We a_re determined to give the people better value in Dry Goods than can be oered by any other house in the trade. We have done so in 1888 and will continue to do so in 1889. .v.--\_/-ha_.n.v..I_\J-l-V J-J K. Your choice of the largest stock of Ca: pets in Central Ontnr Hemp Carpeu It cost. Ihttings at cost. Union Cuputa at cost. Dutsh (farpeu at cost. '00! Carpets at cost. Tapeaty Carpets at cost. Bnlmonl Brussels Carpets at cost. Wilton Carpets at cost. A chance in I lifetime to buy csirpeta so cheap. All I houu-keepers, boarding housekeepers or hotulkeepers. who I spring before buying carpets will have money by atteudit cnrpeta now. (`all and you will be reeably surprised at :1 ing this great Carpet Ssie by RICH.l0.\' D. ORR 8 C0. CARPETS for cosr DI}R'I'N(i_i6EI}ARY __ :--Yuvijiu Tho Loading ununory sum. 182 and 134 Prinooul emu ` - Plain and (Fancy Cashmeree, le % Henrietta. Cloths, Amazon Cloths, Armure Cloths and All ,Winter Dress A Materials. ` V e A Prvious to Stock-taking _we are goig to offer the" balanceof our _ , >I AT '1EE; '!'AlEE1Ai _A.'I' R. 'VV'.A.LDR.OIN. OPER HOUSE FRUITAN YSTER MARKET Music R.;1i{'i-`.}.Z`f.EfJ.f'\V..l1'..1`4:}i'.':e Top, 32.50 to :25. )0 not {nil to enmiue the stock before purchasing olnwhero. JAMES REID. 254 and 256 Princess Street. iiX\}`v v"o1`>u"i:"n'n5's`on"z3'&'s'. .'..'-`5'ia.' ` SPENOE &. ORUMLEY, IO Landinn lllllinm-v Rflnu 1&9 --..I IDA This in` 3 rare chnnco to secure I good Article at 3 ` Will Continue All this Month. FANCY FU_R_NITURT. J Dress C3oods ! L RICHMOEB, Q33 choice of the lnr-nut amp}. .9 1'... .....- :.. j_..-.._:..__.j_._:_..._.._.._ Remnants. Two Cu lands at the Ontario Browne and Mlltllll 00`: superior (1 ALB! AND PORTER B 1 Pi a. cum In! sum: K man ungo- p'rI'(:nol:Inoo the n.est in the off?` ' J T XIIQ-j;Lnn JOHN LArDLA"W"& SON. Ill!` unon Kid (3 Ladies` I-`Lucy I\`mbruiah-red and Gems` Linen and Hemstilvho-I Hauldkerchlo Goals` Harnslimhod silk an-lkomhluts Ladies Fl vac)" Bnoondo Silk Hundkc-n`hlo's f -r .\' bot of Prvlty Good; Good Goods. and Cheap loves and Lined Kid .\(ill.s for Xmas. Honmilchod ll nndkonhie for Xmu. to for .\'mu. for Xmas SUOOEBSORS TO F. X. OOUBINEAU & O0 AT SPENGE d. ORUMLEY'8. `$1 : Ll CIDTHB. hm Ru-I-rrIoow;touaIcmuuusy WHICH OPENED ON SATURDAY. uuuu Larpeu it cost. Bnlinonl Carpets It cont. t. Carpets `cost. :-.-dug, \.I-|.v.l.V ()0 K Onttrio At cost price. its 4 *1 My-r-'- i5's 0 NM I71: IIII\' A D- `PINE Dill JA8. JOHNSTON &. O0. V--- ....m.o. nun \ nu.-up uuuua N)! All! WALDRON- ncneap. All Anticipating holuehepi , All lkeepers. may have intended to w 3 till ey attending this sale and buying their r the low prices for oupeta dur- very low priae.`_ anticipating houokoepim 0 may intended to vn PRICES- ausT;r?2E6Ei\7EE 'I`-g {km A. - .0 L- r\_.