Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1889, p. 8

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UV!` ICV lijlo hAhoud 0` Itudh.g u"'-1,1`: c 0 can` ,0 romody. ruined a dual-hut: at It run. to any porno : who o In to Nlcllouou. N St. John 81.. Non uuameaa cnuege xor (H8 wmn-r. Very desirable building lots on Alice street, by auction, Friday, Feb. lat, 2:30 p. m., at Martin's nucllun mums. Anthnnu M4-Huhm rnturnmi this mnrnina LI||ll('-l'BlCU\' III IJUIIUS PIIIIU. W. J. Smith and H. II. (larnegie. of I Gnnnnoque, have arrived at the Kiqguon- business college for the wintv-r. \.'nrv llnnirnhln Inuilalina Inf; nn AH:-n LNITDIII 8 IIICIIOD TOOIHB. A number of ship cwrpenters from Porta- mouthare repairing lmrges owned by (I. F. Gildersleeve at Jones Falls. m 1 u...:.|.. -....a I.` u v.........:.. -: IHDOMT. ' The Kingston and Smith`: Fall: railway company has not yet begun I survey of the proposed line. _ \.p nlnn nf Alina treat Int-1. wxll ha -nld propuucu une. plan of Alice street lots, will be sold by auction on Friday, Feb. lat, 2:30 p. m., Martin`: auction rooms. A .......l..... ,.l` ..I_:.. .............a....... t-..... I).._L- uoc. ; The tenders for building of Bntt.ers9_a I new school will be xoceived up to Saturday, Feb. '9zh. ' V \|' L'..II.. I. 1`- L.. 1-.. I -.. L`...I4|.`- L`..lI.. .... . 1'3". VH1: W. Kelly left .to-day for Smith`: Falls on business in connection with the knights of l labour. 'm.`.. I.":.....;-_ __,1 a...:.|..-_ 11.11.. ...:|....... IVUUKWUIDU ylllln [H8 sum 0! U,D`H).Un). "Is an accordion It mudicul instrument? Well,` those who have heard it say it i `, not. ` U ` "I`I... o-..:l....- t__ l...:l.H..- 4.` D-aL-...-..' The splco 0! Every Day. Ufo-Whnt the Publlo i?3"'l`g|k|ng About-Notl|1u`g El ms)-,5 the Attontlnn ol rlion Who In `fauna Notu. Hardy`: prices in sheetlnk and cotton good: are lowest. For genuine Scranton No. 4 con! 30 to `the GM Wnrlu yard. The new, scarce shade; in dress good: opened up this weekht Hardy s. - Nnwhnrn In-`t um-k Halt: thin wan naruy I. - bet your IHIIIIIEI early. During 1888.` there was expanded Roukwood assylum the sum of $6,545.63. In an n.msnrsli.m u mmiimnl inntrnmnn CIUUKGM. J: IL Mclrer was olocto-I1 director in place of the late A. Muculialer who had two years to nerve. Regret was expressed at the demise of Mr. Mnoulinter. The services he rendered during his connection with the board were manifold, and his wine counsel and great busiuesl experience were greatly appreciated. uponau up ml! week at l1II.I'uy 3. Newborn lat week, Delta this wee taking steps for a high school. New spring ulaterirrgl inst opened It Hardy's. Get mantles early. Duriunv ISHH.` tlmra exnendod on PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP., BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. ` ` zxcrbms OF Tmmu. . J. Cumpbell'I , the beat Ibock r, also the beat the bride. M r. Bury A. Livoll. ol Quota`: oollorarun who gnonnman. All vu crown- odwthouunpulou horvlon. A the may pnuntn to the bride Inn 0 golol mob. pmaud by the choir of wlnlol ulio wu orpnht. We with Dr. and In. W. A. [Aral] A hnnin Inli tlnn--II Illa, SIIIIIII I I` IIII. The event occurnd at the Iuldouoo of l r. M. E. Shaphord. brother (I the . Thoy won married at u o'clock I: the durnoon. Hid that the voddlng on par took the Inn: for the want. They ro- mcln any hr some Gino. Dr. hull la 3 nuts 0! the II oollogo. Kingston. I and I! present no on onoulvo pncsloo 3! Smith`: Falls. Ho lndnotho lodor o! the Methodist nhuroh oholr than and NO ohumln wile bu boon luorgulnfor an. The dounldu at an. -..MI..., mm. m....L...A .4... .0 T."3}.'2.'7i.'u 75. ".'2r{""1'~'i.'."'b'r's' the wedding. I lltllth Shepherd, that of the bride, and Ill: 8. Shophord. Mloo ol III. hldn. I`. nnrrv A. Lnvnll. nl Dunn'- Ila-_ n. anopnora. nuoo ol Inc nnuo, I Mr. Lovell, IQIA.I'nI who nl-nnnnnmn All -n am-m. mo vu orpu-I. wovun UI'. and In W. Ar hulls hop unit through Illa. WIIIIIIII u IaIVU||\ H-1!-. DIIIIIIII I'IllI. wu unllnd In Insrrlagc co H , oldnu duughtcr of William Shoplur . duo of Smith`: Fslll. 'l`I.4 gu.-A ......_-..I .6 sh- -.-IJ.