Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1889, p. 5

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' l.IVllr0u|. -Al-IE1 . `Li I rt: : What. dull ; demnnd p()(ll":.r|'l:)|?i0r|':p:HOl truly. Corn. quiet- nlomnnd hi:-. 8 in; wheat. RI Id: NJ winter, 75 I111; o. I (`:\I.. L Mal and 7- 9%.], Corn, 4! 51!. PIN. 50 llzl. Pqrk, 73: n. l-..l lh Id. Bacon. Ihorl alumni. Re-v. llr. Pun-In-r : I-`enet-only Brought Trouble wnm-In Ilo llncnpell Ivy Snlcldr. .<\'R\(`l'\'F., Jm. 15. -The mystery at- ;4-uding the sudden ulisnppearance of Rev. W. L. l .u'ker, rector of (`hrist ('hurch, Dun-go, on Nov. L0 lust (St. .-\n:lrc\\"s Day), mm at last boon dissnhexl. Not. long after lxi.-s._-IN:ppoau'nuu' an but was fnunal in the :lw1-,_m Rlu-r which um positively HHlL'Hl|li(`(1 cw hi~'. Yesterday tin- iuulv nf Hm alnnll rm-tnr WES |3S|'/.(,'S. ' The (lu`s. Thomas mentinnc-l in the"Va.n- .`Ull\'Cr dcspmcli of yustcrtldy as having been stricken with smallpox ~on hoard the ship Premier, while traveling with J. S. Mur- I ,)h_v's dranmtic,.-ornpnny, is no less than the .\'e.ll-known son of Mr. G. A. Thomas, late Jrnpriclor nf the English (`hop House. 'l`lm l `nun. Hnmus ln1.Im.\' will In: submit. IN yBl|l'H (H llgt` llllu llLV I I 'lll0V5'. The famous crim. con. case of Mnckie v. ` ` :\buH was postponed yesterday until next Anni-Ina . my "Ul4 UU IIIHUU Illa l"1 .'$e"l'- ' Yesterday morning uhout 9% o'clock, Jan. Hnslim, a bric-klnyer's'nttvnl5nt. working nu Mz_\rkhmn-strut-t,, fell suddenly down, as ` sis companions thought, in a tit. I)r: l`lnu_r:e Wm-1 sulnmoneal, but found the man slroady dead from heart (lisquse He was IX years of age and leave: a widow. The fmnnns 4-rim. con. man nf Mnnkie v ` .)r"!lrl(`l0r m {"8 nngllsn K IIUP IIUUHU. The ('uurI. Home by-law will be submit- iod to the people in March next. umrgu Ul nggruvueu IIISIIIIIF. l`l1e-inqucstrinto tln: (lent): of Ggor _ Six- smith at the Ammonia works on Christmas Day was concluded Lm night, the jury rn-. lering a verdict till ! the exglosion was due ;o an error in the turning 0' a valve by de- :eased, who did not properly underltand ;he order of the 'fo'rennm. the latter not ;Ponkiug English. The jury requested thga '.u,overnment to extend the pro\'isirms of the .,Bnilcr Inspection Act to null places and iuildin a where steam pr;s_aur~ is used. _ Mr. S. W. Mu)-liclmel, l"in.Lncinl lira `ct- M: of Customs Ports for Ontario, and . F. Wolfe, Special Customs Agut. who were. Jnlcred `some time ago to re-cz',';:.::Eze the l`uronto Custom House, have been busily amployed for the past. three weeks. and their * work is now aid to be alnmst. complete. The appointment of n collector will probab- .y not be made at present. Yesterduv mnrnimz o'clock. -on by uvv year: EIICII In Elle renuenuary. A In -A fit `of plhyfulnena Chariea Holmes of 137 Yo'rk-an-ot hest.ed'a brick until it was nvmndcscent and laid it on the side of John Young while the latter wzgs gslee in Mike : oclging huuao, Front-ntreet, on riduy last. Yesterday the police arrest/bd Holmes on a. rhnrge of aggravated assault. The.inn|umt.~intn tlm ah-.-xtlu nf f`.nnn`Rlv. Aruggle wit ' W;7'.' - . 5` Iurqhl-I fourlrtecl -15: My-unuln Inquest , ` ' -A Fnnpnu l'l'|ll_l.',I%I'. `lug. 'I`.04m.\"l'1-1, Jan`-v I5.---Rinurd Reid) nd` ohn Jenuin the two l_mr;.~,l;\rs wbnse 5: [William liugnlnle, `the '3-yeureold grocer of Jnrvis-street, Ins ru- mrted in this correstmmlence yesterday, Vere sentencqd by 1'0 ice `.\hgistrutg Deni-' on t five years each in the Penitentiary. high t nlhvfulnen Charles Hnlmmi nf THE VANCOUVER SENSATION. CHKRITY ENBED IN DEATH. I'Ulll`l nuiu U114. ulc c\'|uI_'|u:c In 3 all: to I minor in the Alliance cases was the result uf It conspiracy on tlw part uf the detectives and that the sale to them of liquor wee not wrong in itself. and negligence or guilty knowledge must eleo be proved to wurclt. I conviction. TORBNTO topug; -u--;o--- --w nu.-ow-, uu -wu--v-v-- - --us`... }hmuuL, Mo., Jun 15. -8tI-ungo` stor- loo About the Iorriblo murder of Amoo A J. Stillwoll, the wealthy pork her, no In clroulouon horo. Thuo I1 I ogo ht hod- room woo ontarod and ho woo slain wlh on no. Tho noouin, In his ight, " Kr. Sdll\vol|'o trouoon and pockol _ In tho yord. Itloovldont that tho undo dooirod to leave tho lmproooion that robbol? woo tho motivo o! tho Iuurdor. Tho olho _ - tloo on now condant that tho notivo ol tho crime woo not robhory. Kn. Htillvoll. who Ion young woman. In Inch Ihookod by tho * y. Thoinllleotiouo uh who t:-nd no A cuo 1 produco I gnouoondoo. : ' Gout-cl Bouhnpr hood 5 mu.nl'a'cuo..V IIIFIUIOIIUW WUI CD1, In I W UIIU llxu and would at over it hymn do , when the boy Iud onl took 5 powdnr don bu pocket and Iv: owed it hides he could be prevented. He died within an hour. The powdor proved to be 3 due 0! rot pohon. EIIQ I0 llljllo It wu believed that the boy : story 0! crnol trcotulont at homo was Iru om. but hi: follow cmployd thoguht that the little follow was only in I dupondont. mood and would not over It Inlnxt dnv. than -----w on was -nun-1-2-I-u no -vjU. Ieinlsee let Pelun. Pl`rI~sm.'nu. Jen. I5.