__:- Ig__4__ AT BOTTOII PRICES WILL SAVE MONEY BY_CALI.ING ON PERSONS REQUIRING A CHOICE SUPPLY OF cum msirnmu POWDER IS A PURE FRUIT ACID POWDER. It contains neither llllm. llmc. not lllllllollll and be used by the most delicate conautu tionl Lh pa-foot ntoty. In t luooen Irisi from its boi instrinaical THE BEST VALDGI [N THE ARKET. A: well as thor- om adapted to the wants of the kitchen. hat or envious lmiulions of its name `l.lld.AD foonnnoo. Beware of much. u. -.a.a:u.... 4.- -_ -__-~-r V - Illrlls DBWITU 0| anon- . No addition 150 or vanamon from the aunple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. _..I. \t-_| ,, I - -v.-v wrcauuiw DJ - 8013 Agent in Kingston. ---gr...-on no-n\J. Untnlxod with China direct from their estates These teas stand without a rival for Purity. Btrength and Flavour. v The undersigned has this (let received a small consignment of these {the nest teen in the world! and will be happy to supply those of his customers. who desire something really choice. with A sample of the same. JAM Es %'REi5LDEN, `DD xrnmnco nmn mrnrn UT The Barnoova Tea Estate. The Loobah Tea Company. The Mach] Tea B:t_a_9, Established for the purpose of aupnlyinn put I \YI'\Y A 1' rural A an No. 16 cijlfnlwrci 317.. ' Onosnn Burn: AIIIIOAI Bonn. The Assam Tea Estte Dcpm. Thu H--nan:-pa VI`...- ._ -:.-v;:uu&- A Good Man's Overcoat Made to , order for $13. Howe \'er. if n bud man colnos along will make luul one for the same price. ' 'I"\A 1 r- r\ r\ r- n n J. R[ il\'VU'i?_'s, SELLING OFFATCOST l"T3.nnel Shirts, Under-shirts and Drawers, Cardigan Jackets, ' Persian Lamb Caps. Gloves, Mitts. Socks, etc. AT COST PRICE FOR CASH. at p 1-..._______, SPECIAL NOTICE. PA`II-I.Y h IAIIII FLOUR ' IIIIXGILIR. PIEIID HAY. GD- " VII'AND`1'll0'.l'HY IIID. O D; IRANZIIIW `Anti Inn Ann BOSTON - HAT - STORE, Christmas Groceries vvv--w . nu.-up as) VIJJLVI. rude Mark on every package -ro nwrcn AL1. mic Anvlc. Men's Fur` Collars and Cuffs, . Men's Persian Lamb Caps, Men's Otter, Seal and Beaver do, Futj Gauntlets, Coats, &.c. ; n :..n.._......x-_ __ .-_pu cl-\.J.L-lid KING 8'l'llIl'I` BAKERY. 4&1- ___ : j--_y- Beaver Capes and Caps. Alaska Sable `Capes, Oppossum Capes and Caps, Greenland Sable Capes. F u`r-Lihed Circulars, V - hm. Ladies Fur Jackets, . = ,3 Ladies Sable Sets. Gnoomams, LIQU6}co:_ All in!orm2\l.l.on as to price: cheerfully given. % BE'A:._i3oAs- FLORIDA ORANGE8. MALAGA GRAPES. FANCY BANANAS, PINE APPLES. FRESH SALMON, SMOKED SALMON, FRESH BMELTS. oanuzs nun l'0R `Johnson : Floral Design. Out Flowers and Phnh. PmN6Es STREET, Allnl. In Klnanfnn ONE DOOR Bl(`.L0\V ( ITY HOTEL. _:-_._jjj_-___ THE OELEBRATED Vrisinann` ?iaiL" _---w----' -u- C.` TELEPHONE II. O_VERQOATS_._ INDIANf`&`il;:- nu uur IUI llIl.' ruullu |H`lL`U. TWEDDELL, H` '\l'\l\') WI l\\l7 I` l'I`\' I]: Wellinton 81,1-eet. Opposite Windsor Hotel. or_rv FLOUR s'rons. .--A can -nnJinQ A. Q.::_. :--_ 8. W. DAY. Iuufnnnhrul u. but boa un- uuulnrfor8.8.l lnuuown. Ahnlnn. Venn. wlll Ieaohor in action I7. ' a -Uvwrv Irlilu ftuous. &|Ih, ol I do, Hlukoks, writs! : "X In tumbled with yomltlng lot Inyunudl hnvomlhd Va oa n. In that noisy. Ono hottloolludook Bloodltithncujodmo." --v cup. In cuunl Tho present Siamese king, Somdoch Phrn ` Pheramlndr Maha, known on Chulalongkorn, is a handsome man, 8'3 year: old. He he: absolute power, but avails hlmsvlf of e coun- cil of noblce. Ho is of a kind dispocltlon, onslly approachable, and Is very popular among hie subjects I once nth-nded I grand garden party given` by him, at which more than 5.000 guest: were prm.