Aulmlsnlou Secured Through a Third Story WIndo\-Vlnuy Things `listen. Last night the etoreof W. J. Muhoodjancy goods dealer. Princess street, wss entered lay a youthful burglar and a great haul made. Entrance wss securedthrough the alleyway, oil Wellington street. and by means oi s re ladder the roof of the back state was reached. A pone of glsss in a window on the third at was broken and the stick holding the window down removed. Passin down stairs the store Ives reached. The til s were visited and the coppers end small change in them amounting to $12 or SI5 removed. The safe was opened. not being locked, and the ps rs disar-ranged, but. none were removed. ings worth from 8| to 83 were absorbed as was also ou but- tom, knives. pocketbooks and other things. The thief wss undoubtedly a boy, who stuf- fed his pockets full and ed. The police are iuvestigsting. . No.13. 'l`oI l 101 an m -_-:5 -17 .451 "3 I`. 1 . Total u nu: . T01 11 ` i 35 m . T0l'l I70 `ZI5 182 ms WI [9] The nIllWlll III (Inn; hand. can it to have I mnniosl tract on In cy next in the vial: of this the band. lg 'u an of the great nttrudou ol the Touch full. The Globe nvn it In I angul- n....n 1-Qnhnnnr 2 ch: nmnln In hnnnnnlnnn. pro y 0| poor people. 'llh.encnnuction regnrding the purchue of tile pipe In Montreal he elluded 00. He utetod that he Ind rohued the tile plpee, and he proved by gurel thnt he hed pur- chuod iron pipe: for drelnoge cheeper then the city of Toronto had been eble to get them for. [here Ind been leid in Toronto 54 mile: of pipe hit. your. For nlne.inch Eire Toronto rid 860. per yard. and n ton ot [or 650. per nrd. For I we ve inc plpo Toronto I 81.15 per ml, uni Klmnton 87. or tiluen lnoh twolvo Inch plpo loronlo Ia onto pur yud, And Klnpton 87. ipo Toronto paid 01.65. ad Klnguton 81.24. For olghtoon inch po Toronto pnid 02.15. Klnnt.on_Ol.74. 1 in ovldonon van ouiciont to row whothor the city loot ano- lIO* by the cal. ho"bunlnou with Mr. A. Unrtuhoro. of Hamilton. was dohllod. Ho polntod out that (lu-uhon won I oouorvadvo o! the hlglunt class. but ho was in trouble and could not flll Ilhoontnoi with tho olt . He told In oouldrnolbu Ihoplpoon Moatnnl hluuoll and on the her to do ls for him. Tho Montreal poo 0 land Usrnhoro In I tight plnoo, and In could not guloou. A voloo-"'1'hoy lot you loose. Yu." told the In I. "I have boon lot loans by tho pooplo K .o"ndlvlll not In 5 Inn A! In in gun um Inhul numhu. (H113 1 Up in Victoria word Ald. Dunlop will be content wifh school board life. He prefer- red thut, ht-`said, to uldormanic honors, and the electors" took him at his word. He did little canvassing, and the result was against him. Mr. McLeod. the new man, though untried, is a good fellow, and will do good service for his wagrd. Alola. Hiscqgk and Shannon are again wondering how le elec tors generally make their vobea tally so u-evunly. he assured the nuulwrl we WII DUI in nun men, but when he got hie money he made no good use of it an ex-Mayor C-arson hnd done. If he had received his salary before the nomination is would have been likely aid 11 he had druvn it to buy votes with. He knew. however, thnt. right. would always prevail, and J. D. Thompeou could now go to his fumly end my (Int the peoplehf the city of Kingston hnd not him free. Iichnllenged any one of hi: enemies to thaw he hnd done wrong in his bueinul relation: with the city. 1:. ...5...-.1 m .1... .ininmn uuantion. and relamone with the city. He referred to the drainage question. mntunded the! he had always advooeued good drainage. lie had refused to tell any perenn which direction proposed drain: were going belole they were built, and had al- waye warned the city engineer to keep these mau-are eecret. He wanted to benet the .........e- AI -mum n-nnln their rights. l He referrgd to certain statements which had appeared in the paptrs regarding him, anal mid he did" not know whether his opponent. Mr. Reddeu, wu responsible for them or not. (me of the items he objected to wu the following : "Von; Om the man who doom ! want to poor." There might be 3 few hundred dollars charged to him in the city treuurer u otua. He assured the auditor: he wu not a rich ..._.. I... ink--\ ha not his mnnnv ha lnnrln muu-an KCPBI. 110 I'll! propotty of people. '1 he tnnuction regard Ii I! III yivyuu III as uuvu, nun. - wuss a nu alt-.nhouy.." He [no mu thatluhnd purcha- od the plpu lot Gublooo. and when he ((3.) ngnd to an [or the urvioo the washer [.0 PI I0!` UIIWUIIII. Ill!) WIIIII at \u.; ou-ad to [or the uptake: rained to 0 con . 