All : Qluuuuj vv vvu uuu Boat dpooriptionn of 00:1. conxm or muuucx mu 0N'l`Alu0s1'u. dorivod om the Dal Elf. at A point ihuro saw mill: cu: 400.000 to500.(Il) per- you. "The ulsbu And roluno non liud to nuke slug: proportion o! the chateau! for the blast fumncel, III!` the uwduu In used to produce gun for tho ngonontivo furnaces." `IVL- u|--l..:..-`I uh.-- I- ......-..4I I... ah. UIIBIUIICI UHKIIIZI 31 `H : I. *3 Cliarconl iron has qualities imparted by the fuel which no other iron has. Even Swedish iron holds a large part of its price by reason of the yearly increasing cost of Jllzucnal. In other words she is yearly making more out of her wood fuel. in this province our nnti:-unl" aim, our most patriotic endeavor, our enterprise. runs in the direction of forest destruction. And of course this all helps the value of Qwedish iron and of every other kind of iron, for there cannot be the least doubt that we can manufacture charcoal iron as cheaply as my country in the world, and take our place among the iron making race.-. if we observe economic conditions which help manufacture evervwhere else. and which can be disregarded only at the cost of lis- astcr. (l.) We shall have to contend against foreign iron made where ore and fuel are adjacent, thus enabling the Middlesboro smelter to make 2.240 lbs. of pig. with a livin profit at Ills. to .`i.`is. 6d. sterling. and whicii he can send to New York or Mon- treal for a less sum than it costs to move a ton of iron in the ore from Wilbur mine (for example) to Charlotte or Cleveland. The argument against this -ifs` that Chicago for example buys ore and fuel at high rates and makes a large prot In reply to this it must be known that the Chicago enterprise is the largest in the world. can make more iron and steel in one year than alltlanaala could use in ten years, and-that oven Chi- cago has to compete in her own market against foreign iron and stool. An- other argument agaiust hauling coal and ore long distances is the fact that at this moment there are one hundred and twenty-six anthracite and coke furnaca out of blastin the United Statss. A careful examination of the facts will satisfy anyone that we used all the advantage the posses slon of charcoal fuel gives us. and we nasal to use that advantage where the fuel and on wiil cost leolt. that is. at some point near the mines. (1) We shall have to con tend against a _pocialadvautagss which enable the fore an manufacturer to cheapsn rodnction. For instance at Domnarfvot, n Sweden. "two 400 h.p. tnrblno's drive the Bsssmsr blowing engines. two If!) h.p. wheels run the furnace blowing ssginss. ans I00 h.p. turbine is ussd for the heavy late mills, one 400 h.p. wheel is set asids or two bar and rail mills, while thrss 900 h p. wheels are used for other mills and machinery." a total of 2.-tollhorsspowsr from when nan ml": out Mllflll In lllllll Inns nan KiNii~:'ro.V, Feb. l6.--(To the Editor): ` African savages manufacture iron of superior quality-of more honest quality than the steel which the British contractor is credit ed with su plying in the bayonets he makes for the 0i( iere of his country.W It is~aot:'0tI" record that the black man gets a bonus from his tribe or that he imports his fuel. He makes iron with wood fuel, as do many of those enterprising eople called Ameri- cans who last year. or example, sold 600 tons of charcoal pig: iron to a British manu- facturer. There is nothing su rising in this trade item. 'l'he wonder -is t at out of their yearlv output of .330,()O0 tons of char coal pig iron the Aniericans do not sell more to Great Britain, for the Mighty Mother buys every year from the Swede 40,000 tons of charcoal pig iron in addition to her pur-' chase for the Shetlield steel manufacturers of ll0,000 tons of Swedish rened iron,inade of course with charcoal and woollgas fuel. By some it is conceived that we should iin~ port anthracite and cake for the manufac- ture of iron in this province. As this may become a question of public interest I desire to point out that, apart from the fact that there is more money in making charcoal iron than in anthracite or coke iron, the purchase of foreign fuel will only benet a few lake schooncrs. Whereas the manufac- ture of charcoal will help the settlers and farmers in remote districts. ln round terms the manufacture of a ton of pig iron re quires the charcoal of two cords of wood. A 20 ton furnace will consume onetwell- wooded acre per day. The settlers in the free grant townships in this `county alone destroy more tiiuln-r`on rocky non-agricnl tural land in every year than would supply many 20 ton furlmL't`8. The manufacture of this waste into charcoal would distribute for labor alone 5} cents a bushel, equalto an expenditure of $lU.'