Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1889, p. 1

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III mulnoll 0CI . ICIC C [0 m ucrnnn. 0.3.5 . an N... me e and boob kept cu :-18:. A '"' A Bad Piano :0 Llvo. Lnu, Ohio, Feb. |3.--Muhoi thieveu visited the relidenoo of Rev. James Smith. near Arlington. on Monday night And rob- bed him of 8400. Smith livotln the tune neiahbourhood yvith Wuley Umm, who. with his son, Ill bound and Iohhed last week. The community in wildly bxoitod. All the men are buying rearms. The (`zar Nut G0lI[' in Far as 'l`oletoI- Some Clnsngee Suggested. Sr. PI'rmL~iu'|u, Feb. |3.-I'he czar`s up pruval of Count 'l`olstoI s reform llilllblllfr extends only to the tirst section which pro- vides for the appointment of rural chiefs of districts, to control the nlfairs of the pea- santry. The peasants complain of the cor- ruption end dishonesty existing among the oilicial low class clerks. The our wishes to reestablish the iutluence of the ntry, trusting they will be less liable to cor rupt. The provincial governors will appoint chiefs from the nobility. vestin them with judicial and admistrative nut ority. The car does not ap rove of Count folstoI`s -second proposal. w ich is to the effect thin. the president: of the land assemblies, who are now elected, shall henceforth be nomi~ natnd by the government, and that they shall be given power to direct the members as to what questions they may discuss. Tolstoi`s opponents declare that his reforms constitute a dangerous assault upon liberal` ism, vesting the nobility with supreme control. in uuvuou lbw. II, on me OHICF IIIDG, H0 ` wants be Abate the evils of drinking and to support a law thst has power in it, if used. to almost. extinguish the use of liquor as a beverage he will. of course. support a pro- Hibitory law. The Canada temperance act is such a prohibitory law. In many places it is not well enforced. but there is I power in it whenever the proper parties choose to use it. It has dune much already sud it is capnble of doing I goo deal more. If there is any temperance elector who is in- censed because the set has not been enforced as it should have been let him not, in his re sentment, vow to destroy the act which is right in principle and is the best lempersnce law we have ever had, but exercise his influ- ence and have it properly enforce-d,snd take away the reproach from it which officials by errors and others by persistent defiance ol its provisions have brought upon it. He \| ho will lend a hand to bunish from our midst the terrible evils of inteniperunce will do his country good, and cell down the blessings of heaven on his head. UCTIIIII UIIHI. If the ireaent law is not sustained at the polls we then go back to a law which notori- ously does not pretend to decrease. the use and sale of liquor. The license law has for one of its objects the providing facilities for drinking. There is a power in the prohihi tory clauses in the Canada tem[ erauce not to strangle the trailic if autciently used. Under licence laws there is no such power. No authority can strangle the trailic, for the law provides that without hindrapces liquor may be sold for six lays in the week. It depends on what the elector wants. If he want to provide facilities for the use aml sale of liquor: as a beverage with consequent misery and crime he will. of course, support a license law. If, on the other hand, he wants to abate the evil: nf nlrinlrina gm! n. ox aau Ior Incarceration and maintenance. During the term of the Canada temper- ance act there have been 265 criminals less. than during the three years of license law preceding this act. Assuming that if the license law had been in force there would have bedn the usual-crop of criminals during these three years, a perfectly fair assump- tion, then we have saved to ourselvcs the cost of 265 criminals, which means the sum of $7,000 in three years. It pays the county to have `the act. This act is sometimes thoughtlessly blamed for the bottle drink- ing of young men. who were not know so to drink before. There is not a word or line in temperance act to encourage drinking by any class of. people. The educating ten- dency of the act is in direct opposition to _ drinking. Some other cause than the Tn - fluence of this act must be found for bottle drinking. Compare the educational