11.. ........n cm I n Innlltllnn of Lln Inn TOIOIU lIIl'. Au uwuc IIVI II II 0 magm- gogn orgnlilntlou ; tho music in hmnonlou. gmd, and tonchlu . and in frequent! sp- ` kn [tour In oronto hul nnor Lon hard . The Mail any: the ro and abandon at their playing ud biurro than I I lntlo . nu E .-unn.u`.n`|.IlyIo.)`I $1.. hn.:I man" to tbs I0 U10 IOIIOWIDK Vote lot the man who doom`! keep the money voteul hy the council for public hospitality and the relief of the W) . II There minht n clued to an ' TIM ooutnct for $0 building of the valor tower was next touched a . Ho wont to n..-....I I. nnnl|AnI`nn - ah thln hnlnnnn BOND! III! IOIIOIIOII ll nu wuui w Iloutucl In oonnoooo V (I: this buluu nlno. Nonnon an men uxloufordu 1.... .1 n 1 Mgthnp in cat [In con. lllo. N0 non III Inon Innuulwruu rm ol lemma 8 Math to not the col- tnot than he. Ho bud paper: toshow hovqnr, the the Iunol (M rm oh: lor tho onotlon of tho tower won I block- uallll. gutting I nlury 0! no pot weak, sad I clerk run-wing u uhry ol I not wont. 110 had an gonad setup I: the under. He could mhcr. w. Run}. on the uni- ll|0I_V cl uompohnt mu. lint the wow nnnl nnl hi! f `Of `uh. CD90.` a poaeu Ill nun. uwy lulu nurwu IIJLU un: races of the people w ho we re once supposed to be his friends the fact that J. I). Thom L-.. aim was neither ll hoodler nar a thief. I e started in the election for the purpose of vindicatiug whether` his cause was a right or wrong one. He said solemnly that any transaction or any business that he had ever done in connecti-in with the position of mayor or alderman, had been as pure and chute as anything could be. There had been expenses incurred luring his travels in connection with city business, which he paid out of his own pocket. He wanted to thank the gentlemen for his victory who were so very particular about his honesty, who no- mm-d n latmr from the rm of Rouneau & pnrucunr louuc mu noneary, wuu lu- cured I letter from Mnthier. Montreal, regarding the city`: deul~ iugs with" them. The workingmen had shown his enemies their powerful inuence in gnu nlominn l`ha-,\- luva nroven thnt anown ms enemlen lnelr puwurlul uuuucuuu in IDY election. They have proven than they can elect any man to utne that they choose for it. He char ed them to be honest and rm. and to sun up boldly for their rights. ` Ha rnfnrrml to certain) nmtementl `lllCh d uompotlu Inn. was In: vwwur could not have bun bull! lot tho ..._--n -LhuL Mug In--I nl njl 1 would have bun mull rot no III In wilol tho rm ol Raoul I had to do the not! tot. The B.`.[ Mr. Haslip was the first speaicer. `He said it gave him great pleasure, as the pro-' poaeruf the mayor, to congratulate him u - uu his victory. The wurkmgmeu had nobry showed which side they were on. Mr. 'l'huuipsou huxluvery reason to feel roud that nutwithatamlmg the charges pro erred against him by his oggqneuta, he had come out victorious. '1-1... ........... .1... I'IAn.`\\.I :,...........1 u:.. 6.... sent:-ti _ , i ' f\lt`l.)ti1 i'g`,tol the police that. he h d a `wife in _l_iel_levi_lle aud_ respeetqlile relu.ti"ves llum l imnn, lint he forgut to mention that he was a bigamist also. About twenty yqpra ign he was married at (Tape Vincent to Mary Cam bell. then of this city. They l(':id(!kl inn ingstun for a. half dozen years. but the conduct of McQuaig was snacandal- n_;__1.-x and hi: beating propensities so patent that Mrs. McQun.ig decided `to leave him, and with her four children secured the pro ta.c`tion of her friends; 'l`his'waa over twelve years ago. Since that time Mo.-Qnaig has lmen wandering about, beating his way and continually appearing before the courts for n~islemeu.nors and felehies. He has travell- ed over much of the states and Canada since he left Kingston. _ Ina summer he rem-lied Belleville. where out victorious. The nmyur then came forward. His fuce was llushed, and his general appearance in- that he had hml an exciting time of it during the day; He stated Linn: the only comniiltue room he had during the cam- paign W.L8 his hat, and his supporters were the workingmen of the city. He was thank- ful to them for the cuntidence they had re~ posed in him. They had hurled into the mum nf the nunnle vs` ho We re once sunnosed been oleclae, but it woulll seem that the `promlnel given were unfullled. Mr. Born and Mr. Sahold made 3 fair beginnlng for `some other day. ;. / I)... :l: .....- n: I-,_.. ....._..I .L..'. _-....__:__'J At the City Hall. After the returns from the different pol- ling ul1b-di\`isi0n8 had. been received, anal the announcement made that Mr. J. I) Thmnpamn had been re-elected mayor, the ` electors were inviteml to the Lity hall, where ` they were `mlglresaed by Mr. Huslip and the mavnr nlu-.0? But it was Riileau wurti that iurprised the public. Gawain \\'ebater'Augnstuu, with his scheme for the beautiiicitlon f \'ictor_iA I parlf. was considered is sure man.