- We invite yomfocell at our more us! uolhe (code. Remember everything at nduoed rules executing the tow mentioned at the top ol the column. John Hendelsondz 00., 86 Princess 8t. HAINES & LOCKETTS. AT SPENCE & CRUMLEY'S. mcieimi au't ai5`EntQah. IHUWI] DUI-I- "ICII 0] Inc IUWVH `nu (W0 ..:hor partial. who are backing Wineld ` ' makes. 3 coloured driver from Broa.dheul`s , I line of Iugu. in regnrd to hi: Ability tn out 3 very large amount st one meal or lit tin . Ag ha! nf `I0 hn hnon vnnha and tho mnnav TIT CI I-U ICIICI A prlnolonc In .1 or (:m...b.: ma Roan tor utllylng 0 complexion and curing ch hands and II D In: lap It. . . A. Dyort 00.. -vvu;uvu; u--u -- Nloo clur nulmd bony in banks. line mllod bsoon l1l}c.. ooohlng Apple 20. pool. lunono And 0 _ lo. (loan, torm- Oooo loo. on: gallon blue um: 40c.. gallon can upplu 260. June: Lruvlord. ` for II! Doll. A person and of dodnun and noise In thmhud o! 28 pan` standing by A uimple remedy. will and 5 description o! It ran, to h liouoNI a .no.,30 s.`.':`!..'. .` f';`.'...1 .1 3. "' ` The Ilotol Arrivals. Arrlull nt the British American Hotel- J. F. Rafter; A. (3. Gurdlnor, C. (Jolson, A. D. Evans, R. H. Pblrbnirn. A. J. Mam : , Montreal: J. McKil|op. J. H. Tremaine, S. B. Pollurd. M. D.. J. Carter. R. 8. Ellis. 0. T. Lyon, E. B. Wnllaoo. D. M. Young. D. Murrny. Tomato; W. W hitlock, A. W. Luke. England; J. Shunnnn. Llout.-Col. Bromur. Hnlilu : II`. Hokonty. Ruth : L`. A. Grilfeth, New York; J. Mcuurd. Han- lixioux: W. U huundwilo. MuLnron`o Depot; W. (I. Aldwqll. Lauri: A. '1. Mnher. Arnprlor ; M. L. Russell. Renfruv: F. R. Llnghun, Bollovllloz A. H. Rollin r, D. F. Horolby. Unli F-IUD. N. \'.: . J. gnaw And Iviln. \y\'AQAI-{nine J J Hnnnn U. I`. Cl'UIl)y. IJIIIC l.'-IIII. H. 1.; W. J. Bunny and vile. Wuhrtown; J. J. Mao lnndm:_ ~ r:\':-:m'1`n1.\'u IN` OUR smmc ls 0FFI'2R- an AT A UUWII WIIII I PIIII Ul Wullley. The be: was made in good feith and or ticlee of Agreement drown up. The turnips end pohtoee are to be measured whole, Ind, of couree, Afterward: cooked and muhed. l'he loeer of the wager in tllo to pey for the S;-ovuione. The font in set down for Feb. Blake: will mnlenn attack on the big pile of provision: at I o'clock .m., and to win will have to clear the tn le by 2 o'clock. The pertiee _wlm are backing Bllkee otfered to put up 850 that he could get sway with the nut! in the time Allowed hnn. He in reported to have done some hig eating recently with pies and oyetern, and in eei-l to have never got enough. He in A young mu of 20 or 23. all and angular. with nothing About him that would denote hit big feeding qualities. slug. A bet of 810 has been made and the money put up thu Blnkea will eat. in one hour hall" I as bushel of turnips. half 3 peek of white tatou. nix cup: of coffee. four losvaa of road. half I pound of stowed prunes, four pound: of beef, nix small pies. three Ipring chickens, three oyuber lawn, fty rnw 0 3 ton. on can of salmon, And wuh All t is down with I pint of wbiakey. The bar. in mule in Ulld fnith Ami nr Ono of tho Iontilzlotnznrknblo Eating con- tent: on Record Outlined. Mmu. PL, Jan. 23.-Everybody in Media whohu heard of it in Inughing over swagger that wu mule betwoen I well- known buaineu man of the town sud two ...l... .u.. I.-..|..... I\`:..H..|.I -L-.. -.--o:..- For nine Scranton No. 4 cod go to in (la 'ml| vnd. lvqrybocy Inc In" Iolno. .. ..|.... -A-..X_-4I L-_-.. I- I.-4AI.. iro TEST A GLUTTON. Ioontl of III `toilet. n u an ,1 ln,,_,, IN THIS COLUMN WE INTEND TO OFFER STUCK REDUGING .11 SALE. The only proviso we make is that to get this discount each purchase must amount 10 one dollar net.