-._ -1 II- A` . I). I I Jullma [J Ind II. elected. I IV A Fortune Male and Inn. The creditore of Ce t. John Henderson, proprietor of the Hentfennn home, Belle ville, met It the eheviH'e Tueedey when the eeeignnr e liabilities were found to be 89,111). end hie eeeete &\i,(Xl). Thomee Keleo end Weeley Bullen were eppolnted lne tore. The neelgnee wee inetructed to eell e hotel xturee end the knitting worke' plant. In yeeteecn Ce t. Hendereon in pro rietor olthe Defoe onee. end eooulnnlet con- elderehle puo Ierty. He wee one of the vic- thne of the enitobe boom end loet C10,- IXX). In I884 he took oherge ol the old An lo-American, ohenged the nine. end en eevored to repeir hle ehettered fortenee. but, en the melt shove, without euueeee. Hie gene:-one. freak neture eeoured him e hoet of ltlende. General eympethy II ex- preeeecl for him In Me lent nnlefortune. Dr. W. A. lAvoIl-Ilu laugh Ihoplorcl. At Port Hope, on Wondoorhy. Jan. Nth, Willhm A. Lwoll. M.D.. Smith`: Falls. u-an nnllnal In Inn:-n-{Ann n Anal. nhlnno A Visitor From Perth. Rev. A. H. Scott is here to lecture to- morrow night under the auspices of the Queen`: university Y. M. C. A. Mr. Scott hsd special privileges while travelling in Norway and Sweden, and his description of scenes by the wsy will be interesting. Mr. Scott is greatly pleased with his work in Perth. During the lost yesr the revenue of the congregation was about 85.5%. The Imsnagimr bosri for home purposee handled nearly 83,000. Apsrt from Sunday school and other congregational ex uses the church has given outside of ltse I over 82.- 000. 'lhe Eco le have decided to proceed at once wit J: erection of s new and hand- some church building. an ornament to the town. Some 06,000 is subscribed. It is proposed to spend $.'Il),(XX)on the new build- ing. , uuuuu -nun nu, -u vuvv. (/`hurled Hay, deputy-reeve of King!-tun township, met with a very severe ecci-u .r on Tueedny night. He was feeding turn-,.~. to his cattle late in the evening, eml, um-,. ing uver to remove eome of the feed from one cow to mother one. wee caught. in Vlh: eye by a horn of one 01' the lllllll whirl: hooked at the other. A serious wound in the eyelid and much bruising of the eye and part: about it were the result. l)r. Dupuiu was called about ll o'clock .m. The cut in the eyelid required six hue stitches to keep the parts in place. It will be some time before he will be ehle to attend to bueineen. There will in all probability be some slight deformity. U |\\ U OI Elle IUICBI COUHICIU (`I (ne CI], 0. Hyillynrd Cameron and Mr. (dfl0l'W&l`dl Sir) Mnnhow C. Cameron, And the prosecution for the crown was conducted by James 0'Roilly, Q.C., Kingston, all of whom have put: (I away. The denth of Sir William . Richards, preuiding judge. remove: the hat of the principal actor: in that memorable trinl' ' tuwuivla nu u anuunnuulc acuuu. Somelnudy recalls that it is twenty-one years since the asmgesixinticxu of D'Arcy Mc- Uee. The trial of Patrick J. Whelnn, took place in the old court house, nince de- srroyed by fire; in the precincts the body of the Auauin now lies. Whelon Wu defended b two of the nblest counsel: of the tiny, J. illvnrd Cnmernn and Mr, lgflm-wnrdn .\`ir\ GUI-IIEC Ul lilli llrI'IQ`H| )9i|:l` LU Iulnl nl. nil.` aiont` The grsud lodge of Quebec withdrew its edicts pending negotiations. R. T. Wal- kem also udxlreaaed the meeting. and his remarks were roueivod with long sustained applause. n.. 1. n uuxem. urauu master 0! me (iraud Masonic Lodge of Cunauu, is now in Montreal. He has been uctingu mediator to adjust the ditferencen between the grand lodges of England and Quebec. The grand loge of Quebec has accepted tho mediation, and Bro. Wnlkem goes to England in the course vi the preuenl year to full his min- union?` The: nrnml Indus nf Duo.-Ium whlulrnw vwlulu. uu nu luv vvul Illa Mr. A. ll. Smith, general inspector of the (treat North-Western telegraph company, has been appointed superintendent of C01)- struction for the same coin uny, vice Mr. Jnmea Ponalie, resigned. ilr. Smith has had large experience and in one of the moat competent telegrnphera in the country. His many friemls will be glad to hear of his pro- motion. He iaa brother of A. T. Smith, nmmtger of the Kingston telephone ex- change. The Hotel `A rrlvulml Arrivals Al: the British American Hotel- W. E. Uighe, (J. B: Lowndea. J. Bernie, C. A. Dobson. D. J. LeRoy. R. A. Burton, ` Dr. and Mrs. Sweetman, Toronto; R. Hamilton, W. Rnsdford, W. Malcolm W. B. Fraser. Montreal; D- Monroe, S. Mc- Le-.nuan,('-oruwall: R. I, `zatling, Hart- ford, (.7oun.; G. F. Biughnm, New York; W. Harrison, E. E. Brewster. Brockville; W. Mntherson and wife, Pertl` ; A. Morri- son, J. I. Urillin, London`. UU\i' (UY'('CI0l' NH" B IIUIIIIIIT term. All the non resident directors, Messrs. \\'. Robson. Whitby; L. Silvernmu. Mon~ weal; John: Jibsnn, Strntford; L. Ferguson. Nt. Fhomus: John Richards. Fredericton. N. It: IL Hrt-nmer. (llmrlnttvlcmn. } .E.I ; I). (louklin, Wumipx-g. Mauilulm: Robinson, of Prescott, won: re` aha.-Incl IIJK IIIIII "II II, Iurellellu. While shunting at Deaeronto junction on Tuesday night. I passenger car of the Bay of Quinte railway collided with a box car. and the platform of the passenger was badly damaged. ' ' ` - _ llrnvvrllll I ll llullllu `James Briugh, reman on the `Bay of Quinta railway, Deneronto. met with a pain- ful accident on \\'ednesh\y morning hy,a. brake wheel falling off a'b ux cur anu strik- ing him nu the forehead. \VhiInnI||1nna nl `Mann!