-__-d_j._.j;: .- SMOKEFRESH" CIGAR, A ` Dlphlhorln. "Lut January," say: J. N. Teoplo, of Orwell, Ont. (here nppurod diphthorin in our noighho:-hood. Doctor: run night and (NY, but I kept right to HtgyIrd I Yellow Hi and brought my children through I" right." Yellow Oil cum I" pslnlul ooh- plolntu nnd lniurlu. auvnuv nu nun-uuvuv. Mrs. Window`: Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren teething, in the proocri tiou of one 0! the but fenmle nurse: and p yuiciann in the United Staten. and bu been mod for forty you: with never-{ailing nuooar by millions ot mother: for their children. Dame Drooou (pl toethin in vsluo in lnculcu It relieve: the ch d from pain. cures dyna- tary and dinrrhu-;,griplng in the howolqud wind-colic. By givln health to the child it rest: the mother. on 250 I bottle. Pllnl Plloo looking Pilot III! mo-Ilomm-.- 1| mu mung : out In : ' . I3. - :1: no`! u:uu:n`lm -`:,":|g'Q:".nl|nn` I.` uwlmnh. .0 `=- llIl'll|. II II"( I C K follows immmln-rut hardest to the 31 neuron to the sky. , __ , A Sure lh-medy fur No-urulxln. Ne-uralgia is -une of the most mmmon And painful MT:-vtimm incidental to this climate. Life-. to tliuusnnda is nmde miserable through its age-ivy, and as it nth-cu: the nerves, nnly the must pu werful and penetrating remedies can reach it. Xerviline hu created wonder in the minds of those who have uoeleuly tried other rcun-dies, since its action seems , nmgival. Tnnll sul-ring from my kind of ' nerve puin. in!--rnnl or externnl, we suggest I trial of Ner\'iline. Sold by All dealer: in medicine, I0 and 25 cents I bottle. The boat rwipe, tur ; cnmnu-ndulslc uuy is t nu lrattvr how rich 0 the kindness they can His world. when baby was sick. we gave her Castorla. ' When she was 2: child she cried for Castorin, When ahr lmc.1nn- .\lias. she dung to (`-morxn. When sh-~ had childrn.-n.she gave them Coworin ICC `II, |UlI||\V{`uu Ayer s Cherry Pevtoml has given me great relief in brnuchitis. Within 8 month I have sent some of this preparation to a fuieml Rll'`lil'Lf from lnunchitia and asth mm. It has done him so much good that he wri'es fur mnrv."-('hnrles I". Dnmtervillo, \ P11: mmnh I-`r ulnrul `WII V31! I Ply umuth. UCSL II IIJUT 8 -`IIVSQIPIITIIII. Public opiniun in the strongest factor in putving down any evil; and it in mnde up of private opinion, openly expressed md heartily followed. A1-or`: Uh.-rru Puvfnnal ha: rvivnn mp 733 S(`HC.\'(`E OF` LIFE. he Grout Medical Work of .n`ae-nae. on Manhood, Nerv. anus and Physical l)o.;bllity. Bremature Decline. Errors 9! Youth. and the untold miseries consequent thereon .110 psxgca 8 vo._ l`. .-'1 pr:-script ions for all dlsunaes. '1-`lolh, full gill, only 81, by mull, scaled.` Illus- zrnlivu muuplo from U) all young and middle tgod men. Send now. The Gold and Jowelled led.-ll awarded to me an h`or by the National lodlcnl Annockstlon. Addrum P. 0 Box 1896. Snswn. .\hu-:s., or HR. W. H. |'Al{Kl grad- tale of lhrvurd .\lu.li(:ul (`ollugm 25 years practice in Boston, who may be consulted oon ldeminlly. h`pe<-mlly: Diseases of Mam. Of- Sno No. I Bultlnch St HCHI ' ll. IO ULIIB; `U IUIIII "II-llII|1lI)' LU IIIUCI. the future. A spring lnedicine is needed bv everyone. Winter food, largviy consisting of salt men! and auinml fats, muses the liver to become disordered and the blood impure. hence the necwssaty of is vleansing medicine. The `best is A3er's Sursaparilln. Pnhliv nnininn in VI! uh-nnannt fnrltnr in glvru. Look not nmurnfuily i colnelh not again; wisely sent it is ours; go forth : Hun futnrn The great ave Vllll in nnr In lll(lflll'I'(.