> for every acre of wood converted into chat coal. Cutting and haul ing will average SL530 a cord or 3 cents a bushel : Cooling in kilns will cost for ltbor It cents, and hauling to furnace l cent n bushel. Is it not reasonable to contend that this expenditure will be vastly more benecial to this province than the purchase of coke at $.")..'iU a ton, $l.25 of which is the foreign ui.iker`s price, 33 2. ), the our, 1|! . I'.'. foreign carrier`s price for his work. and 8| the sum paid to a pro-vinciiel vessel owner. It will better to make iron and steel with native fuel, and in such quantities that some part of it must find a market in the United States, the car- riage of which will pay our lake marine bet ter than carrying coke to us. In the first ten months of last year the United States imported seven hundred and ninety two thousand tons of iron and steel. Surely in this great trade we n...y have a share. Our export of iron ore to the states is about I} to 3 per cent. yearly of the foreign importa- tion. If our exportation of hoineuiade iron should bear the same modest proportion even it would come to a respectable auin. It ought to be apparent to any enter irisiug- comuiuuity that in this ckle war it the most stable of all values is that of charcoal iron. Just now American Bessemer pig has dro ped to 8l.'i. while Pittsburiz, l a., quotes C0l( blast charcoal iron at 828. No. l chur- coal foundry at $22, and Philadelphia quotes charcoal blooms at $.32 to $34 (`ham-nal in-nu Mun ..n..Iiti... in`-mu-O-A luv The; Water Power: 0! Thin Count:-y-.'l`hoy APO Goln to Wane nt. Probont-sug- [canons `Hun Are Worthy of Attention by Our Cnpltnllln. Shnll iron break the northern iron and the sum] 1" Jcr. xv. 1'2. 1 ... n I, In .-n .'. :1 ... [.FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE A LITTLE ` MORE ENTERPRISING. I iA FORTUNE IN Tb1:E. ` A ubotnl Aruolo. "1 on oortif so tho : unofulnou 61' H ud'I Yul ow Oil. 0 no it for bum. ` hm cum. noun. rhaumotluuaoro thrust. cl-on oIc.. and n.oo?q::vodA|t P: Allan` an on not randy. . . . ' ug- xin. Out. All Inodlclno design .3 Yellow II T. I|IV$ll.l IVIIII EIIIIIIIT IIIIIOICI mu out with u col-tlhla I-hnador n the chin. The fun 0! tll mun nunhh chopping blooh. EFT-7"t'.o 'E}b."' IT.` 153?? 2 Iron worker! and man of out I In the launch mud I-`nnltlunonn knoc D_..._ ...a ...n|. - A-.._lLI- _x_LA I.-_.I It Wu I D`o|pu-nu light. 81'. Louis. Fob. l6.-Jnok Fiunlunnoun ad Richard Brynn Ionuhl olonu duponu and bloody mind: with bare knuckle Int nlbl in tin nnhnolu 1`; nlntllnhnu --n xmcsrou nr'o'm ASSO[AT_lQ$.` [VIII Wlill DIP! IIHOIIX III` um Iuaony nlyln In the uuburba. The Indhtot-I no Iron Inrkan And man nf nnmll nnn nnmnh, you. "uln muu In , "no wuu I gon`:lr:lh:lcetinn." emu. ll-riiml dogrrai. an upplpuo of on again, I I 0 but thing the premier could do wan to hang hllnoelt. Twenty potion. nrnubd in the riots, have been ununood to ltnprinonnnt. Tho Pnmlor In You Bud Odom--Cu|Iu for Illa Iullglnllou. Pu-rn, I-`ob. I8.-ln the lower houoo of the din: yootordny a member of tho omni tion, in math a motion toodjourn. b 0d the police for t o brutol tnotmont. of tho pooplo during Thnroda `I riot. The motion to odjourn wu rejoatot . and the house In oonnidorod tho army bill. During tho I olo Iiui the wildest uproar preuilod. Whoa- ovort o promior or I govomnont member tried to Ipook bio who would, ho drovnod with shout: of "Antonino." W0 won`: host you." Tion man no "We run 3 nIonnl1InIonlinn,"nh- I-Adina] dnnlnrnnl IIICIIIIKT ()1 .}HC ['0 'II llllly (U LIIIIIII IICX` eummer. The unit. it is expected, will i create auch a wave of popular enthuaiaam aa will put a damper on any echeme to bring about the absorption of the dominion into the United Statea. The Duke 0! Edin- burgh ia auggeatel an the likely viaitor, but it in alleged that correspondence with the imperial autboritiea seems to show that the Prince of Walea favor: the lending of his eldeat sen. Nov:-I Scheme to Knock the House llut of the Cummrrrlnl Union Boom. U1'rAIvA. Feb. I6 -A rumor, with n anni- nicinl ting . is going the rounds of the Inh- hien to the effect that the government hue decided upon I novel scheme to counteract the growing public sentiment in favor of unrestricted reciprncit with the l'nito:l Staten. Sir John Mncdonnld. it it believed. will seek to secure the ndoptiun of A joint memorinl from the sennte nnd house of com- monn to her mnjnty, uking her to tend l member of ;he royal family to (Tannin next -.........