*9 ` The Oocalloh is Very Icnjuynlple one-`tho Mwuee. And Readings l!l|h- ` ly Approclntid - A Pruontntlon to K-Clnlol lung:-r Hock:-The Bqprolno And High Ullcore PI-agent. Lent evening the city hell up crowded to witness the public iuetnllntion of the oicera of Court Frontenac, No.` 59.. Independent`. ` Order of I-`oruteri. During. the put week bout six hundred complimen y tickets were issued and from the at vlnnc lib ` _r,would seem that not auewu umm-.1. .0`;- . n eaters, wearing `m-lgee. .` were sum.-real greet numbers throughout the lulI,nud were `most enthmsisstic overthe eve-ng. 1'... 1...): ...... o,..mf..I|u .l.-.`....m..l, Snldnn: Juan : I00 umourg. mu uvuun`. Mr. D. iuol is one of the depuution tlnt will address hrrnorI' Institutes In (In our orn consul, nd wonurn divisions of Ont:-V -in mm B. 1`. Conley. ol Ilnnupolin, Minn. in in the city. He u-rlvod hen yeutcrdny on a visit. to lulu lunlly. He looks well and I: u happy "unqlun." Ho mum In I low dun. nun lnomugnly xrom new woman. But they found no booty, and eacapod before being captured. - ~ _ I`hnv were dranad in the finest of clothes. berore bung Clptl.Il`e(l. l`hoy were dressed in the finest clothes, and had a swell nepurunce. Mr hltlfnnniv . whn nananllv remnina I011 HI IWQII IBPGITIIIUO. Mlr. M;Cormic , whogenernlly sremsinp at his piece of business on Princeu street unt 1 late in the evening, left last night be- ~ tw -n 8 and 9 o'clock for his home on Centre` street. Un Bngot street he met a gentle- man and talked I short time. Then he pro-' ceeded to Gordon stroec and called on his son-in-luw, Mr. '1`. Mills, before going home direct. After 3 short,visit he walked slow- ly in_the direction of his residence. I`he weather being ne And warm he did not hurry himself. He took his time and en- jnyed the stroll until he was disturbed` by the tsp of a sling-rliottn the back of l`l:o:u_ head. " " ""' ..`{"" l\'l...... |... 1...! . nluu-0 rlinbnnnn nun} (`uni to me ooeravnux. Bath oungmen pounced upon him ami henrcheri his pockets. For some minutes they were unnble tond any boodie. and were about to come to the conclusion that their had work would not be profitable to them when a discovery was made which prm'e(_i n dovrnri ht sell. Here's the Wed," cried one of the 1 csperndoea. and he tmunp edwluit seemed to be I lump in Mr. Mc- Cnr!nack's vent. The buttons ew in ditierent directions. When the lump Ivna searched it was found tobesimply lining and not bills. l...._........ L. -Iy....._I... Ix: 0|`- uni-Jun-n whn and not nine. .1 Imagine the chagrin of tha mhlmers who were playing for high gure when they found their assaultlnd been without reward. After a time Mr. Mc(Turmack regained consciousness, and looking up saw the men on top, of him. They seized his cum- and lore it from, breaking the handle in the struggle. . -`\Yh..r. rln vnu want said McCorm&(`k." or the robber: was nu. Dr. K. N. Fenwick visited McConmck sud dreuod his wound. II was undoubted` ly mndo by something ronnd,for the but was not. cut. The ncnlp wu slit. in savers! direc- tions. showing thdt it had been nmuhod and not cut. u- u..1`..-..._..I. --... 51...; mhll. ha um. \\ Atertuwn, N. X. , Sir David Mscphonon hu Arrived at Monte Carlo, where he will remain for two months. I` _~....s|......-0|. .:..I I ,1 R." nrnnrininrn pnrtnenm Mr. mu nuns. ` R. T. dkom, Gnnd Master of the MI- aono of Canada, paid an olciul vhit to St. J ohn lodgo Cobourg. lat owning. u. n i.~nI a. nun of ch; dc.-nuntion thnt vioully menunnoa. nomre nuqmumg au- pnmo Ranger Omnhyuklu udvnnood to the front nnd intiuutod to tho nudlonoo that he took than into hincondlnoo. "It in ex- pectul." said In. "that nollsin tlnt you hour will ho ropubd outside th four walls of this bnl|ding(lnu Inter.) Should any of your citizens cuddufy dinppur to mono: you will undontsnd that tho} have broken [smith mu: no." The local oioon wore cnllod to the altar And placing their hands on tkcopnhlblu ndutlnk hurt: took the obligollon cl oou an dollvcnd by the sup:-an oblnl I-aqua Then the oou-I won Invented and oonduotod to that rapto- tivc notlanl. The cu-omony In concluded in thonpuuol lulln Iwnrwku than pn- unlulonol opldwntck. chill and and occurred. Plain in an at (ht was look- ed for in any In tho nudluu and kept that on no up-too 0! at . mu II.--up Hank ill shunt to I-aunt neau. -' .. \\'hen he got A short. distance put Capt. .l .\tterson's house he helrd foogste a an_ll thought In-lieu were cominu bcliiu `.""Th"" people walked quickly and soon reached him. A young mun stumbled alongsidifand rubbed against him. Then he moved on. As soon as he got in front a. blow from be hind laid McCormick low. He fell heavily to the boardwalk. I). .1. .......y:.. ....... ..,.........l ..m.