` REDUCE 0UR,STOCK BY ONE-THIRD. School Books. Medical Books. Papers, Magazines and Postage Stamps, Discount of 20 per ct. Worth 8! per ream for 81.1). I-`00LSCAP-worLh 83 per roam for $1.80. MST/fNG's' 5c. MUSIC. BLANK BOOKS FAMILY BIBLES Wonh for 'ouh I for NI. vrmn. llfnr Il.'IL PROPORTIONATELY LOW. PERTH OFFICE INK. STOCK REDUCING SALE mum THE NEXT xom WE WILLITRY AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. LEDGERS worth Si N) for SI an -- 2 (I) -- I 40 FOR INSTANCE DURING OUR VVE VVILL )l-`IER A LOT OF` Note Paper AND PROPOSE TO MAKE w11*n 1'11]: I~:.\'cmPT1o.\' OF Envelopes LETTER PAPER. BARGAINS hi 'oh 50 for 01.75. worth $3 for O2. rr Lilli fnr SI 25 Worth 82 .30 per H1!) (or 31.50. One would think by this that It. Cojter. end not the oourte, hed been inetmmenui In uneevlng Dr. Ilontngne, thnt Ir. Colter bed done eomething which law end juetioe did not juetiiy, the! he wu guilty of eome oence {or which an apology could not be oend. The Attack ie made direct upon Hr. Calm. but It in en indirect ntteok upon the eupreme court. end It oontnine the in- eiuuntion thnt thle court did the ooneervr tlve member' e urievoue wrong. The effort te suede. too. to unduly excite the feunere end nehe them ieel that they have heen singled out for epeeiel ineult. The whele erticle ie nntelr end euueetive ol the dee- peretion of the eeneetvetive oeuee. It muet leiloflte pnrpoee. The people 0! HAMI- meud, for whoee benet II in written, know all the etmuuetenoee. Theyhnow tlm Ilr. -enuuu vn any..."-; . "M r. (`alter hee theelfrnnteryto claim the e unpethy end ooeeeqeently the votee of the e ectore of Heldimeud. And, prey, why ehould he have their eympethy T In it be- enuee he in putting them to trouble end ex penee or luee of time. which in money'e worth, by trying to force himself upon them when they have told him they do not went: hie eervioee? Or le it' heoeneeof the menu proceedinge by which he eecured the op rtunity of thue worrying them Y here le one Very important oleu in the conetltnency who have every right to feel. not eympeth . but reeentment. tmvude Mr. Colwr for t e lnenlt end lnjery he he helped upon thun In the pereon of one of their number." The Empirc make: An unfair nttuck upon i Mr. Colter, the liberal candidnte in Hn|di- mud. Here are the opcnlng rcmnrka in in Article of Mondny : uni- (VJ.-- I.-- gL-_..__-__... ,I_:_ ALA sire to do so. lie only claims the right ` to think for himself in political, as in other matters. and to follow the dictates of his own reason as to what is best for the country and most hsppily contributory to its destiny. Hr. Adam deals sharply with his critic, and in rebuking him may put others like him on their guard against offending as he has done. his one of the misfortunes of the times that men of different political opinions Esnnot discuss the issues coming before them without losing their heads and calling esch `other bsd names. Men inuenced by bsd temper never mshe a deep impression. They give the idea (and often correctly) that passion rsther than patriotism atlects them. They must act with common sense if they would will she condence of the peo- ple. Mr. Long has not acted thus and his usefulness is gone. All goods at Ipeclnll low prices are marked with A (Iran Tnaon Ickot and the purolwwr can no the former and I-minced prloa. You can during our Cnoap Sale buy - Mr. (5. Mercer Adnm, one Li the prami nent literary men. goee hotly in pursuit of Mr. Long, of Peteiboro, who in I recent speech in the intereet of imperial federation, used the most intemperete lenguege towards him and others, terrning them renegmle Cenndiene." Mr. Adam eeye that were it worth while he might ehow how inept in the term, renegade (.'nnulinn." Applied to one whopetriotiully looks forward to hiecountry rieing one dny to the honournble Itntue