Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1889, p. 1

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- v-cw v-- u-v--~v. . ..'_` `rs.-mom N CH M H De II M` am` 0' I I potund It ruuau are pulntau on me wanna. Ihc-, most interesting room shown to the correspondent. wu the drawing-room. On the walls is painted in nyluu scune. A gr-v\'n of tree: with an extended gran plot coming down to the bane board gin-s an (-(fret like that of an L-yulorlms. Flying about the trees are birds of every slime. Squirrels are perchul around on the limbs and out of hole: in the tree trunk: stick haul: of pop- eyed nwla. Nnnlinn nail ll`d\lIlIll lhn Iran: ...| ...-L- IU IIITIIIIIR CCHIDIUCIIUDS. I-Lich ceiling ha I peculiar design. One is I sheet of lace wurk, 1-there have animal pictures. and the dining room ceiling and walls literally covered with stray bunchra n! turnips. carrots, cubbmzen. apples. melons. sh. chickens; and even beefatcnkn and roast: are painted on the walls. The Hunt. ininro-tinu rnnvn nhnwn In 9|... vnuuuvv Ill Hour In we munung. On the walls of the lull biblical scenes are surrounded by animal frescoes of logs, binlu, cats. rabbits. snakes and I hvtorx geneous Inns: of vegetation. Every aurfnce capable of receiving I coat of paint is cover- ed with pictures or convcntiunnlized designs in startling combinations. I-I...-h .-..iIi.... I... . .......I:... .l.. upuu sue urlnllng 0! ms Illlnll. However the house was painted in A most startling manner. and is today the curiosity of Urbnna. Upon the front duors is the .\'cutc|llrish cunt -of-nrlns, the hlsrpaud green ling of the Emeralcl Isle sharply contrasting with the enrsgesl lion of Hnglanal. Entering the hall you step on A secret spring which sets electric l=ells jingling All over the house. And the same contrinmce is planned at every window and door ill the lnlilding. Un tile wall. at nl.- lmll l.ihli.al ........... ..... Lurnuguoui. we House. His brother objected to transforming the `muse _into an intern", and mnde the nrtiat modify his denigns. Agnin John`: pride was Immilianed, and he went back to his room where he remsined eight yearn, brooding upon the bridling 0! hit Illlil. Huwevar that hmnn in nlinfnn` in . ....-no result. | nuiure. His fantastic brain next seized upon art as l subject capable of the wildest flights of his diseased fancy. He conceived the ides of decorating the interior of the family home with startling designs. He started to carry his ideas into execution. and got I young artist here to go to work upon the moat hideous paintings. with which he wan to cover the walls, ceilings, doors and panels throughout the house. His lwnlluzr n).i....n...l m o......:........:.... ti... .........\. ..... ........ ........u5 uwu-no uuu nun!- papers. , Faithful to his oath his back was never covered with a coat until his father was laid in his collin. Then he c-une out from his den andpuiml to gu into [mercantile business. but the majestic world had such I start of his enfeebleal body [hut the etforl.`cou`ld only result. in failure. LI}. 5......- He carried the threat into execution to the letter, and for fourteen years heloungcd around the room reading books and news- Daueru. Ill! sleeping TOOHI [0 FI3y. About twentyhvc years ago Jul-n s father bought the two boys costs. A misunder- standing as to what kind of an garment John was to receive auger-:11 the boy, who there. upon registureil A solo.-mu oath that he would go into his mum and remain there and would ucv.-r wear it coat until his father died. U- .-..._:,,1 .l._ .1.-- L : . - Iuueu lu lue surrmmulng country. Both were nbstimue men. They bccmne involved in a quurn-l and dissolved partner- ship, Jahn continuing the Lanuery, whore he made a small fortune. He had as family of eight children, three of whom are now living-Rnae, John and Mary. One of the other lnrutllcrs wag nbuut John`s age, and it. was on his account that John tirst went into his sleeping to stay. About run-nn-.H\-.. vunrn nun ,l..I...*.. :..u..... TIMEL? Af_Noz3A~onLviE;N17. nor BPIFIE Inn Agnes over the wizard : oven. In the winter of [MN John, Willimn and ` Hugh Glenn came to Urbana. from Muya- ` Ville, Ky. Hugh aoun went to Cincinnati, \\ here he always lived, is respected citizen. John and William went into the taunt-ry business, a large portion of which wus de- voted to tanning the hides of wild animals killed in the surrounding country. were 0l)3llHill.8 men. 