Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1889, p. 1

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-vwv- . -- l . ORAB8. Wuthtoolo. "P. P 0 In In Vary Antlvo In tho Iloctlon Can- pnIn-Wl|o Support Hhu. Puma, Jun. `23.~'l`hc Boulnngints are nhowing great energy. Boulnnger will not have himself to blame if he does not hen-I the poll next Suuclny. During this week he will kecp hi: home open to I comers. Fur the put few lays the general has been cull` ml nnnn hv A 1-nnntlnl nrnnm nl nnifn.-m...l They Will Not Comply with the Law- The Qlendere Dotlnnt. Cmvmo, Jan. 23.-When the interstate commerce commissioners, Cooley end Morri- son, a few Weeks Ago lnid down the law to the msnsgers of reilroeds centreing in this city they expected that their recommenda- tions would be complied with, end illegsl end unlawful prectices resorted to in trans` Acting their passenger business abandoned. They have learned, however, the! the can tlition of atfnirs in little improved, end that scelpers continue to sell tickets at less rates than they are sold at the regular ticket 0lllL`C5, and they have, therefore, concluded to make another trip to this city and adopt meseureu that will compel the railrosds to comply with the law. More Thnn the l'u|:s" Concerned In lt- .1 ud nu Kn-Inn: Wind-Up. (.IHIC.mo, Jun. 23 ---Young Murphy. the colored pugilist, of Wisconsin, and William \\'eston's unknown, fought four rounds in an open air r'ink near Hessville, Ind., yes- terday. Although the mercury was at zero the men stripped to the wsist and fought desporstoly. In the fourth round Mur hy knocked the unknown off his feet wit s ten-illic_ blow under the jsw, which cut the flesh snd started the blood to flow in grout stroams. As soon as the unknown got on his feet he seized s bottle and cracked Mur- phy's soeond (mother negro from Wisconsin) on the head. sud streu.-bed him upon the ground. The mon s face wss cut in s fright ful manner. the blood freezing us fast as it run from the gssh. He lsy insensiblo for half an hour. After this onslsught the un- known seized I ring stake and defended himself from the negroes, who were swsrm` int: into the ring with rszors sud thresten- ing his life. His second drew 5 revolver And both sscspod. Thu lightuss for (75 s side. The money is believed to In in the pocket of the stakeholder. sinmou-3 cocuom Oolonloa. ....___.. l-- 1 A r1-.L,n ,I IVUT Th! -~ -minieterhee~hed~ his~-leet oieial interview British mission at Wisshington is vacant. _ will be understood here by thevtime Mr. Lest Oolnl Vlslt .`.to Lord 8nVlsbnry-Why He Leaves the City pl London. Nsw Yonx, Jun. 23.--The Tribune's London correspondent says the American with Lord Salisbury at the foreign oice. The British foreign minister now under- stands that the departure of Mr. Phelps from England at this moment is not due to the fact theta republican president will be inaugurated next March. Many English meneuppose Mr. Harrison is already in- stulledin the White house. Lord Salis- bury is better informed. He knows that Mr. Phelps would nstursll'y` have remained here another two months. `The foreign oflice ple know it, too, and they know that Mr. Phelps goes home because the- This useful knowledge will gradually filter down into the general English minds. It Phelps steps on board the steamer at South- ampton that the diplomatic aront offered- the American govemment by Lord Salis- bury has been resented in the correct diplo- matic way.`- Mr. Phelps conduct through- out this diflicult business has. so far es en outside11hesfrneans|of judging, been energetic in more directions than one. He has shown firmness and courage. He has appreciated the delicacy of the situation from the begin- ning of the Seekville incident. and he has never varied in his View of what ought to be done. Americans have so thank him for his unflinching [insistence upon an Ameriean view. Americans in London sin cerely regret his going, and none more so than those who have urged it as the only means by which the American government could express its opinion of Lord \`alis- bnry's conduct. A Ion-Inga Finally Abandoned. _.._... I__ no Fl-L- nI_n._,__.1o WILL BOULANC;ER TRIUMPH ? THE SCALPERS ARE BUSY. 4.; MR. PHELPS 'oMniG HOME. I III! I l|\I\ll\l\AIl JAE VV IIAIA LKIJDADI \.lf `Mend:-Iuohn'n (`and Palm by A chorus of n hundrud voice-s ; solo: by Miss Anna How- .h-n of the Boston (`unnorntory ; quurlettu by Messrs. (iron.