Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1889, p. 4

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In Frontanuc C.;IlII! Then will Be Nun-V eroun Contuu-`-A Fur lhAnAEIoet- Lb: Aoolumntlonhnourbnto Burn "* "(Hf an n Town With ml III: Lin 0! AIpII IlI_CI In the Field. ~-`~~~ The followin are the cndidntec in the eld in the var om townships of Frontenac county`: f ' V - 'l`(l\\'KIlIl`S OF KIXHSTON. H nnung. ave a Very unique pcruunuy-um-~-u l`x.ugene you, one of the coolat vmajns that our stage has ever seen. He in: all supported by Miss Josephine Culver" as "Maria Mr. Ogden as John Hastings ;" and the rest 0 I out were excellent it: their vario arts. _L__._:.__. tnemla In we city. .\I r. and Mrs. J. Mulhollaml, of Olwego, are culling oli friend: here. ll \' k'in.mlnv nf Roma. N. Y.. in the culling on menu: nere. P. S. King:-ley, of Rome, N. Y., in the guest of (7. L. Rogers Hath. :Genrgo Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio. is in the citv visiting an Wm. (lenge`n, market. square. ilnu hr Ignlnnnn will :`.lnulllL'I. the Nur- mnl bible class during me mouinuxuluulry. Mr. F. Prime, wife And family. of Porou- to, are the guests of Rev. Mr. Prime. Jol- borue street. I\ Dnhh l`Iinrnn- A .Rnhh_ ()ggg9g borne street. I), Robb. Clinton; A. `Robb, Oawego; and Joseph Waggoner, N. W. T., an-9 visit.- iugfriendn in the city. - Mnnnina A fnrmnr teacher It Blth. _._.___ vamonto. Sayings and `into Attract Atuntmu. die, moulder. Montreal, is visiting friends in he city. \|.- and Mn, .l_ Muihollmd. Olwenzo. ingmfriendn in the city. 1'. Manning, I former teacher Bnth. with Mr. Younmnl, of Brandon, M|n.. no viiting It the old villnge. Rnv, Robert nnd Mrs. Campbell. D. D.. $170 in silver coma. L. `S. Murphy, Belleville, formerly in the G. T. R. freight oice, has been trsnnforrod to Brockville. to replace Mr. Thompson, promoted to Kingston. D. B. ;\!c'l`nwish. lute of the law rm of citv vlamnq nu W m. I-enge n, 'nurI(eI. square. ` Rev. Dr. Jsckson will cumlucl. the l mnl bible class during the monthofJnnusry. \ Mr F` Primn, Iifn And fnmilv. viiting the old vulnge. Rev. Robert And Campbell. Montreal, celebrated their silver wedding last Saturday. Amonk the presents were $170 in silver coins. I `Q Mm-nhv_ `I-blleville. formerlv Tm\'.\'sun- or ROFTH M.\R\ SB('R(:. Reeve--l)a4vid D. M.:Kibbou, Charles S. Cunningham. Pint Denutv R.eeve-Solomon Collier. late firm of U'Uurs a lcemon. Charles Le Richieux, son of A. Le Richi- eux, late of this city, has passed s success- ful exsminstion at the hurmsceutlcal col- loge, St. Paul, and is I Ecensed pharmacist. Prof. Brown. lite of the uzricultnrsl col- promowd Mnglton. D. B. L\!cTnwish, Scott, Mc'l'aviah & Scott, Ottawa, bu enter- ed into a partnership with M. 0`Garu, of the firm of 0'Gun & Ramon. I`L....l... I n Hinhhnuv nan nf A, `A Richi- licensed pharmacist. Prof. Brown, agricultural lege Guelph, has been appointed by the government of Victoria prinnipal of the central agricultural college, with headquar` tern at Melbourne. 1) u M Dmlmm-. hulnlt Pembroke. no st Melbourne. P. .5`. M. Podmore has left Pembroke. go ing to Kingston, to take up his residence. His dxparture is regretted by` many wnnn friends. Mr. Podmore has been I lny rend- xer of the Anglican church. ' Fred. 'W. Johnston, 3 member of the Me- of the Anglican cnurcn. thodist choir, Bath, who intend: to make Newark. N. J., hit home, was the recipient of I hand me present from the choir. The presentnti u we: made at the residence of Mrs. C. L. were. leader, on New Year : . .___ 1 In chain on Pound Into the Sldonhnm 8cho'ol- 0 District Cortlontu. The followin cnndidnteu passed the re- cent examination 1' udmiuion to S denhnm hi h school (namsl iven in 319 aboticsl orar) : Kate Abbot school ucuon No. 8, 0:55.}...-n . Plgrnnnn A av. 3. lA)Ilh&l'0 : Icnoo: Iocuun no. 0, y, 3. Loughboro ; Uoor e Bell, 17. hingwo ; John Boyle. 2, Long boro ; Benjamin B n`,6,Pitubnrg; Charles Clement. 3, Lo hboro; Goor Clark. 16, Kinguton ; Mary a\vy.7, Hinc - inbrooke : Lucrtiu Bowen, 5. Hinchim brook: ; Viola Hunt. 9. 0:0; Emmn Hun- ter. I2. Ponltnd; Herbert Johnston 0, Kingston :` Bella Joyce. 8, Pittnburg ; Mny Lyon, 5, Storringoton ; Dmiol MoConnoll.9. Ldighboro ; HI. Id Omr, 16. Kinglton; Mi nie Pixley. , Longhboro : Ernest m..u.... I7, Kinnnmn : Willinn Snooner.l4. boro ; Jonn Moon, 12. awrnuxwu. '1`hg`,1puv.ing candidutu the to- oont onm ntlon at Syden I'll for third clan d "met corticsuu of qualication an r"' ' `n "c:.." ;..