Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1889, p. 5

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' Thoiniuoto olluuoniourq onsdonnalnc not-i I would annual lo. Pucull ill henna of tho we mind on than blhlll work. I PRINCEQKNI) PREMIER. I r":I:ho Inc I: x Inning. In: man now: umua noun mud: and In Unisodtuu. did 0 duly ol ham linens He in known so have undead I null {mun I linen ooulng Mn. TTYIUII UIZI-U II IUfi. Nlw Yon. Fob. N.-A dclpsloh {tell a United Bulu Consul-General at Soul. caplhl cl OCIII. II 0: A unilnlo (amino nnuihiubuuhn hook on In- Peterson noun Innw. Prnuono. run ll-A bylu an bob! license: at I-IN. Ialoun lioomu at and [ Ihop lioocsn at & was cu-rind to-CA] by 5 It ority ol 8!. -ntuvdlv Smuv Bola Smith. n wall-how: omy on at. ouudny Sou Bob Smith. a well-hon lnkir who lsuliv ban In 8:01 and who um. -qll Lunar: nruunhnut and: An` Ch: Iundc grow Inn: cumnnon. nu we no {um pg 1 pwkod sud mnrkod. In than were out: ll apple-cumin: so well an atom. He also rotnm-d to other Inna ol [mil in- duury, such u tho oultun 0! WI urawhury. the hlgckborry, Ibo curnm. oIc.. thawing that out night to undo pntluuq pnridmg io ` Inn: lnuln I IIIQAIII. Illlf VIIO IIUI IIVK II well known tlm IV-.in.A Int-A Jim` I 000! am: an now in undo I specialty. .. -_. ..... -v-q-- --w.-.- y-..v-u--. .- ww .- ._ Ilene:-Ilnaeeua lIay_I_n l'arIlaIaeat-letea run an tapinit Orrawe, Feb. 20.-Thia was somewhat of a aiiacellam-uua day in the Home and there val I)lI|V'QXCll-fllelll to-night over` Mr. Brown'a antieruelty to ainnnalii and bird: bill, which fut its aeooiufrcadinir by the close majority of III II House uf 143. nnvl it now -tiinde for eonaideratiun in comnnm-e of the whole. . Col. Tiudale moved the an months` hoiat of the bill nnil thia was defeated by a vote of 73 ` to 71. Th vote wan st.I`lctl)' non-partiaan and Indiaoriniinate. There were tire members of the Ciilmi-t in" the Home when the vote Ian tnlwn: Sir John'l`hom in, Sir Adolphe Caron, Mr. Curling. Mr. wdnc-y and Mr. Bmn-IL All but Sir Adolphe supported the bill by their iote and the Minister at Jultiee. hi addition. warmly do-lemled the principle of the bill. Sir Richard Cartwright vote-d aqainat the bill mid Mr. Charlton support-d it. Mr. Lanrier WE not preaent owing to illueae. Ne-iirl all the French Inemlx-ni voted against the hi I. Mr. Brown is greatly elated 0\'l|l' the tuceeun of the bill in receiving nu-cond reading. and he left the oliiiniher on Itiltii alter the vote mu rrcorded. . ` Tliei-e were only hall-n~duzen npeechna made on the meiuiure. Mr. Brown ntnrtnd all with a warm ad\ocacy ul' his act. pointing more particularly in the cruelty ol trnpshooting, dog ghting, rat luiiting. etc. Cul. Tisdale, in lu0\'ll|l the eix Inonlha' hoiet, eaid the meneure was it nuiwkiuh, no-ntiinennl inter- ` li-re.-nee with praotiul men. He read numer- ` one extracts and letters and and that the i House 0! Lord: of ngland had voted down I similar int-auure. Mr. lriadale aid the provinces gave all th pro- tection that win: neci-eimry to all kinda of lnrda but n.isoliie\'oiia members 0! the lvnlliery tribe. Mr. Chnrltnn unit] it would be e ili.~grm:e to the House to reji-ct the bill. .\lr. Li.-m-r ridiculed the nmisun-, the Minister of Juuticr uuvpurwd it. The Minister carved the hill mrylniuch when Mr. Brown submit- pd it, 1,0 hm. and it reached the Home to- nightjuntin nnch shape in nn-t llllt heart approval. He said the clause that provndetl for the humane di-strnctl_`un child and deserted anininla wet alone \i'ur7.'iv of the auppurt of the House. I`l... ma. non. talpnn nn `Ir Tinnlnln of tmdnnolunlo. Socroury L Woolvonon nod 3 on- Iitlod Hm-rticuhunl Specialties lot ulna l"nm.on." Ho and that II order to wound growers and to rush spooidliu ol certain linol. The uoocustion should not mnny Ibo prot. ol hm`; cuizuuo, :\ it mielwr wise not politic. We should ooulou our luuluro u id! as all our nuocnon Apple enllun wn rouble if made lnpactnlly and tho ptover indc not high cultivation. punk and the {ruin nu-nun I nuaknd And lurkod. . nu. room, .v1-taou. woumuou nuu ur. ` Burge with Alan romnrh from the pumi- dont. 0 preparation of lie-ho! npplu lot oultmmonin d:oronHt-aluion ol the pro- yuncn nu nloncd w l committee coup-nod ol tmdinolunno. llowor, Ununrm nna UOHIUII nun". Al the ooncluuou ol the rndnnn of the upor 5 lo by discussion touk uluoo u to the man. min In variation for dlannt Iocuuno. which III ukrn put in I: the new-ury, Munro. Morris. Dampae . 'u.u-II. Culon. Holden, Ru. Pouil, utdou. Wollnunrtou and Dr. mmnm -uh . lam nmuh orni- to be planted. Thou. Beall of Lindsay road: lo-nathy and mien-um: paper on "Va.m-ties of Apulu than may be Protiubly Grown In tho Ce-ntrnl Pup um. olOnuno." Ho nnbmnued tlnsln-L; For Iummor--R-d Aurnchnn. Yelluw 'I\'nn-pgr out. For n\m|mn-Ducheu ul Oldenburg, 8%. Lawrence. Alunndar, Fnm-mu. Hunt, (lnlvurt Fr-r win?-r-Yc-llnw Bvllovovr, Ontasnu, Vl'mlsh_v, Norumrn 3 y, Golden Runnot, Ran Duvu,Canndn R04. hoelo lohld Gnu.-mun. Tho followmg no um-Inondod tutlnuau growing apples fur [anally us: only : Rad Auncl-on, Uuchrsn ul Oldenburg. St. ` Luwronoe. Onlnrl, Fnmoulo. Yellow Boll- owor, Onuriu nnd Golden Rural. An oh- nnntllnnlnu nl um uouhnn M the lunar Proceeding: of I30 0-;nrIo AuoeInIOon-- l ruldonI'| Address and Papers. Hnmrmn. Fob. &).