-ummd. llurnu, Stranzu and Shnnv nun. \\i[h Vu(`:|l o Jimnn by Mrs. Belts: and grand ort~hc.~`l rul M-runlpaninuent. vucl-`nrron'n I uunun, "luv lily." tn` the The Inn! For Ivldonog, ,, ' I A 44 I. A, A BRUTAL PRIZE FIGHT. urn-u-I Unut I l'Il'IOIu Ihnun. Jul. 28.-The pvonnout bu ground on anus y to I" pros and politics! ooudm-I. and to the ooldlu-I who not part in the rising In Madrid In 18$. told (but the other two, Hhttifond Nancy. had also olopod with Not! Glenna uni Thoma Allison. H0 at olol ldt _tho girl: he had with him in hay 0! some migh- hon and started dtor the others. Alter ucuring the other two girls without any notion: trouble, he ntnrtod hick. When about two miles lrotn homo I Inoh tool pou- oeulon of him And strung him up to I tron. The old mu wu tortihl Itrict with the girls. [Ho would hardly at than out ol his Ilh hum tho oiafenonu Ho hlwsyu. brouud that he wonl not he hothond with luy ooumin-lnw. Public built; in st:-our in All iuror oi thc lynohhg. Mu-put died night. um `II II ulu ulu lulu uppourvu, Dlll III) IIIO to prevent the eecape. He procured the bet hone end eehot gun. and eterted in hot pureult. \\ hen twelve mile: (mm home he overtook the eeing pertf. He Immediately opened fire on them. ill in both the boy- end eeriouely voundin erguet. After getting nearly home wit the `Me he use told thet the other Kettle end eloned with Red Ulevnnnn uni 'l`hp Track Ending a! an Iloponont Ba- npudo in I Lno lluourl `town. 81-. Loan. Jun 23.`-Jlonry Thoma. turm- or, living in Bolar. Mu-cor county |lo.. had four grown duughtorn, Hunk. `Magnet. Nancy And Inna. aged I5. 18. N and 22 year: respectively. On Wcdnooday night. Samuel and (Thu-In Huburn. bmthon, rocnrod n lulder and helped Mu-pro: and like on! oi uucnnd no window of the houu. and as they war: I at to olopo with the girl: tho old nun uppocrod, but too late maven! the rumba. Ha nmnnnd oh. IIU IUIUIVUKI I0 `III "OI". Yc~stcrlny Stiolslenberger wee eeen in Churchville and recognized. He we: put sued by oioers end took to the country. Alter I 4.-hue of severe! milu he wu brought to hey. and, pulling out the revol- ver he had stolen. threatened to shoot. He then turned, end before the ollioor could seine him. ehot himself three times in the heed. His revolver wee e smell one. end none of the shote bed A eerloue eect. After being secured he wee taken to Churchville. end then to Rochester, where he wee laced in goal. The bullet: were extract from hie temple. The Desire lor Robbery Blade Him Com- mlt a Very Flendlaln larder. (`Hn.I, N. Y., Jan. 23.-Myton Davis lives at Riga near Chili station. He and his wife went to a school entertainment, leaving at home a sixteen year old boy named Chris Sticklenliercer, Mrs. Mary J. Hale, aged tin. who Mofkeil for the family, and two of Mr. l)avia' children. When Mr. and Mrs. Davis returned home they found Mrs. Hale dead on the bedroom floor, and a three year old child lying on her breast with its hands covered with blood The woman's face had been crushed beyond recognition, the murderer having caught a heavy Vggetl boot ln) the top of the leg and rained lluw upon blow with the heel on the lieml of his victim. Sticklenherger was missing. The drawer: o! a bureau had been ransacked and a silver watch, loaded revolver, a silver dollar and a bunch of keys were missing. Fhe boy had also taken Mr. Davis overcoat. Mr. Davin thinks that the boy expected to nd a large sum of .money in the house. One theory is that he was opening the drawers when Mrs. Hale dis- covered him and that being afraid of arreat he resolved to kill her. \'..no...-.l..