-nt. There wee not more than 5(I)1ot-elgn residents In Bang- kok, but the most elaborate pt-pent! _ were made for their entertdnment. Englleh` end Frmch cooks were employed, ma Euro- peen wine: owed like watt, tho chnmpegne oqaeclally being roeolved with great favor by thenntlvee. Thekingnovedebmltemonghle gnatswith perfect freedom. Bl: crown In wornonlycn rum occulonn,u It In uncomfortable headgear. It In of solid . about oightoen Inches h.emlrunI to a palm. It lethlckly with jewel: cl thelorgertelnendllntwetel-,nndleof grutveluo. ltlseoheevythet the monarch lemeteenwhllolt is upon his head. The klngi bedchnnxbcr. bath: and othn apert- mmtu era worth; the nbodo of royalty. Ills cduchllmndoo rnrawuodendcarvodln the moat c:`;v:!.:l:.~ 1" `i. jma, draped with nre I100 frln:.*`1 '.. l`Zl ;_ .11; :\ `old embroidered eproad (1'\`r*r.;tI1.~l -.'; '.Ir~p owlnud boletetl etoelno hr~::::,.: 1 \.i -I l".(`.e, and above the couch n-. 1;;':a n l.;:::-.`.' .10 pumbe to keg) lxlu oocl.-- L or. {f:.;x l`r.;:cllco Chmnlclo. . a man mijvunas to lifo`s expiration the uses of an I ran , :'v \ iL`|l, nu l1It!l}Pi1`. " lIlI!Y _V0ll do not want this divino iiLpli`!1ii"Il It is`. your worldly businms no thoroughly ostalalilicd that you have no raw {or that roliginzi which has been tltvs holpund (lolivcramwol tenant thousands of men in Crisvs oi` .wn:`1-El y trouble? And if what I have said this morning is true, then you Sm what. A fatal blunder it is when religion. A man whnpnstpmes religion to 60 _Vt`1\l`.~i of ago got.-4 reli;:i- -ti fty years too late. Ho may get into the l.iugt`.u;u oi God by [lunl ropentanm, but what run coxnpnnsato him fur a whuln lifetizno l11L"I.l'\'il.ltK.`l nnll uncom- fnriul. You Want l't`ii,','ion l0ti."1y i. 1Ih(` training of that child. You will want relig- ion to-inorrow in dealing with that wosu-rn customer. You wanted religion yostorclay to curb your temper. Is your arm strong enough to lwat ypur way thruu;;ln the Goods? (`am you without being incasai in the mail of God`: eternal help go furth amid tho assault of all hell's slmrpshooters? (`tip you walk alone (ix-:'L,:.3 these c-rurnblhxg graves and nmi.l those gup- ing wrtliquakcs! (`nu you, wuteriuggcd and iuast slrivvrul, outlive tho gall`? Oh, how many tl;crolmvo been who, postp ruiigiun of Jesus` Christ. have plunged into mistakes they ncvor muid corrtct although they lived cighty years after, i'.'lll lil;o sur- pents c:'u.~I2c:l under cu.rtwhouls, dragging their m.':ul\-xi hr-lies under the rocks to die; so those l.H`il have fallen under tho heel of awful mlaimit)`, crushal here, dt-.~'troyod for- c\'L'l`, wlul ~ a vast multituzlo of others have tnlmi thv l`L`li{Il0.