'l`hmu lmnnn... I URMNA. Ohin. l"'b- li.-The eccentric bachelor. John (ilcnu, has gone back to 4,1, room again." Twice helore he retired to the seclusion of his sh-oping apartment. The that time he r3.umiu-ti fourteen years, and }he second time he spent eight weary years 1ecrct1n'eUI!`.`fIT Thnnoh Hm hnmm nnru munnht Ru. .'...3 m , Though the house once caught tire and there uudunger that he would be cremated he renmine'l in his `self-appointed prison cell, seeming to regard his prospect of being routed alive with as little concern as Mme. Hqrnmnu re vards the nightly ulisanlution of her spirit an ashes over the wizard In Hm winfnr rs` mu .1.u... w;n:..... ...~..a ENTEFPRISES ` - Troublo About n_Cm1t Made HII_n Vow Ho ` I would Never We-nr One l'ntI`! lilo Fu- Iher ul_pn'--\ WI"! Queer Acting Man In Every lumpect- HE ECL[JDES HIMSELF FOR SOME YEARS IN HIS ROOM. FREAK or A BACHEIDR, tvvvu-I 1-I uuv WUUI-II AIl'IIIo _ suumuu. Fab. 8.-Tho uvorityol the when in hot: the dluuu uuugd b the (Amino In Slug. an and Hnnohltrls. {Vt In animated Hut 9503!!) ponou are starv- lng in Chen-King. . -r. uuuuyrv. Iwllnul IO! U AMI. 0UlllI- od an order Guard from Jud Price, sdmlttlng 0'. all to lull, hlmnol in M00. and two Iuretiou in &) ouch, to appear 5: the nut u-Inc. O'Neil furnished the bail and wu liberated from custody. ._.___ .__.__ --_ nrvn nut urn njuln II: IUII rrnlllo MADRID. Fob. 0.-Dun Curios hu Ip- proud I schema for tho roorguiution o! in putty. A commission of notnblcn will enublinhod In each district. The Cnrlilta will henceforth uh part in the oonatitu cioml Itrumlu. using lonl wonponc pend- ing 1 chonpo for Iliilinry nativity. The 0000: V0. Ilnhul 0'NolI. Mr. Llcintyro. annual (or ON:-ii. obtain- oui an order vnnnrduv {mm Jml... Pm... HI3HLY IIPORTANI` AND ATTRACTIVE SALE BY AUCTION Polnonod Ild In L I`!-ooqnlou Condition. Casruwoon, Dash, Fob. ti.~-(-'uutnf-Joi\n- non, cl thin place, becuno tired of life and goinon. He was nurly dead when Dr. . tnloy Ill culled to stand him. The doc- tor tntod thc poison to find out what it sun and soon he. too. was tailoring terribly. Both men are in I critical condition. Nuw lh\'l:!~'. Conn., Feb. 6 - John W. Cowdry. who bu recent! extensively ul- vortiud himself an A min radar Illd hith- curo ocicntin. died st West Haven last night from I Ilroko of npopluy. with which he wu umcked during hiulocmro, in which he hud n ken very ippunly and acorn- fully oi nth. `Hm Secret In Pronervod. Runlw, Pm. I-`eh. 5.--Michnel Heller. the `Waste [lite Doctor," died yesterday aged 89. He poueuml I remedy for the cure of make bile: which he ucurod lrom his grandfather on his deathbed fty yearn Ago. and before his douh. yesterday. he imparted the ucretlo hi: non. Heller cured hundrodrof persona. Tho Woman on than Ilanumxo-The Grout Violence tu \VhlI-h 'l`Iw_v Resort. LI.\'ml._V. .\'eh., Feb. 6.-F1ft_v prominent lmlieu of Presser, Adams county. made A raid on I saloon and gambling huuse at that pllwe un .\l0mla_v night, levnolishing the an tire establishment. The lmlies attm-bed the building when it was crowded, with their upronu full of lumpn uf conl. breaking every window glass Inll cleaning out the eotcblinlr uncut. The inmate: nmlwrocl in overy diroc~ tion. some of them being the husbsmla of the women. Whiskey And beer owed freely into the (utter. .__.__ Iovirur ol the Wootloo Abroad. H-nnununn D-`L n 'IVL- ____ __n., n uulcln un: lwruulul werr Irlgllltlllly urcd. Like Jm-R llw Rippefu the bean fuund in out of the way places. u-u ---pun uuvuunulv vvul IIU IICI IICGU Portnrmlug In the Smith. NAI`.AI.'l`.\, Nicaragua, via New Orleans, Feb. 6. -Either Jack the Ripper," of` Whiteclxapel, has entigrated from the scene of his ghastly murders or he has found one or more imiutors in this part of Central America. The people have been greatly nruusml luv six r-Lthe most atrocious murders ever cr>nmutt.ei within the limits of this city. The Assassin has \'uni.~hel and left no traces fur itlentiticatinn. .-\'.l the victims of were wnnwn of the cluiraiorer who met their fate at the hzmvls of the London murderer. They were lonnal mur-lerml just as mysteri` nusly. anal C`Vl|l(`!lCQ'? points to almost the identical methmls. 'l wo were found butcher- enl mm of all recognition. I-Even their faces were horribly slmsheul and in the cases of all others the persona we-rr lrigntfully disg- "Jtu-k Riniwriu" thew la |\'P The Most llorrlblo work He u Boon "r-'15!