-At yeuenlnro union c: the Ontnrio Fruit Growers Association In-sldent A. Md). Allan rend Inn nununl ~ nddroas. Shipper: ol nppln. In said, had prublbly never before lot: to much in out m-uon aim the lut. Shipper: should use ..r....u.- mm in lnlnctinn Ind mcknnl And I ` aim the Inn. ampvorl unounu uu g-renter care in Ialoction And pnckmg small-r package would be an improvement on the barrel now used. A Inger rude in gonenl lruiu would in carried on with ` Manuobn And the Territories ll rates could be reduced In 3 reuonnbla gure and, well- ventilated fruit ours placed at me dinpoul of Ihlppl-rl by the nilwny oompunien. American shipper: can` now plscu frmslu Wnnmueg for less money than we can. Rnmomlunu almnld be done to but I mm to w nnmueg Ior was money mun we cum. Something should be done to put stop the ahipmug 0! mixed brandu und worthless saedlmgn lo the British nmrkot u the produce of Curula. An impoctur whose duty It would be to uunino and marl: cu-rv barrel upon in menu would remedy the rul. The uupecwr could the correct the present very loose uysu-m of unminu. In a l.r|n Lhrounh the Nort.l1weM.Territuries l lomw oi unnnna. In a tnp through the Non.l1weat.Territuriew and Hnunh Columbia the uponh-r noted a xruwmu mm-on. Among the people In the ullture of (run. Mnny urietiu 0! apple: and pnrureuuooeufnlly lI'0In;W||d pIlll!|l,Rr|p0n, curnmu sud coooehotriou nbouud. On the gran: pram-no lnudl, however, I hope uf {run crow- mg cannot be llId\|lOd In unt". tlu-fur-any umuliou is settled. Shelter lulu would bun I.'e.".'a2.'."i'. 3: be planted. Thom Ben Ielve.-I. [Applnu-Ia.) Hon. George Kirkpntrick wu remlocted presudent of the unociution by ncclnmntion ; Col. Ouimez. M.P., wu re-elncted president of the council ; the vice-president: worn to- `electod oxen ring that Lleut.-Col. White uku Lieut..- nl. \Vn|ker'i plnce in the coun- cil: Lleut.-Col.A. Gnlmour for 0nlM |n, Robert Hamilton for Quebec, Llout. -Col. Boulord (9! New Brunswick. Lleut. -CoL McKmlny fur Nun Scociu, Hun. M. A. Girnrd for Manitoba. Hon. W. J. Mncbomld for Britiuh Columbia,` Hun. R. P. hnyzhoruo for Prince Edwud Iuhud. '1`I... -.u.u.l -....oi-up nl Hm nonunion Arli- IO . . any a:'[:unnlIl.( . c . l`Dougum- I(C B) N K llclul n. Llndm Hill: (An). Moncrlel. Plan. Porter. Rotund. Sc:-Iver. Skinner, Imnn (Ont Stevenson. IDIIIIIIO. Inland. ' . Thu unnual meetin ol the Dominion Am- lery Anaocmtion wil be held to-l|0l`l'0V_._ Liam.-Col. Mnobounld of Guelph, the pun- dnnt u-nuui thin uranium .lA|8lIl'o.'l/0|. AVIIOLIOHIIQ CH dent, unvod lhll evening. calm-lid with. In rermunse Lard Stanley said he Ll-nnlrod Lheni fur the ind manner In which they rnceived this In tion for I who of tininlu to him. He felt. in mm only due on his part. to concinut-.90 far as lay in his power the xissihlnnce which his predeci-snows In no rs-ndlly given 1.0 Inch A deserving nsnocintion. \V|Lh all due deference to Gen. Laurie he perhnpn held the olden. hut.-clan corticntn in tin room. [Applnunaj It was exactly 30 years ngn since he obtained his carucate under Gen. Hay, who did so very much to umka inuulcetry what in in in England. Ho thought it was Capt. Mnrryutt, the well- knmvn naval writer, who prehicrdn book some ynurl ago by uying that in the United Kingdom it was impor ant thu every run should be IouieI.hing. a mailer. In than days, for very --bvioul reasons. we niiul-t pnr.iplu-use it and my 0\'el y man should be auini-thing of n riernnn, especially in the Dunnniun, where nlt.h(vngh the force! were not incunsidernbl, still they were kept up, uid riuhtly, on a rule cslculnr ed not on the pnncnples which regulnte n cou- tinantnlnrnmnn-nt, or an we might hope. never for the p'.:rpose nf Bzlrreuion but, and we might hopo very relnobely, lur the purpose: of drfence. Still we must not. forget. that puc- ple are respected just. as they rupect mem- Delve.-I. [Applnu-no.1 HnIL Geomo Kirkmtrick l.I(QI|lY-l'lV_ nu-n mm never punea I trigger. The cliaiirnmn congrutulnled the xuonilx-rs upon the satinlnctury character (if lunt ya-at`-c Inutplian. Hecolllpura d the condition of the Duminion Association: with the` Nintinnnl ]{:e .-lusocinuon and stated-tlint it elmwed I -.-uurlit-iuii uf I.{.\nas (liitteriiig to Cumin. Since tlw Nurlery 4nmI.clu:s` lmd been coun- mencad 1359 competitors luul entered for them and this went to iihow that in large number of new men com )eted in the annual inatchvl ev'ery year. e rnlerred In terms of I.lumklu|- ne-in tn the lid Lord Stanley land given tn the xmuociatimi, and said that his presence to-day indicated the intoreat he felt in its welfare. Lord. Stanley lml Leon u. soldner"'l'iiInselt and tlwrefure could mm-oughly nympzitliim with their uspirntinnn and understand the difficulties llu-y had to cont-nd with. In rnsnuunna Lard Qtnnlnv laid Inn llmnl.-rul oi huru- Cupid. um Lguo-en : uwu. , ` The 21-it aununl meeting of the Dominion Rie Association was held in the big Raihuy Coniniittve room of the House of Commons to-day and the business was disposed u! in rapid ordcar. Cbl. Geoggo A. Kirkpatrick, M.P., the president.