`CAP F. x. oousINEAu' om sumo, I 'And8eeVthe'l`1-iniense Slaughter of Dress Goods "Silks, Sgtins, Velvefs and Flushes Mdnday and ail Next Week. ` come TO THE -Greaz` Ban/m/pz` Sfoc/r Sa/e-- __'or 0. Q. &o.. T ROBERT R BID. V THE CASH Fuii .._7.. v.._..~.,....... .. 835Pluah Parlor 80156 Phone. 313 : nieces. nmqlstlnw of 8 Hana H1 .11. until`. m u.. l"'!CllI' ::r"~.,.*.:-mas .. 0.. "*1. yang.-nun mph. pun. II. Will! I I ' N 1: '3 '-3'3: `u o'......."". m. We have in stok a large and choice dssortment of new Parasols and Umbrellas. Prices right-. ' Inspection invited by ORUMLEY BRjO8.. A1 ms` ousaow uumziioust. thhgrutcnn win}-I Children '3 'Pa}`7a"bls. Nu Bollard oak. oamnoa. Sal -mam-saga, smma` Woof Kn Iullbayudu-'nPfunM|. mun . lln(1t'su8i:huathaa'i5yud JAS. mam, Rain C THE manovo _O0 Y'. No.3 `YORK. sfaesr 1...: n__. fish Psetnrni has Harv httiral Twuttycarpun. ltaarhuul-an Agwqqtnrpcin, any Patten! Dnimcarnh. 41 {$9-audit: i Ptzk N$`:I3m sad _.$:tI,4 immense m e` atkopdlar price:s. Tllso novelties ` in Belts, 8: ! Ties, 0b('ans,`Veil/1hg8_`and- . - V f/(ecu Ribbons. - '~ , Gqods afriuing daily. - no uoi`mL _ I11! unt-n urn Jurluau rumor not. 0 rt-eon. U18 an gieooo. omslstlna of 6 (hm 0.1-ma, b:o 316 Natural Oha-ry Mac` -u am 2 and XVI 0 nmry Bad-ocam RAM Tnhlngtnm In 818 $3 3) XV. C 81050 Antique Oak Hatmck, at . To-maria" wand `lhge/r'.: we bfer V * - Va/U931 lad(8s Tahd qi/dtaa s I ' I WALSH & smcv, Princ`ess street. To tH``Best Opportunity of a BUYING CHEAP. Ladies F rilled Parasols. THE New sou Mmona, 0 ` `T"":aaE.`~;. -I " ':`3IQOI mgmmun x .- N ..`o--.. Puiiiitlfiaudn - - %- aPO[fX_L";sAL:a B. k`v'v*.A;:;piR.o1s.*. - tv-vs Vlld In; golwvbg mg.;{ V. Ghcdui Golng. . I , Sun Parasols. E64 and 256 Princess St. t: *-FITURE STORE. ?-y 3...-\ I` `..`...n4.;.:..-. 2 .. 1 Hurdwom rump; M (In REEEDIE 3 I ifeti/;1eTfor `Rain Gingh nnhth Mnnauor. hams. .._.............._..< weKLv_1_o W9n~ ..-.--_........-..__....=..._._....._..__._. ` .,.H.. .4._..._..... KINGSTOQ ANDM0TTAWA. --,.._.`........a... bully To Plctbn - Bblleql Sf:l: .....___.,.___...........~.. .._-._ ~....,....,..........n.-.- ewmmsn ALi:xANnm,A. -uuu-na Inc! all: uununullumu xtnnuannten " TIQIAB H1NL!Y.|.J. P. 6.DIRSlllVI Ann o.-r.a.. -nemuun. ags ..iu...T . afctomm 50 ...-.--...-.-..g......,.._,....__. .._. ...____ __ V 5. .9. P. and Ill End Ihnltm-A nn.I tn.......; _... sxuuusnwsliwuikltifut -Ia? VIIIGI I. DID?! Q 00. thhlllqdtlh J. Ian-:I..oIlnu_nv;`, , wan A. %ommTuxnj__`i:rIca' usuxrms nu. A:2uAu.; ` gvsar - .73 uvn'.=3oa%z% ' VIA ivttls-tows, onlhlllanlru-u;.ll'anuour I1 I nannnnunnd nding- 1 .. Vlllnl II. llnnwu A can Kinggtcm. ~. H earo ii: .4... J-.....'--u frioifealaly ' To `U: A .\_I.0nt real qv.-.- ggq H`A `5i`raa'BoU!EL fI`lI'Pa' no _if1_)L_%f1'IE?e nu"a?o;mc] . 4`. g... `T59 Az:%E9'%*f93*:, liar nal eemi. PEQIOE 85 CENTS- LOQOBWNE `sated. no thntvwhon taken 1 cutod. that when into the stomach It is at ouoousiinilnb _ER."'S an ._ -a 7/Irooo7Fz)'i27wAL. Indus. Barley mt! Boot. In ID I43 FEVFIII loll` UH` Opkithes Wringersgi 4" i%aEIsuaIIui lhifitvf hat. I lbowo ta reprimand I quu-cu.