Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1894, p. 2

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nounnn sunouoy. 'Fi'iieh-LiiIi laulio. Ethel Hatch- Inu; Mollie Whitney. Amelia Knot. ( ml;-lay Bmnn. Winnie 8 no. ith bout. ammo Snoboll. En c- Kqy. Lon-duo Iinnoo. OIAOI 11, Run KtrlpM.tiok.- Clan I [LE in Thompaon. Mann: Hiuckley. " GIIIIAIL--C`llI I. Elba] H-Inhmnr xwuuun nuwney. " Gormanmoluu I. Ethel Bud Home Wnllnoy. Gertrude Boobell. rdno Kilauea`. Chll II. I-inn Kit] rick. ` Olun Ill. En Hcny. n-uinn nf Ash: aoooou. latin-0luI I. Gcnrndc `oobqll, Ho! Ho Whitney, Anna Insulin. Ethel Homin- nor, Edith Dom. Edna Thompson. SIM Kirk trick. Winn Hague. Gnu Ill. lllnokloy. "i'iiASII-Lii|i Iulin. Iithnl Ilnmis. uuu u. xonau lnoklcv. Kinotvud 3 play-Ola: 1. Ana Lculiq innit qua. Amalia Ina. nous. Wmmy. nu. xmp.moI.nsw Horohnonlzorninn Iinnomiva Moliay. lam Bodduw Ol.uo____I_l. Hutu-udo Boo . l..tIn_`l!|._ I r.\.--uI..v...L.n u..n nu. nouns muouoy. lhIinh--Glut I, An: Luqlio. lamp Whimsy; lthol Horohmor. Lon-nine linnu. (equiv; Wiunlo . Amelia loco. Gum-udo Hooholl. `om lolhy. Em Klrkpstrioi. In-ion Bcddon. Clan ll. Bonn: Hinbklov. Hinwv and can-rank-__.lVI..- I A--- mac n, In loluy. lnthomuou-Ola: 1. Ann Loulio. Ethel liotuhuur. Hollie Whit: . Gor- Irudo Elooholl. Em Kirkpgu-ink. aria Boddon. Olun II, Winnie ua. Audi: Kano. born-Lino Inns. 0 cu l, Bonn: Hluolloy. 1. Ann Lam. lam. ,.. salon VLMI6. . - Gian! oionoy-Dun 1. Anna Loulk. E I. Heruhuor, Home Whit-` noy.UnrI-rods Soolnll. Wiuuia 0. Iarninu llama. En: Kirkpal ck. Oluo H, In Iolhy. IA\hnnnunn-Clnn 1, Ann I.-nli. any runs. - 0ornun-,-Chu I (I. I2: Britten. Unit I. Inri Louho in-I90`:-lo . ` . . snznun . nary Inna. Ltin-(!Iln 1. Ad: In-ah. mm. `arm... Inryhtrk. mu Oortwaht. Rahal Iinnu. Clan 1!. link ibloy. Clou III. Ioniu Kirkpatrick. lunch-Gin: I. lnnbol a.nui.n_ Uuu ul. Lorna Iurlpnlnu. Pnnch-GInu I. label Oulvtigh. Iillio BI-lIton._E&hol inns. Louino Kirkpsl-rick. Olul H. llith `Bhibloy. -` lay Fun-lo. GnrnA.n--Chm I Minn-_ (:1... uuu u. uuvnn. ` Biou:r{alIn!Iphy--Chu 1. Ella] Khan. tubal Conwriglt. Edith lth- lloi, mm. lemon; Louisa Kixlpulriat. `ti Don. I], Inn Paris. huh Wunviok, _ X`hoanoa. Ohu xu. lacy on-us. ' lA|ln-GI I. Ada Huh. Hilli- mu. . Li-h--0hu 1. mm. Britta; I lino. Cartwright. oq-ml; ldil.h,DoII. A B-`mu, um Sbihhy. Idn Thomson. I Pa-rim: Ania Wcuiol. lauhmlt pariah, mquh. Chan H. Baum. Ilia;-u A -an-mnlu-.lYl-g I l.`nL-I '.CfII. `` `V nit Brian; M. nu-L. noun Kiri-` llli. ioquh. (Inn 11. Edith Elihu`, III: Thomson. Iaryltonn. Glut ll . Ililh Don. ' E.-..h _m... 1 nun- n.-`u... THELADIES` COL:l;EQl`.:. v. uuuruao uooueu. har- l(irl:pu- . Eu mo: 01.: lhkbol Xingu. Cllll { Ada mm. babel V fol-via, Inna: Ill urns. ulna . Edith Bhibloy`. I LAX, AC5 KIND. babel Ferris. 0100! III, Jam; aLn.|..' I;Lho| Hnehmor. Ll-ndn Rnnhnll Ln:-- I, Aun- v Wfin. nyuna. I Cllll I`,n)ul IIIIOP. nbngo. am I Ilka or an I eoldlnhtl hy lhv can burial ndor ol`1 onpotn at ,- nounelug nor. Ira. N. E. Ward-is lying in 3 Vin >i dinmnngng mac n pron.-us. prounud i by inunmnion. at the hunw u! Robot! : nnhun. Ruth. I In-,1. Ihnoynr ah! I (hnhurol N H. Howutdahud than at . ngon out uouly u_. while playing Ink .1: old Ieytha with hot brutbor. Wash odlod upon to rveord our of tho add:-at Ill nu u on: of an nan and- don doulu lint our happened in thin hnHy.-$Qtlu- ml of In. W Innn HA tn!