**":'..;....."'*- x?` ; at an In 5 Y Adan, Julia I . HIGH Minnie Flxley. 6, uougnooro: nruuu lm-go. 17. in non ; Williun Spooner.l4. Kin eon; \ il npsudmsu, 12, Portland; Char ea Stawsrg. 3. Portland; Florence Stowu-t, 3, Portlnnd; John rho:-no. 8, Storriu tom; cargo Trnocott. 5. Longh- bo h , bb l2,Storrl . to on 0 , ugton 'I`|.. Mllnl-inn nnulidnhn tha Henley, Wouo vmnna; an inner, McLuren's do :2 Elm: Nichols. 8 den; E ham ; Laura err Perry ; Oordplh hy- hlr. Plevua ; W. .' Reynolds. Goilfny; E. 0 Rlollv. Rsilton. ' , , TU .\.\llIl' Ur In! I. Isl-|.\u. Reeve~-John Cox. (M:c|uInution.) Cuunci|lor|-Johu Bietf, Joseph Walsh. John Foley. John Driucoll. Robert Gillespie, Matthew Kane, 31"., Richard Thompson. ' - AnkIn[ Bonn onutlono, fho correspondent nt. Ynrkor up there la n dinpuu in that Village A: thq, In I; of the words without running cm: 1- an no or on|:I"in tho by-luv. puud I: then - A tori. grunting 835.0! to build ` Yaht- Hnrrowumith oonnuction, and whnthor the tltsln will ho Allowed to ban down co the present Ynrkor Itntlon, or n now out hnvo torbo built at or n ` the inno- L]-- O tlon Y . - ,' The monv-Mg of the that thg truth will 'n\\d to run lrom '1' worth to Klnglton without ran:-ting st rkor. The nllrogd will bend around after the Nspunqo rivor, no that the o ' fur Kingston. Al 50 IO urrsngunouu at Yarkonho N. . aonpsny will have to he oonaul MARTIN'S jpPE"HA H6UE;'- ' SCHOOL PROMOTIONS. _.;__.._;__. PERSONAL, MENTION. n'."o&"' '"'."'.'..'J jnno roydl in. 3 prior. The they MENERABLE m ` GDNE. I o:`ATH o_I= MB. L. L. Llznen. ELEM- MATE or` Tuspnemuan. 1 One ol the Last 0! u.6,sumor'- or! the original I}. E, l`.o:nlleu-ApIInn Who Wu Lon: Lived and Who Wne Univer- enlly lCeI`.eern'ed--lle was Well-to-do. .1 Lewis Luier Bogart died at hie lute reei~ deuce at Goeport on Dec. 24th. He was one at the lat of the first generation of de- icendintl of the U. E. Loyalist: in thin lec- tion, his father being ono__oi `the company who lnn_ded st Adolphuetown in 1776, over I Eentury ago. He wen born within I mile of _t_.ho pluoe wh0J.'9 he lived, heving pur- chased end settled with his bride, Elizabeth Crook. ever 53 years ago. |ndby indultry end frugality hewod out for himneli a coin- iortable home and eccurnuleeed considerable property. the most of which he bed Already uimm to his femilv. rotsininn only euiilcient \- \\ alter Iseauy. Councillors -- Patrick u-rphy. Cheater Hnskina. George Mckenny. John R. Polk. -rnxrsmuw m-' _s`uI."nl 1`ROSm'. of which he had already gigen to his family, whining only tu keep bin-comfortable in his old e. He "was one of a large family of eleven ildren, five of whom were older and ve younger than himself. He outlived them nll, thou li_ moat of them were ven a long life . lfia grandfather was in is 87th gear, grandmo- ther 93, his father 82. mot er nearly" 10`) yeari. Four of his brother: penned three score and fteen years. one nearly four 3..-ore. He poaeoued a splendid constitution, -.. nmmr nick. and in regard to build and HO poeseeeeo Iplalltllll Coulusutmn, wee never nick, end in regard physique wee e perfect type of men, end ` might have lived men years 'h1d `it not been for his embition end eeire to perform work beyond his strength, which brought e cold with congestion end inemmetion which ended fetelly. He had only three children. the late Mortimer (J. ert. Mrs. J ll. McMullen, end Merehe `Bogert. ` His widow survive: him. He was 5' consistent member of the Methodist church for over half e century, and clees Ieeder in the church he helped to build, end took such en interest in forever twenty-ve years. He was e onservetive in politice. being e sluymete and friend of Sir John A. Mec- onnld. He alweys supported his party, sud elwnvs persistently declined beip mix~ ed up in municipal politics, or being gonor- ed with municipel oice. He was universal- ly esteemed, end we`: widely known outeidex of his own county. His life was one of rune-snu nul nnml will tnwerd man. and hi! ' of his county. nu me was one U1 ace and good will tovnrd mun. and u oath just what he long pm ed for, that might not nutfor Ion . in funeral _\1u lnrgely attended on T ursduy by rrowiug roluivea and sympathetic frgnc , the In- norni sermon being preached y" ev. E. E. umimnl And the remnim ccmveved to the norm . being prom.-neu ny` new. r.. n. How'urvl, and the remnim conveyed VAndeBogurt. vault. 