Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1889, p. 8

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'i...r::i.."':.T.a: ie':,..;'.;;.;.r;.,...;.'v.;;,` I Ihl Th-are wan solo: by Mia Mo tlhn sud Hr. Tnill. Ill luurumonul ice: by Mr. ocphorobn. and 3 raiding by Ir. Pinon. In court of Inlqnity was also roomullul. tDobate next webk on com- uonhl uioion, the uirmltivo bola; Iod by It. Alclny and the nogutlvo by Mr. Howdy. nmnittee will meet this ....o....r .....on..~.-. \ K. Flomly for anew L Port. Hope was dis- you get that gnml u |{.L-.-r " Thu mun pvr bag; brim 901". lL"x- 1-huivnl vrintel `of Wilkinsum & cry. Smith's Falls, . f.... l........-n unn J. Campbell's . the best utrmk :, also the best rail- I the Dper Sphfllli, U. UIIVII, UV: ll. n-uIluI Junior-I- F. Ihnhnll. 5. Allan. Couutnr. I00; I`. Oukln, 90 ; 0. Thou (J. Reid. F. Grant. 98; W. IAvoll,| laooup 90; W. Hall. I5; A. Ko: 92 ; 0. mu. D. Thom .r. uomu J. Nah. 1". Hull, 88; . Spaces. 80. more. one II lWeIlly-Iour your un agn. A youn Canadian wmmn, engaged as a servant. in Vatertown. about three months became a charge upon the poor authoritioa a few days ago, bv reason of her own indiacrov tion previoun to coming here and today was lent to (iananoque. Au olcor accompanied hor an far as Capo Vincent, when aha was given passage on an ioeboat bound for King- Icon. They Ind Rouorlnhly Wall. The work of the boy! in the fifth cluu ol the Central Ichool, including nundunco. Application and conduct._for Juana? he he ollov been utlmuted In rcontugo. '1` lug report. Ihowu w at each boy but done: Seniors -R. Hiucock. J. Inna, A. Fulr. C. Smith. A. Shut. Ill); R. Clark. H. WAI- dron. 99; R. Chnrlton, 3. Ross, 98 ; R. Allen, L. Gran. J. Hunt. W : J. Arnell, W. Yule, W. Vnnwinokal. 08 ; G. Rana:-Ion. J. Beu. N. Roblnnon. I-`.. Thurston. 95; J.` Kelley, C. Wuwlok. R. Dunlap, 96: A. Pamull. J. Novena. V. Csrmlchul, I. Mo- Cullough.94;C. White, 93: J. BOII. '1`. Elliott. 92:J. Wllmnt. F. Klrhpctrlck. l". Sporllnu. G. Graves. N; A. Anolnlno. U). Junlon-F'. J. A. C. Thompson. 11 D-tA Ii` 1:...-4. ll. \V 'AIl" $9 F, {EQUIP lruuupuu IH vuuru nu nu: um-v;,;um for I large Lmnpwm-.I.l he wry -:-at|_\'. Hofnl ground might ulsu he fmunl to Im- Icst of the vityt-:1 the point. kvmwn as `Baker's Paint, hut I was inf.-rmml than the owner ch-Illalllnle-sl mm thuusund nlullars inr the use of his farm this _\c:u`, which was quife nutr.~fthe ` 1'0-lotto` only. W0 will all cut. sliced. unokod lmn luv 12} outs. plbnlc ham 8` cum I pound. trash can I) cum 5 down, roll humor ll! conu s pound. print butur I0 and N oonu. pure msplo sugar 10 com: I pound. Every- Ihln chem ul Rondo:-non : at-ooory house. Bros Itreuc. \\'ntertuwu 'I'.m..e : About four years Ago Liuic Ulurk. a resident of Kingston, ()nt.. met John l-`n-(ls-nlnirg, as lnukcnun on the Rome, Wuu-rtown & Ogtlensburg railrmul, and they were married. The husband got into trouble at Hutton. N. Y.. was convicted two years ago, nn.l sent to Elmira rt.-form: tory. Lant July Mrs. Fredenbtlrg found employment At the Globe hotel. where me worked until January, I889, when she gave birth to A child. The howl proprietor bought her a ticket to Kingston. 0nt., and she Iru eeeu leaving Wntertown that day on the (Tnpe truiu. She only went A: far we Cape Vincent, however, and from there purchued I ticket for Rochester. When the ruched Syrncuee she Wu probnbly without mum and told the etory to the poor suthoritiee there. She in twenty-four years of age. A unnnn (`AnntHAn \'|mAn_ nmrnnnd II I MCI cuuu u.LI\ u: v uuaruvu. The facts of the case are these my: the `tlrd Pllgor. [all land. To the Idltd 1! the Whig. Pleuo unto the propel bud and layer on which the ougtpmun ring should in pluood. _ JAxr.uv. S) mouse (l0`|ll'll'l'. A young woman giving her mum: as Mrs. John l"rmlenhurg,im-l lN.`l|l`ln'_.' in three weo.ks' ` ulul cllll-l in lurr arms, told Deputy-Supcriu tendtntnf the Your (Primes a pitiful story yesterday. ~.\`he was nmrxicd four years ago uml he-r huslmnal left her hunt April without nu-ans pf support. Her purents are dead And she has no friends. She is trying to tiucl RUIIIG uue whn vi ill uke CAN` of her child uu~ til she guts \\ urk. Mrs. l*`r-ileuhurg hu live.l iu \\'a'.ertuwu since her unsrriaue. nuql was sent to this city lay the bureau of lalmur nml charities, tn \|l1nIII she applied for aid. Suporintemlent (-rimes sent the wunmn And her child luck to \\'utertu.