` In: in the chair. Lord Humley of Preuton in! present and made: a upeech;.I0 did Gen. Sir Fred Middleton. The iuttc-r is evidently nut. struck on the use-fnlnau nf_ the nun who cm lie down on his belly and mike I bull's-eye at 1000 yndu or more. He- tcakes mqre stock in tho idea of teaching the rus- tic milmanun how tn Ilnout. He said I.,lmt vvry ` few private: won prize: at tilml compotitiouu. The |)l`lI.0! winners were the ufct-ra nnd surcellitn. Itwnn necessary that more-money uhonld be l[N'IhI in mstrucninl the rurtl battnlimus mmmgut. the ouulitry _oorm. Ha had in-und that seven or eight out. of very Imgonw-fiv_e had pulled trigger. The clmirumn cunivrnlulnled the ll|QnlbI`I` . V 77 I I `Ilse `Ila ! Annual llogglnu of the Dolnllloi ' lulu Am-oclnllon. _ ` 0`l'l`A\|'.\. Fob. ..0.'--The Cnpitil was full ol Jnilitary won to-day and more no cunning In to-uuzht. and in the mm-`uimr. There urn few, however, among this martin! gentlemen now here who rank below In or. and shout +119 unly mnjor ximblo was r. Joe Delnmere of mu tguo-en Own. The 21:11. nmmnl mcetinr of the Duminion f.'.i'.'.'n' 7.c"'"o.-n-.`"""2'{'.'?"'A" :.'.3.aE"e.-3'. mnib in Ouluhcl Poopk nod mu... Inn nun-in and nnnv an "MILITARY, _MEN AT .o`TTAwA. `lcrrlblo In-Inc In Conn. 17:... IA IL __A .I.......L 4 l`nneo on lo 1'3. not be mdulnou unit. Izlno-mrnury 1 FRUIT GROWER8. run no `no land: And In J L...n Ah.-nn ` 81 Caulnall. Fm. -A bunch ol the ` Church o! Inalnnd Do-fa-not A-uoiuuon vu ` 0.-n-cl hum vmmadnv. TM:-Iv-luau dnud ` Church ol lnalnm um-not Anuonuuon (and ban uuoday. Thlrlyglour nd the roll and . lhnillau In-nu urn chum -.-ndnnk I `UT. WI" CHI CV 'II"n Snrn , _ Csl., Fob. 2).-'l`he town ol ouonvino vi . popumisa arson Va :1. Inont ontlroly ducroyod by n ycuudoy. F All the buainca portion was bu-nod and ~ but low nnidonocn tough. The Inn was nurud Iron a doloctin Inc in 5 hold and mad dl . ovorcl Inikli vn nntl::ch,ook Inc hum butn.;lt`h'o.I: ovoil. tohlln-h atllnhd nnurly ' O|.|ll).(IlI. __.. _.-_-..-- A- .._ -.--., WIIIIII IIVIVICI VIII llllllly. II Il'|I xii Conn Iii: out vu nvnudtd for a wok. the victim being ungblo to uppnr. John Bailey of 47 lama-annm, ullo-l on Julio: Tncy st. 97 Shorhonrno-Itroot. Bailey dnnh too much, fnllul Trwy with 0 but lnn and kicked him About the haul Ind son. B0 In arrested sud lodgod in Wllou-Ivonne Police Station. While than he utumptod micido. tying his Iunpcndor: shout. his met and on tho `irdun on tho non ud pulling than ht. Ho I'll cut clown and revived with onlty. In tho Dalian (`nun-t Iii: n-an wan tcmnndnd far A LDC l0uOWllIg Vera uppuanwu prugm uu prilefarlne {or \Veetern Ontario: ranciw Green,jr.. Ianerk} ; John li Freeman. M.P.P., Simcoe; Jo n 1. llobeon. Moesboro; John Lowrio. Sarnia. The following are the otcere elected to the different depart- ment: and oomrnittoee: Veterinary Sur~ goon and Referee, Andrew Smith. \'.S.; Ueneral Superinkadent, A. H. White. Chatham; Superintendent of Machincr and Mechanical Deparunent. F. Jecklon, . ow- market; Snperintcudont Horticultural ~ Department, James Milcllcll, London; Superintendent Arte lkpartnient, Thomas Hunter, Toronto: Horses, ltolu-rt Viillance, Oenzibruck Centre; Paula, I". W. (`h:xmbore. Woodelock; Sheep. Horace Chislmlm,l aria; Swine, Willialn (`olliue. Peterboro; Poul- try, William Mi-Neil, London; lhukere. Canadian Bank of Commerce. Snb-com- mitteee: Hm-eee, hloeere. Awrey and Ship- ; lay; Sheep) aed 1 Heeere. Vance and Daveon; onlpy, eeere. Palmer and He- ` Phereon; lnipleuente. Meeara. Daweoa and Rowan; Arts Department, lean. Morgan 1 and Avrey; llortioultaral Prodncu,Henre. r Palmer and Rykert; Agricultural Products, Meeere. Logo and Palmer; Dairy Prodacle, Ieeere. Dawson and )lcPhereoa. There belngnoInorebneinelIheneetingthenad- journed. Jnhn allnv (If 47 Iantann-.avuma_ aallad Vlcli Ind I.-en. mun: or now: oculnh. Judge For neon we: applied to esterday for on order or the that -go of one Mc- Uregor of Strttlord from tun: lunatic Asylum here, where he bu been conned for over `ltiyenre. Then plicetion for the release \\':\3 nude by his relatives. they eating that he lud returned to his proper mental condition. Dr. Clsrk of the asylum, how ever, considered tint the unfortunate person could notlufel be released and the Judge accordingly need to make the order. `Hm Am-icultnro And Arts Auoointion Iilevelllol. I Tl! 1:1 . ` WI non (Lun-71. A . 51.- -lo--an Icoorumgly runleu to mass Inc unwr. 'lho A 'cullur0 And Association coqclude in Annual meeting yesterday. The following were appointed jud on print farm! [pr \V_eIern_ QDtI_{`i0:_ grunciw ` necl. l The ennuel meeting of the Ontario Cricket ` (`lub Association was held last night at the \V|Iker House. President T. Goldie of Guelph occupied the chair. These oioers were elected : Hon. l ree., Lieut.-Governol of Ontario; Pres, 'l`. Goldie, Huelph: First Vice-I`ree., John Wri ht; Second Vice, Judge lhrtnell; Third 'ice, Ald. T. Stin- eon, Hamilton; Fourth Vice, G. G. S. Lindee ; Sec.-'l`ree.s., John E. Hell ; Ant.- Sec., V. Wellnce Jone: ; Committee ; Messrs. (`ollins. R. Gillespie, Hamilton; A. G. Brown, (3. H. Rykert, St. Cetherinee; S. C. S. Saunders, Guelph; D. W. Seundere, J. Stirlin , l`etc.-rhoro; W. Cleelmen, A. Winslow, . M. Shenly. The llth annual ea.