Ziiinii Ev6i:T Bnuaulr. Soucrrou. 00.. Ill Onluiq Strut. I. I IITIII. 0- 0.. Isl.-I. 0. I`. IIITI. , I. V 1.7011. I. A. cnurcn `or tmsu town. Shiloh"a Cure will illlfllctiiteiv relieve Cruup, Whooping (Tong-In ang Bronchitis. W. J. Wilaon, druggist. ` ,. \\' R Hill`.-.-t nf th- liiiizerl. H. Qllliivnn speech, _ For Dyupopcin and Liver Complaint you have 8 primed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh : Viulizer. It never` fails to cure. W. J. Wilson, druggist. Tim Inn Inmpn Parker. of Litnh.o,lrl, IIIUU KIHITTIUII II IIUL IIIUW ll- Emlnent physicians everywhere recum- qnnal Avon: Ch;-rru |`m~l'nrAl 1: H14! lnnnt. cu.I.,'|'md 8!. W. J. ,Wilson. druggiat. J. H. Shorthouuen the English writer, in short and has a rather. strongface, bigvnow. blnck hair, and an impediment in his spoech, For Dvnnnnnin Ad Comnlnint you The Cream of'tho vapor: Gathered lb .- . the WIAIB Renders. M rl. Parnthe author of Adam gn_d Jive" end "Loyalty George," is between forty and fty your; old, slender ingure, md rened and gentle in manner. ~ I ...:n ...... ........r. Irhnn m.:I..|.|. n....- nnd entld in W 1y will you cough when Shilohb Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cta.. 50 cu_, and Wilson. J H Rhm-chnmual the Enulinh writnr. in THE SAMOA ISLANDS. nlpltlol-lg. .L._ n .....- I THE `1wA TABLE: ' uuluu, 3. Ask his the I -1`... All kinds of Canned and Preserved Fruits m glass and tin. Evaporated California Fruits. Prunes, Pxunelles, Tunis Dates in stalk, &a Kippored Herrings and Cmcoes. " laugiish re, n -.\.v.-r 9 most. colds, A uh H nnrnllou alhot. and biiilvimuuonuh and wueto An ntalllouonnofthoynnu nlhbloraotlytu Dlnonderotum h-eon-nns.undfotroI'odnnh to tho81'0llA `H ud80WlcL8. hoynotouun Uvotnadlklnqo wit: uhuonolpurouul uhlood. Fonnduolntqi.':|.lmnI1zhao'l:lE.|-:vm L] E An Al'l"ll BAIT Has]: all meant Woundncntgnrninnnnd Bllnn E nodal Isa PILLS AND OINTMENT. ; L We continue to sell the above goods at the old prices, having bought our supplies before the ma.nufa.cturers combination ad- vanced prices. Now is the time to buy. Cousineau, Quinn & Corrigan, THE RECENT HEAVY ADVANCE IN PRICES 017 GREY AND WHITE COTTONS,` OUR SPECIAL PRICES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- all the goods you will require for the next 2 years THE PEOPLE'S Up-Town Grocery. and during the next few weeks we shall offer all classes of goods regardless of cost or value. Are you looking for a bargain ? If so. It will pay you to purchase during We are confident that no such opportunity has ever before presented itself to the buying pub|ic.of Kingston to purchase goods ofequal quality, such as we are offering at nearly half their value. OUR STOCK IS STILL COMPLETE, LESS THAN OUR USUAL PRICES. WITH .A. BEDUCTION ON ALL V CLASSES OFV FANCYNAND STAPLE I III- \-II" I '"I--'` ' AndI.IIoIIl1AllIoIII'Ol0l`BAU ucuaxuolusn. Uh- 2 CIRSAMOLD OUNDG. lthn Imlfonboourontrooohl Sol-I l'IIou. I |o.nu.ooup, umM.l;In.GoIII.. nlnrwdlltnnddlll > ) gAnnhotnrodonlyby'l'hou|ulouowsy.7lNov oxmm an. Inn an -< London. mml%I?mo Lnbolon thonoxu and Don. it no Innot 0130 I BIl`l'.I.DNDON.th0!u-olourloul. JOHN LAIDLAW & SONS. DRY GOCDDS {THE OINTMENTI nu-uh -..