-nlnntnd with g lull: in on mu oxmun lurch `nus. Our yu an hlving | goui than in; naniadly number of tho funnv In 1` V replaieon. Oar In-unusual. ` W. 0091:. returned 3 {M7 day: go with I pike mounting nearly nix foot. in length. 011: pupuluion hu incruoed I somewhat ol late by Lbs gdditlon of My ; Willin`!un11y; also I ynung gout!-man lonunnlm the algae M honor at R. I ; wuur many; uou gout!-nun oooupin the phoa of honor at R. G. I Bhaionu. P. Funny but hkon mount ;bou'der-WI I buy. In J. Fleming .Lcunnd not Imnhnnd with unnum- nn-ninn him, nun nuances. BIAIIN. Klu-oh 'l'i.~`. A. Coon. I.D., hu oponutl 5 drug More in tho and lnalv ooeuplozi by J. R. Dar-gavel. ho having secured the purview 91: (`um- Eemn druuin. Rov. G. H. Pm-n~r .A., 13.0.. ptuc-b_ad the miuionuvy ..-n...-.. 2... Al. . . . . ~ ah Il-...L -nlu. -1151! live tivnna. Md .P.8.0.E. noeiny. And" rfofinod I mu- rxnconmony. Wong in; bu begun than in Izivooonot 07 an anrlv am-Inn. :___( "Elm-mium|.m oath! ` and oi. Iltnutn. A In! Auiorlng at cu-Imv on Friday Mill- 'I'IO Ina. Vary llld. (:.\u.ow, Inch `l.--~On the ash inn, uverynuuocunlul convert vu hold in tho l rqh;_t3risn nhunh. .\_l_qcIi\hncn_d- ' IE5 Elan vary unhvonbln min at the roads. I goodly number gnomlod. sud an oxdollont pmgnmme In executed with not orodit. tn 3 win: mot put. Ru. lonrn Pm-hon: mcuuind lhnnhnir. Rm: C I a M u c 0! ' 1 ' icncy. v :2; non n~.~ N.Y.', Wl urchin; n young 3:: when it run III] and throw Ir. Whit- ny our I stuns troll. frsemnng his skull. Ha Hod uvonl hour! slur- vuxh. He was tiny-eight youi of 03?. own. no tuna my xoumun; day. What Ibooynhmjn I" run down, and no homo! obtaining nonthhnont by the` ordinary food apply. than Icky Killer`: Emulation. )0 than 001: and blood usht. the kind that oumg" colds. ooughi; bronchitip Incl nll dinposeo 0! shunt and lungs. Envy homo I'Bl'l`IlN- ed. No oily am like othera. In rhi honla. my aunt: and 01. st wade dr store. 5 lnwl '|Iil.nnv. Hula: nnnv l.wo;.n.,, nu. __ ,ooo pm. 6. W. nnohum, Chioagu, formerly ol out:-ml urn going home than he vultuehad by footpndu. H: van struck on tho land until: concussion 0! III: hula. He also the ollou-in; day. Whnnlhonnhm in I run down. nu! Ion: ml to do good, Preach `il about to follow nuzrla. Ind pan I luv turbid nu nu-riot pigeon without ; > has u gonnauoni. lnltinlhhlun. [ha Bmh Ibo! ` - . Tlutli . lngaid hours; an dnll hulueho lg diuqnuklu. This two ol than L In Lin: PHI: bdan mud . and on will nd roliei. The] Inc No onood. . ' 'rs.`u..,.2n... ma lukm._o|onoh- . ha been Inhulron Gain talism- ' ' en. nqushe tueutvill be hallo: man man In -cough onlanlda Iha ' On-uh > ."nodool will . houhoihd uni 950. ad 50... at \Vulo`u dug non. , ll. Juan` lama mtholko attain!-. lonrul. wu opoud (lulu. Tho cont:-nation ol Ch: cameo begun nau- lour nun no. I-I I. - , ` ,- wmnhln crouch udbcllou`. sung . Ila ppiunw Fling-en. Klncoluip C. R. H.u'din1. 1I|a Bullish nnnilgr, r I0 KEV` I. k P. LXI! ~ lull oonunlme to ,-`a. `KC 9 hlldll . ` . , I 3K. to , Mon cununguun. "u. xuiu... M-u-.n._-uT..a ` }::.'::::-...'*.-:..:~.-.:.;.~!.-.-2: ; .nllKl. fa con . :- Iberc in pmqpno t---..-.. A FINE ENTERTAINMENT- , we mt] Mr: Ilia. II I|SIV.U.l lndorthnu Iecnuhiny uh Ihd. In:-I. rm .__I'| A ;:."'x'."_'ZJZS.'..:7'u ...... nan` inlitog I'll gh- .; v v a 9 But dmtgtmh 8. unl-`Sun -gngln.-c. 1.... YHI TIA TAILI. o------u .' In-nun innit. .3. an _ A ........o.. NOV. U. H. l"ul'll`l'. ncbsd oimnil lurch `NIB. Iinn - -uni than: 5.`, bail 0 III I 0: can 'graII . mom: in an I hI|- Mn.