-A and one at suicide je resorted from Allegheny City. A ~ young lad, oeeph Kennedy. who wee em- loyed in the oloe of Woods, He:-gnu 3 20., oune into the oice yeuerdn and told thoee who were in the 0600 an nally of hi: {ether and mother, who Met him every ni M and morning, renddmi his lite ineolenb e, and the: he intended to put an end to hineeli. IA ..._- l...I:_..-J lL-A AL- L....I- -A___ A Unable to Indira (`nu-I Tread-ell at Io-o. -_ n-n... 3-; h..A--_ IWU WCUI3. Winsur can care for his deserted children, but rs. Bowen will have a hard time. She has three children. She WM marriel to Bowen '20 years ago. Mrs. Winner is 43 year: old. _ _` .. um routing, two wee A Tornnlo Woman. 4:! Ye-urn om. Blopu Will: a Barrie shoemaker. Bvi-`mm, Jan. l4.-Willinm Winsor of Gerrard-street, Toronto, in in Bulfnlo look- ing for his wife, who elopod about 0' ht. weeks ago with John Bowen. I alioem or oi Barrie. Mr. Winsor, who thinks the pair are in this city, says : "Eighteen yearn Ago I married her and now she hu gone and left her four childreii, the youngest only ll mnnths. She sold all~our stuff for I more song while I wu Away and took my - {I9 overcoat for her man." Mr: \Vin:nr nun Runyon nu nan-fnln nvnun, Inopurlunl lbeclnlou In :1 lunch of liquor ran: II Ionlronl. .\ln,\'TRE.U., Jan. ll.--.|udge Dugu dis- missed the causes ul- the Dominion Alliance detectives ugsinst four saloon lmopors to- day. The lnrqo was selling liquor to minors, the l\s"oleu-cti\'es being boys. The .-our: held tint the evidence of n ule to I . pl... AIIL.u..n .-..-.... -um- OI.` _..-..Io ` `H! UVUTCUIE IUI` HUI" lllll. Mrs. Wiusor met Bowen on certain excur- sions to Barrie. He is A member of tho Salvation Army nml tended the door at the barmckl. On one occasion while \\'innor wu out of town employed at his (rude of Bowen boarded with hi: wife for renoo. Once a neat little church stood on tho river bank, but a. three-story uportin lzouo Wu built clone to it and on one Sun by last nutumn when a rty of gunhlers not in its shade and playe card: during the hours of wurnhip, the psstor thought it was time to move. The building wu accordingly put on roller: and taken away. The local otlicers do not meet with any mnrlu-d success in enforcing the- lawn, probably because the Mayor is proprietor of one of the principal saloons. The ruler Though! II 111- to love When Gambler: Gathered In III slndow, Sn>I'.\' CITY, 121., Jun. l5.-A proposition was publicly discussed at 15 meeting new yesterday to organize a vigilance .-ommittee for the purpose of ridding l)LLk0l.(t, County of the rutlians who have infested the little town of Covingmu, an the Xv.-bra ska hunk of the Missouri, op- posite Sioux Cit , since the operation of the prohibitory aw drove the disorderly ;-lemont from this city. Coviugton now con- tains fourteen liquor saloons and ndozen nth:-r dens. Before the saloon: were driven across the river it was a sleepy little village whose humdrum methods of life were gm.-nrcely ever broken. Now it is one of the liveliest places in the country in its way. Fights and brawls are of almost daily occur- ronce, end already several men hue met their deaths: 3 result of their caronula. Highway robberies are of common occur- ren(n. The Pollce l'sed Their Clnbn. W,u'ERFoB.D, Jan. I4. -Fourt.ecn rmrsom who were sentenced to 5 months im- prisonment for participating "in a .\lzuu.-Iwsler martyr demonstration icre were taken to prison to-day. They were escorted tn the jail by I1_i5i`ny olive- ncn, .1 crowd with a band of music ollow- .ng them. The police charged upon the -rowd, using their clubs end quite a con- flict ensued. Sc\'eml persons were bndly iuiured. Flrlng II Suakl. Smxm, Jun. l4.-A detachment of the enemy's cavalry to-day red upon a vidotto. They were repulsed by the guns of one of she forts. ' _` _________ (`keen fur the Inner. l5.m.n~', Jan. l4.--l rince Biannrck speak: 1) the Reichstag on Wednesday next. The Upper House of the Prussian Diet was )pened to-day with patriotic a fdreaws by '.he president and vice-presidents. Eu- Jiuuiastic cheer: were given for the Em- aernr. Count Von Ratiboo was re-elected Jrcsident, Herr van Rachow tirst vice-prelh lent and Herr Miguel, second vioo-preIi- ient. - llope for the Pannnmn (`null Co. l ARl.'~`, Jan. 14. -AThe senate to-day Id- upted 24 articles of the bankruptcy bill which, if it becomes I law, will enable tho Pamuna (,`unu.l Company to judicially liqui- lnte its obligation without declnring itself n bankruptcy. The Inlay or Iullwollh lulu. I..._..__. I1, I, II n`, TOO WEED Ec5}n}e"*cHi;acu. : . Pnrls, lldlluru Hall A Duel. PARIS, Jan. l4.--A duel wuss fought to- lny between Henri Rochefort, editor of Lflnmmsigeant, and M. Linaaglrny, editor of La liatuille. Swords were and and aoth coullmtantl were wounded. Linu- gz1ray's wounds a_re dangerous.. nl. cnInL'u U1 I'.(XJVUl`y II` IlllIK Mr.- Bunaton in ubo|t35 you: old, in trnvelod oxtennivoly, in I Iudo reader and has the Feputution of being wulthy. For some time back he ha: been in I despondent slate of mind. V1. .