-eion of the Urend Lodge A. 0. l'. V\'., Province of Ontario, opened yesterday morning in Victoria Hell. The Finnnce Committee`: report showed tint on Dec. 3!, I888, there were in the Province of Ontario 301 loire in :_ ......l .4.-ulinn uith A Qnlnl mnmhn In the rmvlnce ux Uuurw aux Iou in oodetending, with e total membe ip of 5,091, en increeee of 2| lodge: end W88 member: over In: eer. There were peid during the you ll deeth cleinu, eggreet- ing $222,100, the coet per deeth for eech member being 7 come. end divided into I5 eeee-mente. The out of lodge Inenegr ment wee OM91 for the yeer, en everege coat of 68 cent; pet member. The tozel risk not eerried by the order in Cenmle hes reeched the enormous mm of 832, lS2,(l)0. TL- 4l_-oL in this nit: in Annnnnnud nf roncuoa U10 onorlnmu Illlll Ul pas, |o:.,uvu. The dam in this city in Announced of Rev. Ju. Stunt, the oldest. Pmbyterinn minister in Ccnsdn. He was born at. Coot- hill, county Cusn, Ireland. in 1804, And wu educated st Bolfut. College under Dru. l`..n|p Ann` II}!-up ( ool mu . Then is to E 3 public meeting of the Im. ial Fodention Longno at Association all on Suturdny ht. Amon the speakers are George R kin of New uns- vick md Gen. hurie of Nova Scotizs. I..J-.. Ir..--....... -.. nnv-int` on n.nom.hu Mr. IS. n. nowaru, Ienlur luemuer Ul uie liquor rm of R. H. HoIv|rd&(`o., 5| (`olborno-street, at whose instance the capiaa hnd been issued end who clulms then Johnston owes hiun 8265.!!! for liquors supplied to him while he kept the Johnston House in Lindsay. Johnstoon took the Arrest coolly at first. but when he saw Mr. Howard he hunched out and said You've gut me in hot. weter but I'll4'put you in otter? This is an outrage and I scandal, and I ll get even 3 1 ve got my wife inside! Iwu willing And able to pay you every cent !" Mr. Howard onl smiled, sud .\'l1eri's Utliuar Mcorlnnc saying .Give me your arm Mr. Johnston, the Athlete walked out and was driven to the jail in 3 hack. um. _.......I ..-..o:......J 41.- n..o....:.. (`pini-.9 unxeue, mu wearing an wou-unul moun- ttche. He hnd. lnlt hll wife "inside for` I few moment: And land with `him, 3 friend. He came out to lee n mun-~bnt he nw the wrong mnn.f Unily he stepped into the foyer la hing enu chnttin`, and moving townrda n'e. "horehels' said Rehurn to Devin who quietly amwronched the gentleman and touching m upon the shoulder nnixlhe "was wanted.`;,,~The atrnn r wu.none other than E. v-W. Johnston 0 Lindsay, the well-known athlete, and he ygu Arrested on n on ins issued onLy Int-` night by Mr. Jua- tice nlconbridge. It woe I" done with- out thole around knowing about it, and Mr. Johnston quietly went. with the otlicers to the entrance of +he theatre where were wniting Sheritfe oicere I`. J. .\lc(`ormuck and H. H. Sherman, ready to receive him. There Wu also present. Mr. R. H. Howard, senior member of the li.......- Run: A` D " unwnr h (`A 5| IL W. Jelnulen. the Athlete. Arruletl one hula: had lodcecl In .IeIl-AxrI-Iliure and Ann hlocllllol. - , Tonoirro; Feb. 2l.-Ser;emt Detective Reborn end Detectivoo Slemin and Davis in the foyer of the Grand ro stood Home at. 9.30 lug night. hey were lookin for game and they got. it. At the en of the second not A few men of the small uudienoe whozhulbeen seeing Chorlie Verner in Shnmnl O'Brien" come out to "Iecame'n." Deteetive Sdecmin xed his gaze on those coming down {mt .the dress circle. while the other, two Huvkeyee wretched the ground oor exit. There cane from the orchestra chairs I men with o ne frock coat and silk hat, good looking and athletic, and wearing I well-built mom- Luzha. Ha hul. lull lull I'll : inside the candle with Ii up to null AN INCIDENT BETWEEN ACTEAT THE GRAND LAST NIGHT. I Wnuon (Lem-1!. At the nftnmool Iiltlnl of the Home them ill 3 prolonged dincuuion on n reoolntiun by Mr. Bnrdott for 5 return uhowina the post- ool-I built in Quad: Iinco Confederation. Mr. Burdott said there III an unfair distribution ol public building: in the in-ioun town: and will in Ontario. He Ivunted to know why Inc A burg nu Cnyugt, with I tilutionolns Mmull hue I new post- oe. and I ouriuhing and enterptiung town like Dnorontu Ihoultl be Iithontono. Mt. Burdett VII followed by I dozen other member: who ndvocnwd tlioclnixm olthcit favorite town: lot our pooluicen Mo (`nah -nalnd Ln lnunl whn Ihl bennti~ "THE TORONTO Br:m|-:' '..,, AIII-lalullun at In. new '~.........-. I... $_A n.....-|. A Town mum on iv nu. _. In... l`.I I.`-l. (l| _`l\. 0. fnonto NIVDI Iur pouomeu. Mr. (`molt wanted to know whg lul, iutollignut town of Otilhn nu overlooked. Tho Onurio Government had built In Idiot uylum then but the Dolmmon Govornllont had than them notlnu . he ll'.a-ouum llgndn : Some on. mug: Armstrong. BulM:\'I:l1. Dun uol. Dickey. nnnhuer. Fllhvr. Gordon.` Gordon.` lllvley. Inna loamy. ower`. upo _ Shani; , Tho-rlen. ll. Puolllultdnodablll In liq pro- mlkn vorklugnon animal the nd: 8: cub-oolunlon on otlndouthon and it In hlhworh. Ir. ucLPuIn.unouopinud stop than Drnlxmn. ilupuut. In-I. ulnult. VIM-I. Ulnun. Guny. Jones (nu Lupine. L N(`(`Il1h)'. N M-.\IIlluulluron).I Muwu. .