-III`:-AI In on. u.....|. -vnqnuus usvun III III! IAIIIICO. The new Presbyterian church, Westport. will soon be-opened for public service. The structure is A little larger.than the size of building now in use in Protestant churches. It has a very handsome outward appearance and takes the place of the old one erected in i857. Rising. immediately above the foun- ` dation is a white cut stone base following all around the `building. On this base rests the, brick with which the building is~venecr` he ed. White and red brick is used, and blocks TN]! areiormed so as to show in white face next I( to the main body of red. The pattern is one that com els ettention from the passer- The cliurch is built with buttressed Id corners, and buttresses between the win- Id dows standing out in relief four inches, in leaving the wall like a punel between the Ig stone base buttresses r.nd brick cornice. 3% The tower is l2 ti. square and 40 ft. high. 1 On the tower rests n spire also 40 ft. high, surinounted by an iron ornament. The tower, spire and ornament are built from a design of Mr. Gordon, of Gordon & 'Hclig well, architects, Toronto. Opposite the spire window is hung a bell of 500 lbs. from the celebrated firm of Menecly & po, \\'t-at Troy. The windows are of Bladlul glass, with potent ventilators, from .\lc(,`riusland & Son. Toronto. The seats, pulpit and coin- munion table were made by the cute: prising firm of Conley & Wing, Westport. The v ~ model for the seats is from the Andrew s church furnishing tirin, New York ; the pol. pit is from one of (iieisslefs designs, New 'ork ; the table from one of Shaw A ('--'s. designs, Boston. A set of live church -lmim and cushions for ull the seats were furnished by t,`onley & \\'ing from the Iiault Mann fucturing (.`o., lngersoll, Out. A wood for- nuce in the basement supplies heat to the church. On the wall behind the pulpit. is painted in the arc of a circle in large uold letters the motto, The Lord is in His Holy Temple." llcneatlrthis circle in the centre is a shield about 3 x 4 ft. with the winds, I Love 1 by (Tourts, O Lord." The first or these inottoes shows the relation of the Lord to the house, the second the semi- ments of the worshipper respecting the house. The whole is done in the best st) in of the art by Mr. G. l". Reynolds, who is noted for line artistic work of this kind. On the wall over the entrance to the church is another motto on an unfolding scroll, l`e-ate be Within Thy \\ alls," seen by the congre- gation leaving the church. This church is to be dedicated on Feb. lfth. The Sunday services will be conducted by Rev. John Wilkie, M.A., miss-ionarv of the Pres-Irv terisu church at Indore. India, and Rev. J. J. Richards, of Lyn, formerly minister over the congregation. Mr. \\'illsie was aclass mate in the L'niversity of Toronto and Knox college of Rev, Dari-l Y. Ross, .\l.A., the present minister of the church. A ten- meeting will be held on Monday evening. lhlth inst.. at which neighboring ministers of all denominations will be present to address the people. 8 1 Don Cation Again In tho Front. I.'....... Il'-L I n_... n-_n__ I_,, I'l.\.\U Kh;l .\llC-`E 0|` Ml kind and 'qI|lll'(`*A exm-lxlvd :II the \\ oornor of Princess and Uur-Ion : Ion. Na mordurAhlr- nr wrll-ml In I` anndu than Yhnll `H, \\'N`.|Hv ANOTHER FIEND AT LARGE. The Opnnlng of it Next Sundny-A Do- norljzatlon Glvon of the I-Idmce. TI.` -...... l)....-L..n....:_._ _,L.._ I II RAIDING SALOONS- Doath Hahn: I sewlfor. |3_ __. 1 nn 1` T|;flE PRESBY TERIAN CH URCH. llll) lII8lls' they I) we PHI, noubunlnont And It: then. Nuw You. Fab. 6. ~- The uocnuhip Harold. from Hnytl. reports that the Inn us so. More on Jun. loch than bqitlno vu- ul: bombarded tho planet. The ho|nbur-|- moat oaund glut Dunn. and It In said our ono hundred pooplo were killed. , `Ito Onllnpu I: Hear. Pans. Fab. 8.-- The public in uturly de- spoudon rogudln; tho ohuou (,3 new Pnnum ounl company. Dobouopo states that If all tho 00,000 bond: lune through the Bauquo Parhlonno no not taken the outer- prlnmuu be nbsudoood and I lordgn nu- tlon will, for I morlel of broad, get A gon- tlo work which In nurly niohod upon which l"ruu-h lnvuton upended over I, Inillhrd. ullgnx Inwrvuno In ounur ox lrdllld. Ho u. "The United State: unnb nllould lo low our example, and decline to confirm the appointment of any minister to the country no long as the llllll representatives uro trankd u felons. The American: ms)` nu uliuticcl that ever liberal in this coun- try would Approvo o thdr aclbn. lnrd Sullnbllri and the clan: have slvnyn shown I omnlvon to be bltter enomlu of America. " Thou In America Given 3 Plan to lot!