Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1889, p. 8

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Thur: hu put nrrivod at J. Campbell`: wood yard. Onhrlo street, the but nook olutod or unwed vnupb. also the but of dry club wood. . the bury. uwunuo. mmnurv: nmmclal secretary. Wm. F. Shnnliou. Sunbury; `treasurer. Robert Shumon. Sunbury, 1). of (3., Wm. Gordon, Sunbury; lecturer. Jpbn MCDUll|ld, Hm .-mu ll`I no. .3. ISIIIOII. The annual meeting occurred at riuubury, and the ot!('rs elect are: l).W.M.,John Kelly, Sunbury; D.l)..\l. Henry Knapp. Butters; Chaplain, Calvin (Tampbell, Iuvomry; recording secretary, A. McBride. Slnhury: mmcial Wm. Shanliou. Sunburv: `tn-n.nnmr, Rnhnrf mu uncrry, anu mus only been notied to be on hand when wanted. The genernl opinion ln Kingston is that the major will come out victorious. He was known hero as I most cnpablo soldier and a man who would not offend 3 child with intent. uuucr IFFCSI. ,_ At the inilitiadupartunent in Ottawa no itilornmtinn could be obtained in the matter beyond the hut that is chge had been made against Major short. The papers had been received, but no evidence or particular: were gi\en, and the u.cn.-used had been asked lo?` his reply. The deputy udjutnnt general lhul also been asked to report. It is denied that Majur Short is under arrest. He in at per- fect lilrerty, and has only been notied when wanted, uuulfry. ` Another report says that when placed under arrest the major took off his sword and handed it to Captain Fnrlev, the next.` in command. who tragically ordered the pri- sonar tohis room. The inaubordination took place after parade on Sunday, when -it in alleged. Major .`~hort returned a disre- spectful reply to a question from his super- ior. Theo once was overlooked for the moment, but law in the day, when the colonel endeavoured to get a private exphr nation, the otll-nee was Iepented, hence the arrest. Major Short says he is altogether ignorant on what ground he is so placed under arrest A9 5|... . AI Absurd Rumor Alon. 5-.. I. . _ . _ _ . _ _, I L Al PERSONAL MENTION. 3`!-Jor short ll Plazed Unilor Arrest at the eltndel In Quoboc. . There was somewhat of a sensation ttrday when it became known that Major Short, the genial second ntliccr of B" battery. Q_I,tebee, and a general favourite here. was placed nnder arrest; The tele raphio dil- patch ~fromQi1ebec re rted tiat trouble had`heen brewing in t e citadel for some time between the oavalry and artillery. It broke out on Sunday and resulted in the ar- reat`ef~Major Shorthof B" battery, It la stated that hia olfence was merely marching 08` his men without reporting to Lieut.-`gel. -' `u rnbnll, who is in command of the` cav . According to another report Col. `Tnrnbull remarked to Major Short when the battery were drawn up for church parade, Why do vou allow your men to appear on parade in such a slouchy manner `.' Major Short" ` said nothing. and on returning, just as the ' cavalry were about to tile oil` into their own quartera. Uol. Turnbull made another re~ mark about the battery. Major Short said something between his teeth, some wurde which was not altogether complimentary to his superior otlicer. and the latter innue- rdiately ordered him under close arrest. Major Short amilicd for a court`. of enquiry. and all the papers connected with the case htI\'u been forwarded to Ottawa. The rela- tions between the two officers were not of the moat friendly nature. Col. .\lontizam- bert being sick a_n(_l:\lujur,h`i1ort under that Captain Farley act: as commandant of the battery. I Annthnr -n.u...a --.._ n . I I ` REGISTERED VESSELS. .uw'm'.\'1`s TU m: mm. The pu_vmeut of the following accuunts mu rccunnm.-miied : Water works, $40: gas company, 3.3.); S. Jenkins, $134 26; E. Ruddy, $4 87; S. S. Phippen, $30 10; K. bhziw. $3 ; '1'. \\'. Milo, 59.9. ): J. Hender- snn, SI .30; F. l\'u.-sbir, $4 95; John Mc- Mahon, $11.55; A. flcynnhls, 512; W. Dunn, $l2..32; H. McCall, 88; E. Rmldy, 328 S5; Lnacombe. $4; Nag:-nn & Taylor, 3100: J. Howell. 3156 TI ; l*Ilh'ott.Bruthurs, $47.23. .. `I._ -. HE HADN'T A LICENSE. ELEC~T.lON or on-"scans. Dlnlrlct No. 3. Rldelll. ,, ,, ._ "A M:ufA.HY} SENSATION. muse. aonn mcnlouud. Wm 1 Shannon, John l\'.elly,Ri-um: IIUIICCI rrounlllltl. ' Fresh to strong out no! south wlntln, olondy. nlld mm: with nil. nu v -uxvvu vvl nun ZCCEEI`. l.|v:nroaI.. Jan. in. Cotton. fno supply ollbrlnx: American mid. ling. H. _ (halal Pnolno... OuulnCouon()omp: ljnndnanmmun u ucuwr IL mu done right. .