Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1889, p. 6

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WE TAK`E__0l-Jnfi- LVE-_|`t; `6I2'ii'ouIH A A - _ H To snuw \'uL' i Nl`.CKTIE,\[I1III)nI`2l}i,IIIi;I`r, E'6iLX31s.BUm, % (H) T0 RATTE NB UBY S- Two Car Loads of the Ontario Brewing and Mnltinsz Co's superior __ .1---. A--.` ..-_.___ 1v 0. 1 11 1111;: It 12-1 ha 5 I .. OPPONHTK Bnmm Amt!-ncAN Ho-n:L. un uvn Iv: 1515!!` however, jl II bud mun comes dong will mako hun one fur lhc same price. `'?'l A I l- l'\ l'\ I. I I ` A Gooc; II-lIa._n"r; v()v:3;'r:.o-a.1'.'I-Mliade to order for $13. |_'nnu.u.u- II .. L. 2 . ........_.. 1-..- __:u __,L- This will be aware opportunity to buy Robes, Coats. (`null Mums Imus. &c.. as the name ock is to be suld without reserve. u ALE m En u Or the Liquor Habit Pnsltivclly Cured bl Ad- ` mlnlntering Dr. linlned Go don Spool c. It can be given In A cup of ooee or tea wfth out the Im rwled of the person taking II; is nhuoluloly harm use and will ebvt A permu- nnn; and upu-dy cure. whether the patient is I ISH WHIG. WEPNESDAY. F,EB.J1.3, BOSTON - fr - sromz, -v-\au--- u \l I i-bf!` MUST ATTRACT ATTENTION. Gi2'O0ER11'~_:s: ILIQti6RS. F S No. 1o;}..4::r.;vc1;.~z1".. V PPOQITK Rmrmn Auwnmnu I-In-nu DON'T FORGET `THE BIG CLEARIQJG SALE \' KE lN) l'H ENIH MEET BY TAK- ING Ix` TAIL IN HIS MOUTH. ' " 1 ONE DOOR nm.(m' CITY HOTEL. mu A (`H<)l()l-J 101` OF - rrmvnn Y1lvnvv\nvIrY\llI.\ 1-l\lI .u-..-. an..- u uu x u. IIOIII. J. '1`. WHITE, City Agent. 92 Bnccx STREET. u-v ago. uu lunuuuuu. nutv. oils and Plxysivml Duhility. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold nhoriea oonsoquem thereon E pages 8 \'0., I25 pr.-script ions for all dlsoascs. , Goth. full gill. only O]. by mail, sealed. lllns~ ` arntive simple free to all young and middle Iced men. Sond now. The Gold and Jewolled Modal awarded to the nu hor by the National ModlealAasociation. Addreu E .0 Box 1396. Boston, Mom. or DR. W. H. PARKER. grad- nto of Harvard Medical College. 25 year: pnctioo in Boston. who may be consulted con Manually. Specialty: Diseases ol Mn. 0!- h N11 I Hnlnnh RI O\/El3C0AT_S:_ nu` nu nu. aunuu pnlulz. TLUWEDDELL, U` luun. I)l.`l l\|l' r vmu II ll . m':Fl0 ;lAE' BRIGGS. Atom. 1m~NIsH!:i_- Wellington Street. I r. w ANT mmwNIc M nnngur for (`unndn. Montreu Phlr IVIA... A _.._; ` oh-9|-9*-. 0' long-M-.6!-& _,.__._._.. -..._,, -nun , nun: uvruurj `I In In no of `I OI " I Ion-u=yplI `pp mug '0.I :.Il.I I'D ur. alt r , ulna not. on; "W -5 3- "45 '- :'2'`':.`.`.`.: .':'..... .. I-C UV` """`l||'In III. Iill. sons the canon. L: up by oonu. hr Bvwnol O 00-. Rona-cu. Ilununb Aunt. -~s----_____. ran-Mon`: ; to u r :30`: nub: int: :nwh`n - ting Inwn form. {huh glut: ` ` I on In an new - ......`--.-- --~....--.~.: _ ,lI.r gran}: L-gn, II... o_on>Io. rue-ux run llrllll PIIOQ. -Iluuulluy. Ufllsllly 1 Inc NIL I Bulnch St. ruwr hllri. Ill UIIIO IIAI, hllll I0 I Dlll on I nilrond bridge whllo a tn 1: d forty- Iix fro ht car; Posted ovor his head, Mid In say: 0 would at do it Apia for the but custard pie ever mule. "My Miruculouu Cure VII that I Ind nuerod from kidney dinouo for about two years, wu of work all that time. A friend told rm ofB.B.B.. I tried It, And am hnp y to any that I Iva cured by two bottll ' Wm. Tier. St. Mll"'I. Out. 1 I ___.__.:.i.:_. . Sauna. Italy. lculy. ltlu 72111100, .9. '::._.'.:.:' "3" .:..:...': ::r:.'*..:'..`:'.