`u. fuclauf I ..I`l...l. .. ......i.l.n.o ..f Kinrmrnn lint She Tn-Ila S3" rarllmuns nu lmprobllo Slur _~ A_,n 'I`|. n....n.._ In lurtm HIUHLHS. Much int:-resting infurmntiun was given about the moon uud eume tine views of its surface shown. It is 4 hurreu waste t-cu. .sistiI1gnf extinct volcanoes. Tit: principal ulvja;t.,n_i the ~u-um, the nmjur said, was not illlllcii tbgivc light, it is gt-uerully sup pt ed, I18 to put in nmtinu the great ocean titles and thus preventing the waters from iiceoniing stagnmt. The facts in rt-ft-reuee tn the eclipse of the Full and mtmn were nlao explttim-tl by uleaum Hf diugrtuns. Hu- showed how it net.~urrcl that an tclipse ut the sun was uuly seen in sumll portiuun at the earth. 'l'hu`2ruu, the great return: of the `tmi\`erse, was um uhjeut of Mprciul int--rests. its distance wins so great that were it umu to rurk Slhltliiy fur ten hours aduy zunl 360 days in at ymr, it wuuhl take him three and it half ye .r:s tn munt the miles it in diS~ mm from us, while its size might he ium gineti when we L'0llC8i\'t(i that ii the earth were [liilccli in its venue, with the run m re- \ulvii:,; ruuu-I it the :<;uuu tii:~t.irm*.us [Ire H(`I|[,`i[ would 0ui_\'beuim'.11 half may lie tween the centre mi-I circumference ui the run. The sputs nu the sun`: surfure were leu,;.'hily Ii(':5(`IllY(,`i upon and theil prolmhlv t-alive, set forth. The grunt zuneu which Set`!!! to ruxelop that mh an-l shoot out thuustimia mt lniics into space hail lteeu .1. I ... I .. 5....-- ..|.. .._ ..f rL..... ..i. ...,. ._. mg um oupnuoct or tunrnumn_v. The theory in rt`lt`I`4.`l.`L`t: to light anal colors mm dealt upon at SHINE length. The use of the spectroscopc was explained and some of the wonderful things llls(`(IVL'l'C(l through its auemy tlcalt upon. The latter part of the lecture wan tl(}\'(ItC(l to the pucttlinr compoai .tiou and motions of comets an-l meteors. The major closed by pointing out how all mighty and iutinito must be the Creator and suaminer of these mleetiv bodies. and how. puerile seemed the In It of some individuals who set aside Ilia creative power Alto- gelher and set up iustmal uf their own idea of it. The lettun: lasted one hour and a half and was listened to with much into.-re.-.; by those present. lihe major was given t! r: henrty thanks and nppliuise of all present. A vnunu wuuml HCFVH [U l'U\CIU|l [Hill UIU lll|I l1llU"l \'uL photo-graphml and pictun-a shown of them. |`hese great disturlmuvea of thernuu were supposed to czulsc the nmgltetic storms, which occur simullnn:-ously. and also the lnnutiful displays of the aururn lmreulis. [he xmjur stain.-d that n.m`s kmmiulge of the sun and of the great planets was after all but very little. They vnrc an get but learn- i...y Hxn nlnhnh.-t nf nntrnnnmv Ullll Illll \)l LIIU 6l|.'IL IIIIIIICLE I 3 ` ing the alphabet of nstrnnmny. ` The tlu-mv m reference H2 '.\\(\ Ill.-ll'l-`ls. u|-ln_:.;n- rm. quut: ma t(`llI|.u|_y_. .~iumrr-J an Kin-_;sluu. (;mn'l gmuuul um lu- iecuresl in the \iciuity of Ki|~.;.;sln|n, um} tlw city might pusaihly he iml\u:e.l to make thv nmer in hum] 'f_:|m.rnnH-4.-I that the lu`iga~| urnps would he hell aunnlmlly. Tlw gov- ernment lane! on the heights ulmve liarI ic- eld common w0uH he .~m'u-in-nl for as per- muneut caunp, l>ut`t.n uvmkv it .L\'.nilulnlc nu~ `norms \n-ll.~s would lune to In; sunk. nlher- Uiae1ht>lrnn~:cpurt of wan-r tn the ]lc5,\,;h[s C-wall) . .. . . , . n. I, l_A....l....... Ml'J`t? Mu no Talks Lenrnodly About [0- He shows Amulrnhle Howe. At the Y. 51.0. A. room: hut evening Major Mayne gave an interesting talk on Astronumy." Owing to the absence of members who have gone to Ottawa the audi- enue wise not as `large its it otherwise would have been. -Dr. Massive, in the absence of l)r. Anglin, presided. The major hoped his remarks would have the effect of conveying to the minds of his hearers .some idea of the power of the Almighty. and some idea of the meaning of the ward ir.nity... By mean: of splendid charts he clearly and intercu- ingly showed the relative position and move- ments of the sun, earth. Mercury. Va-.nue.. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune" and Astroid, and gave 2: numher of inter- esting facts about each, dwelling more per- tlculurly upon Mars. Saturn` and Jupiter. Of the rat he stated that more dutiniw infornmtion chnl-I `he given. than hf any other plnnet._lt having uuntlnen-ta. |al.m(lu, eons, hikes. rivers, atmosphere und clouds. and that its poles were covered with ice and snow the u.m.e in mm` earth, which ice mm seen to decrease and increase ucgcm`-ling as the semsons czune roiind. `It was generailly conceded. to luwe unnnul hie of some kind upon its surface. Sume very gnml maps of the planet were exhibited ' Owing tn its neurnese to the sun its circle was (-un.pnun~ tively small, its ruuud nfeemwus. cnl`l`l'8- pending tn mu` ye-tn`, only L.\lClIlllYlg uvcr three months. ' \l....|. i... ......sI.... 1.`..._.....A!__.. ...