-- Uol-|-|--L----- --- -~~~ llll CK- Uulrilay night the tax collector left about $3,000 in the store of E C. Sprin er at Kendall Corners. N.Y. On Sntu my mcrning George Sprin or. non of the proprie- tor, was awakened an new two men at the window. They cut I hole in the glue and were about to raise the window when he red the revolver. One men escaped. The other wu hit in the head ; falling uncon- scious to the sidewalk he won cnpturod. He pleaded guilty. He came from Syracnee. ila twenty one year: old. and will probably no. - IIIIUU uuurcaavl. Several weeks ago the Spring Valley. UL, coal company shut down two shafts, throw` ing out of employrnent. 600 miners. The men in the two remninin shafts agreed to share work with the i In men. Thomu Mulmy refused to draw lot: or quit work. The company was asked to diuchcrge him. This it refused to do, and 1,800 men hnve muck. ll- l..`..3.I.... _!_I_; AL, A, II . I 5. -111 lnl.-- CITY HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. 29th UUHCUIIUH Ill ` tl'llnK. Rev. Dr. John Hall and Chauncey De- pew, of New York. received anonymous letters Advising them not to speak at the meeting of the society for the suppression of vice. Both gentlemen were present and mule addresses. u..........l ...--I_.. -__ A|__ n__:_ ,, Iv n III uul I BIIUTD ulne. Allen Rountree, n fnrmer, of Emmanuel county, Gm, opened his door to find four masked men, who covered him with "Lewis. then entered and took $2,681 which 9 had concealed in a trunk. I)-.. f\.. La... u_II ._J :n..._.,,,_ n BIUIKII Dull Cly- A huge grindstone in a hoe factory in Binghnmtou exploded. A fragment of thou! 200 lbs. struck Michael Hogan on the head, inicting injuries from which he survived but a shnrt time. AIL... D.......--- - t-_._-._ .: I.L..7mI Luruwu Irom me rear and eacnpeu. Hans Kittleaon, farmer, near Wnneka. \\'is., had a\ bulky team attached to 3 load of hay. He built.a. re under the team In ` start them. The ames consumed the horses, sleigh and hay. huge grindstone factorv sum: 01 [ms members. 1 The south-bound express` train on the Gincinuati southern road was boarded by robbers below Ludlow, but they were thrown from the sud escaped. HIDE Kittlmmn, fnrmnr nnnr \VAnahA LIUII II PI`l.'UHrIUu3. ` There qre indications that the American steel beam and structural steal trust will be broken up on account. of changa in urea by some of the members. l l`l... .......L.n .... ...: -_.-_--_ ._.:_ ,_ .. Irnl. Archbishop Tache, Qt. Boniface, is at the Gray nunnery, Montreal, aueriug from {Atty degeneration of the heart. Hi: condi- tion is precarious. Thar: um inaiimtinnn Hut tho Am...-:....n umnr some nnu urlko u nooeusry. ' The knight: of labour have ordered general lock-out at. the mines of the Ore on } improvement to force the company to in- arm. TCIZUKII4 IVUUUCTIEE. The 14,000 coke w ville minelwlll meet their male and Itriko orkjara in the Connhemlls-.. on Ssturdny to consider if kniuhta of labour luv: nnlnrad l\l.lll!IIl.l UIllCy- ` Michsel_ Baker. Rnttleboro. Vt.. . And Mina Emma Smith hays been nrritbtl for recent, robberies. - -- . TL. IA nnn ....I.- .......I.-... :_ LL- n___.n, Kingston. Jan. am. ll. an agreement Wltn Ital employees. Dr. Bothby, of Manchester, NH ... has sloped w1_th Mra."Goorue A. Kennenn, a. Russian beauty. Michml Rnknr, Ry-nttlnhnrn V0 and The Little Things that Albct Canadians- Flash From Europe and Whnt They Port.ond-A Little 0! lvorythlng lcully Bond and lienombupd. T he Brooklyn service rnilrond has come to an agreement with its employees. I Bothbv. of Manchester. NJ-I. hnn Granting Than 0 Pardon. .-.- I-_ an mm. ......_.H AFFAIRSMOP` THE~ WOIi). WELEGRAMS mom THE EAEITH-s FOUR oumrens GIVEN. FOUR OF THEM DEAD A BOY'S TERRIBLE ACT. NO. Of V0i8l Ilszirumgnuil In;io.*Und;ar the Oonductorship of Ir. E E Gubb, uu mn- KINGSTON PHILHARMONIC socum HAS MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCIN - GET YOUIC \\'l.\"l`|1`.R GLOVES AI \V' REh2V'I King Street. !