[`lU(luBb FBPUBU PEEK I18 WOIIIU HGIIIICT ('?r1\ct'Whnt he had said nor receive Lam": ecunda, and repeated his chv.lleuge' to that gentleman to juggify his statemcnga. ` ll Llt1pllLlt3$ VHHQ WOUIQ SOHO ICCODGI E0 J1- "Ipr1`uot unless hp yetrgcted his retnarks. vi. `loquet replied that he would neither ('iI'1l(3L;WhLt he hm! said nnr rnmivn T.mir`n -_ .. --. --` _. -.... - .... n--,- `.1--can-u---. lulelilienti-'l`wo Purl Iillllurl Bled xull ` lie Field of llonwr. ' ` ` Pms, Jan. 15..-.\1. F1.,uct. President A fthqCouncll of Ministers, mot M. Luur. number of tho ( humbcr of Deputies for the )epartment. ofJT.oire, in the lobby ofthe Eh-amber to-duy and tom him articles com- ueming inn the Application of the ucret ervicc fund during the recent elections Vere base calumuics and challenged him 0 justify them from the- tribune of the chamber. M. Luur retorted but he would reor his zwcnsatious to 6 ury composed of members of `the (`hambor nf'DepuLiee end would send second: to M. Flnmmt unlmu lm raatriu-tml his rmmu-Ix; [or `Will lle It-Irm-I an 0lIj;;;!lIunnlI3e _. -m._... n_... at u. _ g. _. _. msmnsn I-TLOQUET REFUSES (wk) Hour A_DE_PUTY. ' 3, W `. %rm:c1L\m:xm: L()-(S%F/O\R7 ms wars. A BOY'S -SUICIDE. `lC1I)l("I;l.\"{:'.tl`r A lncllvlllc Inn. In 3 Fl! at Deupondem-7. Rh-nu Ilium-ll. BRm'K\'ll.|.l:, Jan. H. ~-.\lr. Barnaton, who was at one time in the employ of the lllltlsun Buy Company and has been an real- dent of Brockvilla during the past yeah shot. himself at his residence on saturduy night, the ball entering the _bnin 5 littlo back of the ht. temple The physician! have been an: lo toextnct the ullot qnd hi: chances of rocovery no Iligh Mr,` Bunnton in about 35 Venn old. in IIILCFUUUII IUSSIUIJ Iirol. n`lXilW' (IIHCUSSCH " The Better (`uluvntiou of the Soil," Mr. \'. Rennie Killing ('umdiun Thistles," Mr. J. Mclionald of Chaitsworlh, Some Evils tlmt. Farmers Might Rclnelly," Mr. John Clarke, Cultivation of 'l'urnips." A largely attended meeting was held in the waning nt which several interesting ad- ulressua were delivered. Inlerenlllu Paper: Renal Al the lnnllunr In 0w!-I sound I'-nu-r1`Iu)'. (.)w|-:~: h`m7.\'n, Jan. 14. The Farmers` Institute of North Grey nu-t in the Town Hall to-day. Prof. Smw rum! 5 paper on " Stocking a Farm," Mr. S. Rennie on Rotation of (`r0ps," Mr. James Etlmonsmn of Sydcnhuln ou Book Farming." Al the afternoon session Prof. Mmw diacuuxcd I'|... l)..os.... 1`..h.....o .. -6` ol... uni! " \I.. WIS plll Ulll VVIIHUUI uunlage. This auspicious looking occurrence, coupl- ml with the fact that the premises were va- cated on .\`.'\tur`dny, as well is the uuusunl fl`(`( uem-y of tires throughout town recently, Item 8 to the conclusion that there is I ourishing re-enul in ourminlst. rvw Conlliigrnllom Early Ycsleralny Morn- lI[-'I'|Ie I.mua illllll. (}.u.1', Jun. l4.--About 4 o'clock this morning a.` stone -cottnge with rough-cast kitchen utuwlietl, belonging to the James .\`u(l.lvn (`slate 4nd occupied until Saturday by W. F. Lunn, was damaged by re to the extent of about $100. lnsurwnce if any not known. During the hurning of the house I burn about 30 feet distant on the same lot `xlsu l)l`0d0 out in lluincs on the grouml oor within I few fuel oflhe Imck, emrnnce but was put out without damage. This nnanicimm lnnlzino ru~('nr|-om-n (muni- IIUT I""'II-I II I'VE . M(I.\`1`REAI., Jun. I4. Jennie Stuart, who elnpcml from New York with her father's L'~onch1nm1;l`hus. Jolmson, returnonl to-day ~ . \ Ilw \l.:uIlc-r. um`;,l-turn Ilnn, was Anurv L Ila-c~uIln`Ilo Wu: III_ Allow:-cl to Go 0!! on 'lln- llmul Yeutrrola". ' .\l__u1~"rIu-:.u., Jan. H.--Joseph J. ~C||uui- rr, ii. porter in the (Tmiuliuii Pancic i{auil~ ms)`, shut (`J A. Slleiefd, tit: munnger Of ..&he Plilhmhi liuin mid sleeping var ae`r\'i0L'. `thin vcniugyust 6 nvciock. Cinuuilcr wins an 1-xt-rn man who mule u<-cusiuiiui runs md expected to u out lu~!iu in the North Shore ruu. , .but mint ur mam was Iubntitubed. He compluineul 07 the nmmmnr, whn m-mnnun-nrml with ` him And Hid. (Zorn, OI nu. I'll. OI Ilu. r(_)r||, 4-H SK . IANI, an id. Bacon. Ihort oi!-ed. 30- and 4&3 Ion cleared. 30: um! '40! '1` allow, 34: 8d. C uqwhltn and colored, IUL, , THE RESULT o3= A CONSPIRACY. LUU UllII)lUy Ul [HE l'Ul|'.Il [Ur l\\U YUl|l'I Mr. Nhefcld came fl'om,"||i:ag<; and has twu dztughu-rs living in Wullluun, .\Ia.ss. KIIICU Inl.` \NIl()IC gllg. Chauullus mother is an Irish `.'.'zm:..n and. his father In ..\'pnuiu-(I and he hns- been in - the employ of the rnaul for two years. L1!` Sh:-Hie-Id mum fr-um "hi;-mm um! Iran not recover. , I . 0 The port._ers,mx-1` taken Ill `charge zupl on his wny to the station said l1e`\vi3lI(*ll he had killed the whole gang. (7hnmll:-I-`A mutlu-r' in an Irish W-m:.~.n aml. Mann nuurn ruu.u, . nut. unnuwr man to'< manager, who remonstrn.t,ed with him and went into the bag ugh room, where he was followed by Chum ler. .,A1nmplnye seized the rter, but not befune he had shpt. >l|ef:?:1l the heart. . Thia \\'uumlmln1.m was conveyuul` to his lxolnc-inUuy~strueVL' His plnysiciau-stated to your cul`l`c:4p()ndL`[lt to-mgln that he can- not PYULLMAN \_ MANAGER _sHor av A c. P. R. ..