-And trod vin- IO? 6 46': 0 Matt v.l`nOM o I 563500 Non! I00! HUI lO:4II,A. .1" 1:... ror nappanod In nu ryou of W. H a Iarululod with I um] minute with- I. Tho huuunl in I. 8. Ilbyisoldc. she nnnlam nl IL; inn. Elli}. hank. pa tin fills. you nick n `thou vs Outer`: Lin]: 1.! or In:)ll`lIol.l Ind mph _\'|oI n. 9. IOJIIOUII. an rude: at no son: uumng on be an ofnn anrly opr . -I . ronoouo. ml Thuradu - milu. purely with bu gy; Mdroo n nvlnfm-A a map. IIIIOI VIII-III! GIIIIOEIII` Illl NI lanes in pmmou-1 by the pruxzmi that shop. no that imnnu-1 Qt pnmhwc who (um Ilia foolish nu not I609. The Ioouotthil in Hm aha Inna-. -61 nun. `r....%...;q,cJ:%;..-Q IWII {YOU} 511. $577` Of III. C! bounce it will and kvclou up the small- nr shape in the outer notions sud armh- I monopoly for the` lap: duxwnmwn duldu, as Manual of null dnlon hm hm unable to ml this Irnuounry and heavy tn, thin will be A prlmq mom (or the blghllowu. but bath to Ilse mu. onemlo any nothing of tin Ion dluumn which ouloido consumer: will to La gn . for (hair man. it they with to uesura u. at all. Why should 5 in In plwod cm the uu|\ Irulo any mun than un |ny~ thing oln. I0 lung as ch gunllumnnlm ,a . Iuitnhlo plane 0! minus om! kmopu` is N ln 'IIm!nnomn nnnditinn} lln um` wluvc mu llltlf nun: nnllrnly. OIPO oinlly in rsnrd to the him of from mus. oonoorni which and the exempting from an onotnoino 0! our induuria] iuuhllntlnu. tlwy but com leuly mar` looked the trlulllhroou 0 tin umnm. [run under the irupnuiou, until ma lut muting ol Ibo ouunoil. that mony u! in non!`-or: wwehoo u-adorn. |n-1 wa- nnrnrinul duo ammo nf Mu... .. -on`, ...- Id (kounty Dunmm mm. Ian 1 Fun I Iociuy. ow A Iooilou on-on. . _ KDIURIBN. $i.~-(Tuthe Eiimryr -Gan you all what`: the nnuar with the city (ulna? Hwy 0! than new tohvc lone ship had: entirely. in mus. oonoorningmwhloh and the hum Iain nlnnjnn nl nun i-..h...anl.1 oymu nuu. and It-would be lmvnad down sud ropudintoj by All roununhlo man. I am glad to know then qn some Ian!-hndod numbu-not the nchml board who undone thou nntiaenxo. um! I Inn! the `will {curiously uphuld them, slid 1_vi (cue the onuin ol 1ruI.h and justice, nludlou ol clap-tup opposition tron nooiuliutic Ihwrinn. It In becoming IIIOII und more ulf~evi- duh and mum that our pnblia ooh ul yarn in mwlnmout in am any `ifi Eiidly ovarluule-I and `remodelled. Ills rapidly being horny- ounbod with 114: And In-`ldius. `upow umonluloomud and usonciulu neg. loobdmnd ulnngunoo reign: n mremo. II in II is than the school luv nhuuld ha shun and unondod. I ) on to nuke IN to bmpxpoadimru nub` mu... approval at the any oouuuiln-. .8. ` _....... pour poylnr run. am when other- rppliui it in I lnniioot. inuuouoo in ' `u onnodul 0! this uuy. : lthudnody hon J`InnIc-an in our nllbiio school: In ptovi banks. on, Io nliehildnn thou pnnulo won too poor to my lot than. No`; on obiecu 90 min. Tbcblon. In the use of munion some. what. man on nuoqnbiy In and or 0: M4`? Bysdopuuitun you inc! 0 and p I it to all, it 1: llclply p:'p.3.7.t ihn . community at large. sud plnuingdt in IV humiliating position. in Int. it ion In M. on rououblo to nupply hoouuula -tool! aohoui children: at thophbliouponu. for my s.Jcun- uidu the it. is not only dogtuv insult to tho inlollipm portinn ul aha community. it in on lblnrditixn its hound an outrage u an wily- hnrdouod In you. have in not w-. othat city in 6 dolinlon when such :1 "spam nicu. and it-should be lnnvnod dn-n Ant. I-nnlltliglgl Lu .Il -....