` He w condent himself, for hadn't over .600 good` and true electorspromised to use their fran- chise in{his l)chulf.. But, ulna, he was left, . only I63 votes having been placed to hise_re~ ' dit when the summing-up time come. The problem in I hard one to solve, and Mr. Augustus will now have a chunce to medi- tate on the uncertainties of municipal poli- ties." As a. reguln.tor" he will have on opportunity to stud why he,wo.| relegated to the fifth pluce. onnld Mclntyrefs feet just title-ll his. brother : boots in ,the estima- tion of the xoteru, and the Aldermen-elect will have the :proud satisfaction of going to the council `with I heavier backing than any cumiidute who offered. If his eloquence in an nnirnrful `as him hrnr.lmr n Ridann wnnl - CIIIIIIIUIIUI WIIQ UUUTBU. II HIS QIOCIIIBIIGB II as powerful `as his brother's Rideeu ward will not suffer by the change. C. Robinson and W. Adams, old smndbys. are again to the fore. The somewhat quivering feeling Lint. possessed them for some days is gone. They hind been toia that one or `(other was to be dispatched no they were on the ram,ve'ii edge. But it was neither. Mr. Givens-was the victim and that, too. after he had come within five recess of victory. `Twas ever thus 5 lY.. :... \":..;.._:.. ....`...! AL! [\....I...\ will I... lllll slnclur Ila In awn. mo nu-uur urhi. who recently Hi I for India, rouhd Portsotdon Don. thudupoob odtoboullonbo on Join. In. Nu. Dr. Sin. dust at llololr. nodnd I louortothhuhctyutudq. 00 the ctr. A...u..--high sh-nnlhd ran linu- l'0I'llllK no lo lllloll III pup Illrvugu you that 1 person in the [lib olnpriut. rofouing to be pastor in $0 Apouolic icarhh ol I-`onhc, which hundred (mun for his coqroptlon. II moving about this city and the uljulnt oountq, Mm M vcntmonh and other l'eqI-Z I'll! In! olluorluou ll nu-. Tho binhopdou Iothow ilk nu, nor in his Man or thus cl tho lnhdon to which be up he belong! roqluund In the ooolulutt ng tranhirv {M II Viilll 0' $1.1. IIIIQTIIB-ulunyvuwvvq. 1:: us: an. Anunouwhloh and was crazy- nn Iuhodbl III as from vulou not the United Ebb. but at than .l)`n.,cwu hum Iorhn, uni the blues roplu-ulnhurhu. Tlowbolo yout- tondlu lmunoldnnuw lloomu lngtholny Bbuny. In Peterhoro. Mrs. llosa Tliolnpson, of Belleville, was such by an Onlario reporter and she sniil t'n.u .\lrQuni_-_; haul rented rooms from her about three months a 0 and taken wife No. '2 to them. They lived together uboul; two months when he suddenly lit out nd left his wife penniless. His second wife : name was l.iI.zie Brown, and she has two sisters living on College hill. 1 think the poor woman is dying for she looks awfully p.ilc this morning. She is continually en- quiring .ibont'. her runaway husband, and has nothing left to live on. She was 3 member of the (.'0ngreL{&tiouul church here, and was married by Mr. Maine here in July against the wishes of her friends, The girl has never been right in her miml and I think -this has complete-ly upset her. MoQuaig c.ui~.e to me about live weeks ago and want- eil me to let him have the rooms again, as he hml turned over it new leaf he said, and wimted to live with and support his wife ......:n I umtnuml in luurn nnvvhinu tn la woluupnouuoou. Bonn udo8puhhcnhu.o.:Ccu- din on mupooi; 8 Es. guupou. loo; Onmm, Ion: hum Ilsi; mi"; nu. ud ':s'o'-r.`.":'pp|.. J). 3 pool. Ju. Cnwbtd. An Input on IAIII. Bmuol-`s Pu.`A('I.JoI. B.-('l`o the ldltot): Permit to inform Ito bllo though x-nn OIIAI. Q IDI'Il| ill h `Sufi-L I II! Dololll l'I[ III Iwlxinsr TITII dlnomry for the vlurluo 0! Pontiac. Holnbllovod lobooborbu-from Ion- V 'nm'.\'sul|- nr suszsrruw-s. Reere-Bowun E. Ayleaivorth, 398; lane 1-`. Ayloswurth, 316 First Deputy-1oeve--Isuc Orton Fruer, 363; Arnold P. Booth. 349. u-and I)unntI.I\nnvn _Hw-nn Darhvnhire. tender ha! been $|"6-.(l(),`\mi1` by the pro_- `riotoruof "u Ingutonlouudry. If Mr. * {arty knew. that the tdvver could hnvo been built for,8l2,8w. thi fair pr9t.'ho'w was it that the locomotive brlu, with which he Wu coxinected. uked 23,000 for the job`! Thu gnanluur ennnlmlml Iw nkntimr that he Il. I)u\'lB 1 . \\ c`sh.. It Muzicr , J.FrhunL U. l):u`is. Klon-.n Town 01 Dun-routu. - ` Muyor--E. W. Rathbun. Reeve--\\'. R. Aylsworth. Deputy-reeve-H. B. Rathhun, by a large nmjoritv. Cuuncillo|--\\'eat wurd. John Dslton, Wm. Irvine. R. M. (`rm.k ; (,'cntro,ward. A. S. Valleau. James Whitnon, Jumin Cameron: East ward, A. A. Richardson, W. W. Caru:r,Ju. Dryden. \'lll Alli` III` MATH .366; Arnold 1'. Doom. an . Sooond Deputy-reove -ByI-on Dorbyahire. Michael Auolntino, 397. 