Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1889, p. 3

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the comfort oi uuoutu. Commodloul Sample Room ! for comrnomlsl 'l`nwollerI. , Tho but yard and Itnbleo In town. ONI DOLLAR PIE DAY. Cntluu-lno Owen on ljuarderhs. But very rarely lg we meet with board- ers who prefer lourdm_g. In all large cities there are gay and frivolous women who shirk the ones of l)0u8ekeeping as they do of motherhood. and to them the fashionable boarding house or hotel olfers an escape from all duties, and leaves unlimited time for the pursuit of pleasure. Fhe fur grester this class. We nd good house keeping `number of bosnlcrs'."'h b'WW`er, :1 not of mother; bringing up children, in Il`dll1g- houses ; gut. so the" will tell you. not from choice. ll health a sometimes the reuon, but for more frequently we are told that the,house could not bear tha} burden of servants any lvngvr: worn out in patience and `in all hope of In-lter tl1ings,,alie and her family deprive themselves of home and its plegsurea, and urc enduring is life full of discomfort, but fruv from cure, rather than struggle further with the question of do- mestics. HICIIICH. 'l`o all but the fun pleasure loving women before alluded to lmnnliug olferg no advan- tages compared with homo. The man with nn inc-mm: nf fmm --mm tn few. Boarding-holule goquip `up:-inns up u nnturnily from ` promiscuous association, habitual and cuuiinued, as fun i from srtili. chi deposits kept at A cergin egreerofheat and moisture. ` . H. , , Tam OELEBRATED III nvnnvn nnnvuwn Inn` REMOVAI:._ nuntnllu .3 n. 11 work warranted. ls.-I W. l. SMITH. We-llln n street. on: Ohllgoh umru stun. jj.--v.--V Ina- 200 pieces Best White Cotton: at 5. 8,10 and 121-2c. 100 pieces New Embroideries. extra cheap. 60 pieces New S ring Ulster Cloth. 40. 60. 60 and 76c. New Wrapper lannels. handsome colgrs. New Sheetings, Towollings and Table Linens. 500 pieces New Prints. beautiful designs. All Goods at less prices than last yepr. Although there has been a big advance in the prices we are selling White and Grey Cottons at the old gures. Now is the time to get a piece of cotton if you will be requiring any for the spring. A I ll Ilnllgnn nag: I _ AVVVI nu-vvvnuu Lu Avvvvu UIUVUIILI uh Five Qualities of Black Cor rows. NEW I A'I'I`I'ZRN8 in TROWSERINGS AND SUITINO TWEEDS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY A1` IHK CARP!-II` HOUSE OF RICHMOND, ORR & CO. Iadies' and Children's Ribbed Uudervests in Merino Finish Ladies` Ribbed Undo:-vests in Silk. New sgmesnm `Chin; Siliis. unli- N.B.-0rderu left at the Grocery More of Ju. Crawford. Princes Street. will receive prompt attention. ll"l`elevhono communion! Ion MOCOASINS REDDCED m PRICE, C OVERSHOES REDUCED IN PRICE, More New Goods WHAT : WHITE :COTTON NOW ATVA SAVI_I`1G.`QF pjnogw goto 50 cams on THE DOLLAR. nn Inn nnnnn COTTON AT OLD PRICES. low prices at which we will sell all classes of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS from now until the end of February will surprise all. It will pay you to read our advertise- ment and buy your by by the yqrd or by the piece, and acknowledged by users to be the best m the cxty at - JOHN LAIDLAW & SON S. /VE W SP/?