\ uliscusriun ensued, and then the motion Mus sul.nIi!u-I. It was lost in the fnllowing division: Yeas, Measxs. Augliu. Arnie], Horne and blamsic. Nays, Messrs. \\'1l:mn, Allen, Dunlap, Gmskin and Savage. ll`(`l|l'\"I"u rm. Inn ...... pnuugq-3.00 Gen II to III Old quality. The demand for cslveo was good and all the oori was quickly taken A! from ulooo utoqudlty. MONTREA L STOCK IARKICX`. Moan-nnL. Jun. l6.--Pl-lea Are some- what. lower on nccount of the large receipts. The demnnd from exporter: for good cutie ha been fair. but no large lot: have come lorwud. The demand for sheep ha been goal. A: the cut and tho market wu gluued with poor mock. and in mnsc-qnence ale: were slow. Only one or two choice small lou were bought st About u. per lh. Good butchers cattle told u 3c(u4c. folr st 3c(5 35, common st 2c1`.3c, And in- ferior at 2c(a_z `I50 per lb, live weight. The nlferhgu ol sheep met. with an active do- musd at from 8.15()(ci.I7 each, and lambs st IRJQISJO Inch :5 to sin ud quality. demand for cslvc.-I_.wu_good g|.- -R__.|_ _. -_ I Ilsrdwnre. novel and rnugeqdnnnge-I by re, water Incl smoke. cleaning sale it big reduclionn. Bibby 8 Virtue, King street. .j__.__......._____.._.__-._ Asking for fondoru lrrogulurlv. Printed circulars have been issued from the citv en viueer'a utc{=, asking for trn-lo.-rs for mneriaf with which to build I dock near my fan: uf West strut. This plnn uf Asking for tender: for material is not considered aatisfuctury. and many pernona, who would have heard of the matter had it been udver~ tisml in the pap:-rs. will not know that such inutezial is needed until it in too hm. by the Kev. U. A. Anderson. John Desoroiito was perhaps as hruve a warrior as ,LI.;ptain Joseph Brunt. but the latter was more forward, and lmving a few drops of white blood coursing through his veins. which Deseronto had not, pushed himszlf into notice. lleseronto is buried in-ur the .\lnhawk parsonage, and no stone is misul to mark the place where 41 greater warrior than Brunt lies. The American company commenced nperuting in i318. and consisted of the late H. B. Rathbnn, '1`. Y. Howe and L. H. (Tsrpenter. The two latter withdrawing the business was continued by the late Hugo Bugghsrdt Rstlibuii, the founderof Deseronto. Mr. Rwhbun perse- vered in the face of diiculties"iii which he met with great assistance from Mrs. Rutlt bun, who shared his trials and with s hrnve heart encouraged him in his undertakings. To her cour e and fortitude the growth and success of eronto are in a great mea- sure due. Pew indeed are aware of the sacrilices she made to promote the welfare of the infant community. H. B. Rathhuu continued the business nlons until I863, when bqassociated with himself his son, ll. W. Rathbun, who took the management of the business. In I-880 Mr. F. S. Rasthhun was admitted into the firm. which in I883 was incorporated as the Rathhuu company. Mr. H. ll. Rathblm died in M86, his estim- able wife having died in I816. The lmsi ness of the Messrs. Rstlihun continued to rapidly increase. and as is consequence Dev serontu itself grew stendilg in pDPlIl`|'l'lll And importance. In l-`NI the Bay of Quinn- rnilrmd Was: built and mane.-tion made with the Grand Frunk. The history of he serosto during late ymrs is generally luio wn. uvnuvoot. 00T'R)l IAIIIIT. I n---nu A non-nun. s-too; `nun. Iolrrnux. - - "".x'-'-."?.."... survru tor persons going (.0 mipnneo. bout l8'l7 Culbertson conceived the i-lea of 8 Village, lull hurl a small plot '.I'r\'e) ed for that purpose hy the late l'hilip('lupp, of Napanee, giving it the name of llesurnnto after his grandfather. In July, H50, the point was sold to an American oomptmy and for years the little lnunlct was known as .\lill Point. ln 18.3] a post oilice was open- ed in a log house. For years it was called Mum-. or linwen after the postnmster, the late James Bowen. The growth of the place \\'ns slow at first. In I864 the lll`Sl.`l`t'llt{lul18 8('l'\`lL`0 was held in the school house hy the Rev. 1.` A. Anderson. Subsequently the Rev. John Scott. Presbyterian minister ot NpAllt't , heltl services inthe same place. Religious services were also helul occasion- ally by Methodist ministers, stationed at Nupanee. The first religions service held in the White church was In Feebruary, I363, by the Rev. (3. A. Anderson. ':\|;l\ I \.....t-,\...., .... ....._|.