Ae 3...-=-'"-1.: ea- -W Inn nlll muscle. push Aid gallon. Th clamor Bldan Boll: will luv: `win ! wharf awry Honda] and Friday at l -. lot Ottawa and luornodhh lnonl ol tho Into lb unbloc- Tlnnn I-ah nl-an --A-|.- .h....... -_.a Llunonlol mo Into lb Kahlu- Suusutplpou yuuordny dunno. and in Iugoly nnudod. The cuht In wound with truth. an .m. J ..... Inn Iugoly IIIOIGOG. I'M cnot ocnnd with Inoutlu. the gm: of may dual lrhtdo. Iguana. n-......u... ._ L.l__ ..-1_ 1-- wuon a Mercy 1. (hvin. Ibo A"bcury dunner. In book At thoburrn-h,nnd in n sick man. He rocmod About Nan Ynri om. bolon ha` gnu hhnnl! up In Hsmiltrm. UM. Romombu Katkuhun I. ..In...n` .n Ruben Klan. hnd curler. ol lhmilwn. hu nu Iocuroul l.`7.'),(Illl In Fnglnml tbro I 7'" I rm um`. dam. Iruly thin In I out o n hurl c.-nrrk-r being a king. KM gluvu mu -Io no good an III by null] Huh:-n'g|ovn oluner To be bud only at Wnloh & Sunvyl UAVHI. "A" hnllnrv dnnorino In hgnh n:rnn,g`I. Thane who tnkeulnutnqo of the Nnud'I rumble Among the lulnndn. Saturday. Aug. `uh, wl|l reap the I-enol of but "fun: ol I Nnouvcrv . " K.D.U. II Irnmood to can nu mm M indlgutlou. fold Pry E. (`. Mltuho I. A dunner. nomad Nu picked up II Toronto by Su. sh Gunner Grltn. ol "A"hIt 1. M14 bro git ht- lor tlhl. ' Manchu. lama ('ruvlord. AM. Rea wuhu the lmprovclmm to be mu-In In the city lmihlingu won onmplota. AI uhsirnus 0! any prvvpcrly hi: lot in not 5 very hnppy om. Telephone Nw. I0. hncll hitched dny or night: drlvon In livery drum; modornlo primn; I. A Clnpp A Son. An English plus glut lrevul mdgod mir rnr. l'1x4-i ft , in st lhulhund Trunk frolghp shod. I . It to he placed In the bl! of the |'rm'|nuinl hmel. and rupborrioo. Junu urovqglvlo nollluy. 'l he odlcl has North from houlquu an In London l at thy woman 0! the no vutlon army must no longer won jowclry. Fur naps but been 'Ic|m: to Inha m vulon long" naps `him: sun the dominlnn voting II for Frnuu-nu porfrot. Nobody uum to one whether be In: I vote. nugu nr0I.. mnguon. Um. Us when you on njoy ounoll llld [Iva your ohlldnl nu muting. lo 50 Channel Urovclgivlo hollloy. none lnnh hum h...I...... W )I)ol'1'-no-n nltlnlhculhuhvu \Q\nnnQs..___ ..:._.;.gg__.. _;__._,. . uvenluq. lnnu wua Ill`! turn out Unrdon rupborriu, Iota ol thom. Cruvlord. Hr...-.--ah: l....-I-a 1-- LA_. I... .L Stumylchl Lonlal lor hlro b the hour, day or took. Apply to I. H. olgrr or `to Fulll Bron. Kingston. Ont. you niov nun-ll And .1. Inn, clvu: nouuny. \\ all for It. (7nmpKoxyuIum,lormorl JohnU'h'roI dawn no rivar I lo'v mi an, ill ph: graphed ycuenhy by nmulaurl. Be aura And his Ham st `[10 Hntunl [I'll I uuna Llnulluu. at Hrookvlllo. on I to play the Kmguou Iwruuc ulub In rucivlllc an Iuud . AI Ibo solo of In `lhouund Inland yu- lanlny Folgtr liroa.. uohuod Ihuo: ltl `tonne, um; ll` M. l rluoo. am. Tho mu! of tho Ihnmbleu wlll bu cxundod no on to nlfnnl protection, to tha lnlnmlan. who will nun] uuulxla In luturo. 'l'ln cnnunl plonlc ul llu l.C,ll.U-. lulu place At. Uhnunl (lrovc, on Tuesday. Aug. lllh, clvlc hollnlny. Wnll lot it. (`amp Kox vulum. lomurlv John U'Hm.;'. count or In per cent. (>11 ngulu prlc Hardy`: nlo. Iho \uuna (fnnullnnl. of Hroohvlllo : bout ulnv tha Kmunm. |u-mu. ..I '02. K. l).U. g lnlhuunn Mlachlaviuus buy: no in the h ringing the bell In S1 (ioovgui cu evorv lluhl. Ge-rmsn oomph jnchu calling wl 0! lb of! \ Hardy`: n ulul ulna: quuuuw uallu. nu DOOII an [apt] lot the LL. H. U. phmlc. civic hodny. The "Haunted Cll Hnun" will be noun hum thc deck: of the Mnud Hnturdny, Aug -uh. in nu. ' A first ulnuquulriila hand. bu boon 1 L . hodu will hit .. .. .... - ...V..._4 Jbcophoovdu-on ton-0-.1 IIEEI. `..-- ..A..... A. J- 3- P l'Il'l'I II IIQII .ClIlDI.`- Blu uk: .1 novel; at Hsrdy`n. ' sugar ourod bhoulclou. Ha. Juno: Lin lard. Uoorgu urea! property sale adjourned u til lllh In. Sec Adv. land 1,!!!) Island: shulrdny. Aug. mu, `1 `am. Ihup, stopping at T. L purl. I In thought that About 8,000 pouou u ruuiciilug It I nnuuod Inland Put. A "2 lAdI'l kid bunt II Arman-um- . I. Tl UNDIRTAI Open day and ulu-ht. lowly` Pnrnlrnpba Picked Up by 0.: | Donor: In Thou Hnmhlnn. wnna 4. gm ofisunau nu ha I` nml I , . ll` ` Klhllfou; A `IL I relic! of the has Anu lalnmumluul \ 1 mun can I' uncrnlyhom her Illa mddnncs. Dlvtolun nu rsuurdu M I p m I'rieu AM wqudntu an ruputlfu I] hunted in mud. EARS! NU_ 'CL..IAW.- `HI! lnllhdbfijga iluiuvx. an nudny. A . 3.` Jn (lqcba. Oqnnl ` 0 010-13 Tbunlu Mn! J. _. uuun 3341:. 7 LIADIIO UIDIITAKII I IIIALIIU IM Prluudlnlt. OnrIUI`1duh-' aqua-. JAMES onAwFono's ._____-_-__._____j_:_ W. I. DIIINAI. UIDIBTAKIB. 