indu- ence of the license law. Of course this law exists for the purpose of providing facili- .ties for people drinking, and so in a manner encourages drinking by making itlawful and proper to. do so. Uur lmys have been edu- cated under the license laws, and when they became young men many are inclined to assert a right and privilege to drink. which the law of the land had hecu all along teaching they should possess when the became old enough. With these ideas in t eirminds and with no facilitiesprovided by law under` thc(`anada temperance act to drink they become rebellious and drink clandestinely-from bottles. Their training under the license laws leads to this unhappy result. The same is true with respest to perjury under this temperance law. It is a fact that no righteous, truthful man will perjure himself. If he does so in any case perjure himself he must blame not any par- ticular legislative act but the sinful, evil- disposed heart which leads him to bneak a solemn commandment of God, Thcu shalt not bear false witness. "' it is well-known the drinking habit blunts the moral faculties. and weakens the desire to be truthful in certain cases. It as... ._..__..a I_._. 2- , _a , /`ENINH. FEBRUARY: B,M1s.;.` lownehipe. It pay: the county mine. It coats 810 to keep on criminal wit_h another in Brockville jail. In colts 810 to pay the trevellin expense: of the crimiuyl eon- atnblea eo, jury fees, etc. It coat: the county one criminal with Another the sum of $30 for incarceration sud maintenance. nurina Mun Yngrm nf tlm l`.......l. s .... ..- THE REFORMS OF RUSSIA. ..__..j-__:j-- Bo llu-I-led llor. I.\_|_ In h! I u W HIG. V THE RESIDENCE on Simone street. lately oacuod by Rev. A` W. Cooke: double home of n no rooms` two oellu-s: wood vnrd uni lumen 0! IO pal nd hoot! oloctious pal! nu onrfml all 36 Cluppo-wn_vnnI. Flour ha: been rum-d to 10 on-nu Md 3 lunlaec sdnn is expected. Pnudont on of the .NurHoorn Pnolc II on and had Ill imnrviow with the Local orumauc to-day. l The Oonnrvntiw-n met thilmonlnn and Uocided to nut-guuiu. A resolution wu muted binding the mombento mlpon than inn 0! the only both in an ....a..i.... A tn 0! the school management corn- mlttoo will hold thh evening. In In! Pnppro Au Pusan In loco-d lc-nIlu-lnruuq|nIso at llnollou. wl!\'.\`ll'l-TU. Feb. l2.-ln the Local lacu- Juturo Lu-duy the Ioooud Imdiug 01 the Ru! Pruuorlv Act carried. 29 to 5, on u uric! party division. A do: me! {mm Edmonton an a club! alu-cl emtlnquko III M: there on Thun- dn . A Kn opidrmlo amount the Indians at Cold Lab bu onmnd ul 36 Clapp-wnynnl. mad In In ....g. ....a . per your each. The Public Aoouunu Commute-1-mot to-day and re-v-lrctrd Mr. Rylrorl clmirmnn. Juhu h`m.-Iuh-, Cupum Murray and other n-nclomun inurntrd in the Ningnn Control Ihulwny arc in the city and will nuke umllmr mun endeavor to not I bonua ol moo per min from the Government for the -v-ad. Ono of they director: aid this evening lhlll the Nmaam Central would ha in Tomato in leu thin um van. -_._ uurnu. `A one Miniulor 0! J name tuld 1 deputation hum the Cumdun Slmrtlnand Writers Alto ciutiou, wlm lmd calla d upon him in retard to 1: race! ordrr-in Council respecting court ro- pt-tting. that in {mun the Government would cmtrloy 'l'ln- lhuunl nmorterl out 0! qonuon u would mt viva them nun oonponution Fur nuolnu-rvicou, u tiny now receive Gill) per you each. Tho Puhlin Aommnn {`..un-`.99.. ....n g. .1-.. acoompmm-I qnnmenno His Excollrncy will prubablv hold a recap- tion or bu" noun. thrnugh which he will intro- duce lm noon and the latter`: brude totlm Ounc- dun people. Mr. and Lad` Alice Stanley will remain in Cnnndn until J1)`, when they will return In England. It is very probable that next manner he may relieve Captain Bugot, A.D.C. to His Excellency, Anal uh Im his residence hero for the next Eu or no. The report Han ho in already A. .0. in in- Carnot. 1-uura-n chapel m London Lady Ahcv Stanley II a tall, alum. gnoeful lu um-no and hu I lowly gure. "If futures. 1 Lough regular. are not wlul. some might. con- mdrr ulrtctly beunitul. but she is most uctiu rmd fascinating. Her no in nurly 23. Lady Alice Sunle in I talented nnusicizul and mu acoomplinlm quntrienno Excoll-mzv will nrnluhlu Imla . /J WATTVED FROM WINNIPEG. 