`STUCK A REDUGING SALE. 'I`I-IIIE .'I`Y' ---AND-- REl)l'(`ED FARIJ.` FICKETS will be on pal hum Monday. Feb. 4th, to suturdo '. Feb. 9th. lnclush-u.andxood for return unt Wedne- day. Feb. 13th. I Fare for Round T11 38. Visitors to Montreal will tln that the Grand Trunk It-uilmxy omcra exceptional mlvonlngen mvnrmvul \'I:llul'I. A large portion of th- Hnuladoublu tmckcd and excellent Pullman | Cars are run or Express 'I`n\inn. A liberll train sex-vtooho provided and. in Addition. pusen you w the lndori It and depart from the I new nn elcrrnm nasoemrer station. och-on moms mm. won mmuls-r. I IIixed.....nt1:l)t.m |!Iu.....nt1:l) In Express train: Nos. 8. 4 and 0 run an A] Included No. I does not run on Moodny. All tickets good to return for thirty days. For rates and general Information apply to Fl'1IYI\Il I (`I Y` A III IV`) I ii B133 'i'1KN 1 A LARGE srocx. % sorrow: pmcas. DESIRE TO PLEASE, . nmsr ATTRACT rrrumox. win, mu mu sroan, n` an XAZZZ -IIIYLQ-_ ogu. nun! In A loner A n. s.:..*.= -"F Uuh `I _, W. I`. Iugnn. n.....:.u.. .mnm I M. .. ........ ..,,..-.... I i ms: rs. Q 15 % Luann: Qa-Q-- I -2: - ` Onnd'h-nuklllll . Jol Aunt `Mm wuournc nu Byron worth 82.50 for SI. Byron worth 85 fur `Q | wulbo lndcrl and dopcrt lrom Hm and elegant vasaemror lodged to be the model dam! of the country. I9 In mated on at James street. the ncl I humans than-on hhroahho 0!!` an Im in ` sight of the loo noo. Wlndlor iota]. etc. rm-sennr u-Mn: leave the new Um Pomon- sight or the loo Punoe. wmauor noun. elc. rm-oengor Cm ` [or Dc-put. mo! of Johnson Blmot. nu Inows: coma um-. I ooluo win. up-'r'E$?;v}T.}?a'cery. IR- VV'.A.I_.]DfE?.(Dl\T- No. I.. No. 3.. WINTERCARNM1 ]M[OIN"I_'_Z_B.E}.A.L- FEBRUAR_YW4th to 9th. 3- W- `_3AY'3._% If/E MANITOBA av, u-j j-- N0. ll IAIIIT IQUAIII I ntvuntij AD UIII IIIII` CI` l'Ol'I0llIl IIUIIIUIII 01 U. 0. Ulnuu wulul pa: for 31. Birds Ind Blouoml, or the Poetry, History And Auoointlon of Flowoxu worth 83.50 {or `L50. I-`lornl Poetry and the Language of Flower- worth $350 for 81.50. The Science of A New Life, beinc I Medical Adviser for Family Ute worth 83 for 01.50. Home Topicu, 5 book of Pructicnl Pnporn on Hone and Homo Nathan worth 82 for }ETII _1_ HE PEOfLE'8 M81`. om: 1:60 pm. No. 8.... mo un. No.4... `liloun. go. 0... int! nlr H I]_\TG-S ...IlIZ1l1 -V". ...Al.`n.In ..nt'I:I)n.m. ..nl1:D III. run u Av: WE HAVE ALSO A SURPLUS S I`0(.'K or T0-DAY WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING We will give you 9. mm of Fair Quality ` R\11_d Note Paper. White, for 400 ' ' worth 60c. There is nothing wrong with thesq goods, `d'the reason we offer them at these ` rates is merely that we have too 3 much of each on hand and i prefer the cash to the stock. i A mm of better quality for 60c worth $1. ` and aream of first-class Cream Colored 'Nou for $1 worth $1.50. as the following gures would indicuste. instance we offer you a box of 500 SPECIAL BLANK BOOKS John Hendersonxfz 00., '86 Princess 8!. REDUCING SALE _ READ THIS LIST or MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS`! The Cottage Library HUI CIJO. `Inn nan '5. [1030 UITOIO WOFHI Until} 0|` .|.oU 2:0 lune in butter binding worth 04 for Insular. Then and ti: all at You may no your choice for we ouch. AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. D'URlNG oun srocx WE VVILL )Fl'ER A LOT OF We have seventy volume: of WI IILN TO GIVE DOM FIDI BARGAINS. I W0 have sixty volume: of Envelopes BARGAINS For nunuuuuu uenenvvuuuu ...-v..~-.--., ......r.