Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1889, p. 1

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OAIDOFTHANKI. A 0 ' ml Msaw. I-vs-a-dim ...:g:;'.".,.'.;.a-..w-.=..-~kos2m.n.-ms the an ' a nnwm mmuu IIIU ILTJIUCHK Thin morni , while John Dixon, one of the ongineennt the atosmer St. Lnwronce, wn building I re in his home on 0'Kill street the chimney tumbled over. crating alarm. 'l`I.- L-;L-_ -. __ _-_I_ L_,,,, _ vi __wua'nu|uuuuu unuluer. ule eupporu WI! 0.1 thertoo meagre. The denege will to five or six hundred dollen. The Hooper tunily were not Iulferen beyond the inconvenience that will be .oeuued by the eccident: 'l`|..- ......._...- ...I.:I.. 1.4.. n:_., I lIlUl'IoIl' IIILI IVIIIIEUQ Iron. aleigh, value gt__vef|'Ll, IL wt: in the workshop. It WI! Ipoedily wrecked beyondrepnir. The brick: unab- od the support: of the oor u n which they fall. The I penance of the rick building shown that t .p gable hud not been built in I wnrkmmlikn mgnnnr, Th: -nnnnn-Q -.. A nucy cub unuwu aunt mp glow nu! not noon Dull! __workmsnlike manner. The support nlbocethor too mouzre. Tho dnlnan HHS CUIII FIIUII. Probe ly the most urioue dnmnge was done by -the tulling of the gable of the brick- terrace, on Clnrence street, owned by I`. C. Wilson. The houee was adjoining the livery stable and oecupied by Mn. Hooper. Alon nbout three o'clock the side from the ecoon atoryjo the roof was knocked out, felling uponthe roof of the livery otlice. The gnble etoneefell outward, one of them droppin upon the eidewalk. The brick: cruhet through the roof into the workshop of Mr. Wilson. I` he workeho in hell full of brich, mortar and lveniz iron. A fnncy cub elelzh. at several hnndmd dnllu-, IUIIIII IU Ullrlllg IIIU nlgnl. After midnight there was intense dark- ness, and then to many came dread and fear. There was the howling of the gale, the swaying of branches, the rattling of windows, t e slamming of doors, the smash. ing of shutters. and a hundred and one dis- turbing things to make sleep impossible. And how..- fearfully all these did alarm people in-` the darkness. But- many had cause for ognsternstion last night. The wind swept over the city at arate oi seventy or eighty miles per hour, and there was a ing force about it that was almost ir- resistehle. With it came soft snow that splattered about the houses and stores and gave them the appehrence of having haul is severe conflict with the elements. The oldest inhabitant had no knowledge of uch a severe gale beforh. Others say that the presentis the equal of that some years ago when the schooner Norway was lost with all hands. The sailors are drawing the com rison. D....I..- l.. al... ........s ...a:..._ .1__,,,,, There was Genenl Dinner Whefever the who Got . Change to man ee)! rm -'I`ho Gable End of: name Blown out -`-Ilse Wont For Yam. ~ I ' . Old Boron whooped it up in ne order last night. There was as howling time from midnight onwnni. This morning the wind still whietled over the city, end quite an loudly as during the night. Aftnr mitiniaht. thorn wan I-Mum... A...I. A BOISTEROUS NIGIJ-1T-OL.D BONEAS I WHOOPS IT. up. I/ I A HOWL 01' THE WIND. 091%! PIIOPERTY OF JOHN ELl.lOl`1`. at 0.1`. R. Depot : About 78 acres Suitable for butcher gardener. or nnlk vendor. Possession I510? April for lorm of years if desired. For further particulars apply to owner on premises. A never tailing norm: on property. 7`-VAj -_- V-__.' _.--___ a.Auxno:unItu.n. loan-John T. Howell, I7 ; Bnnvdl Wn U. On: --JohICud.Il:Jana0d-T HI. 7l:Junn Inldoon. 05:11: Wat- $..|`_IECCO.IId..|\VII&IOI' db. {Gulch Ga-r.I'l;Wll|hn|Anh. alum We 57;l.uIo Ward. 11. Int loudoottd. wouu. Ill rncpltrvlwllu Ilyolng IIIIGI iron the" can-not and upon!!- uon." A I uuuthgurvioo uloohold In wnn.:..:m. ndnnnnd hv'.I:nn Ind. :`.'."v'vnum-vnno. vuuuu [nu-ouuc luuuuuulnl. null Ill! nllou wetland an ad you onus. I the ,.J~'.7l. 0! 1:... thtngnrnnt nmtln n:I`.