76 Prwsall Opoudnynndnlu-ht. The P;o})s, are l I w I )0: 3 ?m FRESH : MACKERELI IIICIII nlllfl. mmor clearing Ink 0! boot: II Arm- 4'1. umcnnng u I nnuund ulna Put. 32 Indy`: km boat at Armurungh I I 50. . nulum. Wednudby. Au` v. Jmflacba. Our mu Io ' In `lingual K1u[& vilnl iAili aim. `Nil LEAD 0 UIDIl`l A.llK. Pflld Hunt I, ' u:----- u. no -aauuauu-.'I-a an lNClDENT5 (`)F"-THE DAV. QIIOOKJ. W1 npholmunm. wxu, wlu. run: we All SUMMER HA TS Z;-jjjjq IIIIII IIAII. I ITIDIITAIIE A ll % nunnmo Iv-. Ah uh. 3-4A__. . Al 10 Cents 3 thin dia- lu price:-. v hnbl! 0! cnhednl urourl, photo- sr/in vy //A rs VIM speclnity. Ailonll Outt. Anoutngo vuoouniudaoodngluc Illlury Ia-rs` Tennis. :6 than unity radian burg. nah numb`. cl n.'||ddov I knit! lolhv can run J mp lap-as , and huhu man it and lb Th&|n% nlundhn '.CH.'y'f vs .IomITouIooIIIl will an oral; and beans umwun? no notanlrbtnubyhlrth. hadllulno dowlthpolmn Elihu: d|yI.`I|I1lh |Ml.hIInIIbn()rInp.uv'onoI-lbs enan.. wnuee teny eerwnon Iron Jonn nu , l2l1l v.. end eloquent end lnetrnctlve lecture ol the Frldey helore upon "Wloh- lltle end the Blble," wlll long be relnenahered by the rnnltltnde. A: well eleo. the elut- noon eermon hy Rev. Mr. lloleoe. ol Belle ville. Ont... I119 epohe wlth enah oonvlnclng wer from the euhjeot. "Art Than e Ina." lhet the eyed dlvlne. Rev. Mr. lrwln, who lollowed In eyer, thenhed (lad thet rellglon hed not omeged, hut hed ell the old tllne wet end lore: It ever hed. end we: being le t ln the eeme wey In lend- lna eoele totlhrlet. Thle eermon wee fol l-med. Tueedey, hy e lecture from Mr. Hodeon upon "Heelth end Uood Netnre," which wee enoh e an-nlel, merry. heppylm ellelr thetwe were rnede reelly better-netnred end etronger-haerted IA) meet |l!e'e etru lee Theennd lelennl Perl le lergely petrnn ed et prent, end Itlll there In room end land [or ell who nolln. Another ler pert; vlelted the dellglttlul old city of Ylnptoe eeu-rdey. tellna In ell the ettrectlooe t elorde by e tour hour`: eter. The hutele elong the rlhr era In I. but en meny come end meny go, end emu, like the river. [0 on lorever. eo therele room elweye tor those who ahooee the llle ol the hotel. The little vlllege ol (Ileyton. with In eeverel hotele. le crowded. Prominent em the hotel: le the New Wlndeor. rel ml over ln the meet egreeeble Inennee y Mr` end Mre. Howee, who meee you he! on entirely et hone thet yon elrnoet. wleh you could etny there elweye. Bet `he ettuctlone elong the rlver, end S ll on It, ere ew greet thet we oen her ly te I which to ohooee, lead or` weter. or hnth. Indeed we tehe both whenever opportenlty eorde no the pleeenre. Men) ere the eetohee eleo et Ihle eeenon.l nseen. oloonree. at tleh. The other utehee do net eeem to come wllhln uetphh-3 dleteeoe. et leent. we hnve not heerd ol eny eeeh the: here been eeeght on the river th there nney begreet englle le tdl Ieey n lelrneldheele hereh of IQ or twelve peeedploeeeel. eecwlteeellvcheot elthee.het feet e ee-no ween. Cane evethleleeedenleendhelp ee ad we'll eeeh teen ta roe.--0mvn. win] no an-cu we uruujuuun. lnee delivered steer the pubs : VHHI l)S1rJohe Ila referred. by the wet. hhooeneoeloe vial an eedee: `NI Inn. out nu lncaouuua 1oI.-0n KINGSTON. NT.. TH VRSPAY EVENING. AUGUST` 6. IBOIQ AIJ. tours---not-vol ranch KIVo 3?. II Notwlthnuodlnq Ibo terrible norm of uurdny and many days provionu, Sunday. Aug. ind. broke upon thb hlo of tho thou and: with: brightness and vu-mth that botukennd non qnublo Ithlf.` I'M pooplo lldd the [not lshonnola In tho morulngtohou Rev. Dr. Dawn. DoI.mlI. Mloh.. who-o puurly Irons John . v.. olomnnt md lnurucdvn Granny `futon with the Hun ` lav. Ir. I11. oy lolll man: It In lntonntlnq touoto that tho council won nwudod at (nuns And not by the warden u hitherto. This no the am you Iuuh I uhnugo had been muio. And it noon: to Run bun [mum with and nlulln. Capt. Unwlord gap the noun III Inndor wu no hlglr Inn beacon to woo [Inn to under- Itnnd tint the counselor would have to won the stout ; tho othor tondann undo! stood that tho oonl Ind o to he dollvorod. convict labor gnnloodlu not-lag It. A.___._. go so put Ion; coconut. I-LII) pot too. Captain Qukla will nus nu unquiry Into the oonl math! to be futile! ed with. Ho thus ho hum the nu Inward. uuol thoouo and null Indus he will bolion he was ouchend out 0! the under by loul It In lnmrmtlnl In IMIIA ILA: Ihn munurnntn W7 50 IIIO." {he povornrnnl II ptdlg tho cod lot tho itcnthry ohaper lab us: than Ian M oontnooor noolud the (allowing prices In! uuon; kg, Itl ton: smith, 0!) 40 Ion; shutout. W too. cums. Unkla unuuirv unuoru wore pm tn slur tho opoalod tune. ldldnottolluyponoulhnd todorodud how thin lnlotnullon lashed out in I myt- urv to ma." wu (no mwul. an aunt nu: At noon, and the ruuon 1 com: to this oooclubon in boonu that on the Huh not I the counc- Ion ammo and told no I had (adored. He wanted to know why I did not loll him I Lcndond. In the nltornoon cl tin day he won: mom-. I luvs nun: Io helluva undorl pm In slur tho Ipodlod thno. ldldnottolluylnnoulhnd on man. Thu ouphh add: "I I VII tho Iowut June I`. that rnnnnn I nnlnn In t II; Io Jollod the oroogooau. ........a. .a.n.....