-__ ,7 I .;uounuuLv suuuuv. , 1`)eser0nto,"the name assumed" in` 188], its 'Lf0l)&Wk word meaning an object struck with lightning." -Usptain John `Dc-seronto was 'Ihe chief who after the revolutionary wsr led fteen canoe loads of his eople to the reserve now occupied hy a ban of over 1,000 souls. The Mohawks got from Ueorge III as areward ~ for their ` loyalty the township 0f`Tyeu(linsgu. por- tions of which they at various times ceded to the government. This is. the source from` which they derive their uunuity. ".'1'hey re- Min about l7.000 acres. In the year I335 John Culbertson, son of n Scotchnmn, who kept a store in. .Kingston. and Mar- garet, a daughter of Captain ._lohu- Deser- outo, applied to the chiefs for sgmnt of land on nu-mint of the services of his grand fu.ther. After some time a rent of 500 acres was made, (Iulhcrtson ) edging him- self to liquidate all Indian chums, etc. The chiefs were easy going and ignorant and Culbertson s name remained on the pay list =2: and though his wife was a white wmmn, named Sager, his__childreu and grsndchil- ' dreu enjoy the privileges accorded hy.se\'eru.l sets of parliament to Indians. The only wharf for many years on the Tyendinuga side of the hay was that near the oldi Mr - hunk church. About I836 it became` |l:&-f- less from age and ilulbertson built one in front of his own house on little to the west of the present flour mill. The landing was then known us Culbertson s wharf. which served for persons going to Nspnuee. I l.`i'i7 (Tulliertson nnnmrivml thn inluu COMMERCIAL MA TTERS. mum ruspccung Muss uentIg'a salary, rec:msiderc'.l." .\l1;(hx.skiI1 said his n imuving the resohntiou was to Les fee.-lin;.;s of the members of the board whetlwr it lad done right. Iliscus inn elmlxml and Hum elm ... WOCGIOI` PVODIIIIIIIOI. s- -A...__ ___A __.| , i . I John Culbertson Lula thi Fmnulutlonu ';_.,...(u:.;:--Bkulrluhlnx \'lIlsie--A Worthy - Clan-f`1Vhoqo' Burial Place In Not :Murlteq-|Ilntor: 0! Much Interest. Desoronlo Tribune. 4.l.\......--._., n .1 -' V I" - - ~--- NOT'THE ONLY (3609 {THING BE- GUN FROM THIS __ClT,Y. LAID B1'A4T1f1E7SHTQ}ifA;\7.` HE; MZKRIED AGAIN. wuus uuccessxuuv. I `Capt. Gaakin, ulthoufx opposo to an reconslderatiotluf the mutter, moved. secon - ed by Mr. Massie, tlmt tlmft xortiou at" the report of the committee of sclmnl mauuge- men! respecting Miss Hentig s salary, be me- Mr. (laskin said hi: man .-.. _mm mm vvus woncny OI rewam beczu was touching-a-clanof b0)'Og"&Bd dwi- work successfully. `Cunt. llnabin ..hl.,\.`.t. -...-....u uumun was macusseu. ` When it became known that Miss Hontig was granted by the board the salary stated, thirty-two teachers became xlissabiulietl and appealed to the board for increuaas in their salaries. ,At the time the_ board increztsqd M iss Hentiifa salary 350, it was bcHc\'cd _thnt she was wor-thy of reward because she dttig her work surneasfunllv .J .-... ' AN ow nu-:.\x Dl:('l`SHF.D. The matter"of reconsidering the clguae In the report of the cqmmittee of when} mtsndgamont recommending that Miss 1". Hutig, teacher, receive agnlary uf 84U() per zumum was discussed. \\'Iuon It LA......,... I._....... A`. ,L II- It no me new acnooi management uunmittee. P. B. Douglas, acting for the minister of the interior. and Hugh C. l .m:t. fur `chgyde purtment of militia and dcfexam, wrote. re spec-ting the transfer of u` p:y:inn of the I\'orm}l school 10: t0 the school` board for 5 nice for a. new school. The board is informed that the dominiun Lgnverunwut will xleul with the; matter as soon its possible. Documents fy led. A\! I]! n l'nl.'|I n..~....~.......\ vv. Mannie and n. :1. Savage. 4' J.`Uould. caretaker of the Central lchool, ` applied for an increase of salarv. Referred to the new school cuulmittee. I,)0lHIl.8. 1|.(`.filIU fnr lhu Ininiufnr nf sun I . Seymour Tar-nee up end Adde Au- nther Wife to the Lint, Siiee E. Seymour, eliee W. J. Mel-tin end /S. l".. Shevcr. who wee releeeed from the penitentiery eomo monthe ego. end who hee tied nnmeroue eecepedee elnce then in King- eton. Nepenee, Brockvile, Wetertown. N. Y., West Winoheeter, end in all eeceped erreut, hee turned up in Cornwell. He wee first eeen In Jenuery, end re reeented himself ee 1 traveller from `J. S. rinoe. jeweiler, St. Lawrence Meln etreet. Montreel. While there he formed the ecquelntence of N ellie Fieh. who. on hie invitetion, wentto e New Yeer hell et Diokineore Lending. ehout twelve milee went of thet pleoe. They did not return until towerde mid-dey following, for which her mother censured her severely. In e fit of en r eppereutly ehe eccopted en oifer of merr eae irom her new found friend. end on Thnredey night following the couple were merried et the Methodie: pereonege hy the Rev. Mr. Reynolde. The lr went . weet next a`. to Morrleburg. w ere Soy- Inour proou e horee end rig from A livery men. end e werrent ie iuued for the re- cover of the horee end rlv. It turn: out the! . lee Fleh lo the fth wifaoi the men Seymour. end the fourth living. one hevlng died eolne tllne ego. ' I ( 1" |:||'1nR ll/Io Ttfble of Wurlx-ThdlClmnge In the 4[ 0l'l0lIll of the Board --Snnie ml the Ratlromonu ltearott.od-_'lln~ Saint-V Question Fluinlly lllnponed 0!. The list regular meeting of the school board of 188.11 was held last evening. Thele were. prescnt the chairman, T. C. Wilson; Messrs. W. Allen, S. Anglia. W. J.