1t........nIn.._\v.Ilh.amn Rnlu-nah. 026: `]'UV\ .\\HII' WI" 5I1II$l.\li lH_\. Reeve-4\\ i|liaun3:ibaou ; elected by over 70, with No. 4 poll to hear from. - I`0\A'.\'3lHl' or women-: |s|..\.\*n. FUR RFJ-`.\'l-Z, J: 9;-urm: IL ncvluml.` Slnillvv Uuimt. he left Iungston. Last summer he rem-lied Belleville, he passed himself off as a widower, and . winning the uffec ion of Miss Lizzie Brown, \i`as nmrriml to he ' last July. The chief of police in Belleville became informed of Me- (3uaiig`s bigamous conduct, but before he could secure his arrest he had (iianppenred. He was heard of in Prince Edward enmity, whe-re. he has various relations, but the tmil wen lust, only to be recovered by his arrest in i eu:rhoro. \l.... l)l\LvII 'rl\nn\v\nnl'\ nf Rnlin-\'iiiF, IAHIII U. l)n\'|s. `:7 {U Messrs. Horne, Moore, Davis and Mosier haul the support of M r. Thomas Dawson and his friandu who worked hard and are highly pleased with their success. The beat of good feeling prevailed. \ILL|if. Uf U.\lll. Ree\'e--D. W. Roll.n_uAjorit 2. Couucillora-Edli'1ond Mc enty, Henry Armstrong. Thoma Basin, John Michael Wemp. -mw\'sun- M tense: Auununo, an . ()ouncil|on-Wellingtaon Bubcock. 426: Robert Miller, 386; William M. Fraser. `I-N connecteu. uxeu ozgnwu 10!` me you ,- The n or concluded hy stating thus he would: obi: but for the city. He wished his hezsrarau Lagpy New Year and r9t~ire;l,. and the crowd _ \ ' ' iIP9l`le,d. School Islnctloul. In Sydenham wud H. B. Savngewn elected, the vote standing: _Suvsge, 192; Allen. 56. In Fmntonuc ward H. Hunter _-dejeated W. Music by 53 `votes. The num- ber polled were : Hunter, 228 ; Music, I75. [I : \\ . nullla, _UI ; II. IIUIIIIU, U] i 0 . Uilleapie. -I2 '; J. NicholIon,_4_l. `The first four were elocted. n..m:.. ....:.,..u ...........,. 1-... a....n.. m . LJIBTICI; V ILIIHOTII, '..'Ul. Councillora-W. Anderson, 21; James Atkinson, 268:: Robert Bennett. 203: Al- fred Brown,' `237: W. H. Franklin. 3U| : Patrick Madden, H07; Rfbbert Trotter, 82. " l`u\\ .\'.~i1lll' or K1su.~m.>.\`. Reeve--H. Rankin. First Deputy Re-eve,-E. Joyner. " Second Deputy l{eeve-C. Hay. t.ouncillora.-I)cunis Sheehnn, James Knapp. 'I`(I\l'\'\'Illl' (IV l`(lR'l`I.,\I'D. l|lH U'I \' `(IL'E\'E. R. Moore . . . ` . . .. l llunnld t`. ' The County Returns. l ()R'l'S.\i0l-"HI. " I R.eeve-John Fisher, 58; George Sexpon, 56 : A. Cameron. 49. (`nu-u-lllaun-`? [Evian 00 - Jnnnnh l'n9. on ll. muneron. Aw. Cnuncillors-R.. Dodda, 99_; Joseph Pot- ter. 97 : John Marks. 84 ; George McAuley, 7|; \\'. Hurst, 61; J. Adams, 61; J. lllnnnia .1`) '- J 'Ni:-hnl-nn AI "hn HI-at THE Ci-|EC_K;ERED_.| _ CAREER 6!-_'_L~ A `FORMER K|N<;sr.3mA~.. IULIF W6! UlUL'LI9(|. - l ubliu._: school trusteea-~John Scally. 6-I ; A. Graham, 60 : Henry Robb. 55 ; J. Gil` lispie.-5l ; A. Atkins. 43 ; John Mills. 41. The first three were elcted. m..u- \'u u u u nu nurnum ur un TU .\.\'|lllI UI" l'l'l'l'.`l_H_N.1i. - Reo\'o-Williun Hutton, 239 ; David Trotter, 312. - IN.-or lhuuuou Dnncln ,1nIu. 'l`hu-nan OH] . IFULLCI`, dlz. Firs: Deputy Reeve --John Tierney, 219 ; (llmrleq-Vanhorn, `.291. luunnillnu-oi\\.' Snlhu-nnn 01 - _'lnmnu 1" .\HIIII' UP I'lPIC'I`]..\IU- Reeve-l_)r. (Ilaxtmrr Iiinjority, 64. ~' In-puty Reeve--J. W. Bertrim. (,'ouuci|lors-N. Wood. N. Whitby and W. J. Sprouie. / 2 'I"An\l'K\'lIl|| AI.` ~"NHcRl\'I."In\' The lnyoru Elect. Bol|bville-\V. J. Diunond. Uuelph--Fhomu Uowdy. Uttawn-Jscob Erntt. "' Sb. Thoma:-4. Mono. 8:. (.`Mn.bnrinou--4. R. Mclntyxo. .\le|ford-Jamu C lelnnd. (ioderich--John Butler. Bnmpton---Thoma Holtby. Bow|nAuville-A. Youniu. Uol|ingwood--Mr. Luckerbie, S!rnt(ord--H. T. Butler. l ariI-H. Stroud. Owen Souud--Duncan Morrison. Woodstock -13. W. Kara. Brnmford-C. B. Heyd. } et.uboro-Junou Stovennon, M.l . Kinuardine--R. Baird. BurrIe-l". E. 1 . Poplar. Unllir-J. W. Slnvan. Hamilcon--\\'. Donn. Urnn vlllo-John Gilchrist. Win r~J. Twomey. London -Gootgo Tnylot. Unlc-John M. Lumldon. Port Hope -E. Poplow. AlrnonIo-\V. Thm-burn. Anrorn-H. D. Lundy. ChAlhum- H. Mnlculmnou. (}obourg-S. Cluh. Uundu-H. Biohfold. Linduy-J. \Vutan. Pombu-oko--W. Hum . Pioton-W. T. I. l)_.....nA I..L- f`A1nAL.u& .I"l0l'oII-- IV . 1- VITIIII. PruooIt--John Carrulhon. smith : Fslln-D. A. hrguoon. '[`nnntnn_ R XI. Mb Sinclair all Ila Soon. the muon- .:.L ..L. .......1.. 1.1: ll.-gm luo mum III III! -litwnvuvu -v-vb wow . pd lac but not .191`:-nnnInn...|I=Lhh`oIIiD. amuau rnul-u. A. tutu: 'l`rcnton--l. 3. Monica. In Wall You lad-and loco). IVA-.