-I pound 0!; tam Bo_o!..thorouahly d ALE I Vcunbru I `V I Ipiffi KWIVTIE cbclun and II Oahu! aluinjn ' . up _L n..u..n n_-;. a.._--. . WHAT? EETONIZED |a-TAMu.KANDTr:'T-'1] [moo csvum TEA] T {TIC Mi:-r1"s'.4 E9388! _ rnixas aw, ' 3"*!"'***-'; Sm ' an nn-u2_ _ %iYE9 IQ:-IIuj\.wuuIII|j_BIl. W.-J; McNeil, Bnqck Street. Iuhandnuunhuil. Mthruonpb. ihohdonlymn __..... ...._.... a.:'m Al-`nurrn GUM nlmannngnnnnvvnn t In a oombinnun of Pout E1 anuam-:ca-w ..-rn '-um hnovn I1.:xn'oi `- E-;C_31`"5ma 3.411;... nu._u__ : Aug.` 3.59 .``Iu.::.I. Tlunh alum! ptwolhr lo thoip. Mccnnrh Real Estate Agency, run In men. L! l'|Ul`q ' -satin HI ` L.iNtT%iI -Ax. umno :1 tacks: . c|-- lawman `BEEF q. HOAG; Igzans-h-nanu r ;/W / .nua~ " pm: each U /D3 he pnnounco. Mr. Nod oondnuqu. "I has IR. n dubs. oau rai- -ad pubic whit Inn! he lnz hing; loiiribhiatinckiohntioauahna uhiualbohgneeoyed Iithothlnahud ulnhpi. ,l=umt.Igrn_q)b.;|wtM `lIhI;cIg:h!uliinnRdIlIhI?e,wI4I m4- Illsuhuuhlntouiyhthcnulnnnnsct ibiewuiiaqhi minis! om: hllvnl pangs. _c'-I5aEIIdaunf'Inh9staiI.llk- l,yuhmonptad.hn:pgnAp;haIlcoph- mun an: aura vs wuuu- Ian I ! inn I! Hun than thnu8olshworM.- OMMIUHWANIMMHWV V rfhe Emu. eleethne ere alone. an held. hgnwnmhuwmue aka nuuuhtuemgynuu wunwunrhwwhuepnniueh tuning through the kgielngbl which Ie lend to Ixueaoe lhe cleanse the: en -eppeelleuede tbeu. The ereoed rent legal use heel vet-lent hill (ll-lelsldoee ll to gully or eppeeeeenyeeclipn of the people enepi shone of the meter die- Iriot. who are Beetle; the government end to vhonllr. Oluleenue peoueee Lard Solink buy ts! math; I very dluurlxllg eppeel. 1`Ieienehe!nreIheeleeeenle.eoh:aelbe government In ooeoet-bed. nnrded in plan. [He en oanlended bylr. Bslhur und In by hie ennnenh. It lenoe no phln en hr at he llhuele ere eueoened. 16 In lmpeeelhle so oooeoivetlm Hr. madume he to! developed hie Scheme 0! home rqle. and mm! H !e not men snoepteble In dealt. II I remit 91 lung rxpexlsuee uid oeu- Ildltfitlnll. but be It meet detain! to gold but o-'1 Iniormurion In regard to It. He may lure hoeojnuiad la Men-eIn`ng ' Manuel! nu mm. an vlewe us cheek. pending Mr. Bellau`e dome: of the gov erumeu pulley, but the ealmme In no long: Ierfenhhle. The liberele canoe hope ea , wln la ehouie rule campaign ad lei! in good than to enlighten the people 0' Ia whet their nine and B1 aou ere. end_ they and longer and um; pruerve their elhuoo. 1'. Wemyee Rled, I: n mlcle Ii: the Nhuequh Gnmtry. roeemn the! Mr. medeteee will triumph In the next election. eedbeeeyeeeoubegrudgeehiaulsle Helnyb. In Illf, daily the her :1: genre. Iludfw hue tel: us! home 1130 eleue. Bel though be any beeoae prune nhauqnhnnnbmmuhmu elthelnee. eedlrvernoe Bacon: and Rt. Iethyhebeee and he the.p&l~ In Imdgnqlhtbnum nmmmuehuhmenhuhueh ue_xI_pelen'eu. , Acne It; nun el u Hnenheumapvwmlnmn elp. the been eleenneievl be eekel` IWJNADIAUJ HONORED. . Tho qioou boo notjovitlootod oulnut Uaudl-no la Iur` lalttldny dhirlbullon of honour. Ibo olooo tho Eh-VON Ihg` . punilonnl tho _doo-xluloa and pggslnoo ol. Onuvh. who haw: hon undo ouch 5 KC. ~ H.0.a tvlnot-I juooo oi Qnoboo. u. A. Lxoocer. who Im `noon hohond IIEK