//VG DRY GOODS We are making determined eFForts to reduce our stock, which is still too large. We have given great bargains since opening AS WE INTEND OFFERING oun ENTIRE STOCK ' % 'FOB SALE BY TENDER wooo & COAL YARD j: R.c9TJTEIe17c`1'i_rE GRAND FINAL CLOSING SALE. R1cHMoi\'5""O"RR & co. That at the time was offered to all desirous of securing a really good artlcle at a zuoderate pnce, and each year since hen our sales for th1_s artxcular brand has been greater. We offer three dxfferexrt went ts, all equally free from all starch and ready for the needle at Nine Ladies out often will tell you t_hey don't know,-one cot- ton is as good as another. Now this 1s not so and can be prov- ed by good Judges of cottons who prefer one Igarticular make 0 on account of some peculiar quality in itself. w we secured ve years ago a \. J. MCMAHON, To2'Princesls%%t%f DRESS GOODS sold at 13c reduced to To. . French Serges sold at 15c reduced to 9c. All Wool Dress Suitings sold at 200 reduced to 12 1-2c. French Cashmeres sold at 50c reduced to 35c. SILKS--Black Gros Grain Silks sold at 90c reduced to 55 cents Colored Satin Merveilleux sold at 90c reduced to 55c. Rich Black and Colored Silks sold at $1.25,and $1.50 per yard reduced to 90c. Colored Satins for evening wear sold at 45c reducedto 230. ~ Lace and Trimmings of every description we offer at prices regardless of cost or value. Kid Cloves. Silk Gloves, Cashmere Gloves. All must be sold at however great a loss EIBROIDERIES---The value we offer astouish all. Cashmere Hose. Lisle Thread Hose, Silk Hose, and all makes in Underwear at hall` price Cottous of all makes we are selling at less than the wholesale mill prices. Factory Cottons 3c. 4c and 5.: per yard--a saving to the buyer of from 2 to 4c per yard Sheetings, all makes. at from 8 to 15c per yard under present values Tickings, Towellings. Table Linens and Napkins, all at an Immense reductions in price Prints and Ginghanis at hall` price. Good Fast Color Prints at 5c per yard worth 100 Giughams at 50 per yard worth 10c. 12. ....... ....... -.l..:-...l 5.. _._.I... .L_:._ _ ._-L._,_ QF OUR RETIRING CHEAP SALE, _%?F.'..Y7.e~LDRQ4T .S- .---_ SOFT INISHED. PURE WHITE COTTON S1 RINGr DRY GOODS ed. '5': on wanlKlndllngWood.(Dr ).orStov ut Coal. No. 4 Coal. Soft or Black- God Illldfl Cod. R0 to R. CRAWFORD & 00.. - Footof Queen at s. n n_;__, 1.5. -. .|.- n__-..__ _.n_- -1 I-. HAINES & LOCKE'I'1"S, AT THE END OF FEBRUARY, uni-uvu Ann Van New P.?s!tr*3.n.".3"`7'"2d.."1-:`:in:a s Kingston, Belleville and Trenton. DO YOU USE ? Bl-IINH SHOW N BY -51-_ air ur( 0 I` Inna-savor one-2 cusp- - .. w-. you want the Dr-lent. Cheapest and Beat [1 Maple and Bc-A1,.) Cnrdwmxl, Oak. Birch Ash. Elm or Hemlock Cordwood saved or Un awed. Or H van want Klndllnz Wood. (Dry). or Stov BEST IN THE MARKET. Yard No. l-Untarlo Street. ' I-(7lurunce blroet Wharf. " ` 3-5:. Lawrence Wharf. $ Sccure deliver before broker. wmuhe! lots in. Chi U oo-HL Luwn-nee V\'hnrf. Branch 0l11ce-(`-orner Kin and Clearance bL.. nnnmiln British Anmrlmm mo)` I Branch Ul00-('-0l'llBI' hm lld UIIAFUDCO DI" on {to Brllnh An;orlmn dolls)!` 5 omptn-1 mus ucxory u ivery a spoclnlty Goal all under cover and well Ioroonud' &'Talonhono Communication. JAM EH` 5 IFT & C0. HARD AND mS()FT WOOD. - -_.| n--- .1.-- VV --&.