-nntn nnnt3nn An Couelneuu & C0.'I_lIlIIll OlIlIO. The ifhittlou lgetween F. `X. Couaineeu & Co., of the Bon Merohe. Ioronto, and the insurance companies that had issued policies on the former : big stock of dry goods that win recently damaged by fire` has been con- cluded. The face value of the policies was shout. 850,000, and Messrs. Coueiuoau & Co. were allowed $17,000. About 33 1-3pcr cent. of the total insurance on the stock. _ A Promlunont Oltiun Under Arruf. Intense excitemont has `been `caused in -Broglgvilio by the arrest of Prof. Kaufman, 3 well known citizen, charged with nuerioul felony. The one in I peculiar one. To marrow A legal investigation will be made." Particulars, aifvod from the muse of conicb ing rumors, are of an astonishing character. The arrest has been the talk About the hoI:elI_ here to-day. 4 . 111"-.1-vlJl.I.'|.I IIIIE alvlllllilull. R. 1'. Walkem. Grand ;\1mer,ot cm` Irnml \h.m.nE.. lr..l.m ..f l`.......... :. ....... :.. Actun In A Momuruhle Scone. AT HYMENJ ALTAR. Getting on In the world. A I) L-_,_:._L _ _ _ . ...I:,_____,.__ A:-copied the Meullatlon. \I'..Il...... l`_._.._I \I._;.. LATE LOCAL nws. l Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ` . . . , . 810 83 The treunror. Daniel Callaghan, pre- sented hie vnrious sutemenu. \\'. Dunn and B. H. Uurnovsky were re-elected direc- tors for three years and R. Meek as I new director for n aimiliur term. All elm. nnn I-nah`;-hf AI.-m-any-u Klmu-4. Hooked by an Cow. II ,, . A Deuurnntu llolugu. .`.|. c_-,__-_ _,, CI I'I'UZ%llUIj `dd; c:):;'y-IIIII hlh duo! or deal. colder eomlghc or to marrow. _ Q Hndqunrunl and Gudnu Hoods. hnhn I`n.InIlv Hm JOSEPH FRANKLIN, Windsor Hotol Block. Princess Street, UDJII FD F-10 I MINI; WHIIIIOAI. IL!-U rownbnokw at our, 82.25 per owl: ran, no; mom. O94: ohoppod food, 92.: per ton : puuod Iuy, (I8 per ton. Cnnninlprnhln wood has Inan Innnuhf in pur mu ; prvuou nay, we par IOII. Connidernblo wood but bun brought in during the past with and In been picked up quite freely at from It to -1.50 pot coral. ICIIIULIB` `UV LU IMIU WI HUI ' Illu UIIIJUCIIICI, Illa er quart. T no grain market has not been so (lull in your: an is in at present. Thore in no zu- tivicy in it, and not likely to bonny until the spring. A few loud: on-in ddly. The quotation: urn: Wheat, 8|; barley, 55c to 000; outs. 360 ; ryo. 550 ; buckwhoot. 40 ; corn, 68 for old, 550 for new. Flour, $5.60 to H 3!) par barrel : anneal. 35-50 9 -75 barrel; oornnaod. 31.411 HHIVIU U" HCUUIAHK U1 IIIUIIIUUIH \\ IIU IIIUU III 1 the pn:\.'lullS year, five of these having died ` in MRI. One died several months previous, .__,hut inning to the heirs of the deceased mem- ber xwgleciing to tuke nut letters of admin- istmtiun the claim could not be paid for a. length of time. Two death claims have lmun left over from last year to the resent, in one came because letters of gum` iunship have not been taken out in favour of a minor, and in the other case because proofs of death were not furnished till subsequent to `Dec. 31st, 1888. The number or assessments mude wus seven. The benets paid in Class B amounted to $7,000. Four payments of ``~'>()(I each were made on account of members u ho died towards the close of I887. Ten payments of $500 were made to friends of deceased members who died during the year. One member in this class died so recently that the payment of the claim could not be - mule before the Illst Dec. last. The num ber of` deaths during the put year in this class wu eleven and the number of assess- ments mode four. The iulnm-n nu k-.n.I urn .,.. full.-H... . Putatooa, 45a to 50 per bag; paranipa. 50 per bag; cnrrou und llll`lllDI, 40 per bug ; boots. 45 per bag ; cabbage. 40 per dolen : betas, {L75 per bush, and onions. 8| to SL2!) per bunh. Annlnn II in On (0 run |.|.l . n.-.n.n.- .n.l on w .111: per uuun. Apples. 81.50 to 82 per bbl ; orange: and lemuus, We to (ion: per do: md cruubertiea, Illa nnr u||nrL Butter in coming in slowly just now and in only bringing from 20 In `2.R- per lb; egg: are vror.h 250 to 30 per dozen for" fresh stock. [)...-A.__. A-.. A- :n,. __,_ L... _..___s__ 3.... ` "'i;.'."c.....""'`n""'.'i}' mfondmiauuun moth: old as V -$t `III Qua.--WI|u and Jamil- Q01. per In ; rcuuereu EIIMIV. ac to age per ll). White tilh nud salmon trout are worth Mu per lb : pickerel nnd man. So per lb, and pike tic. Uyltorn, 40c. 30c And 604: per quart. Hnnnr in nnruinu in uh-uh: inn! nnu nml .wm an '11 . - y ur.Btr_ou on our I-N.` PCT PIIT. Hides. 30. 4c and 5c per lb; sheepskins. 500 to 80: ouch : dewoun. 25 In 350 each ; cllfnkina, 40a to 50 each ; wool, Mic; to 18 per lh ; rendered tallalv. 