__.. ..1...... TA'LK|NG or ATn'oNo_Mv, A WANDERING WOMAN- m V, - us an... A In! 'l`he_y . r`. 1, Hang. uaompuon. ; Lsvcll. 97 : F. , Konnod . no. I . Notonllo. ; Una-An nucln. Bunk of Montreal . . . . . . .. UJnlt\l'io Bunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bunk du Ponulo . . . . . . . . . .. Mmaunu Hunk . . . . . . . . . . .. Buns 01 Toronto. . . . . . . .. Nnuque Jn uen Conlor . Mm-hnnu k .. ueboc Bank nlou Bunk ...... .. Bonk ofcomlnoroo . lmporhu Bunk .... .. . M'.n:rc..l Tehuuuh 00 .. N. W. land 00 . . . . . . . . . .. 11' Headquarter! for Clover. Timothy. Field and Gudnn ucodl. mmlm nmuv Flour. Su-on Bakers` Flour and uu-ds. Choice Family Flour. Strong I Ipocmu. -I.llI'I Dlllo tniullvvu -- u- - I o lournuu. Feb. I. l10llf-RIIlHl. ll) bun. sun can not: Mu-lot quiet u uncnuud nun. Punt: wtnlcr. 5.75 to 5. ; noun! spring. no v.oo.l5;ut.:-nlgln roller. 5.8 to 0.8): um um sous; n no. Loo to us: um-to bun. tlllo 2.1 ' City 5.D to no for Ornln. l-nom ml ; Nd vista 0. n. nun -LIn-nmnn nm- II1l`m And CHI) M-.n:rc..1 Tezeuuuu Uo ........ .. . . . . . . . . . .. Iugh. &, uuL\rIo Nuiculon 00.. Olly Pnnangerllk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ioatnuluu .. CAudnPaolcRB_...... (`mmln Gallon Comply uouglugu Uowon 00.. utpire in /_vuur lrum next-June, wneu .s new site- :)r a drill shed will have to he louml,/ '1 therefnre Tiiu k atupu almulal he mkon st onmfto [rov..-ure one at the leaiet ydn to the department." ln speaking of A pemumeut amp ground \Q` says 2 This your the cnrpa in tllu mnal ganmuwl districts. Nos. 3 anvl 4. wrre cu :nn)pc-cl fur annual drill nt llunnnmlnu. The gmuml was mlmimbly mlaptc-ll for t|u- pur- pose. nmfl Wtlllltl ln: t'X\'L`lll`l)l in tn-ry re .s[I5\`! 3`! Pl 'pertm\nr.'11t rump ;_v;munnl fur the run Ii.-lrivha. tlh-lrgir rm. quite as u-nlr.ull_v_. nu : uily `he to tlw man: in lmml `f ('|l.l.l`lllH(-`t.'\l l1ri;_'*t-I JOSEPH FRANKLIN, Windsor Hotel Block. Princess Street, I IIOLIIILI AND RITA". /rnpnuci c0MM[8l0N__DE@LE_f}.__ `':'.'.`1..""wn..' `. .`.`.7.`F.'.I.`h" ;"..a"u'2'... team. whluomto coo;-nruaan and all) No. I Northern. all to L3. 00-n-M to GA. M4` In TEL wuu-rly wlllvu. ulr I Intrho tn some Iouuuu. l'l" -'`'II- [I IUW UK IIH` IIIVSII IIIUIIIUCIVI Ul lllt 5--us nf Tt`lIl[Mc|`Kl|l`t`. pn:.s`cnt, null hu \\.o~ yin-l M Imvv llwir grca-limz. But many hm: pu.-svul uwuy. The uruler had still (lu- same {no in .4ht. `nlthongh .~mn~vrhat vnrlu-cl, an-1 lhvy shuuhi no! he hu in rhur ellqrgirs. ` 'l`In- .\`.-n:-: of ll-mperuuce would w-uk in uniuu with other -rgnnimtious in hclmlf col lhv .\`v~lK zwt. He 1u:.uI`el his lwarem that I-mhu.-itiun hm` would lw con- timh- us all the preset); in the w-unty of Hrnnr. The gm-I which tempt-rance bndion In-I In-en u'0rkin;: fur. fur the pus! l'urt_\ \e.|1s, nu g.\'r1uInn-Int uuuhl undu. \\'o.-lhmd, un-in-r 1h-- |i\.'k'lINt` law, haul diicultieu to (An munlrr in lu_\in.z In nfurcv. that act I1- Muw 1|.` nlhrr iuculilius had In trying to 4 n t-nrrv (Inc Sclvtt m-t. His desire is while | 11., , .1. n! _ ,3` . . I ... .a.|... .... I. AI an Old KiltllI0lI>I:i| lie to I t'o'ud to Help on life (.`nIitue- the Foo 1 hey Fight. in. lh-0-u (`nu-bml. Ihtt Nut Cuuquared -ltelutlnz l'.'\'n-lttn 0! ttm Lung .130. Another interesting meeting took place last. evening at the Sons of '1`emperunco hull, th chief feature of which was the viult. of Um d Worthy Putrinroh Webster to the lgre ten of St. Lawrence divipion No. `2. "Bro. \\'ebat.er arrived from the east by the 8::%9;jt)'c|au:k G.-'i'. R. train.. He was met at the station hy l).(.\\'.l . Mcilosaie who ac- culllpuuit-Ii hiui tn thu division room. There was tl full attendance of member; to wol- cnino him. Bro. lkjnnlti Fraser was at his punt. and all his oiiicers were present. The mum! vunthy patrian-h recuivml A hearty grew.-Linux. The usual business being transact is-I, he kindly addressed the diviainn, refer- liull " Hie work of the (\['liI3I' in this section mm Hm pic-21..-urn: w_hi.`h it would 'n_\'u him to bu 1-i asanstmwe to the brethren mere. it Vina in l{ii~;:.~atun tlmt hutirut hecnnn: iult-nu ii-ul nith thv ta-tnpurnnve cause luy juining thv Cadets u-f Temperance thirtyet'ght years ugu. Bro. Jilllws linwe, now of Ottawa. was their wnrthy arena, and lirn. John Jones liltil` \mrth_\' patron. It had always been {I s-unto of t,h.mkiu|ness to him that hi: in-mum` t'u`i_`,` ussvcmleti with that grail:-i nhl oi-im. Frmn it he went on nnzi bx.-emu it Ilwlllin r uf the till older urgnllizutititnthe part In =~|-`m uf all tee!--fill uruiuiiutinnshe .\`mm rt 1 nuprra|u'c. The ilnprosaiun ttmtiv nu imu \\ Inn in: n-cm\`i"` the cimpluina .-l: .n- t. n. .i... ....