|._I~_r-n-.n- Urr|cI-Cor. Btu-not and Ontario su. Foot of Clarence Street. l'()l{l)ERS left on [he stores of Mr. James l Ko(l(lcn.l riIu-.v.sa .\'lrvul.nnd .\l-stirs. Mt`Kelvo/ & Birch. Brock Stu-cl, will be pruluplly lllleu, Polophone (iomnluuival inn. Ammta "Black Diamond Llne. Comm uuiral ion. gents " Black A L. W. BRECK. E. A. HU("'H. iiii_f:zl_ _A"n`7z"Sri1ifYPuris? 1- ll|.._.. ... boal, Wholesale, Retail, Z.C\a.L'.l\JJ.L \JU .a.J\.J\I .5. 4.4. Whnrngers. Vesset01(\)enta an Wholesalenud Retail (on! and W I)(`:\lt'l'S. (`outs of the very best descripliun. undt.-r can-r. well screen and and promptly delivered. Buncu wood and Hard and Soft (`urdwnnd nft rst quality on hand. Inspection aollv.-tted and B|li8f&c'i0D guaranteed. YARl)-(`orner Unmrio and Wn.~It Sltrreta. `,`_ lI 0ice-(`lurcn"o and Ontario Streetl- Foot zI't)RI)ER.-3 2.31 Princeu Street. cor. Sydenhnm Street, Kingston. . BREQK an E60513 \l`|...-R-H...-a lnnunl Aupnnln an \VhnInnnInnn(| '8cr;I;t<:n -Bea 'Qu;1i; -!_._.| 117--.! 11:1! 1'I'7.....l R1.-.......- IF YOU WANT THE 0/Ieapestc Bestfurn/ture INTERIOR CABINET DECORATIONS IIMDLLIIULIIUSV A IllH.Illll16gU|vUGvL|l GILIH U113 Ilhls Susnmnnd Hot Water llunlimz Enszim-z-rs. Agent for the Culcbrulcd Hpiml ltnrlimur Hot Mr Furnace mumnfnctured by M. H. Ju coba. Syrucuzqu. N.Y. B.H.cARNOvsKY Next door to W. M. Drennnn. Princess St. -Tmsmithing, Plumbing.Steam and Gas Fitting Steam and Hunlimz Emzina-:~r.-A. IIIIAJ-Iau-.-v ----. u _- - --, The Rest in iwmmally ChQapfJ' . 3 TERMS IUSUIT PURPRABIRS. If uuthodl. lo.. at Shef-lock : Piano Roomi, . I1 Prlnpcu Street. /ML, PA/?[0Uf?,W00h0i/W0` STOVES and RANGES. GENUINE ACME, /Vick/e-p/atea , H~ BRAME'$- ES'l'lMAl`l`I!:` UIVEN FOR EVERY DES 1 ClUl"l`l0IV 0.!" Rl AlRlNU. CARl`E'l`S LAID. Oppopite Polson'e Drug Store. PRINCESS STREET, Kingston. TL` unsn AND o\'a;rrs'rL'FH:1) WORK A sm:u1A1.'rv. ES'I`lMAl`I uI__VEN FOR l ERY DES (3}{lP l`lnN m-` IH AlRlY\'l: LOUNGES. EASY, FANCYHAZNIZ); om) cmmzs. MATTRASSES, SPRING BEDS, &c. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CA LL AT ` vmIo1.s1t1<:m-1n. Designs and Estimates F'urmshed`ror an Kinds of Work ' ._v v_--, -~--- ----- W5. A. conusu. - 9563: V . Ilnunn kn: Inn! hnnn nu nuulnlnnd n u uu; gnmu. up: All); ruun 18 on. AN ELEGANT LINE OF HANGINGS to select from. 1uw'm tha butselected hi most stylish stock in Eastern Ontario. Give us a call and look over our stock. nnntnnnuun I17 I v I n I nun nnnnnl I U. H. UUHNCLL ' rnur. , x This Home hujuu been no modohod. and re- nuod. nndno as will In spared to secure comfort of noun. Commodloul sample Room! GENUINE ACME .\KATES, 60 cents a pan`. I10 ua It can llll IOOK CV01" DUI` U|zUUIo a6B1NsoN's'MI.L PAPER DEPOT 2" Bw +%:r:~%: F: 0-%MABJs?HALL . nu.`---was " r1uv|.a- 3 run A-unuvvi Spruce up-don_c be A-clnm-nnd don't. wai till the great spring rush 1; on, All l|'lf.\lIAIl1l|lI'|rn nnnnlvnnvn ELL?`TT' F?0$:~ nuuu Ill ]U'lI' DTCIBFB G&I'Iy Y0l' ` PAINTING - AND - PAPERING an-...... ..... A..- A L- , 003. BAY AND IIIDIAU RTRIITI. -oc.uuCo n.. .u-n . u-uuqusnvu vs:-so. nnu.n|.u FURNnI:I;`I]'EF}"rhIADE T0 omn. 231 PRINCESS ST. i HENRY BRAME,_ 1"1'...:....o..I-..... .....I MERCHANTS I ! HOUSEKEEPEHS I I 77 T:_!4I91&Ie.e=l99s- .] -_ isR1sc6'0UsE,riAPZ11s, omma 4 4 A Juan-IA: II!|r\l\ -251 PRIN(TE.\'S 'rm~:ET,__f (1.... Q...-I....L..-..... Q4...