of e notion end etending on ite feet. Mr. Adam eeye he might point out the! few Cenulinne believe in the eternity of colon in] connection, end that many of our public men who have received honouu from the crown have not only ndvocnted independence, but even an- nexation. But he does not. He he: no de- 01 llusrlu sent is 411-115;. According to the public accounts of the dominion during 1887-88 the amount realized in lines, .in the sale of conscated goods, and in other special ways, was $98,360, and the amount expended in the same connec~ itioii $9.'l,li69. In Ontario and in New Bruns- wick the expenditure exceeded the revenue by several thousand dollars. so that the rewards given for.special service appear t) have been in excess 0 the advantages so- eured. But the expense to the country of an etlicient prevention of undervaluation," says the Mail, counts for little. Merchants are entitled to protection from customs frauds which place them at a, disadvantage when competing for business, and the coun try must plevent it no matter what the cost involved may be. That is very true. It is a point indisputable. The only mat- ter over which there can be any discus sion is the manner of rewarding spe cial agents. These should be paid as the special agents of the customs` olliccrs of the. l'nited .\';atee are paid, salary, large or small, as the importance of their assignment calls for. In the exercise of this regular duty they can show as much vigilance as the nature of any case calls for. and if they close up a man's business because of his ir~ regular dealings with the customs` depart- ment they will not be open to the charge of being very meddleeolne for personal ends. The special agents in Montreal last year were particularly otlensive. In the Ayer patent medicine case they blundered so shockingly as to force the government to think seriously of a change in the detective l'1|`lI\I\lII\lI-IyI|-uv - u -`rm: Hnlfxen Wmo le "hushed every evan- lngru King Strec Kingston. Ontario. - at In uouans I !!! run. \ - Auvmnfnizxn. .., For four lines. one or Live Insertions .... For tour llnee. eecigeubeequopt lneex-Lion.. Oven-tour unemlretlneertltn .... .. meperlhn lceoh en uent ooneeeuuvoinn so Oncoaw Iubequent :: loo Twice e wee eubeequent uie.. Three I week. Iuheequent . Twelve linen to the Inch . Nnllotnnf lllrlhn. IIAITIAIC llld , ' "i"v'v"e1'vo"I'1Fe'o'tB"tII3 Nu tau nu-ru_;u neauuao. onc!?.u1:egwhet:e" kd. whontl llohnrged. Special notices In reading oolumnn are charli- od at twenty cents per line fo~' ouch insertion. Olcon of unln orporatod Association: or Bocietics will be 1.51.: personally ruponnlble for 'o'5:`1' '" "3i $3? ""'p3}'a"m'&" An-oc""'" 1'a"J<'>i:3-7'o"r 001'! ll 0|` nh personally L1] `orders they rive . _ . gxnmae. mmm . " ` * Attaches In the paper In one of the but Job omoes In Canada; rapid. atylinhand cheap "`. 4 z'i` ?``,...` "?`3"`3.".z.', .'.`$` "%`:u.mo..% c ` doing. ,, and ob pt.-um` are yablein advance.` this Booietiu Will be bald they give Ammhea tn the nu All cuawpea /br aaoeruouua pnnlim are yable in vmu be dis :1 I` stood; --_ The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 8 pages 50 columns. la published every Thursday mom{n at uieu.coeiuvoly In advance. otherwise 01 w be urged mnw J R vlml: Pmurlamr. THE DAI1} VVHIE opifer per Qrbein '.|)piucen forwozlo plooenfor 35; Iopnooufor oenu. PE'RSO.V.