln' & l`U.. Mnnnors,' Vino 51., ('1: n1ti.U. No attention paid to postal 1: uxls. _ U\'ll(SlIl'.I(S VVAN'l`lD l'\'}CK\'WllI`Il`Z. at home or to trawl. We wish 0 employ n ru~ liable person in your county to tuck up adver- tisements and show cards of E10-tric Goods. Advertlsementlto be tacked up vervwhero. on trees. fences and turnpikes` In conspicuous Elucoonain tuna and count in MI pm: of the Inn Suite: and Can Slondy employ- ment ; w as 8250 per day; or crises ulw\nc- od: no ml ing required. Loon work for all or purl of the time. Address withn 2-lump. II.\lUl{Y & (`/0.. MnnIora,2l' Vine 51,. (`iIcin- mti. 0. mid metal ALL KINDS or :NK and um: iiuimu 3mmn1 lhnnrn. Seals. | nunnlind hv Hmnz. ,4 g._ ._ DRY GOODS SALE_SMAN ANI) A PARCEL BUY. Apply to J. A! it-.v[.\HON. " dnlcifc 'l`WU an-i"va'LI-zmiszzofcuin Be M` Eon}! modnlul with r1'R1smo;D nouns in a pri- nllofnunilv. ADDIY At lhiaolce. TICIB wnnrruu. I188 W I. IIIITH 1'dmnann.9XIr Qhlhlmm A uooncoox. Ap ly to MRS. CAMERON. Corner of King and nion Slrwta. _, -`FROM lerr MAY. that good. subsumual house Street. Union. Dre- 1 mudnu-d with I"l'\'1.s`Hl!3U KUU. \.m~faunil_v. Apply Q` 313-3" 8. Accounts. ndn mud! RED IRISH SE'l'Tll1 DOG. W'hito star on `nromxt. Anyone rulurnin the same to 1%. S. }'A'l"l`ER.SUN. Oornm-nf rinccsl and King Streets. wul be auitahh vumudud. 'A'|"l`E.3UN- U0l'lH)P I-T l rinm.-an Flrteut. Buitahh lndopondolt ,0} iorostvu. wn-r l`unIrr:IAn_ Ma Q f`.nl-In-u D.- TO susmess MEN. 9 run: -_ Alvfnln tlnl In I ..,-....... L.n:.\s --At Wolfe Ialsml, M l`.!:30 .m., Feb. `28th, Mrs. (Iuthurine Lmguu. mo- ther of Pntrick, Mpurice and Daniel Lab gm, Aged 7'2 yenri. The funeral will take place Snturday morn~ ` ing at 110 o oloc|L. Frieulla and acquain- tances are respectfully invited to attend. \ n hnmu nr In naval. '3 wish n 1-mnlnr n rn :---wc cw: --uwt wrwtuuuo NEW IMPROVED IETHOD 0!` Cl ?- TINO LADll`..-J"nu> ClllLDRl:N`s I-RESSKS, (XMTS. olc.. Without puuornn. Any lad: can I I . O:l lulilcn. o1c..:LndoAIl:PuI the wot W REN- '1f3:Nvm n. m alnsnsuaiaauaio Wn.Mu'r (`Q-1\'|:r Kingston, Feb. 27th, I889. It the reaidunoe of the bride's mn- thor, I66 Bangor. street, by the R.e\'. John Mackie. M.A., Henry F. Willliul In \\'il~ helminin, youngeitdnughter at the late George Givenl. (.\sKIN-M.\('DONAl.D~-011 the evpniug of Feb. 27th. at the residence of the bride : father. John Gukin to Min Estelle. se- cond dnughter of Mr. Hector K. Mscdon- `ald, fit this (rig. F5}: ALi1 or} T6 REN I;. ---..-..-- w - --.w-uu THURSDAY. Tzsnzns Mccivot`ll s p.In.. by J. B. Reid. Architect. TINDIRI received` by W.Newlandn Ill! 8 p.m. Mlrrmu of Orange Young Britons. .\o. Ml. MIITING of Cu. 0, min Butt. Sr. Axmu-:w'a sale and Concert. FIIIDAI 4 11 mcmnuc Vluncns at Open House. Cnlullnn Order -Iorooloro. ._ -...._- Lv_ can nnn V`O_L'. LVIU. ' $FfE"OI4_AL7 *ngENTgu_N. AE:C)Mor)ATIbN. Son of Iughnd. Izlnunn N14; X A0 0L; M`.-'319.L: |-IIv'rv-_w-b vnuru vl rurvosvu. C0l.`Il'l' l`umrrIuuo. n. Carnal PARADE Sunday. March 8131. on! n at I0 mm. at Bvuineu College. \ lclorln Hal . J. 8. IL Mounts. Smmlnn.-. soomwms. Vlclorln Hui. J. nouns. secretary. WANTED. REMINDER8. _........