` only lmbm-nu Lord Cull-bury. Lnruxnz, Feb. 6.--Mr. Louhonchoro ung- geun A wny by which the United States might intorvono in balm! of Ireland. Ho mum: "Tho Unis-A Run. nun. .|.....|.l N0 umrdurI\hlr- w_`lI-mnoel uuslrlunens fu(`.madnlhav1the43. M. Vb RIHJR UPIHGHT. `.1m!-min in urine nnrl uni-.14-nlh-d hv nnv Pang. numuar Ire running. The Shah ol Penis will visit England noon Igtin. The queen will not give him 1 nor tom at Buckingham pdnou. There wil not be I npetltlonol the orlonul orglu of I873. Ill] TXUIVCCL The great tie-up in over in New York. some can are running an all the uurluo road: and on nearly all of them the full number are running. Th. slut. A` II.....:. ..:n .-:.a. |.`....I-...a ._.._ WTBCIOG. No further psrticulnrt regarding the log- ging disaster at Pine Lake. N.\'.. in which I7 men loot their live: by drowning, huvo been received. 'I`|.- ......-A AL. .... :_ _.__._ ,- , `V :- IIIDICI ll"l|IIl". A riot has occurred at Chlng Kiang Foo, China. The British conuulnto and seven houses belonging to foreigners have been wrecked. \.'.. t.._.I.-_ _-_..: 74' ,, I- -- The Spice: --I the Morning Paper: And this Va-r) Lnlo-at 'l`oloznnIu. The proposed window glue tnnt bu (Allen thmugh. Sir W. A. White will remain as British ambassador ll Conouutinoplv. Sir Morel Mackenzie denies [Int ha oithnr ulnunsunuur II Lyouuumnoplv. blnckenzie denies thut he either wrote or inspired the Article on Thu Bin- mnrck Dynasty." A riot has m-onrrnd no (`khan Ki.-- L`... 'U|uuI!a ul lulu. A correspondent pulnlauut that in I list. which hm been puhihhed of the sovereigns. ex sovereign: and princes. who have died mysteriously. the v me of Napoleon Iii has heun iuclmied The hut- ter. lhuugh. I believe. the fuel has never been publicly suited, lied while nude: chlurofurm which ha-I been milninistero-I to him when he Wu About to undergo npainful 0p:l`Min.u" 50 IU apeax, no eyes. uer unsound called them eye: incupglnle of expressing my feel- ing but those of wearincas and suspicion. The crown prince was young. clever, ori- ginal, freakish, and without any ntendying inu:-um. His wife was wholly unin- teresting uud anything but. preltv. In- deed if she had been a chamhermaid in an hotel nnbmly u":-ul1lhI\'e noticed her. So cmmmmplace was her pln'ei0gnoIn_\`. '11! she was splendidly pmvided for, the crown prince thuught he llial her no wronghyliving as he likml. He, huwm-er, conceived I po sitive aversion for his wife when she began to show herself jeulnun. and great as was her prudence she wu nmhle to conceal her hit- Harness of soul. A cul're.ipuntlellt pninu-but thutiua lisbwhich hm he-an :...I.|a4....1 ni I IIIICUHH l`l(`l)l1&l|I9. NEW Ymcx, Feb. ti.-Henry Labouchere telegraph: to the Worlrl from London that the `lemh of Rudolph is without dmlbt an innnense 'a'd\'anlage to Prince Bismarck. But one slmuld not fur that reason conclude that the unfortunate prince was removed? It in nearly. cert.-tin. however, that he did not commit suicide, and it is almost ll cer- tain that he was euicided." We all know that he did not make A love mltch. and it is no secret that of the two princesses who were pointed out to him as desirable metcbu he took the one which Hebrew beauty told him to teke, because -he was the lent likely to eubjugete him, Prinoue Ste henieh aoto speak, no Her hnsgend cell even incnnalnln nf ornrnuino -nu (gal. u,-uuuuu-u suul-is ullvr slmming udulph. \'n-.\'\'\, F.-.|-. U. -7.\`mne-~..-\lislriuu and llunguri-.m pr:-Int: s, in ncmnluuce with the lllflillls of the church, l`L'fllM` tu hnhl memo- ri-tl setryicea on the ground that Runlhlpll Colllllilllell suicnle, while the lezuliu,-.; his- lxups and nrchhishops ogulr services on the gruuud that l{ulnlph was Ix-mpornrily in- sane when he cnmuiitteul the act. It is rc- pnrlo.--l the pupe will take the latter \'lI:`1|' aunl issue instructions accordingly. It is rumored that the emperor will shortly pub- liah an ml.lr:+e tn the pe-wple. The empurnr l..nx IlcI`l-lrtl to devote the capital of four milliun tinrins to the maintenance of Crown l`rincc.'~is >'tvpl1ani9. Nllrw \'nL-Ir Wu]. I: 11...... I-L---.