-::ntl- ruinous, out II funll would I .....5. .... ..'.'.'L .. muruuvo manna Ion ueunna in Ben. X, lluagilllvny and W. Ilnborlnko on the subject : "humid ud Inliooll. that habit and wins, pudll and wm v vivid Ul I'l`CI'I The T In the nu: ohuqp running In oouooilon th the not 0! pnyor III largely sthndod. Rev. Dr. Jackson pnnldod and nut oloqlut Ind lam-Ialln nddnuu non dellvond by Ron. I. Inmllvnv and W. Tlnhuhkn ALL KINDS 0!` BANK and Oflloo Rubber Sta Date Souls. Eta. supplied by BRIN- .vA.~tnskII.cu?'uv. manufacturers. Bozo: SL. Kingston. Ont. u-uuury Ill unluno woulu Incl I3 Ulll ` I at. After the oddnu wn oondodod N. Iobnrtoou replied to A low quitlou put to him by incubus of the oonvonlhn. and than uadjonrunut vu `IIIJO until 00- um pluvruuu Ill IIIOIIIIIIIII RIG I000 Illply per acre, in making it possible to support a larger population and giving employment toan increased number. It had incraeed the earning power oi land. and added to in value. It had also advertised extensively the resources of the province. The present status of industry showed that improvement was neceuary. Better stock with better end cheaper food and better modes ol treat ment were essential. There should be a better yield oi milk from our oowe, and the land shoild be made to to give more snetes- ance than it doe; The hneina ol deiryiag could be largely ineressed wjtltin a short period if tanner! would become enbued with a spirit oi enterprbeud improve their opportunities. In future. with better nee, better cows. better and cheaper feedaad better eaten. a ner quality of eheue wouldbennade.snd the proqneets oi the industry in Ontario would be ol the bright-' `L Mk the esldrr use mnnlndadT snl. llllll luly uu IInprvV|'l (lIOl'Ql)y. The evening union was taken up with an uldrou by Prof. Robertson on the put, present and future 0! dsl ingln Ontario. The induntry in the put done much for the province in increasing the food uupply not here. mukinn it ntmibln to nunnnrt cnpurullncuul Uni! ncrorlee 10!` Inc pl)!`- poee of inetructlon The eebnhlinhment of each would douhtleee be favourably received by the 0nI'erio government The eetehlieh- mental winter eehoole for dairy inltruotion wee nlmoet n neeenity. The deirymen should eleo endeavour to locate 1 portion of the preeent government great of the provin- ciel exhibition. to be used under the direc- tion at the ?rloulturel end_nrte ueeeletion for the bene t of deirying lnduetriee. All lntereetinn dlnmneinn Anna. nn nu-.3 UPUTI IIUIIIC IJUTC. , The president introduced Prof. Robertson who spoke of the objocu of the convention. He urged tht the member: should koe in view the one object of obtdni now] go. This should be attained bynznll, free sud funk discuuion and deliberstion thereon. He spoke of the deuirnbility of eunblinhing exporimentnl choooo hctorieo for the DOIO mhblinhlnnnt of Guthor In Convention at Smith : Fulln- ' some Point: for tho Fnrmon. S!uI'rH`s FALLS, Jan. 9.-The twolfth an- nunl convention of the Eastern Ontario Dnirymoni auociution commenced in the open house here. `FHA nrnnhhsnr inhvulnngzl Dun! `D..|...s...- uululng nor were Waring tub. The gable walla of the brick house reoent- _ y Eurne on the cofnr of U nlon Ana Arch Itrootn, owned by Mr. Tsit, were blown" down. I-U0 TUIU. At 3 o'clock this morning Cnpt. Taylor. sr., saved his schooner, A. Falconer. from drifting away from Swift`: wharf. He ur- rived in time to be of service. One of the ship : chains had Innpped, and the rope: holding her were wearing fan. The cable wnlln nf than hr-in-In hnnnn mmnr. wruugll U0 0- . This morning, in driving to the 'city the covered market waglgon of Joaeph Nicol was caught by the gun a and Ihovedmbout. on the road. to ')..'..l....l- .L:. __.