`Arneil, \\'. l)unlup,S. ll. Fee, J. Guskin, A. Horne, W. Mannie and H. B. Savage. J. (lould. carotalmr nf tha Cnntml m-Imnl THE LAST: REGULAR MEETING or, THE musraas FOR uses. l~iUA~l{l) or El)UU.5.Tf0N._ ; Miss Hentig'a (me- Mr; (hxskin n1()ti\'e I`!-I.sn,`nYinn \Ux|s: on 9-..; cl. ala Mr (H, l'AlU. in! works, 3.10; . \'.n.l.ir Ju'.. I..|... n- an sun: In: IIIULHU Last the `Hm l\,......l ..- .- us an. oumuu auulgsn. sud mother young man worn drowned. It is laid that Millikan broke through the Ice while trying to rucuo his companion. Mulllgnn leave: a young wife whom he married In Odouo thrue month: Ago. The friend: of tho union-cunts young man no doc Iv dlutu-mod over the nuuldonc und nun thin msuthy to the narrowing rolntivou ol the In . lint. Wholuono. For homo undo broad, try Mumob. :';.2.:::z 3223:; -* W2 The looting on Friday RI;-Inn-Dlaaaaalng Bomo oltha Baal Lin suluootl. At the [int regular muting oi the Oui- anio aoclety. to he hold on Frida lth, at 8'clock, in Quoolflcolloge, the ` fur and Tenuro question will bu dincuuod at some length, in aapor to be read Mr. Mao- donpoll, LL. .. of thin city. in opporzu nity will be than given for remarks in con auction with this _aubjoot to the membeu. `I`|Ih aodctgll rapidly lnonaalng in mint ban, and t 0 interest Inaniloaud at pnunt in natar than at any former period u! its 1-: I060. The programme it usually in- urn nod with lutrumontal and vocal mu: :2. togathor with Scotch reading: and (Julio Iolll. The meeting: an alwayn thrown open to the public, and all are wal- ooma to come. : ltnllill II -IIIIIVOl1. While dating on the ice nenr Mixlhnvon yesterday nltiornoon Horbgrt Milllgnn, Ion of Mr. Samuel Milllg-an. and mother It. in mid tint. Milka... M. vnut Iuuvuu uy mr. nnvlgo, seconded by Mr. Allen, thnt the board deeply regret the retirement of Mean. Gukm, l1u.ia_ Tuoey And Conley. ` Mr, Allan mid ha I'll nnrny u Ln...) -.-- I thvy ; munts se"".'m 5) _ (lutn-s H ,,6_' humor H l)l[Ce1 `ndcb NH) 8 "` . IVY `C L), spnnsll y `Or thruwh hers, f'".m l 18 right he (`Yr(`l` {Med H` "U Mar wa.rm ff hm)` evnlentx him than a f nice .Hp(`kll}} mm ':','%r:* -..........--u` uuu HIVIIII nus. Sim-:.\'u.m, Jan. |4.~(To the Editor`:-2 As the rt-pealiug of the Scott act will on- _ gage the public mind fur weeks let us ex.- _ amine matters. The man and the men for enforcing the act were denied us by our county council, and the ICI was brought in disrepute, and many felt disposed to vote against it; but since the means lnve been sup lied the change for..the better in all we cou d expect in so short. I time. All good friends of humanity and of law And order feel delighted with the chmga Contrul. the past with the present ; now our streets Ire quiet, And we don't see lieu reeling, uwenrin . and yelling up and down than, and we nn't hear of 3 lot of ho from Ion to Ilxtoen hnviug 5 regular drun every inw woeln. We hnvo quiet in nll our borders. Thou thing: being no we hope every true man will do his but to Iunnin the Scott act.--Your: truly. A Flnnuu. up n.... D ..- Abonl 2.30 views were preucuted, principally ('nuu.dizsn, but inclggling also mary in (Ihimn, Japan, England, lrehunl and Scotland. Each ac-rue was described by I entk-man who bu] personally visited ueurl all tho (misr- ent places mentioned. His remarks were buth witty and an-rtuining. Ixcelleai portraits of \`ir John Mmdnnald. Sir George Stephen, Gen. Middleton, Lieut.-Uol. Strum. B1-nzic, Principal Hunt, and other: wort givun, including A number of views in thin vicinity. The hum} of A battery 1:- ceptzbbly rendered ue Ielcctiom during the evening. A Pleasant Evening at the Opera Homo _.\laglc Lantern Exhibition. The largest audience see: in the opera house for a long time assembled last night to witness the series of views presented by Max O'Neil. So great was the demand for seats that all on the-lower nor were re eerved, and the balcony and gallery were completely filled. ()uly standing room could be obtained long before the hour of cum- ` menciug. Hundreds were turned away. About 2.30 views principally incliglinu many in (thin, mum uncut Illrly. ".-\ho\`e all they shr-ul-l rvnwtnlier that thu-y cannot dist-lmrue thenuclves of all re- sponsibllity for thuir chil-lren's cnlncution by throwing it upon the teacher. The home might to be the host s~hool. \\'here\'er this is rightly understootl thotcu.cliL-r's work will vtllu-ti\'e and cninpxu`nti\'cly easy. Your mldreaa has in it tones of such warm feeling and personal regard that you eviclentlv expect from me something more formal reply. That is my CXHIBB for .upMikiI1g to you without reserve. In the future] hop!