~, \ no; end the attempt to brll_>e the constitu- ency by the erection of public buildiuge. the expenditure on which he: ueunllv on import- ent bearing upon the worhingmen'e conni- deretion. Let it euice to eey thet thouvh on two occeeloue the wrong preveiled et lent the right he prevelled. end in Mr. Co|ter'e return to perliement the eleotore have vin- dionted hie honor and given him hie deeerte. And, thin though the vote:-e' llete of 1885, epeoieiiy prepnred in the tory intereet. were need, though men now living outeide the oounty end no in ewey u Winnipeg end (`Algnrry were brought eent nt enormous exp-nee to vote {or Montague. end thet ecoree oi young men. quelliying ne votere, were prevented from noting u enoh through the delibernte Ineohinntione oi the govern- ment. Moreover the people of Heidlniend . __-I. __ _..A -I__..I.. -_ -__AL-.. _-l-A hovo spoken out oloujy on uothor point- thot they do uo Approve of tho pollcy ol that gonrnmont In no for no roolproolty lo couoorutl. , They favor the llborol pro- grolnao. Thtll Ibo Iuoilng oltholrnw Some of our conservative contemporaries, the Brock ville Tiniexin ptIl`tiCl1ill!`,`l]I\'e taken to the belittling of the Ontariolegislature and its work. The Tn'me.~r intimates that Mr. Mo- wat s programme will enable the legislature to prepare another bill to enforce the putting up of benches for toads and the maintaining of warm water ponds for sick and disabled frogs." Very funny, isn't it 3 Very unlike the remark of a sensible person E Has it ever occurred to him that if the legislature is a matter of such insignificance, a mere parliamentary side show, the conservative party has made most extraordinary efforts to secure s majority in it and capture the go` vernmeut? What was the idea of the leaders in exhausting their energies and their re- sources in one local election abter another ? Was it not to provide perches for the healthy frogs and warm baths for the sick ones. speaking metaphorically aml with reference to the party politicians Y Why speak so disparaging at the legislature now 3 Has the opposition no hope ot being anything else than an opposition in it 7 Ilzlutlllvlnuvu uuuu: avar- The reason of the violence exhirited by the government organs. following the un- seating of Dr. Montague, in Haldimand. is now made quite apparent. He was not the fairly elected representative of the people in two elections. and he suffered the results of the indiscretion committed by his agents by being deprived of his seat in the house of commons. The fact that he was so unseat- ed was an evilence in itself that he was not elected legally and had to be so elected be- fore he could hope to represent the county undisturbed and to the complete satisfaction of the people. The majority of them were undoubtedly liberal in their political bear- ings. and, allowed a free and unbiased ex- ercise of the franchise, would have elected Mr. Colter on any occasion on which he pre- sented himself as a candidate. _It is unneces- eary to recount the circumstances of the contesta that have occurred since the general election of l885 3 the recounts, and their re- suits: the deception that was practiced upon the Indiana by the issue of a proclama- I .l-_ I- aL- 0....-ah sauna- gnu` nln-I-It | uyuu ulu euuunuu u, Uuv --uuu III - r......_..... tion in the queen'e neme end cleerly in the Cory into:-out-: the undue lnueecee the! were exercleod by the ueuel cempeign Inieeioneriee; the deniel in court of the exieteuce of election commitloee when they were et wcrk.end.e-cording to documentary evidence efterwerde diecovored, rcorruptly e .n __,,A ., l,_lI._ AL- ___-lg.. l'\l`lI\J\'JIv \qr-_.v._. - . - > Tlii: Bmnsu Wmo in ublinlmd every even- uu. at 336 King Sn-oe Kingston. Ontario, at six uonuues FIR ntut, Hue-$1_r-Ev-vrw -v- --v ----v-A --- --~--. 