| .o....;. ...a. raoouroa lot can uur noon on um um, O! on tho lath 0|` 19th!" the than for condor: to to In in Jun 17th. A: noun. Aooordi to mnfhu and won June: 3 I h oatuhdto the caucus boouuo nouonoool In and hunt INI- shrythu any other. The quail! who II plloduoulollovu: lIg'.i,IIlI1;' no I, lwluu; chestnut. I6 Iona; unltha, 50 duo. TWEDDELL. voruumnnk TM: morning Com. Uutln in inter vlovod. Ha tool: vary can out the uvud 0! thunder: And has the idea Lhn lion wu nouuth "crooked" in nu Adair. Ho up my qua tin should be asked by Mr. Canton h : Wu thou uy I-nodal rooolvod lot and that Jul Huh. :1 in IL: III): no Ilhh "' Th: II-no 'nD uuuuguwx onnII.II7A. K RUN 0013- U. . : -' '.':&.'2.` -" -H ohanmct. cum; 3 . Juno vill-Egg. 04.58: Ooh. `I 70; chumul. H 73: onnna. O4 78. 9 The mu: npomd ca nu no waoplod. Thin unnnnninn (`Ann ll--hI- -nA I-I. 'l*"1IIIl.|II, IUUI. 8.1. 5. Tuna Iudon Inn-nndvcd: J-It-0-ti--l!n.Ouo: an. M06; shutout. O-ON; snl|h.O75. R.CnvtouI-ln1. 119: :11. 194: '1... mug is. `cum-. u.:.. put Ihcuqltu nth hryrullnvg I : 'ul."JuuhnIuuhucnlIodhvvlnh the lutdxuoqoluvlhoconlydndhth 1 Kbpuoponhuthn. I I Wluuuu anuhjlnlhlkvf If so not Sunset at oovuur DENIAL tuowdv. THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. ms PEN ITBNTIARY 00.41. I pecan 1 nrhvuuluinlhdkvf I. Ilou nuylud-Iicnnadvclby nboduuhuuuulouun ` Q4-6-OCH--:.- . `'8 er FurFbe|.1IniIyWork no mu Iunanuwloplyu Indnv. Tloyu-In-uoh unovno the-uncut shot. Juhg u pnuyoldcu htbcurnul I |__n=.`c?...":: .."-:':.f.:.' .:.'::'.:; may cugll II no won 3 Illa. J: my luau. Vumnpol and John Dcohdd I the Juneau liking M Collluby. J unt thirty in: Sun I than Ion)-Iva point. had Ibo run but Ihnopouth I. ` A llltloduom Io-n v A under mu upon :80 bomool John pnn sang" a! no Wm... Bothlndlnouon and )ul'1'qlIvcdvIchu;nnnt!` uuorauy luau. l unom. u., 1. Iholoy. A. R0001 J. wing has lot a crib: In the all non Victoria. out 0 low Iona` on 550 hood I J. HWY, I. HIDDIPG, V` . N. NE`. -KIIPXI W. Turner. A. K shown. Tunnto; Boyd `imlth, Washington. l).() ; J. H. Hclnron ud Illa. lb U. Lona, Brooklyn. N.\ ; F`. K Prltohud and lady. (hi 0, N.\' ; Wm. Bunker. (kw . N \ .:(i..a. Falling and Id , Huh I , N.\'.;J. H. Lnnov. BO|lu'|lL; J. N. Illhf. Amhornbcrl. Oak; W, W, (alumna. Ilunhhnon. Kn : H L uouovun; J. N. lllhf. Anna-nmru. un; W. W. (ileum. Hutchinson. Kn ; H. L. Pu. Capo Viacom: J. A. lhdooch. lnguuu. __ IUQO `l'i|| Fbllll Ycuorday Inna. (harm Uotd. I. ` Ruby. A. and ` . ....a.. l- n. u.. ....n \n......a. 1-... I III -053: nvnvuln Arrival: M the Hrhhh Anodxu howl. ~ Fred. Wllto, F. lirown, Ju. Bltlurford. W. A. Doyle. P. Bounur, J. L K-rr. E J. Kan, T. Hlblurd, w. K. Hun. luau IN rnrnnn A R Rh--m TanDnnIA- R..a.l Hf. Hilfllh, II QIIIOOO. ID 053 gllnhod pooplo an raiding than On Wodnodny W. R. thtrlthorl and Mn Snort Irrlnd in the oily lrom Ht. Puriol when they urn apoudlng their nvnmor mouths. Phoir VHI each city In any-d by the death cl Mk: Hunt. Mr Uurlthon say: He. Pnltloi to I very plan IM vuorinq plane n Inllol Iron: Kin: du Loup, The has SI: John Iho-Iondd up-In hh Iummn vsoouonu hon. HI: how: in nov ccuplod by Jud Quinn and lsmily. Mr. endish. 0! (Juan. and oshor Mm.` ECOI Hug! try J Ith, Qn .....m.,. lllnl no uumy. unkind noonlo Ln reaidlnn than no I not auu lo! us Iupoouou no lo we budge`: Ioloty before Ihn many In 3 nd. Cola. Blnnhonaio and Cotton will not lot tho govonamut This in the tint mm on lupocuon bu been held, and In an evidence shut detail: In bola] olaooly utundod to hy the MI nlnhtor. NJQTION BALE OTCUTC I JVIIIIUII VS.).'........-';:>'5`#""`-`W ` I-N ' `I ` .. :-wr IIU rIrlI II-I. Recently tho (fntonqul bridge company forwugiotl ll hall youly hill to the nlnlour nl mimic. Psrnorly the shotgun for the snout cum to land at once. But Sir Adolphe bu boon loolln Illo Ibo IANOI, undnuhuu mllnlor An anuln oh. uuruuul 0-01 -I lllllll ll lulu. run all usdcohnu adlnlor acute vho midst`: lth manor In x .vd. An. us and suaasnly throws his um I to non the bsll. when Ms hsnd loosen- sd lbs `rl and his um lsll helpless. Dr. Hopkins, rsusd Ihs wound sod wllh Dr. Dsnlhs, iyrscnss, Ill! rodsos lhs lrsctnn. n rxilllf VIIC. In throw I buohnll u l`honnnd lnlud . 