- . _ MARRIED. .LI-% DIED; _|:.L I-I-.. I WHIG. ' WITH IT IIIIQ v-Inuuuuu uruvu 'I' Iurwutvriu Corn DIANLIY. No. IO. (`.0.l'.. meets Iho nooun um um` Tvmmv or um mourn In the `PI-onuoo Bo `mu. King Snow. 1'. 1'. Rmtou. Room-ding crouuy. us. gau.kot Khqgn. in vhltln` The am Post uuumwul In Allnd Anntln. LXI] Austin. mu?` Iuuuluui 1 v$IIllIl O! I 8&1`; French [ova-anus In docidod H suppress the Pntrlotlc longuo. raumrun. xu.-|lI OOIIIIIIDO 0! [I0 Pntoclu league but resolved, in the nuns of 940.11!) momborl. Io prohnt amino! Fnnoai trutllunol tho Aclinolf expedi- tioutooxprcurcgntto Ruulgudeo do- nate l,(ll) franc: eomn I nhocrlpclun lot Ila?` funllloaolllu Ouluhiklllnd at [9- l0"l'IElI'TIlIIO' `BC pl` IIIIC XII. lull does not include dynrnlu. lnrrlondco. nor paving-Imucu. It simply menu that the d olnployou will try to ponuudo the to lnguon Io putt-ouho some other line. A lose by Any other None. Nxw Yonx, Fob. .~-Solno Inbour or- Lninuon oocuioully shown 0 In name an humor. nding that Ibo "btzuxtt" in uupopulu in the count. the psni pants in the [rat out' Itriko have decided In "|m.l.lIn-rnnnln" tho halt llna mn `I'M. ll IQ `I11 cu IIIIVOTI I(I'lIC IIIVO IIQCIIIQG to "mule-mule" tho belt line Thin (`non Inn! innlnn aIvnn:nhn Inn:-ulna-4|-n -...- nltluult, Ollllilll UIKOII, EDI). Il|.-QI`- trud_o Britten. a aeatnatroafat the Yanhon agency, was recently married to Welling- ton. a full-blooded Sioux. The bride in aid to be a baautifnl you lady. and her attachment to Wellington accounted for by a disgrace which became publicatow day: renoua to her marriage. Her lo bitter y opposed the union. Tho Ian in said to ho poverty-stricken andro ulaivo. The oung woman ia living with We lington in a 03 but." Ina onluy nccoulune uoruer Ind escaped ` pol. Rev. Mr. Chmrn in of the o inion that the Scott act willbeauuuinodin ` I And Grenville. Iu BIKIIDII Ill!` (l0CllIIlt'll I. One of then bogus eixueturee was that of t L R. Moore. A eteuuch temportnce men, whose indignation prompted him to thor- oughly investigate the nutter. which re- united in compelling one Holmee. An enti- Scott act cnnvueer, to practically oonfeen that he hed "made up" portion: of his list and to beg for mercy It the head: of the committee. Rev. Dr. C. Sanderson. choir- men of the mmmittoe. ewore out e wernnt for the erreetol the cul rit. when he crossed the ouily ecceuihle rder and eeceped anal AV Mr (`hnu-n in nf H`; .\-`lain... II In A-cu`:-In "Inc-1-n!::'oon.No.%on.hoBonoof,lp had Bcuovolont Society. I! moot In their new lodge Room.ot_n-or Montreal And Pnnouu ' our Btnohnnu liudwuu 810:0. the hd l&hTmtdl!Io!onohmom.h. `Ila Punch at go ;orI. PAhs.FolI. !I.-'l'Id oouII'I3o cl OK! Pntrlntln lacuna Ian nnnnlvul In an ..._. Bud Stale 0! Affslrn In lie-1-In-`l`ho Bl`- nnturu Not All Right. l)1"r\\\'\, Feb. 2% -l\'uInemus cnmplsints Are mule that many petitions for the repeal of the Scott not contain I la 0 nulnln-r of fraudulent signatures. Rev.`-5 D. (`hown. the motive power of the Scott act party in Leeds and Grenville. snys that a special committee sitting in Hrockvills on the peti lion irmn those counties discovered tlut out of the `JI5 nnmls plot-urod in Kivsy town- ship 170 were written in the same hand. There were 70 duplicate signatures found in the Hrockville list and 40 found in (illDll'|()` que. In Eliubethhown some torty men whose names are on the petition deny hur- ing signed the document. Una nf than. hnann niunnhu-an mg. 0'1-O nf mun prlul.