-....Ll. ng.bn| Mr urumuuou ul up yup no nuw: so mun. but db! otlwru (but than qiultd at amid to van. onmomy -by-Ian to who: that quusion submit- _Iod by the hand. But. guide from this, no ulhl nun: can bovou lof_dIu in- tlfoduqou ul cod: I spun. Tho win- on count taxi-bouh.bla :k lsooh nr , npplioi thank to conned to an ahlldun of _ Inc who an rally too 32 pay tar much. and whom other- Tin nnlinl it. in A nnnilnn. iumntuu L. CIVIC. I uuuuu unulollholgu l `.` OIIMIGINYIQ M Q..\ `BC in -Vpnovoutlddho votuhhul: Lao! Ia!-huh lungs IIDNIIIII shgnalhuatuusbnd tho opnioubtl llbpl In Sir oh I .. - Inn. 1!. h I wall-kI:owho1.w|r|l'n:{ tho kw?)-mumiq oou-I Inpda nu du- onu: Inf 1 in up yin the hul no maps, .u......r 011:1`: Juno qumid pound 0 van on money I" by-Inn to van on tail hr llnn hunnnl Hun `AA. in... non. was nuylou o In wuvru II at not II no.1 wish I: , id noun a for spending dnllu Int Inc-duh lxnbmnd out. I chin that the pnuili [Juan nl ah nu-in-nnlnhl. Amuruquu fan ac V uoodu A snub -u--."`"""":.... 5- In. "TI... ... .,.f_, ' ` ' ' ` I00 )1. A000!,'N1`AN'l` AND 3. IMMII lnmouun V we . 0&0. III In: cunt _ si'EJEErsj or msansrf OUIEITS Failed 1 Am: MN luonly ol- Lu 0. but have I don duping Shh aid `int Qlfil I-la is I to us; it I unl- I pnvu no- you cl this nifty in J quota. \ I an . HI mu him In tinting 0! opinion at vol : on nmny_.by- non: loch that an ying hula: to Inn than was a. ui-to thin `inn in yuan. The I, Mark Books ha onlnlxml In (L: H: I ..... A oneignnint of PINE` FIBRE. ltdocn not make the cheapest Matlrnas. but --it`._g_y_.q:ea one of `me nieces! and most healthy Maltrmgscn you can` `ht!!! ' Jus'r RECEIVED. - - nun 1 Lsu all Linn. '* ll--an mew GooJsJWarIvsrnne W prices. [N_ewSpring and Summer Calicos V of Toronto. This company has no atockhnldera to ab- sorb proll. p- In {ully guarantee-d by necessary gav- ernmcnt deposit. lune: policies on all popular plgnp. and pays death claims promptly. ~ " [DESIRABLE KALIKERS. V V . | To those who intend to. inoure thi-ir liven : Du.\l"T put all your eggs in oncUaok`e_t.` I) take estimate: for guarantees. ' Du:\"T take Limited Life Policies for EudownTnt" Polieles , - . _ ,` l')ox"r insure in eompaniea tliat `give stockholder: the ljmnv almrc of'prot_s. : ' 5I)0.\"T believe that all inoumuce Agents are sharp era, but . = l Du look into -the plum of Insurance; pmncntcdllhy 1 iandsome Waco. :: S. l"IerIdl`I_OI1. J . Crawford. A. R. ' Martin and Jan. Redden 8: Co. ` -1iuoso1'o`ancrotIuthos qiod-could-l`nh4nldCoylon.vrhcI-ova rm! 1-nan. ,'\'ou wllltlnd tbcmnotoulycdouiln flnvur. htccaoomlal. I : . ' V . smw .-.-_._...... S.`=I:'? f'5 ---.j----: I U :11 Uincuufu V &O-.._',.-'.._.s..s_ SIXTY D0/.EN'NEW l'0l.'R.-IUTTON KID ULOVI8, IIEST QUALITY. NM: own-Clslp Luvd K14 Glnvu. Hut Qculit . Two Hundn-1 Donn Nit fut Blush Hmiar . 5! din. low prim-c Luna.` On;-and-A wsunom and on-hi! uch n.u....mh.d Hiudtuwurn Limin. lu. lfni an le. ' muin. I".-ya. we we `Ills. ' (I:-nu' Ham-niwhd I.-incl: Hudhrchulu. chap 1} lo and Win. Thinv-ve dulnll War Hulk Pnruulu. Putty ('luudm Law Prion. New Bill Luau, Brudod Trimming: and Pun,upoMoru,1o-1 Pricu. T THE `PEOPLE'S LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. We; have in stark one thousand yards of wide cloth and fgsf colors. in pretty Challig designs. Inspect our show window and note our CRUIWLEY BROS. j.;.:%u[;.:.;:: F. C. MARSHALL. w :AT UUALDR()VlV L*"` nu up-u nan -.co.o..