-. him nml nut no money anon: nun. ` Footsteps were heard in `the diatnuce, md in the shadow of the electric lamps could be seen the forms of persons coming towards th scene of the assault. 1`|.- \-:..|............... ........I...l-.l that n-nnno me scene or me auuunr. The highwnymen concluded that escape wu the only nlleruntive and run towards the city, leaving Mr. Mdlormack lying on his back on the boardwalk. TL- ..I.I ........ t.......a LI...--lC umm -nub ant` his back we Doamwux. The old mu: found himself very Wonk and exhauaued when he attempted to get up. After much exertion he rote. lenvinqpn the: plank where his bend had rented A pool of blord which had cud from the wound that had been inictnd. U- --.._.LI.,l on---.l- Lia hnmn at A vnrv mu mu neon lnulcwu. He Itumbled toward: his home at 3 very slow pwe. On reaching the house he sunk into I chair. - Blood still came from the wound. D u..1`..-......L Invgni tn Hun nih: ft: A Pouplo Whoa Ion-nu. Unyjnp sud DOIIIIO Attrsol Atlnntlnu. . Mia: Kuo Millan in vinitlng friends in \\'nertown, N. Y. uh. l \--{A Mnnnlnrnnn lug: nu-I-i\'n; At struggle. \VhuI. do you want?" said The robbers replied very willingly, We want money." Mr. Mcllornuwk said he hand about him. mmnmam wt-ro hoard in `the ulintnnce. """'n `5:`.::a:'.'."".....:::::::::.:'.z .63 I! Gotta Go. ........... .. l I10 IOITIIAI. PIODIJOI IAIIIT. Iot'l|IAl.JAn.l Hfllu. Q B Edd IDNIII Iln min. nnl-0 :1 nnnnnn ' uvnl-om. Gown. quht. : lkldllu America. I 1\TT}iCKEDA .31 R0%1;I3E_RS.- in gunman when H UIIM Raga `llllnopmlnorvuod and than In :- adilltlon so the but In could had! $01! how to lndloe It. llopvo ..`uold|utnII.(oloouIIuhhdkI ild not an it). acted If no on would help him. and loud lint. Galloway and IoCun ....A.. g. .-In, [In Ida u nmoudhn In flmtupln IN 0 and uwm ll quhtuunonu nun. IJVIIPOOL OIIIII IAIII1. I.----un lg- A_A-nu ' woutu Pnhoblluloo. kl-`adult! In hull Illda. Me. mud wu- LIVERPOOL 001;`)! ll IIII. IIIVIIPCL will. 4. up. n-In - Illnhlllnn Anurhnn. ll. IOITIIAI. ITOCI IAIKI';I . IOITIIAL Jun. I.-1! noon. -an:-1:1 All") IIIID :;OMME ROIAL MATTERS. PERSONAL MMENTION. Jvmu` III M X . .1::'ea.:+'E'*o}.- Ll Installation of 6H0Ol'I. Iliilwuwvuuuztuuy bulk tolouolouhonlor uuu nu: \ nu \........ The second pm of the programme was equally as interesting as the first. The orchestra preformed so ndinirinbly. lured so uniformly thst the audience could) hurtlly rsfnin from insisting on encores. Aftersn absence of in year from the stage .\lr. J. M. `Sherlock sang with line effect. His voice, strong and clesr, was heard to sdvsntnge. Seldom has be sung better. Seldom has sny singer been greeted vi ith such a spontaneous expression of spproval as followed his ren- dition of the song. His return to public life will be is source of grnticstioli to many. Misses Greenwood and Orser were very happy in their duet, their voices blending most hnrinoniously. Miss()rser later. in is ".\`erennde," showed the compass of her voice and wss stormed with npplsuse us she concluded. Dr. Orouohvtekhs use most hsppy in his rsnurks. He told A number of very amusing jokes, one especially at the expense of the chief ranger. He wss in Kingston two weeks ago and cslling upon Mr. Meek was greeted as one editor greets snother. On the conclusion of the visit, desiring to visit High Chief Ranger Milne. Mr. Meek called is csrria e by telephone. "This is the conversation heard," ssid the supreme ranger. Hello, is that you, Wil mu" \\'all_ sand s cnrrinize to the Willi: "neuo, is man you, n in non`! Well. eend a carriage otlice to take the supreme ranger to the insane asylum." When the laughter eubei~ ded the doctor aaid the nearer he got to the inetitution the modular he 0t, and the more `he vowed to hereafter do his own telephon in. He dwelt on t`te advancement of the order, and especially upon the marvellous work done by Court Fronte"Tfac' during the past aix montha. I t had won all the priaea; it wanted the earth, and. aaid he. we are willing to give it what it wanta." He had protniaed a banner. believing that the court had abeorbed all the rupectable men . of Kingston. but they had captured that. too. and till raehneas would coat 8l50 or 820 D. But the example set by the Forester: of Kingston was worth ten timea the amount the executive committee would have to pay for the banner. and it would cheerfully re- cognize the aervieee Court Frontenac had been to the order. It: zeal had inapired other courts ao that during the past eight months the average increase ofthe order had been .300 members per month. He intima~ ted