\ Ind than them nounu. Dr. Ferguson (Iced: Some In? haw escaped from that uymm." Mr, Liner comnlamod thus there vu no the House. . The mu was taken on Mr. Tondnloh `mu-ndmont lngive it the six months hoist. nnd the umendm--nt fmled by Llns vow; T . _ . - (hr-an (Sir. L` raln, (`on '. Dll! introduced I Illu lo Inoorponw IIII Link Soul-it Ild `Awake Rnilvu . Tho iniun of in luuod the bill bl Int union lqudllg Ibo ulny 0! china. Honudonrullchuuol the bill laud hon E; -u-...aIn`n.dv-.lz}n:h"ni.lT`.lnn:`n.:.: I um-u. Imuplnlllr. Porter. ms ANTI:-CRUELTY` "BILL ears ITS secouo READING. ` no auxin-up-' Ioln unwed. n to 11-4 `Fm Inaunuoo Company ol Duly ilnroduood hill to inyorpon Aug: Mi-i...u.::f% n\inn lmmd mm BROWN IS ~I LEAS.ED. Amyot. ora;-run puns: Iv louv vlnliwu unu- II! A iHtoJnn. 1,13 pl:-I $1. In-riu ut-I u.am. canal! fnnh mhnhhD an Illla. lhennn. Gumot. Bolton. Jllmuou Kirk. lcDuInld.(\'Ic) ).McKu. Ilc-rxln. lh-rnu-r llrywn. 1`nr-.nII L`urnu`I'glmSlr l;.(`.m-y` Chnulnnrd, (`Imam Curhv. (`I-ulnu Um! bout. lvou. Lnbroue` unaeller (Que ) Llllrr Lmyugn, run 3 uhl Iithonl om. iby .n.. ..n.;.... .4 ans. Cuclnrme. Co nun. DI n. Devdncr. Davin. In-wdnoy. lid wnrdl. than In In cc-gnu use onnotnuonolouoly with tholngliob Ami Gllnnor. Ht-non. 5|IIdlpn'g|',`b oat: . I1l`r)"hll nun c m . . IleK{ou|. ( Melina nunox 6 mo. 1' umpnol (sir J). Watson. Lani.-\ vre. Llvlngymn` Mclnlyre. I). Mun-lull. Vnnnut-. Wilson (El|.),-'n T .~ L.` ' I `MN Im....n....,.,,_ IIODUIIHI. `WWI : 5|I"|Iv|Ulb The Cutmnitter on Smndinc Orders aunt! bills inoorvoutinu the Villa -0 of Snndrid tho Y5:-Imlk loop Line, 'cmuIidnl|n t no Pukdnk debt and twin; on-Iain apociul powou N the Bnookvillo hug cwndl . `Instant. oak. Morin. 0 I-`I. Inunv-'. lrvni In Ir: nu; . lru , an... n v. IFI v Iva nunon. Hold, Framer. Frox-luau. Onrlon dihun gluumou . ulhon (Huron). ullmolr. brnluun, nunrlo. unmoll llnroourl. Hudson. Kama. Muck. Ilnrter. nslor. Morodb. llolonlr, Illlor. Morena. Moist. Murray. Ourom. Punml. PI-colon. R010 (Huron). l'(ou(Iddlo- nu). Enmh Gunman:-). smut (Em-Is). Bu qr. Buwu-I. Tool. Wnlurl. Wllloughby. ood (llutlnnl Wm` llinum. Wylh. :uu-Iiumur. nunmp. Brannon, Evnntunl. Id. 1 run. \IcAndr,w. llohinhon. Connor. Placing Bobulard. hon-kc. Strumon. -m._ n............. .. a. ....a:-- n..-.. ......| on In! l0lIOW|ll' ulvlllvui _ B Y -All: A tr . Aw:-or, Inn 3uo..l!luunIn.' lllmtll: oaldwog.` Chub III. u\ncy.ClnrIo H. _( l"oI-onrn). uh ( ol- Iimnmu. Con 00. Craig, 0:-mfht Cnunl. luck, lmno. vb. Drnry. Dry: on. all For- ulon. lnnnlmnl, ulnnnn lllnn-nun. unmnur. bnlunm noun ma cum-u av I In: on tho following division: Va;-_Alhn Ann-Irnn wnsnll Inna ow. llhnl-In 00 an add In nnnu to Mr. Houoriol that the Government intended to ones an-:1` II!!! at tho ullun ol gpnnn olnnd in the River 8:. at. ` The ochor huinun ol thnounnwuoln routine nnmh. Ht. Munhnll umodnord n hill to nnnnd them iuootponuna the Mutual -Inn I-nnrnuln mnllnl d Onnndm I. unumunt [none in uoouuon. Mr. Drury thought with tho: non-.bor from iuddlnex am the no-onublidnllul ol the In-duusvinl Exhibition would be dumdndod by tho pooph oi the Province within 10 yuan. But at present public summons should be Admitted. 11.. inn! n -nnlrl nnlv annnnt In Him unaud- admitted. The Inour would only content to tho unend- lwnt on the Imdentnndinl that the House an pledged to and tho Prmimial Exhibition to London this your. 11.. nmim n Ann-ndod us: than out sotluo London am The motion so um-ndotl us Hanna and cum-d luv`: majority ol to 16 A: n.. lnlln-inn tlivinnn: penile. Mr. A. M. Ron and um when the exhibi- tion Ind boon hold in London it had olvayu boon I nuqkodv suocoaa. Ho Agra-d thnil would only be hit to accede to tho roquut of Mr. Dru to pumit Iho run! lhll car. But then oou d In no don that rovinoid ` untimunt. {noted in nbolicion. M. nrunrv thnnnht with than an-Jnt from ` the nbolieumg or mass |ltIllIul|0ll\ Mr. Meredith thought the city of London wen tether giving than receiving ny benet in having the PPOVIIIGIII Exhibition held in i that city. He agreed thet there could be no better place to bury it then in the city o! Lon- don end no more melodious voice to einx ite requiem than that of hie hon. friend op- posite. , Mr. A. \ abuaed aimrauuw was a very goon innovauon. Mr. Whitney was another opponent of the oriuinal motion. He thought Mr. Anny : |l|)l'IlOII that the exhibition should in ab- olished on the ground that it In a nancial hilun wan uuaoiind. He made Ibo aonowhac It-markiiulo application of the mower`: argu- nnsiit that the inuuo asylum: wore not I nancial uuocou yo: no one would advocate the abolishing of tho-so institutions Mp Mamdiij thought the oitv of London ` ol uondon!" [blunt-u.-r.] Mr. Blahou. the secondor oi the motion, would not. think of endorsing the amendment. and and, "I though: then: van a niszger in the [once somewhere." He vnnud lm name withdrawn lrom tho motion. A \v'0l0I'2 "You can`: withdraw it now." Some reference had been made, not Alto- lelher of in oolnplimonury ohnnctor, to exhi- biuon aide-shown, and Mr. H. E. Clarke and i! any [rue [emulator merely mnhod to in` upect Iulne luv: Itock he might pm soon In: in lm urn und thus encn.