-|---- ll. I03 Faro for Round Trip. 88. `l..|..a nQ.... H-- (`Ion ll-II IL.-an -- l Another Version 0! Illa` Tnklng, 011".`- \Vlnuntled by u lforonor Who nuumk Hlmvln the Night - The (late Keeper A-d ln Conference With the Emperor of Austria. LONIMN, F1-b. -6:-A Munich correspond- ent believes that the following story of Ru- dnlph s death is true : ;()n Tuesday last I! barum.-ss, not muued, arrived at hleyorling and limit quarters in the game keeper's house near the castle Her presence was known only to the gzune keeper and his wife. At midnight Rudolph dismissed his guests and visited her. He had been an hour in the house when n forester, equipped for the chase, going to consult the game keeper, knocked upon the`door. A window was opened and a man jumped out. The forester tired in the fllgitivc, who fell ulidfuiulotl, having been shot in the shoulder. He was recr-guiI.ml as the crown prince. The forester auiuinoued help and carried him into the house. The harem-ss thinking Rudolph was dead, quickly took oisun` and fell dead. Rudolph revived um was taken to the cans tle. llis valet plied him with quest nus. hut Rudolph said cmiphuticully : "1 lmvc fallen and my nose his bleeding. (Go away I wish "lu"be` ii'lk'me. Rudolph locked the door and shot himself. The `lnurunrss was buried on 'l'lmrsdn_\' in the lieiligerukreiiziii convent The J4;I!rIm/ I/r.I I):/'m/< iii Pnrin him n Pomrzi TO THE uusu. `PRINCE RUDOLPH WHILE ACTING BADLY WAS SHOT DOWN. !O\7EEf{KhN IN HIS SIN.` THE m'H or THE l:l_EWS- No. fu('.umr1Allm'1Ine4i. .\l. H Mmn uI'Iuuu1', .`.10 price and unexuellud by any (Hug. dinn in.-alrunwnl Am. Kl_\'l).`1 Ur` H.\.\'K and (mine Rubber Sunny-u. Uuluru, .~`uulu. Et:.. wupplivd by Bun!- x.x.~' & KIl.l`Al`l.lY. mauufmvtun.-rs, Bazol. St... Kinuamn. Um. HOUSE with ehzht moms and extension kit- rhen hard and soft xnmr. with good nmbling : nonvcnient In Queen`: Uullugzo ; innlnediam 9- nos-Iion. Apply on the premises. 128); or at _ o. H: Union Sweet. bezwoon Gordon and Alfred Sis. HE!` \")'I \\'[\"l`ER G|.l)Vl~I.` It W Rl~2l . King Street. 300 Sample pairs no he sold at wholesale uriws. _\._. THIC RICSIIDENUE on aimooo Street, lately occupied by luv. A. W. Cooke: double hon of mno rooms- two oullars; Rood yard An sublipn. Anply noxl door. or to B. Ronmsox. as Kmgk Co : Drux Score. SECURE \'HI'}l 1'l(`|\'|'IT for the Above` via the Now Homo. K. 6: I . and t`. I . MIC. 'I`m.III loan Klan-uton. Arrive In Iona-cu. list [9 In. this p Ill. . llzu p.n. , 3:15 n.m The Ice Pulaco lujnat acmkn tho Ilreel from in nngnllooa NowC.P.'II.lIo ho! oor;|'plousn;. TI on good to I0 Fe r..'l$}'un's'o' sun. and mum up so and Including February III. lll. Q-..` I... f)`.....l 7-1.. n In nun-w : also 3; MRS. N0!-.IuI. "HI .\'I Hm? '71`!-2` 1-: m.~xvJ: if ;1:~;i:d. mm Ilrivk |h'a'iit'lIl:c. ll!) ltluonu titre:-I. lately oc- cu rim! by the ownvr: tlno mr-tnd.-uh ntnvhvd to um-w also gumun with fruit trees. Apply to ` I l'l\,|l.Vl ln'l' M-\I. llL'\I R001. suosmnmu lm:1.-;uuuHnmri) Mrnxcl. Iwsnr Union. at pm`- .-cenl rm-uni--1 by Mrs. Donoon. Apply to MRS. .\'()HLl`I. l.'1lJnhnson Street. l;l.\:\'U i{El .\lllS of all kinds on Upriurhb um a'uI|nr(`~A W -her Fa--mr\'_ _X|.I. lEl_\:l)R or nAf\'K nnd (um.-e Rubber llmnnu, Hunurun .~'n.nlu, Ivimmnnnlin-.1 hr llntv. .'~"l`lHHC . STII 12'!`/l'. _11o1'. IN VAN.-hn rr:lzItX61i. I*o5sL5{ siun May Isl. Apply at WHIG Ol"|"lC`E. 'ur_!ln:r ;rn'l1 RAN N CU. .~Xu-. Tull! ml Lumber, or HUI 7llr_7hU1`])`ll'liI".nl1 lfltil, |[\R.`lESS. I)EI.I\'FIR\' \VAG. HUN .\.\'u lHI*`l(l|i|RAT()R. Must be sold nl nu.-H \nn \' nl `, I'.(|I'ril1m-.-44 .\`II'n-nl nrnl \\'ind. uoifful. - wmm - cmnxvu. Februarh to 9th. _J~F-Y< * if '1-.x~Inunhlu-I -1-`mm I In`.I~u! ml :-'.\|.E.\'.\1E.\' \'\v'v Wish 1! row to Hell our ;:nuL-4byaaInp|v to [ho \vhnlesnle and relull lfmlv. L.'|Y'H(HI .n-1nuI`m`turn-rs in ourline. En- ('l'.)S:~ '. --`on .~I::uup. \\'Igex-18.`! [wrclu , Porn";- nn-nl pn).~|ili|)l|. Nu pwsluls umnvvrem _ Mum-y adv.-n`m---1furwugcs,m1vurti:ing. um. CENI KN- NIAI, .\1.4x`+'u Co.. (.'l.\'(`l.\'.\'A'l`I. umo. Ar\.H4r.t`l):vIl'.-\.\`\ _. A Ul!.'Nl1.'l(.\h Aur.`N'l'for King.-n.m uud \'iL`lHll_\ . Apply umnedinloly lo \\ -I. Sl'AltL.I,\'G. lnspvclor. 33! King am.-cl. (`iI_v. In .v1r.'|)lA'I`r. I.\ . A ur.`.\r.IHl. Sr.`I<\`A.\"l'. Aymly botwevn 7 and 9 p.m. MRS. JUHN M1`- KELVEY. 134 Bngot street. I-`Von TH ...s;ou'ru rAMER|(J.\N nsun. Anuarrrsivrlr.