11-: 'nuul. mm A ham muutache And nlnrkiah hair. Mr. Stanley was nurrio-d A short time no to Lsdy Alice Hmltaqu, tlnrnlduuulner of the Duke of Mnnclxesl.er, u how two water: Are the present Duchrll of llnmiltcn and Lady Gmfurd. Thr woddmg wunl-nlliumt nnir and was held in tho Gunrdaf chapel London lmdv `hon Rtnnl-n In . s-Il -I..._ __-_.L.| 014'!-`ICE. hu1;a.oenlml. well tlllod, To}:n_s reasonable. Pouaulon Immediately. Apply '80:." Wum. Ion. [award and lady Ame Inu|loy~-A Mnnrn Gently It-pululou. 01'rA\\'A. Feh. l2.-Hon. Edward nnd Lady Aluce Hmnlo-y no now :1: the Capital for the fins l.IIIIB. Mr. Stunleynlhn eldest `son of may E\Ct'EIIC)'.2-I vs.-an uf nae. He was 3-ducnted M. \Ve-Hinatuu College, which Is Mun-militaryinnr.orznniv:mon,pa-usedthrumzh Hand!-urn: und entered l|n- army three year: ngo. H1-is ntfprooem nlic-u`.ommt. In rheGren|- xlwr Guards. Ln-at yo-on Mr. Stzmlry was runn ndjuunt at \V:n.ble-don during the National Rie Association M-M-ting. Mr. Stanley noun: I180 to have Inherited his fxulu-r'n intellectual powers. In height hoin abuut {$04. 11 inches in good looking . well [built with light muutache And `hill . Sumlav an... .....-.:...I . and bandsnu}TiS.m6E '25"'"'"'3n's'h" Dlilld pa.rIy both :1 duo. ` main: 1 WIUIJO nae Postlnaator-General wu pressed to give sonm further information About the Fnmored reduction of the `postage on letter: to 2 cent; by Mr. Mitchel nnd Mr. Bnin of \Ventworth. The Minister repontnd hi! Itatemeut of Monday that the reduction ould not be undo at present. Furthcr he laid thnt he would introduce 5 bill at the present scnxipn making novonl reform! in his department, Imong them being the in- cream of the weight of A letter from f tolr nee. Mr. Hnugart told the House tlxut several other desirable chnngol would be inaugurated. um: v-umu um-I up-cu perpetrated by cus- toms utiicers in that district. when searching for alleged incrimiunting uocumonts in the poueasiou of inipm~tcrs. The speaker: ru- Inarked that it was high time that thin I --cien of blackmail should be done away with. .. h,._;._.__. ,_, n I ' One of the featurvs of the evening session. was un Muck on the viciouq and iniqui- tous system," nsthe spenkore called `it, of ulluwiug ccrtniu customs otficmls to partici- pate in tho: seizures made by them. Mr. Churltmn. hr. Ferguson And Mr. Mitchell denounced the present system roundly. Dr. Ferguson, as representing the frontier county of \\'o.-llaml, apuke of various Vicioul ecu which im-I been perpetrzited by district when noarvhino puuuu aiunsler. The Opposition oered a free and at times ' lively criticism of the various items on they puaed through the committee of the whole, pad the ministers were quite busy answer- ing qucxti-ms. The chief criticize-re of the items as they drugged through were Sir Iiichnrd (`artwt-ighi, Mr. Lnurior, Mr. Milli, Mr. .\lcMuHen, Mr. Paterson of Brant. and Peter .\|itchelL Mr. Davin made some fun for the Housmduring the debate. n....-t.|_,i- . r.- uuuu.-u is l)()(. at all It desirable one. Hir Jnhn Mncdonnld was not in hiaplnco Int owning. the Premier complainin of not feeling well. The condition of on. `J. H. Pope last. night. was about the inmo. He is unable to see visitors of any kind. The Preniier, howe've'r, calls at the An)`-nu.` -l._, .4 `H IN uuufua 0 VISILOFI OI lhe cottnlgo:la_Iq1(st every day to uetheindig. pone: . unsler. Th. l)n.m..'H.... na`..--.a - x... ___s _. ..-_ __ FIIIU HEB. , Evening sessions may be looked for r' ht iwny now and there is a general wish t st Mr. (?hnrlton s resolution to terminate the sittiingaut midnight will pass the House. The piunof sitting until 2 sud 3 mm. min chamber the air of which in very much vitinted is not at all desirable .\i.- .I..ln. u.....4......m ...... ..-. .-- n.:--v--- va `ms. The faces of some the member: wore seen for this lirst. timulast uveuin . Col. Tindalo of Norfolk, .\lr. Jinird of ova Scotis and Mr. Wclulou of St. John, N.li., were in their plnves_. ljlr. Colter arrived yeuterday` morning frmn Cayuga and spent. tho day in showing himself around. He was an early visitor to I\o. 6 " and wus given 8 henrty reception. .\lr (`alter will not, take his lent until 'l'hur.~nluy, its his certicate of election will not reach the Speaker until that date. |.`......._- --_-.-__- ,7 FROM In MAY. that good. substantial house on Ontario Street. near Union. at pn- oent oocupled b Mrs. Deacon. Apply to E. T SFIMCY. Wale kstency. 01'l'A-\\'A, Feb. l3.