-I Iuiwrl (in am! oununu unrunn from A oorrenpondont in Syd . .S.\\'. [he writer blunen the Germnnl or support- ing Tornueeo. who, he Inyn, llnoither by birth nor intelligence woo table to the Samoan: u I ruler. Mo in for more intelligent and inlluontinl thnn Tulnuue. who is regarded In an unurper and traitor. willing to sell his country to strangers. Mntnfn could fonnerly have been won to German interest. but being offended by the support given to Tanmsese he fell an easy prey to .~\nwric2u1 intrigues. l`he Writvr asks if this pearl` Senna, ls to ho nbundom-d by (iarnmuy. and adds: Fhe Annexation of Smnou could have been nwcompliahed. Euglnud would have protested only for the benets of the gnllery. " A Bountiful Girl`: l'oll:_. Anuolm, South` Dakota. Fob. 88.-0er- rntln I-itlnn A -anus-I-an-`-I Oh- \'.-|.~.._ It Supportedl tho Wrong uuder_How Amorlca Got 1 (iron: Advantage. Bmu.|.\'. `Feb. 28.-Tho Denim-Im Workm- blall prints letter: on the Samoan uootion frnvn A nnl-In-nnnnnt Sn Rulings: ' Q l\' -`UIIUIUIC S HLIIUHIUIIKI, 'GII( WED nlm. .\`chun:ke Wu bound over to await. the action of the grand jury, and went to gun! as he refused to give bsil. He claims to be- long to the Salvation army. IV an All I Csuvuu At the preliminary examination one wit- neea swore that he told Schuroke that he would get himself into trouble if he did not have A legal nmrriage performed. Schurcke replied that he cared nothing about our laws, as he was not of this world." The father of the bride swore that he told SLhlll'Ck0 that he should have A legal cere- mony pcrfonued, but he insisted thst Inch a ceremony would be a sin. The witneu then told him that if he would not he wmld have to leave the house. Then he did, but the girl, who seemed to' believe in all .N`churcke's statements, went with him. \` n.-- I ..... .._I ....._ A. .......u .L.. A Resident of Earth Who Claim: That lie Wan Married in the Supreme Ih.-lug. \\'A1'|c|L|.mi. Iowa. Feb. 28.- Quite a sen- sation has been caused at Decorah by the celestial marriage of John Schurcke and his cousin, Miss Lucy Schanb. `The bridegroom. who is a religious man. claims that he is in direct communication with bod. and says he has lasted and prayed for forty days con- secutively. On Jan. 17th he claimed to have received a conunuuicution from the Almighxy by which he and his cousin, who is sixteen or seventeen years of age. were married without. thc intervention of a priest or mag- istrate, and with angels as witnesses to :.he ceremony. The citizens of llecorah were not snliiciently spiritualized to admit the legality of such a ceremony and Schurcke was arrested. AL Al... .....II..,!...._.. .A-r.1..-A-' -- -~r WHERE GERMANY BLORDERED. GUELRD srnausmp OOMPANY. SAILING from New York every Saturday. Au tho:-had Agent. II`. A. molar. Ferry Dock too of Brook St.. Klnanum. UNDIR Aulncu Gluxn Loom: MANcnn'rIu. Ennumn meet every other Friday in the son: of E [and Room. Prlnoau Street. Next meeting! ARCH 181. W. BUIHILL Recording soorotnry. _ JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. PRINLIBB s1'Iu:u:'r. _ , TH '1`HOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE "BY -._ _-_.