-.-I _-I_.._ II`. La-A non`.-Q A Hr in Now In Pnetorbortr Gaol fur I. |`Iulngn_A n \Vm`-llueu Cheque-Ho Huh ,!i'r|l '" W_l_vu Llvln-`l`hu Kingston Ono Sift Anxious tn Prouecute llhn.., I . Jonn Mcquiiig, wlimuprs ago kept store on Qqtario and Princeu streets, in now in gef6Y.tb Peterlworo on a chnrge of isquing I xmrtliless cheque for $28. The merchant; upon whom he played the game cornered tlw fraud at his boarding house and offered to let him_ off if he returned the goods, but liiilhnellady pm. in her claim for u l)om'(l- billghat .wap due. According to reports Mr.-(Juaig beat his way over sinje Imweut to l o.-tm`bor0,' and owed bmml nu-I wlniefliey bills at other hotels. He ulsu carried": unxnber of checks shnar tn the one pre Htilltll `.l..a 1.2`. ` 0-nl.l vlan nnlinn flunk lln had I LETTERS TO THE Eaton. Idle: Tuolu Kidd . Sanity. . 1. Eu. :3. No 3. Total ' XL 4-) I96 V3T{j1jA1(AS%%A B1uA)11';r1`.: A FANCY STORE ROBBED. ner Jaw. Mrs. Mc(,hiaig.t.he first wife, is now living in Tumutu with 1!. sun and uluughtur. Two of the uiaughtera Are livin in Kingston and are m.u'ri:-d to renpectahie citizens. They h in: not seen their father in twelve years, and would diauwn him if they did. They Laue frequently heard of bin bad conduct elsewhere. Mri. McQuni|: wu nailed to prosecute him for bignmy, but having left him she desired no further cnminunicnrion with him. One of M rs. ML-Qunig'| brother: was seen today and he laid that he never knew nnything 0041 mi Mi.-Qunig. He W5: is dead best. surf the sooner he Wu phnced umier rentrniut for life the haunt, be for the public. PERSONAL MENTION. cununuge nuuqeu. dlmel L-ruwluru. The tire Alarm wire: which were broken by the reuent. snow and ties: worm were re pnired to-day. Some of the electric light wires which hul .Llan boon uvered, were replaced by new ones. Mr. Campbell. mu: Agar of the electric light company. expected TITHIVB Ill thii light: running to night. Vnnmnlnv mnrninu at 9 o'clock. while It- TTOTIIVE mmw ngnu nmmng w lsnxin. Yuwrdsy morning at 9 o'clock, while wnding I eteun circular saw in McLeod`: new mill, R. Cowie was bad! injured. The piece 0! wood which he was olding to the new broke, in two piecel, end one of them struck him on the heft forearm sud frscturedit. Dr. T. M. Feuwick dreued the wounded limb. TI... ....o...o.i.......-.9 ahmn In: His hnnnq. volvor. Richmond. Orr & Co. are new oHurimz their large nml wo||Abought. stock of cloths of all sorts. suitable tor ladies, gentleman's. or children's wear in sale priceu. See their ~,lvert.iaement.. Immense buckwheat cakes. Our buck- wheat our makes the nes: cakea, our bread our is the tineat in the land, cooking applet. table Apples, 200 pack : lemons. 200; oranges, 20c ; cruiburriol, 10. Jsmu Crawford. \'....p......l.... ..6'o_..-.u\.u. in Rug unnll AL` mnvn ` of John Homing, Elginbunz. urawloru. Yesterday afternoon a live 'oar old mare had it: fore lo broken while being buuketl out. of the Wind. mar hotel shod. Dr. Sine reduced fracture. It is probable that the animal will recover the use of the limb. 51...... .1... ...:.mI- .0 1...... um: elm me 01 we umo. About the middle of Januury, I838, the Bay of Quinta was open, at less! up to (Tul- hert.aon a Point. (now Doaeronto), for 3 steamer -Arrived there from Kinglton with arms sud unmunigion, which were chance conveyed to Belleville. Ynur mnnev in bettnr to In than II00dI.lI0 conveyed to beuevme. Your money in better to us than goodu,no mnter how cheap. Roll bacon. 1250 ; cook- ing apples, 20c ; table Apples, We as peck ; lumoug, `I0 ; oranges, 201:`; cnsuborriea. 10; roll and Lub butter. fresh celery, ubou, cunbridguuuqeu. James Crnw 0rd. The fin Alarm wire: which the wounded umu. The entertninment given by the home- hold band in the sdncion army hnrnsckl lut evening, wungnnt success. The ef- , fort: to raise money for A home eahblinlr ` edin Toronto for diubled Army oicen, 1 hqvoboon attended with nucchu. Nearly ` SWO VII Iuhocribd for the The band left the city today. Thu anvnrnmnnt hll man workinn I` I0 band lot! the city Io-any. The government hu man working at the outlet: of Rock And HM ! lain erecting dam: on rue:-vain for the Ridoau cunt]. The keopiu buck of.tho wuor of the for mer lake in ikoly tocauoo tmublo, u it will ood hundred: of mm 0! meadow and low lying lands on the South about of Rock lake And in coming much nmbling. The Pluto (Ilsa trodo u bocomo an im- runt future In Canals. No buuinon ouno would now drcun ol having an old about `Ill! window. Not only the d o! the building is vastly` hnprovod. but aunt]: tlhnlnvd in tho window: no not! wm llkely De senueu out (11 cuun. W. Smith, who has no frierndfbr home, was sent to gaol fur four months. _He has only been at liberty A few days, having served u term in guol for carrying a re volvcr. u:.1 .......I n... I. r`,. ...... mm Ah`...