-`no BIBBY &. VIRTUE. Cor. Sydenham Street. : Telephone conmluniculiun. "wcbdo A Loading Undertaker and Embalmer, "LOOK AT *THIsf K Bend In your orders early for ITILIIE Ann nu n1-2| FURNITURE. &c.# --CIiEAl`ES1` AT- ngjjjj "iJIf"iw'2\LLN'." DRY MILL WOOD AND SLABS. Boat cud Cheapest in the city. Foot of Clarence and Barrack Streets, ` $1 per pair. Inx nuuw. With rognrd to _i.ho lout objeclinnllilo of then I would here record explicitly my opinion that home in to found in none of them. Luxury in Immy, compnntivo indo- lenco in All, are uttaimtlnle. The ucrod polo, which excludes the public and necludeo the hnnwhnlci -tim ham:-inry within which uhurncter yrown mm iuquidunlity. which in vast {tutored Mill nurichod by tho holiest inuences known to urth-iI lovollod. People who out I contract and in hordu. and whom` very chambers no nut oo- onn from prying was and Intrusive loot. won begin to dream, look. all: Mid think for tho vulgsr many rather tlun tho boimrod Marlon HnsrlmI`s"$ug1oatlons, Life in the most modest middle-class households diifers vnawrially with that of thirty yusrs ago. The twenty four hours of the dsy are an exact and inexorable quan- tity: incomes have not kept. step with fash~ innnhiu luxuries; cellular tissue cannot grow fut enough to supply immoderate waste. There is twice as much to be done sa`of old, and hired help is a steadily wlning reed. The stout-armed maid~oi allrworh. who cooked, washed. ironed, waited at table and made up the beds of a is`: ily of seven. has given place to two or more specialists. with nerves and notions of theirmvn for each hnusehu where there are,thrne in fam'Iy. The mm urn home. with all the labour sav- ing machines Invented, ostensihlv for for the housekeeper`: relief. is A complex machine. Like a steam plough or churn it requires a skiliul engineer to run it. and these Castle Garden does not inrnish. The wife, tried beyond strength and patience; the husband whose labour barely provides the family with lodging, food and clothing; the child- ren, eager for novsltiu unite in declaring the whole system a fa lure and agree upon the alternative olfered by hotel and board- ing house. \\.'iI|s rnans-cl In flan Inga} !s`s;neI0:nean|uIg nl` IIIILU` INC IIWEIIH lllllllx urr U II PUUPIUI Then comes t.he moat vitzslqueation of All, is A home life or the life of lmurding-houses and hotels heat for children`? Who does not recall with horror the_pert, ill-bred, noisy children they hove too often encountered at such places, with nothing modest, gentle or child-like about them I They have been de- prived of sll the sweet securities of home, the training of family life. the tenderness and strength of family Association. They have been unwelcome from their birth, tol- ersted insfud of cherished. nsy. how often the ranks of coming infancy have been more than decimated thst the wives who evsde motherhood may enjoy their lsnguor end leisure, and take their one in their inn Y" Illll II ICIHIITU IIIU IPCHI IHIIIK [Ur l|l""i How do they employ it in such A life? I know there are m:o.n)' and hnnnril-Ir ucep tions, but the M :-rage mnumn n! the period has nothing to (in but tn Iil't`F|S, guaaip, visit or devote herself to tint triviril aimiscnu-nt called shopping, which run often ineana wasting the time and leutroying the pa tience of onipluyevs in Nhnpl I-y looking at goods these quasi vustoniera never mean to buy, and inspecting hric wlirnc they cannot purchase, merely as is pa.