-.:'::-.:: "2 mm. renew, I Be mny be. but if he tell: you thnt my prcpnrution in the world is signed an Pul- unm'u Painless Corn Extnctor. diltnut the Idvim. Imitation: only prove the nluo of Putnam`: Puinloun (`om Extractor. Souig~ nature on each bottle of Pnloou & Co. Get "l. utnAm I." aul: nnuum meeting 0! pamuen. hlghth concession, and Tamworth Preebyterian church. wan held on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Smith reported the oong.egationa in a pro: roua condition spiritually and nancially. he auditors reported a balance on the right aide. The board of management re-elected with the addition of Jamea Shannon. The aaseaementa by the Presbytery for home mie- aion and augmentation aohemea are the name as last year : For home miuion fund. 50 `cent: per member, and for the augmentation fund 40 cents per member. Rev. R. J. Craig, Deeeronto, will preach mieaiouaiy sermons on. the nth inat. When baby was sick, we gave her (`astorhn . When she wua child. she cried for Castoriu. W'hon she bccuno Miss. Iho.'clung Lo Culoria. W'hen she had chlldmmsho gave them Camorin Peter Clu-k. nu Ohio lad. bun to bum n bridn Ivhlln . In n n! rm. uuc II plu money. I A beoutiful young lady became so udly ulis ured with pimpleo and blotchea that it was cured she would die of grief. A friend recommended Ayer's Snruporilln, which she look and wns pertectly cured. She is now one of the fairest of the fair. Ulllllla For the restoration of faded and gray hair to its original colour and freshneu Ayer'u Hair Vigor remains unrivaled. This in the most popular and valuable toilet prepara- tion in the world. All who use it are per- fectl) satisfied that it is the best. A dying wife at (Iovington owned up that she had gone through her husband's pockets regularly for twenty seven years, and that she had purloined about $9(X)from him to i use an pin money. A lllllliflll unnna `Adv hnnnnan an :11": an, an aux Ixaru uy uw men 01 nu depart` ment. A. 2. (iracey red an address, while Robert Pearson preaented I handsome tobac- co pipe. cigar holder, and complete smoking outt. L`-.. AL. .___A__ A5," _:1- I 1 1 u P_'3.U.N.KnENNESS uusu II. me same place Jul. Sikh Do not rleapnir of curing your nick head- avhe when you can no euil obtuin Carter`: Little Liver Pills. They w H eect nprompt and permanenfcure. Their Action, in mild and natural. l____ L\__;,;___ _____z__ n` In. n n ` Illll UILUTII. Last Friday evening, W. Mitchell, masher builder for the Ruthbun company. Deaeron to, was su Iised by the men of his depart` (iracev red an ndrirpnm I'hiln um u-ax. urucle In me market. Albert Kyes, late of Lansdowne, died at Hammond. Wisconsin. January 24th. The deceased lived at Mullorytown for some, and was then a county constable. He. was out of health for 3 long time. S. K.Pntter- son. also A former resident of Lnnldowne. died It the same place Jan. 30:11 not. desnnir of l`lll`ilID vnnr uh-I Land. The annual meeting of Camden. Hghth oncouion. Tamworth Prnnhvtnrinn IIIDTICE Persons prematurely gray can have their hair restored to its youthful beauty by using Hnll`s Vegetable Sicilian hair renewer, the but article in the market. All... I.'...-_... I..... -6 r....-.x._..._- .I:,.I A cl nugeuub. For my one of nervousness, uleeplcasneu. weak utomnuh, indigestion, dyspepsin, try (.`art.er's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in the mnrket. |;A_,____ ___,_,,. ,,, I I pncrsau. 