John Henderson 00.,` 86 Princess AND FOLLO'ViZ'I].\'I'Gc._ DAYS oun OPENING OF Lace Curtains, ONE Pmor-. STORE. 88 Prim.essSt.,* Kingston. SPECIAL VALUES AND LARGE VARIEY. \9uce everybody to pur- chase largely at this at a Reduction of from 40'to 50 cents on the dollar, make your selec- tions at once. The bar- gains offered should in- If you wish to purchase TOWEUJNGS the best classes of .jj___:-j But two weeks more` SHEETINGS, remain until we offer our entire stock for fl fl '3 VIII?!` SALE BY TENDER. )0. I neon`: Tales of the Borders, 12 vol|., SI`) for C9. Mncdonuldh, George, Works. W vola., 830 for 820. ' . Fignier a Works, 7 vola., 3H for 810. Collins`, Wilkie, 8 vol|., 810 for S8. Reade, Chem, 9 vola., SI l.'25 for 89. 'rhnnn Ixnnlrn nun nu.-5.-tlu `rn-In ..nA nlnnn DRY GOODS OIIWIII. I . Carleton, Boson 3 0. EIGNIIIIII. jr.. H. `J. Int. P. H. Bllll, Hlllll. W. W Brl . luoqilg Wollo Inland ; H. R. W. l_lIIhorfo|~d, QYTIVIII Ii IIIQ IIHIIIII REWVDI 0NI- P. J. Mu:Numrs, am-mu. ; J.`T. Green, C Iluboquozw, Prawn. W. P. Roy: ,J. A..CIuno. J. Wm, W. H. Johnson .;`oI'- onto N. P. MuNnuru. Ilontnnl Hi. W. (`AI-Intnn In H .1 Icon. P H Ila.-.. '........n......... .. +=*..-my- .,. nnrva min. inmrnnl nr nrtnrnnl. ll 50' HIIIICII III II? W. I. `my f i to al ore tonal. nuns :.t?;:l_::`;io:`vil'l:o. Bolt! by 0113;?!" in medicine. lonndiboonhn bottle. A sun lonely tor lounlch. Nun aluonoulthouuntoonuonnd full I In incidental to tllh ellmnte. to to thouuudn in undo ultonhlo thou h In gooey, mud n It aoat! the ICING, o y I the most powerful Old penetrating nmodlu on much it. Norvilino bu around voodot in the mlndo of that `tho Inn uoolouly kjdnd olhnr ramndhn. lino: In notion nun. - mum tor mom. UOIIIO only II they will g fat. _Any Brion yqggnl to buy y. mi yard on {at thfbuf V no` Ii: I50 city. 1|: goodnnro on to all. W. 1-1. Doluxu. nu-Irups UIOOI . CI,5(Xl at Dorland s ordered clothing house. Now Is your chance to buy a ches suit. This is part o! a large wholesale stoc thrown upon ths Toronto market. We will sell pants for $.00 worth $4.50 : [Into for 83.50, worth 36.00: suits for 8H. worth 818 : suits for OI5. worth 890. We say po- sitivsly that thsss an all nsw goods apd rst class in svsry particular. Also that they are ours vslus and worth all that we claim for thsm. (Joins ss.r|y as they will go Anv nsrson wanting in hat: in nu. nu nluvl. Iur my BIDIKO. Among the companion which Mr. Wan: mnlxer evidently believes to be on excep~ tionnlly strong and well mnnnged orgsnizt tion in the Cnnedo Life, of Hamilton, in in Ihown by the fact lhnt he has secured I policy in it for 825,000, which is the largest unount that the (Sound: Life rink: upon one life. The policy, in Addition to securing the protection to his estate and family in the amount stated. Alford: I better invest- ment then government bonds The com- mnv in nnrnnnuul in oh. Alanine Lu J 1' menu tunn government. nonue lno ecny in ropreoentod in the district by J. T. Vhito. Ipeciul Agent, and b W. J. B. White. city ngont. Uioe. 92 rock street. 9.). Napier : Peninsula War, 6 volI., $7.50 for H} "No, I have not A lnrgo funily. Sonm of my eulier inaurnnce Wu ukeu out in the name of my wife, but the grout. bulk of it is An use: for my auto." Amnnn than nnmnnnigg mluinl. Mr ll`.-.. uqu n-wad! QITIV-3 Arnln at Ihq Brlllnh Alurlouv Hotel- ) I II--II'--.--- D-...L..lII-. I II` 1)---- no new Au-nun. ,AAI, -_.IA.` A n Bankrupt Stool. l\..-I-._.)v_ ___1_._- GINGHAMS. NAPKINS. TABLE LINENS. II? 1:: LAND yo. Boswell : Life of Johnson, 4 vol|.. 85 for 83. 75. ` Morris Hslf Ifours with Best Americsn Authors. 4 V0lI., 85 for $4. Macaulay : England, 5 vola., 83.75 for 82.50 Motley : Dutch Republic, 3 voln., $3. 75 for Ill. macnumy I DHIIKYH auu FOGHIB, J V tor 82.50. Knight : Half Hours with the thorn, 4 vo||., $6 for 34. Green : History of the English vol|.. $5 for $3.75. Gibbon`: History of Rome, 6 voln., 85. CITICKIIIDH I QUBCHB UI 1311313110, 0 VOI'., $4 50 tor 83. ' Hudson'a.