-Ea the voice 0! the a ton. [in thought at the much abuned Ii znhow very good innovniou. `Mr Whilnov wu another mmonenl the noun one-moon. Hon. Mr. Drury, while he did not oppose the motion, wished tho [nut to be occedrd this your in order that tho ngreoment with London could be curled out. He asked `thnt the resolution Ihould not apply to 1389 And he thought that would be A fair couiprolnlle. Thin would enable the Agreement with tho city of London to he carried out. "It ha been proposed to (in the exhibition n decent buriol," he aid. "why not bury It In the city of London?" [lnuclitt-r.] Mr Ruihum the secondor motion. Ivuuu Ul KEIIUKUIAI lyplluiu - That thin Houae. recognising that the Pro- vincinl Exhibition has in the past proved oi` no little service to the inloreets of Azriculture: that the work it has hitherto done in now being more eectunlly done by the exhibitions held in our large cities: that in view of tho fact that the Provincial Exhibition has proved a nen- oial failure year after your. a re.-gating a loss during thelaat aeven ears 0 no i\'II a euln than ten thousand do Iars. and that it meets each year with but indiiferent aupkort: that the large cities reinse to give it t oir ehow rounda for exhibition purposes: that property ion in: to the Province. held in trust by the Hon 0! Agriculture. hae been mortgaged to meet yearly deficits; that the Board of A ri- cuiture releneeda lion of four thousand ol- lare held upon the property of the \Voatern Fair Association and have ngreod to give the Aeeooiatiou a grant. of one thousand dollars in addition thereto for the prlvil o of holding their exhibitions in the City of .ondon every fourth year. and that such indications of the I nnpopularitg oi` the Provinoinl Exhibition are ` now crediut le to the Province. in of opinion ` tlmt it would now be juaiicd in relueing to l ive any further route for the purpose of ; holding I Provincin ' Exhibition under the di- rection and management ol the Board of Auriculturs ' Mr. Fraser moved in amendment that the rent ahuuld be reiuu-d after the preaeut. year. goth on the orwinai motion and re-eolution there was a lively diucuasiou occupying the entire aftemooe. I-Inn Mr Dunn nhiln ha (lid nnt nnnnan ggo purposes. Wlwn Mr. Awrey, seconded by Mr. Bishop. both Reform members, rune lu umve the fol- lowing reuuluuun, he was renewed with 5 round of generous Applauuet 'I`h.I lhln nu-A I-At-nanlulna Hm! fhn PI-n. Iownol Kidptowu. Tho quonuou pawn were well llled In-day with Iuntunol loud haunts. hunwonor. Boylc the Minister of Customs uid that the ulna ol our entire ilnpotutiou Iron the United Shun olgnou fruit. noodu. Inn and other utiolu plsoud on the fun Inn on order- in-cuunoll dnlcd April 4. 1888, Iron: Inch due to Jun. l. 18$. Vll.U31.399:'$lDOItlIIIIIl|I of revenue that would lnno been cdleoud on them importation Ind shay not ban lndn lroo would be Iill: tho ulna g mn`n|n iuwurusiouod lrom sh; gain: uluurtlconuun uiu put`: 6 previous you Ill 040535;; the ulna 0! out upon: lo the United Slots 0! slum article: {loin AriHIoJIn. 1. IX. nu II, on .....I.. am 43 having 1%). ad: - I\\lF. Mb. Gnrsnn inuocluued a hill to provide for tha nxbolniun of the \v|tarwurk~I nf thn city of St. CIlHIl'ilIQ`i and" "for nthear purposes." A hull was inl.rudnom`I hv Kir \Vnt.a-hi tn bl. L/'ul.|Inl'IlIQ'i nun "tor numr purposes. A bill was intruducmi bv M r. \VlN'!'Il to ennble Brockvillo to issue debentures for drain- Whnn Mr. Arrow. seconded In Mr. Blshon ___,._ They WIII Bury nu Provincial Exhibi- tion In London. T()RONTO, Fzb. 2l.--Yusterday aftvrnoun M the Home sma prxuclpnllv devutvd to media- cussiun of Mr. Awwy's motion to abolish the Proviucml Fair. Anmm: the bills intrnducad WM One by Mr. Comuoe respo-cting the reference of cerlnlnluntv.-~rs tn urbltrnmn. Mr. Con- me9e`s bull propuues [.0 Lake uvny from the judge at trml the power to refer any nmtteru c-xcc-pt:xr,' thus relaunu to accounts to arbitra- t:- u nnllluut. the consent of the parties to the qm-anon nus season. The first Cunsc-rwative cnucuu of the session will be held to-mun-r xw. It as expected the (love-rum:-nt nntv throw nut a hint. about its |n'up(m.-d hut mail contracts and aubwcdics. It is also and rres Wlll no bruutzht I0 bear on Elm (llwrrununelxt nut ta`) revise the vm.arn' list-I ' durmu llw present year. Mr. Pope is e)|ue~wlmt he-tter this evening. Al-rupos uf tlw ntL.u:k mm the seat of Dr. R.mn-tn-.un of Kings. l'.l'I.I., Mr. Lepiue lLl|lmr) wzll enquire on Frhlny forfhu munes vi the [MITIS uf the cuuntry at which the- Gon-rmm-nl. collects lnmpiunl dues on shiw, tluxnunnlu-r uf ('1|lnPl| trmm-d last season and the amount p1u.l by the Guvvrnment to these lludplllllw. Inlnuhvl. a Adam Brown : Frauds on Farmers Com- ` Vnitte-e_nIet And nxnnnned om witness (I! to the sale of fraudulent fertilizers in P. E. I. The viitnesa` hnppem-d to be in the city sud ulfrn-d his tustilllully. Mr. Brown got. u mntinn lln-uuglf the House reuciug the quorum of the can-mitt:-v to 5. ' The Cununit.r.m on Colonization Ind Immi- UK HIE C()llImlll"P I0 1). The (iuuuuium on Colonization grntion met. to-day and had an informal dia- cumm: on imimgmtiuu. The cmnmiuee ex- ucctslo get. some: important statistic: on this que-atinn this season. Tho nal. (`nnm-rwnuve nmnmu nf Hm unuuon Tlpllal till. 0'l'l`AWA, Feb. 20.-The Senate met to-ninth: After I \\vo weeIu' holiday and sat. for 15 minuton. Ada-n Rpnwn ; Y1`:--nn nn `ll'..