` to have opportunities of mi- tlressing my fellow citizens on educational questions, and to stamd side by side with wit in doing everything that can he tlone to nmke our svhaols even hetter than they are. I thank you for your kind mention of M rs. Grant, and Ijnin my earnest prayers with yours for the happiness and vfue pros~ parity of every housclwhl within the good old limestone city. -4: M 11...-.. v n THE _o-s'TAmc*oiErv. uuuzliuon unu rigidity are bad. "The hest feature in our system is the comparatively impurta.`ut lace hold by the school district and the locu board. I would mlvumuc the grmlunl lmrrease of the pnw;er of local nards, hum of common and high schools. In order that changes in th is ectinn nmy be elferrtesl with safety the peo- ple generally mu-at, take an active interest in the matter. Aml why 5llUllll(l`tlle_V nu`.`.' Cum anything else he to the-.m of such in l.L`l't S[ us the e(lll(:.ni<.m of their own child- ren`! l`Ilcr:tin_[_; the litrest mun IIH trmitevs nhouhl gratefully acknowledge their selw/ic:-s when they ulisulmrge faithfully the of their high olllce. They shuulol the le1chers,- make their tenure of nrlice secure, pay them lihenilly Illll pro- mote them fairly. "-\l.m.. n .1..\.. ..l..-,..ll ., VI W -L LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. vww, uuu man or l[5t:ll la a. great rnatrer. I may say here that my wider expen- ence has convinced me that educational cen- tralization and rigidity bad. "The" lmsl fr-nfin-n in mm ...v..A..... L. LL- I [ICE] IIIU L/OIIIIV. Mr. Allen said be I'll sorry tho board In: going to 1000 the service: of two of the bog; truuoeu it ever Ind. T he motion wu ccrriod. Maura. Uukin and Mania thnnhd the member! for thcir ex reunion of regard. and -regrettaod leaving the rd. The band ndinnrnnrl At. 0.,-an n'nhu.|. ueiure. ~ . During my absence I ha,-ve studied the sr-lmol systems of many countoies, and have learned lessons that ought to a_i_s_si_t mewin co-niiig to N ht :oncl\1sions. The worlnl is wider than Cnmula or than Ameriea. The British empire itself is wider than this con- tinent, and within its boundaries there are so many educistiounl systenis and"metlmls that a man who travels with eyes and cum open cannot help learning things that con- ,hrm opiuiqns previously held, and suggest inipruvcinents on what he may have thought perfect. or the necessity of revising his tormer judgments. He gets new points of view, and that of itself is HIQV 5&1! lmra that I): wiilnr ovnnri. ---.-T Drowned at Illlluvon. -|.-A1__ -_ -L, ; g llfllll 3 Gentlemen,--I esteem very highly the ; honor you couferrecl upolr me in uo-0'pcrut- ing with the city council fo give 5 public welcome to one who is simply it private citizen. The address in which you speak in such attering terms of my services to the country during my dbsenoe, and of the in; ` terest dis lnyediby me in inrthering`eduou- tional lll other important public interests `during my residence in Kingston. is` another proof of your regard which I value highly. Such tokens of public appreciation are sel- dom bestowed, uml are. therefore, all the more signicant. Tliey are to be valued ` more highly than `titles or gold, and he who receives them should feel himself pledged to ` thopublic service more unreserredly than before. _ lll\....2.. ._ __., I " ' Examining Ibo Scott Act. \-n... I... :1 nu .n - from . ---`--__" H A V Illa Re-plv to the Address of the noun! of Educnulon ltnmmtly l'reunto-cl. ' At the meeting pf the no-`hool board, held last eve `ng. the following'~Yoter was read kyrlgiicipal Grunt. =ruplying- to the "an; dress pr-cseutgd to him oxi behalf of the school board upon his a.rr>ivnl from'Aua- traliaz ` wan.._n._.--_ I ,,. , ., I- -I MAX O'NlEL'S VIEWS. D3. GRAN} ON THE SCHOOLS. z'F`m:xu ext 003 RMJ. N THE `Barrsn `wH?1` JAN`. WI WIII IIlII' ZDI'C'fI'IIC ZUIICI. Cnnhod ulmou. Ibo; Just cooking or `table spflon, l)o. pooh: onlmu. No. pooh; onnhorr on, loo. 5 quart; rupborry fun and .::#:.-.:;...':." ~:::~e:.*::;...'*:= W--~ ulc umuer up. Jne ume had arrived whun tlIl')lh1`sL`h0ul should go up. and if the maize , allmivd to is not received it will be lost to ` the bond. Mr. Metculfe, M.P.P.. bu lgrued L0 usint the board to get the property, and it is to be huped he will be successful in the work. He thanked the members for their cuurwny xuwudn him on all occurionn. THI. nr.'nkI.\'o 'l'll.l`.~I1'El3 I t w.ua moved by Mr. Snvngo, seconded by M I`. AHBD. I0 lX)&l`d dm-nlu roar-at up. IIIIDCI lIl'I',IVI$- Arrinlu At the British American Haul- J. A. McAv5ty. St. John, NJ}. :1}. (Brush, Bellevillo-G. E. M: bee. W. Dsvidlon, Toronto i `K Pollol. 