__z.... n___; -r,, I 0088 wins? I t oxtusu:l:lk!t- c. a hard a ms or good In - oonvunient to Queen : God : immediate $3 Ielslon. Agplyonthonro 1285.01-st- . ISM Union not. between on and Alfred ta. nu sumo IIJBIIIIOOB, wqro earned May. The G. N. W. tolegrsph company in again in trouble. The company had ve wires in use eaten-day, but all are down to day. Thu at was broken at midnight, Th. 1`. D p ..,........... L.-.: -..- _.:-- Alli NAIF Will DTOKGD CI mlanlgnt, The C. P. R. company had one_ through to dhy. Thin morning. in drivlna tn th. `aim mu ouuutry. A side window in the tower of the Third `Methodist ohm-oh was `blown in. The win- dow: in many home: in the upper ward: were dammed, penefof glen bein oom- pleuly knocked out. The front wi own in Sexton Nolan : house. Brock Itreet. were wrecked. Vnrioua new house: were some- what twisted; shingles, board: and reftere, in some instances, were carried telezrsnh oomnnnv in main upmu oonegugrounul. ll lllo ma low. Fences in the country urn ovorturnodmud many trees Are d syn-. The blow was torri- bly severe whorogit. Ind I clean sweep across th'o country. A thin I/`nanny |'n Hug hunign nf 6|... l"|.:...l ronlmoutn and roucnoa nnentnry dock. The fence about, the 8:tu'Iqui Qziving park is attened in mnny lucqc. The fence about the rink of J oueph ix, in the Rupi- opolin oollegekgroundn. in also laid low. Fenoan in tha nnhnh-I1 urn nvau-tn:-nan] Ayn-I I11. nlnenoury Wu mqwn on. um I window in Mr. Medley blown in. `While I). Hub- bnrd wu Iwueping the plankwlk in front of hi: house this morning a fence wu blown on him. ' 0--...- L-l-....:.'._ ;- .|,- I. I.` u 1,, - Barge: belonging to the K. & M. forward- ing oompuny broke from their.mooriug'e at Portlmouth and reached nikntinry dock. about the hi-mui dlivlna W10 I111- The lug. pm. `ulna . window in L.- Chmoe'u note on Montreal street was blown 'in and smashed to no A nhImh`n0""n`M"Ihn EIUIIIA nnnnnig In: T In Illll llnllneu to I53 i A ohlmn`ey""o`u"tho Tatum ooou led by J. R. Rnttenbury wu blqwn 01!`. an window ` in Lrlr. Mnullav hlnwn in \Vhlln I) llul- roof of Gluion |. l;:o honu. nnr the mill. wu removed. A yacht, ownod by Oicor A. Snoddou; \ was injured 30 Bnrrioeld. "` Li htlumhor, whiolg in piled neu'-*Mc- L0} in ash and door. factory, haymurkot. who lifod and carried some diatnnoofzon t e tni `. . ` ` 'l"|.- I....... ..I-;- ..I-... ..:_.1_.._ 2- I , _s._. . `id:-;'i' '1-low \vi.?'ru:R GLOVES u. w- Rl-IEVE3`. King Street. 31) Sample pain to he sold at wholesale prices. THE ONTARIO DAIRYMEN. The Int -IIII. '*. I. Ihhh nah dun Inln ILIIII --nun vuuwuiulhii-Il`.l`~.'{&.' had nu ma Noyvudl. N0'F" u .uuuI1IUu. R.`V.S ndvihgllubuud nu-;r;vn:s'. King street. ll wholesale uups. 1. uonnou . or use tent. unn- tbun. any uooood 3. Juan Dick who hulhndgnul the tion of impociot of in Mr. A. T. Fnod. editor ol the Hamilton Sgrlalor, bu boon appointed chdnnnn of I labour oolnnidu, vloo Judge Arm- otrona. dooo-nod. turned to the city yeuenlny. Rev. Principe] Great willnpeek in Ottawa About the tint week in Februuy, under the nu: ion nl lhe impede! federation I e. L T. Donnell e' the echr. ren- IhAlII, 1:1 -nnngcl gun ,I--.. nl..L ._l.- UIIEIIIU. V N. H. Lytlo. city editor of the Ogden burg Journal. died Tuoodty night, from pu-ulynia. od. CI t. M lotto, who ha been f ' I in Ogdonnbnrg nnd Rochester, ro- turnod to the city yesterday. Primiml mun .iI|.....1. :. nu.-. "HIS. Father Kiolty. of Enniamore, I for- mer Kingltonhn, ha been appointed pastor of gnnro. II 1.5!. .h_ _.I:.-_ -1 .1, l\ n , my on IIIDIGI In In! cl ` The queen of S 'n bu (gored the pope an uylum in II rid if he claim: to leave Rama, aonn rruer. or uunuvllu culling on friends in the oi The nut-on nf Rngin km A Kid. lillerin very ill. Ilo inoonnod to bin room. n...__ I'7:-.-_:- __,_ A, van I I - Queen Victorin goes to Villa LArochefou- cnld, Binrritz. in Much. Qir John A II--Inn.l.l`. ....-..s.. t....-AL uuu, Dllrrlu, Ill uucn. Sir John A. Moodonnldi oovontylonrth binhdny ocean to-rnorrow. John la`.-nu ..on........m. u..-|...|.