{Ml`J1:nEn .\fr M0.\fTRE%.iI;.% TRADE AND TRAFFIC. LIV IIPOOL IAII I1 ,,,., II.`L-_A .l._I NORTH GRXV FARMERS. \V Il. IIO'; CUT, nu. \ Ifxlll Ull -\\'hent, nry dull; corn, plow. Mark l.uuer~\\hut. gum osqjor; corn, Ameri- .-an, turn sonar; `Danube quiet; our, turn ouior. Frenah country mnrknu dull. English hnnon donriu during pt week, 4l,I."10 qrI.; nverogo prion. 30.24,. 30. Qd. l.lverpool-'Spot when very at; nnrn r-mar. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. GALT'S FIRE BUG. Iler Ilrt-um In lover. . . I-.. I I I_. K. "06! OH slow. born, ' n inn, IIh`ld,uma SHEFFIELD PORTER. Dull 0! Ir. W. I. GHII. Snlmz, Jhn. l(.-Ir. William R. Gril- fln, clerk of the first division court ol Nor- Iolk, dlod hero this: afternoon of comump-, llou after an illness that oxhndn back many `UNI. Ho was quarter-mqur ol the 39th orlulk RIIII and I brevot major. He VI-I for name time editor of Tue Norfolk Ro- formor and Inn univorully utoemosl. `lb Had Iuuuloyaud Inn. Nlw YORK, Jun. l4.--The World In` mule nrmnguaonu for an exploring expo- dition into Ceutrsl Africa to uhtnin authen- tic now: 0! Stanley And Emin Pubs. It will be led b Thomas A. Stevens, Vhn nude himuof inmoun by hi: tour Around the globe on 4| bicycle, lml who in now on hi: way in Zanzi- ` bar, whence the expedition will start. In one the No explorer: than have returner` tn civilized region: before Mr. Steven! rclollu Wulolni. he will devote himuli to an invoovzigntion of the Afriunn llIVI trade, inst which (hrdinnl Lnviogorie, Primuo o_ Africa, in conducting I crusade. ._, _...._.,_. .-._.._. ....-.-,...a. The It-run In lulnlod In Denali. Nlnv Ii:nronn,.\lese., Jan. l.1.4onntl1nn Reynolds, also known 50 Whieco 1! Line," died here yesterday. He took up hie Abode hero 2.3 year: ago and undo I hut of rough boards loosely put together, wit.h_en old etovepipe projecting from the aide. It had ncellar, in one corner of which, on tome all-kn, was A etrsw bed. Here Reynold: ale-pt. with e. dog ll hie companion. Sun- light never gained Admittance there. In another part. of the structure was place for hirhorse, which Wu ufunlly in better condition thou his own nportuu`nt.. He lived: lon'el . isolated life, the were! of which probaiily goon to the grave with him. lrolu lll IIUUUU Ul poruu. - The next thing was to reconcile his Proud old father to his American wife. l`or 0 time the old mun hold out, but At. last yiald- ed. This in the second use of the kind ` which has occurred in Maine. In the rst i instnnce the nobleman (.'()lll'l6(l I Richmond i girl, but before the day set for the wedding he was lost at sen, when the veuel of which he win first nmua went down. Jul 90. 1.: corn rmor. " Bnohuvllloh lucc;o-.'4ol' will be named soon. Q55`. H()H, W/Illl (VIII, . UIIII [)rlDI})I.'('(. 0| Hue` ceeding tn :1 title. Death was busy while the young fellow was courting and peddling in Maine, and the item in the Lnmlun paper told him that he was only one life removed from the House of Lords. TL- _.-_n ALL-.. ...-.. A- ....A..._...`I.. L2,. .._A...l IUIHUTU uuur IHI FUVHIE HIS WVIH` S CUUCH tion. In dire time A son wzis lmrn. Una lay the father, glam-ing through ll London rnper, saw as death announcement mid short y afterwards sailed Away. His fiunily soon juincd him and are lherr still. Those who might give full information, if they would, are the iuciuberl of her fatnilyiunl 3 promin- ent lawyer who was for I lime in the young in.-in'.=i 1-nnlinienve, All that will non ha ("Ill HIW U[ WIIU WEB [Ur I III"? In [Ila yullg mun .-1 cnntidence. All that will now be told is than the young man was the young- est son, with only I dim prnspm-c of suc- vumlinrv In A Iitln, I):-nth inn hunt while IHC IIIICIU U-Vbllrr Ill nllgllllu. He came here eight years ago, and hap- pening into a wholesale store, he saw 3 very pretty Hhup gir! an-I lm-ed bur at tirst sight. A cnurtslnip and u nmrriugc fullowcd. Flu- hnshund was: very devoted and spent many leisure hours improving his wm-'5 educar Um: .I.... AI... `..5L-.. ..I......;n.. .L..... I /... I .. And (he llama-n llnknowllxly Rlnrrlcnl a I'-duller. I Tllle and n Forlllf. Pommno, Mo., Jan. 15. -A nthor mmnntic story is published hem of the courtship and marriage of: Portland Ihon girl nfhnnnble origin to an English lortf, who, pending his entrance upon his right- fuleauites, lived hereuan itinerant, van- der of tinwnre and notions The young man recently came into his 'title. land with his pretty Amerirznn bride is It present preniuling over one of the tines: estates in England. He eixrht. venrs sum. and Dunn. niriiwll ninumrs \\' lU.ul I30.-lull: UIH9 lul' i`.',UUO, In;ule- puyable to Illa .~iI~l.rl' (7.itImrm--A .|. I-`iynn, and Ml-Ililvr, fur$2.30, inatie )i.-I_\ - ilalu In Jnhu M. Flynn. .\.lo-nlI\vlIil0 Ilia lmiikiiutlioritiesi bud [Int wind nf lhv \A`|:erwiimiits inf the, cumlui. mu! Bumm `\ll(| Flynn Hod tn Fmnce uud elude-I urrc-nt._ until Aug. 19, 1888, wlwn tlnuy wen- nrrc--cted for It minur romwry. They were hvullv oxu-udnh-d, and Bartmi'died in prlaml in. Hiunhuriz wlnlr uwaiiiniz cxiunlnauun. Flynn was LI'it`(i and cunvitq-d. and un Feb. IX, 1888, mu N('llL9ll(.