`1 of Jesus Christ into every- day lift`. nzri lirst, in partial! huaimx-8 af- fnim, and moomlly, on the throne of heavenly triumph, have illustrntcd. whilo angels looked on and a universe approved. the glorious truth that Godlneus is profitable unto all things, having the promise of the life which now is us well as of that which is to come." sun) m I115 xuuuuu anguisn, and no stud: O Lord. I have Iona right; I have preserved my inwgrity. but. here I (mi about to be over- `thrown uuloas thou ahouldst (`OHIO to my ros- cue. t Lord, l_-liv;-r luv. Ami for one hour he continual the prayer` before God, and IhL`l1ll0l` \V.'l")I to an old blotter tlmt ho had forgotten all xihout. Ho upvmul it, and there lay in about of tlgurcs which he only nmded to mlxl to another line of fi;:uros--somr line of iiguws ho hull forgotten), nud knew not Wll'.`l`0 ho had laid thcm-aud the ac- vuunts xu-re ln:1lum~.~ mid [ho Li'Jrd deliv- orod him. You urn nu indol if you do not lx-lia-\*.~ it. Th-w Lord (icliV1\l`mi him. God u.nswurv his ;i'a)'cr as he will answer your prayer. (I mat: of lnusincse, in overy crisis when you come to him. Now, if this he 5., tin-n I uni parsmulw. 21.; you are. of the fact that tlmvust majority of (`hris~ li.`.`i\ain not full)` test, the valuoof their re T1021. 'I`l:c)' um liko n t".'1rim-r in (`ali1`nrniu, with liftu-ii thou-aaml norm of good wht-at land air! culturin : orilv {I `quart or of an acru. ~,_'.' yn l!"C ;` ufortli mid nmlc-`tho re- lijfiun 1 i` .l~.<'r: ('hri.~:tu]~r1\oti`:il affair ovary ulaynf _\'r`ur l)!l.~`ilI!'S lifunntlnll this year, wzimiin; now, nnvl to-rum-rmv morning puttinj: into prnntir-xxl (-!l o<-t. this holy religion and dot:mn. in your lifo that godliness is prntitulilo lu-ro us well 11: lgorvnftor? now A.\'n \`-`HY m:I.1Gm.`z IS I.\'DI.`il'.'ZNRA!'lLE. How can you pvt along without thin r(~ liginnl Is your p!ij.'sic:1l hmlth s3 good you do not want this divixio tonic! Is your `mind .~`xH`l.`rIl`, ro \':Ls`t. so mmprvi that V01) ('11 nu. w-nut fhia din-inn 5. --7 7- -v --- n Ulllil LHUSHI. In a bmik not far from our great metrop- 0lis--a village bank-a.n oiccr could not bul- m1oohi.~I ncwunts. Ho hml worked at them day after day, night after night, mid ho was sick nigh unto dvuth as a result. He knew he had not t .'l.|;vxi omsfarthing from that bank. but. S(IIll('ll0W, for some mason inscrutable the accounts wou1dn`t lnulant-0. The time roliod on, and the morning of tho day when the lxmlm should pas under the inspection of ' the Olilvl`0i1`t`I`Sl\l'l`lV't`(i, and he {cit himself in awful peril, cun.~x'inu.s' of hispwn integrity but unable to pruvo- that integrity. That monnng he went to the bunk curl) , and he knultwlmm bvfuru Gud_aml whl tho whulv stury uf his mental anguish, nml be said: "H Lnrtl I Im \'n ninlln rin-l.t- I l....-.. .................i uuuv-uuvy I3. auulu wclu ulutx HI lI'l(`ll' DDS!