00. ;U. M. M :- qmory, D. McNaughton. Montreal ; F. . funuu, J. E. Fsnqulot. Brockvillo: R. Column. Hamilton ;a. Hickey. Murru- bnrg 3 E. Rotbbun. J. M. Poltru, Dour- 6nIo;0. H. Bell. Detroit 3.). L. Danika. Piston ; J. P. Mound. Carleton Plano ; L. Hnrkoaht. Bunlo : H. A. (thin, (Jordon Illund ; Pour Curran. Philadelphia 3A. A. Bruno. Boston. ' I 'lhe `IV ;>uo of Advenlelng. John Wanamaker. the merchant prince o! Pbilndelphin, My: : "When I cum to my deck lut \VodlIeMI|y morning I I'll unwr- nlly thinking about the Chrintmne made which we bud. We did e greet den] of (Thrinunne bneineel in this Item this year. During the ten days previous to Chrbtmu our sales aver: I about OI00,000 3 day. The grand total I; the ten de I Idle oil I few clullare under A IIIIJIIOI. spent I5. I0 5 week in udvertiehg. nnd I pav n nkilful man. 5 former newspaper editor, anal n good one, SLOW I month to do it for me. I mnko money in Advertising II the lever- age with whic thin etore ha been! ruined up. I do not nae how any lnrge and euooeu- ful retail buinell ecu be done without li- horul ndvenigiq. Continuous ulvenieing. like continuous work. Ie the man elective." urges: qmnuty In Ulllldl. Mayor 'I`honr.pnoo. when ukod About the nidawulk he was said to have ordered with- out consulting the street committee. re- marked: 1'hn`I III right. They any I gpz tan vote: by it. I Am glad oI that. Pro- bably before the mutter in done with I may make some um wiggle. non: of those alder- men who hue been drawing money while lining M. the board. '\/II IUTU. Now is the best time for bleaching cot- tons. (`ottons white and grey at wholesale pricva at R. Mob`aul'a. Towola, table linens, slwetings, pillow cottons, linen .-ruh, all at mill prices. at R. Mcl"aul`I. ('rsrpets, ull cloth, curtain poles, art blllllll and rollers, chenilo curtains, damask and tapestry -urtaiuing, the cheapest in the city at R. Mcl"aul's. The Plate (Slut trade has become an im- portant feature in Canada. No business house would now dream of having the old lheet glass windows. Not only the design of the building is vastly improved. but the good: dilplayed in the window: are more inviting whom plate glaaa is lined. Me Caualand & son, Toronto, napply by far the largest quantity in Canada. Mavnr Tlinntnnnn -|n:- A-|---3 -5*--` `l~ We Wu! Your lord-and lousy. f`-..'.-.I _-u_-_ |x_. I.--'. _--LI_A , umumugc sausages. James Lrawlord. This is the silly nonsense telegraphed to the New \ ork World. from Ottawa, about ch wind storm: (.`cm-ge Simpson, a brake- nmn on thu Kingston & Pumbmlgu railway, mus blown olna train near Sinit.h'a Full, ml will (lie from his injuries." lmmonav buckwheat cakes. ()ur Luck- wheat. flour makes the tiniest Lukas, our brand flour in the finest in the land, cooking applea, table apples, 20 peck ;lomonu. 20; _loriu.geu. 20; cranberries, l0c. James 3 (frawfonl. ` \V..... :_ .L_ L.-. .:, . ".3 upvlru, we ; uulu apples, 20: a peck : lemon. 20 ; onmges, 26 ; eranherriel. We; roll um] tub butter, flesh celery, potatoea, ` caunhridge sausages. James Crawford. Thin ha {ha uiltv nn.m.....- o..l.........L- I A, Ins runwy so near xrom nun. Your money in better to us than goodnno nutter haw rbeap. Roll bacon. l`2c ; cook- ing Ipplrs, 20 table apples, 204,- pack ornnues. : emnlmrrim mu w new uw secret work 01 me order J. '1'. Diamond, deputy-grtnd Belleviile, lat llbel. The olcen are ready to hear from him. \ nur mun.-u in |...n.... 9... ... n|.._.. _vuvnc_y :. nu.) 1 ruweaa ureet, lungalon. Christophe-r fune, Toronto, one of the True Blues clmrged with trailoroualy trying to sell the secret work of the order. will sue lluter, larllbel. odicen any they ` 4 in: motion was curried ummimoualy. Mr. Wilson, in replying to it, nab-I it gave himlgrn-at pleasure to know that his services luring the year had in-en so highly nppre cinturl hy thu board. The oflioo of chairman he had highly regarded, and he hoped that he had diaulmrged the duties acceptsbly. He would always take 5 deep interest in educa- tion, while a member of the boanl. In the past year he had noted for the chninncen uf the several schools when they were unable to \ i..it them. He had started in a project to secure frmmthe guvornmeut A part of the Naruml school lot, as an aim for I ublic mlmol and hoped his sun-censor would allow the mutter up. The time had arrived when tuntlmr an-hon! nhuuhl an Inn ....I .1 .L.. ..:.- nuue nor Ills money. Ladies` half, whole and quarter wigs. hangs, switches, hair chains. rungs, made to order. llress and mantle-nmkilg. (Sunni! corset, best ever mule, over Walsh I .