-inn Czllletl nere Wltn I WIrrls_u_l. lUl' llll IllI:l. A Mary Cole volunteered the statement that she knew McQuni _well. but didn't know anything good l)0llC him. ` Ha reuce.l :1. house on Pinnacle street and gave me an-l my a-hil-lren rooms if I would cook {or him. He worked at the cnrpenter trmle, which ho learned while serving 8 ve yams` term in the penitentiosry st Kingst. m eight years ago." He was her cousin, she x-mi-l. The (Jule woman Shitl that .\Is-Quasi; came home drunk one night and struck her is biuw on the face which nearly frsctured her jaw. \lI-a \h-I Inniay that first wifn, in mm: livinnr ` OI UM Dlllllll II VIII! llllplvviu, IIIII IIIU I I dhplsyod In the window: viking when plate glut In mod. IQ Cuulnndton. T vol III ybylnr Ibo In-gnu quhntlty laocnna. Pp` the purpouoal Clnbthlllj Illlionu as 1 nur- mnlito. Bulk GOII . Colotlis. Thail- amok ol oluu tau. plan and I plunu uhlhltod at the Orovllb Chan 1', was very IS. mflllm Ugh ooverod with IIIIIICIN Iollu and lulu all hi! I). H. Hun . Into of K npton, npot-inhalant ol the Orovillo Cltruu uoochlton, mums! situation And .3...-ml Inuuvlnnt Qnrth. lIIUI'\II T33 1. showed hllrhll I I`.-I -I'I'I'C* AITIVIII AI in Idthh A-who Hohh- J. Kuthqllul. I. 7. 00%. W. Footer, J. E. Audubon. J. 'r.n.1d. ll. . Kn... Montreal; W. J. Thorn. ll. 1. Wylie. J. H. Wlllonghlx" S. B. Bolder. J. P. Andor- -:~.-.3:';9.*. L" ::;:`.1f :`?..:.'. ':.':.'.':.': non, Lt.-Ool. Hill In, obiotlioorx 'l`.Uoopor,W.K. uwol|.A|h0d whoa. Touonto; E. B. Robina. Ohthun; W. H. Wilkins and wllo, Napuou D. S. Robertson, Broohvk; Out. lllhna, Wootold. Independent Onloc at lo:-noun. Spoohl mouth; 01 Conn I-`ronuuo No." 50 on Wodudq cushy. Oth Juury. A largouuduoonquubd. Q. 8. It Mo- (Innn. Rod. SN. , IIIUVI IIO IJl5l'II QXUUI-Inn: o hfhh jolntlock company wu turned for I. Oilbu Illl I50!`- .....`.'f"":'..... cnnnh. Gnnnnh the assault has been uacerr.-amen. Beautiful hair goods ; dress And mantle making ; agents for the Cunitf corset. All ` work guamnteed. Miss R.i-:hardaou, over Walsh & Stacy's. 106 Princess St. 'l`b-.n nnnn nf NI \V Inn!-.hAr|l_ nlmrued \\ nlsll at away 8. [U0 rrluceas nu. The case of M. W. lilunchanl, charged with obtaiumg goods under false preteucvs, was enlarged until Thursday. The nutter will likely be settled `out of court. \\' \`mir.h, who has no friendfbr home. Messrs. Hngcrly anu Lruugie. Th Ogdensburg transit compainy, wifi` :5 capital of $.` has become incorpor- ated. It is merely the incorporation of the I O-gdensburg line of pfbpcllers. ` \' Mr. A. McCormick. who was ` U-gdeusburg une or propcuers. Yesterday Mr. A. McCormick, &|S&\lH.e(l by highwaymen, was able to be about. No clue to the men who cmntuitted the assault has been ascertained. u.......::..I k...- nvluul - J:-can unal manila tag`.-i!a':'.t.o-good_V--Wheaten." 'iE'V\7|l'ooI1}}.' \vI `I II R. Burns. of Rochester, N. Y., wlo In for nlhort tlmc boon mun; Mood: hon, will have {or home to-nortow. ll... Alan;-Jnr Mnnhnnnnh Inna IAHQII reasonable. _ Every number f The Doininiou Illmdralecl strengthen: it: h Id on the public, sud ea- tublislrea its claim to be u thoroughly (Jana .15.. nn Ixnv dipn paper. 4 We will hold an auction sale \Vednendn.y afternoon and evening, the 9th insL.. to clear nut the remainder 9}: our rth. W. I). Hcmlry & C0. - -N` There has Just arrived at J. Campbell's ! wood yard, Ontario street, the beat stock ` of sawed or um-awed nmple, also the best. ` of dry slab wood. l)nS;\fnnlnv. Mr. (ieddca. of Toronto, ` ox dry sum wood. On Saturday, Mr. Geddcs. of ` one of the owners of the ateaunslnip Ruaedale sold his interest in the boat. to his partnvs, Messrs. Hagcrty and (frangle. 'I`h:'~ Hudmmhllnr transit connmmv. Nun; l`n'rugrupI| l lc`kod 1}: Our 15;? A _;Inortc~rn In TIIOIP Ranlblu. ` V `Dr. Washington \Veduead._~y']Tu"d -'Thixrs- 1 "day. `vercoatatl geusonalgle-prices at Lnmhrt 8; Wait; a. I ' "' ` undll Inln-nntnn k`nAO.'Inr PHDOEKB 30' Kinaattm on Wetlneaqay mu 1 uuruuny. The surveyors on the link line between Yarker Janfl Harrowsmith uiuhdd their ay. work to . A um-.her of better: are sxratelul for the work tovl`l2gy'.' . ` A uur,.ber of better: grateful for overplus in the mayor's majority. They had bet on 150. ' 'n.:.. .........:m.. Hm [mum T), Arrived from had bet 150. ' This morning the Laura D. Arrived Simcoe Island with twenty puagnguh ind - ------nrI`ri1' x T; uuuwn ; a nluunlit Mr. HI lu.n-ietield. last uvemug. V - To-day between $5,000 and $6,000 was paid by Lieut.