on thy nun}. cunt. UEAIIIEI In 136 wen boxing IOUIIIIIIS at Indian Elwin Gordon: Fob. lt IE; won 881-ponlgddnnmphnnhija in luv York: not I513. Ina olixhtmigulununl I You Auabuu Club: Amiil 19. um u... ' Iva. ' Jul . ltll Gtluuu. man I side;-at north in tn! sands-lm blnw pa; E `:3.-~* %..--.......: :-:::.-.: ,.,, . 1 am: If! 1: comm ul |il.`1O..lIMrcuuk2.hn_ an H sumac 3?"-`ounbnsos . pupil ` I3. I , r uz3o?:' Jud-on. mm. In to Inch Miro: "s`.7'?3."..'u.T;'3". .`'{'i.':i':".` 3005!`: I570`, 91, 1&2. C`ff9i| in (7 round: an -`IRHT-V, I IIICIIQQQUI1, Q-' euuaunoungu at Install. a {GI-` I-ooudur,u`hin.lIl., Isinuvutlo; 1&7, B:-'.::~.:.*..%~.m . ;-at RBI Jud} III-. that Gilnon M M Ehmihu-nu! Iii-an 3. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER '46. I099.` Ianm-no huuupnl rm: An taunt. HIM III Vcgclnuu. In 011 Chung: hunch npugutvo Indhho In mild kIHA.van.1-on Pm; I : loll sung in nu Ithml %1.`."""..... npmm o-up-a us no :- umi. hmhu clamp! on who but j I! p, which lad cc it held up for not hurt. I'M-SHIV ! Pfdjll. 1'0-nigh! lit Dixon ' dvootavt`-' il` "31:-L.` 'z'3L.`5?"'au.u`, IN. N3 NIH: Pm, O-lilou-`oh with H`: `lltihiiilodlnlbo mgoiu .... mm *2"-.;:~..u'~':'..':: * -: or In on ion. H-tor :-1 llywdl out mm IAIAIMIO hill! an I that. Iyu '.:.'*'.::":.s::n: i:`.:'.::` `:3: hound" its Gown ahuav. "rt up do can. He again and h|t'c'|OWI'U` !',5;:.N"'. `W5 i9;: unto valance-tun. Laquvor humps so rh in tollolnd by I dun which out its ~.....=-:.---1':-3 -.2-~.;..'~ ~.:.-:- aono noo In decuhd I nun`:-1 out, and II`: AIM: no no ulnar. In: In (and! Ouuluut 1'u-nidgnnn nut Jill It Kuhn: Inypvolhngtdnhn Iudllelunkuhd rhdymdnhbhwwwthunt lye`- uoaldlhduolltl Ibo, Btuuu-_ lad in NI uuqndlinllnlu It on-nu-. lellb rnonnoulicnd gt-and-tho dohdua unn`ohud.l'ununh:w1 view: about hwd5v&i'oHryhosI.y. on tho viola Ile- Anliv pump I [nut M. Ila did it- Imn all ihqodtng rim Ibo mtg but turn: want: -Jn}. abs was at that own the Igor`: mm Iadnugh `lvnnummln-Iuuulnoonphhu ollycrnbvu Tiillhuoppnoanud no-anrlm. Ilyouua-umnhursgu. Ilgllltlorudnludlud I hr-Illdul hlvunlynh staunch. Iyqr inland |M.n-was anus. hi 8 Auhlu l . TIlI'|`3',,"PI Rnvuvwlzu uIao.l'"|DlIIe.buIl Alltlbh aom.... -Fm.-Inst: n.mmn...n.;. ........ aunt rhcudiugy" ' ` this Ifu- 5;.` via noun-*. `..4.J.;.,.:,: M `I 3 tins =53: w. rum... `Hill. 91 mild: uljfg. pg. -""" ""W"lI titanium Envy!!! ammn-aoumu lonotltho lgiuugudfuvoulllifiqiokhouur. I. Wanna! law got I- ma-man Mu. Ila. Id. math.` y`; oI'l.hchnk,odIInrunNuudngug. , Tuna: nuuno-Iuuus. m.`.m...4 `I nu:-nun um hm -:-----mu...-.-.u.--..-4_ < V ` "'*'9IIl--1; lI ad*r, Id In. I..t...|... n--.a_: _ ,. . %By# Our Wolfksg o-pound A II: luuuop. Auxux-an Bu. I -+ 1 ch blood: In on us) putlho. no ttangtpnno I Dd unit I I'M, In! E :4. virus and y crlu no tn an I In ' 'wsnmgnipp1"muu- mun twang, usdhu-In Imam uprorlrhlnlnohluuhnn . 