0. K. ak. Uuvqo. Ihntond tho umruol his right um. It in named by tho union o! the utouln guuclol talk` qnlutly In o pooltion to tho oonuucllo Air. Ha ha suddonly thrown MI L0! bull. M: loann. uoruor. A atop um long gun in nude -II the book 01 Nlhand. It required Ill sdtohcno olouil. IXUIVUC -"'5." KJIII. Yutordny (7. Elmer In tho employ ol A. E. Elna. harbor. mat with I had booldonl. H: In bola` olnvod by I young Ind numd Huloy, and during the proorn Juno: ruud III luldlo hruh own 5 y when he Icnmk Ihoruor. A doopu: long [uh mud: nuulrad uh u-y. --u -nu----:1 u-rrvwgtu I. mums Io`;Tbv|ugz'u Lhydduu htbcprnut u III uunnhlu J 5 mannin- C If-IIUOICU UICK I-. CCU. Psldok Nnvh. Anluntburq. will soon begin work on u punphg Iouo Ind claim any at the dry dock In Klnpton. `Hue unoung 0! Mr. Nuilfu contract will be CHAIN). Ho In alto IIIOII` the lawn: an dent-I lor tne Addition to the Royal mlll~ my ool|ogu._ '*i1-.~ C-lI .593` ICCIY UIIIIIIC1 Homouopl should bu than to provul you run Iron. going In swimming at! Uatr nqn brldp In daylight. but Sunday durnoon I number 0! young most on! twenty yum ol qn, dhtobud while any mm were oronlnq 0.0 and [tom [lurk }0l"I'wu Itl an-mu-ouzbunsm I'll! Ilolcl II Iuvculgnuul. J. U. Hoylaa. lnnpootor ol ptbou. u rind Inn ovrnlnq. He in on I spook! alibi Ind will hold an Investigation ling ch diunhnl on gum "I". Smith. ol nulnoulh. uhnrpd with ucrclouuu In the dbulnrp of hi: duties. [no no IIIIOI lecture to an u not- 'pruldusolcho sodould In-or-Id con Ialtloo In conjunction with the other Ibu- Ionnl governors." JC ll IIXII F791 CI LOIL Lint. Uov. Nolan. writing to I :-Inclpnl Oran. mu: "1 bog to sun chn It will [In much louun to ot- 'III'C|dIIIoll.h nndunnld manor-hi an- Crouch Anion! Island. I H. Rlohudn. Amhorlt Inland, on of In olden ndduu. In In the city cuter day. Ila Qty! In um :51 ouch crop- at Ibo bland as this cu. vory'uop nap! hay will in uh: at II III] he a two third: atop. lo oor. In Hort. flan was I41! I confusion M I bun 1&4 I luv day: ago At. Uoduvlo, nnbout hall at the Inca nlual to -orl. I! tho pm- rluot would not got bar (or dam. Ho rm and to go: It, Io Ihoy loot am: noon and It-ll. at noon II outdo: lkllt Ihlzlnb. wgdhgzuud. `COOS Icllovlllo I0.P||y. At:-nihgioclduduhhldlun cvuhgltvullddod to nodnuuw Bol|Iv|oon|I.odvk'hol|dny. Thouhuu cl an-nah` moonlight oxoudou for '.h bod! Ihzlnb. III dhcuud. 0 ICE flu] `IIOC All. It. Jchunn. Annals. Ooluh unu In null round nuldu. Ila ylnyod U uuudvhllnhuooundyud cutaneous ldty loboouophyuy - btunanhcu|II. AnI'uou|.uuu Th nlllun J "A" busy nn roll p-11` n'.`.'.2`..'.: 5'1?`-.-1.`.u y` dtlignd vboncldltylhnchuvy nu-aunt,-hhguuuung I v_._.._._..... - Chou Iolld 'onIlboIlpI|. Icmluqylnnhulonnd can olhuquhbh auhnuovd ` china unnlvotlhrzhowononol lion!-Is nu-ui-1 I1.-mu glad Iohnufnu puplohvhgvon uhuwv. )0ll` pull plush with corn! -irhru ' GTV ARI! VIXITV. Inuit ItI.IovcundDun[\.IIo vaults !|outhn(`nlUwIh. In any tun, mun-dlutni vonucnou ulonlhhbuhuu. - I fjthnncxnngnq--. Into. Its Ads (bob, hm cl Wmha Unwind Pohfhte `an Khnvuuhggu nnnhl ynlwbfu L It nub. at `fault H-n-u I2` and hunth -Lo. --o A- wuapuuu-n JIDCU'lU`l, _Iov. J. J. Hvltuol Troy, N. ..uda pun cllrkodnll to-dnyiov n ruinous tho`-Mcunvovh Ihononnynhluh. II-vd Buhhd Wadhnou. Du. can en nun. an v m-an non `II. R I|l|:: III. In Illu loll nnordny lot Rocbotu. N Y. Thy rm hnlhnntnd In J:-an ()'H.Idh mwrnon yuurany. Rev Mr. aunt. 3 grndubd Quasi. `huh-nllodh Rldgnovo Probypcrhn ohuroholnnnd uncut. jg [Aha gal Hlnlnu .1 nLA. )ull"l`Hu olwtn with your hath! 0" . DC! IOU DOQKIO OI Ill WI mabud. an mud: Inn n K IIIIQ Mn HA1 M4 mu. A. T. Nmlch, mango: of (In La! bone urvlou. want In Roohahv. NJ` , uy on I than VHL III Hallway brutal cl Uhlap. In In chad: . Iaynnolo and Italian] all dun. Ion. Wlndlanrhrvlllulo pu-H: a nuclear pick ol Brut rdornon duh; tho CH] hll. ll. utes: Crunhv Ht Inn gum in unploxycruu I. H. and K V any loxyunn. ~l.ll.ud.W.FolguudI. mum In sqlaodndlho nloolhhl It mm. lnwnnon yuurdny. Hulk. Indiana! Dunn`; tnorlynu. up.-aucn-my use it luv odolornhuopndbg I jolly Icon unnloncrnn. gut. Rev, Fr. DuIdnll_ IDIII NI. I` Incnoppolnod Iotuvuncpnrhhol Mgu vlllo. A T Hnnhj -ng-A-nu .1 oh. n.l...L-_- Mcnn Lch and Ruby. lotnorly d um city. but -onion ol uh Wsunown mu hand. an vnn Orland. Inn -III lulu lulu By no Ill lnry Fulgu An mm. In H noun. NY. Min Annie llolllgomo |ddIuovn_N \ W In vhlna In. lunar. (flat-1 nun`: Inon vnn ('hlel Horny but you In Piulnn on 3 than lnvlnuah. Hlnu Lou url Floroam Hook an vlol! lrlcluln ln Ulwogn. Roan lull for (Thloago ynlovday ln touch ol Imploymenl. Ila Hoyrnour, 0! Port Hope, ll Ibo gun! ol Mn. Uclvln, Uonlua Inland. Rev. I). Lnlng Ipuh cl Forth to mono` n M on (.`hrlotlnu I-Indnvot wpln ll: Kiln Mnrnhv And Inn Man ldau Pooplo Whoa Ion--onlg NyIj.n Amt Dollul Auras: Annama- ' L K, "i""." U, .. born. .5... I (live It Iiplnnulon. Ir layer. KI!U.~I1 U'l, Aug. .'