7 T} A Klngaton|aIa,.;Who llaa Made Advance- uientburlaz the Past Year. The inapj; friends of Frank Karch, whoee parenus reeide here, will be pleased to learn that he has been proimotedptu Rthe manage- ment of one oft e C. . . company's hotels in the west. Mr. K!\I`(.`l1 began his ra lway career several years ago, tiret be- ing employed in the mechanical dopartment of the (Brand Trunk R. R. Later be ac- cepted a more lucra_ti_ve position on the (I. I . R. western dwiuon. and by attic: and careful agtentirin tofaueineaa W5: gradu- ally promote , his at l' t bein e rnan~ ngerahi ofthe -company : hole at North Bend, 0. Frank in one of the many Kingstoniane who have proven themselves It credit to the old limestone city. He has ahosvn hie ability, and by being industrious and ambitious. ha: been rewarded by his emplo era. It in to behoed, however, that be w 1 stop at this, but at his labora will ` be atlll further a preciated by the C. P. R. man ement, an juatly recognized as they have ain the pat. Kingatoniana will be glad to hear that he has been advanced another rung higher on the ladder of euc- IIII IIIIUIII Qlrlv-lug Arrlvdu at the British America) Hotel- A. Davis, Gunnoqne; J. Bernie. Toroneo; U. W. Clark. Rock Island; J. E. Funquior, Brockville; J. H. McGI-iory. Quebec; J. Bulzhumi. Vmdnnil 3 0. Bird. L F. Qo-..|..n (1 (`null nnnnnnnne I7, R Mn- Bnununra. vnnanuu u. mm. 1-. L.. Suphen, G. (`oullgnnulnioqtioi ; `Ill. M6- Rm. J. Mu ray. levi 0; . or, . K; Mollinonl: Toronto : G. `Mumor, vTh|-ea Riven; C. W. Williunl, Nnpnuoo: C. A. Collins, New York ; K. M. Kello . T. W. McNiou. '1`. G. Lowii} Montrenl ; . R. g`.Rfilly, Prescott: Iiinrriygyttun ; N. y ey, Halifu : H. . Crsig. uhin ton,` D. C. ; G. B. Smart, 0. Robertson. 1g (4. Allen, Brockvillo: C. II. Bu-her, Dett.oit : I 9. J. Lorve{ and wife. -Brook`l`yn, N. I -I Pnn n-no nntnnnl - f I). If c. H. Coc'1mn.,uoncmI;un D. 1. C_al\'iIl & Son, GIMCII Inland; J. Lilly. W. R. Ogden,New Y |'k" N. D. Mckrthur, Montrod; J. S. 8 th, J. B. `Warner, I D Pxunninnh-m Thu-nnrn A Geuulno lkforlntory. ` The Marahultown, glows, Daily Tinacc given an interesting Account of the govern- ment induetrinl school It Eldon. Boys. criminsl and refractory. are sent there from all parts of the state. sad 350 are now being trained At the Ichool. and on I farm of 720 some. The hendquutm contain: eeven brick buildin . beside: burns. a eho , out- buildings. p I] grounds. carrhge rivea, garden plotlvstor vorh.\eto., but no wulls, bars. or lock-upe. The lnnfltntlon in n genu- ine reformltory. It has I Ieuohen, and Inn! nf than Al! (knndi IO Ilicibll outnsu; -J. o. cuuuu, c In ` . J. P. Cunninghun, Tyronto. 'I`0\\"N5IIlI' Ur .`ULll| I mum Reeve-+Andrew tiny, (ac-clamution.) L`oum:illors-J. Stanton, 8. Morris, J. H. ` Singleton, R. Smith, R. G. Murphy, L. ; -,' `nun. \ and {our of than no Cuwdi the principal being C. H. Wu-tmuf an on of his nam- snu in A. H. Loon . like of lfronhnnc. Dr. Lisbon. I unto of >tho Royal, in locgtod night. In on dhtnnt. ` ` ' fxvnurool. onnun IABII1`. Inc-nnnni Inn C._Inll uunroo m. Chum-- WImlh.l|: chorcd od. ~_ ,.___.. A IJYIKPOOLOOITOIC IAIKIT. \j V LxvnuonI..Jan.!. OoMu.quIuzIld1I|haApu-Ion. . W _____ V Ptolslllltlos. Winds. mostly wsst snd south west, [1 . mdn`llI.~ non-u:u. rnonucn lAnxI-r. |lAu1--A - ln- 0 KONTIILL I100` ILIKITU \ Ioxnul. Jun. {LII noon. nuns: Anltn A POPULAE3 YUUNG MAN.` COMMERCIAL MATTERS. The Hotel Arrlvnlu. 'l`0\\ N.s`HlI` m-` u.\.1'|'.uuv A31! nu luanan. Reeve-+1`. H. Pereivd. uoolnnnation.) First Deputy Reeve~Thomu K. Seovil, Walter Benny. l`nnn:-innrn Patrick Mu-rnhv. In Il$-.-I'I$ $QUo:- no Iavnnroo Jun. I-Jpn. mu: nncl Dd. \\'. J. Nuttull. Second Denuty Ree\'e-Samuel Donovm, Alexander Richnrdson. 1`........:lI.-u--,!n|\n (Tm-.I: Jnhn (`nwu1. Alexander mcnnruson. Cuuuci|lorI-John Cook. John Cowm. J oaeph Dunk, Ueorce Emery. -rowxsule or` xowru clmsmx 'uUUll. rnux'r or LEEDS Asn LA.~I.-m0\\'xx. Reeve--Th0ums J. Darling.(ncclamatiou.) First I)epuj.y Rec\'.--James Birmingham, \\'. J. Nuttall. u. ..,....l hnmuny Pnnvn__.Rnnn|nl Dnnmmn. TOWSSIIIP (II-` NUI'l' clulsln. Ree\'e-R. G. Adaum, ucclannntion.) First Deputy Roeve-sV. J. Webster, Noah \'\'hitmurIh. :~-......:lI...._Dl.n, l`.m-min Jnhn Diar. ir.. .\ouh \\ munnnn. Uouncillora-Plut.t. Curtis. John Dior. jr.. Richard Hamilton, June: H. Mnrtin. Daniel Mercley. James Purser, George Sickler, A. L. Tuggtrt, \\illinm Young. 