-time. And are not the cum Anal duties of 1 home the iegitiuuite business of I mnrried woman`! Where in her life more fall, more Appropriate, more contented. if the be I genuine woman. thnn when. like the Shunt- mite, she "dwells nmong her own people P" Then nnmen the moat vihnluiwntinn i.f A" IIIUIII Ill IUCH l'UL'l'UILIlIE. Another argument in favor of boarding in that it allows women more leisure and re- lic-,\`<-,n them {mm the curve of hmm-In-c-pimr. But in leisure the heat thin: for us-uwn? u,.... .a.. .s..... :. .~.. _....n. .. I.A'..v I hone Terry Cooke's Views. It cannot he asked of those who teke peo- ple to hoard in order to make their own ` living that they exercise eny power of selec- tion among those who apply to them. except so for us their social respectability and nancial solvency are secure : nor can the ordinary boarder nlwsys conne herself to her chamber in order to woial others of the incongrums family whom she does not up prove or like. In this, as in most other things. the burden of life falls more heavily on women than on men ; for A mum is absent ell (lay at his business. and the evening offers to him in thunsaml iunusenieuts which are ucvcr npen to !JllTlt' women. nor to mar rio.-I unless their huslmmls l`ll0UBL' to indulge them in such recreations. A ....oL.... .. ..... ...e ... A'........ ..f LA-.. ):.4 _ 1. U1 IIIIIUI IUI. lint if house keeping seems A failure, hoarding is no less so. lt is existence in its lowest terms. Whether the suhiect is a young man on a sulnry, comlemneui to his crevice of .1 hell l)6(ll`(!()Hl. or II family in a luxurious Blillt`. of an apurttueut hotel, with name of distinction, one has a sense of being kept ineportfolio, uule'r lock and key or else of being always at the wings waiting the cue to come before the public. The expensive suites seem like upholstered sepulchres. Boarding tends neither to health nor long life. The halls are un- ventilnted parlnurs, stutfv with the pre- seuce of crowded humanity; the llsvour of the food kept in unsavory nefriuerators: the fish and meat. gone stule in the hot, runeitl kitchen while waiting to be cooked; the uplxitlos swarming on the lettuce; the rust on the celery. hourly make war with tli.;estion, lower the vitality and elmrge the system with umlariu. The host` toss is in the ha'nuls of her servants anal catnmt compel careful attemlauce when she wuultl. BM:-ley Dare Leeds. There is gnsshing of teeth and gnawing of muustaclies as `the American llLmllV' mun reads the standard English edvice1to.es.ti- mate the rent not over one-tenth of the in- come. Oue tenth? When no one this side the water dreams of sharing less than one- fourth his income with his landlord. Is it any `wonder that literary men and others on modest Blilles of 83,000 to $5,000 feel com- pelled to K ep their wives und children in Canada or the (ienesee country; where liv- ing is cheap, while they themselves fare as bachelors in the city . pretentious habits are not so prohibitory of housekeeping as the desolsting plague of serxants. Ido not any poor servants, for. like certain brand! of cheap wines, all thst can. be said