- ~-( To the Hilton It In Hand sometime I[D,llI your ulnnbln popcnthnt All the local lmprovmom I: luv: posted this you. sad lot coma mac . were lllognl. and KM any solicitor, who I- slwnyu pnhod For his supposed gnu! vb docs and lalolllpwo and out of the 0101. WC! uiod to uplnln. No guru Inn bun (Ivan. will my muynr plant maho uplun dot: at once. but tho mu lunch` I. with othcru. no hkruusd, sad it then In My thing wrong now 5 the limo. sud not cunts more Iroublo by hiding ur covering It up. but In have light.--(`AnIu.,,u Wnu, rrronnn uluuolu Io "prints." "rinniv inn," oIo.. I will not oooo inrihor thou to remark that the oourrnvoriy `bureau lb- (fhun-h ui Eoglnnd uni Puriuniom vu noily olnood, noiu u oohor uyumout in oouoonod. oonu u-no hundred yoonngo by lint gnu Md ndioioul divine, Richard Hoohr. in his " Iooiutiaol I`oiiIy,tMl lrcuun honu oi profound loaning and powerful reasoning. i rolor Ir. Uolinher and All who think with him: Mid if to does not pound the work already. in ma ro&m-. mold him to procure the but edition. that oi John Kobio. and togin oonful oluniiou Oaths ncuuad now: with which the hm: Iuriobod in but Mm road Iv. oouluil sad pnyoriully. without pnju dionno vision haunt riooorniuuion no on-in It the truth; sad viuuvor other rr unit may ho Attained. I would his hop: tint ho Iiii at Icon bun ilnbibod In much oi the spirit oi tho author and tho. oditor. that in will houoolonh regard with obhornnou uni latching tho nuompn oi rcligiou demo gogucl to deceive the nwu-y by the nu oi rninlooding pinruu, or In Iiclln popular inncy by moon: of rods cpithou. ~--A. Rrlwlu. nu -. u. unuu. -I;-uni as I Ilul III marrow I-Zndouor Mar by In-y dgu Ln vlnltlui Hyncuou. non`: eocroe oopld be deemed an lneull. 3. The: it wen u oleooe egehot ohrhdu: ohuivy me without saying. I can the! Mr. uJ1.n hlmull Ilyet come to eee thle. en: though he triee meeewhue to ebelbr hlmeell behind IOIII wonderful polenlonl reeeou. Ill: eltem I to duty A red herd eon-on the scent.` ch Is. Me Irrelevant cl uetoue Io "prluu." "rllnel AL. farther than man In near one ol Ind: number undo tho obpot at a low nod val at actual. and lb: loo complying udody V th onooltho canon 0! Instant` I can not what their lndlviddal vum u|gtI ho, If they run loyd churchmen they could nu! but fool insulted sud ouuqpd by not grant lmponlmuoo Ind boorhhuou on u pan 4! mother guest I! no nan: Inbln. It VII Ill [mall to Ibtiltolc body 0! Angh om olorgysotu as anything Canada from non`: oopld bu darned but I. ohm. nu. ohms... nomu: noun: ll don pol cocoon null. . But Mr. Ucllnlufu Ipuoh . can not only In dlroct uontnvondon ol the prindplon at Urunshm; It In aha A curious ounoo sq-ulna: good IIIIIOIII and In |IIl ol hol- plullty. 1 un not nun thtlchl unto IN: to Mr. Odlaheri oppnhculou. but will try. You other rudcu vl. under the oitoumnunu. pardon no lot on doovortng :0 won an nlon. Al the bumps! than Inn pcunt uvonl Aagllosn clergyman. some odiuhlly. cons to Inrlbd gu-II. Could II in ` ha-an lo IIKII to hunt one nl I nnl-hm no] an no one: much. he! I Ihht It. (inllabo: will no! deny that! Mu `Inn their panning. Urngohu do: an ab: to: tho purpuuuluhtuhnng llouuhn. or what uv lndivldul ()1-spun may unhuh lot Ronuhn. uyvbao. ouuvlu In obpcl would urn ly halo In ploluuod Dfiadpla. II: at. object u ngudn Romania in. b all lavhlnnnn ouubiut vlthlloroud pthdphnd tdonthu In ` provost Ibo (Thanh cl Kano tron gdnhg political` mounds:-.01 in IN: country. II N ounnlnl rgubod I lie at upwuzt: :OfIooIIlZwlIV . vutunuly Ivan Int orjnllll ml uporng or pouoou My ol th ht In tho Church at nghnd. win: the Ivouiiluol religion bud Anon; non |(nn-`An n....u.. I. 4.... ...n .._..._ n..u an an: Ioouluron at lsnghld. With ..T2f. vordilu cl Komu: bodicl It don not Mall. 1. Bl! Mr. Hnllnhnfl nnnnnh -nn -no ouuu. soomooouli land .,HunIuno no: In sh. Alhnt -nu |ruI-I- ll "run: In II-uuoi bran, ul Toronto. In railing on friends ` Vullcou, Nnpuua, la In the only on C I vlln `KI!-'39::-:!."A`I-g.Iu I.-(l'o Ito Blunt), 1. dhhc -1.. g. In thh it In]: at uuuu-s":. n nunnndlw Aonnnlhno. .-IQL K. 1.1. I .IOOOll Ilnonoolav-Iuc uugnptl. cull! Instant-AI lnounlolhoildu loan at A-nllann mu.--1...` .- , ' ' I. 1:. Arm: .::7-:2:-.-.-'1-.:..-vv-`~ '-*--'`'*'--v -u-..`._... REAL POINIS DISCLUSEI). [ HIV. 1 umacu nruu TO nsv. IR: OALLN-I? ,._J Klviuvtul. It AIhh Peisbnu MENTI2)N- nun nullgsmav llmaluovm ) .. ` Mn. Inn-my. (ling stuck . UNI. ol Bootnn. In xhhlq uln- I. No will round: aural tech. ` W. Huck. Bdlovmn, vllln n Hump About Ibo ulddh cl Au _. \.. .. ....._._....~.__._.. fhofuntypd. P Ana. L-lo` Pun. Inlay `nun. ` an .- -v---v --- -r-van. yo -v. by (Incl huh. and iii [lit I-JUGS, Dirt d-Arugula. 0-annual bluish dltcuhvth-ll] do Floyd 00% 07. (1:33 unto can-a-uni-duo am lucky. oauvwitlb Annual `Out. II (Uv&1b1)hluuvudhI. uunouvnnoaa I): Ihvunluoui lul. Amid shown: the nodal! hot: oooqlozdtlotlbouunanootouqu` 2...}; v;..Q...