1 mLnur.~m-2 .\.\'n NORTH smmnuonxx. VRee\'c--Jaunu: Donald. Thomas Dunlap. "Councillors - Willinm Stewart. Aaron Luhley, J amen Duncm, Philip Fuir, Dugtld McDoug|ll, William Gardner, Alennder Pardon, J amen Dnncsn, Walter H. Sim. Toxvxsulr or socrn SIIERBROOKB. Reevo--John Ritchie, John Atchiaon. Uouncillors--Putrlck Conley. Isuc Kor- rey. Thoma: Dowdle. E. Deacon. Robert Luidley, J ouph Perkinl. . THE NAMES or TH' .ME&_}[VHO % -ARE AFTER HDNORS. vxnuan or unnuzw. Roeve-Dnvid Barr. Thoma Henderson. Councillou-|-Jqmen Craig. I . S. Stewart, S. McDou|ll. M. French. 1`. Sutford, G. \\'. Ms.-Donald, J. Brannon. vn.t.Anl or ill wn`on.o. 7%:;N@i;1pA;ans%ApLoAT; Room--J. W. rreuon. Councillor-B....0. Lewtt. E. J, Hop- kim. T. C. Singleton,-H . I-Inrrinon. All by ncclunntlon. ' vxnuanor nun. - - Reeve--A:lderly Vunlyck, D. W. Bull. z-........n|...-. _ll. ArmntronR.ThoInIl Bnin. tlon); COIN ! VIM. vvuuun Duuur, IV. v--slrxhon, F. A. Hull, (ucolamllion) ; But W , J. IloCcnn. Dr. Grunt.` Robert Scott. J. M|loolm,'Robon Little. Thoma Noonui. -mun or nnsnox-no. 11.391--3. W. Ruthbnn. (noc|um.tion.) 2:-v---= R Av;--:.'*~..<.-:::*~;.,2 ,, ._ D..u4 _ Dalton. J. . nhsll Oliver. row'xs:1nrs or Kx.\'u's-rox. . u....|. u-..|.:.. 'n.......l. I The Town: and Villages. The Othr r Counties. auuu, u . an m......... vlu..mI or n 1 I17 Dun-nan Reeve--A:lderIy vuuycx. u. H. but. Councillon -l:I. Arnutl-on5`Thmnu Bnin. WE, Llqlionty, N. 8. Bull. J n M. Womp, W. Shibloy. ' `town or run. - Mnyot-'I`homu Code. uoohmntlon.) Councillor-Wonc'wcI*d, J. 0. Cum boll. N. Molanaghou. W- 5- "00". (Worth!- Oontn wud. William Butler. W. -~--Mnluhan. 1". ; ..._1, w. w. cum, I, (V. nun, cum. E. --.L Ink: Hanna; Jung urge ( L ' I Nine Euncinlon u.`;o fbo .x.3ziiiir' ! from each 15:11., " '- ` VVIIIYI lIII!lI' nlnlululuu 4 Accordina to the Kingston correspondent of the Montreal Gazelle the temperance people here are "putting forth every poul- le effort to elect their nominee` in the meyornlty. Although neither candidates ere out and-out temperance nominees still they both claim the temperxnce vote endure entering to the tempermce leader: in none but mnyornlty candidntee can. He adds that the temperance ladies interviewed all the oicemeekere and secured from them promises thnt they would not allow their wives to oer any wine whntever to callers on New Yen`: day, and thst so for an lay in their war they would use their influence with their friends and ncqueintences. Un~ lest they promised this. their election would _be next to hopeless. `or the temperance vote in eetimsted at nearly one hell of the whole city vote. 7 A Large Attenduuce at Sydenhun Street Metllodlet Church on Molulav Nlght. The attendance at the time-honoured watch night service in the Methodist church was large. lling the new hall of the Syden- ham street church. The service was a union one llltl of marked interest. 1` he Rev. J. W. Sparlini presided. and after singing and pra_ye1f"b)L._ e Rev. Mr. Whajng, and read- ing 0 I e ncri tures, the av. W. S ar- ling gave I brie address. He commenifled a thankful and cheerful attitude towards the past. condemning the singling out of its melancholy features, and exhorted to a hopeful outlook into the future. He slight- ly dispanged resolutions as goads ind spurs. Rather. he urged, that men do nght for its own sake and live by the mo- nuunf lI`lII IVI Il VIII! ttinilv u--\- --<- w_' _.-v ._.V ment. ; Pnyer And uln lug were followed by tddresaea fmln the bev. Messrs. Bland and Eldridge. Mr. Bland said` thnt. to night. they were to listen to the preaching of time, An old thought that of the need of action e`er the swift night fell, but necessary. It u-nu \|'nr.`h mnrh u. fl an earnest feelimz. ear the awn: ulgnt xeu, Du; ueceuanry. was worth much to feel an earnest feeling, pre~eminent|y mday_in `an age in which it was so any to drift reepectably dong. and, ~ without any rose sin, loud I petty,common~ plnco,' wort lees life. He ur ed that earnest feelings should be cryata ized into resolution. And the resolution adhered to though the fa sling evaporated. A Christian life could be begun by 5 cold ur timid heart. if that hurt trusted in Christ. 