-.1. .. ,._ .. , . -._,`_ In who only. roe` mo by V Imumv auuuiiii . lat mas ()nIur|n "s `I. 0% !I.lIun`ud Dmggiu lib-hhltlld Bod (`an `id - HAVE: You TRIED `HJNTS Glasgow Warehouse. of Rcfrtge raturd in !'lcKELVE/ Gt. BIRCH. Brpckvst. quiring about a Rcfrigermnr. Don't Keep in st0c|_( the largcsg nsumrtmcnt forget that we manufm-turc and Rfrigg:rz1tc)rs. ln another month yfu\will be in- xi`1imAifc0uPoNs;g Wu tune a lupocbc use ning-mu not. RICHMOND & o'v. Handsome in Millincry. oum-uu nun. guano} boul- Handsome Hal orBonnet. N'$I`II5I`U`l oualui, lie an is I ha: uln ` R. \NALDR( )N. INSURANCE`. his .-....-o.._..._.. [In thnninhirthocon-.2 . poems I pm: nut in accompanied by Twain T ah. I! an by Inn no can u- f ,_..r_V ._,.........._..__._.__ _..._ CW ulmcl. 1 `H571. all- Io the [out , _ Walling- CouI==_oN No. 5 Had An Punk-I out :n-` I [ union by I up/or. E3F`.'1.`] ."_3j'% _3_`1`F"'J'3J3- The "BRITISH wma" .;'i,y`l'caOpnu..vmIo ac. uy ol"_upp`o\V link; s I IoIo.1B.|ulu-; 5dn. W dulrdbynslloddnv 3 two uni than n.\ D , I ' .".o E3'5`.'.'a ""' " :.. tuna. lino-onncnhth run`: I md'sFaIrPnot0s jmcx NUMBER courou. % '. L wma census. It in the but Infant food. 'qoo{:unuu ' ' --`I RECIPE" ;?.FT*_!N6F*Y: T+6n'i:Lii':Rv. ---9..-. ....~ _....~ . A3C|'-lITECT$JRAL.`_ -3 nnrmn WH|0."_ u-no . IlOl.AlllNC: &IKl'f. D 0 7 one M1 1'. using.-u'.`a'3 Va FINANCIAL. xnlonomoxr. La'(;A|,. Iuciudluuu-snuaioivu ~ IIIIG-lnoralluuduol uobjlgtnbouunovbu ml. II `l'lh'!'l. all-' v Paul W 11! Inubu funln. .. .5. 1 It gumapfmmuo amt, hvlnliw 943 I-win an` Yon- Viri I 1"; i'teuuu%mud,)_p anus: ' I4 LR!!! VIII-`ICE mug; Jipnuouu iuw -: Iquuwlnl III: vnuuo In Ir. hthclhn Ilfndtndaulcl laugh--um-_;._- ..>___.. "'-W----W `III pulrwju pa-p vltuncuhu-tlul|&$aI.punMIoo' Qhopnuuuiuuhho lqlkr. Ttolutg-, dehociiluarvguaultht Voice-tin;-I 1! -`clue-as -u piano to Mr. Vui Inlthnnilnn I!...'-..J_.:_-_ ._.. .. I -'4 ---on v- aunt! DI nu." iamhuu-atara;....,..a'.; Cu 311 ha llnn l-Jl._- L--- -1 ti`?-IITIIIKBIIKI1` in ouoad man in en gut nogalonlnl henna: anal ndal. In Wighg Ls .-Ll-L 1L- --.-.c_ ,, _, V -v-.-.----. --vs -.----3 vv Iluullg lur In-. Infants. and Ir. inborn`: uliui-1 orlhutiniliin ruiieliou 3! 8.53? in the binon-qooogneel "5 timber nun ms, in to go unity am." ma-ms-I and lndlnqlniu would uougnuo tin oonpmniiu, but than Ibo upon , unt: of Ir. V`u.nIau;h`hu_ nothing; can in he hm-I mucus. _! h` ...._J ._-;._. lg; .n_ n .. ,. . ,.,_r_ .......7 ** iIHT&I(uA 'n|1"T .`l".I.fI.:- , -" g "nu n-uu-uu. an ID! cu-auuu rul-II. III`! shut in nay to nmondod In many unn- Iinh. nd that until it in nslly paced the popplo ought. to be` oouidonu. The agitators. Ilhotht they undet- nsnd tho hole or I106. mun. of of iuuiuuoung 15:! sons 0! the sldormon an orooknd and ought to be nmovod. 090 cu! phi Bushy thonoon diotatlgon * donlund hgt he` be! bean "umphxl can in tho oomwn on the noun quot- slon. Talmud how and by than? what did In main 9 Th Iplrh at _v|'ohduulu-uh withla a an `ha uugoaokruloiudlouiy Iunimhn ublkh_oal:who.i_.Hu noqbuu on In hat-out. an unplnjy matings: hou- aouru. be hm]. nun to the mat. , The aoqoolidsud by-lawn wars undu- ` I-nlov. and waxing :5 the do 0! the Iquinul of the council. Shay wu-atuuod with the noun! lndmnnnab. Baroly n quornunl tho uacmbou worn prcoont, and tom: ol thou oouyzhod peanut at in sholdjoining room And nmokod and do- bcud who that o! nplming Oh: tovnr chip 0! Kingston la the county for. loc- Inul The proposal to nlu tho ` buckets` lleonu from pl to no nu oun- tldorcd lot an lnur, sud _ tho argument: in fun: `of is pnullod. Thcis argu- munu any or may not has made my hupnuion upon the nuclomon` who 1pon&9uu:lnytharuomn`1r1tr I ulou of their grlounou. but with chom : rudo public the `alderman would hut (I I I been, at In, Isl:-ly and intelligently orhlclngd. ` \..._ _.