-- TL- ...-.o is 2- -_.......4.I ...:II `:1. uInhurol|nhIuIhnhoudh- I-g-g AL- IL_.-. ..-.I -..L- ` wanna 0! ml nuulons ot Ilvuplt`. Returning to the suhj.-ct. it is worthy of consideration in what relation this city will i stand to the lromlale, Bancroft & Ottawa railway Ihoulcl its course be located Along the nlley of the Mississippi and touching the numerous mill sites along llmt. river. Tlmt railwsy will he an importnnt contri~ hutnr of ore and fuel supplies to any furmu-ea it may mach. liithcr the iron manufactur- ing imluatry oi the region which finds in natural outlet and lake port at Kingston will he dc-velope-l hy local enterprise and imlissoluhly connectei with the interests of this city, or it will be promoted from .\lnn~ tn-ul and Ottnua llltl identied with the l-usineun interests of those places. Will the board of trtule look into this matter? Yours I I) . u.-... is pronn. Let us see what is done with water power 1 elsewhere in building up grant industrial centres : The extraordinary developoment of water-power for economic purposes is an Americzin ideas. In no other country hss it been so extensively` and in sncscssfully utilized. This will be apparent by consider ing some of the rivers which hsve been dnmmeal for the benefit of mankind, and the force which they furnish reduced to the Ituidard of horse power: The lsssaic, st. Paterson, N. J.. L000 horse power : the 5-lerriuinc, at Lowell, l(D,000 ; the .\lr-hawk. at (lilioes, H.000: `the (,'o:iuu-tictlt, at Hadley, l7."0U: the Andmscoggin, at Lewiston. ll,001I ; the lloimttoniv. at (`annan hulls, 3.000; the .\lis.~issippi. at the Fullsut St. .-\nthony. l.'i.0l|0; the (ism:-go. ll tlwrego. 1,000. The stun total of these is 75,000 lioisc~power, as estinmtc-d at A given point on each river. lint this is used over again on an Average not less than three .times. This would show a larger total of `25,000 horsepower. There are also very nuny slnuller streams in all the hill sections of the country, which nre utilized. and may furnish sn aggregate. used and _ unused, equal to the last named totsl of 225.000 - thus givinv {grand total of nsu-ly 541).!!!) horse power. distributed over s wide extent of country. `And supplying in their way the wants of 50 millions of people." Rllturninn tn the snlui.-pr it in wnrtliu nf IKIIIIUCTIIIQIL ` It is nut too much to any that the manu- fucturing ggnius of the Americzxu people lis largely duu to the develupuuaut of the hy drauliclrt-sources of the 1-ountry. The Minne- apolis miller can grind wheat fur half a went I bushel, and thus is cnulpled to pay the (`an- nadian duty and undersell the Ontario mil ler in his own market. is it too muvh to any that if we, too, may .he.npl_v use uatar power tor crushing iron ore, Inuvingit luatml from the roasting kiln, for driving the fur- nnce hlowers and blowing and exluunt fun for gas producer: and regenerative furnaces, for working rotating uory furnaces, for hoisting materials and operuting pondernus hammers and rolls. that we mnv scale the walls of unfriendly custom houses, sell as good iron as the world can nuke, and win a prot. I' n} n. nu; uvkuo E. .11... .1-Sol. mat- ......~.... I'I(llUl'l.l HIIlI?U' uurly SIX "NIX SOIITITOI the river to the Cslnlmgie mines shout the some distance on the north, and from points ant and west. all through Darling, `South ('anont'n. Pnltnerston, Clarendon. South Sfherbrooke, Deb and Dalhousie. liuos an be drawn to the vitrinitv of this great water power region; shaming it to be the centre of the iron ore district of Eastern _(__)_ll_I_-_l'_l`0. It is within engineering skill to combine the forces of many of these mill sites so as to cent ralize, probably, fully 4,000 etl"ec- tive horse power at one convenient site. The Ame ricsn estimate of the value of per- muuent liyclrnhlic motors in SI`) per horse power yearly Putting the yearly value at $5, the revenue from the Mississippi priri lizl`-I Will be $20,000 I year, aiiurding ten per cent on im investment of $200,000 for storage dams on the upper waters, for mill (lama, and for making the river nuvigeble for lumbermen. In ... ..,.. g..