- :- Brock street. Kluggoon. lollol nttonho lnouton. Klnnton. January nu. ID Pooplo Wlnou loungnu, sang`. .. nlllln Lllrnnl Ltunnt-- IIICICG m bllllfl l0l'Q|`I "$6 lrom 8l3l,0ll).(ll) in 1868 to )l.(llI,0ll) inl888. but he ovorlookod the fun that chef ' trade has declined from !),(lXI.IJln I to 8)l.XX).(Il) in 1888. and In might have added that the tndo in 1874, when Sir Richnrd Cutw I was in oioo. encoded ` ihatof lat you y sm.ooo,ooa war or we world. It Alneterdem. Von Penechin, the Rueeien chunpion, won the one mile reoe, covering the finance in 2 min.. 58 3-5 nets. Donoghue. d Newburgh, America`: representative, made the mile in 3 mln., I5 sea. A}. til: Tnrnnhn Iuennrl a.` 5...}- |.._.-...4e InunoII.UO0l'I I-. rooturoouua 0! III! increase in Canada : foreign trade from 8l3l.000.0oo in 1368 to nm.mn_mn in max a mum, no lulu. At the Toronto board of trade banquet the Hon. E. Fonts: bound of the xincrnnne h ti-Al`. `lawn ._unneI nononn. Auunna, Wi|., has been arrested charged with Attempting to murder 5 whole funily of Hnngu-inns by doting their most. with Itrychnino u A result of I quu-ml. In thn -nnnrl gkntinn Nmimnl `no oh. ....- III I QIIIITWL In the I sknting content for the unn- tenr of 2 world. at Alnntordun. Von P|nnchin_ thn RnnnlAn nhmrnninn ran an auuunnnu any! II III I own!` one 0! relnono. ()n `the 2nd inst. John A. Fl n. lum- bar merchnnt. Quebec. muried In: J. Murphy, of Sanford. Ont. The bride left the room on the 6th and he is unable to nd er. j_Chu'lu Pionofaki. Anhlnnd, Win, has nrrntqd nlmrm-A with nummoina on ule uuuou once: on tnll mock Ill Ulll,(lJ0. The Inn who vs the evidence on which the Hon. Jnmu cshnno wu_ dioqunlied n%`Metteroa} h1mscl"l'. ` ' Lloshnne say: it In I olou of ()D `'13 illlf. John A mnnnnnn Inna, nrlnuny nccurl I0-l'lI0l'r0I'. John Fl-uer. of Hunuville. Mnnkokn, in ullinn on frinnd: in nu nit! I" U Sta. amount: to over OIUJIN. During 1888 there were $97,950 worth of of nheop and lunbn shipped from Brockville to Boston. The amount of duties ' to the United States this mock l9,(X)0. Who DIVQ tha Ovidanoa nn uhinh uun ponlwnlllry, I! now. Sarnh Bernhardt in Astonishing the Egyp- tisnn by her extnngnnceu. Her bill at the custom houses for articles purchased Already amounts to over 818.0%. nnlrinn IRRQ Hun-q :9... Q0`? non ......AL .3 lpyu commlnuon. Bnjamin E. Hopkins, nuintuat ouhier of the defunct Fidelity Nations! bank of Cin- oinnati, who wu pardoned from the Colum- bus ponitenlinry, in dead. Sam}: Bernhnnlt in nntnnl-Inn u. Faun. ..v'-w vv-IIUC -uuvvxyunvg OI lC'I DIG Dollll Attract` Attention. Judge Donn. of North Bay. is in the titv. lllllly ppoae. The 0 I: vote, taken at the ume time u' III the mun ipnl election. resulted in I large majority in fnvor of Gunnoquo boigg iucorn `rated in I town. - Mr. Purnoll hu do! tad "Maurice Heal , M. P.. to collect in minor all avail: e evidence bearing on the investigation of the rpynl commission. Ilnigmin Ia` Wnnhinn ...:-s._o ..--L:.... -1` many suppose. rerun. " The Ottnin pm n are now discussing th ~ extension of the tgennchina, And it}: hohovoq ' ~ ` that A general election in not as far of an 'rh6 onen vnlzn, bknn Alt I]-an -gm. Oimn --' uus xrelgnu Ir-mo II still very Dull. J udgo Barrett. New York soprano court, has rendered: decision which Jnnula the charter of the North river an r renery. It in re rtod that Sir Iohard Dr '2- mond Wol will be A inted Britidh ll)i:L nor to Wuhinghon. . ghu booomo tiled of F Penis. _ f TL- nu.-...- _A.---- A-A -- --A '9 - ` uuu. xuonvmll. - , ` Ald. Oronier. Moutrul. Inf: he will con- oat the mnyonlty agsinnt ml comers. `Mc- _ Shane uvn he will oppose Grcnior. 1110 nnnnnnor trnin an QM: {ll-and 1`:-uinlz Shane he The punonger trnfc; on the Gfllld T11;nk hudoorouod name since the holidn lesson.` but freight tr.