-'l`he House got down to I lamplight. session last evening. and there is every indication that Lhu Govern- ment. and the Upponition reallvmeauto expediato business and get through by Easter. 'l'nen: win an ext.end`ed session In Iupply yesterday nfternoou and last night. the Items under diacuaaion being of I nd clue. ' The lone lloldn the Flu! livenqg llllllx oi the Sellloll-l.'l'IlIIllR'*`II`e I -I- unnlnu, I` THREE CENTS TO cannv AN ounce IN THE NEAR FUTURE. 1 `THE POSTAGE ON LETTERS. GOSSIP FROM THE CAPITAL. NO. ~` . STORE AND VVARKHOUHK O.\' ONTARI ) !Tl(EE'l`. Apply to J. B. CARRUTHIIIRS. Hovsic m`nUnn.\' rE1{I?A('n. I30: alon lay lat. Apply M. WHIU OI-`I-`lL`l-2. '|`Il.\'[` I)!-HIIHBIJ-I HRIPK IH-I.~`lI)l uuuuod on tlu-vorner of h'_\':h-nhnll and Hay truels, M. minim: lwc-Ive room: 11 Ian! pro` ` sonlovruulod by (`apmin John A. (hmnolly. the owner. to whom application should be made for further information. ' THE STEAM BARG E I-`IHCI-2.\lA~2(l.\' `AND 0H.\'50R'l`S. Minnlv I-`mm-in and (`ity of King` now. Total mrrylng capacity 331 .\I Pine Lumbvr, or NO Inns mm! at 5 fvovdrnlughr. I-`ur farmer |mrli('ultu`s pply Ia l)A\'ll).s'O.\'. UU- ` PLAN 6; t`(). SA l.lCS1\lF.N-\\'o wish u few w 3011 our goodslv sample: to the wlwlesnlo nnd retail trade. d\l`ll8bI ..|mIn1!m-turers in our line. En- close 2-vent strung. Wnm-s 83 per 1lu `. Forum- nonl position. No p`slII.~1 mmxwron . Mnm~_v advance! lur wages. ud voni.-ting. cw. (`urn u.\'~ IIAI. Mm'r'u Co.. ('l.\`(`I.\'.\'ATl. oulo. u BY A YOUNG MAN (go 21! occupation in Any oatpucllr. some years exporlonce olerking in n generu. store: used to horses: willin lo do nuhinz. Good references. GILBII. {'l`, OSTL `R. College street. Kingston. A 0001). LIVE LIFEINSURANOE A(`.EN`|`. to take ohugo of mo life and accident deput- mom of the Citizens` Insurance (`ompnny or Montreal. (`omponanuon liberal. Addrmsu IIR. H. L. COOK. .\'AI'A.\'lt`.. I \I FIJGIIVECCT I'ICI`o ANY ONIWANTINU Incl} WITH 'rmcm HOOKS Accounts. Collection or In my who I b ` It and cord 5r`u:x'6'c'?1.n's`;"fa.... su:..."""A.......'.`2 A ,C )0K. References roqulrod. Apply MRS. GRlI|`l-`IN. ltii King suwl. '15 rU3pCl'lIlllIy IIIVILUU IU IEICHII. C.\MP~ At Spokane Falls, \)'.'I`., Jnn. `.". ml. Douglu Camp, eldest son of Solomon (Jump, Esq . Arden, Ont. ngod 22 years. ('u>.uu~:rn: ~[n Piuzun, on Feb. 3rul, Nlaggie Shnnnon. wife of F. E. Gadarette. aged 34 years. Fm.\`K -9.: North Freda-rickslrurgh, on Jan. 29ch,'Samh Friuk, aged K6 years. H:.\'.vm~1- -.-\t Scuth FI`t`lc|'iL`klhllrg, nu Jan. 26th, Bertha E. Benn-alt, Aged 28 years. . -- . .\'(`llRYVlR-At Nnpanee. on Feb. 4th. Hliznbeth Jane. relic: of the late John Schryvor, aged 63 years. 70 ausINss_M_aN. nun: A 1 ' FOREALE 63 To RniN'r._ nan`-`vale )lcCu.\`AuiI\' - On Monday. Feb. llth. Archibeld Moon hy, need 76 yearn. The funeral will M a lace on 'l`lun`mluy afternoon at 2:30 o`clnc from his il-nugh tor`: residence, 345 Princess nreet. Friend: and ncqunintmcee are respectfully invited to attend. (7oL1.iNs-In Kingetrn. Feb. 12th, Dennis Collins. Funeral will take plnce from his brother`: residence, Kl King aroot west, on Thurs day morning at 8:30 o'clock to St. Mary`: Cathedral. Friends and er-qunintnncce are respectfully invited to attend. \'A\n- . At Hnnlnmn Fnlln, \\' T .|An "tlml \ |4.\.`U\*l E'l'l-`uUI"`l'|i \.II"I(IUu.' on '.Du (Sch. Schuyler Clibrd Clancy, Konnobec, [to France: A. Peterson. Camden. ,MmIaol-Uuknn:--0n Jun. - 30th, Donald .\vlouroe. Wear Zorro, Oxfogd county. to l |mL-ha E. Currie, llosemnur ` \,`nuu.\' \'ANm`slN--At` Ureenpoint. on Jun. 29:11, James F. Carmnu to Bertha May Vuudusen, all of Snphiuburg. \\'.u.'1-~l'nhL~2xLL--0u Dru. 25th. 1888. John B. Walt, Ameliaaburgl, to Hnnnnh H. Pearnll, Hillier. JILQLVLV 1131.}- (`L.\.\'(.:\'~[ E'l'IRSO|i--At ()nmden.v on l'obL' Nth .\`nIu|vInI- l`.Wnn-1] lflnnnv Knnn-I-nan spmomn &i1`1~f'i~]dxi.;. IJ\JLUt1 o (`u.\'Lr.\'--()n the |3th iuat., the wife of R. '1`. Conley of a son. V dlu|um\"~At Duseronto, Fell. 5th, \yifet"of Hmrgn (iorzlun of a daughter. , .\lt'l\'r:.~'nv--At Deseronto. on Feb. 5th, wile of `Edward McKenny of A non. ' M/\RTl.V--Ill Pictou. Feb. 5th, wife of F. W. Martin of a son. iImn'r'r'--_In Pictou, Feb. I, wife "of C. E. .\hurtt,` of It daughter. `x NM.ru< -In Gnmgnoque, on 30th of January, wife of John Nalou of mluughter. KI.\'N\`-~In Gumnqquo. on Feb. 2nd. the wife of Jamel Kenny of it dnughtor. .1.VUJh ll.'