\`hakspeare, 6 vols., 89 for $6, Macaulay : Essays and Poems, 3 vols.,83.75 Qnr Q`) 50 Eliot's Novels, 8 volumes, $12 for 86. Dickens. 10 volumes, SIS for $T..'>0. Thackeray, 10 volumes, $l5.00 for $7.60. Scott, I3 volumes, $16. 2.`) for 89.75. Hugo, 7 volumes, $9 for 86. Marryat, 12 volumes. $15 for N0. Dumas, 14 volumes. 817.50 for 814. Cooper, I6 volumes, $24 for $16. Cnrlyleb Works. 10 vols., SI5 for 89. Hume : England, 6 vols.. 37.5!) for $5. Strickland`: Queens of England, 3 mln., ` $4 50 lnr KR, J Vlll Lllllll LU U&l'[_Y KHCIH UVUT LU ISIIUIJICF ` season. Prices of our goods are always marked in plain gures. l`hese specially reduced pri:ea are marked on a green tag. Each article therefore has two prices there- on-the.regular price on 0. white tag, the reduced price on B green one. You can thus easily see the reduction we make. While we thus make special olliurs in the Fancy Goods we do not want you to forget that our Books are also offered at a very low ure. For instance. what is the matter :1 ch And a. great many other articles, all of which we have marked at a very low gure,` pre- ferring ratheru small propnrbiuu of their value than to carry them over to another .n...... |)....... ..o' ....... ........l.. ...... ..l.......- The Cottage Library Smokers Sets, Cigar Holders, Photograph Boxes, Music Holders, Writing Cases, Mirror Stands, OK LIIQII NIVQIOW XIII IOU WOYIII `L30. Lon of Bnrplnl in thin line thst we do not mention. , Thou offer: Ihould be taken udvsntngo of IN merchants and olherl, who nu largo qnnntltiu of stationery. Toilet Sets, Glove Boxes. S Handkerchief Boxes, Dressing Cases, Ladies Companions. Collar Boxes, __W Cuff Boxes, Whisk Holders, Shaving Sets, ' WE HAVE LEFT Wan FROM ova CHRISTMAS TRADE A LARGE srocx or Pl3*`H.V9.A3E3 FANCY GOODS. We have also I surplus (took of BARGAINS CUR CHEAP SALE OF Envelopes We have 56 volume: of We hue 34 volume: of WI Dun IHIIVUIOWI [of I00.` WHICH ITO `cheap at C1 26. 500 White Envelope: for 60 worth Cl. 500 Amber Envelope: for 750 worth 81.25. MI) Linen Epvolopou for 754: worth IL25. Yntn nf Rm-nnlnn in thin Iinn Hunt in tin and Envelopes INCLUDING `_L1N _" IIKU. V` H6 n i s People, 4 Beat Au- . 37.50 for vvuuu uuu, uw-vu '5-ua ulna nu uuruv . Hon. Mr. Mills doairod that there should be no doubt nbout tho matter, and asked if ho wu "paying anybody {or such n pur- pose." And Sir John won again qulto clonr and om`,-!..a:lc, anylng : "No. we on pnylna nobody." Now moat pooplo will agree that in get- tlng at the truth Mr. Flynn and Mr. llllla on doing 5 service which all oonslblo man would a roolato. Tho Montreal Guam nvadnlnn I Q -'Al3Ann- In-1| Lg: ....o...ll_g-.I wouul I rwllu. IIIO montrou Uaaum rojolood -laOuon had bun oonlndlotod .....,...., ..,.....-., ...... ...... . "1 can only any that I don't. know Lo~ Caron. I ncvlrr uw h|m,novor u;rnIpwdod- with him, never paid him any money." I)... 11.. um. ..I..:--.I .L_. n_-_- _|.-..|n . an the following gural would indlcste. For instance we odor you 3 box of 1500 Bull" Envelope: for 75c., which are. 'nhaAn At .1 9.5 It is amusing to note the varying political l e'ects of the etatement of `Jaron, a wit- neee for the London Time in its charge: against Parnell. This man posed as one who had, and for many years, occupied the dual position ol a conspirutor in crime--and eager for the performance of any mieeion, however diicult and dangerous. which the American opponent: of the government might assign to him-- and been adetectiveof the name government. drawing big pay for the at a!l timee doubtful service he was able to diecharge. With great gusto he recounted .the feel he had been able to execute as a spy, and intimated that he had not only been in the secret service of the British government but 0! the Canadian govern- ment ae waif Mm startling of .11 he left the impreesion that he was still an employee 01 the dominion ministry: nor was it aur- prieing that the premier wee asked as to the truth of it. Sir John hlacdonald met the enquiry squarely and said : aL-a I .I-__|a |._-... I__ ul ..