`ll ELOIIIIVYI. He that cannot forgive others brenks the bridge over which he must pass him- .~clf, for every nmu has need to be for- (ri \'oIn wm\I'Il .VUlIl lllllgll". I Why lnn'L _)(>u try (`urn-r'a Little Liver Pills? 'l`ln-y are H pnsitivc cure for sick l1v:|-unlit` nwl all the ills pimluceal hy dis~ m-lvu-:1 livrr. ()nl_\ our [will A \l0S(`. The xliacun-ry of ulun. is true anal the practice of what is _;,;nml are the two most Important Ulbj( \,'lS nl life _ Nu nne klmws l-ctler than those who have used (`urter'n Little Liver Pills what reliuf they have giuzn uhcn taken for dyspepsia, .li71inpsu nuin in Ilzn niulp nnnnlimninn nml IR` lt.'CuIIQ'(I. The Rev. (loo. II. Thaycr. of Bourbon, ImI., says : Rodi myself and my wife owe our lives to .\'hiInh`s (fuusulnption cure." \\'. J. \\'ilaon, cirlxggist. The-re in no tit .~amrc|1 after truth which does not. rst of .ill_ begin to live the truth which it knows. Are you IILI-it` Inismzuble by Indigestion, ('onsti[mIiL-p. Hi//im-as, loss of Appetite, Yelluw Skin `. Shnlnlfs Vitalizcr is a posi tin: cure. W. J. \\'ilsc-n. drllggiut. in private mmli 3t-uI' thoughts; in the family mm-h 3`-ur temper; in company wan:-i1\:()I|rln|urxI-, lI\C UUIVU. `V . VJ. \ mum _):I| wznrh your tungu.-. dul1'L_)mI I \ ` all! ....1 l:...... 11.. HM ) IHIVU b'l\(`.H \\lll'll UIKUII IUT llyI|pQ1p8IB, -liuinesa, pain in tlm side, constipation. and -Iimrderml stomach. U.` u.... .... .. ..ol...-.. L--- |... \V . I. V` IIBOTI, ilrllgglt. What you keep by you you may change and mend, but words once spoken can never be l't'Cu(*(l. 'I`L.. [D ... I` . . `II I`I... ...... -5 D...._I.__ IEUKU LU Iilluuc llll: lllllld Ill UllIIU5l'I"- For Cnllgllu and colds take the Diamond (.`nu,ql1 Remedy, cnmposed of elecnmpanu, wild cherry uml lmrehouud. 25 and 50 cunts :1 bottle at \\'mle a drug store. .\Imla-rnfinn in rlm million ntrinn runninrv UUIIIS ll UULKIU HE \\ {MIC H urug HCUITC. Moderation is the silken etriug running through the pearl vlmin of all virtues. A Nasal ini.-on-r in-n with each lmltln of vnrougn we [M &l`l cmuu on an vnrmucu. A Nnauli11jc-ctor frce with each bottle of \'hilnh :-1(7u.tI'rh Re-mealy. Price 50 cents. \\'. I. Wilson, tlrtlggist. \\'hnt vnn lmwn luv vml vnu mgv nhnnor, LIICV WUIIILI Fflllp `Ht UCBIUUII-lg Ul IF. ' Bnckache is a|m.._sL inmiedintnly relieved by wearing one of (`am r s Smart Weed and Belladonna backache plasters. Try one And be free from pain. Price 25. ` The easiest and lwst waxy tn expand the ' ' mini hen . Shi|oh`s Cutarrh Rcinedy--a positive cure for (Jamrrh, lliphthc-ria and Canker-Mouth. W. J. \V'ilsox1,ximggist. \\'n nun.-at ulrinlz in tho fnnntnili `nf Irnnw. . V` . II. VV USU, lll`A}ggISl. _ ` We must drink ut the fountain of know- ledge to quench the thirst of curiosity. For c-nnuhn and .-nldn take the Hinmnnrl W. J. nnaon, drugglst. If men would mxrsider the end of Iin. than would shup the beginning of it. Rm-luu-hu`in ulnunkf innnxauliutnlv rnlinvml . Dfllltnll OVBI 8\'L`l'_\'Hl|Ug. For Dyupqpam and Liver Complaint ydu haven. printed guaruutpe on every bottle of Shiloh : Vitalizer. It never fails to cure; W. J. Wilson, (lru3.,';,"i st. Shilnhln Curn u'i Frmmediuelv mlinvp `V . J. \V UBO, drug |`Sl?. Shiloh`: Cure wi Vimmedintely relieve (fruup, Whooping Cough And Bronchitis. W. J. Wilson, drnnggist. H mpn wnnhl .