1 ry ulem. ` Too lovely for Anything ! What can lmlips say after using jelly of cucumber v `I v--~ - for their chspped hands. Druggm . . .. I it. W. A. Dyer & Co., Montreal. Evsngelislic services will he comlucx-,.l |.. I the First Methodist church in Pictun in as short time by Mr. Schiverea, n successful eungelist. pnr urn: nnnn (J nn-rang-.. -I--..I,...._-_ Mill UIICOD. The action of Carter`: Little Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels. but do not purge. They are sure no please. Try them. Tnn lnvnlv fnr Al'I\!.'\;l1rI I \\'h-:6-ll lmn-n vv . II. VV HBO A. M. l urvia' store in Gnnunoquc was damaged by re on Tuesday to the extent. of $500. The tire originated by mice marry- ing matches and igniting them among cot- wn batton. 1-;__ __.;A__ ,grw_,., I, Is..I, I-._| -- Cell: I uuule I! H sue) drug SCOPE. Catarrh cured. health And sweet breath secured, by Shiluh`s Cnnrrh Remedy.` Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector ee. Sold by W. J. Wilson. A In l)......:-I _...__ 2, n._.,r -nu ulvat .uL~u|uu W 011 0! Ilonce. on Manhood. Nerv. nun and DI.-.:..-I n..Ln.-._ IWIIJ. -For coughs And colds take the Diamond Cough Remedy, composed of elecampane. wild cherry and hnrehound. 25 and 50 centa a bottle at Wade : drug store. cm-ad. hnnlth and swank lmmol. ouiu uy W. J. Wilson. About two months ago Parker Hicks, liveryman, Picton. had his livery sign sawed down. He replaced the former wooden post by an iron one. On Wednes- gay the sign was broken down and carried away. -Fnr mmnhn .../l ....lA.. L..l._ .1... n:_...-._J uy vv. 4. vulaon. ` That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh I Cure. We gunnntee it. Sold by W. J. Wilson. About hi/n rnnntkn -.... u..-I...- u:nL- uncle, n. L,. uuuoun. goes to elleville. Cronp, whooping `cough and bronchltia imme iiately relieved by Sbiloh Cum. Sold by W. J. Wilson. ` Thnt hnnlninn ngnah non I`- ..n ---E-|-I- aumpuun. aolu by W. _J. Wilson. The Rathbunicompqny have made I change in the management of their Belle- villb branch. P. J. Shannon has been transferrad to Brcckville, and the ugent. there, R. C. Calhoun. to Belleville. Croun. whoonina (much And 1..-......|.m. [or you. com Dy W. J. Wilson. Shiloh : Cough and Cuusum tion Cure i told by us on a guarantve. I cures col: aumption. Sold by W. _J. Wilson. 'lVh8 Rathlmn` vnlnnnnu |\v||v.s ....-.l- ........ `II '.v,vvv was unluu Du! l0.llJU required. Sleoplesaniguta. made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh : Cure in the remedy for you. Sold by W. J. Wilson. Shiloh : Cnmvh Aml (`...............o:.... I`.---- -'- -% . Pile-II Pllu twain rue`; BIO-wldihuu x Inlannn n.m.. ..4 .n \ Will you uuE'e1~witli upopaia. and liver complaint? Shiloh`: Vi ' r in uarmteed tmcureyou. Sold by W. J. ion. For lnme back. side or cheu,\s\e Shiloh ! Porous Planter. Price 25 cents. \Sold by W. J. Wilson. Thq*pro'ect to form I electric light - puny in l {onlrew haw filled. Stock to t value of 810,000 was taken but 8l6.000 with u|--..:..-- -:_.,- Tho Cr!-.\m"o! thO.i;l;Pli uhord\'Fot V the WM: gtoudqn. _MrI. William Smltherl. of Cape Vincent, suddenly Int Thursday night from hen diseue- . Han p s magic cornlulvo cure: coma ma ' lmniona \v'th three Application; 150. per box st W ` drug store. \ Next Tueul . a Sabbath nohool conven- tion occurs in t exthodist church, Unm- den East. uuervfitll liver SbOh'I I` in nun;-nntnnnl `PHI SCIENCE OF` LIFE. lho Gn.-at Medical \\ ork of 1 IL- nu-.. .... \l....|...