`f.- - Tho nddooeo at In. Willis: Heston Pluaburg, an the cocoa of nut um I M, 50 nu: huh; Ibo .1 but an, Uooflhc. h Mu W shun. :50 pupils: hang: at the K is worn. K". John tialhhhzv print the andooy. lb Ildous Bu tunnel loot llrync can the ndlhnu. villa Dr John 8. Ball in autumn 13.5.... on jlhd -4.5 u... _-4 wine In Jon ll. lull Tlubouu no [Iliad rub nu ma hdnuo "H0. The -nan: -an l._.u Ids; uuncu II I BIIIII] Oollldol. 8\'|M`L'It, N4.. Any 6 ~11 Cilnqo and `SI. lamb llnlhll up-Q on the Wat lthauurncdrlnhtovbcnuao-Iolslnlglu Ink nu Pen Dyna cot) nth moving Iioday uni units; cu,` udvuhthno ago And upon an 004: In: ruin`. `Ha Inch not ' M Ila! ournputn dtbo smol- rs. kg cu. Ion luuauy nun Ibuhul lhnuv, Anna 00 tho I tub. in .1... Luna ...I . _.. ......a ...-|.... .... noun, Mona at no link. ohoHl|od.|ulnna-land hon. Hot lhlho did cl hyurhn. math; ohvu d-uhlu lu. - u nuuupoon; Alnsodrh lk . N. \ Bnunvev, R P. (inn. lflnylma, '. Y [ha balsam in tho tnanury ll I555 7| A rum mind (:1 Inn: was nppohta-1 to ocular with tho (fnandln ab nnnldou with 0 mi so soon in no-oponuou it an pvohcuoaol the Iranian. ,1}. H. Blrough, U. I Hlhnu, Clayton, J L. lachy, Roobclhr. and Han 70'0" . Khptoo, an the consuma- nun. Alundh lobe ounod lamb: pm uotlololthonol the rivet. and Ilhorsl uhoorlpthu Ion [inch ooomlllol will oullcn non. " HIIIQ. Mum Tnrnoy, Ion ol Urn: crazy, I: standing oolhgo nt Mouton]. He won a priu for tending the minor day, And tho nolcuuon he ohms In: new at "Hrundbr|m'I" luster: which nppouorl in the Wnm. me vs mu None tlaarea. I Ullnbol, French Ambassador to Spain. ha been tpuuhrred In Coulanllnoplo and -Ill be uoooulod at Ilullhl by II. I'hmloro Bantu, Punch mlntuor to tho l'niud Hula. pun alum n-om (`hnoqo to Uleegmre Nine lneene oonvlou in Auburn, N Y.. lnlene eeylurn, overpowered their keeper thle morning and eeoepe-I. Five hue been recaptured. Between eIgh'toen end twenty rnevnben n! the Son ol England :1. Ueureqel ill! oome ` loan on! on Thursday nut end receive the White Rnee degree. Ullnhol, French Amimendny In u..-L.. Mnbuudor to Kuulc. Morn mu: thirty yous ago [AW or Loo. Capo Vlnoont. ullod I schooner In on with from dluol from (`himgo (Hunger. in Aubntn. N Y _ &llIl|CfIlDIlf, I FOL (Joint Dolonubollo hu been nppolntnd to nomad M. lb Lnlioulnyo u Fruuoh Mnbuudor Ruulc. Morn mu. thlnu um... ..... l-...,-- 1-- Ufl A toll of Mn. Ruohrrm at Wclllnqtoo om, Ilmllulng. H: d ppcuod yuan- dc shyness." ...L.|.... u-..x..... I.-- --------A -M u"73Isau, Augfm. 2 pm. 3lIarp V IDllITIiU(1'lHllIoonu Auction do Anetta: Ill . AI . VA!-U Il::ul"J:.l`. `D! l- I'D I `B _ A-I) Et. Ju- - U JFNVVU K an uunooo. nddoul Hnrrhon hu sypohlod lumen W. Him. ul Michigan. to In oonlul at Amhonlburg, OM. Ihlnmnrnlln 5.. 5.... .......:-._u nu. ulusdor to day Juhn Snub. lulu`, 01 Ottawa, -Hod yu- ludnv, in Kzizlwnod uylum. of pcrnlylh Kev. W. H. Unny II now In ("ml uni torilug hard [or (In Pnrlo homo: M In. Dr. lath. A -nun nl Mp. M..-L..-.. -1 nv_nu_ ,. spnnp. Nurly `ll? purple came to the any on the nu. lnlusdor day Smith. ullut. mun; .h..I -.._ I "pr`ll.I. NC Noulv `rho Vory [Aunt '0'! Omvdod lulu n Inullpoon ' I-`.1 Mnyoc Huwlnnd. cl Toronto, lulu tho cit). ` an ; Iln. Hut. nflhnanoqu. am Hnooot. Ivuiborrhl; In. H. Robuhau, bonlu: R. H Toys, hula! ol obtain; W. Scbolidd. Mu; (lnrnonty. 60!; Iron Quasi college pl homo. hula! ol brad; lnlnd nnuug oloo, puool ol mm brie; In. Kant. and -hhlh bulbs: W. I. Dunn. npkoon black uuubtlr: W. Fallen. lomuo ptgmn: Mn 7. Merry. thigh basket: Hm. Dr. l)upIh.'6vo do: bum; tom Cooke : church, ask: And bnul; H. Wlldor, n qnuu unlit; Mrs. Iwkur. bdnlnd cabbgp; Mn. Wddron, lump. tutu In a nan-.7, Oolllalol. IAl'I'IIi N V. , An- A .- TL- I'LL uo ; Iron noun ol lndulry and hoopt ah; Mn. Hut. oflhnsooqu. ; Jon. Hlooooh. ; Rnhon-u. |....|... D 1: ~:-._, IQQIIIIBIIS. I. lulnynodbvlc quprtunol n_oom by not tolling." ...,-4.., . _ .__._ .___. Ill)? 0!` QUIII - uI]:III3QlI&IQ|IO3LlA"lC1'n. ' F d-uhult LA.Ioltooourrod 1uW'cuPohdAu -..u1.-at-mun vcoh.(.` ldloounnnbtltboli. Inna wuvollhmlqtgglbha diyqnogo. Ion-n-alien-ddonblp `unlit. V The lunr-Oran. (lungs. up: Th: baht! cl Canadian vmol camp: In chutn- hglhqlt hoohdhoody -ma ohlpptu and than sending Ihonhulor In not fit! vol! lotoly. Roth tho uh ad hcoquh look 5 hull out Indcr the auto: Ibdtougnnhv Klnpcugndlt In uh! nu : s. L nuoy and an lou um.- qununol n com by Inhlnn," THE ST` LAWRENCE WINS. euuulu-nu-nuuynnpuna-cl oihuu. ucru to: the Ila-u_ Tho Indian ol the Orphan` Hauo gnloluuy ocknovlodxnho luuowiu bqg :'pifnb%T. McLaughlin Inc `one to Surng: up. aenuuu I-AnAomu=ua. House and =`% -mractivc Grounds. 6. ' :.>::r- `I `I. . . _ J . _ . A _ _ _ _ . _ . n AL HIM! lNTILUNG. vuru-cu` III-undue. AI` IID blnuuIudrpurI.OllL rilu, uyunutr-1.;-aaanuu - _.