5-; to 55 per lb. Hlirn lh and smlmnn lrnnl gm mm-oh ll urul. gfhero in some demand for beef, the cold weather having made it pouiblo to hop it preaerved. There in plenty of it brought to market, nod `price: are fairly modernto. Good front quortern bring from $2 50 to 84 per cwt. and hind qunrten from $4 to 8. ) 50 per cwt. Pork bring: from 87.50 to $8 per cwt. Mutton is worth from 60 to Sc per lb. Hum and bronkfut bacon ore worth Me to 1.30 per lb; fnrmerI_'_nide|. l0c to Ho per lb, and bun-olled port. 318 to I19 ; nu N angel, We to l2.: per ll). fnrkavn urn worth from NH tn |*2lr~ mu- ; aageu, mo IO 12;: per m. ` furkoyu are worth from 103 to l'2c par ll ; geese. 60c to 80c_uch, and fowl: 500 tn ..\.- nur ngir ` Ncl'gain furyenr . 673 The benefits paid in Class A during the year mnounted tn $22,000, but from this amount six pavmenta of $1,000 each were maulu on account of members who died in ' .l .1... .._,......... ....... 52.... ..f 9..-..- I. .u 5 Sc:-Io. UUI 75 per pnir. Hixln, 31-, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Kmasrtix MAVHK-HTS. Kl.\`(:s'l`0N, Jan. .`lO.-'l'he week: just now go quietly by. Business in dull. The mer- chants Are all stock-baking and some of then look very blue. The markets are well at- tended, and prices have got down to bottom gures. Thnra in mm: ah-mnnd for hon! than nnlul Ullllllllllg llll: III! UNI UU HHIIUICIIP H II the race was decided in that way. lfo:-eu'n.< better in a long race and agreed for threu heats. If his request was not ILCU8de(l to he would not enter. After some time the skaters consented to go threo heats. Parent sto -l at the head of the line of skaters and criel, One, two, three, 30 5" Several but`. starts were made, and at last the skaters were allowed to plunge ahead. They inade sorne desperate strokes, but before the first heat was finished they struck aregulsr gait. Willie Keene was the favorite from the start, and pushed a long way ahead in the first la . He maintained his lead easily, with Holder is fair second. The other skaters, came in the procession with the champion last. The second heat was finish ed in the same order. Delaney gave up the slrttgle before it was finished. ' There was a clrm,_'e in the third heat. Keene was first and l\lu.\'Iece. second. 'Holder was third. The other skaters were not in condition, and count-qnently gave A bad account of thelnselvcs. After the race three cheers were uiven for Keene and a procession was formed. One of the men carried a Union Jack in front. The skaters and a number of friends repaired to the Albion hotel, where they dined on 'oysters. Speeches and songs were given in an enthusiastic style untila late hour. Next month the American opera comp.my will eoppesr in II '1 rovutole" and "Faust. l'I\ IjIIt- -NI. UUTIID 9n_qou_E corguImssIon_%ougz.T IOITIIA I. `I'0(;; IAIIITI uvnuroox. oo1;on mun. Llvnnmm. Jun. II Illlll VVUHI WHY (ICIIKHLUIL .-\ rope was secured, and with it the ice was circled -and the spectators kept inside. On the outside of the rope a course was re- s-.r\'ol for the skaters. * N. B. Parent was clinsuu as starter, and set things in motion with the blast of a fog-horn. The clerk of the course was Assistant Superintendent Taylor, who was heeled with a pair of the best Acme skates. He followed the skaters through the heals, and with him in their wake jockeying could not be ractised. The contestants were Messrs. Me iece, Aldred, Delaney, Caswll, Keene and Holder. A` discusston arose as to the number of hei|i8'iU` be hall. The majority decided in favor of two. McNiece, the champion of last year, would not adhere to any such agreement, claiming that he would be handicap d if } c una huff.-r in Al lnnrr rum: and mfrnn for Mars. LIVIIPOOI. OIIIII IAIIIT. UCL'lll'I'D(I. W35 IOUKUU IIPDII 5` [I10 cnlm Ion. Previous to the starting of the rtce I; urge crowd of people gathered toJlee__the tun and went away delighted. _~\ rmm was nm':urmI_ and with it the inn cuss n Spvvinl deposit . . 1-`mnlumw Loam Society. An Event of Interest Among the Em- pluyou an the K & l'.`"IhIlwny-A Largo Attendance Atruood-'l'ho 0lolu_ of the Content and II 'Jo|IIlIent`lon. Among the employee: of the K. & P. R. comgzny there are some very ne nkateru, and side: being able to cum grape vines and other fancy designs on ice` they bout of the speed t.heycnn attain. A year ago they arranged [or 5 content, which proved very interesting, and wu woh by Me. McNiece, who. up to last night when I necord content. occurred. was looked upon an the chnmrion. Previnnn tn the ntnrtilm of the rum 1; Al-an IT IS wbn mo wm-o GREAT rs: BY W. H. KEENE. ` ANNUALN'SiKATING TEST. .% ~ Wont PI-oloblmho. .I-,,A_, , IAL I u. A IIOLIIILI AID IIIAII. IIAP nllllllll AD cuss A` Spoci :1 deposit. . . . . . . . . . . .. Frontenac Loam Society .. `l`he_ ltoport~ol' thd` Dlhntun and the Hun!