|._; ...__ .L_ n. ., .. an . uupuluniyun I Now whu no the gum? -'ms nu. uonlollduod nut by-luv is null bolero LhAnnn;nA3I .a. n. ......J _._.u.._ -_1 but I-v-vu Iu lvlucu In DUI EIIUII OI I-BO "council on the Haunting of blltcbltl. Priunrily thn dlmaulty nun !mm the non-hnportutoo suoohodio sh: dioom; oiun 0! $110 market by-luv. And @135 `Abunoa from tho pron ul sh : muons which induce! nouns alderman to mg! voonto hlnlloonu and carry it through the nannll. THE BUTCHER8` BY-LAW. It in wonderful how much misunder- standing sud mlonpnunloglon than Iluhoon in nasal In tho uiiou ol the '-nnhgli ..-. AL- |:--.._x.... -1 I... 1., ml. vunuuvig 7'": in lllla A-L Ally` par. ON; a! Hon Adolph. Cu-on. 014.711; An-`Io! Hon. Ir. Form. 05 2-3. The point. is why Ill-mld the paoplo pt] the val, him of thou. man _\_vhon n home. :0 sh capital 7- They no paid hand- Iomo solution. on of whiolx they on wall nm-I Io` pay their street our fun. or. it loo proud to rid: with the oomruon pupil; to ban their own oonuyuncu; The Audion;-gononl hu pntutod spine tho dab-him thin." u"_ol upon- Ioul nduan an! should be roluldod. but they Inn not been u!undgd,ggd the vaioogf the omainl ydrliunam bu olooud to prevent inpropn npndituru n boon eonumgmoulj ignored. ' U yr-uuu wit cum, ul nun. -r. vusuusu, IHI_;,o!'Hon. Ir. Hqgart. 018; 0! Hon. Hr nimno, DII- ll, IL. ll. ` 'l"....', can um: uum. " Gem: of thoiobuatvstivn nib mach lgn 0! 50 lit-oral: Ihoumnslly otlciu the oxpondim ' lnurrrl ononnlly by Oh minimum ohugod up ln_tho pub- lksooonnh. And` tho ooh hih at tho Inna:-sblo gentleman In one of the thing: that in ashamed too shall tor .pnblIo noueo. But what: this item bo- oousu 73 fur HM driving of Hm. It. Only about the capital during a. potion! - 9! night moxislu it become: rubs: ro- iinrhblo. NM.un|ly,ib ja ooutrutod yithuthunnd ninihr expondituru sud `with tho result` that thus in nothing like to. on `record. The uh account 0! tha pnmior wu ON); of Hon. Ir. Omcignn. IHIL nl u.-nn Ila Il-.---..a `HI. ..I ll..- "om; wiii? M""'\Iv . . . . - . . . . ..9' llui Tllnuugu-and samba` vtlul the I-not and me. plnoo can pin: lac eumrtuaz: hours all lt Mucus than who`: on loo when hvlllopncyu-kl! and dam-`tons. , nbhlnad in all ` '*'."....".:.:.:" ::..*=* vs mu. ' 0- &6, Th 1`acvam`l`hu-anal Gm. TIIIWIIIIJ -l'Il ':lI|_l ilo '*`x::::L::-'.`..";L'.-r_':.":'{.~:-... .. ... ll OIIOI Laban! Vuuni-. IVCTT IW [W X of the invnmoudm A14 Luy A- l1`.l..;__ 3-- A.~:N3i},rEc';amI;rT: ug,g.y you OJ. Dina. uua dint`? I = I-ow-u an ` IIc_-llmn to inn. LI... 1..| nun; fol . aloo- uul co 1 Third nn outlomon` trxr but u i `-I? -`Th! v in I reading. und a mill] xnliv annual coma our am. no would an In no can all day with his Iliad bored on llh haul. running to amino anybody. Ha nfnoe-.l in not and uowlv but surely Ill uh:-via hlnull to death. Tim: the oclsln got him to on uamnlhlngrbit his demeanor did not olungm. Ho ounotl oblivious to ollolhlo surroundings and be VII tho ~pTFf6TH6h'T6'iiT`lITI'II." Di" Briii ' mporlnundont ol the London asylum. - pronounced hln -uao. Tho Ithl came on And it In: pmvonau Vans and hi: win uoomed vary hnppy um! I (or month: halurn the rnurdar,wlu_n he grew mama and sullen cl times. and umuod horullnadalldy. Dr. Benin ovidanoo was 0! ngnl laur boon` dnntton. He gave the (H omnt. hum of mum; and aid that INC? | 0 Hugh onmlmtlon of Vnnnv In hm! no dnnht ha `an Inn: 1 I rf .Il'lIl V 8111! its In "10 no! 0 pmnla ob- ject.