- _....L A. _,_. .| . .1 vv vuIIuauny-lu.-xunur rrngur nvuuug II. I pan. .t~!':\llsmta free nndn oordlnl welcome to on-ryono. to strangers especially. The church in slumtod on Juhllsun atrwl. bolwc-en Welling mnnndmxnlsln-1-Lt. Janice A. K. Walker, pastor ; maidulxco ndiolulnt the church. -__ ROW IN THE LOWER HOUSE. ICU I-"U Pl`UPOI'luy Ul ll! \./Illll lumber` C0111` puny. lhe cedar awunpaabrd an immense supply of pie and shingle timber. the refuse fmn. which alone would give A large supply of fuel. The hardwood forest portion is me le_ timber of ne quality: From the ford mines. thirty six miles aoutlrof Oh; riunu on 0|... 1InI\nn:A ln:n1|n -|.....o cl... to t-he\rnilw|y bridge the course of the river is about fifty miles through 3 will wooded country. The fine limits along in banks are the property of the Camda lumbencom~ nnnv, I ha nmlnr nwnlnnnnnnl nn ilnlnnnnn fun the Papas works. TO 6dME?6 `c g.4xo.. llI(I'l' I I IN] I. lhwm:\. PARIS. Fob. IO.--I. Ilollu vhlhd PI-ui~ dd! (Juno! Ink In! And an. .uu......- .. f&;.'n..:::lnnL """"" Noni-\Vdut, Jamal Mania. 9 Icon! `int, fought to I llbh lat light In 5 an in thououon punofllocit . Mor- gu In-d thohatoltholgitfronu nut. dlhmn-.zh Manning sound In: blood. Mania; I-an [mocha] out n the olonoth rouu ' C1I\l'j$CI'.".IIID Iunnuntpumu-..o.uu.:.|"'Ir'.'nl" z1'.'.'m...'.' u.....u. Lnnhur lghl-voi ht champion cl tho and JIIIIC u nal-I Caught In A `nln In-D nigh} I. g Hours of Sur\'imv--.\`undnyllt ll |.m. and 1 nu. I rn `or nwclingnl I0 n.m` and Sunday . `hnol um Biblu (`Iu.sauI 2.45 p.m. Tm-odny Young I :-opus`: Meeting 1.!) an. Wednuade\y-l{e(ulu l nu'or lloeuug II. I am. Dr. (ll-ent's Atidseee to he sent Over the Pr-ovInce- (`u-operation Ie Bought. A meeting of the uuivorsily council of Queen`: univereity vrse held Int evening et which Rev. Dr. Grunt delivered en intc-rett~ lug srldren to he found in hill on page seven of thin edition. The subject en die- ceaed end A resolution moved by R. W. Shannon. seconded by John llolntyro, and oerriod. thnt circulars cohteinin the uldrese he eent to the tiitfurent hrenc es of the Qneen`e university endow meet enocietione throughout the rovinoe. with the request thst they gonsi er and diecuee the subject treeted in It: that circulen he elso sent to the editors of newspapers in towns uni citire throughout the province. with e siniiier re- queet ; end theteuch circulate he sent to the teechere of high eehools and ooiiegiete iuetix tntes in the province. On motion of Dr. Knight. seoonded by Rev. Hr.CertIticheel. it wee\t the rogistrer ol the council he ueeted to oo|n- ' munioete with the eenetee Victeris end Trinity nuieaeities end not them to clo- operetee t neen`siI pr&ine u t e pnhlioend the uinbter 0! doing` the necessity of ooeuuoe entice being taken to raise the stenderd ol eeiveteity netrioul tiol in Onbrio. . _a.__.__. IIIIIICI K. .\a we were told that that government In doing all that was nroemury for tho ooded region: we hue not so far given away any of the money received for the Honun IutTer- ora. I purpose uiving pan. of who: 1 wok out towards the relief in Shun-Tung. u no- thing has yet. been done for them. nor in the government likely to do anything. Lute reports from Honnn show tint the govern- ment in not overtaking the nomnnry relief work there. Dr. McClure goon luuth to (`union lihil week, and in to be married Feb. 6th. We expect to welcome Mn. McClure to our miuion about the end of Fobnnry. *.;__.. -___.__. mucu uuluvu um: l\'fl'I8B. Int`. Ople were not discouraged and hopefully ind forward to I good full harvest, in which. h0Vt'e\'cr, they were destined to be diup~ pointed. There was a series of very heavy rains ending in almost a deluge of min on the Imh of August. As A rrsult All tha full Crop vnss tl(`stl'U)t`tl. \\"ithin tun hundred miles or an of (`hofm th--re are over `2.00|l,~ (ll) of people an the point of starvation. The pwvple nf (`he-foo h:|\'e done all they could for them, and urgent Appeals have been nmde tu Great Briuin and America for relief. Nothing can he got from the land for at last six months. In mnuy plwcs the people are vrunlering about the tieldl and pulling up and eating the tiny blade; of wheat. As they generally pull it up by the r.