|..ou L! nn\'nr Iunnn fniunl , L`1*iju. w. 1*. `(game iii R}; Hum-Innis ' Iltol: mnlmllm ml 1 :WQnl5 3;-wrhbud llto law TALKS TO HIS TEMPERAlE BRE- THREN OF ULDEN_ TIMES. `Q Kingston In the Most Central. and Mount I`nioor Plnco for I Permnnent Camp GruuIul-Anotllur Drlll slu-d In Ile- quhul-I?'ac-.Is (ileum-rl I r;um the An- nmsl Itoportol the Mlnlster 0! Marina. The `annual report of the minister of militia, which thst honourable forget to nail to the Wmu, st the same time he sent .1 to conservative journnls contains some in- teresting rsgrsphs. Sir Frederick in speaking the many desertions from A hutu-ry says: I regret to be obliged to dnw attention to the number of I.-nsrtions during the put year, as being greater than usual. I have endeavoured to a:+-rertuin the senses of this, and am afraid `he chief one htho donumd and high i\\u>-__'r.~l given for lnbour. As was the case with rl-.o- imperial it-mes, the desertion is more rife when the nation is near the from it-i. I mu also in; uliiml to think that. owing to the amadluess of the force, the work at the sclmuls is of A nature to try tluams-n [5 good deal. The armstnnt drilling fur the purpose of instruct- ing others must be weurisome to it soldier who knows his drill perfectly. and in the aase,ol' the artillery school at Kingston, the vvurl; is particularly hard for the reasons I `sure already given. Altogether, it eellla nurlliyuf consilurution as to who-tho-r thr- snmlxer of cnursuc in the year should not two reduced to two insteml of three." . . , . . (mu: I ..| kn-nnha nnn rims re-ll-rs to the `auntie; Pmbnbllltloo-. Wow-fly winch. hit and colder; Inuw Inn-Inn In noun Ioonlhhn. ..?r IUNTBIAI. P300008 MARI IT. Il:n--n--.- I`_|. I Mo.\'TIuc.u. H`l`l|(:.I-( MARKET! Iosrusu. Feb. I.--|2 noon. -vurxn, ARK") mu`. -~ ll H'Hl \\ '|l'H Ill! I`I't.'QT|\C|l KIIL` L'lI(I[HuIlll_(\ |1.u'_-u- Ill Lh-s .:m|:Is haul never been forgot.- -n. .\3 ho |nu|u:d uruuml `no zmw that there .--`ill ll fuw uf the first Iucn-hers ul th. .' |` .. . .. _.. I L.. .. commsncm. MATTERS. L -_, __ luuamtmh coat ulet:OI.8I.o N. NI". III! l|L`-IIVU IN VIHII" of grunnl vrnlthy pmniurch -r hm nulivv city. by ussi.-`t .; Ilu-ir (emprrnnu: wort. ).o-Ilum when Kilhn-H. m hml reazucwl to two |nsLe`mi Ul uircu. Lieut.-Col.Strauhguzie thus refers .liill shed lease: 'l,`he lease of tie propurty mlil to the ti;s/ufa of the Queen's cull-~go, I where the pr an drill shml stands will urpire in = yuar fmm next-lune, when it now nita- m- B son FRED MIDDLETON SLLIGGESTS A `|A NUMBER 05 cumces. OUR MEMBER HEZRD FROM. The Mm Inn lhpurl. 2. I . 1 !L\,'Il"| |UIIlIl`IHU |'I 3 list at this port mm \':~s.-eln regis- \ l'."\ vc-swls with J lI.l`J'.' Mi. Rev. Dr. Willialiwuii, ciirvctur of the ob- mrvutory gives the: fullowing yenrly rcfmrt, ; `In my last repnrtl atutenl that the Inuit oi the alteration in tin suppnrta of the piers of the transit hI\l hm-n very aM.infn'tui-y. Um piers nnw rent on trunchleii pymlili-In, Imposed of henvv atone Um-ks wt in cement, the bane being six feet lmlu\\' tin` Iurfucenf the ground. The Mippmts inv- Qvtuinuiar nppm-ta, and an ill-flusing In ifk Ivnil`u'un.r 5 hwhca wide, is Iilleil in with ':h\t-:uuL The \'ier-Al clock in act on M uhinr foundation. The stability of the adjustments of the transit and clock, in cun- se ucuce of these lrrnng--manta, continues to of A remarkably perfect kind, and nveuthe observer much time in making ..m-.....oi...... u-Link ilintnrhnnu-an in than I\nHi~ I utrtj I--no W. Wllloll, W. n. rnnlo. null 11. UIIYI, Nupnnoo; T. L. L Lewis, E. J. Forbes, M. Mon-in. R. L. Meadows, J. N. Butndo, J. H. McLean, J. Orlldom. H. B._WllAm|, F. J. Uibuon, Toronto 3 D. D. C. Fox, Muntei. N. 0.; W. Langmuir. Guolph ; `J. M. \'rnor,.J. Mitchell, J. J. Kuuugh. U. I-`iuchol. D. A. Stair. A. W. Smith. Mon- treal ; G. Allan. Brockvlllo ; W. Iuhuon and wife. Perth: '5. Winslow, C. H. Hot ton. New York ;'J. F. Church. Wlndlor ; W. T. Walker. Unit; H. A. Calvin. Unr- don Iulnnd ; W. Motht. Montreal. Well It. In 1 Nnhnloo. To have lot: of ne table I plan and have them oiug bod I0 we IVO reduced the pr co to 200. pouk,3lbo.ublo (run mu Inn. avnnorntpd sweet corn l0c.. tno prlco I0 `:00. pvuI,o|uI. um: `run l0o.. evaponud sweet corn l0c., rattan: sad onngu ma, cronborrlu l0c. James (frnwford. WI for the Waggon - And we will all 0 And get 3 tube of lolly ol Cucumber nnd"Roooo for our clnprd hands. It will cure them nun. Drug II luor it. ` W. A: Dyer & Co.. Mon Cullllplgll. (irtvruv l. .\'lcKimln, etlitorof the Ifrvorql, .\'mit|u'n Falls. was unit.-cl in nnuriags tn .\1i~:4 Nellie I-I. l"rn.ut, laughter of the late J. T. Frust, on cnlnesulay. Kmie .