_)0 Sample pain to be sold at wholesale prices. '13iME;VL_g `A-NNAOUI*{OENiI_i}NT. HOUSE with eight rooms and extension kit- chen hard and soft water. with [oud ambling ; convenient to Queen's Cullege ; hnvncdiate 3- aesaion. Apply on the preunses 1285. or at _ 0. 1844 Union Street. between Gordon and Alfred ls. THIC RESIIDICNCE on Himooo,SLn-,-- nxaly oocuoiod by Rev. A` W. Cooke: double house of n no rooms` two cellars; good yard and smiling. A ply next door. or to B. Ronmsou. at Klngc '3 Drug Store. 'l`UlcSDAY.'l`Hl !'l! l' 0! l'EBRl'ARY next. wnl be the hut any for receiving Potl- llonn for Prlvnto 3110* 1`l7l8DA \' rmc wu.r1'g or non! ARY non win he the luum :- Prlvnto Bill: to the House. 'l`HUR8l)A\'. TWRN1` -II HT 0!` FEB- RUERYMM. will be tho at u for num- Ilm. oportnofvpmmlttou relative to use I. introducing` February 4th to 9th. m.\mm ATE Pbssnss1BN.1t desired, mm Brick Residence. llli ltidenu Street. Jmcly oc- ('u$)iod by the owner ; ne verauduh ulluuhed I0 muse ; also garden with fl uit trees. Apply 10 MRS. NOILJC. OFFICE. lztrgu. central, well fitted. Terms rt.-mlulmhln. Possession ixumodmwly. Apply 'Bux." Wmo. I-`ROM lwr MAY. that good. substantial housv on Ontario .~`-In-cl. near Union. ut `Irv 2-`vnl twcuplo.-(I by .\`Ina. Duncon. Apply to M 3. NOBLE. 179 Johnson Street. 2-tvnl ovcuplul by Mrs. l)unc( $11517 Ox mxu $'1`uL]c717.!Ap Iirougn this office. A Grand Concert '|'n|-; .s"|`r.'.\M ttfucur.` 1I'_lu.`r.`:\lASU.\' AND (:1 INS()|{'l`d Minnie l"raunc1s:\rul City of King- slcn. Tolaf carrying capuci y 330 M Ping Lumlmr. or up long mm! nl sh.-$1 draught. For further particulars apply to l)A\'ID5')N, U0- RAN Ali ('0. ` SAl.ICS.\lE.'- Wu wish :1 few to sell our guodahy snunple to (:19 wholmlmle roianll trade. Ll\TK8nl .Imnu lI(`[lH`l`l'8 IX our ne. I `- close 2-cent suun. W ages 83 per lain Pernur non: position. '0 pnamls `um-.nwer . Munoy ndvum-M for wag.-s. l\dV0l`t|llilIQ', em. Cl`.N'l`h`.N- NHL MA.\`r'u (`o.. (7l.\'(`lNNATl. Omo. THE PROGRAMME WILL C0.\'SlST 0!" `ll__.l-I-__|._-- ;n_.4 n,_n___ I... _ ._|.A_.... _ Fare for Round Trip, 88. Th-kelolcu New (my nll Depot And 4! (flu-onoo Street. *:- `A TICACHEII. holding A third class certi~ cute or quamlcnlion. for S. S. No. II. Starring- Inn, Count of Fronten-nc. Addroas. stating salary. W . Cl.A/MK. Batlergca P4). ` wnlhlnk. Amt lnry College. T-- 77 - ?s .\ FEW HIGHLY ltlCSr`ECTABl.E BOARD- I-Ilts uwnllemon) can be. accommodated :11 $1 Harri: Strnet. Terms reasonable. ` `Li G001). GENERAI. -lCl l;.A 5'8 wnshlmr. Apply _lo MRS. .\lL'G-ILL. Royal Mili- mry CDHORO. WOOD F OR SALE. n .-Anna .._ nu . . _ JJLJHIJu M(`Do.\'u.n--.InA Kingston. on `Jan. 22nd, ` Elizabeth, dnu htor of Stephen Burk, und_ wife of John L cDonsld.'ugetl 2| yes!!- Funorul ho niorrow afternoon at `2 o'clock from her late residence, Cherry street. Friends And qcqlnnintanccsire respectful- ly iuviud to attend. r "rm-: s'n<:.\M H.gmm: mu:r;:\msoN `A$'l.) .`1INS()l{'l`d. Francis and Uilv uf Khm- THE AILY VVHIG. VOL. LVIl I.' SPECIAL MENygI. T SIC-URI mun Tluxnrs tor the Above via the New Home. K. 8 P. and C. P. RR. Trains ioavo Kiunlon. Arrive in Montreal. 18:60 pm. 8:15 p in. [M5 pm). 8:15 3.. Thu loo Palace injnnt coma the Itrool from the magnicent New C. P. R. Dooot. now brag completed. Tiokouuood no no lohnuu-y It In rahargutum up to and including; February F-__ I`_,, Hi. _I T_!,_ 13 NOTICE. TENoE FOR sg;-;1:1:i. WANTED. : fxjp LET. "E04115: DIED. (` H. DICKSUN. .-In-remry. ca 00 In Iulruluu out were roman. `u ulnry limit wu increased no 01.3.5011 The amonoponn April 97th, uh clout Sopt. mun Inc Inwllllllonll Inlenou UIOOIN own-h.JoI-uy Qt M{d.'"I*tl'I, : ed to by ndrrlttod gas were rufuud. ` ..l.-n Ih-do -.. l..........I .. Inn xnn mun. ' ( I". ("ltl.ARl.l:S 1`. 0Il.l.M0b` ` o e lqlnbuvo A-out . an Danube. IQ. V-Iltuu u-I I'Cl I-II Ul'-I| Nlv Yolut. ha. `43.