\.'t,ca.cy':. I05 Princess street, Kingston. Christophe-r fune. Tornnm, nun nf oh. ..v `u uv uuuurzlu u. nnlull, IIU l"l`IllC9B8 utreet, where he can be sure of gaming good value for his money. Lndim half mhnln nml Ul LIHHCU: If this shun)-I catch the eye of anyone- nceding new clothing, we would advise him to go to Lambert & Walsh, I10 Princess , . Itreet. vr|u-r.- hp nun ha nnrn ..l ,........,. A. n n.. Mcruul 3. While |)0_)'s were coasting at Desurouto oue cullhled with Miss Bessie Bolhwick. throwing her against a fence. She escaped with as few bruises. The boy was seven-ly crushed. It .|:,.L II -- - * I (ll. n. ANCFMU hoods, caps, n R. .\lcl"uul's. \\ |.;l.. |., EIIIUAIU. The nmnilu.-rs of the Eastern Methodist church, .\iupuxwc. are talking of erecting in $3,000 hall for \`.1hlmlli school purposes. A nice plot ufland In rear of the church can be utiii'/.v Just think of this, atuir carpet for ve cents; ladies` black wool hose for i5`;-cuts. at R. .\lci"uul s. Hosiery. gloves, mitts. nmthera, &c., less than cost at .\ic:Fmil'n nn um mung wm be nxc-I shortly. All. cuqtunncrs say: We Pwuut I that .\l.-suitnha hmn. It is worth tv weight in hay fur houses and cattle. $13 per ton at W. F, Baker's, I2 I square. l`hn n.n.u|....... .J` as... t.',.-A I- ._y (umlllL`l .t.`(l Hy M r. Doyle. The petition for the repeal of the Scott act in Frontenac, sent to the lo.-punnmnr. of . jus icv, has [.91-u found curr(.'ct, and as date for the vutiug will be xed shortly. cueturncrs sav: Wu mum vnnrn nl ualluualurlnll BCIIOUI. The lust merclmnt to locate in llrckvllle, and over which the pap"ers howl tremen- duusly, is Clmrlos E. Frulick who will run a dothmg establishment. , J. U'N late proprietor of the Queen's hotel, at Seek-y's Hay, removed to Ha.-lleville Izmlay where he has lL u8L'(l an hotel former- ly (-omlucted by M Doyle. Detltitm for thn rt-hnul n! pl... u..-u .ua.uu.una Hour, :2 75: bran, 90; chop feed. $1.25; hay. W4; buckwheat our, 65 per } cwt, It W. 1?`. Baker's. 12 Market equine. ' . Hr VA. rl\:..l.. 4|... ..,.L-,.I u u LHU plImlL`_ SCIIOOKB. Mr. Allen heartily agreed with all that had been said about the chnirnusn l_1y uthert. He had never enjoyed the meetings of the hour-I as well as under the presidency of Mr. Wilson. Ihe motion cur ied M- \\'.'l....._ 2, - ~ - Ellullllf. Dr. Fee thinks the school bourd should ` take, some steps towards awung the money now iu the custody of the trustees of the Lmuaszcrinun school. `I1... 1.... .. .. . . .. mum you wan n the mo! line at their yard. The annual < inner of the Rnyal unilimry college club occurs in Montreal on l*`ri(.luy night. Major-(nieneral (Iuneron will at- teud. ' `1..-.:L_I. II A`-- aumu mm any or the.1\1ngat.on vetunula. Brock & Hooth have `the best slabs. hard wood and dry blocks. .You can get; just what you wungin the fuel line their annual 4 innnr uf Hm I2......l ...n.-....... um me wry hotel with 30. Thule -is u tine curling riuk at Rnckwood asylum, and IOIIIB of the oiciala can run I stone with or the.1(ingat.;n Hooth have `the ham. nlnhn rm"! 1 l rum '4 0 u'0CK. ` The electric light company will the lluruetc hduse with 120 incandc and the City hotel with 30. Thtilt`, u Hum 4-nn~Hn.. -i..I. ..L 1)-- uncut were. I . ` _' There wiIl'be a partial eclipse of the noon to sight. [Lean be viewed `between 11 and '4 o`u'oc}(. ' elenr.ri.- liulm ........\...... ...:n _..---4. um Una H (irks yard. ' Mr. McCormao_k Has retired from C. 1 . R. detective stuff. . Thre will be 3 meeting of thdcity "coun- cil to-marrow gvening. Fr. Roadiugrooins have been opexieti con- uectinrlth the Picton Y.M.C.A. ' fhe Hummrhm Inna I... I\...... ........n...n .; ueuunn mm the Pictpn Y.M.C.A. ` Hun ariun band has been recalled to Toronto. 'lhia in its fifth successive engage- mcnt there. ' 'l`l....... ...:n -`i . _ __.___`...__; T.':_-..__.. `[\{NCII)ENTS:0F`TII1E DA? ., E. 1' ' "rho Spice at Every Dny Lllo-What tho Public an Tglkln. Al:out.--Nothing Eu capes the .|1:on~unn-o!~-'.I'hou Who nub 'l`:ikff'NiSl'5i. u | `. .m I 1 Fongcnuino Sornnton No. 4 coal- go -to the Gas Wnrlu yard. Nlccnrmnnlr Wm: mrir-A Gnu Hm yl calutll. Dr. Fee said he enjoyed the sessions of the board during the year. No unpiemwlt Bcuuea -recurred. Mr. Wilson hm truutrul all the members kindly. He: hoped he would long retain a seat at the Imus! because of the deep iuturcat he took in the welfare of the public, schools. Klr AIL... u...-_.:... , v -- PARAGRAPHS pacKE b' uhp `av oun - ausv nsponrsgs. cuu. ' Manitoba. Hour, 32 75: bran, clxob Bed. buckwheat unr. It );- To Ilolcl Art! Vib- . In n.