7 500 Whnte Envelopes for 630 worth $1. 500 Amber Envelopes for T50 worth $1.25. ' 500 Linen Envelopes for 75c worth $1.25. 'l'lll'06 I W061. luuuuquvnu. nun. .... . . .. Twelve lines to the-inch. Notices of Birth: Marriage: and Deaths 500." each. unleee when booked.' when .1 1lhl't!d- Speolni notices in reading column! I70 Ohm`!- ed M. twenty cents per line to` each insertion. Ofcere of unincorporated Associations Ur Societies will be held personally responsible for All orders they give . Atmchao to the never to onehot` the lgest_ Job 1"(lI\l"L4llJ U I 145141;-.-u The Marquis of Lorne gives too much space in his article in the Forum. to the discussion of what might and might not happln in the event; of political `union being consummated between Canada and the United States. It is not seriously thought of by our people and cannot; be regarded, (as some will have it) as a contingency of reciprocity in trade. The Marquis admits that "the old reciprocity brought gain and good all around. and the volume of trade increased steadily during its continuance." And he cannot make anyone believe that the new reciprocity would not be equally benecial to thecountry. We can have free commercial intercourse with our neighliours, and at the same time extend trade with Britain and Asia. At least that is the com- mon seue way of looking at the question. 1)1s01{1)7;iL'1) o13i'?).$`1-r1o.\' `ADVERT-EEHIENTSI I For four lines. one or two Insertions ..... .1 ` For tour lines. each Iuhuequonl 1neertion,.. Over four` lines. Int Insertion .... .. 100 vol Each Ill uent.ooneeoutlvelne.... 50 mm; . nnbeeouent.` lns...`.... I90 uentoonneouuvoum. Once a subsequent` Ins. Twioo I w subsequent lna.... Throd A week. subsequent inn. Nnllmn of `Births. Marriage! A: :|.uK}Il;hI Wtgll uulumu vwluvl-II-I-I ""l"`* o era e vs Atmchao mg (kg paper one of best oior In Cnnadazolaavid. ?`th Md 011989 :` htlm rin` 18 D|'0999- "-". 4'u c`3.'m.. ?3'a5 m_e',n'-;-a. r:wb87f`P_!3 . ;.'0!`l ':`-3`-ight lmpru'vo d"prihil1_ig All charges for adcertisma, subscription ' are vablein advance.-.tIu's and ob pruu mualbe datimy u stood. nttobcuarpa for aav11g;re11_su a pram` re ya In am.-..'i5`u` r The young rnen of the country are not just now so much com-erned,au`the Empire sup- poses, ebout the manner in which the right` of any government to prepare the yoterr lists, as to have them revised Texzulnrly and yearly, and the right to increaae the {mn- chiee recognized. Three yen: have gone since the lists were corrected, and, for all we know,` another general election may be determined by them. And with thousands of eligible voters ignored the government cannot say it is noting justly. . ..-.... v- __....V-.., __ The WEEKLY `BRITISH WHIG. 8 pages 66 columns. in published avery Thursday morning at lnifear, Rosigively in ndvanomotherwiae 81 w lbe c urged. - "V w. .1. B. PENSE. Pmnrieor. '1"I-I;f?.:.I_.)'AIfI:Y Wm TDD WUITII ".uU nu (I. u |uu win in 'u for 82.50. Scott worth 85 for 82.50. Tennyson worth 85 for 82 50. Burn: worth 83.50 for 82. Moore ivorth 81.75 for 75. I-lemon : `L75 for 750. Defoe`: Works worth 82.25 for 8]. Poroounl Memoir: of U. S. Grant worth 83 l..- `I A MA 1,i?1s' Whig`: Telephone. Number 220. u.4Lom.uv1) 1::urc5'1oN. 'Ar~4NoLJ_i\7,E:EMeNT. , 4-... _ _..'u:-|...A L1 a:----- - " Om`/er per Orbem WIIA T` THEY WA NT.` }*L EA DING. QHE BRITLSH Wam. THURSDXY. ::""T_ sertion, . `As . . per line I I FIN CHO! Glcqucl, New Yorhll thrown ran; his wnggon lat night-and htully in- au . 