-io ii htill brig . udno Barrett. York mhnmn mm:-L --v u-out anally! IIII IIIIOI Iilllllllll-I fleehee from . u-ope end Whet They Pei-tend-`A Little Cl lverythllu Snell: head end llemelnbered. ` Stone from the Point Ann ulu-riea. noer \- Bellevillo, In being unedlfor t e U.P.R. ete- tlon. Montreal. THE RESIDENCE on mooo Stunt. lately ooctwled by Rev. A. W. Cooke ; double hon otn nroolnnvrwooalhruaoodyndm smiling. A next door. or to B. Ronncuox. st Xingu 'I Dru Store. . neuuvlllo, II D! tlon. Montreal. A M n.....:-.. no uni . `.I'IMg| one Amos Canadians- Ilnnlugn Dunn. 1-3.. .._.I can.` -u-;-_ TL'aAMs I-"noun THE: An1'H's foun ouagnsqs GJVEN. AF1-;u1zs or IE1: WOT{L3. NOB(I.INO%R. PERSONAL MENTION.` I. . I`. ht-Inocly I no'mbor of Inc: J IL. Ilgcluulho N0.` '3. IIMEDI ATE POSSESSION. if-desired that Brick Roaidonoe. Ill Ridoau Street. label: oc- (`u led by tho ownc; ne venndnh annulled x I: who ni withknt plyto .2...s.t~:o....;r* W RoAsTmq _POR_K._ nun --gc-.-..- .5-.. -.. ,... . -_ _, i -- _-, - _._ ---.._, no.1: IIAIIII` nouns. PULL IUP I8 0! `I'll: 1` QUALI- TY 0|` ND Biol orncnc. x.u1re.oenmn.weu mm. Term: ` reasonable. Possession immediately. Apply `Box. WKIO. _ SHUI` U` this miles. A n.o`..`;J6'.. 6'.iuFs'J 2~s'm`.!i"ne.%.`:"L':'m: .`.`.f'.`? sent oco by John Deacon. apply no I S} NOBLE. 1 Johnson Street. 71:01: In MAY. mu good. substantial house on0ntArio Street. near Union. at re- occupied by John Dancon. Ann]! :1: M R IAKM AND MINING LOT. lot 32 in 2nd concession of Redford Township: adjacent to Eagle Lake and St. Geo e's Lake iron and phosphate mines. For nrther information. vulnnmnicnte with J. W . PURDY. Sy-IL-nh um. ALI. KINDS 0!` BANK and Ollloo Smmos. Danton. Soak. lCto..aunnliod by Bnlx. `THAT NEAT TWO-STOREY ISOLATED .l"lAME DWELLING HOUSE and rromlsua. bounded by Sydonhnm. North and Bay Streets. Kin lon.ut gr-eaent occupied by Mr. Hon!!! Hen ex-son. `or lemma Apply to MACDO - .\'ELl. & MUDIE. ` -- N .7 .f;*"-'* -'j GET YOUR \VINTER RI-:EVl:3'. Kin: Stunt. In Rnlnnln nnir: In T/15 mm/roan \`-`A.\"l'EU. an Overseer, or chief advertiser. and one to tines asslsgente according to size of county and populnuoni. A month salary and expenses Lo oveneors. and @ to na- sistsnts. No poddlinz. No soliciting. Duties con- ned to nmkiiig collections. distributing printed matter. uttinz up Advertisements. etc., of Electric Expenses Advanced : `salaries paid each month. Kncloso four cents poomgq, or full s linen line of advertising matter to ELECI` GALVANIC 00. Palace building. (`in(<;innul.l. `D. No attention paid to postal var s. ' m"'`Ii'f""'u"v'vu'I""' ' '1}.-c"'3'."y'r W "'7 us . or man - ga`5.l.!oporu at Oonamua roluivo no vote UHAKLI3 T. GILLIO CIHII Q! [In LQl.|hl.lvn A-gm v T0-DAY. A PAIRO (}Ol.l) SPECTACLES. hcuveon Fuhrer`: 011100 and the Mnrkel Square. They were enoloaed in A leather case. The tinder will be rewarded by loavlng them At`tho wma omco. _ _` '\`r'A.\"l`E`D. Overseer, chof assistants aim: nf nnuntw nn nnnnI-r:....| L: _ ........L. subp ox xxxu STREET. Apply uuoa :hia In I-l1lH IUQV-II.'Ll`\luIII WILL `Nil: `GlIN'l`l.EMAN WHO EX- (`HANGED HATS ("BerlIn" double band). ggtting in larger one than his own. in me Divi- sion Lourt yesterdng. kindly ieawe it in the Wine Ulce and gel in own. _ PARM AND MINING LOT. lot 32 in 2nd ` tom-eaaion of Bndtord Tnwnahin - ndinnnnl m N .r-,..,- ._.___..._._.... .- - ._ -_1__ DIED. GRASS--AI:. Kl: iouideloo. Township. of. Kington, Jun. 9th, John S. Gnu. aged 67v n. OI yearn. Funeral on Fridpy morning at 11 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invjtod to Attend. nu. WASHINGTON at the Brtunh 1 Hotel. _ ' I !lv:~dAnuN Band at Opera House` _ ` `X PEKINTER at ivnluiuos. "i<'iiI 33,? 67y rs. Punernl nn I3`; --i - -7-u 1'UE8DAY.'l`II l'!l'l`ll 0!` FEBRUARY nut. will both last day for receiving Pau- uou tot Priuto 301%, TUESDAY PHI PHI 0!` FIBRE AR? ustuwlll In the In! for lnltoduolnq Prints. _ _ II M: the House. , . ' '73 UBBDAY. Du. wmmm-on ntthe . HoteL. . ' 7 s_P{I9;0IAI,3.19Iifr1s:5s { Lii1&`i:E3xc3ANGn. II `I 0ll.