` new career when they went hero for help, and there for help, and yonder for help, and got no hulp uutfl they knelt; before the Lord crying for his deliverance`, and the Lord 1' - cued them. `I .. .. I...._I. ... ; l_ A-_, A mg uuuso RX 11; "no compromise. Thu when some hunt got in artists end went down.-xx? fault, of his, but a conjunction of evil circumstance-ond all the other merchant; were willing to compromiseethey would tnkeseventy-velcenta on the dollar, or flfty cents. ortwenty cents--comtng to thin` man lust of all. lie said: No compromise; I'll take one hundn-d cent; on the dollar, `and I can afford to wait." Well, the wheel turned, and after a while that man `was in a crisis of business, am) he sent out hisagents to com- promise, and the agents said` to the mer- chgnts: Will you take fty cent ; on the .d9lin.rI`, No. Will you take nu_Vthing."' Wc`il take one hundred cents on the dollar. No compromise. And the man who wrote that inscription over his counting house doordied in (Institution. Oh, - we wzuit more of tho kindncssof the Gospel a.n love in our business enter- prises! How many young men have fdhnd in the`n-ligion of Jesus Christ a practical help! -How many there are in this house to- day who could testify out of their own expe- rience that godlinem is protable for tho life thntuow is. There were times in their busi- lulxu mnunr n"Inn Hsnv Iran! I uuuu .. fr... |....!.; I [I1 E Rms Bos- IlAnunAannnm nun:-um-nn--. hard in. his dealings win his follows, who um vrritten over his hon or his count- lng house hotrnz No cdrn mlse." Thu whnn nnrlnn l1-..6 ...-.5 I- .. ..`.:..:,_ _.__n #_.L i1E1,,1d1bN PAY 2 ` nllnnntl nun IIQTIA -n. *4 ;J.}`.}...i` Q_lAL -1 E__],I The King 0! Slun. -._A1u-,,,,, I I '- `pry .LUl.4lJlUI\JAY 111 `Continued /from page two. THE B.RfTIsH WHIG. MK)N.DAY.J'AN.7 ouvvuiu v|rlIllT|$l1lW'X%'I Andean: a mo tar Mldn. Ir. Charla F. In up to social cunpuhl-,ud unlock dd`: `nnoun-l uibununnnhrumounototml Tb `III. IUUKFT Du], tnonunut wu mu nanny] 3 oMbUnonIaq-v.nclnbo((`hII:!: Trlbunocalbd I baa-ipauu, and two nu-In ta:-":3.-In It.- H01`. MILK -SHAKE, Jnntllothln lnnoldwuthn. '1`:-viz Tho Pollen.-noun : Ionlunout. The Itatuo whit.-his to been-cted totho memo:-yo! the policemenwbowero thovlo mm of the Hnymnrket mnmcro. In Chlcugo, on May 5, 188, was recently completed. And will boemctod by Feb. 1.18:1). ltlsnhmolc Itatuo of a policeman, and Mr...Johannor Gderttook forbtsmodnln mum! thoCh1cggo police conxpicuow for bod.-ly ptrfelon. Q a U1 uuuuuug, swamsnlp mu Other ` His mnnection with the Ballixnura llld Ohio milrrnd for years has given him an insight into in uffnin thnt few poses. And he is no doubt well equipped for becoming a Iuccm ful trunk lino railwny manager. Tho nlnry of the praidento! the Baltimore and Ohio railroad is $25,!!!) I year. rector of 8 number of banking. steamship And otberoorponucu. ounnaction with the Ball ivnnrn mm mm. The New President of the llaltlmolp and Ohio Railroad. Charles F. Mayer. tho new president of the Baltimore and Ohio raiivnml. Wu born in Pennsylvaiiia while his fntlwr and mother were wmpomrily living