-,a v___ x r I .n.,` _...Y_ THE. rA TALE. put 2 A Vina I` nllll llvlll KVUVUBIG It oonulu` unhet slum. limo. not uninouu and ma be used by the most delicate column Mon: 1!: perfect am}. It: moons arising from m boln luau-Iudcu THIS BIB`! VAL E IN THERARKET an wouu thor mm: uupua to the wuno ohm hitch In at noltd onvloun tum`. III w-gun; uunplul ID uw WIIIKI DI U19 IIIDII II lmlt oll 3:) lloannoo. lo I 1 , No ad on to on hem poox-3 mu: Dish 3. * _._.I_ I`.-L ,, ,,,, 5 I-LIN \JAll.LlQIJI\.I. ll 000K'8 FRIEND BAKING POWDER [8 A PURE FRUU` ACID POWDER h ~mo.l-- ..-nL-_ _|_._ n._ ___ -_ _. - at. unmn. 11.. Aunm 0.. San mu nu BY It. J. D01 street. Kingston. u-vv uvuvu. VLIIIIIU NIHVIIIIIL UV. ORANGI. nu... Chic:go.l1l.. 28 Union tquxro. N.Y..Idhs.lx., 8`: ll? he nu .. . Qlu In .l(..Huan:n Al.l_`z>n.rl& utomt sewme mdmia co.'. ORANGE Hang. 2"` HAS no EQUAL u H - vvun u I` IUOIII` II av VIDA` ndohrkononrypnchp It TO WEAK MEN P" jg stwigqgggcunuz PLATE GLASS ' xuuEI'<'L"3JnInI unx LEATHER BELIIIIG S<;l;i l:;~l5ru(g'gi.Il: everywhere. \\ holesalo by rev A .\.s' R a'U.\.3 1Limil(~d|. Montreal. COC KLili'LS`I'IL-IK..Sr:In use eighty-sixyealh 0CKLE'S PILLS- For Liver. COCKLHS PlLLS-For Indigestion. COCKLHS PILLS-l-`regfrom Mercury. I OILS. COLORS. ' ARTISTS MATERIALS. WINDOW GLASS, ` VARNISHES, ETC. EXHAUSEB` VITAEITY, ununulnll \IrIlI1I' 1` IlI'IlIIPrIu `\_(`()l'kT Hnwmcv. No. 199. (`.().F'.. moot: thy h'Il(`().\'l) AND L131` Tmcnmv or Inn Iufr I in the `I :-ornllrr Buyr'HnH. King Struel. | 1`. T. l- ..\"l`UN. Recording Secretary. Son: of 4|-Znglgnd. Llnols-r: u Lonon. No. or the Spam of Eng- hnd Benevolent Society, w II mm! In their new Lodge Room. corner Montreal and Prmcom Btu. over Stnu-hon : H!\l`dWau'u Store. the 2nd and` ma Tuudnya of each munug._ on `UNDER -run: Al'Hl'ICl8 or `rm: (uuxn Louuumr Mnd_`nIem`|cu, EN`(i|.ANlI mu-I 1-very other Friday m the sons of Enulmul Rumn. l?rlncuI- Street. Nun mooning F`:nm'.uw l.'mI. VV., uuaulu. Recording Soqrelnry. lllnwnin Begun} Ilootlngl. . Mlnden. No. 9.53, on Monday. Mar. lLh.nt 1:30 p.In. 7` '|:ligf|$3t.u-`l.0hn'I. No 8.`on 'l`hundAy.MArch C'*='l - N0-91. on Wdnudu.`Fob. 1311:. at 7:!) van. W; THE OELEBRATED J . O. HHLLBIN name 00. MONGENAIS. BOIVIN 81. CO. `OC KLE'Sv_ PI 1.LS--For Heartburn. Ask your druggiat. in` him particulars and the proper urlicle Win he in yuur hands by re- HIl`n mail. perfectly l`l`1i:\blc.2|I nludvnre cool. Send 60. Sun mp for lllus ruled Bnok. :OCKI.E S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS. Cl FII l|.lI8TI'!I GIIOIAIOF sumrma NEW A. RAMSAY I SON, MISCELLANEOUS. Cunndlnn 0|-do: Foronord. ..._4_ ._ u_........ In. nu nun PAINTS SllVHi _I_.-E `soom'rI1:_s. penance fur the last lwcnly {WIPE in Unnmla um prior in lhu largest z-stub ishmems in E-1- rope and the United nuea 'V`h0u:nds of our uving peopte nru conipi-ed ll) give up Aullill on-.. and are mi-crash e l o- life, uh duo to the .\`Knf .\lH(`()NS'l`KlYC'l`ED1`l( l'a`SE-i nflor bring" 1 uptured. Ask your -phwic-inn. whom we n`I have to u-us! in linlv ut lucid. and Whuln WHOLIBALI DEPOT : 30 8t. Sacrament 81!, Nqztfpq D-__ . _..-I 9..._....-.I\.. -___._ Inna: \r.. Mr Alan. IOITIIAI. H. JONAS & U0. GROCER- \ A N \ amrixuimacu SUNDRIES I HAVE SERVED FATISFACTORILY WITH APPLIANCES ALL'1HI8 TIME A fl?!-2 MAN WILL LIST!-II AD\'l(`l-L n! .1 man with the mom ( pcfiuu-c fur the last lwo.nl_\ `oar: n prior [he lnrsmm 1-shah isahn RU1=;DtfEE." \VI."E !.lSTE.\' TO THE AD\'l(`l-L .1 the mom (`xh-Imivo-:~\'. Into, llllllus, IIUUI Iluu ln. laavin them beAuI.I!u|l_v white and vol- vetv. !-old y wholesale dealers undalru Isis ever-vwhc-re Pond Lilv (`roam 95 no-ma: nd ` vetv. l-old by wh nlusnle deulurs I\lld(`l'll Isis everywhere Pon Lily (`ro2\n1.25 co.