`lIl' Jxlaxvrln nil: A ll Ilrtln - WANTED- NOTIOE. UIIAKLIS T. GILLIO to! Ann: . ...:a"-**"'- _.'{`9_R_ENT- 4 : unuoun I. In. I" Ila! Ill U!` l'llllII- 1: I will had.) Pr-Into tot THURODAY. '|" INTY-IIOH1` OI` FIB- RFARYMII. will he the last day for nal- jnx Report: Wlmlltlnd relative van `EDWIN CHOWN. r;-anus A. IAOLIANI. nu; DAILY wme. In Band Awuv Too long. Iosniu. Jun. 9.--A mu and Chu- uc wuuocdlhrhholqlmu yunupto not his fol-Inc. Mlunonlo Ibo Inn natal his wile an be In: land. 85- bit her round llunhud wu Wt` ll oln bridle. 85 nu-dad third 3 It. Fund. at Laval can . A bungobulm luuhud npptuvd with Q!!!) ndwhbod In In wllhllhwllo. Shqhowonr dunno. Tho unhnoulIknIonnm-.hJ...aL......a. uaunpupuuao-vnup nu-ucuuuuln. man I no clue to the IN in fun and mmhg. that Ian! ouunu Town In: a Hand Who [You the foul. Lll'l0Wll., On. Jun. 0.-LbOoInl ha I riul to tho Whlhohnpol ood. Hit or hot mulls, however. run In the ignition ol ring bull 80-O Ilnougo won uvonl hry Ir: In tho villngu. and Illilhuonldnluook A rent. About day: up In oalmuood drab. Widow Ahnnduh was Ind and dummy- od. OI Now our`: morning Widow WIlo'tI|ocuovnIuInuoudbInul,u:d olohdaurnv lot botlllo. On :50 north; M. Smith`: uublo vund odnqothotwltlsoow And call. Will: t Inn: in pngnu 5 match was put ndor Ch!-II. Schlldnghi cable, Illob Ill ah-Itmyod and twopigu Mud Iodulh. Thorn H clue to tho I-d-udL.....n..o.n..~..m...-.. sumo unonuor IIIIIHDOII who mun hollow tho on only twontyono. Who would take AH! Willie Canon to ho older than tint ! uucs, ullyilri II I`! and MO pnngut ovor ducted thou. PIIIII! We hue some bachelor sldormon who make hollow that All nnlv tunntunn. Inn... -4.!) o.I.- llIuIuI.n.u, 13!?` uu urn unrm gongtl h'Ic'homu Mule!` L Balulavillo cldornu o t,i y the II t :lactodr:hon..`.I Ihnw! W : mo nunr unuu. uul CIICII morn ulorwnrdu. Lut owning the electric lab! vireo sud nnhnn vino much outlet. The re- nlt In: that tho cloetcity III the tin alarm when and burned the Ipoo in the Eu Alarm gap] Om HIIIIIV. I lhllnvilln Alnrlnnn the nine occufntion nu: Tocnmnoi. but. A French (Ansdidn umod Morris! wu bntslly baton bhltho Hohhot brothers. nu Orillh. and d Ihortl Afterwards. owning the uhcu-Ic I ah: -in. ...I nucwu run I noon: NDOII1. Six coloured wood chopper! no supposed to hove murdoud I while mm on; in the ION Tecumseh. L .. ..... ___ `n. - goon wiuv dn.y..' The nnunppooodto noctod vi 5 recent robbery. Six mlonmd wand nlnnnnorn : 0!: Local and GQIOPII clumotor Just A: We Go to Pu-cal. A orunoh of the Primrou league bu been cltnhlishod at Hnvudon. h I!|.L-- -3 lI!..Il. l-I-._J _.__L4 - A n CFIIIIIIIIBII I5 IIIWDIWIIII. D. Blnhy. of Wolfe lnlud. caught Q pd! of maple u rupouo day Int week. Tho trin uf than nntitinn mnin-0 II. In}... or IIIIPIO I rupouo any nu: won. The tria of the petition Agninlt Mr. John \Vnldio. M.P.[for Hslton. has been End for I the 99th inn. A IIYLIL. ._J I! I)__A_____., , V - I - uyuuu nu wouxu nu mmueu. Al neither liberty nor clung: of plwo cum to him. Pnlmor not sbout his task of ulf-dutrnotion by uurving. For two year: the upcrk of life was kept nglow in Pnlmon-`u body by nnort to the tube process of conveying liquid food into the uomnch. Thou ex trnordlnnry future: of Palmer`: cue ut- tmc:cd ntontion and led to Iuooouful effort: in his bohnlf to procure 1 quubing of the indictment under which be In! bold prisoner at Auburn. _.._-v' . _.-_ .-V--v-: .\'0'l`lCl ie herebg given thht punuaai to R. S, 0.. Chapter II . Section :13, all t-reditore having claims against tho eetate of ltlllanbeth Garrett. late of sherbet Lake. Townehi of 090. County of Pro :enae.who died on or a In the 25th day of Nov .nber I88. are on or before the tent day of I-`ebt-oar '. IQ. to send by peer pzrald. to the nndevalxned. their ohnellel a enrnamee. addreasee. and deacripuoua. the full particulars of their cinlme. a statement of their accounts. and the neture of the security` if any. held by them. and that on and alter the suit! liith ti ` of February. 