-AI Won Polnf cadets Lnnghorno und Borrol {on In. tivov rounds with bare Imncklva moo in: to London prize ring rnlnn, the honor. bop` about evenly divided. both being putty wulldlnligured. The niir gran out 0! I dhpuo cunconning the uulgumont of the colored cadet Young no I out at tho mun l:NO presided over lay lhrroll. . u--`cu uuv . Christina Brothers`. B. J. Loch ; St. John`u. I. J. Bohnn: St. Joseph` . D. I00 3 8!. Parish ; 8. hnhort. The Auditing oun- gituo oqnahu of 0. Tierney, E. Dwyro and . Smith. Anlu 1; `in Run Io. llvrnm, J an. 2.1-Hamilton has gained the intolnlsivinl lnnohnll nch! Aral-H Jan-not (`Cu Anrl INIIL.-&--. .- The Ooon of u Board. The launch school board mot lut oven- lng and elochd the lollowingollicern : Chair- man. Rev. D. A. Twomey ; Iocretnry, W. Sullivan ; treasurer, P. Smith ; local Inpu- lnundent. Rev. T. Kelly; re ruonhtlvo on the oolloghto innimu boo . Dr. Plu- lnn. The clulrmon of the Iohool board no : (rlhriatlnn uwmss JIohn`u, -4...I . Rs J Rnhnn 0 HQ. Jana-mink I\ I-lrvnn Iv VII I Itlfl Il-I lliillu C\lIl|I II: VV IIIV' In . who went to Lombardy in place of Alcl. Gilderaleeve, who heal to attend the cit council, mode I record no hustler the! equ - led any of AM. UilderIleeve'I movement. He lelt here At ll:40 o'clock Snndey night. drove from Smith`: Fells to Lounberdy. seven Inilee, had the bylaw cubmltced, got his dinner. drove beck to Smith ! Full: end we- ln Klngnton at 5 o'clock on Monday night. no uv uuurlulwwvu uvxl -Iuliino The South Hlnuby nouncil pouod I by-luv grunting 84.0% bonus to the Smith : Full: And Klnguton rnihuy. The people will vote upon it on Februnry Huh. John L. Whit- Gidaralau-n. who Inn] to nmmd ch. pin: wusull upylllll lll Iuusuur lilulll. 1!!!! tickets are selling fast. but evening r. Jonathan Ferris married Miss Meusry. The groom is over sixty sud the lnrilie twenty one yesrs of age. The couple will :esids In (hnnsnoque. The event. occurred on Bngot stroet. Now is the best time for blesching cot tans. (Tot!/ons white and gray in wholesale prices I! R. McI"|uI`s. Towels, table linens, sheetings, pillow cottons. linen crush. sll It mill prices, at R. Mcl"sul's. Carpets, uil cloth, cumin poles. on blinds snd rollers, chenile curtains, dnmusls ond tapostg curtsining, the cheapest in the city It R. cPnnl'|. .4-aw uuuunu .-cw-. The concert of the Philharmonic society on Tuesday evening will be a most enjoy- ablevone, judging from the progrnmmo which npponn in another column. The ullin I -.s ............. - I...._iL-.. :*_.__.:._ _-_:- .1 They Agnln Make Their Appearance It 3 Venderbllt Dell. New You, Jun. `23.-'I`he threatened in- novetion has come. Knee breaches ere here. Lu: night Mrs. Sloene, Vanderbilt, gave e brillhns ball at her Fifth avenue residence. in honour of Colonel Elliott F. Shepherd : young daughter, who in e debutante. [he most. nttrnctive feature of thepbeil In the appearance :of seven well known society young men in knee hreechcs And blnck silk etocliiuzs, in {ulhlineut of an oath tekeu at the be inning of the new year. Mre. tor nelius %'eudei-hilt he: asked the nine deepe- rate conepirntore to combine together for her dance next week. end like nakedneee of ehenks is expected at the Potter : deuce. MONTREAL - WINTER - CARNIVAL, { The Arrest of Mr. Shoohv Generally Con- deInned-Tha Election llavveraos. NEW Yokx. Jen. '23.-'l`he 'l'o'mu London despatch says : The arrest of Mr. Sheehy at Glasgow seems to be a striking illustrs tion of the Latin proverb, `Those whom the ode wish to destroy they first mnlie mad. t has been thought that nothing worse for the tory cause could happen than the elec- tionreverses of last week. but this foolish arbitrary action has sent Scotland into a howl of wrath, and is condemned even by the moderate unionist papers here. The warrant upon which Mr. Sheehy. who is in himself an unimportantiigure, was arrested was issued several weeks ago,and the offence on which it was based was over three months` old. Mr. Shoehy was one of the chief orators in theilovan campaign, and his arrest now seems like an exhibition of spite on the part of the government. The Samoa Matter stmi Its 'Uutlook-Pro- vldlng for IV. S. Interest: In It. \VAsmsu'ru.\', Jan. 23.