` never nfling his head It-on bl: ., buns nor giving thculiglaicn evidence that he an: sun. when sh: untunoo among wu wand upon lulu` ho was tald I: hymn bsilio. but In In in nhov him. he I'll oogalnu: of what an golngou. Thaouuvulonl so an nlnmorol tho. who command sh union: to uru. Vqmy we not long 0 mm Inindiu in to WU. hhduthptovu Ibo Iratrn! Dr. `n . -__...-_.. _...,-_,.=.... Have you tried Milk Granules um um: Inc? 3 snorougl onmmndon Venn; he land on dnubi he vu um, and that M: swings mnduct was onuud to his brooding our the murder. fl. Senior and H. `B. Dug:-sin wrmbonud tho antimony. _ For therdalonna. Dr. `Juno: Human. ol Windonr. vs: the ptlnelpni wituu. lie Ind vmud tho prisoner. uni in (If no opinion that "on won out of his mind; than he had :3 of the min. ad would die within O nor. Tho jury ` b In in a verdict ol gum}. hot mom- mon and Him so mortar. Th bout the Add any on In u box '5 pl lo oh- 'nn|.' nnvnp mhlnn Mn In-I l-an hi. mo an or 1-aw. onouumny owning. an cmzomot Amhorlnbu wore borrihd when Vnuoy. n rupees: o oolond nun, hui out his wile : throat ll-um on Io car. And than tried to am his own. Vonoy nu him to sndwich ll. and In I ahorl time I `com me olnngo uouotl M cams bver him. 0 would sit in his ooll all aw uith LIA Inn-cl Inn--J nu Ll- IIPIZ WI "*0 Andunou Yancy. tho wife mordcur, whcdiod in the Kingston oniungiury Iswvank, Ind _n pathetic inory. In the ll ut 1892. onotiundgy evening. the - citizen: 0! Amiurlnbun won hm-rihd ll'-l IIDU 'C'VlIlIII-I ll`-V UT. 'Wj-C' I y an momlcsl. uidu. I-ho supplement- ary umucn no not you through. sad day may man than noun (or u pn- unt doolonoiu of thn unoo ulnlniar. Wm. I bit nil witch lot dovulopnonlo. Th udmalu 0! sh} hdonl govern- mont mini: 0 rodnctlon ol shout (out mil- lion: in tho upan-iimro. In! It _II on capital sooount. sad so does not, indium that tho government has bosons widow I-...`n1uul.-gl n..:.I.. ah- .n-...I--.--0. fholluory olihoboolololni rnlnnnnlnnnnn. The Patron: of lnduury Inn novw my oundidnu in"\ho Iicld lortholop inlnuro. sud Fruntonnc and othor eon- autuonniu have yet to In bun! him. I! tho ("armor alumni don not pl-cull" in the next home it will not ha their fault. and in tho llghl, of hoont events it in not nnrprining that Ihoopponitlon should bouodupantoly anxious to adopt ch! Patrons`. platinum. . \ ' 2 ' _o 0 ' Grurnriloin bu been bound in tho] Iegiululnn it not proposes. sod which. among othn things. sin 30 -pctilj all the oloouonloa one day. Cuudn he had some uponuoo with this pncuu. nnd she pouplo wnld Inwt oonunuu ch: old ordur of shiny. `PM on ma one vote in 5 principle yhich mm: M- lou us 5 nuns! of course. - u 0 t tho and or Inn` cunt Iluuo A :-o lun- bnml. A `chunky ho: hum lurnod when Iulnion it in to uubllah Iloalric nmlou don; the nth anal and plupol build 51 S50 Irolloy oyohm. Th Ob ponu ql protsolnloa in ulculihd in be than lly pot uni. ohntpor than than coat 0! toying:-by bv.)ru 0.!` main. ` V-uiyvlvl -U puny-so i khyunrihoovidonooia oullhld 'Ih_|Mllonuo ohnvcnnuo 00-` min Ibo lhqllt-in of thy ontliiov-gunr r nl. Hat! is uloehl thou npgdal` 'fl_IDIOIQI|-54 uoho'tSonolIh'pvup|I Iron: lnpupar podium and Inn uulunou In all luau: pin-lling to ob whiz uaoonnu. an uyou and hiunpou ndhvm ooculoth no-~ elation Oh: hiuiuo 4 not Innchld. that the youngest : undarnuppu-I look upon his iqvasiguiou II irrilov day And annoying. and the unwary` ~ howl nos found my dionlty In ON!