-.. ....I.. -_.. c...v..-~.- \I` vv.--nus...--. Principal (In-mt, in un address which he made last night before the university couri- cil, dealt vigorously with a matter which demands prompt attention on the part of the educational authorities. The subject is interesting to most people and especially to those who have a care for whatsoever affects the welfare of good old Queen's. And what is the grievance of which Dr. Grant complains '3 That for many years the sen- ates of all the universities in this province, save one, have been endeavouring to raise the standard of education, and have to that end aimed unsuccessfully at uniformity of action in the matriculation examinations ; and that they have been labouring under serious disadvantages in consequence of the selsh or stubborn position assumed by the senate of Toronto university. The address of Dr. Grant should be carefully read in or der that the ground of his complaint may be thoroughly understood. Clearly Queen's sen- ate has gone as far as possible, in allreason. - in order to secure harmony of action and re- sult, and it has done this at the expense of (on two occasions) lowering the percentage required from candidates in the matricula~ tion examinations. Its treatment by the minister of education is remarkable if it is not unfair ; its treatment by the senate of Toronto, especially in its neglect to answer the communication sent it in December, I886, is discorteous if it is not shabby. There may be a purpose behind all the con- trariness which Toronto university has exhi bited in this matter, and if there is the peo- ple wans to know it. By persistently ignor ing the action of Queen's the senate cannot hope to detract one iota from its usefulness. By lowering the standard of education_it is doing the very opposite of what it was sup- posed to do. But however indifferent it may be to the interests of higher education, and to the courtesies of the hour, the Hon_ Mr. Ross, the minister of education, should not be inuenced by it in his official action. Queen's college only wants fair play, and fair play it must have. himself with their movement. ....-....`,.,._ -1 ...... ..... . ...... ... -..l--.... iugs." ``It is true, said Mr. Blake recently, tlmt many years ago I indulged in the hope that `the ('.uLuli2sn people might be induced to inlterest l.ll(`llISt5l\'eS more deeply in their international future, and that there might yet be time to create It feeling in favour of imperial federation. I felt that the diflicul- ties were even then enormous, that this drift was adverse. and that delays were dangerous. My suggestion was thought to be made too soon. It wna, perhaps even then toolate. At any rate it way coldly received and we drifted on. In my poor opinion the drift has continued adverse; and Apart from this, very pniclx has occurred, here and elsewhere. tending to convert diflieulties into imposlibilities." He said more, that he could not endorse some of the sentiments enunciated by the imperial federatiouista and so declined to identify L:-.......IC ...:sl. LL..2.. ....,...-......_A aaua 541114-54 - ..-.......-v-v. It is said that Mr. Blake is an imperial fedcrationiat. lslne? He has not lately spoken on the subject. Many years ago, in ll speech at Aurora. he talked of the poeai~ bilily of Camula being represented in the imperial parliament. and of mnre closely uniting their interests. And his ideas were `clescribml by some as visionary vapour- ...... I-In :..L...... ....II II. 1)|..I.- .