19. J. H. i'annon and George I. the executors. will rooeed to tllalrlbule the emote of the said it`. ubeth Garrett a-ens the oat-tiee entitled thereto. recard betn had only to the claims of which they have t on notice an above elated. And the executor! uhali not be liable for the pro- oeeds n! the oak! eetate to any parent: or erodi- tore of whoee claim th heve not received notice at time of melt die billion. 3 IOKVIIIAT. rec reel. agaton. nuns wnl n pltlllll in ans llllllc ssyllun in Prwiduce, R. 1. Coin` to New York, he took up quarters st mute Metrupolitsn hotel. Here it beosme neoesesry to plsoe him under reetrnint. Three policemen threw themselves upon him when he sn- swered- s knock st. his door. but Palmer drew s pistol nnd killed one. The others ed. At the inquest Palmer : inssnity wee esublished, snd he wss sentenced to life {In- prisonment st Aubnrn. Driven to deepen- tion. he notied the oicisle thst unless ` he was set at libert or trsnsferred to snother ssylum he would kill himself. As neither lihnrtv nnr nhnnan nf nlgnn A-nu- s- Ll... `Hula In now An Insane Illlllonnlro Court- od Death In the Auburn Anvlnm. Mlonumwx, N. Y.. Jan. 9. -Thoro ar- rived an inane mu: named C. S. Palmer, of Auburn, N. Y. Mr. Palmer in I lnlllionalro. Ha b0L'IllI' insane nt on early age, and for I time in A patient in the lunatic Asylum in Providuce. R. 1. Coming In N... \'...-|. `He Is Goaded on by 'l|l-'l`reatInent-Kllls a- Whole \'e_ssel's Crew. BA_L1'm(mn, hld.,Jan. 8.-The Sun trans- lates from a Russian paper` an account of the crime for which a St. Petersbnfg, Rus- si , court sentenced Jan Umb, a sailor, to te' years penal servitude. The Russian schooner Johannes had hardly left Riga in November, I887, when Umb denied an ac- cusation of having stolen clothing. Induced alternately by flogging and Captain ar- boe s promises, a confession was extorted which was followed by further whipping and confinement in a dark cell for sev- eral days without food or water. When released he was abused by the crew and jumped overboard. The captain promised better treatment if he would allow himself to be rescued, and he was brought back. While changing his wet clothes he received a brutal kicking about the headand naked body, and was again put below. Next night, Dec. 7, M87, he was ordered to take the wheel, and unable through weakness to per- form that duty, the captain struck him in the face and ordered him. to follow, seem- ingly for further punishment. As the ca - tain was picking up a piece of ro , Um , now a perfect maniac, seised a randspike and killed the captain. He then killed in a like manner the two sailors on deck. Pro- c-iring a sheath knife he stabbed the mate, and proceeding forward killed two more sailors in their sleep. 'The cabin~boy was killed next. A Danish steamer sighted the schooner, which it towed to Copenh , where Jan Umb was delivered to the us- sian authorities. .llU IUSII III`. A. Whih and G. hunt were unutod to- IAV. Thaw III nnnnnnnl u. luau. Lg... no... THE LEADING UNDERTAKER IPMNCIII STRIET ' j v---.-. uvvuu---u-y vvnupnuyu thSAlL go; X1191-k oveggsrayt 4. i orixod n . . 01801`. . . of Brook Sta. Klntlltaon " .Rnsalot.ofPorkBa}-roll.` lFlrnt-olna:- t 1.00 . .(,%mrcoultnlu-[cox-Imnl quantities. 8t.orm`_8uh. `n<'3'5'1"QUnnN s-r. - -' xtuosrou. ruin THOUSAND xsL.1n`n BY Rome, Watorwivn & Okdenlbnflt kn. To lllica. Albany, Nbw.York, Philade|'a. wumnum.3.1umm and all Poms mxorm on New Yak. VII _0.'l'.R, and N.Y.O. Ru. 1`. HARLEY. - -` . Goya. Ticket Axum. ~ SELF-IMPOSED STARVATION. --:--:- u-wt: u -II`! PORK TINDIRIDINB AND SPARK RIDE. PORK BAUIAOE AXD KIDNIYB. P108 KIA]! AND TIIT. LITA. LADY! &-L `hcu Ag- -5 THE VERY LATEST NEWS LISTOWILIJS FIREBUG Ollllltd Steamship Oompany. S from N Y rk Sn LhoIilz';mAmnt. l1`."A'. `M vrnm zwrnata-N, doMPANY SECOND T omon. A MAD MAN'S REVENGE. JAMES REID, n l\I\v v|rl'\I!II\ln . -,---. KINGSTON. CANADA, THU.i2sDA' I3\'l_E1TI1fI.