`P(I tn i-iszhl. year? Iniprisonment at Imrul 131101. This wuwd ton much far in culistitlitiuii nnfe-t-hlvd bv yo-ars of 1-xcos-mi, and he died ll R-w \\'`(`kl! sign at lin- Nze uf 53. M Pro-n.zmm-Iv need nuin. "Pho- hnuk dl.\M:0|N`Q't`Ii than Flvnn had rt-u.iu.ed u pm-tmn M the pruce-mls of 'hiscri1m- in Anu-rica, and 24.-nuhl. In the United Stem-~' c<.uri.~ to neatrain Iruwn Hmtl l-rn&. Cu. fnnn p.-wing to I-'lynu a ruinives tlm llblollllln naun-d. A l.(`lIl|)ul'm`] injunction wss grunml, and the cane lnun drnnged nlumz former Iwn yr-ar.-4. Nu decnsimi was rondermi in the one yesterday. . u. I\-|I\ ......... ...-.... ... .--.-._ vvars so-nu-m-o-, which e-xpyn-.1 this month, uL .\lllh'H, l<`runcr, Is nun! to lmw uccumpnnn-I Flynn [Ti l'.u`I.-4, \\h-r liu-3' mul. H-utun. Tin- lnnVlI"vr!l Ink |n|`inC'.~x wlnllr the mulwy Hkstml, mad Flynn Ind Iml fury:--t his r--l:stiun nu liuulnn, fur on July 10, 188.`), lw \'i.~viLmI Hm li:mkIm! Imuse-uf Brawn, Sluplev & Co. In l.n:::I:np,`:nI1 |rurch:\sc-I two sight. drnltn nu limwn Hr:-(hers & (Io. uf Iiu.-Inn: fur I |.u...... \ . . _...; . _. .\|K`lI|l|Lllll"I IUI UIUKIIIIILZ Klllll J('\\l'H", IIIHI rnzaitlng the v:u'muu :uLr:nctmm of the Fr:-In umtmpuln. Juclc.-mu, Whuuu riuh'L mun Lnngicwd, hut whu has bven sr~r\'Tv'Ig` n thr: Vv:\r1 M-Intem-o-, Which o-xpirrn NIH month, ` Nllllr. Frnnu . In nun! tn I|:|\.'* :u`mnnImln. cuunnluml. ` The u.-vndvnce nftorwanl culls-ct-cl shone-cl that llm ru'ubq-r.~' Hr-d lo I'm'i~4, who-re` the-y so-purnlod, nfu-r hm mu madr ll-1* must Imlsh .`([I(`lIllItl1l'l`\ fur clutlung and je-\\-why, und III tlw Frvm'|n n..n.......l.. ,l....I....... ..~|....... .:..s.`o .......- And `All DIIIIIOII 0! can II at) w on. On call 81 07 wt: bid for No. '2 spring when and for N` 2 rod on track; two can u! mu were olferod II ifo. to arrive and one car at Mo. on board. Butter in quowd st `.".'g. for rolls, and 18. for't||r , 240.-lard lac.` tnrkojn, pu- w..1ou'.m.-nu. .3 pknr, '70.; chickens pen ir, 50-.; pototou per bag. 50c.;npplu per ml, 81.25. nxnnomrn Iunrolrr. Boorbohm rpporu: Hosting camou- Whg-gt, ulow; corn. nil. (`argon on puugo \\'I...o vnrv dull: born. slot. Mnrlt r-any nuyquel) ll)I"C(`(l mw crime Dy U18 unfortmmte nssultof an amour. Of In.-mtlumne fxu-e uml ne nlnysique-, nndm.ses.~u-(I uf a Bruin] disposition, lm wnnugeneml favorite about we [own |Ill.lI()sF days, and ucuupibd an utewnra of the Suffolk Club I posicmn not only of trust, but of unusual social mlvnntuge. Ho: was counte-d n first-clus.-1 mun among Crooks, and was unusually foruumw `in Pumping iunprisomnvnt. III this (:uuut.rv, rnlumugln hei.-1 sum! to have seernd an-\'e-ml brief terms in Hun:-nlm. Vln fact, In Inn] In-e-n Jul. of prison at Stuckhuhn but in few nmulhs when lhn bank ruhbeeryul. ullIlI|lI'L was cunnniumi. Tl... ......u........ ..:...,.......n ....n..,. '*Ill!'|\`~l mnon |)I'0leSsl(>lml.~IIl| crime. HI mums was BI y Flynn. Born imlioatun, c mn_im.-ntly reaarectublc: cnnnoctiuns, he lqui i Pnrlv hfcybeen forced into crime by th Imntlunln fun-nu ulnl ne nIuu..inn.. and u.n....:........l ..l ll.(Jl.t'l Ulsu-I`, nullulumz Lne Ilallu-'0!---Kmbertu. The Isa: was the best known of the quarter. this side of the water, where ho was chmsed by the police as `one of the men expert lmn"l< mnnki amon 'pn-ofesaimmliinn crime. Hia- ` Bornin.Boatun, of .....i....mlu .-.........-o-.|.n.. ..........mi...... I... l....I 4.. ` . -4/-~--A ivue In Imcqn .1-hm Irrnlln nine |I.ipbe'rii- at (he Baj|kiii Iliinilniru In 183.1. ` (llOHJ`().\', Jun. 13.-- Tlio: i-;ui- uf tlw Bank of lliimlliinr ngaiiivit Caillierim-`J. `F-l)'lIlIeI iil.. which ciinie up be-furr JiIilt' Cull iii the United Sttmi Circuit. Court vr.-ite~i`ilay for ii fiiiiil Iii-iiriiig, recalls ii iiucco--uifiil crime em_i~ mitt:-il iieu-riil-yinlrq ago by iiutc-l Aim-rlciui mmks lll lhiiihurg. Qinluim `.32, 1885, the :uhio-r of the lliuipiiette do"-.r ll.`l(.'lilJalll(, or Bank of Hiiiiibiirg, iiutioeil four iitraiiueni, ivhuin he took tu hr ElIL(llBlIlI_I!`|I. tnlliiiig iogotliur in the pnrtiuu of the lmnk ITl`!i*r\f8(ll for the public. mill uliiiicing at in flux-ill In-hind I \'virr~ screi-ii wherr lm hiid just lIli|('P(l ii pncliiige cmitaiiiiiiiz 200,000 iiiarks, nr $:'i().()00 in our monvyr Wlioen he we-nt iiitu mi iiiite- room he noticed that one of the striui uni .'m;.l 0Deli6d|iIt`V8|)Il|)t`l`, and vi-hiln re inn .'IL'l(l it no it 0bHClll'(l hiu view of the placi- where-. he had placed the llllllltfy. H9 tliuuglit hothinu of this until the ili.-icuvm-v thiii. night lliiit the `..'00,000 iiinrhn were gone i:imiiide~i':ihly ]lllCl((mP(l his poi-'cnptiuii-i. 9 Iiivi-iitigiitii-ii bv the p.ilice_ -nitiibliiihi.-d thin fuel that ii tew :liiyai_ |,)H'\'lI)ll.~l four Htfllllfll hail iirrivr-il in town, liiulguiie [U.