that the way they remardetl worthy btethern was by giving them gold watches. lt want A part of the ayatem He hoped none. however, would join the order to secure old watches only. He had enjoyed the gal. ering. He was delighted with the condence and eateem in which the court held in chief ranger. and he felt sure that every forester in the court and throughout the order woull vote that the honour was never more deaerved. He wiahed the audi- euce ahap y new year, and hoped that every eligibe yonne man would become a foreeter aothat the record of I889 would ltlapael that of I888. he entertainment concluded with aaalec- tion by the omheatra and the national anthem. The aervicea of Mr. Horace Rey- ner and Mia: Jaaaie Meek were highly ap- recieted aa accompaniata. After the meat- Inn the diatinguiahed viaitora. oizera of the local court. muelciana and aingera were en- terained at hloLaughlln'a restaurant. A moat felioltiona time waa enjoyed. There waa a delightful apread. and any amount of fine talking and toaating. himself.` .'I.'ho` gilf, itzlwl haed. ivould \ serve an 5 link to bind `him In memory to nlul Court: Frontenno. No. 59. u long gs he : u:.....a ` - - , ` o Fhe handsome gm hod not]boon,.nnuo1pnnu. and came an 3 nnrpriuxo him. win had he done to dnurfve Ipoolnl ition? Nothing more slim the duty thnt evolved upon hum u an" officer of Cours.Frontenac. He hncfiilnply led in the ood work. on he flt he ought to do, of the numbers of the court had followed hhn, and between them they had accomplished the work that chsllenged admiration. Ho tr|ced`tho auc- oosa of Coqri Fronteutcfor the put year. And referred to the Vdl`i0lll tent: thou hld been made of the loyulsgand devotion of its nu-nxlmrn, In June. bv Eh! Id|iiCi0ll Of \ \/0| ` lived. ' `ISL- . mnnv leuow : Put Supreme Ranger Bottaerall. introduced As A hero of the order. walked over to Supreme l hy9iciAn l\liIlmAn, hand his pulse felt. And thou proceeded to make A pleaaunt and witty Address. He pointed out the - benet: to be durivod from momhershipln forettry. It would seem that the longer A mAu WA: Atualxel to the order the healthier he got. He complimented Kingston on its progress. As An old Kingstoniuu (cheers) he hut A leeliug of pride At. what. ind been Ac mmpliahod in it in A public way. But in A prints way the citizens Also knew whn VA: to their AdvAmAge. Ho dwell on the order. and its phenomeml progress. And intimamd 1.. Hm Indian. `those numbers somewlmt ` lived. ,-. . ' . _ Tho nddrqu being conuludbd, I'll Iu :51 by bgnt 9f up Iauie sad the ulngingjbf l-`ur 0 : a Jollraood Fallow:1*~ `- m.:..i Rnhuur Mm! said he could not suf- He Jolly`Uoo'.i l"el1ew.~"-~ Chief Runner Mellnid he could not vieiltl tlnihk the numbers of Court. Fron- 'l. !.'uwl: or this msnlfenhti n.of their love`. _ lgandlomo gift Ind not boolimntioipntcd. of the loyulqtanu uevouou in us members. In J une, by the addition 56 membere tothe list 3 complete aetol badges was won ; in October. by a further increase of 82 members. the U1 bridge organ (upon them platform) wan secured; in November ind December, by recruiting to the extent`of 02 members.` a net of oicerI' euhea would come. and with them the banner long promised Court Frontenac and upon Which it was pur- oaed to inscrlbevictoriee they had won. He P guoted a little prophecy that had been made , y him at the last iegular meeting of the cwurt. and ahnwed how literally it had been fullled. He bud done, he said, what he. could for the court and the order, without looking for any reward other than devotion of the members. Of this regard he had no doubt. He had been given many evidences of it. For their generosity he was profound- ly grateful. He thanked them for their hmmtifnl nranant. from it full heart. ` IIIU DGIJUIICI I llI'l.o SeIootlon-Schotti:.-he. . . .. .. . . ` . . .01-chestm Sung--Lel Mo Like n. Soldier Fnll".J.Sher ock Duelt-Lifu's Dre-.un is 0 er". Misses Green- [wood and Ur.-er Address. . ,.Suprnme Ranger Oronohyzekhu S.unz~-"s`erunndu". . . . .. . ` . . ....,.Mias Orser &'l(`l6HS"l'0l'Bil umicn Val-to". Orchestra ' God Saw the Queen." 91!: r _u._ um- ` III It Did Not Into Al Attack on Elmo ll WC OII A-III. I . S. Podmon. I oundiduo for church ordon, now in Khpton. in n nhlm sad 5 nun. nl nnrvn, hnt. IIIIHA IIIVQIHII throuzh Kingnton, In mum and man 1:! norvo, but while trnvclling through the township 0! Allen In come upon 5 ghost. 110 says hi: bone was trottlnng don; the road on vory duh night. and I donly manhood and roluood tonrooood. Atnl. ', the road nut nngnt. um uuuuuu Iloppod tosrooood. aid Ir. Podlnon. I ought ltwunbonr. knowing what onion born: hue [or them, but! Ill not kept long In Inn 90. for n dnnllng light nppou-ed on my I I ll- roctly over what in known at the hunt.