(}.'JAI*I"UAR`Y",*11),1889, w-wv-uuuwvuwlvuill IIIIII. u Ohbtupb lhdbulto quit biannual nun. Gown! unwhoollmlwl polo: |o'|I1'lNIhII at It bud work In an tlouuol blown ol. .55.... -3... '.":.".:.:'::.'.::"' W" Onordhnoounononrsltua belug- in3IoIIr.lhtoIvcnuu-nnphythrooh. Huffman tn down. Window Ihnlun whnuoutondliensud Olson. `main: an IL` nI..-.-L Il....4 L.) A- 1 Jun IIHAIJU AJIU IDII. LEAP JAIID. lnnlovory day. at A KAI`! "l`boWhoIKupp'I run will no '"l0N|0lIlhI. Tho norm nub man u Ibou.hd'll'rou. knot: and tolqnph OI l$l 1; Mann -Ann though I um-o woo-no no use an Iron undo: [I- lsnd but had to turn on ouch occasion. The {once In frunol Hnlcfoothgu, King street, went down n|or'tl:o fury of the vlId.udnpoloonrryhq:oo|ootI'|u lun uitutodonhoqonnrol Stun udurrh much. in bmhn. Another Io on lot tnnl Itnot, belonging to the do I company. will and couldonblo lhuudluonunwuhlnduboptwz liunmut. Avlulowlhlchn Wright . I: K ouugvunhlonhnndunuboi 0 t thhInbouovold.bo|ilwlol'|II!oudo- don. At CahnqIHnundfonouwuIpru- Onllldunotrutnclootclnnpqudr umyodudthovirunttaohodtolttvluod and tnglod. Shunt: Inn torn from bouuudll-nohuolthotnuvuntylng tluonllnuo were IIIETWITKII TTUO0. ` Ablg Itcloldiuq Into the yard at the rear of t e Ulobo hotel wu torn from in Map: and unuhod into many places Usu- und lanes on Sargon: Canon`: property, Gordon ntroot, won destroyed. Fence: and treat an levelled on Uppor I nrooc. o volocitv cl unwind wu jut u had at 9 o'clock on it was at three o'clock thin morning. The ctr. H. A. Calvin storied Nicotooo-nolo shohcil from Golden lu- land but hgnl tn 1-I-n nn Anal: ------'1-- uI|r|.'\o IIDOCIIIIOII. The wind 2 into the lumber pilot in Rnthbuni doc , foot of Qnoon lino: during the uirht sud dilturhed them badly. Thouundu of boards were lifted and onrriod uny. They fall in the lake our by. sud were Afterward: rooouod. A M- ...o- |--.I:-.. 1.... an ._-__n -- .L u we rsatnoun company. and the tug Walker, the pro rty of the M. 1`. com- pany. The Van Arleen t away from Moore's dock and the Walker mm the Queen street alip. fhey broke their ropes and chains between `2 and 3 o'clock and mat in the channel. Then they rolled about in the turbulent waters and drifted side by side to the beach. The Walker was inside, and con- sequently ran high and dry upon the rocks. The Van Allen pounded against her and only hernoaeiaontherook. Sheiemakingmatters bad for the Walker by pounding her badly. . It is thought that before the boat: out be rescued the Walker will be damaged to the extent of several thousand. The watchman did not miss the tug until she had been adrift for some time. Captain Gaakin. the outside manager for the com y,`iain'I`oron- to, attending a meeting 0 the Canadian marine aaeoclation. Th. -1..) ....a :..a.. ah- I..__L_-_ _2s-_ 1, I u uwcl unul 1 oclocl Inll morning. Of I" the both in the harbor only two got nwsy, and they are now in I had Kali- tlon pounding upon the bench At Barrie eld. They are the uoemherge Vnn Allen, owned by the Bathbun and the tug Walker. nronertv the M. I`. cum. IIITNI. The harbor at an early hour was angrily Itonn-toued. The gale churned its aurfaoe into foam. and the wavea rolled very high. The water rolled over the wharvee at the front of the harbor. Tie efect of the norm on the boatein the harbor was not very ae- xioua. They were we watched by their ownera, and aaved {roan ting away. The etnength of the chain: and ro holding them were moet severely taxet . Some of the chain: alipped many timea and had to he put back. Capt. Dandy said that he had not watched the achr. Queen of the Lake: ahe would have left the alip at the foot of Princeau street. He remained with her from `i o'clock until 7 o'clock this morning. Uflll both in the harbor nnlv tun FI0lJB.l'DudSIlDS'NRl, Kn. ll HAQIIE IIIIIADD

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