\|. Johnson. (lswegn, is lucky. Slm held three out of l 2'10 lottery tickets In a church fair, and drew a set of lace cur wins, a willow rocker. null A grand piano. There were only eleven prizes bustowed. huurl were pleueuuy Ipe-nu. mange Inu speeches were given by Mean. B. E. burnl, McNiven. Merritt, Mowet, 1*`. C. end K. N. Ireland, Bernee, end Sherman. A duet b Mellrl. K. N. Iroluld. (bonee,) uni R. Burns, (mouth omen.) was ex- ceedingly well done. The petty st. eleven o`clook returned `to the city. 'lhe will trump nextTh'uredey to Certvvrlghte oint. Nine memben joined the club lent night. A lunch 0! I-`urn-I-.-u Papers. J. H. \\',lWl(`,lt, of lirnoklyn, N.\'., known to the \\'nI:'.~' resulers as Bromi- lxrim," hiss for-ynniml us sen ral bstches of interesting foreign papers. The 'Immaniuu Jluil, of Hobart. Town, has thirty-six pages on (`hristmas events. It is ublished in magazine form. The Paul, 0 Allahsbul, India. is I Christmas production thst costs fnnr muss. It seems to be the organ of the British government in that far off land. The Grail" Rt-inet, %uth Africa, A rt:-cw-mar and Gail's ll'u=kly .\'ru~.q Leilor, of Kingston, Jsmsics, were also received. All ITO print- ed in l~`.nglish, and Are a few of the papers publishing "Brosdbfim's" letters. ._.:_.___.__,_.__ Buuvl anus blllll nunul vuu. Lsst evening twentynine member: of the Kingston snow shoe club ulembled in the park and ntnrted for: trump. They march- ed thruu h the city and then to the Grand Trpnk spot. where they dined. A few h..un pleuantly Ipont. Song: md -nun-nhnl urn-n iVIl) bl? MBZPI. R. I\"\`. III`. N ||.1Ivu,HI art` I u: n, nu-<.u--a -- meeting of the Canadian alliance in Hamil- tuu next week. Mr. Calvin, of Harwlen I-alumni, who has incun visiting friends in Quebec for four \\'vQ2k, returned to the city to clay. I! I . I`. K.-afar hu nrrivmi in Rrarlfn Ie lntlmelea lat When the Time Come: lle'|I Not Take ``No." J. H. Metcalfe van in hie lent yesterday for the liret time thia aeeeelon. 'l`he member Dov Kingaton was reported some time o to have expreeaed hie lntentinn J o ering iraeell an a candidate for the common: in abet city. He told the Globe that he wae eorreetly repreeented. and aaid. "Yea. I in- bnd tn eubmlt my name to a mu: meeting et the ohneervativee of Kingston at the Evan iree. But if Sir John rune, which I l we will be the one. then my plane will Iall to the ground." It will be aeen, there- lore, that Mr. Metcalf, tired aa he in of underlay in the North~\\'.-at, la another humble applicant (or the chle!tain`a aandela, and if hedoea not get them. there la room dwheliel that Klnpton will paae through a vevelntieaary period. so far ae coneervetlam la concerned. et the next general election. Mu Mann]! mlal the lm-Id yeaterdav I \\'P`(`.KH` T"("ru9l| (0 [He CH. LU Illly. Ii--v. IE, I` Kc-efer has arrived in Brant~ ford from New Brunswick and expects to spank in Brant county during the Scott ac: .- . nnnnhvn lui IIIIUUI Qrtu V-:3 Arrluln At tho British American Hotel- W. Wilson. W. H. Pringlo. Min H. Clark, N-n-nnn- T L 1., liin. E. J. Forbes. nun nu nu-nu .u "U -.....`...r ,. ........_ for Utlu-r l`hlo-vo--K. Yt-atenlzsy M. O'Neil (Mi .1. Linegar were ztrresnul on A charge of larceny. This morn ing they were re-mauuletl unsil Monday. It nppvura that during the winter grate burs V\'l`l`f smlt-n from steuun pumps located on .\'wilL s wharf, and owned by Capt. J.. l)nn~ nelly, st`. ' The burs were purchased by ('lwwn ;uul ll irney. the lunar being a tlcalur in St"L`(\l!(i hmtl goods. The iron sold was not all t.'l|l`IiI.'ti awn)` at once. About l,0.`20 lhs, of metal were found at the stares nnmetl. .\`m1.tlf\:`l llnnm-ll_v only rem,-mly tliscn\`cr- mi Llut his futln:r's property was being t-asrriutl nway. He \\u.s walking on Clarence .~trm-t I-nv clay when he met J. O'Neil with ll l-:u' t-lgrnte iron on his almulzler. llun nelly went to lvuk at the pumps nntl found near them the imprints of a. nun : boot in Lhe snow. The bl!` of iron which 0`Neil lnul was itlentitied by J. Dunne-lly. jr.. and O'Neil were arrested. He has given to the policemen wary good pointers regarding the larceny. One of the principal men is still in lnrge. Pnople Whose Mon-menu-. Saylhgu And llnlnll Allrarl Aluoutnuu. J. J. Hall. Brnckvillo-, has retired from i [he eclitnrahip of the I. u-r-wler. I Augustus Darnagh anal George Barnes, of Sunhur), have: left. for Watertnwn, NY. I{--\'. Dr. Wilsrnn, of \'ew York. anemia in ,. .101... I... "Hun -nlliunnn in "lI\. ` l I Iunruu mg. The cmlnty council closed its session luts .\'~mmlay. The sitting were non-l through out for the party vnu-,.