2 Aunt Y vtllqu. - onion-k. .IiIn|HnneIlIuth` but , unbuutunq in hmfwluo like! 1!! . W... us: Ilfunllgnns - About Nln-Jnttauanwanan -um -Anuni Inn: near Khaki. I In math: tar huuly. hotel ditnunha fur nun ugh. at us thocnnniqiauug o!_ \\`ntV!nmiIhu I not scnoo[f:J5:2T Junior Matriculation. ` Ishtulngr _unnu noun. by tho Ulilliflollhr Iiuutllnuulot mu Hump libel -mu: |IO.DI|kI|nIs _ an an - (`6Iu(;0Yvt'lIMliM8l ,w1lu ugmond_u_qokhd." - my Don. ~:'..`::.'.'.' '*::: V ,...L .. NJ! n |`uhurYoyi wmmu. mun. rnhongnythlnl nnunnurytoauhoolnlo . ouu.:o' mt cmw. can-- wtuui IIIU it 8;!!! IIOII. ` lpntloou Ila-tr-ulnar-I map:-ax. III! Gallo-dun at Ilnorlc-cl Dallas by no Auilqunhn and naming.- _ as auto. u-uvhoinxi at Artucuonu .5.- v-._v.~_. .--uuuw-1- and that or LIVI Dion. Ilnlllnnnl I-11-pin-` 15th 70 23:1! HPTEUBEII. ` ucouo} Amquau - ma a.___A na..._ - -s.-...%......;.T..T.;.........f `'*......" 7" ~ '*"=..?....""`.'..."'!.:.`.....:` %F'fr-:-*-%-1-'-r---AI ;Exn1m6N,] `La :-nu mum A -r, TUICVIJUIIIIIII IV? ? -'0' liwlonl. 1.! WJ. Wllooh. Kingugn I 104 Prlneuu stunt. . lmbWgImQh auagz, MontmlxBs7YI';Ii1izEn}' hump rnotmout. us IT cmmts You wm 7| *:'...'-..~.-a:.'.-.;.*.2-.:'.*r.:.'.-.-..z.-,- err, . Kkh. IVI.OllhIDl`j` C ~ IBTAPLE %Xi":'3" {FANOYI lnvcmhxnrmch and Neil . W9;-t wt gngju H uumraf at 33%.; 1'... pg: OUR on slum to as y Nunlvn ninth (notion. Headquaries Corsetv OF ALL HAKIB! PUBLIC. 3;. .31!-} ER, o.` GRAVE-_LLE;, DRY goons !iii6EEZil .-.-._. ..._ Voltvouwulnulloln nacho:-tat AND SEVEN GEN? 8T0lE. m rs/mess srnm, jnoriwzfn mzmxsl T as Inn-I. xnntop. Pornotlv mu: 3. want. (l.`l>cruI(h'oGllIud).. 'I IV rauumzt-wt! E [Ml Ali! Half.- -".7081 iii 11-nu Q ..pcu-u~..._.. V - --.--..~......_.........~-_.. ,., M|S __p_UPONT`S -.2-. ail-J... T aEsan`oN open Monday, Eeptembr WI. T an numr. Kingston Business 00/loge ..._,, ..._ .` J` _ H` .. ...,....._.-.....,....`,_ cm? "'jff_'!!gtgI ru now :1-an `*""'m::.-5.52.... ' ..'. l"3r4*5**w..::.;`:'-L: uouuu nu sum uruuuu. Any blind: I may not `have ltonhg w_lll nit ` mpely-' for my on: w wlnhu try it. Mnnulnctuml only by an LTmmAcNa.cLxnx5& co.. ` Mqmben at tho New Ynrk . "mock Exchsngml / - ]]`LlIIrno -Ourntuolnowoomnloou and won: the but up uonmon|to1"Ixu-don gud acubbu'n Booiavnhvu on-1106.. Wu wont bun L_{nul|olIMn\ho`olIwIo|?lvo liiii E......A"""'?.-"f: -"3~`5'n~-`a-1. -'?.'a .` *5: Ii-%.:%:%z%_$ ._..... Ema .u..c no-. 1 Eiuu`-aua;_'5':.u.nr: mun "w ..-._-n.-..-.-...,... ..u.-. health Igrusb yxoallenlq entitle! command it Tluhuhncu, in ' us: a to . and hnvo made lube moat ~ pn ramody known. of F in In 7 .......'."... .{f'..a.,. .`t.`$..`.'.`.;..`. 1 4 l 1 UIT":Y 3 V `T 5 I *.&% -=.....-.._..._.._._. .. no-nu, gnu -v no am- In `null; hulrnn-rial 3|: janaan-gds1;" In 1 `owl. -uuuyprlvncawvli . Iolfla AID Tolt &".- ?='~`:.=-:a+r .......................-..- 11.1" ' X331 f.G?%i38i :,5 99!'?`!`_,'% %a1.mi..