in th-zt state, and is shout 56 years of age. lb i.; a sun of Lewis Mayor, who was one of the first In to de- velop the anthracite coal regions of Kay- stone state, and Wu A distinguished aty- land lawyer. When quitb a young man Charles l-`. Mn yer bevuxne a clerk in tho omce of his um-lo, who was one of the largest mer- chants of his time in Btltimoro. He was afterwards supt-rctrgo for some years on vemls trading to South Amerim in his uncle`: businosx He returned from Vnlpunlso After two years and becune the head of the firm his uncle founded. About 1868, together with :1 row imam-intes, he organized the Des- pard u (`mil company. with mines at (`2nrlL~ln;r;:. W. \-'n., becoming vim prcsidom and aftvrr. zinl : proaiulont In 1877 Mr. .\!n_\`c-r w:isolot`te(l pmsideut of the ('Z3Yi.'~`4'?!Tfl!h'l`!!l (`mil vozn]un_\' and also of t.l1eCuznbcrl;in l enns_\`lvsni!l Railroad company. In I-`~71 he L`.'l.`.|l|llll&l the rm of .\Iaym-. Carroll & Cu. to mine and ship coal. and sulr soquontly hcvnmo pau`ln-r. of l'nitc States Senator Pvxugv G. Davis, under the Ilrm ' name of Davis. - ,' .\layer& (In. The rm dizmlvenl some time gun, and the twonna now haub uf mmpoting rail- mml and (`Hal cum- .-_y surlll nun Iulu.I`u uuvn] umur lumen _\'t'al`s 11:0, and he had to give up active church work. . mu U1 l`X\.'l.'HUll(`l.`. - Fnlhol Ilordu-r was an oxtrumely hard Workvr, mrl it i.e (hm to this that his nervous system was broken down about ftten D31). .'lIl(l lm haul in (viva: l-In nI\':l'I\ -1. .L pxu Iuluuu \. mvu I] an] of exccllonmz. T.`n1l.m. ".1r\ lU\HJUUI'. Father H6<*'T;'vr ;;:n~o much tune to litera- ture. Ho t-xtablishod The (`n!l2nlir- World, a periodical whivb has muintaineda high stand exccllullve. u uuluug; luu l`\UllL`HlplOl'l5Ia Ill l|(`l'S. In the course of seven years` zealous work "in his native land. he became cr)n\'in(`('d that a new order of missionaries. similar to that of the ltedvxnpmrists, but mmpnsml of AnivriL`a11imf(-ml of furoi;.:n priests vhiey. could o\'vrr-urrw mnu_\' tliiviiltios. In 1857 he wont to nUH`.(` um! submitted his Vic-W5 to Pope Pius IX. who npprovcd thorn. The cungrvgtltinn of St. Paul was inunodiatoly formed, with Father Hooker as its heart Whom Father Huvker returned to ';`uneri(`a ho was joined by srnnxo of the Redomptnrist fathn-rs, and llw nimihorsul tho vmvunlor fa-nnximl n vlmrvh tillll cuuvont ut I`i.l`ty-ninth strvct` and .`\'in`.h avenue and 9:-nt mixsiams throughout thu muutry. The onler our iahod own bvyonql the expectations of its founder. IZ`..o|.,._ lI:~=9:,._ N, I I BREAD, BREAD. We teke the leed in Quality end Veriety. You an coy elmoet my ehepe end etyle. Our Home-Mede and in the hteet. Made only at R. IE. TOYIEPS. KING !Il'l'Rll'l` RAKIRY I810!` 01] I18 W118 I Ho did not nd in either of these organiza- tions the ilold he was in search oi`, so he began t study for the Episcopal mixiisujv. About this mo`ho was a. member of tho Congrega- ' ulist church. In l8~15;'after`iongdelibera- tion, be determined to join....thu Catholic church. with a view of becoming a mi.