--.- --v;..-- -- - Rome. Wstltown & Ongleubum Ru. % To Utica, Albariy,Nev) York, Phi|ade|'a. Wahln(mn.Iklum6n Ind All Point: In North- ern New York. vi: G.'I`.R. and N.Y.C,_ Rye. 1`. HA NLEY. - - ,Geu. 'l`(nket Mrent. I I - u Lunauyuti \J\`lJll.L'.I.V l. will make some redhcuon in the price of lsnnu--.r their lineeol lumber and ash meter: mu .n`Ihls season. We have one barn frame au fr-rt. one an and ono 40. MOO 8004 Brick.` which wlllbe sold on reasonable terms for gnod approved notes. 'l`llIR DATIIDIIM IVJIIIDAXIV FRAUDULENT PETlTiONS. mm RATHBUN Ioompminr wm .....1.- ......... ...u\....:.... x.. .|.- _._.-_ - `KINGSTON: CANADA, TiiU12s1>AY EVENING. FEBRUARY 23,133/9t cu llulvn. THE RATHBUN CUHPAN Y. T lhtlng Mlndon. No. B. on Month). Mar. |lh.It 1:50 In. "Ancient st. John's. No 8. on Thundu.MArch ms. u. no In. Osunq No. Olonwodnudu. March mm at 1-.D nan. wuuuuvuu III] puuuunuuuuuu. will! I) bound. howonr. I out that Plgm an not the pain vl whom IOOODIIIL uud. Horovor wo mun ulna Odd that we rmly Irolkvod Who letter: word goulno until Illa dholaun nude by Plptt curm- onnlnou. It nut be ovldclt that If 5 HZQQ -uln IL; ||TI-g." 2-; El". U l\CII,- II II ERIK], III! BOW 1 cont Into tho dnumohnoun 0! which vonouind ad pnblbhodthcm. Won! hnnntl hnnnvu-. M Inl out glut PI:-n an glut. REID-yd-w$"IlIll Ill IvI= dance uplut him. This nxprculou of regret lucludco also the loans {duly ntttibntod to Mr. Egan, Mr. DIVIII and Mr. 0'Kol|y. his narooly ttlu new to ml! in! IIIIIII In lurgunco WI I In ovory nho truth of that otmonk For the c nunohnyoo we doom it right to ox nu our room: moot fully sad alnooroly; A! III boon Induced to plhlioll tho lot- ton g a. Pouoll3o,ov0oaoovoho!n llrovh dunno Anghut Elm. Thin nrnnnnnlnn nl l'II'IIIll IIIVII` II VII VIII); NI '1 :E'.:'_"*'_._".`::':..-':..':':'*'.:*':h':...-".:z:'_. ._`"n `Pol eru VI emu!` 0010!`! me rnrllcll COIIIIIICIQ. for the publication of the to Instant `WVO desire to endorse u up to ovory word 01 the foregoing ntntgmontu. It i out with. as our duck to do no. Honour. Mr. Pu-noll having the vltuu box mud lhnl tin Innnn l.l`I furmrinn I'I sauna In {Inn FUTIICIIIU UKIWEIUII III.` II. III "C I: expnelu regret C In in pa heduld used them an evId:Ioe,un`i' exundl thin regret no the letter: falsely et- tribuud to Egan. Devin. Md 0`Kelly. hmnox. Feb. 28.-The following In the lrlolllill W Blll, plvllh Illa U RICH, Loxnox, Fob. following the \ "Timon" odlborhl In connection wltlllio A-unlau-on -LInL IQ ndnln A` L 'l'ho"I'hnoo' IAIOI Apology. Lnxnux, I-`ob. 28.-Tho 'I`imoo", in it: looding oditoriol. notes and ondorool At- torney Geuorol oiotoI'o logy boforo the Pornollcoluminuion for t publiootlon of tho lorlod Iotton. ond ooyo it ocoopto on ma Poroolli otoumoot thot tho lotion lnnannlgn It Am nnanno no I.-..l_.. A FINIC FARM U!` 15 ACRES. II!!! Part Lot 15. let Concession Township of Kingston. beautifully ultuuwd on the lake share. one mile from the Penitentiary. Good lu-gp house. outbuildings. orchard. 510.. units- ble for n tanner or Kardener. Aguy on the rumineu JUHN G AHAI. P. .nddrou. orusmouIh-