-mm-. n1\m. NIPIIIITQ. ~ ` ' . Several private bills were ad vanced` 1 Image and the House adjourned at 1lu cluck.- .-._.._.i A sutumy him: up lie iv. o. I. I. 0'l1'A\\'A. Feb. `J0. -Thin nhvrnoun a dwutxr tinn uf mu-mbetn, culllislilll of Maura. bite `(Curdm:Il). Cargill. Ward, Sproul, Smith gdnnznrio), Manson, Tyrwhitk` Mulock and. gar unite-d un Sir John . Mucduulldto urne 1 nulnidv to the Went:-ru Ontario Rail- Edgar wnm- air John A. Mucaunlla to urge 1 Iulnidy to the way. The road in prujo-cu-d from Pun. Hope to lmerhurou, A distance uf 176 mll01,IlIl'0ll5(h the counties of Ontario, York, Curdwell, Bim- o0d.'Gre,v And Bruce, nud if cunstrnted would nord 3 daroct line from Lake Huron to tho tido-water giving cunm-clion between North- western nuriu and o-aaturn citiel 60 3.4280 ` nnln uhortor thun by nxming mutu. The Inoritl of tho pmject were thoronahlv . pl-cued upon the Pmnnor. who stated that the Gav- :-rnmont has not yet decided whether any buun-rs will be lrnnted this your, but that the 1 ulicutlon wn have lull oonpidentluli If Jubli lea are given. III III HJIIIPVBIUII wlou unruv yuuvvunvv ild' `MI: row bhndly out Iorth tho china ol `the bnuulul, buddmc sown ol 8%. Mun lot I pontoot. "Tho nnmuo in 85000 per you at. that once.` aid Mr. Tnow. "nd thou ll 5 Inc lilo aiming tho Government for I pon- ooo buildmg." [Cheers] It. Can said u now pootoim would look roll in the I nun; sou ol Ridptowu. cannon Dunn l-lnudn. Pour Mntchell vvurinly the ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. I`H'E` BRI " Chrbtlnn Bwtho nurtclnlnont in the . boulo to-non-ow Ivonllg. Irish ' s :ir"Ponoonud Hubugdn" ylll he give : children have and DUI . wunlll two. was! o! (H lnhorln, or membranous or-out Local pl: 3 ohm Admit their Inability to c och the on tlnmlc. AI Ipldomlo at nlphthorln. `Anna. Ind. Feb. 91. -F`orty~eight 1.3 children have d have within two` wait .1 Al..I.oI..-l. .- ungnnhnlmnnnnn numn [Ann] nluguun IIIII mu-uu--. .--. nu--u... - At the ennuel meeting of the sheeeholdere of the Kin ton end Montreal forwerding oompeny. united, held in Montreel yceter- ley et the oioee the following gentlemen were elected dlreetore : Alex. uunn. pred- dent ; Funk Ron, vice president ; W. Steven, menqing direofor 6 Jemee Sum end Jchn Terrence, jr. A Trial ol llelioln. S1-. l |:n:muu'ru:, Feb. 2l.--A telegram form Chordjui say: the Amear 0! Afghanis- tan in pruiding at the trial of the nebula. captured during Bbtk Khan! revolt. The Ruulsn column at Korki it kept in rudi- mm to take the eld, although the report: that the Afghan: intend to begin hostilities uuilat Rani: an discredited. llngnon and llonu-on Forwarding On. A . u.- ____ __I _--nl...c 1-! oh. ;L--..Iu.I.Ig-- The lurtforl Calamity. Hun-ono, lob. 3o.-Tho Iuwrunlon II uiuiu; ground that the n-nuiuu of MI. lminn. I violb of the hotel dun-tor, won `entirely burn! up. TIC Injured us til I hocpiul no doing wall. liew eecepeo Iron um eeyium; - Mr. Lieter complained uniformity in the meiiiier of treetuieiit. Then ehmild be evetoin beeed on pouuletion or anything but politic: should not guide. He uh that the erection of buildinge II Stretlo Goderich end Strethroy wee for the urpoeo 0! making pulitioel cepitel. Dr. ounie eeid shut the erection ol e iioetuoe in Stretliruy had nothing to do with his election, ee liie niejority wen outeide of that wvni. Mr. Porter clierired that Mr. Lieur wee uutrutlilul when heuiid the promise of the enictiuiiole poet oioe at God-rich lied my beiiriiig on hie elec~ ` timi. There lied been no ptuniiiu-e before the } election. Mr. Sutherland believed there ehould be eoine princi ile euiding the policv of the Government in the construction nl public build: He ndvoceted tlie cleiine ol the town Woodstock lur fevoreble coneidere llnll A canard Ilowu-d Canal: nnnullng. Nzw Yon, Feb. 11--John \V1llmuu, hnon I umurd on tho Cunard atuuaslup Berna. was urcucd Iodny charged with nuaupung Io uuugglo noun] shuuuud dollau math cl lllkt Wmmmo lays he in lured to smuggle Iho good! by I |oadmg ulk meruhnnl of thin ony, n wuuuz for wuou anuu. nu use been issued. Japan's Truly with the II. I. Wuumyron. Fob. 2o.--`rm Socnluy ol mug in inlonnod 355: n nupplomenur incl] 01 commerce. sunny and mnuzniun Iran the United State: and Jnpon wu nignod to- day. Inn-y Gilmore In Full. Mnmurous, Feb. 2o.-Ammgunonu bun } been concluded for I light. to n huuh bounce ; Uuunln Necdhun, champion lightweight ol the Northwest, And HuryGiLInure, whotwioo I fouuht Billy Myen Tue ght WI one 03 in than vicinity in About n weeks sud will In (at 851 ll Ir. Trudn`. Ilollul withdrawn. QUEBEC, Fa-b.`.!O. After thr Home sdjourn- 1 ed mu ulxhn Mr. Trude] Ivlllndn-w hm nouoo uf mouou rmqn-ctunc the tan porn] power of . the Yo;-r. The prevailing optmun in that tho Prmuer Iuusued q_u In: dolll Io. Then vnu n mun-Lerul omcun to-dn. aid rfFll||O( IUIIIHJDCI III! COINS .0. to-dny, to be with reference to the Hnrualend NI- Ilouulul. dosh-cuuu. Whu occurred hu not Lnuapuud. The Abyulnln llxpulluon. Sr. Pnmsucno. Feb. 2u.--Tho Gruhdtuiu ` uyu Lhnl. 300 men will nemfurcu the Atcluuu ` expodmoxg_l.o A1)y`ss||)1fs|J|_lh_r sprung. ` IOLIVB nu-inner. He detailed the negotiations in 1879 which The lrilhmul and The Flag of Ireland were sold to 5 company in which Psrnoll And Egan were niisrehuldm-I. He did not doubl that the Lean uo pi landed me money. Later Egan said he proposed to ruudor the live: 0' the Euglinh ulcinlu in England not worth II hour : purchur, And ruplyiug to n question laid thnuloouru Pun.