-nu the outlook for even A spring cup is rather poor. ,\n urn wm-A Inhl Hut Hun ant`.-..-.--n -~-. pmvluceu In II lune cnroulc troumo. mo re- ault of the Yellow river overow. In other provinces. nn-l more especially in Shun- Tung, it is occnsiuue-I by the failure of the crops. The spring or when cmp, which is ` reaped generally about the rat of June. ` was much below the an`:-rage. The Eztrple Lml lliscollrnuwl and hnnnfullv Great Sum-ring and Dlurou In llonan- V Wluu-o no In Located. Cmtmo, Dec. 24 -There is ten-ib'o desti- tutiun and sutfqrimr hereaboutn. In some provinces in is `the chronic trouble. the in J [Int \'un|r l'i\'nl- nvgrnu In nil.-. an IILVIIBUH Wlllllll [JV Kl'IH|`. ll. The law is so mule that the lieonoes an issued upon the census of L- 8l. when the. city haul in pupulntinn of H.091. It in much more now The only wny to-secure an ul- vauce in the number in for the x:om|1ioaion- one to lpplv to the lieutonm -governor in council to have a new census made, but this an only ha done after the city council has passed and nulm:ixtel A by law to the peo ple granting lean: to have the consul taken. The expense of the census must be borne by the municipulily, and licenuu cm only then as issued at the rate of one for every 5!) ad the incruaed population. uNuvnTv COUNCIL MEETING. MB III?! `ICITUCI lJ\l3'CUl[IIlg. The~ meeting was entirely informal. nearly nll the delegutes speaking. The commis- sioners listened attentively. and At the close the deputation retired, ntiatied that the number of licenses to be issued this year would not exceed the number allowed by the law. One commisaiuner so expressed himself. This would mean thn only thirty~ six licenses would be granted. Th: law in an l'I\A1in Ihnr [ha linnnn-n -nu Illl "`lll'I'U l`) llllll LIIU uru CUCCW. At nine o'clock the commi ioners were interviewed by s temperance de egstiou eon~ siatiug of Rev. M. Va\ltl(`gllllVl'i'|y. U. M. Mncdonuell, l rof.Uoodwiu, ll. Fraser. \\'.J., Urothers, and llr. Anglin. The depuution urged upon the commissioners the necessity of rt.-duciuu the number of licensed laces in the city, and asked that the places at have not the requisite qualicstions, As well vss those in which violations of the law occur. bennt granted licenses ngain. References was mule to the petition sent. to the coun- cil. which the deputation was not able to lay before the commissioners as they could not secure it, but which the mayor would lay before them: The declaration was made that umuy more signatures could have been secured had there been more time at the disposal of the canvsssers. There was: feeling among business men that the licenses should be reduced.but many signatures could not be secured among them as they feared boycotting. Thu Innolinu wan nntirnlv informal nan!-Iv Flro I-lump:-u Mun! be Provided And Ilopu '_Futonod In Isivioi-1. Bedroom-u-A Tem- perance Dologotlon Interviews the CouuuIuOoIin--It Como: Away Sutlullocl ` -A New Cancun Co: In Iahon. Cast estenlnn the" license commissioners. Messrs. R. llniwford. J. Mt.-Kelvey. and T. Hnmley, met and dincuaaed the law regard- ` ing lire escapes. They have ordered that it be strictly cmnpliexhwith. The owners of all licensed places must hare erected iron ladders from the various iers. securely fan- leued to the wall, with hand rails, and up pahle of bearing nix persons at n time. In each lrevlroom on the front side then must be ropes. three-qnartersof an inch thick. and long enongh,to reach to the Iidewnlk below. lhe ropea:are to be securely funicu- ed to the wall and coiled up when not in use. A notice must be posted in each loom. notifying occunants how to use the rope. and also where to nnd the lire eaccpea. At hiln-. n`:-lnu-it llua 1-nmlninninnnrn Ira!-A 'I`m- Io eeptod. LETTER rnowfnev. DR. SMITH. LICENSE COMMISSIONERS wau. SURELY ENFORCE THE LAW ` VERY S'l`RlU'l` THIS YEAR. Iollllbr-ncnblhot. _ -,1 IA :1 A: n nn. 1 -mu'r. :1 u\,,_, 1 NO. l'I'Iiv\n Stu-(`ls Mr J. H. Vlrlvrr. Esq. Plaum and slvovi 15- `ons to be sec-nfu my om.-.-. Anchor Huilxhn , over (`umdiun luxprou Umcv. J, M MK] I), 3]APns'I+uRcH{,KINGSTON, SUNDAY, FEB 17th. TENIIERS will he received by the under- signed uplo lhv l'I\'lII.\'lN(i 0|-` -lATl'R||A\'. ` Ihv 23rd m: for tho an-verul trades works` re uined in the on-clinn and volllnlvliun of It rick l{osidenu- on the corner of Barrie and Union Stu-1-Is Yul` J. R. Volvo-r. I-Zaq. Plans and .