of them is thst some are not so poor as others. '1 he tirst-clsss servant from an intelligence oflice msy be set down as an... expense of not less than $10 1 week,orlinur_y. waste and breakage included. The trouble is not so much that she is high-priced as that she will not work at any price st all. The frowsiness she quickly spreads through s house, the chi ped chins, rugged damask. csreless veetibu e. giving s bad name to the rest of the house, not belied by llulfy clmmhcrs and smoke scented parlours. tukcsluwuy tsll attraction from the idea. of home. lt is :5 most rather thsn a nest, and the ltunily learn to leel never so much at lmme as when r|l)l'()lill. lnellicient ser~ vents have nearly broken up the home life of America. I); :5 LA"... I.......I_.... -.....-... _ t..:l...... But high rents sud l . Huusewlveu lluvo [lard 'I`lmes-hoarding House lineup In l)reiMl(iI|-.Vo Place Like llomv'-A Bynupsil of lnterolt. In the February number `of the North .4'meriv.'m Rn-inn appears an article entitled Is Housekeeping I l"uilu're* 1" in. re: ct. to which views, are expressed to a. eonsi arable length by Shirley Dare, Rose Terry Cooke, Marion Harland. Catherine Owenund Maria Parlon. A synopsis of these views will prove intarestingxo our readers. ' mnuuuu vv vvu, --.-- iv v... V V..- Lime. `_?n:.'W'.A.I..SII- (`nu Ila:---nh and llnlnl-in HI: ADVANTAGES ANIS OTHERWISE OF ; BOARDING-HOUSE LIFE. DOES HAOUS_:EKEEP[N_G PAY in: nu I-Ulllrll ` I .' e.\cep- 2 of to hm lriviulVulxmscnu-M J. 5.-. >4 uuux .J..... ... THE BRI'ris wmc. sATUDAY. 1`1~3 1. 9. I `Ghana! 7 `thin 6 DR. C. R. DICKNN. oloo. Bro `I Block E! Prlnouu strut. Tolephogo No '1" All kinds of claxnedxlnd and nulull. I put at and V0 for ulolho "Jon nu" wan-uuod lobe lhe but nthuunr or them. Aaonu wuaud. B. IO `POOIIRY. Pnmm mu-. mmma wonxs, muucnss snif. A 1-v-w tw . ...- In-Vttui II NI-IW IMPROVICI! .\llI2Tll0l) OF C ~ TING LADIES` no ( Hll.|)lllh-"8 LRISS , voxrs. em. Without pulornn. Any Indy mu learn In one day. Drum; Hump. Mztnllen. aI(`.. mud. in A" ulna learn In one day. Dr Uonu. Mnnllen. eta. mule In all in latest nu 00. All work Ills.-I SMITH. 'J - - ----v-r-~ - --. -_...._-... _.. Th! 5." "10 MIL `'3 tour smear for then. --..__----j- DUI nu ll\lll vvua vuv quuanu; Hard Wood, Mili Vzood. Verona '1...` .-::-..-- 7-3::-uy Solve!-I And plckod with clunllnou And one I). A u nnuncnl II. I`. b-h:_.-_. Ill vvtuvu u-vvv. ; wvl 1- A full mock always on hand. Call and :02- `"`"" w. B. a s. ANGLIN. Wolllmnon Street. North- FRSH"7Y?5?STEB8 4 kiTLNT"MbhneoJ 666%}; Saab and Blinds, Mouldings and other he ry work. A I..Il .n....I. ..l....\- nn .u..I n_n _.| I__, vmLLo-v.s76hs YELLOW -roan Use Peerless Brand" BALTIMORE ` 33131 I I` A III 31133-:1: _-:..:.j7.:-:` 1 lnlhillounllly for Gllmour O Co'I (Trouto .p.. .. -:.1: ______ .-v .- . \4I`II - nu`..- .-- In nu-v 11111.. It contains neither alum. limo. nor ammonia and may be used by lhv most delicate oonuutu Mom: with perfect snfmy. ha I suvce-II nrinln from Its bein imatrinsicnl THE Hh`.`a"l` VAL. E IN THE) AllKlcT,u wellu thor- oughly Adapted to the wnnla uftho kilohe ha united envious imiuuiuns of its name up. loeaxnnoo. Bowu-o ofuuolu IINIIQI CIIII |1-II.'Ill'\I WIIII (`lXIIIllI~ Ill! 0636 73, c a mason & 00.. Baltimoro, u 1*}... -... ob... b...o A. Paul: ..........