~x given. In neurly every instance it was 12 to I0, the latter being the grits. Fur the at-lct Cl)lnl1]itt('t`. to Appoint the stmnlinggrmunnittee sewn torivs were named. When the latter re- pnrluul it was fnllllll that the grim hml In-nu hived onthc education and printing` unin- mirtee. Nunrlv a whole uluy vwux tuken up uliscllssillg nmtters in C-)l|l1('\'LiUl) with New burgh \ilIa;,;e. .-\ `l`,'[Cz`.i\|`l xms muned to \'i.~i' (htztvm to secure nation |v_gu.rliug lh. huh-|:tmlne.sa of the \i|l:u.u-. A .no\'e WM: nuule tn have tlw cnumv rreMurer'a salary l`x']llCt (l from 3-.\")(7 In $6M), but no action was taken. the mutter being deferred until u...` o u..u.~nn He! [or our Cnsmms unuevmr, wuu m Uu uu '0. well earned lmlixluy. Capt. Holmes is u useful citizen, and is unlike the Javk-of all- lrmlns, in that he stauuis well at euuh cull ing. `Hm .-mmru mnnoil (rinsed its Talking of Prot_gnt.|ng several Ele('tlomI'- _ - The Cuunty Cuunclfmuiloll. The aleighing of the past few gays has given busineu quite B lilt._ ' ' Unites number of our citizens coutem- , the community We have in our minlst an indivielunl unml at almost unvthiug. He has proven himself as good saluanmn for agricultural implements, yvhaf is known as H. ll0B8 elcctioneer and m.iuipulu.tof of election lodges, fairly suc- cessful in booming gens concerns. useful as n priviite detective, an A I inspector of the ll~lH`l`l(`l, etu., and nuw he is ucting as re- lief for customs unllevtnr, who is off on . ....II ...........I l.,.H.l..u (`ant I-[nlnwn is n RIVER DUSIDEII (IUIEO I llll`._ Qnitea number of citizens plate visiting the Paris expouition the com- imv anmmer. ` ` DUI I IYIOC Ill l\| loll mr mu ncxi uvvuly nun. Ho would,l 0 to too the G. 0. M. bldwho oonntltuen lor the next. two do~ dun. But."n|d 0. "I! there in I moo, and I'm in it. And we git the word `go, you ; an but than will be 3 race." ing summer. ` The steamer Reindeer, driven `aground during the itorm of . cuuple of weeks ago, has beep "rfghcud" and repaired where in- jured. It in states] that u. m-meat has been enter- lured. It is stated that protest ed against Mr. I. Parks, returned `reeve of North Frederickshurg at the la_te mhnicivl election. Then: is also rumor of aimiur steps against the reeve of Nupunep. hm-inn ll-(RR .1.-mh removed from mir steps against the oi nupuuep. During I888 death miilst many of those well up in years. This ycarithosc taken luwe been more of the young and middle-aged. Snmlay all that was mortal of M r. Samuel l a.`ialey was" con- veyecl to the tomb. He was a. niemhcr of the rm ff l |isle$' lh-09.. grocers. and was `only as little over 3| years old. l`he funeral mnu hmmlv .vn.r..-ml;-cl. not unlv hv the ()(lll`- `only little 3| old. 1m-. xuneruu wzu largely u.ttcn not only hy fcllows`, but hv the citizens generally. The willow and friends have the synlpaltlly of the con-nnmity \\'n hnvp in nnr millat ARRESTEVDWFOR LAHCENY. Vi! (`nine to lm llvlrrh- 1,- `M-rA` ran-Qmm, MENTION. Snow Shoo Club Tm-In Out. NEWS FROM NAPANEE. `Ibo Phllonnnthoun Bocloly. `u regular neetin of the noolecy occur rd lat ovenln . ho rn copy of the Journal II no . It oonuhod some very L.A..Lo phi Than nan: nnlnn hv Mill HKVQ, I81`. [Ur \\ IILUTLIIWH, I`. I . \. f `Ibo Hotel AI-rlvulo. . .n II up: A". ,_J__ D. DTOCIVIIII } VV. -IIIII0ll h: S. Winslow. I ;'J. . '. Moat. `THE BRITISH WH1Gs_EE,@Y7FFlB. 1. Mcl"nul'I. - The Cunndn Stninod Glua Works. 0' Toronto, have u.gin incrunod their Iu in ovary dopnrunont. The Church and H0000 Ornumonulluoturnod onblay IN! 3|`!!! on be reliud on both for dllll It! Ind 01' oollonoo of design. Pomona |'0Qm3I Rh in ovary mm or quunl whatnot uhould uidm. the mukorl. Cw-I-ad & 3- Toronto. I , 'l`|.- A..- I `|.h.___-.. `-1 Ilnnnhhn onueu mr that sum. Over 8l00.000 has been paid out by_ 3110 G. N. W. telegraph compnuy for ropurlnll in line: in St. Lawrence nnd Jocnon countiel in New York on l000lIlIt 0` 3'10 pus ice norm, 1; ya the worn. u&o_rm tor telegrnph lines which hu occurd III "1" auction uinco the wire: were n! put up. A lnrnnln Int .J l-na nnl-f.AIl|l, It IIII than ` leouon Ilnco the mm: were nru Pl up. I A umplo lot 0! 1500 curtain! "'1'" `h_ wholeule prices, can be had It 3- M0?! '- Romember. the uholpolt haul: in thc city * for our 1;. oil cloth: sud homo lurulnblnp genera ly in R . Mel-`nul'|. W0 luvs I luv pan of hlnnluu tom-blah will in -old -I half-price to clur. Accept thl 0h||I- 3- McFnul'I. TI..- v-..-.a_ u.-:.....l ulna \Vm-kn. ol Toronto. The two Chihunen In Klnpton oelebrnud their Now Year on Weduodey. Hey; on that dey entered the 5.07% not of Pen K0 Won . the crutof of the Chlneee world. Huh too I an: in on water on l prelimi- nerv to mnu nrfontlon. New clothing wu than dunnes. Then they wlnhod eec other "Koon Hi Feh foy. or "Pmeperlty. ioinmlhe and hnppheu ," and then reeum- t elr wnnhy-wny bnelncei. i year. \\'here are you going my pretty maid. Going to L)rawfurd s store Ihe nid-'I`o buy spy apples '. 