~i('|Il\.rl|lt! hote-hi. and hail` .Ill8RfFpQ'tllf('(l' isiiiiiiltiimmiinly, lo-iiving their bnggiuw liehiiiil, but with all iiniiws and miirl<.s Cl|l`i`flllly i,-lliici-il, an that ii|i,s_i.iliiti-ly nu slim to tlieir id:-iititv iirdeutiiilitioii l'(`llli|lllt`d be-_hind. Oiia stopped at the llutel ile l l`Iiir;_)[>e under the ii.-iii ie of Jackson. aiiotlioer I`t*.L!l~Itt-rlfd at Stri-lb`: Hi-to-liin Norm-ii. tho) thiiil put up at ih Hotel St. Peteroburir mi \Vil-ton, while the`funrth wiiaa usual. this llot:-l Ulster, iiuuiiiimz the iiaine 0!---Rubi-rt. The llilt win tlio limit lnmwn nl than nimrtut. A "LORD BURLEIGH" IN MAINE. `AME I(?|:CAN choowx in EUROPE. _ THE ,,BR'[TISH1;:WHI`G. T{u1:s1)A Y \ ~.-.. u nun... ` |n= c-xvrhy, iLzh`t. ls 'r\'Ti'In thru- `hls kstml, | r.-|:nI'\.n-u III Font dry out ud 051: maple. molt wood nndlm-dwood :8 lord! prion, goto Gnwford u. foot of QIOOI umt. UIlIl'|$ XIIIIIK. H303 DC` Q%III' OI fable npglou. mo. pooh onlonn, No. pack; onnborr on. 104:. I quutt: rupborry jun and H .12 JD: llbocon.l`2 .Ih;unngII lonfcgnn. 1!`): Ju. Crnigord. ' nom at UM mug. _ On the Itreot gflln mukot the sales were 2(1) bunheln of when at 81.03 for red And while, `L04 for in , and 85 cents for me; 30(1) bunho I of rley at 0'. no 6'. c., 3` And {N0 bunholl of can at 38 to 39. II... ...II II II? up: hill far "A `Z an:-Inn ` pony Inc! UK IfIIII(`I`LIIIlI lacuna. PmI.m:I.ruu. PL, Jun. M.--M the nnnml meeting of tho atom-kholdon 0! the Hnulelshin and Reading Railway to-du.:l:dpreocnt mumgorl ocen were re- wishout. ogpuoion. The Annual M rt. prolwiml by I (`orbin Ih0I`l 3:: not enmity on milk IRE`) In Lgun tlgnnnglnal I`) 75`) KDTDIII IIIOWI IEO IIOI I.`Il'l|II' II G0` with I887 to have doonuod 82.7520 the Provolelor Campaign`. \\'I.\`.\'|I'r.u, Jun I4. --'l'lu- Reform `Aa- Ooclation to-night rejected Mr. Richard in l'rm'u.-uclu-r, he not being Able tnuuuro than} that he would oppose iheunvernmont, and decided not to take part in the contest unlou Mr. Richard withdroiw. In that mine (`. R. Wilkes or a Fmlwh Libenl will ` he brought out to prevent the conuimoncy going hy acclamntion. any. J A young son of Joel Jerome of Mount j, Hope, ih cumpany whlgsnnther child, wan ` playing with a cutting box in the horn yer tercluy when his mitten vumht in the knives and hi: right luml was drawn in. Iungling the fingers lmrrihly. Befnre the mnchine could h stopped ll had chopped the hand away diagonally from tho lint aim of the little linger to the upper part 0! the wrist.` HIV LIIU IIINSIHITIIU Ell? ll(`(I`H.9lll'y UWUT WU commit them. Two other aimi ar cases ` agnimt Lbeuunc duiendautn went over I day. A vnnpc nnn nf Jon] JN-nmn nf ilnnnl ' Ill-ccnauly Illllll 1| Illloolw.` VIIIILII \ll iguuucu Ill 1 our If his luvs and gm-luailly npruaul up- words on the limb. iv :lav0.n-iml was born In West Flunlmru thmt N`. .`l. He was 3 cnnsistem (`-nservsti\`- d B prominent me-ml:-r of the .\|elhm ist (`hnrch._ A widow and six children Iur\'i\'r- him. After several ml_ju\ll'lIllH`nt.~` Samuel `Vil- liams and I)I\`lll 'l`uwlo:r were this morning cmmnilted fur trinl hy Police Magistrate Cuhill fur nu-alin two game cocks from Henry Leggat. ft wu thought It first that the magistrate lxul no p0I`('l' to send tho priiusucn up for trial but that he hid to clispme of the canes himself. Chief Mc~ Kiunun, however, looked up the luv that gun: the nmgistrntc the non-ssary over to Tw_o_ other uimiar LI? pllllllllll IUK` `). .UU. The libel suit of (`arrnll v. the Penberthy Injector (`umpauiy uf l\etn-it was taken up. This is I suit for $l(l,0l\0 damages fur libel, brought lay Thomas J. (`nrroll of this city,aniuu. the l'i-nborthy lnjoctnr (`um- pauy of Detroit. tlw Alla-goal lilml being onu- uimui in I dl'l'llli|r printed and circu- used by the lofen.lamt.-a. Th:-re were up plimtimnu `for [).Ll('lll.'l for 5 SIIHUII injector much: l. (hum: by the plammff and de- fomlzuits at the same time, aml (`nrroll was awnnlonl the pun-M. Tlw ulvfvlialantl took steps to set it u.~i.l- &|lIll also iiauu-d n circu- lar wnruing the [rule against the Carroll inje.-clot", zuul Ilmklng stun-ma-ills wllich Ire Illwl In lue Iilu-lnun. At. an only hour this morning Edwud (`iu'y, our of the oldest Inluhiuutg of Wentworth county, died At his ruidcnoe near Mtllgmve, on the fourth concession of West. l"la.mbnm. lhnh rm-suited from the Anipuutiou n! his leg, which um: reudend necessary from It ilisou-e which originated in nm- ill his lm-n nnnl urmlnnllv nu-._~uI un. We Wk). Your lard!-cu-nod IOIOI. Cumod `nlmou. I50: bait oookling or blo nnnlnn. Ila. noel: onlonn. Kin. nook: A libel Hull on THlI-I"l'III of an Old In- hnbhlnl. ~ I , HA.Ill.'l`0.\', Jam. 14,- The sealed verdict put. in by the jury on .\`.-ntunlny evenin in the case 0! Madden v. the Hamilton rou Forging (`omp;unv was opened in the Maize court today, and contained I verdict for the plninti for 3260. ~ H lihn-I nui! of ( '.Lrrn" V, Hui Pnnhnrihv ny, 1110;. to: roll moon. 12.0. m; 3.; lemon, Mo. Jan. Chwlord. ._;- rluuIg'tL Receipts of hay and vtrlw were small, with little demand. Hay is on the down- wnrd road, selling yesterday at ([8. Htnw sold a an mm; Mn oh. shunt anln mgr-int thn IAIA-n warn I.'