-.mL-aiiier thn and nf nin ` UOX E` \V IUe'H"{ll llg EDOTB. . Good, temper, like asunny day, Iheda a Brightness over evcr_\'thiug. Far ')I7ll'Innmn and Liver Cnmnlnint u:`(n Celly. Why will you cough when Shiloh`: Cure will give inumacliatu relief. Price `l0 cm, 50 cm., and $1. W. J. Wilson. druggipt. Hanson's manic cnrniaalve clireu corn: and CLB., um 91. H. J. H uuuu. utuwmu. Hanson : magic cures hunions With three applications. 15. per box at 'lde H";1l t0I`e- Good lanmer, mm naunnv dsv. shed; a} mild be road In rd dohll ed. PROF. . C. 1 'l`he`Cre-nu) cf! the lmperuqunthorod For tlfe Whit llmulerl. ` I Habit. if not resisted won become: a. ne- * cesaity. ' \V|w will vnu mmrh when Shiloh : (`mm AIvlo;"l`o lotion. n I n 4L}, ,,u, IlI"l I`. :\ , linglnud. `THE TEA 'fABLE. :'('r(>`.t AofnvioViVl.i_n_g disappoint- `u Lxpect too much. Despair In-rue hope, u thing! full We ground which have been \|l\.', r going through life in I s to feel thn. everybody. or how pooi`, needs all cull get {rum others in into the paat-it ' improve the pre~ mnufully to meet DR. C. R. mono; (Illa. Brown`: Block Q PI-lnocn nroct. Toiophooo No 8. ,i, -_,' - i . ..--- -`v---, No. I; IAIII1` IOUAII- VUIJ. BUPPLIIS 0!` HI HIST QUALI- Ol` FLOUR. Mill cod. Bhoru. D-nl. Etuokwhtt. H"? A I.()n|o'I:`:Iosn.oay`. 000- 919 to Maul 33$ Oaugld lulu. 3053!: [add for W. I`. BAKER. ._ Oommhlm In-cllnnt. FLOUR, FEEDLND STORE, 2" `. _L-m XIIIA1$ EXHAUSTED VITAEITY, k%iLLi~fb%RiE6' 666'r3.' Bush and Blinds, Mouldings and In thin locality for Gnmour O 00.`: | l`mnln|) l -v 25.: casual A.\J&IAI'&I - I U.Q|||l'ClllIdl.lIK Moll lldj I :onounoo the uutlnun cit?` ' J VI-u in AAA: 3 g :- `ass 0 N, AlI-\'I`jLl$! d.UsireREoEw?D1 VALUE IN THIS MAKKICT. As well All mor- oughly Adapted to the vnnu of the kitchen. has Cxdud envious Imitation: of In nuns and up mennnoo. Bewu-o of Iuoh.|` No addition to or variation from the mmplo name: ' O00K'8 FRIEND IS GENUINE. .. . vnwuu - --V-` naval-I nvvv unnu. It contains nolthor alum. limo. not ammonia And ma be used by Lho most dolloou oonuitu Nona VI [11 perfect nloty. In Iuoooyon trial from its ho! lnau-inn! 1 THE BF:-I1` VAL I IN THE .\ ARKl.`T.u wollna thor- ouzhlv ulnmod tn the Imam u! um limlmn, Im- fuoto 'ry_\;o:k-.-_ Amllutook nlwwnaulund. Onll andfox- tutu. W. 3.08. ANGLIN olllnnon suoo.North. THE OELEBR.ATEi)i ig GOUK'8 FRIEND BAKING POWDER '" IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. , A LARGE srocx. BOTTOM PRICES. DESIRE TO PLEASE, nus? ATTRACT ATTENTION. Iuuu. uauua. Iu:\,n lulu um. lonvin them beautifully white and vc-l< Volt . .*-ulxl )y \\'hul:-.-dnlc (lcnlurs undtlrmzgisln svr-ry\\'heru Pond Lily Prcum. 25 cams : Pond Lily Ln:-r Pellets. 25 manta; Pond Lily Skin Soup. 1.7 1-rnls. S. |`k`RnlN Cholnist, Muunfuu u" l ruprit;1m' for (`1n:Ld:n. _._._ . _ I PRINCESS smmrr, wow: smnnnusr. PRINCESS STREET. FERGUSONS BLOCK. THE PEOPLE'S` Up-Town Grocery. ` JAMES REDDEN, CHINA TEA STORE, HOWt0MA/(8077/ENDS MEET I Uur tale `aims. and` l! you head it. It will cu- rich you. Bo economical and trade with `we TAKE ouR?ALTIiN `(_)iJii-iJ`l`0UTH A TO SHO\\' YOU `Twat lands of the Ontario Brewing ndlldunt Cduuperlor '1 ALB AND PORTER I . nu... n..-.... -_4I n_.