0:. peck. tomntoea we. can. freuh haddock .')c. lb.,3 Ibo. green peas l0c., ova crazed sweet corn 106. June: Craw- for . \?..._ nL-o -AH -...L._,x\,,L_ -5 ....:....- IOTU. New embroiderieu at price: tint. will but anything ever shown In Kiuguton st R. McFuul a. A job lot of now. cllwool, l cloth dreu oodn. wholeule rice 2`) c., * ` will be sold or |5c. at R. Mo Aul I. ho gresteat burg'\in over otfered the public. ` A VFLI` Ann P H:-Inuuhll. of the W ucu:o;- U1 lllvllu IIl'rIlig"vIu'u|.s, LIlII\.I|lIIl'-1 m we cznrrecliuns, which disturbances in the pour non of` the inatrumont would have other` wise nndcrod noceunry. The rate of the that is ruzulur mud of very small amount. During tho put your About 860 has been ex pended in improvement: and repairs. A circular ruiliny ha been laid on the oor of Iboasgzutoroul room for the more conven- ient moveinont of the observing nu.-pa, And tllnalndo 0! revolution of the dome ha been funprd. A meridinn mink also has been aoton Wolfe Island. The uunnl nlioervn- limit for the time. nd with who oqnntoreisi, hm been made during the year. l EFCCIBUI DII'g'\|ll UUGTCU [H0 PIIDIIC. \ A year .go I . by-L.uah1in.o! the Wind- } Ior hotel, while In Brooklylla '53 059"! * two tern of land for 32.50 H9 did 9` buy it. A short. time nlurwnrdn ho viaihd Brooklyn And ducoverocl that twenty-four feet of the whole property could not be pur- ohued for that nu... Qmnnnn L... 1....` mini nut hv thn mile. W. Stev\m'I. section foreman. Knladur. merwith an uchlrxxt last week by fnlling forwlral am his Imml-var, hr-*uk`Ing his jaw bone. He uune to the Kingston toapitsl for tleaum-ut. l`l.- ..l J")... R ..n.l .....h|.`- l`..IL I0!` ueaunt-ul. The people of `~1nillI's Fills and John R. Law]! in particular, will laugh when they see in the liuuckxille 'lum- that he has been married ugnix). John N. was mistaken for Dr. W. A. Lavell. A:hi,;h cmlunu-nn>,ut~Your tlunr at `2 70 is the In-at in ('au.ul.n 3) lbs. gruan peas lllc, evupurule-l sweet corn luv. |b., Cunnbrinlge suuwnga-s l`. \-., spy apples `. I|. peck. spice rull lmcun I` ~ Janwa Crawford. 1. .L;_ ..r .1... .......- ......... ....noln.nn- BHUVIIEVE I- 1\~p Bl ) l'l'l'll\0 -"\.-- .r\,\.n` urI\v l'.!.v. At this uznu of the year many gentlemen find that lhuy In-ml as new pair of trousers to put them on until spring. We advise ; them to try Humbert & Walsh, Ill) Princcal street. `flu-_v always give-. satisfaction. \ lmlina` mif whnlns and smarter wins. a street. I my um 31):! gut-. unuaIuL:I.uu. Lmliea' lmif, whole and quarter wigs. bangs, switches, hair chains. rungs, [nude to urder. Imus and mantle nmkin . Cnunil corset, best ever mule, over Vnlnh & .\'teacy's, I03 |'riuca-an street, Kingatnu. A t'Il\A|l\l awn-J In.` Luke Dnnev hIlCh(`d Steacy 3. III.) l'I'llIct'3l street. nlngawu. A canuxy owned by Luke Doney hatched three birdsduring hut. month And is now Iitng upou live eggs. This in 5 strange case. because it in unusual for cannriu to ` rniae young birds at this season of the \\'hnrn Arln vnu unin l'I'IV nl'Q'[V maid. 1 piled nil U3 UdIH|UlIU`l. - Tickets are out for Sydeuham atrcet. church concert. Full. lhh, and with such talent at Aline \\'alr7. and the well-known Wodell it promises cu be the event of the IEIIOII. Lust evening Mr. W. G. Craig Wu ap- pointed chairnmu of the board or manager men! in connection with St. Audion": chuich. Mr T. Miunes was re-elected secretnry-trek unrul- At at railway meeting in Cohourg it ` install that th-v Kingsluu S1. I eIubruku r way was earning $l.3UU pr-r mile, and Napuuce & 'l'eunwurth railway C954) mile. u` u.-........ _._....:.... l...~......m k'.I...` |l IU l\I||Cl|l| WVFII I. Sluxlc-x1t.s\\`hn Inn -1 1-lath to pmroui/n L.unl 1L & W: street. Tin-y can give yu unrl e:nnnm_\'. There Ims just nni\'cl a woml yard, Uutarin stree nf sawed or unsu-_-l map] of dry SIM) V\`t-ml. I inempplo;s, bmmums, 'Ia prese:-vcul roses. mxect. c fresh at the cheap \._'n)\".~.x`_V I Hemlcrs-m`s. I;.m\ .~4tx1-ct. The app:-al in the um: .\`mm vs: lhnluert. Muumulllul concerned. on ma non guoru uccuon. Hr. Mgmll told the orid yutordny that he in not. union: to sup Into Sir John`: shoot in Kl Ion for the next twenty ...... II- -....I.lI - on an` Hun I1 [I M Nuns \'. l'uIlHJl'(. .\]lIU'g|lIHUl_\ , OIIIIIII a runs, an uvtiun tuuuhing p.c)nwu1 fur liquors unp- plied has ho.-an almmluuecl. . . I`inImu are out. for Svdenham 3 ....._,, ..~u. Uutn, vlmp, .`.,~'L`2.'n; Hun apples 3:! pa 1' lnbl. Hmv umth I | l'HI| I \\ more (ll-I _\uu gm. umu gnuu hay `.` l{a.kur'n. \\ lm in Ihkcr T` The mun Ihutt-1-Hallie .\Iauiu-m bran: on the Markvt Square. 