-Senstor Sher- man this morning. from the committee on Joreigu relations, reported the following amendments to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. designed Kt protect the interests of the United States in Samoa: For:the execution of the obligations and for the protection of the interests of the United States existing under the treaty between the United Stateshnd the govern- ment of the Samoa Islands, $500,000, 0! so much thereof as may necessary to be ex- uded under the direction of the president. He appropriation to he immediately avail- ahle; for the survey, and improvement. and 0v'r`npat.i0lJ of the hay and harpour of Pago- page), in the island of Tuttuila, Samoa, and for the construction of the necessary wharves and huihlings for such occupation : and for a coaling station therein under the direction of the president. $100,000 of this appropriation to be immediately avail- a e. UNITED STATES TAKING srocx. ` 4% H U 13 .|l.l.l:l\J AVA. -IJLI ' ` 'rmc LEADING UNl)EltTAKE[l. Prune-an S'1'KIE: l`. CUNARD BTEAMBHIP COMPANY. Suuno from New York eve snturda . Au- Lhorlzod Agent. F. A. Folaer, any Doug. foot of Brook St.. Kinaraton. wm make some reduction in the price of home of their lines of lumber and sash fncry goodslhls season. '0 have one burn lnunu mfoet. one 36 a_nd one 40. Allo good brick. which will be sold on ronaonhblo terms. for good approved nolos. TIIE` IIAVIVIIIIIYXT IVl\IIl)A\`\' To Be lubmltuod Non loath. L- u__..L I_u,.,L,, , , ,,_ THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTIL BY ' ame. Watorgowu E Olldennburg Ru. To Utica, A|bany,New York, Phi|ade| a. Wuahlnton.I!alt1moro And all Points in North ` orn New"Y_q;-I5. yj5_QLT,R. and N.Y.Q. R, `n TIAIYI mu :1... nu-u__. .__,_. W T.Vf{:hTVLl`1`3 V. next. The Iowa 1 or III] louder not nemanrlly Ac- rrplud. ~~~ '1'. 0. BHLGIZR. City Engineer. Klnllton. it. CMIOII Onnrrol and Ilght. \'..-.. 1-- 1.0 A. n'v,_. THE RATHBUN COMPANY CUITIIIII cF'nul'I. sE50No EDITION. MR. BALFOUR'S BLUNDER. KNEFBREECHES. J15 MES REID. | II\'l1 I'7\vnIM: I~ A L'I4`ll CII HUME. THE RATRBUN COMPAN Y. KINGSTON. CANADALWEDNES DAY EVENING. JANUARY 1s9.` Gen; rm"Ag.;.;.. { WILL Bl: RI!(`F.`l\`El) U.\"l`lL NOON OF` FRIDAY. lsbrunry VIJI. I889. for l8,lCXl linold toot more or less. of round umber for crib won`: 0K.`tx)l`l.UnK to specications. to be soon at o oo. he timber to be delivered at. tho Wnufr Worlu wharf not lntor than the 15th of J nu IIOXL The lnwn I nr Anv lander nnl noonnurllr An. IIV IIDIIII IKIUI` IVY IWUIIUD. IGIDWIFIIIUI 1 hi: wife. lib u-rut at Whitby cute!` I: cant for none time to come. DIII II II 5!` III! "In IIOWII. On thdr is In Otuwu Seymour no pod at ghoul At groom and stole I cup boning- lljto the proprlctor. When Onuu In rewind Soyrnour at out tolnall the horn Hid rig and noon olocudnulo. A tale- wu not to Othwglo Arron Seymour, at It arrived too late : he took puuqo 5 low homo boloru for Toronto, nooomponhd bv Ill ln. Hi Irrcll It Whltbv cut of ICIIWITU Dy U.l.K\. IHII III "In A few days afterwards r. and Mrs Seymour drove into the Ottawa hotel yard behind a young and gpirited herse. He gave the buggy in charge of J. M. McDon- ald,to whom he was indebted for horse hire, a d sold the horse to M. Johnson for 060. Mr. Johnson doubted the man's honesty and paid the money over to Mr. R. Smith, barrister, with the understanding not to pay the money to Seymour unt-ii auch time as he heard everything was all right. On the strength of this Seymour borrowed [5 from Mr. Smith and left town that nl ht. Nothln was heard about the horse an ri until Fr day last, when J. W. Seymour, 0 the 5th concession of Mountain. and brother of Silas I-1.. arrived in town in seauh ol a horse and rig that had been etolen from his burn the Saturday night previous. He was shown the and identied it as his pro rty. He t n drove out to Mr. John- sonrand recovered his horse, which is not three years old et. Hllaelt. had been in town early that ay alter the honey for the stolen horse. but fortunately Mr. Hmlth was not at home. and he lelt for Morrisburg belore his brother's arrlv'al. Learnin that his brother was