-\.\'\'. A ummcml. A(}ENTfnr Kinu.-n.m nml vi:-iuil\ . Annh` imnmdlnlnlv In *';: i Alt'l;i`)it rm l)f;\vmrrotA' wmun1`,m Kin Sm:--.1. - n).\.V'IlL\ "Ill KVUW IUII, I.` .Jzunen, aged '28 years. Funeral notice later. JJLJHAJ. ' Ni('R.u:-At Wolfe Island, Feb. 5th, Mtg- Jiu. H. Melina, aged 66 years. Funeral will take place from her late reai- ` denqenn Thursday |t`l0 mm. Friend: mm acquaintances are respectfully invit- wi to attend J A was --In New York, Feb. 4th, Cornelius .lmnpn Acnul OR vmxrn Till`: H"l'!C\.\1 H\|{HlC llH`IE\I.\b'K).\' .\.\'l) -"H\'n'U|t'l`.~'_ .'\Iinni4- I<`1'nm-i.-A nml ('II.\' of |(im.r~ wharf. Any person found an dolnl alum be precaut- od u dirwled hy the Public Health Art. 1))` order of the hood Bond of Heal! W. :5. (JORI N. I III`. NIT`; \.\l H.\l(|il`. I"lH`;I`}\I.\ `H.\'n'U|{'|`.". .'\IinnIa- l<`ranvis mu! ('1 m- Tn: II u-n1'r\inu vnlnu-Ilv 2. WIUEVSBIJI I u AU;`Tl(;N sale of Japumse "goods. "at 121 Princess street. at 11 mm . 2:1!) and 7:3 p.m. -T\1\$i'1_c1)1A1914:I.\'. Am(7il~27.\*';2V|7l_Al*.v.';|-I|>{_\;AN'l`. Mnnlv lmlwa-vn 7 mid 9 mm. MRS. .luH.`\l M:-. SPECIAL MENTIUN. VOL. `LVIII. \.\'n l(l`.|`l(ll .\m)-_\` M '_ I'( mm. J. W. flxr M\\'. that 9:001. substantial ` Hmturin Union. nn J 'l` I)l~2~|lt MHJC HlH(`|\' l:| `ll|l-2\`(`r2. I on the cnrm-r ur .\'_v(h-nlmln un-I ll-y ,--0 .1.n'niu.: [\\'el\'e moms. ll ism pro- :-upialvlgv (`nptuin John A. ('1-nnolly, nor. l0 whom nvnliz-ulion shuu`d be CA.`-'l) \\ Al| -Zll(H'.~`I ().\' 0.\"l`ARl ) `. Apply lu J. Ii. (`Al{l'.L"l`HllL`,`~. _\` nu `:00 l'r|nI'es-1 Nu W . WATERS. N0'l`l(`~ll In he!-ob{_ given that_ .\'0 ICE .~'HA|.L INC ALI.uw J P0 BE CLT. curriod and mken away norlh cl` and within A line or- Imullng from Palm Frederick to A point in Pine wlvh Wan strut-I. HI ilnh trom Brook 3. Bomb`; Wharf. lhanco to the Ponllonlhsry wharf. Anv mu-Ann fnund an rlnlnp nimll In mung:-m. FOR SALE. REMINDERS. my-nun... . .- m1'r_yHu.: wuru'|l_\' 3w .\l I ! la luna mm! at 5 IN" draught. Fur l:u`S u]r|Il)' to llA\'ll).o`J.V. DU- TO T WA1_~I'rEb. , m-.ntrn.|. well _titlod. Terms rs).-Si')n in1uwdm1oly. Apply Iowa 0! Hull N. t Socroury. I DIED. LEQ; MI kmun Lprlxnl I -her Fa-`gory. vnr-Ion slrv-via. Kimm- 121 PRINCESS srnmm, Wednesday. Thursday. Fmlcy and Saturday. Febrnlry Och.`-7th. Bull IINI Och. Solon each day at ll :\.m. and 2:1!) p.m. ; nloo cvcnlnx IMO at 72!). 1`:-rfns cuh. On View Tuesdnv. IC. R. MARTIN. Ancnneor. elveruolns. ll ism tuin John nppliz-uxion rnml inn. `no VV ner Parlor) . r-Ion slro-nu. King} llaunml insxrunnenl \'k`.|H ITPIHGIIT l A.Vlhl(llJ.\N INSUR- s UENEIK \l. A(}E.\"l` for Appl) In 2-)D(`ClUl`. Kim: sin-cl. THE DAILY WHIG. \uu.\ .\.\n `nsy M King- nu .\l Pine runs: -4 us VVIIC IIUTIIZCI lIFII'IIIIa Pnn\'xm:.\`<'I:. R.I.. Fob. 6.--lt in reported that Jln. John L. Sullivan. the wife of the prize 6 liter, who In now livi in tho town 0! Arc! c. has joined an Sdvut on army. [III IE5- Witnou aid thnt In compliance within- ntruvtionn from henclqnnrton he nttnndns Inc Chicago convention. T. P. O'Connor and Timothy Hod nlno nltonuled. Rev. Mr. Benn wu nun monoly oloctod. Sevornl priest. who npprovod I dynnmilao pollc nt- Iondod the convention. ' y uuuuruou, nun two or |I.|!Iol| nu ever since Ill rtod his hm iy and father. Wit- neon hoiirgod Lomunoy nnd his brothor. Michael Lomuuey, mm! in the London bridge uploqion. \ 'itnou produced 5 air- cular dntod Sept. ht, Inll, whivh was distributed alter the Chicago conven- tion. it I'll hooded with thc word "Cau- ti<::."l' and mod :h "S. (B. Smlwill road th ocumclt at t 0 meeting owing in receipt. Altar reading it twice they will burn it in tho ruonco of the D. and J. (L oi eh I). slur loud to tho oeurctary of F. C. 3 statement that it in In burnt. I! the S. U. 8. kill to burn it the J. 0. will report the hot. " \I`:n_.A_ _-l,I A|__A I , I! l`All llllll. union Human ruled that convc-ration: with Gallagher were not ndmiuahlo. Wit- neu uid he saw McKay and bomunoy two day: before Lzmuney loft America for the purpou ol cnrrying out the plan of cum- pdgn by nxpluolonn. -tho detail: of which witness could not give. lnmuney never returned, and the or iutiou hu -lnm nmnm-9...! M. I... 1.. ....| :-.L-- uvx. zt:<`):|`::I;('i;nerol \\'.u.m aid (iulluzhor had been oonviclod 0! dynamitroutragcs in E lnnd. coI_n_'eru_t.9_nI __2.L 1 1 n THE l NI)lR'3lI;.