-.I v._ -Ln-L n_A_ CAN MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET BY TAK- ING HIS TAIL IN HIS MOUTH. i No. Id ci.41}in.;vcn's17.. ' Onosn-3 Btu:-mu Alnlou Born. BROWN BROTHER/S & 00., SOLE AGENTS /. F31` & s. % VANGLLIN, aI.R.%McAN~, ACCOUNTANT, KSSIGNEE, AUDITOR, l.\'SL'RA.\'('E AND ESTATE AGENT. u ` Estates lunged and Accounts Collected. One huhdrcd (`hoivu Building Lots {or sad . Oice at Polson`s Drug Store. \\ .\.\1r.n. ~ l'\-rs:-I)!-` n (`an nlwn_\s ublnin max -1 Inxnrh-rsimxctl at six to .-u-\' .lA|.\'l)Ul\' R I.A\`(`\.~` lIll'1t`l`SIKlH.`tl;lI SIX In.-u-\'cn Il`I` Ivnl. ` lA|.\'UU!\' R l.A.\`(`\SH2 {E FIRE INS UF- A.\`vIc (`():\ll`A.\'\'. vapiuu s9.uuu.nno. Prc- ` mium incolnw 8`. ..'.`ntXJ.(1ll. E. U. HILL. Heal Estalu.`_5.'uul. Brock strec1..\l:u'kct Squnrc I .\II).\ I-JY 'I`() l.0A\' in large or small sums on farm on cih pr:-pq-rI_\`. | \\'.-\.\'l'I-LID. l vrt`1-nr-` having: mom-_\' toinvotst mm nlsnns nhlnin mm .I`l)I,IAH uuun.-...n.. "I ah.- -.-av nnuuwvougnou vans van.` AQQI 4. I lubscribcd C` gnu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.f!l),m( Tul.-1| lnxcsxug `unds upwards of .3,!I0l.|llf. Tum] mcumc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.~'.uc Insurances against, Loss by Fire accept- ed at the lowea: current rates and claim settled without. reference to me Board at London. .' IX l}lll\\.\'[\' Loan! fnr Plnoalnn QONEY ALIQAH. WNSURANGEL` v-- V - ----`w cu v--an-1-. I-50 lurk on every pachao [*F.R. 1:I 4S_3W"E W.?4?T l- not and Cold Baths at all h_oun at 3:... -..-o.-A-.- -- - -__ r/15 MA N/76521 unuwa uruu llll years . . . . . .. o3.Iuu.uuu.uu The le.-ulin ' Fin: lnauranca Corn$\x1y on [In Continent. its Annual Premium eucipta in (`omndrn and me United States are larger that bone of My other Company. and it has an un blemished ruconi 0! ti`! `ants. JAMES SWIFT. Agent ran mu msummn GUMPEY: HARTFORD CONN. Cash Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 l.tlI|,(Xl1.(l. Tutu] Assets. Vanunry list. 1882.... 8.9lr.. .2'72.w houses paid in (:1 years . . . .. 53.ull.llI).00 mun Assets, lanunry 18!. 188:! paid l Comment. In Anlnml Prom I puny at tqo lowest ' iblu rn.wa._V ` 'l'hree Your policies s-sued on " Hmte dwel 'Imgs and farm buildings at ow rates cl prumium Losses .1 n`. pal Drag`) U A'\L\P BRIGGS. Ammn ._; YY; PAY]? This (`omgnng is one or the b_esr in the world Its .'u'a|ilu lu unds nmuunl lu $43,852.13). in addition to which is the unlimited liabililied of The yarlv 3;:-emiuma for are risks Alone l nmount to 86.14 .821). Insurance etfucled on Farm and City Pro"- tlgo lowest y;on_r policiggn #311.-51 pp pivmer dwel_ ANY DOG} ` CAPITAL - - $l.5(X).(X)6; - Tvlll-2 GLASGOW AND LONDON INSUR- AMYE COMPANY tmnsacta the st,-own l:_\rgu-at business of all Bn`llsh_ Companies in lunadmdcpouilsannuauly with tho Cd adieu (i_o_\'-rnmem 81(1) of assets fonovory 8100 of Jim bnhty as calculated by the Government. Pus ALI: Lossls IQIYITABLY Arm I-nouI>1'Lv without wanting thmusuul sixty dnya,x-esultlng in the ('omuany now: but once having at ond,,of any one year outatanlng losses oxceeding 8510!`. W . G BR()W)\'. STEVVART BROWSE Chief Inspector. Manager for Canada. Toronto. Monlrom. J 'l` \XII'.nmm nu- ;...-_. Illa:-u.nmu'sm. _Scia.Hca, N rural- via, Catturrlt.-.lJu!.v. 1h~u'sc., swol- Hngs, scald lleml, (,/'olc", dyspep- .vn'a, co,nhm-Hon of u` nmsrlea, lame back. (II')III!hPI", sore throat, Iemlcr jevl, corns, stiff joints, etc. ' V .3 IF, `\,'_A_, _,,, 3,. 