| nl n urnnunsl lo Lu ETIRINGUHEAPMLE Jud nu will for cold weather. Try It AT 1'3] BAIAAR. T j CLOAKINGS all reduced. K. J. McMAHON,* I02 Princess-st. OUR BETIRING CHEAP CLEARING SALE ~ BUOOEBBORS TO F. X. OOUBINEAU & O0. CLOUDS at Reduced Pribes. N OTWITHSTAN DIN G Cottons and Embroideries Cheapest at TIOKINGS, GINGHAMS AND SEIRTIL " 7. GARDINERS ~R. & J. GARDINER. OPERAHOUSE FRUIT mo ovsmz MARKET 1 CLOUDS Will ooutlnio ll Saturday. 8nd. Thou who have favoured us with 3 all are nth-_ led that 3 Clurlng Sula with no menu u H; induction in prices. See our 04 Blu- kou for 08. Och: prion oqully onp. OF FROM 35 TO 40 PER CENT WE `BEGAN OUR `uhnllroooucw Cu and! Mid bnooruln w:&r%A HJ nnlnnannl fmthcnnndllrcnuohlun. 81:01 and ma be used by the most delicate conauux alone w th perfect safety. It: t auooeu Ari from its beh insmnsieel 1 THE BEST VAL E IN THE ARKE1`, as well an t.ha~ oughly adapted to the-wants of the kitchen. has excited envious imitations of its name and up: (vearuoo. Bewnro of Iuoh.q No addition to or va.na.uon from the slmple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. _|.,__ '- -`Q1413 CLAW;/J. \:a.u.:.u-an - In Pints, Quart: and Small Kegn. which Judges pronounce the nest. In the city. P` -I- I I t\ I A l I'\ l'\ L I J_g_'_l'M:_f3CEIVED I Inna u-in nu-n-in $9 ~. LL) :1 A \.IliJ`l 1' |v\/:1. Lnunu . V -- unus- Itoontnlnn neither alum, limo. nor ammonia be used by the most delicate conautu mom w Lb nertoct safety. great , .'l \JI-'-IJJ 1.14.-L cuoxnllann BAx1"r&i"I7uwnnn _ `S A .P`."F 3V}_A?`_". `:`. _`'"". ... -:---w- -w--:- oaoton run! a unw noun sun onuu. pnsun an. 01.0- ` vnn:n'nuo'mt sun. 0 D: FRANKLIN IAnIII- Int-unn .JA%MESREDDEN, CHINA TEA sums, PRINCESS STREET, FERGUSONS BLOCK. we -T.`AvKE-i)lVJALE IN oun MOUTH T0 SH()\\v' YUU HOW to Mirkso TH ENDS MEET CAN MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET BY TAK- ING H15 TAIL IN HIS MOUTH. Uur t_ulc *5 true. and if you hood it, it will vu- nch you. Be economical and trade with l'\ll\ A \./ll\lI\-In uul Ur N FICKTIES, UNDERSHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, (:0 1'1) RATTEZN'B'UBY S- A _" This WHY be A rare opportunity to buy Robes. Coats. (`nun Mutfb lions; &c., an the entire stock is to be sold without reserve. A G005 1;tfzfn"s_ Zlvvei-c~7oza.t. Made to I order for $13. Lowevcr. if a bad man comes lnng will make him one for the same price. ""`l A I P` f'\ f'\ I" l I 3- W: `3AYf_ B05T0N7%"i5fTXf?STQRE U(R sfoaz __.4--- nnnnvu Q A. 3A Q1330 -Ir\ID$ t-I|n,ll U11 `ETU-DAY, r-'eb." 2r{d`.A 4,,` THE BlGjCLEAR|N G. SALE UI Iujij---2: Two Car Loads of the Ontario Brewing and Malunu Uo'a aunenor _._ Av I-n A\?I'\ T\I'\IIIl'I\EID tn xluuncrvuuo count.-nouns. N0. 10 (;luln,r.-v on n: .. Orvmlri Bnnxsu Auualcu Harm. ANY DOG vvvam u - ..--..-.- .. ..__. _ rude Mark on every packqze *1: UR SI unu Lluuuuu uu a sugar: I ar.ALE AND PORTER -n ._ n._._.___; n_...| Ir... ..m..b. Ind: GROCERIES, Lxquono. x'xKnuEErBa}._ BREAD, BREAD. We unto the loud in Qunlity md Variety. You can not Almost any shape sud style. Our Home-Made Brand in the Intent. Made only at -jg.