~l L A TTEN rI0.vs. _ Whig : Ifolopholuo. Number 229` _ .. A N UNFA IR A 1 TACK. ANNOUNCEMENI u,L ,; -____ SPECI#L RE WA RD-5'. cnnrxuu. EDW. J. B. PENSE. Pronrloeor. SHE `BRITISH warn. WEDNES DAY: Uunwu run: I lUB!L The fodernioniau will nd solid Cnnndinn Iontiulent Against any schelne which thron- onl to Luke away one jot. of the legialnive independence 0! the dominion, or impooe upon our people burden: which they but no right to bear. vv nus: nun u a nun. The government can get its mnill deliver- ed by ruilroade. eta e coach or bnloon for All the people care, as ung as they Ire deliver- ed in the quickest way that modern inveu Dion cnn nupply. unuuuuu rpm; uuv-. If the Hon. J. M. Gibson wishes to make himself solid with his felloew-honour nbleo, he should get somebody to give him An insight iulo the seductive mynberieu of poker. ' W u; )1 M or HID fnr SI 25 r P :2 Du Oh. Thnfnlho Wu: ()1 ll. Ottawa Free Proaa. mu 1, 1 ,,.z ,r. .._:n :2-) -_I: I IV. \J\l\.|.uI |I|v\ u-;. Another cotton combine ha been formed in Csnada, and its rs! net, pused Alter I conf.-rence in Montreal. is to advance the price of the article by [0 per cent. Guelph Mercury. A ....o I... ....so... Whnt the Cnnndluuu Wun. , Wulorlown Times. -nl ,, . A 2., , 9|, 1 n (sag [113 Alsucsgv Os It.is singular how men can be mistke 011 point:-`which seemingly admit of no misch- derstsnd_lng'. I` he interview which the work- ingmen had with the premier during his recent visit to Toronto was condufed llndel` circumstances which suggested a clearness of motive on one `hand and s clearnell of conception on the other. Sir John was asked (1) to urge the extension of the franchise to every Young man of legal age. *0 in 'h" `adopt manhood surage ; (2) to abolish the $200 required from a pa`rliamentnry candi~ date, and so make it easier for the mechanic and artisan to gratify his ambition in seek- ing s place in public life; and (3) to see that the indiscriminate immigration that the government has assisted in past years. to the manifest injury of the working classes-of Canada, is s uyn,marily put an end to. Sir John spoke diplomatically, as usual, and with the usual reserve, but he was under- stood to be in sympathy with the aims of the workingmen, and to be inclined to l use` his inuence in the attainment of them. In , fact he. was so plain-spoken in regard to all the poi ts raised that the substance of the iutervie was given to the press, and, so far as the immigration question was concern ed. sent oil to England. It startled Sir Charles Tapper. and he cabled to Ottawa for information, regarding the statement as a monstrous absurdity." 'lhen followed, in a ministerial print, a semi ollicial statement of the position of Sir John Macdonald. It was to the effect that the premier only promised some amendment _to the franchise act, malt ing it more workable : that the franchise would not be extended : that Sir John is in favour of requiring -1 deposit of $200 from every candidate for the house of commons ; that with respect to foreign labourers com ing into Canada a restrictive measure could not apply to British subjects, and the immi ' gration from foreign countries is very small. And these are all the points suggested by the workingmen. Nothing has been accom- plished or can be accomplished. Ministers of the crown pose as the champions of the" toilcr, talk sympathetically at public ban- quets, and send out political scouts to en` quire into the condition of the labouring classes, and ascertain what can be done for the amelioration of it. And the promised legislation is one of the things to be hop:-d for and not seen. It is one thing to speak of what can be done and what should be done, and another thing to bring about re- sults. The w`orkingmen are getting too cute for the politicians. They are becoming more exacting than they were. They not only ask for certain reforms. but see to it that what they are pnuileed is not forgotten. They know how dependant political parties are upon their support, they know what they can do if they are deceived, and they are giving