on his tracks Silas .. and his Ills got ready to leave Morrlshurg. Paohlng up their grip. and they were is a hurry to do lt. for they lelt Mrs Seymour`s jacket with an imitation Persian lamb onllar and some nnderelothes behind, Mr. Soy rnour hired a rlgl a llveryrnan named Wager and started r0ttawa. Constable Crlres, armed with a warrant for Seymour's arrest. went up to Harrisburg that night, but too late, the bird had Gown. we`; storped at nxhote noon and__stole be on- Ila III II. Jl. l'I\J|'"IlII|l U Il\'t'r_V` Inll Ill CU"I' pony with Miss Fish drove to Dickinson! Andinq, where s bell was advertised to talte place that night. Not returning next day Mr. .\lcl)onald telegraphed to some psrties at the landing inquiring if s men snswering .\'eymour's description wss there, and the answer csme l)t|L'k thst there was. Seymour end his lsdy friend, Miss Fish, did not return to Uornwsll until the following Thnrsdsy. When they landed at the Fish msnsion on Fourth street they were met in the doorway hv M rs. Fish,who refused them sdmittsnce until they were nnsde men snd wife. Seymour end Miss Fish then stsrted out tohunt up the issuer of mnrrisge li censes. They found that gentlemen st his otlice. Seymour got the license snd stood the issuer o, saying that he would shortly return snd pay him. He did return, but It wss for the purpose of raising s loan of $5. It is needless to ssy that he didn't succeed. With the msrrisge license in his poeltet and Miss Fish hooked on his It'll] Seymour went strsiahtwsy to the residence of Rev. Mr. Reynolds, sud the loving pair were spliced sfter the latest style. Mr. Seymour was s little short sfter the ceremony sud stood the minister otf slso. The womsn. with enough brsss in her has to stsrt s foundry. visiting seversl stores snd wsnted to borrow 85 from the proprietors, but she got the rsule-dszzle ever time. Finslly she succeeded in work in! out of en old ltiend. The psir went Irestwsrd by G.T.R. thst l`ll:|L |- And Mrs A for dsvs sftnrwsrrls ouwrulv. _ Seymour reghtered at the American house under the names of W. J. Martin, repreaen tin himself A: trnvellin for Prince & (Jo., oft at city. Next day 0 fall in with .\li|n Fish. wife number ve, end the two visited the Salvation army bnrrncka in the evening. On Monday Seymour engmzad 3 horse and ` rig at J. M. Mcl)nm|:l`a livery, and incom- mnv Ililh Min I-`huh rlrnvn In Hit-Irin-nn'n uuuxpuuvvu llIUPPUdl'II'ICe. I"A\'UI" CUUI was made to nd out the whereas uta < Se) mour, but all to no purpose. He was 1 deudto his wife. Fiuuy he turned n in Cornwall. This In; two week: ago In: Saturdnv. Qnurnnlnu Imnktnnnzl :9 pin Luann-Sivan nn- Silas F. Seymour was born in Winchester, Dundas, 30 years ago.` His father died a few years a o and left him a valuable farm property. is career since his father`s death has been a wild and checkered one. He mortgaged the farm and it passed from his possession a few weeks since. With the money he raised by. mortgaging his property Seymour cut quite a dash. Attired in a neat` fitting suit, and sporting a silk hat, a ready and pleasant conversationalist, he had many admirers among thelfairscx. He visi- ted Van Camps Mills and there fell in love with a respectable girl, whomy he marriedi After a child was born to them Seymour de- serted his wife and went to Lindsay, 0nt.. where he married another woman. This was in I883 After living a short time with wife number two, he left her and went to Belleville. There he met a handsome girl named Vanderwater, the daughter of wealthy and respectable parents. Miss Vanderwater, although only 16 years of age, fell desperately in love with this may Lothario. and her parents consented to her marriage with Seymour, although they knew nothingaboutthe history of the base decciver. Seymour and Miss Vanderwater were mar- ried early in I884 and lived happily to- gether untilwivesnumbers oneand two, who had been searching fa their betiayer, ap peared in Belleville one day and threw a bomb into the Seymour camp, by causing his arrest. At the trial they appeared against him and Seymour was found guilty and sentenced to three years in the King- ston penitentiary. During his connement in the penitentiary, wife number one died, but the child, we believe. still lives. Upon his liberation Seymour visited the scene of his early buy hood and commenced to play his old g.