-ma ; nd Lily Llvbr Pellets. 23 cents; Pond Lily Skin Soap. 15 cents. S. Plrukm. Chemist. Mnnufuc- ` Ir Proprietor fur Cannon. 1- MED-IoA_1.n91Es., 1' _.__.,- . REMEMBER THAT b ` Simson s - Liniment: - A Private Treatise and Adviser in ve hnguages; 24 illustrations. "'0 young men only. and those contemplating marriage should not fall to send for it. n n unnan n n.-....- _.-..--.-.-.. BROWN-`}_VI`?..(3:I-`~Ii_?.-"EEEES. & 00.. Simson's Liniment, In tInI.lIfl0o.:lI`o.|I. uc.;cnd 8'05.` paokoulo. WII'I.fAl.l DIES` . R7nemuat8.3nn. Sciatica, N-ui-ul- via, Catarrh. Outs. Bruises, xs'u--l- tings, scald Head, Colic, dyspep- sia, contraction of the muscles, lame back. rliphthn-in, sore throat, lender feel, torus, sli` joints, etc. ` , ' V For Distemper in Horses, Enlarged Joints, and other diseases, in'ci-lenul to than useful animals. it in unrivalled. [vn_.:`:`d_`__>A__ ,_,,,. .. I - ..._. n I :5 ma vnupu Introduced the Pdllia, Hu taken (lib lekd and is the beat prepara- tion o\7er otfeced to the people of C.u_m'da for the BELIEF n,ndvCURF of ` i Certicatam are constantly rbeing -*Ibi!9d glling of the good work performed by u u vvlvulu --um nan xv acllu IUI ll. ' nu. Cums mvm: mspsusanv. 08 Randolph St... Chicago, Ill. POND LILY CEAM. CHIIISTS. HALgrAx. N. S. - _. ---w----' ~-ll8 King street West. Toronto. CHAS. CLLVHHE, 0 'I`..-.\.. A H II] noon: ondodb tholodlcnlhof ti: Judlhocllrtln pun . Don't. fall to For Site by All Grocers Every- where. . ootuu-4 Vuhinhlo nun. rnarjon tuner snuv~ ing.ur nl-_\`iIvhin(-tu of the skin from when over mulse. and all romzhncss from tho moo, hands. neck and vllnllwv uuhion nun!` vnl. A no uzhlful Tollct Article. No! a moo pmnt or powdondoco not cover ovur. but & euros. Used In connec- linn wilh Pond Lily Liver Pellets. a nd l'und Lily Skin Soap. most etfecluully and mitivcly rem oven . `imnlea. Freckles. man: In! lot It. \ If you an troubled with I cold cough however light the attack, look out I t. do not Allow It to Iotllo on the lump: I)! g 1 th cough by loouuln the tough phleg with llqyurd'IPbotor3 Balsam. Pl-y with. 09?!` KOOMII Icy:-that that the con- victs of Raul: gamble with bed bugs. That`: when they no ahead of the convlcu of Amom Ah oh. |...s-|. .-.| L....n-._ an u `more may ahead 0! the America. Aftor the haul: and boarding house: an suppliod there an no bug: left to \ . CIJIIII III] druggiu. `oordn II A boon `And I Nesting to mnnkindah 3rd`: 'ol|ow Oil, the C pain 9- utrzfyyer And houlin remedy lomhrnd llld internal use. Ye low Oil cunt nll aches and pains. rheumatism, lune hock. Idu throat, oron . dodnou. crunpo, conznctaed d Yunonou. Procnn It of your druggiu. ..u now noun rvuvrs II I UII6 III analy- uiu ol the 30:5. "Come to the Rye," show: the no a who annulus. Itlntho tune with Scotch Luaie Jean." but the melody in what lives. I -IIIIUII1 III! I Ill)! [.0 bmuam Clmpost mun '.'o'r"m rm In-...l..ul a. nu L.LI:. -uvlvu Ill -IIllIOl'I Mn. Winslow : Soothing Syrup, for ohil- ` drenteething, ie the preecri tion of one of the heat female mine: and p yelciuu in the United States. And he: been need for forty yenrrwith never-{Ailing euoeeen by million: 0! mother: for their children. Durin the pmeeee of teethin in value in lncnlcu ble It relievee the ch d from pain, cnree dysen- tery end dinrrhmggriping in the bowel|,ud win{l~colic. By giving health to the child it net the nether. Price Ne I bottle. a nu!!! nrlulluy Iur IIOIIPIIKII. Neural