'l |... -29.. ...-. .m.\in.m u-ill mm-I Hui: A_W|`lIu|:l U. 'I`he.ciLy. p-'up::rty L-mnmittee ovruing. .~\I1m|1g:-HAL!` ilnpsrtzmt Imstwrs [u1Jc he the lucalinn 0! u lire hall in Riuieuu turn 1. .-... ..u.. . .1 ._1..1.:.... will An \|`alI lnl:-used by Jllwgc l'nc--. The eguslnrn expn-as was three hours late 1 this morning |.nL-(wulesc of is run all` by a ` 1 fl`c:i,(ht. train lmlum |i1m:k\il|e. Fur Jrv nah uml mxfl, IlMK`l(`. Sort \V()() 1 fl'c:l,(ht. mun lmlum li1m:K\uIe. For dry oak and unit In.;`l', and hard worn] at lnwezn prices, go to Cmwfur font of Queen suvct. 1 ..L- I `.\' \'H`.u \I H H` | l`1'H4`(IIY. HID!) uvv. -I. -|. -Mum, pod Ln the \\'iuul~uu' went west this In-HI [J ... UH-l VHU dill IN Thu lpmnzv st. Williruns 1.1` the I um`:-lluxl in l'mt L\\'9. u u.. v \\'I..... parlumleun lor promlnuou. Messrs. Hubbs and Knapp of Watertnwn, are in the city with a vfew of buying horses. `rho. l.m.m-v Imml will nluv on the Min streets. , Capt. Scott-wil huilul a lmndsomc resi deuce un ~PIi11L:Ps sneer, `abuw Gordon street. _. I`|...I`....L....ll.....,... l.`i..lun~`a Lnmlinu nn uuv .-nu -uv an In-. .. The minister of nmrino zunl slieries, l Hon. L`. H. Tnppcr. sllU\\'t`Il nu favors in aha distribution of his reports, but sent it Mom; with order: nut to use until Frixluy. _-\u-unling to it In learn Ilut hu-at your a amt v.-rilrwork was huilt \llllit'r ll1t.`il}_{lllh0l1Se an R1- Horse Rock ahovc (iaxmlinqtie. The work can $`207.'2. 4. A new pic!` is l`('ill,lir(i under the lighthouse at Spuctnclo shoal, in Iho same neighborhood, which will proluhly be cumplelml next season. The contract onto.-rad into by George Wilson to build an pier at Cole : shoal has been cmnpletexl. `She sick mariners` act does not apply to else province of Ontario, and mr:.~m.uunf.l_\` no luvs are collectu-l from vewsela in that province. null ma exprmliture inrurrmi on gccount of sick an-.unrn. Fm` a numhar-of years past. however. a gnmt lms been nmulu 55` v;au'liauu.c-nt. of $30!! in the general hospi- tal at Kingston ion the one nl Stlull seam-n As may he I't'cPi\'(-ul. Tim Jmm and fans v..ll-(teal on account. of will be. rehullt. It is probable u. grun hq]l,;fur the benet oftlledc-pot st-paI'|\.u school, wig! be held early this Ill()HLh. \\ * '1u.........l;.....: .... ..c x l`lm..lu fnr anew 1 early Lulu Immw. 5 The upplicutiuu uf ` trial in the cuss! again: nliused by Jud`gc Pliw 'I`Im muxtnrn 0-Inn`.-r;.~| I`PlH('H 'Z'.} 1" I IIIYI. Hl"t.'('k J: Hnuth i wood unul dry H: what V1-u mum in` 'I'|... I... . V... ..o O< The Spice of Elvery DI! L"-'"\ "'0 Public um Talking About-Nothlu: E- capea tho Attention 0' T5030 W310 '0 l_`nkln Notes. Splendid skating of) M3 Yik 30- uight. Newlce. 'l'|-m nn.hnnnm- I4` F. Cole Iitely sunk at 1 `. l u \ The: Central house, Fisher's Landing on the .N`L. lmwrence, hurneul two \\'ct:ka ago, will be. rehuilt. 1. L. .....l\..l.|.. .. ....,....l lmll Tnr fhn lmnpt. ECIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR \ BUSY REPORTERS. ' - 4 night. Aewlce. - The schooner F. F. C019 me]! Wk Pictqn is being raised. Fnr uenninn . \`:-runtnll NO. ` 0031 [(0 to Fictqn Is being raised. ` For genuine Scnmtou No. go the Gun \\'nrka_ yard. ' Thu! l.a.m-Ark mmntv council petition ` the UM \\ urkq yam. ` _ `. . The Lanark county W111 petition parliament for prohibition. } Messrs. Hnhhn and KIIBDD `vtertwll. \ I8 mly UC ll'CI"X\Q'|l. ` The dues and feud c.-ll:-Ltcul stuunl-mt inspection Jnring l!4\'.'< at King scan nmnumoal to $l,3ll) ' here u'-re, ` 9|:-wen steam \`esse|s'\\it|\ u ,.;I`x>ss tonnage of ` '31!) ill Inns, uul IA re-uirxt.-I":-:1 tulnmqe of norm rung u.I.lmI on than liar at. Ihis nnrt ` nuon. - The corporation men were engaged to day in levelling the allow banks on thu principal ufrnmti In the City Wlth View In uuynug uuuuu. The ba.Lto;ry [mud will play Big Royal riuk to-mmruw, (S-.aI:urdu.)) after Iuulll, UUIIL CH1. LIIIES IIIUI Hay. SH; vats, Inn: .`~'l `).-v Hun \. 2 at L street, K ' maple, u`: nu] .:HIIu-` 2 .\hHa ... IL. l. mums, Lmgcriue oranges, , cxeeun cheese, all .p Imue to-marrow. 2 A. . 5 ml`. E'. .lM; <:mIn'u VIHIICI I. M \\'. F. Baker's. 1 Imus the bust slabs. hard .v:m'l\'.~. You can get just I H:-`l'l1ulIinu:nt their _vu.r~1. (llfv of the hue Lieut. Col. .\h~Ha.ml lnattulion. will be MIN-` on Dominion hay, .1 l. mu! ulnthing wi|1 do well u Walsh, I11) Puinceu x you st-yle, quality, Qllccll tiuuct. .\l. I) , uf l rusc(:Lt, stop 1' Imu-I Lu: 1.-\'cuin1.{ and n: I M . Q` g_.. I) \\' 1).; I, 50`, "I lUHS' IINI I ll'L[IHL\. 180.39 tons added to tho I inning Ihc year. 'l'hv stea lend at this port were I Ii,).r. M). D...v l\... \\`ilIZ.......... .1:-.

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