( . . . \....w . -4., 7`. Kl HUI I 131 $13.` pnul will In nu-In-I ainuulhuunluulln unqn runawa- Aonaun hon (found; no that the hulcy yldd in snow lug" mu In nun. Ihtbo Inn nnnand it v IL. I. n. L. II no No. Iawnoro. nmooq Ihn m IIQIIUII blnndl. and won or--um , no OI: ads! 5! uglhg, Hugh; Inn` 5 Incl laud cl hnvy ban, in and nutmeg: ay Ill! Inn lav I I Mun: no Vrilay. rh Tuncla and Nugau run Iraq do not rogue gun-ling than homo n have and upon! to town nu! name at u nwi day. Day on paid. poll Usual fol II and I0 Ilruudy -ado Inn] VIII qarqnhlnooa nu u an rn.nno0u haul. r-mum. I and fl tho Mlyulnlng uunllv Jan has guuly ulna up um: Ibo . liq have has down the MM-nu that no dalbq upodblloon and haul [not hurt in houltq In In funny min A: Klngou-I Milk. not the by ruin, it was hard rock in tho: to hop pullb up. lath vbcu Mi r pad [0 bum. Inuit. `hey man human In the `#0.. Lowrance. and I HIAOCI. run -.-um. . n nu. unn uuru nmuwu. ma nnrrlngnvl lrrvbug Irhmh, oamplohly uuvnn-I Ohr cult! In {wt In on many Inyu, uul by an mu: pom. nzzguzy utmulod tn chm unlly ll Ibq - 0 that this nmluo ohcwhl out an no up:-don of cm: buullult gnu Ind: lot ouch Madam Amnng the noun on hnldu tho hnphnml In In only bmth. Inna dugman sad nu noun; nu um. L- Nohnshn could not ho wnmnnhshd with Thai: Malian nu mu-I no pnllb-Ann and born than rrurduvh noun :4 use gnn,| ugh! nnly non. udm oulnnn nod Iocuhvnh mo lnchocothu law who Iuooootl II win an Iona! ll lilnnul III the Gaul who db In the lord." \ unywu, nmcn Iuum go In um Dllll II the travel in sun have In vault In um the Inc In mind by the uny ul (fapo Vin com nu no In muuplouly ullauour lhu tnvollina publlv hum on-min; Um way. Trnollnn, upoolall lhuoo .-laud an hour bu. Inn to ride Jun whuln lco lb 0! my Sl. Lawrence river from late )ntu|n W llnntrul. Thlt ll Ch! Nip they would nun: his uni would uh. II It won nut` int the Inarluuoe at the ru'lr-ad company luuod 0! giving tho lrnvulllnu pvhllc um: aholoc In to tho mun us: [run ullrogd cum gay Inahu upvm (ha purchnlng 41' u.;|m. y ch: Iuy ul Uluylun uni . It has ban predicted by Ihuu wall formal that :- ohm`. wllljnho plum uu,-mar your. sad that Vhn paupln whrr loot tho Irllll will demand the right to my whore may run In A! I reunliublc prtoe. I no uonl. lhurulny run. In: PRINCEBB BYREET. mm cnnllon would nlhor came by tho anyolo Human! and down the rival, up-ylng J: clagun ul ml min mile: hum born In /U-nuxlrln I v. Man In I hm nu-I -u-uvouu mu [IIIUG Ina Alunmlrln Hay In lncrculug. aulwlthnunallu the Icnlblo Minn tho New York (`cur rnll way in rushing In run I nl the Hun] by lbs wuynl ('layu-n A rut nnjurlty ul ch: tnvollon would rnl or by acyolupa rival. a nun: urn. l.II Anon: VIIIIIIDI. BQI I'll rlnlh U! Mn. VII/aholh \\'HH;mn u hurulnv A! new Hvllllrnvr In mu. ....A ` Amour um-A nruwh Inul Aloul ol labor In Cctluou Maud. .\ nm|Ay. Than I Int Alder-INA build A: She lnlmd Ihh cannot. Tm (Arman An ring A bud limo hunts- lnglbdr in ocwuounnl tho rung. _:`ho bad In! to no no Agnh `Io Epboupnln w hO|\;'.ln'Il'I in tho nun: nan In the 8| LA!"-uwo blank Phi III: event . A nnmhuol Walk Inland- OII VLIIMI lg : phat Saturday rve , um] dial` painting (-1 Iumullaaulualn t vary hard to get up A tight Amunq Lbonulnl. They run out way Aum-Anlul. bovnvu. Tho block but lhlng nun lnilu ovory dAy. Then in the but gahlng new In yous. Anyonoucn ouch A Iron load In A Ahnu dim. Manda Ahorloon A row oowrnd A! the luvpr dd ol the Iona. "Sou" Booth. A null known ohonclu, uudonnoh to pound Mul" Duran And In: -mlu nuonnlul vuma mu pun: uduodfy. lhudny. A. Limud. It vulogo,` land I ap: broken the uncut day via: pin) hloohsll. 13: noon Ulivn llruwh I-not II 01 lllubd. Snmlnv Th... h .... and surdq burn: I -run: u that WIIL _ tun Vllcsht, An`. .1 --Tbo ha; Inn nadnlun. Vuuknbo rd It J. J. Nov-on. In pub; In In qulh an aunt Ur. Nouns: in on club shady 13: mod h pd wumn. Apache III! III] bu ha-ndnbouly [Inn nndpnt h Ihtpl lot button. l ground in has annual h an mandala. nodnuullulnncotoou be shop! at supra The ln1nnw; ho olh Inland and Alonpdrh liq nail the tint also (nu uh pl vary amy- y gig at Goa. Sula. Jtnu I`:-91. Iluluphy. nl Aflgyug, cl Ibo ocu Imdaouu lo .\'m-thorn Nov Y vhiud this pl out-unify. Limudfah villus. than Iovajoo lull I`!-huovgnnno-I-4 luv- Idlvoon Iovurol Pu-uoe with lhno than Bnuulh-has l'to1u;--Tho Inn- wu; Coupon] Doc! Wanrrhoph Io YYIIII ll Thor E-.1 CAPE VINCCNT PEOPLE 1 AT A RAILWAY- .. __...__.__,.....___.__..._.,. 1110.! um: nu: so ~ um JENKINS j_E]'CR4.\'ED ' r-_ u.._.L.a _u. ;.i_..__ 'm.'s!`:'s-............ .. ....._ U`. Iilvqymm lhllnhnnhln IIICCOQ I7 Q 7 W " "7 My DAAI lab} on IN MEMORIAM. fiwc T cam. . ANNOYIO I , "V?! I I` I-tI|-'11: Idilitnczss eraser. *2;Jm;s`~` THE uxres 1'. Reduced in prici- Tuoqdny, Argus: mh. .A.A'..n.u... _..;- ._._n... -I--- mu vun---No. I'_"_'e3`: um:` INNER /HOME TO RENT A IIAIIDI .11 lung!