in ie one of the most common and painful n ectione incidental to this climnte. Life tn thousands is made mieernble through its agency, and Is it ntfccte the nervge, only the moat poaerful and penetreting remedies can reach it. Nerviline bu created wonder in the mimle of thoee who have useleeely tried other remedies. since its notion seems magical. To all uulfering from any kind of nerve pain. internnl or external. we uuggeu A trial of Notviline. Sold by All dealer! in medicine, 10 end 25 cents I bottle. "` -gnnuau iuc Ital-Ill Ulll Ilntl WIYDI ITOICSV Ants not to be entrapped "by the some men who iomenled the Real n;_;it.uti0n." and de- clumn the L'nn}urv_' wilf not lend itself boauch reckless attempts to arouse sectarian pre- judice: and army the dominion into two hostile camps, and in its !`(`ill5Ii to do no it thiulu it will be supported by every sensible Prutesuul in the domiuinn. Tho "I`.'I:`-plre" Does It: Duty. Tmwsm, Feb. I2.-~'l`he Ern;-ire edito- riallydenouuvcs the agitation in 0nt.wrio Against. the Jesuits` bill and Protest- Anln nu, gn |,,, pf...-n'|'.`;.` HI... oL,. -....... -nu II? VIII Hll`K- Had a far Away look in his eyes, predicted ` Ill aorta nl evil, short crops, low pric-.-8, I new rebellion in the North West. Hie skin was vellow, and e fever spot on each of- his cheeks told of I torpid fever and poisoned blood. A box of Hamilton`: .\lnndrake and Butternut l il|s worked a wondrous chance. for through their etimulving action on the liver all poisonous gs-rune were removed from the true fl\"T of life~the blood. Crop prospects improved, prion were away up. and life at once lsecarne tilled with new pros- pects and pleasures. Try Hamilton`: pills at druggiste and denlers In medicine. |r1.ll\v|| n lit a uxna. After all nowhere is a title more talked of and mlnvircd than in a republic. Florida "dearly loves a lnrl.'; Hie Duke of Suther- land has taken up Inisgresillt-nce there, and the papers are full of him. It is his grace" this and "his grace" that His grace has bought a large property on the west coast and his grace has ever so many gardeners at work, and his grace spends his time in sh- ing and felling trees, and his grace has five boats on the lake and his grace is aable and evervbody likes his grace, and his grace thinks Florida is the tines: country in the world and naturally Florida thinks his grace is the ne-st kind of a gentleman. and to cap the climax a real estate dealer adver- tises that he has property to sell next to the estate of his grace, the Duke of Sutherland. It's grace before meat and grace after meat down in Florida just now. Holloway`: Pills. It is dillicu!t to determine which is the more trying to the human constitution. the damp, cnld days of autumn and Winter. or the keen. dry. easterly winds of spring. Throughout the seasons good health may he iminmim-l by occasimml doses of Hol- loway's Pills, which purify the blood and act us wholesome stimulants to the skin, stomach. liver, lmwels, and kidneys. This celehratml medicine mu.-ds but a fair trial to convince the ailing and despnnding thlt it will restoru-. and cheer them without, danger, pain, or lnC()lI\'cult-UGO. .\',o family should he withuut as Iupply of Hullmvafa l illn and Ointment, as hy is timely recourse to them the lirst erring fuizctinn may be reclaimed, sutlering may be spared, and life saved. ` -navgu -L V Detroit Fr:-c Pru-ha. .1-. -. . Scott Act on the Island. \\'or.n: l.~1..tNn, `I-`eh. 9.