\'lI) has rweivod Instruc- non. from lhu lnrec-lop; of tho Museum of An nnd MllI|lfru`llI"I'4. \-nkulmnux. to arrange Iho nbovv for sale by um-liun nl IIIIE K UVIll|5II(x- Witness, agolu continuing. aid O'Con- nor unurod him is run all antibo- tory. Dr. llnllugh-r, witnanu brother dole Ate. and an oicitl of the United Bro: erhood. in pmoenl. He had nvenl conversation: with Dr. Gnllqghor. Sir (Ihu-In Rnnnll lintn.rnnalnn\_|II. cunvvnuuonu wlrn Ill . uulqznor. Charla Renal] (inm-podug)-"In thin ovidonoo 3" Ana .... -. 1V-_-__I I\'_L_A__ __s) 1- n nuunlulvsr numvnn nnu otnerl. "How did that mute the conversation be- tween witness and 0`(.`onnor evidence gninat anybody Y" Justice Hnnnen~-So far as the evidence 200! the witneee had I denite object. ()`ConnoI` repreunted to A certain extent both parties. The witneu hsd I convent tion with him regnrding thnt very object. Thnt in evidence." '19.... ....x.. .._.:__x_A Hr!-A--v IIIC L'UIl\UrU`II(JI.I rlel'l'`(l K. Sir Charles Russell said the witnesaea Alleged converutinu with Pnmell wns to the affect. that Puruell Wiuhetl to inform the heavls uf the Irish organization in America that he would like to Act in concert with them. For that purpose Parnell Ina sup- pmod to hnve comnxiuioned witness to see Aleunder .\`ullivnn and others. ""nu~ .l:.I ol..o .....|... .1... ...._..-_.,.:-- I lIl'lIllll llllll .'\lllEl'lL'Jl. Sirlmrles Ruuul pursued his nbje-`(inn and witness. iuterpoaing. said he (II not suppose Parnell would deny that he had had the conversation relerred tn. us. 1`|...-I-- u..-,.-n -_: 2 .|._ ,_,-. ll'lIrL"ClIl. lneln. Justice Hannen -"\\'e are of the opinion that here`: /:rimu_/"aria evidence that U'L`on- nor I'll the medium of cmnmuuiuzion be- tween the members of the orgauinti-in in Ireland and American." \`.. l`l...-I.... lJ..---I _..-_.- I I ` " -----~-------v Jahl 1.`: Win llormuu In-ilglmu. ',IIAI\'Il)-L`:-ll D I l.`-I. A I. R- _AA ,A IIICIIIUTIS. Sir (`hnrles Russel onjm-teal because he lllitl it was I private conversatium, and there was nothing connecting (|'(`onnor with the men whom it was sought to criminlte, or showing that 0`('onnor was zmthmized to rm-present them. Jllntir-n "nnnnn _'`\\'A mm A` 0|-A --- ul Aur. I nrueu. Attorney (lenernl W:-linker uial Parnell u was not the only one Against whom charges had been made, and urged the admission of the evidence, in U`L'onuor was an agent of the Irinh Republican Brotherhood of which yevernl of the persons against whom charges had been brought had been proved so be Incmbt-Is. u:- l`|-.-_L._ l),.___I , ' . I I UIU I)TUllICrll0(xl- Sir Clnsrles Russell, of the counsel for the Parnellizes. objected to the detailing by the witness at the statement by 01 `ounor on the ground that it hml no bearing upon the case of Mr. Parnell. AMn........ n.._..-..I n'_|,_._, _.,-I n -- lilnuslon, I-`eh. llh. I3. llrlllll Bnlps. Witness said John O'Connor. an ngenz emplo edfor carrying Arm: to Ireland. at undo the con vontiou II a re reaonunivo of the Supreme Council of the rinh Republr cm Brotherhood. ea. l`l\...-l-. u....-_n -: .L_ __.._..u 2 .- IUF um suL-scrllnng ul lorelgn news spars. Witness. continuing, stated that Eheslin \v'ns paid for building I submarine torpedo 2-mt which proved to he .1 failure. Another rm bums boat which lay on the New Jersey side of New York harbor four months, but wu not [ed against he British ships. Wtnaan lnirl Jnhn l"l'l`.nnnnu- An -a.-.9 IZIISII-U, At:-nrucy General Webster, fur the Tinu -, read at nancial document including an item for the z-uL-scribing of foreign Witness. continuinn. stated um. unlin -5. nt a secret. uleulug, neltl prim` to the cunvention, [Delegate H. U. Mahnn Connor attacked the revolution directory for its activityduring the receeding two years. ` He slid he had mm e certain suggestions ` which had not been executed. These aug- gcatinns included the rescue of Mr. Davitt from prison and the tting out of an expo- dition to South America. which should land upon territory recently occupied by the English. Atfnrlu-I1 Hnnnrnl \\'nI..hu- 6'..- 9|... . .V,,,...\....5 .. fuulumvu cu-u-uuv U1 luv uuiureul. Irish organizations, in which Sullivan said no radical change could be eectcd until they had a change of representatives on this side of the water. which would be very soon. .