- odlnnn. H honotook fright, ad with .L- .....o..o lllhuhu I nu-nnnnhd An nnnat. ly grntelul. no Innnueu Lnum Ill bountiful present from the us: win . 30.500: mm - t. :Z.'.`;``.... .'.".i"..... ......a 'oTT. ru'.." his horse do? than iculty II 09"` t, cal II Mac. n and Its pnenorneuu progress. nuu ululunwu to the lediee, whose numhere awed the apesker. that if they wdnteul sounnl heelthy huehunla end stirring sweethearts they should look for eucli to the foreetcrs l{eeilee.if the hulbend died the widow .I`Jlll\l secure the hendeome endowment for which he had been peying. He pointed out the feuturu of the older and advised the Indie: when they decided to take the arm of any- lrody to see thet it wen the Arm of I forester. He aulvieed young men to join the order, to provide for later yeere. In point of morality I court of foreetry wee A good place to spend one`: time. Men in it had to be sober, vigilein end reepectehlo. If they were not they eunpended themeelvee. He hoped (Iourt l"rontena.: would no grow thnt the city hell would be ite future meeting place. He wee mud toeee it the henner court, though the ner wee taken from Court Utlnwe : in membership wu creditable to the court end showed the good judgment of the citizens of -Kinguton. N llu clluuunnuo or tho I run. u w Iloctod no ddon. udlgouh I` hue zrucllod surly all one lump. Northern Mriooald Auk Minor. 1 Ian new not anything Ilka It. Tho ulna o(tboAI-obhl duonhuhndcl luxlpchnou. but tlill ligln Append an on y and uyaudonr Iy. ud sunning not dluoulou. unma- I Q A mini`. nub Inn haunt hl'l0r."' ` lxourilou In In-Ilntov. Otuuon. Raululnrtbuncut In col 0! oh cilia to Unpo I Io-:::u_zv. Bonn cu-ly. 3. Illd Illunl lion mlunlou, VIIIIIIP 0 nudcnhl. nah Ian haunt bl-uot." HE saw THE OHZO7sT. 1 in eco|Id Part. THE BPZ.ITIS.ElWHlG. FRI 1,)A.y. JAN._4. '1 Am! [10 (X)lH`l DUI? TOW CFO". Prof. James uiul that it Wu pouiblo to give crop: too much air. but it Iva not very bablo. Ila would nther think that the gk of some constituent was the can of a poor crops. Ho ldViD0d ex pcrimontinp yo that it could be aucortainod what. In: ruy the cause. lnhn \\'i|mnt and D, Rmmn mule brief unvu .lI\I\.x;\uo\| xv.-.u. .- n... ....... :~`ong`-F`or Yon" .. . .. ........\Iiss Onecr Reading from Mark Twain . ll._BuI'don :s`ong-"Su-e.ing Homo" . . . . . . . . .. J. Galloway ('l.ir1un.-tsolo~ "Si-eu-In Aim" . . . . ..\\'. Matlill. [with I-rolu.-~Ir!\l acr mp.nnimenl Address. . |'usl~Supl`-~mo Rnngor Uotlornl Son-".\Iy 'l`rusl in_\`ou" Alien 1!. Ureenwood 5oux-~\\ hen Mcdinnis Drivos up to [ho Door - l\\'. Shes This portion of the programme was most interesting. The ladies, handsomely dress- ed and with most attractive faces, sang with much expression. ceptivnting all hearts. )1 r. Galloway was vigorous and excelled hims.-If in his stirring song. The reading of .\Ir. liawden was nmnsing and given with much distiuctneu. The clnrionet solo, bv \\'. .\lu1ill, with the orchestral accompani- ment. was one of more than ordinuy.nierit. Veldom has Inch an` effort been witnesled in Kingston. The execuion of the Scottish airs wee so delightful that an encore was in- sisted nponcsud game from Ireland ui:l`hl lllti appreciated. 1 A. A comic ginger .\lr. Shea `made A de~ Us Ulullclljln ' M. Graves. president of the county insti- tute, thought it was necessary that the farm- ers should meet together and discuss sub- jects of advan go to themselves. He was sorry that so nltny of them were iuditfereut about coming out. He was a strong believer in farmers institutes and thought one should be convened every three months. It was a good -idea of `the `g\'t3l`lIln0.lJt to give the farmers the benelit of the technical educa- tion of eminent men. He dwelt on the state ot farmers at the present time,\\ developed the fact that the land was not as protable as it enould be. Finer farming would have to be carried out it the farmers did not wish to be bowled out of business. The north- west was the great wheat growing country so that the farmers of Eastern Ontario would have to go into stock farming and dairying. ile touched on the sacrices that had to be made by the farmers because of the lack of fodder. Many cattle had been sold which would result, should Providence bring them hountyl next year,in making the fnnncrs feel the loss acutely. He was pleased that the visitors had arrived, and hoped the gather- ing would be an_ enjoyable one. Prof. C. J. James, of the Guelph agricul- tural college, spoke upon "'The atmosphere in relation to plants and soil. He showed the new-ssity of the