11.10. Golden Gem: of Life or Gathered Jewel: for ` ;,;sho Kano Circ|o worth 33.50 or IL50 n. nine in mm blndln: :4 I Wnlcn NIIIOII llll Gnu nan:-3--nun--1 u Probably in Ruuhs. on I footing, than are 28,640 oioora And 436,218 men; on I war footing. 44.753 oicen and 2. 149.664 man. not counting non-combatants with the colon. The told Ivnilnblo war force! smount to about 3.360.(X)0 man. (hr- mmy hu let: 0! 3 paper u-my than any ozhet nation ; In point we bu 499,000 man. In In: 1 567.600 mun, with-mourn: (land- Itrum nn one your man) of 1.ooo.ooo men, making 8 tholouqhlv trained body of ght- ing men of 2.6604110. Frnnoo bu In I nmnlnnl Armv M 595.71! man. in re- main bu In I nominal Army of 525.71! man, wit ro- urvoa. IIIO uomlnal,o! 015,000: I {M00 `II war. on ppor. amount: to 2.500.000 man. venture with r mnmgn. In her apartment: at a New York hotel Mrs. Blaine chatted very uheerily lblll her debut in the theatrical profession. She was dreuod in en elegent cuetume end looked very pretty. Her hair, of I dark, golden tint. in one of her most becoming features. and with an extremely girlish figure, the scarcely seemed out of her teem. This is not 3 new iaee of mine--the an e," she said. I hml made 1 contract wit Fromm before Iwee merried. and thet went and hroke it, end for the time drove the purpose of incoming en actress out of my mind. I have been hard at work on my studies under lieluco, and it in HIV desire to make my debut here, beceuae I went to nd out the truth Ib0llt my ability in the outlet." |.`_-|....-.. ........ u... I1l.:.... -:ll .-.....:.m Two Schonl Clillilron Perish In 3 Blllurd on this Wild Prnlrleu. Am-:Iwz|:.\', D. T., Jan. 3l.-Two school children perished in the storm Fridny night and a third is not expected to survive the exposure. Their name: Ivere'French, and the party cnnniated of two little boy: and an older uintor aged I8. Tim |l`n.m~h 6..-nilu Iin-I nhnnt twelve omer mrer aged 15. The French family line about twelve milee eut of Hitchcock. When token to echool by an older brother the children pro- miaed to wait until he come for them et night. Children belonging to other femiliee were uken home, but theee refueed proffered ueietence, eeying they would stay in the echoolhouee ell night if their brother did not come. It eppeere he did etert,' but could not meke hie teem fece the etorm end pave it up. After waiting till dunk the little one eterted home but loet the wet! end wandered in the eep enow until ex lleueted. ~ nu.-- r...._.I x._ .L_ _.....l.... Ht. 9-. Noel- nuuuu. When found in the Inomlng the two little boy: were dud. The I vs: uvotely frozen and was unoon on. If the our- viven the will lose the lower union of her limbs aid pouihly one or hot arms. The ladies of l'iica have formed a society,the members of which will not allow any man to crowd them in getting in and out of in seat during a theatrical perform- ance in order to see a man, and that man behind and adjoining her. The ladies of Kingston should follow the example of their sisters across the line. The disturbing practices of some men in this city are rank and positively intolerable. They want a vigorous checking, C C to A learned critiu, cde who pays marked attention to the trend of European events, tells us that Boulanger's triumph means a declaration by the French people that they have lost; all faith in their preseua govern. ment by chambers, and are ready to accept the aid of almost any political chief who will rid them of it. And is Boulanuer that political chief? He in not a politician, he is certainly not a atatesmamnnd not a Ia- - viour of his aadai. His love of display in aurely Napoleonic, and lacking, behind it, that atability which the necessities of the hour call for. ` She u Made I Long and Fnvournhlo Contract With Frohmun. Nlw Yuan, Jan. 3l.