`e>s`yaa `en: CAI L-l\IlM\ (IA iixsln/T437: It mung; . ""'i='-3-fa :--: bu N0`l`IB. OOLLEGIATE NU "CH. uh` 11- :3; `F `---aw -4-p -..;........a.....=.._..-.-..~--.._.....-..._..... 31 A Ln nu. - _ . Pu: n._a-sonangom CYCIII Onhmnm of Dr. Jnhsu lent had (tenth quantize guards, {I In f!IIN|It3IotoIl{ILCIt:::l. mm . aiurru-to-on; chuielnuiwh > I D I `lid cup ' nirbqu. 3 M50 H M -Ana:-I on ' roucivpd Ellen` lit! to nab`; all: fol chains 0 IE F-OI i:q"iou.|n= 0. ulorunuh. .0: N l nodal the `tlthl much All" ICE. in lnpogku It pt ulna. The 10! Oh rulngon IAb0t['a`IOIIlIIuIind" Jh Inn cluluioud nllght TM: ovum was that hall in lho"I!oMtony oi lilo nut ans. ll.-)...... 1...: on punapn `no fright nnnnhlp Ilium! smut um nnnilffot mmu and as John`! Shokluholhcnlobdouonvuug antitank gtetolon in that vicinity. Blu nu hmiplnd as-quruno ad ulovd hgotnhtdpok. Allthoonuwlu mu-on Inn uloynd hauph um: dosh Aha Vidal by hslti a- paudul mu. TI: A-uukhdiin-.- n-.n..- L , _ ..__;;:.:'_'.""-"' "'* oncnu. iiuio Ann amcr} I `III J.D.IAl'll.nn-nun ..ann.... an nuts`: puuugou on Innnl. M paint the want: at par qty- Liao an LA Burgoyne Iron um Fakll Dlrlulgdt {mu Jlrunn ud Brillhnnm Wunlurq. Tho Bnrpgno will bmtldtd by the dawn uni luau dc ahionnlnduulathonln 7 The In [N domain mm: um: `cum-so uc utw van. is In-liar (Shaun Illa: Ania I: M . r ..::.'..:'.::.:~..`*.'.:.:. on-In uhuaptl the lotus .3: of I50 uuuluhu iluludnv nlh thou Hhonwunotuueh ska` Gzdi hnqhlotlllaonntty ol 0! Dual: view chit qunnuu u-nnpm-nulhnudtho but the .1: lnnigmian but has dud opped no can The did-not with In upon an nplnhuef ` ptabnbmt a! char: ox- cond tactical from pnuumI|oy had their man. roan`: Chit`... - A-:31`. Gala ' 5 .32: " .............A ""'..... y&m uh eutudhdou 0! I50 """`.7'3.1 " n:.i"L`.'5`...". `.1? ::.:.`.?.".%'?.r.-..`:':-;:-.;':'.;'::::..-.#*-.: mar. ..`*.`.'..%`.:.:.."':.-:';,:.'t uvial " output. lug IIIIO mu blond` outrun I0 jlpl Iii` nuy uqIudoL_" tn-Iduntuoo-nnnuounnp-tuuoungp; r u... u.'_:.. an... . am. ..., II In IL: Jain -I -an-I`..I ....'.-n. A- 'II:IyII'U-\-Oltu Rn? I J ` - ` ' vII\l!II`| FIHIVU RN IINUINB aonruusuauaivauucvuulul nnumzn n1susn...g IZIKILY FROM OANADL H van uvupl.-Illll I)! named bom "we go tnao`ou; Vnrnoro. 3I.n`; 1 lholcuuungoacguuuuymnus uarumnuxgu. Ionuau... I. he!` nun an Julaupl I'3.u..m'..'a... 5:: Q` A: '5-".*!__**-_ mama-nu w'u nauundwm Dunn. laps. I.--Jon Johnston. on ' ooloudnnul Whiter.-(ht. up not by an pro oath. Irnurwuuk at n ' at II J and Ituunqch. lib III was fractured and in will din. WIN. Tho I he had: i53'iWIiil they chair loyuly by Hulda; ti nu-lpu. luau duwnlhltu. V Iuuul a (helical of lId!loi$$0IOl0lI|hO|ItkI.IIi hallo: no njrihu-din vouulov OIIIIIII I M ,----Al on . ...."%-".'a"'-"-:5"n.."?v"u.' h....-..-"L"'5. ` Quasi hum Int Iijhl. when the Anod- qininlunnou hdbybi: ud :.rIyltlhllup::utripu|.q and candied: htapslayunvnthlo jj `H133!!! THE US FLAG`- Iuuug Iona II": Iguana! , Inn-an ;our opportunity. Do you follow an 9 - Oomo on. . ` VSUTHERLAH Q ._.....u_ .;_- n..