__......gI.. The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. Spazoa 56 oolumnn. in published every Thursday morning at I A four. ltlvely In advance. otherwise I! W! I ha 0 nnn-d. Twelve llnel to the inch. N01 Icon of Births, Marriages and Deaths 500. each. unless when booked.' when 8| inohnrgod. -- Special notices In I-ending oolumnulro charc- ed at xwenly cents per llno Io each Insertion. Oloero of unlnoornomlod Associations or ed line to each lnseruon. unincorporated Societies will be held personally responsible for all orders they win Atmchou to the moat In one of the boat Job wo k : ght im ed rlnung presses. Arll ctitarpeaa I/"::'v ad`:)erh'.-wing. subset-tptiogs and obpv-mtin are ayable in advanoe: this mu-I be diali ly rage!-stood.` For four lines, each subsequent m Over four lines. Int lnoe ion. Each nu nont oonsocut veins Once I w pubsoquent inn. Twice O wee Ill uont 1113.. Three 3 week. uubooq out lm..... Twelve lines the inch. Nmlc-an of Births. Mnnlalm an Has been 1 great Iucceu. We hnve dispos- ed of I large quuntity of each. However, N our stock in Itlll too large Ind our original olferu as follow: still hold good, viz : We will give you I rum 0! yood qunlity of Ruled Note Pnper, White. for 60. worth Cl, and 5 ram of first-clua Cram Colored Note for SI worth 8l.50. fhere in nothing wron with than good: and the reason we 0 or them at than ntco ll merely that we hnvo too much of each" on bond and pro- fer the cash to the stock. Attachoo to the paper oicea in Cnnadn: rapid. stylish and cheap \ work eight. improved printing All charm. for advertising. subscription '1`HE-:j3AYhVVI-ii: Opifer oer `Orbem Dioor." _ - ) ADV!-JR'l`1l_8-ICM ICNTS. For four lines. one or two Insertions .... .1) 50 For four lines. each subsequent inset-tion.. M Over lines. Int Insertion. . .. lib Derlino ......-`_..__..-..F, . .. Pu: Hmsu W'mOio'pI_|hlishcd, event`-"y en- lng. at 38 {Inc Street. Kingston. Oumrio, at six DOLLARS run nun. -: \ A |'l1.`R)' TOUCIIY I ()I.V7'. GROUNI) FOR COJIPLA IN T. l4l!Pf.'Ri.4 L l~`1!.'1)ERA TION. Whig : Telephone. Number 22!. A_NN0UNC'EM.NT.1_ _. ___L _-_u., _.._-.. rear. nlvely In advance. owerw Ibex: :1 ed. ._ ICDW. . B. PIERRE. Proprietor. THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY i BHE Bnmsn wa1'<;.`:sA'1*t JR_|).q. FEB. 16. anion .. 1'0 . per line I II vuvq uuonuu III`! -GUI` KIICITCI-CCU Onnd entertainment by Enplln cl the Christian Brothorfoohool In t am home on non Friday ovculn Fob. . con- menclng at 8 o'clock. l'<:hu, none. 50; dun: circle, lint No rows. .; dun circle. behind n: two rows, 85:. : balcony, 350.; lory, ndnlu. 25. gnllory. ohlldrn. Mo. latch bought nnxnnnu hound at Nhbcth boohtnn. nucuwu [or we evening normon : "now He- anloiont:-" Aylnboonloolllnl ' _ will rnndor our UI, 0 Father." by . ,Millnrd. Spoclnl collocllonn will be taken up at both Iorviou in uld of the building fund 9! tho church. Irv-UFUIIIK DOTVIOOI U0. ll-`XI. Rev. Manley Benson, of Tomato, will preach st. ll e.m.. And at 7 p.m.. In the Sy- denhem street Methodist church to-mnrmw. sluhimo, I... oh- ...-..:.... _.-._..... . u\?.... n- 1 (lI!lll IIl'll IILIQOI MCUITKHIC church m`llI|'|I'IOW. Subject {or the evening "New Re- L;cu......z.. Ln- u..4'........ uruucu. ow. many or (lootllfl lnendu h|'n'a`He&'I0thornHnoo~buIIdIr..|Ilir oondohnoon on the hmlly and to View the form of him to whom Kinclton owe: I0 much. Man letter: and toloarsuu hcvo been receive! by the family from man of high position. " . .v-v--. OIIC nauuuuuuuo Tho remninn of the late John Curruthon are lyin in the room Ictoly occupied by him. in {ace look: puoolul In death. About the room no strewn. in profuuion, bountiful lmmortaellea in wrouthu. anchors. crosses. etc. Many of dooouod'I friend: + has-uihrf-ac than n-H-...;. nmln uni. nu - nu -I Ilr|.|IIIrIlIl[ I. A: 9:30 last evening re broke out in I store house in renr of 1). F. Armutron '3 bout end shoe store on Princess street. 