-ll was nuts oftbil proposal. Gladstone`: Greeting In London. L0.\'DON. Feb. 20.-Mr. Gladstone u-rived here to-day. He was welcomed by I (rest throng and n delegnnou from the Iulin colony presented hun wnln an uddreu : -j--- 1 lie lfreyclnet Lulu.-cl Io Porn: 3 Cabinet. PARIS, Feb. 20. -PreudonI Cunot hll ` Ium mum-d M. de Fro.-yaluel to form I U-Abuun-L. l IL. II'............- I`... ..../l-.--1.-- s.. l..-_. _ UIl)Iun-L. I Do Fnycllnel has undertaken to (arm I ~ Cabinet, and It is behaved he wnll Iuoeood. I Non. Tho Miniutor 0! Public Works -all he would treuuro the inlormndon rocuv-d u. hon. member: London was not built in A Guy, and neither could ovary town in Culuduupoot u now poclooo. Pol-hop: 3 honor time In: nnminl. He held that he had not broken my nnglnna um um! aomaes nun]-u-nu-u mm. Richard Pinon, 3 Well~du'4.~cd and benevo- lent looking man npparantly about 60, Inl thoncallod. Ho Iounlied lm wu proprietor of the Fenmu organ, The Irishman, in 1865. Ho belonged to the Supreme Council F. B. All members of the Amnesty Association in 1870 wo-re Ft-uians. Parnell be-lone:-d and About 1871 Blxgnr, Barry. Hutu, Nurey, Mullen uud Murphy belon ed to the Supreme Council of the I. R. B. Itness lculouged to the I. K B. until Augudt, 1881. Ha mu not an active member. H. .a...n..| n.- .....,..:..;,.... ;. mm 1.. out we pmn. - Houston under orou-enminntinu uid he did not. regard all this Itatelrent. u accurate. ,Thia reply wu greeted with laughter. Houston dented thn he do-strovnd Pinon : "nna reply greeted wm: mugnter. Houston dented that de-stroynd Pizowl lemare because they cast doubt. upon the zenuineneuof the letters published by The Tunes. He smdlno deauuyed them because 1 he believed that if they wrre pubhahod the live: of ceruiu perwun wuull be at the mercy of Assassins. Houston mud ]).AVis was In England and that Somaes nuhpu-nu-d him. Riohnrd Piann, ADnll~li|a'4.~t`.d nnd hangin- `THERE was A PLbT` TO MURDER - WALES AND GLADSTONE. money. _ an wu in Paris with Pam:-ll, O'Kelly, Dal on. Brennan and Harris In 188]. He told Davis he lmdlonir conference.-u Vlllll thou gen- tlemen, and all had ugreed tlmt the ai'.nM.Ion rendered reprisulu against England imperative and EnglI.u(l'u> powar could be neutralized only by rqmovin us many of her lendmc men as onsible. {Vnlu|n. Shernlan und other! were to us went to Irv-land to plan the murders. Immediately After Pnrn:ll's arrest Egan ap- pealed to the Fenian leaders to execuca the work inure: energobucully. Walsh went to Dublin atud app9j_r_1t.ed Curt-V, .\Iulleu and Our- ley 88 hi chug! `men. Tvmm. llyrne-, Colbert and Slueridnn were also uasuc.nr.ml with him. Emu was invariably consulml regarding pro- jqcted outrage: and munlerro. E1-MIA strongly roproved Tynan for fnllmg tu nupenr It Kings- bndne in time to Rive tlm uxgnml for Forster : murder. n..~... m... J... - ....C.. ... n-l..... D...-L. I".._-... ' !nIl|'GOl'. Dawn wu in A cafe In Paris when T nun- relnted the whole hi-torv of the Phoenix uk murderp. Tynan took pride in hmmg given the Iiznfal fur the Itluck. Egan professed to be highly delighted. but r0gn-tted that Tynan had not commenced work n-nrlmr. Eran can Bryna tlnolcuer, a facsuuule of which in: publuhed by The Times. Tluarn urn n nlnt. Lu nmrnlnr tlw Prinm nf puuuunea uy LDC lune-4. There In: a plot. Lu, mgrdcr tlw Prince of Wales and Gladstone durum the cnrniul an ` Camgeu. _Bryne and Tyuuu were withing striking distance, but. dxd not attempt to entry out the plan. Hnnntnn umrhnr nrnumnrnminntinn mid ha Attornyunernl \VebItnr rand nov.oa.mado by Pigott of cunvnrsntzuna wit in _E_ugene Davin. According "to the nut:-a ])3VH suited Eann took him into his condence. Davin klrw the LR. B. and the I".I$. were cnnnectod with the League, one working openly and the other IOCl't.'tiy.N|Q "B. -1" nding men nnd tho League money. Ewui um: in PATII wizli Pnrm-ll. n'Kol|v. i 1105 IIIIWOI HID ICIIIW. ' ` mvou i2;o,uUU. _ _ Hpulton mud ho did not think Pigott'I state-nusnu were very Iccurpte, because Pug?` \ onlyrepuated what other 11-*rH0uu mid. tween October, 1886, and January, 1888. he , pud Pivot: 81000. but The Time: mid the ` bills from May, 1887. Pugott. when he wrote ` towltneu demanding 825.000, said he had been coo-reed in Soameu oic-9 Into making I statement under fnlee proleuc-u. Witueu did not the letter. - Ann:-n7v.(`.un-r-I \VnI:uf.nr rand union .lnA1`A II II mm the lrlnl union in msr mu-r Inl-el on the." Inuvnl " or England : l'l-onplnc-I Ilei. * LONDON, Fob. 20.--Mr. IIou_stnu aecrptary of the Irish Loyal nnd P triutlc Union, will further orvou-onminad {om _th0 Pnnoll Commission this mornimr._ Wltnno uid ho accepted the letter: solely on Pinon : Into- mo.-nt. Two day: before the commiuion _Up0.ued Pigoh wrote him an abusive lettu demnndnuz that titer testifying he should be ` lrivou $25,000. Hnnnnn mid ha. did not think Fianna`- i f poolllot rel-naps I Donor III! In: coming. Ho hold any in in connection with than pouoloo

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