-$1194`: No. 10 (.`LA1{E.\'Cl'J .S'T.. .m...u-u llnn-mu Auunuuu "'ITVl. :1 ONE DOOR BELOW ( I'l`Y HOTEL. FOR A CHOICE LOT OF` vvlnvi-Ir` nun:-nnrV.rnm\ nnvr Ann nnnt: THE OELEBRATED In I'I`l|II)III'I nlifrlin hnl boN"r FORGET? 'c_)y_EI_=2c;oATs. THE LARDEE 7 M..-"- "1 arlur on _--__-.L- _ |\z\.n u U u: nu unu mung }- TWEDDELL, V I\:\(\I\ n: I n 1' 1 vmv In BNIBHINGSI W ellinglon Street. .__,__ H0T__t_}LK.. ' .__`$E .. I...` _...- EV jd-JJ. .I.V lhnntr noon: A run or on usage. `Dock-toot cu lmkogn Dr. Bunk-. of (hu- Mgunggutqthounotmpw dipped in pa!- bdium ohlorklo solution. nmnnlng thdt such paper changes its mlur In praunco of [II tuning from lcaks hnporczjptiblo by the odu. 1.3:-[1-It ltnllwny lltutlun In than World. Tholnrg.--I :':-.il\~..:_\" station In the world In the one h:11:_-zuratozl at F`l'|nkfol't-on-(lb lumen th-- Nhof An;,1.-st. I88. ltcovuu gupunciw nf` .::5,m0 mature loot. Illtbuu-to_ an urges: :.-:tin.m lam-pl tho Sun: Fan- cms, Itl1`t;d-`.13 (l64i,I?l3 - .-`q to fat), and tho Biledn nation at Berlin (18),!!!) qunro loot). That of Frunkfcrt In donbhthodmof tho ` l_o ....u...l Iuu Iuluuuva; Tompaolfs Seuonn," Byron, Scott. 8hn.l:o- ` up:-are, The Wnudcn 0% he World," White`: Solbunu~." Reynolds` Discourses, Hum- boldt`: Ponmml Nu'raI.ive," l.len:bcl's "In- troduction to the Study of Natural Philoso- phy, Wordsworth. Coleridge, Milton`: Pub ulho Lost, Gray. Shelley. Scotti novels. lln Austen. Mn. Gnukell, George Ellochc `)8!- la: Mnnzor" and 'Denuynuo`| Enoch Anion. It wu White`: "Selbomo that rnt at him to watch the habit: of blnln. and Humboldt and- lion:-ho! who Ilnt "stirred up In no I burning and tn ndd even the most humblo nonttibutlon to {M noble Itructuro of natural utlmoc " Darwin`: Favorite Books. Hon :5 reading of Darwin`: biogrnphyan ` En;.:li.-almxan has ooznpilul the following list 3 of authors and books which Darwin mon- uonnu having given him tho most pleasure and stimulus; ~ 'B......_.,...V.. uQ....n.... V! n....... nnlt DI.-!-1L pI\.`.xuu 1' U: ulu uuun, Ll. Tuvunsider but the repeating : ::ch.a.ni:rn, tho Mauulicher gun may. as regards its aim- plicit)`, the strength 0! its parts, and inopera- tion. ho c0:1.\ideI'(sd as tho most psrfect om ; that has been undo upto the pros:-nt, say: the nuthorit y quoted. U II Il'\X.I KFUJ` I, lll `CI! ugub UCTTI PHIIK cnntu nin-_; live vartridgm To till the uu1;:1Lzxn", the soldier opens the gun. as shuwn in Pig. 3. and takes the fad box and iutnxluoas it. into tho mag- azinn thr-mf:h tho nvess In the socket until tho um .I has (-raxwxl the huok. H. During tlnsopvmtiun thu Inst mrtridgo. which rests ` upun the upper part of llv.~lo\`cr. U, fumed this pnc-cu to descend (Fig. :2). During the ring, the cartridges rim in cut-version under the uvtiun of the lover. U. and at (`.10 moment of (In mmnlu'.'liuu of tho Ins? x-:1rtridgoi:)to Um vhzxmlx-2'. the lover. oxperi:`m`i:!'; no fur- thvr ro.xis:.~m~:-, rmumcu its 'plnco (Fig. :1). and the favdiu-; box. Wbivh is nolon-31-r held. in thrown mtumnticauy out of tho gun by the pr_c,~3ul'1` of the hook, ll. 