\!lIllK Ill llll` I\- Q . l\l\.'\. U. ll llllll -rmuuu\'. ` ` Eutuanwr mevtlngol L.0.L. No. But 1:!) pm PIAN REPAIRS otnll kind: on Uprllhu and squares uooutud at the Wrbof Factory. corner of Princess and Golden Itroou. `Kinn- L No mom durable or wall-toned instrument n:Ku. um. man. u. wanna umuum. Moderate In prion nod uuxoolloll 5! any Con- tllnn {mu-umont _--`-.--` .1...-5-`pg WIDKIIDA Y. ~ "MAnrrAxA"nt1hu Opera House. Axuuu. Mcutinz of tho K. & RR.(`o. It noon` ---nru`.u...... _VOL. LVIII. 1:11.01 our me am nor Annu- IMLD |lc(.`oNmn\'. Members of humor Lolums. `Prentice Boys. (I. I Y Mn: and mo man no - lull: lnvuad. B1 older . Till Mil IRS OI` LOJ. o. owlll Non Bro Oran . at 1:! p.In.. TI 'lt:|l)A . Mt In-ul.,4o nnend lho l`l.'N|C- R. of late Bro her Ammu- l IIALD NC1`0NMIII\'. Mmnhon ul Till MBIURR:-l 0!` No. owlllunombla at lho onmm "13di?A1;. T! To LET. zvvib; "403. a` count). w.n. u I .. .___:.._?__...._.__._7.. ALL KINDS OF` BANK and Oro Rubber Bum D-mu. Souls. Iiw... llod b B ~ tux nlwnvnlv. muulaglune-an. Klnpton. Ont. L Rmuinnmas. 7In-Zl\A' MARRIED. V DIED. 0RN: I`HE DAILY ucluul nuclpll l'|II IIVIIIICIIL NICK, Feb. I3. -Tbo correctional tribuml ha deoldotl than Mr. Salton. who elopml with Mic: Wilcox, of New York. cmno! be arraigned under the Pu-och luv. 51 Min Wilcox in our 10 you old. Salton, will be llhonmd. M unvnn qumourle prelolll. In tho fty eighth round .\lcAuli'e nid : `'1 cm : light I man who won`: uund up." N replied : I Am no lighter ; Inn I cogs:-lltnnkorg go to your corner." -._<. .-, u.-u vvwwvvll uuv I.'lI DIOIIIIIIIIC DCI|I at 6:36 o'clock. `ho Tt, long continued, included uixtylour mu 5, and won decided a draw. It was fought in a public hall with Ihoriifoioerr proton. in IQ (IV vinrhlh l'l'|IIlh' KI:-Luli`.. -..:_l _ Nauru Hvnsox, lnd., I-`ab. I3. - The ght bowoon Me on McAuIl'c begun ti t, Ilmlmlnrl nlI'I_fnn- nu... . -...I ...-- Ah: I I 1: la Very 145$:-an and r.nngImnea-'nn . Volco ol the Pnonlo snltalnod. Toum. `ab. l.`l.--'l`he new constitution eatabliahu a houu of pun, rtly heredi- tary. partly elective and part y nominated lay the micado. and shouu of common: of 300 membarl. Sulfrago ll elven to all men aged twenty-ve you: and over who pay 825 yearly Luau. Liberty of religion. {roe- dum of Ipoocll. and tho tight of public mootingaro eatabliohed. Parliament ahall panda loginlatlvo function: and the control of tho nance; under limitations. Jud cannot be removed except by Ipeoial logia a- tion. |I l.l.lKl3H'. llfllnx Ttrool. I V at vv~o gun a pl-Ion. um weapons 01 ueurucnou. are ineuicient. Moreover, though it is permitted to employ arm: in self defence. nature does not tolerate might being held eulhcient Iurety for right. Peace must be preserved by rendering to etch whet belongs to them. And Itrictly ed- huring to the dictates of jultioe. llusala and tho Vntlmul at Eaao-,\nd Illght Not Agalnlt Illlht. RUVIE, Feb. l3.-The pope in his allocu- tion. after declaring that the negotiations between Russia and the Vatican will soon be concluded, deals at length with the posi- tiou of the church in the modern world. He say: it in now more than ever necessary for the power: to make common cause with the church by reason of the peril: by which they are threutened, proof of which was astfonlod by the recent unfortunate distur- bances in Rome. Arm: alone, the program in military science, and the poraocting of the weapons of destruction. inaulcient. Moreover- lhmmh it in nan-minml 5.. --. -- Ended In I Draw. Norm Hvnsox. I3.- inhl. hntinnn Mnunn ud ll,.A..mI'. pnsuluuul. l`tlpe0T.|\'l.'l_V. Orders lmva been issucul on the Pennsyl- vania railroad that no freight. except perish- nl-Ias lull run nu .\'un The men will stop work at 10 o'clock on Saturday night. Intl no not return to their labors until 7 01-lack Sumluy evening. wu,u-nu, nucunung 1,501; acres ur Iron land. The count of the electors] vote has been completeal and H-Lrrisun and Morton have been declu-ed elected plcsidcnt and vice- pruidem respective.-ly. ncu. nu,-.:er Ins nought the Pmshurg & Luke .\'upq-rinr culnpmnu irnn mine for ` $0(),0`)0, including l,UU of iron land. The count nf tho; nlnnlnrnl vnln hnn In--n d,uUU ur o,uIIU III number. Putaer Rooney, blacksmith, Chicago. was shot by Fe:-iinand Vecchiuue who caught Rooney climbing in the shop window. (Sen. Al,-.:er Ins bouglxt the Pittshurg & .