*J,. .... ` O0UlI Tl . Will the hut} concur:-on cl Dhbop Burg of lqumsl and the Gannon-. Gout`:-I. Ludjtlgjn; In obtained Iron the Gan:-nuonu and K an: 9! land- nnudlahn opnua and BL nch, udouewd I hem colouinuou octan- Oo`vu::unI- annui- hhl Iur an t B "` I n Macao! n c:u'3'."'?."L l:n?odnn!,no 0! ch at than many. . III mum: at up In! Him 9! st. Ann. Dr. 0'Rdll,v. In the 50 year: of his druouconrdsl-ip. kn dawn than?! to hon-u;iou pm-sL_ Ila` up only 23 lingo when no nuns! "tho pink I at one: In nppuaiuld the `rut lav tel: IuIoeruhag\oCwadI by the onignglgn ml hr lmglum noun to tho Unlud Hutu. us! In 9 En to an new nun: hr in nproulan a MO is vu hm ` man nan tho, panha- mm uh` L... ....-_..-....-.. -1 t--A UIIIU Will 1 Ufillffl. } Nu You. 8-ax,-I.--~'I`M dbyoutontuo puuttbinizyud vtciqisy an with 5 [and dad of uranium In birth an Ink ungoldou j-|Nlu_ o! Mgr. Bor- unJ0'R-oiliy. Ito Ill orduud pm bl: Arohhkhop mould. of Cumin Sept. I . I002, just than H: mad not achoolpuo. Gudlul `Indiana, bad bun uddud by tbouuopnlng . Input union till be held, the euhdnlugopt 5 ad the ioowing by M the (hunt al the brin 9! (rkdlly. tho an mm A! 1.1. Dr. Iyrauvcnl ink voinury nil` ll Sninhnn Inland yuurday sftoawou. and um not Inn is cpl: mm! the pnnlneo at shun And an aura mined by in than kuutlnly oaluldod. an M Iu'hni'."`` "" '"" '- Wo m oihrinz gust induce- ments in Reliable FOOT- WEAR. our stock mun be Innnnd Rah... un. .. x__;_.-,, --n_n.__....---- omuunv ouuaeuns W 21-2 HE WAS A CANADIAN- 1...... Mei; b*n:Iu.r*o Julius :& hnhuuI:m. 1....n..... goiunv am-mu wmo. . v-nu-uuuqvarrutdnhlloront. - ` AH dqupgo nah: uotnninou in Iioolillliiylrtuflloeltyuonllud with, whohunmeao sepu.wuxtupm._ @iIIId3NN""`'!`!!I`!`l ulaioiafniniioi. Whig mum onu- ughund uncut! lahnu at to-any lhonvsuhuu good dual nnbaul the 0! than an. that at W-dundny t `It In mainland. nvonho ha. Eartha mu. 0! IO-Otghl woulbo Sh tangent us: Inca ohnulnnly erliuhl of Rh aria. p-rwoxuouann. ltuunocuqrhshlpdnybyanypum down: cornea: uln- quninurnh. -Du mt Imlomu Md y_1|_ttIgolIo~an tun onxhusinun otuo vldlnniptucmcrmidonh throat. duuh lnuhnr u...n.......... 4- crawl: Auvou tn In no oljnplo ~ anbolunua Nlv Own, an. 5.-Alumna! ch in! lgtlolau on-mu! Inn uonuhngln Ilfitlckiool lboolyupiodnbboln iuhuhgdiitaaabishdaaditylur Ind: d` pop the livullhheityuddg porhollhlfninn. uugvna ho. n.hnlA.-ans. irj C V P||'BolIhoU| cg. nguwcigsram. " wv 9... .... - `n *5 wm":.`.*'I".'.*` It ` , uhgapid Jail: W. .....z..*%:':.*' '*.:'..: ,.""**' " urn ' `wt ; _ as has in Maui; but 3.11: mm In Ha 0lb- ~ lot the lightwpgb oh: Iith slut: glam: hu._I-I. I887. but urry 011- nun hr mm In 8 . Manda 1 hour and M 2- nhutn; limb. IE1, duo: with Jun 4: I1], cl Ennhna asmu as J. Henderson` & Co.