- u A . u us uxuu snoruy. more of un. twice its hmsnn nml nnnln H--In puny supply incaudescenls ll ` all MW IUU Il ttle. Only Market ror ury on and non maple. soft wood ndlumi wood at lo'mu prlcu, go to Gnwfordi. foot ol Quota moot nuuu punnanonuy an unuu. sir Kiphprd own: conuldornblo proporty in Frontenac In Kl ton nndapcnoo. but not an can in tho mu valley. It In. zhoroloro. manl- lu Ilmml that ho uhbuld tnndor Illa unoo hum K ton, whom his nou- torl uttlod and his numb arc, to I place vll-the Otluns. ulu uvvul u-I I ll IIII FPITI IQ! man. an nmma r(jnlrI'wrlght Intends u; do poxmunonlly In Ottuu. Sir Riphprd cmnldarnhln nnmnou In li`m..o...... I- } nu an-Iuaru IIII-Iur JIIIII. An Item baa appeared In an paper: nat- ` :30: Cartwright to nannanontlv In (mu; Rip m.|...a ll0.\`HRI.\`: Tm: <'u.\n:\|.i.v. It was moved by Clpt. hashin. seconded by Dr. Fen. that it vote of thanks be tender ed Mr. )\'i|:-son. chairnmn of the school boznrd, for the uhln ln.ll)ll('l in which he dischargeri the duties of his iuxportuut uice during the _\`car. Thu-y, the ummbcrs. ther dcsirc to l`t:L:urd their unnuimous appro- ciuliou of his intelligent uud iuipzwtial rul- iug. and hope the hoard will long l'c!i\ill his servm:s as a. trustee. Cu.pt.. Gaakin said the sessions of the school board during the past year had been very harmonious an 1' agreeable. When he muue to the board he found its business c2tr `Pie -1 011 in a noisier mu vuer than the business of the city cuun.-il. B u during the year the business of the born -I has been conduct- ed In etiy and succesaful.:'y.iuJd he hnd new.-r sat at as board where mon ~ harmony existed. Mr. Wilson had showed himself to be It genth-mzsu. and all the me.'uhers juined him in szgiug that he has mail: is most capable president. IL- L- ` ` ` ' >7 v.-nu. nu lvlllovl lo 1.: Rev. W. R. Dyer. I the Montreal conleronco putt!` church, In now u ormoriy I member 0! 0! ho Ilothodht of Mothodllt churclr st Limo Sprlnp. lows. saving grout Iucoou In Detroit. Thoma: Newton. who bu boon than! from the chy for C couple of youth, returned to the city ontordny. Min Ad In 0. Chisholm. president of mo woman : ohrluln Iomporuoo union in On- nrlo. has removed to Chlono. Dy_or. formo_r y_n npml)or_ `L I], People who-no Ilovonolv. laying: and nolnu Anrunt Atunuou. Rev. Dr. Jackson conduoh tho Normd machete clan this month. I`-uni-.. -...l 11..-.-- u._ _--___-IL-- cuuuuri 0II- mu rnonm. Crouloy and Hunter, the ovnnplinu. no \ hving grout in Dotroit. ` Thoma: Nnutnn -1.1. I... L..- .L.._A vuaselu. nlellurlng 3,111 The vouch rouintorod under the Nor champ` Shipping act of [860 are: '26 Nhoon- ou. mounting 6.073 tom; 20 Iioopo. mu- nuring 779 loan; IA`) bnrgoo, measuring 4.55! tons; I wood boot, measuring 64 ton; I noun elevator. measuring 69 tons ; 40 ntunnen. moaning 2.48 tool; I total of H3 vouch. nring 14.018 mm. `The grand ton] in vouch, maturing $.49!) eon: I-`rd ooh duo! , n adnu:ar wooan :."..'.".""...-1.: .:.'T'.. Tho Tonnage oi the (Inn Entered at tho * Port oi Kingston. The following In 5 statement of vault rogintond under the late Ucnudiun art and on tho register At this port. : 9 ochoonorl. mounting L428 loan; 3 nloopo. mounting 93 tom; 2| borgeu, meuuring 3,401 tom: 26 wood both, tllllrill 1.30! Inn; `2 uonm Mu. measuring 69 tom"; 2| uooneru, mounting 3.180 tom. making A|total of 82 vessels. meuuring 9.47`) tun. `PhD 113': rnuintgrnd nndnr 05- `IA- Dr. Jskos. nt Plsssbnrx. Is Ilnsd 050 mu! Costn-Wlsisl ls Um-ncv ls Afew months ago s stranger been the prsetico of metliuine in' the township of Pittshurg. He gun his name as Dr. Sidney Juhes, s physit-in.n Sumo one discovered that he had not L Iivense. He was accord- ingly brought below: Flquire Brown for trial. People Wh nn he trentecl gave evidence sgnimt him. Squire Brown had no IlIfl'N\- . live but to fine him $.30 And costs. He was ivon ten lays in which to appeal Dr. shes says the aulmirsl of the North Ameri- can squulron st Hslifu is s friend of his. He has trsvolled extensively on the conti- nents. Durin the Red River rebellion he wuss with C01. Volaeley. He claims to be A graduate of Cambridge university. nnd of the Roysl college of ph) sicims and surgeons, England. Mr. Htxpntriej, who dumled the late Louis Rail, is s ticulsr friend of his family. He says hislfztlher lives a short distance from Montreal. A constslxio has Jskea h the meantime under surveiilnuca. nnun; commit} (ionuell, John ': Council. 5.11.1. no. -510. At I meeting of L.0. L. No. 365 the fol- lowing olioers werevolocoed Ind installed {or the ensuing yeur: W..\!.. Wm. Johnston: D.M., Wm. F. Shannon; treasurer, J. B. Smitig; lecrctztry, chuplnin, Robert Shnnnon ; D. of C., J'.I.u Balla: committee. John McDonald. Wm. lfnmmll Jnhn Qku-...... l..|... I.'-n.. 0;. lgflii IOIVHIK "'18 DUCT. fhe bou-d adjourned at 9:1!) o'clock.

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