-Mrs. 1.0. Blnine, jr.. has signed it three yams` contract with Daniel Frohman, manager of the Lyceum theatre, to star under him direction. She will open the seuon at the Star theatre early in November. in R society drums, and will then go on as tour of the country. Mrs. Blaine will be accompanied by her Aunt And two maids, and, beaidea receiving I large salary, will share in the prots of the venture with Frohmgn. In lanr nun!-hunnfl Alf. A NIIW York hntul A general war is being waged by the press upon the ``tipping`' that is being carried to such unseemly lengths upon the ocean vessels and the reilwoyl. The people ere tired of (he tax that in so cheekily levied upon them. They .won t have it any longer, and the companies permitting of it, now that the scnmlal ha: been exposed, will stand in as uncnviable ll light as their unconscionable servants. 0 I THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY us me ouuu. ` Frohman says Mrs. Blaine will receive the largest salary ever paid an actress in l this country. EDI TORIA L N0 TES. L The reverseiin Juliette and Haldimandjn ..tho lute elections, will make & difference of four in 3 party divininn: Smnll count in `A house of over 200, you say? Yes, but ntmwnruhow which wuv the wind blown. The Hamilton Spec-(later says the bill an- nexing Mnine` toCena.da will be introduced at the proper time and place. When end where is in profound secret which the aucceee of the fad forbid: it divulging. We presume it will keep if properly`pickled. ` The government piipere have not, onrthe eV` `of the opening of the house, been re, viewing the politicel year so far as the bye electioue are concerned, `and showing by theirwreaults the continued popularity of the mluninietrution. Why `. Because the bye elections have not been running that way. Ii The Ottawa Fm: I`;`ena` has it that the government will not u.tto'i npt to introduce any legislation dealing with labour issues at the session now opened. Why`! Because the members have not had time to read over the evidence of the labour commission and rellect upon it. A year ago that was the story. It is somewhat of a chestnut now. It is certainly too tough to be di- gestihle. OI .tioh. An'__l twoxletiuons lhavig exprgiued \ the umd, thing. non-condence in the ad- miniltrutiou, it may be supposed that it in_ declining [in favor. The hand-writing is on the wall. ` Which Nation In the Lari!" Arm! 7 I|,,|_II n n u ._ _ __--- 1--.]..- DEATH IN A DAKOTA STORM- MRS- BLRINEON THE STAGE- Iolluo and II: Appeal. Ion-nu.. Jun. !I.-'l'ho court of ap- hu gnntod Hon. Juno: Mobuo pennin- olon in upped from the ad I at the court of nvhlon dhqullfy In for uvon you-I. Poldln the Appeal Mr. Mt.-Shane ntnlnu hie not tholqluloturo. lgrlvhrgoouotndn doom! for Proven- chcr, Mulltobl. Format price 4.50. Tub your oholoo for 900. CCVIX KC ZUUCUTI. In. Window : Soothing Syrup, lor chil- dren nothing. in the pnnorl tion ol one of 3 `."a's'""" '3? :3 LL? "I "" ni cat . any you`: `Rh IAIOOCU lglzlllloiuiu 0! v. or a ran. 1 0 {outs .'.'...n. In vnlno h lnonlou bio I nun tn oh i onus dysen- - . y lo 0 n ':.."..*:..7'.`.?`*'%;'"""""*".s."'.":'.'I.' ".'.:"*..`.':i..' it run the nothu-.'hgI-Ion U50 3 bottln. _:_:_.