\`up-rinr cu|mmn\*'u imn milw Im- aAPAN'sNT:w consnrunon. uunuuy :0 submit [0 uegmme. The students of Pesth mule another riot- ous lcrmmatraniun against the army bill lut night. Many were arrested. The labourers actually at work on the, Pzunmu canal lnave been reduced to scarcely `J,0l)0 or 3,000 in number. \ Pub)! Rm".-u l.|....I.......:.L 1I|.:_,_. great uonor II . ullulrclnd. The wife of Henry (Buy Carlton, the well known journalist of New York, has sued him for an nbnolute divorce. 'I`|m .xnn.Hoinn no` ..u'..:.. :._ u'__..: :, - ..-._ -- ,.._..__,-_..*.- __ J. mcr voim> wwrlm movies at w- \ REEVES . Klnu rltrool. II) Bunnie ptlrl to he sold at wholgmlo uml Iur an IDIOHIIO (llV0l`CO. The condition of atfairu in Hayti in im- proving, and the rebels are expected imme- diately to amlnnit tn Legitime. of }'est.h mmln nnnilnur rim, The Spice -f the Morning Papers And the ; V1-rv Luau Telegrams. The Ruuignn ITO treating Ishnk Khan. the Afghm imurrcctionary leader, with great honor nt Sunarcund. The with M R...-.. n.... r`....x..... L- ...-n aurs. uucaas, 0! BB. nouns. PARIS) Feb. l3.-l'he issue of to-tnorrow's debate in the chamber of deputies, on the proposed revision of the constitution, is the sole topic of conversation in parliamentary circles. The ministerinlists do not conceal their fears of in defeat unles Floquet nssents to A system of revision satisfactory to the radicals, who will not vote for revision except by a constitutional assembly, while I-`loquct persists that the revision must be psrtisl and etfected by a congress ` of the senate and chamber of deputies. The con- ~1er\'eti\'es side with the radicals in demand- ing that the subject be referred to a consti- tuent assembly, believing that the assembly would lmve s lsr eiloulsngist or conserva- live majority. \ 'hether Floquets` proposal of the cons;-rvstives and radicals is carried the senate is ex ected to reject the revision as opportune. he chamber of deputies will then lwuin the debate on the budget, on which sul-jt-ct it will continue talking until the opening of the exhibition, when it will adjourn until the election in October. The defeat of Floqnet may cause a cabinet crisis, but the minis-terialists Ire contident there will be no dissolution until sutumn. The Debate oI`-IoAMurrow-- The` Crisis Will Not Come for Sometime Yet. P.uu.~`, Feb. 13.-Gen. Boulanger said yesterday he would probably make an ad- dress in the chamber of deputies on Thurs- day, but he would not demand a dissolution of parliament. If he came into power he believed he could induce England to evacu- ate 1-` ypt, and thus remove __the only ditlicu ry between England and France. He appeared to believe that his triumph would come after the exhibition. . l .-mm, Feb. l3.--Uen. Boulanger save that so far as he knows he has never seen Mrs. Lucas, of St. Louis. Plhlu Huh I`! W, PI... :..-.... ..l 5.. _.........-I_ -~r_. Boltun Icncnpu Punlnl:-non .. 9.1. In -Ix, -__,, ,.n .. .` THE LEADING iJ.~u31cnTAxn:R. emu... S'rnI:I:'r. NEGOTIATIONS GOING ON. I CUNARD STEAMBHIP COMPANY. 8A_IuNu from New York every Saturday. A_u- thorizod Agent. F. A. M11801`. Ferry` Dock foot` of Brock SL. Kimmon vvlllvll vvul UH DUI Ull good approved notes. Tllh` I')A .....u uauupuu uusnrau 1 will make some reduction in the price o some of their line: of lumber and null: factory goodfllnia season. We have one barn frame what. one 3`: and one 40. A100 good brick. which will be sold on reasonable terms for Lrnnd nnnrnrml nm-. A FINE PAR)! 01` 15 ACRES. Rut Part of Lot No. I5. lit Concession Townshl of Kintnton. honuumlly Iilunlcd on the u share. one mile from the Ponliominry. Good lugu houu.oul.bulldln otcluud. &c..IulIo~ rule for I farmer or an onor. A13]: on the romhoou;`JullN G AHAI. P. .nddr-an. rmuoul - , To l;1el'a. Wuhingtonaltimoro and all Point: in North on: New York. via G. l`.R. and N.Y.C. R13. 1`. IIANLEY. _ _- `- `Gen. Ticket Agent. `THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROOT] 3! Rome. Wale:-t.o'wn & Ondunbm-3 lac. T, II.` III u THE RATHBUN COMPANY \\.'III Innlrg lnwnn -.J....u..... 1.. gm- .__.x,__ THE MTH OF THE NEWS- __EE_N_-.BOULANGER'S HOPES. .nI\vn IV nu-nu. . -....-. nu IJV|.V5n THE RAT EIBUN COMPANY. KINGSTOVN. Cl4ANADA,\;V~1_})N/I EV1 o.,.; +.;,;.. 7 HOUSE with clam moms and extension kit- chen hand and soft water with good uabling : convenient to Queen`: 00!