\'ullinui, referring to a visit to Ire- land which he contemplated making, said he could not think of allowing Parnell to pay his expenses, as doing so would place Parnell in s fnlse position. Snllmxn bitter- ly opposed the dis-Aussion of this mutter in open conV(`n'.i0n on the ground that it would leak out and cunipromiso: the Psrnellite par- tv. The witness stated that in conference till the F. H." was held on August 3rd, lhhl, The meeting discussed preparations fun dynamite operations and reconin.cnded the formation of classes in mining and engineer ing. At in secret meeting. held prior to the convention. lleleuntc lb. 1). .\lnhnn I`-mnnr Furthor Evldanoo Which Wltnela Bench Gaye In the I-Inquiry of To-day. L0.\'Im.\`, Feb. 6.-`Mr. Parnell was pre- sent at thd session of the Parnell commission to-lny. He held a lively conversation with Miclmel l)m'itt. Witness Beach, who is also known as Dr. Le Caron, continued his evidence. He detniled I conversation he had with Ale.\.inder "oullivan in June, I58], rqgztrtling a proposed alliance of the dicrent in no which would`be ....... 4.. .. ....... g- Irnnn \'..ll.'.`.... .~..6`.. Sllmlun PI-run Nan Vnub ..-.... u......a.._ A _ SAILING trqm New York on? Batu: thorized Agont. F. A. Folger. any 1 of Bxock b't.. Kinlzuton, .a.a..I.au .|.IL;.&J.1J|J.I.V _\.l\llll.L'DJ.` I. , wm make some reduction in the price of some of their lines of lumber and sash factory goods this season. War hnve one bn_rn frame sofoot. one 38 and 'ono to. Also good brick, which will be sold on reuaulrlo terms fu- good approved nules. ' Till.` I ) A munrvv nnunn. Lvv -..u on-|\lut)I3LVIr.` Auunuu IUCULIII DI Rome. Wntonown & Ogdensbnnl Ru. To,Utica, Albany, New York, Philadel'a. Wuhlnxtomnalttmon and .11 Poum In North on New York. :1. 0.123. and N.Y.C. Rn. 1'.nAN1.lcv. . . Gen. Ticket Again. 0|` Japanese Manufactures and Art Produc- nons, Consisting of Embroidered Silks, Porcelains, Screens. Bronzes. Enam- els. Toys. otc., Curios. Direct from Yokohamglapsn. THE THOUSAND. ISLAND ROUTE BY `-__- u\v_._,,.,,_ ; n u THE RATHBUN COMPANY \ \\'HI Ii|`:A ahnhn .--J....n..._ :.. a . _._x ._ _ _THE PAR-Pi!-.LL COMMISSION. us lIU| U3. THE RA'l`HBU.\' `COMPANY, KINGSTON. `CANADA, w'EDN1:soAY EVENING. I~`EBRUAR)' T:_1s. llnglng by I l'hoIoll npII. Nzw You. Feb 6.--A trlelohhe phono- grnph In connection with the long dleteece telephone wee mule betweel the oponng room of the Alnerlctl halo-phone end tie- greph com y here end the Flulklll Inti- tute in H1 odelphls. An eudlenoeol Ievernl hundred pereooe wen entertained by eoreet eoloe eed eeoge by Pruleeeor Roth and like EGO Stewart. Home 0! din oornetiefe the were dieuoctly repeeted book from the plo-' aware in In Phuuielplaie to, the New \ erk end 0 the circuit ' IIOIIII I'll OIIIII Vuuuun Incillllldllt. An eorz in but made by our citizens to induce men o! ocp N and uporionco to lo- cnto I good home in lhinylllqo. 'l'ho.proI- poctl an aid to he very owering. A BI: Furniture company 0rnnIeed-A Seed llonee Peder (touiderntlon. (`I..n'mx. Feb. 6.-A company he: been orgenixod for the menufectnre of furniture. and will be known til the Cleylon furniture "manufacturing oompeny, limited. The pre` liminery pepere for ineorporetlon bow been tent to the secretary oi etete. The cepitnl will be Il9.(l)0.ol which Ol0.4(I) bee elreedy been provided for, end in divided emong 85 etonholdere. The location {or "the inc-wry hoe not yet been decided upon, but will be inelde the ration ilmite. Tbeoompenv will build one building .'i0x|00 feet in site, one 2l)l76 feet. and an engine honee end dry kiln about .1031!) ieet. The work of building will commence within I very ehort time. The {ectory will employ ebout 25 men. end will hire b the piece. The kind olinrniture thet wil be euenniu-tuned et preeent will be whet in known to the indie u bedroom enitee. it ie the intention of the eompeny to add in the future the nonn- lectnre oi other wooden memhendlee. Ln `Rare In hghtn Inmln I... A..- ..hi--..- e.. 4 Illlll'lI FFSCIHOIIHK (HO SHE OK I Clrcu. 'I(g0n. What drt-ems of en opium etimulebed mind cen deecrihe the huleoneneee with which John'e Glenn`: privehe epertmeut must be peinted 9 It bu never been opened to the gen of vieitore, And lucky in the per- Ion who In ellowed to see any of the apert- menu. r ru IIIVII. Snakes coil Around the tree: nnl make the twilight: lit {mm the big brua tire-place weird sud uncnnny. The ceiling of this room is decnrlted with tinsel work very much rt-scmblingtho gilt of circua onium ltimulntocl SANITARY NOTICE.

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