farmers knowing all about atmospheric effects bedause 95 per cent. of the products of the soil came out of the atmosphere. He dwelt len thily upon the nature of the atmosphere augl the ways in whih"the plants were enablv-I to secure the greatest benefits `mm the climate. To get tboduugest amount of air into the soil he advised thorough cultivation. He claimed that the air was as vital to the life of the earth as it was to the lite of mankind. He was at strong advocate of thorou vh tillage during sriasuns of drought, for i this was done the 1-artli'would derive the moisture in the air which had been taken up from the rivers and lalies and bays. Under drainage was required as the rains would percolate through the earth giving to it oxygen. nitro- gen, carbonic gas and ammonia. To secure the benets of thp atmosphere he advised a rotation of broad leaved cm for broad leaves could gather moisture lisom the air while small leaved crops had to secure nu- trition through its roots. He also advised the turning under of clover once in a while for the decaying of green crops under the soil was most benecial. He also favoured bare fallowing with constant stirring up of the soil so that it could draw on the atmos- phere for needed benefits. in closing he asked for aid. He sought from the farmers any number of questions ; he urged them to take part in the deliberations of the meet- ing. giving and getting all the information they could. Mr Rm:-ilnn nninnad out that nnsaihlv ullur out UQVUUIIOII IIIIIITII ll3I'l:I|IlUI"U. Rev. Dr. Grant knew little ebout precli- cel ferming. Any one present could tench him. He could get hom book knowledge much iuformetion. but he enggeehed the! they would not take hie edvioe for precticnl knowledge. He then dwelt on the leeeone leerned by him during hie recent trevere, of interest to the fermere of Claude. He would not epeek of Britieh farming. further then to declare the: he could not eulliciently ldlllli the llritieherf pluck. None were eo hendicepped ; none bore up under it bet- ter. The lend hee to support two. the landlord end the tenant, while in Cenenle only one was msinteined nlftheeeme revenue. Besidee thie the Britieh former lied to com _..e- -....i.._e 5|.` ......|.I 3.... hunt`- Lg}-up nl, Wy COHIU. Mr. Bawden pointed out thu. puuibly soil could be given too much air. One of his elulo well cultivated opened out no that he could put his arm up to the shoulder into it and he ooull not grow crops. Pm! Jun: lAi|l than it wn nnnnihln m rP`lly (HO CIUEB. John \\'i|mot and D. Roger: made brief remarks. especially endorsing undurtrsiniug. Mr. \\'i|moI aid if there was Anything ne wu cruy on it it wu drnimgm. He put down drain: every war. mad he found them must beueficinl. Ho opposed articial fer- tiliuru, but sdvocutod nnturil fertilizers. Dun II: ll:-Ant Inna- Iiltln Ahnnt nrm-Oi. Drill." IITIDCT I PIIICI VII IIIIIPIY Illlllllluu In South Afrion when the sturdy Dutch coloniun reside he had dincovorod the ad- vnnugo of use culture. There It won art. and in from of mmy homu he found tron: 310 you: old. There In: I luv on- forcod that {or nay trot out down two would be pluned. The Ipuhr add the unvornlnnnt nhnuld mv nuns: nnnntlol In `K m-: v". DR. cammr TELLS or-' LEssoN_s vi LEARNED m omen LANDS H . . , 'l`h'o Mootlnq Open: \Vlth n`l"|lr A l.Io_nd- im`oo-Pro[. Jaunu shown the Elocth ol Air l'po.n' Plum! L'l&nr. Grunt Glvu Information (Haunt! In Foreign Lands. At 10:30 6`clook today` the fsrmaru inati` ` tute benn iu unions in the court- house. There was a lair number of the yeounnry oi Fronunac preeent. thou b not at all `M many as the occasion Ihou d hum culled for. Among those present, were : J. J. Wilmot, R. J. Dunlap. H. Bawden.` W. `Milton. J._ Edwards. E. Pillar, J. Milton, R` `J. Milton. l). Wood. W. J. l-`air. John Wilmot, J. Knight. H. Urns, l). Rankin, E. Joyner, J. M. Fair. Rogers. M. Graves. A. Rit- chie, J. Quail, J. Gibson. 1). Purd . J. -Spooner. D. Murphy, J. -White, A. 3 oore, -W. Buriia. D. Hamilton. limothy l)oolah:, John McAdoo. John Ddvia, John. Hay, R. "V.{ir, J: \\"nller,' T. Wilson, J. B-lcNnmee,__ 0. Mc.\lichool. II I`,.......... ........:,I....L .J pl... .uu.-`tn :...o:_ I'$6II(|eI Ill Inc DTIIIIII lIl'lllCl' IIICI ll.) cum- pota spinal the would. free tndo being :1- Iowed yith the colonies. lriondly and hostile ........s-..._ IY...l..- .|.... ..:_...._.s....... ol... W III` IIIU WOIIII. [TX ITKII IKIIIK II` with countries. Under that circumltspcu the British fsrmer`I pluck VII simply amazing. In nnth Afrinn chard than nunrdv Dutch luollu [K PIIIIICU. III. Um XIII BIIU vernuvont nhould pny gusto: attention to fzrutry, and individual: should do all thov could to bouutil thoir lands. Tun led to rutinomont, a one of Ihobou! odnontoyl was the rening lullnonoo o! homo. In Tnunnnh I)!