- ngu Pol-forllnod During the Pgut Y3r- Tho A'mouiu Pnld Outta the Families of Doooned Broth:-ou-'l'ho Dlrgotou Who no Elcctod. The Annual meeting of the Oddfollowa relief usaocintio occurred Int gvoning in CI- mrnqui lodge room. Among those from I instance were Lenggml Ferguson. St. Tho- mas; J. Rublnaoii, Prucott; R. W. H: - dr, Almonte; 1-`. R. McLennnn, iornwal ; W. H. Fugo. Guluuoque. The annual re-. port of the director: was preaemvd. By it we learned that in accordance with the onion of the uaocintion, Clash C. was en- tabliahed and now has n memln-ruhip of 309., The membership on Illat Dr.`., I888, was as [follow 3 I: UCHCB "LIUU tour. The balance on hand are as follows : XII Ill yllt BIC IUIIIIIX 0| IIIU IIIIIII `won urown duo tlntnok lot thin dia- unco. Two can the cum on non push- ed out buwoon thin and Guuoqno. Thu ninnr at tho an n In 3 Klnnhnhn. THE ANNUAL Msarme HI:LD m_ KINGSTON LAST EVENING. 1EQv1DExT0DpFELL0Ws' Divided as follows : First Class... . Hunnnd (Flam. First Ulaao. Ho,-oond L`lnss.. " hinl C ass . Fourth Clnaa . cuss Mennbera by last a ud!L.. Applications accepted .. CLAB8 A. Members by last rupnrt.` ' .-wplioatloms owceplcd. . .. 'l 0u_1l. . . [Mod .. I'm-fa! KINGSTON MILLS. Ton! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Died. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fox toltod & withdrawn. `Mom bcrs in all classes IOWXIII III JUUII I13`-HI VIII IIII WK IITICI noun: min _&lng out ud d ` I tlyudn. romnlnoltlnnnmal warn nu-awn nlnnn IL: hunk lnr duh tlh. Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forfeited at withdrawn. Present membership. . Tom] . .. Present mennhcrghip. . for tho boat. 4.) ,1 .|-_A_--_ ..is.2s9 .59 4 $5000 ND rl . 1.103 . 1.177 . M9 1.177 . 1,428 :90 . 2.861 3 CI 0!` WIWIOII Illll The drum: at an on In n.:'tuptuIhn.' mung I of Into. VV. :1. 0I"I'lI. II'IVIllUI' I'0I' W. U. HIT` Nu : wholcuk uddlory outuhlhhmont. saw I been Inbl hilt drlvi ......::. W ' ' "- IWIIVU XII` OX DI IICI WI". Ill'IVIIl' but 0! lluhov. 00.. [urban Lu noolnd from Mr. Bldu Inhuoqmnooolthouuuhryuup of stain. nvurguvuy UIIII GUVU -Ctr Nico olou Itulutl bony In lnnlurno and bacon lo., cooking npplu No. pooh. lemon ad onnnon u. dolon. tonn- uou loo. onn. nllon oufluuo Plums (Om, gallon an apple 25. Jun: Lruvford. A llevleev of the uuhetlon of the County Oonnoll Salary Vuto. Jen. `29.--I see our new county fathers, in meeting essomblod, have voted them- selves on noreese of ealsry per diem. Thin proves that s mejorily of tho oouncll are pueeeeeed el tho llrst elements or sound etetesmanehip. for in politics, es in nature, "self preservetlou ie the lint lee-. There is on elemontol in uetioe in e reeve end deputy receiving mm the township only the some emonn! per yeor es e ooonoil-nan. They Iney. perhaps. nuke it up in eome other any. or in some oesee. ll hnelneee men, It mev he s hel hot onhide ol this. it they lqhour lelthlnl y nod ooneclentlooely. roost eeorilloe in tlrne end money ler more that the nnoegre eelnrnelioed. Thle is especi- eily trnellthey lerrnere. Then, too. on nonlnetlon d listen to the epeeehee ol sverege: men; how lnneoonely he shuts the hnrden of everything onto the shoulders ol the poor reeve. drove his pey. and is very often elected sin lor being; so nnodeet. This is` very 'eotory to him but not to the reere.--There ls elrnoet an epidemic oi slehneu end oer phyelnlene ere very hnsy.-One ol our Inerohente hes tehen to printer- s loh.-Firet yeer'e sliver call in St. Ilery`e church unonnted to 0785 ; Fr. Qnlvall In-alvnel III) at (`In-Inksnal BI. HII11 cnurcu IIIIDIIT I0 '11` Spun nulvotl I101: Chrbtunl. DUTCH UITK UIUOC III HIIIIIIEUTC W `I50 [0 HQ neon. W. I). McR.ae acted as musical di- ractnr. The program was carried out in I most satisfactory manner. Mine: Waltz And Waon, Maura. Milburn sud George Fax. Bolleville, Min Bothwick. Mr. H. .-\_yluwort.h and Mr. Belford, Deuerouto, warn the India; names on the rourauune. But it In: George Fax. of Bel oville. who carried tho nudicuoo by storm b his inimi- cnl rondcrin of comic son 0 Mug four time: And I ndly roupon ed to as many oncorot. The mcompnniatn were Mn. H. B. Ruthbnn. Min Walker and Mrs. Fax. In every some of the term the: concert In: a grant um-ecu. llollevlllo Vorullnin Warmly Received It Dun-emu.-A (3-nulna Suooou. DI:.~'|I:Rn,\"ru, Jun. 30.--The annual concert of tho` llcseruutu veunou club came of with great oclul. Int evening. There an I very lnrgv uttendnuce, tnu hall being crowded to the doors. The club had, with gmat tune and skill, docoratad the hall to the very point. of perfection. The Inc-kgrouud of the stage WIS featoonenl with Britinh sud Ameri- can rings. with n centrepiece composed of puddles, uauoe club -xgu, ow Beside: thin there was I very hnmloome canoe under full nil. This craft was the `1!ar." owned by I-`. S. Ralhbun, captain of the club. A birch bark canoe in mininture was also to he __.... I\' II lI..D_... ....n. J -- ._...