- outulng his -comply: by onion which an pnaethnoo ol III: ohjlatiou an air aunulslwoc snggon, A govcnnuu ` Ihinh in Dlinn In uh-.-In In.o.....Iln-. EITITIK CK H'II Eu Ion! A. vuuunuuuuu uu.'u-ua_ 5 V. which in given lo and; Ituuu-lions bu no use` to? auditor-gounll. -..._......__- EDITORIAL PEN _P0l N'l`. .750 Sunday our urviuo iI"IOI thin; and Ch Ioouu public 'IIIlIl _p:oum IQIIIII: is tad bogus. liauloicointit uyllin iu&n` --ha-A gm! 6- _L-. ._..uu.. 4!...` I C 0 Thu duh bl (Ml canal iunlo gr. hun- urod. vou nmlou the 5- I... 1|... n_dI-- --46.... ilk- AD. A mrrunc moron. n onus. um . The jury 1.|mtrooom- sou tho nl akin ah. mm: mm? nnmsn wmb `i i"i:so.v.1, stgaak-n 2;. mm. -n| run. Dorothy llulou. j P:-uhyioriua oluo-0|uo I. lotion % Iddcn. Ithd Imus. Ann Lgolim; K5705: nluy I at-s.I.nnino_:f hunt. oqnd); lilo. an-lot. cum; I! Fahd ry.Joodo nd. , ! Mun. a|u._m.- 1. mm. um`. I noon louounou. was In, Wonwiak. Icy Fan-la. Huh Illih Pun. Dorothy lluko. Pruhnnim nhnn-Clan: 1. . l)l\'lT\`. w.::::':....' ' `"` e.":'r."..:..%-'* O IIO xmpm-ion. ism Han-lunar; nous. Wlihoy, nu. xsapumn. s.m..._ Kirkpatrick. mm 8MHoy.` Ohm H. Corinth oobdl. Halon; Ination. lay Inn, I-Mitt Dom. ` Ion Ionouuu. on... us, Aunt W:-hi. HAD: Ian-In IL-1` lg.-I1 J For Making I Douctouu Ho;Ith Drmk at Imul Gout. `.`I.-h Ian I... l-L.--n .._. L.nL. a. . . ' Ml:?ul0ory-Ohu 1. [Mo Wornll. Edith ; Penn. wqulpgllooo Ioboaull. Clan ' l`l;nl:2;ozhy Huloll. Clurlll. Daisy GT 1-Ghn 1. Shin Wu-nu. Ion Ig`uu1|.ldil.h Pon,u.Oluu Ill, Domthy Hahn. Grunt-Dun. - llf-\' . unto noon. 5 AriIhmoHe-Glu| l. Race Ilobnunall. 2 ISM: Worn. Dorothy Hukoll. Clnl ' II. Gnu Ban. mun Penn. _ 1 English--Clgu l. Home Iobonaollg um. Wonvll. Edith Pomp. Glue Bean, 9 gngotdgy Enroll. Glut H. Daisy 5 * l'll.u..a__hf...1 lII.I- |1v....n t.u:.|_1 I'Ill .\llA'l|\` m..uau. ,, 1 Oman! mlolanay-Ola: 1. Ron Ic- f Donndl. in Wotnll. Glut `ll. Eiish Pane. Daruthy Kuhn. Clan Ill. Grace out. LI-M.hn1Ae.in_.PInAn I In.` Il.l'\..--.-.Il '7r'-%uah-cx... I. hung. map. ` k T . H l I K] to . %s...=;. .j%':', .*:..%:r.*;'..,a';:a*'..-.,1';;TT `Emily Boon. Glue Ill. Boll: Mm- nonpry. nuns nun. (0-mug. Hueory nndgoogu y-OlunI,Knt.h- Ion Kirhpnnok. olon lnckluton. Bonnie Smytbo. u] Thouuon. Clan _ll, Iio hunch. uyr Cgmhgll, (Iq'1lJ.\ Utun Ill. l~.`-ml_y Henri, the! a HIndry,- Boll: Thomson. ` I4tin-Olun I. Knthlnm Iii-ingu-inla nuary.-noun Tnouuon. Ind-Olnu 1. Kathleen Kirk rick, Bush Bmylho. Olnollhliolol mello- non. I. van; gum noonoo. - lish-~Glnu I. Kahlua Kiri: Idol. Hahn luukleoton Bouio Hmyl. 4 M10 lfonwiok; In 'i`homnon. M: can boll. (Niacin Iiriam Sun. Clu H. In Thomooug` Emily Bun; mm Hundry. Junie Field. I-pull. Hiltolvv Ind lion-nnhv-lnn I. Kn.) nun. , Arithmetic nd ll bra--Oluu l.Helon Huoklaston. Boonie myths, In; Thom- son. I-am. Fonwiok; (kn h0ll.K|sh ~ Inn Kirlptrick. C 1, limit] =4uu.li|-inn Sun. 01... HI. Ball. IKII IH'IIfII. UIQX [1, Emily uumliriun Glue Ill. Bella Thomson; Ethel Hand:-y, Joule Field, (ukmh; Auoo Inna. nnIin||._.f!I-an I I -(LI-An Iflp.L..._ .u.':uol v.I.Am Golan! aiqneywelui I. Kuthloc ll Kirkpnric. , Bouio Smylhn. llelun Ineklonon. Us Thomson. Cluo IL Compboll. mily Sun. Etllo Far.- wl . OlauVIll.Bdh 'l'honuon.Kir('un an-n. T;.'~*.~.':- -.-gm bond. magnum

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