nun hood; and Dr. um... dluohl of Oh no logolool nu-`vey. who boooomjn Oonponlon ol 8:. Xllolmol and 8:. Gm-go. Tho Ipeninl bolodloolou 0! Mr unholy hoe lollou op mu on have hoeouojln ohjooh ol~ ` [not while omnuon by anon ol tho oou- ` opkioon poslllono whlol tho) occupy. Hour: to so pnporly nppnoluod mun ho ` bond on I reoogultlon of algal oorvloo por- lotnoll In C ptolouloul. philanthropic sod public way. Hod than oulldlmllulll hold` any nlvruyl In ohoonlu an nab- ioou for them their uceodlag ulna would have ora than unmbalnood thqir luvpou. rho dlml _ omen; ch! pollllolua lo ooumlmoo ol doubt- ful wisdom. It has luppanod, unl.mnnntc- I]. tho tho non whom the qnna kn cult- od how not pruonid than mum! cl toilet on Ioony ahdot lbo olmumttgaooo. Tho nomlo ol pa:-llunut nlloot wry uri- ; only upon com ol thou. and wages! that ` I\ In lunar totlolar um donorulon ol our pobllo not will tho analog of Illa. Mr. Abbott and II}. Mont no olooloy up nonl- lnl public mart. ud tho oeulullon gun that tho`; will any llnnoolnn honudortla I-lei I booomlog dlgnlty. no honor: cou- lonoi upon Judgo Lmom and Dr. Dawson hut bunvoa by thou gontlunomtlo torn by H! bu Hontlaolloo old: the auto and tho bnoh. -odlcho hunt by lulu Iolentln lghon and oonoootlnn with the Bahrlog` us can. Ho!-'nujuf.y bu omuhly bun sono- vhot dloorlnlumy Ill: you. but It lo gon- rallr oooocdodum the has has :2. no .mo dug tiunoly In lm nllggmbruooo Md jndinlon In in land; Tuna XIII. In :owonI{.\!u Iuuptlun M II II new about why cl proving Irhn in not In Mr. nava uwlndoa, sand`. that the alum on d Ah iauouocg virus 9 [QUIYH 81: Adolphe cl` the noauauou In I-upon! cf tho_ contraction oampuy tad of tho hnkor uovundon lpnohlng tlu no ha and: at his Illa-pd rocolpu. Ru: own :1 they land the chap: nu Ieou enough. manna Pnn. hnunruhgool than but horn in Maul! Me. Oh ya in can Meg and in? knot in poll at 00101:! thin jun now. Ho Mom appear: II, pu-llunc-M sad the chateau dopniauool In running mall. Tho` ooteuihlo Illamu 0! mutant tales hll nu In tho house at commas: numoumn. he tho lam: much ffhlti to int "haulage" lob . tar own: kin to By. Illcun 0 ' `- - Dr. lmhbuno Ilhfl I Gooyoung mm In mm him in nimning New York. If in udham tohh mun M01!!! muvhodn In ought to bc ibis no pl shun. But I! would be wall to gut 10.000 old man to watch tho L000 young man with shy in .n val. woum u 3 nrlru c` him at: lxclun l_)r._ _nr 0 I V luwlcnhll nulnnocd ovuy on-aponc c It- uring one ltd conhnh on tho Ilovnl In May vduhar. unduly don guy wfih. [I ma on would his to no this uyotam la work 9; ordcr, II II: will all at my home. oorqu 0! Brock and Ilontrul nu-!I.l ulull hihnwy to explain It to Mm.-Tuou.u-I R. Du-men. '- IIIIOIIII UTIIIIU. 'Dt`;oit ivqnng `Una. Tho nun was nun cnovgh to than tr min In naytn; at hum win! fllnlly thin Iptlrg. _o I I! thoroughly unlotood. an would huxolnd I lngulenhlal nnlnnnnch nvnnr nva.nnn`nI nan. _ mrrsa mum Bmnst-j w ...v....-.a.~. ..p--._. :0} Ft`: DAV. .mAv 2-}. 4392. GPIRIT OF THE PRESS- Mvwuo. . . A gm: mun Judge Ruin: em nd ' my bin utnrwguclg and the you -- o.xlcLnu hliunf And will not try ,t Ollplauhhil am. he Pm; The Caro: ML , ' "." , `Q '3 I-in oE%J`i5R1h.lh:A&E .. -- , u... ..