-:....I J: GAUGE, WI! III!` CIIMIIKIIIC. Among those who went eut yeabordny was Mr. R. R. Elliott, editor of the U);- briuigo ("hrom"Ic (formerly of the N: 00 .\`I.1u.lu:-(I). and now chairman of the egis- lntive committee of the knight; of labour. He will see that. our parilumenurv friend! do not forget their duty to the worltingrpen. RIHKIIOH. Rev. Mr. Walker was in Quebec on Tue day night. attending the rnt ordination of I Bupliu clergyman that In: over occurred there. W. B. Hutchinson. B. A., the panor- eiect, was the candidate. Am.m.p rhn... ml. ..-....t ....o ..--o-....!... IIOIIIIG XI`. WIVIIIIII KIWI. VII INOX open by the outdo About ON yard: Inn of Rldau nation. Ono ol the con VII push- ed out by the other: and tunblod down the embankment. but not nrlouoly hurt. After the train paid on aha wnlkod up the cm- bnkmont to the tack and was pnuodlng tnuuvln RI Inn nhon than ulna tn nn-mi W. H. Norris. tnvollorfor W. C. Mur- In'| -hnlnnnln nntllnnt nu!-lull-Iunnnl an |3 lltlfllillllg LU It? IUIILIVU HUIIUU. IUTOHMI. Crossley and unter do not expect to close the Detroit meeting": until the end of February. They hope to reach Peterboro by the lat of March. Then they come to Kingutou. REV MP `v'h' IHIIII-ll nllhgi IIZ TIIQI. KKIIYCIIUIUPII QCIIUUI III! TIUSPIINIB. Dr. Dalragh is luokiug after Dr. Preston's practice at Newborn, while that gentleman is attending to l!ial1ti\'e duties. Toronto. (Tron.-alnv anal untnr (In nnt. nvnm-Q On ` HIGH. Dr. Parker, Westport, in home from New York, where he has spent a course at the polycliuiual school and hospitals. Hr. l)a|rauh is Iunkino nfmr I)r Pr:-Atnn a ' llllptfl llll [`UllUl'll|.IUIl, UH FUD. `Ian. Fred Dawry. commercial traveller, is re- newing acquaintances with the business ll'lI'I I -soplo Whnao Dlovolu-.-nu. Suylngn and llulncl Attract Atnmtmn. Dr. Rockwell, Fmukford, will`at.arI: for ` Duluth on February lat. Primsimxl Grunt will lmvhn-n in nnu-n nn ` Illlllllll UII reuruary II(- Principal Grant will lecture in Ottawa, on lmperinl Federation, on Feb. 4th. Frml llawrv, nnmmnri-inl fnuvnllnr in rn. Ulllllilll llllflllg IQ xuueral ECFVICO. While the frltlinls of the late Riclm'rd- Holmes were attending his funeral on Sun` (lay, his son-inlaw, Willinun Root, aged cightylwn years, (lied at the reside-ncu of John Mackie, near Lake llni-la. Mr. Root married A daughter of Riclmrd Holmes. She has been lead several years. His home was any (,`urry'a Mills, nhhve Westport, but he came down to may this winter with Mr. Mackic, his sou-in law. (ILICLGU Ill Ell llnpl'F8l\/6 manner. [he procession of team: which preceded and followed the hearse was nearly. I mile in length. and it is estinnted that over a thousand people were in and around the church during the funeral service. `\'hill: the frfhuln nf the lain Rinlmnlw HIHIIIIT UUCDUIUIL ` The Rev. _l\_ir. Taylor. l"nsnkville. preach- ed nngppropriate sermon. at the conclusion of which he raid the funeral service of the church. Then followed the beautiful cere- mony-of the mnsouic order, which was con- ducted in an impressive manner. flu! nrocmninln nf tmunn whivh nrmemlml 0IIIIlIl$l I0 III IIIOI IQ! WK PIT cowards Bijou: station when tho run amok ; I... Jmh o-J- -.l-- gggb .-4| A--..)` [HO IIIIIUY IOU!!! OI CHO IIUIKHUUUTIIUUII. On Sunday a number of masons drovn out to the family residence and headed the fune- ral procession to the village. On reaching the oiitskirts of Athens the cortege was met by a procession of nearly one hundred ms- suns, who had come, despite the very (lis- agreenble weather from Broclrville, N ew- born, Dales, Mullorytown, Kingston and elsewhere. The procession was escorted by the village band to the Methodist church. where the last sud rites were performed in the presence of the largest congregation` which ever assembled in this on A similar occasion. TL.` D- lln 'l`....l.... l.`_.._|...:lI.. ..._-....L umy u so me morning or msueun. On I. sone hundredth nnniverur of his birth, when visited by his brother reame- sons. he mule 3' request that they would attend and consign him to the tomb with the rites of the craft. On the news of his death reacliiugthe muons here they at once set to work 00 carry out the wishes of their deported brother. and word was sent will the sister lodges of the neighbourhood. (in Sumlnv A mnnhs-r nf mnnnnsi drove; out .