1:. m.a.:.a... ..;a on. an rim nnnnnn Cm- if that heart trusted in unriss. Mr. Eldridge said this was the season for stock taking end recommended stock talxin in 1 spiritual sense. Whst capital he they to meet the lisbility of the coming year 3 Prayer tirst-not the old shop worn rsyer. but fresh, earnest prsyer from the cart. Then isith ; Christ sought fsith on earth. Faith was more than goodness for goodness wesjimited, faith innite. Then resolution. We may step into evil ; we must resolve ourselves into goodness. Some- one hse said there is A post in every man who dies young. There is something better which men kill by refusing to ssy. "I will. Tl... nhl unnr dim! in A nnnsa of silent which llll Dy reluslng D0 ssy. "1 warm. The old your died in I psuso of silent prayer, sud sitar Lhs benediction the con- gre stiou dispersed amid universal hsn -` shs ing and cordinl greetings for the tie yell`. \ The gueuu returned thunk: to the nano- `ciation And the ladies nuxilinry for their kindnis. A pleuant duy wu then brought to I close with family prayers. Gram credit in due to the nocmtary. H. E. Horsey, for the success of eon-rday'a providin . He wu present :11 my, md took great. p ensure In outerklning the young morxnd making them feel at home. A _ l'0\\'NSllll`8 or KISHSTUN. Reeve-Hugh Rankin, Thomsi Lemmqn. First Deputy Re-:ve-E. Joyner, (u;cli - mation.) . . . . Second Deputy Reevo--(`-corge Smith. Charles. Hay. l`....-mill.-um Alan-thnn Ic`.-n ria, ` Thomu Reception at the Y. ll. 0. A. ltoolnh. The roome of the Young Men : Christian Lseociation were visited yesterday by over 550 oung men. who were pleued with the kind y treatment they received. The apert- ments were made very cosy. Evergreen: and liege composed the decorativnrwhich were very pretty. There were games, such as bugetelle end checkers : and refreshment: of the choicelt kind were eerved by the la- diee connected with the churches. In the evening an excellent programme was sub- mitted ee follo Ju. Rendin|r-.\lr. N. Raymond. "Lectureue on "Elocmcity"-Herbert. Horsey. A. UIXI Bl IIIU luun Court Frontenec, No. 59. Independent Order 0! Foreeten. bed in closing meeting ol the you on Monday evening, when it was Announced tint 62 member: hul been ndded to the mile during December, and that the court we: within 5 few of 400. During the evelaiing the following progrumne, wu ren- do. 2 " 0 lei-candle: the rooms. On Monday nah! any people waited up until the dawn the new ear. The Me and druyn bend, connected th the Onnge Young `Briton Ioolety, oeme Into the etnen et 11:45 [And plnyed from that hour until morning. `The members of the bend report heving bed vthe,beet`tlne they ever ex- perienced. They pulled on eruzber of Enninent eitineu, and eereuded them, ey were ven may pretence. Among t.hoee_.eere ed were: Mn. Grimuon, \l--- l`|-----s..- ALI J-mm Rgthlnn J ` the rivet." ""~ .'...1;.'....y.=' % \ (Inc ' |IllAti.on of 0300!`: occur 8? I0 city o3i"l`hnr|duy evening. sonnunngau nonle- :\ n _.IA__ _l_LA ._-_.. -..-`I- --Song` `nun t.hoo'q,,.IeroIn(Iod Mn. Grimuon, Muvct 1`l_Io_mpuon Ald. Juno: Baoddon, J. H. Moeome. u.i>.P.. w. Cnnon, cupuin Uukin sud J. Nushll. Oval-co. U7 incur." Well. win: In it ? Bring me hind I tube 0! J01] of Cucumbon and Bone: for If ch-ppos htndh; It [I the on! thing I'll can then dl right. Any d keep: it I Ilppou." Ir.|A. Dyor & bo., Montreal. _.- "` Rayon icy Aoclninilldii.` Hamilton--Willium Docan. ' Bi'u:t.fog-'d -_C. B. Hejid. ' " l reIjcott-Johu Clrruthers. l ornbroke-\V. Mhrny. St. -Mary's--I`, Digunley. (hit-J. M. Lumndon. I)(Iudu--H. Bloklord. . Perth--Thoma: Code. ' ' Waurlqo-C. Kmn . - 0r:ngovillo--John jlchrint. Owen Sqnn.d--Dunoin Morrison. Cobou asunnel Clark. I-`n.rin- . trond. Cornwnl|-`-'DI'TBumilton. \Vhitby-Jolin Blow. BerIin--L. J. Breithnupt. Palmontou--R. Johnlton. 4- -~ Orillia-1). \\ 4 Slnven. ~ Napnee-T. G. Cuacallen. -----i--j l'-3 genuine Sarah tho`0n Work: ysrd. M. A. Solo-Mr. T. McAlIister. Rm-.mnion--Mr. W. J. 01 Charla. nay. ' Councillor:--Jonathnn I".-aria, `Thoma Forsylh, Joseph Corrie, -lrunea Knapp, Dennis Sheehau. ` r 'l`0\\'NSHlP or_sroImm4:`ru.\'. Reeve--Inaac Holder, William Uibaon. Deputy R.eeve~Angu| F. Bond, (decla- Ilntioia.) V Counci|lors-F., M. Campbell, Thoma BuH{ ]r., John Quail. (acclamntiom) _ Urn:-` tha nominltion 3 vote-of thnnlu Solo-Mr. T. McAllistel'. Recitauon--Mr. Uvenn. Duott-Meaan. Lilllton And Greenwood. So|o--Mr. Greenwood. Rlcxhlbllion of mind-reading-S. H. Gard! A_ 1 B-. | ~yA(idnu-Bro- R. Sutlfhnd. 'RoMlIn --Bro. R. Onwtord. Adnno- h Chlotlhngor Milne. sou-mo. my. Iona : Bllygnn by the court-"In tho Sweet Bye And yo. _, _ ___ _ WATCH NIGHT SERVICE. ; Who`: Tholr NoIn||;:o? I0 A An IPL, ___._ _.........