__..:. wrote the: umortunnw ieuer no we: Inn (0 be in the map. When his houeehold goods were told in Washington I fine silver Ioup tureen Wu put. up by the auctioneer. Some one ehouted. ls Seolivllle in it?" Preeident (llevelnml is popularly euppoeed to he in the soup at this moment. Very many of those who hoped to get into Hnr~ rieon'e cabinet will get into the soup iueteml. In fact the eituntion in well described by the I eminent poet. who aye 2 i The cockroach never trio: no vote I Nor seek undying fume : It has no huulneee "In vhe soup" ~ But. it note there Just the some. The phreee in the soup" origineted in thin way. When the Cunnrd neemer Etru- rie Arrived in New York with . Kilruin, the ugiliez. on honrd. I my won at hand to take hi of. Amount thoee that crowded wound 5L- ..Lb-.- -- Inn --- nnttinn `Ill!!! lh hid ugililt. board, mg was It mun I0 mu Kim the fighter as he In: getting from the bi stunner to the nmsll one was follow nun Johnuon. Johnson nlippod and fell Into the btluy Atlunic. One of the dock hands shouud : "Hallo dare. fallen. Johnson`: In do soup. The phruo nrngk the {Amy of chi tough: who were on the `tug. and who the got to New York tho amry wu told wit may variations. I".-mn New York It grndull lnfocud the Jvhole coun- uu Ant` in In nil mnvinn on in davulnlinn you ll grnauu IIIIOCIIU Inc .wmms uuulr try. And it in Itll moving on its dovululing course and wlll hop on until another clung oxpreuinn uhovu it back with the others. u A Colungo `Hunt [in Boon Quoted In all i sorts of Lungunxmn. When I mun in "in the lnup" it mean: that he in diahed." When Nu-kvi|'e West. wrote that unfurtunnta letter he was aid to L. :. AL- nnnn l\'hnn hi: hnnnohnlrl We have just received 500 pairs direct from the A manufacturers. Note our prices. A Good Jean Corset 20c and 250. 4. A Fine Jean Corset for 35c and 460. The M. &. T., extra heavy, 50c. The M. &. T., best vear. 75c A 6 Clasped Corset for BBC. ' The M. 8:. T Stayed End only S1. A Fine Coutille Corset, new make, $1. Also allthe leading makes, comprising Lily. Coraline `A, Coraline `B, Success, S oon, Dr. 1 Warner's Health, The B. &. C., &'c. Chil ren's Cor- sets ank Waists. Every lady can be suited with corsets at Muagfiv & TAYLOR S. - 176 Princess Street. Grey Cotton Sheetings, A P Grey Cottons, Twilled and Plain, Bleached PillovliCottons,\ 4 P Circular Pillow Cottens, M Plain Bleached Sheetings, A Table Linens, Iewellingsj Napkins and JAN :51. F'INLEY S "R0\'AL WHITE Sl*Il'Il'}'l`lN(i.4, 2, 2:}, 2.5 yards wide. Horrock s White. Plain and Twill Sheetinszs. 2. 2}. 2.5 yards wide. Waunsuttn Sheetiuga. Plain and I`wlll, `2. 2}, 2; do. Unbleached Twill Sheeting. 2 and 2:} yards wide, 25. Un bleached Plain Sheeting. Heavy, 2 yards wide, 20. R.ichmdaon l Linen Sheeting. beat qualitv, 2} yards wide. Finle-_v`n R.oyLl" Pillow (Jmtons, 38, 40. 4. ) and 54 in. Duncan's Best | illow Cotton. 38, 40. 42 and 45 inch. Riclu\idson a Pillow Linen, best. 4(I,;4`2 and 45 inch. 300 White Satin and Mursellus Quilts and great. bargains. House-furnishings. Onr entire stock of these goods complete Buff Envelopes for 750, which are cheap at G11 `)7. DIFFERENT MAKESt0 CHOOSE FROM v PILLQW COTTONS _A_'I' B- W_ALZDBOJSl"S- 1 rm: uum."'r:\'r;< o 01 at mmh. um Hni-rm -Ii : whim, ' if Pr1.ces all lower tlian last _\'ear'notwithsu\nding the much talked of!` advance. MEANING or THE P!-miss MURRAY & TAYLOR'S.' F U LT. STOCK A -AdvIoo `lo lotion. ,4, n,_-LA__. n__._.. CORSETS. CORSETS TO SUIT EVERYONE AT Lots of Bargains in this lme that . we do not mention. These offers should be taken ndvantasge of by merchants and others who use large quantities 0! stationery.