'rl'____,_ I.\_I_.__-J `LIVERPOOL Anonnon AND GLOBE ` mun]: unxmsmncn comm. ` ,;- !Nwse-N02:-T (7LASGOw`AN%D Lb`NI36N FIRE INSURANCE co. -_ii5oER1., Lfqubriaf con. i W. H. GOD\\'L\'. Asent for Kingston. BRITIHII Wma UI>'FICI REMOVAL. DICK KIN nnn, ll: uuulub Nl0lIll'OlIl J. T. WHITE. City Agent. " 9! Bacon: S'nuu:'r. W- I . BA KKK. Oouunlulan Merchant :1 1 0"? BRIGGS. Agent. 9 .1 -class lllurlmlgus (If the I1-\'1-n In-r aunt. 5.KI.Yl'J.KJ 53. lu),lXI).(Xl mnum [In Si1`11son's Liniment, Oholcntndu of Piltntndlnmnyflonr dwanon hand : OI-than our. Rollod Ooh. land Whilst. Cnokod Wheat. Gin: When, Ootmonland cornmeal : Bonds in nation. I I |ln\lll_l_ _ nnnnr ulna-nun Tdnioiufo `rL6UR STORE -__A n__ - -nr\,`....__-,nn_, #-. I.X|IIIIjlCII\I \lUI'IIIIl'I Q XVI` In tllllla W. J. IONIILL. - BROOK ITIIIT PLATE GLASS xuu'6i'L"3J"tiii'f'LTu"i"L'E'Aiun neums s1{aTy i5I.I.{.}.x$..,..T.FL` \\ holoulo b A\'.\.VH it com; 11 Man! rnnl COCKLETS I ou.s, COLORS. ARTISTS MATERIALS. wmoow GLASS, VARNISHES. I-:'rc. dishes rccim-ed to 31. war In three lllll tho llwiw)`. But we cannot Ilml spam tnenume~ rate all (he special linen i hm lmw i'ull<-n prev in this great Junu-try slaughlcr : but we have called your attention to enough llmt you can are we mean husinen-s,nnd that we mum to drop prices to clear stock that will leave far in the backgmund all the cat baukru l nu`-tlol saws now going on. an you will ren ize more lhun ovcrhow unsafe it 18 to trust your own judgment in making purrlinsea till you have visited \Vuod's Fair. The trad supplied. . W ood`a Fair and 70. Store. corner Princess and Wellington Slrouta. Kimrston. Ont. A Private Treatise and Adviser in ve languages; 24 illustrations. To young men only, and those contemplating marriage should not fail to send for it. -Q I Ill) PIDIIIITE RIBIIEIIQIBV v II`: can: -saqvnrurnvc-nan A Jnundvii E-mnh Amccan Houllook. 003$. N.B.-l`Iuno An the only Bus in the city, and byrunn. thereby scouring M. an hour: Imulc lrom Inc Yer) bust gr:-on corn, 2 ml` 251'. ; \'Oll cannot mntvh the spwlul hruom Oulsinlv of \5'nml's Fair for lass thxm 2.30. each. A S])l('lHlid lnrgvanow .slm\'u| for '.!lc. ; Inc-dium size for buys l0c. ;bc:sl banner lump burners. medium and srnull__7(`. : large size 10-. : vur ' beat lnmp (`hillll.l(`S, medium and small, In ; urge alze. 5c, lbinm-r and tun knives. m-ml polished steel bladcs,onl_\' 590. per half dozen pairs. Sumo wry beeuuifua 1-i l't'I']Ii(`kIL`1'rllel.`| and butter dishes rcclm-ed 31. In lhrvc tlnus tho Innm-\'. Hut Wu 4-nnnnl ilml anmm tnpmlnus. urmuzhl um, :u!_m.~xln ll?-`l`lf In ynllr wznahluh. .-xcrulxlxlng pail or sink V\llh perfect 1-mac: Wt` .~lml| ulll-r :1 Wllll n |uru4.- 1-ulu-uf auup mnlplo.-to rm--.1.-. ;lun'l full to sum it. A gr:-nl driu: in u Iuhulnr lnnl:-rn this month only 39:-. llo.-I sv. la,-,-led bird sccdxpnl up in ymunl p:1I'kllg(!5 curl: puvktuu-colllulning1| ulllllo "all bum-, per pnvknuv 71'. : mutt-In-5, [IT lnrL:ul)nx:'I1:. Hcu.\'_\' (ll-foul rlnllu-R line only we :3dn7.<-n host Mar rlnlhvs pegs for 5-. znnrl n w for 11w Inumh of January, while no are Ir ing In 011 do uln- selves, we will sell you n tlmve z-slrlm; brunm. made from lhc very best 2 fur `.15:-. you sDo.('lul 3.0.36!