~m-1-H1-nliona be seen at m! A FIX!-I I-`ARM OI-` 75 ACIH-I-X. Ems: Part of I! .\'o. 15. Isl (`on-`cs.-xiun `Township of Kings! m. heuulifully silunlcxl on the Luke Munro. one mile [mm the I oniu-minty. Good lnlpr houau. outbuildings. orchard. &c.. imita- hlr fur a funm-r or nmh-m~r. Apply on tho: `-run-.4-sin JuH?\' U AIIAM. l`.U. address. Furl -unnnl In . A In: or nmouiuppon amaoa mo Burn FD auctions will he tom. on awuogug_ nu (lanmln lhamlheu. M. Wicllhjli l'} HlliH'l`. Mod:-rate in price and uuexcolled by my Omn- Ilian inst rummu n#1eLNiS W06T4!#9_99e1_!eif> l`lA.\"l;`i;l ofall kinds on Uprights And Squares executed at the W-~b<-r I-`nu-tory. oorm-ru! Princeuamnl Gordon streets, King Lon. No mom durable or well-toned Instrument in Canada lhI|'llh0U. M. WEHHH FPRIUHT. Mnllnr.-un in nrir-A and unntnnllad hi An! (kna- - ~f- 'mc`r YOUR" v1. ~i'rtc}zWi11.b3I1s".z*iv_- RICRVIC4`. King Street. 3!!) Sample palm to be sold at wholesale nrioes. Rl lC*'. Klnn street. he sold wholesale prions. 7'14. KINDS uir m.\'K and (ml:-o Rubber 8tun _l)ners. Seals, Eta. supplied by Bann- yux ILCAVLIY. mnnutamumrs. Boaot SL. Kimnlnn_ Ont. at KILCAVI Kinxuloq. Ont. HOUSIC with club! moms and extension kit- chen hard and soft water. with good ausbllng : convenient to Queen`: Cnlloqe ; immediate - amnion. Apply on the nrenuws [38]. or at . 0. H4 Union Street. between Gordon and Alfred u. TIMELY AN NOUNCEMENTS.` TO CONTRACTORS; Tlllli RES l)|C.\'UI on Slmooe Blroot. lntely osclr-ied by av. A. W. Cooke : double house of n no roomr two cellars: Rood yard and o.{~u-~ied fiv. w."c"oB'k{;'dB'uiEI'6'housJ ` rooms` cellars: good yard atnbling. A&:wly next door. or to B. Roamsox. M. King R 'l Drug Store. IS ALWAYS BTOCKED WITH Till`. A u\ ._ 00-...` TI'--.I I5 AIAVVAIDHIVI/RBI} Wll IIID Boat Dry Hard Wood, Dry Block Wood. Dry Kindlinc Wood and the M 4IA-A-3ruO`nIu- A. an-` -- - - ---- \ 0ll`l``lCI\`.. largo. central. well llltod. Terms f0.'l:{()lN|l)l. Possession immodlately. Apply `Box." Wmo. FHUM INT MKY. that R0041. subsulnllell house on Ontario street. near Union. at pre- rm ncmnpied 1) MN. l)onc0n. Apply to E. T Sl`E.\C\', Wals xslelcy. mu-. J. B. mun. AI`(?hil(`1`l. Thr lowest or my tender not noceaurlly no senuxl. 'l`ll.\T l)l~2 HRl(`K lUC.~`ll)E\'('E. nillntcd on the corner of Sydenlmm and Hay Streets, (-0. mining twn-Ive rooms. It ism [fre- amn occupied by Captain John A. (`onno Iv Ihv nwnvr. to whom application should made for further infurmnlion. -Iuil':~u-: N vXLIaH:5i`icRRAcI:. "Po(`;;ws~ 1-Ion Muy lat. Apply at WHILE UPI-`ICE. -9-TORE AND \VARl1`.H()L'Sl ON ONTARIO STREET. Apply to J. B. CAICRUTHERS. THE H l`|~3AM BARGE F`Rl~I|\`.\4A`50. AND CH.\':3U|{'l`s. Minnie Francis and (`ity 0 King- stow. Total marry ng capacity 3!!) .\1 Pine Lumber. or 440 Lona coal at 6 met draught. For lnrlhcr particulars apply to DAVlDa".).\'. D0- RAN & CU. . S.\l.lS.\l|.\' We winh n (cw to sell our \ guodslr sample to lhv whnlu,-sale and relml lrmlv. artial Jmnufuclnrors In our line. En- close 2~t`cnl strung. W'agea$3 pordn . Pernnr :15-Int positifnn. .'o xhsinls ninsworm .( Mnntey V.-Im'u1 ur wnxumn vurtis ng.uu~.. `u:.vuc.\`- mu. .\lA.\`ou L`u.. L`x.\'u.\'.~a.u1.()Ino. 7(1fo'.\'(3i-IA. X I-`i}is1'?r1 .A=s up-i.\'I-zxui SEll\ A.`."|`: must be well recommended. Ap- ply to I13 Earl Street. A NUIIRE: In7'uldlVc-nod Dun`-s`);n preferred Appl_\ In MR5. NU]-ll. ENT between I0 and l2n.m. und 71111119 p.m. guanine wnnuhclrulvonl to . vocal: om Io halter mu-alum ! lid olhouvo work than tho nrloun ucuanl 0 our talent I4-out Ll-1. OI30. P. "0'EI.a'1 ` (`-0.9 \""w:.`."...:::A'-*.......'x~':':~:.-. Til: rims mcxcx on. sumac; Bu-cot. lntely Izcucied bv av. Cook : house. ().\' TH E MARKFFI` S()l'Al{};; 'l`.U1S.... M(.)RXlNu`A l'l,'l{*1E '. O.\"l`Al.\ l.\G A at. (W M0.\'FZ\. A Tho tlndrr will lwvliba-mIl{ r. wurdod on returning lhv same to MR3`. \'M. (Ell Rl:`'I`.\l AS. [I8 Untnriu Slrc. r`i{uM ln'r M n: Illll-hi nn llnlnrln HUI `Jaguar. VCARRI1-n:n.~`1-In Kingston. Feb. I-tth, 1889. John Curntheru, Aged 75 years. the funeral will lonve his lnste residence. AnnAnd|le," on Monday. l8th inu., at 2:30 p. m.,rorCntnroqui_ Cenxetory. Frihdn at d ascqufnintancoa are respectfully invihod to attend. ` IIUNIIII. 1 Olav: `Branch Entertainment at the Oil! Hull. FOR SALE ogjlfo REIj1T_._ V()L. Lvm. SPECIAL MENTION. 0" THIC REFUIIMICKS (or "90 olocuon of ntllcon and general busi- ness will be held on 1`UIs`.SD.