-, HI-Ant I'll lmnld mu upprocmeu. z A: A comic singer .\lr. cille-l impression. His tint/-cong In: no pleasing that he was compelled to respond with Sunni Sumlny Out." -\\`illiun is u iunnv fellow 8 Inn \`.. nnnlnn Hnnnnr nltnrnll, int rmllmml WI-I IQ IUIIIIIK IIIINICEX OI IOIIII. Io I"lnunnnin Dr. Grnntlwnn im with t 0 Importance of en tinting prion fruits. Ho inudod Cnnndlnn nppinn-they vote tho but in tho world notwitnntnnding nnnnrtionl ol tho Tnunnnlnnnto the annuity --but hmoonnidorod thnt Cnnndinn lnrnoll should pny non nttnntion to honioulturn. The grant and of tin land run to cultivnto the soil veil. Too mnny fnrum-n were greed ;thov Innhd lot: oflnnd on I! than hi nnl tlh it. call. may on Io! mm an Inn. In Auntnlla he learned jlho nooonlty of contnrvlng and dbulhutlng voter. It ran A grout question in that land. He III proud to lam thnt Chaiy Bros, of King- nton. Ont... van nnokon of Al unonn Eh! Ivan ; IIIIV WIIIKII Iul i may M not tllo in roll. In Anal:-`II: Ii: Ingram pawn in non lllll ununy nun, 0! sun`- uton. Ont, won 3 on o! among moot Iuoouulul In woducing unyutom of lrrigntlou um Ind onohd vat plot: of barren land into prottblo hrllu. 80 thought Ilntin Canada Intent should ho DOI'l'QII IIIICI uno IIIOIIIIDII IIIWIII. III In that in Unnadn uyutcuu in nood by vhlth In than cl drought Iuolont nut to in the land lrrigttod could be hound. At I point he nauti- od that All oonntrlol had tdnntqu and dlndvntngu. but no. ponld ho a loolhh mu who pullod u` duh: and wont to un- othor port ol the Lnllphon imply on tho ndvultngol cl noonntry bah; shown. 11. wouldhoubudu the uuvhopulkdnp tho potntou to no I! tho won growing. In Jnpuobr. UIIII boonrotl the in poruuoopdd to lortlllsl The not nin- nblo mum` of that In that meat roollcnlyvutcd lnaudo. Ronhnulgol mint: and alumna-L Thu I731! Id, noucnuyxuuu ulbltafhnoluutvugr now an on-gut. puma Io onl|1.whIlou.1`o!`QlIop|I Cnndn vu tn FA RMELRS SESSION. oirrftho surge and .nulunce- to tlne ligrenlq rivoir or `lake no glut t_h noqregt po6'ple' (lower down could drink it with their wpcor. or allow it to poll: into their well:"'u|`d poison themulvbs sud neighbors. In Japah it was prepared audiuud, land qyery bit cg land wuoninuxle to blouom u_;t a rose. I an chirmlng to we the one that were and there. **- Iucomiludin `lie dwelt on the periority of 3 country w are th. hull: of the populm tion we;-e engaged in ugricultural purimiu in cmhmnrinnu with than gunned in nu- Will Il (Hill? 00. New Vulancn raisins. four pounds for I quarter 3 6 don. orange: for 5 dolhr: amnll lemons We. 5 dozen; 8 pound: Spaninh onion: 25c. : everything cheap at Hondenon | Uro- cery House to mon-ow. Jun. the thins: for Xmu. runberrv and House to Just the thing for Xmu. raspberry atnwberry jam, l2c. ;c`1rnnI. jelly. l`2o.: tnble unl cooking apples; oranges, 2Uc.; lemonl, 20. ; candies. |`2c. ; goose, chicken: and turkeys. Juana Crurford. I-..'.....I if thou dun. wmt I mir of trou- N THE CITY HALL." AN INSTALLATION OF-O`!-`FICERS IN Ind turleyn. June: bl`II'l0l'\l. Friend. if thou dost won! I pnir sers or on ovorcon nil not to go to Lunbort & \\'ulah`|, H0 Prinoeu street, for verily they have 5 nice Assortment of goods, whiqh they do mdfa up at I very reuonnble price. All heavy oloulinga at cost price ; all wool cloudn. fucinators. Inn. caps, otc.. st coat price ; Iii unnoin, bhnlou snd com- forter: at cc at price ; Iii wool hosiery` mitts, gloves. mutiiers. etc.. at. cost price mt. R. M c Foul '3. I- .. .......I ~..m..-t . Riv-nirln, (hlifornin. Mcl"uul's. In 3 grand concert 3 Rivenido, California. Minn Alice Nollnon. of Morvon, favored them with u love! iano solo, in which uproa- uion vied with (ref! exocution both heing of A high order. '0 hot: many attering com- mcnu on this moritoriou number. l|nem1u tne city It Is. mcnnun 3. Richmond. Orr & Co. are now oerlnz their Inge and well-bought stock of cloth: of nllmru. suitable tor ladies, gentlemen ; or children : wear or. sale prices. Soc their `dverlisement. Mary (ioodwir. chnrged with hnving ob- tnined goods under false preuncu, will be tried to-morrow. The cue of I hotel keeper for selling liquor within pzohibited hours also enlnrged. N... \'..h.m-.i. niaim. four nonndn Ten Meeting ut Singleton`: Cornere. The people et Slnnletode Uornere have erected e hlethodint church within e you. end it wee dedicated on Sunday lent. Ser- mone were delivered by Rev. lleurtlilnnd. Perth; Chieholln, Elnin; Jollife, ad Ten- nent, Newhoro end Singleton`! Cornere. On Mondey