|l5|rUllNIl'y Ill SUV F5315`. Thu (`umptmllvr of Nurthwest Mounted Police has been advised Hm the nperationl 3 of l)nk<>t.a tinllmrthit-\'es nu [ho muthorn Manitulsn frnlllivr have 1n'l'1I!:ll\irL`lfIt0pped by th presence uf the police putro. I]lFlHll'\I III III3 IIIIKVI. .l'rc\'enti\`o (llll:`t'l` (`ux-Io.-as recently nuule six S(`lll|l'C.S of illicit Iulmn-u in qutn- litivs of frum .70 to `JUN puumls M. St. 'Jt-lumt`, St. l.ixst.ue|w an-I St. Rose, 1'. Q. 'l`lIt`l-.l\llSdll\\'ll0(.lHlllt`llgt` (`urn won by the New I -runswivk [mm at the lust Domin- ion Rie .\:s~;uriu1inn num-hes, has m`ri\'ed In-re. 'l`licr<~ arr I33 1`UIlL'l`5 solid silver in it, uiul it vust $520. Hm lut_\' on it wuulxl be o\'ci'$HU, bu . an 1ml:-r~iIi~cuuncil will prulmbly he ]l.*NC|l mlmiuing it free, as is custollmry in surli vtse. ' Thu (`nmnlnulla-r uf \'ui-tliwest nnnhail IIIUIIIH, BHHTLI) Hll|'I III" .`l|'lIll'l`i\l l'I|'ll1 'J'ln'r1- is no null: in the rum-nr that one] ('humbx-rliu, (`mm-x1'.~< printer. is to `supenmnuntx-.1 at om-v and A. .\`enec:\|, .` erintendeutut Uuvcrmm-nt printing, puilllli in his plum`. l'rv\'enfi\`v (Mi.-~:~ (`urlt-.-an rem` `III, SIIUI Ilys , The Marine 1).-pm`tmc-nt received infor- mulion to day that the fog bell tower at the lmmth of Xiuggrn River was bluwn down in lust \Vcduesduy night's sturnm. .\n rthn is lwinu In,-uh to not nn A fnnrv 1 llll. "UuI|\'-`K111 lllglll N -`IVHHI. An effort is being nuulo to gvt up I fnncy and speed aluting- lmuwnunenl here next |num_h, shurtly afta-I llm .\l--nIre2\l urnival. '11::-9'-in Inn hull: in Hm rnmur llmt (`nI~ mumn-u mmquct. l ri\'Me mlvivcs received here state that ML-l.eol Stewart lms succuuiloxl in outing a comp-.Luy in England with $1,000,000 capital to develop the coal mines at Anth- racite. The mine: were exumine'l in November by an engineer sent fromlEug- lnn-l, nd his report \\`u.~x so in-urnble that the necessary capital was mt once raised. Work at themincs will prulmlrly be resumed very shortly. Thu hlnrlna I).-nnrtnu-HI . rnrwtlvml infnr. UIKIEII. Hon. G. E. Foster will be ulmlwle to ac- eupt the iu\'it.utiuu to the |>eunkcr,~x' l.)lIllq_ll`l.l_Lt Tomnto on Jan. `.34, as he llml previously nrmnisml tn nth-ml the Nlmllmnl liumrul nf 1Ul\ll|l0()u am). :1, its nu nun previously rmnised to attend the .\l Board of Frnde banquet on Jan. 23. Sir John Tlmmpson and Hon. Edgar licwdney have been obliged on account of pl'e\'iuus engage moms to decline the imitation to life Month-ll lnmquct. ri\'nte Aiivives received here Rhlle that now u tsuucsuny nmrunuz. It is understood that the Government has fully decided to adopt the fat Atlasntic mail service and thuc apeps .in the direction of establishing the szunc will shortly be taken. 11-.. I" I.` `[.`._..A.... ...I| l... ......l.l- A, -.. Sir John Muculonald leaves for Toronto to-ni vht on private business. He will return : hero \'edneslny inorniuq. Ir i }` Cllil.`ll' UK unuueugu CUPS. Illnlnl-nflunl flunk thn (:1\\YnrnlI-nnnl L... Leadlu Feulnru our the Grain and Produce lnrkltl :0 Install Abroad. Tmwsru, Jan. I5.-St. Llwrence mnrht was very at yelterulnfn The Iupply And demand wen about. ni and prices ware not rlumgml. Rm-.-inuof hr and utnw small. uuauucc. , _, Lord mnley has coutil ue customary Gn\'ex'Im1`*UcnergI.l'u grit-at: of 6150 to tho Duminibu .~\r!.illcry Association for the pur- clump of` challenge cups. Sir John Mm`JnII:|Id l0:\\'es for Toronto a `council mm lwcn Dtsau-.u.* _ lt._is umlerwund that owing to bron- chial affection Lieuten:uIt-(ioveruor Mc- ,'LclaulofNm'1\ Scotia lmn'bcen ordered to pass the winter in ,1 .~mu_thrn clinmte, md Chief Justice Mclimmlxl has been appointed administrator uf the I`r9\'ince during his absence. I .....l iH_...l.... L-.. ...\ .41 fun! ul mlr `lull M-r\'lu'r In-rlclml Ipwu -`I III` ' .\l|lhI':u`ll- (`mil Vllnrr ~`,"l4n rm '0!` Illlrpl-'l`|mrru. ' ' -- U|`r.\\\'.+. Jul. l4.- The Free Press in-` night SLIM?! llnru the Avting .\'ocn:t:xry of SI.-m-. in 1 plying to the pgyitiun for tllc disal1u\\':uu-c of tho .h-_~'1v1i.5'_ iiklfm-' Hill for`- W,-unlc-.| by the .\'vcrctury of the Dominion I-I\'-.m;.;clicaL| .\Hi&?Icu, says lhat,un urller-in` cuunyil has been passenl disallowing the bill. I luvs Inuzsl cxcvllent authority for contu- dictiug this rumor: no such ord`er-in- "council has In-en vsssnetl.` In L. .....l.... o.....l o|...t A- L_,_.. -TIH-i .1 Ii.\jrI'|`.x" l{.\"l`L.\"l`lj2 nnlt Xi B I;IOU`67IT\`( -NEWS. HF THETRUMOR THAT IIT HAS 1E...EN-DISALLOWED. ivol` f kn nnul \') Rnun P I} ledlll -|\ |lIUIl|3lj 1J"I|"` l...:n ...-. it 6...... .... ... l'.|'llI\'i|I. I (`H'- -1-n'.~4 be u Sup- -nnu-ni nrinlino An. A loan Iulo Iv-Iolulou. Al.IAN\', Jun. M.--In the Senate to-night Lieutenant.-Governor Jonas presented s ro- ` Ioluuon pound nu nnuoting of the Irish puliuuenury party, Mr. Pnrnoll pro- Iidl , thanking the Inglulntun of Nu?` York for the reception ooooulod Sir `Hanan: Elll|I0l;]:, ?udd Ihgng col utopoo qu nun Jr: up of J15 right) olp all-govorullnnt. which the pooploof the lmptn state on , no long nhsll we re! upon the good-wil Ibo laginlntuvj of ow York in our nu-nah to unit: thou." ` ._-._.