-Col. Milligan to the imperial army pensioners hereubouta. Rnmnnlhnr the auction ue ofwzrnoeriraa pensioners nereuuouu. Remember the aule ofwzrnaeriea to morrow (\\'ednes{lu.y) afternoon and even- in at W. D. Hendry & Co's. ` `.u- J.-u (tilt and nnfr. mania.` soft W0Od wm now lol' nomo to-Iiorruv. Hon. Alundpr Mnoknnlo has taken qunrtqn ht Otkvn for the Icahn Ind win- ur. HO VIII be in the upllnl only to st- o...J up hh Inuhhvn ninth; qmwlorxrs, loot. or queen uurueu. Q There we only four occupied houses in ` Lake Opiuicyn village. The people have been moving to Kingston and elsewhere. \' Ha nu hut if vnur nnnu R C D & U B been moving to lungston and euewnere. X Q3 us, but if your pants R C D \' s. U will get. a new pair from Lambert & Walsh, 110 Princess Sn, they R X C diugly reaammble. L`.....4.. ........1.......6` l'I..y T)..m. ninu Illmelrnjwl IHUIIHIIUH ll! dipn fa will 11 8: \\'ul3h'I. .` \ Some interesting Weather reports w;iH`ap- .1 pour mvmorrdw. , , l Cull` dacrlv on Dr. \\'uhingtn at _thaf n quuntl`t'y'~m1re1gIrt.* - ~- ! Mr. Hutto'n,1sx-reovolof Pittaburg, enter- tuiued us number of friends at his residence, Bu.u'ietield, last evening. 1`.. .I.... Imnumm 96': 000 nnd'S6.000 in W. D. tiemlry at L0]. `or dry (pk and soft. maple,` soft and hard wood at lowest prices, go to Gruwfoi-l s, foot of Queen street. 'n.-.... ...-. nnlu nun nnpnnind homes _t..o- gnorrdw. Call easrlv Wuhingtapn _t.he Brltish'Amerir.un hotel. - L`... .......a.... H .-rnntnn Mn. I anal no to British Annermuu novel. For genuine Scranton No. _l coal go to `the Gun Works yard. ' ` Remember Dr. Wuhih t;m I visit .to Kinqattun Wedneatjay an Thursday.` 'l`hn mu-vovnrn nn tha link RIO vlllo olu-In Association. _|_ _ , # _ _ _ _ ..._- I nun.-A_ -_.. -- mcupenrs or-' THE DAV.` M ` UlUl5III' IIEIIIUIUIL IIIU CI of MI ha (I to the mtk {I |InIb:|ncIi`vg :9: 052:. Thx M" .. gqohnlcnl motloIio,1:It play wl U, guuq U Iowa [or tho lholodlnl and pan put an that btdnd rrgutorkln otohdtn o! Eoublo the numg ol lnotruuuub.` TIOIOOOI `Inll- A A. 1,nAl-L .A _,-_.I-_ e Do)riiI1i>;: ..- n... ....m;.. ....l .... V 'I`HE"BR rsn ;.W:H1G. TUESDAY. JAN. 3. 7sE60;~*D.T 1i{1iENn0R\sED.%'%',;:: `W: L . S: '.....`.. ..aI..... ' DAY.` M , ` 1 ` god Up by IC8- ` ` Jame-:4 .\1inncs.. W. ltuhinson N. (Z Pulllun. W. .\`liddl1-lnn. H. H. Curlis . J.lllscr>ck. IL \\'.Slmnnou . J, Me-lgutl, IL \\ . .`5mum< J. Mclxod. . . W. Dunlap . During the dny there was: some llvely work in the wards. Every mu: VII for himnelf and very muny were down on the temperance element. In Sydoulum word there were all sorts of criu Aoat. but the voure were true to the old workers. end. an I result. plnoed them again at the council ham-cl, lolmh at tho em.-omlul cnndldntoe l'('l|Il(, [H8000 lnoln Iguu II sue uuunu_u bond. Each of the eupoeulul cendldntee hud plum re. while Mr. Crothere we: not fer bohin them in this reepoot. It had been genenlly eonoedod Ihet no the three old men won the lender: of public oplnlon and notion in the council it would be 3 bed experiment taochenge the poeltlon of my one of them. I- no 1-.--..... -nI-I` 3 nulnl. nlnu -nu IIVIU UI lpuvlun In St. Lswronoo war! 5 am du spent. W. Robinson. ox-M. .P., wnllamvmodtlnwnrdthnlnhldu ii... In: 3 good third. Hr. Middleton. the Com oudldnumu notdowlout. M Ho con dared his 3 nnpootnblo vote {or the tunponnoo emu Hr. Carlin ha not on his ninety and nine" to hunt up the stay Vol.9. 3%. Luwrooco In-d will have n vigor ou ddopuon at the board [or IOU. In lhmrnnui -And tln contnt III UOCVQI \ru.nted to l|Ve win! and Bll[)p0I`L ms win: again. I refused to have an_\'t_hing to do with him, and I wanted him to pay me the ei_..:ht loilera he owed me for rem, but he said he diiIn t Imve a cent, but would pay me if I gave him It chance. I thought I had given him enough chances already, and [uh] hinr to leave and not come `back to bother his poor wife. She (his wife) had been helping Mrs. Schuatcr as It domestic, but is now unable to do work of any kind The day he left in September last A butcher called here with a warrant for his arrest." \ `.l.._.. l`..