e teewee given in the old church. moved ecrcee t treet heelde the new one. Turkeye, gene, une. boiled potetoee, piee, ceku, were provided In hountv. After tee the colnpeny proceeded to the new brick church, which wee crowded. Mr. Peul, the contractor. deeervee credit for the hulldln . It In lighted by e beeutilul ohendelier wlt twelve Ieunpe. coating 88). George feylor, I.l .. presided edmlrehly. Mr. Teeunnt. the peetor, reported thet the hed reellud Olssleprceeede. Beddeeede olowee remehlng on the church. Mr. Teylor pro- ceededtoheveltwi outeeheheddoee at S rlueeld ehure He gen I. ee did Dr. . IcGhle, lllll. The geveee {reel thet "Ir. Tenneet wee hoey write` dcwnneneeeedI377 wee reelleed L-can the me neetlnenrocede. Alew writing dovllultusluuiu win nuuuu Hulda the as unlit! proeoda. A fur dollar: nu uldd at oluttgnllow lot nhrinhu. loan. I-`olliot. Chhloln. Howard, 'l`onnnt,lIr.John|ton. Dr. ! rulon mule addresses. Minn Ewing rendered a ruibnou ably. The church choir und has bad nndund lo ulootlou. W. I` l..-gn -.4I I Pgnnnn Alslu Iunlnnll IL: FIUKI WU CIIZIKUU III I8I"|U|llllII'Il pllfllllld in compariuou with those onglged in pu- Iornl. mining,` or msnufncturmg purnuitln The lpttor draw `everything from the Ind and paid nothing back. but the good farmer mule the had better by his tillage, and what wu better men`wore given habits that turn` thn Inn! in Lhn Inna run. "I Am wnlrwsl pewter man were given uuuu bunt were` the bat in, the` long run. "I am thankful," he said in cbnclusion, "that Can- gadnil I eohntry where everything lands to quicken she intellect, which is of prime im purt}ance."' , The m-incimi was accorded.` I henrtv vote ` OI EHIIIKI jourtl. mm All enllrgeu ponrut Ul uuuauu. Butter! butter! choice roll: and prints, 19 and `Z00. A pound. Any quantity of it. ` Oven: I ton of roll: received today at Hon- del-aon'u Cheap Grocery House. I`..mmn-, wnnl md hemn cnrnet: at cost at-raon I bllelp unlcery uuuso. fnputry, wool And hemp carpota price ; woolen yarns of every description nt cost. price ; the best and cheapest hblo linens 1n the city at R. McFn.ul u. pinhnsnnd (Ir-r ` (`.41 ll ! IICW On nrennaa auu Well let uu um pmuuuu. And a moat excellent programme was presented, one that would have-done honor, had a high admission fee been charged. It was eight o'clock when the local otlcere reached the platform and were assisted to the various eeats provided for them. Chief Ranger Meek pccupied the chair and at once introduced tho.- orchestra. consistin of Messrs. Ma-lill, Shea, Aberncthy, Stod \rd, and Mia: Meek. A salute march was pre- seated and applauded. Tne chairman wel- comed the guests of Court Frontenac and trusted that the programme to be presented would meet with their approbation. fhe arrival of the supreme otlicera, Dr. ()rouahy- teklla, London; E. Botterall, Ottawa; l)r. Millman, Kingston, and the high court oili- cers. I. ll. alkelt. Ottawa; A. Millie and \\'. _.\loore, hiugston, was the signal for much applans 3. The distinguished ullicers. dressed in Foreetric costume. and looking quite gtr one, were accompanied to the right of the patform. They were accompanied by a nnmluer of local Foresters, cashed and- rihboned. The excellent programme was then proceeded with. It was thus : . . 'l`-\-Virilhii ll. Bnwdcu .\.`on-"Su-e.imz porumco-. The principal accorded": hearty vote `of thankl, and at 12 o'clock t/he Ineetaiug ML` inn rhil `HQ UII V\ (ITKI yuru. Strange, inn ! is? Efcuraion to Cape Vincent to marrow. Faro, 25. ,; A' nu-ianrmr nvhn nnnnnml frnm Hm in van \ IIICOIIC C0 IIIOTFUW. RUTH, `015. _, A" prisoner who escaped from the jail yen terdny was captured on Earl street. ' A. frag pntarhninment will he ivali bv the (eruny was captureu on man ureou. A- free entertainment will be given` by the Sons of Tempennce on Thursday evening. Elliott Bros. are putting in steam heat- ing gcpparatus in the Unnanoquo post office. The ntemner Maud will run an excursion \\ euuesuny. H . IJ. nenury (\'. bu. Breck & Booth have the best. slabs, hard wood And dry blocks. You can get just what you want in the fuel line at their yard. Thn uh-ants 1-nnnninen did not meet Inll what you want In we Iuel Iluu In Luclr ypru. The streets committee did not meet. last evening. There were only three Aldermen present, Messrs. Uzslkin, Wilma . kind Mu:k- leston. \- .... .|.-:..- -..... L......l.l... 1...... Lin. CC` 3 HUNGE- Thcrc has just I wood yard, Untm of sawed or unsnvl of dry slab wood. 'l`n.n\n|-vnw will or my sum woou. Tomorrow will he the fth of January, And the weather is as mild as it wt: in Sep~ temlmer. If is likely the excursion to the Cape will be well patronized. Annlm' nnnlen! :umles!