-une by making love to the fair ones in the neighbourhood. They wen ianorant of his past career. He proposed one day to the daughter of a respeosahle hotel- lteeper in the township of Finch and she accepted. The marriage took place in due time. followed shortly afterwards by the disapparance of Seymour. His young wife was almost distracted over his sudden and unexpecteii disappearance. Ever effort was math in nd nut. rim as-lwrmt nts m The List of women no use Duper!-Ills Latolt Movement Slnoo lils Bolousn From the l'onltonl.lnry_Ho lg (iallop-_ ad Back to tha Prison in Plus Style. boux \\'Al.l.,` Jan. 23. -- Silas. F. Seymour,` the notorious horse thief, was yesterday sentenced to six` years in the ponitentinry, four for bigamy and W0 for horse stealing. Previous to the trial he addressed 8 com- munication to solicitors in Winchester to dis 9 of the farm left him by his father, auolmianstructin them to hand over the amount. realize to his last hride, Miss Fish. He also wrote a letter to M ids Fish and ask- ed for her photoqraph. THE ADVENTURES OF A F WHO LIVED HERE. [LAS. cons UP FoTIi`s7x{I" grand on-ne.~`l rul nwmnnpaninlent. llllllllll, IIII." by full chorus. solos by Miss Hmnlen. and m-vo|n- pnni.-d by n nmmnillruul urrlu-.zalr.1. under the nlin-v'mn uf Herr August And:-rm-II. M the (` ~ M-nmmon Conservatory of Music. song by llu Ilowdrn. Plano solo by Ilr. Gubh. with orchestral an-ompnnlnmnt. Vlulll Solo by Burr Anderson. Tl(`Kl-ITS. 7. ) AND 50 (`E.\"l`S. ....... _....._......n _.-.n _ . _ . . . _ . _, L __-_ .. ll _, FELLOW` UP Ian . jCIZ \lCfUlUU IXIUWI PrI'ruvm,Jn. !I.-A Catholic coloni- utlon society, with I capital 0! Ol(l).w0. hubocn Ionnod Inn to olbbllnh Catholic oolonlu In the South. ____..___,_ Illolnollon On-alt. Mon-rnuI.. Jun. 3l.-Tho annual report I the dlroouon ol the Richelieu & Ontario navigation company IMII that Own hold 8.50) than: out o! a total ol 91. rs --I I I-.- r nature; an -aunt-win bonnou. Jen. II.-- X'|o Tdegmpka Bor- Iln correspondent hate that the projected marriage of Princess Vhlorle of Prneeele to Prince Alennder ol Beuenbnrg. he: been denitely abandoned. A nor Ifordllold Ania. S7. PI1-Ivuuwnn, Jun. 98.--Tho |bdlc|- tlon of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, I: considered hon to b0 u qliomon 0! day: only. The orthodox bhhopo are preparing to donounoo him an an oppnnor of the hlth. I uv can-U Uvr -ww-vu-up LONDON. Jan. 91-]! In uudoru.taood that Juno: llullott. who kept the saloon in Dor- Iot street, Dublln, when the whole Invin- cible plot wu hatched. nod who In now in polnl nrvlsudo. will be put on the land in the Parnell one today. Oonlesslen e! s Conduetor. (`Im`Auo, Jsn. 22.-A serious "lssksge" has been discovered by the oicers of the West Side street rnilwny oompsny. A con- dussor. who tss interested in the scheme to best the wmpsny. has confessed and impli- cssed ssversl others. The company : loss is upwsrds of 8841!). A Kr porter : Puoltlnn . Nlw Yonx, Jan. 23.-\\'. ()`(.7onnnr Laughlin, with his wife, four children. mo. Lher and two liners, are doulned at (Tulle Garden. Mr. Laughlin in I reporter of Bel- fut, Irolnud, and had but 35 in his poun- Iion when he Il'|"lV0d on tho Servin." Mnior J. H. Pond cabled that he will on- doavor to have Mr. Langhlln roleuod. Lnughlin acted to Pond : agent when Henry Ward Beecher wu lecturing In Ireland. ulu IIDIL IUW IIn_\'l lllc gllufll Hill ueeu Clll` ed upon by I cxmsnnt stream of uniformed otcerl of the Terriourisl army, who came to Purim in Athenxl Hm milimrv hAH TI.- ||\ nu-Av. nu nun UV \ nan nu. .~`~ats reserved without ovtrn charge at l`ll~ dt-mmfu Bookstore. 1` R nmL'.4n\:

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