-nn -mm. II PIIINCIII ITIIIT. ..-4....-.-..,- -..._- Ihoboorulovoltylloc-L -m._....-.._.. - _-- qr,-12' III-I-01 IIIIUCI VT. _ Pnvdnb sunny-uni oak: min. nnlnndunuuc ll. burial thou dub` (ho was mnlhttindonuwjnunhtn. OI MI MIMI Md ucroh the lawn. MM hid Mm what he can dc-lngnhunt Iovdmr ' `I n but II II: mu-cling but hdkl Del QQI. u hwyw. Hr. Shlhloy. add Chi nalnuyoccuir-an ht-I wlndqn IIVI Hun Nolan. Nohonldd In III not on IE: yuan} property. She called N: ha! lung: -hm In nan-cl ah. ha... 1'... I -0-: uniting clonal no VIM CIA , and | rod bdon the pun. nldbpo-Ida. 1`h-qlr News In not -Idool to mg. I! dM|.o0, h hat. 8 30. Iibl -ma as p alum` Iunuu property. NM calla! Mn bad man: when be paved um tops. The Gxuncoeosll um... by 9...... _ yrtvuuv. And be dud no `sh hm Jada: Illnnuhn-. ..L.....4I Ilhln the In! a body hlhd shout Job- Nuloul, I aunt; in nu puuo. mun go-4., Bio and um um hvlnglulpnnod on but pony. `M! Ito meld no! pun II. and In diomiuad She MM that at daybrul ml Tunday nothing .5: wn dhtutbdy and huar Oman pvnn Idling Ifolld tho don. She Ivupreud it ill him. ml pt I On I-u-ting on o: m Ilnduj own: when on up read nacho III bout thawing -ton: Ba n q, and du'\n-d Rho Tenders to: Church luilding.% .TL'.`-l`. s....'*` uururkuo Iltlnv In mum-ou- run .9555 nlanmoa. - For Ion you-ul uupoclod lhll Inn of unoviu mo." Woke! Plum PAM: ION-00. Tokvhal-0 H. 1 1 Murray; Imh eornofof A'l'ru`l cl-~| vynullo out ante - tablet and mun: la lithium and other u-. ` nu um ml: nu :61-um Aor.n-r. ha nxunhn mu nrrwl In Bun-I :11 Ifmtls. nut do-It M) Iclhonh Pall! our Chum M-ma F quits on premium -in Thhh Ila way In Wuhan. nnu-."in I. IW MK_#UK I I -nu AInli.u~JI 1`! mi; ....._._......._. `.._.-..._- . _..~ .._... .. ..-...._ VI!) II. IKIIBI VIII TUNII AND I (FLA Hi. I o rlu-mu-dun Isl: I'm:-ya nan r Vll In hi mu. Ordnrl W loll Q5 __obo_r P_In_ug My-lury. `ll Ontario lnmu: UN um. ITHIET. Ul`PmIl1'l (`.huImorn't'hurch. Applyto In. all ` TQI. I'll lcu-I strut. .-..- .. ., - - .-~ -4! wnouga counr-r+TunsbAv. \' A LAIH J; l'NlIl`.Z|(`l`! mu, One Price - FOR \`A1..|`Z OR TO LET _ New /~a/I Good Arr/u/ng. 16 cents. 121-2c'Goodsfor 8c.' 17c am. for 10:. Better Goods Equally Cheap. I per cent of! all Goodsover [summer Dress__I11u_tl.] Could nail make I cleaner -:uu-j 99W` ~`-`+1: .`.N.T1.95..-T 1 I A NEW BROOM ;i$(H'T&'III)l|UIIIl(IbV`Ilbv1-l! I)0I'l`hI'I!I lldyouoqn buy I Coal and Wood at: 1/15 L/ffE.9 ms wmr. Hardy s 10c Goods for Dc. sweep than` our clgse prices are doing with gun H4-vu|c.'mu1 wrnnn. In untrue. nmr Hum tun-L A HIE. 3`-I l'n|mn llruol. or u in oy Indy r."iu an In `uapunod mt mu! Inland that Al GK HHUUIJ. IIAHI HTRIIT. true. WANJ'D:I) 1). F. ARMSTRONG SI Main; may mm FUUN D L( )S;T "nl.-I var; HF HLH I-IH. with a nut: mull Mu-k |.l. | l`RN|HEl) man]. In I huulhy Store, on gun: n-nun Luann rs} aooabovuhgu Ang ms. huh: I Ial LII I Ilhnuuycnudvoh onuupllc hthnhr *tluhnllcoll.l. W C II. nIan.(lnnnnnnn-.n ..,._4.. -......o._. `ouch -Icuiuuuoo `I Onglo hrnunndntdu a Quinn |ud.Iho Cu-aha hula lobahonlhsnddn nu... no gs-ocoanlnrmudhg Sc. Audion`: u.-hqmhvo but much adnlud vhhnn comoony. W. llogonnmtcr. -gnu pvlla In making than tool wdl And has unsound than with a unit: 0! stand: alhhhq aunt. ` f*>`5%1< TTz1 (inncdovundun on if thou. ink! Kh-In and Pnnnhnhg II. noun. w. .1. Hon". 1 lodge. R. V. muou. A. N-ML In--.n Ngpnh ll.. 0 n-an Runner Noni King [or Rocbdlnr ovary udny night, 7 o o|out. vb Pm lope. (hilv. nape Sunday. 1'. Baby. nut. l\o nocodllnnouulhg 8!. u.-hqnhw In vhlhn lllll any ally Iul lot 000 IIOI. The pub oluooa at tho Inadi chap uounloo In to plan. W: plumb: (In that who and Inn math I!!! hurdny till not In disappointed. Tho dohncu u the anal La` Im not In dluppohtd. dohglhu grand w. 1.0 0.I`.. at smuocd loud at Tu Ky morning. They an: Qunnqd I . K Helm. W. J. Moon. R. Moot: lodu. R. P. ltmnu. A r Ann. 1 -..a snnouou. uhpnpoudwbddruucu thononuldq. , Sunnuuahrwn ndnud tycoon at tho Rd t, rm. Must. lhuonlut thin only only uh lot not. nus obmu ml uh. H.315 .5... (`IKE "ill. Roorgldo |)IfIHoIIll bohgnndolu I the county v Av ihrnnullh. Munro. um and II hr oocurl cl .n..".T... m'.'.......?."..n....a'!s'..'.'.."'.. thononoddu. --I ICU`! I1. hiiiiquuuolulodlwgnt. Jouuoum gnu mmnu In smllmu. Romomhwl Rotuuhury h oclllngotf all bl: unnumr (nods. Mu. cu-., AI coal, Ind nndar thln month. Ural bcgdu lat out-y holy. J. A. hfxdonnhl. Innonim-nl -4.5.. ...a . lnoay. N Moodooalcl. Iupooootal Inlabh Md ` mannru. seized a number I Illonl Inn unru In the market ch morning. `flay lull blulnlo, posh I gallon. Th Boll: will Inn HMMWBMN