\Y E\'|iNl.\'H. I9Ih. at 8o'c|oc|t. In the Reform Hull. Golden Lion Block. (ll Rvfornlora in the oily um oor~ dually inwlod to be present. H. M. I own. And -Ions mxsn. Joint BI. THE ADJOURNED MEETING 0!` THIC REFORMKRS Ior Ibo nlnnnnn nl nlllnnrn and wnnnl-AI Inni- T9 !LV.T.!.3FB93 Tr6U_ooFs.% FOR SALE. REMIN u.-. n .-p % WANEDI; LOST. 73$ that Paul D4 good. substantial ` KENT Union. me- Ell HF! uhould apply to WI. NIIWIAN. Harrie Street. but noon I-Lu-land Young Bu-acts. l'II'I|IlI'I IEIIII, Davin : lotion. `u Pnrnoll latter: Sold to bohtorgurlu -omm| tn Alotlnor Paper. Lusnox, Fob. I6.---Spochl and cxclunivo Information enable: me to not: that the Parnell lotton were offered to mother jour- naliat three month: before the Time: pur- chuod them. He rolllltd. nrding them utrumpod up:|.(H)wn od. Agen- tleman oonnootod with the Irinh Io ll trio- tic union was tllonhzrprooohod. Jo unc- od the money for t r pumhuo by Houton from Piaott, oulton mulling them Afar- _wQrdg,;o the Tinm, whlch got the Iowan in ` Novunher had paid for them the following Mny. Pnrnollito counsel will uuggnt that Hyatt lor lthemportl to I ll` ** ........1. .r:' ` grudge: ngolnut Mr. Psrnolfl rool nutouraphl and the Tu'um' ulle ed on: have been onlsrgod by photogrn y {our hot. when lot-od oido la aide t a show nmukohlo Mercnou, t 0 ollzflonoo being wavering. crooked And can sad the real one: rm and bold. TL- l'.'_.-- -_l..s. I.` ..'._.`l.- ..l --___ -1 TC] OIIQI |Il"Il| Illtl IDIO. The Times prluh for-oimilu of seven 0! } Pu-null`: lunch. the 3 /cc-missile ol one o! a Davin`: Inna IIUCII IIIU WUPI IUIIU IIIII IUIIK. The wile lingers in the neighbourhood, nlunin to return to her husband : homo. nltlnoug the has I moo excellent lmohnnd nnd interesting hmily. At the meotin the old man remarked that "love, although uri- od in vinegar noun or seventy yearn, never ranted." The one in Attracting much nt- tendon. REVEALlN:(r) FWTHE PHOTOGRAPH. ` An Aged Pnlr Who Were Lovere In Tlelr l Enrller have Meet Again. `.\ r.w l un..\, U , Feb. l6.-A curious one of liuppointment in merriuge relntions has just come to light at Stone Cr:-ck. Many year: ago I young German courted and won the affections of u neigh- bour : girl and the day we: not for the mar- riage. For some unnccounteble reason the parents of the young men opposed the union. And the engagement wu broken otf. The men subsequently merried an other ninl and hie nt love married on- olher'men end moved to Kenna. The old love and aectinn between the two never died. Both have grown up families end are grendperenu. T his week the first love, now quite ray. oeme ell the win from Kansas to ch 3 piece to hue the pleuure, u the sum. of seeing her old lover once more before she died. The meeting use A moat nectionnte one, and the fell on each at her`: necks and wept loud on long. Tho Irih Iinnnr-n in tho nnluhhnurhmxcl l.'(.-U BUG [HUM IIKJUI .Il,'K.K - Sir John Macdonald, speaking to 3 depu- tation yesterday, declared that the prnctive of giving nubci Has to prnjevted railwuva wu not only rollin up hem'_y linbilitiea but wu enervnting t a people and matching them to rely on the government instead of on their own private endeavor: in the pro- motion of enterprises. I HKEIQ IUTIUIIC OI LIU'lKIU. Hon. Mr. lmliesnnne, having accepted without nppeal the decision of the supremo court, reducing Mnount in which the Turmibo Mail wn inulcted in-his libel Against that i journal from 8|0,000 to 86,000, the money has been mid over to him. The case hu coat the Arm"! About 8| L000. Hi. Ink-. I.I..n.Ino..l.l -nanhinu on . .1--`.1, IIUII Ul IIIKUIIUCI-II prupcrly. Clelnent Scott. the dramatic tritic who killed Gilbert`: Hrnntinghune Hall" by his adverts criticism hu suddenly been made rich. Miss Drew, :5 wealthy maiden lady. who greatly admired Scott`: vigoroul writ- ings. has died and bequeathed to the critic I little fortune of l0,U0n. llnn Mp lnnruvun kn-inn an.-.m..l curreu lll ucwoer. Prof. Uolfcken, of Munich. has instituted an action ngninnt the imperinl prouecutor for ziolation of secrecy in private corres- pondence, and for the unauthoriled publica- tion of intellectual property. (llunu-nt Noun. flip alrnmntir trivia` whn OLIVE BRANCH ENTERTAINMENT, CITY HALL, MONDAY, Feb. 18. II\I) I`l) A \' A I III` \Y A 'I`ll\\! A I l`l\J'I`I'IlIn` II In I Uylll` COIIKIIIIOII. J. D. Silcox, Welland. ha been nwsrded the contruct. for strengthening the southern bank of the Cornwall cunl between Hille- Iochu sud Moulinette, where the break oc- curred in October. I.)