the "statesmen" occasion for seri- ous thought. The delegates who visited Sir John Mscdonsld the other day know what he promised them. some of them are mem- bers of the legislative committee, and he will hear from them during the ensuing session. Hamilton Spectator. It AL- ll .._ I -`O IAII Yo Work: 0! the Lord. Bl; tho Lord I " The brouel move the trees Annng, A low sweet mudc lln the Air; Fund winiaporud notus oljny and love Rommel u: at I Father`: cue. Who dam tho mm 0! mo man. And count: the Inn (hop: 0! dow- Yoa. null not B: -uphold and k Thotnntlu oonl lnuuru to In! wm I: not to an mo 'l`hou:h ha`; I: ma: -513. in Jun I "`v3'!'.$'.'.`.'SL'i"' move. I mot o Inyourlco of mu mun, mum I I Am ` l'l.ltl:5..-FIAIII. Te chief 0! Intel`: royal not Wu not u-I-and u on of thou. And shall not He who docks than no! And run tho ower Wllh ntnbow no. whotuuot own! oftho tron. And count: nxlln A reasoned world more up to nun who tunes the mule of the 1 here! - Each tnolnbllnx blade of e olodleu. ` Inch wu-bllng noun ltd He heat. The llllee bend their Iutely bottle Beneath the shelter of the trees : Inner: Iwel was not nrnnd on Wort h we per ream for lfc. 81 per re-um for we. 81.50 er ream for BI. vper roam for 81.1). On frectled streams the sunbesms phy. Where llmpld walorsrnrill ow : The u-out leaps u to k sst. smug Then sinks to god: depths be out. And there wllhlnthst lo nook. Tho scarlet berrlss nosll nu Ila. Whils trllums. whiter than the snow, Nod to the broeso lhll passes by. ion. vslvsl Inossssrobo ths stosss, And crimson Iichon's llny cup Rs.-elves the crystal dswdn-op's tosr-- A nocuu sweet. when tslrles sup. And yondot when the bunch! maul, A happy bird has mm her best. And Ihsrsshs mu-I hsrdown brood. With qulomds sud bosuty oIL_ And ovsr. all the glsdnou rests A holy csln. for God 19 thou; Andslltho umslo hlsprnlss. W And ovary jow-toned nous s punt. A rsnsonsd world looks up to film ` Whn mm the spheres : - '} *".z.. _ , `. Colter he: the m'eet right to the represente- tlon of the oomtitueu , end" the people will elect him unless the o d tactics ere resorted to; of bull-dozing them, especially. the In idiene, into supporting his opponent. "The Empire in very ullicitoue of muny things. bu; of nothing So much as the possibility of innnipulsting the election in the inherent of Dr. Montague. ' ' COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. mu T7119` MEANT. Glvlng Hull Avny. s_..A... ..._ IIII TI TIIIIII IWI`V I. IIIIVWIII III|'l| under the aid; . " A than II bola; clrcuhtod Jlln (or I dd y mall to be nlnblhlnd hounon un- vortl:udCnInvil|m _'_ Iuocn nu neon Ippomwu uuuor. Mn. Mnrtin Dcnyu. Odeuu. while Vinit- in hot niece. Mn. Goo inch, III III chn with ponlyuh. S 0 in very low. hnvlng had two Itmku. The doctors say aha cunol recover. A tglognm Go the Wino this morn (Wodnudasnnounood tho deal: 1:! tho 1'. Her rennin: were rouovod to Oduu for burid. Ac n... An Il.....l... .-LII- -5 ......I. can I`.-IOVX 50 \.II- "If DIITIII. At noon on Ilondu , while It work on the railroad not B ville, William Mc- Corlnlok Inn badly hurt about the head by =|.Id:O:lI:hIVl_V ud throwing Inltn ueeoz cluunamp III I manner to win we reapeot of all. In 1886 Dr. Mannie wan united In marriage with Miss Mary Marvin, adopted daughtet of Rev. lame: Hughes. Dr. Mauie wan for aeveral year: and at the time 0! his death a member of St. Andrew : eociety of Peterhomugh. and while a reel-. dent of Keene he took a prominent and creditable part In all the proceeding: rf the society. Tnnwotllu Tidings. Lu! Saturday Judge William: recounted tho ballots in tho Slniold municipal cloc- tlon. Mr. Wngnt'| majority wu lncrouod by om. linking it than over Mr. Dotlo LOTS or OTHER GOODS I 1'. 