- cm. at use Your. Ar-.. `V- Ell " THE BRTTI nNo.`:oo|.lgort`o . (Mu-diner. \ H Wald. WE DNESI)AY:. Bulls. jl`., Jonn Quau, u1cc1amnuou.; After the ,uominntion vote - of wai given to Mr. Joseph Toland for services us is member of the council for the put. twenty-three yearn After thunkin the ratepayers for vote of thunk: Mr. nlaml advised the new council to be. very careful and especially economical. 1~mvxsuu- or ul.me.\`. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY QHR an new 'I3rnr\TEDG nu. ..?'1_.-_ - .'l`h0 Spice bfilvory Day LIle-Whnt tile Public Are Talkllix About-NothIn~Eo- cqp_e_a the Anentlon.o! thou Who Are _'l`uklnx Notoi. - M - Capt. Dix : skating rink was well pmjon- ized yesterday. ` T Rnnnntr hm: nnrt-hnlod two 10 OD ` Ln LICIIIJDUL Ill |l\lIII|-vs`. -vu - --~_ 7, 7, Ion street. ` . The council chnmbor has been freshly painted and kalaomined . ` ~- New Your mrtiea. heldin the I.C.B.U. A pninted and kalsommea. ` New pnrtiea, I.C.B.U.` : hull and roller rink, were grant aucceuel. lip nnuninn A` Oh: (`.n"lll`It`II' htal. ['8' hull and roller unit, were great aucuuuu.--. Mr. Duolsn, of the Collendar hotel, re- cdivedhll friends yesterday in regal style. Hi: home Wu open all don. A nnrvine mimhla for . ow Year : (luv First Congregational church. . Fur dry onk and soft maple, soft woo'd nnd turd Wood at lowe;L,4a.dnan, go .,.1/o Gruwfordh. foot of Queen street. 'l'kn funnrn` nf JuInnl'(`.lln`ll)8. `h bov s e. more has just arrived at J. Campbell : wood yard, Ontario street, the best stock of sawed or unanwed maple, also the best :`of dry slab wood. .61 J Kilnntrir-'1 has A contract to smmlv Hiahouu an an A service suitable for {iew dsy` was conducted in, the lecture room` of the First Congregational church. ` Fur drv nnlr and ndft rnsole. L}I`l\VIOl`(l'l. {not 0! Queen stress. The funeral of Jumea'Cnmpbel|, the boy who wudrowued below Cataraqui bridge. occurred yont.erdn.y'and wk: well attended. mm M, D. Mnnm discovered a. rich vein TUIKUE ; , 'r0wNs}fn- or Illxclllxnmmxt. Reeve-Iohn E. Campbell, Thomas J. Henge. (`mmclllnrg -- Iohn Goodfellow. (eorzc occurred youerua.y'ana wu wen uusuuuu. Capt. N. D. Moore discovered of iron ore in the township of Darling and hu now a large force of than getting it out. RI-nnlz N Rnnfir huv the bt siabs. hrd hu large torce or men geuupg u. uuu. Breck 8L Booth` have the beat dubs. wood and` dry blocks. "You can get just what yhu want in the fuel line abtheir yard. Rnnl1incrhAnI n Dvn for the whisker: il in VVMSII I away 8, H10 rrluccuu nu. W. _ fapestry, wool and hemp carpet: at cost price ; Woolen yarns of every description at cost price ; the best. and cheapest mqlo linens in the city at R. Mu-Faul s. The Sisters of Charity of the House of rovidence gratefully acknowledge the re- ceipt of 325 from Mr. John Carruthern, also 812. ) from the count councxl. Y m.r....nmI l)rr A Cn, are ncw oerina what ynu want In me me: une uvulexr _vuru. Buckingham : Dye for the one preparation, and never fails to color the beard a beautiful brown or black of 1 natural ] .l....lA ` jot dry sum wood. S. J. Kilpatrick has "A contract sppply the G 'T. R. company with stone from his qmrry on Wolfe Inland. About 100 men will get it out. The hulim of tha` nmhanu' home acknow- Will get It out. The ladies of the` orphans ledge with thanks A grant of $7. ) from the county council, also a. donation from John Carruthera, of 825. At lulu mnnnlvnnlinrflv. in St. MEI'V,l (Jarruthera, ot 82,`). At_ high muzfyeaterday, in St. Mary : cathedral, the bishop delivered an excellent sermon up reprints to the sauna. The mnnin win: no, riving Iron | Snarbot, Laue. Applet-! apple}! applea!-('ooking apples. table apples, raspberry and strawberry jam l`2c., mixed ca.ud'Iea l'2c., eeae, chickens mud turkeys. James Uraw ord. Rnnntiful hnir unmhlz dress and mantle mud turkeys. Jsmea urawroru. Beautiful hair goods ; dress making; ngentffor the (ianilf corset. All work guaranteed. Mina Richardson, our Walsh I Stacy's, 106 Princess St. r.m~..n-u uvnni and hnmn (`..I`l'IQt.I M26 rrom the county councn. Richmond. Orr & Co. are now offering their large nnd we`l-bought stock of cloth: of all sorts. suitable tor ladies, gentleman's. or.children | wear at sale prices. See-their j dvertiaement. Just the thing for Xmas, raspberry and atrnwberry jam, 125a. ; c'xrrmt jelly. l2c.; table and cooking applea; orangea, 2Uc.; lemons, `20c.; candies, l2c.; geese, chickens and turkeyl. Jnmes Crn/ford. Jnnuan wnnnnv nf Enternrile. droooed 'l'UWZ\5llll' Ur uI.