-AIII'3.! UGOO. MONGENAI8, BOIVIN lv. 00. we have do mod no! lo rs(`|I _0\'or two to nnv = l . Slci hs. l'lI)T'lI from our vurlcnd, but 01101231. lllld we wl I sell you n lnruc 3 lu-nl-k no -d sled (re nlnr price 7.'k3.I.sh|llLthlcl`('d nrlco 390 : lmnd snmo.`~lm1ro Hwnn~neckcd tipped sl ugh, worth 8|. slaugh- lured |n'l'<:e 300. Fulhtgs and mothers now is your golden opporhlnily, improve it. Plush goods, we buughl this aonson nu immense stock. and rocoivul (hereby apex-lnl cut prices. and have been l-rllinglheui solow that u lhuvo been ush nialn-d lmw wu would ullord lo sell such ck-gun mods for such low prim-3 '.yvt for lho month of ununry we will drop lhosu into our shun hlurc-d hat of 25 rcr cent. discount. This will` brim: an imitation loalhor dressing on.-so dm\`n.lo 73-.. and un clognnl silk plush one , down In Mr Don`! nuglm-I loseo this line of gomls whilv tlu-gr:-M sl.-mglllur solo is going on. .\lin:,-um; knin 4, ho:-sl pulialn-drlccl blade. only To. >`T~lmol hooks. in full line ; Ullm-'3 copy lmnk, 70.; I0!) lhlgv scrihlrlurs. : `. 0(l'l|. 0 .~<-ril)hlrrn. 50. : wilh eavll scribbling book we Kine ll In-ztllliflll cliromo: mo lnrnze bollll: com.- ink, 3c, or >tull`urxl'.~n, the ln-.31 ink mmlu in the world. lo. 11-r lmlllu ; u (`ll()l(`(` m-Jsnnrlxwut of I-il(`L`l pens. lnvlmlimz the (`M1-lrruln-(l `..".l`. . and llH|ll)' other popular lpr.-ulds-.3 for 112.. or 30`. per ` xroes ; .1 full line of z-54-lmol slates. ll good one for 3v.; foolm-up pupcr_ l`. slim-Is for .`w. : Dix- mi's h st plain L'CHUl' {I1-m'i|.~\. `.2 for It`. : ruhlwr limit-d lc. ouch : hillll 2-mnmlv |ll'l`1`f'llll',d mnmr In-ai\'y1,n5lish net hultcr with very strong He, Just thv nultur for !:u-nwrs for their colts. usually sold at 50 dur price 19. : one 10 quart gn|\'nniv.cd pm]. very dumb`o, never rust. worth our uwcc um price 151-. : this is one ufthc grenlc-at h:u-gn n"l3\ a_-rutfvr. (1 by us: and In prevent thv lrndc Irmu snatching them up have do idcd H0" two `tn nN'n1$ t-.nrIcm canny. 1. I~nn| .. `nu-nun. ') I... n I..... ..I ..I...I 1...`.-Inn n-Inn "OCKLE'S ` ON SA'l`Ulll)A\'. JAN. l2.Tn. we will com- niunce our great clearing sale. Encouraged b ' the success of our lust Junuiu-y's clearing aim: - sale we hen e determined to nmke this January eleuring scale the truu1est`nt.tmetitmnf the sea-' son : these are no-idle words. The great pub- lic in this enlightened age is not to be led nstrnsnby biuster hut honest. reliable mcts.told in these columns hnve always met with prom t attention from the intelligent readers of th s por..and to them we say. do not delay. dc- nys are dmi erous. Our slumzhter bargins will he sprout upon our counters for you"-ut- urdny : be nhund curly and secure the best selections. Our first sluu htur will be 12 dozen best gilt-bumlc(l"?em1lhot s. 191-. (inch; those goods. were it not for V\'ood's Fair, would be sold in our city tn-dny for SI ouch. One cxt_ro\ lu~u'\'y `pi,-lisb hultcr with i {or their Mobs" FAIR AND. 7c.W STORE. 5 @354 r c[7/Na M5. III! FIII ILIIITIATII GIIOIAI U nu Iivivvrv. any rvnnu n Inuvauuuu nu: To Iv-noocn Inooo Brrrzno In TH! TIIA'l'INf\AND cunt or <:uno'uc AND OISTINATF DIIEAIEI. I snnmnu mm A. IAMSAY & SON, Annvn Al "i5AIN1's ,MIscEiJL4Ii9U8:_ Txfifx. PILLS-For Liver. Pl LLS-- For Indigestion. Pl I.LS- For Heartburn. 1~xLLs,-Fce from Mercury. ANTI BILIOUS PILLS. ` REMEMMBEWR Ti-IA T 3imson s - Liniment IOITRIAI... GROCEFTS H. Jams & nu. Mdntroal. jjjg - In use eighty-six yells. SUNDRIES AND Has taken the` Input! and in the beat Aprepnrh-` 3505 over oleecd to the people of Canada for .'