'I'.\nn|mi.IuI- hut than rnnnnv v - '~nh4|niI!n I (I'\;;"l I'-" "I `.1 AIL` with lixul uur,;a- zine undtlluso with a movable on 0. Beneath the breech sncllot there is a sum] plate magn- zixw, I-`, which con- mins the v:u'tridgo lcvvxg G. and the hook uf the feeder. LI. Tho rcpetition is comp!-aux! by 2- food box, I, uf very light steel plum. lIIlll'll1IlI'\ Hun nnldi.-r nnn-nu vhn run nu so. 3-u.umLxcn:n otx gun, the In-her we: I. . Illl` runl, \ , l'Hu'.n the bolt. D. untl fdrcus it to full and \ enter the nwxw`. E. ll :3 _:_n}ms BROS- .... . __......... n......_._......._- Austria. like Franco; has adoptaedjor the irmingnf her infantry E gun or sznalhtaliber, and has chosen the model shown in the he cmnpan_ving' cut. `All About the Mnnnlleher Gum lately?` Acloplc-I by Austria. 'h|cl| In Clulmod to Be tho Moat Perfect. One Made Up to the Pi-1'-sent. mmcs THA as SAID AND none In THE PROGRESSIVE wom.o. Fw\\'v1~: 'ANJD_`,PR'_0G_l{ESS. ulnun the .1] -I II II` apwn be ux tn-n THE BRITISH wnm. }'`Rl`nAY.FEl3. 1. uuywu-vruqo "Lu: J ." uyl J. N. Toopk, ol Orwell, On: ' on up dlphtlm-In In our nolghhm-hood. Doctor! no n In and (In . but! In pt right to llugordi allow OI sud hrmzght my children through All right." Yellow` Oil cum all painful oom- plslnu and lniuriu. I a-rnv -- u-v ---.--- ----- R- .131- ToY'_J}I37{ -9-` n (ulI|Ihl!I)II| unlrnn BIO nvorngo Ill lIC`IIlg unglunou Illa lou- ful In movomonl, and brave. Tattoo n In luhlonablo Among thim. but tho lane :1! dulgm and elaborate work In this rupoot In not an common on formerly. Through the oorh of tho missionaries. and from con- tact with the whlhu. they have rncnlly dlocudod the custom of going in I all-undo Itlh, and follow In 3 measure the Itylu ol drum and toy Europouu. Ina o.wuuunouu. I new nunurvu Irnuel npruent Iheormua, Engliah. and Ameri- can nntlom. The Polynoolnn tongue in gonarnlly and oven in the rollglom service: And chnntlng 0! Christina hymnl. but the English lnngnngo hu boon widely spread through the lmd by the etforu 0! tho Pro- testant Inlnmol-I. TL- Il_..--..- --g can `nu--n-4| -`L-gh-Ila Iuunt mnmmn. The Samoan: are well formotl phynloslly. snduapoo Io pooedlorbd more than Lln Avnrnan Inll`. dillli Ind (noo- AIIU uni-v-u- --v -v--- -v- --vu r--Jw uulugpgolo tho nvongo hoht. digni ml in nmnmnnt_ And bravo. Tattoo` otner meuae were pwpwu The Semoene ere regarded ee en inde- pendent people, end Ilthough numbering muuhleee then e century ego. ere now plain` ellghtly. About 30,0!!! of the pre- eeutgaooggletlon are re erded ee Preteeteute end . Cethollue. few hundred whltee --A-.._-A AL- fl;-n-nun |l`,nn.I\ men` A-ego`. The Fad-ta About I Great none of Con. tentlun Between the nurse Natluna. The Samoa Inland: have lately attracted more attention than usual on account of the rival interegu of we Americans. Englieh and German: centered there. The archipelago coaapuieee about L160 equnre miles, and a population eetimated at 36.000. The ielande are situated under the 13th parallel of eouth latitude. fhe ret man to explore the inland: an a French navigator, and it via: pro to call them the ugonville archi` pelago in hie honor. The word Samoa ie euppoeed to be derived from Moa, the hereditary name of the king of Man-Ia. In the Samoan language the particle ea prexed to apro r name elgniee the familv ol. Samoa,t en. in euppoled to mean the lanuily elMoa. A ......._..X.... Al eh. l-..:HtL-.