__.-___.-._._. Syrsonu bu nluud. pltolur Shollhuu. Imnu TIIIIICNI IIHO IIIC TUOIII, III TIIIIII` Ill us over Lamb`: hand threatened to kill him. Just then Fl_vnn'n rtnor. John Flaherty. entered Mn! :6 the no and Mr. Lumh mule hi: exit. Flynn yontorduy conunc-need I suit against Lumh lnr 8|0,000 , charging him with ulionnling hi: wife`: af- fectiml. [All night wnrrnuu wore in- Iuod for the arrest. of Flynn and Fluluorty on 5 clurgdol assault with A domlly wupon gnd buscklm. Thorn an vsitnoun who heard the Flynn: cou:otiug the scheme o hlu-jlnnil, ' IIOIFII FIIC I block InaiL__ -II'I'l' III IIITIIIII II YUK`I-I'l"III I l`orumur.r.r.~nz, Jun. I5--Mtunlumght About 8 01-lock Uourge W. Lumb, 0 mg mululftcturer of this place, in ulml by , Mn. Henry: Flynn, who rents apartments in ono_nf |n'u houses, to come to her room on talk about a matter. Mr. Lumb won on the sidewalk at the tune, and thinking she vsnte'd`m tell him something about the houaa, accompanied her. He had scarcely entered the rum: when Mrs Flynn`: hum band rushed into the room, and ruining an Ant mrnr Lmnh'n hand thrnnhnnml tn kill l`ouIrnl" will be Polllo In Future. \\`A1'r.unrn\', (`mm., Jan. I5.-E. A. Saunders of Nuugstuvk wished few days . ru in all A dtwlol` over the telephone. The up-rutor at the central oice here said, After trying, that the doctor would not answer. Lester .\lr. .\`nundera tried again and heard the operator say; "He in After the doctor. Let. the -- fool ring." Once more he tried. relmrlting that ho had been ringing for half an hour. The retort. WM: "You'M a liar." Mr. .\`aunul-rs then brought suit uguinst the Southern New England 'l`L-leplmue Company fur m-glm-1 of duty and ubuaivelnn uuge Uperutur Quiulmul denied having uucd such Innguago, _l.>ul Justice Gibbons yeatertlay found the mmpuny guilty sud impooouln ` ne of 8l0( - tad costs. An appeal was taken. `The company in wealthy, bu n munupnly, and its hundreds of subscribers Arewutching the can with interest. i Inger and Ila:-knnll In rouumpuo. 'I`a\Ivnu|(|-It-Ivuln Jun IK._AQn1nI-clnll nigh! Illuluor Phelps ullo for born Jan.` 81. 3 Bl` Will III)! 06 llI0|0HLOd. The rnmp.uI_v have cntered an action for $.'l|,ll)0 danmguo :1-gninstthe city of Vul- conver in mn.~-quenve of delay And loss through the ncuun of the mnyor and auth- oriiiea An Injunction Agnlul the (`IIy-A III! for $50.00!! Damage-x VIcrumA, B.(`., Jan. I4.` -The (`anndjnn Pacic !\'nv1'gaLiuu Company have secured an injunotinn against the (`orpumtinn uf \'uncouver ruslrainlug them frnm interfer- ing with duwkillg thu an-anmra Llumln.-r mnl Premier. The su-.unor leaves as usual In the mnrning for \'.mcou\*er. ('I\p!.ain Ir- ving yu-.-u~rd.-ny morning received A tt-legraln from the corpumt.i~n stating that the steam- will not be Iuoleswd. 'I`s_- x_........ I...... C..- .... n.......l .. .. .. -o:.... i|l`|lI rue GHQ 01 [H0 'iIl|. There ll`(`lll5 to he no doubt that he de~ lilrcrnlcly jllllllwtl into the water with sui- vidal intent. lo: Ind been much depressed in mind for seven :1 weeks on account of be- ing pressed by his creditors. Bishop Hunt- ingtim, of this city, had sent him two letters it In said, asking for his resignation: as rec- tor of the church. Soon after hi: disap- nnoe his uncle came on from Boston and paid his bills. Mr. Parker was about 40 years old and unmarried. He leaves a widowed mother who is nearly heartbroken over the event. He was a man 0! excep- tiouslebility, and his generosity was so i great that he ginro away not only almost. his whole sale , but also borroyved money. This hroug at him the distress which nally ended in death. llllll IHSII Wrlllll \\ &3Hl."l [NU UUU" UIPIIUHI LIIU shore. .\Ir. Parker was last seen nlmut tn lmur after he h.-ul lluished holuling services All the church, after which he walked down to thv corner of Fiftliunul llriilgo-streetu,aml' turned lawn to the bridge over the river. He went tlnwu the stairway on to the river wall and pier, and us lust seen going" to- uzmla the and of the wall. 'I`l \ . _ . . .. .. .4\ L. .. .I.\..LL 41...; I... An Inn! at uuu ucru ulshuncu. Jul. lung iutcx hat \n':Ls hmly of the load rector was fouml at |!.1hlwin's Bay, Lake Ontario, lwu miles east uf ()s\n'egu, Hosting in the nut;-1`. The uulhoritms ordered the ` lxuly re1no\*mlto()s\\'ego. The late storm and high wind wnslml the body upnear the dunrn \lr pnrlnxr I"|< Ina? l'PlI nlmnt All Itupley-not for CO0 Ion. P01'nsv|u.x, l e., Jen. l4.~The Fishhncls rolling mill of the Pottaville Iron and Steel Company, which hml suspended on amount of leek of orders, this morning resumed full-handed and with prospects of continued work during the winter; 600 men are on- ployml. Death of e Irnllferd Nenuxengrhg. llm.\'1'rmw, Jen. l~l.--lx-`Mayor Joseph 1). (`leInent, one of our oldest. and most re- uected ciziune, died this afternoon. Al- tmugh nearly w years of Age he wuee ` active as I young Inn end enjoyed excellent health. '

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