|u'..\. Reeve---Joahun` Cox, (ncclamatiom) Councillors - Oolemam Crank. Gilbert Flynn. Henry Turvia. Thoma Robson, (m:~ clalmztion) ' \ 'I`l\|IVhllIII' nl-' (DWI). and turkeyl. James urn/mra. Jnnm Kennedy, of Enterprile, dropped into I hobel yesterday ext. four plate: of oyster: and 3 large piece of roast beef. Then he would not pay his bill, was nrreaug_And ned 81 and cost: or ten day! in gm]. :2-.;-...a Hum Amt. wmt 3 mir of trou- ned I1 and ten any: Ill gun. Friend. if thou dost mm! A pair sers or an overcoat tail not to go to Lambert &. Walsh's, ] 10 Princess street, for verily they hide a nice assortment of goods, which they do make u` at I very reasonable price... All hmnvv coakinu at cost price :31] nlllllc WIS DEC. Besttlrg wood in the city, either out or uncut, at . amen (}n.mpbell s wood yard, op pnsite ban ack gate ; also dry slabs daily ur- riving from Sharbot Luke. Annlu9' .-umlaa! annles!-('o0kimz apples. they do make u` at reaaouum: price... All heavy c oakingu price wool clouds, fuciutbors. hnta. caps. etc., at `cost price ;a.ll annelu, blnnketu sud com- fortera It cost. price ;a|l wool hosiery, mitts. gloves, mufflers. etc.. at cost price at B. L_1cFnui a. At (mmue Hall. Portsmouth. to-mormw l n_acr`nuI'a. At Orange Hall, Portsmouth, evening M ins Annie Fralick willgive A grand concert assisted by Mr. S. H. Clark, the elocutionist, her Portsmouth class, and the best talent of Kingston. Admission, 250. l5ul leaves Market Square at 7o'(-lock. A nuhlin Inns-Hnu of the HIGCCOTS Of `h 'uus leaves market qunre at (U noun. A public meeting of the electors the township of Pittsburg, held Dec. 19th, and preaided over by Alex. Martin, was address- ed by the reeve and members ol the council. Amution of condence was carried by n unanimous. vote in favour of the present council. ' ` The Plate Glass trndo hos become an im- purtaut feature in Cansdn. No` business house would now dream of having the old sheet glue Wll](l0Wl. Not only The deairn of the building is vutly improved. but t e goods displayed in the windows are more inviting when plnte glue is need. Mc~ Unualand & Son, Toronto, nupply by for the largest quantity in Cnnadn. R F. I)inlmn|. formerlv of the aim min- largest qunnuty in unnuun. B. F. Dickens, formerly the sign pain- ter: who were in the city during the sum- mer, and who did some fine work on fence: on buildings, expects to go to Europe next year. He"hu_ contracts enough to lnee 3 staff of painters going for several y rl. When the owers bloom in the Iprin _Mr. C. Martin. artiltic nuinter of thin city, will pack hla trunk and Join Mr. Diokenl staff. Llttell'e Living ago. Dnrin the iortyviive year: of ita existence this eter in weekly magazine hae ateadily maintained it: high standard. It is a thoroughly satisfactory compilation of the moat valuable literature of the day, and a`: mob in unrivalled. An periodical: `of all aorta continue to multiply. this magazine oontinnee to increase in value; and it haa become quite indie nlable to the American reader. By its ai alone he can, with an economy of time, labour and money other- wise impracticable. keep well abreaet with the literary and aoientic progreae of the age and with the work of the ableat living writers. It is the. moat cornprehenalte of m azinea, and it: proepeotua for 1889 is wel worth the attention of all who are aelectin their-..rnaling matter for the new year. uced clnbhin -ram with other periodloala are given. an to new-anhaorlbera remitting now for the year 1889 the inter- venina nnmbera are dent gratia. Littell & Co., Beaten, are the publishers. "Portsmouth School llootlon. The voting in connection with the Portu- month Iopnrnte school oloction wu going on today. A: 1 o'clock the votc at the poll wsn: Peter Benupre. 21 3 Patrick Kenna-_ dy, 19; Honryurk, 19; William Sulllvsn; 10; Lawrence Wnlnh. 7: L. Lochorin, 5. n ...-. n.......1..o nut, thn hank nu-rof the Lawrence \V'ulsh. 731.. uooncnn. u-. ; It. was thought that the but part` of \ votpl wax-4 polled. ` ` cnaunauuu ; 'l`0WN.`lHIl' OF 080. l Deeve-M. Avery, (acclamation) Councillors-'l'. Y. Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong. Chas Young. H. W. Hunt, R. Burke, John Donnelly, Edward Donnelly, Alexander ML-Ginnis. D. Ferguson. 'r0w.