.he RELIl`Il" aml CURE of In (Limited), punchy I.ll.l I I Q` For Distemper in Horses, Enlarged ` Ioints, aud other diseuaeg, incidental to zheso useful gnixnala, it is unrivalled. rv,,.:x: . . .1 u 9 ,,,,2,,,1` A SURE CUR! ` ron IILIOUINEII.CONITIPATION, INDIGESTION. DIZZINEBS. IICK HEADACHE, AND DIIIASI3 or THI: ITOIACH. LIVER AND BOWEL8. Tun All mLo,monoucu AND FHOMPT ....`... ..-...u. gun-nu-, lp In an. .-..-..uuu Certicates are constantly being -_received` elling of th good vyork performed by Ivuuuiunsv ......u-\. V v nun... . II. LUCAS PRIVATE DISPENSARY, 88 Randolph 'sc.,_cmoago, nu. P0ND`LILY. CREAM. IANUIACTURED BY KINGSTON ON`! -__- __-_ f... _.. -_._ ,. JJN E8 w{ONS01:!1;;.- in 31.012` 11.14 A ___A.__ 11-.-! lII..|. In__._A- an. (,`Hx-nusrs. HALlIAx.`N.5"s. 0] ovdory mum wlgo In nu-vow Lrvuh. uoonua Conn. EDI9E,T "F135: of -hv skin from whul ("\'L'l` :'m1~m, and M11 ironuzhnvss from the: face. hands. neck and ling. or am)` nrlnnuss A t.e1ghtful Toilet Article. Nut 8 mos paint or powdcr;dm:s not cover over. but I .-ur-mu l'uuin:-nnlun-. Only Coupu-nun): Poor. It iaqultatruotlnt the Duohuol Gallic: has bequeathed upward ot 400,000 to tho Elmp.-cu Frederick, but the legacy In huvlly charged and Lnounborod by troubluomo con- d.".1< ma, so that tho ompra will prohlbly nd ttozmdient torotulu 1:. low 1: ssatd um `thq Ducks:-I o' Gunter: was compnnvoly poor" when ahold. Caadda-mg that she huletuupwu-dofl, ,0lnIuhonldvanly like to know who D "companvoly" rid.- bondon Truth. \ In vvnuw I TTIEIIIIIIIIIO Bpuldng of_Frod Grilllth, I saw Iomothlng In his new car shop which will commend mall to everybody having dnngirous machi- nery. All dong the side of tho mill, within the reach of every nun employed in the wp, Astrongcord loading boa bell in the onflno ` room is fastened. In run of accident. by pulling this bell the engines can be stoppod in a moment. Many times, py this simple pat- cuutlon, I loan of lilo may be uuIl.-BI!- mo Ron. ..... Q . -... ...\-u .. ...- u\ ,, uuu u may \lL\'l'lil' in; positivelyl:mgvrnu~: tn hi-< ht-ulth. At last one of New Xorl.`-. big surgwous under- 'took to rumove it. 'l'n'ol:pc1'ntion.~a were necessary, with a lon; interval between tlu-m". The surguon and his chief nminlnllt porfon/mxl them, and tlw foes, in popular re- port, ranged from $10,000 to $100,000 for the chief. ml from 85,070 to 050,000 for tho us- Ilstnnt. Yet even the larger amounts would not have reimbursed than hr the study necessary In (tting tlu-nm-lvcs to dotho op- rrntlon. As the dnrky explained to his mas- ` tor: "I donb chnhgo you .50 cans for klllin' do cahl. uh, an one dollnh for do know how. Il.`I tho coat of arqulrlng tlm know how" `that keep; many young doctors on the medl- cnl side of their profession.-.\'uw York Sun. .,u- \ A-\' A! of, was that n u p . him gn- of the I lunxl i l`(`[l(l1`l'3 u Inm1`.< his hp: '11. uh, 0110 of n` ('\ L'l')' U110 puuim. u lur;;:zin, it ....n..'.L~'1".. .<~tIn.~:ilon1tiv>n paid ta I 1 Brovktrm, ;`Inss., lam _vo:~.r turned out on an l1\'I`r1I,gcuh.uxt t`or:_v-nn~ pairs of shoespor miuuw for .",{)O days of tax hours cavh, It isn ml:-mn fa:-t iIl('i\'i?.1lti()ll that the" woman in vmious Tlicro aw nine cizblos cbxfneiing Elrope and America, which utilize 113,000 miles of cable. - . It An edition of Audub')u's Birqs of :\mc1`i- va, mu: rm ('oIi)1`ed plah's, was sold at a I`Ir.