|.. |vn1||nfnnJ`n:l flu: ntnhunnnf. Ln 3%. l.aIWfIn0O Ium I Inc; uny was .l ., Ind no wall ouavuuod the word that Inc had nolou-I. and In the ultornoon wont law the country to help 5 friend then. Ho C book In time to hour ol MI menu. Ho Id not load the poll, but cum In bohlnd Juno: Mina. Ald. Poloon. who had had hh doubts and fun. I third. um hmnnnnau mndldltmill uucpuoo It too nooru lot now. In Uotonqui word the count DIIIIIII and Duly. Oath and cum- odnllnlouto ho strong. Both the other man made I good run. Dunn loading Dbl by 86 votes. Ix-Aid. Run node 5 fax! showing. rodoolnjng MI pnvloln stud- nq In the word. n Frontenac word than in some llvoly ohlrmtuhlng. Tho lull doooo cudldouo won slut and satin And adds won: for tho urdy olocton. The result no nono- whot urprhlng. Thou was oil out cl comhlutlouu ad from the ballots cut It iwonld noun that Canon won a continent olemont In all 0! thomior to `fun In I un- tor." loading hi: bntlu-on by I Indthy ovar- plul. Ald. Moconuou no u good stood and "Lord " I Shh-d. The thin solid own from In wad will take I: cond- donblo ohalr open In the con room. 11.... can nun who thonlhl Mr. `HD31- demon onur lpt II III! coillul ruolu. Thu won many who! 3 lupus- rloh, IN unpu-not would have mer plnces about me councu nouru. Ofithe new blood four -'ha\w~'been in the council, befdre. . These are Messrs. W. ..Rohins0rn,G. Croegqnn, W. `M. Dnennnn. F. S. Rees. The other three. Dunald Moln- tyre; VV.,Ca.rson. and J. McLeod are uu- . tried me}? (Jarsnn was prc\`iousl_v defeated when he easayred to get a. seat. ` The nm\'orultv contest. was quite keen, business men at; me ngurea snow. The returns came rn slowly. The large number of llnta to be counted for the al- dermnnic camtidutes, as well as for `Jte. school trustees. nmde `it almost seven o'clock before it was xletinite-ly known how things stood. The down town wards ca tie in first, but the nmjnrities were so small! for Ur. Rellen.!aml in the case of Ontario wiml, not faxourablo to `him, that the friends of .\Ir. Rcdtlen were satisfied that he Ind lost the day nnd the only excite- Iv|nI\t.r'rnl)1f|t4l \};m fr11(l|(IW le l'lllAl()l`l[\' bV no Iwou nu, nu uuu - . . . . .... ` , ..... -- l1ne11tcreu icd Was tcmow fhe nmymty by ` which he was (It-fouled. The return: from Frontenac and Qstataxullli wards came in a bunch and soon extrzn were on the streets giving the full-pu.rti.-ulurs thus- Thc} ll;-nulls In the Dlffolr-out Wards-Only Snvuu Nuwfon to (lo l_nt6"1l`K1"II . - 'l`ho _SInyor Addrnuu glue Elootorl in V um mg, mm. ' " ` ' .Mayor Thompwn has been re-elected for goaecoml term by es majority of I51. I (lulu nnn nhhu-m.m who nzred for"re- when no easaLe1 to get sent. nmyorulty quite but the heavy majority-secured in_lron- tenec ward-, the borough that can be count- ed on 511 occasions to support Mr. Thomp- son, swamped the clmnces for Mr. Rcdden. Added to this was a very great support for the mayor from Cumraqui ward. It was claimed by the friends of the candidate for a second term that` the workingmen were largely in his favour, and this con- clusion would seem to have been correct. In the outside wards the only one that bucked Mr. -Redden was Rideul, which gave him a small majority. In Sydenham and SL, Lawrence he hudthe strong support of the buainess the gures show. slowly. goaecond by majority at 101. Only one alderman who ored electiounwaa d/.efdifed,-Ald.` W." Duulob, of Victoria. ward. He was replaced by J. McLeod, thg_t_mperance candidate. who led him by `25 votes '_ .` I-`nurtman nld nldnvmnn will bein their f0|'- led him by 2;) vote! _ . _ Fourteen old alderman will bein them plnces about the wuncil board. fnrlm maul hlnml fnnr .'h:um~been _ ronplo WI:-no lovonono. Inylnp nut Dolnu Ann-not Aunmmo. Harry Llndley and comwny have been nhuinu mmod hang: at `bunny. Won 3. I-` Gilderslcwo. ,\'. Hart) .... V. B. Mucklcstun. . N. J. Crozhcrs . . . . .` V. (`arsnn . . . . . . . Mccuuruon I (`\ I. l'rmu{RMn. . .. I. J. Kilpntrlck L J. Nu-Wes . MO 0| WIOIII. _...o I D.-`Rh.-an n\v.I . Gnskin .. '. H. Ihees . L` \l nu-an L 1\I('lnlVl`l` '. Rubin-mu. l Adnln,-A v. M. m `. Mule)`. . l~Il)Ins0u. . . V. Adams `... L (H\'0lIb . V. Autunlus. . `. Mclnl vrt` Nuhln-inn cvdn THO?/IPs oN AGMN TO BE 4 .cHqgF MAGISTRATE T 110 VIII 00 III III` cap: and to II lngblcdvo dnthc. * A lhhonnn. burn: at. Ilu Sydcnh-uu \\ nu-J. . . .. Unmriu Ward . . . . .. SI. Luvncmcc \\'.u`d. . Cnturuqui Ward . . . .. I-`routeunc Wan] . . . .. Rim-an Wnrd..... . Victoria \\ mi. . . . V Total . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Majority for Thompson .. _'IoHI... Majority for 'l`homp~mn.. 'l`otal.. u-in` fur Fur the )luvor"n Clmlr. u Work In tho Wards. l`.\'l`.|K.\Ql`l wum. No. 7. No. E nn n w Tlus Mnjurlllnn. rrII(\\lIu `.511- No. L .\ o. 2. Toml .....ll3 115 238 an I27 21.5 105 ll? an. no 1 nquuuvu uuuuu. A Ion, burn: at the Imtltito for dual mum. Rollovillo. nu ham to veto yumduy. Ho taken I hon hunt: in than who uplu to the chic! olvlo choir. `