....I lV_bl'..|..... -3 \I....:..|. L..- :.....o-:A..I.../I DIIIODCY VII CITDWIIOI. Louis Huller. of the internntionnl com puny. Mexico. ha been indicted for embez zeling 893.0(1) from the compnny. Huller is in I dying condition. J. D. Silent. \} eIIAnd_ hm: hnan Awnrdod Ow`;-n Maloney llld William Coffey hnd I quarrel on the boat Pinnfore. lyingin the 1 North river. They fell overbonrd and Muloney was drowned. Innis I-lnllnr nf tho hxfnrnnfinnnl nnm WET`! KIIIIKI U, . IFCIIWIU OI CIHIB. A committee ha been sppoiuted to pre- pare I manifesto in reply to Bouhnger`| address to the electors of the Seine. Proceedings to set uide the will of Wm. Parker, Keokuk, that he left two families and they are lighting for his money. The court of IADDBAII Inn refuuarl to crank nuu EHO are llxlllclllx [Ur nll money. The court of appeal: has refused to grant an order of Appeal to O'Brien Against his recent sentence to four months imprison- lllellt. n__... u..I........ __.. \v:n:-_ n..a-_.. L..,x - CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMP NY. SAILING from New York every Sam ay. Au~ ( tho:-Izod Agunt. F. A. Folgor. Ferry Dock foot A! I-It-only Sh Iflnailnn CIIIDEC. Albert nnd George Avery, Rswliu, \Vy., whose parents roai e in Uhic, while hunting were lulled by ultampodo of cattle. A nnmmittnn hnn hnan nnnnintncl tn nua- U,UUU I0 IUJIAJ DIDIUIIDI III (DID Clliy. The suspension of Edward Hatch hat. been ` announced at the New York snock ax- chsnge. Alhart nnd Gan:-on Avnrv, RA-Iinn \\'v The recent now at rm: in France have been followed by serio a oods. McAulit!'e must fight Myers Again or for- feit. his shsto of tho 85,000 stake money. Tho Hat!-nit }\'ru-2 uvn thnrn urn from IOIW Ill! SIIICQ OI [Ill .\).U\Il BFIKO \0I10y. The Detroit Neu-u says there are from 5,000 to 10,000 Canadians in that city. The nnnnnnninn of Erlwnrd Hnmh hat. hmm w. 1 . ...--.--, -u---..., . v-.- --- PORTR AYAI. 0!` NATIONAL COSTUME. In.-slrumonlul Mnslv. ltcvltatlonn In tho Child- mn. Snmn and Bounce: In India. Ch mm and the Nonhwul. ` Tho Spice n! the Morning Pnporn And tho Vorv Latent 'l`ololI-nun. No ritf bill will pun congress thin THE LEADING UNDER'l`AKlcR. Pluxonss S'rmcm*. Hun Ilvu nsullt, I`. II. I. ! olllrock St..K:Rl`u)n _ I-JJAH LUQALJIJWLI \I\IIlLL 3&1 A will make some reduction in the price 0 some of their lines of lumber and sash factory goodslhis season. We have one burn frame wfoet. one {I5 and one 40. Also good bylck. which will be sold on reasonable .terms for ` good approved nolos. 'I`lll4` I) ATIIDIVKY {\1l\ll)A UV To a;:;;.,` Au5_j;r[e3{3R'Fn}|&: a. i ` .., . wuhipgwn-;mi't:n}{3n and all Points In North /iffnow York. vi. G.'l`.R. md N.Y.C. an I`. HANLEY. - - Gen. Ticket Agent. THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE BY ` ginnm, Wale:-town & Oadonlbum nu. I IIVUUVE V\IUVIIIIIU\I|VI' Illll-Ell! if Headquarters for Clover. Timothy. Field and Garden Seeds. ` Choice Ifnmllv Il'lnm-_ Rrmnnr Rnkm-I Flnnr g and uamnu Seeds. Choice Family Flour. Strong Bakers Flour I specially. ) JOSEPH FRANKLIN, ` Windsor Hotel Block, Princess Street, ANY PARTIES \K'I8I'|lNC ROOFB CLEAN` UPI` should apply to WI. NEWMAN. nu-do Street. between Youu THE RATHBUN OOMEAN \l'.'Il .....|... ..._.__.. _....I._...:A.. 1.. .x. _._x._ - TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES. WIIOLEILI AND RETAIL PRODUCE porgMI_ssIou DEALEI}. DZ` IJ.._.I..n..- .._. .._lV......_ 'I`:....~||.- Inlnh hrjze` r lTH or Tl-E New JZn7EaIs1_1?13./' nu...`-an... . Du IIUIUB. THE RATHBUN CUMRAN Y. '|7(*INGST()*N._C_A.NADA,QTURDAY EVIJNLING. FEBRU1{ii7 1 ,T$Js{L nu. rupoouvuy. ma: non mo runny hall I mile in Miller : Isll.'l9 he! on no uldn M an inland. ndon tho otlnnldo bullock : full, foct, and Ntoihi tall. 23 foot. Four Inllu distant Uoddhh (Alla. what, how the hood 0! Muluuv hh narnacaa." The Mlaaiui pi river in croaaad by (ha Kingston a eunbroka railway aixty-aix miles from Kingston. At varying diatanoaa imm the railway it aifnrda aoma oi the ilnaai mill aim in the pruvinoa. Thu. want from the railway one mile. in a {all of I) loot : two mllea, a fall of 60 fool. and wiihin iodr miiea thraa ialia oi 30 foot, .15 foot. and id foot. raapootivaiy. Eaat from tho railway mile hetonuo u_n-_a.o_ c-n cl|C..a -...I nn-|.|.I. I." `I It Sccrotnec.