\unvuu IDUPIII nun .,. On Friday evening intelligence was brought to tho vill that tho centenarian Richard Holman h died that Sfternoon At "his renldonoo hour Plum Hollow. The old pu.tl`l&l 0lI hu boon in romgkahly good nenlth for the put. few In In . Even up to the day of his death he a owed wonderful vitalit . He was up and dressed every day `thin winter. and was able to move Around the home with; little nniatauce. Hi: men- tal fucultiol remained unlmpnlred `to the last. Ho conducted family devotion: regu- larly u to the morning of lnlldoith. Un I. a nun hnmlrndth nnnivarnnrv of hi: ltwlohnrd llohnon son, (a nun; Ann 3 frlnn I country at (Ale. Aghens Reporter. n- I.`_l.l.... .._l_.. I... .l_A-II........... lvorybody Iluc Ion Iona-. ._ _I-__ -A__l__.I L-___ l_ I_-AAI_. CANOE CLUB dUT(3ERT. . THE bLp`r' MKSON DEAD. [. PERSONAL MENT :ON. wow: ISLAND; -THE -BRJ TIsH WHIG. Tf.{URSDAY`;'-JAN. `so. .\ in Action In Wlilch the Locomotive Com- pany in (in-ally Interested. Before the court of a peal, Toronto, the mic of the Kingston omotive G0. vs. fopeland. was appealed from the judgment of the Queen's Bench divisional cournserting side the judgment of Cameron. U.J.. at the trial at Kingston for 8432.2`). in favor oi the plaintiiis, and directing judgment to he entered for the defendants for $`. ll.0S. The defcndauts were the owners of the `5-Jhl`. l.dward Blake, which was engaged hy the laintiiis to can a cargo of coal lrnin \'anlualLy, Ohio. to ingston in the autumn of l38.'l. The freight charges were to be -`$1.50 per too if the cargo were delivered in HOS3, and the going rate at the time of de- livery ii delivered later, the danirern of navigation, re and collection excepted." The vessel (lid not arrive at Kingston till April, I884. having been obliged to unload at Port Dalllonsie and go into dry dock for repair. The plaintilff cone ess refused to accept the coal and diacla med all title thereto. /The captain of the schooner re- fuse-lto deliver unless paid 81.50 r too. although the going rate vac onl LN at the time. The cargo alter a d ay of ten days was unloaded on the lalntiu` wharf, they recslvi it so what `are. and van aiterwarda d by consent and bought on hehali oi the ooosigness. The action is brought la the plalntlle, who complain oi the sale the coal as a convereiou oi it. The defendants claim 81.50 per ton ior freight. and demurrage for ten days at 040 gr day. Argument was continued from ooday and ead#H'l'uesds night. Judg- ment reserved. ttoo. . sKlngstow. and Rogers. (Kingston). lor a pe lants. . Cassela. Q.C.. and Aytoun- inlay {or re- spcndento. up Inc ureet. VIII! IIIO I'-III Iiueu. - A eemple loo oeee cnrtelne. et leee then wholeenle ptloee, on be led e: R. IloFenI'e. Remember. the oheepeet hoeee In the any for ogreu. oil clothe end hpeee hrelehlnge gun ly In R . Iohelh. Me Levee few are of blenheh Ieh which will be sold et I-prlcetooleer. Accept the cheese. B. l3'AIl|'l, IWO ouunool. t C. I-`. Ulldorlloovo has returned from Delta and Lyndhurn: whom Inn was Armag- lng for the uuluululon ol nllwa by-lawn. $1.01) [tom the township ol rat 0! hood: and Lunndownqtnd Il5.(l'0 from the township ol Bastard. II II probable that `both by-Inn will be ourlod. Jung; Thnmnmn nod: wnhr lnumlnn. out-pnco I l llohulb. XVI By-IIWI II X WHIT- Jsmes Thompson. nod: nut mmufur ` tutor. Ind his colhr hon! broken this morn- ing In I very oluplo Iuy. B0 II sitting in I sleigh In from of hi: note on `lorouoo strut. than the hone [IN I INMIII Itlrl. By the jerk Mr. Thonpon no and out lag: the urn, with the vault utscod. lnlnnln Inn Juan om-him. nl. Inn tlnn I"|l}IVIllO I0 Dlll. An hotel-koopor to-dsy admitted that gunbllng hnd occurred In his house. but without hi: knowledge. Find 8!!) and hunts. A InAn -hn triad In out amm- Wlllllllll llll lloviougi. rmou gnu um costs. A mu who tried to t liquor Illegally In the mun. and u Insulting I Ind Ind t nah I .:'::ag:.,.:r- " ~:: I` nu.|___l_-.... L.. ....._.4I 0.... KIKIGII UIl'8'\|D IVS!` LJIIUIIG (I'D IIDIIC. A an. Court of Fornuay (In opondent Order of Forouou) was or nixed at Bur- rm n Rnpldu lm night. lepton from Court Frontenac were prount. Another coal`! will be instituted by Mr. Bnwdnn nt Bruokvillo tn night. hohnI~koonnr to-dnv admitted lhll awlcy I. IUO rrl.|I IWXF, Blllplonu New ombroidorfoo at prices that will but Anything over shown in Klnglton AI R. |lcFul'I'. A job lot of now. sllwool, cloth drua , wholesale rice 99 ., will be told or 160. at R. No aul'a. 0 greatest burg-\ln over ulfored the ubllc. A Mun (`mm-t nf I|'ol-uni (In annndonl. lrlll In Ill\'Qf[II|lI UKCIIU. Beautiful and white--Our 82.70 our make: white and light bread. Fine cooking apples peck, fresh roll butter, tub lrutwr. Pu.-aorved groan gage: 850. can. 3 Ilia cg plums 250. James Crawford. At t. in time of the you many gentlemen find that they naod a new pair of trouura put them on until spring. We advise them to try Lambert & Walah. I10 Princes: attest. They alla I give aatialaotion. I.n.dinn' Ina u nln And nngrrnr ulna IBTUII. lllOy IIII I SIVU IIIIIIIUHOH. Lumen` half, at ole and quutor wlgl, bony, nwih.