'l` 9 building was lled with booze and shoe: end most of the stock we: demeged. When the remen arrived they loan quenched the llnmu. The building was gutted, but not entirely destroyed. Water from the hole end the smoke got into the uore end dem- eged considerable stock in it. The lane in estimated at SL200, covered by insurance. Mr. Armstrong cannot understood the origin of the re. < In aavw nu Isuuuuuquv. A Scott act constable named Elisha Ncttleton, ha been creating excitement in Uanuuoque. while executing papers on oenders of the law. He was chased out of the village last Saturday night. Nobody could then be found to serve the papers until Peter Reid. conductor on the Thou- aand Island railway took the matter in hand. He went to R. Hudson`: hotel. handed the proprietor a paper. and was kicked in the. stomach in return. The police In istrete was interviewed and as a result Hui son was committed for trial. [he cases for infractions of the Scott act have not yet been heard. Note Paper It has coat the London Times 3 lot of money to oeoault the Iriah leader as it has done through the "Parnelliam and Crime articlee. 'Iho letters; over the genuineneu of which there haa been so much liaputina. have been at lul put In. And with the opin- ion: of expert: tho: are decidedly confusing. These letters were handed over to the Times on payment of various aumn aggregating be~ tween .l.'2,000 and !l,000:and they came from one who has not the condence of any one but the Tirm.-c manager, and even he has had his faith moat. Ilnrmingly tried. The London T-(ogmph says it will be proven that the letters in question Are impudent forgeriea, and if no the case may be as well closed. Its trial has been exceedingly mono- tonoua. Because M r. Mort-ielr would not lay before the Quebec legislature this week all the so counts in connection with the interprovin- Lll couference,e\'ou to the coat of the tooth- pick: and postage, the conservatives storm- ed Ind amid that thnt wasn't the wny than they did business. Oh ! It In: only lut month, Jan, l7th, that Hon. John Coetignn was asked liy the auditor-genernl for an ex- planation anenv. the expenditure of money in his department without vouchers, end seid : "This information I must decline to furnish. The sum: referred to were expen- ded in Accordance with the intention of parliement." A non wny of ending 3 point. We commend it to the consideration of Mr. Mercier. ON-lulu: III'OIIOII' lpunulIIonI.. l}...-.I -..A__4_:__,, - ____._ Sir A lulphe Caron luau 5. bill before the c-immons which purpzlws to pamend the militia act. in a singul.u' fashion. He has been annoyed at the me which has been made of the militia on snme occasions, but he in assuming too murll responsibility in desiring legislation 'hl|'ll will deprive the civic authorities of the power they now have and conferring it all on Sir Adolphe. The change might work well en)uuh while he remained on duty at Uttnwn, but when he's away what's to be done? (`an riots be stopped or pustpnm-d-becauae they occasionally` will break nut-until he can be run down at the summer retort and his commands obtained ? 0 o Some time since it was announced that the grant labour orgaui/.utions of the coun- try were discussing an amalgamation, or a federation, according tothe terms of which they would be able to operate separately yet with a perfect understanding for oo operation in the event of in labour crisis. In this great movement all the strong or- qanizstions of the couutr_\' are interested, in- cluding the knights of labour, the Ameri- can federation of trades, the tiremen's and switchmen's league . the brotherhood of liloconktotive engineers, and the Brakemen's lassocintion. The union will be solidied in a few days. I 1 A by one of Sir John's standi-ng'. and _in a way to shakofbeliei and `do much to break down the Tinu2s'case.o`n`tl1e whole." The pnniier had no reason -to tell anght but the truth;" therefore I.eCaron was a brazen` perjurer. It was -worth while to