- RLIAAI-D pus; mg . In I OOD or Iuugnorn punt-proud mound men. 3. Lnchuoo.-,-Sir. for nun! yuul haw _uoud from viola nah 0! hnduzhc uh 1|-om lmburho! dlgcuinn. 1'-day um nhgulod low homo: of Dr. ay`! Rnmdv, I Am uulro! and cl than nhoh sad my mama: dlncu Inn. I an: plea and the sum round In my, many to: ladlgudan. colic: and stuhaev: am! that drip with wooed. Dr. Stro Runndy In slum uaolhnt purguln ch ch um vision: mushy pain, nd which duo nut mount on item not ubout_ thnlr ordinuaobu ' nu. D. D. Bmsasmn, 4? ms t.. Moat:-ul. ` at--- puur In ouur no home the much. lho Brazil but oonuhl Iron fteen It Monty-taut node which all guuiunh at on time. 1'! most vigor-ounma gm am lbrongh A {null hall Al the to he the 99: I nlr. ud Uaireupoa to change: nud Md: n nu not. A Brut! ml in very llh mm 0 Kingston`: pun:-proud mound Lnchuoo.--Sir. lo: nun! vuul bun ulmton nd -Tcnulon. on 3 young China: tom in am` rhgcnlo the In Illoud to u:.?nm own Duran. yho In oallod hot I9VCt.`nl' boo-is 1! they no land of. uoh other :2: dam to- puur In order to mu. tho mun lhc Bail} nut Mauls: lrn- lm... to gym mmau htllell mm: the pmlnou ol, \\'urmIuI_u why. In an Ankh lo: .-4yIom`saao-a-bee.---A Punt point: onlhu than in really no room for more moaomum htho fuuou church uoopi mm which an rournd for Iiutw lommnt I-Iagllolmu ol the time- Glulatom And -Tcnnnon. Win: I wanna (Shin... -A_.... I. _..I Ii`: . Dun lint oouphiat. billguon. to. than inntluiilu lgo@_ Ir button at the liver. ad In pronptiy wand. AI satin don nhould at n! In tutu. any thus of Bnmtoro Pills, [allowed tho next night 5 out at (no pmiu the .\oo_ulun any mud; um which asks no pm aim or uric I cat. which -will grodusllv mun ghuotlon of tln gnu blood 81:0: and thonby alien is to puma: thou luc- tbn no annual to 15: hodth mad cow Inn at the hotly. Sold by dnlon In nodhhot: Om pm Adan. uguueu :1 man xupnauhlmvr. May ocrfmoohup things have but add by land: oortupoodnutn of Auction nun- pdn on Dan Braking`: decision that it would In lmpondblo to has A memorial to Jigs: Rumll Laull w M: the pnolnotu ol, Wurmlulu why. Alull hr Waodol man my n wa;-T. an. mu I. Tank mbrdlhsn I00 nun tho watt 0! I IIII at commas or until]: labur wu worth lnodcoutn ads]; ad on this ho nnpporhd NI Qitmlly ln_vhu' urn no doubl ltllhd an o I pnobhll Ly. II! ocrimonlaurkmnn hive hrtn nid u L K, '15, m j *:r-- W`? .. 1 ..,..::.-'.m.-.-+*.~ I ho. ._p....-.....-.....-..=........-.x`..-u.~r,- .......,..ro or haunts. I. l.; Mt-11 known I! prqprlctm o! [hem roof Hanan nn, mm hm... ..o n. uuugupn emu. uu-out utrgu. - ` Anna-lean Iutnrloihii-`i uT33,W0 which: 3 ma. Mac the any tine-photo hi- portod m npmn, atop-wstchu sad that having npcal-Ll movom-iv. whluh halo; 3 high pun. A Inll lllilhtn IN} Inn Ann u -(uh XIU Mr. S. 0. ll .- 9'77 O! Pltvldnnhn. I I v -nun uwvl an Inn!` Alhullllnlofaunad, `gun hang; .__..4L.. ,, Sarsaparma man. nk.-m um... ..m In mi E, T ' ~ ` uuuuiu-thine I-uh -hul. t, -Fun liu ll IDEA-u-j._.nnAAnnnI rl`)"I' 'WItn~ rl hh hm-I-llula .4_......_-.;,..-.m..-.._.u..s...- Hpuses F93 SALE.