- .-ml -nuns, ex mos. A oomperleon ol the tradition and popu- ler Ion of the-Polyneeien tribes leede to the belel the! the Samoan group in the parent land 0! Polyneeie. from whence the other inland: were peopled Th. gnennnnl Ara rmmrdnd an an lnrln. . mx uotuea, 5). n urul pa L uoune. An Indiana cnllrt hu decided that unless I woman is pleased with her photographs she need not pay tor them. H, says I crusty Imchelnr sditur. this in law the phmogrnph era in that sum may as well olzocure their cameras at once. Their vocation in gone. HIUUIBKIUHI are PUULIK I|. What en hances Lheheuuty of fine features more than A clear akin `.' Even plain feature: are male nttmctive by a good `g-omplexion. To secure this, purify your blood with Ayer a Sarsapnrillt. It has no equal. Price 8|. Six bottles, 85. Worth 8.") L bottle. An 'n."Ann nnllrl hm (IN-ideal that. unhnn IUTIHCUIUIL When a bride in China knows that she is to be married she must evince by word and manner the deepest melancholy, and she gain: commendation and repute if her In- meutationa are poetiul. What on Imnmu the hmnnv nf ne `suture: A LARGE STOCK. BOTTOM PRICES, DESIRE TO PLEASE, nun ATTRACT n-rmrrxou. nlnlllcul. PI'I,UlUIIlI! ovurywllcru Tl mend Ayer's Cherry Pectortl In the relinhle remed that can be had for c coughs, and li{ pulmonary disorders. {our druqgint for A_vcr`a Alnunnc, it in mat publication of the kind, and full ( formation. ll'|.-_ _ l.-:,l.. :.. l`L:_- l........- |..-A - peCl.Ily rvllreu lur FIIC ICIFIU. No one knows better thun those who have used Curter'n Little Liver Pills what relief they hsve given when taken for dylpepain, diuiueu, pain in the tide, conutipstion. And diuorderod ntomach. I\R RIO .......... l-.l:.. L-p.--u 6.. kg. `min: (IIIOTUCTQU IHJHIICH. Of 612 young Indian ion: to heve faint- ed more than one helf fell intu the Arms of ynung gentlemen. The number of those since married in not known. I.'.__l......s ...|... -..:....- .....-......|...-.. -.u...-. UrUrQ (l IIVUI} \IlII UIIC `Dill I IIUIC. Every day about 90,000 pounds of snipe are sent to Paris from Burgundy, Cham- nune, Provence and Poitou, where they are specially reared for the table. Nn nnn Inmwn In-Ln-r thnn thmm whn hnra RKl'\nHI UIIIUU CUKIIEVII Ill LIIIB lllkllllylry. Why don't you try Carter : Littlc Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick hendache and all the ills produced by dia- ordered liver. Only one pill 3 alone. Fun-v Juv nllnnf (NI INK} nnnnrln nf lninn [IVE Cure. VV . U. V` IIBUII` ulugglab. '1 here About 70,000 "lace makers in Nor- mandy, and in all France there are nearly 200,000 women engaged in this industry. \\'hv dnn't. vnu trv ('nrtor'n Littln Liver somma. Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, [)izliuess, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh`.- Vitalizer is B posi tive cure. W. J. Wilson. druggist. 'I harp About 7000!) "lane mnlu-.1-1: in Nm-. BLIIIB ny HEY pI'lllH.'|t'lIL`v Ill Lnc Knum The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer. of Bourbon. Ind.. says : "Both myself and my wife owe our lives to Shi|oh's ('ousumptio"u cure." W. J. Wilson. druggist. i Mrs, Humphrey \\'n.rd has paid hoaviLy for "Robert Elsln--re" in the way of ill health. She has sulfcred badly from in H . d. n mson, urugglu. Two Corean ladies, who are the rs! to set. foot on American soil, are now en route from San Fmncim-o l ; Washington. A \'n-ml inim-tnr from With um-h hnttln nf IIVUHI IVE TIHHUIHFU l I `I (SUIIIUHLUH. A Nasal injector fro:-, with each bottle of ` .9hilnh s(Iatrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. \\'. 1. Wilson, druggist. Kim: lnvrnfrukv ll nelehrntnnl Rmuinn PRINCESS mm. usovs svnmmum. u. 1. nuaou, urugglst. Mme. Lavrotfsky, a celebrated Russian ch:-as player, is said to have unmased a for- tune by her prociency in the game. Int] hung . clknrh nurnulf uml Inv uifn nun: ]l'I|"I I.lI)'|'VI'H ldlllfl lllIl'_V yfhl `gll. For 4.-uu;.;'ha uud unhls take the Dimnond Cough Remedy. composed of elecampam-., wild cherry and Ihnrehound. 25 and 50 ` cents a bottle at \\ale`s drug store. . 'l`|-an nu-.n'nn nf l\'nun.in nrnfurn l`....H.h UOOIKB (0 ["080 01 till) nului language. Shilolfs (famrrh Helm-:ly-a positive cure for (launrrh, Diphtheria; and Uanker-Mouth. W. J. Wilson, druggist. Twnlinrann isulinsx who are Hus rnl. tn nnx up n we 3 urug suuu. Howard H. Taylor, of Plymouth. has come into possession of $'28,7U0 by Lhu will of a New Orleuna nfun u ho borrowed $5,000 from Taylor's father thirty 3:-are ago. I-`nra-m1u'hnnml nnlala Lake the Himnnnd Cu D lX)[II8 BI `V Hill? 5 UYUK ILUl'e- The czarina of liuauin prefers E books to those of any other language. Shiloh`: (Tnmrrh Renu-:lv-annnit.iv no rreo rrom pain. l'I'Iw- z-`nu. At I dinner given on Friday evening by Mrs. Stanford at W.slniugton to sixteen of the senator's friends, hot-house strawberries were served that cost $3 I dozen. 1.1..-....-.n =. n..~...in nrlrn nulvn mu-an nnrnn and were lervea mar. cost. .2 a uuzen. Hanson : magic coru salve cures corn: and buuiona with three applications. 15c. per ` bnx up \Vad(-. drug stnre. Hmnmrd "H, 1`nvIur.0f Plvmnuth. hm: across ms paper. Bnclmcho in almost immediately relieved by wearing one of Curt! r a Smart Weed And Belladonna backache plasters. Try one and be free frbm pain. l'I'iv8.`Z5c. At A dinnnr nivnn nn Frialav nvnnina hv W. J. Wuaon, uruggust. " w. 5. Gilbert. of th- Hilbert. & sunivan rm, does his writing u: it table upon which the li ht falls from a mulliuned window in Rnnlulnhn in almost imnlediutelv relieved w. J. wunon, aruggm. The late Jnmea Parker. of Litchfield. N.H., bequeathed his enlire property, amounting to $20,000, to ;the Preabyterian church `of that town. u|.:I..|.".. r~...... ..,:n imn....li..onl.. ....1:....- l W. H. GARNUVSKY. 212 Princass-st. I 'l`ELI-JPHONE 2|. `