1110 new council Ind In n: muting on load: . It wn thought I chm? would IL In 0 In the clcrk nd tnunru I oicu, s _.._- I... l....J. .....a- .. ...o I-lb...` X III!!! II) HIE 0lIl'I Ill] BIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIUII, but non ha been mode so yot. Hlnm Kooch ha been uppoinud unuor. 1 Mn Mu-tin Dunn. (Linn; -Min triall- rU|Ul LKJIV l`..\nlIIllll`l . The Emrnivucrleerne with much regret, which will beeympethised with by hundreds in this country, of the deeth of Dr. Meeeie. formerly of K no, but more recently of ` (Jolborne. Un \\'edneedey leet. Jen. ltith. i he came to his end by rheumetic fever. The I deceeeed gentlemen wee e netive el Aher. Jeenehire, Scotlend, where he wee horn in I833. At the age of four yeere he ceme to (fenede voith hie perente. At first they eettled in Kingston. efterwnrde removing to Seymour. Northumberleud county, settling on eferm. where the deceeeed lived till he bed tiniehed the etudiee for the profeeeion of medicine. which were conducted et Queen : college. Kingetnn. He gredueted from (,tueen'e in 1865, lint prectieed in Colberne for eight yeere. et the end of which time he remaved to Norwood, end subsequently to Keene. eince which time hie history ie femilier to every pereon in the coun- ty. 1):. Meeeie wee en erdent liberel, elweve eteunchly upholding hie prinuiplee. He wee eleo en ective end eerneet temper- ence reformer end energetioelly identied himeelf with the promotion of temperence principlee. He wee e men of considerelrle lieerery culture. end very eucceeefully de- voted himself to the mueic of poetry. Hie poetiuel eueione were numeroue. One of the most prominent wee hie jubilee ode. which received the grecioue acknowledgment eml oommendetion of `her me'eety the queen. No further deteileof Dr. eeeie'e illueee ere to head, enu no higher worde of preiee cen he eeid of him then thet `he wee e citieen in- every eenee worthy of being honored. end that he lled hie etetion in life end the du- tieeel citixenehip in e menner to win the vaginal nl ell. In lllli Dr. Menie wee A Very Short lIInau-Tho Vorv l'u-lul Cu-our or the Docouocl. Peterboro Flxaminor. an ,,,I_.___ ._..:.L _._.._L _-._.-A. ll"'|I.'. UIN I M|:|` T --l CERS Ind OLD W'0L'NDS. I nnvhg (Tnldn Rhnummjnm. r3PILLs AND O|NTMENT.'}J;I; 7 ------- 9 l < E Are at all seasons of the year: reliable remedy foroorreo ml Disorder of the Live organs. and for removing I h \_ oh: ...m... In nu. Qmnuu Inna Hn'lCl.Q. how an on the Llvar md Kldnan with I- JAN. '23. 150 LADIES AND GIRL`S HATS, Regular Prices from 750. to $2, all to be All Fancy Wool Goods, Sashes, Tuques, Clouds, , Hoods, Shawls, , Overstockings, Mitts, t Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts, . , A Blankets, Comforters, Clokin gs and Tweeds over60c. PRICES S0 VERY LOW THAT GOODS MUST SELL. 10 PERCENT OFF- ' ' ' H ' ' HHU Disorder of the Live and ror renno.-In; heal I my Action to the S'l`0MA( Hand HOWICLS. may not on the Liver and Kidney: with r- Inu-velloun affect. and bg giving strength and bone to these lm tgmnl oreuw I olroulnlon ofpum and odmy blood. Female: at All ages I then Invaluable 0 THE OWTMENT {'n.i"x'.'.`."c.',`32 .i .-'i.`.?`2,e'?r Af)`1:':E"c`;'.'s3"u`z':u?.'BE S (`FDR gnrl OLD \ITlH'NI`lR I! Inn: nn nnnnl fur [ha nnrn nf Hlnllchil. $1` Thlll The Leading Millinery Store, 132 and 184 Princess Street. THE LKTE DR. MASSIE FANCY WINCEY TWEEI) FOR DRESSES. 512. per yard worth Sc. I-`nnr Striped Dress U is. Tc per yard worth l3c. Silk lushcs. all u-ulors. r duccd to 35. (`hdr-en's Wool Hose from 5c. nor pair. W'omen`a H1-.u`y Wool Huso I50. per pair. Colored Fingering Yarns at 34:. per akuin. Rules strictly cash. Ajjljj Q Ljlnnnl - A GENUINE SACRIFICE SALE ALL TFHSWEEK. OVERSHOES SPECIAL