~m'ou- ATV. 110 '85 l`x`(`iVlW` intn Hun l\'IIIIV',\ in xmamher of a similtir society at" Worcester. _ xuu: ru. Inn is VIQJVV Ul uucommg n1mmu- (try. 119 was l`uC(*iVud into the church in New York, an?! ntnuco sailed for Belgium, where he Stlltlixl to become a mmionary priest of tho (,)r_dvr of the Most Iluly Ro- deemor. Tho period of his uovit.i:\te. from I847 to 1819, was Kpellt in Bruges: Returning at its (rinse to 1Cw,;l:u1d, he was raised to tho ` pricstlmod lny Curdimll Wisumun. At the end of four yuan mimionary work abroad he returned to New York und took his place among tho Rulenrtptorist fathers In tho -nnmn nf ymvnn Von:-a` min..- .......\. LILXILIIUI . I UU II W11.` IE1 1 Pin! nf fnnr mm louder and Supo.-tor` of the `tat . s r,l.. I!u!!,-t-.!.`_a_tI_Igr_n..a. _, ,. _ The Very Rev. [man 'l'homns_ Heck:-r, founder and superior of the Onler of Paulists, whodiod in New York city not long ago.,wae, uplto,,wllxin a-few years, one of active and hard worklngdot who I the Catholic gdrgymen of the metropolis Rather Hecker was born in New York city, of German` Lutheran parents. sinymlne years ago, He received a mercantile educa-_ tldn, and for a time devoted himself to busi- .1,-.' I.` r:. FALIIIIER IIECKEL. mums pun-`nits. -,` But he was not long content to labor i n n glvi in which his brothers, who established the Hector our mills. have been sd sue cc.-ssful- Hi` rst .~`u ptownrul arr-y- i:2_~: out a desire to benet humanity in a larger way was to jnin the associa- tion for agricul- ture nt Brook Farm, West Rox- bury, Mass. This was in 1&3, and later he was mnmhnr nf A eI'n\I'lA}< nnniutu as`. I17.-.-.......4.... lull}, CIJARLES F. MAYER, '3-`A1 HER HECKER. .-~v--v uuw unsu- pnnim He is 1 dJ'~ rwtnr of number .I no kn. an.-...-....o ;..__ Lu. IU nuns um l'nitnd 0. rm . dn's~aolved some I. H. umnvifzxxmrrmom-n ` III!!! nnnnnv I.` . Womnoibaginni:gouruni4nnns:ho!RllNAN1'8,|ndhmIuk- ddlshorunduny dovnlor. Rqllntnts of lhmGooda,l.inings,'Mlo Linms,Tovdli|gg$Iutinp,sgub.0IntouFhnnds, &o.,|ooutpn'oo. Wool Del. IANTLI ,:.... " v in. unn'3'oo5"n's"" ::::='.$%.":% f.*,::ss..::.*a ...`_.'i",E; )SOME SPE_Q|_l\_g_BgA;RI}KfNS nus WEEK V The People Will Get Bargains for the Goods Must - be Sold. }JoHNsTC>:L\`f FORGED GLEARING OUT SALE, Beautiful .`.henp DI-emu for Xmas` Cheap Table Cloth: and Hum .`ovou for Xlnu. Cheap Lined Kid Glow-1| and Minn for .\'mu Gems` um km more. and .1m.e... l.auli_eo'1-'ppcy Honmlu-had Ihundh oHEAPY3ooD " I-`an Wslnut Cabiutu, Ilovol Pluto Minor, 825 to 840. Lia` Work Baton. 50 to $.50. - - Gentlemen`: Fancy Rattan Arm Chairs. $5.50 to 812. * Gentlemen`: Fancy Rattan Rocker. $.50 tn Oll). Fancy Rattan Reception Chain, SI 75 to 810. Phtform Cu 3 und Plush Rocket. 85 to 818. Muhlo 1!: Hall Sand, 812.50 to I25. Marble of Bedroom Set. 840 to SI25. Ltdien` Xucy Deck. etc., CI? to OI8. Roch. Emcy Fables, Wood and Mnrble 1 _ _ Do not to `gt . ---1 Z&IIIIl& Jut thtu Trylt A1` fat IIAIAAR. % TL