` : Immediate - non! . A pl th I2u.or 1 - . 3. u".i';.... .r.!..`. ...m.." on. and mu` ts. ueuus a nutter Imorcemnnl. Mr. Ross discussed the question of re venue, meeting the objection sometimes argued against the act that the ratepayer loses the license money that is paid in un- der license law. and has to make up the deciency from his own pocket. But the question is asked where does the hotel- keeper get what he pays under the license law system. He gets the most of it from the people among whom he lives. Some of his patrons are quite able to pay for the liquor they get and no one seems to suffer in consequence. But the majority of drinlters cannot afford to pay ior liquor. Their appetite leads them to spend money which should 0 to pay their debts or provide comiorta ly for their families. or keep mort- gages oil` their lands. This, then. is the money which the hotel keeper receive a portion of which he pays hack to the muni- cipality. Does the respectable ratepsyer want to li hten his taxes by laying his hands on I is money, which really comes from the poor. and become richer out of their poverty ! Certainly not. it has been asked by my: who are perhaps too much inclined to measure the value of everything by dollars and cents. irts. the Lanada temperance act pay t - people 9 If the question is asked it can answered. It certainly a s the citizen who was acous- tomed to gr nit at the her under the license low, but who reiuses to do so when it is no longer lawiul. He has money in his pocket. it pa s the township. ier most oi the pov- erty a due to drink. and the charity grant have ii: many pilcel been much reduced during the term of this act. in the town- ship of Elisabethtown the average per year for the three ears preceding the Scott act. was 3475, S nee the Scott act came in ioroe the average early expenditure has been abounlou It pays this township to have this act in iorce, and it likewise pays `other wuwn WI nave CV!!! yes nld. The duty of tho tempersucn eloobor u not todentroy the luv because of in ineieienl enforcement. but Iuutnin the luv for the power there is in it In roatrsin the trafc, and do hit belt to secure from oicialn sud other: as better enforcement. M. D... .1: .... ...,.a .n._ ...._-.:__ J H DIIU IllLHUlIl_V (H [08 act. Evidently only in one exceptional case was it expected thut a line for the rst of- 1 fence was to be taken for a second ocnce. In this county until lately the rule has been private settlement on the basis of o lirst tine. l`rohahly it was done in kindness to the hotel keeper with the expectation that he would In-come discouraged by repeated lines and give up illicit selliiw. lt has, however, worked the other way. The hotel keeper has kept on selling in the hope that he would not soon again be disturbed and that he would make up what he had lost so that it would be really kindness to the hotel keeper to carry out the intent and spirit of the law. because no doubt most of them, when they come face to lace with the prison doors, would have ceased selling. As it is many have been nearly ruined. and yet have per- sisted in violating the law. These matters may be corrected, and it is stated that this extreordinary mistake is being corrected, and also the other one giving legal recogni- tion toleases of bars, which the public easil understand as merely a method by whic the proprietor would evade the nalties of violating the law. The law itsel is in the estimation 0! temperance people the best which we have over yet h Thn tintv nf Ilsa tnlnnns-Anna AlAl|`l\n .- ....a ouan. uuxurtunnwly in nu not had I Ill!` trial either at the hands of professed friends or foes. Many of its enemies have persist- ently violated its provisions and by threats : and acts of violence have done all that they could to bring the act into oontem t. On the other hand its friends have not one all that was reasonably expected of them. In- spectors in many places have not been in sympathy with the act. In the county of Leeds the inspector and police magistrate have between them followed the policy of settling privately, without trial for $50 and costs, in the case of those who confessed to guilt. In some cases a great many tines have been paid in this manner by the same indi- vidual. Now it is plain to any one reading the act that this was never contemplated by the authority of the act. n'....:....u.. ....I.. :.. ..