--(To the Editor): I notice in yourissue a discussion by the county council concerning the Scott act. I 5 was very nmch surprised, at some of the re- marks made by our island represen Yives. .\lcSK8. `Horne and Moore. I The ormer `said that the temperance people of the island did not patronize the temperance houses. I do not see how we can patronize what we have not got. There is not an_ hotel on the island owned by a man in favour of temperance. They would procure licenses if they could. Mr. Hornestated that he knew strongsupporters of temperance who would not help support a temperance house but would sneak away and put their ones in some out-of~the way place. Now I con- sider those remarks, to say the least, un- generpus and unjust. Some of his most ardent supporters were pronounced temper- ance men,` aml worked to elect him; and to represent those people to the county council as pcruurious, mean, sneaking men, too stingy -to -psy~~-their-..way,...is inly not the treatment they expected to receive at his hands. [think the temperance people patronize hotels just as well as the liquor men. although they do not patronize the ` bars. I know of several temperance men. also some not in favour of temperance. who have stables of their own at. the village ; and would they not be foolish to put their horses in the hotel stables and leave their own stables empty? I doubt very much whether M r. Horne or M r. Moore would be quite so liberal. Mr. Moore said hotel men could not live on wind. Neither can the farmer, mechanic. merchant or doctor. But they can live by their labours If the hotel keepers cannot live on the patronage they receive thereare plenty of pursuits in which they might engage. I am certain they could succeed if they worked as hard as they have been working for the repeal of the Scott act. I am sure also that if there was a temperance house owned and run by a temperance man, one whom the temperance people would have condence in. it would be well patronized by the temperance peo ple. i'I1..\Ir:|: \\'oom1.A_\ .- New York World I that an analy- ? noun. the Rue." A dry pro ion of ltxlnot of Boofsnd Vac- ublu; n ellclo -noun-hung and economical huh olsoup In I out mlnula ' n around-work for all Brown soup. an ex out gravy. and An lnnluublo ndiunol to lrlnh Stow. 1.- --A __; L.,__-A 1,4 ,I n n- A n A Sure Remedy for Nournlxln. nu-nl.n'.. In Ar- .J al... .....-A .-------- A Boon and 1 liloullg. nn gnrl - LI...z__ A- ---- LET-Tehs To THE EDITOR. j.:-___.T__ Look on 1 n. A-n..L|.4I _,2.| u j________i.-_ Advloo To lothotl. -I.....t- u--.L2_ A n DI:-1: rnceful 7 Ho WI! Slolx. I Tmulylsln. THE BRIT] '1 .1. s. R. MCCANN, A ACCOUNTANT, ASSIGNEE, wmoa, 1* `E_d\ iards'% Desiccated Soup ' . ` . .`..Y. I ' 1'95: `ii*?5%:E"*m`** gnlum lncomu 32,5m an, EC. ILL. oal Entnto Axum. rock nu-oeI.Markot Bqunro can always oblnin um-ohm inoruniq um ed at six loscven Ker cant. ANCIITI c"3`Mf> x'AyNCi`S*?uEg}t{'qI I . . _ `:\p l 0 mm 3-,z_5m , Eltnle Arum! t:-R ltlnl.Mnl'kn - - V uvnlnu --vwvocu-given uoxnv TO LOAN In ru-ga or mm mm on `I'll! 0'! C" ' pr()pg'-t)v_ WANT!-I .--l`o'L-on! having money toinvesl |'| '|'WIYa obtuin Ill I-olau mortllnu of the |l,l'I!KlIod M an miuvon not rent. HONEY 'I`0 LOAN. msumcni \l.4|\VI.V\.V lintxc A . .. msumncm 5;) E8'l`A'l',l AGENT. I Imus lmgod nnd Aooountl Gllootod. Qno hundred Choloo Rulldlnc lautot cal . __ _ Ollcont PolIon'uqDrna&an. S boorlbed Ca ........ ....... ..l!.GI.ll ;_'3m luveswd Wild. upwudlol .... ..n.uo1,oon mug`! lnoomu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 708.51,) unnoee boas noon 0:! It the lowgegfars-trout may: and olnunn utuodnwmaout reference no mo Board at o W. H. GODWIN. Agent for Kingston. Human Wino Orncn I Humnun Assume: umm. G-.l_...n....| n_, -. ........ Subscribed Cagrltgln Told luveuwd mm. ` hlgghhod record of Ana wucun l"ll`0 lnsuranov LII! Continent. fl: Annunl Premium lpu In mdlho Unlwd Stntanrolu-ca than of my other Company. and it has an In I J B88WIl'I'. Agent` THE BTNA IHSIIBARGE GIJHPAIY, HARTFORD CONN. Cub Capital .................... .. 8 l.M|.M).Il `Poul Anson,` lnnuary lat. I881. .. ssozmoo hoses paid n 63 years . . . . . . . . .. on.aoo.ouo.no I A_ The lendlnl Fire lnsunmov Comnany on an Sunorlng from tho oeou of youthful on-on, enrly dacny nut weakneu. loan of man hood, cm.. I will Ian I valuable u-mun (Iod- ;I`IlI`k\lA'Inln full rnlfm for liggllo 00?. o cur. Up and wot : should born: by every nun who In nervous nnddoblltuled. Add:-uuh` PROF. F. C. FUWLE HOODUS Conn. uooeo paid inmyea}-a ..... .. a3;m;un.m 'l'helendlnf`l"ire Com onthe ` 3 ecelpu And lhn lhuhnd lntnn nun I-nan: clu--. pony at the lowest pbaaible mwa. Thfe War policies issued on rlvnto dwel llngsmand `farm building: at 01! rate: 9 P701?! m lmleemld prom uy. T OMAS BRIGGS. Azont. IDRPQIIOIIICPB. The yearly premiums for tire rinks done Amount to 06.11183). lnsumncu omwlod nn Fnrm and Chi Pun Amount J6.H7.8&l. omacted on Farm and City Pro the _, Three policies prints l - u-run nnnwu IALJ El -LAIUUIULIAIVII VV-I 1|` In This (`omgnn ' is one of the best in the world. Its avail: h- Iunda amount to .'l.852.lD. ln addition to which is the uullmlt llabllltleo ol shareholders. The vmnrlv nnnuluvnn fnr u-n rink: nlnnn LIVERPOOL AND Louoomib GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE INSq}iAN`CEA Aiufr. l`UMl'AN\' transm-tn tho .021! largest bll.s'ilI(`.~1s of all Bntish Companies In Funudn. dcpohils nmmlly with the Caumdian (ion-rnnwnl Slllmf :u.~.:I1-ls fur en-r_v SKI of liar bility l\81'ulL'II|nlcfi by my Govcrnnlent. PAY! .u.I. [.m.~u;s I-IQ! nzuu \' AND rn0ul'1'L\' without waiting Ihv u.-mnl sixty dnymrcallllin In the (`0n|l|41|`y new-4-r hut nnvc he|VlIl at end of any one year 0ut.~1undiug losses exceeding 35]. W. G lHH)\l \` \"I`l4`\l'AD'l` nmnvuu vuu Juan uulhlllulll nu.-mes exceeding In Ill. W. G HIl()\N.\'. STE\VART HIHHVNIC Chlvf Ill!-mcvlur. Mnnlumr fur (`unad- GLASGOWANDLUNDON FIRE INSURANCE CO. INSURANCE. 1 ` ` in Pima. Qum-Is and Small Keys. whichjndgu pronounce the nnuat in Lha city. F` T I I & Q Q T L L A n mu purtlvnlnn uddnns GOLDEN 8 O0. 185 3000 St... Olncumstl. O. JUST - RECEIE6, i"."""Ti5 S 0 N, lulvfuurn A LARGE srocx. , BOTTOM PRICES, DESIRE TO PLEASE, |II'7:INI Ammn A nm . mmnnumur... PRINCESS STREET, ABOVE SYDENHAI:I. W. H |HlUV\'.\'. lnapcq-tor, Torumu. vn... PRINCESS STREET. FERGIJSONS YBLOCILJ THE Pisopu-:'s" Up-Town Grocery. Uurtalqts Inge. um! i! you heed it. will el- rlch you. Be -cunumical and trade with L-_ V aA`M`EW`B5E'N, CHINA TEA STORE, K //ow to/if/-1)(TE';f?0V7':;-/V/::A/0.5` M557 I nuuoluloly nnrmluss and will ellbvt nant Mly patient I tnodeuue ninku or an almholio wrook. It has been ulvon to lhounotndl of canes and In every instance in perfect cure has followed. It never failn. The system once impregnated wlththo Spoclllc. It becomes nu nuor lmponlbllity for lho llquur appetite to exint. For circular and full purllntlnn uddrons GOLDEN SPECIFIC Otnctnnntl. 0.

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