-w Ynrl; ml" for $144. ` ..\ L'rm2d1-m\'1 W112,` TL-cc11tl_\' found cit the ::m1 of u i~`I:.s'quc-lnmxnzl county man with the niillrvslH7i"c1;1v1nHsbcuk. . A In Italy t!10f'c are uigllt Amorivan born prix1:~ee:~v.s, :-'5,-\'u1_1n1urcl1inm'sscs, twc-I\"o count- esscs und`a 1!:U'Qllt 3$a ' . jg. n-My from tho obot:-of youthful anon-. nil decay In: wenknou. loci of man u . om. I will A vnluahlo tn-atlno (unl- # tuning full pnruoulau for home cure. $010 A splendid medical work: Ibo he by every man who I: nu-voun Anddoblmucd. Addrua. ' .g.x -- ml 1.1`: no ..u ;:1ll_\~ .-'v+-u-.'.L.J4uuJ.11Jl'4.;l_,\n u A Wine Precnuuon. _ -A in..- I t1_:-nu 1 mat xlislix 1`.1`(\lic ....JI ... 1 FACTS AND FANCIES. \\v|IIl .w u. u .-n..~` Ih1rIingt<>n I~`rw .1"! 1110. --uI-wuujuv vj& `D! the Liquor Hnhit. Plldilivrlf (`urod b Ad- nmholurlna llr. |l:uuns' U0 dun Spa:-it 1`. R can be givcn In as (up of coffee or Ian wilhu ml the kn nwlod u of tho purnon taking it: is Abolulol; harm on and will emu-t A perma- xent and n -.dy euro. Whether the patient In n xuodumw Mnku! or an Alcoholic wreck, It has been given to thousand: of causes and In every instance I perfect cure has tollowod. It vmvcr Ibis. The Iyatom nnco impregnated with the Bpoclno It becomes nu utter lmpoulblllty for an Mquorn potllo to oxhn. For clrculnr and Pull purticu urn nddrons GOLDEN BPIOIFIO 00. 18') Race 8t.. Olnclnnntl. O. xml ur. I witlzin Illh` `\\ill1lu~r-_`.<-: u. n-umn nu I.gA.I\.\\- .1-my`. ... .. . I " ht-1` (h']>(`l`it'5. nlx` of mu.~;-lcs in nu 1-It-1luu1t`s nroiixlg tn Lxmdun ll)"((`1]1llHh(ll'i- . . p u ,,y nu -.n LII u ~A(ILll ' I.i!1dsu_\', dun ,1 V1 . .2 t-v<-vv-1 {ul ya-ll.` . u...- 1 them. . :1 lolxkrd; ( . -..` nun, LLII ul hm -R`Tun liltlu n -at hrilli full particular: nddrona GOLDEN 8 St.. Cincinnati. 0. uqlliriu: \...l ....o - alwu ` u idui;;ht,; I ('IiIn?`k` in tliJ`(*(`t. .prn.] [' Un- ` u pair of dashing :'ll!!Iv`1lf but I u? In-z1rlul Ul('k- Au I 1'v.<<. THE BRITISH. WH]G.f~ VKEPNESDAY. I:*`EB. 6. . n-nx...\ .. ; but in. u hm s. QBERNDORFFEFI. . n1_\`-T , . ....r..., Inst bacon)- ht-ulth. I|\ u ` whn \'H -("fur rpnko ; ft-HOW 0!] I1 u... V. .*I(`ll-`( 1 nail-. 31;... uf tbs` d11_\'. \'.'m~(I arti-.:1 l.i'.`.i1x;; with arm -1' and u .- .. .u ...-a of ll)-` lute my nmgni- ` -HR!` . mu-h o-ml , Hhv nu -u. u mlurky .. 4 .....l ma] ` . [hut -w:rs-'"'- 'E".E'f'...` I . `.30.. Mont lupus. I thy, soul). lm 1"-IIIOA `Ibo It I 0! ' wan`: 0|-I70 " um um n'::`}"t:c:r`:n':nI`::`o.3I'Iu. val N In: Oll- v ,lI on ,Q . ornovuotl "Knea- obu to I "M It 'po=Iu II _ I :.u."8.::':.T'i"s.'?`"1";'l'-'--. I `bo.."'..&-I. u. 3.; 3."'u...`i3 ."..3.'L I - Maul inging : ...!.".'t`.?!2`?: ::>.r`:=o'l.q'n|o':'|(oI|nl. W to g... Nun lulnon mun. which often blood In ho- o0In|n%v0ry non. Hymn`. (bmunont stops t - Inc I `N-"-dint. huh nlomuon. Mg DING 0 non. ' CI COIN: R` ;Illnn 1*: L mil- The hula and wedknnnu of othgri. In- utond of being woven law and . ucsndnl, and union criticiun. Ihoud mod any danger nlannlu to warn us sway (tom the path: which have led to Chem. B. D. II. stood tho nu. I tried every known remedy I could think of for rheumntlbln. vlthouotoslving no relief, until I tried Burdock Bl Blunts. which runody I on hlghly recommend to all nilctod u I run." Bury Smith. Ill- YOHOI, Out. I 'T'O_'W EKK-ME1*T