enmblish all this ,in the opinion or many. but not in the opinion of the Hamilton Si)(`l(II()I', which styles the questions of Mr. Flynn and Mr. Milli as stupid and` impertinent and designed to embarrass the government." Yes? And which was calculated to be moet embarrass- ing, the suspicion that the government had in its employ one whose evidence, Aaqording to the Montreal Gllzfflc, was not of 5 nature to receive general credence, or the know- ledge that the government knew nothing about the soalliway whq was taking its name in vain P On which point does the Sperlalor impinge itself. "9! 1 '-AC.-.- _"9'0| 0I|Il Ncrvtou continued. -.. lI-._l___ II p as : LEE L')CAL NEWS. A Mr; at t|r|nItroII['I. an l-_4 ___ ,5 0 1,, | .:__{..___a Viewing the Iumnluo. neuue, \,mu., :1 vo1a., 3| 1.2.) Ior 5:}. These books are perfectly fresh and clean, but we will sell them at. these rates rather than carry the stock during the dull summer months. Come in, look at them, or uk to hnvo them sent home on probation. A Now In uunnnoquo. ..n. _..g -,___..LI _,,, . HM} '13---- E131 Tbkezfi. "gvo rm. ITIOIII IIIUIFIIIII Y ' "No: not I dollar. Everything I hue In I In the `old line companion. in they called. the solid. Iuhutunlnl. rooognllod Imitation: of tho Ind." "Are your ak: Ilfo or ondowmnt ?" " I n I very onuldonhlo um how ohlnnplnu. and purfoutldthh both." II: on 3 large family. uni In our luunnoo or the Inullt ol your Indy 2' "1 u lI?I_L DIl :. I regard a policy In any of our great life aaauranco companies. with the auaza they have an agalnat their Iiabilltlea. and managed at they are to-lav. aa aound and auhountial an invaaunant an the atock of your Chemical bank, with its auota and managed an It in today. A very careful atudy of tho tahlea of life insurance con- vincad mo longago thatla what In known an the `old line companion, prudontly man- J `K011. Iauaoioualy oooduoud, than 2 no nnnIhIHtv_ nu axhtin1.-nLnnnn ma`. Igu`u.Miiu;:o I;II-Ily oouuuawu, x no I iTore. beonnuo I couidar :9 udont,` Ida. dmiralalo u an Invutmont, I to put my money very large] into life lnunnco. "Are you ilnurod my 0! the unu- mout companies 7' No 2 nnt A llnllnr. lino:-Ithlnn I |\Avn In I100 Dy Illy OHIO!` IIIGIVIGIIII .' \Vo||, said he, on he crossed hi: leg: ` and inuilooked uh. ngorl of hi: Inndu, "I'll t9[],you :. 7"] mun:-d I nnlimt In nnv of nr aunt John Wanamaker Tells Why He Has ln- ` snrod Hls Lm tor l A gorgeously decorated calendar for I889, brought in by a messenger, with the com- pliments of a local life Insurance company. led up to the startling announcement that Mr. Wanamaker is insured in the phenome- nal sum of 81,250,000. I looked at him in amar.cment. Said 1 to myself: Here is a man. reputed to be worth twenty millions of dollars, at the head of a concern so prosper- ous that its profits are ordinarily supposed to be a million dollars a year, in the very prime of life, in all `human probability, many years of useful activity before him. What under heaven does he want of a million and a quarter of insurance on his life? And, as I said this to myself, I unconsciously asked him how it was that he. the most substan- tial merchant of his class. with everything that mind could so est, taste. desire or heart ask for-he. lth money galore. so much. indeed, that it is scattered broadcast amon the deserving charities of the day- shoul insnls his life to an `amount hundreds of thousands of dollars more than that car- ried by any other individual ? ``\VsiII, maid In, an In m-nnnul hi: Inna A MlLL|ONA|RE'S LIFE INSURANCE. EMBROIDERIES, great omens. CLOSIIN'G_ OUT S35LE, UNDERWEAR,` Remsining. These used to sell at 30c. You Iny hue your choice for we ouch. LACES, KID GLOVES. HOSIERY, SILKS. DRRQS GOODS. $30,000 W0rth DRY GOODS. MUST BE SOLD AT UNUE AT ANY SACRIFICE. "QUILTS AND HOUSE-FURNISHINGS. R.}ZUTGVeiEaTrT r. I-IARDY S, Fonlor prioo 45c. Tske your choice for l5c.