- 0.... nu-.. onnoa envious inmnnuna 0! its and 0! such: No addition {.0 or vannnon from the ample name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. '6r5_E'5UTTInIG}l\bGHT. 0_OA.L V}/OO'D. )UlI l'I.\f. Un the c thor hams], H you are ill It home. what a did}-rence Y fhere is no noile to dim turh you. fuf the nu-ml-rs of the houleholul, longing for your recovery, go about silently and are everuu the alert In prevent you vou from being nnuuyed. You hunger for some pnrticulnr food. and loving hands pro pure it nncl bring it to your bedside. |4LJAI.K In LIJIJ `}`!`?".'3..`.T .;`*.J_1`.`i :.`.* `.`.!!?`%`A-W133 IUUPIIIK II [0 DD FECOTIIEG. Despite all evidence to the contrary. how- ever, I am firm in my belief the: house- keeping in where] in not, all things oomi~ lured. I failure. The lineet suite in the finest hotel in town, utfered for enctly the same price I pity to maintain my modeat home, 'lNll1l not tempt me to minke an ex- chnnge. Snrn-nder the vomfort, freedom and hnppineea of in home uf one`: own for luxury Ind lnzint-as in as hotel 7 Not I 3 And how can any Fellt!ll)l8 women do it if she be well, have suthx-u-nt money to carry on the huuae, and know how to ilirect ilmnestic oiirs? Let the rrmler pauae for n vnmrent to think what it. is to lune ll lung illneu at I hotel or [mar-ling house : to ll(!(li8irt`OSt`(l by noise m:ul.- lu_\- ihuughtless null unsympathetic fel l1IW'm`L`IlpIl|l3 2 to lue tllnle only with llllll- culiy to get some few simple dishes which \'lHI I`TK\" UVJ llrlfllillll. When retrencliiiie-it is discussed the a\'er- ; age husband is zip to urge A reduction of the expense of the table, yet (It: is quick to object to any clmnge which will deprive him of the food he likes ur thinks he requires. A cum-essinn here by the husband and there by the wife, and instead of failure we should have success in house keeping. If either be indolent, however, the fault must be overcome, or I perfectly hnppy hone in not to he expected. Some- thing which should be provided or done to conduce to the comfort of the family is miss- ing or postponed. In time the eyes are turned toward the beeqon set upon the boarding house, And nnotior failure in house- keeping is to he recorded. llcunitn All orinni-A In thn nnnh-nru In-u-_ Illss Parlors In llopelul. Misnnmngement anal indnlence are two of the great causes of failure in housekeeping. People do not always lwgin in the right way. They frequently use so mu:-h money in the first your us to bevmne disheartened. Unable or unwilling to economize they surrender their lmuse and turu to somelnnly to make | home for them where the expense shall not he so great But they would ra- ther keep their lmuse, much rather; and, were they cuurtenu.-4 cnuugh to resolve on retrenchment all might be well in the end. It is the tirst years that are the most trving. Eatillmtes of the rent, cost of furnishing fuel, lights, service. and some few other things. can be made. but the little unexpes-t- ed expenses are a source of surprise and dia- cournaement. \\`lu.n nus.-..n..|..u...\o 2. .l:- ........I .L_ _..-._ IS A'; URl FRUII` AVID POWDER. --_ - -_ __ .g__ .u..__ SOLE AGENTS vfE :13"'i'r 3'}1'a':'.'r3i::i's"i713-rclzxs JOHN L. JOYCE. I

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