\'sun- or Lo'irunBokn. Reeve-Joseph Woodruli`. Deputy Ree)'e--Jabez Stonnesal Councillors ~- Sidnev W. Wood," John Corkill, and James O'Brien. All by ucclamatlon. ~~ <-. rmr_\1~'nIr or l`.\l.\lElLi'PQ}'_, r:1\.`. Reeve---R. Wood, John McKenzie. C0l|ll(`lll0l`-J0lllI Allan, W. J. Donald- son, W. Miller, Major Robert Gilbert. Col. John Walsh, A. Watt, S. Shanks, James Moor, Isaac All( 11. '1'n\\':s'sI1n- or I-I'1'mn1'nu. c Ree\'e~\\'illism Hutton. David Trotter. Deputy R.eeve-John Tierney, Charles Vanholn. Thompson Whitney. Councillors -- William Anderson. James Atkinson, Robert Bennett, Alfred Brown, W. H. Franklin. Patrick Madden, Robert 'l'rottnI:. - -muvuna 1. rue Invr-u I \' n m it'll ? ` TO IIIC IJCIVL A person cured of dednou and mini In the bud of 23 you! Iumding by I Iimplo I I-nvnndv, WI sand I d1l'iD0lI Of Pall [ the had of 23 your! nanamg Dy :5 uunpu remedy. will send 5 duoriptgzn It ray`; tognylpu-con when p onto xonoxgqx .{ St. John se., Mont:-rd. -' . ` ' A 1.0-us -,1-U-` 'l'0l'WII'II Idllujip .Nxt regular mootln Friday nut. Jan. 4th. in Son: of Englou room. All brothorn` I-unnnntnr` in ha nnlnnt. cm. In OOIII 0! Iunjlnuu u nquubd to bohpreunt.` eaterday. - . iennett hga purchued two lots Nel- rant u vurv--- BUSYJREPORTE-HIS.- 'I the Deaf. I ,1 _I_-l;-.. ' The McDowell company, so porting ` Hastings that she has a secret in her pat ' life that she cannot divulge. He -ash-s-her l j . . The llopowall compel: In 3 Popular `r-nay-The Stljoni s`s_m'in or re. Percy Hunting, presented f`or.the rst time here,` yesterday, matinee and night." Mirk Quinton`s English melodrama, ,"In His" Power, to well-pleased audiences. The action of the play takes place in Paris. Itis essentially aplay of the people, intense in character, containing humor and pathos of no mean order. It opens in a breez man- ner, introducing Mr. and `Mrs. astings around whonT'th'e action of the play centres. Maria (Mrs. Hastings) is a beautiful young girl whom John Hastings finds in London. Although she is r and friendless he o'ers her his heart an hand. She at first refuses and upon being pressed for the reason, tell; if it is anything that can interfere with their future`, to which she answers no.3'~~He then tells her the secret shall` be there and repeats, the o'er of his hand,wh_ieh she accepts. The anniversary of their mirriaasz ~ nds them in Paris, where he is servin in the French army. Up to this time life grad been for them all that he desire(l;"Wh`6n a shadow falls across their--path in the person of Eugene Lyon, a_ German spy and aii'ireii'-W iursr.. the supposed former husband of Maria. Seeking hisoppertunity he enters the house -when she is alone, and forces he;-by threats to aid him in acquiring the I contents of a dis tch which he"lmows Mr. Hastings wil have on` his person when he returns" hbme. " They are surprised _b the husband, Lyon concealing himsel behind the curtains of the balcony. and when coffee is served to liastin s forces Maria to drug her husband r with c loral. After copying the dispatch he departs. Hastingt. preparing to leave the house to notify the general of his loss, discovers a strange coat. The coat belongs to the man who copied the dispatch, Eu ene Lyon. Lyon is followed to his lair by ast- ings only to nd his suspicions justified by nding his own wife at the man s lodgings. Hastin s questions his wife as to why she is there, ut she refuses to answer, and the curtain descends on the\ strongest climar ever witnessed at the o a house. The last act brings Maria and h r husband to- gether, when she tells the'st y of her life and is forgiven. Lyon, viaitin the house, is pursued by a mob and shot. thus freeing all people.that are in his power. Mr. Percy ll rating a very uniqt1e"perforrfce1ol AL..A ...._ ..a...... I... nvnr anon I-In invsroll 13 AN. -2. Henge. Councillors lohn Goodfellow, George Howes, Benson Peters. Thomas I`-nckley, Merenleus Crank, John McMahon, John Dior. Patrick Donahue. 'ro\\'.\'sIu|- 0|-`~ mzmxmn. Reeve--Jaln`en \\ ilson. James Young. (Iouuci|lora-Jamee Anderson. John Do- noglnue, Thomu Hastin 9, John Kennedy. William Lee, Ionn Mad un. Thoma: Sweet- man. Joseph M. Tnggnrt, John D. Walker. TOWNSHIP. or KE..\`.\'l-Zl-20. leeve--Williuln Pringle. Councillora-Anaon Llark, Charles See. Hiram Vanneas, Andrew Boombower. All elected by acclamntion. 1-nu'v or lll)\\'F lsl.A.\ l).

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