---llooltinll emnles. Lljll turkeys. James \.zl'lWl0l'(l. Besutiful hair goods ; dress and mnntlol making ; agents for the (Ianitf corset. All wurk guarunteed. Miss Richnrdaou, our Walsh I Sbncvi. I06 Princess St. n vnnna .. Inna at-nalinu mnnnhnr nf thn \\ lush I. DDICV I. luo rrlnooas an. 0. Jones, ll long aunding member of the Soul of Temperance, was prouented by the membpri of the organization int. evening with enlnrged portnit of himself. kuhnu-' humor` nhninn rnlh and nrinta. bran nun noaorlu IIII Iuwunuu. n. T. lnlnsdw. Oulonuhly Inlpod the hatch to any omen. The format gun tho Ind the chant is traced upon`; Old`. vhlh tho lotto! gave CHO. Niwuy lurngrnphl Ploltd Up by Our Ro- uorton In Their Rumbles. For genuine Scranton No. {Vocal go to the Uta Works yard. Qt:-Anna. isn't it? Efcunzion to Cane mg gtpparuus In nne unulumquu P051 umuc. The steamer Maud will to Cape Vincent tomorrow. Fare, 25. Home early. ---~~ ~ I1'IuI\n|-nln m-onnnninnn are lmina nmch unme enriy. ` Elaborate preparations are being macie for two weddings in which the parties in- teratod are coloured. ll..- ......oi..-. -..I- uyluink -Lani.` Mung fnhnn tereatou coloured. , Our auction sale. which should have taken place to day. has been postponed until next Weduesdny. W. D. Hendry & Co. rank k Knuth huve the beat. slabs. hhfd Iesmn. Very choice hams. break-fast bacon, kip- percd herring, Yarmoulh hlmtors,.liun|n Ilqtltlips, &c., &c., At Handler-non : cheap_gro- very house. 'I`|u-rn hum Inst. arrival at -J. Cnnmbc-H's Lupe wm no wen pumnueu. Applet! apples! e\pples!--fooking apples. table apples. ru hurry and strawberry jam l'.. :}c., mixed can has l'2.5c., geese, chickens and turkeys. James Crawford. Ihmniiul hnir smmla : dress Am! Jh Dun tbcnlpochd h|oHnn~ III`t;(=.||a putyni mom. 1.3. lodp;:r uh monthnjanvo shines, at 0 and ot -Ll-I. -..-hul Inn irlll -`hing haul tho nu-win: on menu 301'! at Inunu, II inc nu 0| which porlod ho will retire trout the union on spcudou. Ilr. Downy wu lonnorly in tho Ieohhtyi ode: ol the non! poo: diet In St .\hrchvk~0rud. on. and oumout 1- v .in oouh-`yhln I843. Bnv: W innpeool N put , In hculqurtom at Klupton. whom: be In: remand to Toaoulo. II mostly I...:... -..-A-kl a-Lb! Ihnnnnlnn QI. lneil. ruost enmusnnsuc over me evnug. " The hall was tastefully tl:::.uutL-cl. Seldom has it looked hnndeomer. The xlt-corgtion commit._tee laid itoell out too do something grand and eccompliahed this result. There {ms at lin display of hunting. not "only upon the stage ,but about the windows. fhe Inform was set with 1 forget scene and autifullyidrnpeul with ags. the Union Jack, Stars and Stripes and Royal ensign being entwined in n delightful wnv. Acroan the Itage were three arches of colbured lights, one large one bearing ll on it in living lire the letter: I O. F." '1 he furni~ ` ture for the occasion was furnished by Bro. Drennaa and well set all` the platform. \...I - ........o ..v.u.II..no nu-mu-nmrna wan loll:-Inc II-on tho In-vloo. INGI-`DENTS OF THE DAY. I arrived at -J. Campbell : Ontario street, the boat stock - unsaved maple, also the beat \|'nnal u no nw mom m. The olico urcong after the matter to- day. kctivo Burnett has no doubt tht the men will be brought tn justice. and it is to be hu his rophecy in true in the in- to-rento luv an order. AnMsTnona..ywggRMAcK ls FELL- :-zo av A sumo srgor Ila In Sonrchod For Ilonoy-lhuo ll-`ipI_I! Tuulo u Hull With Igl|VAu_a|lnntIu-- iillfcnub llrokou `in the Du-im|nIg`e- An Unusual Olfunoo In tho`Clty. ' ` Pounded with I ulin'g ohot ! n I `A during nttem t ut. highu'ny robbery. " Two young ru mu met Armstrong Mc- `,orI'nuck, wholeule liquor duler, in A quiet spot on Union atreevnnd unded nim until he became uucomcious. bile he was undtr the apollot thgir violence they searched him thomughlyirom bend toifoot. Hut thnv fmmd un bootv. eactnod '0\llI(L R. McCormuck wont. to the city for I doctor at ones. He saw the place where his father had lnid And found his stick which had been broken in two hard by. K9 true; of the robber: had. h- I? \V P`-..-:n|u ul-H-1` \.h~l"nu-rnnr-E not cut. Mr. McCorInnck say: that while he was laying on his back be seized one of the men by the throat and left in imprint of him mils in the skin. He would know both men if he saw them in. `Pl... -"J3... nu- nnlrlnn nnv u. mnpr tn. months. 1`. Sonthworth and J. J. Boll, proprietor: of the Brockville Rerorder have diuolvod pnnnonhip. Mr. Bell rctiru. nlkom. the The inunllntion vu than proeoodod with. lho installing oicon conninud oi the Su~ premo and High Court representatives pro- viounly mentioned. Before beginning Su- nrnmn Rumnr Omnhvhkhn ndvnnood the