-hen, hair chnlm. nngu. made to order. Dreu and mnntle mnkin`. Canal coruot. but ever made, over Valnh & \ Stacy ; I05 Priaoou street. Kingston. Non mnl-n-nhlm-inn at nrlnnn that ill] HUI nl-I luff! 0:80;:-r:i.nyn htthodooroluout hound our. con! la; mule. VII forood nnnn Inn lhn unt]: Alum! MI) UAI-dn rant on! 00!] I IECI WOII. "Your article is accepted and will nppesr in A prominent place in tomorrow : pauper," wrote no editor. Wu the article a poem '.' Oh, no, it was 15 dollar A line reading noticg, from an Advertising agent. Raunlifnl and whiln_nnr I970 an Dear ren.ler,nn Awakening iu the morning have yull u ft-ling of wonrineu, A kind ut blind lull lwmlachc with uharp pointed pain ` nmschunouts ? If you do, that in I sign you don't feel well. Iu\'...._ ..--..I- 1- -......_A-.I -_.I ....!II _ _ _ _ __ A. Iiells in negotiating for A piece of land in the upper part of the city, with I View to opening up a dog kennel on it. He will breed frnm the very but wont of dogs to be had. lN'('e"lU(.`r CIIITHHCC CXIHIIIIRICIOD. Ruv. William Roberts, of Amherst In land, is uutfoiing from I severe kick received {mm his horse uhan he wu letting him Do the water. 'He will be laid up for I few weeks. A I4`2_.I I- 3- ..-..,_a!-A:.... I..- - -1.-- ..l` I ._J ICDYWHU II 3011!] II IKDUHIUIG. The names of Rupert Hamilton. Mary Wheeler and Divine: Hondrenn hnve been tdded to the list of those who pssaed the Dvcelnber entnsnce examination. D. .. I\'1II:..... l)..I.....s- .J A ..l.-__L I- BTU very IlICl'l'y IUU IIIUIIUIL Copies of the new drill book have been received by the militia department. They will be uistributed to the various military \ schools 58 soon I! possible. That nnvnm: nl Rnnarf "Amiltnn \Inr-u OK ury III!) \\'00(1- A number of students went toOttun last night. Whe waiting Lt Sharhoz Lake for the arrival 0! the en: bound lrnin they were very merry And musical. (Tnninn nf fhu new drill hunk have hnan anu economy. ' There has just arrived at .' wood yard, Onturln ntreet, t of sawed or unnwed maple, of dry slab wood. A nnmlmr nf ntmh-nu wt: Studens who need clothing will do well to patronize Lambert. & Walsh, I10 Princes: street. They can give you ntyle, quality, and economy. 'I`|.-.... I.-- u--0 -..-:.....l -0 `I l-..._L..ll|.. uruay IICXI. The trial of J. ()`.\'eil, charged with hav- ing stolen 9. quantity of grate bars, the pro- perty of J. Dounelly, was enlarged until Sneurdny. Qnlanrn whn nnml nlntlniria will Jn -all Accident: on I Ootclo I'r|In-A llovllo `Ital End In mu Una. A, n_.,-.I-__ ._n_L. .|., 1,, WTIIIIIIEIII. The open winter has evidently `affected the fur tmda.-. An unreserved sale of fur: commvuces at the Boston but ntore on Sat.- ilrday next. 'rhn Lrinl nf J IYXTQH 1-Fin!-am` with luau. \/ I'll INT: Several citizens and residents of the county went to Ottawa yesterday to not as Jerks and um-ssengera during the session of puliamem. Th. nnan -n'nt..r Inn nuhlonolu-.H'..-n-.l equate. Snow-white canned corn, bggutiful canned tf Blames. string In-nun, greeh p7-Tia, evapor- uted'aVweet corn, co0k`el corn beef. Jame: Crawfurd. n`.\..-....I ..!Af_..__ __.l ..-_1.l-_L_ _E AL. HUT IIUIIHU llllll [I'L'[4UrCll "Ur UIIUlll(ll'r Ulllue. Hello! Where lid you g-L thnt good hay " Btkeru. Whqis Bake: 2' The man that sells the Manitoba bran on the Market Square. Qnnm,n.Lh.-. m...n-.I nnn-n I-....noll`..l 1..--..) WHIII Y0 VVEHE In Un [1131 "De 35 HIGH` yard. One day last week Mrs. Power, an ngel ` lady at Portsmouth. slipped on the oor in her house and fractured her shoulder blade. Hall" I \l'|.....,. .l.l .... n "-9 o|.-A ...\-.l \_'rllWl()l`0i I. I00! (ll Q1130" Street. Hay. SH: oats, soc. per bag; bran TI] (`hoax $|.`2.">; Huur. $2.65 ); choice wi npp cs 82 per hhl. at W. F. Baker's. Jnhn nrnhv win nlnimn tn hnnnn IPPIES .1 PC!` lH)l. HI \I . I`. DIIKUT 3. John Murphy, who claims to beone of ()ttawa.'s prominent. citizcus, Wu given tw=ntyAfour hours tolenve the citv. Rrnnlz h Rnnth huvn Hm hunt. alnha Ing-A Ullll-[U DIN] I'll) CHCCI) In (UNI? U13]; ' For dry oak and soft. maple, nqft wood and hard wood at lowest priben, go to '.`_7raw{ord I. font of Queen street. "II! I..l- nnfu .QlI.- nor Iunu- hr-an on. . nu-xuywour IIOUIS TU lCll\'8 [HG CIIV. Brock & Booth have the beat slabs. hard wood and dry blocks. You can get just what you want in the fuel line at their yard. (Lin Ilnu Inc` nvnnl.` \1rn Pnwnr an anal P. III. II` martin 3 HHCKIUU TUUHIH. Anthony Mc(:uirx.- returned this morning from New York after diaposirg of I40 cattle and 126 sheep in that city. Fur Irv nah and non. mania. mft wnnrl BEFORE THE COURT OF APPEAL.

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