-- -..-.~-rm-- DC! LI! EUIIQIIOBU. . The Rev. David Y. Ross addressed the audience. 1'l1e speech which Mr. Ross de- livered was carefully prepared to assist the voters to come to a right conclusion on this question. The act as passed three years ago by aconsiderable majority of votes in these counties. There was no charge that the contest was not a fair on. There were no charges of fraud against the temperance party. After the opponents of the act had discharged what they believed was their duty at the polls, then the act when it was passed b the electors should have had a fair trial. ufortunately it has not had fair trial nithor :9. then hnmln nf nu-ufn--mvl 4'.-Sam-I- Rev.` Mr. Howard I've some personal re- miniscences of the evi I of intemperance in Demoreutville.atating many and and distress- ing fncu. He strongly urged that the Scott ` Let be sustained. 1`I...D.... l`|....:.l \' D--- _nL,,7, 1 -- Mu: spenxere. Rev. Mr. Chisholm in his address wave a sketch of the` progress of the temperance movement. of the stringency of the enact- menta from time to time made to keep pace with the requirements of temperance princi- ples which have for many years been becom- ing more and more intense in the cnnvicticne of the people. The adoption of the Canada Temperance not mark: an era in the temper- ance movement. The progress of temperance requires an not far in advance of the license system. Rnll Mr nnnlnrnl nnun an:-an n...-........l .... lUUIVU1ry. An evening meeting was held and was well stteuded. The El ncboir gave several selections of music in e intervsls between the speakers. Rev, Mr Chisholm in him mLl-n.- .-mm. .. uunu uoulu, n.. 1;. murpny, ti. ualudny, J. R. Durguvel, Ueoige Stanton. Fuller Ste- venl, Mr. Meccnlfe. ROY. Mr. Chisholm. Polling division N0. 3-John Henry Sin- letou. Wesley Cannon, George Leggitt, ohn Shaw. George Preston. chairman of No. l ; A. Sliter, of No. `2 ; Rufus Brown, of No. 3; J. H. Singlqon, clmirniln of the whole com- mittee; R. (E. Murphy, treasurer; J. Gould, secretary. An nvuninh nnnnvina nun luald anal um. nurr. ` Polling division No. 2---Rufus Brown, John Gould, R. 0'. Murphy, H. Hallidny. Dumuvel. (ieome Sumton. Fuller sne- In U Sta. II IOIIOWI I Polling Taber, 8. Kerr. l)..II:_.._ ELGIN, Feb. ll.-A meeting in fpvour of sustaining theunuda Temperance not was held in the Methodist dnurch, Eigin, on Fri- day hut. In view of heivote to be taken to repeal the not an 0 anization to defend it wu effected. The v. David Y. Rosa Wu present to_ preside at the afternoon meeting at which the business in conneczion with the contest was tnken up. An execu- tive cbmmittee was appointed and composed in follow! : D..|l:.... A:..:..:.... Mn \ A u`:L_L n A Scott Act Convention at Elg|n-An Ame ` Dafrnco of Prolllbltury L."y_'|`hg Tug- doncy of the A20 Cultured Under the License S.ntom-A Finn Perorotlon. REV. D. Y. ROS, WESTPORT. MAKES A GOOD ARGUMENT. Mums THE 0B:<;T16i. Wdiviaion No. I--A. Slitex`, B. Stevens, Samuel Stuart. ` Afraid of tho loclhlllll. Roux. Fob. l3.-Mm English and Amorlcnn visitors have opcrhd In pon- nquunou of the noon: riots. Thoolty in now quiet. The police Into Ild In the province! on-ploy vlgumu manna to pawn meeting: of the worklngnon. lrlnlrlnllnonoo In Onlnllg. , Lormox. Fob. I3.-The 0Imm`cle`a mo correspondent uyn: The Duke 0! or- ` folk hu docldod not to visit the Vatican Again. The Vulcan In much dlnplouod at Lord Sslhbury for rolnnin diflomntlo rela- tion. It In um-ted that 5.. risk lnuonoo in gaining. nu unurrlvll lIIl'n Qcumw. I-`ob. I3.---R.ichArd Freeman. in Loretta justice of the pesos. who wu homo- whnt badly Ioorohod an re than rooontly. hu just rownrdad his nuru, Mn. Widow Smith. who kindl tended hicnlhrougzh his lllnou, by marry In; her. Both the bride sud groom Are octogonorluu. A Long Wrestling none. WoncIm'|:n, Mum, Fob. l3.--~'l`ho wrat- ling match. begun hero on Mondny night. botweon Ran, Uruhum and Dufur wu nished Inc night, Dufur winning the con tent in the 25th bout. having ucnrod elovon lulln. Rm: guinod eight {Alli and Graham six. The remaining two bouuwwon conced- odwkou. oaxi -`i1i1i} R3~7.'A. douu."nuue' 3 cellars: good yard and mailing. Apply next door. or to B. Ronmsox. nu. Kingk Oo`I Drug Store.

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